Ngn 92 Dec 1974

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Ngn 92 Dec 1974 Hen. Editor IVAN STEPHENSON 27 HILLHEAD DR!VE BIRSTALL . BATLEY YORKS. WF17 OPA THE NARROW GAUGE RAILWAY SOCIETY Deceabsr- 1971; ·- Janua:rj' 1975 FROM YOUR EDIT~R Pape~ sho·r-4;.ages. c.~ld. p;:·i,.~( ll:~;!·q:~1~,~~,.,...:. ~1-t~~~cc~r:. ha !Ji.: r egr r:t~;;.abl~1 Qe!.eyeo is.s-:i~ 9": and. al so 'this Lssue , For- ::tin I 3.p~·CJ..J~tS'".'!a ld t.It!s, ~! .:;hiJ... SCO~l tt. ebl ~ ·:.o red~~£ t-,ht?! oackl cg o:[ i ssues s.:~d oe ab;_e to ir-:pr:n'~oat~:,:rs i .. t.~ ... ·.• - ... ;.1-"~- Subscriptions for ·!9?5 "':!."'!! d.1; c.. "i:1·~.'\:n:~i!,; .~. ~~~. 1.:~ .,,,;;, r,t· ;:.v$tal ti•11.nsmL:sion times OVERSEAS meni":.ei.-s are asked to hil.irn .ni s t.a:: • ··.:-:r,J.1e·~; · :.:i.,;. .. h3.i-· ·.:.,;:;'.;, ,:.f £ of! to '~he !":emhe!'ship Secretal"y :• Rdlp(1 MD!' ~~:c~ ., CJl: ~: l)t, ~k Ct'."t!C:{;:;r:·'· h•ide..:tfi~i·i~ RD5 8LQ, Ch~ues and P.0 .. 's r,.iyab!t<, kc •·•1;17·~,. ;;11,.g, Rt.:.· ••• t?y Soci~·./'· USA ,;,f::l!bers ,, rec'!i,re payment deu.ils in the n~xt issu~. I/: thi -s ! ,··:.u~tt :.'.?~tir:sAt: .. )t.~·~l l':!3~;:~'t ·:i:·,. .st..o\i ~it:e film~ an.1 slides takei1 on & r6~e::-t • .i ~1t- •,. ~ ISA 1if·,-;·f'l ·~.;;, ~.a,-, c. ·iu-:u·'-"'62'· ot pr eser-red railways inciudiri..g the C,m',, s s ~ 1:, ·· -!i' r.··a t:-! •ci.;.nr, Jf ;,even.l clcsad NG li!'.es as1t&ll. ~~.e ~.~:)~-· ,!P"" ~.l.•••. :~: .- o,:~ 1 c c,~sr:J.i11gs ~~;-e azd more errchus i a st.s seem to be t..ak1ng ci:.16. 1~~ ,..o~s:t:: c).1.:i:.: :~ :.J. ~t;r· An."ll.~. .; .ir:;~r.if:>~;:~u Slide!: and Ciue F·ilm::: Everiing· in 1<;'74 ···ad. r-:: r~r,.~ fi·· ... "':. :11·-.! \' P1.'"if-.Ci-:,i1::LC(-~ ·--::f B!t.!1! mc;·ies-} A'!. 1J~ Jt..i. ~·,.,. ·,: r ~- "''11--: ,;.ro.-· :r&~C rrs .... ~,)8,ed. wi:ic:ty it! search of narrow gauge si:~;J'!-~. ii ";.l.:... c , ·-1(',·:..:. ..-. i-F::- c. \ ~1. i:-.s iw .. r~G ..;~::n ... id.,ly diffarirg subj,;~ts as ra11k ~:. ·--·-;;.: ..> ..s-,~, :.r-r-~~--.rrJ ... ·_:r;.;1: C-:::-~-·":':.~~ O:::Cd'"Ji pi·:.; lir,es in Bedfcr dshi re ;.rt:. Mall~\f:. ::. ... _.};e i~.u.-s-s::1 C!~· •. -4, -~~, Ar, f.!:, •...•.et~ -~~;.?. :· '-~.:-g! c·1r1.:-:!. ~i-:.,.;ut-: ... ~·~ at Csxtr:~ H&J.: on" -16t.h ·:.o near a m0st ~~r.i-.e!~- ,-·1 .~ ,~·1_· ;c·:·,p:-:'-~n::.·· ~ .,__ :t:r. "'r~ So:.-=·,iy...• cl d Railaay by Alan Tayloro 01:•-'!;:" \ ;-• .;:' y~a ! A. s.1· ~i.;- b1d.: -~ .. p e:.r r~·- cv::ar,ticn of ma-.;.er1a.l about the .30u+!n;'.)1.(,. l .... »e , ~ 1. ~~1;~g s; i.:~··'!!):~~.:.~.::-·;i:,1;'\,2 cf pto"t-.Jgraphs ar_(L po st.caz-ds, he f'l:ar.:,,· S :~?- k · &·.?i: ~o::-r, i--· ••.. r_. ,,-~;;·~~,::. 01; tho! ~ in!(., In ~\._ ,\. ::l '1!~':. ~·l.':a-:-,:,!-.~'.·..; n~a-. ,_;:a.:;:r;~" :..a<:-tt.~•~ 0 ..•.• -~nat w:;.s ob,~icus:1.y one of E~land~s ~QSt- 3:l'"~~e..c;:-_· •..f i1~ ~?"1>';,c- Jil.·:·c:·. ?r.j-:.;-y.!d b·; ";.hc.. z~ D~~~er.