2018 Yarmouth S. C. No.______

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Between:

Jean-Michel Blinn Plaintiff


St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax Defendant

Page 01 – cover page (January 1st 2018, 101 pages 47531 words) Page 02 – intent of litigation Page 03 – notice of action Page 04 – notice of action (cont.) Page 05 – notice of action (cont.) Page 06 – statement of claim Page 07 – letter re: action Page 08 – affidavit of complaint Page 09 – anti-Semitism Page 10 – anti-Semitism (cont.) Page 11-20 – preliminary evidence Page 21 – letter to parishioner Page 22-28 – Dec 8th 2017 case in favour of the demolition Page 29 – Letter of demand Page 30-85 Expository Evidence Page 86 – indictment Page 87 – indictment (cont.) Page 88 – interrogatories Page 89-101 – submissions, facts, relevant case law and arguments

2018 Yarmouth S. C. No.______Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Between:

Jean-Michel Blinn Plaintiff


St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax Defendant


To: St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax

Litigation is intended against you The plaintiff intends litigation against you. The included proposed litigation is a class action suit.

Order against you is sought for damages An attached draft notice of motion and statement of claim outlines the damages against the plaintiff.

Judgment against you if you do not defend The court may grant an order for the relief claimed without further notice, unless you file the notice of defence before the deadline.

4.02 2018 Yarmouth S. C. No.______Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Between:

Jean-Michel Blinn Plaintiff


St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax Defendant


To: St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax

Action has been started against you The plaintiff takes action against you. The plaintiff started the action by filing this notice with the court on the date certified by the prothonotary. The plaintiff claims the relief described in the attached statement of claim. The claim is based on the grounds stated in the statement of claim.

Deadline for defending the action To defend the action, you or your counsel must file a notice of defence with the court no more than the following number of days after the day this notice of action is delivered to you: • 15 days if delivery is made in Nova Scotia • 30 days if delivery is made elsewhere in Canada • 45 days if delivery is made anywhere else.

Judgment against you if you do not defend The court may grant an order for the relief claimed without further notice, unless you file the notice of defence before the deadline.

You may demand notice of steps in the action If you do not have a defence to the claim or you do not choose to defend it you may, if you wish to have further notice, file a demand for notice. If you file a demand for notice, the plaintiff must notify you before obtaining an order for the relief claimed and, unless the court orders otherwise, you will be entitled to notice of each other step in the action.

Rule 57 - Action for Damages Under $100,000 Civil Procedure Rule 57 limits pretrial and trial procedures in a defended action so it will be more economical. The Rule applies if the plaintiff states the action is within the Rule. Otherwise, the Rule does not apply, except as a possible basis for costs against the plaintiff. This action is NOT WITHIN Rule 57.

Filing and delivering documents Any documents you file with the court must be filed at the office of the prothonotary. 164 Main Street Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, B5A 1C2 Phone: 742-4142 Fax: 742-0678. When you file a document you must immediately deliver a copy of it to each other party entitled to notice, unless the document is part of an ex parte motion, the parties agree delivery is not required, or a judge orders it is not required.

Contact information The plaintiff designates the following address: J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc. 2783 HWY 1 Grosses Coques, NS B0W 1M0. Documents delivered to this address are considered received by the plaintiff on delivery. Further contact information is available from the prothonotary.

Proposed place of trial The plaintiff proposes that, if you defend this action, the trial will be held at Yarmouth Justice Center, 164 Main Street, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.

Jean-Michel Blinn J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc.

Prothonotary’s certificate I certify that this notice of action, including the attached statement of claim, was filed with the court on ______,______, 20_____ .


4.02B Statement of Claim

Plaintiff is Jean-Michel Blinn, son of Daniel, son of Homer, Son of Howard, Father of Stephane, Michel and Maria. A proposed class action against the defendant will allow for parishioners who have also been negatively affected to claim damages against the defendant. The Defendant is alleged to be guilty of publishing fraudulent biblical texts, deceiving the plaintiff and causing quantifiable trauma to the parish. The defendant owes money to the plaintiff and to the parishioners for the propagation of purposeful biblical mistranslations, infringing against the Holy Scriptures themselves and creating verifiable theological errors that includes anti-Semitism. The defendant did arbitrarily and knowingly omit and add words in this fraudulent text. This party claims an order providing the following remedies For the claims listed below, financial restitution, the amount to be determined at trial, is sought in the Supreme Court.

i. Fraudulent Biblical Text - Contrary to Dt 4:2 and Re 22:18-19, thousands of evidentiary manuscripts verify that indeed the books that are published by the defence are a forgery and are being used, in part, to illicitly generate financial revenue. ii. Enslavement - Contrary to the Statute Article 7 (1)(c)(k), publishing hate propaganda and falsifying information is an egregious form of psychological or intellectual slavery; this is a crime against humanity. iii. Violation of Charter rights – Constitution Act, 1982 (s) 2, this text is based in purposeful inaccuracy and used to violate rights of parishioners. iv. Criminal Code violations – Contrary to CC (s) 296 (1) Blasphemous Libel, Contrary to CC (s) 366 (1) Forgery, contrary to CC (s) 163 (1) (a) Corrupting Morals. Contrary to CC (s) 318 (1) and CC (s) 319 (1) Advocating hate propaganda, contrary to CC (s) 322 (1) Theft. v. Anti-Semitic propaganda – Contrary to New Testament ordinances, this can be exemplified as hate speech. Evidence exists within the fraudulent text and can be quantifiably verified. vi. Theft – Any monies surrendered in exchange for these false texts are to be considered as stolen contrary to the Ten Commandments Ex 20:15, also contrary to various statutes and ordinances.

Jean-Michel Blinn J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc.

J.M. Blinn & Sons Inc. 2783 HWY 1 Grosses Coques, Digby Co. NS B0W 1M0

January 1st, 2018

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia J. Blinn v St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax Yarmouth

To the Honourable Justice:

RE: January 1st, 2018 Notice of Action

I offer my most humble and sincere greetings, Honourable Justice; I am a parishioner and the plaintiff in this matter, Jean-Michel Blinn. I wish to propose that a class action against the defendant be granted to secure the rights to the victims of this concerning infraction contrary to the natural spirit of brotherhood.

The act of counterfeiting the Holy Scriptures is a tactic used by the defendant to illicitly gain financial resources and to instigate anti-Semitism. The defence willingly and purposefully corrupted the most sacred of texts, crossing various legal boundaries including charter rights.

Evidence, Honourable Sir, is the basis for this matter, as no elaborate theory from the clergymen will shield them from true justice. This matter examines not only the evidence of textual fraud, but the actual damages caused from years of consuming propaganda.

Is the subject matter herein suitable for ecclesiastical courts? Most certainly not; although somewhat arguable, criminal and civil wrongs are within the jurisdiction of this Supreme Court. Kindly accept the attached Notice of Action and Statement of Claim as a submission to this just and most honourable court.

In truth and honesty,


Jean-Michel Blinn John Blinn J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc.

39.08 2018 Yarmouth S. C. No.______Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Between: Jean-Michel Blinn Plaintiff and St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax Defendant

Affidavit of Complaint

I make oath and give evidence as follows: I am Jean-Michel Blinn, son of Daniel, son of Homer, son of Howard. I am the father of Stephane, Michel and Maria. The plaintiff is the corporation responsible for the church that I was born into. I have personal knowledge of the evidence sworn to in this affidavit except where otherwise stated to be based on information and belief. I state, in this affidavit, the source of any information that is not based on my own personal knowledge, and I state my belief of the source.

i. I was born Jan 12 1988 and was raised in the parish of Church Point. I attended the Roman Catholic rituals from the time I am able to remember, even being baptized as an infant. ii. In my early ages, I was taught various doctrines of the Catholic Catechism, and I received a bible called “bonne nouvelle pour toi! La Bible en Français courrant” marked Exhibit A. iii. I have read this bible and was deceived by this fraudulent text and have come to realize that the extremist ideologies found within this forgery are not the correct readings. iv. The various clergymen lied to me, telling me that this is the bible, true to its best and most accurate manuscripts, when in reality it was arbitrarily altered to include a Catholic bias. v. I have suffered emotional and mental trauma in my early life directly associated with the incorrect choices I have made due to not having access to the correct text. vi. If I would have remained ignorant and retained these extremist views, I would have most certainly been in dire peril due to the dangers of this anti-Semitic ideology.

SWORN TO at Yarmouth, in Yarmouth ) County, Province of Nova Scotia ) This _____ day of ______, 2018 ) ) ) ) ______) ______Commissioner of Oaths Jean-Michel Blinn J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc.

J.M. Blinn & Sons Inc. 2783 HWY 1 Grosses Coques, Digby Co. NS B0W 1M0

January 1st, 2018

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia J. Blinn v St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax Yarmouth

To the Honourable Justice:

RE: January 1st, 2018 Anti-Semitism

Here, we examine the clear evidence of the doctrine of supercessionism, a type of racial supremacy. The court must not lose sight of the fact that higher clerical offices have initiated this ideology that cost the Jews incalculable trauma in various attacks against them. Could this be described as religious extremism? What is supercessionism? Anti-Semitism, specifically the hatred of the Jewish kindred, has its origins as a religious doctrine. It could also be considered a philosophical or psychological assertion that one race is genetically superior to another. This nightmarish heresy cost millions of Jewish people their lives. Replacement theology is the Roman Catholic teaching that the everlasting covenant is void due to the nation’s unbelief of in the New Testament. This would makes the scriptures untrue. As unfathomable as this is to a reasonable and just society, this is the ideology that has been directly responsible for atrocious crimes against the nation of Israel. Anti-Semitic propaganda is within these fraudulent texts. Focusing in the context of Romans 11, we read how the much loved nation of Israel is likened unto an olive tree and careful consideration of the chapter sheds light unto how the spirit of slumber (Ro 11:8) of the Jews opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles. The fact is, the covenant made by God to the nation of Israel cannot be disannulled, contrary to this heretical doctrine. AV Gn 17:7. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. The promised Messiah, as we know, was rejected by the Jews, and they crucified Him. He was resurrected from the sepulchre on the third day according to the scriptures and of course showed Himself to the apostles. The issue of the unbelief of the nation of Israel is the heart of the Roman Catholic doctrine of supercessionism, or replacement theology. The claim is the unbelief of the Jews determines the faith of God, this being illogical. AV Ro 3:1. What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit [is there] of circumcision? AV Ro 3:2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. AV Ro 3:3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? This lie is the initiation of the racial supremacy ideology that is found within this false text. This text that refers to the nation of Israel as an enemy of God, is the basis for anti-Semitism. This leads to a barrage of questions into the true intent of the publishers of these fraudulent texts. In the eleventh chapter of Romans, twenty seventh verse, we see a mention of a future covenant as opposed to an established covenant; this would deceive a Jewish reader. In the twenty eighth verse, false texts insinuate the nation of Israel is the enemy of God, or they are cut off from the everlasting covenant, this being an absurd lie.

Correct reading Fraudulent text Fraudulent text AV Ro 11:27 For this [is] my BE Rom 11:27 And this is my CE Rm 11:27 This is what the covenant unto them, when I shall agreement with them, when I will Lord has promised to do when he take away their sins. take away their sins. forgives their sins."

AV Ro 11:28 As concerning the BE Rom 11:28 As far as the CE Rm 11:28 The people of gospel, [they are] enemies for good news is in question, they Israel are treated as God's your sakes: but as touching the are cut off from God on account enemies, so that the good news election, [they are] beloved for of you, but as far as the selection can come to you Gentiles. But the fathers'sakes. is in question, they are loved on they are still the chosen ones, and account of the fathers. God loves them because of their famous ancestors.

In the correct reading, we see that the covenant is established from days of old, however in the fraudulent texts we notice some readings suggesting this is a future pact to be established with the nation of Israel. There are many theological issues with this, apart from giving completely different instructions as to the timeline of this important event. In the next verse we see the heretical lie that Jews are the enemy of God. Paul, in the Epistle to the Romans establishes that some Jews are enemies for the believers sakes, in that some Jewish scribes and elders are either blinded or in wilful unbelief in the New Testament. They, individually would be in error, however the entire Nation of Israel is most certainly not God’s enemy. This twenty seventh and twenty eighth verse in the eleventh chapter of Romans, once compared to the majority of extant Greek manuscript, is showing a clear papist bias. Most certainly an incorrect theological position, the defendants are clearly culpable for propagating this belief that the Jews are no longer the chosen nation, and that they are now God’s enemy. Have Jews become a problem that is in need of a final solution? Most certainly not. The truth becomes much more beautiful when compared to lies and this absurd deceit. In truth and most honesty,


Jean-Michel Blinn John Michael Blinn J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc.

J.M. Blinn & Sons Inc. 2783 HWY 1 Grosses Coques, Digby Co. NS B0W 1M0

January 1st, 2018

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia J. Blinn v St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax Yarmouth

To the Honourable Justice:

RE: January 1st, 2018 Preliminary Evidence

Regarding the issue of evidence, for the benefit of this honourable Court, a set of fraudulent texts from various origins has been compiled and compared with the text supported with overwhelmingly strong manuscript evidence. These initial comparisons are to better understand that indeed this is a fraudulent text containing additions and omissions.

Where do we look for evidence? In the defendants own publication, of course. This attached information serves as charts to be able to find the evidence required. The proof itself is to be found in the books that will be demanded of the defendants.

These, Luke 11:2-4, Matthew 6:13, and Revelation 14:1, are the base for establishing how this issue goes beyond a mistranslation. A further study enlightens the fact that this indeed is textual fraud, proven beyond any doubt. This serves to dispel the illogical arguments that are being advanced by the defendant. They foolishly argue that it’s a matter of opinion or preference, however this idea is verifiably false, as this undeniable fraud created trauma. These infringements violate inherent international and charter rights.

The evidence that will be produced, including forms of Anti-Semitism, will be presented in an expository manner and serves to fully prove the defendants illicit act of purposefully deceiving the parishioners by producing a counterfeit bible in order to secure financial gain. The manuscripts and other various information will be tendered into evidence prior to trial.

In truth and most honesty,


Jean-Michel Blinn John Michael Blinn J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc.

Luke 11:2 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye DR Lk 11:2 And he said to them: When you pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, pray, say: Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

TR Lk 11:2 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S WH Lk 11:2 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ αυτοιςG846 P-DPM δεG1161 CONJ αυτοιςG846 P-DPM οτανG3752 CONJ προσευχησθεG4336 V- οτανG3752 CONJ προσευχησθεG4336 V- PNS-2P λεγετεG3004 V-PAM-2P PNS-2P λεγετεG3004 V-PAM-2P πατερG3962 N-VSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP πατερG3962 N-VSM αγιασθητωG37 V-APM- οG3588 T-NSM ενG1722 PREP τοιςG3588 T- 3S τοG3588 T-NSN ονομαG3686 N-NSN DPM ουρανοιςG3772 N-DPM αγιασθητωG37 σουG4771 P-2GS ελθετωG2064 V-2AAM-3S V-APM-3S τοG3588 T-NSN ονομαG3686 N- ηG3588 T-NSF βασιλειαG932 N-NSF NSN σουG4771 P-2GS ελθετωG2064 V- σουG4771 P-2GS 2AAM-3S ηG3588 T-NSF βασιλειαG932 N- NSF σουG4771 P-2GS γενηθητωG1096 V- AOM-3S τοG3588 T-NSN θελημαG2307 N- NSN σουG4771 P-2GS ωςG5613 ADV ενG1722 PREP ουρανωG3772 N-DSM καιG2532 CONJ επιG1909 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF γηςG1093 N-GSF OS Lk 11:2 Et il leur dit : Quand vous priez, DB Lk 11:2 Et il leur dit: Quand vous priez, dites : Notre Père qui es aux cieux; ton nom dites: Père, que ton nom soit sanctifié; que ton soit sanctifié; ton regne viennel ta volonté soit règne vienne; faite sur la terre comme au ciel;

RV Lk 11:2 Y les dijo: Cuando orareis, decid: NB Lk 11:2 Y El les dijo: "Cuando oren, Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos; sea tu digan: 'Padre, santificado sea Tu nombre. nombre santificado. Venga tu reino. Sea hecha Venga Tu reino. tu voluntad, como en el cielo, así también en la tierra. UV Lk 11:2 耶穌說:「你們禱告的時候, CN Lk 11:2 耶穌就說:「你們禱告的時候 要說:我們在天上的父(有古卷:父啊) ,要說:『父啊!願人都尊重你的名,願你 :願人都尊你的名為聖。願你的國降臨; 的國降臨。 願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上(有 古卷沒有願你的旨意云云。 LV Lk 11:2 et ait illis cum oratis dicite Pater sanctificetur nomen tuum adveniat regnum tuum

Luke 11:4 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 11:4 And forgive us our sins; for we DR Lk 11:4 And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us And lead us not into temptation. from evil.

TR Lk 11:4 καιG2532 CONJ αφεςG863 V- WH Lk 11:4 καιG2532 CONJ αφεςG863 V- 2AAM-2S ημινG1473 P-1DP ταςG3588 T- 2AAM-2S ημινG1473 P-1DP ταςG3588 T- APF αμαρτιαςG266 N-APF ημωνG1473 P- APF αμαρτιαςG266 N-APF ημωνG1473 P- 1GP καιG2532 CONJ γαρG1063 CONJ 1GP καιG2532 CONJ γαρG1063 CONJ αυτοιG846 P-NPM αφιεμενG863 V-PAI-1P αυτοιG846 P-NPM αφιομενG863 V-PAI-1P παντιG3956 A-DSM οφειλοντιG3784 V-PAP- παντιG3956 A-DSM οφειλοντιG3784 V-PAP- DSM ημινG1473 P-1DP καιG2532 CONJ DSM ημινG1473 P-1DP καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N εισενεγκηςG1533 V-AAS- μηG3361 PRT-N εισενεγκηςG1533 V-AAS- 2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP ειςG1519 PREP 2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP ειςG1519 PREP πειρασμονG3986 N-ASM αλλαG235 CONJ πειρασμονG3986 N-ASM ρυσαιG4506 V-ADM-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM πονηρουG4190 A-GSM

OS Lk 11:4 Pardonne-nous nos péchés; car DB Lk 11:4 et remets-nous nos péchés, car nous pardonnons aussi à tous ceux qui nous ont nous-mêmes aussi nous remettons à tous ceux offensés; et ne nous induis point en tentation; qui nous doivent; et ne nous induis pas en mais délivre-nous du malin. tentation.

RV Lk 11:4 Y perdónanos nuestros pecados, NB Lk 11:4 'Y perdónanos nuestros pecados, porque también nosotros perdonamos á todos Porque también nosotros perdonamos a todos los que nos deben. Y no nos metas en los que nos deben. Y no nos metas (no nos tentación, mas líbranos del malo. dejes caer) en tentación.'"

UV Lk 11:4 赦免我們的罪,因為我們也赦 CN Lk 11:4 赦免我們的罪,因為我們也赦 免凡虧欠我們的人。不叫我們遇見試探; 免凡得罪我們的人。不叫我們遇見試探。 救我們脫離兇惡(有古卷沒有末句)。」 』」

LV Lk 11:4 et dimitte nobis peccata nostra siquidem et ipsi dimittimus omni debenti nobis et ne nos inducas in temptationem

Matthew 6:13 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, DR Mt 6:13 And lead us not into temptation. but deliver us from evil: For thine is the But deliver us from evil. Amen. kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

TR Mt 6: 13 καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 WH Mt 6:13 καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N εισενεγκηςG1533 V-AAS-2S PRT-N εισενεγκηςG1533 V-AAS-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP ειςG1519 PREP ημαςG1473 P-1AP ειςG1519 PREP πειρασμονG3986 N-ASM αλλαG235 CONJ πειρασμονG3986 N-ASM αλλαG235 CONJ ρυσαιG4506 V-ADM-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP ρυσαιG4506 V-ADM-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM πονηρουG4190 A-GSM οτιG3754 CONJ πονηρουG4190 A-GSM σουG4771 P-2GS εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ηG3588 T-NSF βασιλειαG932 N-NSF καιG2532 CONJ ηG3588 T-NSF δυναμιςG1411 N-NSF καιG2532 CONJ ηG3588 T-NSF δοξαG1391 N-NSF ειςG1519 PREP τουςG3588 T-APM αιωναςG165 N- APM αμηνG281 HEB OS Mt 6:13 En ne nous induis point en DB Mt 6:13 et ne nous induis pas en tentation, tentation. mais délivre-nous du Malin; car à toi mais délivre-nous du mal. appartiennent le règne la puissance, et la gloire à jamais. Amen !

RV Mt 6:13 Y no nos metas en tentación, mas NB Mt 6:13 (correct reading) líbranos del mal: porque tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y la gloria, por todos los siglos. Amén.

UV Mt 6:13 不叫我們遇見試探;救我們脫 CN Mt 6:13 不叫我們遇見試探,救我們脫 離兇惡(或作:脫離惡者)。因為國度、 離那惡者。』 權柄、榮耀,全是你的,直到永遠。阿們 LV Mt 6:13 et ne inducas nos in (有古卷沒有因為至阿們等字)!』 temptationem sed libera nos a malo

Revelation 14:1 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb DR Re 14:1 And I beheld: and lo a Lamb stood stood on the mount Sion, and with him an upon mount Sion, and with him an hundred hundred forty [and] four thousand, having his forty-four thousand, having his name and the Father's name written in their foreheads. name of his Father written on their foreheads.

TR Re 14:1 καιG2532 CONJ ειδονG3708 V- WH Re 14:1 καιG2532 CONJ ειδονG3708 2AAI-1S καιG2532 CONJ ιδουG3708 V- V-2AAI-1S καιG2532 CONJ ιδουG3708 V- 2AAM-2S αρνιονG721 N-NSN 2AAM-2S τοG3588 T-NSN αρνιονG721 N- εστηκοςG2476 V-RAP-NSN επιG1909 PREP NSN εστοςG2476 V-2RAP-NSN επιG1909 τοG3588 T-ASN οροςG3735 N-ASN PREP τοG3588 T-ASN οροςG3735 N-ASN σιωνG4622 N-PRI καιG2532 CONJ σιωνG4622 N-PRI καιG2532 CONJ μετG3326 PREP αυτουG846 P-GSM μετG3326 PREP αυτουG846 P-GSN εκατονG1540 A-NUI τεσσαρακονταG5062 A- εκατονG1540 A-NUI τεσσερακονταG5062 A- NUI τεσσαρεςG5064 A-NPF χιλιαδεςG5505 NUI τεσσαρεςG5064 A-NPF χιλιαδεςG5505 N-NPF εχουσαιG2192 V-PAP-NPF τοG3588 N-NPF εχουσαιG2192 V-PAP-NPF τοG3588 T-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN τουG3588 T- T-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 P- GSM πατροςG3962 N-GSM αυτουG846 P- GSN καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-ASN GSM γεγραμμενονG1125 V-RPP-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN τουG3588 T-GSM επιG1909 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPN πατροςG3962 N-GSM αυτουG846 P-GSM μετωπωνG3359 N-GPN αυτωνG846 P-GPM γεγραμμενονG1125 V-RPP-ASN επιG1909 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPN μετωπωνG3359 N- GPN αυτωνG846 P-GPM OS Re 14:1 Je regardai ensuite, et voici DB Re 14:1 Et je vis: et voici l'Agneau se l’Agneau se tenait sur la montagne de Sion, et tenant sur la montagne de Sion, et avec lui cent avec lui cent quarante-quatre mille personnes, quarante-quatre milliers, ayant son nom et le qui avaient le nom de son Père écrit sur leurs nom de son Père écrits sur leurs fronts. fronts. RV Re 14:1 MIRÉ, y he aquí, el Cordero NB Re 14:1 Miré que el Cordero estaba de pie estaba sobre el monte de Sión, y con él ciento sobre el Monte Sion, y con El 144,000 que cuarenta y cuatro mil, que tenían el nombre de tenían el nombre del Cordero y el nombre de su Padre escrito en sus frentes. Su Padre escrito en la frente. UV Re 14:1 我又觀看,見羔羊站在錫安山 CN Re 14:1 之後,我觀看,見羔羊站在錫 ,同他又有十四萬四千人,都有他的名和 安山,同他有十四萬四千人,都有他的名 他父的名寫在額上。 和他父的名寫在額上。 LV Re 14:1 et vidi et ecce agnus stabat supra montem Sion et cum illo centum quadraginta quattuor milia habentes nomen eius et nomen Patris eius scriptum in frontibus suis

Revelation 1:11 AV Re 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send [it] unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 1534 Tyndale Bible, William Tyndale "I am Alpha 1881 Revised Version Entire Phrase is Missing and Omega, the first and the last: and," is Included 1881 Westcott & Hort Greek "Ἐγώ ἐιμι τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω, ὁ 1535 Coverdale Bible, Miles Coverdale "I am Alpha πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος• καὶ " is Missing 1890 Darby, John Nelson Version Entire Phrase is Missing and Omega, the first and the last: and," is Included 1894 Tischendorf Greek Text "Ἐγώ ἐιμι τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω, ὁ 1540 The Great Bible, Cramner Bible, Miles Coverdale πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος• καὶ " is Missing "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and," is 1901 American Standard Version Entire Phrase is Missing Included 1904 Nestle Greek New Testament "Ἐγώ ἐιμι τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω, ὁ 1549 Matthew's Bible, John Rogers "I am Alpha and πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος• καὶ " is Missing 1924 Montgomery NT Entire Phrase is Missing Omega, the first and the last: and," is Included 1961 JEHOVAH'S WITNESS NWTEntire Phrase is Missing 1550 Stephanus Greek Text "Ἐγώ ἐιμι τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω, ὁ 1961 New English Bible, The Entire Phrase is Missing πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος• καὶ" is Included 1964 Basic Bible, The Entire Phrase is Missing 1568 The 's Bible, Matthew Parker "I am Alpha 1966 CATHOLIC EDITION RSVEntire Phrase is Missing and Omega, the first and the last: and," is Included 1970 JEHOVAH'S WITNESS NWTEntire Phrase is Missing 1587 The Geneva Bible, William Whittingham "I am 1973 Revised Standard Version Entire Phrase is Missing 1977 New American Standard Entire Phrase is Missing Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and," is 1982 New King James Version Doubting Footnote: NU=Text Included OMITS "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and," 1611 King James Bible Authorized Version, Miles 1984 JEHOVAH'S WITNESS NWT Entire Phrase is Missing Smith "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: 1984 New International Version Entire Phrase is Missing and," is Included 1984 NIV Anglicised Version Entire Phrase is Missing 1729 English Trans. of the Bible, Mace N.T., Daniel 1985 New Jerusalem Bible Catholic Online Henre Wansbrough Entire Phrase is Missing Mace "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: 1987 Amplified Bible, The Placed in Doubting Italics and," is Included 1989 New Revised Standard Entire Phrase is Missing 1769 King James Bible Authorized Version, Benjamin 1989 Revised English Bible Entire Phrase is Missing Blayney "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: 1992 Good News TranslationTEVEntire Phrase is Missing and," is Included 1995 Contemporary English Version Entire Phrase is Missing 1995 God's Word Today's Trans Entire Phrase is Missing 1770 Worsley Version, John Worsley "I am Alpha and 1995 New American Standard Entire Phrase is Missing Omega, the first and the last: and," is Included 1995 NRSV Anglicized Entire Phrase is Missing 1795 A Translation of the N.T. from the Original 1998 Complete Jewish Bible Entire Phrase is Missing Greek, Thomas Haweis "I am Alpha and Omega, the 1998 NIRV Reader's Entire Phrase is Missing first and the last: and," is Included 2001 English Standard Version Entire Phrase is Missing 1833 Webster Version, Webster "I am Alpha and 2002 Message, The Entire Phrase is Missing 2004 New Living Trans Entire Phrase is Missing Omega, the first and the last: and," is Included 2004 Vulgate Entire Phrase is Missing 1873 The Cambridge Paragraph (Bible KJB), Frederick 2005 New Century Ver Entire Phrase is Missing Scrivener "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the 2005 Phillips NT Entire Phrase is Missing last: and," is Included 2005 Today's NIV Entire Phrase is Missing 1894 Scrivener's Greek Text "Ἐγώ ἐιμι τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω, 2005 Wesley NT Entire Phrase is Missing ὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος• καὶ" is Included 2007 English Standard Ver. Anglicised Entire Phrase is Missing

1898 Young's Literal Translation, Robert Young "I am 2007 New Living Trans Entire Phrase is Missing Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and," is 2007 Weymouth Entire Phrase is Missing Included 2009 Holman CSB Entire Phrase is Missing 2005 Mace NT "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and 2010 NABRV CATHOLIC EDITION Entire Phrase is Missing the last: and," is Included 2010 New International Version Entire Phrase is Missing 2010 Westcott & Hort [NA 27 variants] "Ἐγώ ἐιμι τὸ Α καὶ τὸ 2007 Youngs Lit Trans "I am Alpha and Omega, the Ω, ὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος• καὶ " is Missing first and the last: and," is Included 2011 Common English Bible Entire Phrase is Missing 2011 English Standard Version Entire Phrase is Missing 2011 New International Version Entire Phrase is Missing 2013 JEHOVAH'S WITNESS NWT Entire Phrase is Missing

Ephesians 1:1 Instead of an addition or an omission, the forgers change the order of the words. In this case, the word χριστουG5547 N-GSM should be found after ιησουG2424 N-GSM. Although the ordinances against removing or adding words are explicitly clearer, it must be said that a change of the order of words can have consequences that are just as devastating.

To consider a change of order of words as evidence, it must be said that it is to be included with the totality of the evidence. It’s important to examine and to keep record of this as this seemingly insignificant change indeed plays a major role in the counterfeiting of the text of the New Testament.

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ep 1:1 . Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the AS Ep 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through will of God, to the which are at Ephesus, and the will of God, to the saints that are at Ephesus, to the faithful in Christ Jesus: and the faithful in Christ Jesus:

TR Ep 1:1 παυλοςG3972 N-NSM WH Ep 1:1 παυλοςG3972 N-NSM αποστολοςG652 N-NSM ιησουG2424 N-GSM αποστολοςG652 N-NSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM διαG1223 PREP ιησουG2424 N-GSM διαG1223 PREP θεληματοςG2307 N-GSN θεουG2316 N-GSM θεληματοςG2307 N-GSN θεουG2316 N-GSM τοιςG3588 T-DPM αγιοιςG40 A-DPM τοιςG3588 τοιςG3588 T-DPM αγιοιςG40 A-DPM τοιςG3588 T-DPM ουσινG1510 V-PAP-DPM ενG1722 PREP T-DPM ουσινG1510 V-PAP-DPM [ενG1722 εφεσωG2181 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ PREP εφεσω]G2181 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ πιστοιςG4103 A-DPM ενG1722 PREP πιστοιςG4103 A-DPM ενG1722 PREP χριστωG5547 N-DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM χριστωG5547 N-DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM

Luke 1:28 Luke 1:28 is an unlawful omission of important doctrinal designation that is used to clarify the birth of Christ. [Blessed art thou among women] must be included inside this verse, and having this omission in the text creates cause for grave concern. Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 1:28 And the angel came in unto her, and AS Lk 1:28 And he came in unto her, and said, said, Hail, [thou that art] highly favoured, the Lord Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with [is] with thee: blessed [art] thou among women. thee.

TR Lk 1:28 καιG2532 CONJ εισελθωνG1525 V- WH Lk 1:28 καιG2532 CONJ εισελθωνG1525 2AAP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM αγγελοςG32 N-NSM V-2AAP-NSM προςG4314 PREP αυτηνG846 P- προςG4314 PREP αυτηνG846 P-ASF ειπενG3004 ASF ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S χαιρεG5463 V- V-2AAI-3S χαιρεG5463 V-PAM-2S PAM-2S κεχαριτωμενηG5487 V-RPP-NSF κεχαριτωμενηG5487 V-RPP-NSF οG3588 T- οG3588 T-NSM κυριοςG2962 N-NSM NSM κυριοςG2962 N-NSM μεταG3326 PREP μεταG3326 PREP σουG4771 P-2GS σουG4771 P-2GS ευλογημενηG2127 V-RPP-NSF LV Lk 1:28 et ingressus angelus ad eam dixit συG4771 P-2NS ενG1722 PREP γυναιξινG1135 have gratia plena Dominus tecum benedicta tu in N-DPF mulieribus

Matthew 23:14 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, AS Mt 23:14 (Words of Christ in red removed) hypocrites! for ye devour widows'houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

TR Mt 23:14 | (23:13) ουαιG3759 INJ δεG1161 WH Mt 23:14 (omit) CONJ | ουαιG3759 INJ | υμινG4771 P-2DP γραμματειςG1122 N-VPM καιG2532 CONJ φαρισαιοιG5330 N-VPM υποκριταιG5273 N- VPM οτιG3754 CONJ κατεσθιετεG2719 V-PAI- 2P ταςG3588 T-APF οικιαςG3614 N-APF τωνG3588 T-GPF χηρωνG5503 N-GPF καιG2532 CONJ προφασειG4392 N-DSF μακραG3117 A- APN προσευχομενοιG4336 V-PNP-NPM διαG1223 PREP τουτοG3778 D-ASN ληψεσθεG2983 V-FDI-2P περισσοτερονG4053 A- DB Mt 23:14 (omit) ASN-C κριμαG2917 N-ASN LV Mt 23:14 (omit)

Acts 8:37

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with AS Ac 8:37 (italicized, footnoted; some mss all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and contain) said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

TR Ac 8:37 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 WH Ac 8:37 (omit) CONJ οG3588 T-NSM φιλιπποςG5376 N-NSM ειG1487 COND πιστευειςG4100 V-PAI-2S εξG1537 PREP οληςG3650 A-GSF τηςG3588 T- GSF καρδιαςG2588 N-GSF εξεστινG1832 V-PAI- 3S αποκριθειςG611 V-AOP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S πιστευωG4100 V-PAI-1S τονG3588 T-ASM υιονG5207 N-ASM τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM ειναιG1510 V-PAN τονG3588 T-ASM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM DB Ac 8:37 (omit) χριστονG5547 N-ASM LV Ac 8:37 (omit)

Matthew 18:11 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 18:11 For the Son of man is come to save AS Mt 18:11 (Words of Christ in red removed) that which was lost.

TR Mt 18:11 ηλθενG2064 V-2AAI-3S γαρG1063 WH Mt 18:11 (omit) CONJ οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM σωσαιG4982 V-AAN τοG3588 T-ASN απολωλοςG622 V-2RAP-ASN

1 Corinthians 5:3 The arbitrary removal of this sole adverb exemplifies the incredible subtlety of this fraud. Although this verse usually sneaks past the average parishioner, the devastating consequence of fraudulent biblical texts are nevertheless quantifiable. This fraudulent Alexandrian text was refined in 1881 to include a papist bias. Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1C 5:3 For I verily, as absent in body, but AS 1C 5:3 For I verily, being absent in body but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I present in spirit, have already as though I were were present, [concerning] him that hath so done present judged him that hath so wrought this thing, this deed,

TR 1C 5:3 εγωG1473 P-1NS μενG3303 PRT WH 1C 5:3 εγωG1473 P-1NS μενG3303 PRT γαρG1063 CONJ ωςG5613 ADV απωνG548 V- γαρG1063 CONJ απωνG548 V-PAP-NSM PAP-NSM τωG3588 T-DSN σωματιG4983 N- τωG3588 T-DSN σωματιG4983 N-DSN DSN παρωνG3918 V-PAP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ παρωνG3918 V-PAP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ τωG3588 T-DSN πνευματιG4151 N-DSN τωG3588 T-DSN πνευματιG4151 N-DSN ηδηG2235 ADV κεκρικαG2919 V-RAI-1S ηδηG2235 ADV κεκρικαG2919 V-RAI-1S ωςG5613 ADV παρωνG3918 V-PAP-NSM ωςG5613 ADV παρωνG3918 V-PAP-NSM τονG3588 T-ASM ουτωςG3779 ADV τονG3588 T-ASM ουτωςG3779 ADV τουτοG3778 D-ASN κατεργασαμενονG2716 V- τουτοG3778 D-ASN κατεργασαμενονG2716 V- ADP-ASM ADP-ASM

Luke 9:56 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 9:56 For the Son of man is not come to AS Lk 9:56 And they went to another village. destroy men's lives, but to save [them]. And they went to another village.

TR Lk 9:56 οG3588 T-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ WH Lk 9:56 καιG2532 CONJ υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM επορευθησανG4198 V-AOI-3P ειςG1519 PREP ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM ουκG3756 PRT-N ετερανG2087 A-ASF κωμηνG2968 N-ASF ηλθενG2064 V-2AAI-3S ψυχαςG5590 N-APF ανθρωπωνG444 N-GPM απολεσαιG622 V-AAN αλλαG235 CONJ σωσαιG4982 V-AAN καιG2532 CONJ επορευθησανG4198 V-AOI-3P ειςG1519 PREP ετερανG2087 A-ASF κωμηνG2968 N-ASF

Luke 17:36 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 17:36 Two [men] shall be in the field; the AS Lk 17:36 (Words of Christ in red removed) one shall be taken, and the other left.

TR Lk 17:36 | | δυοG1417 A-NUI εσονταιG1510 WH Lk 17:36 (omit) V-FDI-3P ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSM αγρωG68 N-DSM οG3588 T-NSM ειςG1520 A- NSM παραληφθησεταιG3880 V-FPI-3S καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM ετεροςG2087 A-NSM αφεθησεταιG863 V-FPI-3S |

J.M. Blinn & Sons Inc. 2783 HWY 1 Grosses Coques, Digby Co. NS B0W 1M0

January 1st, 2018

P. O. Box 106 Church Point, NS B0W 1M0

Dear Wayne,

First of all, I wish to highlight my most sincere apologies if you feel that I am trampling on your life’s work. That is probably what this comes across as, however you must realize, Honourable Sir, that I come in most sincerity and honesty. I know you have much to do with the church, and rest assured, you are well respected for this and your other notable achievements.

The facts that we have to anchor ourselves in are i. The massive financial burden to the community if this church is rebuilt ii. The logical option of the demolition which has been priced at 380 000$ iii. The theft of countless estates from the clergy iv. The theological lies that includes anti-Semitism v. The sex scandal

Wayne, you’ve written a letter of reference for me to the then Minister of Justice as you’ve felt that I would be beneficial for serving the people of Clare. At this time, the position of Notary Public was being applied for and I wanted to thank you for your kind words in this letter. You’ve noted that I was also friendly and caring, and it is imperative that you understand that someone who sweeps lies under the rug isn’t this person you’ve described. We have to put the reason where it belongs.

There are valid arguments in support of the demolition, attached for your consideration. This isn’t the symbol of our heritage, this is truly a symbol of our bondage. The Roman Catholic are invading foreign agents who have, for 220 years, taken advantage of the good hearted nature of the parishioners of Church Point. The demolition is recognition of the victims of the lies, theft and rape.

Who will take care of this when the members of your committee will inevitably die? This is a burden you’re considering passing to the next generation, just like our ancestors did to us. As you’ll read the case in favour of the demolition it is hoped that you take the New Testament ordinances into serious consideration and see that indeed these clergymen have lied egregiously to us since 1799.

In truth and most honesty,


Jean-Michel Blinn John Michael Blinn J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc.





The cost of demolition, the cost of repair The cost of the demolition is estimated at 450 000$. The best course of action to take as a community is to have the church demolished professionally and safely. The cost of the repair is estimated at $4M. This illogical and unfathomable error was only considered because the option of demolition was not on the table.

