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Cambridge University Press 0521607205 - Taxonomy and Plant Conservation: The Cornerstone of the Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Plants Edited by Etelka Leadlay and Stephen Jury Index More information Index Abies 182 Agave 278 marocana 182 parviflora 278 pinsapo 182 Age of Herbalists 33 subsp. marocana 182 agencies 15, 229, 231 Abissinia [sic], Prince of 205 agents, dispersal 210 Aborigines, Malay 232 valuable 199 Abreu Matos, Professor F. J. de 134 agriculture 9, 130, 155, 165 abundance, relative 142 intensive 223 Aburi Botanic Garden, Ghana 284 agriculturists 46, 130 Acacia karoo 277 agronomists 46 Academy leopoldina of Germany aid agreements, bilateral 283 accessions 281 ailments 196 number 281 Akaniaceae 55 Achillea millefolium 224 Akeroyd, Dr John R. ix, 221, 307 acids Alchemilla 213, 214 amino 193, 194 algae 103, 109, 113, 117, 193, 194 fatty 193 green 194 nucleic 193 Algeria 178, 183 Acis 311 algorithms 158, 159, 182, 195, 198, 199, 208, 213, Actaea 239 216, 217, 218, 221, 222, 247, 250, 251, 298, arizonica 239 300, 301 cordifolia 239 phenetics 39 elata 239 alien species 20, 225, 270 action plans 20, 255, 269, 278 control 225 activities, human 266, 267, 268, 269 invasive 162, 167 activity, biological 194 alkaloids 38, 188, 192, 194, 199, 200 Adam and Eve 266 allelic divergence 194 Adanson, M. 34, 48, 53 alliances 173 adaptation 205, 244 allozyme studies 236, 247 adaptive radiation 209 Alps 173, 224 Adelaide Botanic Gardens 286 alumni v adulteration 198 Amaryllidaceae 311 Advanced Revelation 308 amateur volunteers 213, 299 Advisor, Honorary 309, 310 Amazonia xv, 130, 131, 132, 134 AFLPs 8, 197, 237, 250 ambiguity 207 Africa xvi, 5, 22, 132, 192, 241, American Association for the Advancement of 257 Science xiii East 241 American Society of Plant Taxonomists xvi northwest 309 Amman, Jordan 167 southern 23, 277 amplified fragment length polymorphisms tropical x see AFLPs Agathaea Cass. 117 Amsterdam 312 Agatea 117 amusement parks, plant-themed 136 315 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521607205 - Taxonomy and Plant Conservation: The Cornerstone of the Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Plants Edited by Etelka Leadlay and Stephen Jury Index More information 316 Index analyses 239 Articles to the CBD 18, 19 chemical 198 arts cladistic 40, 237 Asclepiadaceae 56 complex 237 Asia 5, 22, 257 conservation 159 South Eeast 228 decision 159 western 215 diversity 159 Asparagus 205 maximum likelihood 237 officinalis 215 phylogenetic 208, 236, 238, 243 prostrates 215 protein based 8 Asphodelus 311 morphometric 8 assemblages 151 systematic 243 assessments anatomy 38, 49, 234 molecular characters 198 Anemone narcissiflora 114 morphological characters 198 Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 34, 54, 55, 56, 195, associations 173 238, 243 Asteraceae and see also Compositae 48, 195, 311 angiosperms xiii, 51, 192, 194, 195, 241, 243 Asteridae 195 Anglesey 215 Astragale animal groups 130 de Marseille 174 animals 103, 135, 191, 225, 312 de Montpellier 174 endangered farmed 165 Astragalus Annual Meadow-grass 222 massiliensis 168, 174 Anthriscus 311 monspelliensis 174 anthropologists 286 tragacantha 174 Anthyllis vulneraria 212, 223, 224 Atlas Florae Europaeae 223, 311 subsp. carpatica 224 Atp B 243 subsp. corbierei 215 attribute, sets 157 subsp. polyphylla 224 Australia 5, 7, 118, 241, 270, 284 subsp. vulneraria 215 Australian Department of Natural Resources and anti-cancer properties 35 Environment 278 antihypertensive activity 199 Australian Virtual Herbarium 8 antimicrobial agent 188 author citation 263 properties 188 authorities, prosecuting 262 Apiaceae and see also Umbelliferae 48, 311 Azores 279 Apocyanaceae 56, 199, 200 apomicts 212, 213 bacteria 36, 37, 41, 103, 188 appearances, general 205 Bakker, Freek 241, 243 approaches, chemosystematic 199 Balearic Islands x, 96 phylogenetic 144, 145 Baltic Sea Protected Areas 164 traditional 54 Bangladesh 230 aquaria 199 Barrie, Fred R. 105, 109 aquatics 38 Bartling Arabidopsis thaliana 193, 243, 245 base pairs 35 Araceae 198 basionym Araliaceae 56 basis of life 135 architects, landscape 46 Bauhim, Gaspar 33 areas Baum, B. R. 119 biodiversity-rich 196 Baxter, H. xii complementary 155, 156, 157, 158 bear bile 198 conservation 157, 167, 168 Beccari 230, 233 designated 162, 163, 165 bee plants 134 priorities 154, 155, 156, 182, 277 bees, bumble 143, 146, 147 priorities of designated 162 behaviour, functional 142 protected 15, 20, 142, 165, 166, 268, 285 Belgium 312 rural 231 Belize ix selection 152, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 166 Bellis perennis 212 of Special Conservation Interest 164 benefit sharing 9, 11, 18, 20, 26, 302 Arecaceae and see also Palmae 49 Bentham & Hooker 49, 56 Aristotelian logic 207 berberine 188 Arnold Arboretum, USA 280 Berberis 