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T k K t 'r . '■ ■' . SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1952 . Ths WSBlhtr/J, AYtrst* DsUf N«t Pnas 1 at tr. •. MteEieo ■ PAGK liD f \. Par tea Wook Badad ^tulrrater lEvntfttg HMralb Aug. 28, IfiU Ctear, m 4 qaMo • in tha aarly awmlng Is enough to 1 0,316 Fair, wannar TMaday cdHvlaea ua that faU Is just arouad Bank Mulling A b on tT ow n tha com er. The days aaay atlU be Farrand'Read Nuptials IV of tea AofiK HeaM Along Main Street \ hot and humid but the Umpaiw lO f ( HanchoBter^A City of ViUago Charm wm tam Mob^*> Jr., «i Atftlaldc tura U sinking neUcaabiy during Credit Pkin ( 0^ l«ca) otf«»i«t, win play Bun- the night AndonSom * o f Maneheotor^B SIdo StroeiB, Too The days ara getting shorter sadl MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST ;BS, 1952 (FOURTEEN PAGES) aay lor tho 7BU Annlw w . (t CSans Mootinf oorvleoi of U»o I^o that means lass heat from tha sun. J O ffidab of Trngt Co* VOL. LXXL NO. 278 Tha presence o f daw Is aa^>actalty] •aa^MvcntUnlon wWch *ro li^ ff ^whleh thara la as ratnra, to asak M 4 at cam p BoUitf In Haddam. OaaSd Wa P o t t T prominent after a eloudlasa night Vbit Long bland for Wa hava mat and board aav- refuge In another country only to with no winA And daw doesn't fall. I Harold Baglln, a local tanor ad)—A crippled__ four-engine 15-mlnute fight. dsy thfit, because of the Soviet master-plan of conquest, “ tiM accounts by tha cuatomar at tha son (D., Tex.) made public lU re-.: (|P)-—A COM . , . There were only patrol claahes nation today stands in greater peril than at any time in Uam^ ^ (B ip rw ia^ * * 2 lhM?“J«SSiui.“ ’wT^^ “IS? thin mrrstchy n!2 Z bank wlthm n apaciflad length of SERVICES port yesterday. It said that Pick i British airliner plunged into do ao and tliat thoy will conUnu«| which, and light enamy probee eteewhere, history. Ha called for a clear, strong warning to. the RuagtOfi FILMS time, thereby re-aaUbliahlng tha was responsible for the building the Meditermnesn early to­ (temmunlet artillery fell off to 5S thalr Intaraat by vSlng In tha fall. I f r ^ tbalr crystal acta about *0 customer’s credit If paymaate ara That IntcTErtt Th« WUioB job which has coat taxpayers 320 from the American government. *• ------DITIIXIPED AND day o ff this west Sicilian port MS rounds Sunday compaTad with Me declarod, •*We must tell tha Bo- 'KE’Of '. - PRINTED lust go^ otd-fhaMonod oonmon tads promptly aa agie^ million dollars and Is expected Murta^ and conddari^ b^wa Weddme~Bmnka ^ TalavUkm’a praatiga waa almost W hile tha antlra aehama is leU t Of Tho FhHdIy eventually to total more than but fishing boats saved 50 of 4,m rounds on Saturday. vtats with cold flnalily ttat navar | « IfiOYI UlTM SM apt to make this mlataka arlth- A w a d S n g ir o n a o f tha moat kUlad o ff a t ^ tlvaly naw m retelling and bank the 57 parsons reported The Navy said lU operatlone shall we rest eentaht until 24-HeUR SERVICE double that amount. wera curtailed by heavy weather out raMlaing tt. Importantnportsntcocaslans In s parson’s toowlng “®‘*‘**W *bwt the ^ lag clrelaa, tt has rocalvad tho nt- The Johnson committee report aboard and recovered three tidal mud of aggrtasive Comm' niM PMKMit Box Wa can possibly appta^U Ufa. Much praparatlon la taken, techniques raquliad by tha naw tanUon and study of many bank­ JOHN!. BURKE said there had been no effective but reported that carrier p.llote Ism has receded within Its ev/n AtBion Entnuico what K means to walk a m from medium and caring lass, plagued ers. bi addition,, aoma letatlera bodies in a dramatic night­ strafed and bombed Red targeta b o rd e r^ often montha and wtaka ahead, ao check made on frauds, kickbacks, JUaenhower'a remariu ware con­ a homo and land that haa bloe- that even tha moat minute detail It with abrnnlnabla programs In who normally carry no chnrga ac­ theft and pilfering. It aald, too, time rescue. around Hungnam and Wonsan In Korea View somad out of your own efforts thalr rush to hava thalr producU counts hava expressed toteraat In raNmAL HOM In London, the plane's operators northeast Korea Saturday. The tained in a speech delivered .to will go off with psrfsctlon. The that "large-scale loafing, drunk­ the American Lagien national con­ while acmaona alaa ta l^ war, to brlds, her psrtnU, cloaost lals-l advartlaad visually. It. It la tha faeling of Uw officara said tha plane carried 81 passen- heavy cruiser Bremerton and KEMP'S ffT EastOaMar Bt EaLBMB enness, and failure proparly t)o at­ gara, including four babies, and a vention. have your young add healthy aona tlvas and frisnds usually hava But TalavUlon'B aupportara and of Tha Manchester Trust Com­ tend to duty was rampant at least destroyer HoUlster fired on Oom- Of Tnim al taken to alava labor damps from ara don't maan thoaa who kept it pany that, following careful study AMBDULNCE 8EEVI0E sw iff aix. All were British. mimlst positions at the eastern ' The general, a Lagionnaira, part In tha faaUvltlsa and thay alt 'throughout the initial stages of flaw to New York from Denver iMk forward with plassura to around tha house "just for aportlng of the matter. If a survey of mar- g Mites Offshore ' end of the battle front and report- ehaate and tha public shows that eenstruction." teat night, and the. New York and to Tha'edition of tha I avanU"—pointed to tha capacity In his statement, Pick aald he British planes from Malta, Ital­ ed hlttiite fiva troop bunkers Sat­ nawapapar carrying the atory of for good quality antartalninant and a worthwhile volume of auch buai- ian aircraft from nearby airfields urday. / speech was designsd to step up his Nfiw York, Auf. naaa can ba obtalnad, an offica had not yet seen topics of the re­ campaign as the Republican can­ Donald- R, Wilson. tha momaatoua occasion, usuaUy public aarvlca programs ^ port but that “from tha newspaper and Italian naval craft from Tra­ North of Pyongyaag may ba astabliahed by the bank to A dosen Japan-baaed Super- didate for the praildcncy. THi ARMY and NAVY CLUB with pietura of tha brtda In bar medium had, and continued to dsh accounts, it would appear-tbat the pani scanned the disaster scene The apceeh was M ilto aa non- (mittman^ of tfcs ____ gowh. I fand It. give the plan n local trial. about three miles offshore this forte flew through moderate to Lfigion, elarfsd todsjr Gi MRS. VINCENT I. FARRAND intense flak in their first raid of political. but It contained several with aU tha alaborata An occaslonaUy programa wan (OentlausiSll Page Thirteen) morning for the mlMing persona— paasagaa that appeared to rater, is “sn un-Amsriesn a : praparatlona, more often than aot I praaantad that eauaad even the identified by Trapani Port Cbm- the war on the 40-acre supply directly, to some of the charges m im Lorralns Road, daughter ofA Mra. Bertha J. FSrrand, tha mandant Arnaldo Taddel as .one area at Anju, 100 miles north of to the fset^’ to call th« vary Uttla attantlon la glvan In-1 moat carping of tha mtdium’s bridegroom’s alster-m-Iaw, waa tha Republicans ara making forming the aodaty laportara of erltloa to aeknowladga that TV Mr. and Mrs. WlUlam J. Read of of the plane's two hosteaact and the Red capital of Pyongyang. against the Truman admtnlatni- KorM a "police action.” maid of honor and won a rad " f i 's i f i .' three paseengera. The Air Force said one Commu­ tha nawapapar of tha comiim.avaBt araa, aa tt wars, a force for good ggg Bagla atraat, Tforth ArUngton. nykm draaa and carrlad an old tion. ifi thfi tarm' Pruident Trui or aacurtBg tha proper blank to fUl aawaU aa for avU. „ , and Vlnoant Jamaa FarranA Four Walk, ' Tarrei aaid aU of the dead and nist night fighter was sighted but Whils he eipphastasd today the applied to tho G fM iat out tha nStaaaanr IhformaUon. Wall, thla year the faith of tala- J" fashioned bouquet of r4d rosea. nissing wera paasengera except did not attack. Bast man waa tha groom’s brother. BOMLIM BREEN Knot studio danger to the United SUtea poaad when it broke out io ThaManka for ^ Herald eUar^ vlslon’a daftndara In tha »»81um 1^- for the missing hostess. On Saturday nlghf, the Air by Uia Soviet meaace, Eteoahowar ly atau that aU Information must was vlndlcatad—parhapa not for I Faira^ IM W ^ W Robert H. FarranA The airliner, a Hcrmea, was Force reported, Superforts raided WiteoasaldUte BINGO Tha hrlda’a mother wore a nyli Rfi-OpeniRR The Alleys Past Md fnrowen to n fellow Lsgtauasdro, nwad L. FMr-jMid he deea not believe the Rua-lvempeg a . "ne*. ro la to tha soelaty editor 24 houra all UraA but vindicated Just tha I ware unltro in m ^ a n Aug, ^ y 3 Rescued Members of EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT under charted to the Sudanese the Supung rail yard near the ' m the First Dlatrlei, Dept, c f OomBm Stans are ready, now, to kick off a before Uma o f wadding. I f a pl«> aama, bacauaa thla waa tha year Juatlca Frank O. Staala. Tha hluo draaa with white accassorlM government and waa bound for Manchurian border. It aald one of banks, past wmimaild^rw^'tert sad aa deterote from the auper-imoilera approaoh to 1 BTARTING AT StlS SHARP performed m tha and tha groom’s mother wore a telhi’ iritenri. eouveation------whtah. t . - . ------eparod• today 1 la- New YerkiV ^ . SMw* a l^ a ^ tert to right, Bsmoii- ’Third World War. diplomacy sadad owrM world sttalrs,” tura la to ba prlntad, that too of tha conventions, tha Republican | caramony aw S at; Aug, 30 iiOiartoum, capital of tba Anglo- three Rod fighters that challenged ' ' StUl Have Tkae 20 REGULAR 6 A M E 8 -8 SPEQALS muat arrlva In tlma for tha nacso- and Damoeratio cmvantiona, and evening At 180 Woodbrldga atraat gold suit with green accaaaories ■J — Bgyptlan Sudan. Officiate of the the bombera waa shot down. Sve O e S I m lt^ Harold Old^ A d j ^ t Bart Peteraea. Frirtmnh. mid Comrade Ray Lnvery. SpeaklBg atI' the maMag aesslfia m n beautiful garden, decorated and both wore conages of rad New Enghuid’s Finest From Caves "We atUI have Uma," he said, of tho lajriiaa’s 84tb awmal „ Wfis* aary angravbig of tha cut from talavtalon did Itaalf proud In eov- Alleys charter firm said all of tha paasaa- A single B-2S hit targets along and ha ouUlnad a program design­ whleh tha pinura la pubUahaA arlng them. with palms, and Japanasa lantsrna. gera ware British civil aervante, the front. veaUon, WIison dedaredi Tha bride, canytng an old When tha couple left for n two ed U> present counter-maaauree to "Wa hav* tn Isaa thaa IS ptfiH Bomabow or other everybody. In- Of course, TV caoMraa had employed by the Sudanese govern­ U. S. Fifth Air Force B-3S light the Sovtat movemenL They en- la o o f taoaf fashioned bouquet of white roasa, wsska motor trip to Seaside Mubtathfil, SwitzerUnd, talked eunaivss Into tke poattiBB eluding tha bride, forgets all about I poked thalr red noaaa Into na- 21 UHES ment, and their wives and chil­ bombers bombed a rail intersec­ Firemen Get U.S.OUmen Ulted! thls until tha day of tha wadding I tlonal convantiona bafora, but was attired m a white ballertna Hatghte, N. J4 the bride waa wtar- Aug. 25--ng- Truman Set of aa iatornstiaitst dupo of failai. length gown o f net and aaUn, ing a gray suit with lavendar ac- Mike Reserrstions Now 1. Craating a sacurity fotoa tie propecUono.’’ and, moat Ukaly, coa or two daya never Ilka thay did thla yaar. Tha underground explorer* dumb­ after home leave in Britain. yang, Bomber craws reported "with auch offenatva tm g^ that later aomaona ^vaa U>a adltorUdleamaraa ware on tha floor of the with an lUuBlon nackUna. She caaaoriea. H iey will arrive home For Leafae BowUnf thrac Mg secondary axploaiona and Hottest News iG spsbutmrt^ attar wore n white hat with a ahouldar Sunday to reside at 180 Wood- founded their rain-stymied The Ug jaascttger. plane ap- the maaelve peteaUal ot thalr s iBSSwifa trssB TnwMittiiu room a Ulephena call and vary as- convention kajl,jnavmg up to and Lsdies Inrited pareaUy eai^ apon aftar kitting three huiro Sres. Aid Sought blows wilt haunt tka KrenUia wRX eltadly WlahM to r p ^ r t all tha m-1 around tha spdkktr’s rostrum, langlh vaU. bridge atraat. would'be rescuers last night On Library fcoSoaG *1iiet oil the *|eU I Bsbyinnd by walking unheralded m»d tha watar, port authorities aalA Other B-3fi pilots bombed and Waat Hama, Aug. nlghtawraa of auatshmant to be thopo«la’’ lathopr«iiMi| formatiOR ov«r th« tala^Mua. I catching tha drama and the Iw- EM OEHTER ST. Tlie 80 furvivon wera treated at strafed supply targets at Tosang, f t waa ta l-. » » 7 7 stnptlsl^, baeomo oasusl But aft«r having baan tbsn at | XltehMHKeo * trapp^ them for nine And airtval of tg* 'EMEahfoafisw'ffrom SMn.HafsHMH' ' ' sad attt omoMMag. To 41oh and cloUiat. waabinc. Ba amdarn and fad tha dif- party) wlahas a langthly atorylaat m tha publlo gnUartaa. Palerm o Lt, Gen. Glenn O. Bareus, Fifth Ategm aaM obat was the way T.hiwi. In*. AW Thay broka mto committee tha convantlMis, this lost ganara- The menfolk rely upon the ladtee one-half days. New York, Aug. 25— (flV - faranca. Bay only tha baat and hava no raipata. pla«Incad m tha .paper . tha same day. i Thay broka mto tion of «oters decldad to come back to cook their meals, waeh their Harry S. Truman’s post-pres­ he feuad bis ho|is« when ha re­ W. Alton Jones, chainnanjug, fgf tho oaourtty of all of ua.