Who owns this church? The diocese owns the land, however it is argued that the people of the region do have rights to their opinions due to the fact the 1500 of the local people worked on the construction. The parish funded the operation of the church for 112 years and now that the funds are short, there is no help from the diocese. This ultimate insult shows the true colors of the diocese, and the Vatican. The is not concerned with repairing the church, he is only interested in its continued operation.

The support by local contractors Business owners, who are parishioners themselves, support the demolition of the church. Their experience, especially with heavy lumber and concrete give this petition the importance it deserves. In addition to their skilled labour understanding, they also comprehend the financial side of the equation.

The risk of fire The petition has been signed by residents at the home facing the church. They argue that if the church were to catch fire, not only the university and the bank would be destroyed, the Foyer Acadien would also be burnt. With all due respect to our honourable firemen, crews, arguably, may not have the resources to instantly contain this inferno. The demolition of the church will alleviate this hazard completely.

The money pit The money goes one way. Since this building belongs to the diocese, putting any money into it would be funding this corporation’s interests. This illogical course of action must be avoided as a community. Everything we’ve worked for as a community is sitting on the land owned by the diocese. After a century of a faithful percentage of the earnings, the diocese doesn’t take initiative to repair the church. This ultimate insult is highlighted in their intent to transfer the property instead of being liable for the costs of the demolition or the repair. The diocese has no interest is funding the repairs or demolition because it is against the financial interests of the corporation. It is argued that at this time they are acting in bad faith.

Who will fund the demolition? The argument on this is not publicly disclosed at this time. It is to be made clear that a satisfactory answer does exist to this important question. Danger pay and a quality safety program will be implemented for the honourable skilled labourmen who will undertake this massive task.

The scandal In talking to members of the community, the unavoidable topic of the largest sex scandal in history can hardly be swept under the rug anymore. The fact is, it’s not just a small occurrence, it is the biggest, most destructive infringement on the innocence of our children that has ever happened. The grounds for demolition include any future risk of sexual harm. The doctrine of the celibacy of priests is condemned in the New Testament. AV 1Ti 3:1 This [is] a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. AV 1Ti 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; AV 1Ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; AV 1Ti 3:4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; AV 1Ti 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

The eucharist The Roman Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation is when the priests claims that the literal body of Jesus becomes the wafer. A catholic is then instructed to eat the wafer, consuming Jesus. This doctrine contains theological inconsistencies contrary to scripture. AV 1C 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; AV 1C 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. AV 1C 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; AV 1C 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: To say that the death, burial and resurrection isn’t enough, that another type of ritual must be performed in order to obtain salvation is blasphemy. This is an inestimably dangerous doctrine. AV Jn 6:48 I am that bread of life.

Work A Catholic’s salvation is never truly complete, as alleged by priests. There is a never ending list of requirements in order to gain entry into heaven. This is a lie; the fact is there is no work that needs to be done, because no work is worthy to merit heaven. AV Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: AV Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. The work has been done, as an unblemished lamb slaughtered as a sacrifice for sins, this truly perfect man was crucified in sacrifice as payment for our sins. AV Lk 23:4 Then said Pilate to the chief priests and [to] the people, I find no fault in this man.

Heaven or hell Purgatory is a heresy propagated by the Roman . This is used to incite fear and anxiety due to the temporal punishment in payment for sins. This, of course, is not true. There are many accounts of the extortion of funds associated with this doctrine, as priests would instruct the widow to surrender monies in exchange for their deceased loved one’s comfort. AV Mt 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. The fact of the matter is, the did not alleviate the pain of the deceased loved one in purgatory at all. This lie caused the Catholic Church to gain tremendous wealth, as well as the sale of plenary indulgences.

The confessional In order to stay in a state of grace, a catholic would be instructed to confess his or her sins to a priest. This problematic doctrine is plagued with theological errors but it would more importantly create a sense of dependency on the clergy for the absolutions of sins. This is a very dangerous doctrine and it is not supported in the New Testament. AV Mk 2:7 Why doth this [man] thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?

Mary The various doctrines in relation to Mary include the assumption and the . These series of doctrines suggest that Mary was conceived in immaculacy and that she lived a sinless life. Also, instead of death, Mary was assumed up to heaven as Jesus was in Acts 1. There is no New Testament support for the assumption. AV Ac 1:9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

The siblings of Jesus The series of false doctrine regarding Mary include the perpetual virginity, that is to say, the idea that Mary had no other children. The Lord Jesus Christ had many brothers and sisters, as detailed in the following scriptures. AV Mt 13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? AV Mt 13:56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this [man] all these things? James the lesser, Joses, Simon and Judas were the brothers of Jesus. AV Mk 15:40 There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was , and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome;

Religious art Images and statues are scattered throughout the church. This is unlawful as it is contrary to the second commandment. AV Ex 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth:

Religious titles To address a priest as Father is condemned in the New Testament. AV Mt 23:9 And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Religious vestments There is no New Testament support for a special wardrobe. AV Lk 20:46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; AV Lk 20:47 Which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.

Various correct doctrines The Catholic Church contain some truth to its catechism. Some doctrines are scriptural, such as the declaration that Jesus is in fact God in the flesh, and the tri-unity of God. AV 1Jn 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

The papacy Contrary to New Testament Christianity, the Vatican establishment and network of churches are guilty of unthinkable atrocities and violations of innocence worldwide. They masquerade as a religious organization, however the truth is, this is a foreign entity. The diocese holds the Vatican’s interests above the parishioners. AV Mt 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. AV Mt 16:17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed [it] unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. AV Mt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. AV Mt 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. AV Mt 16:20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ. AV Mt 16:21 . From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. AV Mt 16:22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. AV Mt 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

Replacement theology This doctrine is argued as the most serious infringement against the scriptures. The nation of Israel holds the everlasting covenant. AV Gn 17:7 . And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. The Vatican holds to the view that the Jews are no longer God’s chosen nation because of their unbelief in the New Testament. They are foolishly arguing their unbelief determines the faith of God. AV Ro 3:1 . What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit [is there] of circumcision? AV Ro 3:2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. AV Ro 3:3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? The Roman Catholic Church claims that God’s chosen people is now gentiles, or modern day parishioners. Catholicism argues that the Jews have been cast away and Catholics are entitled to special inheritance that was destined for the nation of Israel. This, of course is not true, the nation is Israel are God’s chosen people despite their unbelief. AV Re 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

World war two The doctrine of supercessionism, or replacement theology is deeply engrained in the minds of men like Rommel, Himmler, and Goering. Hitler was mindful to exterminate the nation of Israel, arguably to attain the promises contained in scripture. Pope Pius XII harbored war criminals after the invasion of Germany by the Allied forces. Historians often omit the leading role the Vatican had to play in the second world war. AV Mk 12:38 And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and [love] salutations in the marketplaces, AV Mk 12:39 And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts: AV Mk 12:40 Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.

Manuscripts This issue alone merits the disassociation to the Roman Catholic Church. The lesser manuscripts such as Vaticanus are of Alexandrian descent, while the Majority text is based out of Antioch, modern day Syria. This means there are two Greek New Testaments, the Received Text (or Textus Receptus) and the Nestles Alland text, largely based from the Westcott and Hort 1881 Greek New Testament which is based from Alexandrian Manuscripts. The 1610 Douay Rheims Catholic Bible reads as such in Luke 11:2-4. DR Lk 11:2 And he said to them: When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. DR Lk 11:3 Give us this day our daily bread. DR Lk 11:4 And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation. The Authorized Version, or King James Bible, which was translated from the majority scripts reads as such: AV Lk 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. AV Lk 11:3 Give us day by day our daily bread. AV Lk 11:4 And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. The TR manuscripts are established from centuries of early Christian church scribes that had no association with the Vatican. The Roman Catholic Church did not give us the bible, as they so boldly proclaim; they are guilty of producing fraudulent bible versions from lesser manuscripts. The act is condemned in scripture. AV Dt 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

The doctrine of the preservation of scripture The Roman Catholic Church of course argues that no perfect bible exists, that you must trust their interpretation. This is contrary to scripture. AV Ps 12:6 The words of the LORD [are] pure words: [as] silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. AV Ps 12:7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

The steeple The argument regarding what a church steeple is, or what it represents is not disclosed publicly at this time, however it is to be made clear that a satisfactory answer exists as to why this needs to be demolished. This argument alone consists of valid grounds for demolition.

Polytheism The practice of polytheism is to offer prayers and petitions to multiple deities as opposed to praying to the creator of the heaven and the earth. Prayers to demigods such as St. Anthony and St. Jude are a practice found in mysticism. Let us instead turn our hearts towards God. AV Ps 44:20 If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god; AV Ps 44:21 Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.

The bible vs the Vatican The shortest verse in the bible holds more truth than the entirety of the Vatican archives. The time is now to make a change. AV Jn 11:35 Jesus wept.

Relief sought The relief sought is the immediate commencement of the demolition work of the 1905 church and the completion of this massive undertaking before Monday September 3rd 2018.

Judgement In the case of MEMBERS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEMOLITION OF THE ST. MARY’S CHURCH, IN CHURCH POINT, NOVA SCOTIA vs THE ROMAN CATHOLIC EPISCOPAL CORPERATION AND MEMBERS OPPOSED TO THE DEMOLITION OF THE ST. MARY’S CHURCH, IN CHURCH POINT, NOVA SCOTIA The judgement is as follows. 1. The church will be demolished. A case in support of the demolition has been presented at this hearing and valid grounds have been advanced as to the legitimacy of this solution. 2. The arguments in favour of the restoration of the church have been noted and are important to have as a matter of public record. The blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers are seriously taken into account when considering the judgment. 3. The concerns raised by the opposition are heartfelt and are advanced in most sincerity, however the issue of the largest sex scandal in history is sufficient grounds to validate the claim made by the members in support of the demolition. 4. The violation of innocence in facilities owned by the diocese caused quantifiable trauma and their pain has been swept under the rug for far too long. 5. In addition to the theft of countless estates, a person that analyzes the theological errors contrary to scripture would logically deduct the Roman Catholic Church is purposefully acting in bad faith. 6. The variances between Catholicism and Christianity are inevitably clear, the hierarchy of the organized religious structure is in reality a for profit corporation that has taken advantage of good hearted people and tax shelters. The manuscript issue alone is sufficient grounds for the demolition. 7. The demolition work will commence as soon as possible. Sealed tenders will be accepted to remove this building from our lives. The church will be demolished no later than September 3rd 2018.

This concludes the matter of the demolition of the church.

J.M. Blinn & Sons Inc. 2783 HWY 1 Grosses Coques, Digby Co. NS B0W 1M0

January 1st, 2018

J. Blinn v St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax, Yarmouth

Letter of Demand

To: St. Mary's Parish Council, Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation Halifax, Yarmouth

RE: Demolition of the St. Mary's Church Attached is an intent of litigation against you for your crime of producing fraudulent biblical texts that contains sacrilegious and anti-Semitic literature. I strongly urge you to consider the preliminary evidence very thoroughly and contact me as soon as you are able to comprehend the severity of the subject matter at hand. You are demanded to hold hearings that are fair and open to the public in a reasonable fashion. The parish demands to hold public hearings regarding the future of the St. Mary’s Church. An interrogatory process is demanded from you regarding these and other emergent issues and especially before a multimillion dollar fundraising campaign is launched in this New Year. You are demanded to produce the funds for demolition totalling 380 000$ if the parish argues favourably towards the demolition at this hearing. If you pay this amount now to the honour of the victims of this horrendous tragedy, this class action will not proceed.



J.M. Blinn & Sons Inc. 2783 HWY 1 Grosses Coques, Digby Co. NS B0W 1M0

January 1st, 2018

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia J. Blinn v St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax Yarmouth

To the Honourable Justice:

RE: January 1st, 2018 Expository Evidence

Here, Most Honourable Sir, let us examine the details of the defendant’s fraudulent text. In the first chapter of the New Testament we notice an insignificant change in the fifth verse. This truly isn’t a doctrinal issue and it does not affect the reading. We nevertheless note this initial change in the text.

To compare these texts side by side means to understand the increased value in the truth. In this manner of expository documentation and detailing, the defendant holds no defence to the claims against them. This crime is evidenced in their publications, these serve as a guide to find the required proof.

Should the defendant invoke their right to liberty of faith to be granted a dismissal or a type of summary judgment? Without a doubt; no. This text is used as an infrastructure to systematically violate the rights of parishioners from their infancy right through to their deaths. Generations fell victim to this, and as evidenced in this publication, this is a noteworthy crime that merits serious judicial recognition.

Imminent issues

i. Understanding the evidence – This, in reality is very simple. We start at the first verse of the New Testament. Here, one is able to magnify this precious text in its original form and compare it to its fraudulent counterpart. Documenting this incredible subtly of this crime leads to insights as to why the clergymen, completely undetected, committed two full centuries of textual fraud against this parish. Somewhere under the various higher offices, this false text originated from the defendant. ii. Fraud – To have such detailed comparisons of every chapter of the New Testament not necessary: Although available instantly at trial, this study focuses its resources on the more impactful differences. One who considers this evidence will note the doctrinal changes, the removal of entire passages, the changing of the text in a manner that, in reality, it’s no longer the same text at all. iii. Origin – This fraudulent text has its origins within the Catholic system. Based from Alexandrian descent, these manuscripts, boldly claimed to be the most accurate texts by distinguished Catholic theologians, prove themselves to be a fraud. iv. Rights – The clergymen may attempt to invoke their rights to freedom of faith, however this vexatious argument is immediately dispelled by these facts. The text was used as a form of intellectual weaponry against the parishioners, as this contains the heretical doctrine of supercessionism, the ideology of racial supremacy. The rights of the generations of parishioners have been violated by the defendant in a most frightening manner. v. Gravity – This crime displays great evil and must be considered as an aggravating factor when comprehending the doctrines that lead to the attempted extermination of the Jewish kindred. To fail to mention the direct consequences of the anti-Semitic ideology displayed within these false texts would be most improper. This ideology does not sit favourably with true Justice.

Multiple sections of laws and ordinances are able to quantify this bold gesture as a crime. Anti-Semitic readings with papist biases are found in this unimaginable infringement against the Holy Scriptures themselves. This truly is a crime that is aggravated due to its grave wickedness. A firm judicial recognition of the victims is of the utmost importance in this concerning matter.

In truth and most honesty,


Jean-Michel Blinn John Michael Blinn J. M. Blinn & Sons Inc. Matthew 1 Correct reading Fraudulent text Mat 1:1 βιβλοςG976 N-NSF γενεσεωςG1078 N-GSF ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 Mat 1:1 βιβλοςG976 N-NSF γενεσεωςG1078 N-GSF ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM υιουG5207 N-GSM δαβιδG1138 N-PRI υιουG5207 N-GSM αβρααμG11 N-PRI N-GSM υιουG5207 N-GSM δαυιδG1138 N-PRI υιουG5207 N-GSM αβρααμG11 N-PRI Mat 1:2 αβρααμG11 N-PRI εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ισαακG2464 N- Mat 1:2 αβρααμG11 N-PRI εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ισαακG2464 N- PRI ισαακG2464 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM PRI ισαακG2464 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιακωβG2384 N-PRI ιακωβG2384 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S ιακωβG2384 N-PRI ιακωβG2384 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιουδανG2455 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ τουςG3588 T-APM αδελφουςG80 τονG3588 T-ASM ιουδανG2455 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ τουςG3588 T-APM αδελφουςG80 N-APM αυτουG846 P-GSM N-APM αυτουG846 P-GSM Mat 1:3 ιουδαςG2455 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- Mat 1:3 ιουδαςG2455 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM φαρεςG5329 N-PRI καιG2532 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM ζαραG2196 N-PRI εκG1537 ASM φαρεςG5329 N-PRI καιG2532 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM ζαραG2196 N-PRI εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF θαμαρG2283 N-PRI φαρεςG5329 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF θαμαρG2283 N-PRI φαρεςG5329 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM εσρωμG2074 N-PRI εσρωμG2074 N-PRI εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM εσρωμG2074 N-PRI εσρωμG2074 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αραμG689 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αραμG689 N-PRI Mat 1:4 αραμG689 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM Mat 1:4 αραμG689 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αμιναδαβG284 N-PRI αμιναδαβG284 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S αμιναδαβG284 N-PRI αμιναδαβG284 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ναασσωνG3476 N-PRI ναασσωνG3476 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM ναασσωνG3476 N-PRI ναασσωνG3476 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM σαλμωνG4533 N-PRI εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM σαλμωνG4533 N-PRI Mat 1:5 σαλμωνG4533 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- Mat 1:5 σαλμωνG4533 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM βοοζG1003 N-PRI εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF ραχαβG4477 N-PRI βοοζG1003 ASM βοεςG1003 N-PRI εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF ραχαβG4477 N-PRI βοεςG1003 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ωβηδG5601 N-PRI N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιωβηδG5601 N-PRI εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF ρουθG4503 N-PRI ωβηδG5601 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF ρουθG4503 N-PRI ιωβηδG5601 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιεσσαιG2421 N-PRI εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιεσσαιG2421 N-PRI Mat 1:6 ιεσσαιG2421 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM Mat 1:6 ιεσσαιG2421 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- δαβιδG1138 N-PRI τονG3588 T-ASM βασιλεαG935 N-ASM δαβιδG1138 N-PRI δεG1161 ASM δαυιδG1138 N-PRI τονG3588 T-ASM βασιλεαG935 N-ASM δαυιδG1138 N-PRI CONJ οG3588 T-NSM βασιλευςG935 N-NSM εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM σολομωναG4672 N-ASM ASM σολομωνταG4672 N-ASM εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF τουG3588 T-GSM εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF τουG3588 T-GSM ουριουG3774 N-GSM ουριουG3774 N-GSM Mat 1:7 σολομωνG4672 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- Mat 1:7 σολομωνG4672 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM ροβοαμG4497 N-PRI ροβοαμG4497 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI- ASM ροβοαμG4497 N-PRI ροβοαμG4497 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI- 3S τονG3588 T-ASM αβιαG7 N-PRI αβιαG7 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V- 3S τονG3588 T-ASM αβιαG7 N-PRI αβιαG7 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V- AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ασαG760 N-PRI AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ασαφG760 N-PRI Mat 1:8 ασαG760 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM Mat 1:8 ασαφG760 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιωσαφατG2498 N-PRI ιωσαφατG2498 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S ιωσαφατG2498 N-PRI ιωσαφατG2498 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιωραμG2496 N-PRI ιωραμG2496 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM ιωραμG2496 N-PRI ιωραμG2496 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM οζιανG3604 N-ASM εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM οζιανG3604 N-ASM Mat 1:9 οζιαςG3604 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- Mat 1:9 οζιαςG3604 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM ιωαθαμG2488 N-PRI ιωαθαμG2488 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI- ASM ιωαθαμG2488 N-PRI ιωαθαμG2488 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI- 3S τονG3588 T-ASM αχαζG881 N-PRI αχαζG881 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 3S τονG3588 T-ASM | αχαςG881 N-PRI αχαςG881 N-PRI | αχαζG881 N-PRI αχαζG881 N- V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM εζεκιανG1478 N-ASM PRI | δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM εζεκιανG1478 N-ASM Mat 1:10 εζεκιαςG1478 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- Mat 1:10 εζεκιαςG1478 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM μανασσηG3128 N-ASM μανασσηςG3128 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 ASM μανασσηG3128 N-ASM μανασσηςG3128 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αμωνG300 N-PRI αμωνG300 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αμωςG301 N-PRI αμωςG301 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιωσιανG2502 N-ASM εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιωσιανG2502 N-ASM Mat 1:11 ιωσιαςG2502 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- Mat 1:11 ιωσιαςG2502 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM ιεχονιανG2423 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ τουςG3588 T-APM αδελφουςG80 N-APM ASM ιεχονιανG2423 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ τουςG3588 T-APM αδελφουςG80 N-APM αυτουG846 P-GSM επιG1909 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF μετοικεσιαςG3350 N-GSF αυτουG846 P-GSM επιG1909 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF μετοικεσιαςG3350 N-GSF βαβυλωνοςG897 N-GSF βαβυλωνοςG897 N-GSF Mat 1:12 μεταG3326 PREP δεG1161 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF μετοικεσιανG3350 N-ASF Mat 1:12 μεταG3326 PREP δεG1161 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF μετοικεσιανG3350 N-ASF βαβυλωνοςG897 N-GSF ιεχονιαςG2423 N-NSM εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- βαβυλωνοςG897 N-GSF ιεχονιαςG2423 N-NSM εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM σαλαθιηλG4528 N-PRI σαλαθιηλG4528 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V- ASM σαλαθιηλG4528 N-PRI σαλαθιηλG4528 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V- AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ζοροβαβελG2216 N-PRI AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ζοροβαβελG2216 N-PRI Mat 1:13 ζοροβαβελG2216 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 Mat 1:13 ζοροβαβελG2216 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αβιουδG10 N-PRI αβιουδG10 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S T-ASM αβιουδG10 N-PRI αβιουδG10 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ελιακειμG1662 N-PRI ελιακειμG1662 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM ελιακιμG1662 N-PRI ελιακιμG1662 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αζωρG107 N-PRI εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αζωρG107 N-PRI Mat 1:14 αζωρG107 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM Mat 1:14 αζωρG107 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM σαδωκG4524 N-PRI σαδωκG4524 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S σαδωκG4524 N-PRI σαδωκG4524 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM αχειμG885 N-PRI αχειμG885 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V- τονG3588 T-ASM αχιμG885 N-PRI αχιμG885 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V- AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ελιουδG1664 N-PRI AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ελιουδG1664 N-PRI Mat 1:15 ελιουδG1664 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- Mat 1:15 ελιουδG1664 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM ελεαζαρG1648 N-PRI ελεαζαρG1648 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI- ASM ελεαζαρG1648 N-PRI ελεαζαρG1648 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI- 3S τονG3588 T-ASM ματθανG3157 N-PRI ματθανG3157 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ 3S τονG3588 T-ASM ματθανG3157 N-PRI ματθανG3157 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιακωβG2384 N-PRI εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM ιακωβG2384 N-PRI Mat 1:16 ιακωβG2384 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- Mat 1:16 ιακωβG2384 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ εγεννησενG1080 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI τονG3588 T-ASM ανδραG435 N-ASM μαριαςG3137 N-GSF ASM ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI τονG3588 T-ASM ανδραG435 N-ASM μαριαςG3137 N-GSF εξG1537 PREP ηςG3739 R-GSF εγεννηθηG1080 V-API-3S ιησουςG2424 N-NSM οG3588 εξG1537 PREP ηςG3739 R-GSF εγεννηθηG1080 V-API-3S ιησουςG2424 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM λεγομενοςG3004 V-PPP-NSM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM T-NSM λεγομενοςG3004 V-PPP-NSM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM Mat 1:17 πασαιG3956 A-NPF ουνG3767 CONJ αιG3588 T-NPF γενεαιG1074 N-NPF Mat 1:17 πασαιG3956 A-NPF ουνG3767 CONJ αιG3588 T-NPF γενεαιG1074 N-NPF αποG575 PREP αβρααμG11 N-PRI εωςG2193 ADV δαβιδG1138 N-PRI γενεαιG1074 N- αποG575 PREP αβρααμG11 N-PRI εωςG2193 ADV δαυιδG1138 N-PRI γενεαιG1074 N- NPF δεκατεσσαρεςG1180 A-NPF καιG2532 CONJ αποG575 PREP δαβιδG1138 N-PRI NPF δεκατεσσαρεςG1180 A-NPF καιG2532 CONJ αποG575 PREP δαυιδG1138 N-PRI εωςG2193 ADV τηςG3588 T-GSF μετοικεσιαςG3350 N-GSF βαβυλωνοςG897 N-GSF εωςG2193 ADV τηςG3588 T-GSF μετοικεσιαςG3350 N-GSF βαβυλωνοςG897 N-GSF γενεαιG1074 N-NPF δεκατεσσαρεςG1180 A-NPF καιG2532 CONJ αποG575 PREP γενεαιG1074 N-NPF δεκατεσσαρεςG1180 A-NPF καιG2532 CONJ αποG575 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF μετοικεσιαςG3350 N-GSF βαβυλωνοςG897 N-GSF εωςG2193 ADV τηςG3588 T-GSF μετοικεσιαςG3350 N-GSF βαβυλωνοςG897 N-GSF εωςG2193 ADV τουG3588 T-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM γενεαιG1074 N-NPF δεκατεσσαρεςG1180 A-NPF τουG3588 T-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM γενεαιG1074 N-NPF δεκατεσσαρεςG1180 A-NPF Mat 1:18 τουG3588 T-GSM δεG1161 CONJ ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM Mat 1:18 τουG3588 T-GSM δεG1161 CONJ | [ιησου]G2424 N-GSM | ιησουG2424 N-GSM ηG3588 T-NSF γεννησιςG1083 N-NSF ουτωςG3779 ADV ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S | χριστουG5547 N-GSM ηG3588 T-NSF γενεσιςG1078 N-NSF ουτωςG3779 ADV ηνG1510 μνηστευθεισηςG3423 V-APP-GSF γαρG1063 CONJ τηςG3588 T-GSF μητροςG3384 N-GSF V-IAI-3S μνηστευθεισηςG3423 V-APP-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF μητροςG3384 N-GSF αυτουG846 P-GSM μαριαςG3137 N-GSF τωG3588 T-DSM ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI πρινG4250 αυτουG846 P-GSM μαριαςG3137 N-GSF τωG3588 T-DSM ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI πρινG4250 ADV ηG2228 PRT συνελθεινG4905 V-2AAN αυτουςG846 P-APM ευρεθηG2147 V-API-3S ADV ηG2228 PRT συνελθεινG4905 V-2AAN αυτουςG846 P-APM ευρεθηG2147 V-API-3S ενG1722 PREP γαστριG1064 N-DSF εχουσαG2192 V-PAP-NSF εκG1537 PREP ενG1722 PREP γαστριG1064 N-DSF εχουσαG2192 V-PAP-NSF εκG1537 PREP πνευματοςG4151 N-GSN αγιουG40 A-GSN πνευματοςG4151 N-GSN αγιουG40 A-GSN Mat 1:19 ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM ανηρG435 N-NSM Mat 1:19 ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI δεG1161 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM ανηρG435 N-NSM αυτηςG846 P-GSF δικαιοςG1342 A-NSM ωνG1510 V-PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ αυτηςG846 P-GSF δικαιοςG1342 A-NSM ωνG1510 V-PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N θελωνG2309 V-PAP-NSM αυτηνG846 P-ASF παραδειγματισαιG3856 V- μηG3361 PRT-N θελωνG2309 V-PAP-NSM αυτηνG846 P-ASF δειγματισαιG1165 V-AAN AAN εβουληθηG1014 V-AOI-3S λαθραG2977 ADV απολυσαιG630 V-AAN αυτηνG846 P- εβουληθηG1014 V-AOI-3S λαθραG2977 ADV απολυσαιG630 V-AAN αυτηνG846 P-ASF ASF Mat 1:20 ταυταG3778 D-APN δεG1161 CONJ αυτουG846 P-GSM ενθυμηθεντοςG1760 V- Mat 1:20 ταυταG3778 D-APN δεG1161 CONJ αυτουG846 P-GSM ενθυμηθεντοςG1760 V- AOP-GSM ιδουG3708 V-2AAM-2S αγγελοςG32 N-NSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM κατG2596 AOP-GSM ιδουG3708 V-2AAM-2S αγγελοςG32 N-NSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM κατG2596 PREP οναρG3677 N-OI εφανηG5316 V-2API-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM λεγωνG3004 V-PAP- PREP οναρG3677 N-OI εφανηG5316 V-2API-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM λεγωνG3004 V-PAP- NSM ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI υιοςG5207 N-NSM δαβιδG1138 N-PRI μηG3361 PRT-N NSM ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI υιοςG5207 N-NSM δαυιδG1138 N-PRI μηG3361 PRT-N φοβηθηςG5399 V-AOS-2S παραλαβεινG3880 V-2AAN μαριαμG3137 N-PRI τηνG3588 T- φοβηθηςG5399 V-AOS-2S παραλαβεινG3880 V-2AAN μαριανG3137 N-ASF τηνG3588 T- ASF γυναικαG1135 N-ASF σουG4771 P-2GS τοG3588 T-NSN γαρG1063 CONJ ενG1722 ASF γυναικαG1135 N-ASF σουG4771 P-2GS τοG3588 T-NSN γαρG1063 CONJ ενG1722 PREP αυτηG846 P-DSF γεννηθενG1080 V-APP-NSN εκG1537 PREP πνευματοςG4151 N- PREP αυτηG846 P-DSF γεννηθενG1080 V-APP-NSN εκG1537 PREP πνευματοςG4151 N- GSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S αγιουG40 A-GSN GSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S αγιουG40 A-GSN Mat 1:21 τεξεταιG5088 V-FDI-3S δεG1161 CONJ υιονG5207 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ Mat 1:21 τεξεταιG5088 V-FDI-3S δεG1161 CONJ υιονG5207 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ καλεσειςG2564 V-FAI-2S τοG3588 T-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 P-GSM καλεσειςG2564 V-FAI-2S τοG3588 T-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 P-GSM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM αυτοςG846 P-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ σωσειG4982 V-FAI-3S ιησουνG2424 N-ASM αυτοςG846 P-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ σωσειG4982 V-FAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM λαονG2992 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM αποG575 PREP τωνG3588 T- τονG3588 T-ASM λαονG2992 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM αποG575 PREP τωνG3588 T- GPF αμαρτιωνG266 N-GPF αυτωνG846 P-GPM GPF αμαρτιωνG266 N-GPF αυτωνG846 P-GPM Mat 1:22 τουτοG3778 D-NSN δεG1161 CONJ ολονG3650 A-NSN γεγονενG1096 V-2RAI- Mat 1:22 τουτοG3778 D-NSN δεG1161 CONJ ολονG3650 A-NSN γεγονενG1096 V-2RAI- 3S ιναG2443 CONJ πληρωθηG4137 V-APS-3S τοG3588 T-NSN ρηθενG2046 V-APP-NSN 3S ιναG2443 CONJ πληρωθηG4137 V-APS-3S τοG3588 T-NSN ρηθενG2046 V-APP-NSN υποG5259 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM διαG1223 PREP τουG3588 T- υποG5259 PREP κυριουG2962 N-GSM διαG1223 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM προφητουG4396 GSM προφητουG4396 N-GSM λεγοντοςG3004 V-PAP-GSN N-GSM λεγοντοςG3004 V-PAP-GSN Mat 1:23 ιδουG3708 V-2AAM-2S ηG3588 T-NSF παρθενοςG3933 N-NSF ενG1722 PREP Mat 1:23 ιδουG3708 V-2AAM-2S ηG3588 T-NSF παρθενοςG3933 N-NSF ενG1722 PREP γαστριG1064 N-DSF εξειG2192 V-FAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ τεξεταιG5088 V-FDI-3S γαστριG1064 N-DSF εξειG2192 V-FAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ τεξεταιG5088 V-FDI-3S υιονG5207 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ καλεσουσινG2564 V-FAI-3P τοG3588 T-ASN υιονG5207 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ καλεσουσινG2564 V-FAI-3P τοG3588 T-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 P-GSM εμμανουηλG1694 N-PRI οG3739 R-NSN ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 P-GSM εμμανουηλG1694 N-PRI οG3739 R-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S μεθερμηνευομενονG3177 V-PPP-NSN μεθG3326 PREP ημωνG1473 εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S μεθερμηνευομενονG3177 V-PPP-NSN μεθG3326 PREP ημωνG1473 P-1GP οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM P-1GP οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM Mat 1:24 διεγερθειςG1326 V-APP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM ιωσηφG2501 N- Mat 1:24 εγερθειςG1453 V-APP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ | [ο]G3588 T-NSM | οG3588 T- PRI αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM υπνουG5258 N-GSM εποιησενG4160 V-AAI-3S NSM | ιωσηφG2501 N-PRI αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM υπνουG5258 N-GSM ωςG5613 ADV προσεταξενG4367 V-AAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM οG3588 T-NSM εποιησενG4160 V-AAI-3S ωςG5613 ADV προσεταξενG4367 V-AAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM αγγελοςG32 N-NSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM καιG2532 CONJ παρελαβενG3880 V-2AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM αγγελοςG32 N-NSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM καιG2532 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF γυναικαG1135 N-ASF αυτουG846 P-GSM παρελαβενG3880 V-2AAI-3S τηνG3588 T-ASF γυναικαG1135 N-ASF αυτουG846 P-GSM Mat 1:25 καιG2532 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N εγινωσκενG1097 V-IAI-3S αυτηνG846 P-ASF Mat 1:25 καιG2532 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N εγινωσκενG1097 V-IAI-3S αυτηνG846 P- εωςG2193 ADV ουG3739 R-GSM ετεκενG5088 V-2AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM υιονG5207 ASF εωςG2193 ADV | [ου]G3739 R-GSM | ουG3739 R-GSM | ετεκενG5088 V-2AAI-3S N-ASM αυτηςG846 P-GSF τονG3588 T-ASM πρωτοτοκονG4416 A-ASM-S καιG2532 υιονG5207 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ εκαλεσενG2564 V-AAI-3S τοG3588 T-ASN CONJ εκαλεσενG2564 V-AAI-3S τοG3588 T-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 P- ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 P-GSM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM GSM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM Matthew 1:25

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 1:25 And knew her not till she had brought ES Mt 1:25 but knew her not until she had given forth her firstborn son: and he called his name birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus. JESUS. TR Mt 1:25 καιG2532 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N WH Mt 1:25 καιG2532 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N εγινωσκενG1097 V-IAI-3S αυτηνG846 P-ASF εγινωσκενG1097 V-IAI-3S αυτηνG846 P-ASF εωςG2193 ADV ουG3739 R-GSM ετεκενG5088 εωςG2193 ADV | [ου]G3739 R-GSM | ουG3739 V-2AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM υιονG5207 N- R-GSM | ετεκενG5088 V-2AAI-3S υιονG5207 N- ASM αυτηςG846 P-GSF τονG3588 T-ASM ASM καιG2532 CONJ εκαλεσενG2564 V-AAI-3S πρωτοτοκονG4416 A-ASM-S καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 εκαλεσενG2564 V-AAI-3S τοG3588 T-ASN P-GSM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM ονομαG3686 N-ASN αυτουG846 P-GSM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM Matthew 5:22

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is ES Mt 5:22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to whoever insults his brother will be liable to the his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: council; and whoever says, 'You fool!' will be but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in liable to the hell of fire. danger of hell fire.

