Abbeville, France, 224 Alexander, William, Secretary to General Abercrombie, General James, no, 113, 120, James Shirley, 296 122, 124, 129, 326; General John Forbes Allegheny, , 368 to, 109, 112, 116, 119, 127, 128; defeat of, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, bonds of, at Ticonderoga, 127 368 Abigail, sloop from , 93 Allegheny Mountains, 109, no, 112, 114, Abington, Pennsylvania, 415, 416 282, 297, 363; shown for the first time on Abolitionists, 382 Mercator's World Map, 255; description Abscheids Geschenh, published by John of by Augustine Herrman, 261 Heinrich Miller, 82 Allegheny Portage Railroad, 363; sold to Academy of Philadelphia, 166 the Pennsylvania Railroad, 367 Acadia, 219 Allegheny River, 368 Accessions to The Historical Society of Allen, , 327 Pennsylvania, 203, 316, 443 Allen, Ethan, 322 Aconcagua Valley, Chile, 31 Allen, Lucy, 322 Acton, Lord, 91 Allen, Nathaniel, appointed commissioner Adams, Captain, 331 to America by William Penn, 264 Adams, Henry, 210 Allen, S. & M., predecessors to E. W. Clark Adams, Herbert B., 209, 211, 212 & Company, 364 Adams, James Truslow, 220 Allen, William, 117, 118, 122; James Burd Adams, John, 140, 242, 243, 318; house for agent for, 106; James Burd to, 120, 121; the President of the , oc- Colonel Henry Bouquet to, 131 cupied by, 66; view of President's house, Allen family, 106 66; at to negotiate a loan to the Continental Congress, 288; Joseph Allibone, S. Austin, 376, 386 Reed to, 288; unsuccessful in hid mission, Alsop, George, 438 288, 290; to James Searle, 288 America, Patrick McRobert's Tour through Adams, John Quincy, 15, 17; United States the North Provinces of, 134-180; descrip- Minister to Russia, 31 tion of foreign trade in, 138, 139; back Adams Landing, 356, 359 countries given away in grants, 171; Addison, Joseph, 44 financial condition in, 378, 382; labor Africa family, manuscript of, 1750-1825, movement in, 382 207 American Academy of Political and So- Africa, trade with, 150 cial Science, 39th Annual Meeting, April, Agnew, Major General James, 396, 398, 1935, 202 American Bookshelf, An, by Lawrence C. 408, 417 Wroth, review of, by Chester T. Hal- Atken's Tavern, 401 lenbeck, 188 Aikin, T. D., 153, I54>#i55 Aix la Chapelle, Treaties of, 299, 301 American Colonial History, 209-222 Albania, 5 American German Review, December, Albany, New York, 107, 138, 170, 179, 325, 1934, article appearing in, 200 344, 345, 359; description of by Patrick American Historical Association, 216; 50th McRobert, 136, 142-145; charter granted anniversary of, at Washington, Decem- to, 144; population of, 140; Provincial ber, 1934, 202 Congress at, 144; trade of, 144, 145; in- American Literature, January, 1935, ar- cluded in General Map by Lewis Evans, ticles appearing in, 200; March, 1935, 296 442 Albion, Robert Greenhalgh, 194 American Magazine, published by Andrew Alcuin, or the Rights of Women, by Charles Bradford, 1741, view of Philadelphia on Brockden Brown, 99, 102, 104 title page of, 57, 58 Aldrich, Senator Nelson W., 248, 251 American Plays Printed 1714-1830, A Bib- Alexander of Russia, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 liographical Record, compiled by Frank Alexander, , 219 Pierce Hill, review of, by Harry W. Alexander, James McNutt, 157 Pedicord, 312 449 450 INDEX

American Scholars, Spring, 1935, articles Arch Street Ferry, view of, 63 appearing in, 442 Argall, Sir Samuel, 217 American Rush Light, The: by William Arlington, Vermont, 322 Cobbett, 238 Armagh, Ireland, 325 American Weekly Mercury, published by Armenia, Joel R. Poinsett visits, 12 Andrew Bradford, 42, 46, 47; Busy-Body Armstrong, Ensign, , 122 Papers published in, 42, 43, 44 Armstrong, A., to E. W. Clark & Company, American Revolution, beginnings of in 37i Pennsylvania, 79; sentiments of Germans Armstrong, John, United States Minister regarding, 76-78; Germans a determin- to , 17 ing factor in, 87; the theme of George Armstrong, Colonel John, 107, 121, 130; Lippard's writings, 380, 386-388 at Stony Creek, 122; at Philadelphia, 127 Americana recently acquired by The His- Armstrong, William Clinton, 206 torical Society of Pennsylvania, 319 Arnold, General Benedict, 321, 322, 329, Asylum Company, correspondence of Ro- 340, 341, 346, 360; Mount Pleasant coun- bert Morris and John Nicholson relating try seat of, 167; siege of Quebec by to, 318 forces under, 323; army of depleted by Athenaeum, The, London, 386; review of Small-pox, 324; military service of, 326; one of George Lippard's books in, 376 to Colonel John Paterson, 326, 327; or- Ames, Herman Vandenburg, memorial res- ders inoculation of troops, 328; capitu- olution of Council, February 24, 1935, 201 lation of at The Cedars, 331; blame for Amherst, General Jeffrey, 118, 325; Col- affair at The Cedars attached to, 331, onel Henry Bouquet to, 119 353; orders of, 333, 334, 354; at battle Amiens, France, Peace of, 8 of Valcour Island, 354 Amish, a German "Sect", 75 Articles and Publications, 197, 315, 441 Amity, commissioners of Pennsylvania sail Ashbrook, Roland C, manuscript Diary of on, 264 Dr. Lewis Beebe presented to The His- Amsterdam, 258; failure of loans for Penn- torical Society of Pennsylvania by, 321, sylvania in, 288-291; letters to merchants 445 in, 420, 429 Aaher, G. M., z6z Ancrim, Major - -> 36 Ashley River, 4 Andes Mountains, crossed by Joel R. Poin- Ashmead, Captain John, 441 sett, 1811, 29, 30; description of, 31 Aston, Pennsylvania, 268 Andre, Major John, 186, 304 Astrakhan, Joel R. Poinsett at, 12 Andrews, Charles McLean, 149, 194, 216; Athens, Greece, letters of introduction to "Charles McLean Andrews and the Re- citizens of, to Joel R. Poinsett, 15. Orientation of the Study of American Atkins, Edmund, Indian commissioner, 109 Colonial History," by Lawrence H. Gip- Aubry, Captain, 126 son, 209; "The Colonial Period of Amer- Auchampaugh, Philip G., 206, 442 ican History," by, 209, 214-216, 222; his- Augusta of the British fleet, 394 torical works of, 209, 212-216, 219, 222, Aurand, A. Monroe, Jr., "A Bibliography 310; Professor of History, Bryn Mawr of Notes and Queries: the Works of Dr. College, 211, 212, 215; examination of Egle; Historical Register, &c." by, review Board of Trade Papers, London, 212, of by Susan E. Black, 312 213; Professor at Johns Hopkins and Aurora Borealis, descriptions of by Peter Yale Universities, 213, 215; Guides to Collinson and Joseph Breintnall, 49, 50, and Public Record Of- fice, London, by, 214; founds colonial his- Au Sable River, 336 tory on English colonization, 217-222. Averest, , 347 Andrews, Evangeline Walker, 194 A very*s Tavern, 180 Ann Arbor, Michigan, 215 Azore Islands, English possession, 24 Annapolis, Maryland, 178; British fleet off, 395, 399; description of, 395, 399 Bacon, Lord, 190 Anthony, Captain Joseph, master of the Bacon, Delia, 190 Peace and Plenty, 93, 94 Badger, William, Philadelphia lawyer, Anti-Catholic riots in Philadelphia, 1844, George Lippard in law office of, 378 382, 384 Baehr, Ferdinand, 442 Anti-Masonic Party in America, 382 Baeviad and Maeviad, by John Gifford, 239 Antiques, August, 1934, article concerning Bahia see Sao Salvador a musical clock made by Joseph Ellicott, Bailey, Franz, Germantown printer in Lan- 199 caster, 86; publishes "Das Pennsylvan- Antokoletz, , 29 iscahe Zeitungsblatt," 86; Almanac pub- INDEX 451

lished by, 1778, 86; first called George Christian Arnold von Jungkenn, 393- Washington Das Landes Vater, 86 419 Bailey, William S., 315 Bavaria, 5 Baker, Elizabeth F., review of "The Phila- Baxter, DeWitt C, wood engraver, 68; delphia Theatre in the Eighteenth Cen- Baxter's Panorama by, 68, 69 tury, Together with the Day Book of the Bay of Fundy, 158, 159 same period," by, 186 Bayard, , 393 Baku, Joel R. Poinsett at, 13; oil wells at, Bayard, Miss Mabel, 446 13 Bayles, Richard M., 149 Baldwin, Benjamin, suit against Joseph Baynton & Wharton, 441 Breintnall by, 46 Bayreuth, Hessian regiment from, 393 Baltimore, Lord, 262, 270; offer of Augus- Beadle see Bedel tine Herrman to map territory of, 259; Beard, , 313, 438 grants manors to Augustine Herrman, Beaux, Cecilia, portrait of John Frederick 259 > approval of map, 260 Lewis, by, 310 Baltimore, Maryland, 8, 368, 371, 388 Beaver, Governor James A., 312 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 371 Beaver Tail Light, Newport Harbor, 149 Bancroft, Dr., 289 Bedaque Bay, St. John's, 160, 161 Bancroft, George, 306; History of the Bedel, Colonel Timothy, 341; blame at- United States of America from the Dis- tached to in affair at The Cedars, 329 covery of the Continent, by, 209, 210; Bedford, 114 work of, compared with work of Charles Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, description of, McLean Andrews, 216 156 Bank of , 89 Beebe, Dr. Lewis, Journal of, 1776, 321— Bank of Pennsylvania, views of, 62, 63 361; original of Journal presented to The Bank of the United States, 362, 382; views Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by of, 62, 63 Roland C. Ashbrook, 321, 445; biograph- Barbados, 2, 45 ical, 321, 322; physician in Massachus- Barclay, Thomas, 291 etts and Vermont, 322; public services Barker, Charles R., 206 of, 322-361; clergyman, 1786-1791, 322; Barker, Howard F., 435 death of, 1816, 322 Barney, Charles D., 363 Beebe, Lucy, 322 Barnhart, J. H., 185 Beebe, Miriam, 322, 349 Barnsley, Edward R., 206 Beech, , 342 Barnum, , 334 Beehive, February, 1935, articles appearing Barren Hill, Pennsylvania, 418 in, 200 Barry, Mrs., 273 Beer, G. L., 307 Barry, John, 200 Beggar's Town, 415 Bartlett, , 339 Bell, Miss Laura, 205 Barton, Dr. Benjamin Smith, 185; attends Bell, Peter, maker of Shenandoah pottery, German Universities, 6, 7 account book of, 318 Bartram, John, 184, 185; correspondence Bell, Robert, printer, "Lessons for Lovers: of, with Peter Collinson, 56 ...." printed by, 1784, 319 Bartram, William: Interpreter of the Amer- Belle Isle, Marshal de, 125 ican Landscape, by N. Brillion Fagin, Belles Lettres Club, Philadelphia, 100, 101 review of, by Ernest Earnest, 184 Bell's Ferry, 178 Bartram manuscripts in British Museum, Bennefs Creek, 178 photostats of, 318, 446 Berkeley, Governor William, of Virginia, Basin Harbor, St. John's, 325, 336 218 Batchelors-Hall, published by George Berks County, Pennsylvania, 275; troops Webb, 1731, 44; men's club, verses on, from arrive at Cambridge, Massachu- 44, 45 setts, 88; furnaces and forges in, 89; Bath-Town, 178 Nicholas Scull's map of, 277 Baumgartner, E. S., 205 Berkshire, Massachusetts, 339, 345, 346, 348 Baurmeister, Major Carl, Letters of, Dur- ing the Philadelphia Campaign, 1777- Berlin, University of, 211 1778, 392-419; originals of letters in Bermuda, colonization of, 218; a posses- The William Clements Library, Univer- sion of the Virginia Company, 218; As- sity of Michigan, 392; adjutant and aide- sembly, 218 de-camp, 392; on General von Knyphau- Bermuda Company, 218, 219 sen's staff, 1777-1778, 392; translation Bermuda Islands, storms off, 138 and spelling of, 392; letters to Friedrich Bernard's, 179 452 INDEX

Bernheim, Ernest Lehrbuch, der histor- Blaine, James G., 206 ischen Methode und des Geschichts phil- Blaskowitz, Charles, map of Newport by, osophie, by, 210 150 Bessboro, New York, 325, 326 Blindbury's, Long Island, 180 Bethel, Pennsylvania, 268 Bliss, Captain, , taken prisoner in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 80, 90, 360, 372; Canada, 329 Moravian settlement at, 86; American Bliss, Eugene F., 41 military hospital at, 411 Bloody Buoy, The, thrown out as Warning Betsy, sloop from Philadelphia, 94 to the Political Pilots of America, &c, by Bezer, John, appointed commissioner to William Cobbett, 236, 237 plan colony of Pennsylvania, 264 Bloom, Honorable Sol, 74 Bibliography Society of America, Papers of, Bloore, Stephen, "Joseph Breintnall, First Vol. 28, part 1, 1934, articles appearing Secretary of the Library Company of in, 198 Philadelphia," by, 42 Bibliography of Notes and Queries; The Blue Lick, 35 Works of Dr. Egle; Historical Register Blue Mountains, 144 &c, by A. Monroe Aurand, Jr., review Blue Ridge Mountains, 274 of, by Susan E. Black, 312 Board of Trade, London, 269, 300 Biddle, , 279 Board of Trade Papers, transcripts of, in Biddle, Becca, 94 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Biddle, Clement, 94 212 Biddle, Mrs. Clement, 94 Boehm, John Philip, 79 Bjdwell, P. W., 142 Bohemia Manor, granted by Lord Balti- Big Tree, Indian chief, 317 more to Augustine Herrman, 1660, 259; Bigelow, Bruce M., 150 part of, deeded to the Labodists, 1684, 259 Biggelow, Major , 327 Bohemia River, 259 Bigler, Governor John, of California, 446 Bohemia Sisters, manor granted by Lord Bigler, Governor William of Pennsylvania, Baltimore to Augustine Herrman, 1682, 314, 430, 431; political papers, correspon- 259 dence and pamphlets of, 446 Bologna, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 Billingsport, New Jersey, 414 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 8, 17; interview of Bimetallism, 246—254 with Queen Louise of Prussia, 16; in- Bining, Dr. Arthur C., 443 terview of with Joel R. Poinsett, 17; Binkley, Robert C, 203 wounds Massena in Paris, 18 Binney, Amos, 204 Bond, Colonel William, 327, 335, 342; reg- Birch, Thomas, artist, views of Philadel- iment of at Ticonderoga, 325; death of, phia engraved by, 61-64; engraving of 345 the Treaty Tree by, 71 Bonds of the State of Pennsylvania, depre- Birch, William Russell, artist, enthusiasm ciation of, 301, 302; payment of made of, for Philadelphia, 61, 63; views of i845> 303, 312 Philadelphia by, 61-64 Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats, by Wil- Bird, General John, 108 liam Cobbett, 235 Bird, Lieutenant Colonel John, 417; taken Bonnaffon, Major A. B., Civil War Papers prisoner at Three Rivers, 335 of, 205 Bird, Robert Montgomery, 438; "The City Bonnettee, Lewis, 94 Looking Glass" by, review of by Percy Book Notices and Reviews, 95, 183, 304, H. Boynton, 437 Bird, see also Burd 3i9» 43O Birket, James, 149, 150, 164 Book of the School: Department of Archi- Birmingham, England, 235; Joseph Priest- tecture, University of Pennsylvania, by ley from, 228; mobs in, 228 the Alumni Architectural Society, re- Birmingham Meeting House, 407 view of, 440 Black, Jeremiah Sullivan: A Defender of Boot Tavern, 410 the Constitution and the Ten Command- Bordeaux, France, 292 ments, by William Norwood Brigance, Borden, Thomas, 94 review of, by Dwight L. Dumont, 431 Bordentown, New Jersey, 167, 176 Black, Susan E., review of "A Bibliography Bordley, Judge John Beale, portrait of, of Notes and Queries: The Works of Dr. by Charles Willson Peale, 199 Boston, Massachusetts, 9, 10, 11, 58, 135, Egle &c." by, 312 J I Black Minquas Indians, 261 37> *S7> ^o; streets of, 140; Boston Blacksnake, , illness of, 349, 350, 351, Port Bill, 114, 151; description of, 151, 152; custom house at, 152; characteristics 353> 355 of inhabitants of, 152; soldiers from Hal- INDEX 453

if ax in, 154; views of Philadelphia pub- Breintnal, • -» 42, 53 lished in, 168; roads from New York to, Breintnal, John, property of, 45 179; merchants of, 233, 242; evacuation Breintnall, Esther, 45 of, 326; siege of, 327; Hanoverian troops Breintnall, Joseph, First Secretary of The lying off, 328 Library Company of Philadelphia, by Boudinot, Elias, James Searle to, 292 Stephen Bloore, 42; description of, by Bouquet, Colonel Henry, courtship of Anne , 4.2; business rela- Willing, 107, 108; at Lancaster, 108, 132; tions of, with Benjamin Franklin, 42—44; to and from Colonel James Burd, 108, verses by, on "Batchelors Hall", 44, 45; 114-117, 122, 123, 125, 126, 129, 130; to biographical, 45, 47; poetry of, criticized, and from General John Forbes, 109, no, 47; Secretary of the Library Company, 112, 119, 125, 126; builds roads and forti- 1731-1746, 46, 48; correspondence of, fications, 112; marching orders and in- with Peter Collinson, 48-56; interest of structions to Colonel James Burd, 113, in scientific studies, 48-56; description of 114, 117, 118; mutiny of troops of, 116; a rattlesnake bite, 53-56; death of, 1746, at Loyal Hanna, 117; reliance of on 56 Major Grant, 118, 119; orders Major Grant to March on Fort Duquesne, 118; Brenner, Walter C, 206; newspaper clip- to Jeffrey Amherst, 119; at Raystown, pings relating to Philadelphia, presented 119; blamed for defeat of Major Grant to The Historical Society of Pennsylvania at Fort Duquesne, 119; lack of supplies by, 445 for army, 121; at Fort Dudgeon, 125; to Breton, William, artist, illustrator of Wat- Anne Willing, 126; estimate of colonials, son's Annuals of Philadelphia, 65; views 126; naturalized citizen of Pennsylvania, of Philadelphia by, published in maga- 127; victory of at Bushy Run, 128; to zines, 66 , 131 Brett-James, N. G., 45, 46 Bouquet River, 325 Brewer, Major , 329, 332 Bourmaster, Captain, British fleet under, Brick, , 350 394, 397 Bridenbaugh, Dr. Carl, "Philadelphians at Bourquin, Frederick, 65 Newport, Rhode Island, 1767-1774," con- Bowen, J. T., 68 tributed by, 93; "Patrick McRobert's Bowen, Tom, 95 Tour Through Part of the North Prov- Boyd, Julian P., 202, 203; review of "Philip inces of America, I774"~i775," by, 134 Vickers Fithian: Journal, 1775-1776," Brigance, William Norwood, "Jeremiah by, 194-196; review of "Journal of a Sullivan Black: A Defender of the Con- Lady of Quality: . . . 1774-1776," by, stitution and the Ten Commandments," 194-196 by, review of, by Dwight L. Dumond, 431 Boynton, Percy H., review of "The City Brinton, Honorable Jasper Y., 444 Looking Glass," by, 437 Brinton see Brand Boz, nom de plume of Charles Dickens, 379 Bristol, Pennsylvania, 167, 178, 370, 413, Braddock, General Edward, 133, 296, 304; 414 campaign of, 106, no; defeat of, 107, Britannia, of the British fleet, 397; Struck 128; Lewis Evans' map used in instruc- by lightning, 394 tions to, 269 British, occupation of Philadelphia by the, Braddock's Road, construction of, 106, no, 77-79, 85; evacuation of, 77 112, 114, 130 British fleet disembarks in Cecil County, Bradford, Andrew, 80; American Weekly Maryland, 395; off Staten Island, July, Mercury published by, 42, 44; American Magazine, 1741, published by, 57, 58 1777, 394, 398; in Chesapeake Bay, 395 Bradford, William, 57, 80, 84, 228, 236 British Museum, Guide to, by Charles Mc- Brand, Edward, mill of, 403 Lean Andrews and Miss Davenport, 214; Brandmueller, printer, Basel, 80 original of Augustine Herrman's map of Brandywine, 178; battle of, 388, 404-410; Virginia and Maryland in collections of, position of British troops at, 408; losses 261 of American troops at, 409; ammunition Broadberry, Gilden R., 315 captured by the British at, 409 Brook field, 180 Brandywine Creek, 402, 403, 405, 407, 408, Brooklyn, New York, 148 409 Brotherhood of the Union organized by Brandywine Hills, British in possession of, George Lippard, 389, 390; now Brother- 407 hood of America, 389 Brant, Captain Joseph, grief of, over fight Brown, Charles Brockden, A Speculation at Fallen Timbers, 39 Concerning, by Bertha Monica Stearns, 454 INDEX 99-105, 389; connection of with early 112, 114, 130; provincial services of, magazines, publisher in Philadelphia and 106-133; to, 107; at New York, 99-105; literary work of, Hunter's Fort, 108; at Carlisle, 108, 109; 99-105; characteristics of, 100, 103, 104; at Fort Augusta, 108-110, 122, 123, 127; member of the literary clubs of Philadel- at Fort Loudoun, no, 112; at Raystown, phia and New York, 100, 101; interest of no, 112; at Loyal Hanna, 113-118, 122, in rights of women, 102-104; marriage, 123, 128-130, 132; at Fort Dewart, 114; 104; sketch of John Blair Linn by, 104; to and from Colonel Henry Bouquet, 114- biography of, by William Duncan, 105. 117, 122-127, 129, 130; Sir John St. Clair Brown, Elizabeth, 104 to 115; at Quimahomony, 115; at Ed- Brown, John, 321 mund's Swamp, 115; to Lieut. Colonel Brown, William, 94 Lloyd, 116; at Clear Fields, 116; letter Brown, Mrs. William, 94 book of, 117; orders of Colonel Henry Browne, ,393 Bouquet to, 118; to William Allen, 120, Browne, Charles A., 442 121; son of, captured by the British, 120; Browne, Mrs. Coleman, 446 supplies needed, 121, 123; account of Browne, John Coats, photographs, views of French and Indian attack on Loyal Philadelphia, by, 70; collections of, 70 Hanna, by, 124-126, 128; diary of, 125; Brumbaugh, Dr. Gaius M., 436 at Fort Pitt, 130; arrives at Lancaster, Brunswick, New Jersey, 178 133; at funeral of General John Forbes, Bryant's Station, 35 133 ; to Lynford Lardner, 318 Brymner, Douglass, 38, 40 Burd, Sarah Shippen, 108, 133 Bryn Mawr College, 211, 212, 215 Burgess, John W., 209, 211,213 Buchanan, James, 431, 432, 446 Burgoyne, General John, 415 Buchanan, Sarah Penington, Papers of, Burke, Edmund, 232, 237, 239 1810-1827, 317 Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques, 8 Buck, Elizabeth Hawthorne, 442 Burlington, New Jersey, 168,169, 176 Buck, Solon J., 203, 442 Burnett, Augustus, 312 Buck, William J., 276 Burnett, Dr. Edmund C, 439 Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Nicholas Burney, Miss, "Camilla", by, 339 Scull's map of, 277 Burns, , 161 Buel, Lieutenant , 356 Burr, Reverend C. Chauncey, 379; friend Buenos Aires, 28, 30; Joel R. Poinsett of George Lippard, 286, 390; George Agent of the United States at, 18, 20, 22, Lippard pleads his cause in church of, 29; independence of, 23, 24, 27, 28; Joel 386 R. Poinsett arrives at, 25; American Burrall, , 345, 346 trade with, 25, 26; American citizens in, Burrell, Colonel Charles, in command of ^5» 26; Junta at, 26 Connecticut troops for Canada, 324 Buffalo, New York, 365 Burrowes, Alexander Saunders, 446 Bull, Colonel John, 342 Burt, A. L., review of "Canada and the Bulletin of the Business Historical Society, American Revolution", by, 190 December, 1934, January, 1935, articles Burton, Captain , 95 appearing in, 200, 316 Busch, Henry Paul, 92, 202, 206 Bulletin of the Chicago Historical Society, Bush Hill, view of, by James Peller Mal- February and May, 1935, articles appear- colm, 61 ing in, 200, 441 Bushy Run, victory of Colonel Henry Bou- Bulletin of the Ticonderoga Museum, Jan- quet at, 128 uary, 1935, publishes manuscripts of Gen- Busy-Body Papers, in the American Weekly eral Anthony Wayne, 109 Mercury, published by Joseph Breintnall Bulletin of the New York Public Library, and Benjamin Franklin, 42-44 Butler, John, 40; at Indian Council, 1793, June, 1935, articles appearing in, 441 Bulls Head Tavern, 412 37 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 381 Butler, Thomas, 318 Bunker Hill, battle of, 325, 326 Butterfield, Major Isaac, 329, 341, 353 Burd, Edward, letters of, 445 Byrd, Colonel William, 112, 130, 131; at Winchester, Virginia, 109; Cherokees un- Burd, Edward Shippen, letters of, 445 der, 129 Burd, Colonel James, 119, 442; in the Forbes Campaign, by Lily Nixon Lee, Cabot, John, 297, 298 106; biographical, 106; a commissioner Cabot, Sebastian, 297, 298 to survey Braddock's Road, 106; con- Cadwalader, Miss Mary Helen, 206 struction of Braddock's Road by, 106, 110, Cadwalader, Miss Sophia, 206 INDEX 455

