Short-title listing of the Pollard Collection of children’s books. Letter D

Short title listing of the Pollard Collection of children’s books


An da chrioch, agus an da shlighe. []: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 1686

Daddy Darwin’s dovecot. By Juliana Horatio Ewing London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1951

Daddy Darwin’s dovecot. By Juliana Horatio Ewing London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1952

Daddy Darwin’s dovecot. By Juliana Horatio Ewing London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1956

Daddy-Long-Legs. By Jean Webster London: Hodder & Stoughton, [n.d.] [1913] Box 2034

Daddy’s boy. By L. T. Meade Longmans, Green & Co., 1898 Box 705

Daddy’s Lad. The story of a little lass. By E. L. Haverfield London ... : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1904 Box 478

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Daheim. By Oscar Pletsch Dresden: Verlag von J. Heinrich Richter, [n.d.] Box 2081

Daily Duty: A book for girls. London ... : T. Nelson & Sons, 1856 Box 1371

Daily exercise for children: containing a method of hearing Mass ... London: [n. Publ.], 1812 Box 1812

The Daily governess, and other stories. By Mrs. S. C. Hall London and New York: Frederick Warne and Co., [n.d.] Box 468

Daily thoughts for a child. New ed. By Mrs Thomas Geldart London: George Routledge and Sons, [n.d.] Box 395

The Dairyman’s daughter: A narrative from real life. By [Legh Richmond] Cork: Religious Tract Society, [c. 1815?] Box 2127

The Dairyman’s daughter; an authentic narrative. No. 118. By Rev. Legh Richmond London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2132

Daisy. New ed. By Susan Warner London: James Nisbet & Co., 1872 Box 1174

The Daisy chain: or, Aspirations. Part I. 2nd ed. By Charlotte M. Yonge London: John W. Parker, & Son, 1856 Box 1253

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The Daisy chain: or, Aspirations. 3rd ed. Part I. By Charlotte M. Yonge London: John W. Parker & Son, 1857 Box 1247

The Daisy chain: or, Aspirations. Part II. 3rd ed. By Charlotte M. Yonge London: John W. Parker & Son, 1857 Box 1247

The Daisy chain: or, Aspirations. Part II. By Charlotte M. Yonge Title-page missing Box 1254

The Daisy chain: or, Aspirations. 10th ed. Parts I and II. By Charlotte M. Yonge London: MacMillan & Co., 1870 Box 1248

The Daisy chain or Aspirations. Parts I and II. By Charlotte M. Yonge London: MacMillan & Co., 1879 Box 1248

Daisy in the field. By Elizabeth Wetherell (Susan Warne) London: Ward, Lock & Co., [n.d.] Box 1174

The Daisy: or, Cautionary stories in verse. Adapted to the ideas of children from four to eight years old. By Eliz. Turner London: J. Harris; Crosby & Co., 1807 Box 1107

The Daisy; or, Cautionary stories in verse. New ed. By Elizabeth Turner Birmingham: Cornish Brothers, 1899 Box 1117

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The Daisy; or Cautionary stories in verse. 23 ed. By Elizabeth Turner London: Grant & Griffith, [n.d.] Box 1118

The Daisy; or Cautionary stories in verse. 29th ed. By Elizabeth Turner London: Griffith & Farrar, [n.d.] Box 1117

Daisy plains. By Susan Warner London: James Nisbet & Co., 1885 Box 1175

The Daisy’s first winter & other stories. By Harriet Beecher Stowe Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, [n.d.] Box 1033

Dalaradia; or, The days of King Milcho. By William Collins New York: D. & J. Sadler & Co., 1880 Box 257

Dame Dolores, or, the wise nun of Eastonmere; and other stories. By F. M. Taylor London: Burns & Oates, [n.d.] Box 1080

Dame Trot and her comical cat. Dublin: T. Caldwell, [n.d.] Box 2130

Dame Wiggins of Lee. London & New York: Bantam, [n.d.] Box 1371

Dame Wiggins of Lee, and her seven wonderful cats. London: A. K. Newman & Co., 1823 Box 1371

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Dame Wiggins of Lee, and her seven wonderful cats. Edited by John Ruskin Kent: George Allen, 1885 Box 1371

Dame Wiggins of Lee and her seven wonderful cats. London: Field & Tuer, 1887 Box 2144

Dame Wiggins of Lee, and her seven wonderful cats. New ed. London: Thomas Dean & Son, [n.d.] Box 1371

Dame Wynton’s Home. A tale illustrative of the Lord’s Prayer. By Mrs Carey Brock London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1869 Box 184

Dame Wynton’s Home. A tale illustrative of the Lord’s Prayer. By Mrs Carey Brock London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1871 Box 185

Dandelion clocks and other tales. By Juliana Horatio Ewing London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1950

Dandelion clocks and other tales. By Juliana Horatio Ewing London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1949