TR Mt 5:22 εγωG1473 P-1NS δεG1161 CONJ WH Mt 5:22 εγωG1473 P-1NS δεG1161 CONJ λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S υμινG4771 P-2DP λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S υμινG4771 P-2DP οτιG3754 CONJ παςG3956 A-NSM οG3588 T- οτιG3754 CONJ παςG3956 A-NSM οG3588 T- NSM οργιζομενοςG3710 V-PPP-NSM τωG3588 NSM οργιζομενοςG3710 V-PPP-NSM τωG3588 T-DSM αδελφωG80 N-DSM αυτουG846 P-GSM T-DSM αδελφωG80 N-DSM αυτουG846 P-GSM εικηG1500 ADV ενοχοςG1777 A-NSM ενοχοςG1777 A-NSM εσταιG1510 V-FDI-3S εσταιG1510 V-FDI-3S τηG3588 T-DSF τηG3588 T-DSF κρισειG2920 N-DSF οςG3739 R- κρισειG2920 N-DSF οςG3739 R-NSM δG1161 NSM δG1161 CONJ ανG302 PRT ειπηG3004 V- CONJ ανG302 PRT ειπηG3004 V-2AAS-3S 2AAS-3S τωG3588 T-DSM αδελφωG80 N-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM αδελφωG80 N-DSM αυτουG846 P-GSM ρακαG4469 ARAM αυτουG846 P-GSM ρακαG4469 ARAM ενοχοςG1777 A-NSM εσταιG1510 V-FDI-3S ενοχοςG1777 A-NSM εσταιG1510 V-FDI-3S τωG3588 T-DSN συνεδριωG4892 N-DSN τωG3588 T-DSN συνεδριωG4892 N-DSN οςG3739 R-NSM δG1161 CONJ ανG302 PRT οςG3739 R-NSM δG1161 CONJ ανG302 PRT ειπηG3004 V-2AAS-3S μωρεG3474 A-VSM ειπηG3004 V-2AAS-3S μωρεG3474 A-VSM ενοχοςG1777 A-NSM εσταιG1510 V-FDI-3S ενοχοςG1777 A-NSM εσταιG1510 V-FDI-3S ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF γεεννανG1067 ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF γεεννανG1067 N-ASF τουG3588 T-GSN πυροςG4442 N-GSN N-ASF τουG3588 T-GSN πυροςG4442 N-GSN

Matthew 5:44

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your ES Mt 5:44 But I say to you, Love your enemies enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to and pray for those who persecute you, them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; TR Mt 5:44 εγωG1473 P-1NS δεG1161 CONJ WH Mt 5:44 εγωG1473 P-1NS δεG1161 CONJ λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S υμινG4771 P-2DP λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S υμινG4771 P-2DP αγαπατεG25 V-PAM-2P τουςG3588 T-APM αγαπατεG25 V-PAM-2P τουςG3588 T-APM εχθρουςG2190 A-APM υμωνG4771 P-2GP εχθρουςG2190 A-APM υμωνG4771 P-2GP ευλογειτεG2127 V-PAM-2P τουςG3588 T-APM καιG2532 CONJ προσευχεσθεG4336 V-PNM-2P καταρωμενουςG2672 V-PNP-APM υμαςG4771 P- υπερG5228 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM 2AP καλωςG2573 ADV ποιειτεG4160 V-PAM-2P διωκοντωνG1377 V-PAP-GPM υμαςG4771 P- τουςG3588 T-APM μισουνταςG3404 V-PAP- 2AP APM υμαςG4771 P-2AP καιG2532 CONJ προσευχεσθεG4336 V-PNM-2P υπερG5228 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM επηρεαζοντωνG1908 V-PAP- GPM υμαςG4771 P-2AP καιG2532 CONJ διωκοντωνG1377 V-PAP-GPM υμαςG4771 P- 2AP Matthew 6:13

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but ES Mt 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and deliver us from evil. the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

TR Mt 6:13 καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N WH Mt 6:13 καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N εισενεγκηςG1533 V-AAS-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP εισενεγκηςG1533 V-AAS-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP ειςG1519 PREP πειρασμονG3986 N-ASM ειςG1519 PREP πειρασμονG3986 N-ASM αλλαG235 CONJ ρυσαιG4506 V-ADM-2S αλλαG235 CONJ ρυσαιG4506 V-ADM-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T- ημαςG1473 P-1AP αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T- GSM πονηρουG4190 A-GSM οτιG3754 CONJ GSM πονηρουG4190 A-GSM σουG4771 P-2GS εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ηG3588 T-NSF βασιλειαG932 N-NSF καιG2532 CONJ ηG3588 T-NSF δυναμιςG1411 N-NSF καιG2532 CONJ ηG3588 T-NSF δοξαG1391 N-NSF ειςG1519 PREP τουςG3588 T-APM αιωναςG165 N-APM αμηνG281 HEB Matthew 9:13

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 9:13 But go ye and learn what [that] ES Mt 9:13 Go and learn what this means, 'I meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to call the righteous, but sinners." repentance. TR Mt 9:13 πορευθεντεςG4198 V-AOP-NPM WH Mt 9:13 πορευθεντεςG4198 V-AOP-NPM δεG1161 CONJ μαθετεG3129 V-2AAM-2P δεG1161 CONJ μαθετεG3129 V-2AAM-2P τιG5101 I-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τιG5101 I-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ελεονG1656 N-ASM θελωG2309 V-PAI-1S ελεοςG1656 N-ASN θελωG2309 V-PAI-1S καιG2532 CONJ ουG3756 PRT-N θυσιανG2378 καιG2532 CONJ ουG3756 PRT-N θυσιανG2378 N-ASF ουG3756 PRT-N γαρG1063 CONJ N-ASF ουG3756 PRT-N γαρG1063 CONJ ηλθονG2064 V-2AAI-1S καλεσαιG2564 V-AAN ηλθονG2064 V-2AAI-1S καλεσαιG2564 V-AAN δικαιουςG1342 A-APM αλλG235 CONJ δικαιουςG1342 A-APM αλλαG235 CONJ αμαρτωλουςG268 A-APM ειςG1519 PREP αμαρτωλουςG268 A-APM μετανοιανG3341 N-ASF Matthew 9:18

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 9:18 . While he spake these things unto ES Mt 9:18 While he was saying these things to them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and them, behold, a ruler came in and knelt before him, worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now saying, "My daughter has just died, but come and dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she lay your hand on her, and she will live." shall live. TR Mt 9:18 ταυταG3778 D-APN αυτουG846 P- WH Mt 9:18 ταυταG3778 D-APN αυτουG846 P- GSM λαλουντοςG2980 V-PAP-GSM αυτοιςG846 GSM λαλουντοςG2980 V-PAP-GSM αυτοιςG846 P-DPM ιδουG3708 V-2AAM-2S αρχωνG758 N- P-DPM ιδουG3708 V-2AAM-2S αρχωνG758 N- NSM | | ειςG1520 A-NSM | ελθωνG2064 V-2AAP- NSM | [εις]G1520 A-NSM προσελθωνG4334 V- NSM προσεκυνειG4352 V-IAI-3S αυτωG846 P- 2AAP-NSM | ειςG1520 A-NSM ελθωνG2064 V- DSM λεγωνG3004 V-PAP-NSM οτιG3754 CONJ 2AAP-NSM | προσεκυνειG4352 V-IAI-3S ηG3588 T-NSF θυγατηρG2364 N-NSF μουG1473 αυτωG846 P-DSM λεγωνG3004 V-PAP-NSM P-1GS αρτιG737 ADV ετελευτησενG5053 V- οτιG3754 CONJ ηG3588 T-NSF θυγατηρG2364 AAI-3S αλλαG235 CONJ ελθωνG2064 V-2AAP- N-NSF μουG1473 P-1GS αρτιG737 ADV NSM επιθεςG2007 V-2AAM-2S τηνG3588 T- ετελευτησενG5053 V-AAI-3S αλλαG235 CONJ ASF χειραG5495 N-ASF σουG4771 P-2GS ελθωνG2064 V-2AAP-NSM επιθεςG2007 V- επG1909 PREP αυτηνG846 P-ASF καιG2532 2AAM-2S τηνG3588 T-ASF χειραG5495 N-ASF CONJ ζησεταιG2198 V-FDI-3S σουG4771 P-2GS επG1909 PREP αυτηνG846 P- ASF καιG2532 CONJ ζησεταιG2198 V-FDI-3S Matthew 15:8

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me ES Mt 15:8 "'This people honors me with their with their mouth, and honoureth me with [their] lips, but their heart is far from me; lips; but their heart is far from me. TR Mt 15:8 εγγιζειG1448 V-PAI-3S μοιG1473 WH Mt 15:8 οG3588 T-NSM λαοςG2992 N- P-1DS οG3588 T-NSM λαοςG2992 N-NSM NSM ουτοςG3778 D-NSM τοιςG3588 T-DPN ουτοςG3778 D-NSM τωG3588 T-DSN χειλεσινG5491 N-DPN μεG1473 P-1AS στοματιG4750 N-DSN αυτωνG846 P-GPM τιμαG5091 V-PAI-3S ηG3588 T-NSF δεG1161 καιG2532 CONJ τοιςG3588 T-DPN CONJ καρδιαG2588 N-NSF αυτωνG846 P-GPM χειλεσινG5491 N-DPN μεG1473 P-1AS πορρωG4206 ADV απεχειG568 V-PAI-3S τιμαG5091 V-PAI-3S ηG3588 T-NSF δεG1161 απG575 PREP εμουG1473 P-1GS CONJ καρδιαG2588 N-NSF αυτωνG846 P-GPM πορρωG4206 ADV απεχειG568 V-PAI-3S απG575 PREP εμουG1473 P-1GS Matthew 16:20

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 16:20 Then charged he his disciples that ES Mt 16:20 Then he strictly charged the they should tell no man that he was Jesus the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ. Christ. TR Mt 16:20 τοτεG5119 ADV WH Mt 16:20 τοτεG5119 ADV | διεστειλατοG1291 V-AMI-3S τοιςG3588 T-DPM επετιμησενG2008 V-AAI-3S | διεστειλατοG1291 μαθηταιςG3101 N-DPM αυτουG846 P-GSM V-AMI-3S | τοιςG3588 T-DPM μαθηταιςG3101 ιναG2443 CONJ μηδενιG3367 A-DSM-N N-DPM ιναG2443 CONJ μηδενιG3367 A-DSM-N ειπωσινG3004 V-2AAS-3P οτιG3754 CONJ ειπωσινG3004 V-2AAS-3P οτιG3754 CONJ αυτοςG846 P-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S αυτοςG846 P-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ιησουςG2424 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM οG3588 T-NSM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM

Matthew 17:21

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 17:21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but ES Mt 17:21 (omit) by prayer and fasting. TR Mt 17:21 τουτοG3778 D-NSN δεG1161 WH Mt 17:21 (omit) CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN γενοςG1085 N-NSN ουκG3756 PRT-N εκπορευεταιG1607 V-PNI-3S ειG1487 COND μηG3361 PRT-N ενG1722 PREP προσευχηG4335 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ νηστειαG3521 N-DSF Matthew 18:11

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 18:11 For the Son of man is come to save ES Mt 18:11 (omit) that which was lost. TR Mt 18:11 ηλθενG2064 V-2AAI-3S γαρG1063 WH Mt 18:11 (omit) CONJ οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM σωσαιG4982 V-AAN τοG3588 T-ASN απολωλοςG622 V-2RAP-ASN Matthew 18:22

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 18:22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto ES Mt 18:22 Jesus said to him, "I do not say to thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times you seven times, but seventy-seven times. seven. TR Mt 18:22 λεγειG3004 V-PAI-3S αυτωG846 WH Mt 18:22 λεγειG3004 V-PAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM P-DSM οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM ουG3756 PRT-N λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S σοιG4771 ουG3756 PRT-N λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S σοιG4771 P-2DS εωςG2193 ADV επτακιςG2034 ADV P-2DS εωςG2193 ADV επτακιςG2034 ADV αλλG235 CONJ εωςG2193 ADV αλλαG235 CONJ εωςG2193 ADV εβδομηκοντακιςG1441 ADV επταG2033 A-NUI εβδομηκοντακιςG1441 ADV επταG2033 A-NUI Matthew 19:9

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall ES Mt 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces put away his wife, except [it be] for fornication, his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and another, commits adultery." whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. TR Mt 19:9 λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S δεG1161 WH Mt 19:9 λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S δεG1161 CONJ υμινG4771 P-2DP οτιG3754 CONJ CONJ υμινG4771 P-2DP οτιG3754 CONJ οςG3739 R-NSM ανG302 PRT απολυσηG630 V- οςG3739 R-NSM ανG302 PRT απολυσηG630 V- AAS-3S τηνG3588 T-ASF γυναικαG1135 N-ASF AAS-3S τηνG3588 T-ASF γυναικαG1135 N-ASF αυτουG846 P-GSM ειG1487 COND μηG3361 αυτουG846 P-GSM μηG3361 PRT-N επιG1909 PRT-N επιG1909 PREP πορνειαG4202 N-DSF PREP πορνειαG4202 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ γαμησηG1060 V-AAS-3S γαμησηG1060 V-AAS-3S αλληνG243 A-ASF αλληνG243 A-ASF μοιχαταιG3429 V-PNI-3S μοιχαταιG3429 V-PNI-3S καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM απολελυμενηνG630 V-RPP-ASF γαμησαςG1060 V-AAP-NSM μοιχαταιG3429 V-PNI-3S Matthew 19:17

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest ES Mt 19:17 And he said to him, "Why do you thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that ask me about what is good? There is only one who is], God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments. commandments." TR Mt 19:17 οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ WH Mt 19:17 οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM τιG5101 I-ASN μεG1473 P-1AS λεγειςG3004 V- τιG5101 I-ASN μεG1473 P-1AS ερωταςG2065 V- PAI-2S αγαθονG18 A-ASM ουδειςG3762 A- PAI-2S περιG4012 PREP τουG3588 T-GSN NSM-N αγαθοςG18 A-NSM ειG1487 COND αγαθουG18 A-GSN ειςG1520 A-NSM μηG3361 PRT-N ειςG1520 A-NSM οG3588 T- εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM ειG1487 COND αγαθοςG18 A-NSM ειG1487 COND δεG1161 δεG1161 CONJ θελειςG2309 V-PAI-2S CONJ θελειςG2309 V-PAI-2S ειςG1519 PREP εισελθεινG1525 V-2AAN ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF ζωηνG2222 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF ζωηνG2222 N-ASF εισελθεινG1525 V-2AAN | τηρειG5083 V-PAM- τηρησονG5083 V-AAM-2S ταςG3588 T-APF 2S | τηρησονG5083 V-AAM-2S | ταςG3588 T- εντολαςG1785 N-APF APF εντολαςG1785 N-APF Matthew 20:7

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 20:7 They say unto him, Because no man ES Mt 20:7 They said to him, 'Because no one has hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into hired us.' He said to them, 'You go into the vineyard the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, [that] shall too.' ye receive. TR Mt 20:7 λεγουσινG3004 V-PAI-3P WH Mt 20:7 λεγουσινG3004 V-PAI-3P αυτωG846 P-DSM οτιG3754 CONJ ουδειςG3762 αυτωG846 P-DSM οτιG3754 CONJ ουδειςG3762 A-NSM-N ημαςG1473 P-1AP εμισθωσατοG3409 A-NSM-N ημαςG1473 P-1AP εμισθωσατοG3409 V-AMI-3S λεγειG3004 V-PAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P- V-AMI-3S λεγειG3004 V-PAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P- DPM υπαγετεG5217 V-PAM-2P καιG2532 CONJ DPM υπαγετεG5217 V-PAM-2P καιG2532 CONJ υμειςG4771 P-2NP ειςG1519 PREP τονG3588 T- υμειςG4771 P-2NP ειςG1519 PREP τονG3588 T- ASM αμπελωναG290 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ ASM αμπελωναG290 N-ASM οG3739 R-ASN εανG1437 COND ηG1510 V- PAS-3S δικαιονG1342 A-ASN ληψεσθεG2983 V- FDI-2P Matthew 20:16

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 20:16 So the last shall be first, and the first ES Mt 20:16 So the last will be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. last." TR Mt 20:16 ουτωςG3779 ADV εσονταιG1510 WH Mt 20:16 ουτωςG3779 ADV εσονταιG1510 V-FDI-3P οιG3588 T-NPM εσχατοιG2078 A- V-FDI-3P οιG3588 T-NPM εσχατοιG2078 A- NPM-S πρωτοιG4413 A-NPM-S καιG2532 CONJ NPM-S πρωτοιG4413 A-NPM-S καιG2532 CONJ οιG3588 T-NPM πρωτοιG4413 A-NPM-S οιG3588 T-NPM πρωτοιG4413 A-NPM-S εσχατοιG2078 A-NPM-S πολλοιG4183 A-NPM εσχατοιG2078 A-NPM-S γαρG1063 CONJ εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P κλητοιG2822 A-NPM ολιγοιG3641 A-NPM δεG1161 CONJ εκλεκτοιG1588 A-NPM

Matthew 23:8

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 23:8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is ES Mt 23:8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for your Master, [even] Christ; and all ye are brethren. you have one teacher, and you are all brothers.

TR Mt 23:8 υμειςG4771 P-2NP δεG1161 CONJ WH Mt 23:8 υμειςG4771 P-2NP δεG1161 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N κληθητεG2564 V-APS-2P μηG3361 PRT-N κληθητεG2564 V-APS-2P ραββιG4461 HEB ειςG1520 A-NSM γαρG1063 ραββιG4461 HEB ειςG1520 A-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S υμωνG4771 P-2GP CONJ εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S υμωνG4771 P-2GP οG3588 T-NSM καθηγητηςG2519 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM διδασκαλοςG1320 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM παντεςG3956 A-NPM δεG1161 CONJ παντεςG3956 A-NPM δεG1161 CONJ υμειςG4771 P-2NP αδελφοιG80 N-NPM υμειςG4771 P-2NP αδελφοιG80 N-NPM εστεG1510 V-PAI-2P εστεG1510 V-PAI-2P Matthew 23:10

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 23:10 Neither be ye called masters: for one Mat 23:10 Neither be called instructors, for you is your Master, [even] Christ. have one instructor, the Christ. TR Mt 23:10 μηδεG3366 CONJ-N WH Mt 23:10 μηδεG3366 CONJ-N κληθητεG2564 V-APS-2P καθηγηταιG2519 N- κληθητεG2564 V-APS-2P καθηγηταιG2519 N- NPM ειςG1520 A-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ NPM οτιG3754 CONJ καθηγητηςG2519 N-NSM υμωνG4771 P-2GP εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S υμωνG4771 P-2GP εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM καθηγητηςG2519 N-NSM ειςG1520 A-NSM οG3588 T-NSM χριστοςG5547 οG3588 T-NSM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM N-NSM Matthew 24:7

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, ES Mt 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in famines and earthquakes in various places. divers places. TR Mt 24:7 εγερθησεταιG1453 V-FPI-3S WH Mt 24:7 εγερθησεταιG1453 V-FPI-3S γαρG1063 CONJ εθνοςG1484 N-NSN επιG1909 γαρG1063 CONJ εθνοςG1484 N-NSN επιG1909 PREP εθνοςG1484 N-ASN καιG2532 CONJ PREP εθνοςG1484 N-ASN καιG2532 CONJ βασιλειαG932 N-NSF επιG1909 PREP βασιλειαG932 N-NSF επιG1909 PREP βασιλειανG932 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ βασιλειανG932 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ εσονταιG1510 V-FDI-3P λιμοιG3042 N-NPM εσονταιG1510 V-FDI-3P λιμοιG3042 N-NPM καιG2532 CONJ λοιμοιG3061 N-NPM καιG2532 καιG2532 CONJ σεισμοιG4578 N-NPM CONJ σεισμοιG4578 N-NPM καταG2596 PREP καταG2596 PREP τοπουςG5117 N-APM τοπουςG5117 N-APM

Matthew 24:36

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no ES Mt 24:36 "But concerning that day and hour [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor only. the Son, but the Father only. TR Mt 24:36 περιG4012 PREP δεG1161 CONJ WH Mt 24:36 περιG4012 PREP δεG1161 CONJ τηςG3588 T-GSF ημεραςG2250 N-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF ημεραςG2250 N-GSF εκεινηςG1565 D-GSF καιG2532 CONJ τηςG3588 εκεινηςG1565 D-GSF καιG2532 CONJ T-GSF ωραςG5610 N-GSF ουδειςG3762 A-NSM- ωραςG5610 N-GSF ουδειςG3762 A-NSM-N N οιδενG1492 V-RAI-3S ουδεG3761 CONJ-N οιδενG1492 V-RAI-3S ουδεG3761 CONJ-N οιG3588 T-NPM αγγελοιG32 N-NPM τωνG3588 οιG3588 T-NPM αγγελοιG32 N-NPM τωνG3588 T-GPM ουρανωνG3772 N-GPM ειG1487 COND T-GPM ουρανωνG3772 N-GPM ουδεG3761 μηG3361 PRT-N οG3588 T-NSM πατηρG3962 N- CONJ-N οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM NSM μουG1473 P-1GS μονοςG3441 A-NSM ειG1487 COND μηG3361 PRT-N οG3588 T-NSM πατηρG3962 N-NSM μονοςG3441 A-NSM Matthew 25:13

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither ES Mt 25:13 Watch therefore, for you know the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man neither the day nor the hour. cometh. TR Mt 25:13 γρηγορειτεG1127 V-PAM-2P WH Mt 25:13 γρηγορειτεG1127 V-PAM-2P ουνG3767 CONJ οτιG3754 CONJ ουκG3756 ουνG3767 CONJ οτιG3754 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N οιδατεG1492 V-RAI-2P τηνG3588 T-ASF PRT-N οιδατεG1492 V-RAI-2P τηνG3588 T-ASF ημερανG2250 N-ASF ουδεG3761 CONJ-N ημερανG2250 N-ASF ουδεG3761 CONJ-N τηνG3588 T-ASF ωρανG5610 N-ASF ενG1722 τηνG3588 T-ASF ωρανG5610 N-ASF PREP ηG3739 R-NSF οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM ανθρωπουG444 N- GSM ερχεταιG2064 V-PNI-3S Matthew 25:31

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 25:31 . When the Son of man shall come in ES Mt 25:31 "When the Son of Man comes in his his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: on his glorious throne. TR Mt 25:31 οτανG3752 CONJ δεG1161 CONJ WH Mt 25:31 οτανG3752 CONJ δεG1161 CONJ ελθηG2064 V-2AAS-3S οG3588 T-NSM ελθηG2064 V-2AAS-3S οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF δοξηG1391 N-DSF αυτουG846 P-GSM T-DSF δοξηG1391 N-DSF αυτουG846 P-GSM καιG2532 CONJ παντεςG3956 A-NPM οιG3588 καιG2532 CONJ παντεςG3956 A-NPM οιG3588 T-NPM αγιοιG40 A-NPM αγγελοιG32 N-NPM T-NPM αγγελοιG32 N-NPM μετG3326 PREP μετG3326 PREP αυτουG846 P-GSM τοτεG5119 αυτουG846 P-GSM τοτεG5119 ADV ADV καθισειG2523 V-FAI-3S επιG1909 PREP καθισειG2523 V-FAI-3S επιG1909 PREP θρονουG2362 N-GSM δοξηςG1391 N-GSF θρονουG2362 N-GSM δοξηςG1391 N-GSF αυτουG846 P-GSM αυτουG846 P-GSM

Matthew 27:24

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 27:24 When Pilate saw that he could ES Mt 27:24 So when Pilate saw that he was prevail nothing, but [that] rather a tumult was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was made, he took water, and washed [his] hands beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this blood of this just person: see ye [to it]. man's blood; see to it yourselves." TR Mt 27:24 ιδωνG3708 V-2AAP-NSM WH Mt 27:24 ιδωνG3708 V-2AAP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM πιλατοςG4091 N- δεG1161 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM πιλατοςG4091 N- NSM οτιG3754 CONJ ουδενG3762 A-ASN-N NSM οτιG3754 CONJ ουδενG3762 A-ASN-N ωφελειG5623 V-PAI-3S αλλαG235 CONJ ωφελειG5623 V-PAI-3S αλλαG235 CONJ μαλλονG3123 ADV θορυβοςG2351 N-NSM μαλλονG3123 ADV θορυβοςG2351 N-NSM γινεταιG1096 V-PNI-3S λαβωνG2983 V-2AAP- γινεταιG1096 V-PNI-3S λαβωνG2983 V-2AAP- NSM υδωρG5204 N-ASN απενιψατοG633 V- NSM υδωρG5204 N-ASN απενιψατοG633 V- AMI-3S ταςG3588 T-APF χειραςG5495 N-APF AMI-3S ταςG3588 T-APF χειραςG5495 N-APF | απεναντιG561 ADV τουG3588 T-GSM κατεναντιG2713 ADV | απεναντιG561 ADV | οχλουG3793 N-GSM λεγωνG3004 V-PAP-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM οχλουG3793 N-GSM αθωοςG121 A-NSM ειμιG1510 V-PAI-1S λεγωνG3004 V-PAP-NSM αθωοςG121 A-NSM αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T-GSN αιματοςG129 ειμιG1510 V-PAI-1S αποG575 PREP τουG3588 N-GSN τουG3588 T-GSM δικαιουG1342 A-GSM T-GSN αιματοςG129 N-GSN τουτουG3778 D- τουτουG3778 D-GSM υμειςG4771 P-2NP GSM υμειςG4771 P-2NP οψεσθεG3708 V-FDI-2P οψεσθεG3708 V-FDI-2P Matthew 27:35

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mt 27:35 And they crucified him, and parted ES Mt 27:35 And when they had crucified him, his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled they divided his garments among them by casting which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my lots. garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. TR Mt 27:35 σταυρωσαντεςG4717 V-AAP-NPM WH Mt 27:35 σταυρωσαντεςG4717 V-AAP- δεG1161 CONJ αυτονG846 P-ASM NPM δεG1161 CONJ αυτονG846 P-ASM διεμερισαντοG1266 V-AMI-3P ταG3588 T-APN διεμερισαντοG1266 V-AMI-3P ταG3588 T-APN ιματιαG2440 N-APN αυτουG846 P-GSM ιματιαG2440 N-APN αυτουG846 P-GSM βαλλοντεςG906 V-PAP-NPM κληρονG2819 N- βαλλοντεςG906 V-PAP-NPM κληρονG2819 N- ASM ιναG2443 CONJ πληρωθηG4137 V-APS-3S ASM τοG3588 T-NSN ρηθενG2046 V-APP-NSN υποG5259 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM προφητουG4396 N-GSM διεμερισαντοG1266 V- AMI-3P ταG3588 T-APN ιματιαG2440 N-APN μουG1473 P-1GS εαυτοιςG1438 F-3DPM καιG2532 CONJ επιG1909 PREP τονG3588 T- ASM ιματισμονG2441 N-ASM μουG1473 P-1GS εβαλονG906 V-2AAI-3P κληρονG2819 N-ASM

Mark 1:31

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 1:31 And he came and took her by the ES Mk 1:31 And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her, and left her, and she ministered unto them. she began to serve them.

TR Mk 1:31 καιG2532 CONJ προσελθωνG4334 WH Mk 1:31 καιG2532 CONJ προσελθωνG4334 V-2AAP-NSM ηγειρενG1453 V-AAI-3S V-2AAP-NSM ηγειρενG1453 V-AAI-3S αυτηνG846 P-ASF κρατησαςG2902 V-AAP-NSM αυτηνG846 P-ASF κρατησαςG2902 V-AAP-NSM τηςG3588 T-GSF χειροςG5495 N-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF χειροςG5495 N-GSF καιG2532 αυτηςG846 P-GSF καιG2532 CONJ αφηκενG863 CONJ αφηκενG863 V-AAI-3S αυτηνG846 P-ASF V-AAI-3S αυτηνG846 P-ASF οG3588 T-NSM οG3588 T-NSM πυρετοςG4446 N-NSM καιG2532 πυρετοςG4446 N-NSM ευθεωςG2112 ADV CONJ διηκονειG1247 V-IAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P- καιG2532 CONJ διηκονειG1247 V-IAI-3S DPM αυτοιςG846 P-DPM Mark 3:15

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 3:15 And to have power to heal sicknesses, ES Mk 3:15 and have authority to cast out and to cast out devils: demons.

TR Mk 3:15 καιG2532 CONJ εχεινG2192 V- WH Mk 3:15 καιG2532 CONJ εχεινG2192 V- PAN εξουσιανG1849 N-ASF θεραπευεινG2323 V- PAN εξουσιανG1849 N-ASF εκβαλλεινG1544 V- PAN ταςG3588 T-APF νοσουςG3554 N-APF PAN ταG3588 T-APN δαιμονιαG1140 N-APN καιG2532 CONJ εκβαλλεινG1544 V-PAN (3:16) | καιG2532 CONJ εποιησενG4160 V-AAI- ταG3588 T-APN δαιμονιαG1140 N-APN 3S τουςG3588 T-APM δωδεκαG1427 A-NUI | [καιG2532 CONJ εποιησενG4160 V-AAI-3S τουςG3588 T-APM δωδεκα]G1427 A-NUI | Mark 3:29

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against ES Mk 3:29 but whoever blasphemes against the the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of danger of eternal damnation: an eternal sin"

TR Mk 3:29 οςG3739 R-NSM δG1161 CONJ WH Mk 3:29 οςG3739 R-NSM δG1161 CONJ ανG302 PRT βλασφημησηG987 V-AAS-3S ανG302 PRT βλασφημησηG987 V-AAS-3S ειςG1519 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN πνευμαG4151 ειςG1519 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN πνευμαG4151 N-ASN τοG3588 T-ASN αγιονG40 A-ASN N-ASN τοG3588 T-ASN αγιονG40 A-ASN ουκG3756 PRT-N εχειG2192 V-PAI-3S ουκG3756 PRT-N εχειG2192 V-PAI-3S αφεσινG859 N-ASF ειςG1519 PREP τονG3588 T- αφεσινG859 N-ASF ειςG1519 PREP τονG3588 T- ASM αιωναG165 N-ASM αλλG235 CONJ ASM αιωναG165 N-ASM αλλαG235 CONJ ενοχοςG1777 A-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ενοχοςG1777 A-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S αιωνιουG166 A-GSF κρισεωςG2920 N-GSF αιωνιουG166 A-GSF αμαρτηματοςG265 N-GSN

Mark 6:11

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, ES Mk 6:11 And if any place will not receive you nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the and they will not listen to you, when you leave, dust under your feet for a testimony against them. shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for against them." Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

TR Mk 6:11 καιG2532 CONJ οσοιG3745 K- WH Mk 6:11 καιG2532 CONJ οςG3739 R-NSM NPM ανG302 PRT μηG3361 PRT-N ανG302 PRT τοποςG5117 N-NSM μηG3361 PRT- δεξωνταιG1209 V-ADS-3P υμαςG4771 P-2AP N δεξηταιG1209 V-ADS-3S υμαςG4771 P-2AP μηδεG3366 CONJ-N ακουσωσινG191 V-AAS-3P μηδεG3366 CONJ-N ακουσωσινG191 V-AAS-3P υμωνG4771 P-2GP εκπορευομενοιG1607 V-PNP- υμωνG4771 P-2GP εκπορευομενοιG1607 V-PNP- NPM εκειθενG1564 ADV εκτιναξατεG1621 V- NPM εκειθενG1564 ADV εκτιναξατεG1621 V- AAM-2P τονG3588 T-ASM χουνG5522 N-ASM AAM-2P τονG3588 T-ASM χουνG5522 N-ASM τονG3588 T-ASM υποκατωG5270 ADV τονG3588 T-ASM υποκατωG5270 ADV τωνG3588 T-GPM ποδωνG4228 N-GPM τωνG3588 T-GPM ποδωνG4228 N-GPM υμωνG4771 P-2GP ειςG1519 PREP υμωνG4771 P-2GP ειςG1519 PREP μαρτυριονG3142 N-ASN αυτοιςG846 P-DPM μαρτυριονG3142 N-ASN αυτοιςG846 P-DPM αμηνG281 HEB λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S υμινG4771 P-2DP ανεκτοτερονG414 A-NSN-C εσταιG1510 V-FDI-3S σοδομοιςG4670 N-DPN ηG2228 PRT γομορροιςG1116 N-DPN ενG1722 PREP ημεραG2250 N-DSF κρισεωςG2920 N-GSF ηG2228 PRT τηG3588 T-DSF πολειG4172 N-DSF εκεινηG1565 D-DSF Mark 6:33

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 6:33 And the people saw them departing, ES Mk 6:33 Now many saw them going and and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all recognized them, and they ran there on foot from cities, and outwent them, and came together unto all the towns and got there ahead of them. him.

TR Mk 6:33 καιG2532 CONJ ειδονG3708 V- WH Mk 6:33 καιG2532 CONJ ειδονG3708 V- 2AAI-3P αυτουςG846 P-APM υπαγονταςG5217 2AAI-3P αυτουςG846 P-APM υπαγονταςG5217 V-PAP-APM οιG3588 T-NPM οχλοιG3793 N- V-PAP-APM καιG2532 CONJ | εγνωσανG1097 NPM καιG2532 CONJ επεγνωσανG1921 V-2AAI- V-2AAI-3P | επεγνωσανG1921 V-2AAI-3P | 3P αυτονG846 P-ASM πολλοιG4183 A-NPM πολλοιG4183 A-NPM καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ πεζηG3979 ADV αποG575 πεζηG3979 ADV αποG575 PREP πασωνG3956 PREP πασωνG3956 A-GPF τωνG3588 T-GPF A-GPF τωνG3588 T-GPF πολεωνG4172 N-GPF πολεωνG4172 N-GPF συνεδραμονG4936 V- συνεδραμονG4936 V-2AAI-3P εκειG1563 ADV 2AAI-3P εκειG1563 ADV καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ προηλθονG4281 V-2AAI-3P προηλθονG4281 V-2AAI-3P αυτουςG846 P-APM αυτουςG846 P-APM καιG2532 CONJ συνηλθονG4905 V-2AAI-3P προςG4314 PREP αυτονG846 P-ASM

Mark 6:51

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 6:51 And he went up unto them into the ES Mk 6:51 And he got into the boat with them, ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore and the wind ceased. And they were utterly amazed in themselves beyond measure, and astounded, wondered.

TR Mk 6:51 καιG2532 CONJ ανεβηG305 V- WH Mk 6:51 καιG2532 CONJ ανεβηG305 V- 2AAI-3S προςG4314 PREP αυτουςG846 P-APM 2AAI-3S προςG4314 PREP αυτουςG846 P-APM ειςG1519 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN πλοιονG4143 N- ειςG1519 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN πλοιονG4143 N- ASN καιG2532 CONJ εκοπασενG2869 V-AAI-3S ASN καιG2532 CONJ εκοπασενG2869 V-AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM ανεμοςG417 N-NSM καιG2532 οG3588 T-NSM ανεμοςG417 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ λιανG3029 ADV εκG1537 PREP CONJ λιανG3029 ADV | | [εκG1537 PREP περισσουG4053 A-GSN ενG1722 PREP περισσου]G4053 A-GSN | ενG1722 PREP εαυτοιςG1438 F-3DPM εξισταντοG1839 V-IMI- εαυτοιςG1438 F-3DPM εξισταντοG1839 V-IMI- 3P καιG2532 CONJ εθαυμαζονG2296 V-IAI-3P 3P Mark 7:8

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of ES Mk 7:8 You leave the commandment of God God, ye hold the tradition of men, [as] the washing and hold to the tradition of men." of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. WH Mk 7:8 αφεντεςG863 V-2AAP-NPM TR Mk 7:8 αφεντεςG863 V-2AAP-NPM τηνG3588 T-ASF εντοληνG1785 N-ASF γαρG1063 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM εντοληνG1785 N-ASF τουG3588 T-GSM κρατειτεG2902 V-PAI-2P τηνG3588 T-ASF θεουG2316 N-GSM κρατειτεG2902 V-PAI-2P παραδοσινG3862 N-ASF τωνG3588 T-GPM τηνG3588 T-ASF παραδοσινG3862 N-ASF ανθρωπωνG444 N-GPM τωνG3588 T-GPM ανθρωπωνG444 N-GPM βαπτισμουςG909 N-APM ξεστωνG3582 N-GPM καιG2532 CONJ ποτηριωνG4221 N-GPN καιG2532 CONJ αλλαG243 A-APN παρομοιαG3946 A-APN τοιαυταG5108 D-APN πολλαG4183 A-APN ποιειτεG4160 V-PAI-2P Mark 7:16

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 7:16 If any man have ears to hear, let him ES Mk 7:16 (omit) hear. TR Mk 7:16 ειG1487 COND τιςG5100 X-NSM WH Mk 7:16 (omit) εχειG2192 V-PAI-3S ωταG3775 N-APN ακουεινG191 V-PAN ακουετωG191 V-PAM- 3SτουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM εισελθεινG1525 V-2AAN

Mark 8:26

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 8:26 And he sent him away to his house, ES Mk 8:26 And he sent him to his home, saying, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell [it] to any "Do not even enter the village." in the town.

TR Mk 8:26 καιG2532 CONJ απεστειλενG649 WH Mk 8:26 καιG2532 CONJ απεστειλενG649 V-AAI-3S αυτονG846 P-ASM ειςG1519 PREP V-AAI-3S αυτονG846 P-ASM ειςG1519 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM οικονG3624 N-ASM οικονG3624 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM αυτουG846 P-GSM λεγωνG3004 V-PAP-NSM λεγωνG3004 V-PAP-NSM μηδεG3366 CONJ-N μηδεG3366 CONJ-N ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF κωμηνG2968 T-ASF κωμηνG2968 N-ASF εισελθηςG1525 V- N-ASF εισελθηςG1525 V-2AAS-2S 2AAS-2S μηδεG3366 CONJ-N ειπηςG3004 V- 2AAS-2S τινιG5100 X-DSM ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF κωμηG2968 N-DSF Mark 9:29

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can ES Mk 9:29 And he said to them, "This kind come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. cannot be driven out by anything but prayer."

TR Mk 9:29 καιG2532 CONJ ειπενG3004 V- WH Mk 9:29 καιG2532 CONJ ειπενG3004 V- 2AAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P-DPM τουτοG3778 D- 2AAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P-DPM τουτοG3778 D- NSN τοG3588 T-NSN γενοςG1085 N-NSN NSN τοG3588 T-NSN γενοςG1085 N-NSN ενG1722 PREP ουδενιG3762 A-DSN-N ενG1722 PREP ουδενιG3762 A-DSN-N δυναταιG1410 V-PNI-3S εξελθεινG1831 V- δυναταιG1410 V-PNI-3S εξελθεινG1831 V- 2AAN ειG1487 COND μηG3361 PRT-N ενG1722 2AAN ειG1487 COND μηG3361 PRT-N ενG1722 PREP προσευχηG4335 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ PREP προσευχηG4335 N-DSF νηστειαG3521 N-DSF Mark 9:44

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 9:44 Where their worm dieth not, and the ES Mk 9:44 (omit) fire is not quenched.

TR Mk 9:44 οπουG3699 ADV οG3588 T-NSM WH Mk 9:44 (omit) σκωληξG4663 N-NSM αυτωνG846 P-GPM ουG3756 PRT-N τελευταG5053 V-PAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN πυρG4442 N- NSN ουG3756 PRT-N σβεννυταιG4570 V-PPI-3S

Mark 9:45

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 9:45 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: ES Mk 9:45 And if your foot causes you to sin, it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never with two feet to be thrown into hell. shall be quenched:

TR Mk 9:45 καιG2532 CONJ εανG1437 COND WH Mk 9:45 καιG2532 CONJ εανG1437 COND οG3588 T-NSM πουςG4228 N-NSM σουG4771 P- οG3588 T-NSM πουςG4228 N-NSM σουG4771 P- 2GS σκανδαλιζηG4624 V-PAS-3S σεG4771 P- 2GS σκανδαλιζηG4624 V-PAS-3S σεG4771 P- 2AS αποκοψονG609 V-AAM-2S αυτονG846 P- 2AS αποκοψονG609 V-AAM-2S αυτονG846 P- ASM καλονG2570 A-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ASM καλονG2570 A-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S σοιG4771 P-2DS εισελθεινG1525 V-2AAN σεG4771 P-2AS εισελθεινG1525 V-2AAN ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF ζωηνG2222 N- ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF ζωηνG2222 N- ASF χωλονG5560 A-ASM ηG2228 PRT ASF χωλονG5560 A-ASM ηG2228 PRT τουςG3588 T-APM δυοG1417 A-NUI τουςG3588 T-APM δυοG1417 A-NUI ποδαςG4228 N-APM εχονταG2192 V-PAP-ASM ποδαςG4228 N-APM εχονταG2192 V-PAP-ASM βληθηναιG906 V-APN ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 βληθηναιG906 V-APN ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF γεεννανG1067 N-ASF ειςG1519 PREP T-ASF γεεννανG1067 N-ASF τοG3588 T-ASN πυρG4442 N-ASN τοG3588 T- ASN ασβεστονG762 A-ASN Mark 9:46

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 9:46 Where their worm dieth not, and the ES Mk 9:46 (omit) fire is not quenched.

TR Mk 9:46 οπουG3699 ADV οG3588 T-NSM WH Mk 9:46 (omit) σκωληξG4663 N-NSM αυτωνG846 P-GPM ουG3756 PRT-N τελευταG5053 V-PAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN πυρG4442 N- NSN ουG3756 PRT-N σβεννυταιG4570 V-PPI-3S Mark 9:49

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 9:49 For every one shall be salted with ES Mk 9:49 For everyone will be salted with fire. fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.

TR Mk 9:49 παςG3956 A-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ WH Mk 9:49 παςG3956 A-NSM γαρG1063 πυριG4442 N-DSN αλισθησεταιG233 V-FPI-3S CONJ πυριG4442 N-DSN αλισθησεταιG233 V- καιG2532 CONJ πασαG3956 A-NSF θυσιαG2378 FPI-3S N-NSF αλιG251 N-DSM αλισθησεταιG233 V- FPI-3S

Mark 10:24

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at ES Mk 10:24 And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God! trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!

TR Mk 10:24 οιG3588 T-NPM δεG1161 CONJ WH Mk 10:24 οιG3588 T-NPM δεG1161 CONJ μαθηταιG3101 N-NPM εθαμβουντοG2284 V-IPI- μαθηταιG3101 N-NPM εθαμβουντοG2284 V-IPI- 3P επιG1909 PREP τοιςG3588 T-DPM 3P επιG1909 PREP τοιςG3588 T-DPM λογοιςG3056 N-DPM αυτουG846 P-GSM οG3588 λογοιςG3056 N-DPM αυτουG846 P-GSM οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ ιησουςG2424 N-NSM T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ ιησουςG2424 N-NSM παλινG3825 ADV αποκριθειςG611 V-AOP-NSM παλινG3825 ADV αποκριθειςG611 V-AOP-NSM λεγειG3004 V-PAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P-DPM λεγειG3004 V-PAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P-DPM τεκναG5043 N-VPN πωςG4459 ADV τεκναG5043 N-VPN πωςG4459 ADV δυσκολονG1422 A-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S δυσκολονG1422 A-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τουςG3588 T-APM πεποιθοταςG3982 V-2RAP- ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF βασιλειανG932 APM επιG1909 PREP τοιςG3588 T-DPN N-ASF τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM χρημασινG5536 N-DPN ειςG1519 PREP εισελθεινG1525 V-2AAN τηνG3588 T-ASF βασιλειανG932 N-ASF τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM εισελθεινG1525 V-2AAN Mark 11:26

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will ES Mk 11:26 (omit) your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

TR Mk 11:26 ειG1487 COND δεG1161 CONJ WH Mk 11:26 (omit) υμειςG4771 P-2NP ουκG3756 PRT-N αφιετεG863 V-PAI-2P ουδεG3761 CONJ-N οG3588 T-NSM πατηρG3962 N-NSM υμωνG4771 P-2GP οG3588 T-NSM ενG1722 PREP τοιςG3588 T-DPM ουρανοιςG3772 N-DPM αφησειG863 V-FAI-3S ταG3588 T-APN παραπτωματαG3900 N-APN υμωνG4771 P-2GP Mark 13:33

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 13:33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ES Mk 13:33 Be on guard, keep awake. For you ye know not when the time is. do not know when the time will come.