Cadwalader family, Journal of William Study in American Economic Develop- Trent, George Croghan and Alexander ment," by Kenneth Wyer Rowe, 183; McKee at Fort Pitt, presented to The 150th Anniversary of founding of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania by, firm of Lea and Febiger, by, 197; corre- 443 spondence of, 1786-1796, 444 Cadwalader, John, 429 Carl, Prinz, 393 Cadzow, Donald A., 92, 202; "Petroglyphs Carleton, General Guy, at Quebec, 323; in the Susquehanna River Near Safe Har- leniency of, toward Americans, 324; Brit- bor, Pennsylvania," by, review of, by ish fleet under, 354; attack on American Victor Henderson, 309 fleet at Valcour Island, 354; at Crown Cairy, Lieutenant , 125 Point, 355; retreat of, to Canada, 357 Caldwell, Captain , 38 Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 107-110, 113, 119, Caleborn's Bridge^ 178 130, 133 Caledonia, ship bringing Scottish emigrants Carlotta, Princess, at Rio de Janairon, 25; to Perth Amboy, 169; on Darien expedi- letter of, to the Cortez, 1811, 29 tion, 169 Carolina, country back of, 271 Calhoun, John C, 5; Joel R. Poinsett to, 15 Carpenter, Cherokee chief, desertion of, 130 Calkins, Ensign , 342 Carpenter's Island, 418 Calvert, Lord, to Governor Horatio Sharpe, Carrell, Dr. Ernest, 74 270; opinion of, of Lewis Evans, 270 Carson, Joseph, 202 Calvinists, beliefs of, as related to beliefs Carsonss Tavern, 401 of the Germans, 79 Cartier, Jacques, 255 Cambridge, Massachusetts, arrival of Cartography of Pennsylvania before 1800, troops at, 88; college at, 152 by Hazel Shields Garrison, 255 Cameron, Honorable James Donald, 245, Cartwright, John, London engraver, 71 247, 249 Casket, The, views of Philadelphia in, 65— Cameron, Honorable Simon, 187, 245, 247, 67 249, 252, 430; letter of, to the National Caslon, William, early printer, type used in Republican League, 253 the Pennsylvania Magazine of History Camilla, by Miss Burney, 239 and Biography, designed by, 97 Camp, Charles L., 95 Cass, Lewis, 446 Campbell, Brigadier General , 395 Castor family, 96 Campbell, Colonel , 40; commander Catholic Studies, December, 1934, articles of British fort at Miami Rapids, 38, 39 appearing in, 200 Campbell, James B., 8, 18 Catskill Mountains, 144 Campbell, Dr. Killis, 190 Cayuga Indians, 276 Campbell, R. & Company, publishers of Cecil Church, Maryland, 400 Birch's Views of Philadelphia, 63 Cecil County, Maryland, 395, 397 Canada, Dr. , 348 Chaddfs Ford, 402-405, 407 Canaan, Connecticut, Dr. Lewis Beebe at, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, 37; Jay 36x Cooke borrows from Bank of, 373 Canada and the American Revolution, by Chambly, 327, 329, 332, 335, 338; Council of George M. Wrong, review of, by A. L. War at, 331; fort at burned by General Burt, 190 John Sullivan, 336 Canada, Tories and Loyalists from the Champagny, Due de Cadore, 10, 16 United States emigrate to, 32; Council Champlain Valley, 325 of Six Nations in, 1786, 36; roads from Chandler, Charles Lyon, 23; The Life of New York to, 179; map of passes from Joel R. Poinsett by, 1; address of, on the colonies to, 296 Joel R. Poinsett, before The Historical Canning, George, 244 Society of Pennsylvania, 1, 242 Cape Charles, 398 Chandler, Honorable William Eaton, 348 Cape Fear River, 178 Channing, Edward, historian, 210, 217, Cape , 297 219; History of the United States by, Cape Henlopen, 164, 262, 279 213, 214; work of, compared with work Cape Henry, 398 of Charles M. Andrews, 216 Cape May, 164 Chapman, Nathaniel, 197 Cape St. Rogue, 24 Charles I, 219 Cape Sambro Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, 153 Charles II, 137 Carey, Henry C, 245 Charles V, of Spain, 298 Carey, Lewis J., 315 Charleston, , 1, 7, 10, 17, 93, Carey, Mathew, publisher of "Landscape 178, 446; emigration of French protes- Album," 1820, 67; "Mathew Carey: A tants to, 1, 2, 3; in the Revolution, 3 ; sur- 456 INDEX

render of, to the British, 3; description Christ Church, Philadelphia, 133, 236; first of, 4 view of, 60 Charlestown Township, Chester County, Christiana Bridge, 401; American troops 412 at, 400, 402 Charlotte-Town, 162, 163; harbor of, 159; Christiana Creek, 400 description of, 159; surveyed by Lieu- Chuckatuck Friends Records, 1684-1707, tenant Governor Franklin, 160 318 Chartier's Creek, 32 Cilley, Major , 357 Chartier's Valley Railroad, 368, 373 Cincinnati, Ohio, 373; mass meetings in, Chateaubriand, Francois Auguste, 185 in favor of money inflation, 245 Chatham, Lord, statue of, in New York Cist, Charles, Philadelphia printer, 86, 445 City, 141 Citizen Soldier, The, George Lippard a Chaucer, Geoffrey, 381 contributor to, 383 Chaudiere River, 323 City Looking Glass, The, by Robert Mont- Chauncey, Charles, 310 gomery Bird, review of, by Percy H. Chazy River, 337 Boynton, 437 ChebuctoJSay, Nova Scotia, 153 City Tavern, 437; view of, 62 Cherokee Indians, 35, 36, 107, 109, 129, 130, Civil War, Jay Cooke during the period 131, 204 of, 362 Chesapeake, fight between Leopard and, Claghorn, Lieutenant Elrazer, 350 War of 1812, 204 Clark, , 160 Chesapeake Bay, 262, 398, 409; map of, by Clark, Daniel, to Colonel James Burd, 121 Captain John Smith, 256; British fleet Clark, E. W., founder of E. W. Clark & arrives in, 395 Company, 368; death of, 368 Chester, Pennsylvania, 164, 178, 408-410, Clark, E. W. & Company, Philadelphia 414, 418, 419; property of Jonathan Dick- stock brokers, 367, 369; Jay Cooke em- inson in, 429 ployed by, 364; S. & M. Allen prede- Chester County, Pennsylvania, 281; Nich- cessors of, 364; Jay Cooke a partner of, olas Scull's map of, 277; President Joseph 364-368; sells securities for railroads in Reed to commissioners of, 284, 285 Pennsylvania, 366-373; A. Armstrong Chester Creek, 409 to, 371; James Mason to and from, 371; Chester Road, 402-404, 406 A. B. Winyard to, 371; A. J. Jones to, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, 415, 417 37i Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, 385 Clark, General George Rogers, British gov- Chew, Benj amin, Head of the Pennsylvania ernor of the Northwest, 33 ; captures Gen- Judiciary System under Colony and Com- eral Hamilton at Vincennes, 1779, 33; monwealth, by Burton Alva Konkle, re- invades Indian country, 34; defeat of, view of by George Morgan, 193; to Peter and casualties, 34; expedition of, against Livengood, 205 the Indians, 35; burns Standing Stone, 35 Chew, Chief Justice Samuel, 194 Claverack, New York, 179, 359 Cheyney, Edward Potts, portrait of, by Clay, Joseph, 44 Borie, presented to the University of Claypoole, George, 420, 421, 445 Pennsylvania, 313; addresses at presenta- Clear Fields, Colonel James Burd at, 116 tion of portrait, edited by William E. Cleveland, President Grover, administra- Lingelbach, 313 tion of, 246, 249, 254 Chicago, Illinois, 368; mass meetings in, Cleveland, Ohio, 363 in favor of money inflation, 345 Clinton, General Sir Henry, 324, 392, 393, Childs, Colonel Cephas G., Views of Phila- 397 delphia by, 64, 67 Clinton family, 144 Chile, independence of, 24; Joel R. Poin- Clough, Captain , 343 sett United States agent to, 29, 31; visit Clymer, Daniel, lawyer and Federalist pol- of Joel R. Poinsett to, 29-31 itician, 241, 242; instructed to bring suit Chimney Point, 338 against William Cobbett, 242 China, American trade with, 246 Coates, Amy, papers of estate of, 318 Chinard, , 185 Coates, Dr. Benjamin H., correspondence Chinard, Gilbert, introduction and notes of, and other papers, 1811-1833, 317 by, to "A Huguenot Exile in Virginia, Coates, Samuel, 318; letter books of, 317 or Voyages of a Frenchman Exiled for Coates family, manuscripts of, 316 His Religion, with a Description of Vir- Coates-Reynell manuscripts, 1729-1838, in ginia and Maryland," review of, by John The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Joseph Stoudt, 311; translation of, by, 311 316-318 Chittenden, Colonel , 339 Cobbett, Ann, 224 INDEX 457 Cobbett, John, Susan Cobbett to, 225, 226 Connanicut Island, Newport Harbor, 149 Cobbett, Susan, John Cobbett to, 225, 226 Connecticut, 137, 147; value of currency Cobbett, William, collection of letters of, in, 177; loans asked by, from foreign 94; information requested by William countries, 291; Publications of the Ter- Reitzel, relating to, 94; "William Cobbett centenary Commission of the State of, and Philadelphia Journalism, 1794— 310; George Washington calls on for 1800," by William Reitzel, 223-244; bi- troops against Canada, 323 ographical, 223-225; soldier in Canada, Connecticut River, 149 323; in Philadelphia, 223-244; agent for Connolly, Captain John, property of, in William Pitt, 223, 236, 243, 244; teacher Kentucky forfeited and money used to in Wilmington and Philadelphia, 225- found Transylvania University, 32, 33 227; political life of, 225-243; writings Connor, R. D. W., 202, 203 of, 226-242; publisher and bookseller, Continent, The, sketches by Joseph Pennell 232, 236, 244; pamphlets written against, published in, 72 235» 23<>; to John Nichols, 239; associa- Continental Congress, Forty-for-One Act tion of with Robert Goodloe Harper, 241; of, 284; call of, for money and supplies, libel suit against, by Dr. Benjamin Rush, 285; foreign countries unwilling to make 241, 242; returns to England, 244 loans unless endorsed by, 289, 290; orders Cobbett, Mrs. William, 225, 226 troops for campaign against Canada, Cobbetfs Political Register, published in 337; Independence declared by, 343, 344; England, by William Cobbett, 223 leaves Philadelphia, 1777, 411 Cobb's Meeting House, 410 Continental money, depreciation of, 284; Cobiquid, Nova Scotia, description of, by for army, 345; tory with, arrested at Sus- Patrick McRobert, 157; Bay of, 157 sex, New Jersey, 360 Cobiquid see also Truro Converse, Lieutenant Thomas, 342 Cock, George B., 206 Cooch, Edward W., 400 Cock, Thomas Henry, 446 Cooch's Bridge, Delaware, 400, 401 Coinage in the Provinces, 137, 177 Cooke, Jay, Early Work of in Transporta- Colden, , 189 tion, by Henrietta M. Larson, 362; born Cole, Arthur Charles, "The Irrepressible in Sandusky, Ohio, 362; employed by the Conflict, 1850-1865," by, review of, by Washington Packet and Transportation Charles D. Harmon, 305 Company, 362-364; associated with firm Coleman, Robert, 444 of E. W. Clark & Co., Philadelphia, 364- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 185, 232 373» negotiates loans for railroads, 366- Coles, Edward, to Joel R. Poinsett, 15; on 368; reorganization of the Pennsylvania mission to Russia, 15 canal system, 367, 369, 370; reorganiza- Colles, Christopher, water supply of New tion and financing of railroads, 364—374; York constructed by, 141 Papers of, in The Historical Society of Collins, Carl P., Publication of the Ter- Pennsylvania, 374 centenary Commission of the State of Cooper , 185 Connecticut, under supervision of, 310 Cooper, James Fenimore, 376 Collins, Lewis, 33 Cooper, Professor Lane, 446 Collins, Nabby, 94 Cooper, Peter, view of Philadelphia painted Collinson, Peter, London agent for the Li- by, before 1720, 58 brary Company of Philadelphia, 48-51; Cooper, Samuel, papers of estate of, 318 to and from Joseph Breintnall, 49, 50, 53- Coppet, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 55; correspondence of, with John Bar- Cornell, Becca, 94 tram, 56 Cornell, Gideon, 94 Colonial Period of American History, The, Cornplanter, Indian Chief, 317 by Charles McLean Andrews, 209, 214, Cornwallis, General Charles, 398, 401, 403, 215, 216, 222 404, 410, 411, 413; surrender of, 34 Colorado, Republicans in, 253 Cornwallis Island, Nova Scotia, 153 Columbia, Pennsylvania, 363 Cortez, the, Infanta Carlotta to, 29 Columbia University, 139, 209, 211, 213 Covode, John, 430, 431 Columbian Magazine, The, 100—102; plates Cowpens, battle of, 88 of buildings in Philadelphia, published Coxcombe, , illness and death of, in, 60; James Trenchard an owner of, 60 349-35i> 353, 355, 357 Comleyville, view of, by William L. Breton, Coxe, Brinton, quoted on work of the Pub- 65 lication Fund, The Historical Society of Congreve, William, 438 Pennsylvania, 98 Conklin's, 179 Coxe, Daniel, manuscripts of, 445 458 INDEX

Coxe, Mrs. Daniel W., receipt books of, 205 Davis, Reverend John, 94 Coxe, Tench, letters of, 207 Davis, Peggy, 94 Craven, W. Frank, Dissolution of the Vir- Dawson, Nicholas "Cheyenne", Narrative ginia Company by, 217 of, review of, by Oscar Osburn Winther, Cret, Paul P., 440 95. Crispin, Esther, 264 Davis, Stanton Ling, "Pennsylvania Poli- Crispin, Silas, executor of Thomas Holme, tics, 1860—1863," by, review of, by Roy 264-265 F. Nichols, 430 Crispin, William, appointed commissioner de Aguirre, Juan Pedro, commissioner from to America by William Penn, 260; sur- Buenos Aires to the United States, 28 veyor-general, 264; death of, in West Dean, John, 207 Indies, 264 Dean, Lieutenant John, death of, 328 Croce, ,313 Dean, William, 281 Croghan, Colonel George, 272; estimate Deane, Silas, 289; association of with Ben- of troops at Loyal Hanna, by, 124; jour- jamin Franklin at Paris, 287 nal of, at Fort Pitt, 443 Dearborn, Henry, 318 Cromwell, Oliver, 263 de Cadore, Due, see Chanpagny Crooke, Margaret, 420 Decamps, 360 Crooke, Stephen, 420 Declaration of Independence, 87, 343, 344; Cross, Dean, Governor of Connecticut, 216 Cross, W. Redmond, 262 account of public reading of, by John Heinrich Miller, 84; first translation of, Crown Point, 179, 323, 325, 338, 34i, 346, into German, 84 354> 356, 357; orders to General John Sullivan to remove all sick to, 336, 337; de Contenson, Baron Ludvic, 315 General Guy Carleton at, 355 de Crenille, M., 125 Cruikshank, , Philadelphia importer, de Favel, M., 15 238 De Forest, , of Connecticut, in Buenos Crump, Captain George, 94 Aires, 26 Cruz, Feliu, Chilean historian, 31 De Haas, Colonel John P., biographical Cudahy, John, 437 note on, 342 Culloden, battle of, 107 De Lancey, , 393 Cumberland, Maryland, 112, 130 de la Roche, Charles Percy, books pur- Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Nich- chased under bequest of, to The Histor- olas Scull's map of, 277 ical Society of Pennsylvania, 206 Cumberland Valley Railroad, 372 Delaware, boundary of, 279 Currency, issued by the colonies, 307; for Delaware Bay, 262, 279, 282, 404; chart of, the army, arrives at St. John's, 330 by Joshua Fisher, 181, 182; later editions Curry, Lieutenant , taken prisoner of chart in The Historical Society of at Three Rivers, 335 Pennsylvania, 181; Dutch settlements on, Curtin, Governor Andrew G., 430 258 Curtis, John, 305 Delaware Bay and River, map of, by Peter Curwen, George, 95 M&rtensson Lindestrom, 257; chart of by Joshua Fisher, 280, 281 Dagworthy, Lieutenant Colonel , 121, Delaware Division Company, purchase of 122; returns to Raystown, for lack of the Delaware Division Canal, 369, 370; clothing, 123. history of, 370 Dakota Treaty, correspondence of, 204 Delaware Indians, 33, 38, 109, 175, 276, Darby, Pennsylvania, 164, 178, 409; 37O Monthly Meeting Minutes, 1743-1801, Delaware River, 106, 164, 167, 172, 277, 318 360, 394, 398, 413, 414; and Smith's Darien, The, 169; wrecked at Perth Am- Island, engraved by C. M. Matter, 72; boy, 169 Dutch and Swedish settlements on, 270; Darlington, Mary Carson, 109 draft of, by Reading Howell, 281; Brit- Darlington, William, 49, 50, 56 ish fleet in, 418 Darlington, William M., 297 Delaware, American frigate, 413; capture Dartmouth, 94 of, by the British, 414 Davenport, Miss, Guide to the British Mu- de Ligne, Prince, friend of Joel R. Poin- seum by Charles McLean Andrews and, sett, 9, 17 214 de Ligneris, Captain , at Fort Du- Davies, Benjamin, bookseller, 238 quesne, 126 Davis, Miss, 94 Del Pino, Viceroy at Buenos Aires, 25 INDEX 459