Dandelion clocks and other tales. By Juliana Horatio Ewing London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1950

Dandelion clocks and other tales. By Juliana Horatio Ewing London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1951

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Dandelion clocks and other tales. By Juliana Horatio Ewing London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1951

The Dandy Corps; or, The heroes of the city. London: John Marshall, 1820 Box 2107

The Dandy’s wedding; or, the love and courtship of Peter Quince and Phoebe Clove. London: John Marshall, 1819 Box 2107

Danger Deep. London: Fleetway Publications, 1966 War Picture Library No. 322 Box 2216

The Danger of delay. No. 129 London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1706

The danger of riches. Glasgow R. T. S. No. 83. Glasgow: Glasgow Religious Tract Society, [c. 1840?] Box 2116

Dangers on the ice off the coast of Labrador; with some interesting particulars respecting the natives of that country. No. 556. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Dangerous voyage. Dublin: [n.publ.], 1817 Box 1737

Daniel in the den of lions. London: J. Marshall, [n.d.] Box 2141

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Daniel O’Connell. A survey of his career. In “Volumes of stories for school libraries”, Vol. IX. By Rev. John Curry Dublin: Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, [n.d.] Box 1676

Daniel O’Rourke’s wonderful voyage to the moon: to which is added, The Magic bottle. No. 30. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, [c. 1820-25?] Box 2119

Danish fairy legends and tales. 3rd edition, enlarged. By Hans Christian Andersen. Translated by Caroline Peachey. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1861 Box 45

The Danish sailor. [Dublin]: [n.publ], [n.d.] Box 2128

The Danvers papers: an invention. By Charlotte M. Yonge London: MacMillan & Co., 1867 Box 1254

Darcy the young acrobat. London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1371

Daring and doing. A book for boys. Selected and edited by Mrs Valentine London: Frederick Warne & Co., [n.d.] Box 1133

The darlings delight or easy ABC being the first step, of the ladder to learning. London: J. Wallis & Son, [c. 1814?] Box 2114

Dashwood Priory or Mortimer’s college life. By E. J. May London: George Routledge & Sons, [n.d.] Box 691

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The Kensington date and chart book. London: Thomas Laurie, [n.d.] Box 2214

The daughter at school. By Rev. John Todd London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1874 Box 1088

The daughter of a genius; a tale for youth. 5th ed. By Mrs Hofland London: John Harris, 1832 Box 504

A daughter of Erin. By Violet G. Finny London: Blackie & Son, 1898 Box 370

A daughter of France. A story of Acadia. By Eliza F. Pollard London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1900 Box 818

The daughter of Tyrconnell. A tale of the reign of James the First. By Mrs J. Sadlier New York: D. and J. Sadlier & Co., [1863?] Box 884

The daughter of Tyrconnell. A tale of the reign of James I. By Mrs J. Sadlier Dublin: James Duffy & Sons, [n.d.] Box 884

The daughter of Tyrconnell. A tale of the reign of James I. By Mrs J. Sadlier Dublin: James Duffy & Sons, [n.d.] Box 882

The daughter-in-law, her father and family. New ed. By Mrs Hofland London: A. K. Newman & Co., 1826 Box 505

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The daughter-in-law, her father & family. By Mrs Hofland London: A. K. Newman, [c. 1841] Box 505

The daughters of a genius. By Mrs G. De Horne Vaizey London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1903 Box 1131

The dauntless three. By Beatrice Radford London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 838

David Dreadnought, the reformed sailor; or, nautical tales and adventures, in verse. New ed. By Samuel Whitchurch London: [n. Publ.], 1815 Box 1201

David Williamson. In “Stories”. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1704

David’s little lad. By L. T. Meade London: John F. Shaw & Co., [n.d.] Box 706

Dawn Island. By Harriet Martineau Manchester: J. Gadsby, 1845 Box 698

The dawn of day. Jan 1884 – December 1885. Nos 73-96. [n.p.]: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2188

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The dawn of modern civilisation: or, sketches of the social condition of Europe, from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1726

The day after tomorrow. By Mrs Prosser London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 834

A day for adventures: a story for little girls. By Charlotte Wyatt London: Blackie & Son, [n.d.] Box 1220

The day of adversity. No. 272. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

The day of rest. London: Houlston & Son, [n.d.] No. 88 of Houlston’s Series of Tracts. Box 2133

The day of salvation. No. 408. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

The day of salvation. No. 408. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1706

The day of trial. An Irish tale. By Gerald Griffin Dublin: James Duffy and Sons, [n.d.] Box 456

The day of trial. An Irish tale. By Gerald Griffin Dublin: James Duffy and Co., [n.d.] Box 456

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Days at Seadown; or, the story of a happy little girl. London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1868 Box 1406

The days of Knox: a tale of the sixteenth century. By D. Alcock. London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1869 Box 28

