SEPTEMBER, 2010 the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration

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SEPTEMBER, 2010 the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration THE DIAPASON SEPTEMBER, 2010 The Episcopal Church of the Transfi guration Dallas, Texas Cover feature on pages 30–31 THE DIAPASON Here & There A Scranton Gillette Publication One Hundred First Year: No. 9, Whole No. 1210 SEPTEMBER, 2010 Trinity Lutheran Church, Cleve- September 19, Bruce Power; October Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 land, Ohio, continues its series of noon- 17, Martin Neary, conductor, diocesan An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, time concerts on Wednesdays, featuring adult choral festival; November 7, Ann the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music its Beckerath organ: September 1 and 8, Frohbieter, followed by Choral Even- Florence Mustric; 9/15 and 9/22, Robert song; 11/13, Joseph Painter, conductor, Myers; 9/29, Patrick Parker. For infor- diocesan youth choral festival; 11/14, mation: 216/751-7574. Choral Evensong. For information: CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA [email protected] 713/222-2593; 847/391-1045 Methuen Memorial Music Hall <>. FEATURES presents 2010 late season special events: A Celebration of Joe Hoppe’s Legacy Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON September 15, 8 pm, Douglas Major, St. Luke Catholic Church, at St. Patrick’s Church, New Orleans [email protected] fall scholarship fund organ recital; Oc- McLean, Virginia, presents its Music in by Marijim Thoene 20 847/391-1044 tober 22, 8 pm, Paul Jacobs, Berj Zam- McLean concert series: September 20, kochian Memorial Organ Recital; De- Washington Symphonic Brass; October An Old Look at Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER Harpsichord cember 3, 7–9 pm, holiday season open 18, combined choirs, orchestra, and or- Schumann’s Organ Works house; 12/4, 7:30 pm, and 12/5, 3 pm, “A gan, The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace; by Robert August 24 JAMES MCCRAY Merry Music Hall Christmas,” Douglas November 15, National Men’s Chorus; Choral Music Major, with trumpets. For information: December 13, Messiah Sing; and its NEWS & DEPARTMENTS 978/685-0693; <>. Third Wednesday at One series: Sep- BRIAN SWAGER Editor’s Notebook 3 Carillon tember 16, Steven Shaner; October 21, Here & There 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Shadyside Presbyterian Church, Douglas Bruce; November 18, fl ute and JOHN BISHOP Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, presents its harp. For information: 703/356-0670; Appointments 6 In the wind . Music in a Great Space Concert Series: <>. Nunc Dimittis 10 September 19, Peter Fletcher, classical In the wind . by John Bishop 12 GAVIN BLACK guitarist; October 10, Ion Sound, con- First (Park) Congregational On Teaching On Teaching by Gavin Black 15 temporary chamber music; January 30, Church UCC, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Reviewers David Palmer Olga Perez, mezzo-soprano; March 27, presents its fall music series: September John Speller Jonathan Biggers (co-sponsored with 21, James R. Metzler; October 5, Mark REVIEWS Jay Zoller the Organ Artists Series); April 10, Jory Loring; 10/19, Christopher Dekker; No- Music for Voices and Organ 17 David McKinney Vinikour, harpsichordist; May 22, choral vember 2, Peter Kurdziel; 11/16, Irene Book Reviews 18 festival. For information: 412/682-4300, Beethe; 11/30, Helen Hawley; Decem- x116; <[email protected]>; ber 19, Candlelight Concert; 12/21, Car- New Recordings 18 <>. ol McNally, with harp. For information: New Organ Music 19 THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly 616/459-3203 x24; by Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc., 3030 W. Salt Christ Church Cathedral, Hous- <>. Creek Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025. NEW ORGANS 32 Phone 847/391-1045. Fax 847/390-0408. Telex: 206041 ton, Texas, presents its fall music series: ³ page 4 MSG RLY. E-mail: <[email protected]>. CALENDAR 33 Subscriptions: 1 yr. $35; 2 yr. $55; 3 yr. $70 (Unit- ed States and U.S. Possessions). Foreign subscrip- ORGAN RECITALS 37 tions: 1 yr. $45; 2 yr. $65; 3 yr. $85. Single copies $6 (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 38 Back issues over one year old are available only from The Organ Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 26811, Richmond, VA 23261, which can supply information on availabilities and prices. Cover: Richards, Fowkes & Co,, Ooltewah, Periodical postage paid at Rochelle, IL and additional Tennessee; The Episcopal Church of the mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes Transfi guration, Dallas, Texas 30 to THE DIAPASON, 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025. Routine items for publication must be received six weeks in advance of the month of issue. For advertising copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contribu- tors of articles should request a style sheet. Unsolicited reviews cannot be accepted. This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, an- notated in Music Article Guide, and abstracted in RILM Send subscriptions, inquiries, and ad- Abstracts. dress changes to THE DIAPASON, Copyright © 2010. Printed in the U.S.A. 