188 aromatic plants xiii, xvi, 275 Berendsohm, Walter 311 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521607205 - Taxonomy and Plant Conservation: The Cornerstone of the Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Plants Edited by Etelka Leadlay and Stephen Jury Index More information Index 317 Berlin 108, 311 population 210, 244 Botanic Garden 109 reproductive 209 Taxonomic Information Model 311 systematic 130 Bessey 34, 49 BioNet International 22, 23, 26 betalains 38, 191 BIOSIS 308 BG-BASE 281 Biosphere Reserves 164 BG-Recorder 281, 282 Biosynthesis 195, 199, 200 bibliographic information 134 biotas, complementary 157 Bielowieza Forest, Poland 267 birds 130, 134, 148, 157, 166, 224, 268 bifuscation 51 bird watcher 130 compressed 51 Bisby, Professor F. A. 312 binomial system 5 Biscutella laevigata 222 bioactive agents bison 267 biochemistry, combinatory 196 Black Medick 224 biodiversity xix, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, Blackmore, Professor Stephen 266 31, 40, 41, 100, 134, 150, 152, 155, 166, 167, blanket bog 268 177, 207, 210, 213, 223, 244, 288, 294, 313 bluebells 153 assessment 11, 299 boar, wild 267 conservation 100, 141, 152, 156, 162, 163, 165, Bonfante Gardens, California 136 192, 206, 213, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 286, Bonn Guidelines 20, 21 290 Boquila 249 conservation areas 142 Borneo 135, 228, 229, 231, 234 crisis 141, 266, 272 botanic gardens ix, 11, 23, 136, 205, 206, 218, 221, currency of value 142, 264 266, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, distribution 150, 230 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, ecosystem level 142, 213 286, 290 estimates of value 142, 213 British 49 genetic level 142, 213 communities 267 indigenous 270 Conservation International x, 11, 276, 282, 286 islands 205, 206, 284, 285 development and utilisation 276 loss 31, 173, 266, 267, 284 order beds 288 management 141 staff 283, 288 measurement 141, 244 botanical centres 105, 107 monitoring 131, 282 Botanical Society of America 135 patterns 236 Botanical Society of the British Isles xv richness, estimating 143 Threatened Plants Database 217 richness, relative 145 botanists 23, 25, 26, 49, 102, 182, 213, 214, 216, 222, science 5, 232 230, 265, 300, 307 of Scotland 268 field 181, 299 specific level 142, 213 botany 102, 255, 286 sustaining 141 showcase 143 theatres of 268, 269 teachers 135 urban 269 Botswana value 141, 142, 143, 146, 151, 153, 154, 154, 156, boundaries, ecological 222 166, 196 infraspecies value, measuring 146, 149 morphological 206, 296, 299 World Project 243 national 16, 229, 230 Biogenetic Reserves 164 Bradshaw, Professor A. D. 222 biogeographers 22 Bramwell, David ix, 205 biogeography ix, 11 branch length 145 historical xiii, 155 branching events 145 biologically active compounds 188 patterns 35, 143 biological recording programmes 269 Brassica 311 records centres 217, 270 Brassicaceae and see also Cruciferae 48, 311 biologists 35, 46, 142, 143, 205, 207 Bratislava 310 conservation 236 Braun-Blanquet 169 molecular 52 Brazil 7, 8, 40, 118, 134, 135, 197 biology 33, 46, 209, 210, 238 Flora of Pico das Almas 132 comparative 35 Manaus Ducke Reserve 132, 134, 147 developmental 35 Brecon Beacons, South Wales 215, 218 molecular 193 breeding systems 40, 288 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521607205 - Taxonomy and Plant Conservation: The Cornerstone of the Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Plants Edited by Etelka Leadlay and Stephen Jury Index More information 318 Index Bretschneideriaceae 55 Candolle Brickell, C. D. 120 A. L. P. P. de 34 Briquet, J. 123 A. P. de 34, 49, 102, 104 British Isles xv, 153, 213, 306 cane, rattan 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234 British Trust for Ornithology 157 capacity building xv, 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 22, 23, British Vascular Plant Red Data Book 213, 261, 271, 302 215 capital input 302 Brittonia Rules 124 Caprifoliaceae 57 Bromeliaceae 278 Capsella 113 Bromus purgans 114 Capul Kaliakra National Park, Romania 163 Brummitt, Dick 50, 54, 55, 58, 101, 118, 311 Caralluma 205 Vascular Plant Families and Genera 282 Cardamine 311 Brussels Rules of 1912 123 card games 134 bryologists 168 Carex Bryophyta 106, 109, 112, 113, 168 acuta 169 BSBI see Botanical Society of the British Isles laevigata 98, 99 buffers 247, 249 panormitana 168, 169 bulbs 260 Caribbean 257 Bulgaria 222 carotenoids 193, 194 bumble bee diversity carpels 33 Burdet, H. M. 105 Carson 205 Burges, Alan carvacrol 180 burial grounds 268 Caryocaraceae 147 Burma 230 caryology bush fires 7 Caryophyllales 191 buttercups 49 Caryopteris divaricata 199 butterflies 148, 156 Castroviejo, Professor Santiago x, 96, 99 milkweed 143, 145 cataloguing 40 Buxbaumia viridis 168 categories 37 IUCN threat 182 Cactaceae 117 taxonomic 46, 47 cacti 256, 278 Catharanthus