TR Mk 13:33 βλεπετεG991 V-PAM-2P WH Mk 13:33 βλεπετεG991 V-PAM-2P αγρυπνειτεG69 V-PAM-2P καιG2532 CONJ αγρυπνειτεG69 V-PAM-2P ουκG3756 PRT-N προσευχεσθεG4336 V-PNM-2P ουκG3756 PRT-N οιδατεG1492 V-RAI-2P γαρG1063 CONJ οιδατεG1492 V-RAI-2P γαρG1063 CONJ ποτεG4219 PRT-I οG3588 T-NSM καιροςG2540 ποτεG4219 PRT-I οG3588 T-NSM καιροςG2540 N-NSM | [εστιν]G1510 V-PAI-3S | εστινG1510 V- N-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S PAI-3S |

Mark 14:24

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 14:24 And he said unto them, This is my ES Mk 14:24 And he said to them, "This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. many.

TR Mk 14:24 καιG2532 CONJ ειπενG3004 V- WH Mk 14:24 καιG2532 CONJ ειπενG3004 V- 2AAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P-DPM τουτοG3778 D- 2AAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P-DPM τουτοG3778 D- NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τοG3588 T-NSN NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τοG3588 T-NSN αιμαG129 N-NSN μουG1473 P-1GS τοG3588 T- αιμαG129 N-NSN μουG1473 P-1GS τηςG3588 T- NSN τηςG3588 T-GSF καινηςG2537 A-GSF GSF διαθηκηςG1242 N-GSF τοG3588 T-NSN διαθηκηςG1242 N-GSF τοG3588 T-NSN εκχυννομενονG1632 V-PPP-NSN υπερG5228 περιG4012 PREP πολλωνG4183 A-GPM PREP πολλωνG4183 A-GPM εκχυνομενονG1632 V-PPP-NSN Mark 15:28

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Mk 15:28 And the scripture was fulfilled, ES Mk 15:28 (omit) which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors.

TR Mk 15:28 καιG2532 CONJ επληρωθηG4137 WH Mk 15:28 (omit) V-API-3S ηG3588 T-NSF γραφηG1124 N-NSF ηG3588 T-NSF λεγουσαG3004 V-PAP-NSF καιG2532 CONJ μεταG3326 PREP ανομωνG459 A-GPM ελογισθηG3049 V-API-3S Luke 1:28

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 1:28 And the angel came in unto her, and ES Lk 1:28 And he came to her and said, said, Hail, [thou that art] highly favoured, the Lord "Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!" [is] with thee: blessed [art] thou among women.

TR Lk 1:28 καιG2532 CONJ εισελθωνG1525 V- WH Lk 1:28 καιG2532 CONJ εισελθωνG1525 2AAP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM αγγελοςG32 N-NSM V-2AAP-NSM προςG4314 PREP αυτηνG846 P- προςG4314 PREP αυτηνG846 P-ASF ειπενG3004 ASF ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S χαιρεG5463 V- V-2AAI-3S χαιρεG5463 V-PAM-2S PAM-2S κεχαριτωμενηG5487 V-RPP-NSF κεχαριτωμενηG5487 V-RPP-NSF οG3588 T- οG3588 T-NSM κυριοςG2962 N-NSM NSM κυριοςG2962 N-NSM μεταG3326 PREP μεταG3326 PREP σουG4771 P-2GS σουG4771 P-2GS ευλογημενηG2127 V-RPP-NSF συG4771 P-2NS ενG1722 PREP γυναιξινG1135 N-DPF

Luke 4:4 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is ES Lk 4:4 And Jesus answered him, "It is written, written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" by every word of God.

TR Lk 4:4 καιG2532 CONJ απεκριθηG611 V- WH Lk 4:4 καιG2532 CONJ απεκριθηG611 V- ADI-3S ιησουςG2424 N-NSM προςG4314 PREP ADI-3S προςG4314 PREP αυτονG846 P-ASM αυτονG846 P-ASM λεγωνG3004 V-PAP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM γεγραπταιG1125 V-RPI-3S οτιG3754 CONJ γεγραπταιG1125 V-RPI-3S οτιG3754 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N επG1909 PREP αρτωG740 N- ουκG3756 PRT-N επG1909 PREP αρτωG740 N- DSM μονωG3441 A-DSM ζησεταιG2198 V-FDI- DSM μονωG3441 A-DSM ζησεταιG2198 V-FDI- 3S οG3588 T-NSM ανθρωποςG444 N-NSM 3S οG3588 T-NSM ανθρωποςG444 N-NSM αλλG235 CONJ επιG1909 PREP παντιG3956 A- DSN ρηματιG4487 N-DSN θεουG2316 N-GSM Luke 4:8 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, ES Lk 4:8 And Jesus answered him, "It is written, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou "'You shall worship the Lord your God, and him shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt only shall you serve.'" thou serve.

TR Lk 4:8 καιG2532 CONJ αποκριθειςG611 V- WH Lk 4:8 καιG2532 CONJ αποκριθειςG611 V- AOP-NSM αυτωG846 P-DSM ειπενG3004 V- AOP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM 2AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM υπαγεG5217 V-PAM-2S οπισωG3694 ADV γεγραπταιG1125 V-RPI-3S κυριονG2962 N-ASM μουG1473 P-1GS σαταναG4567 N-VSM τονG3588 T-ASM θεονG2316 N-ASM σουG4771 γεγραπταιG1125 V-RPI-3S γαρG1063 CONJ P-2GS προσκυνησειςG4352 V-FAI-2S καιG2532 προσκυνησειςG4352 V-FAI-2S κυριονG2962 N- CONJ αυτωG846 P-DSM μονωG3441 A-DSM ASM τονG3588 T-ASM θεονG2316 N-ASM λατρευσειςG3000 V-FAI-2S σουG4771 P-2GS καιG2532 CONJ αυτωG846 P- DSM μονωG3441 A-DSM λατρευσειςG3000 V- FAI-2S Luke 4:18 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, ES Lk 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set set at liberty those who are oppressed, at liberty them that are bruised,

TR Mk 4:18 πνευμαG4151 N-NSN κυριουG2962 WH Lk 4:18 πνευμαG4151 N-NSN κυριουG2962 N-GSM επG1909 PREP εμεG1473 P-1AS N-GSM επG1909 PREP εμεG1473 P-1AS ουG3739 R-GSN ενεκενG1752 PREP ουG3739 R-GSN εινεκενG1752 PREP εχρισενG5548 V-AAI-3S μεG1473 P-1AS εχρισενG5548 V-AAI-3S μεG1473 P-1AS ευαγγελιζεσθαιG2097 V-PMN πτωχοιςG4434 A- ευαγγελισασθαιG2097 V-AMN πτωχοιςG4434 A- DPM απεσταλκενG649 V-RAI-3S μεG1473 P- DPM απεσταλκενG649 V-RAI-3S μεG1473 P- 1AS ιασασθαιG2390 V-ADN τουςG3588 T-APM 1AS κηρυξαιG2784 V-AAN αιχμαλωτοιςG164 N- συντετριμμενουςG4937 V-RPP-APM τηνG3588 DPM αφεσινG859 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ T-ASF καρδιανG2588 N-ASF κηρυξαιG2784 V- τυφλοιςG5185 A-DPM αναβλεψινG309 N-ASF AAN αιχμαλωτοιςG164 N-DPM αφεσινG859 N- αποστειλαιG649 V-AAN τεθραυσμενουςG2352 ASF καιG2532 CONJ τυφλοιςG5185 A-DPM V-RPP-APM ενG1722 PREP αφεσειG859 N-DSF αναβλεψινG309 N-ASF αποστειλαιG649 V-AAN τεθραυσμενουςG2352 V-RPP-APM ενG1722 PREP αφεσειG859 N-DSF Luke 4:44 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 4:44 And he preached in the synagogues of ES Lk 4:44 And he was preaching in the Galilee. synagogues of Judea.

TR Lk 4:44 καιG2532 CONJ ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S WH Lk 4:44 καιG2532 CONJ ηνG1510 V-IAI- κηρυσσωνG2784 V-PAP-NSM ενG1722 PREP 3S κηρυσσωνG2784 V-PAP-NSM ειςG1519 ταιςG3588 T-DPF συναγωγαιςG4864 N-DPF PREP ταςG3588 T-APF συναγωγαςG4864 N-APF τηςG3588 T-GSF γαλιλαιαςG1056 N-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF ιουδαιαςG2449 N-GSF Luke 6:48 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 6:48 He is like a man which built an house, ES Lk 6:48 he is like a man building a house, who and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And and when the flood arose, the stream beat when a flood arose, the stream broke against that vehemently upon that house, and could not shake house and could not shake it, because it had been it: for it was founded upon a rock. well built.

TR Lk 6:48 ομοιοςG3664 A-NSM εστινG1510 WH Lk 6:48 ομοιοςG3664 A-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ανθρωπωG444 N-DSM V-PAI-3S ανθρωπωG444 N-DSM οικοδομουντιG3618 V-PAP-DSM οικιανG3614 οικοδομουντιG3618 V-PAP-DSM οικιανG3614 N-ASF οςG3739 R-NSM εσκαψενG4626 V-AAI- N-ASF οςG3739 R-NSM εσκαψενG4626 V-AAI- 3S καιG2532 CONJ εβαθυνενG900 V-AAI-3S 3S καιG2532 CONJ εβαθυνενG900 V-AAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ εθηκενG5087 V-AAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ εθηκενG5087 V-AAI-3S θεμελιονG2310 N-ASM επιG1909 PREP θεμελιονG2310 N-ASM επιG1909 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF πετρανG4073 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF πετρανG4073 N-ASF πλημμυραςG4132 N-GSF δεG1161 CONJ πλημμυρηςG4132 N-GSF δεG1161 CONJ γενομενηςG1096 V-2ADP-GSF γενομενηςG1096 V-2ADP-GSF προσερρηξενG4366 V-AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM προσερηξενG4366 V-AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM ποταμοςG4215 N-NSM τηG3588 T-DSF ποταμοςG4215 N-NSM τηG3588 T-DSF οικιαG3614 N-DSF εκεινηG1565 D-DSF οικιαG3614 N-DSF εκεινηG1565 D-DSF καιG2532 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N ισχυσενG2480 καιG2532 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N ισχυσενG2480 V-AAI-3S σαλευσαιG4531 V-AAN αυτηνG846 P- V-AAI-3S σαλευσαιG4531 V-AAN αυτηνG846 P- ASF τεθεμελιωτοG2311 V-LPI-3S γαρG1063 ASF διαG1223 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN CONJ επιG1909 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF καλωςG2573 ADV οικοδομησθαιG3618 V-RPN πετρανG4073 N-ASF αυτηνG846 P-ASF Luke 8:48

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of ES Lk 8:48 And he said to her, "Daughter, your good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go faith has made you well; go in peace." in peace.

TR Lk 8:48 οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ WH Lk 8:48 οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S αυτηG846 P-DSF ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S αυτηG846 P-DSF θαρσειG2293 V-PAM-2S θυγατερG2364 N-VSF θυγατηρG2364 N-VSF ηG3588 T-NSF ηG3588 T-NSF πιστιςG4102 N-NSF σουG4771 P- πιστιςG4102 N-NSF σουG4771 P-2GS 2GS σεσωκενG4982 V-RAI-3S σεG4771 P-2AS σεσωκενG4982 V-RAI-3S σεG4771 P-2AS πορευουG4198 V-PNM-2S ειςG1519 PREP πορευουG4198 V-PNM-2S ειςG1519 PREP ειρηνηνG1515 N-ASF ειρηνηνG1515 N-ASF

Luke 9:7

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 9:7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that ES Lk 9:7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard about all was done by him: and he was perplexed, because that was happening, and he was perplexed, because that it was said of some, that John was risen from it was said by some that John had been raised from the dead; the dead,

TR Lk 9:7 ηκουσενG191 V-AAI-3S δεG1161 WH Lk 9:7 ηκουσενG191 V-AAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ ηρωδηςG2264 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM CONJ ηρωδηςG2264 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM τετραρχηςG5076 N-NSM ταG3588 T-APN τετρααρχηςG5076 N-NSM ταG3588 T-APN γινομεναG1096 V-PNP-APN υπG5259 PREP γινομεναG1096 V-PNP-APN πανταG3956 A- αυτουG846 P-GSM πανταG3956 A-APN APN καιG2532 CONJ διηπορειG1280 V-IAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ διηπορειG1280 V-IAI-3S διαG1223 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN λεγεσθαιG3004 διαG1223 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN λεγεσθαιG3004 V-PPN υποG5259 PREP τινωνG5100 X-GPM V-PPN υποG5259 PREP τινωνG5100 X-GPM οτιG3754 CONJ ιωαννηςG2491 N-NSM οτιG3754 CONJ ιωαννηςG2491 N-NSM εγηγερταιG1453 V-RPI-3S εκG1537 PREP ηγερθηG1453 V-API-3S εκG1537 PREP νεκρωνG3498 A-GPM νεκρωνG3498 A-GPM Luke 9:55

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 9:55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and ES Lk 9:55 But he turned and rebuked them. said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.

TR Lk 9:55 στραφειςG4762 V-2APP-NSM WH Lk 9:55 στραφειςG4762 V-2APP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ επετιμησενG2008 V-AAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ επετιμησενG2008 V-AAI-3S αυτοιςG846 P-DPM καιG2532 CONJ ειπενG3004 αυτοιςG846 P-DPM V-2AAI-3S ουκG3756 PRT-N οιδατεG1492 V- RAI-2P οιουG3634 K-GSN πνευματοςG4151 N- GSN εστεG1510 V-PAI-2P υμειςG4771 P-2NP Luke 9:62

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, ES Lk 9:62 Jesus said to him, "No one who puts having put his hand to the plough, and looking his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the back, is fit for the kingdom of God. kingdom of God."

TR Lk 9:62 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 WH Lk 9:62 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ προςG4314 PREP αυτονG846 P-ASM CONJ [προςG4314 PREP αυτον]G846 P-ASM οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM ουδειςG3762 A-NSM-N επιβαλωνG1911 V- ουδειςG3762 A-NSM-N επιβαλωνG1911 V- 2AAP-NSM τηνG3588 T-ASF χειραG5495 N- 2AAP-NSM τηνG3588 T-ASF χειραG5495 N- ASF αυτουG846 P-GSM επG1909 PREP ASF επG1909 PREP αροτρονG723 N-ASN αροτρονG723 N-ASN καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ βλεπωνG991 V-PAP-NSM βλεπωνG991 V-PAP-NSM ειςG1519 PREP ειςG1519 PREP ταG3588 T-APN οπισωG3694 ταG3588 T-APN οπισωG3694 ADV ADV ευθετοςG2111 A-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI- ευθετοςG2111 A-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S 3S τηG3588 T-DSF βασιλειαG932 N-DSF ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF βασιλειανG932 τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM N-ASF τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM

Luke 10:15

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 10:15 And thou, Capernaum, which art ES Lk 10:15 And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell. exalted to heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades. TR Lk 10:15 καιG2532 CONJ συG4771 P-2NS WH Lk 10:15 καιG2532 CONJ συG4771 P-2NS καπερναουμG2584 N-PRI ηG3588 T-NSF καφαρναουμG2584 N-PRI μηG3361 PRT-N εωςG2193 ADV τουG3588 T-GSM εωςG2193 ADV ουρανουG3772 N-GSM ουρανουG3772 N-GSM υψωθεισαG5312 V-APP- υψωθησηG5312 V-FPI-2S εωςG2193 ADV NSF εωςG2193 ADV αδουG86 N-GSM τουG3588 T-GSM αδουG86 N-GSM καταβιβασθησηG2601 V-FPI-2S καταβησηG2597 V-FDI-2S Luke 11:2

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, ES Lk 11:2 And he said to them, "When you pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be say: "Father, hallowed be your name. Your thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, kingdom come. as in heaven, so in earth.

TR Lk 11:2 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 WH Lk 11:2 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ αυτοιςG846 P-DPM οτανG3752 CONJ CONJ αυτοιςG846 P-DPM οτανG3752 CONJ προσευχησθεG4336 V-PNS-2P λεγετεG3004 V- προσευχησθεG4336 V-PNS-2P λεγετεG3004 V- PAM-2P πατερG3962 N-VSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP PAM-2P πατερG3962 N-VSM αγιασθητωG37 V- οG3588 T-NSM ενG1722 PREP τοιςG3588 T- APM-3S τοG3588 T-NSN ονομαG3686 N-NSN DPM ουρανοιςG3772 N-DPM αγιασθητωG37 V- σουG4771 P-2GS ελθετωG2064 V-2AAM-3S APM-3S τοG3588 T-NSN ονομαG3686 N-NSN ηG3588 T-NSF βασιλειαG932 N-NSF σουG4771 σουG4771 P-2GS ελθετωG2064 V-2AAM-3S P-2GS ηG3588 T-NSF βασιλειαG932 N-NSF σουG4771 P-2GS γενηθητωG1096 V-AOM-3S τοG3588 T- NSN θελημαG2307 N-NSN σουG4771 P-2GS ωςG5613 ADV ενG1722 PREP ουρανωG3772 N- DSM καιG2532 CONJ επιG1909 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF γηςG1093 N-GSF Luke 11:4

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 11:4 And forgive us our sins; for we also ES Lk 11:4 and forgive us our sins, for we forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. And lead us not into temptation."

TR Lk 11:4 καιG2532 CONJ αφεςG863 V- WH Lk 11:4 καιG2532 CONJ αφεςG863 V- 2AAM-2S ημινG1473 P-1DP ταςG3588 T-APF 2AAM-2S ημινG1473 P-1DP ταςG3588 T-APF αμαρτιαςG266 N-APF ημωνG1473 P-1GP αμαρτιαςG266 N-APF ημωνG1473 P-1GP καιG2532 CONJ γαρG1063 CONJ αυτοιG846 P- καιG2532 CONJ γαρG1063 CONJ αυτοιG846 P- NPM αφιεμενG863 V-PAI-1P παντιG3956 A- NPM αφιομενG863 V-PAI-1P παντιG3956 A- DSM οφειλοντιG3784 V-PAP-DSM ημινG1473 DSM οφειλοντιG3784 V-PAP-DSM ημινG1473 P-1DP καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N P-1DP καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N εισενεγκηςG1533 V-AAS-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP εισενεγκηςG1533 V-AAS-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP ειςG1519 PREP πειρασμονG3986 N-ASM ειςG1519 PREP πειρασμονG3986 N-ASM αλλαG235 CONJ ρυσαιG4506 V-ADM-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP αποG575 PREP τουG3588 T- GSM πονηρουG4190 A-GSM Luke 11:11

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 11:11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you ES Lk 11:11 What father among you, if his son that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if [he asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a ask] a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? serpent;

TR Lk 11:11 τιναG5101 I-ASM δεG1161 CONJ WH Lk 11:11 τιναG5101 I-ASM δεG1161 CONJ υμωνG4771 P-2GP τονG3588 T-ASM εξG1537 PREP υμωνG4771 P-2GP τονG3588 T- πατεραG3962 N-ASM αιτησειG154 V-FAI-3S ASM πατεραG3962 N-ASM αιτησειG154 V-FAI- οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM αρτονG740 3S οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM N-ASM μηG3361 PRT-N λιθονG3037 N-ASM ιχθυνG2486 N-ASM | μηG3361 PRT-N | επιδωσειG1929 V-FAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM καιG2532 CONJ | αντιG473 PREP ιχθυοςG2486 ειG1487 COND καιG2532 CONJ ιχθυνG2486 N- N-GSM οφινG3789 N-ASM αυτωG846 P-DSM ASM μηG3361 PRT-N αντιG473 PREP επιδωσειG1929 V-FAI-3S ιχθυοςG2486 N-GSM οφινG3789 N-ASM επιδωσειG1929 V-FAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM Luke 11:54

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 11:54 Laying wait for him, and seeking to ES Lk 11:54 lying in wait for him, to catch him in catch something out of his mouth, that they might something he might say. accuse him.

TR Lk 11:54 ενεδρευοντεςG1748 V-PAP-NPM WH Lk 11:54 ενεδρευοντεςG1748 V-PAP-NPM αυτονG846 P-ASM καιG2532 CONJ αυτονG846 P-ASM θηρευσαιG2340 V-AAN ζητουντεςG2212 V-PAP-NPM θηρευσαιG2340 V- τιG5100 X-ASN εκG1537 PREP τουG3588 T- AAN τιG5100 X-ASN εκG1537 PREP τουG3588 GSN στοματοςG4750 N-GSN αυτουG846 P-GSM T-GSN στοματοςG4750 N-GSN αυτουG846 P- GSM ιναG2443 CONJ κατηγορησωσινG2723 V- AAS-3P αυτουG846 P-GSM Luke 14:5

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 14:5 And answered them, saying, Which of ES Lk 14:5 And he said to them, "Which of you, you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and having a son or an ox that has fallen into a well on will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath a Sabbath day, will not immediately pull him out?" day? TR Lk 14:5 καιG2532 CONJ αποκριθειςG611 V- WH Lk 14:5 καιG2532 CONJ προςG4314 PREP AOP-NSM προςG4314 PREP αυτουςG846 P- αυτουςG846 P-APM ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S APM ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S τινοςG5101 I-GSM τινοςG5101 I-GSM υμωνG4771 P-2GP υιοςG5207 υμωνG4771 P-2GP ονοςG3688 N-NSM ηG2228 N-NSM ηG2228 PRT βουςG1016 N-NSM PRT βουςG1016 N-NSM ειςG1519 PREP ειςG1519 PREP φρεαρG5421 N-ASN φρεαρG5421 N-ASN εμπεσειταιG1706 V-FDI-3S πεσειταιG4098 V-FDI-3S καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N ευθεωςG2112 ουκG3756 PRT-N ευθεωςG2112 ADV ADV ανασπασειG385 V-FAI-3S αυτονG846 P- ανασπασειG385 V-FAI-3S αυτονG846 P-ASM ASM ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF ενG1722 PREP ημεραG2250 N-DSF τουG3588 T- ημεραG2250 N-DSF τουG3588 T-GSN GSN σαββατουG4521 N-GSN σαββατουG4521 N-GSN

Luke 20:23 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 20:23 But he perceived their craftiness, and ES Lk 20:23 But he perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, Why tempt ye me? said to them,

TR Lk 20:23 κατανοησαςG2657 V-AAP-NSM WH Lk 20:23 κατανοησαςG2657 V-AAP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ αυτωνG846 P-GPM τηνG3588 T- δεG1161 CONJ αυτωνG846 P-GPM τηνG3588 T- ASF πανουργιανG3834 N-ASF ειπενG3004 V- ASF πανουργιανG3834 N-ASF ειπενG3004 V- 2AAI-3S προςG4314 PREP αυτουςG846 P-APM 2AAI-3S προςG4314 PREP αυτουςG846 P-APM τιG5101 I-ASN μεG1473 P-1AS πειραζετεG3985 V-PAI-2P Luke 22:64 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, ES Lk 22:64 They also blindfolded him and kept they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, asking him, "Prophesy! Who is it that struck you?" Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

TR Lk 22:64 καιG2532 CONJ WH Lk 22:64 καιG2532 CONJ περικαλυψαντεςG4028 V-AAP-NPM αυτονG846 περικαλυψαντεςG4028 V-AAP-NPM αυτονG846 P-ASM ετυπτονG5180 V-IAI-3P αυτουG846 P- P-ASM επηρωτωνG1905 V-IAI-3P GSM τοG3588 T-ASN προσωπονG4383 N-ASN λεγοντεςG3004 V-PAP-NPM προφητευσονG4395 καιG2532 CONJ επηρωτωνG1905 V-IAI-3P V-AAM-2S τιςG5101 I-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI- αυτονG846 P-ASM λεγοντεςG3004 V-PAP-NPM 3S οG3588 T-NSM παισαςG3817 V-AAP-NSM προφητευσονG4395 V-AAM-2S τιςG5101 I-NSM σεG4771 P-2AS εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM παισαςG3817 V-AAP-NSM σεG4771 P-2AS Luke 22:68 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 22:68 And if I also ask [you], ye will not ES Lk 22:68 and if I ask you, you will not answer. answer me, nor let [me] go. WH Lk 22:68 εανG1437 COND δεG1161 CONJ TR Lk 22:68 εανG1437 COND δεG1161 CONJ ερωτησωG2065 V-AAS-1S ουG3756 PRT-N καιG2532 CONJ ερωτησωG2065 V-AAS-1S μηG3361 PRT-N αποκριθητεG611 V-AOM-2P ουG3756 PRT-N μηG3361 PRT-N αποκριθητεG611 V-AOM-2P μοιG1473 P-1DS ηG2228 PRT απολυσητεG630 V-AAS-2P Luke 23:17 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 23:17 (For of necessity he must release one ES Lk 23:17 (omit) unto them at the feast.)

TR Lk 23:17 αναγκηνG318 N-ASF δεG1161 WH Lk 23:17 (omit) CONJ ειχενG2192 V-IAI-3S απολυεινG630 V- PAN αυτοιςG846 P-DPM καταG2596 PREP εορτηνG1859 N-ASF εναG1520 A-ASM

Luke 23:23

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 23:23 And they were instant with loud ES Lk 23:23 But they were urgent, demanding voices, requiring that he might be crucified. And with loud cries that he should be crucified. And the voices of them and of the chief priests their voices prevailed. prevailed.

TR Lk 23:23 οιG3588 T-NPM δεG1161 CONJ WH Lk 23:23 οιG3588 T-NPM δεG1161 CONJ επεκειντοG1945 V-INI-3P φωναιςG5456 N-DPF επεκειντοG1945 V-INI-3P φωναιςG5456 N-DPF μεγαλαιςG3173 A-DPF αιτουμενοιG154 V-PMP- μεγαλαιςG3173 A-DPF αιτουμενοιG154 V-PMP- NPM αυτονG846 P-ASM σταυρωθηναιG4717 V- NPM αυτονG846 P-ASM σταυρωθηναιG4717 V- APN καιG2532 CONJ κατισχυονG2729 V-IAI-3P APN καιG2532 CONJ κατισχυονG2729 V-IAI-3P αιG3588 T-NPF φωναιG5456 N-NPF αυτωνG846 αιG3588 T-NPF φωναιG5456 N-NPF αυτωνG846 P-GPM καιG2532 CONJ τωνG3588 T-GPM P-GPM αρχιερεωνG749 N-GPM

Luke 23:38

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 23:38 And a superscription also was ES Lk 23:38 There was also an inscription over written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and him, "This is the King of the Jews." Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.

TR Lk 23:38 ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ WH Lk 23:38 ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S δεG1161 καιG2532 CONJ επιγραφηG1923 N-NSF CONJ καιG2532 CONJ επιγραφηG1923 N-NSF γεγραμμενηG1125 V-RPP-NSF επG1909 PREP επG1909 PREP αυτωG846 P-DSM οG3588 T- αυτωG846 P-DSM γραμμασινG1121 N-DPN NSM βασιλευςG935 N-NSM τωνG3588 T-GPM ελληνικοιςG1673 A-DPN καιG2532 CONJ ιουδαιωνG2453 A-GPM ουτοςG3778 D-NSM ρωμαικοιςG4513 A-DPN καιG2532 CONJ εβραικοιςG1444 A-DPN ουτοςG3778 D-NSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM βασιλευςG935 N-NSM τωνG3588 T-GPM ιουδαιωνG2453 A-GPM Luke 24:1

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 24:1 . Now upon the first [day] of the week, ES Lk 24:1 But on the first day of the week, at very early in the morning, they came unto the early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had they had prepared. prepared, and certain [others] with them.

TR Lk 24:1 τηG3588 T-DSF δεG1161 CONJ WH Lk 24:1 τηG3588 T-DSF δεG1161 CONJ μιαG1520 A-DSF τωνG3588 T-GPN μιαG1520 A-DSF τωνG3588 T-GPN σαββατωνG4521 N-GPN ορθρουG3722 N-GSM σαββατωνG4521 N-GPN ορθρουG3722 N-GSM βαθεοςG901 A-GSM ηλθονG2064 V-2AAI-3P βαθεωςG901 A-GSM επιG1909 PREP τοG3588 T- επιG1909 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN μνημαG3418 N- ASN μνημαG3418 N-ASN ηλθονG2064 V-2AAI- ASN φερουσαιG5342 V-PAP-NPF αG3739 R- 3P φερουσαιG5342 V-PAP-NPF αG3739 R-APN APN ητοιμασανG2090 V-AAI-3P αρωματαG759 ητοιμασανG2090 V-AAI-3P αρωματαG759 N- N-APN καιG2532 CONJ τινεςG5100 X-NPF APN συνG4862 PREP αυταιςG846 P-DPF

Luke 24:42

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Lk 24:42 And they gave him a piece of a ES Lk 24:42 They gave him a piece of broiled broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. fish,

TR Lk 24:42 οιG3588 T-NPM δεG1161 CONJ WH Lk 24:42 οιG3588 T-NPM δεG1161 CONJ επεδωκανG1929 V-AAI-3P αυτωG846 P-DSM επεδωκανG1929 V-AAI-3P αυτωG846 P-DSM ιχθυοςG2486 N-GSM οπτουG3702 A-GSM ιχθυοςG2486 N-GSM οπτουG3702 A-GSM μεροςG3313 N-ASN καιG2532 CONJ αποG575 μεροςG3313 N-ASN PREP μελισσιουG3193 A-GSN κηριουG2781 N- GSN John 3:13

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to ES Jn 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even] except he who descended from heaven, the Son of the Son of man which is in heaven. Man.

TR Jn 3:13 καιG2532 CONJ ουδειςG3762 A- WH Jn 3:13 καιG2532 CONJ ουδειςG3762 A- NSM-N αναβεβηκενG305 V-RAI-3S ειςG1519 NSM-N αναβεβηκενG305 V-RAI-3S ειςG1519 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM ουρανονG3772 N-ASM PREP τονG3588 T-ASM ουρανονG3772 N-ASM ειG1487 COND μηG3361 PRT-N οG3588 T-NSM ειG1487 COND μηG3361 PRT-N οG3588 T-NSM εκG1537 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM ουρανουG3772 εκG1537 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM ουρανουG3772 N-GSM καταβαςG2597 V-2AAP-NSM οG3588 N-GSM καταβαςG2597 V-2AAP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM T-NSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM οG3588 T-NSM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM ωνG1510 V-PAP-NSM ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSM ουρανωG3772 N-DSM John 3:15

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him ES Jn 3:15 that whoever believes in him may should not perish, but have eternal life. have eternal life.

TR Jn 3:15 ιναG2443 CONJ παςG3956 A-NSM WH Jn 3:15 ιναG2443 CONJ παςG3956 A-NSM οG3588 T-NSM πιστευωνG4100 V-PAP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM πιστευωνG4100 V-PAP-NSM ειςG1519 PREP αυτονG846 P-ASM μηG3361 ενG1722 PREP αυτωG846 P-DSM εχηG2192 V- PRT-N αποληταιG622 V-2AMS-3S αλλG235 PAS-3S ζωηνG2222 N-ASF αιωνιονG166 A-ASF CONJ εχηG2192 V-PAS-3S ζωηνG2222 N-ASF αιωνιονG166 A-ASF

John 3:16

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he ES Jn 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him believeth in him should not perish, but have should not perish but have eternal life. everlasting life.

TR Jn 3:16 ουτωςG3779 ADV γαρG1063 CONJ WH Jn 3:16 ουτωςG3779 ADV γαρG1063 CONJ ηγαπησενG25 V-AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM ηγαπησενG25 V-AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM τονG3588 T-ASM θεοςG2316 N-NSM τονG3588 T-ASM κοσμονG2889 N-ASM ωστεG5620 CONJ κοσμονG2889 N-ASM ωστεG5620 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM υιονG5207 N-ASM αυτουG846 τονG3588 T-ASM υιονG5207 N-ASM τονG3588 P-GSM τονG3588 T-ASM μονογενηG3439 A- T-ASM μονογενηG3439 A- ASM εδωκενG1325 V-AAI-3S ιναG2443 CONJ ASM εδωκενG1325 V-AAI-3S ιναG2443 CONJ παςG3956 A-NSM οG3588 T-NSM παςG3956 A-NSM οG3588 T-NSM πιστευωνG4100 V-PAP-NSM ειςG1519 PREP πιστευωνG4100 V-PAP-NSM ειςG1519 PREP αυτονG846 P-ASM μηG3361 PRT-N αυτονG846 P-ASM μηG3361 PRT-N αποληταιG622 V-2AMS-3S αλλG235 CONJ αποληταιG622 V-2AMS-3S αλλG235 CONJ εχηG2192 V-PAS-3S ζωηνG2222 N-ASF εχηG2192 V-PAS-3S ζωηνG2222 N-ASF αιωνιονG166 A-ASF αιωνιονG166 A-ASF John 5:4

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into ES Jn 5:4 (omit) the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

TR Jn 5:4 αγγελοςG32 N-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ WH Jn 5:4 (omit) καταG2596 PREP καιρονG2540 N-ASM κατεβαινενG2597 V-IAI-3S ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T- DSF κολυμβηθραG2861 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ εταρασσενG5015 V-IAI-3S τοG3588 T-ASN υδωρG5204 N-ASN οG3588 T-NSM ουνG3767 CONJ πρωτοςG4413 A-NSM-S εμβαςG1684 V-2AAP-NSM μεταG3326 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF ταραχηνG5016 N-ASF τουG3588 T- GSN υδατοςG5204 N-GSN υγιηςG5199 A-NSM εγινετοG1096 V-INI-3S ωG3739 R-DSN δηποτεG1221 PRT κατειχετοG2722 V-IPI-3S νοσηματιG3553 N-DSN John 5:16

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 5:16 And therefore did the Jews persecute ES Jn 5:16 And this was why the Jews were Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done persecuting Jesus, because he was doing these these things on the sabbath day. things on the Sabbath.

TR Jn 5:16 καιG2532 CONJ διαG1223 PREP WH Jh 5:16 καιG2532 CONJ διαG1223 PREP τουτοG3778 D-ASN εδιωκονG1377 V-IAI-3P τουτοG3778 D-ASN εδιωκονG1377 V-IAI-3P τονG3588 T-ASM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM οιG3588 οιG3588 T-NPM ιουδαιοιG2453 A-NPM T-NPM ιουδαιοιG2453 A-NPM καιG2532 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM εζητουνG2212 V-IAI-3P αυτονG846 P-ASM οτιG3754 CONJ ταυταG3778 D-APN αποκτειναιG615 V-AAN οτιG3754 CONJ εποιειG4160 V-IAI-3S ενG1722 PREP ταυταG3778 D-APN εποιειG4160 V-IAI-3S σαββατωG4521 N-DSN ενG1722 PREP σαββατωG4521 N-DSN John 6:11

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 6:11 And Jesus took the loaves; and when ES Jn 6:11 Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, he had given thanks, he distributed them to those and the disciples to them that were set down; and who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they likewise of the fishes as much as they would. wanted.

TR Jn 6:11 ελαβενG2983 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 WH Jn 6:11 ελαβενG2983 V-2AAI-3S CONJ τουςG3588 T-APM αρτουςG740 N-APM ουνG3767 CONJ τουςG3588 T-APM αρτουςG740 οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM καιG2532 N-APM οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM CONJ ευχαριστησαςG2168 V-AAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ ευχαριστησαςG2168 V-AAP- διεδωκενG1239 V-AAI-3S τοιςG3588 T-DPM NSM διεδωκενG1239 V-AAI-3S τοιςG3588 T- μαθηταιςG3101 N-DPM οιG3588 T-NPM DPM ανακειμενοιςG345 V-PNP-DPM δεG1161 CONJ μαθηταιG3101 N-NPM ομοιωςG3668 ADV καιG2532 CONJ εκG1537 τοιςG3588 T-DPM ανακειμενοιςG345 V-PNP- PREP τωνG3588 T-GPN οψαριωνG3795 N-GPN DPM ομοιωςG3668 ADV καιG2532 CONJ οσονG3745 K-ASN ηθελονG2309 V-IAI-3P εκG1537 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPN οψαριωνG3795 N-GPN οσονG3745 K-ASN ηθελονG2309 V-IAI- 3P John 6:27

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 6:27 Labour not for the meat which ES Jn 6:27 Do not work for the food that perishes, perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto but for the food that endures to eternal life, which everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. the Father has set his seal."

TR Jn 6:27 εργαζεσθεG2038 V-PNM-2P WH Jn 6:27 εργαζεσθεG2038 V-PNM-2P μηG3361 PRT-N τηνG3588 T-ASF βρωσινG1035 μηG3361 PRT-N τηνG3588 T-ASF βρωσινG1035 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF απολλυμενηνG622 V- N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF απολλυμενηνG622 V- PMP-ASF αλλαG235 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF PMP-ASF αλλαG235 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF βρωσινG1035 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF βρωσινG1035 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF μενουσανG3306 V-PAP-ASF ειςG1519 PREP μενουσανG3306 V-PAP-ASF ειςG1519 PREP ζωηνG2222 N-ASF αιωνιονG166 A-ASF ζωηνG2222 N-ASF αιωνιονG166 A-ASF ηνG3739 R-ASF οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N- ηνG3739 R-ASF οG3588 T-NSM υιοςG5207 N- NSM τουG3588 T-GSM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM NSM τουG3588 T-GSM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM υμινG4771 P-2DP δωσειG1325 V-FAI-3S υμινG4771 P-2DP δωσειG1325 V-FAI-3S τουτονG3778 D-ASM γαρG1063 CONJ οG3588 τουτονG3778 D-ASM γαρG1063 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM πατηρG3962 N-NSM εσφραγισενG4972 T-NSM πατηρG3962 N-NSM εσφραγισενG4972 V-AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM V-AAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM John 6:47

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that ES Jn 6:47 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believeth on me hath everlasting life. believes has eternal life.

TR Jn 6:47 αμηνG281 HEB αμηνG281 HEB WH Jn 6:47 αμηνG281 HEB αμηνG281 HEB λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S υμινG4771 P-2DP οG3588 λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S υμινG4771 P-2DP οG3588 T-NSM πιστευωνG4100 V-PAP-NSM ειςG1519 T-NSM πιστευωνG4100 V-PAP-NSM εχειG2192 PREP εμεG1473 P-1AS εχειG2192 V-PAI-3S V-PAI-3S ζωηνG2222 N-ASF αιωνιονG166 A- ζωηνG2222 N-ASF αιωνιονG166 A-ASF ASF

John 6:69

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 6:69 And we believe and are sure that thou ES Jn 6:69 and we have believed, and have come art that Christ, the Son of the living God. to know, that you are the Holy One of God."

TR Jn 6:69 καιG2532 CONJ ημειςG1473 P-1NP WH Jn 6:69 καιG2532 CONJ ημειςG1473 P-1NP πεπιστευκαμενG4100 V-RAI-1P καιG2532 CONJ πεπιστευκαμενG4100 V-RAI-1P καιG2532 CONJ εγνωκαμενG1097 V-RAI-1P οτιG3754 CONJ εγνωκαμενG1097 V-RAI-1P οτιG3754 CONJ συG4771 P-2NS ειG1510 V-PAI-2S οG3588 T- συG4771 P-2NS ειG1510 V-PAI-2S οG3588 T- NSM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM NSM αγιοςG40 A-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM υιοςG5207 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 θεουG2316 N-GSM N-GSM τουG3588 T-GSM ζωντοςG2198 V-PAP- GSM John 8:9

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 8:9 And they which heard [it], being ES Jn 8:9 But when they heard it, they went away convicted by [their own] conscience, went out one one by one, beginning with the older ones, and by one, beginning at the eldest, [even] unto the last: Jesus was left alone with the woman standing and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing before him. in the midst.

