4/2014 City of Helsinki Urban Facts New, collectively produced urban culture Open Helsinki encourages citizens’ engagement Migration is a source of dynamism Contents city of helsinki urban facts Quarterly Editor in Chief Publisher ASTA MANNINEN Asta Manninen City of Helsinki Urban Facts 4 Helsinki 2014: Urban life, openness and citizen engagement p.o.box 5500, Editor fi – 00099 City of Helsinki, PEKKA VUORI TeemU Vass Finland 12 Development of the elderly population in Helsinki telephone +358 9 310 1612 Translations LINGONEER OY Orders by phone, Distribution SEPPO LaaKSO 16 telephone +358 9 310 36293 Lower-income young in-migrants – a risk to Helsinki’s tax base? Graphs
[email protected] PIRJO LINDFORS issn 0788-1576 (in print) 26 PEKKA MUstONEN How Helsinki became a trailblazer in urban culture – chronicling two decades of change General Layout issn 1796-7279 (online) PEKKA KaiKKONEN 38 Vesa KesKINEN Cover Citizens prefer collectively produced urban culture PEKKA KaiKKONEN Liaison with printers 44 KatJA VILKama & HENRIK LÖNNQVist TARJA SUNDSTRÖM-ALKU Are sociospatial differences cast in concrete? Cover Photo 54 SENJA SVAHN CITY OF HELSINKI MEDIA BANK Harnessing the uncovered opportunities of open data Print TammeRPRint Oy | Tampere 2015 4/2014 www.kvartti.fi/en 441 878 www.kvartti.fi/en Painotuote EDITORiaL Ormuspelto Alppikylä 2013–2015 2013–2017 300 inhab. 2,000 inhab. Östersundom Helsinki 2014: Honkasuo 2015–2060 2009–2025 47,100 inhab. 2,000 inhab. 50,000–25,000 jobs Urban life, openness Kuninkaantammi Arabia-Hermanni and citizen 2009–2025 2014–2016 5,100 inhab. HELSINKI 10,500 inhab. 1,000 jobs 4,100 jobs engagement Vuosaari Pasila 1989–2023 MAP: URBAN FACTS, SOURCE: HELSINKI NEW HORIZONS NEW HELSINKI SOURCE: FACTS, URBAN MAP: 2010–2040 40,000 inhab.