Democratic Judge, The, by William Cob- Dickinson, Margaret, 420 bett, 237 Dickinson, Mary, 420, 421 de Neufville, John & Son, Amsterdam, 2%% Dickinson, Mary Norris, letters of, 1786- Dennie, Joseph, editor of The Port-Folio, 1799, 204 101, 104 Dico, John, steals money in camp, 352; pun- Denny, Governor James, 108-110, 118; to ishment of, 352, 353 Colonel James Burd, 132; residence of, Dilzvorth, 403, 407, 409, 410 133 Dismal Swamp Lands, 1774-1816, manu- Denver, Colorado, National Republican scripts of, in Coates-Reynell Papers, 316, League, at, 252, 253 317; minutes of meeting, Richmond, 1785, de Orea, Taleifero, letters of, to President 317 Madison, 27 Dispatch, of the British fleet, 394, 398 De Peyster, Major S. Arent, 35; British Doane, Bishop George W., of New Jersey, Governor of the Northwest, 33; pur- preaches at Leeds, England, 301; friend- chases home of Alexander McKee, 34 ship of, for William Wordsworth, 301; Derbent, Joel R. Poinsett at, 13 William Wordsworth to, 301 Derbyshire, England, 145 Dobson, , 227 de Saavedra, Diego, commissioner from Dodd, William E., 202 Buenos Aires to the United States, 28 Dodsley, R., publisher and bookseller, 295, de Saussure, William H., 9; chancellor of 300, 301; letter of Lewis Evans to, 295- South Carolina, 8; Joel R. Poinsett reads 301 law with, 8 Dodson, Leonidas, 194 de Soto, Hernando, 255 Dogins, Colonel , 329 de Stael, Madame, 9 Dollond, John, Scientist of London, 6; Joel de Susieri, M., 15 R. Poinsett resides with, 6, 7 Detroit, 32, 34; surrender of, to the United Donehoo, George P., 112, 116, 125 States, 39 Dongan, Governor, 144 Deutsche Gesellschaft, published by Ben- Dorchester, Lord, 40 jamin Franklin, 80 Doughty, Thomas, artist, 67 Devereaux, Nicholas, wood engraver, 68 Douglas, Stephen A., 431 de Verti, M., 126 Douglass, , 189 Dewey, Paul, 353 Douglass, David, 186 de Woedtke, General Baron Frederick Wil- Douglass, William, 94 liam, 341; biographical note on, 330 Downes, Randolph C, 315 Dexter, F. B., 323 Doz, Andrew, papers of estate of, 318 Diary of during the Peace Ne- Drake, Sir Francis, 298 gotiations on 1782, edited by Dr. Frank Dragoons, Regiment of, at battle of Brandy- Monaghan, 315 wine, 404 Dickens, Charles, 193; "Sketches" by, 378; Dreer, Ferdinand J., collection of, of Ken- visit of, to Philadelphia, 379; account of levee in hotel of, by George Lippard, nedy's views of Philadelphia, 70 379; Boz, nom de plume of, 379 Drexel, Anthony J., 375 Dickinson, Francis, of , captain in Drexel & Company, Philadelphia, 366, 373 the , 420; at capture of Driver, Mrs. Philip B., 206 Jamaica, 420 Dubois, Senator Fred Thomas, of Idaho, Dickinson, Hannah, 421 250, 251 Dickinson, Grace, 421 Du Buy, Major , 393, 397 Dickinson, John, 79, 194, 207, 313, 421 Du Coudray, General Philip Charles, 403 Dickinson, Jonathan, Philadelphia mer- Duffield, Thomas, 46 chant, letter book of, 1698-1701/204; Duisburg, Germany, World Map of Gerard Estate of, by Harrold E. Gillingham, Kramer published at, 255 420-429; Inventory of Goods and Chat- Dull, James, 371 tels of, 420-429, 445; letter book of Exec- Dulles, C. W., 48 utors of, 420-422; biographical, 420; Dumas, , Benjamin Franklin to, 287; sails for Philadelphia on the Reforma- American agent in Holland, 288 tion, 1696, 420; shipwreck of, 420; public Dumond, Dwight L., "Jeremiah Sullivan: offices held by, 420, 421; descendants of, A Defender of the Constitution and the 420, 421; death of, 1722, 421; Account Ten Commandments," by, 431 Book of, 422, 424; real estate of, 429 Dunbar, Miss Elizabeth, 445 Dickinson, Jonathan, Jr., 421 Dunbarr*s, Long Island, 180 Dickinson, Joseph, 421 Duncan, Robert, Philadelphia merchant, 94 460 INDEX

Duncan, Mrs. Robert, 94 ters of General Sir William Hose, 396, Dundas, F. se Sales, 445 Dunkards, a German "Sect," 75, 78, 80 ElkA"r River, 178, 395, 397, 399, 400, 404 Dunkirk, 365 Elkhorn River, Kentucky, 32 Dunlap, William, 105; diary of, quoted re- Elkton, Maryland, 397, 399, 401, 402 garding Charles Brockden Brown, 103, Elliot River, St. John's, 159 104 Elliott, , British scout, 36 Du Ponceau, Peter S., 257; letters of, 318 Elliott, James B., 378 Durand, , Huguenot exile to Vir- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 306 ginia, 311, 312 Enfield, Connecticut, 179 Durham, 179 Engineering and Mining Journal, in favor Dutch settlements in Delaware Bay, 258; of protection and bimetallism, 252 in New York, 139, 145; on Long Island, England, visits of Joel R. Poinsett to, 6, 7, 148; on the Delaware River, 270 11; relations between the United States Dutch West India Company, 258 and, 1809, 8> possessions of, in South Duyckinck, , 45, 391 America, 24, 26, 27; trade of, with St. Dwight, Timothy, 316; Academy of, John's, 160; influence of, on American Greenfield, Connecticut, 4, 5; President colonial history, 210, 212, 216, 217, 218, of Yale University, 4; Joel R. Poinsett 221 lives with, 5, 6 Erie, Pennsylvania, 363, 367 Erie County, Pennsylvania, documents re- Eagle, of the British fleet, 394, 397, 398 lating to oil industry in, 444 Earnest, Ernest, review of "William Bar- Erivan, siege of, 12 tram : Interpreter of the American Land- Erskine, , Quartermaster General, scape," by, 184 396 East Chester, 179 Erskine, Robert, 278 "East Coast of North America" section of Ervin, Colonel , taken prisoner at Mercator's map, 255 Three Rivers, 335 East Hampton, Long Island, 180 Esopus, New York, 359, 360 East India, American trade with, 138 Eton, American students at, 5 Easton, Pennsylvania, 129, 268, 361, 370; Evans, Miss Lena Cadwalader, 206 treaty with the Indians at, 132 Evans, Lewis, cartographer, 182; a sur- East River, 138, 139, 147, 148, 159 veyor in Pennsylvania, 269; commis- Eaton, A. W. H., 153 sioned to make maps of Province of Edenton, North Carolina, 178 Pennsylvania, 269-274; maps by, 269, Edgement, Pennsylvania, 268 282, 295-301; description of America by, Edict of Nantes, 311, 312 270, 271; to Richard Peters, 272; map of Edinburgh, American students at Univer- 1755, dedicated to Thomas Pownall, 273; sity of, 5, 6; climate of, 7; Royal Infirm- death of, 1756, 273; attacks on, 274; ary at, 140 praised by Benjamin Franklin, 274; let- Edmund*s Swamp, Colonel James Burd at, ter of, to Robert Dodsley, 295-301; book by, on English Title to parts of America, "5 295, 297-300 Edson, Walter H., 315 Every Man His Own Doctor:.... by John Edwards, Everett, in Albania, 5 Tennant, 319; other editions of, 319 Edwards, G. W., 138, 140, 141 Evolution of Executive Department of the Edwards, Reverend Morgan, 94 Continental Congress, 1774-1789, by Jen- Egle, Dr. William Henry, 435; A Bibliog- nings B. Saunders, review of, by L. Wal- raphy of the works of, 312 ter Seegers, 438 Eggleston, Edward, 221 Ewald, Captain Johannes, 418 Election Day at the State House, by Alex- Ewing, Samuel, 437 ander Lawson, 64 Ellicott, Joseph, Bucks County, clockmaker, Facsimile of the Olive Branch Petition, 8 199 July, 1775 From the Original in H. M. Elio, General, Spanish forces in South Public Record Office, London, notice of, America under, 27 3i3 Elizabeth, Queen, 213 Fagin, N. Bryllion, "William Bartram: In- Elizabeth, British transport, 393, 397 terpreter of the American Landscape," Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 164, 168, 170, by, review of, by Ernest Earnest, 184 178 Fahnestock, Harris C, treasurer of the Elizabethtown, Staten Island, 393 Franklin Railroad, 371, 372; friend and Elk Ferry, Maryland, 397, 400; headquar- partner of Jay Cooke, 372 INDEX 461

Faires, Debby, 94 Fisk, Ichabod Ebenezer, classmate of Dr. F'airfield, Connecticut, 179 Lewis Beebe, 352; biographical note on, Fairman, Thomas, Thomas Holme resides 352; committed to main guard by Major with, 264; bill of, to William Penn for Sherburne, 352, 353 lodging of Thomas Holme, 264 Fiske, John, historian, 210 Fairmount Water Works, view of, after Fitch, John, 314 Thomas Doughty, 67 Fithian, Philip Vickers: Journal, 1775- Falconer, J. L., 142 1776, edited by Robert Greenhalgh Al- Fallen Timbers, fight with Indians at, un- bion and Leonidas Dodson, review of, der General Anthony Wayne, 38, 39; by Julian P. Boyd, 194 casualties at, 38 Flick, A. C, 139 Falls of Schuylkill, views near, by John Florence, Thomas B., 379 Hill, 67 Florence, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 Falmouth, Massachusetts, custom house at, Florida, wreck of the Reformation off 152 coast of, 420 Fanning, , 393 , The, correspondence relating to, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Philadel- 1821, 204 phia, 373 Flower, Ann, 318 Fatland, Ford, 412, 413 Flower, Benjamin, Estate of, 1775-1808, Faust, Albert Bernhardt, 90; review of 318 "Pennsylvania German Pioneers: .... Flushing, Long Island, 421 1727-1808," by, 432 Fly, American sloop, 414 Ferguson, Captain Patrick, 396, 398, 404, Flying Machine, The, stage from Paulus . 405 Hook to Philadelphia, 176 Fergusson, Elizabeth Graeme, poems of, Fogg, , 357 318; letters to, 318 Forbes, General John, 106-133; negotia- Ferneaus, 178 tions of with the Indians, 107, 130, 131; Ferrara, Joel R. Poinsett visits, 9 at Philadelphia, 107,108, no, 133; appro- Financial panic of 1873, 362 priations for expedition of, 107; to Gen- Finland, visit of Joel R. Poinsett to, 11 eral James Abercrombie, 109, 112, 116, Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, 119, 127, 128; to General John Stanwix, ledgers and journals of, 1832-1841, 318 109; to Governor Sharp, 113; illness of, Fisher, C. H., 369 no, 121, 129, 132; to and from Colonel Fisher, George Harrison, 42, 126 Henry Bouquet, no, 119, 125,126; lack of Fisher, Howell Tracy, typewritten geneal- supplies for the army, 112-115, 117, 122, ogy of the Fisher Family, presented to 123, 124, 131; French informed of plans The Historical Society of Pennsylvania of, 114; to Peters, 115; blames by, 445 defeat at Fort Duquesne on Colonel Bou- Fisher, J. F., 42 quet, 119; at Raystown, 119; to Sir Wil- Fisher, Joshua, cartographer, 182; charts liam Pitt, 117, 127; criticises Department of Delaware Bay and River by, 181, 280, of Quartermaster General, 121, 122; ac- 281, 283; to and from Robert Hunter count of battle of Loyal Hanna by, 124, Morris, 181; public services of, 279; in 125, 127, 128; to Richard Peters, 127; business in Philadelphia, 279; accused leads attack on Fort Duquesne, 129, 131; of being a tory, 279, 280; illness of, 280 at Stony Creek, 129; at Ligonier, 132; Fisher, Judge Michael, 445 at Shippensburg, 132, 133 ; death of, 133; Fisher, Myers, 94 burial of, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, Fisher, Mrs. Myers, 94 133 Fisher, Samuel, Quaker, exiled to Win- Ford, Bridget, 318 chester, Virginia, 280; illness of, 280 Ford, Worthington C, 263 Fisher, Thomas, Quaker, 182; captured by Ford, Philip, 318 a British war vessel, 279; exiled to Win- Forney, John W., 430, 446 chester, Virginia, 279, 280 Forster, , 329, 331 Fisher family, suspected of being tories, Fort Amherst, St. John's, 158 279, 280; typewritten genealogy of, by Fort Augusta, 113; built by Colonel James Howell Tracy Fisher, 445 Burd, 106; Levi Trump at, 108; key to Fisher's Island, Long Island Sound, 149 , 109, no; Col- Fishers Mill, 401 onel James Burd at, 108, 122, 123, 127 Fishkill, New York, 179, 361 Fort Bedford, 130 Fisk, Eleanor, 352 Fort Charles, 395 462 INDEX

Fort Christina, map of, by Peter Martens- Fountain of Potomack, 279 son Lindestrom, sent to Queen of Sweden Fournisseurs Generaux, Lyons, 290 and returned, 1654, 257; in Royal Arch- Fourth of July, first celebration of, 85 ives, Stockholm, 257 Fowler, Samuel G., 94 Fort Cumberland, 109, no, 277; George Fowlkes, J., 374 Washington at, 125 Fox, Dr. Dixon Ryan, 315 Fort Dewart, 115; Colonel James Burd at, Fox Hall, query regarding, 419 114 France, American trade with, 138, 139; Fort Dudgeon, 124, 126; Colonel Henry influence of, on American colonial his- Bouquet at, 125 tory, 210, 212; declares war on Great Fort Duquesne, 113, 115, 124, 126, 129, Britain and Spain, 233; bimetallists in, 130, 133, 304; Colonel James Burd re- 253; James goes to, to negotiate loan to ceives plan of, 117; march of Major Pennsylvania, 287-290; unwilling to Grant on, 118-120; General John Forbes make loan to Pennsylvania, 290 leads attack on, 129; French deserted by Francisville, Philadelphia, 429 the Indians at, 131, 132; captured from Francklin, Lieutenant Governor, surveys the French by General John Forbes, 131; land in Nova Scotia, 160 review of capture of, by Edward Ship- Frank ford, Philadelphia, 178, 447; prop- pen, Jr., 131 erty of Jonathan Dickinson in, 429 Fort Edward, 179, 344, 345, 359 Frank ford Creek, 413, 416, 417 Fort Frontenac, 180, 274 Franklin, Benjamin, 49, 51, 74, 79, 276, Fort George, 150, 320, 325, 330, 340, 356, 290, 304, 316, 319, 442; associated in 358, 359; sick ordered to, 344, 345 business with Joseph Breintnall, 42-44; Fort Henry, 395 organizes the Library Company of Phila- Fort Independence, 347 delphia, 48; Secretary of the Library Fort Ligonier, 12si construction of, 117, Company, 48; selects Philadelphia to set- 118; Colonel James Burd's description tle in, 57, 58; attack on, in "Der Penn- of, 118; Colonel James Burd at, 122, 123 sylvanisch Staats-Courier," 77; Henry M. Fort Ligonier see also Loyal Hanna Muhlenberg to, 78; German newspapers Fort Loudoun, 277; Colonel James Burd printed by, 80, 81; use of lightning con- at, no; General John Forbes at, 117 ductors invented by, 173; praises work of Fort Mifflin, defense of, 204 Lewis Evans, 274; James Searle confers Fort Pitt, 33, 126, 132, 317; Colonel James with in Paris, 287; suspicions of James Burd at, 130; Journal of , Searle relating to, 287; to James Searle, George Croghan and Alexander McKee 287; gives letters of introduction to James at> I759~I7^3, presented to The Histor- Searle for Americans in Holland, 287, ical Society of Pennsylvania, by the Cad- 288 ^ walader family, 443 Franklin, Samuel, manuscripts of, 445 Fort Presque Isle, 180 Franklin Lectures, June, 1935, articles ap- Fort Sackville, 156 pearing in, 442 Fort St. John's, 179 Franklin Railroad, 371, 372 Fort Susquehanna, 261 Franks, David, view of home of, 62 Fort Ticonderoga, 347; proposal to seize Frederick the Great, 330 made by John Brown, 321 Frederick William of Prussia, interview of Fort Ticonderoga Museum, Bulletin of, Joel R. Poinsett with, 16, 17 January, 1935, publishes manuscript of Free Society of Traders, appoints Thomas General Anthony Wayne, 199 Holme to live in Pennsylvania, 264 Fort Washington, taken by the British, 359 Freeman, Edward Augustus, 211, 212 Fortnightly Review, London, publishes French, Rolland, 206 Thomas Reed's views on currency, 251 French Creek, 412 Forty-for-One Act, Continental Congress, French and Indian War, attack on Loyal 1780, 284 Hanna, 123-126; map of Pennsylvania Foster, Stephen, America's Troubadour, by by Lewis Evans, used during the, 269 John Tasker Howard, review of, by Wil- French Revolution, effect of, in America, liam Reitzel, 192 232-234, 239 Foster, William B., Jr., 199 French Travellers in the United States, Foster Hall Bulletin, February, 1935, ar- 1765-1932, by Frank Monaghan, review ticle on Stephen C. Foster's School Days of, by Corona E. Kerns, 311 at Athens Academy, 179 Frere, John H., 244 Fothergill, Dr. John, 446 Friedland, 12 Fouche, Joseph, 17 Friendly Club, New York, 101, 103 Fouchereau, Sara, 2 Friends Meeting House, Merion, view of, INDEX 463

64; Epistle of Caution Against Tax for 141; facsimile of the petition of the King's use, 1755, 318; in Ireland, 263, American Colonies to, 313 264 George*s Island, Nova Scotia, 153 Friends Miscellany, 47 Georgetown, St. John's, 162, 178; surveyed Friendship, sloop from Philadelphia, 94 by Lieutenant Governor Francklin, 160 Frontenac, Canada, 131, 296, 299, 300; cap- Georgia, Joel R. Poinsett visits, 12; resi- ture of, 120, 121 dents of, at Newport, 151 Fry, Joseph, works of, 304, 305 Gerber, Adolf, 436 Fry, Joshua, surveyor, 277; map of Vir- German Calvinist Church, 60 ginia by, with Peter Jefferson, 1751, 274, German historians, 210, 211, 212 275, 282; born in England, 274; educa- German Newspapers in Pennsylvania, pre- tion of, 274; schoolmaster at Williams- Revolutionary period, 74-90 burg, 274; public offices of, 274; commis- German Peace denominations, Quaker sioner of Virginia-North Carolina principles of, 76, 78, 79 boundary, 274; commands expedition German Press in Pennsylvania, The, and against the French, 1754, 274; death of, the American Revolution, by John Joseph 274 Stoudt, 74 Fry, William H., works of, 304 German religious sects, 74, 75, 78, 79 Fry and Jefferson, map of, 256 German Universities, American students Fuhrer, Lieutenant , 393 at, 209, 211 Fuller, , 336, 342 Germans, political alliance of with Scotch- Irish and Whigs in Pennsylvania, 79, Gabry, Peter & Sons, Amsterdam, 258 80; company of, in Reading, 85 Gale, Isaac, 421 Germantozvn, 413; American troops at, Gale, Colonel John, 420 410; march of General Washington to, Gale, Mary, 420 415, 416; battle of, 418 Gallatin, Albert, Secretary of the Treas- Germantozvn Turnpike, 200 ury, 18, 19 Germany, Influence of, on American co- Gallinger, Senator Jacob F., 247 lonial history, 210-212 Galloway, Joseph, 79 Gerstaker, Frederick, 386 Gambier, Commodore , 317 Geyer, Caspar, papers of estate of, 318 Gardiner, Edward Carey, 206, 314; manu- Gibbons, W., 101 scripts presented by, tt> The Historical Gibson, E. T. H., 374 Society of Pennsylvania, 443, 444 Gibson, James, 205 Gardner, John, 94 Gifford, John, 231, 235, 237; Baeviad and Garrison, Curtis W., 209; Pennsylvania Maeviad by, 239; The French Revolu- State Archivist, 182 tion, by, 241 Garrison, Hazel Shields, 295; Cartography Gilbert, George, artist, work of, in The of Pennsylvania before 1800, by, 255 Casket, 66, 67; wood engravings of, 205 Gates, General Horatio, 324, 329, 341, 344, Gilliat, Algernon, English iron manufac- 355, 360; indifference of, 340; victory turer, 374 of, at Stillwater, 415 Gilliland, Elizabeth, 325 Geist, J. W. M., 389 Gilliland, Jane, 325, 326 Gelston, David, 19 Gilliland, William, biographical note on, Gemmill, William D., 305 325, 326; entertains troops at his home, General Description of the Thirteen United 326 States of America: . . ." Reading, 1788, Gilliland's River, 325 3*9 Gillingham, Harrold E., 314; receipt books, General Mazagine and Historical Chron- autograph albums, engravings and let- icle, July, 1935, articles appearing in, 441 ters presented to The Historical Society General Map of the Middle British Col- of Pennsylvania by, 205; review of "Sal- onies in America: by Lewis Evans, 1755, isbury Connecticut Cannon, Revolution- 270 ary War," by, 308; article by, on 17th Genoa, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 century cabinet makers, published in the Gentleman's Magazine, 239; first engraved New York Sun, 315; Inventory of Goods view of Philadelphia published in, 57- and Chattels of Jonathan Dickinson, 59; "Peter Porcupine" noticed in, 235; 1722, and Letter Book of Executors of "Old Sylvanus" a contributor to, 235 Jonathan Dickinson, presented by, to The Geographia, by Peter Martensson Lind- Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 420; strom, 257 sketch of Jonathan Dickinson by, 420- George III, statue of, in , 429, 445 464 INDEX

Gilman, Colonel , 342 Company of Philadelphia, 314; address Gilpin, Thomas, statement of, regarding of, on , 314 Joshua Fisher's chart, 181 Graydon, Alexander, 167 Gipson, Lawrence H., 149; "Charles Mc- Great Britain, American trade with, 138, Lean Andrews and the Re-Orientation of 139; France declares war on Spain and, American Colonial History," by, 209 233 J gold policy of, 245-247, 249-253 Gjrard Bank, Philadelphia, 366 Great Dismal Swamp Lands, 316 Gjraud, M., 11 Greaton, Colonel John, 355; biographical Girty, Simon, British scout, 36 note on, 327 Girtys, the, 34 Greble, Edwin, Civil War Papers of, 207 Gist, Christopher, 272, 296, 297 Green, John Richard, 211 Gleason's Pictorial, views of Philadelphia Greencastle, 371 published in, 68 Greene, E. B., 139, 144, 158, 169, 170, 171 Gloucester County, New Jersey, Marriage Greene, Brigadier General Nathanael, 402 Records of, 445 Greene, Rob, 267 Gneist, Rudolf von, 211 Greenfield, Connecticut, Seminary of Tim- Goa, Portuguese possession, 24 othy Dwight at, 4, 5, 6 Goat Island, 150 Greenville, Indian Council at, 39 Godey's Lady's Book, views of Philadel- Greenville, South Carolina, speech of Joel I2 J phia published in, 65 R. Poinsett at, 1845, > 3 Godfrey, Dr. Benjamin, testimonial to, in Greenville, Bay, St. John's, 160 German, 207 Greenwich Island, 418 Godfrey, Thomas, Jr., "Prince of Parthia" Gregory, , 340 by, first American play, 186, 304; friends Gregory, Professor, Edinburgh University, of, 304; death of, 304 Godwin, William, "Political Justice" by, Grey, Major General Charles, 396-398, 102 400, 411, 412 Goodman, Nathan G., "Benjamin Rush: Gribbel, John, President of The Historical Physician and Citizen, 1746-1813," by, Society of Pennsylvania, 314 review of, by W. B. McDaniel, 2d., 191 Griffith, Captain of the Nonsuch, 393, 397 Gordon, Governor Patrick, 433 Griffith, Miss Anne L., World War clip- Gordon's Ford, 412 pings, photographs, etc., and manuscripts Gorges, Sir Ferdinand, New England pro- presented to The Historical Society of jects of, 219 Pennsylvania by, 444 Gorman, Fred J., 205 Griffith, Dr. Robert E., 444 Gosch River, 400 Grinnell, Captain William, of the Friend- Goshen, Pennsylvania, Town Record Book ship, 94 of, 447 Griswold, Dr. Rufus W., 68, 388, 390 Gothenberg, Joel R. Poinsett at, 11 Gross, , 211 Gottingen, University of, 7, 211 Grosvenor Library Bulletin, December, Governor's Island, New York, 141 1934, article published in, concerning Grant, Major James, 115, 116, 121, 125; a musical clock made by Joseph Ellicott, opinion of, of Colonel Henry Bouquet, 199 114; marches on Fort Duquesne, 118; Gulf of Bothnia, 11 defeat of, 118, 119, 120, 128; reliance of Gulf of St. Lawrence, 157, 158 General John Forbes on, 118, 119; or- Gulnac, , 95 ders of Colonel Bouquet to, 120; ap- Gunpowder Ferry, 178 pointed Brigadier General in the British Guyer, Mrs., 94 Army, 119, 120; services of in the Revo- lution, 120, 398, 401, 404, 409, 410, 413 Habersham, John, 207 Grant, John, 94 Hacket, , 131 Grant, General Ulysses S., 206 Had wen, Betsey, 94 Gras, N. S. B., review of "The Money Sup- Hagerstown, Maryland, 371 ply of the American Colonies befofe Haige, William, appointed commissioner 1720," by, 306 to Pennsylvania to plan the colony, 264 Gratz, Benjamin, family of, Lexington, Haiman, Miecislaus, "The Fall of Poland Kentucky, 436, 437 in Contemporary American Opinion," by, Gratz, Rebecca: A Study in Charm, by Rol- review of, by Oron James Hale, 437 lin G. Osterweis, review of, by Corona Haldimand, General , 33, 34 E. Kerns, 436, 437 Hale, , 251 Gray, Austin K., Librarian of the Library Hale, Oron James, review of "The Fall of INDEX 465