|* Tha aoelaty rtportor tries to ra- rooms and brought the people of Later today, rescuers in the (Oanthraed oa Page TUrteea) (Conttened en Page Thirtoea) turned fram Boston yesterday. A warning to Russia that CFadM tha country along with them to tha polte to participate In the clothing. Iron and aew, all of which Jm idential plans are to leave of the Cities Service Oil-S Corp.,V/Vfi IJaa 1 Si W«. . ^ We hove gsiiiag the quarttsSe maln calm aa poaslbls white election machinery that they had require tha manipulation of aoma Breconshire hills of Waiss tun- He hastened to get police and o ( New York, hs* arrived tt# United Stetra odU ’’new IHSNWA8HERS AUTOMATiq writing down an asaortmant of thay aat In on tha proeaadlngA naiad through nine feet of fallen Washington immediately af­ flrMnea, but all ncy cenld do sMa crafft fhg-Uia iosa of cu n .* They pvan performed tha miracle aaen set In motion. mechanical davtce, and they aUow ho aaid. "Ws |un« iW ud Information, asking quastiona, us to do theaa things with the ut- rock and pulled out two 17-year- ter the inauguration of his was wet the rulas dowa. here at the invitation of Pre- WASHERS thinking about tha othor thraa of naahlBg a pictura of Truman rid Boy BcouU and thalr injurad Pellee saM they couM net find mier Mosudegh. A govern- * u ro p , mut Asia.’' In the BMr aaS F ar East, NOmNNT boarding hla plana In Washington | Woffea Both Ways moat confldenoa. It romatna a mys­ successor, establish a library storiaa aha’a tet4 with alraady, tery why they believe we become THE 8<^tmaater imprisoned 150 feet any eae "who evea smelled ment spokesmsn said Jones with this, he coupted the d*‘ at tha cenfoSBca UMe aad a rap(^ bound fo r tha convention In Chica­ Ara you ona of thoaa paraona Adlai Tidelands l^tand on a farm site near his boy­ lUOKSTONE white tha adltor Is calling tha daad- fumbUhg Idiots when it cornea to down in n cava yesterday. All saMke." will see If he can put Iran‘4 j m*hd for a atatement to tha Ution for iatUng aspioiiaffB agaate Una. Tha paraon telephoning also go, avan whila tha audio portion of 1 trim baltevaa that all BrtUrit ara three were rushed to a hospital hood home at Grandview, The Alogna home Is In aa laa- eoaually taim from ns our OMwt KITHOEN AID davlcs carried tha happaninga of| Btiffly formal, class-conaclouB driving a car. If any of our gentle rich oil industry back into AB04IMATI0 does aot raallso that tha story readers have ever suffered through and the Scoutmaster, his legs Mo., "take a good rest, and lated neighborhood. It has been (Oautlnwfi au Pfiga four) deadly sad prised sseiffs wUh tha convention that was awaiting anobaT 'Hiat mort Italians couldn’t crushed by the fall, was believed nnoecupM dnriag retnedelllng. operation. sickening ngularity." must In turn laava tha raporter’a talk if thalr bands wars ttedT That the trial of learning to operate one LAST Gets ‘Storm y Reaction then help educate the youth hla arrival and hla "word" regard­ to be In serious condition. Rehahle informants nid Jones HOTHNNT doMi, g o to tha city adltor who the Bcote ara a tlgfaUlatod clan of these vebielea from her usually Referring to the so-called "po- AMERIOAN must adit tha 0^ and properly ing hla candidate. And whan Stev- They were the second qad third of this country on the history alraady haa. talksd with Mossa­ Uoe action" In Korea, ha aaid, "the anaon waa nominated, they trav­ which aquaesaa a p«uiy avan charming apouae, she has found groups caught in European caves and principles of their gov­ BUT WHERE SERVICE IS SUPREME head It bafora dellvary to tho com­ UghterT Or that Armanlana and that ha can beoom e a veritable Springfield, lU., Aug. 28-—<4^— a Eiaenhower also haa aald 'T am degh. They aaid he intended to go Mrs. Luce Gets AoMricen people have become as posing room for typo aat-up. elled to the Blair housa In Chi­ this month. Four men were res­ Gov. Adlai Stevenson returned to^ons who. obeys the Supreme Court." ernment." Crowded Bus Abadan for aa Inspection tomor­ baffled by this un-American ap­ cago, where the nUnola governor Oraeka are Interested only In ruga demon overnight. MILE cued from 1,168 feet down in tha ■0 what happana . . . tha atory his campaign planning today whUe! He turned from the problem to The President'a program ia out­ row. proach to the facte, so amaaad end and fruit storaaf Much aa we love the dear mala Pierre St. Martin abysa of the Is duly printed In the newspaper. was awaiting tha call he had hla aides-watchedbed closeclosely the reac­ Concentrate on plana for hia visit lined In the issue of Look Maga- The world's btgg##t refinery at emotionally deadened by o m etjgF dreaded hut muat hava known If thla la your vlawpoint. bera’a b.w wa heartily recommend tha Pyrennes mountains, nsar Uis New (X)P Piish The ra p ier enters tha office tha NOW RUNG OPENED AT tion to hte stand against state to New York Oty and New Jersey stne out tomorrow. The magasine Abadan haa been shut down since after another, so Involved hM would bo hla—the call to deliver a another that may net alt ao waUI drivlM schooL The automobiles Frendh-Spahish border, a week Drops 30 Feet ABC Appliance C6. fouowlng morning, her telephone Mott Europeans conaidar all ned by these outfits pra equip- control of the nation's off-shore in mid-week and his Labor Day ««id that the direct quotations the British pullsd out last October whirling around tha world, that. rings and aomaona ta ddllng to epeech accepting the Democratic oil lands. speech in Detroit next Monday were approved by tha White House following Iranian natlonallBatlon PHONE S-1B7B 21 MAPLE ST. preaidantlal nomination—to show Amaricana as noisy, ooekaura and pad with dual oontrote which In­ (Oonttanad oi> Pago Poor) To Senate Job the war in Koras is 90 longer hand- ■ay that aomathlng war omitted boastful. clude an axtra clutch and brake The -Democratic presidential formally launching hia drive for before publication. T o Re Re Tracks. of the properties of the Angi»> line newe." 10004 10004 f^m tha wTOdinF^cte. These are but a faw of the na­ ■o that there la no reason fo r the nominee faces the political im th the presidency. He will address the Next Stop—Missouri Iranian Oil Oompany, Ths Praeldent’B measage was vtfy dtahsartanlng to us and w a'^* Democrats had chosen nnd tional prajudlcca and tenaloha Inatnietoi* to become nervous. The of Texas and other states with American Legion convention Wed­ Truman, according to Look, has * Baakruptey Near Stratford, Aug. 35—(F)—Grow­ read at tha opening of the Legloa’e how he reacted to that choice and tideland riches In announcing he h ^ that our raadera will^ help ua tt* reportew and photograhera affecting world undera^ding underatandlhg sand m controls permit him to atop the car nesday In the Srst of a two-day told a friend; Edgewater, N. J., Aug. 26—OP)— As a result of the cloasdown, ing Republican sentiment for for­ 24th annual convention In Madlaen Lake Ai Rubber Union concurred In President TrumSh's series of speeches ^and confsrencss. "When I ride to the Capitol A crowded bus plunged 30 feet at any tima giving him a calm out­ thla country has been brought clOse mer Congraaamah Clara Boothe Square Garden. UB ro. frem tee *" could form Wa see by the papera that a lO cenU an hour general pay raise Republican opponent, baa aaid he that the governor’s associates had the cut. lU wheels pointing up­ Lodge declined to comment yes­ spending tha day down in the dark thalr own opinions and prajudloaa approach^ Sen. Eatea Kefauver of terday on the appointment for the of unlversaT military training. room, and we can look forward to aauaa as they davelopad. ^ tS S i. oSrSS^nn^Sft te -Btoryhook Roamnee" hami’t com. fo r 34,000 workers. would favor legislation giving the New York, Aug. 25—(^ —Six­ wards. There waa no indication of The text of President Tnunaa's L. 8. Buckmaster said a con­ state control over tidewater oil. Tennessee about tha office of At­ the cause of the 7 a. m. accident. Burning Ship Seen remamder of the Congreaatonal an efftclaat and wall organlssd *“A^?roeuirpeopte'throughout I naturalnaturaSToM. one. A chUd’a picture ofion o f off the w «y » torney General. teen sUtes—eight of them in the seoslon which ends Jan. 1, but message: Monday morning following n week­ the country could aaaoelate them-1 the world outside his own | tract agreemant reached, last The Supreme Court has ruled Midwest—appear likely to get the The bridge is barely wide Wight raises to 116,000 the num- the federal government )iaa title Stevenson issued a atatement enough' for two cars and there la obaervera felt the feet growing end of oeveral weddings. aelvta with tho proeaadlngs aa thay Is learned throui^ proper ad»oof-|OI and hie Irish Im ^ in^adj full campaign treatment from Gen. Off Newfoundland sentiment for the blonde euthor en Fnge Font) ing and inatructlon. But nmat I and aettled la tha States, back . ber of rubber workers throughout to off shore deposits. saying; a horseshoe turn at the northern navar could before, and thes# pro­ "Neither I nor any authorised Dwight D. Eiaenhower and Gov. may change things with the gov­ Oar Bareoeeter adults already have praeonealved couple of weeks ago. the Industry covered by full union Stsvenson's statsment said "I Adlsl E. Stevenson of Illinois. end of the spui. The dead woman ceedings thareforo. baenme of | accept and abide by this ruling in associate of . mine haa made com- was Indentifled as Mary Muriglan, ernor who has been reluctant to Leaa than a month ago moot o f vital ooBCorn to tbam. notions about foreigners baaed on Mow It appeara that he’s coming I shop contracts. 'Ihe Midwest rsgarded as the St. John’st Nfid., Aug. 25—(F)— comm it himself on Sn appoint rumor, hearaay and anacdotes I gione and hla friend in The pay raise increases the common with all Supreme Court of IMgewater. us ware crying shout tha eab- Hero tn Manchaater. tha roaulte (OontiBaed on Page Thirteea) No. 1 battlefield by many Demo­ The burning wreck of what is be­ ment. normally warm weather. Thla past of all of this can ba aaon in tha The experts who have j,«ignd, wlU go back to her | average FlrstoBC w a g e .U 82 sn decisions" cratic strategists, is likely to see lieved to be a 600-ton vaascl waa B ulletins hour, he said. A total of 94,000 TM Loot OnU wash has glvan ua our first sign fact rastdonte who hava been meeting at headquartara of tha UN I jniittinK .. or more propariy more of the two presidential can- sighted today east of Cap# Bona- In a five minute talk, Mrs. Luce 6 0 0 :1 6 670:15 710:15 6 5 0 :1 6 that tlie summer ta now drawl^ hare for yoara and never bothered Educational, aSientlflc and ^1-1 tending heri mother’a oatflelds rubber workers have won pay in­ didatM personally than any other Vlsta, on the «ast coaat of New­ fron the AP W ins creases in the courrent contract said present political iseues- have to a cloaa. to rogtater are now among thoaa tural Orannlantion (UNBlSOOi. I Such a wonderful atari the whole section, with the possible excep­ foundland, by a search plane. brought her back to polttlca. 9 . 9 9 1 0 . 