The days, months and seasons of the year, explained to the little people of England. By Maria Jacob. London: J. & C. Brown & Co., [c. 1858] Box 2144

A day’s portion every day. Dublin: [n.publ.], 1886 Birds’ Nest Stories Box 2130

The day’s work of a little Zephyr. London: Dean & Son, [n.d.] Dean’s Illus. Farthing Books, 15 Box 2120

De La More; or Scenes in many lands. By Lady Moore Cork: Guy Brothers, 1857 Box 2004

De La More; or Scenes in many lands! By Lady Moore Cork: Guy Brothers, 1860 Box 2004

M. Tullii Ciceranis De officiis libri tres. Dublin: [Thomas Ewing], 1772 Box 1791

De re navali libellous ... Lugduni: apud Haeredes Simonis, 1537 Box 896

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Deadh Nuaidheachd. [Glasgow Religious Tract Society, [n.d.]] Box 1686

Deaf and dumb! 3rd ed. By E. Sandham London: Darton, Harvey & Darton, 1818 Box 887

The deaf and dumb man cured. 3rd ed. Dublin: [n.publ.], 1834 Box 1706

Dealg-Róisín. By the Brothers Grimm No title-page Box 1973

Dealings with the fairies. By George MacDonald London: Alexander Strahan & Co., 1868 Box 641

The dean of Badajoz. The beggar & his dog. London: [n.publ.] [n.d.] Box 1707

Dean-Hurst. By Sarah Selina Hamer London: Robert Culley, [n.d.] Box 472

The Deane girls. A home story. By Adelaid L. Rouse London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1895 Box 873

Dean’s new book of dissolving views. London: Dean & Son, [n.d.] Box 2148

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Dear enemy. By Jean Webster London ...: Hodder & Stoughton, [n.d.] Box 1171

Dear old England: A description of our fatherland. 5th ed. By Jane Anne Winscom London: James Nisbet & Co., 1875 Box 1217

The dearest joy. By Miss Day Birmingham: C. Caswell, [n.d.] Box 2215

The death of Altamont, or the power of conscience. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1704

The death of Eliza Cunningham. By Rev. John Newton Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2127

Death-bed repentance. London: Houlston & Son, [n.d.] Box 2133

Death-bed scenes, and pastoral conversations. Vol. I. 4th ed. By John Warton London: John Murray, 1830 Box 1167

Death-bed scenes, and pastoral conversations. Vol. II. 4th ed. By John Warton London: John Murray, 1830 Box 1167

Death-bed scenes, and pastoral conversations. Vol. III. 4th ed. By John Warton London: John Murray, 1830 Box 1167

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Death-bed scenes and pastoral conversations. Vol. IV. 3rd ed. With a memoir of the author by Rev. John Russell. By John Warton. Edited by his sons. London: Calkin & Budd, 1841 Box 1168

Death’s visits to the village. []: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 1704

The death-shot: a story retold. By Captain Mayne Reid London: Ward, Lock & Tyler, preface dated 1874 Box 2015

Deborah Dent and her donkey. London: Field & Tuer, 1887 Box 2144

The debt is paid. Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2126

Decision. A tale. New ed. By Mrs Hofland London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1831 Box 504

The decision: or, Religion must be all, or is nothing. 8th ed. In Tales, Vol. I. By Grace Kennedy Edinburgh: William Oliphant, 1827 Box 1691

The Decoy; or, an agreeable method of teaching children the elementary parts of English grammar, by conversations and familiar examples. 8th ed. London: Darton & Harvey, 1836 Box 1372

Deep down. A tale of the Cornish mines. By R. M. Ballantyne London: James Nisbet & Co., 1868 Box 170

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Deepdale End: its joys and sorrows. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1372

The Deluge. Glasgow R. T. S. No. 2 Glasgow: Glasgow Religious Tract Society, [c. 1840?] Box 2116

The Demaundes joyous. Facsimile. London: Gordon Fraser, 1971 Box 1471

Denis. A study in black and white. By Mrs E. M. Field London: Macmillan and Co., 1896 Box 363

Dependence and Independence. London: The Christian Tract Society, 1854 Box 1705

Der alte Bekannte. Pictures by Oscar Pletsch. Woodcuts by Hermann Günther. Rhymes by Friedrich Oldenberg Leipzig: Verlag van Alphons Dürr, [n.d.] Box 2150

Les dernière années de Louis XVI, Roi de France. Limoge: Barbon Frères, [n.d.] Box 2095

Derry, a tale of the Revolution. By Charlotte Elizabeth (Tonna) London: James Nisbet, 1833 Box 1091

Derry, a tale of the Revolution. 7th ed. By Charlotte Elizabeth (Tonna) London: James Nisbet & Co., 1841 Box 1086

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Derry, a tale of the Revolution. New ed. By Charlotte Elizabeth (Tonna) London: James Nisbet & Co., 1859 Box 1087

