INDEX Abbeville, France, 224 Alexander, William, Secretary to General Abercrombie, General James, no, 113, 120, James Shirley, 296 122, 124, 129, 326; General John Forbes Allegheny, Pennsylvania, 368 to, 109, 112, 116, 119, 127, 128; defeat of, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, bonds of, at Ticonderoga, 127 368 Abigail, sloop from Philadelphia, 93 Allegheny Mountains, 109, no, 112, 114, Abington, Pennsylvania, 415, 416 282, 297, 363; shown for the first time on Abolitionists, 382 Mercator's World Map, 255; description Abscheids Geschenh, published by John of by Augustine Herrman, 261 Heinrich Miller, 82 Allegheny Portage Railroad, 363; sold to Academy of Philadelphia, 166 the Pennsylvania Railroad, 367 Acadia, 219 Allegheny River, 368 Accessions to The Historical Society of Allen, , 327 Pennsylvania, 203, 316, 443 Allen, Ethan, 322 Aconcagua Valley, Chile, 31 Allen, Lucy, 322 Acton, Lord, 91 Allen, Nathaniel, appointed commissioner Adams, Captain, 331 to America by William Penn, 264 Adams, Henry, 210 Allen, S. & M., predecessors to E. W. Clark Adams, Herbert B., 209, 211, 212 & Company, 364 Adams, James Truslow, 220 Allen, William, 117, 118, 122; James Burd Adams, John, 140, 242, 243, 318; house for agent for, 106; James Burd to, 120, 121; the President of the United States, oc- Colonel Henry Bouquet to, 131 cupied by, 66; view of President's house, Allen family, 106 66; at Amsterdam to negotiate a loan to the Continental Congress, 288; Joseph Allibone, S. Austin, 376, 386 Reed to, 288; unsuccessful in hid mission, Alsop, George, 438 288, 290; to James Searle, 288 America, Patrick McRobert's Tour through Adams, John Quincy, 15, 17; United States the North Provinces of, 134-180; descrip- Minister to Russia, 31 tion of foreign trade in, 138, 139; back Adams Landing, 356, 359 countries given away in grants, 171; Addison, Joseph, 44 financial condition in, 378, 382; labor Africa family, manuscript of, 1750-1825, movement in, 382 207 American Academy of Political and So- Africa, trade with, 150 cial Science, 39th Annual Meeting, April, Agnew, Major General James, 396, 398, 1935, 202 American Bookshelf, An, by Lawrence C. 408, 417 Wroth, review of, by Chester T. Hal- Atken's Tavern, 401 lenbeck, 188 Aikin, T. D., 153, I54>#i55 Aix la Chapelle, Treaties of, 299, 301 American Colonial History, 209-222 Albania, 5 American German Review, December, Albany, New York, 107, 138, 170, 179, 325, 1934, article appearing in, 200 344, 345, 359; description of by Patrick American Historical Association, 216; 50th McRobert, 136, 142-145; charter granted anniversary of, at Washington, Decem- to, 144; population of, 140; Provincial ber, 1934, 202 Congress at, 144; trade of, 144, 145; in- American Literature, January, 1935, ar- cluded in General Map by Lewis Evans, ticles appearing in, 200; March, 1935, 296 442 Albion, Robert Greenhalgh, 194 American Magazine, published by Andrew Alcuin, or the Rights of Women, by Charles Bradford, 1741, view of Philadelphia on Brockden Brown, 99, 102, 104 title page of, 57, 58 Aldrich, Senator Nelson W., 248, 251 American Plays Printed 1714-1830, A Bib- Alexander of Russia, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 liographical Record, compiled by Frank Alexander, , 219 Pierce Hill, review of, by Harry W. Alexander, James McNutt, 157 Pedicord, 312 449 450 INDEX American Scholars, Spring, 1935, articles Arch Street Ferry, view of, 63 appearing in, 442 Argall, Sir Samuel, 217 American Rush Light, The: by William Arlington, Vermont, 322 Cobbett, 238 Armagh, Ireland, 325 American Weekly Mercury, published by Armenia, Joel R. Poinsett visits, 12 Andrew Bradford, 42, 46, 47; Busy-Body Armstrong, Ensign, , 122 Papers published in, 42, 43, 44 Armstrong, A., to E. W. Clark & Company, American Revolution, beginnings of in 37i Pennsylvania, 79; sentiments of Germans Armstrong, John, United States Minister regarding, 76-78; Germans a determin- to Paris, 17 ing factor in, 87; the theme of George Armstrong, Colonel John, 107, 121, 130; Lippard's writings, 380, 386-388 at Stony Creek, 122; at Philadelphia, 127 Americana recently acquired by The His- Armstrong, William Clinton, 206 torical Society of Pennsylvania, 319 Arnold, General Benedict, 321, 322, 329, Asylum Company, correspondence of Ro- 340, 341, 346, 360; Mount Pleasant coun- bert Morris and John Nicholson relating try seat of, 167; siege of Quebec by to, 318 forces under, 323; army of depleted by Athenaeum, The, London, 386; review of Small-pox, 324; military service of, 326; one of George Lippard's books in, 376 to Colonel John Paterson, 326, 327; or- Ames, Herman Vandenburg, memorial res- ders inoculation of troops, 328; capitu- olution of Council, February 24, 1935, 201 lation of at The Cedars, 331; blame for Amherst, General Jeffrey, 118, 325; Col- affair at The Cedars attached to, 331, onel Henry Bouquet to, 119 353; orders of, 333, 334, 354; at battle Amiens, France, Peace of, 8 of Valcour Island, 354 Amish, a German "Sect", 75 Articles and Publications, 197, 