9 9 1 9 want to fit n program for remov-1 • • •?. ^ ■*I3 ,S>2 , Perhaps you have'’ your, own who Wednesday gave the aelact- drive, he added. tion of California and New York. News Tidbits Flarei were seen laet night. A "A t long laat." she declared, "we method of reckoning such things- men and town Clark a recort ONE OP THE MANY ISACHES AT Buckmaster Issued his cUte- Moscow, West Stymied Republicans are more inclined JBUUB IS INmOXED plan for furthering world under- it l report from Bonavleta brought a can any that this is tile last call New York, Aug. 28—(F)—. For us, we uae a ayatem that voter-making day. Officiate said ment after a Joint cooTpany-unlon to regard ths East aa their tough­ Culled fron AP Wires request for a coast guard plane for the dining car and for the Re­ M a M n O M M K E S standing. from a troopahlp anroute to the LAKE AMSTON announcement that told of the pay Mlaot P. (MUckey) JeRw m , navarIWW4 seamsMteteIMM toW fall. f OurW « u auto. • M S V e that tesaonir three ea e a w w wout —— of —- four of tho ^new_____ est political nut to crack, but un­ from the United States Argentia publican party and tha nation to • • United SUtea from Oarmany. The raise but did aot mention the heir to a margsrlM fortoae. won On# lodF at a D«w«coYGrGil carl rtgtotranU Wadnaaday had baan note waa contained In n bottle. COMPLETE PACfUTIES POR less plans are changed Elaenhowvr, Naval Station to search the area. get peace in the world. TOf OMunr-nF m uei-m sum Watte SIttMtion! union shop. On Reich Peace Treaty the OOP nominee, will give early New England National Guards­ "W e want a prosperity built on Indicted today by • vloe-preblBK • • About two months ago ba ra-1 lOATING. RATHING. PISHING The URW president aaid . men buckle down at Camp Drum The plane spotted the wreckage grand Jury. I t /NOMHs m o B u n m i m u M B - Tbara’s something “flthy" go­ and thorough attention to tha mid­ at dawn today and said there was the rock of peace and not on the amooHUK •Eomjuinici ing on at Pawcatuck that hook oeivad a tetfer from aa Irish col- THE HRST PEW MILES THAT "Not only were w# successful in west. N. Y., for two weeks of lateaslve an - 11 and line angtera abouM watch laan whl^ told how the bottle winning a full union shop, but we Washington, Aug. 25— The Russian strategy in the trainlag aa troops arrive by train BOV STILL IN OMIA 'There Illlnoia. Indiana, Iowa, (Oeattaned an-Page Four) (ContteMd oa Page Few) with balteOraatha. After that drifted up to the bearii bordering | HAVE lEEN DEVB.OPED A U were able to improve the work­ Russia and ths western powers ap- long exchange of notes on German Michigan. . Minnesota, Missouri, 'and truck convoy . . . Sixty-one- Hanover, N. H., Aog. 85—4ff) unity and peace which haa taken —Throe-yanr old Onrry Smith of • fi-u pun wa should complain about her mother'a farm. COMPLETB.Y SOLD OUT! ing agreement ail along the line, peered aa badly split as ever today Ohio and Wlaconsln offer a total ycar-old London doctor who haa having n haddock . . . oops wa ^ le listed bettered provUlons as place over many months ia be­ Men trying to swim English Chan; S p r in g s ^ V t , otUI lo In n •ORaREMIUmB mtm Our hero OI hops aboard a plane I on bow to go about making a of 131 electorlal votes toward the You K now— mABn nGPdGrhG and tends in Ireland bat from the the vacation program, reporting lieved to be aimed at diarupUng 2SS needed to win the preildency nel for 26 years, gives up attempt ooiha today, 18 daya after Im -n This Is Your Last Chance German peace treaty. StS Anyway, In complete diaragnnl very first thara waa n notlcaobte psy provisions, pay for holidays western plans to asaclate Germany in November. today when water is fouad Oil Firms Deny Cartel Link^ waa foood aeeUentally tnppaS for what thoaa teas incUnad toward net worked, plus double time for A Russian note proposing a Big with ths North Atlantle treaty de­ atermy aad eoM. iB on aid leobox In hia homa. S1M-U air of raluctance about tbs whole TO PURCHASE LAND AT CONNECTICUrS Four meeting on the problem by Yoe Mo COE SOVE RBOEty by fMliBg yPET puiM might cast our way, there thing. OmiM ba too that n awarm fenses in Europe. Measures for (OeaUaned oa Page Four) John Foster Dulles, American SPpGSiBira In the makliig ^ n aort o f HNEST U kU DEVaOPMENT (Centtaued On Page Fawr) October aeemed certain to be re­ German rearmament and the for­ Republican party foreign policy RESIDENT TO SPEAK ^ of photognpben and roporUra jected by the United States, Brit­ Get Bid to Answer Charges glEBBEB El IM ee OpHc« Ce . battla between Rhode lalnad and who wars traUlag tha young cou- ONE MIU OFWATERPRONT LOTS mation of German troop unite aa a advis#r, gets blaet from Ruialaa Waahlagton, A ng. 25- (F)— Bite ConnacUcut ain and France because of the con- part of a Eucopaan army ara well papers and is accused of plotting Prooldent Tramon today a^ w 5 Hera's why. A moeting iff tba pte at every step, Injected n ONE MILE OP lOULEVARD LOTS dltlona which Rusala specified. sober air into.wbat could hovel advanced. * U. S. May Recall still mors aggreaatvs tactics aepted aa iavltothMi to apenh IS SetvIee El UeIee OpriCElisIhE bEBllE two states’ rapreacntatlvea In tha ONi MIU OP LOTS IN A VIRGIN POREST Coal Mines Shut The Soviet document, handed to The position of the weatern throughout world . . . Tali bandit Waahlngton, Aug. 35——F lveF byt^ Federal Trade commUaton PhUadelpWn SiffL IS dnriag tfe* been a warm romance. the western power ambassadors in tMWMo A tlan tic llaherias Oommteoion powera on the peacemaking ques- in New York City holds up drug bigC ______American oil companies today (FTC*' ^ *1.- annual uanvontlan of tho Aamri- thara had iMan looking into the Now tba aK-aoldter is ba Moscow Saturday, apecifiad that 3 Held by Reds had an invitation to balance the The report charged that the MB Boogital Aaaodntlon. On Union Orders Uon waa sat forth moat racanUy store while aaore than 69 poUce- five Amaricaa oil companies Joined matter of oomplainta that com­ without tho girl. That'U teach him I AI IeIs EraiEEMEflUy the session should first diaeum ths in a note to Moscow on July 10. raea stood araoad section waiting official record with their replies AI WEifc Rebe El UeIee OfHicd Ce . Is mercial draggen take upwards of to write tetters Just think—If It peace treaty and the formation of The Soviet note Saturday was for Legion convention. to government charges that they two huge foreign coriro'S^*"* ^ g KILLED IN FIEB W ilkes-Barre, Pa., Aug. 28— (AI sn all-German government and Berlin. Aug. 25— —An in an arrangement designed to reap 25,000 pounda of fluks Sad ether landed off the Ruaslnn coast, he’d reply to that. Faria, London and formed U. 8. Army aource said Daughter is born at Poughkeep­ Joined in a virtual monopoly of the l)ikppo*o, dapna. Aug. BRAKES RELINED S 1 U 5 ground flte In the UtUe Narra- be lucky If they let him come hack. —MI n e a were clbeed and Idle only after Uiat sbeuid It take up western world's oil trade. rich proftta for themeelvea and col- —Sevan women and n m a» wmS Washington are expected to start the Amerlcane probably will have sie, N. Y., to Mrs. Joha Roosevelt, laboratora from major oil produc­ ganaett Bay araa. —A . N on. a western proposal for creation of consultationa on their next note wife of the late president’s young­ Moat of them already hava en­ U lM and 8S athero Injured te* INCLUDES UNING AND LAIOR 8 today with members of the United a eommiaakm to invesUgata poUU- to bow to the Ruaeian demand for tion canters and markets of the UtUe Narragaaaott la tha eatu- LOOE AT AU. THE OT BB LAKES ABOUND in a week or so. est son . . . Third peilomyelHta tered unofficial denials. day la aa early marnlng Ceem lE eeR hEVE Mr. ChrislMMEE e RIebI ary of the Pawcatuck River whidi THEN CXntE TO AMSTON AND OOMPABB Mine Workers absent from the pits cal eenditions throughout (3er- recall of three membera of the U. non-Communist world. YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORI CENTS AT Esaentialiy the western powera 8. military mlaoion at Potsdam. death la recorded In Bridgeport aa The Invitation for formal an- ant Sie, tha newspaper Am S| forms tha boondary (partly) for TO ATTEND OONPEEBNCE THE IMFFEBENCB In a union-ordered memorial holl- many prior to holding “frse elec- •wera came from Sen. John Spark­ Iran Angle Withheld yoor I^BBBEB fiEE of chErfo. have taken the line that if the The SovieU accuse the trio of S3-year-old housewife dies of bul President Truman, acUng upon reported. :r ConnacUcut and Rhodt laland. Tba BAST MOGNTHLT TEEMS dGy* Uona" bar type. man of Alabama, Democratic nom­ I* eomnilaalon has found that moat Mrs Oustef Andanon V ■ f 'S.'A- -fj-ts * B=e$#3^t$5:rf':fg"^E:?£ ■■ ■^-- ' i - ; - : ' :■-. !.■'■■

PAGE BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1951 J'- ef tJM east of tnaUUatlen. to Ganava, Switoariand, Utstart on Scottsboro Boy O m i tbrir trip through th* laid country A4>oBtTowii wlU preeode the 807*0 entartata- ______itk. may bs oedmwd Tha atreat, which la compM** Ulna - diet Knpehunoa, Harold Johnoon. from Mrs. Joasyk Bhnore of BL exoapt for tha curbs, waa daadad .Troop 1 Represents U. S. A . on thoir Ittaarary, and tha country Of AtomhrFW Hoarart Bannott. Baibara Marray ment prograaa,* to town U IBM. but navar ae- BOrimpa to w ki^ they wora look- Dies in Prison Hartford. Sekoai Nearly Roody Hngton raud^ Andaraon^S^- Auxiliary Na Roland Anbla, Cutler and " eantad. Howevar, TowB Counael M forward wuh th# graatoat an­ Fniadahad By 3046 VFW, wfU|teva a picnic to­ Dalagatas rhoatn to tlio Domo- la eptu of maurlal and eon- ChlcaIM , A ug, SB— (SI -ADfc erotic atato convantloii In Hartford Dooeay. Farmers of this area any that John D. LaBaUa infornud tha At Ranger Meet in Paris ticipation. However, may all felt C i h m B iKddk Jabkson. Mich., Aug. SB—(F>— morrow *venta|Pat the Coventry •traction delaye, Dee Magee, chair­ Administration (jets Blast urd through Ga««rm Manager th'ay had galii^ much from Itorkat Oaaad Hans 'fhlrriiig, '------^ one of tb* flim P w tHiN !■ *••••»• on S«f>t a and • Inchida: John Sat Harvaot Ontias man of the Board of Education be­ bttwdleaf harvesUng U about Imlf The death In prison of Hsyttood Bolton RopubUoans wUl nwet to­ LSk* oottog* of MnkAidea Outo- don* and work mmit be imsedwl If kritn UUt the atraet baenm* tb* C Ranger Gathering and ^ mer. Instead of the usual busi­ Srientiato to poftat th* waF to . Jdaddin. John Cutler, Harry Odium, 'hia Democrat Harvaat outing lieve* that the new Wapptng Gram­ Patterson, on# of th# South’* night for a party aaueus at 3 Bibis dsvtlopmsnt of a kydreWi rtKdwmnl R. Ku«hn of ne*»w»t William Threahar, Thomaa Bur- will be held Sept. T at Hlll'a Orove, they am U belt the colder weather town’s rwmoeribUlty ^ By EMILY BMITH wBaaque. 'iLosa girls, Jaan IfiHaan, made many new frienda of differ' ness meettog. Mambsrs are. re- mar School will be ready far oc­ In Seely^Brown GOP Talk usage; deapiU the town a fallura •nt natlonallUaa. At least they BM Aakad famed "Scottsboro Boys", waa an­ bomb, cam* out today sgalnslftM vaiiav nod WBO nonlnotod ** * |raaa, Jr., and Malcolm Juno. Dale- Wapping. Edward Paatula, chair­ to the punch. One source of labor Gaaeva, Bwitseriand, Aug. 30— Pat Jones, Aiayna Murphy and nounced today by Southern Michi­ o'clock at th* Community Hall. quaeted to meet at (1 p. m. at tha i S J S o U t o 8 UU R.prM#i.UUy. cupancy on Sept. t. However, be to scoapt tba daad. have a battor underatandlng of First Natkmal Bank VFW Horae, Manchester Green, use df atomic energy to genrihla fotaa wera inatructad to aota on man, announcaa that Mlaa Rita remind* parenU that work win be for th* flekto, the older children, . -Through gatherings such as Carol Ann Robinson also raportod gan priaon authortUea. ’ Two delagatoa and two alter- '-■ * DMMcroUc Cauciw h«id new will be unavailable as schools open 'house for fj-ienda and nalghbors that they croasod th* border Into ether people*. of Manchastor S3 natos wUl ba choaan to atUnd tte where traiuportotlon will be fur­ : taduatrtat power. - the drat ballot for Thontaa Dodd. Hack, South Wlndaor’a tobacco IncomplaU on room* in on* wing Coventry, Aug. 3B -(Speclsl)-^ thaae, ^ whieh the youth of many Th* 86-year-old Pattoraen died Thirrtag, an Austrian scientist, " w . KiMhn la • !>»**•*• Each win have one half vote. ipieen candidate and her two at her* soon. Th* weather was re­ held. oountrtaa ara repreaentad, oomes' 'Spain, although thay did not von' Hnitford National Friday night ol cancer, nuthoriti** stota convention, which will b# nished. They ar* also reminded to Bilnralty of Oonnacttcut Uw but feeU that thU will not delay garded by growers as. Ideal for The Washington adminlstrslton la Bank and 'Trust ... SO S3 bring a lO-cent gift for prises ta contondsd that wodd uranium JuaUea o f the peace randidataa tendaAU. will be preoant Several the opening. Equipment from the accussd of "Indulging la the ebar- tha baaia for bettor undarstoadlnga tura far Into that country. said. He was serving a six to IB held ta Hartford. Sept 4 and 3. arhoel and aamd In th« armtd harvest work all last week. . ___ Evaning HaraM Hartford Conn. 