Derry, a tale of the Revolution. New ed. By Charlotte Elizabeth (Tonna) London: James Nisbet & Co., 1867 Box 993

Derry, a tale of the Revolution of 1688. By Charlotte Elizabeth (Tonna) London: James Nisbet & Co., [1890-1900?] Box 1087

Des Erasmi Roterodemi Colloquia Familiaria. Dublin: [n.publ.], [c. 1711-15] Box 1891

A description of a set of prints of Ancient history. 2nd ed. Part I. By Mrs Trimmer London: John Marshall, 1787 Box 1016

A description of a set of prints of ancient history. 2nd ed. Part I. By Mrs Trimmer London: John Marshall, 1787 Box 1016

A description of a set of prints of ancient history. Part II. By Mrs Trimmer London: John Marshall, 1788 Box 1016

A description of a set of prints of ancient history. Part II. By Mrs Trimmer London: J. Marshall, 1788 Box 1016

A description of a set of prints of English history. Part I. By Mrs Trimmer. London: [J. Marshall], [1786-] Box 1019

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A description of a set of prints of English history. Part I. By Mrs Trimmer. London: John Marshall, [1786-] Box 1019

A description of a set of prints of English history. Part I. By Mrs Trimmer London: Baldwin, Cradock & Joy ..., 1823 Box 1020

A description of a set of prints of English history. Part I. By Mrs Trimmer London: Baldwin, Cradock & Joy ..., 1823 Box 1020

A description of a set of prints of English history. Part I. By Mrs Trimmer London: John Marshall, [n.d.] Box 1020

A description of a set of prints of English history. Part II. By Mrs Trimmer London: John Marshall, [n.d.] Box 1019

A description of a set of prints of Roman history: contained in a set of easy lessons. By Mrs Trimmer Dublin: W. Sleater/John Rice, [c. 1791-4] Box 1025

A description of a set of prints of Roman history: contained in a set of easy lessons. By Mrs Trimmer London: John Marshall, 1795 Box 1025

A description of a set of prints of scripture history: contained in a set of easy lessons. By Mrs Trimmer London: Baldwin, Cradock & Joy ..., 1817 Box 1026

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A description of a set of prints of scripture history: contained in a set of easy lessons. By Mrs Trimmer London: John Marshall, [n.d.] Box 1026

A description of a set of prints taken from the New Testament. By Mrs Trimmer London: J. Marshall, 1796 Box 1024

A description of a set of prints taken from the New Testament contained in a set of easy lessons. By Mrs Trimmer London: John Marshall, [1803-5?] Box 1024

The desert home or the adventures of a lost family in the wilderness. 5th ed. By Captain Mayne Reid London: David Bogue, 1855 Box 848

The desert home or the adventures of a lost family in the wilderness. By Captain Mayne Reid London: George Routledge & Sons, [n.d.] Box 849

The deserted village, a poem. In “Sacred Dramas” By Oliver Goldsmith Dublin: Price, Sleater ..., 1784 Box 729

The deserted village, a poem. By Dr. Goldsmith Rochester (USA): [n.publ.], 1827 Box 63

The deserted village. By O. Goldsmith. Edited by Louis Augustus Barry Dublin: Browne & Nolan, 1896 Box 419

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The deserted village. By O. Goldsmith. Dublin: Educational Company of Ireland, [n.d.] Box 419

The deserter. 2nd ed. By Charlotte Elizabeth (Tonna) Dublin: Religious Tract and Book Society for Ireland, 1837 Box 1091

The deserter. By Charlotte Elizabeth. [Tonna] Dublin: P. Dixon Hardy, 1842

Desid. Erasmi Roterodami Colloquia Familiaria, Notis Novis illusrata. Dublin: 1712 Box 1892

Les deux cousins. By Mme La Csse de la Rochère Tours: Ad Marne et Cie, 1853 Box 1995

Les deux grisélidis, histories. Vol. I. By Chaucer and by Paris: [Galignani], 1813 Box 1631

Les deux grisélidis, histories. Vol. II. By Maria Edgeworth Paris: [Galignani], 1813 Box 1631

The dew-drop: a monthly magazine for the young. Vol. I. Glasgow ...: Christian News & Day-Star Offices, 1849 Box 1849

Dialogue between a minister and a farmer, one of his hearers. In “Christian Tracts” Vol. I. No. 9 London: Christian Tract Society, 1818 Box 1702

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Dialogue between two seamen after a storm. No. 46. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1706

Dialogues between a minister and two of his parishioners, a confirmation. (No. 71) Bristol: Church of England Tract Society, 1827 Box 1706

A dialogue between David Thomson, the carpenter, and Mr. S-, No. 569. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

A dialogue between David Thomson, the carpenter, and Mr. S-, No. 569. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

A dialogue between David Thomson, the carpenter, and Mr. S-, No. 569. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