TR Jn 8:9 οιG3588 T-NPM δεG1161 CONJ WH Jn 8:9 οιG3588 T-NPM δεG1161 CONJ ακουσαντεςG191 V-AAP-NPM καιG2532 CONJ ακουσαντεςG191 V-AAP-NPM εξηρχοντοG1831 υποG5259 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF V-INI-3P ειςG1520 A-NSM καθG2596 PREP συνειδησεωςG4893 N-GSF ελεγχομενοιG1651 V- ειςG1520 A-NSM αρξαμενοιG756 V-AMP-NPM PPP-NPM εξηρχοντοG1831 V-INI-3P ειςG1520 αποG575 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM A-NSM καθG2596 PREP ειςG1520 A-NSM πρεσβυτερωνG4245 A-GPM-C καιG2532 CONJ αρξαμενοιG756 V-AMP-NPM αποG575 PREP κατελειφθηG2641 V-API-3S μονοςG3441 A- τωνG3588 T-GPM πρεσβυτερωνG4245 A-GPM-C NSM καιG2532 CONJ ηG3588 T-NSF εωςG2193 ADV τωνG3588 T-GPM γυνηG1135 N-NSF ενG1722 PREP μεσωG3319 εσχατωνG2078 A-GPM-S καιG2532 CONJ A-DSN ουσαG1510 V-PAP-NSF κατελειφθηG2641 V-API-3S μονοςG3441 A- NSM οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ ηG3588 T-NSF γυνηG1135 N- NSF ενG1722 PREP μεσωG3319 A-DSN εστωσαG2476 V-RAP-NSF John 9:4

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent ES Jh 9:4 We must work the works of him who me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no can work. one can work.

TR Jn 9:4 εμεG1473 P-1AS δειG1163 V-PAI-3S WH Jn 9:4 ημαςG1473 P-1AP δειG1163 V-PAI- εργαζεσθαιG2038 V-PNN ταG3588 T-APN 3S εργαζεσθαιG2038 V-PNN ταG3588 T-APN εργαG2041 N-APN τουG3588 T-GSM εργαG2041 N-APN τουG3588 T-GSM πεμψαντοςG3992 V-AAP-GSM μεG1473 P-1AS πεμψαντοςG3992 V-AAP-GSM μεG1473 P-1AS εωςG2193 ADV ημεραG2250 N-NSF εστινG1510 εωςG2193 ADV ημεραG2250 N-NSF εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ερχεταιG2064 V-PNI-3S νυξG3571 N- V-PAI-3S ερχεταιG2064 V-PNI-3S νυξG3571 N- NSF οτεG3753 ADV ουδειςG3762 A-NSM-N NSF οτεG3753 ADV ουδειςG3762 A-NSM-N δυναταιG1410 V-PNI-3S εργαζεσθαιG2038 V- δυναταιG1410 V-PNI-3S εργαζεσθαιG2038 V- PNN PNN John 11:41

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 11:41 Then they took away the stone [from ES Jn 11:41 So they took away the stone. And the place] where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, "Father, I thank up [his] eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that you that you have heard me. thou hast heard me.

TR Jn 11:41 ηρανG142 V-AAI-3P ουνG3767 WH Jn 11:41 ηρανG142 V-AAI-3P ουνG3767 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM λιθονG3037 N-ASM CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM λιθονG3037 N-ASM ουG3757 ADV ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S οG3588 T- οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ ιησουςG2424 N- NSM τεθνηκωςG2348 V-RAP-NSM NSM ηρενG142 V-AAI-3S τουςG3588 T-APM κειμενοςG2749 V-PNP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM οφθαλμουςG3788 N-APM ανωG507 ADV δεG1161 CONJ ιησουςG2424 N-NSM ηρενG142 καιG2532 CONJ ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S V-AAI-3S τουςG3588 T-APM οφθαλμουςG3788 πατερG3962 N-VSM ευχαριστωG2168 V-PAI-1S N-APM ανωG507 ADV καιG2532 CONJ σοιG4771 P-2DS οτιG3754 CONJ ηκουσαςG191 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S πατερG3962 N-VSM V-AAI-2S μουG1473 P-1GS ευχαριστωG2168 V-PAI-1S σοιG4771 P-2DS οτιG3754 CONJ ηκουσαςG191 V-AAI-2S μουG1473 P-1GS John 13:23

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 13:23 Now there was leaning on ES Jn 13:23 One of his disciples, whom Jesus Jesus'bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table at Jesus' side, loved.

TR Jn 13:23 ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ WH Jn 13:23 ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S ανακειμενοςG345 V-PNP-NSM ειςG1520 A-NSM ανακειμενοςG345 V-PNP-NSM ειςG1520 A-NSM τωνG3588 T-GPM μαθητωνG3101 N-GPM εκG1537 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM αυτουG846 P-GSM ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T- μαθητωνG3101 N-GPM αυτουG846 P-GSM DSM κολπωG2859 N-DSM τουG3588 T-GSM ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSM κολπωG2859 N- ιησουG2424 N-GSM ονG3739 R-ASM ηγαπαG25 DSM τουG3588 T-GSM ιησουG2424 N-GSM V-IAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM ονG3739 R-ASM ηγαπαG25 V-IAI-3S | [ο]G3588 T-NSM | οG3588 T-NSM | ιησουςG2424 N-NSM John 14:2

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 14:2 In my Father's house are many ES Jn 14:2 In my Father's house are many rooms. mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to you. I go to prepare a place for you. prepare a place for you?

TR Jn 14:2 ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF WH Jn 14:2 ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF οικιαG3614 N-DSF τουG3588 T-GSM οικιαG3614 N-DSF τουG3588 T-GSM πατροςG3962 N-GSM μουG1473 P-1GS πατροςG3962 N-GSM μουG1473 P-1GS μοναιG3438 A-NPF πολλαιG4183 A-NPF μοναιG3438 A-NPF πολλαιG4183 A-NPF εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P ειG1487 COND δεG1161 εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P ειG1487 COND δεG1161 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N ειπονG3004 V-2AAI-1S CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N ειπονG3004 V-2AAI-1S ανG302 PRT υμινG4771 P-2DP πορευομαιG4198 ανG302 PRT υμινG4771 P-2DP οτιG3754 CONJ V-PNI-1S ετοιμασαιG2090 V-AAN τοπονG5117 πορευομαιG4198 V-PNI-1S ετοιμασαιG2090 V- N-ASM υμινG4771 P-2DP AAN τοπονG5117 N-ASM υμινG4771 P-2DP

John 16:16

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 16:16 . A little while, and ye shall not see ES Jn 16:16 "A little while, and you will see me me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, no longer; and again a little while, and you will see because I go to the Father. me."

TR Jn 16:16 μικρονG3397 A-ASN καιG2532 WH Jn 16:16 μικρονG3397 A-ASN καιG2532 CONJ ουG3756 PRT-N θεωρειτεG2334 V-PAI-2P CONJ ουκετιG3765 ADV-N θεωρειτεG2334 V- μεG1473 P-1AS καιG2532 CONJ παλινG3825 PAI-2P μεG1473 P-1AS καιG2532 CONJ ADV μικρονG3397 A-ASN καιG2532 CONJ παλινG3825 ADV μικρονG3397 A-ASN οψεσθεG3708 V-FDI-2P μεG1473 P-1AS καιG2532 CONJ οψεσθεG3708 V-FDI-2P οτιG3754 CONJ εγωG1473 P-1NS υπαγωG5217 μεG1473 P-1AS V-PAI-1S προςG4314 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM πατεραG3962 N-ASM John 18:40

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Jn 18:40 Then cried they all again, saying, Not ES Jn 18:40 They cried out again, "Not this man, this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a but Barabbas!" Now Barabbas was a robber. robber.

TR Jn 18:40 εκραυγασανG2905 V-AAI-3P WH Jn 18:40 εκραυγασανG2905 V-AAI-3P ουνG3767 CONJ παλινG3825 ADV παντεςG3956 ουνG3767 CONJ παλινG3825 ADV A-NPM λεγοντεςG3004 V-PAP-NPM μηG3361 λεγοντεςG3004 V-PAP-NPM μηG3361 PRT-N PRT-N τουτονG3778 D-ASM αλλαG235 CONJ τουτονG3778 D-ASM αλλαG235 CONJ τονG3588 τονG3588 T-ASM βαραββανG912 N-ASM T-ASM βαραββανG912 N-ASM ηνG1510 V-IAI- ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ οG3588 T- 3S δεG1161 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM NSM βαραββαςG912 N-NSM ληστηςG3027 N- βαραββαςG912 N-NSM ληστηςG3027 N-NSM NSM Acts 2:27

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 2:27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul ES Ac 2:27 For you will not abandon my soul to in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption. see corruption. WH Ac 2:27 οτιG3754 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N TR Ac 2:27 οτιG3754 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N εγκαταλειψειςG1459 V-FAI-2S τηνG3588 T-ASF εγκαταλειψειςG1459 V-FAI-2S τηνG3588 T-ASF ψυχηνG5590 N-ASF μουG1473 P-1GS ειςG1519 ψυχηνG5590 N-ASF μουG1473 P-1GS ειςG1519 PREP αδηνG86 N-ASM ουδεG3761 CONJ-N PREP αδουG86 N-GSM ουδεG3761 CONJ-N δωσειςG1325 V-FAI-2S τονG3588 T-ASM δωσειςG1325 V-FAI-2S τονG3588 T-ASM οσιονG3741 A-ASM σουG4771 P-2GS οσιονG3741 A-ASM σουG4771 P-2GS ιδεινG3708 V-2AAN διαφθορανG1312 N-ASF ιδεινG3708 V-2AAN διαφθορανG1312 N-ASF

Acts 2:30

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 2:30 Therefore being a prophet, and ES Ac 2:30 Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, that he would set one of his descendants on his he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; throne,

TR Ac 2:30 προφητηςG4396 N-NSM ουνG3767 WH Ac 2:30 προφητηςG4396 N-NSM ουνG3767 CONJ υπαρχωνG5225 V-PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ υπαρχωνG5225 V-PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ ειδωςG1492 V-RAP-NSM οτιG3754 CONJ CONJ ειδωςG1492 V-RAP-NSM οτιG3754 CONJ ορκωG3727 N-DSM ωμοσενG3660 V-AAI-3S ορκωG3727 N-DSM ωμοσενG3660 V-AAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N- αυτωG846 P-DSM οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N- NSM εκG1537 PREP καρπουG2590 N-GSM NSM εκG1537 PREP καρπουG2590 N-GSM τηςG3588 T-GSF οσφυοςG3751 N-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF οσφυοςG3751 N-GSF αυτουG846 P-GSM τοG3588 T-ASN καταG2596 αυτουG846 P-GSM καθισαιG2523 V-AAN PREP σαρκαG4561 N-ASF αναστησεινG450 V- επιG1909 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM θρονονG2362 FAN τονG3588 T-ASM χριστονG5547 N-ASM N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM καθισαιG2523 V-AAN επιG1909 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM θρονουG2362 N-GSM αυτουG846 P- GSM Acts 2:31

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 2:31 He seeing this before spake of the ES Ac 2:31 he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in resurrection of the Christ, that he was not hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. TR Ac 2:31 προιδωνG4275 V-2AAP-NSM WH Ac 2:31 προιδωνG4275 V-2AAP-NSM ελαλησενG2980 V-AAI-3S περιG4012 PREP ελαλησενG2980 V-AAI-3S περιG4012 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF αναστασεωςG386 N-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF αναστασεωςG386 N-GSF τουG3588 T-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM τουG3588 T-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM οτιG3754 CONJ ουG3756 PRT-N οτιG3754 CONJ ουτεG3777 CONJ-N κατελειφθηG2641 V-API-3S ηG3588 T-NSF εγκατελειφθηG1459 V-API-3S ειςG1519 PREP ψυχηG5590 N-NSF αυτουG846 P-GSM εις αδηνG86 N-ASM ουτεG3777 CONJ-N η G1519 PREP αδουG86 N-GSM ουδεG3761 G3588 T-NSF σαρξG4561 N-NSF αυτουG846 P- CONJ-N ηG3588 T-NSF σαρξG4561 N-NSF GSM ειδενG3708 V-2AAI-3S διαφθορανG1312 αυτουG846 P-GSM ειδενG3708 V-2AAI-3S N-ASF διαφθορανG1312 N-ASF

Acts 3:13

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 3:13 The God of , and of , ES Ac 3:13 The God of Abraham, the God of and of , the God of our fathers, hath glorified Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied glorified his servant Jesus, whom you delivered him in the presence of Pilate, when he was over and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he determined to let [him] go. had decided to release him.

TR Ac 3:13 οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM WH Ac 3:13 οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM αβρααμG11 N-PRI καιG2532 CONJ ισαακG2464 αβρααμG11 N-PRI καιG2532 CONJ | ισαακG2464 N-PRI καιG2532 CONJ ιακωβG2384 N-PRI N-PRI καιG2532 CONJ | [οG3588 T-NSM οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM τωνG3588 T- θεος]G2316 N-NSM ισαακG2464 N-PRI GPM πατερωνG3962 N-GPM ημωνG1473 P-1GP καιG2532 CONJ [οG3588 T-NSM θεος]G2316 N- εδοξασενG1392 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM NSM | ιακωβG2384 N-PRI οG3588 T-NSM παιδαG3816 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM τωνG3588 T-GPM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM ονG3739 R-ASM πατερωνG3962 N-GPM ημωνG1473 P-1GP υμειςG4771 P-2NP παρεδωκατεG3860 V-AAI-2P εδοξασενG1392 V-AAI-3S τονG3588 T-ASM καιG2532 CONJ ηρνησασθεG720 V-ADI-2P παιδαG3816 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM αυτονG846 P-ASM καταG2596 PREP ιησουνG2424 N-ASM ονG3739 R-ASM προσωπονG4383 N-ASN πιλατουG4091 N-GSM υμειςG4771 P-2NP μενG3303 PRT κριναντοςG2919 V-AAP-GSM εκεινουG1565 D- παρεδωκατεG3860 V-AAI-2P καιG2532 CONJ GSM απολυεινG630 V-PAN ηρνησασθεG720 V-ADI-2P καταG2596 PREP προσωπονG4383 N-ASN πιλατουG4091 N-GSM κριναντοςG2919 V-AAP-GSM εκεινουG1565 D- GSM απολυεινG630 V-PAN Acts 3:26

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 3:26 Unto you first God, having raised up ES Ac 3:26 God, having raised up his servant, sent his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning him to you first, to bless you by turning every one away every one of you from his iniquities. of you from your wickedness."

TR Ac 3:26 υμινG4771 P-2DP πρωτονG4412 WH Ac 3:26 υμινG4771 P-2DP πρωτονG4412 ADV-S οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM ADV-S αναστησαςG450 V-AAP-NSM οG3588 T- αναστησαςG450 V-AAP-NSM τονG3588 T-ASM NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM τονG3588 T-ASM παιδαG3816 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM παιδαG3816 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM απεστειλενG649 V-AAI-3S απεστειλενG649 V-AAI-3S αυτονG846 P-ASM αυτονG846 P-ASM ευλογουνταG2127 V-PAP- ευλογουνταG2127 V-PAP-ASM υμαςG4771 P- ASM υμαςG4771 P-2AP ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 2AP ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSN T-DSN αποστρεφεινG654 V-PAN εκαστονG1538 αποστρεφεινG654 V-PAN εκαστονG1538 A-ASM A-ASM αποG575 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPF αποG575 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPF πονηριωνG4189 N-GPF υμωνG4771 P-2GP πονηριωνG4189 N-GPF | [υμων]G4771 P-2GP | υμωνG4771 P-2GP |

Acts 7:37

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 7:37 This is that , which said unto ES Ac 7:37 This is the Moses who said to the the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your Israelites, 'God will raise up for you a prophet like God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me from your brothers.' me; him shall ye hear.

TR Ac 7:37 ουτοςG3778 D-NSM εστινG1510 V- WH Ac 7:37 ουτοςG3778 D-NSM εστινG1510 PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM μωυσηςG3475 N-NSM V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM μωυσηςG3475 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM ειπωνG3004 V-2AAP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM ειπαςG3004 V-2AAP-NSM τοιςG3588 T-DPM υιοιςG5207 N-DPM τοιςG3588 T-DPM υιοιςG5207 N-DPM ισραηλG2474 N-PRI προφητηνG4396 N-ASM ισραηλG2474 N-PRI προφητηνG4396 N-ASM υμινG4771 P-2DP αναστησειG450 V-FAI-3S υμινG4771 P-2DP αναστησειG450 V-FAI-3S κυριοςG2962 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM εκG1537 N-NSM υμωνG4771 P-2GP εκG1537 PREP PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM αδελφωνG80 N-GPM τωνG3588 T-GPM αδελφωνG80 N-GPM υμωνG4771 P-2GP ωςG5613 ADV εμεG1473 P- υμωνG4771 P-2GP ωςG5613 ADV εμεG1473 P- 1AS 1AS αυτουG846 P-GSM ακουσεσθεG191 V-FDI- 2P Acts 8:37

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with ES Ac 8:37 (omit) all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

TR Ac 8:37 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 WH Ac 8:37 (omit) CONJ οG3588 T-NSM φιλιπποςG5376 N-NSM ειG1487 COND πιστευειςG4100 V-PAI-2S εξG1537 PREP οληςG3650 A-GSF τηςG3588 T- GSF καρδιαςG2588 N-GSF εξεστινG1832 V-PAI- 3S αποκριθειςG611 V-AOP-NSM δεG1161 CONJ ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S πιστευωG4100 V-PAI-1S τονG3588 T-ASM υιονG5207 N-ASM τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM ειναιG1510 V-PAN τονG3588 T-ASM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM χριστονG5547 N-ASM Acts 9:5

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 9:5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And ES Ac 9:5 And he said, "Who are you, Lord?" And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: he said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. [it is] hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

TR Ac 9:5 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 WH Ac 9:5 ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S δεG1161 CONJ τιςG5101 I-NSM ειG1510 V-PAI-2S CONJ τιςG5101 I-NSM ειG1510 V-PAI-2S κυριεG2962 N-VSM οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 κυριεG2962 N-VSM οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ κυριοςG2962 N-NSM ειπενG3004 V- CONJ εγωG1473 P-1NS ειμιG1510 V-PAI-1S 2AAI-3S εγωG1473 P-1NS ειμιG1510 V-PAI-1S ιησουςG2424 N-NSM ονG3739 R-ASM συG4771 ιησουςG2424 N-NSM ονG3739 R-ASM συG4771 P-2NS διωκειςG1377 V-PAI-2S P-2NS διωκειςG1377 V-PAI-2S σκληρονG4642 A-NSN σοιG4771 P-2DS προςG4314 PREP κεντραG2759 N-APN λακτιζεινG2979 V-PAN Acts 9:6

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 9:6 And he trembling and astonished said, ES Ac 9:6 But rise and enter the city, and you will Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord be told what you are to do." [said] unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

TR Ac 9:6 τρεμωνG5141 V-PAP-NSM τεG5037 WH Ac 9:6 αλλαG235 CONJ αναστηθιG450 V- PRT καιG2532 CONJ θαμβωνG2284 V-PAP- 2AAM-2S καιG2532 CONJ εισελθεG1525 V- NSM ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S κυριεG2962 N- 2AAM-2S ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF VSM τιG5101 I-ASN μεG1473 P-1AS πολινG4172 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ θελειςG2309 V-PAI-2S ποιησαιG4160 V-AAN λαληθησεταιG2980 V-FPI-3S σοιG4771 P-2DS καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM κυριοςG2962 N- οG3739 R-ASN τιG5100 X-ASN σεG4771 P-2AS NSM προςG4314 PREP αυτονG846 P-ASM δειG1163 V-PAI-3S ποιεινG4160 V-PAN αναστηθιG450 V-2AAM-2S καιG2532 CONJ εισελθεG1525 V-2AAM-2S ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF πολινG4172 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ λαληθησεταιG2980 V-FPI-3S σοιG4771 P- 2DS τιG5101 I-ASN σεG4771 P-2AS δειG1163 V- PAI-3S ποιεινG4160 V-PAN Acts 10:30

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 10:30 And Cornelius said, Four days ago I ES Ac 10:30 And Cornelius said, "Four days ago, was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I about this hour, I was praying in my house at the prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood ninth hour, and behold, a man stood before me in before me in bright clothing, bright clothing

TR Ac 10:30 καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM WH Ac 10:30 καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM κορνηλιοςG2883 N-NSM εφηG5346 V-IAI-3S κορνηλιοςG2883 N-NSM εφηG5346 V-IAI-3S αποG575 PREP τεταρτηςG5067 A-GSF αποG575 PREP τεταρτηςG5067 A-GSF ημεραςG2250 N-GSF μεχριG3360 ADV ημεραςG2250 N-GSF μεχριG3360 ADV ταυτηςG3778 D-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF ταυτηςG3778 D-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF ωραςG5610 N-GSF ημηνG1510 V-IAI-1S ωραςG5610 N-GSF ημηνG1510 V-IAI-1S νηστευωνG3522 V-PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF ενατηνG1766 A-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF εννατηνG1766 A-ASF προσευχομενοςG4336 V-PNP-NSM ενG1722 ωρανG5610 N-ASF προσευχομενοςG4336 V- PREP τωG3588 T-DSM οικωG3624 N-DSM PNP-NSM ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSM μουG1473 P-1GS καιG2532 CONJ ιδουG3708 V- οικωG3624 N-DSM μουG1473 P-1GS καιG2532 2AAM-2S ανηρG435 N-NSM εστηG2476 V- CONJ ιδουG3708 V-2AAM-2S ανηρG435 N- 2AAI-3S ενωπιονG1799 ADV μουG1473 P-1GS NSM εστηG2476 V-2AAI-3S ενωπιονG1799 ενG1722 PREP εσθητιG2066 N-DSF ADV μουG1473 P-1GS ενG1722 PREP λαμπραG2986 A-DSF εσθητιG2066 N-DSF λαμπραG2986 A-DSF Acts 15:18

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 15:18 Known unto God are all his works ES Ac 15:18 known from of old.' from the beginning of the world.

TR Ac 15:18 γνωσταG1110 A-NPN απG575 WH Ac 15:18 γνωσταG1110 A-NPN απG575 PREP αιωνοςG165 N-GSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S PREP αιωνοςG165 N-GSM τωG3588 T-DSM θεωG2316 N-DSM πανταG3956 A-NPN ταG3588 T-NPN εργαG2041 N-NPN αυτουG846 P-GSM Acts 23:9

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 23:9 And there arose a great cry: and the ES Ac 23:9 Then a great clamor arose, and some scribes [that were] of the Pharisees'part arose, and of the scribes of the Pharisees' party stood up and strove, saying, We find no evil in this man: but if a contended sharply, "We find nothing wrong in this spirit or an angel hath spoken to him, let us not fight man. What if a spirit or an angel spoke to him?" against God.

TR Ac 23:9 εγενετοG1096 V-2ADI-3S δεG1161 WH Ac 23:9 εγενετοG1096 V-2ADI-3S δεG1161 CONJ κραυγηG2906 N-NSF μεγαληG3173 A- CONJ κραυγηG2906 N-NSF μεγαληG3173 A- NSF καιG2532 CONJ ανασταντεςG450 V-2AAP- NSF καιG2532 CONJ ανασταντεςG450 V-2AAP- NPM οιG3588 T-NPM γραμματειςG1122 N-NPM NPM τινεςG5100 X-NPM τωνG3588 T-GPM τουG3588 T-GSN μερουςG3313 N-GSN γραμματεωνG1122 N-GPM τουG3588 T-GSN τωνG3588 T-GPM φαρισαιωνG5330 N-GPM μερουςG3313 N-GSN τωνG3588 T-GPM διεμαχοντοG1264 V-INI-3P λεγοντεςG3004 V- φαρισαιωνG5330 N-GPM διεμαχοντοG1264 V- PAP-NPM ουδενG3762 A-ASN-N κακονG2556 INI-3P λεγοντεςG3004 V-PAP-NPM ουδενG3762 A-ASN ευρισκομενG2147 V-PAI-1P ενG1722 A-ASN-N κακονG2556 A-ASN PREP τωG3588 T-DSM ανθρωπωG444 N-DSM ευρισκομενG2147 V-PAI-1P ενG1722 PREP τουτωG3778 D-DSM ειG1487 COND δεG1161 τωG3588 T-DSM ανθρωπωG444 N-DSM CONJ πνευμαG4151 N-NSN ελαλησενG2980 V- τουτωG3778 D-DSM ειG1487 COND δεG1161 AAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM ηG2228 PRT CONJ πνευμαG4151 N-NSN ελαλησενG2980 V- αγγελοςG32 N-NSM μηG3361 PRT-N AAI-3S αυτωG846 P-DSM ηG2228 PRT θεομαχωμενG2313 V-PAS-1P αγγελοςG32 N-NSM Acts 28:29

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ac 28:29 And when he had said these words, ES Ac 28:29 (omit) the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves.

TR Ac 28:29 καιG2532 CONJ ταυταG3778 D- WH Ac 28:29 (omit) APN αυτουG846 P-GSM ειποντοςG3004 V- 2AAP-GSM απηλθονG565 V-2AAI-3P οιG3588 T-NPM ιουδαιοιG2453 A-NPM πολληνG4183 A- ASF εχοντεςG2192 V-PAP-NPM ενG1722 PREP εαυτοιςG1438 F-3DPM συζητησινG4803 N-ASF Romans 1:16

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ro 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of ES Ro 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. to the Greek. WH Ro 1:16 ουG3756 PRT-N γαρG1063 CONJ TR Ro 1:16 ουG3756 PRT-N γαρG1063 CONJ επαισχυνομαιG1870 V-PNI-1S τοG3588 T-ASN επαισχυνομαιG1870 V-PNI-1S τοG3588 T-ASN ευαγγελιονG2098 N-ASN δυναμιςG1411 N-NSF ευαγγελιονG2098 N-ASN τουG3588 T-GSM γαρG1063 CONJ θεουG2316 N-GSM εστινG1510 χριστουG5547 N-GSM δυναμιςG1411 N-NSF V-PAI-3S ειςG1519 PREP σωτηριανG4991 N- γαρG1063 CONJ θεουG2316 N-GSM εστινG1510 ASF παντιG3956 A-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM V-PAI-3S ειςG1519 PREP σωτηριανG4991 N- πιστευοντιG4100 V-PAP-DSM ιουδαιωG2453 A- ASF παντιG3956 A-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM DSM τεG5037 PRT | [πρωτον]G4412 ADV-S | πιστευοντιG4100 V-PAP-DSM ιουδαιωG2453 A- πρωτονG4412 ADV-S | καιG2532 CONJ DSM τεG5037 PRT πρωτονG4412 ADV-S ελληνιG1672 N-DSM καιG2532 CONJ ελληνιG1672 N-DSM

Romans 8:1

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ro 8:1 . [There is] therefore now no ES Ro 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

TR Ro 8:1 ουδενG3762 A-NSN-N αραG686 PRT WH Ro 8:1 ουδενG3762 A-NSN-N αραG686 νυνG3568 ADV κατακριμαG2631 N-NSN PRT νυνG3568 ADV κατακριμαG2631 N-NSN τοιςG3588 T-DPM ενG1722 PREP χριστωG5547 τοιςG3588 T-DPM ενG1722 PREP χριστωG5547 N-DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM μηG3361 PRT-N N-DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM καταG2596 PREP σαρκαG4561 N-ASF περιπατουσινG4043 V-PAP-DPM αλλαG235 CONJ καταG2596 PREP πνευμαG4151 N-ASN Romans 10:15

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ro 10:15 And how shall they preach, except ES Ro 10:5 For Moses writes about the they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the righteousness that is based on the law, that the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and person who does the commandments shall live by bring glad tidings of good things! them.

TR Ro 10:5 μωσηςG3475 N-NSM γαρG1063 WH Ro 10:5 μωυσηςG3475 N-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ γραφειG1125 V-PAI-3S τηνG3588 T-ASF CONJ γραφειG1125 V-PAI-3S | οτιG3754 CONJ | δικαιοσυνηνG1343 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF | τηνG3588 T-ASF δικαιοσυνηνG1343 N-ASF εκG1537 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM νομουG3551 τηνG3588 T-ASF εκG1537 PREP | νομουG3551 N-GSM οτιG3754 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM N-GSM οG3588 T-NSM ποιησαςG4160 V-AAP- ποιησαςG4160 V-AAP-NSM αυταG846 P-APN NSM | [του] G3588 T-GSM νομουG3551 N-GSM ανθρωποςG444 N-NSM ζησεταιG2198 V-FDI-3S οτιG3754 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM ποιησαςG4160 ενG1722 PREP αυτοιςG846 P-DPN V-AAP-NSM αυταG846 P-APN | ανθρωποςG444 N-NSM ζησεταιG2198 V-FDI-3S ενG1722 PREP | αυτηG846 P-DSF | αυτοιςG846 P-DPN | Romans 14:21

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ro 14:21 [It is] good neither to eat flesh, nor ES Ro 14:21 It is good not to eat meat or drink to drink wine, nor [any thing] whereby thy brother wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. stumble.

TR Ro 14:21 καλονG2570 A-NSN τοG3588 T- WH Ro 14:21 καλονG2570 A-NSN τοG3588 T- NSN μηG3361 PRT-N φαγεινG5315 V-2AAN NSN μηG3361 PRT-N φαγεινG5315 V-2AAN κρεαG2907 N-APN μηδεG3366 CONJ-N κρεαG2907 N-APN μηδεG3366 CONJ-N πιεινG4095 V-2AAN οινονG3631 N-ASM πιεινG4095 V-2AAN οινονG3631 N-ASM μηδεG3366 CONJ-N ενG1722 PREP ωG3739 R- μηδεG3366 CONJ-N ενG1722 PREP ωG3739 R- DSN οG3588 T-NSM αδελφοςG80 N-NSM DSN οG3588 T-NSM αδελφοςG80 N-NSM σουG4771 P-2GS προσκοπτειG4350 V-PAI-3S σουG4771 P-2GS προσκοπτειG4350 V-PAI-3S ηG2228 PRT σκανδαλιζεταιG4624 V-PPI-3S ηG2228 PRT ασθενειG770 V-PAI-3S

Romans 16:24

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ro 16:24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ES Ro 16:24 (omit) [be] with you all. Amen.

TR Ro 16:24 ηG3588 T-NSF χαριςG5485 N-NSF WH Ro 16:14 (omit) τουG3588 T-GSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM μεταG3326 PREP παντωνG3956 A-GPM υμωνG4771 P-2GP αμηνG281 HEB 1 Corinthians 5:7

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1C 5:7 . Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ES 1C 5:7 Cleanse out the old leaven that you may ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.

TR 1C 5:7 εκκαθαρατεG1571 V-AAM- WH 1C 5:7 εκκαθαρατεG1571 V-AAM- 2P ουνG3767 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF 2P τηνG3588 T-ASF παλαιανG3820 A-ASF παλαιανG3820 A-ASF ζυμηνG2219 N-ASF ζυμηνG2219 N-ASF ιναG2443 CONJ ητεG1510 ιναG2443 CONJ ητεG1510 V-PAS-2P νεονG3501 V-PAS-2P νεονG3501 A-NSN φυραμαG5445 N- A-NSN φυραμαG5445 N-NSN καθωςG2531 ADV NSN καθωςG2531 ADV εστεG1510 V-PAI-2P εστεG1510 V-PAI-2P αζυμοιG106 A-NPM αζυμοιG106 A-NPM καιG2532 CONJ γαρG1063 καιG2532 CONJ γαρG1063 CONJ τοG3588 T- CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN πασχαG3957 ARAM NSN πασχαG3957 ARAM ημωνG1473 P-1GP ημωνG1473 P-1GP ετυθηG2380 V-API-3S υπερG5228 PREP ημωνG1473 P-1GP | χριστοςG5547 N-NSM ετυθηG2380 V-API-3S | εθυθηG2380 V-API-3S | χριστοςG5547 N-NSM 1 Corinthians 9:18

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1C 9:18 What is my reward then? [Verily] that, ES 1C 9:18 What then is my reward? That in my when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of preaching I may present the gospel free of charge, Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in so as not to make full use of my right in the gospel. the gospel.

TR 1C 9:18 τιςG5101 I-NSM ουνG3767 CONJ WH 1C 9:18 τιςG5101 I-NSM ουνG3767 CONJ μοιG1473 P-1DS εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S οG3588 μουG1473 P-1GS εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM μισθοςG3408 N-NSM ιναG2443 CONJ T-NSM μισθοςG3408 N-NSM ιναG2443 CONJ ευαγγελιζομενοςG2097 V-PMP-NSM ευαγγελιζομενοςG2097 V-PMP-NSM αδαπανονG77 A-ASN θησωG5087 V-AAS-1S αδαπανονG77 A-ASN θησωG5087 V-AAS-1S τοG3588 T-ASN ευαγγελιονG2098 N-ASN τοG3588 T-ASN ευαγγελιονG2098 N-ASN τουG3588 T-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM ειςG1519 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN μηG3361 PRT- ειςG1519 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN μηG3361 PRT- N καταχρησασθαιG2710 V-ADN τηG3588 T-DSF N καταχρησασθαιG2710 V-ADN τηG3588 T-DSF εξουσιαG1849 N-DSF μουG1473 P-1GS ενG1722 εξουσιαG1849 N-DSF μουG1473 P-1GS ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSN ευαγγελιωG2098 N-DSN PREP τωG3588 T-DSN ευαγγελιωG2098 N-DSN

1 Corinthians 10:28

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1C 10:28 But if any man say unto you, This is ES 1C 10:28 But if someone says to you, "This offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake has been offered in sacrifice," then do not eat it, for that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the the sake of the one who informed you, and for the earth [is] the Lord's, and the fulness thereof: sake of conscience—

TR 1C 10:28 εανG1437 COND δεG1161 CONJ WH 1C 10:28 εανG1437 COND δεG1161 CONJ τιςG5100 X-NSM υμινG4771 P-2DP ειπηG3004 τιςG5100 X-NSM υμινG4771 P-2DP ειπηG3004 V-2AAS-3S τουτοG3778 D-NSN V-2AAS-3S τουτοG3778 D-NSN ειδωλοθυτονG1494 A-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI- ιεροθυτονG1494 A-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S 3S μηG3361 PRT-N εσθιετεG2068 V-PAM-2P μηG3361 PRT-N εσθιετεG2068 V-PAM-2P διG1223 PREP εκεινονG1565 D-ASM τονG3588 διG1223 PREP εκεινονG1565 D-ASM τονG3588 T-ASM μηνυσανταG3377 V-AAP-ASM T-ASM μηνυσανταG3377 V-AAP-ASM καιG2532 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF καιG2532 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF συνειδησινG4893 N-ASF τουG3588 T-GSM συνειδησινG4893 N-ASF γαρG1063 CONJ κυριουG2962 N-GSM ηG3588 T-NSF γηG1093 N-NSF καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN πληρωμαG4138 N-NSN αυτηςG846 P-GSF 1 Corinthians 11:24

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1C 11:24 And when he had given thanks, he ES 1C 11:24 and when he had given thanks, he brake [it], and said, Take, eat: this is my body, broke it, and said, "This is my body which is for which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of you. Do this in remembrance of me." me.

TR 1C 11:24 καιG2532 CONJ WH 1C 11:24 καιG2532 CONJ ευχαριστησαςG2168 V-AAP-NSM ευχαριστησαςG2168 V-AAP-NSM εκλασενG2806 V-AAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ εκλασενG2806 V-AAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S λαβετεG2983 V-2AAM- ειπενG3004 V-2AAI-3S τουτοG3778 D-NSN 2P φαγετεG5315 V-2AAM-2P τουτοG3778 D- μουG1473 P-1GS εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τοG3588 NSN μουG1473 P-1GS εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S T-NSN σωμαG4983 N-NSN τοG3588 T-NSN τοG3588 T-NSN σωμαG4983 N-NSN τοG3588 T- υπερG5228 PREP υμωνG4771 P-2GP NSN υπερG5228 PREP υμωνG4771 P-2GP τουτοG3778 D-ASN ποιειτεG4160 V-PAM-2P κλωμενονG2806 V-PPP-NSN τουτοG3778 D- ειςG1519 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF εμηνG1699 S- ASN ποιειτεG4160 V-PAM-2P ειςG1519 PREP 1ASF αναμνησινG364 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF εμηνG1699 S-1ASF αναμνησινG364 N-ASF 1 Corinthians 15:47

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1C 15:47 The first man [is] of the earth, earthy: ES 1C 15:47 The first man was from the earth, a the second man [is] the Lord from heaven. man of dust; the second man is from heaven.

TR 1C 15:47 οG3588 T-NSM πρωτοςG4413 A- WH 1C 15:47 οG3588 T-NSM πρωτοςG4413 A- NSM-S ανθρωποςG444 N-NSM εκG1537 PREP NSM-S ανθρωποςG444 N-NSM εκG1537 PREP γηςG1093 N-GSF χοικοςG5517 A-NSM οG3588 γηςG1093 N-GSF χοικοςG5517 A-NSM οG3588 T-NSM δευτεροςG1208 A-NSM ανθρωποςG444 T-NSM δευτεροςG1208 A-NSM ανθρωποςG444 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM κυριοςG2962 N-NSM N-NSM εξG1537 PREP ουρανουG3772 N-GSM εξG1537 PREP ουρανουG3772 N-GSM

2 Corinthians 2:17 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 2C 2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt ES 2C 2:17 For we are not, like so many, peddlers the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as in the sight of God speak we in Christ. commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. TR 2C 2:17 ουG3756 PRT-N γαρG1063 CONJ WH 2C 2:17 ουG3756 PRT-N γαρG1063 CONJ εσμενG1510 V-PAI-1P ωςG5613 ADV οιG3588 εσμενG1510 V-PAI-1P ωςG5613 ADV οιG3588 T-NPM πολλοιG4183 A-NPM T-NPM πολλοιG4183 A-NPM καπηλευοντεςG2585 V-PAP-NPM τονG3588 T- καπηλευοντεςG2585 V-PAP-NPM τονG3588 T- ASM λογονG3056 N-ASM τουG3588 T-GSM ASM λογονG3056 N-ASM τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM αλλG235 CONJ ωςG5613 θεουG2316 N-GSM αλλG235 CONJ ωςG5613 ADV εξG1537 PREP ειλικρινειαςG1505 N-GSF ADV εξG1537 PREP ειλικρινειαςG1505 N-GSF αλλG235 CONJ ωςG5613 ADV εκG1537 PREP αλλG235 CONJ ωςG5613 ADV εκG1537 PREP θεουG2316 N-GSM κατενωπιονG2714 ADV θεουG2316 N-GSM κατεναντιG2713 ADV τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM ενG1722 θεουG2316 N-GSM ενG1722 PREP χριστωG5547 PREP χριστωG5547 N-DSM λαλουμενG2980 V- N-DSM λαλουμενG2980 V-PAI-1P PAI-1P Galatians 3:1 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ga 3:1 . O foolish Galatians, who hath ES Ga 3:1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. set forth, crucified among you?