315, 441 Amity, commissioners of Pennsylvania sail Ashbrook, Roland C, manuscript Diary of on, 264 Dr. Lewis Beebe presented to The His- Amsterdam, 258; failure of loans for Penn- torical Society of Pennsylvania by, 321, sylvania in, 288-291; letters to merchants 445 in, 420, 429 Aaher, G. M., z6z Ancrim, Major - -> 36 Ashley River, 4 Andes Mountains, crossed by Joel R. Poin- Ashmead, Captain John, 441 sett, 1811, 29, 30; description of, 31 Aston, Pennsylvania, 268 Andre, Major John, 186, 304 Astrakhan, Joel R. Poinsett at, 12 Andrews, Charles McLean, 149, 194, 216; Athens, Greece, letters of introduction to "Charles McLean Andrews and the Re- citizens of, to Joel R. Poinsett, 15. Orientation of the Study of American Atkins, Edmund, Indian commissioner, 109 Colonial History," by Lawrence H. Gip- Aubry, Captain, 126 son, 209; "The Colonial Period of Amer- Auchampaugh, Philip G., 206, 442 ican History," by, 209, 214-216, 222; his- Augusta of the British fleet, 394 torical works of, 209, 212-216, 219, 222, Aurand, A. Monroe, Jr., "A Bibliography 310; Professor of History, Bryn Mawr of Notes and Queries: the Works of Dr. College, 211, 212, 215; examination of Egle; Historical Register, &c." by, review Board of Trade Papers, London, 212, of by Susan E. Black, 312 213; Professor at Johns Hopkins and Aurora Borealis, descriptions of by Peter Yale Universities, 213, 215; Guides to Collinson and Joseph Breintnall, 49, 50, British Museum and Public Record Of- fice, London, by, 214; founds colonial his- Au Sable River, 336 tory on English colonization, 217-222. Averest, , 347 Andrews, Evangeline Walker, 194 A very*s Tavern, 180 Ann Arbor, Michigan, 215 Azore Islands, English possession, 24 Annapolis, Maryland, 178; British fleet off, 395, 399; description of, 395, 399 Bacon, Lord, 190 Anthony, Captain Joseph, master of the Bacon, Delia, 190 Peace and Plenty, 93, 94 Badger, William, Philadelphia lawyer, Anti-Catholic riots in Philadelphia, 1844, George Lippard in law office of, 378 382, 384 Baehr, Ferdinand, 442 Anti-Masonic Party in America, 382 Baeviad and Maeviad, by John Gifford, 239 Antiques, August, 1934, article concerning Bahia see Sao Salvador a musical clock made by Joseph Ellicott, Bailey, Franz, Germantown printer in Lan- 199 caster, 86; publishes "Das Pennsylvan- Antokoletz, , 29 iscahe Zeitungsblatt," 86; Almanac pub- INDEX 451 lished by, 1778, 86; first called George Christian Arnold von Jungkenn, 393- Washington Das Landes Vater, 86 419 Bailey, William S., 315 Bavaria, 5 Baker, Elizabeth F., review of "The Phila- Baxter, DeWitt C, wood engraver, 68; delphia Theatre in the Eighteenth Cen- Baxter's Panorama by, 68, 69 tury, Together with the Day Book of the Bay of Fundy, 158, 159 same period," by, 186 Bayard, , 393 Baku, Joel R. Poinsett at, 13; oil wells at, Bayard, Miss Mabel, 446 13 Bayles, Richard M., 149 Baldwin, Benjamin, suit against Joseph Baynton & Wharton, 441 Breintnall by, 46 Bayreuth, Hessian regiment from, 393 Baltimore, Lord, 262, 270; offer of Augus- Beadle see Bedel tine Herrman to map territory of, 259; Beard, , 313, 438 grants manors to Augustine Herrman, Beaux, Cecilia, portrait of John Frederick 259 > approval of map, 260 Lewis, by, 310 Baltimore, Maryland, 8, 368, 371, 388 Beaver, Governor James A., 312 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 371 Beaver Tail Light, Newport Harbor, 149 Bancroft, Dr., 289 Bedaque Bay, St. John's, 160, 161 Bancroft, George, 306; History of the Bedel, Colonel Timothy, 341; blame at- United States of America from the Dis- tached to in affair at The Cedars, 329 covery of the Continent, by, 209, 210; Bedford, 114 work of, compared with work of Charles Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, description of, McLean Andrews, 216 156 Bank of North America, 89 Beebe, Dr. Lewis, Journal of, 1776, 321— Bank of Pennsylvania, views of, 62, 63 361; original of Journal presented to The Bank of the United States, 362, 382; views Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by of, 62, 63 Roland C. Ashbrook, 321, 445; biograph- Barbados, 2, 45 ical, 321, 322; physician in Massachus- Barclay, Thomas, 291 etts and Vermont, 322; public services Barker, Charles R., 206 of, 322-361; clergyman, 1786-1791, 322; Barker, Howard F., 435 death of, 1816, 322 Barney, Charles D., 363 Beebe, Lucy, 322 Barnhart, J. H., 185 Beebe, Miriam, 322, 349 Barnsley, Edward R., 206 Beech, , 342 Barnum, , 334 Beehive, February, 1935, articles appearing Barren Hill, Pennsylvania, 418 in, 200 Barry, Mrs., 273 Beer, G. L., 307 Barry, John, 200 Beggar's Town, 415 Bartlett, , 339 Bell, Miss Laura, 205 Barton, Dr. Benjamin Smith, 185; attends Bell, Peter, maker of Shenandoah pottery, German Universities, 6, 7 account book of, 318 Bartram, John, 184, 185; correspondence Bell, Robert, printer, "Lessons for Lovers: of, with Peter Collinson, 56 ...." printed by, 1784, 319 Bartram, William: Interpreter of the Amer- Belle Isle, Marshal de, 125 ican Landscape, by N.
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