+,,; (P.L.) Eas c Midlands A;t-~~ -, So?!; febrna1:y 8tt. Re:dr:l~' ~-iii. r;.;.!;"?r,,- :,.._[,~ L~e:.·,; :)t~hin3. r:_i.3, b~:i< w:!iCi"i is shot'tly to b@ published by {l! :I:L~h. :tr b..l ~~= :..?:..• J ~)c·.::i~t.y iJJ.!.'str~:-1r.gbis talk mainiy wi::.11 slides ccpi sc 11aiv.l:; ~_, •• ~-~'''·~,J.9:.0,:1.;r.-:·f-i:t.s ci' ·;n. 'i9""'L19?>·~ P*;;iod. Slid~~ and f~l·: ;;T ·:.t-!r c..:,!'tl.: b~fGr] cr oet; ..... .: ~ ocnclu1i:13 \..'ith r:he ·:.9 t-~- .O::•t-:~? a.c·-.ivrfi~s- of t-~-~ Co-r:r.15·.;.y So~.:~t-;vo Tl,er.g is ,, .-&i.igh~ o·?-?~1t:..1i.:;,.J' tha.t this t.c.11~ raay have to oe post-,or.ed un<~ii. lli"'"-er i;i ti1e :v.g~:;- ;.f ·.:-.his b.appe:.1? ~-:;:, mt:m·Jer-5. :!chn lf'or:J.ey and Johr. ~isckin-c.c::• wi;.:t prt!':;!'ot ~ T;.·'J: t: ·,:;tn.~1a;: St.i,i.!:i Sce!'e '.9~/4, Number Ninety Two December 1974 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 ++++~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ forkshire Ana Hon. Sec. - Ron Redman, 14a Oliver Hill, Hor-sf'o rt.h, Nr Leeds. Friday March 7th "South Africa 74" by r~ike Swift. A slide show of steam photographed in and around Johannesburg. April 11th "John Holroyd' s Spain" A slide show by a local member featuring steam in Spain, Sat September 14th Visit to the Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway. A small hut jolly party of area mem1bers and friends undertook this coach trip to the W & L in reasonable (it d.idn' t rain) weather for a change, We firstly called at Sna i.l beacn to view the remains and were astounded to find not only the engine shed, still intact9 but also some 250 yd.s of' 214" track still in situ; some members reckoned that the site hadn't changed in over ~5 ys~rs. Unfortunately Ivan couldn't find any Baldwin remains, only oil marks on the ground outside the shed where they once stood ~ We had a very pl.easant ride on the W & L in a reserved "Ziller" behind SIR DREFALDWYN and we were on hand in time to see JOAN being lowered onto her refurbished driving wheels; members were very much impressed by the progress which has been made on the line since our last official visit in 1966 but some were a little disappointed to see l"iONARCII out of service yet aga i n for injector modifications. However we were made most welcome and everyone we talked to was both h&lpful and enthusiastic. After such a fine outing a fine meal was a necessity and we were not disappointed with the Turkey dinner at The Victoria in Whitchurch. After the feast a satisfied and sleepy set of gricers returned northward looking forward to their next day out with steam, and loud with their praises for Henry Holdsworth and Ron Redman for ar-range ing such a day out. (I.S. Friday October 4th From Colombo to Darjeeling By Road 1974 -· by K.P.Plant. This could not just be called a slide show, in the reviewer's opinion it was more