Universidade De Lisboa Faculdade De Farmácia

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Universidade De Lisboa Faculdade De Farmácia Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Farmácia Development and pre-clinical evaluation of a new HIV-1 vaccine concept Rita Diogo de Almeida Calado Orientador: Prof. Doutor Nuno Eduardo Moura dos Santos da Costa Taveira Co-orientador: Prof. Doutor José António Frazão Moniz Pereira Tese especialmente elaborada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Farmácia, especialidade Microbiologia 2018 Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Farmácia Development and pre-clinical evaluation of a new HIV-1 vaccine concept Rita Diogo de Almeida Calado Orientador: Prof. Doutor Nuno Eduardo Moura dos Santos da Costa Taveira Co-orientador: Prof. Doutor José António Frazão Moniz Pereira Tese especialmente elaborada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Farmácia (Microbiologia) Júri: Presidente: Doutora Matilde da Luz dos Santos Duque da Fonseca e Castro, Professora Catedrática e Diretora da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa Vogais:Doutor Nuno Eduardo Moura dos Santos Costa Taveira, Professor catedrático, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz, orientador Doutora Patrícia Maria Cavaco Silva de Sá Montez, Professora associada, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz Doutor Miguel Agostinho Sousa Pinto Torres Fevereiro, Investigador Principal, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P. Doutor João Manuel Braz Gonçalves, Professor associado com agregação, Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa Doutora Helena Paula Lopes Henriques Rebelo de Andrade, Professora auxiliar convidada, Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa Rita Calado teve o apoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia através de uma bolsa de Doutoramento (SFRH/BD/70715/2010) 2018 Todas as afirmações efetuadas no presente documento são da exclusiva responsabilidade do seu autor, não cabendo qualquer responsabilidade à Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa, pelos conteúdos nele apresentado. Rita Calado teve o apoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia através de uma bolsa de Doutoramento (SFRH/BD/70715 /2010) “The important thing is to never stop questioning” -Albert Einstein Acknowledgements It has been a long journey full of obstacles and achievements. I would like to acknowledge all the people that accompanied and contributed to make this work possible. First of all I would like to thank to Professor Doutor Nuno Taveira for accepting me as part of his team and for believing in me. Thank you for your excellent supervising, guidance and support and for being always so optimistic. Thank you for helping me keeping moving forward and for all the scientific advices. Thank you so much for all the opportunities you gave me to work in several projects which allowed me to expand my scientific knowledge. With you I’ve learned that achievements are in direct proportion to the effort that we apply. I would like to thank to Professor José Moniz Pereira, director of the Department of Microbiology at Faculty of Pharmacy for receiving me and allow me to develop my work at this unit and also for co-supervising the work developed. I would also like to thank to all the teachers that work in this unit, particularly Prof. Quirina, Prof. João Gonçalves, Prof. Isabel Portugal and Prof. Aida Duarte. Also I would like to thank to Prof. Jorge Vítor for all the support and for teaching me so many things and also to Lavinia who provided me samples so many times so I can proceed with my work. To José Maria Marcelino thank you for all your support and guidance. To Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia thank you for the financial support that allowed me to develop my work. Thank you to Prof. Doutor Luis Graça and Sílvia Almeida from the Laboratory of Lymphocyte Regulation at Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa for all the colaboration in this work. Thank you also to Dra. Belmira Carrapiço, Inês Dias and Frederico Aires da Silva from FMV for your collaboration. i I would like to thank to all the people that contribute to my work and accommodation: Paula, Cleida, Teresa and São for providing me proper working conditions; Ofélia and Vera for taking care of the paperwork and of course Sr. Joaquim and D. Marilia for all the snacks. Thank you to all my lab colleagues and friends for such an amazing work environment. Thank you Joana Duarte, Andreia, Cheila, Inês Bártolo, Pedro, Carla, João Perdigão, Francisco, Marta Calado, Marta Gíria, Joana Vital, Ana Rita, Inês Figueiredo, Inês Moranguinho, Rita Mateus e Jaciara for your friendship, advices, support and crazy moments that made me so happy. Thank you all for the dinners, lunches, picnics and amazing events that contribute greatly to my accommodation (and make me gain some weight). Without you it wouldn’t be the same. Also I would like to thank to all the other colleagues with whom I´ve shared the P3, corridors and other facilities. A special thanks to Joana Duarte for your collaboration and devotion