A dialogue between John Smith and Thomas Brown, two fellow- apprentices with a particular character of each. No. 536. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Dialogues after Mass. Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2126

Dialogues after Mass. Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2127

Dialogues after Mass. Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2127

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Dialogues after Mass. Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2127

Dialogues after Mass. Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2127

Dialogues after Mass. Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2127

Dialogues after Mass. Dublin: [n.publ.], [n.d.] Box 2127

Dialogues on botany. By H. Beaufort London: R. Hunter, 1819 Box 93

The diamond fairy book. By Isabel Bellerby, Z Topelius ... London: Hutchinson & Co., [1897] Box 1550

The diamond necklace. In “Tracts” Vol. 15. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1699

The diamond on the hearth; or, the story of Sister Anne. 2nd ed. By Marian James Belfast: William Mullan, 1868 Box 1989

Diary of Mrs Kitty Trevylyon: A story of the times of Whitefield and the Wesleys. By [E. Charles] London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1865 Box 1945

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Dick Chester. A story of the Civil War. By G. J. Whitham London ...: Blackie & Son, [n.d.] Box 1201

Dick Darlington, at home and abroad. By Alfred H. Engelbach London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [n.d.] Box 338

Dick Rodney; or, the adventurers of an Eton boy. By James Grant London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1863 Box 435

“Dickey Bird” or, a nest wanted and a nest found. By F. F. G. London: John F. Shaw & Co., [1875] Box 388

Dicky’s work for temperance (by C. E. L.). Also, “Twas the kind word you spoke that saved me”, and “I have drank my last glass”. London: National Temperance Publication Depot, [n.d.] Box 1412

A dictionary of Irish mythology. By Peter Berresford Ellis Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991 Box 1523

A dictionary of natural history; or, complete summary of zoology. London: J. Scatcherd ..., 1802 Box 1372

Johnson’s dictionary of the English language, in miniature. New ed. By Samuel Johnson. Edited by Rev. Joseph Hamilton London: Longmans, Hurst, Rees ..., 1818 Box 547

Todd’s Johnson’s dictionary of the English language, in miniature. By Samuel Johnson. Edited by Thomas Rees London: Longman, Hurst, Rees ... 1826 Box 547

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Didactic poetry. Chiron to Achilles; the highwayman’s soliloquy &c ... In Literary miscellany. (Tales, Vol. V). Ludlow: G. Nicholson, March 1802 Box 1691

A difficult daughter. 2nd ed. By Evelyn Everett-Green London: Sunday School Union, [n.d.] Box 1968

A difficult team; or, one in a thousand. By H. A. Forde London: Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., [n.d.] Box 1960

Dinny of the doorstep. By K. F. Purdon Dublin: Phoenix Publishing Company, [n.d.] Box 1298

Directions for a devout and decent behaviour in the public worship of God ... Dublin: [n.publ.], 1788 Box 1830

Directions for the improvement of the mind. Chiefly from Dr Watts Stourport: G. Nicholson, 1810 Box 1168

The discontented children and how they were cured. 2nd ed. By Mary and Elizabeth Kirby London: Griffith and Farrar, 1859 Box 589

The discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus. Dublin: [n.publ.], 1820 Printed by C. Bentham [Kildare Place] Box 1740

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Discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus. Dublin: [n.publ.], 1824 Printed by William Folds & Son [Kildare Place] Box 1740

Disobedient Joseph. In “True fortitude”. By Mrs Mitford London: Darton & Co., [n.d.] Box 717

Display. A tale. 7th ed. By Jane Taylor London: Taylor & Hessey, 1818 Box 1072

Cato’s distichs concerning manners ... By Charles Hoole Dublin: 1727 Box 1893

The diverting history of John Gilpin. By R. Caldecott [London]: George Routledge & Sons, [1878] Box 2162

The diverting history of John Gilpin. By R. Caldecott [London]: George Routledge & Sons, [1881/82] Box 2162

The diverting history of John Gilpin. By R. Caldecott [London]: George Routledge & Sons, [n.d.] Box 2162

Dives and Lazarus. In “Tracts on the parables” (Tracts Vol. 17) London: Houlston & Son, [n.d.] Box 1699

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Divine and moral songs, in easy and pleasing language for the instruction of children. By Isaac Watts London: Edward Lacey, [1838-48] Box 1166

Divine and moral songs for children. By Isaac Watts London: Sampson Low, Son, & Marston, 1866 Box 2082

Divine and moral songs for children. By Rev. I. Watts London: George Routledge & Sons, [ca 1875] Box 1168

Divine and moral songs for children. By Isaac Watts London: the Religious Tract Society, [1869?] Box 1166

Divine and moral songs for children. By Rev. I. Watts London: Addey & Co., [1860-80?] Box 1168

Divine and moral songs for children. By Rev. I. Watts London: Addey & Co., [1860-80?] Box 1168