Poland in Contemporary Opinion," by, Harwich, England, 11 437 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 306 Hale, Reuben C, 205 Hayman, Michael, 206 Half Town, Indian Chief, 317 Hazard, Samuel, 265 Half-way-house, 179 Hazelwood, , 414 Haliburton, T. C, 156 Hazen, Colonel , arrest of, 342 Halifax, Nova Scotia, 118, 151, 153, 157, Head of Elk, 396 164; account of, by Patrick McRobert, Headley, Reverend J. T., accused of pla- i37» 153-156; harbor of, 153, 155; cur- giarism by George Lippard, 387 rency of, 154, 155, 177; trade of, with Heap, George, Philadelphia coroner, 1749- Newport, 154; government of, 156 I75I> 57» 59; view of Philadelphia by, Halkett, Brigade Major Francis, 119, 131 57~59J "An East Prospect of the City Hall, Lucy, 345 of Philadelphia," by, 1754, 59, 60; death Hallam, Henry, 211 of, 59 Hallenbeck, Chester T., review of "Mat- Heberton, Mahlon Hutchinson, fatally shot hew Carey: A Study in American Eco- by Singleton Mercer, 383, 384 nomic Development," by, 183; review Heckewelder, Christian, 318 of "An American Bookshelf," by, 188 Heckewelder, John, 318 Hallowell, S. M., 445 Hedgehog, Humphrey, 235 Halsey, , of Rhode Island, in Buenos Heidelberg University, 211 Aires, 25 Heister, Lieutenant General , 392 Hamburg, 15 Hell's Gate, Long Island Sound, 148 Hamilton, Alexander, 233, 242, 252, 305 Helmuth, Pastor, describes preparations of Hamilton, Colonel , 122 Germans for war, in Lancaster County, Hamilton, General , captured by 1775, 88 General George Rogers Clark at Vin- Henderson, Robert, manuscripts of, 1782- cennes, 1779, 33 1801, 204, 205 Hamilton, Andrew, plans for the Colony Henderson, Victor, review of "Petroglyphs House, Philadelphia, drawn by, 165 in the Susquehanna River Near Safe Har- Hamilton, James, Lieutenant Governor, 130 bor, Pennsylvania," by, 309 Hamilton & Hood, letters to, 205 Henkels, Joseph F., 445 Hammond, , 244 Henry IV of France, 298 Hampstead Tavern, Long Island, 180 Henry VII, 297 Hamtramck, John F., 318 Henry, Mrs. John J., original life portrait Hancock, John, 313; Papers of, 1770-1777, of George Washington, portrait of 3i7 Charles Willson Peale and a lithograph Hardwick, Lord, 12 portrait of George Washington, be- Harmar, General Josiah, defeated by the queathed to The Historical Society of Shawanese Indians, 36; casualties, 36 Pennsylvania, by, 443 Harmon, Charles D., review of "The Ir- Henry of the British fleet, struck by light- repressible Conflict, 1850-1865," by, 305 ning, 394 Harnett, Cornelius, 196 Hepburn, Samuel, 369 Harper, Dr. Francis, 446 Herkimer (Hersheimer), General Nicolas, Harper, Robert Goodloe, Federalist, 241; at Orinskany, 90 business association with William Cob- Herman, see Herrman bett, 241 Herrman, Augustine, cartographer, born Harrington, V. D., 139, 144, 158, 169, 170, in Prague, 258; education of, 258; in 171 business in Amsterdam, 258; tobacco Harris, Senator , 251 exporter in America, 258; friend of Peter Harris' Ferry, Pennsylvania, 108 Stuyvesant, 258, 260; signs "Remons- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 260, 368; Bank trance" to States General, 258; in Mary- of, Jay Cooke borrows from, 373, 374; land concerning Dutch settlements, 258; Bank of, to Jay Cooke, 374 proposals of, to make a map of Delaware Harrison, Peter, architect, 150 Bay for Peter Stuyyesant, 258, 259; will Hart, John, 94 of, 258; map of Virginia and Maryland Hartford, Connecticut, 179 by, for Lord Baltimore, 259-262; manors Harvard University, 6, 209, 210, 213; orig- granted to by Lord Baltimore, 259; map inal manuscript of Patrick McRobert's of, engraved by William Faithorne, 260; Tour in Library of, 134 published by John Seller, 261 Haverford College, 75 Hesse-Cassel, Hessian troops from in the Havre, Joel R. Poinsett at, 8 Revolution, 392 Havre de Grace, France, 224 Hessian troops in America, 392, 396, 400, 466 INDEX

401, 403, 411, 413; John Heinrich Miller erick Lewis, review of, by Burton Alva prints German newspaper for, in London, Konkle, 309 81; embarkation of, 394; illness among, Hobart, Joseph, papers of estate of, 318 398; at Battle of Brandywine, 404-410; Hobbes, Thomas, 233 at Battle of Germantown, 415-418 Hoberg, Walter R., A Tory in the North- Hewes, Josiah, 93 west by, 32 Heynell, Lieutenant Colonel , 401 Hoch-Deutsch Pennsylvanische Geschicht- Hickey, Thomas, bodyguard of George Schreiber, Der: . . . , published in Ger- Washington, 340; plot of, to kill General mantown by Christopher Saur and his Washington and other officers, 340; exe- sons, 76 cution of, 340 Hodson, F., 237 Hickey Plot, 340 Hoffman, Maria Fenno, 436 Hickory Paivlins, 115 Hog Island, 178 Hicks, John P., 94 Hog Neck, Long Island, 180 High Street, Philadelphia, views of, 62, 63 Hogarth, William, 376 Highland Battalion, under Colonel James Holbrook, Franklin F., 442 Burd, 113, 115 Holcomb, Lieutenant , 357 Hildreth, Richard, 216 Hole, William, map of Virginia engraved Hill, Senator David B., 248 by, 1612, 256 Hill, Frank Pierce, "American Plays Holland, Major , 393 Printed 1714-1830, A Bibliographical Holland, George, 302 Record," by, review of, by Harry W. Holland, Leicester B., 440 Pedicord, 312 Holland, S., 80 Hill, Henry, United States consul at Sao Holland, American trade with, 138, 139; Salvador, 1808, 23 unfriendly to the United States, 288, 290; Hill, John, English engraver, resides in unwilling to make loan to Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1819-1823, 67; views of 290 Philadelphia by, 67 Holme, Esther, 264 Hill, John W., 67; views of Philadelphia, Holme, Thomas Campanius, Lindestrdm's by, 71,72 map of New Sweden, reproduced by, 1702, Hillegas, Michael, first Treasurer of the 257; "Province of New Sweden," by, Continental Congress, 89, 90 257; surveyor and map maker, born in Hillman, Ralf Ridgway, *|Old Dansbury England, 263; service of, under Admiral and The Moravian Mission," by, notice Penn, 1654, 263; in Ireland, 1659, 263, of, 441 264; appointed Surveyor General, 1682, Hillsborough River, 159, 161 264, 265; property of, in Pennsylvania, Hinke, William J., 432, 435 264, 265; sails for America on the Amity, Hirsh, Arthur H., 1, 2 264; resides in Philadelphia with Historical Society of Pennsylvania, The, Thomas Fairman, 264; offices held by the correspondence of Joel R. Poinsett in in Pennsylvania, 264, 265; maps of Phila- collections of, 1; manuscript of John Fan- delphia and Pennsylvania by, 265-269, ning Watson's "Annals" in collections of, 282 64, 65; drawings of Philadelphia by Holmes, Captain , 339, 353 David J. Kennedy, in collections of, 70; Holmes, Dr. , 356 The Pennsylvania Magazine of History Holmes, Hannah, 421 and Biography included in membership Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 306 Holmes, Samuel, 421 of, 97; Society News and Accessions, 201, f 314; transcripts of the Board of Trade Homan s Tavern, 180 Papers in collections of, 212; Annual Home Journal, The, George Lippard a Meeting, May 13, 1935; 314; address on contributor to, 383 James Logan by Austin K. Gray, 314; Hoopper, Abraham, Philadelphia cabinet election of officers, 314; Americana re- maker, 422 cently acquired by, 319; Jay Cooke Hoover, President Herbert, administration Papers in collections of, 365; joint meet- of, 245 ing of, with Pennsylvania Federation of Hope, M. B., correspondence of, 205 Historical Societies and Pennsylvania Hopkins, J. G. E., 241 Historical Commission, 443 Hopkins, Thomas, 94 History of the Philadelphia Theatre, A, Hopkins, Mrs. Thomas, 94 1835-1855, by Arthur Herman Wilson, Hopkinson, Francis, 304, 438 review of, by Edward Robins, 304 Horse Neck, 119 History of an Old Philadelphia Land Title: Horse Race, Long Island Sound, 149 208 South Fourth Street, by John Fred- Hose's Ferry, 178 INDEX 467

Hottinger, Messrs., Paris, 15 Indian Affairs, 1759-1763, papers of, in Hough, Oliver, 264, 265 Coates-Reynell Papers, 316, 317; manu- Howard, John Tasker, "Stephen Foster, scripts of Commissioners of, 317 America's Troubadour," by, review of, Indian Island, St. John's, 161 by William Reitzel, 192 Indian Queen Tavern, Philadelphia, 176 Howe, Lord Richard, 394, 397, 409 Indian Walk purchase, 276; certificate of Howe, Robert, 196 authenticity of, issued by Nicholas Scull, Howe, General Robert, to John Dickinson, 275; Council at home of Nicholas Scull, 1783, 207 275, 276 Howe, General Sir William, 86, 324, 340, Indianapolis, Indiana, mass meetings in, 394, 396, 397. 4Oi, 403, 404, 4^>7» 4*>9> 4™, in favor of money inflation, 245 411, 412; false story of prayer of, before Indians, difficulties with in the Northwest, Battle of Brandywine, 388; troops with, 33-41; Councils of, 1786,1793, 36, 371 ne- in Maryland, 399, 400; Orderly Book of, gotiations of General John Forbes with, quoted, 402; at Battle of Germantown, 107-110; estimated number of, north of 4i7 Mexico, 114; desertion of the French at Howell, Reading, property of, 281; drafts Fort Duquesne by, 131, 132; trade of, of Delaware and Lehigh Rivers by, 281; with settlers, 158, 170; characteristics commissioner to explore the head waters and customs of, 170, 173-175; documents of rivers in Pennsylvania, 281; to Ed- relating to affairs of, 204; information mund Physick, 281; map of Pennsylvania on the Susquehanna River and early by, 281, 282, 283 maps, 256, 261, 263; treaties with, 264; Hubbard's, Long Island, 180 work of Joshua Fry among, 274; unfair Hudson, Henry, 139 treatment of, 276; ravages of, in Penn- Hudson River, 148, 172, 296; description sylvania, 285 of, by Patrick McRobert, 136, 138, 139, Ingham, Samuel, 203 143-146 Ingraham, Captain Duncan, 94 Hughes, John, Colonel James Burd to, 108 Ingraham, Edward, 49 Huguenot Exile in Virginia, or Voyages of Inns of Court, London, American law stu- a Frenchman Exiled for His Religion; dents at, 5 with a description of Virginia and Mary- Inoculation of troops for small-pox, 324, land, introduction and notes by Gilbert 328, 332» 334, 34O Chinard, review of, by John Joseph Ireland, American trade with, 138, 139 Stoudt, 311 Iron Hill, 396, 399, 400, 401 Huguenot settlers in South Carolina, 2, 3 Ironton, Pennsylvania, 372 Hulbert, Archer Butler, 107 Ironton Railroad Company, 272, 372 Humphrey, A. B., 253 Iroquoi Indians, 175 Humphrey Hedgehog, see John Gifford Irrepressible Conflict, The, 1850-1865, by Humphreys, , 238, 239 Arthur Charles Cole, review of, by Humphreys, Lieutenant , Colonel George D. Harmon, 305 James Burd to, no, 112 Irvine, General William, to President Jo- Humphreys, Miss Letitia A., portrait of seph Reed, 285 John M. Wharton by St. Memin, received Irving, Washington, 436 by The Historical Society of Pennsyl- Isis of the British fleet, 394, 397, 398 vania, from the estate of, 205 Isle of Wight, 178 Hunter's Fort, Colonel James Burd at, 108 Italinski, Prince, Russian Ambassador at Huntington, Long Island, 180 Constantinople, 15 Hutchins, Thomas, 441 Izard, Ralph, 287 Hutchinson, Anna, 221 Jack, -, scientist, 276 Iconography of Island, by I. N. Jackson, Andrew, speech of Joel R. Poin- Phelps Stokes, notice of, 320 sett in memory of, 13; correspondence of, Iconography of Philadelphia, by Joseph 204 Jackson, 57 Jackson, Joseph, 444; Iconography of Phila- He au Chapon, 336 delphia, by, 57; Guide to Philadelphia He aux Noix, 337, 338; orders for sick views owned by Mastbaum Brothers and troops to be moved to, 335; Dr. Lewis Fleisher, prepared by, 73; review of Beebe ordered to, 335; condition of sick "Edgar Allan Poe and the Philadelphia at, 336 Saturday Courier," by, 189; "George He la Motte, 336, 337, 338, 352 Iippard Misunderstood Man of Letters," Illustrated News, Barnum's views of Phila- by, 376 delphia published in, 68 Jacobs, Edward B., inscription on back of 468 INDEX

portrait of George Washington by Rem- Jones, Major General 393 brandt Peale, in handwriting of, 443 Jones, A. J., candidate for Treasurer of Jamaica, Long Island, 180 Pennsylvania, 1858, 371; to Jay Cooke, Jamaica, West Indies, residents of, at New 372; to E. W. Clark & Company, 372 port, 151; merchants in, 420; capture of, Jones, Dickinson, 421 1655, 420; property of Jonathan Dickin- Jones, Francis, 421 son in, 422, 429 Jones, Howard M., 442 James I., 217 Jones, John, Philadelphia cabinet maker, James, Duke of York, territory granted to, 422 in America, 139 Jones, John Paul, 11, 205 James, Dr. Reese D., Old Drury of Phila- Jones, Mary, 421 delphia by, 187 Jones, Nathan, 94 Jameson, J. Franklin, 16 Jones, Dr. Samuel, 205 Jannay (?) of the British fleet, 394 Jordan, Helen, 114 Jansen, Reynier, Philadelphia printer, 420 Journal of a Lady of Quality: Being the Janson, , "Stranger in America" by, Narrative of a Journey from to Philadelphia views published in, 73 the West Indies, North Carolina and Jay, John, 439; diary of, 1782, edited by Portugal in the years 1774 and 1776, ed- Frank Monaghan, 315 ited by Evangeline Walker Andrews and Jay's Treaty, surrendering Detroit and the Charles McLean Andrews, review of, by Northwest to the United States, 39, 235 Julian P. Boyd, 194 Jejferis* Ford, 407 Journal of a Physician on the Expedition Jefferson, Peter, surveyor, early life of, 274, Against Canada, 1776, by Frederic R. 275, 277; in Albemarle County, 275; pub- Kirkland, 321 lic services of, 275, 278; associated in Juniata River, 363 work with Joshua Fry, 274, 275; map of Junta, 29; director of United Provinces of Virginia, by, with Joshua Fry, 1751, Rio de la Plata, 23; attitude of, toward 274, 275, 282; death of, 275 Joel R. Poinsett, United States Agent, Jefferson, Thomas, 8, 74, 226, 228, 233, 274, 26, 27; correspondence of, with United 305, 318; correspondence of, 204; Wil- States, 27; aid from United States asked liam Cobbett receives letter of introduc- by, 27, 28 tion to, 224, 225; to William Cobbett, Junto, Joseph Breintnall, a member of, 225; a member of the Brotherhood of the 42; Nicholas Scull a member of, 276 Union, 389 Jena, 12 Kalm, Peter, 134 Jenkins, Charles Francis, 200, 202, 206, 314 Kazan, Joel R. Poinsett at, 12 Jerseys, East and West, 164, 168, 172 Keep, , 347 Jeter, Tinsley, 372, 373 Keim, Dr. , 309 John, Prince Regent at Rio de Janeiro, 25 Keimer, Samuel, publisher of Universal John Fitch, Camden ferry boat, 383 Instructor, 43 Johns Hopkins University, 209, 211, 212, Keith, Governor William, 433 213, 215 Keith, Captain William, 94 Johnson, Amandus, 257 Kellar, Herbert A., 203 Johnson, Andrew, 432 Kelley, Reverend Erasmus, 94 Johnson, Guy, Superintendent of Indian Kelley, Mrs. Esrasmus, 94 Affairs, 170; death of, 40 Kelley, William D., 245 Johnson, Sir John, Superintendent of In- Kellogg, Louise Phelps, 34 dian Affairs, 40; holds Council for Six Kellogg, Miriam, 322, 249 Nations, 1786, 36 Kemble, John Mitchell, 211, 212 Johnson, Dr. Joseph, 1, 12; friend of Joel Kennebec River, 217 R. Poinsett, 4, 6; biographical sketch of Kennedy, David J., collection of water Joel R. Poinsett by, 6; Joel R. Poinsett to, color views of Philadelphia by, in col- 14, 15, 18 lections of The Historical Society of Johnson, Ovid Fraser, Attorney General of Pennsylvania, 70 Pennsylvania, George Lippard in office Kennedy & Lucas, lithographers, 65 of, 378 Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, 409; Brit- Johnson, Sir William, Indian Commis- ish army encamped at, 403 sioner, 109; death of, 170 Kent County, Thomas Holme surveyor gen- Johnson Hall, 170 eral of, 265 Johnston, New York, 170 Kentucky, Captain Alexander McKee leads Johnston see Johnson Indians to, 34, 35 INDEX 469

Kentucky River, 297 Lady and Gentleman's Pocket Magazine Kerns, Corona E., review of the Livezey of Literature and Polite Amusement, is- Family, by, 96; review of "French Trav- sued in New York, 99, 103, 104; question ellers in the United States, 1765—1932," as to interest of Charles Brockden Brown by, 311; review of "Rebecca Gratz, A in, 99, 104; Preface of, 103; John Blair Study in Charm," by, 436 Linn a contributor to, 104 Kichlein, Colonel , at Battle of Long Lady's Magazine and Repository of En- Island, 89 tertaining Knowledge, issued in Phila- Kickony Pawlings, 115 delphia, 1792-3, 99, 101, 102 Kilby, Christopher, 155 Lafayette, Marquis de, 197; Impeachment Kinderhook, 179 of, translated by William Cobbett, 226; King's Bridge, 179, 393, 397; battle of, 418 preface to above pamphlet, by William King's College, New York, 139, 237 Cobbett, 226, 227 King's Road, Philadelphia, 429 La Galatte, Canada, 180 Kingston, 10, 179 La Guira, Augustin Madan, United States Kipling, Rudyard, 323 consul at, 1800, 23 Kirkcudbright, Scotland, 137 Lake Champlain, 179, 296, 325, 336, 337, Kirke, Sir David, 219 354 Kirkland, Frederic R., Address "An Amer- Lake Erie, 180, 363, 365, 367 icana Library of One Hundred Titles, Lake Geneva, 9 1765-1865," before The Historical So- Lake George, 179, 296, 324, 325; battle of, ciety of Pennsylvania, 202; Journal of a 35O Physician on the Expedition against Can- Lake Oneida, 296 ada, 1776, by, 321 Lake Ontario, 180, 295, 296 Kirkpatrick, George, 445 Lake St. Sacramento, 296 Kirl, Joseph, master of the Reformation, Lake Superior, report on trapping on, 204 420 Lamb, John, 446 Kirtland, Mr. & Lady , 345 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 7, 108, 109, 132, Kite, Thomas, 45 133, 411, 415; printing in, 80, 85, 86; Kittatinny Mountains, 277, 282 Indian raids on, 107; deserters in gaol Kizliar, Joel R. Poinsett at, 12-14 at, no Knotchell, Mrs., 94 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, troops Knowles, L. D., 447 from, arrive at Cambridge, 88; Nicholas Koenigsburg, Joel R. Poinsett at, 16, 17 Scull's map of, 277 Kohl, J. G., 255 Lancaster County Historical Society, Papers Kohler, Lieutenant Colonel , Hessian read before, Vol. 37, No. 4, papers ap- grenadier, 393 pearing in, 200 Konkle, Burton Alva, "Benjamin Chew, Landgrave regiment, Hessian troops in 1722-1810, Head of the Pennsylvania America, 392 Judiciary System under Colony and Com- Lang, George, V. Z., 445 monwealth," by, review of, by George Lansingburgh, New York, 322 Morgan, 193; review of "The History of Lardner, Lynford, Colonel James Burd to, an Old Philadelphia Title: 208 South 133, 318 Fourth Street," by, 309 Larkin, T. O., 95 Kooba, Sheikh, Ali Klan entertains Joel R. Larrea, Juan, member of Junta at Buenos Poinsett and party at, 13 Aires, 26, 27; friend of Joel R. Poinsett, Kramer, Gerard, born in Belgium, 255; 26 scientific studies of, 255; sons of, asso- Larson, Henrietta M., Jay Cooke's Early ciated with, in making maps, 255; World Work in Transportation, by, 362 Map by, 1569, 255 Las Galeras, 30 Kosciuszko, General Tadeusz, 437 Latrobe, Benjamin H., architect, 62 Kramer, see also Mercator Lauber, Dr. A. W., 443 Krimmel, John Lewis, engraved plates by, Lauchry, Lieutenant , 122 64, 67 Laurel Hill, 114, 115, 123, 125 Krout, John A., 315 Laurenkill, New York, 360 Laurelridge, 113 Labodie Tract, 259 Laurens, Henry, 287 ^ Labodists, 17 Century Christian Socialists, Laurens, John, special envoy to France, 259 1781, 289, 290 Labrador, 297 Lausanne, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 Lacey, Captain John, 199 Law of Nations, The, by Marten, trans- Ladd, Captain William, 94 lated by William Cobbett, 235 470 INDEX