an experience. The Yorkshire Area has welcomed Ken Plant and his accounts of travels in search of steam on many occasions - but this was something different. The results of over 51200 miles of back-breaking narrow and bullock cart ridden roads in India, it embraced the pick of 40o slides from a total of 1200. Ken's ,xpert camera work plus his often witty and sometimes critical commentary gave us India from A to z, warts and all. The splendour of steam on all gauges as well as the abject poverty and squalor of this country of vivid cont.rast.s from superb architecture to all but the smell of the crowded streets of Calcutta. It was all there with the tir..y 0-4-0' s of the Darjeeling Himalayann Railway doing battle with the grades and curYes of this fabulous line, to the superb Kerr Stuart locomotives of the Gwl!lior lines in a less scenic area, and the 2'6" gauge Ceylon lines in smoky action. A full house sat enthralled for 2~ ncurs, and look forward to Ken's next show. He is one who makes a programme secretary's job easier - you just have him to book and then sit back ~nd marvel at his grasp and coverage of the subject" I have seen hundreds of slide shows but never one as moving as this (R.N,R.) November Meeting Railway Wanderings in Europe - by Peter Lemmey. Peter began by appologising, likening his show to the previous month's as being "the dustman behind the Lord Mayor's Show'\ this was totally unnecessary as he had the full attention and interest of over 30 members for over 2 hours and to judge by the oh1 s and ah' s, presented just ·what everyone wanted to see - steam amid fine scenery - all shapes, sizes and colours in Prance, Germany9 Spain, Italy9 ,Tugoslavia, Austria and finally Portugal. To pick out sl ides for special mention is most difficult, but his sequence shot on the JZ in the mountains was terrific and much enjoyed by all present, Yes, a fine show, well done Peter i (I.S.) NEW LIBRARY LIST The new Library List is now available and can be obtained by sending a Stamped Foolscap Envelope to:- Dr. R,P,Lee, NGRS Hon. Librarian, The Sycamores, Golcar, Nr. Huddersfield HD7 4AJ. The weight of this list has been checked and it complies with the limit of 1st or 2nd class letter post, WANTED - NO REWARD We seem to receive little or no news on the Talyllyn Railway these days, a situation which cannot be allowed to continue. Would any member with dual TR/NGRS membership like to submit regular reports? If so, would he please contact the Hon. Editor, Ivan Stephenson, (Ed.) Number Ninety Two December 1974 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEW READING WORLD OF SOUTH AMERICAN STEAM by Roy Christian and Ken Mills. Published by the authors and available from NGRS Hon Publications Officer, Ron Cox, 811 x 11", first class litho, 136 pages, 212 photos and 9 maps.
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