'Trust, 83 36 ni# convantUm will naiM • ra- Bingo and other gamM. supplies are far too scare* to te Include: Threeher, Maddln “ weU known Dem ocratic apeakera old echool and new material haa actertstle gesture of patting ItseU bMwoan the nations of the world,” After the treks ware ever, the Striking Dock Men 67 — ysar term for manalaughUr. ussd for power while othar «9a> to ttm In offlear mnh. Ha maln- •aid Dams Leslie Whqteley, chair­ Manchaataf Truat Th# Georgla-bom Negro,'whose placement for thS lato Sen. Brian already arrived and will be put In on tha back because the Tresmiry STATE 1JIOO attending th* Ranger Gather- PboMitac Stoto Bank Mr. and Mrs. Louts J. Tuttle, •ervea of energy ramata vtrtigfy man of the World Bureau of Girl McMabon. ______place thla week. The aelecUon of Reserve Unit Ends is SB per cent less ln> the red than tag apent the last three days In Tangle With Police and Trust ...... BS 63 book "Soottoboro Boy" galnsd him Mrs. Raymond J. tehors and Mrs. unlimited. ^ a name for the atnieture haa yet the PiMidsnt bad estimsUd." — NOW PLAYING — Guidea and Girl Scouts, at tha Paria, where they etayed in lycaaa, a new measure o f fame in 1646. cloatag ceremony of the French F in Inanranea Oanipanlaa William' J. Taylor attended th* Wrttlnr in tha bullatln ofjHw to be made. 2-Week Training Thoss wars the words of Congrsss- Hearing Tomorrow 3 Shewa-MnA 3. Bvm t ill provided by tb* city of Pari*. On* A a tn a F Ire ...... B8H 6014 haa been In Michigan alnca he fled SBRES RBPBIBIAND Vonderhelde-Allen wedding ta tha atoroto acientuts, ha said tB | N Annual Fair msh Horace Seely-Brown. Jr., International Ranger Gathering in ^afUnioon Uw gathering divided Baghdad, Iraq, Aug. 29— (49— Hartford F ire...... 146 193 priaon in Alabama In 1646. Flrat Methodist Church, ^tnam , probably la sufficient uranlui The annual Wapping Fair, ee speaking at a barbecua aponaorsd Paris on Sunday, Aug. 17. At­ into amaller groups, each) o f which Striking dock workera tried to aot 'Tbcr* be wn* serving a 7B-y*ar Saturday aftarnoon. ' tending the gathering aa represen- National Flra 66 71 Hartford, Aug. *8—t»*-^pam^ power the world for thre* to Ubllahed In IBM, will be held Sept. Saturday by tha Coventry Rapub- On Otii St. Curbing vlstted' a spot of interest such A* Ara to port iniUllationa in the oU t%oenlx ...... 100 106 sentence growing out of th* generatlcma. But he added: Ths llTtk Orgsnissd Rsssrvs licaB Town Comimtus and bald at totivea of the United State* were Mmitmartr*, ’Tuilerles Gardena, conter of Baara yesterday and po­ "Scottsboro" cas* o f 1661, In cratlc atota chairman Jota M. •; ragardleae of weather at the U f* and IndsoMdty las. Oaw Bailey any# two Stato dapartmant Mrs. Lson A. Rivard o f 133 Brct.< "It can eaaliy happmr t Community House and ground*. Army Servlca Unit, including mors tha ManchaaUr Rod and Gun Club tha; 16 'mambers of Senior Girl Bota da Boutogns, Champa Elyasaa, lice opened Are on them, a gov­ Aetna Casualty ...... 6814 10014 which nine Negroes were convlet- ton road la chairman of th* dance Tha Board of Director* v ^ hold Scout 'Troop 1, who left Manchea- beads who hlrod two SUto laglria- some future tims.iriian oar Officers are; Georg* Potterton, than BO OonnseUeut rsservs of- groundia and Place da la Oonoorda. Tha next ernment announcement aald. tev- Aetna U f a ...... I.... M 101 *d of raping two whit# women In which th* September comnUttM of xation will first have .naci BEAT THE a public hearing on tba inaUlla- tor on Jyne 16 on tba atari of thair oral workera were injured. tors should ba reprimanded by Gov, president: John Mrtwka, vice ftcars broke camp yssUrday afur The Congreaaman from the Sec­ day all ware taken by bua to V4r- a freight car. St Margaret's Circls, Daughtsrs throa mohtha trip in Europe thla Conn. Gonoral *...... 155 K60 Lodge. Ballay refara to SUto advancad atoga atuUdlag prealdent; Levi T, Dewey, trea^ a two weak psrlod of on-Oia-Job ond Connecticut District told hla thm of curb* on OUa atreat in a sallles wbera they apont the day , ’Th* workera quit because they Hartferd Stsam Boll. . 44 47 After a bitter and taternaflonal- of laatells, will hold at th* Man- •ununer. were not granted wag* Increase* Forma and Markato Ooromtaalonar start really going plaM urer; BarlMra Potterton, recording training at Csmp Edwarde Maaa audiance that Republicans In the visittag the palace at tha great Travelcra ...... 660 630 ly-pubUdaed trial in Montgomery' ehsstsr Country Club,. Saturday uranium and thorium (a A__ B*h ANNERANQS Tha cloatag ceremony waa held Sun King, Louis XLV. The gmunds along with other government *m- John Chriatonaan and Stoto Later aecretary; Elsie C. Porcheron, “nis reservs unit, with head- Houaa fought a atubborn battla to 1 nX JB . . . OUCN FOMD PnbUe Ctmtlaa Ala., all nine originally wen Ctommiaaloner John J. B gM . Tha ovsntng, t e p t 37. Mra. Rivard and mstoll, It will find left it to ctSteepondIng secretary; William quartars In Hartford, la tha aug elimlnaU waate In federal ap^- »wtlng will gU u ^ r at on tho terrace of the Palais of of this renowned spot, ths seen* ployea given a special-boost be- Conn. Light Power . . 19 1614 aentonced to dqath In th# elec­ her commltts* have already cn- PRICE INCREASE! RUTH ROMAN to Challlot, a beautiful alte near the eauae of the approaching great two reapocUvaly hired OOP R#F but mlaorably M or dapoalt A. Park, f'liianclal secretary; Wil­ menUtlon of the sUtkm comple­ tag. "Thla waa done." S ea ly -B ^ { ^ of the 'lYeaty of Versailles Id 1316, Conn. P ow er...... 3614 8714 tric chair. The aentences. never gagod' Haisworth Mitten's Orches­ Ihffel Tower, where many tater- Balream celebration. , Harry W. KaSuptfs of Ubaon pnd these metals, wnlla tha rick liam Leonard, superintendent ol ment here and in tha event of mo­ stated "In eplt* of detormlnod op* ^ •nrOUNG MAN W I M IIM M Jr are kept up much as they wars In Haloid Elec. LL ... 46 46 were carried out. tra to furnish music. Mr*. James will hav* been used up for grounds; and Walter G. PoqUr, bilisation would operaU the head­ leemltlAM W th* Wall* TVmmtmf* »» I TJlt iM rtItg WM UUM ^ « • nntlonal gatheringa have been the times at Louis XLV. Tha entire Moalem world will Hartford Oas Co. .... 37 40 The defenae won three ratrlala. Stoto Rap. Eugon* V. Dick, Demo­ Barry of 16 Linnmor* drive, who held. Dame Leslie and two other open four days, of feasting Aug. crat. of WrnoB. Ballay olalma th# is In charge of reservations, re­ duotlon of ooinmorclal po' , , FN MMEWITE KUtEIV superintendent o f commercial* and quarters of this camp. Attend Bnllet So. New Etagtand On June 14. 1637, Pattoraon waa atota dual-Job law waa vtolatad In commodity that can te ol catalogue. ' , ^ 'Hia personnel of the unit, which WED- TMUmS., FBI, SAT. members of the International One evening the aasendily had a SI in the traditional celebration of Tel...... 84H 8614 ra-sentonced t o . 78 y ea n lit minds the memters that only 78 Pommittoo of Girl Guides and Girl the safe a^val of pilgrims at the hiring*. . couples may be sccommodsted, equally cheaply and eonw 1^ . UMITIO NUMIIR OR , There will be exhibit* of farm Is commanded by OoU Hsrry choice of attending either the bal­ Stoautactartag Oeauwnlaa prison. from many other aourcoa." and homemaklw skills, animals, Sebwoleky of Hartford, bavo bass Scouts spoke to the 1,200 reprs- let or th* mime, tha local girls Mecca In Saudi Arabia. Am. Hardware ...... 1614 3114 Ha escaped on June 20, 1343, and they should tstsphons her at they face « 'ISjSSlr. E. J. Ho^ do tha Work. aontaUves from 26 different coun­ an early date of their Intentions. Thirring daacribad a '* canned foodA fTower*. machinery aasignsd to tha various sUff sw:- larly In eastern ConnectleuL According to coat estlmataa of chooatag th* ballot. This was ta- Arrow, Hart, Heg. > 40 43 and flad to Michigan, which re­ ROOBRV CHILD DIBS cal hydrogen bomb ta a and other Items on display from tiona sf ths hesdqusrtars since Ha told hla listeners: tries M ter a French Ek:Ialreuae BOY KILLED BY CAR Aaaoc. Spring ...... 2614 31V4 fused to return him to Alabama. [curbing given tk* board by Gen- and a. French Guide hiul raised the torsstlng and well dona, although book published in 1646. noon until 10 p. m. Featured for their arrival at Camp Edwards on "Th* psopl* are rsady to put qhlto long. Another night movies Brlatol Brass ...... 13 14 But In 16S0 Patterson waa a c­ MFD win drill tonight at 6:19 I oral Jdanager Richard Martin, . W orld flag, with all preaen^ stand­ ColUns ...... 1 3 0 190 Bnetao, Oallf., Aug.' at th* hoa* house at Mata and HU- the day will be the parade aehad- August 10. thsir trust in us. If w* convtac# amaalto would coot N cento a run. on conditions of work for women W aterford. Aug. 29—(49— cussd and convicted, again after ulad for a p. m. which will Include thsm Uist w* can and will do th* ing nt salute. Following the cere­ Km-Hart ...... -,... 86 60 A ctor Roy Rogars' youngeat Uard jtrse to . ■ • Di b s or Rosm Ai. In sdditton to on the Job train­ thsm Uist w* can and will do in* , ^ conerst*. S3. Prop- mony the local Girl. Scouts, many in countries wera ahown and the Joseph Gengo, seven, waa injured lengthy court battlM, of stabbing daugbtor. Robin Ellsateth. (had float of various organlaatlons, ing In the netunl opsrsUon of ths repreaentatlvaa of several countries fatally near hi# home here yes­ Fafntr Bearing ...... 89 38 WlUle MItchelL a 27-year-old 1952 N ASH would pay two-third. with tears In their eyes, bade fare­ yaaterday of complication follow­ HBL^m STABBING Stamford, Aug______dscorated cars, bicycles, doll car­ csmp hsadqusrtsrs, ths two week It right. And to do It w* can't de­ demonstrated folk dances In terday )by a car police said was Hart Cooley ...... 37 40 Negro, in a bar-room brawl. riages and farm Implements. pend merely upon th* eandldataa well to their new friends. »"crated by Mrs. Ethel B. Fraser Landers, Frsry, Clk. . 23 29 ing mump*. Sha would hav# baan Sehwsrts, 68, retired N o.,,-1— tour on setlva duty included PLUS: -STOLEN FACES" coatuma For th* past several month* Nsw London furnltura doaler.j AMBASSADORS AND RAMBLERS Win Serve Supper orlsntstlon sessions and famillsri- and members of tb# 'Town Com- Tour Province* , of New York, a summer visit New BrlL . Co. .34 86 Patterson bad been in the priaon two tomorrow. East Granby, Aug, '29—(F9— , Ladles of the WappingPPing Grange mlttoss to do thU campaigning, During tha first part of the two 'Thaae wera excepUonally well or. Stats Policeman Joseph Le North end Judd ...... 29 26 The baby waa Rogara’ only Poltca held Mrs. Lulu 3UU*r, S3, yaatsrday tt Stamford Hew sstlon trips In tbs csmp and at the done and tha Intricate atop* of tha hospital. H* was atSl collscttag Ho had bsen under troatment i I will serve an old fashioned supper Bring range at Csmp WsUflset. but we'v* got to have th* hsip of EASTWOOD weoka gathering the whole assem­ frambola'aald the child waa struck Russell Mfg...... IB 17 royaltlas on bis book when be child by bli acraaa wife, VoH. (n 3900 tends today on h charge from S to 7 p. m. which w ill be every man and woman who ever bly in groups of about 30, toured various dances done hy girls from Stanley Works com. . 90 54 Rogors haa thraa othar chlldran, of aggravatod saaault ta th* stab­ Aug. 11 for a heart ailasasL . lOoionel Schwolsky and hla Staff Sweden,'' Greece, India, Ireland and while running across a street died. vtving ar* hla widow, twp at followed by dancing and an auc­ also reviswsd the retiust parade of thought ef hlmsslf or hsraelf a* “sim ira S t Tiftn Shaw through the various provinces of with another boy. At Lawrynee Terry Steam ...... 66 109 None of the original "Scottoboto Gharyl, 12, Undo Lou, 6, and Roy, bing o f Mra Mas ElUngton, 31, tion. BUtad for the auction block a Rspubitcan, and who bellsvsa In France, terns of the Mimehester Finland wera amaslng to the Man- Memorial. hospital. New London, Torrlngton ...... 3014 8314 Jr.. 0, by hla Brat wtfa, M ra Grace here yssfsrday. PoUca said th* two daughUr, two brothars and. the units sf ths SUtkm eom^e- "KING I -THE chaster girls. However, American Boys" liow are ta priaon ns a ro- atstsra. Funeral ssrvicos ara V will be baked goods, fnilU and this great crusad* In which wc KONG- girls rejported seeing soma beauti­ death waa aald due to a fractured Union M fg...... 18 21 Arlene fl^ a r a who died ta 1346 women had argued prior to th# WE’RE TRADING HIGH! ment. I fu l country. 