The Anderson Report: Sexual Abuse in The

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The Anderson Report: Sexual Abuse in The FPO The Anderson Report Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Phoenix • 602.682.2810 “For many of us, those earlier stories happened someplace else, someplace away. Now we know the truth: it happened everywhere.” ~ Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report 2018 Table of Contents Purpose & Background ...........................................................................................6 Abuse in the Diocese of Phoenix ................................................................................ 8 History of the Diocese of Phoenix .............................................................................. 8 Bishop O’Brien Agreement with Maricopa County Attorney’s Office ..................... 9 Lists of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Phoenix: Priests and Deacons from the Diocese of Phoenix Who Have been Accused of Sexual Misconduct with a Minor and Have a Canonical Case in Process ............................................................................................................... 18 Priests and Deacons Who Have Been Laicized and/or Removed from Ministry Due to Sexual Misconduct with a Minor ..................................... 19 Priests and Deacons from Other Dioceses who May No Longer Serve in the Diocese of Phoenix Due to Sexual Misconduct with a Minor ..................... 20 Priests Who Have Served in the Diocese of Phoenix Who Have Been Laicized and/or Removed from Ministry by Their Communities Due to Sexual Misconduct with a Minor ..................................................................... 21 Those Accused of Sexual Misconduct in the Diocese of Phoenix .......................... 23 • 602.682.2810 3 Attorney Advertising Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Phoenix Alamaguer (Almaguer), Santiago ................24 Gluch, Robert ...............................................37 Allison, William G. .......................................24 Gonzalez, Ronald ..........................................38 Baldonado, Felipe (Philip) ............................25 Graf, Harold P. ..............................................38 Bandiho, Solomon (Solamon, Soloman) ......25 Grieman, Gerald G. .......................................38 Banner, Russell J. ..........................................25 Griffith, Gavin ...............................................39 Bogdan, Leonard Adolph .............................26 Guerrero, Gabriel .........................................39 Bredemann, George V. .................................26 Hageman, Clement A. ...................................39 Briceno (Brecino), Joseph Cervantez ...........26 Henn, Joseph John ........................................40 Brouillette, Robert Noel ..............................27 Henrich, Steven ............................................40 Burns, James M. ............................................27 Henriques, Edward ......................................40 Byrne, William T. ..........................................28 Hurley, Michael F. (P.) ..................................41 Cabot, Samuel ...............................................28 Kenneally, Finbar .........................................41 Callan , Francis (Frank) W. ...........................29 Kirsch, Robert J. ............................................42 Callanan, Patrick J. .......................................29 Knighton, Marvin T. .....................................42 Cavagnaro, Camillus C. ................................29 Ladenburger, Louis (Louie) Wayne .............43 Cimmarrusti, Mario .....................................30 Lam, Sung .....................................................44 Clark, David Joseph ......................................30 LeBrun, Paul .................................................44 Colleary, Patrick O. .......................................31 LeClaire, Karl ................................................45 Colosimo, Eugene J. ......................................31 Lee, Conan ....................................................45 Conlon, Timothy C. .......................................31 Lehman, Mark Allen ....................................45 Cordova Hernandez, Jorge Washington ......32 Lessard, Joseph Marcel ................................46 Cristobal, Adrian ..........................................32 Liening, Mark A. ...........................................46 da Silva, Owen ..............................................32 Lopez, Jorge Ortiz .........................................47 Degnan, John F. ............................................33 Lovell, Lawrence (Larry) Joseph (LJ)...........47 DeSutter, Gilbert J.........................................33 Madigan, Gregory .........................................47 Doran, John P. ...............................................33 Madrid, Saul (J. Saul) ....................................48 Dunne, Kevin ................................................34 Mancuso, Sylvester .......................................48 Emon, Neil ....................................................34 Manville, Alexander (Alex) ..........................48 Fitzgerald, John J. .........................................35 Marsicek, Robert (Bob) .................................49 Florez (Flores), Laurence (Lawrence) .........35 Maxwell, Bruce C. .........................................49 Furman, Adrian ............................................35 McBrien, Kevin Michael ...............................50 Fushek, Dale J. ..............................................36 McGuire, Donald ..........................................50 Gallen, John J. ...............................................36 McKinnon, Bede ...........................................51 Gates, Martin ................................................36 Messier, Rene D. ...........................................51 Giandelone, John ..........................................37 Middlecamp, Eric R. .....................................51 Gielow, Charles .............................................37 Monaghan, James T. .....................................52 4 • 602.682.2810 Attorney Advertising Those Accused of Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Phoenix Morgan, Harry R...........................................52 Schlueter (Schleuter), Clemens M. ...............58 Ohlemacher, Richard N. ...............................52 Shepherd, John R. .........................................59 Oliver, John A. ..............................................53 Sherwood, Wilputte Alanson ‘”Lan”............59 Olowin, Jan C. ...............................................53 Spaulding, John D. “Jack” .............................59 O’Rourke, Thomas E. ....................................53 Stanislaus (Brother Stan), Pecore, Dennis A...........................................54 Wellington Joseph ........................................60 Pelton, Maxwell Rollin “Ron” ......................54 Stromberg, Floyd G. .....................................60 Perez, Henry .................................................54 Sullivan, John T. ............................................61 Perreault (Perrault), Louis G. .......................55 Sunseri, Philip ..............................................61 Picardi, Jr. John M. .......................................55 Suttle, Richard Allen ....................................61 Pirrung, George ............................................55 Thompson, James Norbert ...........................62 Rausch, James S. ...........................................56 Varela, Ramon ..............................................62 Riebe, Lawrence (Loren) ..............................56 Viramontes, David (Enrique) E. ...................62 Riffel, Claude ................................................56 Vovko, John Willliam....................................63 Riol, Claudio (Claudius) ................................57 Weger, Justin K. ............................................63 Roper, William .............................................57 Whitten, Carlton E. .......................................63 Rourke, Charles ............................................57 Wilson, Samuel J. ..........................................64 Rudin, Remy .................................................58 Zlatis, Douglas ..............................................64 Ruetten, Charles (Jude) ................................58 Zappitelli (Zappetelli), Francis “Frank” R. ...65 • 602.682.2810 5 Attorney Advertising Purpose & Background For decades, numerous courageous survivors have spoken their truth and brought lawsuits related to the sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church throughout Arizona. Survivors became plaintiffs in civil lawsuits and together with their attorneys were able to reveal secret Church records through the courts and civil litigation process. These lawsuits resulted in the release and disclosure of identities and histories of sexually abusive clergy and those engaged in sexual misconduct, and the release of documents and information reflecting the knowledge of institutions that covered up sexual abuse and misconduct. The Anderson Report on Sexual Abuse in the Diocese of Phoenix contains the names of diocesan priests, religious order priests and other religious clerics associated with the Diocese of Phoenix, including those of whom were assigned within, working in, or living in the geographical boundaries of the Dioceses of Tucson and Gallup before the Diocese of Phoenix was formed in 1969,
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