Lawrence, Lieutenant Governor Charles, Library of Congress, view of Lombard uS Street, Philadelphia, in collections of, 61 Lawson, Alexander, artist, 64 Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine} Lea, Arthur H., 206 by William Cobbett, 236 Lea, George H., 445 Light Horse, First Troop of, Philadelphia, Lea, Henry Charles, 197 437, Lea, Van , 445 Ligonier, Pennsylvania, General John Lea & Febiger, publishers, 150th anniver- Forbes at, 132 sary of the founding of, 197 Lillibridge, Phebe, 94 Leach, Miss M. Atherton, 202 Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 342 Lilly, Josiah, Indianapolis, Foster Collec- Ledyard, John, 11; travels of, 5, 6 tions of, 192 Lee, General Charles, 328, 331; taken Lima, Peru, Joel R. Poinsett, Agent of the prisoner, 360 United States at, 19, 20 Lehigh River, draft of, by Reading Howell, Lincoln, Benjamin, commissioner to In- 281 dian Council, 1793, 37 Lehigh Valley Railroad, 372 Lind, Jenny, 193 Leib Regiment in the Revolution, 398, 400, Lindestrom, Peter M&rtensson, Swedish en- 404, 405, 411; at Battle of Germantown, gineer, arrival of, in New Sweden, 1653, 416, 417 256; map of Fort Christiana by, sent to Leicester, 180 Queen of Sweden, 257; chart of Dela- Leipzig University, 211 ware Bay and River by, 257; maps by, Leland, Charles Godfrey, 68 256, 257, 282; "Geographia" by, 257 Le Long, Captain , 405 Lingelbach, William E., "Portrait of an Lenox, David, 318 Historian: Edward Potts Cheyney," ed- Lenox, Massachusetts, 325 ited by, review of, 313 Leopard, in War of 1812, 204 Linn, Dr. , 329, 340 Le Praire, 179, 331, 335 Linn, Elizabeth, 104 Lessons for Lovers; ... by Ovid Ameri- Linn, John Blair, poet, 104; sketch of, by canus, printed by Robert Bell, 1784, 319 Charles Brockden Brown, 104; contribu- Letters of Major Baurmeister, During the tor to "Lady and Gentleman's Pocket Philadelphia Campaign, 1777-1778, ed- Magazine of Literature and Polite ited by Bernheim A. Uhlendorf and Edna Amusement," 104 Vosper, 392 Lippard, Catherine, 444 Levy, Moses, 310 Lippard, George, Misunderstood Man of Lewes, Delaware, 182, 279 Letters by Joseph Jackson, 376; unjust de- Lewis, Major , accompanies Major scription and criticisms of, 376; popular- Grant in attack on Fort Duquesne, 118 ity of books by, 376, 377, 384-387; char- Lewis, John Frederick, "The History of an acteristics and beliefs of, 376-378, 390; Old Philadelphia Title: 208 South Fourth author, 376-391; biographical, 377, 378; Street," by, review of, by Burton Alva works of, published in magazines, 378, Konkle, 309; portrait of, by Cecilia 379, 383, 386, 388; illness of, 379; pub- Beaux, 310 lished works of, 379-388; friend of Ed- Lewis, Lawrence, Jr., 266 gar Allan Poe, 380, 381, 388; death of, Leyden, Separatists from, commended by 387, 390; portraits of, 390; miniature Charles McLean Andrews, 219 and books of, presented to The Historical Libbert, John, a Palatine arriving in Penn- Society of Pennsylvania, by Mrs. Joseph sylvania, 1736, 377 M. Peale, 444 Library Company of Philadelphia, Joseph Liston, , British envoy to the United Breintnall first Secretary of, 42, 48-50; States, 243 organized by Benjamin Franklin, 1731, Litchfield, Connecticut, Law School of Tap- 48; minutes of, 48; Benjamin Franklin, pan Reeve at, 5 Secretary of, 1746, 48; Peter Collinson, Literary Society, The, Philadelphia, 101, agent for, in London, 48, 49; lot for, re- 102 quested of the Proprietor, 48, 49; Peter Little Bohemia Manor, granted by Lord Cooper's view of Philadelphia, owned Baltimore to Augustus Herrman, 259 by, 58; drawings of Zachariah Poulson Little Harbor see Greenville Bay in collections of, 66; Zachariah Poulson, Littlepage, Lewis, in Polish army, 5 Librarian of, 66; Austin K. Gray, Li- Livengood, Peter, 205 brarian of, 314 Liverpool, 235 INDEX 471

Liverpool, frigate of the British fleet, 394, Loudoun, John Campbell, General John Forbes to, 107 Livezey Family, The, by Charles Harper Loudoun, Virginia, 130 Smith, review of, by Corona Kerns, 96 Louis XVI, report of death of, 37 Livingston, Robert R., United States Min- Louisburg, Canada, 180; capture of, 116 ister to France, 9 Louise, Queen of Prussia, interview of, with Livingston Manor, New York, 179, 359 Napoleon Bonaparte, 16; interview of, Lisbon, Portugal, 7 with Joel R. Poinsett, 16 Lloyd, Lieutenant Colonel , 122, 124; Louisiana, troops from at Battle of Loyal Colonel James Burd to, 116 Hanna, 126 Lloyd, Elizabeth, papers of estate of, 318 Lovell, Edward, 94 Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, 366 Lovell, James, opinion of, of James Searle, Locke, John, 233 293, 294 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 246, 247, 249, 250 Lowes, , 185 Lodge Alley, Philadelphia, 6z Loyal Hanna, Pennsylvania, 112-115, 117, Logan, Deborah Norris, manuscript Diary 130, 131; camp at, 116, 118-121, 124. of, 1815-1839, presented to The Histor- 125, 127; Major Grant at, 118; battle of, ical Society of Pennsylvania, by Miss 120, 125-127; Colonel James Burd at 123, Maria Dickinson Logan, 203, 204; first 124, 132; attacks of French and Indians woman member of The Historical Society on, 124-126; Colonel Henry Bouquet at, of Pennsylvania, 204; manuscript vol- 117, 128, 129; in winter quarters at, 128, ume of writings of, 204 129 Logan, James, 420-422, 445; letter-book of, Loyal Hanna see also Fort Ligonier 1732-1742, presented to The Historical Ludwig, Christopher, baker-general for the Society of Pennsylvania by Miss Maria Continental army, 90 Dickinson Logan, 204; address on, by Lujan, 30 Austin K. Gray, 314 Lukens, John, 279 Logan, Miss Maria Dickinson, manuscript Lull, O. N., 372 Diary of Deborah Norris Logan, 1815- Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, views of, 1839, and other manuscripts presented to 62 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania Lutherans, German "church people," 75, by, 203, 204 78 Loganian Library Papers, 1767-1820, 318 Luxmore, E. C. L., manuscript volume of Logothete, , of Athens, 5 writings of Deborah Norris Logan, pre- Logstown, Pennsylvania, 132; treaty with sented to The Historical Society of Penn- the Indians at, 274 sylvania by, 204 Lombard, Mildred E., James Searle: Rad- Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 281 ical Business Man of the Revolution, by, Lyons, James Searle at, to negotiate a loan 284 for Pennsylvania, 290; unsuccessful un- Lombard Street, Philadelphia^ view of, in less endorsed by Continental Congress, the Library of Congress, 61 290 London, 291; Inns of Court at, 5; John Heinrich Miller prints German papers Mabbott, Thomas O., 205 in, 81; American trade with, 145, 154; McAllister, John, collection of photographs gold conspiracy in, 253; letters to mer- and prints made by, 70 chants in, 420, 429 McCauley, Parson, taken prisoner at Three London Coffee House, 133 Rivers, 335 London Gazette, advertisement of Augus- McClean, , arrest of Christopher tine Herrman's map in, 261 Saur, II, by, 77 Long Bay, 178 McClee9, James E., photographer, Phila- Long Branch, New Jersey, home of James delphia views by, 70 Searle at, 293 McClentick, Lieutenant , 343 Longfellow, Henry W., 376 McClintock, Gilbert S., 445 Long Island, New York, I37~i39» 393 J McClure, Alexander K., 430 Battle of, 89, 120, 418; description of, by Maccubbin, James, 94 Patrick McRobert, 147-149; Dutch set- McDaniel, W. B., 2d., review of "Benja- tlers on, 148; value of lands on, 172; min Rush: Physician and Citizen, 1746- Post Road on, 180 1813," by, 191 Long Island Sound, 137, 139; description McDonald, William, 94 of, by Patrick McRobert, 148, 149 Macdonald family, settlement of, in Tra- Lopez, Aaron, 150 cadie, 161 Lorrey, Captain , 412, 413 McDuffie, Lieutenant Colonel , 352 472 INDEX

McGlynn, Joseph S., 305 Maine, Republican Convention in, 253 McKean, Chief Justice Thomas, 237, 244 Maitland, Samuel R, 211 McKee, Colonel Alexander, Loyalist, goes Malcolm, James Peller, Philadelphia en- to Detroit, 1778, 32; estates of, 32; prop- graver, views of Philadelphia by, 61 erty of, in Kentucky forfeited and money Maiden, Ontario, house of Alexander Mc- used to found Transylvania University, Kee at, 34, 35, 41 33; commands party of Indians against Malpreque, 160 Ohio forts, 33; troubles of, with Indians, Malta, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 33-40; house for, purchased at Maiden, Manchester, Vermont, 322 Ontario, 34, 35; to James McKee, 35; Manhattan Island, Iconography of, by I. N. British scout, 36; at Indian Councils, 36, Phelps Stokes, notice of, 320; New York 37 J property of, burned at Battle of Fal- City built on, 139, 148; crops on, 142, len Timbers, 38, 39; civil and military 143 appointments of, 38-40; death of, 1799, Manigault, Ann, diary of, 3 41; journal of, at Fort Pitt, 443 Manigault, Mrs. M., 3 McKee, James, estimates of, on Susque- Mantua, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 hanna River, 32; Alexander McKee to, Marianborn, 80 35 Marlboro Iron Works, 316, 317 McKee, Tom, 41 Marlborough, Massachusetts, 180 McKees Rocks, 32 Marlborough Township, Pennsylvania, McKesson, Mrs. Irving, manuscripts of General Howe at Quaker church in, 403 Robert Henderson, 1782-1801, presented Marquois, French military officer and in- to The Historical Society of Pennsyl- structor, 7 vania, by, 204, 205 Marseilles, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 McKinley, Albert E., 430 Marsh, E., President of the Morris Canal McKinley, President William, 212, 246, 249 and Banking Company, 369 McKinsie, Dr. , taken prisoner at Marsh, Dr. John, 95 Three Rivers, 335 Marshall, Christopher, 94 Mckinster, Captain , wounded, 330 Marshall, Mrs. Christopher, 94 Macklain, , 349 Macky, Robert, 317 Marshall, Humphrey, 184 Maclay, William, 279 Marshall, Isabella, 94 McMahon, Winifred T., 442 Marshall, John, 318; manuscript volumes McMichael, Judge Charles B., portrait of, of Life of Washington by, exhibited, 314 by Leopold Seyfert, presented to The Marshfield, Massachusetts, 328 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 205 Marten, , 235 McMichael, Mrs. Charles B., portrait of Martigny, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 Judge Charles B. McMichael, by Leo- Martin, Colonel , 361 pold, presented to The Historical Society Maryland, 371; German troops from, ar- of Pennsylvania by, 205 rive at Cambridge, 88; lack of clothing McMichael, Morton, 190 among troops of, 123; troops of, at McMurtrie, Douglas C, 206, 442 Loyal Hanna, 127; boundary of, 164, Macon, Georgia, 352 259, 262, 269, 270, 277, 278, 279, 395, 398; McPherson, Edward, 431 Augustus Herrman sent to, concerning Macpherson family, Mount Pleasant coun- Dutch settlements in, 258; Governor of, try seat of, 167 258; map of, by Augustus Herrman, 1670, M'Robert, Patrick, Tour of, Through Part 259-263; loans asked by, from foreign of the North Provinces of America, 1774- countries, 291; description of, by Durand, 1775, by , 134; original 311; militia of, 401, 402 of "Tour" in Harvard College Library, Mason, James, to E. W. Clark & Company, 134; copies of, 134; biographical, 134; 37i introduction to "Tour" by, 135-137 Mason, William, 66 Madeira, Edward W., 441 Mason and Dixon Line, 278, 279 Madeira Islands, 24, 291, 292, 293 Masonic Hall, view of burning of, by John Madison, President James, 15, 16, 27, 29; Lewis Krimmel, 64, 67 offers Joel R. Poinsett a mission to South Massachusetts, General Court of, 323; Gen- America as Agent for the United States, eral Washington calls on, for troops 18, 19; correspondence of, 204; to David against Canada, 323 Lenox, 318 Massachusetts Bay, Province of, descrip- Maier, Reverend Eugene F. J., 183 tion of, by Patrick McRobert, 137, 152; Maine, Sir Henry James Dumond, 212 establishment of Colony of, 218, 219; INDEX 473 growth and independence of, 220; laws Micmac Indians, 160, 175 adopted by, 221 Middle British Colonies, maps of, by Lewis Massena, , instructor in fencing, 17; Evans, 295 wounded by Napoleon Bonaparte, 17, 18; Middlebrook, Louis F., "Salisbury, Connec- interview of, with Joel R. Poinsett, 18 ticut Cannon, Revolutionary War," by, Mastbaum Brothers & Fleisher, Guide Book review of, by Harrold E. Gillingham, to Philadelphia views by, prepared by 308 Joseph Jackson, 73 Middletown, Connecticut, 179, 352 Masters, Hannah, 421 Mifflin, Benjamin, 441 Masters, Thomas, 421 Mifflin, Charles, 94 Mather, Cotton, 316 Mifflin, Thomas, 94 Mathew, see Mathieu Mifflin, Mrs. Thomas, 94 Mathews, Andrew, 258 Milan, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 Mathias, T., The Pursuits of Literature, Mil ford, 179 by, 239 Mill Dam, Delaware, 400, 401 Mathieu, James, pupil of William Cobbett, Miller, Lieutenant , 336 226; William Cobbett to, 227 Miller, Mrs. George B., 206 Matlack, Timothy, 281 Miller, John Heinrich, arrives in America Matos, William W., 206 with Count Zinzendorf, 1741, 80; visits Matter, C. M., engraver, 72 the Indians, 80; first Moravian printing Matthews, E. B., 260, 270, 275 press established by, at Marianborn, 80; Mauch Chunky Pennsylvania, 447 printer in Bethlehem, Philadelphia, Lan- Maurer, , 212 caster and London, 80, 81; works for Mauritius, Island of, 24 Benjamin Franklin and Christopher Saur, Maxwell, General William, 400, 402, 410; 80, 81; German papers published by, 80, military service of, 349 81, 82, 86, 87, 90; German champion of Maxwell, Colonel William, 355 American independence, 81, 83—85, 90; Mayflower Compact, 219 opposes Stamp Act, 81-83; first to pub- Meade, George, 318 lish the announcement and reading of Mease, James, 65, 72 the Declaration of Independence, 83, 84; Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 87 translates "Sons of Freedom" into Ger- Medan Augustin, consul at La Guira, 23 man, 83; death of, 1782, 86, 90 Mediterranean Sea, 138; trade of St. John's Miller, Perry, 220 with, 160 Miller, William Gilchrist, Vice Consul of Melville, Herman, 306 the United States at Buenos Aires, 29 Melvin, Major Frank W., 202 Millerites, 382 Mendoza, visit of Joel R. Poinsett to, 30 Minchell, , 94 Mennonites, a German "sect," 75 Mingo, Dr. , illness of, 349~353, 355 Mercator, World Map of, 1569, 255, 282 Mingoe Indians, 36 Mercator see also Kramer Minisink Mountain, 360 Mercer, Dr. Hugh, 297 Minos Basin, Nova Scotia, description of, Mercer, Colonel Hugh, 129; at Fort Pitt, 132 Mississippi, 270, 352 Mercer, Singleton, 385; Mahlon Hutchin- Mississippi Bay, 338 son Heberton fatally shot by, 383; trial Mississippi River, 180, 363; distances to, and acquittal of, 383 180 Mercereau, John, stage of, from Paulus Mississippi Valley Historical Review, De- Hook to Indian Queen Tavern, Philadel- cember, 1934, articles appearing in, 315 phia, 176 Missouri River, 363 Merchants' Exchange, view of, 68 Mitchell, John, map by, 296, 297 Meredith, William, manuscripts of, 445 "Mock Funeral" engraving of, by Birch, 62 Meredith, William M., 205 Modern Philosophy, November, 1934, ar- Messersmith, G. R., 373, 374 ticles appearing in, 442 Metternich, Prince Clemens W., 17 Mohawk River, 170, 171, 296 Mexico, proposal for negotiations of the Mohawk Valley, 170 United States with, relating to currency, Monaghan, Frank, "French Travellers in 246 the United States 1765-1932," by, review Mexico Bay of, 261 of, by Corona E. Kerns, 311; "The Diary Miami Rapids, British fort at, 38 of John Jay during the Peace Negotia- Michel, M., Vice Provost of King's College, tions of 1782," edited by, 315 237 Monckton, Colonel , 118 Michigan, University of, 392 Monckton, General Robert, 130 474 INDEX Money, Pennsylvania and the Agitation for press of, established by John Heinrich Cheap Money, by Jeannette P. Nichols, Miller, 80 245-254 Morgan, Colonel , troops under, ar- Money Supply of the American Colonies, rive at Cambridge, 88 before 1720, by Curtis Putnam Nettles, Morgan, Evan, 94 review of, by N. S. B. Gras, 306 Morgan, George, 441; review of "Benj a- Monks of Monks^ Hall, The, by George Lip- min Chew, 1722-1810," by, 193 pard, popularity of, 381, 384, 385, 386; Morgan, John, 94 dramatized and named "The Quaker Morgan, Dr. John, 192, 233 City," 383-385; forbidden to be played Morison, S. E., 233 in Philadelphia, 385; played in New Morris, Anthony, 317 York, 385; large circulation of, in Eng- Morris, Dr. Benjamin, ledger of, 1747- land, 385, 386; translated into German, *755> 3i7 386 Morris, Deborah, Papers of, 1762-1818, Monongahela, 106; camp at, 130 317 Monongahela River, 130 Morris, John, 317 Monongahela-Y oughiogany Valley, 282 Morris, Phoebe, 317 Monroe, President James, 16, 19, 27; Secre- Morris, Robert, 79, 319, 439; bitter attack tary of State, instructions of, to Joel R. on, in Der Pennsylvanische Staats-Cou- Poinsett, 1811, 22, 23; Joel R. Poinsett to, rier, 77; Joseph Reed to, 286; correspon- 28 dence of, relating to the Asylum and Montcalm, M. de, accounts of Battle of North America Land Companies, 318 Loyal Hanna by, 125, 126 Morris, Governor Robert Hunter, 106, 269, Montevideo, 27; occupied by Spanish and 273, 280; to Joshua Fisher, 181; Joshua English, 24; American trade with, 25, 26 Fisher to, 181 Montgomery, , Lord Advocate for Morris Canal and Banking Company, 369 Scotland, 162 Morris', Long Island, 180 Montgomery, Charles B., 206 Morrison, Samuel, 445 Morristown, New Jersey, General William Montgomery, General Richard, 350; to Maxwell at, 349 General Philip Schuyler, 323; at Siege Morse, Jedidiah, William Cobbett to, 242 of Quebec, 323; death of, 323, 328 Morton, Samuel, 94 Montgomery, Pennsylvania ship, 413, 414 Moscow, visits of Joel R. Poinsett to, 12, 14 Monthly Literary Magazine and American Mott, Frank Luther, 101 Review, published in New York, 101 Mount Independence, 347, 350 Montreal, Canada, 125, 179, 180, 299, 321, Mount Pleasant, Fairmount Park, country 323, 326, 328, 329, 330, 335; Joel R. seat of Benedict Arnold and the Mac- Poinsett at, 10; Major Grant at, 119 pherson family, 167 Moon, Charles Henry, 92 Moyamensing Prison, 388 Moore, Grace, 421 Mud Island, 414; stockade at, 418 Moore, J. Hampton, 206 Mueller, Henry R., 430 Moore, John, 421 Muhlenberg, Reverend Henry Melchior, Moore, Robert, 205 79; attack on, in Der Pennsylvanische Moore, William, James Searle to, 293 Staats-Courier, 77; to Benjamin Frank- Moorhead, J. B., construction engineer, 365, lin, 78 369, 371; manager of the Sunbury and Muhlenberg, General John Peter Gabriel, Erie Railroad, 366 77, 90 Moorhead, J. K., president of the Chartiers Muir, James, ledgers of, 1782-1795, 205 Valley Railroad, 373; to Jay Cooke, 373 Munsell, Joel, 144 Moorhead, William G., construction en- Murray, Jessie Welles, 199 gineer, 365, 369, 371; president of the Murray, Mrs. Louise Welles, 200 Washington Packet and Transportation Murray, Dr. Elsie, 199 Company, 362; manager of the Sunbury Muscle Shoals, report on, 1808, 204 and Erie Railroad, 366; United States Museum News, January, 1935, articles ap- Consul at Valparaiso, 366 pearing in, 316 Musgrave, Colonel Thomas, at Battle of Morak, Joel R. Poinsett at, 14 Germantown, 415-417 Moravian Mission, Old Danbury and the, Myers, Albert Cook, 92, 93, 182, 202, 206, by Ralf Ridgway Hillman, 441 263, 264; William Penn: A Radio Ad- Moravian settlement, Bethlehem, Pennsyl- dress by, 91 vania, 86 Myers, George de B., letters to and from Moravians, beliefs of, 75, 76; first printing Leonard Myers, 1827-1905, presented to INDEX 475