'The thrae, Ann Thrall, ire dances ara popular every- U. 8. Envelope com. .. 60 70 ault o f th* 1631 case. A ll have ulsd for tomorrow at Nsw T I vegstables. The llTtb, ORASU, la made up ar* now sngagsd.” WHh I skull, fractured ribs, and Inter­ been released or ar* dead. foUowtag ite birth of Roy Jr. stahhtag. Fase Jury Doty pa Votora Mtado Janice Murphey and Doris Beyer, X ra In Europe and the Scouts nal Injuries. Coroner Edward G U. B. Envelope pfd. ..63 68 of officers from ths grssUr Hart­ I *»■•*»••• I p«mU ^Beel* who went to Provence, vlaited wera frequently called upon to Veeder-Root. 31 84 , Ths following local resldenU ford srss, Nsw Britain, WlUlmsn- A total of 313 nsw voter* has McKay who released Mra. Fraser have been selected for Jury duty bssn rsoordld In the two sssslons itsa-aiiSBiia I i.tHiM Monte Carlo, Nice, and Monaco on teach them. aald hs will hold an Inquest The above quotations ara not to tie, Msridsn and Mlddlstown. The WEO.I JUBIPINO JACKS the Riviera, passed through A great deal of planning and b* construed a* aetual marketo. for a on* year period beginning unit taoato svary Tusaday ntoht held for thU purapoa* In Covsn- shortly. B ^ . 1; William Andndot Ewdln try. At Saturday's session 9S Cannes iuid other points of inter­ praparatlon were done hy the USED CARS at th* COnnoetlcut MUtUry -Dls- est, .swam In the Mediterranean French for th* Ranger Gathartag, D. Barber, Robert Blanchard, trtet Hsadquartors, 470 Oapitol were msd* at the flrehous# In ■Ijktt JU^66 Eftai ...... 4 F > mCHEST Louis Boxer, Gladys Burnham. North Covsatry. Of these, inth* and imported that they had a won­ over a period of two or tore* yoan. i Porter Collins, Hkrald Cummings, avsnus, Hartford. derful and Interesting trip. Such an International gathering flrat district, IS regtaUred at Rs- Raymond Blliaon. Douglas Grant, Msmbara of th* unit from Man- Ih e trip waa made hy chartered for young people Involvea oonsidar- l^filCES I cheater Include: ZA CM. John S. publtcans and 16 at Demoerato. WANTED I Lawrence Grennan. Donald Harrl- Seventeen fidlcated an Indapedd- AlB-CX>NDmONED bus from Parts to the Riviera and ahl* detoU and much eorraspond- ! CANDY I son, U oyd Hevenor, W ilbur HlUs, G. Rottner, Mai. Gaorg* W. El­ snt status. In ths second district, then back through France to enca between countries. However, unsurpassed value NelMin Johnson, James Kendall, liott, MaJ. John T . Haney, Jr., MaJ. 19 reglsterad Rspublicans, 16 Dem­ Berck-Plaxe, where each group did It U felt that the taora such gather­ with The Master's Touch I Alma Lawton, Lee Magee, Arthur W illiam R. Newbury, MaJ. Frank ocratic and 16 Independent. Anoth­ -KING -LEOPABD a service, project. ings then ara the more and better Miller, Henry Parent, Bivens Valclulla. Jr, OspL Hnyden U er session will ba held Sspt. 27 at Barbara Kloppenburg and Caro­ understanding will result between MADE AND Platt, Kenneth Quinn. Olive Rose, Griswold, 1st LA Robart J. Alley which tima voters wUl ba made KONG" MAN" lyn Scott, who went on the trip to .the young people of various couif- SOLD AT Melvin Btead and Raymond Vs- and Warrant Offlasr OOUn V. frnm 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. at the tovrn Alsace, reported that they, visited tries, a most Important stop to­ MUNSON Dnvlaa, Amiens, Nancy. Rhelras, Stras­ ward Uie promoUon o f peace. |lade. . office building. , at 4>U •il CANDY KITCHEN Prepare New Book Having been granted parmiaeloa bourg. and Ooimar, where they aaw Hence, prepsraUona ace already underway for a similar gathartag m NEW BOLTON BOAD—ROUTE 6 and 4 ^ IBOLAND MOTORS A new cook book Is being pre- by tb* State Board of Education such things as a wine cellar and NEW STOEE HOURSt 3:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. WEEHDAYB in Holland In two year*. IN KEITH'S AUGUST FURNITURE SALE pared by the Pleasant Valley Club About Town to launch a campain that will I Wad.: -WM Bagwrs Sfary" .VJlND^/p a torture chamber. Orleans, Blola. SUNDAY 10:00 A. M. to 6:06 P. M. l ^ ‘•YOUR H O M nO W N NASH D IA U R ” and will feature favorlU recipes aeek to raise funde for grad* on* dna -DIplowiatle Oanrter" Bordeaux, San Jean Pled da . Port On Sunday night, Aug. 17, tha I of amn* of South Windsor's best pupllB at North Ooventry'a Brick and St Jean dS Lua were vlaited group of Mancheateritoa took tha Prealdent of the Toung Demo­ *• EAST FBEE PABKING e all night express train from Paris 34f CINTBl ST. AT WIST CINTIR ST. TI^IPHOMI 4DT» kitchen experU. Copies of the cratic Club of Maneheater, An­ School, Mrs. Stanley Pspanoa and by the group that vlaited the Pays & ' book, which will be ready some- thony Baylaa, will hold an Im­ Mra. Archie Haynea ar* in aeareh II______, , , » « ' portant meoting thla Wadneaday of donations for tha project. Mr ^ TBOMHCOLOkl at 7:30 p.m. at tba Community T Needed beaides money, ar* dona­ on North Main atraat All member* tions of second-hand lumber and! flrsM*■•“ r Dsllsr lURTON’S . . . AIR-CONDITIONED ara urgad to attand. equipment. Some 39 students will begin attending th* Brick School -C an Me MUter'^ BRAND NEW 1952 INNERSPRING i l Pvt. Donald Carvlnl, son of Mr. »• ■ and Mrs. Philip Oervtnt of S Ridge­ At ths Democratic Caucus held NtoaeU y**e hare at th* beginning of th* weak jl 'J- wood streeL la now stationed In Cenr kilstee Tokohama, Japan. His mailing ad- end, five dsisgatss to th* conven­ WUd Btus Tondar HOLLYWOOD BED Idrsss la: R. A. 1134SU1, Btry., tion in Hartford war* named. They STUi A A A Gun B, N., APO-SOS, e-o are: Charles E. Nyaek. Arthur Mew* — Cerieea Postmastsr, San Pranciseo, Calif Ssbsrt, L. James Loyaim, Christ­ ian A, Walgold, and Ralph V, Rey- It givtt you Raynwnd 1* Carmody, son of nold*. « Ikfie. 0. A. Mealy ef 14 Alpine Nanay Jsan Kristoff, daugktari 1 street, haa beemaaiecte4 as a x a n - of Mr. and M ri Barnard Knah curvoB it dtdato to attand class Mo. tt of of Stonahouayroad. celsbratsd ThnVs a onrtoan nt — , tha Officer CkndldaU School at third birthday on Saturday. at every show . .'. and n *49 Fort SlU, OklA Upon eompistlon of Mr. and Mra. Burton E. Moors, pleto New Shew overy 8« Noturo didn'fl I tha 23 wsska eouras hs will ba Jrn observed their 29tb wedding Tneadsy and Friday. Rogulor Prieo $79,501 commlsaionad a aaobnd IlcuUnant I annlveraary Saturday at their OenL Bvaty Night Frmm I In ths artillery of ths U. S. Army. home on Snake. HUI road. Open WWWWW Prleod 11% te 33% tiss than AttracUv* Plastic Headboard, laasnpring Mattrm. Matohtng Box Spring on lags All complsU at thl* fabu­ lous low Kolth August Sal* pries! Good looking, offers a comnoroblo aualltv iait year world of restful comforL lasting ssrrics. Firm, will mado ETUDE MINOR mattrsas has rolled odgoa, heavy ACA ticking. N «w -w lw n you'ra thinking o f your porsonol Fall wordrobo, of school clothot for tho childran- Liborol Koith Budgot Tormi • . Opon An AecountI REGISTRATIONS Grants offoro its 1952 crop of Foil fabrics at bolow>1951 pricos. Got your shoro of savingsl NOW BEING TAKEN FOR FLORENCE'' Fine rayon GABARDINE D U A L O VEN MARION WILLIAMS PECK rho tamo fina grad* of gabordin# iKot Grant* sold la*t year for 89e a yard. Hond-woihabl* royon and ocototo^ 38" RANGE wid*. Or**i and ikirt weight. Hack, School Of Dance . with four gas and four oil burner coOktag navy, brown, groan, win#, groy, rad. top, large porcelmlii lined oven that enn be haatod with aither! Oven beat control, STUDIO - 539 MAIN ST. many mor# quality fsatursst I CRISP F A H I I . Soma quality wot 79c in 19SI. Rutt- AOC Rn9 royon; wldo variety of Fall eolof*. 44" wid#------^ ^ Y6. i ENROLL NOW FOR FALL CLASSES $ RRINTID $U ID IS. Colorful plaid flonnol for toon- C O c 229 CLASS AND PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS IN ogors' fpor^thirt*, ate. Sonforteod. 3d" wide...... — TO.

RIN>WALI CORDUROY, lost yoor't comporobla I 2 9 Budgot I 'I TA P ~ B A LLET ~ A CR O B A TIC quollty- wo* 1.59., Nine lu»h outuwn eolort. 36' wid* i _ Torms BALLROOM - BATON SCHOOLGIRL GINGHAMS. Light-hearted check*, plaid*. Vot-dyed, pr#-»hrvnk to 1%. 36" wid*------^ Y6. ALL STEEL SPECIAL TAP CLASSES FOR BOYS CHiaCAlIRRY SUITINGS. Sold lo*t yoor for 7 9 ‘ Koith Storo Hours yi yard rayon weave# with important look. 42” wide. Closed Wednesdays at 12 Noon, Open UTILITY Thursday Nights Until 6. Regular Houra Classes For Gradt School, High School and Adult Ballroom Dancing From 6 A . M. UntU 8:30 P. M. CABINET REGISTER AT STUDIO ' Grants famous I ' 5S9 MAIN STREET SUMMIT COTTONS $g-95 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 - 2 P. M. to 9 P. M. Pro# Porking High-count, quality cottofM In a broolh- Use Keith's Private Parking Lot Ad­ $11.65. VALinC! AU ateel construcUon ta taking orroy of unutuol print*, light and joining Th* Store. No MeUr Parking heavy baked on white enamel finlih. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 - 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. In Th* Entire Block Juat South! with two shelves for linens, canned dork *oKd*. Spociolty priced for thi* big goods, kitchen utensils. Sink and stova If you'r« o havt or hovo-not • • . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 -1 0 A. M, to 6 P, M. 3-doy avont, *o buy up yord*l 3 9 height you nsBd tht ntw Bnchantmtnt of Maidsiiferm's Efudt. OR REGISTER NOW - TEL. 4891 or 2-0649 Sanferizod BROADCLOTH PRINTS If your figure is avorag# Etuda will mold you, lift you, flaf- OF MANCHESTER CwBriele veer e W s edhcKflpB wWi • eeem Ib Hie d w e eedw • cwnpefeBf sleU ef N edien. far you! If you'ra smallar-than-avarago Efuda Minor will Thota 8na mareariiad cotton* hav# th# of *ilk. In CronH own *xclu*iv* c f mako your figure perfect with built-in contours, Etuda in STUDENTS OF MARION ¥flLUAM$ FfCK HAVE AFFIARiD RIOULARLY ON TELEVISION pallornt, p Kn oil wontad Foil doik-tono*. J ( y i t n s J-;U, " cotton $2.00, Etuda Miner in cotton $3.00. m b I Mn. FbcIi b • • f H D«eiB« M ttten of AwertcK m i the PeBdet T—cbm Cleb I 815 MAIN STREET BBC t k e f . W.T. GRANT CO.

i'.*' i-lmtiU'^-'-J |l%»IUje.A~

EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.^xMONDAY, AUGUST gS. 1962 MANCHESTEB EVENINO HEBALD, MANCHE8TEB. CONN, MONDAY. AUGU8T 19M __meat speaker atjat the Hartford Steam BoHer In- Thanks aad aparaelatkai la ax- the JoMS atroet Cemetery lai- ot Hebroa Granget anraace company. She to apandtog G uides Prison Bus Wide-Open Contest Farpu O il Finns D eny priaasd to tha Couraat.aad also provenwnt boeiety met t t Uw old ] the Ume at Iwr home vtolUng >rtth H e b r o n Hurytag ground for their annual Zwick-Anderson Nuptials to tboM httptag to moka our Mya- proJeet a week ago. During Uw year bM baan rocatvad ef Uw]her brother end etoter-ln-tow, O n B rakeless R ide Truman Set L to G urtell tsiy Rids a groat aueciaa. i a t a dauKhter. Aug. 30, to] Capt. end Mrx Uoyd 8. Olray end In Race for 2 GOP Seats The next nwettog wUl be "Back Add Garden aew gate pooto have been eat up. Rm end w x rv m ^ P. ta-]Uietr two chlldrenv who have re- to gcbqoi" on BapC 5. Bapt 19 is la addlUoa to UwUtt ot awarda TlM Mteretttog aad beautiful ** ttto t t m ablM . Infl. The baby to]cently returned from Tokyo, Red Bluff, Ottif., Aug. 35—|‘S k id R o w ’ V ic tim g side near here lest night, finally daea flaturdar a t 1 o^eloek la Um CroekeU h Undecided cbadljlataa for the Rrarasttag, Irabtan cU fields. j uw Orange Hall Aug. 14, and ob- Ing and caring for hoea: prepara- grounda of the fofmer Bari Parka former Mtoe Grace Owmpx Rev. ' ' _ . steering It oft the highway onto lin t Motbodlst Cbureb, Putaam. VIsMBatawlWM ■ ■ Appataatly material daaltng | servad Touth Nigti. with tlott of vegetttilea. Mary Moran ttace, now m r M by Haiy V. rocky hilWde. iltwira«*OM) I OM> la Um pr awBM of a largo Tha RepabUoan raca for nomina­ Oflth tUs phaoo was dalated tro m lc^tb to Booth,.aostsUnt lecturor, and Pinky Shorty ; Charles Schret- Drummonds .The poaalble citab- SSi’fV .J'e’-i'" "• ““"I T urn to D rinking The Cetifemia Highway Patrol blaga of maUraa, frlanda aad for> tha Hoeamant aad othar bmUot ] to eharga of the lacturar’a program. er. Zeve Leaefsky sad Allan R u ­ ■aid 11 prison Jnietoee end a guard of tba bcldifa tion M candldota for atato Ik h n w ai^ a perasanent fund for Bight young poople of **w H ^ Km UA th*t vut nmuMi With my aueoaaaor, whoarar to la, SMlatlra may darolop Into a r ^ WM odited and toMd down baforajMlos Jaah guUaky Sad Mias Ruth ling presented their amusing hoe­ for Uw oamotery wm dis- bron Orange went on a myatafy were hoepitaUsed fer Injuries not Wilson Hits aaxt iaa. *0 and am him awoca ____r, Bar. Pradarlck a s sisjxs’tsnfftss tt STM haadad to mws agenoUa ] Stroiqr woro co-chairman ot the ing eklt. Bari Prout Jr„ associate considered critical. Tha other S3 »m BOt *YMt eoiitent uatU th« Wblto gtadtoU. palma aad apraya opan ooataat with m many m fire . Th# sum at 353.35 hM al- ride Wadneaday avantog. They] h «w Havs'n, Aug. 35—(Fi— antd of Oownm- to and coagratulato him, rm mfn tifttiiiig for tha aomtosUoaa ever the weekend. refreebmeUt oonunUtee. The next county agent, wm Judge. baan turned in. This Is from tumsd up tt Um Norwich Bullttto J j j ^ y •xpariancoa in tha mtliUiy men aboard suffered ecrstchee coming atralitot back to the Whlto af try pradomlnatad to tbs deco- ' Listed Mpriaripele to the global] meeting will he ttip .m . Thursday, end brulaex ^ n e a S d wlthla lU owa isUons. la tba priamry. Pour nwa bare nl- In vegetaUe exbibtta Charia* a "tolant gift" project, members Mrvlce. and other "hlgWy Inttltu- Houaa, cloM by aultcaao—III al« ready ennwimwd their toteatlon to ail eartal ora thasa Atoarican ] Aug, tt. Fun Night wUI be ab- Schreler, Harry Lenefeky end y o ^ using Uwlr various talents to earn Hemmed by a shser cliff at one Korea View ready hare It packed—and. JIM. Mr. AUaa gara bis daughter to flrnu: Standard OU of Now Jarsay, isarvad. Du# to tha absMce of Uw Mm^AlexanderMllanlkef caeve-ltlonaltoed ways Of life” account edge of the road mad a dropoff to*toet eoBBtcUoii, l!toinlv»w tw, how ha ouimt to run bla job. If aMtattvo nomination to IPSg.and are Anglo-lraiilaa OU Ox, a] Aug. 35-39, MrS: Bvelyn H. red; Ann V etitf, white; cerroto, S th hM ^ 1 »* Tale’e center t t alcohol atu^wi Then, at a brief break In toe (Oaattanad flraai Fago Om ) bo wanU aw, I am alwaya ready KatbariM flwaaaoB of MOntdalr. kvary year rather th u ecUlt ^ British company, and Rosral-Dutch j (Joughun, leeturar, wUl attend tha the present Ume. An eleeticn wm aISSL. i52LetoM aaya ’’many t t the lutUon’e home- kiifii bufiiUiv am ou Mia own M. J.. M amid af honor. 13M, bM said bo wm nm for nrail- •Vemay Felledra, blue and red; bald, and Blrranc A. Scranton w ot DiijeitC llalBO of fi'iiiom, wlio to aarre my goramnMnt aad tba tag alaeUon yaara, rad wouM ^ Shell; owned by Britieh aad Dutch j New Bngload Stotee Leetiarere’ l(r endSf^ Km eth O. Ortf- *•« "»•«» >•** **»•*' Ptt«nttt fern- people: Ha can caU on me. But my r- Oratobaa Badtor of Houston, nattoa this faU tttlwr. m director im IM ld a aUoagsr Dcnwclatlo totereoU: Jconferonoe at th* .Unlverrity of ra-alactad praaidant; Mrs. John b a m U y to_ their late'tara. eiM ^njd AiSeoM to Um Ubontloa of bU **nila la my laat maaaaga to you mmta. at UM brida at or IsglMator, and today bs staM piffty, which to within tba potaer l/mmie. vtca-praaMent; Mrol Ihaa from tha m uta Houaa. la laaa than ')lanc a n to Mtabllah tha library, dsfinitetv bo wm not try for ttw Btondard OU of Now Jersey waA Now HaUpahira a t Durham with Atijg. IS at Uw Manchester . Mo- one ef the military eervlcea, or the PerBonsl Noticcfl ______tfrgMMiy aka a good root, aad then help auM u a tn n ity : and Mtoa ib lth of tra regtotfar." Ho alao Uw Srst to protest tha cartel re-1 sU expanaaa paid for the trip. Bd- Jonas Osrpontor, sseraUry-treaa- Merchant Marina, or' aerved with dva moatha tba duUaa of tba prtoU VeadartMlda. on ta t at tba bride- R o e S o l Dlioctors agato. mid Joyce Kinney, white; onions, urar. moritt H o ^ ttt, Kenneth Olln. 80 Mid tlMM tbTM otopd^wo fancy wUl to tohind ma. Aa a elU* educate the youUi of thla country ha would not say that Uds btoisalf on record m bring la ta ­ BOrC’The oonqpany said It did not] ward Noedttrom, awater. and ^(torolyli Coblldge, red; pees. Bale They have one other child, Mary- toe cavillan CkmeervaUon Oorpe Iii Maanrisa ’ Ban aad Lagicanalra. bowarar. I on the blatory aad prtodpala of flvoonif WWW tffidwwHvitrtw ro t a t parkBhg lagtolaUvnMlion, MloBg to any tatanwUontt oU jaeveftt otHor mambeix ara atoo Schreisr,''* blue; Swtae chard, Bltchan Oeouslttoe (CC!C), the governmental youth- liiinmlUti la tkalr urgon^. Audrey Vondachaida. aaeUMT sla­ nwant bo wm a eandlmta tor the loweitog tba vottog ago trope 11 Bllen. . ^ , work * taoject during the de U m optirh WM o n tlr^ dorotod toaU aun to working for U»a pur- ttolr govarnnMnt." roprosantattvo nomlnaUop. He hM csrttL I plsnnliiif to ottoftd. Chariea Schreler, red; equeeh Tba Habron Oongragatlonal The Hebroa Btenwntary School In m*mory ot Cut J. Born, who 41*4 to « m «£otlon of UM UuMt to Tha Praaldaat told tha ualdaaU- ter, was to eharga a t tha gi * to IS. ^ A Standard Oil of CttlforaUf Mrx Coughlin accepted the ap- Michael Novae,' red; Ume beans, riiurch kitchen renovatloB commlt- preeelen of tha thlrUee.” He seya AOaust », 1S44. poM I bara atrtraa for aa Praal* 'm b . until midnight tonight to file bis wUl radpen Bept. A Tbachlng aUff that when tha men return to etvlt Um Uaitod ItotM, how It conw dant—an AamHea at paaea artUito flad friend that he wm "aetttog With the deadfina Mr flUnri tor apobasman aald his company Is j pototBwnt m th# repoitar for Om- Joyce Kinney, blue. Prout com' te* BMmbere are looking fororard Robert Boot of Varnoa, ft. Um primary a tori Jioim to axing over the kitchen In a way foUowe: Kindergarten, Mrx Vir­ ten Hfo it la almost impossible for Euh rnemorr of you It llho o sUr, Stout end UK Bwtbeds u M d ^ ^ ttaatf, aaoura to tha world, aarrlBg aatdc flO acrca of the farm for a M boat man. and tba np State RaprsosnteUva Sherwood _ Uw reilort and “naturally j nactlcut at tha Lecturers’ Can­ manted iii a compllmMtary man- g il^ H. Tryon; grade om, Mrs. taldina U* toward tho rrlBClalos Id r im '" T 1« that fnBMWork, M a gulda aad bulwark for. all man Ubrary alta, aad I’m going to only t t eandldatea for oHicu hays ts"to presant a complsts da- j feraaca, which honor- waa conferr- on the showing end gave which should ba a giott Improvt- them to adjust to community Ufa. which you bolItTtd. w an Rotoad Vondarhaida, brother G. Bowers, Otractora Bay Warran presented their propoaato anfl Bwnt Tbe comanlttee bM ordered G ^ s Uvorant: grades one end Btraue called the men "paUioIogt- intoTTor fm"-* thp opportunity to aad naUoaa who eharita fraadom traaafar aU of my papera out of tha brldagroom, CharlM Dor- aad Aldan B. Bailey, and R o b ^ fahso agatost aU chargas auda J «d upon her by \ha state lecturer, pointers In Uw way of ImproM' two, Mrx Merfoq Flsldi; grade Mrs. Hadwia Bara o>4 tsmlly. S b U tto M M potato that havo aad daoaney. then.*' dcea to seek rc-«leetlM to the agatott this company and any of j Mrs. Alma A, Brookx meat. a double, itolnleH etesl top sink. cat drinkers" rathar trian alco­ ebaator a t Anaonia. Donald Paa- Gorman are the four avowed eba- toriii'ctork. Hie perUtion between kitchen and twx Mrx Floyd A. F ^ ; grade holics. Thoy place amphasla on tS p pnlltP*^ argnmonta for tba ‘Daaplta paaatag ravaraaa and ’T ra got more prtrato papera dldatM for the nomtoaUon. Us affiUatex" I Bowing Chib maeUnga were re- New Vetere Listed three, MImi Permelto BrouMwau; Card of Thanks ). |.v a r of Maw York a t y aad Qnalg • A Gulf OU apokeemea aald of mimed Mondttr at tlw home ef dining room le to be token doom duration of their drinking rather dlaeouraganwnta, wo have baan than any other Praatfant to bto> MuiM af Bayport. U L Of thaae. bowovor, oaly Watron Names of the unexpectedly large and a new one put up to a grade four,. Mrx Oelvlna Montlg- than the Intensity t t It, ha Sayx apoka of corruptlw to gor- —Mwy raai baadway on thla tory, tone tk tbam,” be to quoted TbsM are: fof the BoaM 1 Uw report: {Mrs. Mm Young, 397 HlUa street, number ot new voters madeI t t the ney; grade five. Ignatius Lom­ Through ths modtum ol Tho tlsrsld Tba bridars gown w m of wblto _jd Bailey. wboM caadldaclM convenient piece, with a aervliig wo Would saprsis our Omp spproclstlon eouraa to iwcant ytora. Tat muoh M aaytog. ‘Tm going to act up a aykm aat' orer taCata. |lar rail wars annouBced Iv Town Commit' "Ineofer m Culf la ooneamed It] East Hartford. The next meeting seaakm racantly, are; Caro­ bardy; grade six. Mrx Ida C. 4^^ua*haBdottra^^ and Uhimry foundation. Z expaet to crat, proposal; la not bosod on faet. Gulf la not a] anil be held tonight at the home window between kltchea end din­ ol ell klndntss sad sympsthr sxtsad- ramatoa to to dc«M. X know that Uhwlaa WM of flagarUp laagtb MOtea UHurnuHiChairman WUllam< fl. Davis, Meaoaay,wy. DC t and Hariy line Uppincott, Sondtona. H. ing room. Countam will be put to. Heck; grade eeven, Cherlee Oaru* TATUM rta tha fu- apaak and write a lot, on hlatoryl aad draped from a baadMu of Um aro aimqetodd to have Um baeklag party to any cartel arrangaaMntJ'of Mra. Gladys fltatoer, 301 Bush Bedard, Rldiard R. Bedard, Arthur kin; aad gI^Mle eight, Mrx Maude hsnd sad tatnar, Chsrlss Joooboox krai of gorariunaat la J. Firato,I, BopulItepubaeaa.^ttieoii a ^ hui Mm Albert B. BiUard to chair­ end S t ths tUns si hU pssstag. Ws tura aa to tha paat—wtU play an and govarnBMfit. Td like to tnlfc I o autorial and' oraago bloa- of Um RapuhUcaibUcaa Town committee otthar International or oUwrwiae.* j road, Manchetter. Articles will P. Hyde, r* rt J. SwecMy, June Bottomley. principal. Oollaga Park, Md.—(NBA) would slso oatsni thsnks to mombors eetaioii and to world affao* to high aehool Jualon and aenlor8.l CUfforir Vamay itad AiMQOon| Id. A . spokesmen for the Tsxm j be made for the Orange Fair to ha men t t the committee. Other mem­ Indlapanaablo part In our afforta a. tb a aanlad a bridal bou- to____ Um. primary flept 9. Tbs queo- Fairbanks, boUi BepubUoai^ pro- Sweeney, Dennis A. Keefe, Josh R. bers are Mrx Albert A. Oaolidgx Muato aupervteor le Mrx WUlo Jim Tatum hM complied a five* ol Kina Dstid Uodao, I.O.O.P., ^ to ^ t h a ttoltad •tatoa la no to raaob Umm goala. - They a n aharp and eager to learn.] ^ of wblto tosM aad gppao- Ura of whether tba committee wm Company also danied that tlw j held on Friday and Saturday, Sept, Bupreneat Mrs. Harry H. Klrk- year football Coaching record at sll who soat bsiutllul floral trlhatsx no toon ottieUBt, ao "Tott know tlw n’a eight major company parUeipatod to a cartel j ig eiui gq, at the (Jrange HaU. Keefe, Marcha F. Gray, Rose 4F. Mrx gtanley K. Nygrea. Mtoe. _r than tha moral flnmuto endorie any cendIdetM to the Belectman, ttU) M.'Qulah. Perham, PhUo J. Parham, Eleenore. Herbert W. Irarter, and Mtoe Edna ham will begla her dutlee m school Maryland of 89 wtoa, 9 tefaaU and Ifrx Marioa M. Joea ualranitiea and nearly, 100 am i^| Tba honor attaadnnt wm primary wm be answered iriwa the and m d ha doubted tlie eXietenceJ HUlstowii artmge'U to the pro­ M. Lundqutot, Marjorie C. Taylor, nuree, Walter C. Hewitt will rO' 8 ties. . tamliy. .'pifMIe offldala." ^ ooUagae, maybe more, wJthto a MO] 'Democrat noUee: and fof: eon- of any such totenMUonal egroo- ] ceee of forming an orcheatra, and gownod to pink orloa and whlto group BWets tonight eUtou, (Jtto R. Herrmann, Badrick Eugenia Dagna. Sylvia B. McOor- Mrx Gardner Q. Sborey, repre turn M echoel custodian. I n tm id aaroral UmM to/to mile radlua of Orandriaw. j net .flba oarrlad an arm bou- meat. ]lt le urged that anyone who can ' Mias Mary Gray la spending, a of Omnmunlala Into A bout Tow n My Ubrary wlU be open to any Bowosu bi T J. Straughan,. James'Dufi; Soy World Market. INvMad ] piay a mualaU liiatrument contact rtoOB, Asmto T. RattI, Carolyn Sag- ■ e a t^ the woroen'e organtoeUon meat. quM.of pink onrantiOM and won Bowers, who hM been to tbs Isg- Raymond H. Bobtoeon, aU llo, ITancto Fttxpatrick, JamM of toe Hebron Civil Defeneo advto two-week vacation from her work quaiulad editor, writer, eoBaga w a matchinghaadploca of Um aaaM The FTC. report .tracing a mass| Mrs. Ooughlln or Walter F. For­ muat any It to graduate atudaat that waato to A vV' Istoture stoos IMT aad w m a as- and flUng nottoss, aad'An- e t corporations, subsldlariaa. Inter-] rest for information. Mrs. Cough Fltapatrick, Beatftoe U Wark, Bd­ aa waU aa to Ura. WUllam O. Crawford flowon. Tho bridonnaldi' IsetSMa aad diraetor for 13 yaats B. Haylaa. Damocnit pre- ward Taraaevlcli, Arihur P. auka UM of it. It oan ha made al ■ I'' 0 of blue orhm and kMUB^ diraetorates, and agtaa-]Un la also trying to organlaa Oalism 'Owy hava' adooaadad to Aeadamy atraat, paat grMt cultural cantor to tha Mlddla j before than, broke with the com­ meats, pictured the cartel m carv-] Choral Group, and would Uka to Bedard, WUliam A. Melvta. Elvtoa im a m r, Daughtara UMir bouquata and haadptooM mittee over tha Isaua of Uw pro- Fbr town dark, flanuiel J. P., Melvin, Emery N„ Taylor, Bal^ tog our own ranka. a ^ Orford Partob Char* Wait, aad that It what l hope It] a of rart-colend obryaantba- tog up Uw world's roporvis, sup-]hear froni anyone who-wtshee to FDrHHMrStnrlM I'toto of tba Ataafloaa RavMttttoB. ^ baa turaa o«t to be. That’a what I want j poMd eomaUttoo aadoraemant of Turktogtott, RamlUledii, botlte: plies and markets Aw patroloum holn, aspeclally tlw young roambers. bara J- Porter, DouglM M. Fel- munts. to which Bowara Is for traaaurar, 01 Iwroy Noctla, Ba- lowx Catherine FeUows, Agnes B. to do aaxt," Mrs. AUaa silactad fOr bar fiwt 5x*rg togb prieas. ] Thera tr still time to fill out Uw n MH Rrn.'NM ,1IH ■ ' H ! v N'N'. _ to WHla a b ^ la mTartieia aeootapaayliM tba pubUean, notlea; and for remttrar It said production In tha oU-rich ] entry blanks for the "Toutb Moll, Ida Y. Campbell end Ramon assrsSiasrv's dnughtor’a wadding a gray erapa " S S U tboufhthomto a rsgistarad of vojan, tneumbaats, Donald _____and aald Uidy a*a •taU orgtBtoatfdR. aaidaiittol qdotatloa, Um maga^ draaa, htack ralrat aecaaMriM and Middle BMt. VenesMle, end other Achievement Oentett.’' Several ot D. Campbell. There woa’t be an' IIIU«M ?