Chapter 1 Discovery and Rediscovery
Notes CHAPTER 1 DISCOVERY AND REDISCOVERY 1. For de Pauw, see Rene Pomeau in L 'Amerique des Lumieres: Partie Litteraire du Colloque du Bicentaire de l'Independance Americaine (Gen eva and Paris, 1977) ix; for Genty, see Yves Morand in L 'Amerique des Lumieres 9. 2. For Hakluyt, see A. L. Rowse, The Elizabethans and America (London, 1959) 11. 3. William Bradford, History of the Plymouth Plantation, ed. Harold C. Syrett (New York, 1960) 16, 22; Voltaire, Essai sur les moeurs 2 vols (Paris: Classiques Gamier, 1961-3) II 381 (my translation). 4. [Thomas Nairne], A Letter from South Carolina ... (London, 1710) and [John Norris], Profitable Advice for Rich and Poor ... (London, 1712) both originally published anonymously and now reprinted in ed. Jack P. Greene, Selling a New World: Two South Carolina Promotional Pamph lets (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1989) 33, 38. 5. Greene 66 and 139, 129, 35. 6. R. C. Simmons, The American Colonies from Settlement to Independence (London, 1976) 193; V. H. H. Green, The lVung Mr Wesley (London, 1961) 250-1. 7. See Andrew Hook, Scotland and America (Glasgow and London, 1975) 9-12; for a typical advertisement, see George R. Mellor, 'Emigration from the British Isles to the New World, 1765-1775' in History, Febru ary/June 1955 (New series XL nos 138 and 139) 68-83; Hook 69. 8. Hook 51, 20, 30, 33; see also his article on Scotland and Philadelphia in ed. Richard B. Sher and Jeffrey R. Smitten, Scotland and America in the Age of the Enlightenment (Edinburgh, 1990).
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