THE DIAPASON SEPTEMBER, 2010 The Episcopal Church of the Transfi guration Dallas, Texas Cover feature on pages 30–31 THE DIAPASON Here & There A Scranton Gillette Publication One Hundred First Year: No. 9, Whole No. 1210 SEPTEMBER, 2010 Trinity Lutheran Church, Cleve- September 19, Bruce Power; October Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 land, Ohio, continues its series of noon- 17, Martin Neary, conductor, diocesan An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, time concerts on Wednesdays, featuring adult choral festival; November 7, Ann the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music its Beckerath organ: September 1 and 8, Frohbieter, followed by Choral Even- Florence Mustric; 9/15 and 9/22, Robert song; 11/13, Joseph Painter, conductor, Myers; 9/29, Patrick Parker. For infor- diocesan youth choral festival; 11/14, mation: 216/751-7574. Choral Evensong. For information: CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA
[email protected] 713/222-2593; 847/391-1045 Methuen Memorial Music Hall <>. FEATURES presents 2010 late season special events: A Celebration of Joe Hoppe’s Legacy Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON September 15, 8 pm, Douglas Major, St. Luke Catholic Church, at St. Patrick’s Church, New Orleans
[email protected] fall scholarship fund organ recital; Oc- McLean, Virginia, presents its Music in by Marijim Thoene 20 847/391-1044 tober 22, 8 pm, Paul Jacobs, Berj Zam- McLean concert series: September 20, kochian Memorial Organ Recital; De- Washington Symphonic Brass; October An Old Look at Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER Harpsichord cember 3, 7–9 pm, holiday season open 18, combined choirs, orchestra, and or- Schumann’s Organ Works house; 12/4, 7:30 pm, and 12/5, 3 pm, “A gan, The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace; by Robert August 24 JAMES MCCRAY Merry Music Hall Christmas,” Douglas November 15, National Men’s Chorus; Choral Music Major, with trumpets.