} of Hat aad byatarta. Ha M aim tha llhfary, to ba c i ^ Rapubltean, bMIM oftsnoften baanb at odds Hamtoayrey, RapObUeaii, aad Kor- major petroleum reeervea bad been ] ^ young aumbera have done eo, oUier chance to he made a voter Any hawr—day a t nlpifc— oorsaga of yaUow toots. Mrs. Voa- wlUi theUi organisaUen to town aad torty. Tb Db Ih H n « . Ralph M. iMohmmaa aad tba Barry fl. Truman Ubrary, win datbmda, bmUmt of the brtda- caittully oontroUed to fit Wi^d j qj, lecturer bM more bleake until Sept. 20 from 3 to 5 p. m. wail Ba yoiir btmwr in tba T e a r . - two ohUdran of ■abrtog. flA. ara eonUUiprtairta aad oftleiu papan bM nm todspandanUy af it to tba For JasUcaa of tba peacn Ray­ Cemetery Looks Better foMah P. Parlor. groion, STM attired to black laee market demande end thus stehlliae | ^ there are others who wish QuUh eervlee hrtogq eider ia the midst of ■heitaat ordar pooaiMa. .Wa ^tn daltira a a b i n o r > l _ ^ of Mr. and Mra. Amoa K af bla dflnitalatmtton. beoka, bmbi* wlth eonaga of pink past mond T. <)ntoli. Democrat impoa- prices without price-cutting com- ,„ter. For the ISth coneecutive year a M Myrtle atraat. Or. oiabtlla bSSSto^ tbq,tb«iaaBda^ Gorman, although IM p r o p ^ Is al, and Raymond Ktoodt Desno- eoafnelox Tide Is the'reealt t t careful ate hava traiaod manpowM If^tS. JACOB ZWICK A large recapoption foUowad to tba Victor Swan- petition. teaUea to detttl aad leaf experiSMx gtfta which hare eom# to the vaatta^. with the Woman’s League bslng sponsored ^ crat; Frank O. Btaala, RaptBfieati, The report said thla wm ac- that braadf waato of aubataMa l.-a.y«nH«w to Maachaatar, la at ^ I t e Houm. '» a library will be acn. who to waU-known to Rapul Ronald Ltogard, Democrat; Wil­ and toola te de tha job righk ,Oef«» MIm Bthal Marjorie AnHrMn,o: completed the outfit. Boat af tba church catering. dompllahed to the United fltatee, | . » - eorrui^ ^ praaaat aUtionad to ^.ba. Kan^ sat on a alto which la part of tha " On thsir return from e wedding Ucaa elrclaa to town, does not w liam V. DaHaa, D epw aat and despite enU-trutt laws, through a 1 ^ • tha Brat tima—ngaidlaai of thla tuna forward, Uautanaat daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. O. Vlo- Mtomwl Zwlck of 170 Um .biasring of Uw eommlttaa Harold A. Goar, Democrat an ao- . CafikPiki m T i Truman family farm naar O r a ^ la Um brida- trip to Matos the couple wlU system qf state end federal laws No Fuaer- rlaw whan Truman U rjd fw ^ tor Andsraon of t t fltrong strsot, Oak strM t who ^thCTe Uoia. ‘ thetroubla. Amartcana t*}*"*;*?^!!**^ tba Ato Fotm^ aad Jaoob Zwlck. son of Mlehaal groom’s broOiar. ooeupy Um pareenaga of tba MaUi- In Uie name of "oonservaUon.” ^ V [Funeral I ai H o m a W E HAVE graparatlna aad_«meuUm of oiw |p gg flight aurgaon. 10 yean praoadtog hla World War Tlw DamooraU^ with only tm For the Board of Bdueatlon, Chsirman Sparkman said the Aaywhere Htafa's aaiMilM Zwlck, Sr., and Uw lata Mrs. Kath- The brldeamalds. who were at- odltt (Biurch to Norwiehtown, iuouttotd George W Obaney, notice to' soe- AiitnniGtid dnlivnry on Mogram to a clbnata of faar hB^lgin, ia%aiima waa tha formar I Army aarrlea, ^ tliod to blue gowM rimllar to tba wbers Um briflagroom wm SmeU Burineae committee Would la B etter Ura-Wator. sriho Zwlck. were united Ip »Mr- santattva, da aot anUolpata a rimi- oaed btoiedf tor term andtog^te .Home. Equipped, claan-boming hlofaUheat, tba Amarlcan "* **’ riago at UM Hmanusl Lutheran m ^ of boaor*a, were Mtoa Arms tha duUaa of ttu to t pastor. Ht ipst. ■ •• • give the oil firms a chance to re­ A WAY WITH B l aald tl Church Saturday afternoon by Zwlck, Mtoa Viola Natocn and Mtoa I—... atUM Hart­ ■»“ WM ply at pvbUc hearings Wednewlay I too. (Mar near. W b a lp a d Bov. Carl B. Olaon. Wblto gladloU Mabel Person. Ushsre wers Ita sst ford'Thaologlcal Samtoaiy. Both end Thursday before Its monopoly ___g m_____ r o w r t_ ____ 0* Haaary atraat aad daughtara. U.S. Oilmen and pahns Mt the acana for Uw Vv Andsrsan. brotbsr of the bride, brida and InvasUgattog subcommittee. BURNERSI n.,, ■dHUlM of aUbtoMto witoM’a I KBruyn and fluaaana, have return Arthur Blaney and Robert Tler- Byraouseir*K S«5?“i2JlK of C A ^ tite Rdeaes of the report camel aaflitraltaaoua.'Coaaplraey. Aad j ^ after a few daya' rialt with Mr, double ring caranMny. O. Albert from Evading Cdimt aang "BacauM;; and ^ June. ■horUy after two government MflIN ST. —• w ay af K oping *am Rwi ilna Riflh'l aad Mra. Varmy McBride ol D m T ra Truly" and "Tba Lord'a ”‘?iM brld^a motber ehOM for her Tha bride will begin neat nUi Seen Unorm onsl eou|t ectioiu against the oil firme j ■parta, N J., fonnarly of thla town. Aid Sought daugbUr’e wedding a roM lace to toaeb flrst -grade at the North Is D^aiissed by the Justice Department. ^iSSstiSdr^ I TiiTlnlda. given In mnrrtoga by etraet length draw with wUta ae- Btontogton eebool. She wm b o m To______knew tba amouat^of food One sought recovery of .57 mil- I ; bare doaa your RalaUvaa bara bara rooalv^ ciMorlM and a whits orchid cor­ rieWtaffly tajurlag tto | bar fnUwr, w m wearing n laoa la Manchattar wMe her parents for tha K. of C. family I Hon dollsrs or mdre from four of j ^ • • nawB cf Um Wrth of a daughter to over Mtto gown faahlonra with q sage. Tba groom’a aunt Mrs. ware laadara to ^Uw wweek ^ o of f tMtba' p|eMe would lead one to beUeVe K ln w F o n n d N o t G a l h v the American firms on the basis j COLUGR GIRLS WANTED I of .toaocaat paopta.** Mr. aad Mr%Damoa Haadlay By Iranians J ^ Gaily, .wore a peacock blue lor aald! fitted bodlea« n bqunro-cut t r ^ Second OongragaUonsl CSwreh of thaw so of 550 people wart r o u n a llO I ^ r i u n j of pricM they charged for oU for to asedel, eenaael aad aril Cbida V la tm ^ lf . , Uhiaira acttlciMd yoke, and n p i- drees with blaCk aceaaaortas and a the foreign aid progrkma. The) for coapeiont, cooriecas to Blair's aa eaospM ttetkas easapalga i*Tiet ua narat taiarato te la a daughter M l (Caattaoed m m Paga'OM) I garUp vaU of nylon lUuslon feUtog eonaga of red roaaa. pattonte of 10 TM,. SSTaciS^^ S? " • N* matter whet the item of oar eotonwalty Ufa theaa other Involved an anU-trust In- may bx 'if rt is eoaMtliiat and prompt servica at uni- W ediw iey Threeik SHlwdey, Sep*. 3,4. • GBd 4 M o b l l h e a f of la a Otago who apant nrcaident of! from a crown of aoqnlns ara n A gladloU and whlto pom­ ^ lto*o toacUya oporto whUo digept- S tO ry j O t h e r d l B r g f i t vettigatton of all eeven. tael BMlafaeton Who |y "Mr, Alton Joni pons daeoratod Uw P " yoo w oM 0x|MO to fltti ia Ibraily fate pricat-<-alwayx , 11 f O N ^ V Cl 1 i; U M M I A I I N 1 i) II Cttlee florvlco Oil * iP.ny, who to I pearls. She carried a camada ^ ______I'Ve XJ^fl Recovery of the 57 mllUons wm I Prescriptions? Bring tbM| atb or by lubraratoa or ay w ^ r s o M U - I ^ J ^ ^ ^ Santasad trilb a whlU kal (Bub fan a ' aottght in three civil suite filed to a good drug acoM, tara'coa- We iiapnrIallT waat oapbaMarax jMlara sad oaalera wUh a eberoua one of UM ofltab. ^ which WM attaadad by about watermataM, and TtO.aara of com | B yo^tacM tasUaaoay>. that "a fiitoatly to chi* dependable boro for snrot Tbair coo* lava terSetiwe ami a d ^ to earn rietktog esatov > par ^ ra Um to Amorieah tnfldelry, haoer- fiemvltoosa oomumod. It goes to s ^ | man accused of ovadtog nepotori- federal court to New York Friday, j poundiag is oor spedoltyl aad destroy■M UvIHAmWDIagd, BlSLS^*^ la JW aM a Mra! TOla Martin of 1 » Drive Defendanto In the suite were the aoorex Yra count oa M for yrar owa bock-to-collega wardrobex Stop la Blalrix looated CAU S13S m TOP QUAurr rived to Tehran to dleijover arhat ^* V ^ n the eoupla left tor a wad- s S S S r e i ^ i r a S r ^ ^ * plcalckere at 787 Mala Btreet, far aa toterrlew today. ♦ looni 4tatloaal eptaim . . _ for emay yeanan bad__ atar. mnkaa MsUtenee can be made to put tha B, alstar of Uw brida, wm maid M hmty in ocniMcfloa wub a American firms named in the FTC „_ o tr’bt ttM aamo Umj, m ua bm M «Hth bar daugbtar. Mra honor Mid wore an orchid gown of dtog trip to Capa Cod, tha brida - ^ Methodist Church, FSb: 1 accideht lundsd Uw other driver report, with the exception of Gulf SILENT GLOW OH. lURNIRS IMW sharply the f n ^ I Iranian naUonaUsed oU Industry nylon net over taffeta with two WM waartog a blue silk shantung Mrs. Allen la aa officer of the ***** of food. Into operaUon. ^ , Involved some papers and praUwd and six subsidiaries. j MMtal bmirffTr petaelpio that]***’* laca panels down the front with an dress with whlto aeeshsortss and a fcS f? B^tty of "OirirtlMi| Ac^ee tt tM p ^ , w ^ George V. Holton, board chair­ ormy maa to tgpoeeiit «aUl ha is Tribe. No. M wUI "He also Is her# to adviM Iran­ Inam of accordion pleat act. An Wblto-ecebld oorsaga. ’They wlU Bervlco to the New Bngtond South-jwM held at Martto with him alonf l*ark o tr ^ ' to-, ians how to continue working IM .arrive home flept 3 to rarid* at Hartford yesterday, included eoft- men of Socony-Vmeuiun, Saturday SaliB to i RirHaa ptW^gmay,. . . ____, . meat tonto^ at » o’clock at Tto- admintitsrtng the oil industry. He orchid net hat trimmed with era Gonferenoe. ward Mato with him rspuitte bq a night Issued a tatement saying hie MORIARTY BROTHERS ^llM kor Halir>toM wUl Im ^ u o o o d psMla and a cascade of Tslkanp i tt BtronBittoat baU, awlmmlng, horaeoboee, aad came to Iran at the invlUUon of raceo. Sndtog of aot gulUy to TDowa Court company wm blameless of federal ’OpM Baadays — tVe Deliver tha probotan of wlt^ for tho fltato myrnatain^ron- the prime minleter with a number claims that tt overcharged Uie Pay Year Electric Mils Here 76S MAIN ST. ^ a e tr a s s to our fmodom a t teuM] ,.,111 n , hold Bopt 11 at whore Gov. Bari Warroa hM aald Wtoaers la Uw raooa wore, girls UUs_nMm*ng rib « Judge John B. MANCHESTER of high caliber experts two days under 5, Janet Thayer; hoys under G. Rottner deddad the state had government on the foreign eld oil 4 Depot Bqaare — lU . 3-4585 318 CINTIR STRUT TE L . 