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania New Sweden Company, Peter Martensson by, 206 Lindestrom, engineer of, 257 Myers, Leonard, correspondence of, 1827- New Theatre, Philadelphia, view of, 63 1905, 206 New Town, Pennsylvania, 268 New Windsor, 361 Nansemond, 178 New Year's Day Poems, 48; verses com- Nantes, Edict of, 1 posed by Joseph Breintnall, 48 Narrative of Nicholas "Cheyenne" Daw- New Year's Gift to the Democrats, by Wil- son, review of, by Oscar Osburn Win- liam Cobbett, 229, 236 ther, 95, 96 New York, Province and State, 148, 325- Nation, The, in favor of monometallism, 327, 340; Germans in, 84, 87; descrip- 252 tion of, 136, 137, 147, 170-173; emigra- National Republican League at Denver, 253 tion to, 146; government of, 147; Assem- Native American parties, 382 bly of, 147; Currency in, 147, 151, 177; Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 360 liquor trade in, 151; value of lands in, Necker, Baron, 9 172; roads southwest from, 178; to Can- Neuse River, 178 ada from, 179; from, to Boston, 179; Neshaminy Creek, 268 boundary of, 281 , "Remonstrance" to States New York City, 58, 168, 228, 324, 343, 346, General of, 258 349> 393» early magazines published in, Nettles, Curtis Putnam, "The Money Sup- 99-104; description of, by Patrick Mc- ply of the American Colonies before Robert, 136-147; rates of stages between 1720," by, review of, by N. S. B. Gras, Philadelphia and, 137, 176; harbor of, 306 138; population of, 139, 140; buildings Nevis, Richard, 318 in, 140; precautions in, against fire, 140, New Amsterdam, 139 141; streets of, 140; "New Goal at, 140; New Britain, Connecticut, 325 water supply of, 140, 141; prostitution New Brunswick, William Cobbett in, 223 in, 141, 142, 382, 383; foreign trade of, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 168 154, 166, 169; value of currency in, 176, New City see Troy 177; duties paid in, 176; merchants of, New Deposit, camp at, 117 233, 242; transportation in, 365; George New England Company, grant to, 219 Lippard's play, "The Quaker City" at New England Council, Warwick, Chatham Theatre, 385; embarkation of President of, 219 British troops at, 397 New England Quarterly, September, 1934, New York Female Moral Society, formed, articles appearing in, 316 382, 383 New Garden, Pennsylvania, 403; Meeting New York History, January, 1935, articles House at, 402 appearing in, 315 New Hampshire, General Washington calls New York Mercury, 274, 299 New York State Historical Association, for troops from, against Canada, 323; 35th Annual Meeting, 315 troops leave Crown Point for, 358 New York Sun, article on 17th century cab- New Haven, Connecticut, 179; description inet makers, by Harrold E. Gillingham, of, by Patrick McRobert, 149 published in, 315 New Jersey, 169; description of, by Patrick McRobert, 137; property of Jonathan New York Times Magazine, February 24, 1935, article on exhibit of Pennsylvania Dickinson in, 429 German craftsmanship, 199 New London, St. John's, 160. New Mil ford, Connecticut, 352 Newark, Delaware, 401, 402 New Monthly Revteiv, publishes comments Newark, New Jersey, 178 on "The Quaker City" by George Lip- Newark-Lancaster Road, 402 pard, 386 Newburyport, Massachusetts, 328 New Netherlands, Augustine Herrman Newcastle, Delaware, 164, 178 signs "Remonstrance" to, 258 Newcastle County, Thomas Holme sur- New River, 178 veyor-General of, 265 New Rochelle, New York, 179 Newfoundland, 298 New Sweden, 256; map of, by Peter M&r- Newman, Rose, wife of George Lippard, tensson Lindestrom, 1654, 257; oldest gen- 387; death of, 387 eral map of Pennsylvania, 257; original Newport, Rhode Island, 147; Philadel- manuscript of map lost by fire, 257; copy phians at, 1767-1774, 93; harbor of, 150; of map in Royal Archives, Oslo, 257; description of, by Patrick McRobert, 149- reproduced by Thomas Holme, 1702, 257 151; map of, by Charles Blaskowitz, 150; 476 INDEX Thames Street, 150; foreign trade with, Notes and Documents, 181, 295, 420 150; buildings in, 150, 151; health resort, Notes and Queries, 91 151; residents of other states at, 151; Nova Scotia, 137, 220; troops from, in Bos- trade of, with Halifax, 154; value of ton, 135; early settlers in, 157; descrip- lands in, 172 tion of, 157,158,164; population of, 1774, Newport Mercury, list of Philadelphians 158; laws of, 163; value of lands in, 172; at Newport, Rhode Island, 1767-1775, value of currency in, 177; William Cob- published in, 93 bett in, 223, 224 Newton, A. Edward, 202 Novii Belgii Npvaeque Angliae nee non Niagara, Joel R. Poinsett sails to South Partis Virginiae, by Nicholas J. Visscher, America in, 1810, 24 262 Niagara expedition, 296 Nys, John, Philadelphia silversmith, 424 Niagara Falls, 180 Nice, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, 206, 314 Nichols, Jeannette P., Pennsylvania and the Obligations of the States of North America Agitation for Cheap Money, by, 245 to Praise God, by Robert Smith, Phila- Nichols, John, William Cobbett to, 239 delphia, 1782, 319 Nichols, Roy F., review of "Thaddeus Ste- Observations on the Emigration of Dr. vens," by, 187; review of "Pennsylvania Priestley, by William Cobbett, 228, 234 Politics, 1860-1863," by, 430 O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey, 315 Nichols, Samuel, 94 Odell, , "Annals of the New York Nicholson, John, correspondence of, relat- Stage" by, 187 ing to the Asylum and North American Ohio, 298, 299; expedition of Indians un- Land Companies, 318 der Captain Alexander McKee against Nisbett, Richard, "The Notionad, a Serio- forts in, 33; Republican convention in, comic poem," by, 318 253 Nixon, Lily Lee, 442; Colonel James Burd Ohio Country, defeat of the British in, 120; in the Forbes Campaign, by, 106 victory of Colonel James Burd over Nolan, J. Bennett, 206 French in, 128 Nollin, Asa, 348 Ohio Falls, 180 Nonsuch, British warship, Captain Griffith, Ohio Indians, 109, 129 393; 394> 397 Ohio River, 113, 271, 272, 297, 300, 363 Nor disk Boktryckarekonst, June, 1934, ar- Old, Ann, 444 ticles appearing in, 442 Old Dansbury and the Moravian Mission, Norris, Isaac, 420, 421, 445 by Ralf Ridgway Hillman, notice of, 441 Norriton, Pennsylvania, 413, 415 Oldden, John, Quaker merchant, 223 North, , 239 Olive Branch Petition 8 July, 1778, Fac- North America, List of roads in, 178-180 simile of, 313 North American Land Company, corre- Omrod, , 238 spondence of Robert Morris and John One Hundred and Fifty Years of Publish- Nicholson relating to, 318; account book ing, 1785-1935, issued by Lea & Febiger, of, 318 197 North Britain, emigration from, 136 Onion River, 336 North Carolina, Germans in, 84, 87; lack of Onondaga River, 296 clothing for troops of, 123; included in Oregon, boundary of, 382 Augustine Herrman's map of Virginia Osgood, Herbert L., 209-211, 214; "The and Maryland, 260; boundary of, 274 American Colonies in tht Seventeenth North River, St. John's, 159 Century," by, 213; work of, compared North River see Hudson River with work of Charles McLean Andrews, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 275, 216 278; troops from, arrive at Cambridge, Oslo, Sweden, Royal Archives at, 257 88; furnaces and forges in, 89; Nicholas Osterweis, Rollin G., "Rebecca Gratz; A Scull's map of, 277 Study in Charm," by, review of, by Co- Northeast, Maryland, 178 rona E. Kerns, 436 Northern Central Railroad, 368 Oswego, 180, 274, 296 Northern Pacific Railroad, 362, 373, 374 Oswego River, 296 Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, 278, Ovid Americanus, Lessons for Lovers: 281 . . . ," printed by Robert Bell, 1784, 319 Northwest, The, surrendered to the United Owen, John, 446 States, 39 Oxford, England, 380; American students Norwalk, Connecticut, 179 at Oxford University, 5 INDEX 477

Paine, Thomas, 79, 389; William Cobbett Penington, Edward, Journal of a voyage influenced by writings of, 224, 234 to England by, 1749-1751, 443 Palmer, John, 317 Penn, , 270 Palmer, Joseph, 317 Penn, Richard, 59, 276 Paltsits, Dr. Victor H., 441 Penn, Thomas, 59, 109, 276 Pan-American policy proposed by Joel R. Penn, Admiral Sir William, 91, 263, 420 Poinsett, 1811, 26, 28 Penn, William, 207, 273; advertisement of Parham, Polly, 94 Pennsylvania through, 58; German re- Paris, 8, 224; Joel R. Poinsett at, 17, 18; ligions in America founded on "Holy James Searle at, 287-291; failure to make Experiment" by, 75; Radio Address on, loans for Pennsylvania in, 287-290 by Albert Cook Myers, 91; restoration of Parker, Dr. , illness of, 347, 348 Pennsbury Manor, country seat of, 91- Parker, Arvilla, 95, 96 93, 202; claim of, to place in the Hall of Parker, General Daniel, correspondence of, Fame, 93; Cartography in Pennsylvania relating to the War of 1812, 204 before arrival of, 255; "Brief Account Parker, Esther, 45 of the Province of Pennsylvania," by, Parkman, Francis, 109, 210, 306 with map, 263; appoints commission- Parris, Captain , 115 ers to plan the colony of Pennsylvania, Parrish, Morris L., Chairman of Library 263, 264, 266; appoints Thomas Holme Committee, Philadelphia Club, 182 Surveyor General, 264; bill of Thomas Parry, George T., diary of, 1853-1886, 447 Fairman to, 264, conditions and plan for Parson, Hannah, 207 laying out Philadelphia, 265-268; orig- Parsons, William, surveyor-general, suc- inal charter of, as Proprietor of Pennsyl- ceeded by Nicholas Scull, 275 vania, 268; suit brought by, against Partridge, Richard, 318 Philip Ford, 318 Paschall, Isaac, papers of estate of, 318 Penn, William, Jr., 266 Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 200 Pennell, Joseph, views of Philadelphia by, Patapsco Ferry, 178 71, 72; etchings by, in Pennsylvania Paterson, Colonel John, 328, 333, 353, 360; Magazine of History and Biography, 72; biographical note on, 325; General Bene- sketches for The Continent, by, 72 dict Arnold to, 326, 327 Pennsbury, Manor of, country home of Wil- Patterson, George, 157 liam Penn, 91, 92; committee on restora- Paulling, C. O., 272 tion of, 92, 93 Paulus Hook, 393; stage from, to Philadel- Pennsylvania, 107, 109; territorial dispute phia, 176 between Virginia and, 106; troops of, Peace and Plenty, Philadelphia ship, Cap- 113,115, 121, 122, 360; grant of, to James, tain Joseph Anthony, 93, 94 Duke of York, 139; residents of, at New- port, 151; population of Province of, Peale, Caroline Elise, 133 169; Union Index of maps of, 182; Re- Peale, Charles Willson, engraving of Lom- publican convention in, 253; prominent bard Street, Philadelphia, by, 61; por- citizens of, support money inflation, 245— trait of Judge John Beale Bordley, by, 254; maps of, 257, 267-282; boundary of, 199; portrait of, by Rembrandt Peale, 262, 269, 270, 277, 279, 281, 297, 300; dis- 443 cussion as to first map of, 263; Thomas Peale, Mrs. Joseph M., miniature and books Holme surveyor-general of, 265; quota- of George Lippard, presented to The His- tion from Charter of, 268; financial situa- torical Society of Pennsylvania by, 444 tion of, 284-286; "island money" in, 284; Peale, Rembrandt, original life portrait of laws in, 284, 285; missions of James George Washington, by, 443; replicas of Searle and John Adams to Europe to ne- same, 443; portrait of Charles Willson gotiate loans for, 286—291, 294; debt of, Peale by, 443; lithograph of a portrait to James Searle, 292, 293; Bonds of the of George Washington, by, 443 State of, 301, 303; failure of, to pay Pearson family, 96 Bonds, criticised by William Words- Peck, Epaphroditis, "The Loyalists of Con- worth, 301-303; payment of State Debt necticut," by, 310 by, 1845, 302, 303; sonnet on, by William Pedicord, Harry W., review of "American Wordsworth, 302, 303; Council of, 322; Plays printed in 1714-1830," by, 312 transportation in, 362-375; Canal Com- Peekskill, New York, 179 mission, 362; volumes issued by amateur Pemberton, Israel, meets General John press of, presented to The Historical So- Forbes at Shippensburg, 132, 133 ciety of Pennsylvania, 444 Pemberton, John, 317 Pennsylvania and the Agitation for Cheap Pencader Hundred, Delaware, 401 Money, by Jeannette P. Nichols, 245 478 INDEX

Pennsylvania Assembly, controlled by the Peters, Richard, Jr., 206, 314; Trustee of , 75; Thomas Holme a member the Publication Fund, 98 of, 264, 265 Peterson, A. E., 315 Pennsylvania Bank, view of, 63 Peterson, Edward, 150, 151 Pennsylvania Canal System, 205, 367, 369 Petroglyphs in the Susquehanna River near Pennsylvania Federation of Historical So- Safe Harbor, Pennsylvania, by Donald cieties, 30th Annual Meeting, January, A. Cadzow, review of, by Visitor Hen- 1935, 202; meeting, October, 1935, 443 derson, 309 Pennsylvania Gazette, map by Lewis Evans, Pettit, Charles W., 445 1755, advertised in, 274; advertisements Phagan, Elizabeth, 325, 326 of Joshua Fisher in, 279 Philadelphia, 60,168,178, 291, 368, 373, 401, Pennsylvania German Pioneers; A Publi- 409, 410; Library Company of, 42-50; cation of the Original Lists of Arrivals Iconography of, by Joseph Jackson, 57; in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727- views of, 57-73; maps of, 57, 59, 60, 61, 1808, by Ralph Beaver Strassburger, re- 259> 265-267, 277; called the "Athens of view of, by Albert Bernhardt Faust, 432 America," 61; John Fanning Watson's Pennsylvania Historical Association, meet- "Annals" of, 64-66; Guide books to, 73; ing of, October, 1935, 443 Academy, 75; Hessians in, 77, 411; Brit- Pennsylvania History, January, 1935, ar- ish occupation of, 77, 418; evacuation ticles appearing in, 197 °f> 77i 78, 85; residents of, at Newport, Pennsylvania Hospital, 166; view of, 63 1767-1774, 93; early magazines pub- Pennsylvania Land Office, 267 lished in, 99-103; literary societies in, 100-102; General Forbes at, 108, no, Pennsylvania Library Notes, January, 1935, 132, 133; Sir John St. Clair at, 121; rates articles appearing in, 198 of stages between New York and, 137; Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Bi- descriptions of, 137, 164-167, 413, 414; ography, etchings for, by Joseph Pennell, foreign trade of, 154, 166, 169; plan of, 72; announcement of Trustees of the 164, 165, 255-268; watchmen appointed Publication Fund regarding change in for, 1772, 164; lighting in, 165; Market distribution and make-up, 97, 98; in- or High Street, 165; buildings in, 165, cluded in membership in The Historical 167; value of lands in, 172; climate of, Society of Pennsylvania, 97 173; Yellow Fever in, 1793, 224, 225; Pennsylvania Politics, i860—1863, by Stan- William Cobbett in, 225, 226, 228, 229, ton Ling Davis, review of by Roy F. 235; merchants of, 233, 242; Journalism Nichols, 430 in, 1794-1800, 223-244; mass meetings Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 368; buys in, in favor of money inflation, 245; railroads and canals in Pennsylvania, Thomas Holme member of committee to 367-369, 372, 373 draw up charter for, 265; "City of Phila- Pennsylvanische Staats-Courier, attack on delphia and Its Liberties", title of, 266; patriots published in, 77; circulation of, History of the Philadelphia Theatre, 8 1835-1855) 304, 305; theatres in, 304, 7 305; address of the grand jury to the Pennsylvanische Zeitungsblatt, Das, pub- legislature, 1766, 318; revolutionary lished by Franz Bailey, 86 leaders in, 324; Hickory Plot formed in, Penrose, Honorable Boies, 187 340; transportation between Pittsburgh Persia, Joel R. Poinsett visits, 12 and, 362-364; Anti-Catholic Riots in, Persons, , 357 1844, 382, 384; first called "The Quaker Perth Amboy, New Jersey, 168, 176; Scot- City,"^ 383; financial situation in, 378; tish settlers in, 169 American troops at, 400; Congress leaves, Pertz, George Heinrich, "Monumenta Ger- 1777, 411; wounded from Battle of Ger- mania historica," by, 211; "Deutsche mantown taken to, 418; property of Jon- Verfassungs geschichte," by, 211 athan Dickinson in, 429 Peru, Joel R. Poinsett United States Agent Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, sold to, 29 to Pennsylvania Railroad, 367 "Peter Porcupine" nom de plume of Wil- Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, 365 liam Cobbett, 228, 229, 235, 238 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 368, Peters, , 112, 115, 121, 125, 127 371 Peters, Honorable Richard, 199 Philadelphia Club, the, proposed history of> Peters, Richard, Secretary of Pennsylvania, 182; request of Morris L. Parrish for ma- 107, 205, 269, 276; General John Forbes terial on, 182 to, 127; Lewis Evans to, 272; plan of, Philadelphia Packet, brig from South Car- for collecting tolls, 318 olina, 93 INDEX 479

Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agri- Poinsett, Elizabeth, 3 culture, request for data of, 95; Sketch Poinsett, Joel, 2; vintner, property of, 3; of, by Rodney H. True, 199 death of, 3 Philadelphia Theatre in the Eighteenth POINSETT, JOEL ROBERTS, 3 Century: by Thomas Clark Pollock, re- Poinsett, Joel Roberts, The Life of, address view of, by Elizabeth F. Baker, 186 by Charles Lyon Chandler before The Philipson, Dr. David, 436 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1, Phillips, P. Lee, 256, 259, 261; Guide to 202; correspondence of in The Historical Philadelphia, views by, 73 Society of Pennsylvania, 1; biographical, Philobiblon Club, "George Lippard: Mis- 3-31; education, 4-18; travels of, 8-17; understood Man of Letters," Joseph passport of, 8; death of father and sister, Jackson, read before, 376 9, 10; meets J. Allen Smith, xx; speech Phipps, Captain , 393, 399 of, at Greenville, South Carolina, 12, 13; Physick, Edmund, Reading Howell to, 281 to Joseph Johnson, 14, 18; letters of in- Pickering, Timothy, commissioner to In- troduction to, by J. Allen Smith, 15; Ed- dian Council, 1793, 37 ward Coles to, 15; to John C. Calhoun, Pickering Creek, 412 15, 16; returns to United States, 18; ap- Pictouf Nova Scotia, 153, 164; founded pointed by President Madison as Agent 1767, 157; description of, 157, 158 to South America, 18-31; instructions to, Pigot, Major General , 393. from Robert Smith, Secretary of State, Pilgrims in America, 217, 218; Charles Mc- 1810, 20-23; appointed consul at Buenos Lean Andrews states problems of, 1619, Aires, 22; reception and official rela- 219; religious differences of, with the tions of, with the Junta, 23, 24, 26-29; Puritans, 220, 221 sails on the Niagara, 24; arrival of, at Pinchot, Honorable Gifford, 444 Rio de Janeiro, 24; reports of, to State Pinckney, Governor Charles, of South Car- Department, 25, 26, 29; at Buenos Aires, olina, 12 25; to James Monroe, suggesting a Pan- Piqua, 35 American policy, 28; journey of, across Piscatazvay, New Jersey, 178 Andes Mountains to Chile, 29—31 Pitt, Sir William, 107, 236, 244; defended Poinsett, Pierre (Peter), sails from Eng- by John Heinrich Miller, 82, 84; Gen- land, 1; arrives in Charleston, 1; born eral John Forbes to, 117, 127; statue of, in Soubize, France, 1; marriage of, 1, 2; in New York, 141; William Cobbett Huguenot merchant in Charleston, 2; agent for, in America, 223 member of the South Carolina Society, 2 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 32, 35, 106, 114, Poinsett, Sara, 2 180, 367, 368; Colonel James Burd at, Poinsett, Susan, 2, 3; death of, in New 130; transportation between Philadel- York, 10 phia and, 362-364 Poinsett, William, 3 Pittsburgh and Connellsville, Railroad, 368 Point au fer, 337, 338, 347 Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail- Poland, The Fall of, in contemporary road, 368 American Opinion, by Miecislaus Hai- Platt, Senator O. H., of Connecticut, 250 man, review of, by Oron James Hale, 437 Plukenet, Leonard, botanist, 50 Political Justice, by William Goodwin, 102 Plymouth, England, 219 Political Progress of Britain, The, reply of Plymouth, Pennsylvania, 418 William Cobbett to, 235 Plymouth Company of Virginia, account of, Pollock, Ensign , 122 by Charles McLean Andrews, 217 Pollock, Thomas Clark, "The Philadelphia Poe, Edgar Allan, 377, 390; "Edgar Allan Theatre in the Eighteenth Century," by, Poe and the Saturday Courier," by John review of, by Elizabeth F. Baker, 186 Grier Varner, 189; to George Lippard, Pondicherry, 292 380; friend of George Lippard, 380, 381; Pope, Alexander, 185 "Annabel Lee," by, 381; asks George Poor, Colonel Enoch, 330, 331, 333, 339, Lippard for assistance, 388; illness and 347, 355; ordered to He aux Noix, 335; death of, in Baltimore, 388 description of, 351, 352 Poinsett, Ann, 3, 10 Porcupine's Gazette and Daily Advertiser, Poinsett, Catherine, 3 published by William Cobbett, 232, 238, Poinsett, Dr. Elisha, physician, 3, 4; stud- 240; in a Pennsylvania-German version, ies in Charleston and London, 3; surgeon 241 in the Revolution, 3; attends Count Pu- Port la Joy, St. John's, 159 laski on his death bed, 3; property of, 4; , 178 President of the South Carolina Society, Port Tobacco, 178 5; death of, 9, 10; will of, 10 Porter, Reverend , 348 48o INDEX