TR Ga 3:1 ωG5599 INJ ανοητοιG453 A-VPM WH Ga 3:1 ωG5599 INJ ανοητοιG453 A-VPM γαλαταιG1052 N-VPM τιςG5101 I-NSM γαλαταιG1052 N-VPM τιςG5101 I-NSM υμαςG4771 P-2AP εβασκανενG940 V-AAI-3S υμαςG4771 P-2AP εβασκανενG940 V-AAI-3S τηG3588 T-DSF αληθειαG225 N-DSF μηG3361 οιςG3739 R-DPM κατG2596 PREP PRT-N πειθεσθαιG3982 V-PPN οιςG3739 R-DPM οφθαλμουςG3788 N-APM ιησουςG2424 N-NSM κατG2596 PREP οφθαλμουςG3788 N-APM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM προεγραφηG4270 V-2API- ιησουςG2424 N-NSM χριστοςG5547 N-NSM 3S εσταυρωμενοςG4717 V-RPP-NSM προεγραφηG4270 V-2API-3S ενG1722 PREP υμινG4771 P-2DP εσταυρωμενοςG4717 V-RPP- NSM Galatians 3:17 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ga 3:17 And this I say, [that] the covenant, that ES Ga 3:17 This is what I mean: the law, which was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, came 430 years afterward, does not annul a which was four hundred and thirty years after, covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of the promise void. none effect.

TR Ga 3:17 τουτοG3778 D-ASN δεG1161 CONJ WH Ga 3:17 τουτοG3778 D-ASN δεG1161 λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S διαθηκηνG1242 N-ASF CONJ λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S διαθηκηνG1242 N- προκεκυρωμενηνG4300 V-RPP-ASF υποG5259 ASF προκεκυρωμενηνG4300 V-RPP-ASF PREP τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM υποG5259 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 ειςG1519 PREP χριστονG5547 N-ASM οG3588 N-GSM οG3588 T-NSM μεταG3326 PREP T-NSM μεταG3326 PREP ετηG2094 N-APN τετρακοσιαG5071 A-APN καιG2532 CONJ τετρακοσιαG5071 A-APN καιG2532 CONJ τριακονταG5144 A-NUI ετηG2094 N-APN τριακονταG5144 A-NUI γεγονωςG1096 V-2RAP- γεγονωςG1096 V-2RAP-NSM νομοςG3551 N- NSM νομοςG3551 N-NSM ουκG3756 PRT-N NSM ουκG3756 PRT-N ακυροιG208 V-PAI-3S ακυροιG208 V-PAI-3S ειςG1519 PREP τοG3588 ειςG1519 PREP τοG3588 T-ASN T-ASN καταργησαιG2673 V-AAN τηνG3588 T- καταργησαιG2673 V-AAN τηνG3588 T-ASF ASF επαγγελιανG1860 N-ASF επαγγελιανG1860 N-ASF

Galatians 4:7

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ga 4:7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, ES Ga 4:7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through and if a son, then an heir through God. Christ.

TR Ga 4:7 ωστεG5620 CONJ ουκετιG3765 WH Ga 4:7 ωστεG5620 CONJ ουκετιG3765 ADV-N ειG1510 V-PAI-2S δουλοςG1401 N-NSM ADV-N ειG1510 V-PAI-2S δουλοςG1401 N-NSM αλλG235 CONJ υιοςG5207 N-NSM ειG1487 αλλαG235 CONJ υιοςG5207 N-NSM ειG1487 COND δεG1161 CONJ υιοςG5207 N-NSM COND δεG1161 CONJ υιοςG5207 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ κληρονομοςG2818 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ κληρονομοςG2818 N-NSM θεουG2316 N-GSM διαG1223 PREP διαG1223 PREP θεουG2316 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM Galatians 6:15

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ga 6:15 For in Christ Jesus neither ES Ga 6:15 For neither circumcision counts for circumcision availeth any thing, nor anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. uncircumcision, but a new creature.

TR Ga 6:15 ενG1722 PREP γαρG1063 CONJ WH Ga 6:15 ουτεG3777 CONJ-N γαρG1063 χριστωG5547 N-DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM CONJ περιτομηG4061 N-NSF τιG5100 X-ASN ουτεG3777 CONJ-N περιτομηG4061 N-NSF εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ουτεG3777 CONJ-N τιG5100 X-ASN ισχυειG2480 V-PAI-3S ακροβυστιαG203 N-NSF αλλαG235 CONJ ουτεG3777 CONJ-N ακροβυστιαG203 N-NSF καινηG2537 A-NSF κτισιςG2937 N-NSF αλλαG235 CONJ καινηG2537 A-NSF κτισιςG2937 N-NSF Ephesians 3:9

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Eph 3:9 And to make all [men] see what [is] ES Eph 3:9 and to bring to light for everyone what the fellowship of the mystery, which from the is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who who created all things, created all things by Jesus Christ:

TR Eph 3:9 καιG2532 CONJ φωτισαιG5461 V- WH Eph 3:9 καιG2532 CONJ φωτισαιG5461 V- AAN πανταςG3956 A-APM τιςG5101 I-NSF AAN | | [παντας]G3956 A-APM | τιςG5101 I-NSF ηG3588 T-NSF κοινωνιαG2842 N-NSF τουG3588 ηG3588 T-NSF οικονομιαG3622 N-NSF T-GSN μυστηριουG3466 N-GSN τουG3588 T- τουG3588 T-GSN μυστηριουG3466 N-GSN GSN αποκεκρυμμενουG613 V-RPP-GSN τουG3588 T-GSN αποκεκρυμμενουG613 V-RPP- αποG575 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM αιωνωνG165 GSN αποG575 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM N-GPM ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSM αιωνωνG165 N-GPM ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T- θεωG2316 N-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM ταG3588 T- DSM θεωG2316 N-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM APN πανταG3956 A-APN κτισαντιG2936 V- ταG3588 T-APN πανταG3956 A-APN AAP-DSM διαG1223 PREP ιησουG2424 N-GSM κτισαντιG2936 V-AAP-DSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM

Ephesians 3:14

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Eph 3:14 . For this cause I bow my knees unto ES Eph 3:14 For this reason I bow my knees the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, before the Father,

TR Eph 3:14 τουτουG3778 D-GSN χαρινG5484 WH Eph 3:14 τουτουG3778 D-GSN χαρινG5484 ADV καμπτωG2578 V-PAI-1S ταG3588 T-APN ADV καμπτωG2578 V-PAI-1S ταG3588 T-APN γοναταG1119 N-APN μουG1473 P-1GS γοναταG1119 N-APN μουG1473 P-1GS προςG4314 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM προςG4314 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM πατεραG3962 N-ASM τουG3588 T-GSM πατεραG3962 N-ASM κυριουG2962 N-GSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM Ephesians 4:6

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Eph 4:6 One God and Father of all, who [is] ES Eph 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over above all, and through all, and in you all. all and through all and in all.

TR Eph 4:6 ειςG1520 A-NSM θεοςG2316 N- WH Eph 4:6 ειςG1520 A-NSM θεοςG2316 N- NSM καιG2532 CONJ πατηρG3962 N-NSM NSM καιG2532 CONJ πατηρG3962 N-NSM παντωνG3956 A-GPM οG3588 T-NSM επιG1909 παντωνG3956 A-GPM οG3588 T-NSM επιG1909 PREP παντωνG3956 A-GPM καιG2532 CONJ PREP παντωνG3956 A-GPM καιG2532 CONJ διαG1223 PREP παντωνG3956 A-GPM καιG2532 διαG1223 PREP παντωνG3956 A-GPM καιG2532 CONJ ενG1722 PREP πασινG3956 A-DPM CONJ ενG1722 PREP πασινG3956 A-DPM υμινG4771 P-2DP Ephesians 5:9

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Eph 5:9 (For the fruit of the Spirit [is] in all ES Eph 5:9 (for the fruit of light is found in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) that is good and right and true),

TR Eph 5:9 οG3588 T-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ WH Eph 5:9 οG3588 T-NSM γαρG1063 CONJ καρποςG2590 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSN καρποςG2590 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSN πνευματοςG4151 N-GSN ενG1722 PREP φωτοςG5457 N-GSN ενG1722 PREP πασηG3956 πασηG3956 A-DSF αγαθωσυνηG19 N-DSF A-DSF αγαθωσυνηG19 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ δικαιοσυνηG1343 N-DSF δικαιοσυνηG1343 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ αληθειαG225 N-DSF αληθειαG225 N-DSF Ephesians 5:30

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Eph 5:30 For we are members of his body, of ES Eph 5:30 because we are members of his his flesh, and of his bones. body.

TR Eph 5:30 οτιG3754 CONJ μεληG3196 N- WH Eph 5:30 οτιG3754 CONJ μεληG3196 N- NPN εσμενG1510 V-PAI-1P τουG3588 T-GSN NPN εσμενG1510 V-PAI-1P τουG3588 T-GSN σωματοςG4983 N-GSN αυτουG846 P-GSM σωματοςG4983 N-GSN αυτουG846 P-GSM εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF σαρκοςG4561 N-GSF αυτουG846 P-GSM καιG2532 CONJ εκG1537 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPN οστεωνG3747 N-GPN αυτουG846 P-GSM Philippians 2:5

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Phl 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also ES Phl 2:5 Have this mind among yourselves, in Christ Jesus: which is yours in Christ Jesus,

TR Phl 2:5 τουτοG3778 D-ASN γαρG1063 WH Phl 2:5 τουτοG3778 D-ASN φρονειτεG5426 CONJ φρονεισθωG5426 V-PPM-3S ενG1722 V-PAM-2P ενG1722 PREP υμινG4771 P-2DP PREP υμινG4771 P-2DP οG3739 R-NSN οG3739 R-NSN καιG2532 CONJ ενG1722 PREP καιG2532 CONJ ενG1722 PREP χριστωG5547 N- χριστωG5547 N-DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM Philippians 2:6

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Phl 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, ES Phl 2:6 who, though he was in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,

TR Phl 2:6 οςG3739 R-NSM ενG1722 PREP WH Phl 2:6 οςG3739 R-NSM ενG1722 PREP μορφηG3444 N-DSF θεουG2316 N-GSM μορφηG3444 N-DSF θεουG2316 N-GSM υπαρχωνG5225 V-PAP-NSM ουχG3756 PRT-N υπαρχωνG5225 V-PAP-NSM ουχG3756 PRT-N αρπαγμονG725 N-ASM ηγησατοG2233 V-ADI- αρπαγμονG725 N-ASM ηγησατοG2233 V-ADI- 3S τοG3588 T-ASN ειναιG1510 V-PAN 3S τοG3588 T-ASN ειναιG1510 V-PAN ισαG2470 A-NPN θεωG2316 N-DSM ισαG2470 A-NPN θεωG2316 N-DSM Philippians 3:16

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Phl 3:16 Nevertheless, whereto we have ES Phl 3:16 Only let us hold true to what we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us attained. mind the same thing.

TR Phl 3:16 πληνG4133 ADV ειςG1519 PREP WH Phl 3:16 πληνG4133 ADV ειςG1519 PREP οG3739 R-ASN εφθασαμενG5348 V-AAI-1P οG3739 R-ASN εφθασαμενG5348 V-AAI-1P τωG3588 T-DSM αυτωG846 P-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM αυτωG846 P-DSM στοιχεινG4748 V-PAN κανονιG2583 N-DSM στοιχεινG4748 V-PAN τοG3588 T-ASN αυτοG846 P-ASN φρονεινG5426 V-PAN Colossians 1:2 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Col 1:2 To the saints and faithful brethren in ES Col 1:2 To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace [be] unto you, Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus God our Father. Christ. TR Col 1:2 τοιςG3588 T-DPM ενG1722 PREP | WH Col 1:2 τοιςG3588 T-DPM ενG1722 PREP κολασσαιςG2857 N-DPF | κολοσσαιςG2857 N- κολοσσαιςG2857 N-DPF αγιοιςG40 A-DPM DPF | αγιοιςG40 A-DPM καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ πιστοιςG4103 A-DPM πιστοιςG4103 A-DPM αδελφοιςG80 N-DPM αδελφοιςG80 N-DPM ενG1722 PREP ενG1722 PREP χριστωG5547 N-DSM χριστωG5547 N-DSM χαριςG5485 N-NSF χαριςG5485 N-NSF υμινG4771 P-2DP καιG2532 υμινG4771 P-2DP καιG2532 CONJ ειρηνηG1515 CONJ ειρηνηG1515 N-NSF αποG575 PREP N-NSF αποG575 PREP θεουG2316 N-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM πατροςG3962 N-GSM πατροςG3962 N-GSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP ημωνG1473 P-1GP καιG2532 CONJ κυριουG2962 N-GSM ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM Colossians 1:14

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Col 1:14 In whom we have redemption ES Col 1:14 in whom we have redemption, the through his blood, [even] the forgiveness of sins: forgiveness of sins.

TR Col 1:14 ενG1722 PREP ωG3739 R-DSM WH Col 1:14 ενG1722 PREP ωG3739 R-DSM εχομενG2192 V-PAI-1P τηνG3588 T-ASF εχομενG2192 V-PAI-1P τηνG3588 T-ASF απολυτρωσινG629 N-ASF διαG1223 PREP απολυτρωσινG629 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF τουG3588 T-GSN αιματοςG129 N-GSN αφεσινG859 N-ASF τωνG3588 T-GPF αυτουG846 P-GSM τηνG3588 T-ASF αμαρτιωνG266 N-GPF αφεσινG859 N-ASF τωνG3588 T-GPF αμαρτιωνG266 N-GPF Colossians 3:6

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Col 3:6 For which things'sake the wrath of God ES Col 3:6 On account of these the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: is coming.

TR Col 3:6 διG1223 PREP αG3739 R-APN WH Col 3:6 διG1223 PREP αG3739 R-APN ερχεταιG2064 V-PNI-3S ηG3588 T-NSF ερχεταιG2064 V-PNI-3S ηG3588 T-NSF οργηG3709 N-NSF τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 οργηG3709 N-NSF τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM επιG1909 PREP τουςG3588 T-APM N-GSM | | [επιG1909 PREP τουςG3588 T-APM υιουςG5207 N-APM τηςG3588 T-GSF υιουςG5207 N-APM τηςG3588 T-GSF απειθειαςG543 N-GSF απειθειας]G543 N-GSF | Colossians 4:8

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Col 4:8 Whom I have sent unto you for the ES Col 4:8 I have sent him to you for this very same purpose, that he might know your estate, and purpose, that you may know how we are and that comfort your hearts; he may encourage your hearts,

TR Col 4:8 ονG3739 R-ASM επεμψαG3992 V- WH Col 4:8 ονG3739 R-ASM επεμψαG3992 V- AAI-1S προςG4314 PREP υμαςG4771 P-2AP AAI-1S προςG4314 PREP υμαςG4771 P-2AP ειςG1519 PREP αυτοG846 P-ASN τουτοG3778 D- ειςG1519 PREP αυτοG846 P-ASN τουτοG3778 D- ASN ιναG2443 CONJ γνωG1097 V-2AAS-1S ASN ιναG2443 CONJ γνωτεG1097 V-2AAS-2P G1097 V-2AAS-3S ταG3588 T-APN περιG4012 ταG3588 T-APN περιG4012 PREP ημωνG1473 P- PREP υμωνG4771 P-2GP καιG2532 CONJ 1GP καιG2532 CONJ παρακαλεσηG3870 V-AAS- παρακαλεσηG3870 V-AAS-3S ταςG3588 T-APF 3S ταςG3588 T-APF καρδιαςG2588 N-APF καρδιαςG2588 N-APF υμωνG4771 P-2GP υμωνG4771 P-2GP

1 Thessalonians 1:1 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Th 1:1 . Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, ES 1Th 1:1 Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the unto the church of the Thessalonians [which is] in church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and God the Father and [in] the Lord Jesus Christ: the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace. Grace [be] unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

TR 1Th 1:1 παυλοςG3972 N-NSM καιG2532 WH 1Th 1:1 παυλοςG3972 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ σιλουανοςG4610 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ CONJ σιλουανοςG4610 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ τιμοθεοςG5095 N-NSM τηG3588 T-DSF τιμοθεοςG5095 N-NSM τηG3588 T-DSF εκκλησιαG1577 N-DSF θεσσαλονικεωνG2331 N- εκκλησιαG1577 N-DSF θεσσαλονικεωνG2331 N- GPM ενG1722 PREP θεωG2316 N-DSM GPM ενG1722 PREP θεωG2316 N-DSM πατριG3962 N-DSM καιG2532 CONJ πατριG3962 N-DSM καιG2532 CONJ κυριωG2962 N-DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM κυριωG2962 N-DSM ιησουG2424 N-DSM χριστωG5547 N-DSM χαριςG5485 N-NSF χριστωG5547 N-DSM χαριςG5485 N-NSF υμινG4771 P-2DP καιG2532 CONJ ειρηνηG1515 υμινG4771 P-2DP καιG2532 CONJ ειρηνηG1515 N-NSF αποG575 PREP θεουG2316 N-GSM N-NSF πατροςG3962 N-GSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP καιG2532 CONJ κυριουG2962 N-GSM ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM 2 Thessalonians 3:6 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 2Th 3:6 . Now we command you, brethren, in ES 2Th 3:6 Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep yourselves from every brother that walketh away from any brother who is walking in idleness disorderly, and not after the tradition which he and not in accord with the tradition that you received of us. received from us.

TR 2Th 3:6 παραγγελλομενG3853 V-PAI-1P WH 2Th 3:6 παραγγελλομενG3853 V-PAI-1P δεG1161 CONJ υμινG4771 P-2DP αδελφοιG80 N- δεG1161 CONJ υμινG4771 P-2DP αδελφοιG80 N- VPM ενG1722 PREP ονοματιG3686 N-DSN VPM ενG1722 PREP ονοματιG3686 N-DSN τουG3588 T-GSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM τουG3588 T-GSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM | | ημωνG1473 P-1GP ιησουG2424 N-GSM [ημων]G1473 P-1GP | ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM στελλεσθαιG4724 V-PMN χριστουG5547 N-GSM στελλεσθαιG4724 V-PMN υμαςG4771 P-2AP αποG575 PREP παντοςG3956 υμαςG4771 P-2AP αποG575 PREP παντοςG3956 A-GSM αδελφουG80 N-GSM ατακτωςG814 ADV A-GSM αδελφουG80 N-GSM ατακτωςG814 ADV περιπατουντοςG4043 V-PAP-GSM καιG2532 περιπατουντοςG4043 V-PAP-GSM καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N καταG2596 PREP CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N καταG2596 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF παραδοσινG3862 N-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF παραδοσινG3862 N-ASF ηνG3739 R-ASF παρελαβενG3880 V-2AAI-3S ηνG3739 R-ASF | παρελαβετεG3880 V-2AAI-2P | παρG3844 PREP ημωνG1473 P-1GP παρελαβοσανG3880 V-2AAI-3P | παρG3844 PREP ημωνG1473 P-1GP

1 Timothy 2:7

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Ti 2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, ES 1Ti 2:7 For this I was appointed a preacher and and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, [and] lie an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

TR 1Ti 2:7 ειςG1519 PREP οG3739 R-ASN WH 1Ti 2:7 ειςG1519 PREP οG3739 R-ASN ετεθηνG5087 V-API-1S εγωG1473 P-1NS ετεθηνG5087 V-API-1S εγωG1473 P-1NS κηρυξG2783 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ κηρυξG2783 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ αποστολοςG652 N-NSM αληθειανG225 N-ASF αποστολοςG652 N-NSM αληθειανG225 N-ASF λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S ενG1722 PREP λεγωG3004 V-PAI-1S ουG3756 PRT-N χριστωG5547 N-DSM ουG3756 PRT-N ψευδομαιG5574 V-PNI-1S διδασκαλοςG1320 N- ψευδομαιG5574 V-PNI-1S διδασκαλοςG1320 N- NSM εθνωνG1484 N-GPN ενG1722 PREP NSM εθνωνG1484 N-GPN ενG1722 PREP πιστειG4102 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ πιστειG4102 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ αληθειαG225 N-DSF αληθειαG225 N-DSF 1 Timothy 6:5

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Ti 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt ES 1Ti 6:5 and constant friction among people minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. imagining that godliness is a means of gain.

TR 1Ti 6:5 παραδιατριβαιG3859 N-NPF WH 1Ti 6:5 διαπαρατριβαιG3859 N-NPF διεφθαρμενωνG1311 V-RPP-GPM διεφθαρμενωνG1311 V-RPP-GPM ανθρωπωνG444 N-GPM τονG3588 T-ASM ανθρωπωνG444 N-GPM τονG3588 T-ASM νουνG3563 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ νουνG3563 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ απεστερημενωνG650 V-RPP-GPM τηςG3588 T- απεστερημενωνG650 V-RPP-GPM τηςG3588 T- GSF αληθειαςG225 N-GSF νομιζοντωνG3543 V- GSF αληθειαςG225 N-GSF νομιζοντωνG3543 V- PAP-GPM πορισμονG4200 N-ASM ειναιG1510 PAP-GPM πορισμονG4200 N-ASM ειναιG1510 V-PAN τηνG3588 T-ASF ευσεβειανG2150 N- V-PAN τηνG3588 T-ASF ευσεβειανG2150 N- ASF αφιστασοG868 V-PNM-2S αποG575 PREP ASF τωνG3588 T-GPM τοιουτωνG5108 D-GPM Philemon 1:25

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Phm 1:25 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ES Phm 1:25 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ [be] with your spirit. Amen. <<[Written from be with your spirit. Rome to Philemon, by Onesimus a servant.]>>

TR Phm 1:25 ηG3588 T-NSF χαριςG5485 N- WH Phm 1:25 ηG3588 T-NSF χαριςG5485 N- NSF τουG3588 T-GSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM NSF τουG3588 T-GSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP ιησουG2424 N-GSM ιησουG2424 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM μεταG3326 PREP μεταG3326 PREP τουG3588 T-GSN τουG3588 T-GSN πνευματοςG4151 N-GSN πνευματοςG4151 N-GSN υμωνG4771 P-2GP υμωνG4771 P-2GP αμηνG281 HEB [προςG4314 PREP φιλημοναG5371 N-ASM εγραφηG1125 V- 2API-3S αποG575 PREP ρωμηςG4516 N-GSF διαG1223 PREP ονησιμουG3682 N-GSM οικετου]G3610 N-GSM

Hebrews 2:7 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Hb 2:7 Thou madest him a little lower than the ES Hb 2:7 You made him for a little while lower angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and didst set him over the works of thy hands: and honor,

TR Hb 2:7 ηλαττωσαςG1642 V-AAI-2S WH Hb 2:7 ηλαττωσαςG1642 V-AAI-2S αυτονG846 P-ASM βραχυG1024 A-ASN τιG5100 αυτονG846 P-ASM βραχυG1024 A-ASN τιG5100 X-ASN παρG3844 PREP αγγελουςG32 N-APM X-ASN παρG3844 PREP αγγελουςG32 N-APM δοξηG1391 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ τιμηG5092 δοξηG1391 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ τιμηG5092 N-DSF εστεφανωσαςG4737 V-AAI-2S N-DSF εστεφανωσαςG4737 V-AAI-2S αυτονG846 P-ASM καιG2532 CONJ αυτονG846 P-ASM | [καιG2532 CONJ κατεστησαςG2525 V-AAI-2S αυτονG846 P-ASM κατεστησαςG2525 V-AAI-2S αυτονG846 P-ASM επιG1909 PREP ταG3588 T-APN εργαG2041 N- επιG1909 PREP ταG3588 T-APN εργαG2041 N- APN τωνG3588 T-GPF χειρωνG5495 N-GPF APN τωνG3588 T-GPF χειρωνG5495 N-GPF σουG4771 P-2GS σου]G4771 P-2GS | | Hebrews 3:6 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Hb 3:6 But Christ as a son over his own house; ES Hb 3:6 but Christ is faithful over God's house whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence as a son. And we are his house if indeed we hold and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope.

TR Hb 3:6 χριστοςG5547 N-NSM δεG1161 WH Hb 3:6 χριστοςG5547 N-NSM δεG1161 CONJ ωςG5613 ADV υιοςG5207 N-NSM CONJ ωςG5613 ADV υιοςG5207 N-NSM επιG1909 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM οικονG3624 επιG1909 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM οικονG3624 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM ουG3739 R-GSM N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM ουG3739 R-GSM οικοςG3624 N-NSM εσμενG1510 V-PAI-1P οικοςG3624 N-NSM εσμενG1510 V-PAI-1P ημειςG1473 P-1NP εανπερG1437 COND ημειςG1473 P-1NP | εανG1437 COND | τηνG3588 T-ASF παρρησιανG3954 N-ASF [εανπερ]G1437 COND | τηνG3588 T-ASF καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-ASN καυχημαG2745 παρρησιανG3954 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ N-ASN τηςG3588 T-GSF ελπιδοςG1680 N-GSF τοG3588 T-ASN καυχημαG2745 N-ASN μεχριG3360 ADV τελουςG5056 N-GSN τηςG3588 T-GSF ελπιδοςG1680 N-GSF | βεβαιανG949 A-ASF κατασχωμενG2722 V- [μεχριG3360 ADV τελουςG5056 N-GSN 2AAS-1P βεβαιαν]G949 A-ASF | | κατασχωμενG2722 V- 2AAS-1P Hebrews 7:21 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Hb 7:21 (For those priests were made without ES Hb 7:21 but this one was made a priest with an an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto oath by the one who said to him: "The Lord has him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou [art] sworn and will not change his mind, 'You are a a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:) priest forever.'" TR Hb 7:21 οιG3588 T-NPM μενG3303 PRT γαρG1063 CONJ χωριςG5565 ADV ορκωμοσιαςG3728 N-GSF εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P ιερειςG2409 N-NPM γεγονοτεςG1096 V-2RAP- NPM (7:21) οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ WH Hb 7:21 οG3588 T-NSM δεG1161 CONJ μεταG3326 PREP ορκωμοσιαςG3728 N-GSF μεταG3326 PREP ορκωμοσιαςG3728 N-GSF διαG1223 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM διαG1223 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM λεγοντοςG3004 V-PAP-GSM προςG4314 PREP λεγοντοςG3004 V-PAP-GSM προςG4314 PREP αυτονG846 P-ASM ωμοσενG3660 V-AAI-3S αυτονG846 P-ASM ωμοσενG3660 V-AAI-3S κυριοςG2962 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ ουG3756 κυριοςG2962 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ ουG3756 PRT-N μεταμεληθησεταιG3338 V-FOI-3S PRT-N μεταμεληθησεταιG3338 V-FOI-3S συG4771 P-2NS ιερευςG2409 N-NSM ειςG1519 συG4771 P-2NS ιερευςG2409 N-NSM ειςG1519 PREP τονG3588 T-ASM αιωναG165 N-ASM PREP τονG3588 T-ASM αιωναG165 N-ASM καταG2596 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF ταξινG5010 N-ASF μελχισεδεκG3198 N-PRI Hebrews 10:30

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Hb 10:30 For we know him that hath said, ES Hb 10:30 For we know him who said, Vengeance [belongeth] unto me, I will "Vengeance is mine; I will repay." And again, "The recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord Lord will judge his people." shall judge his people.

TR Hb 10:30 οιδαμενG1492 V-RAI-1P WH Hb 10:30 οιδαμενG1492 V-RAI-1P γαρG1063 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM γαρG1063 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM ειπονταG3004 V-2AAP-ASM εμοιG1473 P-1DS ειπονταG3004 V-2AAP-ASM εμοιG1473 P-1DS εκδικησιςG1557 N-NSF εγωG1473 P-1NS εκδικησιςG1557 N-NSF εγωG1473 P-1NS ανταποδωσωG467 V-FAI-1S λεγειG3004 V-PAI- ανταποδωσωG467 V-FAI-1S καιG2532 CONJ 3S κυριοςG2962 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ παλινG3825 ADV κρινειG2919 V-FAI-3S G2919 παλινG3825 ADV κυριοςG2962 N-NSM V-PAI-3S κυριοςG2962 N-NSM τονG3588 T- κρινειG2919 V-FAI-3S G2919 V-PAI-3S ASM λαονG2992 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM τονG3588 T-ASM λαονG2992 N-ASM αυτουG846 P-GSM 1 Peter 3:15

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Pt 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your ES 1Pt 3:15 but in your hearts honor Christ the hearts: and [be] ready always to [give] an answer Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the that is in you with meekness and fear: hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, TR 1Pt 3:15 κυριονG2962 N-ASM δεG1161 WH 1Pt 3:15 κυριονG2962 N-ASM δεG1161 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM θεονG2316 N-ASM CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM χριστονG5547 N-ASM αγιασατεG37 V-AAM-2P ενG1722 PREP αγιασατεG37 V-AAM-2P ενG1722 PREP ταιςG3588 T-DPF καρδιαιςG2588 N-DPF ταιςG3588 T-DPF καρδιαιςG2588 N-DPF υμωνG4771 P-2GP ετοιμοιG2092 A-NPM υμωνG4771 P-2GP ετοιμοιG2092 A-NPM δεG1161 CONJ αειG104 ADV προςG4314 PREP αειG104 ADV προςG4314 PREP απολογιανG627 απολογιανG627 N-ASF παντιG3956 A-DSM N-ASF παντιG3956 A-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM αιτουντιG154 V-PAP-DSM αιτουντιG154 V-PAP-DSM υμαςG4771 P-2AP υμαςG4771 P-2AP λογονG3056 N-ASM λογονG3056 N-ASM περιG4012 PREP τηςG3588 περιG4012 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF ενG1722 T-GSF ενG1722 PREP υμινG4771 P-2DP PREP υμινG4771 P-2DP ελπιδοςG1680 N-GSF ελπιδοςG1680 N-GSF αλλαG235 CONJ μεταG3326 PREP πραυτητοςG4240 N-GSF μεταG3326 PREP πραυτητοςG4240 N-GSF καιG2532 CONJ φοβουG5401 N-GSM καιG2532 CONJ φοβουG5401 N-GSM 1 Peter 4:1

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Pt 4:1 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered ES 1Pt 4:1 Since therefore Christ suffered in the for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has hath ceased from sin; ceased from sin,

TR 1Pt 4:1 χριστουG5547 N-GSM ουνG3767 WH 1Pt 4:1 χριστουG5547 N-GSM ουνG3767 CONJ παθοντοςG3958 V-2AAP-GSM υπερG5228 CONJ παθοντοςG3958 V-2AAP-GSM PREP ημωνG1473 P-1GP σαρκιG4561 N-DSF σαρκιG4561 N-DSF καιG2532 CONJ υμειςG4771 καιG2532 CONJ υμειςG4771 P-2NP τηνG3588 T- P-2NP τηνG3588 T-ASF αυτηνG846 P-ASF ASF αυτηνG846 P-ASF εννοιανG1771 N-ASF εννοιανG1771 N-ASF οπλισασθεG3695 V-AMM- οπλισασθεG3695 V-AMM-2P οτιG3754 CONJ 2P οτιG3754 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM παθωνG3958 οG3588 T-NSM παθωνG3958 V-2AAP-NSM V-2AAP-NSM σαρκιG4561 N-DSF ενG1722 PREP σαρκιG4561 N-DSF πεπαυταιG3973 V-RPI-3S | αμαρτιαιςG266 N- πεπαυταιG3973 V-RPI-3S αμαρτιαςG266 N-GSF DPF | αμαρτιαςG266 N-GSF | 1 Peter 4:14 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Pt 4:14 If ye be reproached for the name of ES 1Pt 4:14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, happy [are ye]; for the spirit of glory and of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil and of God rests upon you. spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

TR 1Pt 4:14 ειG1487 COND ονειδιζεσθεG3679 WH 1Pt 4:14 ειG1487 COND ονειδιζεσθεG3679 V-PPI-2P ενG1722 PREP ονοματιG3686 N-DSN V-PPI-2P ενG1722 PREP ονοματιG3686 N-DSN χριστουG5547 N-GSM μακαριοιG3107 A-NPM χριστουG5547 N-GSM μακαριοιG3107 A-NPM οτιG3754 CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN τηςG3588 T- οτιG3754 CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN τηςG3588 T- GSF δοξηςG1391 N-GSF καιG2532 CONJ GSF δοξηςG1391 N-GSF καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 τοG3588 T-NSN τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM πνευμαG4151 N-NSN εφG1909 PREP N-GSM πνευμαG4151 N-NSN εφG1909 PREP υμαςG4771 P-2AP αναπαυεταιG373 V-PMI-3S υμαςG4771 P-2AP αναπαυεταιG373 V-PMI-3S καταG2596 PREP μενG3303 PRT αυτουςG846 P- APM βλασφημειταιG987 V-PPI-3S καταG2596 PREP δεG1161 CONJ υμαςG4771 P-2AP δοξαζεταιG1392 V-PPI-3S 2 Peter 2:17 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 2Pt 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds ES 2Pt 2:17 These are waterless springs and mists that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist driven by a storm. For them the gloom of utter of darkness is reserved for ever. darkness has been reserved.

TR 2Pt 2:17 ουτοιG3778 D-NPM εισινG1510 V- WH 2Pt 2:17 ουτοιG3778 D-NPM εισινG1510 V- PAI-3P πηγαιG4077 N-NPF ανυδροιG504 A-NPF PAI-3P πηγαιG4077 N-NPF ανυδροιG504 A-NPF νεφελαιG3507 N-NPF υποG5259 PREP καιG2532 CONJ ομιχλαιG3507 N-NPF υποG5259 λαιλαποςG2978 N-GSF ελαυνομεναιG1643 V- PREP λαιλαποςG2978 N-GSF ελαυνομεναιG1643 PPP-NPF οιςG3739 R-DPM οG3588 T-NSM V-PPP-NPF οιςG3739 R-DPM οG3588 T-NSM ζοφοςG2217 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSN ζοφοςG2217 N-NSM τουG3588 T-GSN σκοτουςG4655 N-GSN ειςG1519 PREP σκοτουςG4655 N-GSN τετηρηταιG5083 V-RPI- αιωναG165 N-ASM τετηρηταιG5083 V-RPI-3S 3S 1 John 4:3 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Jn 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not ES 1Jn 4:3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is have heard that it should come; and even now in the world already. already is it in the world.

TR 1Jn 4:3 καιG2532 CONJ πανG3956 A-NSN WH 1Jn 4:3 καιG2532 CONJ πανG3956 A-NSN πνευμαG4151 N-NSN οG3739 R-NSN μηG3361 πνευμαG4151 N-NSN οG3739 R-NSN μηG3361 PRT-N ομολογειG3670 V-PAI-3S τονG3588 T- PRT-N ομολογειG3670 V-PAI-3S τονG3588 T- ASM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM χριστονG5547 N- ASM ιησουνG2424 N-ASM εκG1537 PREP ASM ενG1722 PREP σαρκιG4561 N-DSF εληλυθοταG2064 V-2RAP-ASM εκG1537 PREP τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM ουκG3756 τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM ουκG3756 PRT-N εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ PRT-N εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ τουτοG3778 D-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τουτοG3778 D-NSN εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τοG3588 T-NSN τουG3588 T-GSM τοG3588 T-NSN τουG3588 T-GSM αντιχριστουG500 N-GSM οG3739 R-NSN αντιχριστουG500 N-GSM οG3739 R-NSN ακηκοατεG191 V-2RAI-2P-ATT οτιG3754 CONJ ακηκοατεG191 V-2RAI-2P-ATT οτιG3754 CONJ ερχεταιG2064 V-PNI-3S καιG2532 CONJ ερχεταιG2064 V-PNI-3S καιG2532 CONJ νυνG3568 ADV ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSM νυνG3568 ADV ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSM κοσμωG2889 N-DSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S κοσμωG2889 N-DSM εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S ηδηG2235 ADV ηδηG2235 ADV 1 John 5:7 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Jn 5:7 For there are three that bear record in ES 1Jn 5:7 For there are three that testify: heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

TR 1Pe 3:15 κυριονG2962 N-ASM δεG1161 WH 1Jn 5:7 οτιG3754 CONJ τρειςG5140 A- CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM θεονG2316 N-ASM NPM εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P οιG3588 T-NPM αγιασατεG37 V-AAM-2P ενG1722 PREP μαρτυρουντεςG3140 V-PAP-NPM ταιςG3588 T-DPF καρδιαιςG2588 N-DPF υμωνG4771 P-2GP ετοιμοιG2092 A-NPM δεG1161 CONJ αειG104 ADV προςG4314 PREP απολογιανG627 N-ASF παντιG3956 A-DSM τωG3588 T-DSM αιτουντιG154 V-PAP-DSM υμαςG4771 P-2AP λογονG3056 N-ASM περιG4012 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF ενG1722 PREP υμινG4771 P-2DP ελπιδοςG1680 N-GSF μεταG3326 PREP πραυτητοςG4240 N-GSF καιG2532 CONJ φοβουG5401 N-GSM 1 John 5:8 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 1Jn 5:8 And there are three that bear witness ES 1Jn 5:8 the Spirit and the water and the blood; in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree. and these three agree in one.

TR 1Jn 5:7 οτιG3754 CONJ τρειςG5140 A-NPM WH 1Jn 5:8 τοG3588 T-NSN πνευμαG4151 N- εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P οιG3588 T-NPM NSN καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN μαρτυρουντεςG3140 V-PAP-NPM ενG1722 υδωρG5204 N-NSN καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T- PREP τωG3588 T-DSM ουρανωG3772 N-DSM NSN αιμαG129 N-NSN καιG2532 CONJ οιG3588 οG3588 T-NSM πατηρG3962 N-NSM οG3588 T- T-NPM τρειςG5140 A-NPM ειςG1519 PREP NSM λογοςG3056 N-NSM καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-ASN ενG1520 A-ASN εισινG1510 V- τοG3588 T-NSN αγιονG40 A-NSN πνευμαG4151 PAI-3P N-NSN καιG2532 CONJ ουτοιG3778 D-NPM οιG3588 T-NPM τρειςG5140 A-NPM ενG1520 A- NSN εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P

2 John 1:9 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV 2Jn 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth ES 2Jn 1:9 Everyone who goes on ahead and does not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. Father and the Son.

TR 2Jn 1:9 παςG3956 A-NSM οG3588 T-NSM WH 2Jn 1:9 παςG3956 A-NSM οG3588 T-NSM παραβαινωνG3845 V-PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ προαγωνG4254 V-PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ μηG3361 PRT-N μενωνG3306 V-PAP-NSM μηG3361 PRT-N μενωνG3306 V-PAP-NSM ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF διδαχηG1322 N- ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF διδαχηG1322 N- DSF τουG3588 T-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM DSF τουG3588 T-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM θεονG2316 N-ASM ουκG3756 PRT-N εχειG2192 θεονG2316 N-ASM ουκG3756 PRT-N εχειG2192 V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM μενωνG3306 V-PAP- V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM μενωνG3306 V-PAP- NSM ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF NSM ενG1722 PREP τηG3588 T-DSF διδαχηG1322 N-DSF τουG3588 T-GSM διδαχηG1322 N-DSF ουτοςG3778 D-NSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM ουτοςG3778 D-NSM καιG2532 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM πατεραG3962 καιG2532 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM πατεραG3962 N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM N-ASM καιG2532 CONJ τονG3588 T-ASM υιονG5207 N-ASM εχειG2192 V-PAI-3S υιονG5207 N-ASM εχειG2192 V-PAI-3S Jude 1:25

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Ju 1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, [be] ES Ju 1:25 to the only God, our Savior, through glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and ever. Amen. and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

TR Ju 1:25 μονωG3441 A-DSM σοφωG4680 A- WH Ju 1:25 μονωG3441 A-DSM θεωG2316 N- DSM θεωG2316 N-DSM σωτηριG4990 N-DSM DSM σωτηριG4990 N-DSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP ημωνG1473 P-1GP δοξαG1391 N-NSF καιG2532 διαG1223 PREP ιησουG2424 N-GSM CONJ μεγαλωσυνηG3172 N-NSF κρατοςG2904 χριστουG5547 N-GSM τουG3588 T-GSM N-NSN καιG2532 CONJ εξουσιαG1849 N-NSF κυριουG2962 N-GSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP καιG2532 CONJ νυνG3568 ADV καιG2532 CONJ δοξαG1391 N-NSF μεγαλωσυνηG3172 N-NSF ειςG1519 PREP πανταςG3956 A-APM τουςG3588 κρατοςG2904 N-NSN καιG2532 CONJ T-APM αιωναςG165 N-APM αμηνG281 HEB εξουσιαG1849 N-NSF προG4253 PREP παντοςG3956 A-GSM τουG3588 T-GSM αιωνοςG165 N-GSM καιG2532 CONJ νυνG3568 ADV καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP πανταςG3956 A-APM τουςG3588 T-APM αιωναςG165 N-APM αμηνG281 HEB Revelation 1:8

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning ES Re 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to was, and which is to come, the Almighty. come, the Almighty."