Divine and moral songs for children. New ed. By Rev. Isaac Watts London: S. W. Partridge & Co., [1886/7] Box 1168

Divine and moral songs for children. By Rev. Isaac Watts London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1706

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Divine emblems, or, temporal things spiritualised. By: Bunyan London: Bickers & Son, [1864-] Box 201

Divine emblems, or, temporal things spiritualised. By: Bunyan London: Bickers & Son, [1864-] Box 202

The divine model: or, Christian’s exemplar. To which is added, the Dram-shop. Dublin: William Watson, [n.d.] Box 2126

Divine songs. Part I. Or The Seaman’s companion. No. 559. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Divine songs. Part I. Or The Seaman’s companion. No. 559. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Divine songs. Part II. Or The Cottager’s companion. No. 560. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Divine songs. Part II. Or The Cottager’s companion. No. 560. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Divine songs. Part II. Or The Poor man’s companion. No. 561. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Divine songs. Part II. Or The Poor man’s companion. No. 561. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Divine songs. Part IV. Or The Poor man’s companion. No. 562. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

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Divine songs. Part IV. Or The Poor man’s companion. No. 562. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1705

Divine songs attempted in easy language for the use of children. Also, Prayers ... 12th ed. By I. Watts Dublin: Hulton Bradley, 1771 Box 1165

Divine songs attempted in easy language for the use of children. By I. Watts London: [n.publ.], 1774 Box 1166

Divine songs attempted in easy language for the use of children. To which is added The Beggar’s petition. By I. Watts London: James Ridgway, 1810 Box 1166

Watts’ divine songs, attempted in easy language for the use of children. By Isaac Watts Belfast: [n.publ.], 1825 Box 2126

Divine songs for children. By Isaac Watts Edinburgh: James Gall, 1828 Box 2119

Divine songs, in easy language for the use of children. By Isaac Watts London: [1850?] Box 1166

Divine titles of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Dublin: [n.publ.], 1823 Box 2128

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Dizionario della favole. New ed. [By Chompré] Milan: [Giovanni Silvestri], 1820 Box 247

An dleasnas mor’se sin creid sinn am mac dhe. [Glasgow: Glasgow Religious Tract Society, [n.d.]] Box 1686

Do I love God or not? No. 271. By Rev. John Howe. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

Do what you can. By Mrs Sherwood London: Houlston & Son, [n.d.] No. 71 of Houlston’s Series of Tracts. Box 2133

“Do you mean what you say?” No. 508. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

“Do you think I’d inform?” An Irish tale. By Mrs Hall, 1847 Title-page missing. Box 468

Do you want a friend? No. 277. London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

“Do your best.” The stolen penny. London/Edinburgh: T. Nelson & Sons, [n.d.] Box 2109

Do your own work. By Mrs Sherwood. London: Houlston & Son, [n.d.] No. 67 of Houlston’s Series of Tracts. Box 2133

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Doctor Birch and his young friends. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh London: Chapman & Hall, 1849 Box 2082

Dr. Maynards’s daughter. By Laura M. Lane London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, [n.d.] Box 600

The doctor’s experiment or the adventures of one of Dr Reade’s pupils, as narrated by himself. By H. Frederick Charles London: Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1948

The dog Crusoe and his master. New edition. By R. M. Ballantyne []: T. Nelson & Sons, 1893 Box 170

The dog of knowledge; or, memoirs of Bob, the spotted terrier. London: Tabart & Co., 1809. Box 2129

The dog of knowledge, or, Memoirs of Bob, the spotted terrier London: Tabart & Co., 1809 Box 2129

A dog with a bad name Talbot Baines Reed London: R.T.S., [n.d.] Box 842

Dogs Vere Foster Vere Foster's drawing copy book O7 London: Marcus Ward & Co., Simpkin, Marshall & Co., [n.d.] Box 2152

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A dog's mission, or, The story of the Old Avery House, and other stories Harriet Beecher Stowe London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1889 Box 1030

Doing good Dean's illustrated farthing books, 46 London: Dean & Son, [n.d.] Box 2120

Doing his best J. T. Trowbridge London: Frederick Warne & Co., [n.d.] Box 1110

The doings of Denys Mabel Mackintosh London: John F. Shaw & Co., [n.d.] Box 652

Dolls house-keeping London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1956

The doll's journey Louisa M. Alcott Boston: Little, Brown and Company, [n.d.] Box 35

Dolly London: Frederick Warne & Co., 1893 Box 1939

Domestic animals Vere Foster Vere Foster's drawing copy book O1 London: Marcus Ward & Co., Simpkin, Marshall & Co., [n.d.] Box 2152

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Domestic happiness promoted in a series of discourses … Jonas Hanway London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1848 Box 474

Domestic instruction on useful and interesting subjects, Vol.I Mrs. Matthias London: R. B. Seeley & Burnside, 1829 Box 695

