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Cambridge University Press 0521607205 - Taxonomy and Plant Conservation: The Cornerstone of the Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Plants Edited by Etelka Leadlay and Stephen Jury Index More information Index Abies 182 Agave 278 marocana 182 parviflora 278 pinsapo 182 Age of Herbalists 33 subsp. marocana 182 agencies 15, 229, 231 Abissinia [sic], Prince of 205 agents, dispersal 210 Aborigines, Malay 232 valuable 199 Abreu Matos, Professor F. J. de 134 agriculture 9, 130, 155, 165 abundance, relative 142 intensive 223 Aburi Botanic Garden, Ghana 284 agriculturists 46, 130 Acacia karoo 277 agronomists 46 Academy leopoldina of Germany aid agreements, bilateral 283 accessions 281 ailments 196 number 281 Akaniaceae 55 Achillea millefolium 224 Akeroyd, Dr John R. ix, 221, 307 acids Alchemilla 213, 214 amino 193, 194 algae 103, 109, 113, 117, 193, 194 fatty 193 green 194 nucleic 193 Algeria 178, 183 Acis 311 algorithms 158, 159, 182, 195, 198, 199, 208, 213, Actaea 239 216, 217, 218, 221, 222, 247, 250, 251, 298, arizonica 239 300, 301 cordifolia 239 phenetics 39 elata 239 alien species 20, 225, 270 action plans 20, 255, 269, 278 control 225 activities, human 266, 267, 268, 269 invasive 162, 167 activity, biological 194 alkaloids 38, 188, 192, 194, 199, 200 Adam and Eve 266 allelic divergence 194 Adanson, M. 34, 48, 53 alliances 173 adaptation 205, 244 allozyme studies 236, 247 adaptive radiation 209 Alps 173, 224 Adelaide Botanic Gardens 286 alumni v adulteration 198 Amaryllidaceae 311 Advanced Revelation 308 amateur volunteers 213, 299 Advisor, Honorary 309, 310 Amazonia xv, 130, 131, 132, 134 AFLPs 8, 197, 237, 250 ambiguity 207 Africa xvi, 5, 22, 132, 192, 241, American Association for the Advancement of 257 Science xiii East 241 American Society of Plant Taxonomists xvi northwest 309 Amman, Jordan 167 southern 23, 277 amplified fragment length polymorphisms tropical x see AFLPs Agathaea Cass.
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