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, THE DIAPASON accepts no responsibility or liability Arlington Heights, IL 60005. for the validity of information supplied by contributors, vendors, advertisers or advertising agencies. No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the specifi c written permission of the Editor, except that libraries are authorized to make photocopies of the material contained herein for the purpose of course reserve reading at the rate of one copy for every fi fteen students. Such copies may be reused for other courses or for the same course offered subsequently. Editor’s Notebook In this issue church music. Mailed with the January Among the offerings in this issue of issue, it features complete contact in- The Diapason is Marijim Thoene’s in- formation for organ-related businesses terview with Joe Hoppe, who has served and associations, including phone, fax, as organist and director of music at St. e-mail, and web addresses. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in New If your company is already listed in the Orleans for over 40 years. The most re- 2010 Directory, please take a moment to cent part of his legacy is the new organ, check the information. You can update Opus 53 by Patrick J. Murphy & Associ- your listing by visiting our website and ates, which was dedicated last year. near the bottom of the left column click- Robert August provides an in-depth ing on “Supplier Login.” There you can look at the organ works of Robert revise current information, or—if your 1770 Tannenberg organ, Zion Lutheran Church, Moselem Springs, Pennsylvania Schumann, and questions many of the company is not listed in the current (photo credit: Philip T. D. Cooper) earlier assessments of the Six Fugues on Directory—enter information as a new the Name of BACH. John Bishop refl ects supplier. If you need assistance, con- Friends of the Tannenberg are en- replication of missing pipes with new on the many tools that organbuilders use tact Joyce Robinson at 847/391-1044 or listing support for the restoration of the ones made in the Tannenberg style. Key in their craft, and Gavin Black contin- <[email protected]>. 1770 Tannenberg organ at Zion Luther- and stop actions will be restored to cor- ues his discussion of Boëllmann’s Suite To reserve advertising space in the an Church in Moselem Springs, Pennsyl- respond to their 1770 condition, and Gothique, focusing on the fi rst move- 2011 Directory, contact me as noted be- vania. Originally installed in the church’s the black walnut case will be restored to ment. This is in addition to our regular low. We will also be sending advertising stone sanctuary of 1761, it was moved original condition. The stoplist: news and departments, reviews of books, information via e-mail and in the post. to the second church building in 1894. scores, and recordings, calendar, organ Call me with any questions. At that time, the organ was rebuilt by Manual C–d3 recitals, and classifi ed ads. Samuel Bohler; three of the Tannenberg 8′ Principal 8′ Flaut Major THE DIAPASON website and newsletter ranks were removed, the key and stop ′ 2011 Resource Directory Are you receiving our free monthly action was extensively reworked, the 4Principal Octav 4′ Flaut minor Each year The Diapason publishes e-mail newsletter? Visit our website and wind system with its two wedge bellows 3′ Quinte its Resource Directory, the only one of click on “Newsletter.” While on the web- was removed, and the case of solid black 2′ Sub Octav 3 its kind in the organ and church music site, peruse the many offerings of news, walnut was painted a dark brown. 1⁄5′ Terz fi elds. An organist’s vade mecum, the di- calendar, classifi ed ads, and more. The restoration will be done by Mixture II rectory includes complete information 847/391-1045 R. J. Brunner and will include a com- on providers of products and services [email protected] plete dismantling of the organ, clean- For information: Nancy Keller, minister related to the organ and all facets of ing and repairing all original pipes, and of music, 610/683-3757. SEPTEMBER, 2010 3 Campbellsville University, Camp- Binkley, organist/choirmaster, with brass others. The event is a benefi t for the St. Antico, British vocal ensemble; Novem- bellsville, Kentucky, presents its third an- choir and guest organist Donald Gold- John’s Organ Society, celebrating the ber 28, Advent Lessons & Carols; De- nual noon organ recital series, Tuesdays, en). For information: 717/737-0488; 150th anniversary of E. & G.G. Hook’s cember 12, Cincinnati’s Vocal Arts En- 12:20–12:50 pm, featuring the Farrand <>. Opus 288 at St. John Roman Catholic semble; 12/17, New York Polyphony.
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    ATOS JulAug 51-4 G 6/17/09 8:26 AM Page 1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN THEATRE ORGAN SOCIETY JULY | AUGUST 2009 THE ORGAN IS MUSIC '5 RICHEST VOICE! @ ~ Wu~bJJiE~ ~P'Producint/"Residente - ~ ORGAN'\: ATOS JulAug 51-4 G 6/17/09 8:26 AM Page 2 ...r~~-a·~--- .... --~ L llr-■- =====:_,~~~!!!!!!!!!!~0;;-- This will be our last ad in the ATOS journal for the foreseeable future. ------ Increasing demands ol the major portion of our business, classical instruments, to that area. Even though we will not be here to greet you in every edition, we will ==== continue to be available for your digital theatre organ needs. We would be happy to provide you with a complete organ, digital voice additions to an existing theatre pipe organ or a control system for your instrument. We may be absent in print ... for --------­---------_______.._ ---..._.... __ ---~ We'd love to hear fro1n you!!,~~ Walker Digital Theatre Organs 6610 --Crown Lane • Zionsville, PA 18092 • phone 610.966.SSSS • www.walkertheatreorgan.eom ATOS JulAug 51-4 G 6/17/09 8:33 AM Page 1 THEATRE ORGAN JULY | AUGUST 2009 Volume 51 | Number 4 FEATURES An Almost Spectacular 16 Day at the Riv 9u¢,tLra _ Preserving a Great 22 Musical Heritage, Part II cltensltedd,-ea11L. A~ The Mighty Mo 30 at Every Show The Albee A. SSOCIATED alway, with grande=, with the mMt •uhlime Mighty Wurlitzer ~ and exquisite tonal effects ever created and mastered by 32 human hand, the organ is the acknowledged king of musical instru­ The Restorer’s Workshop ments.
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