Domestic instruction on useful and interesting subjects, Vol.II Mrs. Matthias London: R. B. Seeley & Burnside, [n.d.] Box 695

Domestic pleasures, or, The happy fire-side F. B. Vaux London: Darton, Harvey and Darton, 1816 Box 1135

Domestic recreation, or, Dialogues illustrative of natural and scientific subjects Priscilla Wakefield London: Darton & Harvey, 1805 Box 1149

Domestic recreation, or, Dialogues illustrative of natural and scientific subjects Priscilla Wakefield London: Darton, Harvey and Darton, 1818 Box 1149

Domestic scenes, or, The adventures of a doll Burnham: J. Dawson, 1817 Box 1372

Domestic stories D. M. Craik London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1876 Box 271

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Domestic virtues, as exemplified in the Life of Christ. In "Tracts" Vol.V London: Christian Tract Society, 1852 Box 1702

Le domestique nègre, histoire authentique et intéressante, en trois parties Chelsea: [F. Collins], [n.d.] Box 2118

Don E. Whitaker London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers Box 1198

Donald's hamper London: Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1868 Box 1498

Donegal fairy stories Compiled by Seumas MacManus London: Isbister & Co., 1902 Box 1512

Donegal Sabbath-school Union [Notice] Ballyshannon: [], [c.1830] Box 2142

The donkey cabbages and other tales Collected by the Brothers Grimm London and New York: George Routledge and Sons Box 459

Don't stake a pound to raise a crown London: Houlston & Son, [n.d.] No. 78 of Houlston's series of tracts Box 2133

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The doom of Morven By H. Ince Also, The conscience-stricken cuiraissier By Lord Nugent London: [], [n.d.] Box 1707

Doom patrol no.107 Art by Bruno Premiani Story by Arnold Drake Illinois: National Periodical Publications, [1966] Box 2217

Doom patrol no.112 Illinois: National Periodical Publications, [1967] Box 2217

The door in the heart Mrs. Gage London: S. W. Partridge & Co., [n.d.] Box 2215

Dora: a high school girl May Baldwin London: W. & R. Chambers, [n.d.] Box 162

Dora Hamilton, or, Sunshine and shadow London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1373

Dora's doll's house Hon. Mrs. Greene London, …: T. Nelson & Sons, [n.d.] Box 446

The dormitory flag Harold Avery []: T. Nelson & Sons, 1899 Box 71

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Dorothy. An autobiography Edited by Jane A. Nutt London: Frederick Warne & Co., [n.d.] Box 765

Dorothy Arden. A story of England and France two hundred years ago J. M. Callwell London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1890 Box 1942

Dorothy the dictator Annette Lyster London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, [n.d.] Box 634

Dorothy's daughters Emma Marshall London: Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1884 Box 680

The dove in the eagle's nest 3rd edition Charlotte M. Yonge London and New York: MacMillan & Co., 1871 Box 1255

The dove in the eagle's nest Charlotte M. Yonge London: MacMillan & Co., 1899 Box 1249

Down the lane and back In search of wild flowers By "Uncle Matt" (M. C. Cooke) London …: T. Nelson & Sons, 1902 Box 262(a)

Down the snow stairs: or, From good-night to good-morning Alice Corkran London: Blackie & Co., 1887 Box 262(b)

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Dramatic scenes from Shakespeare and Milton for the schoolroom and the scholar. Part III Masterpiece Library. The Penny Poets no.LVI Compiled by Robert S. Wood London: "Review of reviews" Office, [n.d.] Box 1765

Vere Foster's drawing copy book Filed individually under subject eg. Domestic animals Box 2152

Drawing for young children [H. Grant] London: Charles Knight & Co., 1838 Box 435

Drawing room tales (Experience; I'll risk it; The dainty boy) Miss A. Selwyn Title-page missing Box 919

Drawing room tales (Industry and idleness; A moral fairy tale by Miss A. Selwyn; The little foundling; A moral fairy tale by Mrs Baker. Also "A chapter on mad dogs" altered from Dr. Goldsmith) London: Shepherd & Sutton, [c.1830-1840] Box 919

Drawing room tales (Little Anna, or, Who would not be honest?; Letitia and the fairy, or, A cure for pride; Flora and Edward, or, A cure for vanity) Miss A. Selwyn London: Shepherd & Sutton, [c.1830-1840] Box 919

Drawing room tales (Revenge, or, The young West Indian; Obstinacy, benevolence, or, Little Agnes) Miss A. Selwyn London: Shepherd & Sutton, [c.1830-1840] Box 919

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Drayton Hall, or, Lawrence Bronson's victory, and other tales, illustrating the Beatitudes Julia Matthews London: James Nisbet & Co., [n.d.] Box 702

A dreadful mistake Geraldine Mockler London: Blackie & Sons, 1899 Box 717

The dream chintz 2nd ed. Mrs. Mackarness London: W. N. Wright, 1851 Box 650

The dream chintz. Sibert's world, or, Cross Purposes Mrs. Mackarness London: Crosby Lockwood & Co., 1882 Box 648