TR Re 1:8 εγωG1473 P-1NS ειμιG1510 V-PAI- WH Re 1:8 εγωG1473 P-1NS ειμιG1510 V-PAI- 1S τοG3588 T-NSN αG1 N-LI καιG2532 CONJ 1S τοG3588 T-NSN αλφαG1 N-LI καιG2532 τοG3588 T-NSN ωG5598 N-LI αρχηG746 N-NSF CONJ τοG3588 T-NSN ωG5598 N-LI λεγειG3004 καιG2532 CONJ τελοςG5056 N-NSN λεγειG3004 V-PAI-3S κυριοςG2962 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM κυριοςG2962 N-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM ωνG1510 V- οG3588 T-NSM ωνG1510 V-PAP-NSM PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM ηνG1510 V-IAI- ηνG1510 V-IAI-3S καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T- 3S καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM NSM ερχομενοςG2064 V-PNP-NSM οG3588 T- ερχομενοςG2064 V-PNP-NSM οG3588 T-NSM NSM παντοκρατωρG3841 N-NSM παντοκρατωρG3841 N-NSM

Revelation 1:11

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the ES Re 1:11 saying, "Write what you see in a book first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and book, and send [it] unto the seven churches which to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea." unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

TR Re 1:11 λεγουσηςG3004 V-PAP-GSF WH Re 1:11 λεγουσηςG3004 V-PAP-GSF εγωG1473 P-1NS ειμιG1510 V-PAI-1S τοG3588 οG3739 R-ASN βλεπειςG991 V-PAI-2S T-NSN αG1 N-LI καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T- γραψονG1125 V-AAM-2S ειςG1519 PREP NSN ωG5598 N-LI οG3588 T-NSM βιβλιονG975 N-ASN καιG2532 CONJ πρωτοςG4413 A-NSM-S καιG2532 CONJ πεμψονG3992 V-AAM-2S ταιςG3588 T-DPF οG3588 T-NSM εσχατοςG2078 A-NSM-S επταG2033 A-NUI εκκλησιαιςG1577 N-DPF καιG2532 CONJ οG3739 R-ASN βλεπειςG991 V- ειςG1519 PREP εφεσονG2181 N-ASF καιG2532 PAI-2S γραψονG1125 V-AAM-2S ειςG1519 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP σμυρνανG4667 N-ASF PREP βιβλιονG975 N-ASN καιG2532 CONJ καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP περγαμονG4010 πεμψονG3992 V-AAM-2S ταιςG3588 T-DPF | | N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP επταG2033 A-NUI | εκκλησιαιςG1577 N-DPF θυατειραG2363 N-APN καιG2532 CONJ ταιςG3588 T-DPF ενG1722 PREP ασιαG773 N- ειςG1519 PREP σαρδειςG4554 N-APF καιG2532 DSF ειςG1519 PREP εφεσονG2181 N-ASF CONJ ειςG1519 PREP φιλαδελφειανG5359 N- καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP σμυρνανG4667 ASF καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP λαοδικειανG2993 N-ASF περγαμονG4010 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP θυατειραG2363 N-APN καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP σαρδειςG4554 N-APF καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP φιλαδελφειανG5359 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ ειςG1519 PREP λαοδικειανG2993 N-ASF Revelation 1:13

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 1:13 And in the midst of the seven ES Re 1:13 and in the midst of the lampstands one candlesticks [one] like unto the Son of man, like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt a golden sash around his chest. about the paps with a golden girdle.

TR Re 1:13 καιG2532 CONJ ενG1722 PREP WH Re 1:13 καιG2532 CONJ ενG1722 PREP μεσωG3319 A-DSN τωνG3588 T-GPF επταG2033 μεσωG3319 A-DSN τωνG3588 T-GPF A-NUI λυχνιωνG3087 N-GPF ομοιονG3664 A- λυχνιωνG3087 N-GPF ομοιονG3664 A-ASM ASM υιωG5207 N-DSM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM υιονG5207 N-ASM ανθρωπουG444 N-GSM ενδεδυμενονG1746 V-RMP-ASM ποδηρηG4158 ενδεδυμενονG1746 V-RMP-ASM ποδηρηG4158 A-ASM καιG2532 CONJ περιεζωσμενονG4024 A-ASM καιG2532 CONJ περιεζωσμενονG4024 V-RPP-ASM προςG4314 PREP τοιςG3588 T- V-RPP-ASM προςG4314 PREP τοιςG3588 T- DPM μαστοιςG3149 N-DPM ζωνηνG2223 N-ASF DPM μαστοιςG3149 N-DPM ζωνηνG2223 N-ASF χρυσηνG5552 A-ASF χρυσανG5552 A-ASF

Revelation 2:13 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou ES Re 2:13 "'I know where you dwell, where dwellest, [even] where Satan's seat [is]: and thou Satan's throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, you did not deny my faith even in the days of even in those days wherein Antipas [was] my Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where you, where Satan dwells. Satan dwelleth. TR Re 2:13 οιδαG1492 V-RAI-1S ταG3588 T- WH Re 2:13 οιδαG1492 V-RAI-1S πουG4226 APN εργαG2041 N-APN σουG4771 P-2GS PRT-I κατοικειςG2730 V-PAI-2S οπουG3699 καιG2532 CONJ πουG4226 PRT-I ADV οG3588 T-NSM θρονοςG2362 N-NSM κατοικειςG2730 V-PAI-2S οπουG3699 ADV τουG3588 T-GSM σαταναG4567 N-GSM οG3588 T-NSM θρονοςG2362 N-NSM τουG3588 καιG2532 CONJ κρατειςG2902 V-PAI-2S T-GSM σαταναG4567 N-GSM καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T-ASN ονομαG3686 N-ASN μουG1473 κρατειςG2902 V-PAI-2S τοG3588 T-ASN P-1GS καιG2532 CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N ονομαG3686 N-ASN μουG1473 P-1GS καιG2532 ηρνησωG720 V-ADI-2S τηνG3588 T-ASF CONJ ουκG3756 PRT-N ηρνησωG720 V-ADI-2S πιστινG4102 N-ASF μουG1473 P-1GS καιG2532 τηνG3588 T-ASF πιστινG4102 N-ASF μουG1473 CONJ ενG1722 PREP ταιςG3588 T-DPF P-1GS καιG2532 CONJ ενG1722 PREP ημεραιςG2250 N-DPF αντιπαςG493 N-NSM ταιςG3588 T-DPF ημεραιςG2250 N-DPF ενG1722 οG3588 T-NSM μαρτυςG3144 N-NSM μουG1473 PREP αιςG3739 R-DPF αντιπαςG493 N-NSM P-1GS οG3588 T-NSM πιστοςG4103 A-NSM | οG3588 T-NSM μαρτυςG3144 N-NSM μουG1473 [μου]G1473 P-1GS | μουG1473 P-1GS | οςG3739 P-1GS οG3588 T-NSM πιστοςG4103 A-NSM R-NSM απεκτανθηG615 V-API-3S παρG3844 οςG3739 R-NSM απεκτανθηG615 V-API-3S PREP υμινG4771 P-2DP οπουG3699 ADV παρG3844 PREP υμινG4771 P-2DP οπουG3699 οG3588 T-NSM σαταναςG4567 N-NSM ADV κατοικειG2730 V-PAI-3S οG3588 T-NSM κατοικειG2730 V-PAI-3S σαταναςG4567 N-NSM Revelation 5:10 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings ES Re 5:10 and you have made them a kingdom and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth." TR Re 5:10 καιG2532 CONJ εποιησαςG4160 V- WH Re 5:10 καιG2532 CONJ εποιησαςG4160 V- AAI-2S ημαςG1473 P-1AP τωG3588 T-DSM AAI-2S αυτουςG846 P-APM τωG3588 T-DSM θεωG2316 N-DSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP θεωG2316 N-DSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP βασιλειςG935 N-APM καιG2532 CONJ βασιλειανG932 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ ιερειςG2409 N-APM καιG2532 CONJ ιερειςG2409 N-APM καιG2532 CONJ | βασιλευσομενG936 V-FAI-1P επιG1909 PREP βασιλευουσινG936 V-PAI-3P | τηςG3588 T-GSF γηςG1093 N-GSF βασιλευσουσινG936 V-FAI-3P | επιG1909 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF γηςG1093 N-GSF Revelation 5:14 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 5:14 And the four beasts said, Amen. And ES Re 5:14 And the four living creatures said, the four [and] twenty elders fell down and "Amen!" and the elders fell down and worshiped. worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever. TR Re 5:14 καιG2532 CONJ ταG3588 T-NPN WH Rev 5:14 καιG2532 CONJ ταG3588 T-NPN τεσσαραG5064 A-NPN ζωαG2226 N-NPN τεσσαραG5064 A-NPN ζωαG2226 N-NPN ελεγονG3004 V-IAI-3P αμηνG281 HEB ελεγονG3004 V-IAI-3P αμηνG281 HEB καιG2532 CONJ οιG3588 T-NPM καιG2532 CONJ οιG3588 T-NPM εικοσιτεσσαρεςG1501 5064 A-NPM πρεσβυτεροιG4245 A-NPM-C επεσανG4098 V- πρεσβυτεροιG4245 A-NPM-C επεσανG4098 V- 2AAI-3P καιG2532 CONJ προσεκυνησανG4352 2AAI-3P καιG2532 CONJ προσεκυνησανG4352 V-AAI-3P V-AAI-3P ζωντιG2198 V-PAP-DSM ειςG1519 PREP τουςG3588 T-APM αιωναςG165 N-APM τωνG3588 T-GPM αιωνωνG165 N-GPM

Revelation 11:17 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 11:17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord ES Re 11:17 saying, "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to God Almighty, who is and who was, for you have come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great taken your great power and begun to reign. power, and hast reigned.

TR Re 11:17 λεγοντεςG3004 V-PAP-NPM WH Re 11:17 λεγοντεςG3004 V-PAP-NPM ευχαριστουμενG2168 V-PAI-1P σοιG4771 P-2DS ευχαριστουμενG2168 V-PAI-1P σοιG4771 P-2DS κυριεG2962 N-VSM οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 κυριεG2962 N-VSM οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316 N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM παντοκρατωρG3841 N- N-NSM οG3588 T-NSM παντοκρατωρG3841 N- NSM οG3588 T-NSM ωνG1510 V-PAP-NSM NSM οG3588 T-NSM ωνG1510 V-PAP-NSM καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM ηνG1510 V-IAI- καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM ηνG1510 V-IAI- 3S καιG2532 CONJ οG3588 T-NSM 3S οτιG3754 CONJ ειληφαςG2983 V-RAI-2S ερχομενοςG2064 V-PNP-NSM οτιG3754 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF δυναμινG1411 N-ASF ειληφαςG2983 V-RAI-2S τηνG3588 T-ASF σουG4771 P-2GS τηνG3588 T-ASF δυναμινG1411 N-ASF σουG4771 P-2GS μεγαληνG3173 A-ASF καιG2532 CONJ τηνG3588 T-ASF μεγαληνG3173 A-ASF εβασιλευσαςG936 V-AAI-2S καιG2532 CONJ εβασιλευσαςG936 V-AAI-2S Revelation 13:1 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 13:1 . And I stood upon the sand of the sea, ES Re 13:1 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

TR Re 13:1 (12:18) καιG2532 CONJ WH Re 13:1 (12:18) καιG2532 CONJ εσταθηνG2476 V-API-1S επιG1909 PREP εσταθηG2476 V-API-3S επιG1909 PREP τηνG3588 T-ASF αμμονG285 N-ASF τηςG3588 τηνG3588 T-ASF αμμονG285 N-ASF τηςG3588 T-GSF θαλασσηςG2281 N-GSF (13:1) καιG2532 T-GSF θαλασσηςG2281 N-GSF (13:1) καιG2532 CONJ ειδονG3708 V-2AAI-1S εκG1537 PREP CONJ ειδονG3708 V-2AAI-1S εκG1537 PREP τηςG3588 T-GSF θαλασσηςG2281 N-GSF τηςG3588 T-GSF θαλασσηςG2281 N-GSF θηριονG2342 N-ASN αναβαινονG305 V-PAP- θηριονG2342 N-ASN αναβαινονG305 V-PAP- ASN εχονG2192 V-PAP-ASN κεφαλαςG2776 N- ASN εχονG2192 V-PAP-ASN κεραταG2768 N- APF επταG2033 A-NUI καιG2532 CONJ APN δεκαG1176 A-NUI καιG2532 CONJ κεραταG2768 N-APN δεκαG1176 A-NUI κεφαλαςG2776 N-APF επταG2033 A-NUI καιG2532 CONJ επιG1909 PREP τωνG3588 T- καιG2532 CONJ επιG1909 PREP τωνG3588 T- GPN κερατωνG2768 N-GPN αυτουG846 P-GSN GPN κερατωνG2768 N-GPN αυτουG846 P-GSN δεκαG1176 A-NUI διαδηματαG1238 N-NPN δεκαG1176 A-NUI διαδηματαG1238 N-APN καιG2532 CONJ επιG1909 PREP ταςG3588 T- καιG2532 CONJ επιG1909 PREP ταςG3588 T- APF κεφαλαςG2776 N-APF αυτουG846 P-GSN APF κεφαλαςG2776 N-APF αυτουG846 P-GSN | ονομαG3686 N-NSN βλασφημιαςG988 N-GSF ονοματαG3686 N-APN | [ονοματα]G3686 N-APN | βλασφημιαςG988 N-GSF Revelation 14:5 Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 14:5 And in their mouth was found no ES Re 14:5 and in their mouth no lie was found, guile: for they are without fault before the throne for they are blameless. of God.

TR Re 14:5 καιG2532 CONJ ενG1722 PREP WH Re 14:5 καιG2532 CONJ ενG1722 PREP τωG3588 T-DSN στοματιG4750 N-DSN τωG3588 T-DSN στοματιG4750 N-DSN αυτωνG846 P-GPM ουχG3756 PRT-N αυτωνG846 P-GPM ουχG3756 PRT-N ευρεθηG2147 V-API-3S δολοςG1388 N-NSM ευρεθηG2147 V-API-3S ψευδοςG5579 N-NSN αμωμοιG299 A-NPM γαρG1063 CONJ αμωμοιG299 A-NPM εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P εισινG1510 V-PAI-3P ενωπιονG1799 ADV τουG3588 T-GSM θρονουG2362 N-GSM τουG3588 T-GSM θεουG2316 N-GSM Revelation 20:12

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, ES Re 20:12 And I saw the dead, great and small, stand before God; and the books were opened: and standing before the throne, and books were opened. another book was opened, which is [the book] of Then another book was opened, which is the book life: and the dead were judged out of those things of life. And the dead were judged by what was which were written in the books, according to their written in the books, according to what they had works. done.

TR Re 20:12 καιG2532 CONJ ειδονG3708 V- WH Re 20:12 καιG2532 CONJ ειδονG3708 V- 2AAI-1S τουςG3588 T-APM νεκρουςG3498 A- 2AAI-1S τουςG3588 T-APM νεκρουςG3498 A- APM μικρουςG3398 A-APM καιG2532 CONJ APM τουςG3588 T-APM μεγαλουςG3173 A- μεγαλουςG3173 A-APM εστωταςG2476 V-RAP- APM καιG2532 CONJ τουςG3588 T-APM APM ενωπιονG1799 ADV τουG3588 T-GSM μικρουςG3398 A-APM εστωταςG2476 V-RAP- θεουG2316 N-GSM καιG2532 CONJ βιβλιαG975 APM ενωπιονG1799 ADV τουG3588 T-GSM N-NPN ηνεωχθησανG455 V-API-3P καιG2532 θρονουG2362 N-GSM καιG2532 CONJ CONJ βιβλιονG975 N-NSN αλλοG243 A-NSN βιβλιαG975 N-NPN ηνοιχθησανG455 V-API-3P ηνεωχθηG455 V-API-3S οG3739 R-NSN καιG2532 CONJ αλλοG243 A-NSN βιβλιονG975 εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τηςG3588 T-GSF N-NSN ηνοιχθηG455 V-API-3S οG3739 R-NSN ζωηςG2222 N-GSF καιG2532 CONJ εστινG1510 V-PAI-3S τηςG3588 T-GSF εκριθησανG2919 V-API-3P οιG3588 T-NPM ζωηςG2222 N-GSF καιG2532 CONJ νεκροιG3498 A-NPM εκG1537 PREP τωνG3588 εκριθησανG2919 V-API-3P οιG3588 T-NPM T-GPN γεγραμμενωνG1125 V-RPP-GPN νεκροιG3498 A-NPM εκG1537 PREP τωνG3588 ενG1722 PREP τοιςG3588 T-DPN βιβλιοιςG975 T-GPN γεγραμμενωνG1125 V-RPP-GPN N-DPN καταG2596 PREP ταG3588 T-APN ενG1722 PREP τοιςG3588 T-DPN βιβλιοιςG975 εργαG2041 N-APN αυτωνG846 P-GPM N-DPN καταG2596 PREP ταG3588 T-APN εργαG2041 N-APN αυτωνG846 P-GPM Revelation 21:24

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 21:24 And the nations of them which are ES Re 21:24 By its light will the nations walk, and saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it, the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.

TR Re 21:24 καιG2532 CONJ ταG3588 T-NPN WH Re 21:24 καιG2532 CONJ εθνηG1484 N-NPN τωνG3588 T-GPM περιπατησουσινG4043 V-FAI-3P ταG3588 T- σωζομενωνG4982 V-PPP-GPM ενG1722 PREP NPN εθνηG1484 N-NPN διαG1223 PREP τωG3588 T-DSN φωτιG5457 N-DSN αυτηςG846 τουG3588 T-GSN φωτοςG5457 N-GSN P-GSF περιπατησουσινG4043 V-FAI-3P αυτηςG846 P-GSF καιG2532 CONJ οιG3588 T- καιG2532 CONJ οιG3588 T-NPM βασιλειςG935 NPM βασιλειςG935 N-NPM τηςG3588 T-GSF N-NPM τηςG3588 T-GSF γηςG1093 N-GSF γηςG1093 N-GSF φερουσινG5342 V-PAI-3P φερουσινG5342 V-PAI-3P τηνG3588 T-ASF τηνG3588 T-ASF δοξανG1391 N-ASF δοξανG1391 N-ASF καιG2532 CONJ τηνG3588 αυτωνG846 P-GPM ειςG1519 PREP αυτηνG846 T-ASF τιμηνG5092 N-ASF αυτωνG846 P-GPM P-ASF ειςG1519 PREP αυτηνG846 P-ASF

Revelation 22:4

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 22:4 And they shall see his face; and his ES Re 22:4 They will see his face, and his name name [shall be] in their foreheads. will be on their foreheads.

TR Re 22:4 καιG2532 CONJ οψονταιG3708 V- WH Re 22:4 καιG2532 CONJ οψονταιG3708 V- FDI-3P τοG3588 T-ASN προσωπονG4383 N-ASN FDI-3P τοG3588 T-ASN προσωπονG4383 N-ASN αυτουG846 P-GSM καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T- αυτουG846 P-GSM καιG2532 CONJ τοG3588 T- NSN ονομαG3686 N-NSN αυτουG846 P-GSM NSN ονομαG3686 N-NSN αυτουG846 P-GSM επιG1909 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPN επιG1909 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPN μετωπωνG3359 N-GPN αυτωνG846 P-GPM μετωπωνG3359 N-GPN αυτωνG846 P-GPM Revelation 22:21

Correct reading Fraudulent text AV Re 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ES Rev 22:21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with [be] with you all. Amen. all. Amen.

TR Re 22:21 ηG3588 T-NSF χαριςG5485 N-NSF WH Re 22:21 ηG3588 T-NSF χαριςG5485 N- τουG3588 T-GSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM NSF τουG3588 T-GSM κυριουG2962 N-GSM ημωνG1473 P-1GP ιησουG2424 N-GSM ιησουG2424 N-GSM | [χριστου]G5547 N-GSM χριστουG5547 N-GSM μεταG3326 PREP μεταG3326 PREP τωνG3588 T-GPM αγιωνG40 παντωνG3956 A-GPM υμωνG4771 P-2GP A-GPM | μεταG3326 PREP παντωνG3956 A- αμηνG281 HEB GPM |


Date: 1 January 2018

Defendants: St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax

Count I – Blasphemy Dt. 4:2 Re 22:18-19, CC (s) 296(1) Count II – Hate propaganda Gn 17:7, Rome Statute A. 7 (1)(c)(k) CC (s)318 (1) CC(s)319 (1)(a) Count III – Monetary theft Ex 20:15, CC (s) 322 (1)

Count I – Blasphemy The defendant is alleged to be guilty of aggravated Blasphemy contrary to ordinances found within scripture, as well as the Criminal Code (s) 296 (1). We respectfully submit that no good faith excuse exists due to the severity of this crime. To analyze the clear alteration of the Holy Scriptures opens new doors into what wickedness could potentially mean. This crime indeed is of the utmost gravity and the court should be aware that the prosecution foresees no mitigating factors that could aid the defence at all.

 CC (s) 296 (1) Blasphemous Libel Every one who publishes a blasphemous libel is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. Question of fact (2) It is a question of fact whether or not any matter that is published is a blasphemous libel. (3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under this section for expressing in good faith and in decent language, or attempting to establish by argument used in good faith and conveyed in decent language, an opinion on a religious subject. R.S., c. C-34, s. 260. The plaintiff submits that this offence violated the rights of the parishioners of liberty religion as the defendants knowingly produced these fraudulent texts. The violation of rights occurs when the parishioner invests time in reading this text after the clergymen falsely authenticated the document.

 CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 (s) 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; The crime of forgery with such disregard for the original authorship wasn’t immediately detected by the majority of the parish. The parishioners were provided only Alexandrian type texts, and readings from these texts were orally delivered from the pulpit for centuries.

 AV Dt 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Old Testament law clearly establishes the act of corrupting the scriptures as a serious offence before God. Preserved for all generations, the evidentiary manuscripts clearly identify which is the correct text. New Testament ordinances explicitly support the law against the act of falsifying the Holy Scriptures.

 AV Re 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:  AV Re 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.

Count II – Hate propaganda Contrary to the natural spirit of brotherhood, the defendant is alleged to be guilty of publishing hate propaganda that is anti-Semitic in nature and that exhibits unnatural racial supremacy. As a conspiratorial effort of -producing this forged publication, the defendant did knowingly instigate the hatred for the Jewish kindred, by directly and indirectly promoting genocide and formerly denying atrocities.

 CC (s) 318 (1) Every one who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence...  CC (s) 319 (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of (a) an indictable offence... We borrow wording from the three hundredth and sixty sixth section of this same code to better understand the act of the production, possession and distribution of this unlawful text.

 CC (s) 366 (1) Every one commits forgery who makes a false document, knowing it to be false, with intent…  CC (s) 367 Every one who commits forgery (a) is guilty of an indictable offence… We borrow wording from the hundredth and sixty third section of this same code to better understand how this false text corrupted the morals of parishioners. This indeed created a psychological slavery contrary to the Rome Statute A. 7 (1)(c)(k); complete dependency and obedience to the clergymen combined with the rarity of the true Holy Scriptures created centuries of violations of rights. This fraudulent text claims that the Jews are God’s enemy and the prosecution submits that this constitutes as an obscene work of literature.

 CC (s) 163 (1) Every one commits an offence who (a) makes, prints, publishes, distributes, circulates, or has in his possession for the purpose of publication, distribution or circulation any obscene written matter, … To suggest that the Jewish kindred are God’s enemy is giving justification to war criminals. Some catholic theologians have even been rumoured to deny some atrocities, however the evidence from the defendant for the crime of inciting hatred towards the Jewish nation is inevitable. The Abrahamic covenant remains, contrary the defendant’s preposterous argument.

 AV Gn 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.

Count III – Monetary theft Contrary to various laws and ordinances, the crime of theft occurred for centuries against the parishioners. The claim of the legitimacy of the scriptures isn’t being disputed, as the clergymen boldly state these texts are from the truest and most accurate manuscripts. These books were being sold under the pretence that it was ‘the Bible’ and the parishioner would have had no immediate reason to believe they were being duped at the time. Deceiving a parishioner into purchasing this false text constitutes as the act of theft.

 CC (s) 322 (1) Every one commits theft who fraudulently and without colour of right takes, or fraudulently and without colour of right converts to his use or to the use of another person, anything, whether animate or inanimate, with intent… The Ten Commandments are explicitly clear against theft. For an organization who, on the surface, claims to adhere to the ordinances found in scripture, the defence clearly missed the mark; this is a true hypocrisy. The victims of this theft number in the thousands, the monetary value lost is incalculable. All funds received from the parishioners are to be recognized as stolen due to the falsification of the document requested.

 AV Ex 20:15 Thou shalt not steal.


Date 1 January 2018 Defendants: St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax

YOU ARE DEMANDED to answer the following questions, IF YOU FAIL TO answer the questions, or you provide a response that is verifiably false you agree to the answer provided on your behalf. i. Do you claim that a perfect bible exist? (No) ii. Do you claim that no perfect bible exists? (Yes) iii. Do you claim that all bibles are flawed, including the majority manuscripts? (Yes) iv. Do you claim church tradition supersedes scripture? (Yes) v. Do you claim that you use a translation based from Catholic sources? (Yes) vi. Do you claim that you use a translation based from authentic manuscripts? (Yes) vii. Do you claim that Catholic texts are based from authentic manuscript? (Yes) viii. Do you claim the authentic manuscripts are the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus manuscripts? (Yes) ix. Do you claim the majority of the extant Greek manuscripts to be of no force or effect? (Yes) x. Do you claim you are qualified to distinguish a forged text from the authentic manuscripts? (Yes) xi. Do you claim the text you provide to parishioner is an authentic translation of the bible? (Yes) xii. Do you claim that the Latin text is a translation based from authentic manuscripts? (Yes) xiii. Do you claim that the text used by the Catholic Church is without flaw? (No) xiv. Do you claim that the text used by the Catholic Church is flawed? (Yes) xv. Do you provide professional advice on imminent manuscripts variants? (No) xvi. Do you provide professional advice on proper study of the New Testament? (No) xvii. Do you provide any disclaimer to the parishioner who purchases a bible? (No) xviii. Do you speak words directly from a Catholic bible to the parishioners? (Yes) xix. Do you encourage parishioners to read a Catholic bible? (Yes) xx. Do you claim to authenticate a Catholic bible as correct to parishioners who trust you? (Yes) xxi. Do you knowingly and conspiratorially produce false bibles? (Yes) xxii. Do you provide the option of purchasing the Reina Valera or King James Bible? (No) xxiii. Have you warned any parishioner against false bibles? (No) xxiv. Have you warned any parishioner against anti-Semitism? (No) xxv. Do you adhere to the Roman Catholic doctrine of supercessionism? (Yes) xxvi. Do you knowingly and conspiratorially use fraudulent texts that include hate speech? (Yes) xxvii. Do you believe that the Jews are God’s enemy? (Yes) xxviii. Have you orally taught or provided literature that said the Jews are God’s enemy? (Yes) xxix. Do you believe the Jews are cast away due to their unbelief? (Yes) xxx. Do you believe Catholics today are entitled to the inheritance once destined for Israel? (Yes) xxxi. Do you believe that the reports of the Holocaust in the Second World War are exaggerated? (Yes) xxxii. Do you gain from the proceeds of parishioners who are trusting you and are loyal to you? (Yes) xxxiii. Do you consider the purchase of a fraudulent text a legitimate sale? (No) xxxiv. Do you consider the purchase of a fraudulent text a theft against the parishioners? (Yes) xxxv. Do you believe the ends justifies the means as described in Catechism 1887? (Yes) xxxvi. Do you believe a priest to become as Christ upon ? (Yes) xxxvii. Do you acknowledge your crime of producing fraudulent bibles? (Yes) xxxviii. Do you acknowledge your crime of publishing hate propaganda? (Yes) xxxix. Do you acknowledge your crime of benefiting from the proceeds of fraudulent texts? (Yes) xl. Have you expressed regret for your crime of falsifying the Holy Scriptures? (No) xli. Have you expressed regret for your crime of propagating anti-Semitic hate speech? (No) xlii. Have you expressed regret for your crime of theft, including a commitment of reimbursement? (No) xliii. Are you repentant before God for your sacriledge listed herein? (No)


Date 1 January 2018 Defendants: St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Yarmouth, The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax

IT IS ESTABLISHED AS FACT that the defendant produced a forgery. The elements of this crime include the actual production of this forged text in various higher offices of the defendant. The origin plays a minor role in establishing the element of the crime of forgery, however the utterance, that is to say, the point of sale, is a crucial element of this wicked tort.

Count I – Blasphemy The prosecution submits that the defendants are found guilty of the crime of aggravated blasphemy as described in count one of the indictment. No defence justifies the production and utterance of this forged document. Guilt has been established beyond any doubt at all. The full extent of the Canadian law, the prosecution deems, is insufficient punishment to address the gravity of this deed. Count II – Hate Propaganda A forged document containing the ideology that the Jews are God’s enemy is an infringement upon the very fabric of society itself. This act has no justification in law and the prosecution submits the defendants be found guilty of the crime of producing and uttering nefarious propaganda as described in count two of the indictment and be issued punishment to the fullest extent of the Canadian Law. Count III – Monetary theft In light of the evidence of forgery amounting to blasphemy that contain hate propaganda, the prosecution submits the defendants are also found guilty of centuries of theft. The judicial recognition of the victims of theft due to forgery is crucial in a quest to assess inflicted damages. The monetary value lost to this massive fraud is truly incalculable, justice is the full extent of Canadian Law. Relevant case law and arguments This recent case examines how the law deals with forgeries. In Hearn v. Maslak-McLeod Gallery Inc., 2017 ONSC 6711, an issued judgment regarding the issue of a fake Morrisseau painting sheds light unto the legal world of falsifying precious objects. There wouldn’t have been enough verifiable evidence in Hatfield v. Child, 2013 ONSC 7801 to determine that the painting was a forgery. To liken the scriptures as a genuine work of art, after reviewing the evidence, leads a reasonable and learned person to conclude that the defendant’s production is most certainly a fake. Once deemed a verifiably false text, the court must deal with this appropriately by issuing justice. A forgery can transform itself into anything of value.

 [21] In addition to submitting an affidavit of Mr. Sinclair, a persistent litigant on Morrisseau- related matters and an unsuccessful adversary of Mr. White’s and Mr. McLeod’s, Mr. Sommer was counsel on another case very similar to the present one. In Hatfield v. Child, 2013 ONSC 7801 (CanLII), a plaintiff represented by Mr. Sommer alleged that a Morrisseau painting she had purchased was a fake and that a black brush signature purporting to be Norval Morrisseau’s on the back of the painting was a forgery. The court rejected the evidence of Mr. Sinclair, who was presented as a witness by Mr. Sommer on behalf of the plaintiff, and accepted that the painting was an authentic Morrisseau painting.  [22] This court, on appeal in Hatfield v Child, upheld the trial judge’s finding that the signature was that of Norval Morrisseau [para 16]. A similar type of black brush signature is in issue in the present case. Also of interest in Hatfield v. Child is that the court found that Mr. Sinclair’s evidence was “unsupported and unreliable” [para 18], while it found that Mr. McLeod, who had done an appraisal of the painting in issue, was “a credible witness” [para 26]. As the expository evidence presented herein far exceeds this unsupported and unreliable testimony, the protected work of literature is now proven to have been forged. A forgery is the work of one who has much to gain from this false object. As opposed to a single sale in this referenced 2017 case, the clergymen were able to sell a large number of forgeries for many decades. A forgery in literature, or a forgery in art is much similar in that they share the same consequence, a duped person who has surrendered time and value into this false object. A jury convicted Mr. Potts for the forging of a check in the unfortunate case of R. v. Potts, 1925 CanLII 215 (SK CA)

 The appellant was tried on a charge which charged him with forging a cheque and, in the alternative, with uttering said cheque. The trial Judge instructed the jury, as counsel for the Crown had also advised it, that, if it should find that the accused forged said cheque, it need not consider the second count at all. Nevertheless, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty on both counts, which was recorded, and the accused was sentenced to eighteen months’ imprisonment on each offence, the sentences to run concurrently. The twin to forgery is an offender who gains material benefit from a victim. In this case Mr. Potts was utilizing Mr. Williams’ name for the purpose of the fraud. To utter the check as if it were genuine is recognized in law as a completely separate acts, as the production and the distribution, or utterance, are two separate things.

 For that he the said Robert John Potts, on or about between the first day of September and the 31st of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, at the city of Moose Jaw, within the said Judicial District, knowingly did forge a cheque purporting to be drawn by one John Williams on the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Moose Jaw Branch, dated October 10th, 1924, for the sum of $125.00, payable to the said Robert John Potts, contrary to Sub-Section R. of Section 468, of The Criminal Code of Canada. 2. In the alternative, for that he, the said Robert John Potts at the time and place aforesaid, knowing the said cheque to be forged, did utter the said forged cheque as if it were genuine, contrary to Section 467 of The Criminal Code of Canada. In R. v. Sebo, 1988 ABCA 200 we see high value attached to fraudulent materials. This certified check was worth upwards of a half-million dollars in the mid-eighties. The plaintiff submits the monetary value the defendant’s forgery is greater than could be reasonably expected, greater than this referenced case.

 On or about the 4th day of December, A.D. 1984, at the City of Calgary, in the Province of Alberta, then knowing a certain document, to wit: a photocopy of a certified cheque dated December 3, 1984, in the amount of $520,000.00 drawn on the account of Barnieh Investments Company Ltd., at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and payable to Canada Trust, to be forged, did unlawfully use, deal with or act upon it as if it were genuine, contrary to Section 326 of the Criminal Code of Canada. The element of utterance is included in the whole of this act. The victim was first lead to believe that this was a legitimate document, then encouraged to purchase and invest time with this forgery. No amount belief or prayers will make a fraudulent check, or a fake painting, or a forged religious text real.

 [7] I will first deal with the argument about the required mens rea. The learned trial judge held, as a matter of law, that neither prejudice nor an intention to cause, it were elements of the offence of uttering. It is sufficient, he said, that the utterer intend that the victim think the document is genuine and intend that the victim act upon it as if it were genuine.  [8] The argument on appeal stresses the difference between a victim who acts in reliance upon a false document without harm to him and one who as a result suffers actual prejudice or detriment. That distinction is clearly demonstrated by the facts in R. v. Kenney (1935) 1935 CanLII 149 (SK CA), 2 W.W.R. 104 (Sask. C.A.). Kenney prepared a letter falsely purporting to come from the manager of a rural branch of a bank and addressed to a maker of rubber stamps at Saskatoon. It was an order for some certification stamps (that no doubt he wanted in furtherance of yet other criminal plans) and he asked that these be delivered to a hotel. They were delivered and paid for. Kenney was arrested at once because the suspicious victim had tipped the police. The court accepted that he obviously had no intention to induce the manufacturer to act to its detriment; on the contrary, he merely ordered and paid for some stamps and the maker made its usual profit. This was deception, it was not deceit - in the sense that the maker did not act to his detriment.  [9] The evidence here raises the same issue. Sebo swore that neither Noichl nor the owner were or could be prejudiced by what he had done and he had no Intention that they be prejudiced by it. He swore that it was never the understanding that the cheque in question be even-dated - let alone certified. Moreover, it was by pure chance that it was not post-dated to the day of closing: the buyer intended to make it payable on that date (January 31, 1985) but mistakenly typed in the current rather than the new year and then simply typed over his error with the current date (December 3, 1984). That indeed appears to be the state of the document. We read further in the case the exact definition of a forgery from this case law and history and from these important points we shape the meaning of forgery into precisely what the defence is alleged to be guilty of. The forged documents that were produced by the defendant were used to defraud, bearing much resemblance to the wording found inside this case. The defendant did indeed mean to harm, at least financially.

 [14] In my view, an intention to defraud is not an element of the offence. The charging section, s. 326(1) C.C.C., provides, in its relevant terms: Every one who, knowing that a document is forged, … causes or attempts to cause any person to use, deal with, or act upon it, … as if the document were genuine, is guilty …  [15]Bisson J.A., of the Quebec Court of Appeal, in a passing reference in a recent judgment affirming an acquittal, suggested that an intent to defraud is contained in these words. See R. v. Valois (1983) 35 C.R. (3d) 166. The acquittal was also upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada (25 C.C.C.(3d) 238), but on the ground of the absence of an intent even to deceive. The issue before us was not dealt with.  [16] Should a requirement for an intent to defraud be seen in the words of the section? In my view, the interpretation of statutes should follow the “purposive” or “contextual” approach. See R. v. Paré (1988), 1987 CanLII 1 (SCC), 80 N.R. 272, R. v. Jurtik (1985), 1985 ABCA 133 (CanLII), 38 Alta. L.R. (2d) 142 (C.A.) and R. v. Jackson (Alta C.A. published March 22, 1988).  [17] A very difficult policy issue arises for the drafters of a forgery law. While everybody might think that the man should have been caught by the law for his false letter in the name of a Bank to get his precious stamps, one can think of sympathetic cases where the forger intends no real harm and indeed no harm is done. Professor Hogan offers the example of a child of unmarried parents who alters his birth certificate for no purpose other than to hide his illegitimacy from those who need not know. See “The Rise and Fall of Forgery”, [1974] Crim. L.R. 81 at 90. Or perhaps, as noted in Kenny’s Outline of Criminal Law 11 ed. p. 261, “… the object in view be not to defraud but merely to obtain the joy of hoaxing the recipient.” On the other hand, the forger often does not intend harm to his immediate victim, but, like Kenney, what he does may be part of a larger criminal scheme. Indeed, he may intend no harm ever, as does the forger who uses false credentials to get a that he fully intends to perform well. He may only create the risk of harm, as does the forger who produces a false document to encourage a creditor to extend the time for payment. Thus the conundrum: a law that applies only to the utterer or forger who only intends to cause others to act to their detriment will not catch all serious wrongdoing; a law with a wider net can catch a harmless prankster. The difficulty is underlined by the most recent forgery statute in the U.K., which has abandoned general definitions for a list of specific crimes. See the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act, 1981 s. 10 et seq.  [18] The choice is between, as Professor Hogan says, deceit and deception, between intent to defraud and an intent merely to deceive. The question is which choice was made for the Criminal Code of Canada. In this regard, the words in s. 326(1) have been in the Code from 1892, and manifestly come from s. 338 of the Draft Code proposed in the 1879 Report of the English Royal Commission, which is the source generally of the Canadian Code. That section provided:338. Everyone shall be guilty of an indictable offence who, knowing a document to be forged, fraudulently uses or acts upon it, or attempts to use or act upon it as if it were genuine …  [19] The roost noteworthy change by the Canadian Parliament was to drop the word “fraudulently”. That word in the Draft Code had been used to require an intention to produce a detrimental effect. The difference under review was well known to the law at the time. Indeed, the older law was that an intent to defraud was required for most forgery, except that an intent to deceive was required for the forgery of a public document. See R. v. Hodgson (1856) 169 E.R. 891 (C.A.) and Smith and Hogan, Criminal Law, 3 ed. (1973) p. 516-9. The need for an intent to defraud was recognized in early Canadian cases and statutes. See, for example, R. v. Dunlop (1857), 15 U.C.Q.B. 118 (Ont.). The last pre-Code Canadian statute, the Forgery Act, 1886 R.S.C. c. 165 s. 46, required the “purpose of fraud or deceit”.  [20] In my view, to drop the word “fraudulently” in these circumstances was a clear signal of a choice for the wider definition. A description of the mental element that does not require an intention of prejudicial reliance can only be taken as a choice to broaden the traditional rule in order to catch people like Kenney. The drafters of the 1892 Code cannot reasonably be taken as merely expressing, in misleadingly simple words, the traditional ideas about the mental element.  [21] I am confirmed in this view by the history of the definition of forgery itself, a matter closely caught up with the history of uttering, as will be seen. It would be difficult to explain why, for example, an utterer must only intend to deceive if a forger must intend to defraud.  [22] S. 324(1) C.C.C., in its applicable portions, provides: 324. (1) Every one commits forgery who makes a false document, knowing it to be false, with intent (a) that it should in any way be used or acted upon as genuine, to the prejudice of any one whether within Canada or not, or (b) that some person should be induced, by the belief that it is genuine, to do or to refrain from doing anything, whether within Canada or not’. In the analysis of the defence, the judge does not see merit to the argument that felonious intent to defraud is required of the forger, in this high dollar 1988 case. The defendants who created this corrupted text must have had a felonious intent in forging this absurd document. The plaintiff submits that regardless if the forged item be a painting or sculpture, a musical symphony or a legal document, if the intent is illicit, and there is clear evidence of financial or material gain, then this is the commission of the crime.