and of course for your friendship. Also thank you for your immunology explanations through whatsupp. I never thought I could learn to like cellular immunology. Francisco and Figueiredo thank you so much for your collaboration and support. João Perdigão thank you for always solving my computer problems and Pedro thank you so much for always being there and helping me whenever I needed. Carla thank you for being so kind and helpful. Andreia and Inês B. thank you for friendship and good laughs. Marta Gíria thank you for your friendship and for always be there. Thanks to all my friends outside the lab, specially, Raquel, Daniela, MT, Fábio and Carlos for our great moments and friendship. Thank you Xana for being there since always. There´s no such place as far away. To my family, thank you for all the support and understanding and for always believing in me. Mãe, tia, tio e avó, obrigada por TUDO. João, António e Amélia. Vocês são o melhor do mundo. Obrigada por existirem e tornarem os meus dias mais felizes ∞ ii Para ti, Marta iii Preface All experimental work was performed at HIV Evolution, Epidemiology and Prevention laboratory, Research institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa), Faculty of Pharmacy, Universidade de Lisboa under the supervision of Prof. Doutor Nuno Taveira and the co- supervision of Prof. Doutor José Moniz Pereira. The results obtained in this thesis were described in the following publications: 1. Bartolo I*, Calado R*, Borrego P, Leitner T, Taveira N. Rare HIV-1 Subtype J Genomes and a New H/U/CRF02_AG Recombinant Genome Suggests an Ancient Origin of HIV-1 in Angola. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016 Aug;32(8):822-8. * These authors have contributed equally to the work. 2. Calado R, Duarte J, Borrego P, Marcelino J.M, Wilton J, Bártolo I, Martin F, Figueiredo IB, Almeida SCP, Vítor J, Graça L, Taveira N. A prime-boost immunization strategy with Vaccinia virus expressing novel envelope gp120 glycoproteins from non-B subtypes induces cross-clade tier 2 HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies in mice (Manuscript submitted). 3. Calado R, Martin F, Figueiredo IB, Vítor J, Carrapiço B, Dias I, Taveira N. Induction of tier 2 cross-clade neutralizing antibodies in rabbits by a prime-boost immunization strategy with Vaccinia virus expressing novel HIV-1 gp120 glycoproteins from clade CRF02_AG (Manuscript in preparation). v Other publications The research produced during the PhD, were presented in the form of research papers and oral and poster communications in international and national meetings. Rocha C, Duarte J, Borrego P ,Calado R, Marcelino JM, Tendeiro R, Valadas E, Espada AE, Taveira N. Potency of HIV-2-specific antibodies increase in direct association with loss of memory B-cells. AIDS. 13;31(17):2431-2433. November 2017 Calado R, Duarte J, Borrego P, Marcelino JM, Wilton J, Bártolo I, Martin F, Barroso H, Almeida SCP, Graça L, Taveira N. Novel HIV-1 gp120 glycoproteins derived from non- B subtypes induces tier 2 cross-clade neutralizing antibodies in mice. 4º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Tropical.1º encontro lusófono de SIDA, Tuberculose e Doenças oportunistas. Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical. 19-21 April 2017. Oral presentation. Calado R, Duarte J, Diniz AR, Borrego P, Marcelino JM, Bártolo I, Clemente S, Taveira N. Expression and antigenicity of gp120 and C2-V3-C3 polypeptides from different HIV- 1 genetic forms. 6th imed meeting.Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2 July 2014. Oral presentation. Calado R, Duarte J, Borrego P, Marcelino JM, Wilton J, Bártolo I, Martin F, Almeida SCP4, Barroso H, Graça L, Taveira N. A prime-boost immunization strategy with Vaccinia virus expressing novel HIV-1 gp120 glycoproteins induces tier 2 neutralizing antibodies in mice. 9th iMed.ULisboa Postgraduate Students Meeting and 2nd i3DU Meeting.13-14 July 2017. Faculty of pharmacy. Lisbon. Poster presentation. Calado R, Duarte J, Borrego P, Marcelino JM, Wilton J, Bártolo I, Martin F, Almeida SCP4, Barroso H, Graça L, Taveira N. Induction of tier 2 cross-clade neutralizing antibodies in mice by a prime-boost immunization strategy with Vaccinia virus expressing novel HIV-1 gp120 glycoproteins from non-B subtypes. Ciência 2017. 3-5 July 2017. Centro de Congressos de Lisboa. Poster presentation. Calado R, Duarte J, Borrego P, Marcelino JM, Wilton J, Bártolo I, Martin F, Almeida SCP4, Barroso H, Graça L, Taveira N. Induction of tier 2 cross-clade neutralizing antibodies in mice by a prime-boost immunization strategy with Vaccinia virus expressing novel HIV-1 gp120 glycoproteins from non-B subtypes. 3ª Semana da vi inovação. 3-9 May 2017. Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa). Poster presentation. Calado R, Duarte J, Borrego P, Marcelino JM, Wilton J, Bártolo I, Martin F, Clemente S, Almeida SCP, Barroso H, Graça L, Taveira N. A novel prime-boost immunization strategy with Vaccinia virus expressing HIV-1 gp120 derived from non-B subtypes induces autologous and heterologous Tier 2 HIV-1 cross-clade neutralizing antibodies in mice.
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