The dream of Little Tuk, and other tales Hans Christian Andersen Translated by Charles Boner London: Grant and Griffith, 1848 Box 51

Hans Andersen's Dream stories Translated by Mrs H. B. Paull London: Frederick Warne & Co., 1897 Box 48

Dreams and reality. A tale of the siege of Paris London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, [n.d.] Box 1423

Dred; A tale of the Great Dismal Swamp Harriet Beecher Stowe London: Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1856 Box 1031

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A drive in the coach through the streets of London 3rd ed. In "Tracts" Vol.11 Mrs. Sherwood Wellington, Salop: F. Houlston & Son, 1819 Box 1697

A drive in the coach through the streets of London 8th ed. Mrs. Sherwood Wellington, Salop: F. Houlston & Son, 1823 Box 1060

A drive in the coach through the streets of London 9th ed. In "Tracts" Vol.III Mrs. Sherwood Wellington, Salop: F. Houlston & Son, 1824 Box 1696

Drops of water; their marvellous and beautiful inhabitants displayed by the microscope Agnes Catlow London: Reeve & Bonham, 1851 Box 1982

The drunkard's impious wish, or, The curse fulfilled No. 877 Narrative series London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

The dual history (Irish and English). Book One 1500-1700 Dublin: Blackie & Son, [-1910] Box 1885

The Dublin & London magazine. No. 1, March 1825 London: James Robins & Co., [1825] Box 2063

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The Dublin examiner, or Monthly miscellany of science, literature and art. No. 11, June 1816 Dublin: Hodges & M'Arthur, [n.d.] Box 2063

The Dublin juvenile magazine, or literary and religious miscellany Lacks title-page. [Dublin]: [1829] Box 1895

The Dublin reading book Compiled by the Society for promoting the education of the poor of Ireland Dublin: Christopher Bentham …, 1823 Box 1838

The Dublin reading book Dublin: [n. publ.], 1828 Box 1835

The Dublin reading book Dublin: Education Society, 1849 Box 1833

The Dublin spelling book Part II Lacks title-page. Box 1834

The Dublin text book for soldiers 2nd ed. London: S. W. Partridge & Co., Dublin: [n. publ.], [n.d.] Box 1666

The Duchess Frances Browne Arthur []: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1911 Box 59

Duchess Frances New ed. Sarah Tytler London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1890 Box 1141

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Dudley Castle Mrs. Sherwood London: William Darton & Son, [n.d.] Box 937

Dulcie's little brother Evelyn Everett-Green London …: Thomas Nelson & Sons, [n.d.] Box 1968

Dunallan, or, Know what you judge Grace Kennedy Edinburgh: Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, [n.d.] Box 566

Dunalton: the story of Jack and his guardians Louisa M. Gray London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1896 Box 440

The duties and encouragements of the poor No. 22 London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

Duty and affection. A tale Gustav Moritz Edinburgh: William & Robert Chambers, 1850 Box 1400

Duty and affection. A tale Gustav Moritz Edinburgh: William & Robert Chambers, 1850 Box 1400

Duty is safety, or Troublesome Tom Mrs. Sherwood London: Darton & Co, [n.d.] Box 937

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The duty of Christians to pray for the revival and extent of real religion No. 212 Rev. Andrew Fuller London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

The duty of Christians to the unconverted No. 341 Lewis Stuckley London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 1706

Duty's bondman Helen Shipton London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1890 Box 969

The dying soldier No. 855 Narrative series London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

The dying Sunday school girl 2nd ed. [Dublin]: [n. publ.], [n.d.] Box 2128

The dying Sunday school girl 3rd ed. [Dublin]: [n. publ.], 1827 Box 2127

The dying Sunday school girl [Dublin]: [n. publ.], [n.d.] Box 1706

A dying thief and a dying saviour London: The Religious Tract Society, [n.d.] Box 2145

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Dympna Tyrconnell from Rosa Mulholland's "Banshee Castle" By Rosa Mulholland Adapted by H. P. Courtney Dublin: Blackie & Son, [n.d.] Box 733

Dynevor Terrace, or, The clue of life. Vol. I Copyright ed. Charlotte M. Yonge Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1857 Box 1252

Dynevor Terrace, or, The clue of life. Vol. I Charlotte M. Yonge London: J. W. Parker & Son, 1857 Box 1260

Dynevor Terrace, or, The clue of life. Vol. II Copyright ed. Charlotte M. Yonge Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1857 Box 1252

Dynevor Terrace, or, The clue of life 2nd ed. Charlotte M. Yonge London: J. W. Parker & Son, 1858 Box 1251

Dynevor Terrace, or, The clue of life Charlotte M. Yonge London: MacMillan & Co., 1881 Box 125

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