 [36] I must now deal with the principal argument for the defence. It turns on the significance of the use of the word “forged” in the charging section. A forged document is not just a false document, it is said, but is rather a document created by the commission of the crime of forgery. Thus, an element of the crime of uttering is that the crime of forgery occurred during the preparation of the document. Therefore, an utterer cannot be convicted of uttering unless the forger had the felonious intent required of a forger. Because the forger here had no fraudulent intent, the utterer cannot be convicted.  [37] The argument incorrectly assumes that an intent to defraud is required by the Code for a conviction for forgery. I earlier dealt with the intent both for forgery and uttering in order to dispose of this. The intent required of each is the same.  [38] That said, the argument loses most of its point. Put at its highest, it leads only to the conclusion that an utterer be aware of the forger’s intent, not that he have the same intent. That would be of no relevance in this case because, on the admitted facts. Sebo is both forger and utterer and had the same intent throughout. In this case, the defendant, through their various higher clerical offices are the forgers (with felonious intent) and utterers of this false document, as referenced in the indictment. The intent, or illicit desire to deceive, either due to complete rebellion towards God, or driven by worldly lusts, is truly remarkable. In this next case Regina v. Chow Silk Wah and Quon Hong, 1963 CanLII 223 (ON CA), these defendants are charged with a conspiracy to commit forgery, similar than the defendants actions, It should be noted the authors of this fraudulent text have been deceased for centuries, nevertheless the conspiracy exists in the utterance. It is argued that it would have been impossible for the defendants to not have been conspiratorial.

 Accused C fabricated a letter purporting to be signed by an immigration official which he gave to H to be photographed in the hope that such photograph could be used by a friend in China as a means of securing entry into Hong Kong. C and H were charged with and convicted of conspiracy to commit a forgery. On appeal, held, that the conviction must be quashed and a verdict of acquittal directed. First, unless the object, if accomplished, would constitute the substantive offence there can be no conspiracy to commit that offence and unless the object of the accused was to induce belief that the photograph itself was a genuine letter there could be no forgery under s. 309(1)(a), (b) of the Cr. Code. In the instant case, however, there was a reasonable doubt that such was the intention of the accused, who may have only intended the photograph to be accepted as a photograph copy of a genuine letter, which does not constitute the photograph itself a false document, and hence is not a forgery, and because of such doubt as to the real intention of the accused they must be acquitted. To be a false document under s. 309 of the Code a document must tell an untruth about itself, not an untruth about some other document of which it purports to be no more than a copy. In Robinson v. Royal Bank of Canada, 1995 CanLII 7247 (ON SC) we see how a forgery can become anything that is genuine, even a false signature. Again, meeting all the necessary criteria of being a true forgery, this act included the intent. The law recognizes the act of forgery and this count aggravated blasphemy due to forged Holy Scriptures is to be found as guilty. Just as Price v. Neal (1762), 3 Burr. 1354, 97 E.R. 871, requires a bank to know its customers' signatures, the parishioners should have been required to know the scriptures to defend themselves against forgers.

 In July 1987, a $100,000 five-year mortgage was registered against the matrimonial home of the plaintiff and her husband. Her husband forged the plaintiff's signature to this mortgage. The defendant Royal Bank was the mortgagee, and the defendant M of the defendant law firm R & M were the solicitors for the parties. From November 1988 until September 1989, the plaintiff separated from her husband, and during this period she became aware of the forgery. She did not, however, advise the Royal Bank, the police, or the lawyers about the forgery because she was negotiating custody of and access to the children of their marriage. Forgery is the creation of a fake with the intent that it be acted upon as the original or genuine document. Forgery is always a serious matter because it shows the lack of honesty required of a clergyman. To produce a forgery of the Holy Scriptures that contains anti-Semitic literature is truly a wicked deed. To truly understand this logic, we would need to place ourselves into the minds of the clergymen. In R. v. Sterritt, 2006 BCPC 335 we read:  [6] Dealing first with what I am describing as the jurisdictional or authority issue, Mr. Sterritt advises the court that he is Christ and describes himself as Christ James. By that description I take it to mean that he is affiliating himself with the religious figure described in the Christian Bible as the Son of God. There has been no evidence called to suggest that Mr. Sterritt is unfit to stand trial or not criminally responsible by reason of a mental disorder, so I take it that he profoundly and deeply holds that view to be true.  [7] The mere holding of a particular perspective or point of view by one person does not necessarily make it equally as apparent to others in the community that that is that person's view. In fact, it is not even necessary for other members of the community to accept that person's perspective.  [8] Mr. Sterritt says that as a result of being Christ, the figure that he has described, he has certain powers which he described at various times as imperial power, and on another occasion as a temporal power of the infinite power, that he says is higher than or at least co-exists with the powers of the federal and provincial government and the powers of this court. And as a power that is, he says, higher than or occupying a portion of the distribution of powers between the federal and provincial government and First Nations and other entities, both domestically and internationally, his authority and power is higher than the authority and power of this court and, as such, this court has no authority or jurisdiction to even entertain the charges against him.  [9] I have considered his argument on that point, and I do not think it will come as any surprise to Mr. Sterritt that I am bound to say that I must reject such an argument. It may be that at a higher court on a different day more learned justices than myself might find room in the law, as I understand it, to disagree with me, but I feel I am bound by certain evidentiary issues and certain powers conferred on me by the very authorities that give me those powers, to say that I am unable to accede to his argument. This is self-deification, to proclaim to the court that they must refer to him as the Christ is a very serious issue, especially for this individual. Not only is he mistaken, he’s undoubtedly going to create stumblingblocks for any who trust his direction. Does the defendant believe that the church tradition they belong to supersedes scripture and they themselves become Christs? Most certainly so. In R. v. Spencer (G.E.), 1995 CanLII 10432 (NL SCTD), a mitigation factor for the regretful clergyman convicted of theft, is his guilty plea and acknowledgment to the victims, including a four year commitment to full repayment. We see no such repentance on the part of the defence.

 [1] Woolridge, J. [orally]: The accused is a 63 year-old ex-Anglican clergyman, married, with an 18 year-old child. He pleads guilty to four counts of theft of a total of $22,139.77. Both Crown and defense agree the thefts occurred as follows: (…) In Trinity Western University v. The Law Society of British Columbia, 2016 BCCA 423 we notice the immediate effects that mixed messages have on society. The plaintiff submits that, just as we find anti- Semitic ideologies, some readings from the fraudulent text include pro-LGBT ideologies, that is to say, readings that endorse the sin of sodomy. To fail to condemn the sin of sodomy, while saying the Jews are God’s enemy is warfare against the future generations. The plaintiff submits the individuals in law who claim that murder of infants in the womb is justifiable have most certainly erred. The full scale of the horror comes to light when all the facts are on the table.

 People face significant challenges in practicing biblical sexual health within a highly sexualized culture. A biblical view of sexuality holds that a person’s decisions regarding his or her body are physically, spiritually and emotionally inseparable. Such decisions affect a person’s ability to live out God’s intention for wholeness in relationship to God, to one’s (future) spouse, to others in the community, and to oneself. Further, according to the Bible, sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage between one man and one woman, and within that marriage bond it is God’s intention that it be enjoyed as a means for marital intimacy and procreation. Honouring and upholding these principles, members of the TWU community strive for purity of thought and relationship, respectful modesty, personal responsibility for actions taken, and avoidance of contexts where temptation to compromise would be particularly strong. [Footnotes omitted.]  [14] In support of the provisions relating to sexual behaviour, the Covenant refers in footnotes to passages from the Bible in support of the drafters’ conception of virtuous and destructive practices.  [15] We note that it is the Covenant’s definition of marriage “between a man and a woman” that is in issue in these proceedings. The Covenant prohibits all expressions of sexual intimacy outside of marriage, regardless of sexual orientation; in that respect, all students are treated equally. However, the Covenant recognizes the marriage of heterosexual couples only; expressions of sexual intimacy between same-sex married couples remain prohibited. It is in this respect that LGBTQ persons are treated unequally.  [16] Prior to their April 11, 2014 meeting, the Benchers provided TWU with a copy of the transcript of a February 28, 2014 Benchers’ meeting and copies of input subsequently received from the profession and the public. TWU was invited to provide written submissions to the Benchers and to attend and be heard at the April 11, 2014 meeting.  [17] Before that meeting the Benchers sought the following information: a) BC Human Rights Commission Annual Reports of complaints and its statistics on areas of discrimination; b) the Law Society’s Equity Ombudsperson’s 2011 report on areas of discrimination; c) information from Canadian law deans regarding “any trouble [that] they have had with Trinity Western graduates, in particular in the area of anti-gay activities”; d) information on the American Bar Association’s anti-discrimination policy and details and background regarding exemptions for religious law schools; e) details of Law Society discipline matters regarding anti-gay activity; and f) information from TWU with respect to the number of people disciplined for engaging in prohibited activities and a breakdown and details of areas of discipline.  [18] In its written submission dated April 3, 2014, TWU advised the Benchers that in the ten years preceding the application there had been an average of fewer than three instances per year of sexual misconduct by students, including reports of unwelcome sexual advances. In two instances students had withdrawn from TWU, and there had been “occasional” suspensions of students or placement of students on probation. No case had resulted in expulsion from the University. Two faculty/staff had been disciplined for instances of sexual harassment.  [19] On April 8, 2014 the President of the Law Society asked the President of TWU, on behalf of a Bencher, whether TWU would consider an amendment to the Covenant with respect to sexual intimacy. In response TWU advised the Law Society:  [The Covenant] is an expression of the religious beliefs of TWU and its community that is necessary for TWU to live out its purposes as a Christian university. It is critical for TWU, as a private religious educational community, to be able to define its important religious values consistent with its biblical beliefs. TWU is a Christian university that primarily serves the evangelical Christian community (and that may include others that are prepared to learn in an environment of which the Community Covenant is an important part).  The religious beliefs about marriage and human sexuality are important enough to TWU’s community to be included in the Community Covenant. It speaks of the sacredness of marriage, not for civic purposes but for religious purposes. …  It should be beyond question that these beliefs were not created to communicate anything disparaging about members of the LGBTQ communities. The Community Covenant speaks to that most strongly in terms of treating all persons with “respect and dignity, and uphold their God- given worth”. This is equally a fundamental aspect of TWU’s religious beliefs.  TWU’s sincerely held religious beliefs about marriage and human sexuality may not be widely held by others in society. As a result, these beliefs may not be valued, or even seen as legitimate. This is precisely why s. 2(a) and s. 15 of the Charter shield TWU’s community from interference. The Charter shields TWU and allows it to define its own religious beliefs and values. In recent news articles, it is publicly stated that upwards of fifty civil cases are pending against the dioceses at this time, and former priest Yvon Arsenault has been convicted of 9 sex crimes and sentenced to a federal institution. This Catholic priest’s name was removed from public view after allegations surfaced.

 CBC News, Nov 2017 Gabrielle Fahmy, Reporter – According to the court documents, most of [Camille] Leger's alleged victims were young boys, generally between seven and 15 years old. Many of them were altar boys at the parish, or boy scouts, who were chaperoned by Leger. They all allege in court documents that Leger developed a close relationship with them, where he was able to be alone with them. The plaintiff submits that the heresy of the celibacy of priests leading to sexual perversion mixed with anti- Semitism created a perfect storm of destructive ideology. The victims of the catholic sex scandal are alongside the victims of this equally infringing crime. This investigative reporting suggests a larger scale problem that is in desperate need of a solution.

 Africa: Kenya. In 2009 several people accused an Italian priest working in the country of sexual molestation. The Church assured them it was investigating the case, but that did not appear to happen. Kenyan police said they found no evidence and believed Sesana is innocent.[11] In 2010 a young woman alleged that a Catholic priest had raped her but the police and Church authorities had failed to follow up the allegations.[12]  The 2011 Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ) documentary "A Mission To Prey" publicised Kenya's clerical abuse cases, saying they should have been handled with more transparency. It was discovered that this program mistakenly alleged that Fr. Kevin Reynolds was an abuser, causing him to be removed from his home and his parish ministry. RTÉ has subsequently apologised for this programme and has stated that Fr. Reynolds was innocent of the charges stated. RTÉ has allowed continued access to this programme online, while upwards of 32 slander and libel cases are pending in reaction by alleged abusers.[13][14]  In 2011 a Dutch bishop in Kenya was reported to be under probe over alleged sex abuse. He was alleged to have abused a minor 18 years before while serving as a priest in Ngong diocese.[15] He was retired by the church.[16]  Tanzania, St Michael's Catholic Boarding School, Soni, Tanzania. A prominent United Kingdom member of the order, Fr Kit Cunningham, together with three other priests, were exposed after Cunningham's death as paedophiles.[17][18][19][20] While at Soni, Cunningham perpetrated sexual abuse that made the school, according to one pupil, "a loveless, violent and sad hellhole". Other pupils recall being photographed naked, hauled out of bed at night to have their genitals fondled, and other sexual abuse.[18][19] Although known about by the Rosminians before Cunningham's death in 2010, the abuse was not reported by the media until 2011.[21][22][23][24][25] Formal action was launched by a group of former pupils who filed a civil suit at the civil court in Leicester, UK on 20 March 2013.[26]  Settlement – The audited financial statements for the year ending 5 April 2015 report under the heading “Legal and safeguarding related costs" that "Last year’s report referred to legal claims which had been brought against the Charity concerning the welfare of children between approximately 1940 and 1985. A settlement has now been reached in relation to these claims." The Charity was liable also for the claimants' legal fees. The matter has had a significant impact on the Charity’s finances with payment of their legal and settlement costs amounting to a total GBP 1,746,523 for the year.[27]  Asia; Philippines. In 2002 the Catholic Church apologized for sexual abuses, including adultery, homosexuality and child abuse by 200 priests over the previous 20 years.[28] In 2003 at least 34 priests were suspended in a sex abuse scandal involving sexual harassment of women. Twenty men were from a single diocese.[29] In 2011, a priest accused of sexually abusing a 17-year-old female minor was sheltered by his Bishop, despite calls for his surrender to civil authorities.[30]  Europe; Austria. Archdiocese of Vienna. In 1995 Hans Hermann Cardinal Groer stepped down as head of the Catholic Church in Austria following accusations of sexual misconduct. In 1998 he left the country. He remained a Cardinal.[31]  Belgium. Diocese of Antwerp – Former parish priest Bruno Vos of Nieuwmoer parish in Kalmthout was officially charged with rape of a minor by the Belgian judiciary. He was also alleged to possess child pornography.[32]  Croatia; Archdiocese of Zagreb – Ivan Cucek was convicted [33] in 2000 of sexual abuse of 37 young girls, and sentenced to three years in prison. This term was later reduced by the Supreme Court [34] to one and a half years.  Archdiocese of Rijeka – Drago Ljubicic, a Catholic priest on the isle of Rab, was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison for molesting five teenage boys. He will be the first Catholic priest in Croatia to serve prison time for sexual abuse.[35] When asked by Catholic press agency Glas Koncila (prior to scandal) why children avoid going to church, he blamed the 'strong influence of communism on island Rab'.[36]  Archdiocese of Zadar – Nediljko Ivanov, former vicar of Bibinje, is the first priest in Croatia which has been convicted for pedophilia by a church court. Ivanov was first suspected in 2012 when four of his victims reported him to the State's Attorney Office for pedophile activities that occurred in the period from 1983 to 1991. Ivanov wasn't prosecuted in a civilian court due to statute of limitations of legally prescribed 15 years, because cases have been reported in 2012 or six years after the statute of limitations went into power. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was also informed about the case, but it did not use its authority to remove a pedophile priest from the Church. Church Court ruled that Ivanov can still serve Mass, but was sentenced to fasting, prayer and was ordered to apologize to the victims that he sexually abused. One of the victims stated in 2014 that he finds the judgment satisfactory because everyone know about Ivanov being a pedophile, but he doesn't consider sentence to be fair. Ivanov lives in a home for retired priests in Zadar.[37][38][39]  France; Seine et Marne – Henri Lebras was sentenced to ten years for the rape of a twelve-year- old boy between 1995 and 1998.[40]  Germany – In February 2010 Der Spiegel reported that more than 94 clerics and laymen have been suspected of sexual abuse since 1995. Thirty had been prosecuted because legal time constraints related to the occurrence of alleged crimes prevented prosecution of older cases.[41] In 2017, it was further reported that at least 547 members of the prestigious Domspatzen choir in Regensburg were physically or sexually abused between 1945 and 1992.[42]  Ireland; Archdiocese of Dublin – Several priests convicted of abusing children in the United States were Irish nationals, notably Patrick Colleary, Anthony O'Connell and Oliver O'Grady.  Diocese of Ferns – The Ferns Inquiry 2005 - On 22 October 2005 a government-commissioned report compiled by a former Irish Supreme Court judge delivered an indictment of the handling of clerical sex abuse in the Irish diocese of Ferns.  – The Italian Government has a treaty with the Vatican that guarantees areas of immunity to Vatican officials, including and priests. This has made it difficult to get accurate figures as to how many priests and other religious officials are alleged to have committed sexual abuse.[43]  Three former students have claimed abuse and 65 former students signed statements saying that they or other students were abused by Catholic priests when attending the Antonio Provolo Institute for the Deaf, a Catholic school for deaf children in , Italy. The abuse is alleged to have occurred from the 1950s to 1980s, and was reportedly conducted by 24 priests, including the late bishop of Verona.[44]  Malta – 84 allegations had been made as of April 2010. Lawrence Grech, one of many alleged victims, complained that he was abused in an orphanage. Grech complained in 2010 that the Church had been investigating cases for seven years without doing enough that is effective. The pope spoke personally to Grech and other victims, praising their courage in coming forward.[45][46][47] A Maltese court found that Fr Charles Pulis and Fr Godwin Scerri sexually abused children, and sentenced the two men to six years and five years in prison, respectively. The church officially regretted the delays before investigations; it promised to remove Fr Pulis from the priesthood.[48] Fr. Anthony Mercieca, who was accused by former Florida Congressman Mark Foley of molesting him as a teenager and has admitted "inappropriate encounters", now lives in Malta.[49]  Netherlands – Since 1995 the church established new procedures to receive reports of sexual abuse. Alleged victims can notify a central church institution, called Secretariaat Rooms-Katholiek Kerkgenootschap (SRRK). The church made this change in response to charges of alleged cases of sexual abuse by religious members of the Roman Catholic Church.[50][51] In 1993, Father H.H.M. Jansen was denounced for sexual abuse during his activities as military pastor and as a faculty member of the seminary of Rolduc.[52] On 14 May 1998 damages of €56.800 were paid by the diocese of Rotterdam to the victim of sexual abuse by a diocesan priest; this was part of a settlement to avoid civil prosecution.[53]  Father J. Ceelen, pastor of the parishes of Lieshout and of Mariahout (municipality of Laarbeek), quit his post after allegations of sexual abuse on 1 September 2005.[54] In February 2010 Salesians were accused of sexual abuse in their juvenate Don Rua in 's-Heerenberg. Salesian bishop of Rotterdam van Luyn pleaded for a thorough investigation.[55] In 2011 the Deetman Commission, acting on the 2010 request of the Conference of Bishops and the Dutch Religious Conference, reported on its inquiry into abuse cases from 1945 to 2010 affecting children entrusted to the care of the church in the Netherlands.[56]  Norway – Georg Müller, a former Catholic bishop in Trondheim, Norway, has admitted to sexually abusing an altar boy in the 1980s when he served as a priest there. Müller, who retired as bishop in 2009, said there were no other victims.[57][58]  Poland – In 2013 a succession of child sex abuse scandals within the church, and the poor response by the church, became a matter of widespread public concern. The church resisted demands to pay compensation to victims.[59][60]  Archdiocese of Poznan – In March 2002 the Archbishop of Poznan, Juliusz Paetz, stepped down following accusations, which he denied, of sexually molesting young priests.[61]  Diocese of Plock – In early 2007 allegations surfaced that former Bishop Stanislaw Wielgus (later very briefly Archbishop of Warsaw) was aware that several priests in his former diocese of Plock were sexually abusing minors.[62]  Slovenia; Archdiocese of Ljubljana – Franc Frantar, detained in 2006[63] for sexual abuse of up to 16 minors. He was later sentenced to five years in prison.[64] He initially escaped prosecution by escaping to Malawi to work there as a missionary, but returned to Slovenia after Interpol warrant was issued.  Sweden; Diocese of Stockholm – One child was sexually abused by a priest several years in the late 1950s. When the child raised the issue at the time, the priest was protected and the abuse was kept quiet by the church. The victim finally reported the abuse to the Stockholm diocese in December 2005. The victim demanded a public apology from the church. In June 2007 Sweden's Catholic church made a public apology in two newspapers.[65]  Great Britain; Roman Catholic Diocese of Lancaster – On 15 November 2013 Canon Stephen Shield of Lancaster Cathedral was found guilty of three counts of Indecent and sentenced to four months for the first count and twelve months each for counts two and three to be served concurrently over a twelve-month prison sentence. He was also placed on the Sex Offender Register for 10 years.[66][67]  Benedictine Order; Buckfast Abbey School – In 2007 two former monks from Buckfast Abbey were sentenced for sexually abusing boys.[68][69] Ealing Abbey / St Benedict's School – In 2009 a monk of Ealing Abbey and former headmaster of the junior department of its associated school, St Benedict's, was sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually abusing boys.[70]  Belmont Abbey / Belmont Abbey School – In 2004 former priest John Kinsey of Belmont Abbey, Herefordshire, was sentenced at Worcester Crown Court for 5 years for sexual on schoolboys in the mid-1980s.[71][72]  North America; Canada; Archdiocese of St. John's – In the 1990s, criminal proceedings began against members of the Christian Brothers in Newfoundland.  Mexico – Fr. Marcial Maciel (1920–2008) founded the Legion of Christ, a Catholic order of priests originating in Mexico. Nine former seminarians of his order accused Maciel of molestation.[73] Maciel maintained his innocence of the accusations.  United States; Archdiocese of Anchorage –In 2007, the Society of Jesus made a $50 million payout to over 100 Inuit who alleged that they had been sexually abused. The settlement did not require them to admit molesting Inuit children, but accusations involved 13 or 14 priests who allegedly molested these children for 30 years.[74] In 2008, the Diocese of Fairbanks, a co-defendant in the case, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, claiming inability to pay the 140 plaintiffs filing claims against the diocese for alleged sexual abuse by priests or church workers during this period.[75][76][77]  Archdiocese of Boston – Allegations of sexual misconduct by priests of the Archdiocese of Boston, and following revelations of a cover-up by the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, became known in 2004, causing Roman Catholics in other dioceses of the United States to investigate similar situations. Cardinal Law's actions prompted public scrutiny of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the steps taken in response to past and current allegations of sexual misconduct by priests. The events in the Archdiocese of Boston became a national scandal.  Archdiocese of Chicago – Daniel McCormack, a self-confessed sexually abusive priest was sentenced to five years in prison for abusing five boys (8–12 years) in 2001.[78]  Diocese of Crookston – Rev. Palanivel Jeyapaul was charged with molesting two teenage girls at a Catholic church in Greenbush, Minnesota, a small rural town near the Canada–United States border. The abuse occurred in 2004, and charges were filed in 2006 and amended in 2007.[79] Without facing legal punishment, Jevapaul returned to his home diocese in Ootacamund, India, where today he works in the church’s diocesan office. A Roseau County, Minnesota attorney is seeking to extradite the priest from India in a criminal case involving one of the girls.[80] The Archbishop of Madras, India (Madras is now called "Chennai") has asked Jeyapaul to return to the US to face the charges.[81] Jevapaul has said that he will not fight extradition if the US seeks it.[82]  Diocese of Davenport – On 10 October 2006, the Diocese of Davenport filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.[83] Archdiocese of Denver – In July 2008 the Archdiocese of Denver paid a settlement of $5.5 million to 18 claims of alleged sexual abuse perpetrated by two clerics between the years of 1954 and 1981.[84] Archdiocese of Dubuque – In 2006 the Archdiocese settled a number of claims of sexual abuse, and the Archbishop offered a personal apology.[85]  Diocese of Fall River – Father James Porter was a Roman Catholic priest who was convicted of molesting 28 children;[86] He admitted sexually abusing at least 100 of both sexes over a period of 30 years, starting in the 1960s.[87] Bishop Sean O'Malley settled 101 abuse claims and initiated a zero-tolerance policy against sexual abuse. He also instituted one of the first comprehensive sexual abuse policies in the Roman Catholic Church.[88]  Diocese of – Reverend Joseph Bukoski, III, SS.CC., Honolulu, Hawaii, a member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary was canonically removed in 2003 as the pastor of Maria Lanakila Catholic Church in Lahaina by Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo for allegations relating to sexual improprieties some 30 years earlier. Fr. Bukoski issued a written public apology to his victim on 12 November 2005.  Reverend Mr. James "Ron" Gonsalves, Wailuku, Hawaii, Gonsalves the administrator of Ann Roman Catholic Church in Waihee, Maui, pleaded guilty on 17 May 2006 to several counts of sexual assault on a 12-year-old male. Bishop Clarence Richard Silva has permanently withdrawn his faculties and has initiated laicization proceedings against Deacon Gonsalves with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.  Archdiocese of Los Angeles – The Archdiocese of Los Angeles agreed to pay out 60 million dollars to settle 45 lawsuits it still faces over 450 other pending cases. According to the Associated Press, 22 priests were involved in the settlement with cases going back as far as the 1930s.[89] 20 million dollars of this was paid by the insurers of the archdiocese. The main administrative office of the archdiocese is due to be sold to cover the cost of these and future lawsuits. The archdiocese will settle about 500 cases for about $600 million.[90]  Diocese of Memphis – The Diocese of Memphis reached a $2 million settlement with a man who was abused as a boy by Father Juan Carlos Duran, a priest with a history of sexual misconduct with juveniles in St. Louis, Panama, and Bolivia.[91]  Archdiocese of Miami – Since 1966, the Archdiocese of Miami Insurance Programs have paid $26.1 million in settlement, legal, and counseling costs associated with sexual misconduct allegations made by minors involving priests, laity and religious brothers and sisters.[92]  Archdiocese of Milwaukee – A 2003 report on the sexual abuse of minors by clergy in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee revealed that allegations of sexually assaulting minors had been made against 58 ordained men. By early 2009, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee had spent approximately $26.5 million in attorney fees and settlements. Under Archbishop Timothy Dolan the archdiocese was able to avoid bankruptcy from lawsuits.[93]  A Wisconsin priest, the Rev. Lawrence C Murphy, who taught at the former St. John School for the Deaf in the Milwaukee suburb of St. Francis, Wisconsin from 1950 to 1974, allegedly molested more than 200 deaf boys. Several U.S. bishops warned the Vatican that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church. Murphy was moved by then Milwaukee Archbishop William E Cousins to Superior, Wisconsin, a small city near Lake Superior, where he spent his final 24 years working with children in parishes, schools and a juvenile detention center. He died in 1998. As of March 2010, there were four outstanding lawsuits against the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in the case.[94] [95]  Diocese of Oakland – In 1981, the former Rev. Stephen Kiesle was convicted for tying up and molesting two boys in a church rectory.[96] From 1981 to 1985, Bishop John Stephen Cummins, who oversaw Kiesle, contacted the Vatican about laicizing him. Then-cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI, responded by letter that the case needed more time, as it was "necessary to consider the good of the Universal Church" and "the detriment that granting the dispensation" could provoke among the faithful. In 1987, the Vatican laicized Kiesle. The letter was widely regarded as evidence of Ratzinger's role in blocking the removal of pedophile priests.[97][98] Vatican officials responded that that interpretation rested on a misreading of the letter, in which the issue was not whether Kiesle should be laicized but whether he should be granted the dispensation he had requested from the obligation of chastity. By refusing to grant such a dispensation right away in the Kiesle case, Ratzinger was actually being tough with an abuser, not lax.[99][100]  Archdiocese of Omaha – During his tenure as the Bishop of Helena, Montana, Archbishop Elden Francis Curtiss chose to reassign a priest who had been accused of pedophilia in 1959, later admitting that he had not properly examined the church's personnel file on the individual concerned. Curtiss faced similar criticism in 2001 in regard to a priest accused of accessing child pornography. Curtiss, it was alleged, had failed to bring the case to the attention of the authorities, and had chosen to send the priest for counseling and to reassign the priest, removing him from his high-school teaching position but reassigning him to a middle-school.[101]  Diocese of Orange, California – On 3 January 2005 Bishop of the Diocese of Orange apologized to 87 alleged victims of sexual abuse and announced a settlement of $100 million following two years of mediation.  Diocese of Palm Beach – Joseph Keith Symons resigned as ordinary in 1998 after admitting he molested five boys while he was a pastor.[102] Symons' successor, Anthony O'Connell, resigned in 2002, after admitting that he, too, had engaged in sexual abuse.  Diocese of Peoria – Coadjutor Bishop John J. Myers of Peoria was among the two-thirds of sitting bishops and acting diocese administrators that the Dallas Morning News found had allowed priests accused of sexual abuse to continue working.[103] In 2005, Rev. Francis Engels pleaded guilty to molesting a Peoria altar boy on trips to Milwaukee in the early 1980s.[104]  Archdiocese of Philadelphia – According to a 2005 investigation, while serving as assistant vicar for administration in 1996, Bishop Cistone was involved with silencing a nun who tried to alert parishioners at St. parish about abuse by a priest. According to the report, there were several other instances of priest sexual abuse that Cistone was complicit in covering up.[105] In February 2011, Monsignor William Lynn, former secretary of the clergy for the Philadelphia Archdiocese, was charged with child endangerment, marking the first time that a high-ranking official has been charged since the eruption of sex abuse scandals nearly ten years prior.[106] Lynn was found by a grand jury to have placed pedophiles in posts involving contact with children, which led directly to the sexual assault of two boys. Three priests and one teacher face rape charges.  Diocese of Phoenix – On 21 November 2005, Monsignor Dale Fushek of the Diocese of Phoenix was arrested and charged with 10 criminal misdemeanor counts related to alleged inappropriate sexual contact with teens and young adults.[107]  Archdiocese of Portland – The Archdiocese of Portland filed for Chapter 11 reorganization on 6 July 2004, hours before two abuse trials were set to begin. Portland became the first Catholic diocese to file for bankruptcy. An open letter to the archdiocese's parishioners explained the archbishop's motivation.[108]  Archdiocese of San Antonio – John Salazar was sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting an 18-year-old parishioner.[109]  Diocese of San Diego – On 27 February 2007, the Diocese of San Diego filed for Chapter 11 protection, hours before the first of about 150 lawsuits was due to be heard.  Diocese of Savannah – In October, 2009, the diocese of Savannah paid $4.24 million to settle a lawsuit which alleged that Lessard allowed a priest named Wayland Brown to work in the diocese when Lessard knew that Brown was a serial child molester who posed a danger to children.[110]  Diocese of Spokane – Under Bishop William S. Skylstad the Diocese of Spokane declared bankruptcy in December 2004. As part of its bankruptcy, the diocese has agreed to pay at least $48 million as compensation. This payout has to be agreed to by the victims and a judge before it will be made. According to federal bankruptcy judge, Gregg W. Zive, money for the settlement would come from insurance companies, the sale of church property, contributions from Catholic groups and from the diocese's parishes.[111]  Diocese of Stockton – Fr. Oliver O'Grady molested multiple children in Stockton.[112] The 2006 documentary Deliver Us from Evil is based on accusations that Bishop Roger Mahony knew that Oliver O'Grady was an active pedophile.[113]  Diocese of Tucson – The Diocese of Tucson filed for bankruptcy in September, 2004. It reached an agreement with plaintiffs, which the bankruptcy judge approved on 11 June 2005, specifying terms that included allowing the diocese reorganization to continue in return for a $22.2 million settlement.[114]  Oceania, Australia; Archdiocese of Sydney – Ross Murrin: Catholic brother pleaded guilty to sexually abusing eight male students.[115]  Archdiocese of Melbourne – Michael Charles Glennon: former diocesan priest, sentenced to at least 15 years in jail for sexually abusing four Aboriginal boys between 1984 and 1991.[116] Gerry Francis Ridsdale: convicted in 1994, he pleaded guilty on 46 sexual offenses.[117] Wilfred James Baker: sentenced to four years in prison (parole after 2 years) for crimes involving eight boys.[118] Daniel: sentenced to six years jail, with parole after 4.5 years, for molesting four boys, a girl and an adult male.[119] Paul Pavlou: convicted on 29 June 2009 of committing an indecent act with a child under 16 and of being knowingly in possession of child pornography. He was sentenced to an 18-month jail sentence suspended for 24 months and to a two-year community based order. He was registered on the Sex Offenders Register for 15 years. These offences occurred in 2005-2006 while he was the priest at Healesville in the Archdiocese of Melbourne.[120] Francis Klep SDB: convicted of indecent assault in 1994, and charged with an additional five counts. He moved to Samoa, but in 2004 the Samoan government made moves to deport him from the country after becoming aware of the previous conviction and charges.[121]  New Zealand – The abuse scandal at the Marylands School is an important chapter in the clerical abuse affairs in New Zealand but other cases have also emerged.  South America, Argentina – Julio Grassi was found guilty (by a three-judge panel of the Criminal Court Oral 1 Morón) of one count of sexual abuse and one count of corrupting a minor in the "Happy Children’s Foundation".[122]  Archdiocese of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz – Allegations of sexual abuse by Archbishop Edgardo Storni on 47 young seminarists surfaced in 1994, and were published in 2000.[123] This led to a victim from a 1992 incident coming forward, followed by a conviction for eight years in Dec. 2009.[124]  Brazil; Diocese of Anápolis – Fr. Tarcísio Tadeu Spricigo was arrested after his checklist for choosing victims was found and given to police. He had molested children in at least five parishes.[125][126][127] The case was one of those featured in an episode of the BBC's Panorama documentary series titled Sex Crimes and the Vatican and became an example of the Vatican's policies regarding pedophile priests.[128] In November 2005 he was sentenced to a prison term of over 14 years.[129][130] Fr. Felix Barbosa Carreiro was arrested and charged with child sexual abuse in the northeastern state of Maranhão after police seized him in a hotel room with four teenage boys.[131]  Archdiocese of Penedo – In 2010 Authorities in Brazil began an investigation into three priests after a video allegedly showing a priest sexually abusing an altar boy was broadcast on the SBT television station.[132]  Chile; Archdiocese of Santiago – José Andrés Aguirre Ovalle, aka "Cura Tato", was found guilty of nine sexual abuse charges by the highest court of this country. In 2004 Aguirre was sentenced to 12 years in jail. At the beginning of this trial, the Catholic Church was sentenced to pay 50 million in damages to the victims, but then this sentence was revoked by the supreme court.[133] Ricardo Muñoz Quinteros, priest of Melipilla, was charged in 2010 with eight cases of sexually abusing minors, including his own daughter. Quinteros is also being investigated for producing pronografic material involving children.[134]  In 2010, the Catholic Church began an investigation into sexual abuse allegedly committed by Fr. Fernando Karadima, after four people came forward with allegations of abuse.[135] He was found guilty and convicted by the Vatican in 18 February 2011. He was sentenced to a life of prayer and penitence, banned from any contact with his ex parishioners and forbidden to perform any priestly ministry in public or private except for mass by himself. He is currently living in a home for seniors where the Archbishop of Santiago put him under the care of some nuns. Karadima still does not acknowledge any wrongdoing after several testimonies helped convict him.[136]  Diocese of Valparaíso – Eduardo Olivares Martínez, was found guilty of a five sexual abuse against underprivileged minors. In 2006 was sentenced to 3 years in jail and to pay 15 million pesos in damages.[137] In 2010, Juan Henríquez Zapata was indicted for using minors for sex services.[138]  Diocese of Rancagua – Jorge Galaz Espinoza, former Director of El Pequeño Cottolengo, was found guilty of repeated violations against two mentally disabled minors. In 2005 Galaz was sentenced to 15 years in jail.  Diocese of Punta Arenas – Jaime Low Cabezas, was found guilty of a sexual abuse against a 15- year-old minor. In 2009 Low was sentenced to 3 years in jail. Víctor Hugo Carrera, was found guilty of a sexual abuse against one underprivileged minor. In 2005 Carrera was sentenced to 541 days in jail and to pay 2 million pesos in damages to the family of the victim. The case involved the bishop of the diocese, who was accused of protecting Carrera and facilitating his escape to Bolivia, where he lived for two years.[139]  Peru – In 2007, Daniel Bernardo Beltrán Murguía Ward, a 42-year-old Sodalitium Christianae Vitae (SCV) consecrated layman was found by the National Police in a hostel in Cercado de Lima with a 12-year-old boy, of whom he was taking sexually explicit pictures. The boy was initially lured by Murguía Ward in Miraflores, where he was given Pokémon figures in exchange for photos of his intimate parts. When Murguía Ward was caught, he had paid the boy 20 soles ($7 USD) for his services in the hostel. The police have reported that pictures of two other boys were also found on Murguía Ward's camera and that the boy has claimed he received oral sex from Murguía Ward. These charges have been denied by the accused. Murguía Ward has since been removed from the SCV for his alleged misconduct.[140][141][142]

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Conclusion It is beyond any doubt that the defendants are guilty of all three counts of this indictment and liable for the damages listed in the statement of claim. Unlike other litigations that have happened throughout our courts against the clergymen, this class action suit addresses any parishioner of any diocese that has been fooled into paying for this forgery. While other lawsuits against clergymen provide a more finite resolution to the issue, such as a sex scandal wherein the litigants directly target a single individual, this forgery extends itself system wide, to the highest offices of the Vatican, and the farthest reaches of the earth, in nearly all languages. It certainly extends itself within the borders of this parish, and parishioners who are victims should be granted justicial recognition. The truth is much more beautiful when compared to lies and deceit.