Porter, Colonel -, 342; inoculation of Province, American frigate, 413, 414 troops under, 328 Province Island, 418 Porter, Senator Henry K., 36 Provincial Assembly of Pennsylvania, 75, Port-Folio, published in Philadelphia by 81, 88; withdrawal of Quakers from, 79 James Dennie, 63, 64, 101, 104 Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, Portrait of an Historian: Edward Potts Thomas Holme a member of, 265 Cheyney, edited by William E. Lingel- Public Record Office, London, 213, 313; bach, review of, 313 Guide to, by Charles McLean Andrews, Portraiture of the City of Philadelphia in 214 the Province of Pennsylvania in America, Publication Fund, The Historical Society by Thomas Holme, 265 of Pennsylvania, Trustees of, announce Portugal, possessions of, in South America, changes in distribution and make-up of 24; American trade with, 138, 139 the Pennsylvania Magazine of History Post, Christian Frederick, 129; Moravian and Biography, 97, 98; Memoirs pub- Missionary to the Indians, 109, 113; aid lished by, 98; Brinton Coxe quoted on to the Indians at Fort Duquesne, 131, 133 work of, 98; trustees of, 98 Potomac River, 279 Publications of the Tercentenary Commis- Potter, E. R., 151 sion of the State of Connecticut, under Potter, General James, 402, 418, 419; at supervision of Carl P. Rollins, 310 battle of Germantown, 415-417 Puenta del Inca, 30 Potts, Dr. , 357 Pulaski, Count Casimir, death of, at Siege Pottstown, Pennsylvania, feu de joie at, of Savannah, 3 over victory at Stillwater, 415 Purcell, Richard J., 200, 322 Poughkeepsie, New York, 179 Puritans, beliefs of, as related to German Poulson, Zachariah, drawings of Philadel- beliefs, 79, 220, 221 phia buildings by, 66; editor of Poulson's Pursuits of Literature, The, by T. Mathias, American Daily Advertiser, 66; librarian 239 of the Library Company of Philadelphia, Putnam's Point, 356 66 Poulson's^ American Daily Advertiser, 66; Quaker City, The, nickname for Philadel- advertisement of the Washington Packet phia, 383; play by George Lippard, 385- and Transportation Company in, 363, 387; a weekly paper published by George 364 Lippard, 388 Poultney, Vermont, 352 Quakers, views of, in relation to views of Powers, Mrs. Fred Perry, 446 the Germans, 75, 76, 79; withdrawal of, Powles-hook see Paulus Hook from the Provincial Assembly, 79; in Pownall, John, 296 Philadelphia, 167 Pownall, Thomas, 297; Lewis Evans dedi- Quay, Honorable Matthew Stanley, 187, cates his map of 1775, to, 273; Lieutenant 245, 247-249 Governor of New Jersey, 300, 301 Quebec, 10, 161, 180, 325-328, 331, 350; Prescott, Major General Richard, 394 value of currency in, 177; fall of, 219, Prescott, William H., 306 323; northern army at, 323; siege of, 323, Presque Isle, 130 324 Queen's Dragoons, at battle of Brandywine, Price, Eli K., receipt books of, 205 406 Priestley, Dr. Joseph, emigration of, to Queen's Rangers, 400, 409; at battle of America, 228, 231, 234; at New York, Brandywine, 404, 405 228, 231 Quimahony, 117; Colonel James Burd at, Prince, , 189 Prince Edward Island, 158, 172 1x5 Prince Edward Island see also St. John's Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 165 Island Quinn, Arthur Hobson, 437 Princeton, 168, 176, 178; battle of, 89, 325 Radcliff, Captain 360 Princeton University, 6, 168 Radcliffe, Mrs. • ,38i Princetown, St. John's, surveyed by Lieu- Rae, Julio, Panorama of Chestnut Street by, tenant Governor Francklin, 160 68, 69 Pringle, John, papers of estate of, 318 Raestown see Raystown Prior, Matthew, An English Padlock by, Raisonable of the British fleet, 394, 398 translation of, by John Heinrich Miller, Rambo, Ormand, Jr., 206 82 Ramsay, David, historian, quoted, 2 Pritchard, , catalogue of books of, Randolph, , 236 318 Randolph, Beverly, commissioner to Indian Providence, Rhode Island, 149 Council, 1793, 37 INDEX 48l

Randolph, Edmund, History of Virginia by, Reitzel, William, request of, for informa- 315 tion about letters of William Cobbett, Raritan River, 168 94; review of "Stephen Foster, America's Rassicot, Pierre, 159 Troubadour," by, 192; William Cobbett Ravenel, David, 1, 5 and Philadelphia Journalism, 1794-1800, Rawle, E. P., 204 by, 223 Rawle, Miss Louisa, E. R. Willing and Republican Conventions, 253 E. P. Rawle, letters and documents of Republican Judge, The, by William Cob- William Rawle relating to the War of bett, 238 1812, presented to The Historical Society Revue Historique et Diplomatique, July, of Pennsylvania by, 204 1935, articles appearing in, 315 Rawle, William, manuscripts relating to Reynell, John, letters to and from, ledgers the War of 1812, 204 and journals of, 317 Rawles, Benjamin, 94 Reynell family, manuscripts of, 316 Raystovon, Virginia, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, Reynell see also Coates-Reynell 121, 122, 124, 127-130, 132; fort to be Rhinebeck, New York, 179, 360; George erected at, 109; Colonel James Burd and Lippard attends the Classical Academy Colonel Henry Bouquet at, no, 119; road at, 377, 378 to, 112; army at, 112; General John Rhode Island, description of inhabitants of, Forbes at, 119; troops in need of clothing 134, 135; description of, by Patrick Mc- return to, 123 Robert, 137, 149, 150, 152, 153; liquor Read, Colonel , 355 trade in, 151; currency in, 151; French Reading, Pennsylvania, 415, 417; compa- fleet at, 344; Major General Pigot or- nies of Germans in, 85, 87; food for Con- dered to, 393, 394 tinental army supplied from, 89 Rhor see Rohr Recovery, Philadelphia sloop, 94 Richardson, Mrs. , 94 Reding, Alois, Swiss patriot, friend of Joel Richardson, Joseph, ledger of, 318 R. Poinsett, 8, 9; visa of Joel R. Poinsett's Richelieu River, 296 passport by, 8 Rider, S. R., 151 Redman, Hannah, 421 Ridgway Library, manuscript of John Fan- Redman, John, papers of estate of, 318 ning Watson's "Annals" in collections Redman, Dr. John, 421 of, 65 Redman, Thomas, 421 Rights of Women, by Mary Wollstonecraft, Redwood, Hannah, 94 101; account of, by Charles Brockden Redwood, William, 94 Brown, 102 Reed, Colonel James, 334, 344, 360; biog- Rinker, Jacob, 317 raphical note on, 326; illness of, 332 Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Sumter United Reed, John, 264 States consul at, 23; arrival of Joel R. Reed, President Joseph, 293; William Poinsett at, 23, 24; account of, 24, 25; Scull to, 278; to commissioners of Coun- description of affairs at, 25 ties, 284, 285; William Irvine to, 285; Rio de la Plata, United Provinces of, 23, to and from George Washington, 285; 24, 28 to Robert Morris, 286; James Searle to, Ripley, John Philips, letters of, 1792-1798, 287—292; to John Adams, 288; opinion 318 of, of James Searle, 294; to William Ritchie, James, 292 Wordsworth, 301, 302 Ritchie, Robert, 292 Reed, Thomas, 252; views of, published in River Plate Countries, 24, 25 the Fortnightly Review, 251 River head, Long Island, 180 Reedy Island, 181 Riviere aux Boeufs, 180 Reedy Point, 394, 398 Riviere du Loup, 324 Reeve, Tappan, Law School of, Litchfield, Roads in North America, list of, 178-180 Connecticut, 5 Robbins, Reverend , 342, 343, 344, Reeves, John, 244 346, 353 Reeves, Peter, papers of estate of, 318 Roberts, , London, Joel R. Poinsett Reflections, by Edmund Burke, 237 resides with, 6 Reformation, brigantine, bringing Jonathan Roberts, Ann, 3 Dickinson and family to Philadelphia, Roberts, Charles, 48 1696, 420; wreck of, 420 Roberts, Edward, 429 Reformed Church, German "church peo- Roberts, Eleanor, 352 .ple," 75, 78 Roberts, Ellwood Walter, typewritten gen- Reid, Ann, 224 ealogy of the Roberts family, 445 482 INDEX

Roberts, Miss Rachel E., 206; Civil War Ruport, 343 Papers of Major A. B. Bonn a ff on, pre- Rupp, Daniel I., 434, 435 sented tt> The Historical Society of Penn- Rush, Benjamin, Physician and Citizen, sylvania by, 205 1746-1813, by Nathan G. Goodman, re- Roberts, W. Milnor, construction engineer, view of, by W. B. McDaniel, 2d, 191; libel suit brought by, against William Robins, Edward, review of "A History of Cobbett, 241, 242, 244; to James Searle, the Philadelphia Theatre, 1835-1855," 291 by, 304 Rush, Emily, 205 Rochambeau, by Jean Edmund Weelen, Rush, James, 241 review of, by Edna Vosper, 308 Russia, visits of Americans to, 11; trade Rochester, New York, 360 with, n; travels of Joel R. Poinsett in, Rocky Mountain News, against the tariff, 11-17; , United 252 States minister to, 31 Rodgers Highland, 179 Russo-Turkish War, 14, 15 Rodman, Miss, 93 Rustico, Great and Little, St. John's, 159, Rodman, Gilbert, 93 160 Roe, Joseph Wickham, "Connecticut In- Ruston, Thomas, papers of estate of, 318 ventors" by, 310 Rye, New York, 179 Roebling, John A., 442 Roebling, John A., Sons Company, 442 Sag Harbor Ferry, Long Island, 180 Roebling family in America, 442 Sage, E. J. R., 445 Roebuck of the British fleet, 394, 398, 399, St. Augustine, Florida, 4 414, 446 Rogers, Mrs. , 94 St. Augustine's Manor, granted by Lord Rogers, Reverend William, 94 Baltimore to Augustine Herrman, 1671, Rogers, Mrs. William, 94 259 Rohr, , engineer, 114-116 St. Clair, General Arthur, expedition of, Romansland see Rhode Island against the Indians, 37; retreat of, 37; Romanzoff, Count Nicolas, 15, 16 dispatches of, in possession of Colonel Roosevelt, Theodore, 35, 39 Alexander McKee, 37 Rose, Jacob, 48 St. Clair, Sir John, 108, 112, 132; quarter- Rosenbach, A. S. W., 188, 202, 436, 442; master general, 107; work of, on Brad- Trustee of the Publication Fund, 98 dock's Road, 114, 115; to Colonel James Ross, Daniel, 326 Burd, 115; quarrel of, with Colonel Ste- Ross, Elizabeth, 326 phens, 115, 116; at Philadelphia, 121; Rotterdam, 10 sent to Virginia, 269 Round, , 211 Saint Cloud, France, Joel R. Poinsett at, Rowe, Kenneth Wyer, "Mathew Carey: A 17 Study in Economic Development," by, St. Eustatia, 292 review of, 183 St. John's New Brunswick, 77, 164, 324, 325, Rowland, Samuel, of Lewes, Delaware, as- 326, 330, 331, 338, 343, 348; description sists Joshua Fisher in chart of Delaware of, 137, 158-163; now Prince Edward Is- Bay, 181, 182 land, 158; value of currency in, 163, 177; Rowland, William Buford, William laws of, 163; value of lands in, 172; Wordsworth and Pennsylvania Bonds by, 301 Council of War at, 336 Roxbury, Massachusetts, 327 St. Kitts, 2 Royal Americans, under Colonel James St. Lawrence River, 10, 298, 299, 327, 331 Burd, 113, 115 St. Louis, Missouri, mass meetings in, in Royal Gazette, published by sons of Chris- favor of money inflation, 245 topher Saur II, in St. John's, New Bruns- St. Memin, portrait of John M. Wharton wick, 78 by, 205 Royal Navy, Francis Dickinson captain in, St. Petersburg, Russia, visits of Joel R. 420 Poinsett to, 11, 12, 14 Royal Society of London, 49, 53 St. Pierre, St. John's, 161, 162 Royce, Caroline Halstead, 326 Salem, Massachusetts, custom house at, 152 Royston, Lord, Joel R. Poinsett meets and Salisbury, Connecticut, birthplace of Dr. travels with, 12-14 Lewis Beebe, 321 Rule, James N., 92, 202 Salisbury Connecticut Cannon, Revolution- Rumford, Count, in Bavaria, 5 ary War, by Louis F. Middlebrook, re- Rundle, Richard, papers of estate of, 318 view of, by Harrold E. Gillingham, 308 INDEX 483

Salkeld, John, Quaker preacher, obituary Schenectady, New York, description of, by notice of, by Joseph Breintnall, 46, 47 Patrick McRobert, 170; trade of, with "Sam", servant of Joel R. Poinsett, 25, 29 the Indians, 170 San Luis, Joel R. Poinsett at, 30 Scherzer, C, 447 Sam Marino, 215 Schimmelpfennig, Captain , 412 Sandusky, Ohio, Indian Council at, 1793, Schlatter, Michael, 79 36 Schmoller, Gustav, 211 Sandy Hook, 137, 394, 397 Schuyler, General Philip, 328, 329, 340^ 341, Sandys, George, 217, 218 344; commander of Northern expedition, Santa Rosa, Chile, 31 323; succeeded by General Richard Santee River, 1, 178 Montgomery, 323; General Richard Santiago de Chile, 30; Joel R. Poinsett Montgomery to, 323 Agent for the United States at, 18-20; Schuyler Island, 336 visit of Joel R. Poinsett to, 29, 31 Schuylkill River, 164, 281, 410-415, 418 Sao Salvador, Brazil, Henry Hill United Schultz, Christopher, describes preparations States consul at, 23 of Germans for war with Great Britain, Saratoga, New York, 179, 344, 345, 359; 88 battle of, 88, 90 Schwamp Creek, 412 Sassafras River, 395 Schwarze, Dr. W. N., 441 Satauket, Long Island, 180 Schiveitz, Joel R. Poinsett visits, 8 Saturday Courier, works of George Lip- Schwenkfeldians, a German "sect," 75 pard published in, 386, 387 Scotch-Irish in America, 106; political al- Saturday Evening Post, works of George liance of, with Whigs and Germans in Lippard published in, 379, 386; articles Pennsylvania, 79, 80 appearing in June 8, 1935, 442 Scots Plains, New Jersey, 169 Saunders, Miss, 93 Scott, John M., 314 Saunders, Jennings B., 439; "Evolution of Scott, Sir Walter, 436 Executive Department of the Continental Scott, General Winfield, 204 Congress, 1774-1789," by, review of, by Scottish in America, 106; at battle of L. Walter Seegers, 438 Brandywine, 404 Saur, Christopher, Dun-kard, 80; printer in Scull, Nicholas, Surveyor General of Penn- Germantown, 76; newspapers and alma- sylvania, 59, 275, 276, 278; public ser- nacs printed by, 76 vices of, 275; work of, among the In- Satrr, Christopher, II, Dunkard, 86; suc- dians, 275; land holder, 275; certificate ceeds father as printer in Germantown, issued by, as to the Indian Walk purchase, 76; sentiments of, regarding the Revo- 275, 276; Indian Council at home of, 275, lution, 76-78; inside British lines dur- 276; map of the Province of Pennsyl- ing occupation of Philadelphia, 77; ar- vania, 1759, 276, 277; member of the rest of, 77; sons of, publish Der Junto, 276; scientific knowledge of, 276 Pennsylvanische Staats-Courier, 77; bit- Scull, William, surveyor, 277; to Joseph ter attack on patriots published by sons of, Reed, 278; property of, 278; public ser- 177%> 771 flee to St. John's, 77; publish vices of, 278; map of the Province of Royal Gazette, 78 Pennsylvania by, 1770, 277-279, 282 Saur, Christopher, III, printer, 76 Seal Islands, Nova Scotia, 153 Saur, Peter, 76 Searle, James, Radical Business Man of the Saur family of Germantown, printers, 74; Revolution, by Mildred E. Lombard, 284; considered unfriendly to the American delegate to Continental Congress, 286, cause, 78 287, 291; visits Europe for a loan to Savannah, Georgia, siege of, 3 Pennsylvania, 286, 287; to Joseph Reed, Savelle, Max, 166 287-292; at Paris, 287—289; suspicions of Savigny, Friedrich Karl, ,,Geschichte des Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane, 287; romischen Rights im Mittelalter," by 211 failure of, to secure loan, 287-291, 294; Sawee Ferry, 178 Benjamin Franklin to, 287; at Amster- Say, Thomas, 185 dam, 287, 288, 290; at Lyons, 290; re- Scharf, J. T., 166, 429 called to Pennsylvania, 290; biograph- Scharmehorns, 359 ical, 291-294; Benjamin Rush to, 291; Schaw, Janet, journal of, 194-196; manu- death of wife of, 292; to Elias Boudinot, script copy of journal in British Museum, 292; to William Moore, 293; death of, 196 293; opinion of, of James Lovell and Scheffs Ford, 412, 413 Joseph Reed, 293, 294 Schenck, Pieter, 262 Searle, John & Company, Madeira, 291-293 484 INDEX

Second Universalist Church, Philadelphia, Shippen, Edward, Jr., 133; chief justice Reverend C. Chauncey Burr minister of, of Pennsylvania, 108; clerk of Mayor's 386 Court, Philadelphia, 108; reviews cap- Sedgwick, Theodore, 327, 332, 346; bio- ture of Fort Duquesne in a letter to his graphical note on, 325 father, 131 Seebohm, Frederick, 211 Shippen, Captain Joseph, 108, 112, 121, 130, Seed, Mrs. , 94 279 Seegers, L. Walter, review of "Evolution Shippen family, 106 of Executive Department of the Con- Shippen house, Philadelphia, 133 tinental Congress, 1774-1789," by, 438 Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, 106, 115, 132 Sefi, Prince, accompanies Joel R. Poinsett Shirley, General James, 274; Governor of and Lord Royston on their travels, 13 Massachusetts, 296; commander of Brit- Seller, John, hydrographer, 263; Augustine ish forces in America, 296; public chal- Herrman's map published by, 261, 263 lenge of, to Lewis Evans, 299; answer Sergeant, Dr. , 339, 344 to challenge, 299, 300 Sergeant, Thomas, 266, 267 Shoemaker family, 96 Serious Address of the Reverend Presby- Short, , to Thomas Jefferson, 224 tery of New Castle to the Congregation Shortridge, Captain , death of, 341 under their Care, Lancaster, 1779, 319 Shrewsbury, 180 Servan, , 94 Shubenacadie Canal, 156 Sevastopol, description of, by Joel R. Poin- Sicily, Joel R. Poinsett in, 9 sett, 14 Siegfried, Colonel , at battle of Seven Years War, 213 Trenton, 89 Seward, William H., 431 Sill, Joseph, 441 Seyffert, Leopold, 205 Silly, Major , 352 Seymour, Origen Storrs, "The Beginnings Silver, Purchase Act, 246 of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut," Simcoe, General , 40 by, 310 Simmons, Menno, founder of the Men- Seymour, Samuel, engraver, 71 nonite sect, 75 Shackamaxon, 264 Simon, Honorable, Donald, 187 Shakespeare, William, 381 Simpson, , 94 Shaler, , at Mexico, 21 Sims, Miss, 93 Sharon, Connecticut, 356 Sinclair, Colonel , 344 Sharp, Captain James, no Sinnicus Indians, 260, 261 Sharp & Curtenius, foundry of, 141 Six Nations, 36, 271, 276 Sharpe, Governor Horatio, of Maryland, Skenesboro, 343, 350, 355 269; General John Forbes to, 113; Skinner, Colonel , 393 Calvert to, 270 Skipwith, Fulmar, United States Agent at Sharpless, Isaac, quoted on influence of Paris, 8; cousin of Thomas Jefferson, 8; Quakerism on Germans in Pennsylvania, passport issued by, to Joel R. Poinsett, 8 75, 76 Sloan, Captain , 346 Shaw, Joshua, artist, 67 Small-pox in army of General Benedict Shawanese Indians, 33, 37, 109, 113; home Arnold, 324, 327~33O, 33*> 333, 335~338, of Alexander McKee near Wapatomica, 34O, 344, 346 34, 36; cabins of, 114 Smedley, Caroline D., 202 Sheed, , 93 Sheffield, Massachusetts, 322, 325 Smith, , 104 Shields, see Shillds Smith, Major General , 393 Shelter Isle Ferry, Long Island, 180 Smith, Charles Harper, "The Livezey Fam- Sherburn, Major Henry, 328, 331; engage- ily," by, review of, by Corona E. Kerns, ment of, with the Indians, 329; military 96 service of, 353 Smith, Charles Morton, 50 Sherman, Senator John, 247 Smith, Harrison W., of Tahiti, documents Sherman Act, 247, 251 relating to Erie County, presented to The Shermerhorns, 179 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by, Shewbart, John, day book of, 318 444 Shewbart, Philip, ledger of, 318 Smith, J., author of Catalogue of Friends' Shillds, Mrs. , 94 Books, 47 Shippen, Major, , 109, 277 Smith, J. Allen, travels of, abroad, 11; let- Shippen, Edward, 133; to Colonel James ters of introduction to Joel R. Poinsett Burd, 107; fur trade of, 106 from, 11, 15, 17 Shippen, Edward, Sr., 130 Smith, J. Gregory, 374 INDEX 485

Smith, Captain John, 217; map of Vir- Spofforcl, Ernest, 206, 314; Trustee of the ginia by, 256, 260, 261, 282 Publication Fund, 98; elected Librarian Smith, Justin H., 324 Emeritus of The Historical Society of Smith, Richard, 170 Pennsylvania by the Council of the So- Smith, Robert, "Obligations of the States of ciety, 201 North America to Praise God," by, Phila- Spray, Henry, 197 delphia, 1782, 319 Spring, Reverend Samuel, 340, 344, 345, Smith, Robert, 25, 26; Secretary of State, 35O, 356, 357; "the fighting parson", ser- 19, 20, 23; instructions of, to Joel R. Poin- vices of, in the army, 328; biographical sett agent of the United States in South note on, 328 America, 20-23 Springfield, 179 Smith, Thomas, 217, 218 Spruce Street Almshouse, view of, 63 Smith, W. H. L., 444 Staatsburgh, 179 Smith, Dr. William, Provost of the Phila- Stages between New York and Philadel- delphia Academy, 75; manuscripts of, in phia, 137; rates of, 176 Alexandria, 444; loaned to The Histor- Stamp Act, attacks on, published in the ical Society of Pennsylvania for photostat "Staatsbote," by John Heinrich Miller, copies, 444 81, 82; repeal of, 83 Smith, William H., 36 Stamper, Joseph, 93 Smith's, Long Island, 180 Stamper, Mrs. Joseph, 93 Smithers, Rachel, 228 Stand ford, 179 Smyrna, 11, 15 Standing Stone, burnt by General George Smyth, Albert H., 43 Rogers Clark, 35 Snead's Tavern, 178 Stanley, British sloop, 394 Society Hills, 402 Stansbury, Joseph, account book of, 318 Society News and Accessions, 201, 314, 443 Stanton, Captain , 350 Solothurn, Joel R. Poinsett at, 8 Stanwix, General John, 107, 130, 443; Gen- Somerset of the British fleet, 394, 398 eral John Forbes to, 109 Sons of Freedom, translated into German Stark, Colonel John, 360; appointed Brig- by John Heinrich Miller, 83 adier General, 344 Sorel River, 296 Startin, Charles, 94 Sorrel, 327-330, 33*, 333, 33*; engagement Startin, Mrs. Charles, 94 at, 335 State House, Philadelphia, 389; views of, Soubize, France, 1, 2 57-60, 67, 68; view of garden of, 63 South America, travels of Joel R. Poinsett Staten Island, 137, 343, 393, 394, 397; Brit- in, 11; Joel R. Poinsett, agent of the ish fleet off, 398; battle of, 418 United States to, 18-20; official relation Stearns, Bertha Monica, A Speculation Con- between the United States and, 23 cerning Charles Brockden Brown, by, 99 South Carolina, emigration of Pierre Poin- Steel, Alfred G. B., 314 sett to, 1; Huguenot settlers in, 2; resi- Stein, , 393 dents of, at Newport, 151; loans asked Steiner, , printer, 86 by, from foreign countries, 291 Stephen, Colonel Adam, quarrell of, with South Carolina Society, 2, 4, 5 Sir John St. Clair, 115, 116 South Second Street Market, Philadelphia, Stephens, Alexander H., 431 view of, 60 Sterner, Dr. Lewis G., 206 Southall, James P. C, 315 Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, 374 Stevens, Thaddeus, 256, 431; "Thaddeus Southampton, Long Island, 180 Stevens" by Thomas Frederick Woodley, Southern Pacific Railroad, 374 187 Sowle, Andrew, 265 Stewart, Irene, 113 Spain, possessions of, in South America, 24, Stewart, Dr. Thomas S., 305 26, 27; difficulties of, in South America, Stewart, William Morris, of Nevada, 248, 26, 27; American trade with, 138, 139; 249 French declare war against Great Brit- Stewiacke River, Nova Scotia, 156 ain and, 233 Stickniss, Robert, Pittsburgh, account books Sparks, Jared, 276 of, 1760-1761, 318 Spectator Papers, 43, 44 Stiles, Ezra, 150 Speculation Concerning Charles Brockden Still

Stirn, Major General Johann Daniel, Hes- Sussex County, 279; Thomas Holme, sur- sian brigade under, 1777-78, 396, 398, veyor general of, 265 399, 404-406; wounded at battle of Ger- Sutter, Captain John, 95 mantown, 417 Sutton, Dr. , 342; illness and death Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 344, 345 of, 345, 346 Stockholm, Joel R. Poinsett at, 11; Royal Svinin, Paul, memoir of, 73 Archives at, 257; commercial College of, Swedes, settlements of, in America, 139 257 Swedes Ford, 410-412, 418 Stoddard, , 328 Swift, Colonel Heman, 346 Stokes, I. N. Phelps, "Iconography of Man- Swift, of the British fleet, 394, 398 hattan Island," by, notice of, 320 Stone, Frederick D., Librarian of The His- Tariff Bill, 253 torical Society of Pennsylvania, 212 Tarku, Joel R. Poinsett at, 13 Stony Creek, 126, 127; Colonel Armstrong Tartuffe Detected, The, by William Cob- at, 122; Colonel Bouquet at, 123-125; bett, 228 General Forbes at, 129 Taylor, Frank H., collection of photographs Stony Run, 412 of drawings of Philadelphia buildings Stoudt, John Joseph, The German Press in made by, 73 Pennsylvania and the American Revolu- Taylor, Jacob, 48; verses by, on Batche- tion by, 74; review of "A Huguenot Ex- lors Hall, 44 ile in Virginia, or Voyages of a French- Taylor, Captain James, 199 man exiled for His Religion," by, 311 Teller, Senator Henry Moore, of Colorado, Stoutenburgh, Jacobus, 141 251 Strangford, Lord, 29 Temple, The, London, American students Strasbourg, 17 at, 5 Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, "Pennsylvania Tennant, John, "Every Man His Own Doc- German Pioneers. A Publication of the tor," by, 319; other editions, 319 Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Teplitz, Russia, Joel R. Poinsett at, 16 Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808," by, re- Terek, Joel R. Poinsett at, 14 view of, by Albert Bernhardt Faust, 432 Terrenton, 403, 408 Stratford, 179 Texas, Southern Pacific Railroad in, 374; Stratton Island see Staten Island admission to the Union wanted by, 382 Strickland, William, artist, 64 Textile Record, 246, 249; quoted on pro- Strong, Mrs., 347 tection and bimetallism, 252 Strong, Colonel David, 336, 342, 347 Thacher, Dr. James, 340, 354 Stroudsburg, see Old Dansbury The Cedars, 321; surrender of army at, Stuart, Lord Henry, 243 328, 329, 33i, 353 Stuyvesant, Peter, 258-260 The Hague, 224 Sudbury, Massachusetts, 180 Thomas, Major , 332 Sullivan, General John, 89, 325, 326, 331, Thomas, Governor George, 433 332, 336, 339, 34O, 34i, 360, 409, 411, 412; Thomas, J. Baird, military papers of, 1813- death of, 333 1828, 444 Sumter, Thomas, United States consul at Thomas, General John, death of, 325, 332; Rio de Janeiro, 1809, 23 military service of, 328; illness of with Sunbury, Pennsylvania, 278, 366, 367 small pox, 328-330 Sunbury and Erie Railroad, 370; chartered Thompson, Edward Shippen, 118, 121 1837, 365, 366; later Philadelphia and Thompson, Reverend James H., 4; classical Erie Railroad, 365; payment of, to W. G. seminary of at Charleston, 4; British and J. B. Moorhead for construction, 366; prisoner of war, 4 loan for, negotiated, 366, 367; financed Thompson, General William, 324, 327, 329; by Jay Cooke, 367; Pennsylvania canals troops under, arrive at Cambridge, 88; sold to, 369 in engagement at Three Rivers, 334; Sue, Eugene, 381 taken prisoner, 335 Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, 178 Thorns, , 329 Susquehanna Indians, 261 Thomson, Edgar, president of the Pennsyl- Susquehanna River, 32, 106, 108, 262, 277, vania Railroad, 373 278, 281, 363; on map of Virginia by Thomson, Charles, 204; manuscripts of, 207 Captain John Smith, 256; information Thomson, John, manuscripts of, 207 on, given by the Indians, 256; description Thorn, widow, a Quaker, 361 of, by Augustine Herrman, 260, 261 Thornton, John, 263, 267 Sussex, New York, 361; tory with Con- Three Rivers, Canada, 162, 179, 180, 326, tinental money arrested at, 360 33i, 332, 335 INDEX 487

Thunder Storm, The: ...A Poem, by Miss Tyssen, Francis J., 421 A., now Mrs. L., 319 Tyssen, Mary, 421 Thwaites, Reuben G., 32, 113, 129, 132 Ticonderoga, New York, 179, 323-326, 333, Udell's, Long Island, 180 340-343, 345, 359; defeat of General Uhlendorf, Bernhard A., 392 James Abercrombie at, 127; attack on, Union Index of Pennsylvania Maps, 182 35O United States lottery, 291 Tiflis, Persia, Joel R. Poinsett at, 13 Universal Instructor, published by Samuel Tilghman, Edward, 242 Keimer, 43 Tilghman, William, manuscripts of, 445 University of Michigan, William L. Clem- Todd's Bridge, 178 epts Library, 181, 182, 392 Tolan, Enos, 447 University of Pennsylvania, Book of the Tories, sale of property of, 285 School: Department of Architecture, re- Tory in the Northwest, A, by Walter R. view of, 440 Hoberg, 32 Upper Marlboro, 178 Tracadie, St. John's, 161, 162 Utrecht, Treaty of, 299 Transportation, Jay Cooke's early work in, 362-375 Valcour Island, attack of British fleet off, Transylvania University, establishment of, 35O» 354 33 Vallandigham, E. N., 262 Travers, Mrs. Katharine B., 205 Valley Creek, Valley Forge, 421 Treaty Tree, by Thomas Birch, engraved Valley Forge, 186, 411; Christopher Saur by Samuel Seymour, 71; aquatint of, by II, detained at, 77 Cartwright, London, 71 Valley Hills, Chester County, 410, 411 Tredyffrin, headquarters of the British Vanderslice, Miss Mary J., 205 army, 411 Varin, Susanna, 2 Treitschke, Heinrich G. von, 211 Varner, John Grier, "Edgar Allan Poe and Trenchard, James, line engraver, first view the Philadelphia Saturday Courier," by, of Christ Church, Philadelphia, bv, 60 review of, by Joseph Jackson, 189 Trent, William, Journal of, at Fort Pitt, Vattel, Enrich, 8 443 Vaughan, Major General , 393 Trenton, New Jersey, 167, 178, 409; battle Venables, Admiral, 420 of, 89, 325 Venango River, 180 Trimble, James, ford of, 407 Venezuela, see La Guira. Trois Rivieres see Three Rivers Venice, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 Troy, New York, 3 Verona, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 True, Rodney H., Sketch of The Philadel- Vermont, Council of Censors of, 322 phia Society for Promoting Agriculture, Vermont Central Railroad, 374 by, 199 Vevey, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9 Triimbach, , 393 Vicary, Japtain John, day book of estate of, Trumbull, Governor Jonathan of Connecti- cut, issues call for troops for Canada, 324 318 Trump, Levi, no; at Fort Augusta, 108; Victuallers Procession, by John Lewis instructions of Colonel James Burd to, Krimmel, 64 108 Vienna, Joel R. Poinsett at, 9, 10, 17 Truro, Nova Scotia, 157 Vigilant of the British fleet, 399 Truro, see also Coboquid Vincennes, 33 Tryon, Major General William, Governor Vinogradoff, , 211 of New York, 393 Virginia, 107, 109, 297, 299; German Tucker, Shreve, 374 troops from, at Cambridge, 88; Ger- Tuesday Club, Philadelphia, 101 mans in, 90; territorial dispute between Tuniclif, , 145 Pennsylvania and, 106; lack of supplies Turkey Point, Maryland, 397 for troops of, 115; colonists opposed to Turk's Head, 410 road through, 121; reinforcements for Turner, , 216 Colonel Burd's regiment from, 125; ac- Tuteur Anglais, he, ou Grammaire reg- count of Plymouth Colony of, 217; in- uliere de la langue anglaise, un deux dentured servants in, 217, 218; establish- parties, by William Cobbett, 227, 235 Tyler, John, 204 ment of self government, 218; Dutch Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealog- controversy in, 258; tobacco trade in, ical Magazine, June 1935, articles ap- 258; maps of, 259, 263, 274, 275; foreign pearing in, 442 loans asked for, by, 291; boundary of, INDEX

262, 274, 300, 395, 398, 415; description Walker, L. B., 167 of, 311, 312; History of, by Edmund Wallace, Philip B., views of Philadelphia, Randolph, 315 presented to The Historical Society of Virginia Company, 217, 219; Bermuda a Pennsylvania by, 205 possession of, 218 Wallingford, 179 "Virginia Discovered and Described by Wallis, Joseph Jacob, 93 Captain John Smith:" engraved by Wil- Walnut Street Jail, view of, by James Pel- liam Hole, 1612, 256; influence of, on ler Malcolm, 61; view of, by Thomas other maps, 250 Birch, 63 Virginia Mazagine of History and Biog- Walnut Street Prison, Philadelphia, 165 raphy, April, 1935, articles appearing in, Wapatomica, Shawanese village, 34 War of 1812, collection of manuscripts re- Visscher, Nicholas J., Dutch cartographer, lating to, presented to The Historical So- map of Virginia by, 262, 263, 282; busi- ciety of Pennsylvania, 204 ness of, taken over by Pieter Schenk, 1717, War Department, manuscripts of, relating 262 to the War of 1812, 204 Volga River, 12 War Office, London, William Cobbett lays von Cochenhausen, Colonel , 393, charges before, 224 397 Warburton, A. B., 158-161 von Donop, Colonel Carle Emile, 396, 398- Ward, Ensign , defeat of, 128 401, 404, 405, 408, 410—412; at battle of Ward, Captain , 122 Germantown, 416, 417 Ward, Nathaniel, 437, 438 von Jungkenn, Friedrich Christian Arnold, Ward, Townsend, 72, 259 letters to, from Major Baurmeister, 1777- Ware, Lieutenant , 331 1778, 392-419; public services of, 392 Warnock, Robert, 442 von Jungkenn family, 392 Warwick, , 218, 219 von Knyphausen, General Wilhelm, 399- Warwick, 361 401, 403, 404, 406, 407, 410, 411; Hessian Washington, George, 37, 74, 77, 112, 118, troops under, 392, 396, 397; at New York, 121, 128, 129, 133, 197, 242, 278, 317, 393 33i, 377* 404, 4", 412, 413, 418; view von Lengerke, Colonel , 413, 417 of memorial procession of, called "Mock von Linsing, Colonel , 413, 416, 417 Funeral," 62; view of house of the Presi- von Loos, Colonel , 398, 409 dent, 63, 66; acrostic on, published by von Minnigerode, Lieutenant Colonel John Heinrich Miller, 1777, 85; first -, 416, 418 called "Das Landes Vaters," 86; at bat- von Mirbach, General — , 392, 398, 400, tles of Trenton and Princeton, 89; Ger- 401, 404, 405 mans supply food to army of, 89; at Fort von Ranke, Leopold, 211 Cumberland, 125; to John Dickinson, von Stamford, Captain — . 4i9 207; to and from Joseph Reed, 285; man- von Uechtritz, , German officer cap- uscript of John Marshall's Life of, 314; tured, 402 council of officers called by, 1776, 323, von Westernhagen, Captain , 412 324; military aide to Joshua Fry, 274; von Wilmowsky, Major • 395 conspiracy to kill, 340; at Morristown, von Wreden, Captain Carl August, 401 349; false story of prayer of, before bat- von Wreede, Captain , 412 tle of Brandywine, 388; a member of the von Wurmb, Colonel Philip, 396, 399, 401, Brotherhood of the Union, 389; at Wil- 402, 419; at battle of Germantown, 417 mington, 402; at Brandywine, 403; at Vosper, Edna, 392; review of "Rocham- Pottstown, 415; march of, on German- beau" by, 308 town, 415, 416; original life portrait of, by Rembrandt Peale, 443; lithograph of a Wabash Indians, 36 portrait of, by Rembrandt Peale, 443 Wading River, Long Island, 180 Washington Hall, Philadelphia, view of, 64 Wagner, , 211 Washington Packet and Transportation Wagner, M., 447 Company, Philadelphia, Jay Cooke em- Wagram, 12 ployed by, 362; started by Pennsylvania Wain, Colonel • . 357 Democrats, 362; passengers and freight Wait, Colonel •i34i carried between Philadelphia and Pitts- Waitz, George, 211, 213 burgh, 362; route of, 363; advertising of Walcott, Lieutenant Colonel William, by Jay Cooke, 363, 364; failure of, 364, wounded at battle of Germantown, 417 365 Waldeck Regiment on Staten Island, 393 Watchmen appointed for Philadelphia, Walker, , explorer, 272 1772, 164 INDEX 489

Water Works, Centre Square, view of, 63 Weyburg, Reverend , attack on, in Waterbury, General David, 354; military "Der Pennsylvanische Staats-Courier," service of, 350 77 W at erf or d, Ireland, 264 Wharton, Miss, 94 Waterman, Dr. , 342, 344 Wharton, John, 94 Waters*, Long Island, 180 Wharton, John M., portrait of, by St. Watertown, 180 Memin, 205 Watson, , Esq., 347 Wheat, J. C, 181 Watson, John Fanning, annalist and artist, Wheatstone, Sir Charles, inventor of stereo- 64-66, 182; manuscript of "Annals" in scope, 70 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania Wheelwright, Reverend , 221 and Ridgway Library, 63, 65; charge of, Whigs, 285-291, 382; alliance of, with against George Lippard, 390 Scotch-Irish and Germans in Pennsyl- Wayne, General Anthony, 199, 410-412; vania, 79, 80 overtures of, to Delaware Indians, 38; Whitcomb, Lieutenant Benjamin, 348 fight with Indians at Fallen Timbers, White, William, at Buenos Aires, 27 38; casualties, 38; treaty of, with the In- White Horse, 410—412 dians, 1795, 39; letters of, 207, 318; Whitehall, New York, 176, 350 march of, on Germantown, 415 Whiteman, Miss Dora A., issues of early Weathers field, Connecticut, 179 newspapers for youth, presented The Webb, George, 45; publisher of "Batche- Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by, lors-Hall," 1731, 44; verses by, in defence 444, 445 of, 44 Whiteman, Horace, 444 Weber, Charles W., 95 Whiteman, J. G., 444 Weelen, Jean Edmund, "Rochambeau," by, Whitman, Walt, 306 review of, by Edna Vosper, 308 Whitridge, Arnold, 206 Weems, Francis Courtney, 305 Whittock River, 178 Weems, James N., letter book of, 1810- Whitworth, Charles, British Ambassador 1814, 318 at Paris, 8; interview of, with Napoleon Weir, John W., 373, 374 Bonaparte, 8 Weiser, Conrad, 205, 275 Wickersham, Morris S., 366 Welch's Tavern, 402-405 Wicomico River, 395, 398 Wellspring, Philadelphia County, property Wiener, Edward, typewritten genealogy of Thomas Holme, 265 of the Wiener family, 445 Wemys, , 398 Wild, J. C, views of Philadelphia by, 67 Wemyss, F. C, 385 Wilder, D. C, 374 Wentworth, Captain Jonathan, 346 Wilkinson, James, 318 Wertenbaker, Professor , 218 Wilkinson, Robert, 15 Wesleyan University, 377, 378 William L. Clements Library, University West, Benjamin, 304 of Michigan, letters of Major Baur- West Chester, battle at, 356 meister, 1777-1778, in collections, of, West Hartford, Connecticut, 325 392-419; Orderly Book of General Howe West Indies, American trade with, 138, 139, in, 402 145, 149,150,154,160, 285; duty on goods Williams, , 94, 185, 345 from, 176; emigres from, in Wilmington, Williams, Colonel , 328; illness and 225, 226 death of, 343 West Jersey, 168, 169 Williams, Miss, 94 West Nantmeal Township, Chester County, Williams, Roger, 221 377 Williams, Talcott, 445 West River, St. John's, 159 Williamsburg, Virginia, 178, 319 Westcott, Thompson, 166, 429 Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 367 Western Indians, Ohio, 443 Willing, Anne (Nancy), courtship of Col- Western Pennsylvania Historical Maga- onel Henry Bouquet with, 107, 108; Col- zine, December, 1934, June, 1935, articles onel Bouquet to, 126 appearing in, 198, 422 Willing, E. R., 204 Western Road, 179 Willing, Thomas, 107 Westminster School, American students Willing family, 106 at, 5 Willis, Robert, diary of, 1770-1789, 206, Westport see Bessboro 207 Wetherholt, Captain , Colonel James Willis, William, 255 Burd to, 116 Wills, William, 7 490 INDEX Willsborough, 179 Woolwich, military academy at, 7 Willson, Lieutenant , 4x30, 401 Wooster, General David, 326 Wilmington, Delaware, 227, 235, 414, 418, Worcester, Massachusetts, 180 419; William Cobbett and wife arrive at, Wordsworth, William, 232; "William 224, 225; 6migre*s from the West Indies Wordsworth and Pennsylvania State in, 225, 226; American troops at, 400; Bonds," by Buford Rowland, 301; Jo- General Washington at, 402; hospital to seph Reed to, 301, 302; depreciation of be established at, 409, 410 Pennsylvania State Bonds regretted by, Wilson, Alexander, 185 301; to Bishop Doane, 301; approval of Wilson, Arthur Herman, "A History of the payment of Pennsylvania State debt, 302, Philadelphia Theatre, 1835-1855," by, 303; sonnet by, on Pennsylvania State 187 Bonds, 302 Wilson, J. G., 140 World Map, by Gerard Kramer (Merca- Wilson, President Woodrow, 246 tor), 1569, 255 Wilson, Dr. Samuel, 3 Worrell, Isaiah, account book of, 1732- Wilson, James, 79 1818, 447 Winchester, Virginia, 109, 130; Quakers Wright, Hendrick B., 245, 431 exiles in, 280 Wright, J. K., 272 Windham, Rt. Honorable William, 244 Wright, John, 237, 239 Windsor, Connecticut, 179 Wrong, George M., "Canada and the Windsor, New York, 144 American Revolution," by, review of, Wingard, A. B., to E. W. Clark & Com- by A. L. Burt, 190 pany, 371 Wroth, Lawrence, 134 Winship, George Parker, 135 Wroth, Lawrence C, "An American Book- Winsor, Justin, 256, 263; Narrative and shelf," by, review of, by Chester T. Hal- Critical History of America, by, 210 lenbeck, 188 Winther, Oscar Osborn, notice of "Narra- Wyandot Indians, 37 tive of Nicholas 'Cheyenne* Dawson," by, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, 277 ?5» 96 Wyoming Historical and Geological So- Winthrop, John, 220 ciety, Quarterly Bulletin, October-De- Wissahickon Creek, 65, 377, 413, 415, 429; cember, 1934, articles appearing in, 197 view on, by John Hill, 67; Mom Rink- er's Rock on, 387; High Rock on, 387 Yale University, 5, 6, 213, 215, 216, 321; Wissenbach, , 393 Timothy Dwight, President of, 4 Witherspoon, Dr. John, President of the College of New Jersey, 168 Yankees, Patrick McRoberr/s description of, Wits and Poets of Pennsylvania, The, crit- 134 icizing poetry of William Breintnall, 47 Yannalinsky, Avraham, "Picturesque Witt, Dr. , botanist, 49 United States of America," by, 73 Woburn, Massachusetts, 326 Yellow Fever in Philadelphia, 1793, 224, Woechentliche Philadelphische Staatsbote, 225 Der, published by John Heinrich Miller, Yellow Springs, Pennsylvania, 410; en- 80, 81, 82, 86, 87, 90 gagement at, 411, 412 Wolcott, Senator Edward Oliver, 246-248 Yohageny, 109, 112 Wollstonecroft, Mary, 99; "Rights of Wo- York, Pennsylvania, 108, 145; printing men," by, 101; influence of, on status of presses in, 85 women, 103, 104 York County, Pennsylvania, 279; troops Women's Monthly Meeting, day book of, from, arrive at Cambridge, 88; Nicholas 1800-1816, 318 Scull's map of, 277 Wood, William, 93 York River, Su John's, 159 Woodall, Mrs. John, 206 Yorktown, Virginia, 291 Woodbridge, New Jersey, 168, 178 Woodbury, New Jersey, 383 Zane, Colonel Isaac, 195, 316, 317 Woodhouse, Captain Samuel, 205 Woodhouse, Dr. Samuel W., engraving of Zane, Isaac, Jr., 317 William M. Meredith and receipt books Zane, Sarah, 317 of Captain Samuel Woodhouse, presented Zane Papers, 1749-1824, presented to The to The Historical Society of Pennsyl- Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 317 vania, 205 Zinzendorf, Count Nicholas, 79; John Woodley, Thomas Frederick, "Thaddeus Heinrich Miller comes to America and Stevens," by, review of, 187 visits the Indians with, 80