5M 4 and to our world poatUoa of lead-1 ctordan Ororo. ago. n s M gentleman will go to Uw Novemlwr outcome is te doubt. ■hlpmento to Burope, m alleged to 16 States Face Kslauver may be asked by 8tev- Four Walk, 5, Roland COrmlsr; glrla 6-9, Diane not ptoved Uw aearied did not Abadan bt visit Uw refinery and MUcheU; boys 6-9, Michsel Oar- tha suite. ^naee neearia earns agataat the lunnoUi Bird, eoa of Mr. end the oU filed arsM. enson to compete with Nixon in identify hinwrif after the aoeideat hBdigrouDd a t ■toeahowar’a aoM n „ . KoiuMth Bird of W Hnrrnrd (tolifornia, where the Tennaesee Toy; girls 9 and over. Marguerite Peter a R. Ktog,^ 45, o( Bast The newspaper BtelMt eald Full Treatment Bonner; boys, 9 and ovsr, Jamss MBfeiMM at Donrbr Friday to j ^|.ao roeolrod ’ a fractured Mossadegh invited Jones to come Senator won a'blg Democratic pri­ 3 R e s c u e d Loagmeadow, Mom., and t t Deer- ha WM asksd about flan, j mck when ha fall from a trm, here when be w m to the United mary victory eariy to the year.. HamO; man, Joeeph Lovstt; and field driye. Msnebeatarj .Hw ac­ gMopb B. McOirthy (B, Wle). raotbig co^ortably end to to good The HepubUesM au y fit Ntoea Woman, a Ua, Violet Leadry and Grange Noh^ AIR-CONDmONED AIR-CONDinONID gUtM lest year. Jonm’ aw t By Ike, Adlai treos Fbga Om ) cused. WM found guilty ra throe 1 J|^ F*U RE(MlTRimON ^‘^^Kimewar. w lto ^ naming eondlUoa. ' whereabouts .were a mystery w t out with a campaign tralil tp f « Mis. Bichanl Gallagher. other counts end flapd $70—350 Maadwater dltaeUy, aald ba would aig^ the local papafs Jumped on the whistle stop tours. But Ben. John Ohalfmaa for Uw picnic wm for vlolaUoa of Uw rulea of .Uw , MeCpriiw tor nalao^ ‘’tu (Oral Irani Page Oaa> Bparkmon of Alabama, the Dem­ ago after a fifth man in their Paul Buettner. Savartt mambera of Manchettar story with gusto. One printed s party feU ISO feet to hla death. rood, 315 for faUuio to secure Im a m l^ o l tha RanubUca- picture o t a hmvy. middle-aged ocratic vice presidentlel nominee, ^ Ml % cbnrM ^ Grange took a part la the annual GEHnUDI GARDNER TYLER LANOUN-RICH If the Democrats keep the South hM no such plana. Bxtenelve Beareh ■ mystery ride Wednesday evening. ktloa," but would not men and tdenUfled it m Jonea. An­ The explorers here—coUnn Pto- at andorMOMBt to w y oao Coiort Cases other had a pen end Ink d r a v ^ Intact and carry the borderllM Sparkman wlU do most of his MstMMsjDuffy Is no Taken .q«snrviUa, woro tba Watt City. Mo„ Who hea h w ostta, New Jo rm r New Tork aad availehle Iv prsM time from Me I Mrs. Robsrt Upton of lU Park their Mystery Ride. OR TELEPHONE MANCHESTER 4259 PROlUM HAIR 8 IT. uatoM Uw fTM patlMM—to- noth rapiaamtod J>y A t proaldont of Uw CltlM Servica PonBaylvanla. Thoaa atotas have (€ •) Before K iw anis plm idaa. Dr. Jacob A. BegaL ■tratt, who witnsasad froaa the Dancing, and card playing were Ctorp. since 1P40 whan ha w m combined total ot llT olaetorol Duffy wm on hla way to court porch of her honw w btt tntoapired enjoyed by all. Hot dogs, apple elaelM to suecaad tha Uta Henry whan ha wm teban UL Ha cmllad it and coffee were aerved by Batk Is StkssH” ^ ^ o fjh a bopfiaamam ^ | examination bjr Aaatol '*'**•. ^ ... ads a t w ar" aba said. An tofonaal dteato on'the laeuM immodiately after the aorideat. V. Doherty, founder, w m acUva In In Uw Far.W aot both candl- "Wo w aatb govsramsat-to osrvo An tofonaal dttwts oa'taa WMsai to AttSSr*^Hareld Oar- Md the court today Uwt She e«r Stasel Anderson and Mrs. James Nntienally I Piooacutor W. Darid Kaltb, three of the naUontt alacUra featurad I rttv. who w m standing on Uw ALL TYPES OP DANCING TAUGHT nsgottoUons that folowad MstoCf * datao WlU virit OalUomla, Orogra tho pooplo and to admtoistor to King hand oeow papers to ttew<‘ McBriaty, co-chairmen, end Mar­ Advertiett' 50 A a Ibrnt ouit. I wlbiMSM taattfiad they aaiw two exproprlaUon of fwralgn oU hold- and Washington. Btevenson hM the ptopls honsetly and OflclenUy. this wash’s *ra raw- pouce sUUon stepo, and ths tttor- jorie Morrtoon.' e chosUr «»**«« eondlUon. iM drSteT^ilS^ Sa^riilfcM Tha next, meeting will be held CLASSES START SATURDAY. SEPT. 4 JprboTiM rean doubt_Uwt tha| toga. . - ______ptonnsd two trips through CeU- X think wo have a riwnoo to got Sion WM carried on by John Joaopb J. BardeUa1 $15 Wnvo amlln arlll eonatanU; iOmla. BliiaW wir already hM afi that with a maa nomad Btson- Btonder along Park atroet Sept 3 anti will be, "Neighbor! -----M LaBdM and (SwoUr Hogan, nspro-1 drive the probation officer to Uw New Porker "21" W t H a v t been there eliiee hie nomlnaUra IWVTe ■enttog the DomoeraUo vieemolnt; toward Mela atroet, turn the car-' Night", with Hlllttown, EUiagton, ^ ^ ^ rr^ *acS m * tba” giitoal I oat which hit tho pole and tba one Rubber Union end wm go back to r totenriva Uw outing WM atteadsd by hciqilttt to hto car. ner, .and later rattan aloM Park Windsor and Conn. River Grange Inctodtog Shampoo _ _ T Who con doubt Uwt, from which Mulkaatapped Richard Law and Bverott Keith. | atraat jrith him. attending. F m i and fMicfl S tf- ftoe- cMtipAistiiin|r * many state party Isadira. toclud- Set nad Tent Curls Yat. both Ms aew- •mrhUe, tt will proeswt with lU I hs cams to astiat Capsuo In TbeRepwUlcan nomlase’s hop- tog Gov. LiMgo and WllHam A. Jo^*M raai^ ttw^ totepamk^ T u n ip ik e A ccid ciltj^ M w ^ »*ra«»y. fca* teaUfiad Wappiag BRIEFCJISES ■" "iiMlgn of pollUcal tofUtraUon tog tha car from the pole, Gains Demands skip trip to Uw South, begliining PurtdI. Uw party’s rix-ysar-totm TotwL I * . |*bat Ktog rafuaad to ahow bis U- The next regular meeUng of the For Aiigiif f Qsly Parker "21" Pm and ocoBomto etrangnletton?’'------' Ond of tba wltneaaM William Bopt 3, la rogarded to most po- Boasts oondldate who faoso Domo- The club M a body congratulated Wepptog Grange will be held Pflodl for lost Mwn Bohttall,.wlM WM delivering oU a t UUett clrclss M largely deelgaed CT«t WUllam Benton and BoetaUtt John L Olson on hla SSto wadding Ends in A rrest S IS if^'S y."JS iS £ Tumday. Sept. 9. The acheiJuled you'd oxpoctMpoy . tf Evtnr K M a Highland street home, dafinltoly From Firestone to meet pre-nomtoeUon commit' Jasper McLevy of Bridgeport aaatvsraary yastarday, aad a _ "irr*™ . -k -s Hf ..•*** * ^ ***• ra riant <0 program entitled "Drifting and Required coarse for loTclier ennres! No oMitter how abatei your hair ix m matter bow for Nw PM oIm I Identtfiad tha accused m tha (OsattaMd troM Faga (tee) mente to campaign to every seo- tfoa WM BWda aad paossd te Anthoay 8. TMtaaiui. 1», ot IM Mato strsat alens' to bresunlng” will be devoted to safe­ much t t a "probiMi" yoo coorider It . . . you’D bo Hurfyl Aeke F tm Oomwattsn Booth Mato atraat wm arrested O bituary drivers of the two cars. tten of the eountiy. Gov. Lodge called for aa "oi a card ot sympathy to Mrs. Olaon. otfleor. ty. The lecturer hM made errenge- titrlUed t t Uw way your balr reopoada to this new Come teo our large estoeUra of Capallo tMtlfiad ha araw forced holiday mirk, and clausaa covering The OOP doesn’t have Uw rosy aad freo convention" to Hartford Tha attaadaaoa priaa, donatM and ehargad with rackliM driving Ktog’s tesU aw ^ WM' to diroat menta to have a policewoman H off the road by a truck coming to view of a major aouthera bneek- this wash by Rev. Prod Bdgar, WM M tlw raault of an aeddant on WARNER-WONDERFUL beaatifylag cold wave with the 4-ox tube LaaoUa brltteusM In both toathor aad p l ^ m rk allowancao. Sept 4 and 5 when Uw party se- MOdSia tumplka watt flaturday. contradiction to Stamlafe. He aald- our gueat speaker. ( the oppoaito direction. MuUta said Flrastone end the union have through It one* hrid. though tt IscU Its candidate for the four oroa by Art Knofla. he attempted te show Us Ueanaa, Be sure to be present at this and Kolaeterel NentraUser! Oaly this wave hM eUwr materlalx Prieaa image ha MW a truck condng along Just does rotato hopM of winning Vlt^ Tlamaan and a paaaoagar. Al­ aad wwt -with Standar to find a Craamattaer, the wonderfni cream that liefca the D e a th s been negotating here for eight glnla and poeribly Texas. t#n&e fred B. Woodward Jr., 19, BIT meeting m we are to set a date befoca the accldant. wi>iln Tho governor, careful aot to poUc«m«ii. for our "Booster'Nlgbt" program, preblewe la "probleta hair" by condlUoatog m H from . . . Blsenbowtr hM announced he Public Records WMtWaat CktterOmtkK atraatn rm t warswtw both w* * lA’LURE* BRA Bdward waiter Jashl Tba arraots arar* mad* by PS' The pact muat he imroved by plane plane atopo at Atlanta. Ga.. throw favor on any OOP nomliwe. to Uw Manolwater Momorial , • * * * Btemler coma to this meeting end join In ■eatraflBee: Aad oaly thla wave hM Curt A*(* **** Ddward Walter Jeoki, 57. of 53 trolBwn Alvin Baldt, the eight FlNstone locels, tha JeckaonvUla, Miami, and Tampa. paid equal tributM to PurteU aad Hoaplttt .by Um <)ulah ambulanoa. 1 *? ,**” ^ rogtotraOqn aumlMr too plans for the varied fell ac- •wipe to givo your kalr Uw soft Mtnral looldng X I ‘ I aaant street died suddenly thla URW general execuUve board, aad link litlMe Injurtoa woro not sarioua aad both | Ptote, b e ^ testl- Uvitiee and projects. Henry Roaenswalg. >*> o t ISP Uw Wage StaWlMUoh board be­ Fla., Btnntoghan; Ala., and Uttla monlM agreed. wavM you waat . . . wave# that are long lasting 29e u 15.00 1 , whlla t t work t t tha Orford aniMbatb drive, w m found not Rock. Ark. Lator tripe may take PurteU eaksd Uw help ef rank Onaand J. Watt and Deals V. havo bdan (Uschtagod. Thtrs WlU be no meeUng Aug. $395 r a ip Coomeny on Hilliard street fore It can become etfscUve. It and flie RepuhUcaM to the "bard- rtanda F. Urato, 33, of RFD 4, Pktoolnwn MUton W. Btrattra : gg. Road this column end do not aad cMy to naaagx yet ttreag aad epriagy . . . V guilty on a charge of vlolaUon a t m uld be retroacUve to Aug. IS, the gwwral Into hU naUve eteto Watt to Paul B. Kalsty aad Bdlth m a to mland, be came to the tha rulm of tha road udiich grew o t TkxM, and Into Virginia, Tekt- aot Job Uwt ever f acod the party' F. Kelaay, proparty ra Btoap Rockvmo WM arrooted aarty flun- arraeted Ktog later ’nMedaydtt a lyi— your opportunity to play, end waves that amko your hair truly your erowalug 'k Itod States 51 yeara ago where and extend to June 10, 1964. He attd the campaign w m not up diqr aad dwrgad with racklaaa leeal drtoktog eatabltobment an out of a minor accident yaotor- The union formerly had a modi' netaee and Kentucky. Hollow Lana. work to g o ^ feUowshlp t t your gloryl ’'I settled In HerUord. Ho' bM day at Mlddla turnpike waat and DemoemUe leadsm aald SUven- to Uw camUdatM alone. "Help itr drlrtog and tathira to carry Us Btamler's eompUtot Grange m^ings. SRU THESE MVimS! • 1 a rerident of ManchaaUr tor fled union phop agreement with soa w|)l touch base In several must conw from Uw poople," be opMiMCS Uosnsa. Ij Broad when Roaenswalg atartod the company. WUllam H. Podolny and Irma.] At teeae U MbniM Vei past 40 years. to pBM a truck stopped at the southern stetso olUwr lets to Sap- id. Podolny to Baginald L. BehmIdtL we . Both Bing aad Mra Upton teott- The Vernon Grange meeting t t PENCIL SET laeindlag two- le Is ourrived by hla wife, Mrs, light on the right and wm struek temher or early to October. Blaewbere yaoterdM. Uw Repab- gABldjJLBcU^ property aa C o .V o rk (^ FctC od today Uiat Ipag w m t t the Aug. 15 WM the Mystery RWx so With . each Speeitt Perauuwat Wave shelf box Jt . A na Jaakl; rix daughtora, Mm. Both candtdatM wm make ep- Uean defeated by Benater Mc­ when the truck made a right turn. B iirniiig Ship Seen acMM for about 15 aUnsUa after wily Important business wm set­ .... a gift slae Jar t t Suaglew ■i cor M, Bradcen of Mandies- Roaenswelg testified the truck pearancee to such borderitoe states Mahon tn 1950, aailid his hat Into the aeddsat Staiatar tettifled ba tled. The Home Economics com­ Warner’s* raciting excinsiva 49c to InOO 11^ Mra. Ffaak lyAvanso of pulled far to the left before start­ M Kentucky, liarjtend. Oklehoma tbs CKJP Senate eandldatea’ ring. D a n M 'u : ^ bS S ^ at MttlT Petricca WM there oaly two or throe mittee donated 310 for the Rock­ woaderful A’Lure elasile LaaoHa Shaenpo* (51-50 value). If B MwCtady. N. T.. Mrs. Andrew Off N ew foundland aad Tanassaee. But they may limit Former U, B. Rep. Jeosph 1 Meriden, and Mary Jeon Hobbo, of] ■*. iTfntii bre ihst stretches wH^ you ing the turn. He said he thought themselves to one stop to such Tribot of Naugatuck annewMed at ing Bed Fund. Invltationa to vtoit B te of Rocky HtU. Mrs. Anthony the truck wm going to turn left. Manchetter. BepL Ifl. S t Bridget’.] p,trtcei«Pack Ktog efiOtod Bo dafeiMa oa tlw and Tolland were.tabled ibr ’round-tlie'.*

'■ - . 4 I


MANCHEOTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, AUGT58T 28, IM S WmlOk, or to tba MMOBI wqco-M a I] U Buadrod aad IS i)«a-irDBO-4tawa. indtraUa ^aobtaA hlatortan. Dl yAQgsnt I the palssB M W le ma-woNb-Navf : ? r l » r - j:i5i«sfc5SKr-o«r- al Tlaagr. Ntw Toth—Wniaai W. . Ohunh’a raoantly lamedalad kln- BmuNI mC AppMiS’ Mare then BOO tana o f pelaep umhlol, a dMant «rO N B ~ U lB W T H T -U M WHAT—Italian Hopte 11 lie—WDHO-haaoBury. tite-WOOO—Nova; Haate _ at RockvUle City HoapKal, baa re* C U ffori gfcoag and Cteranea iaiSS-WTHT-VMIaporta« StrooU. w n o —Dava Oarrovay. WvSr-lt Rtppoaa Bvary Dwt I Rappaat ftn rr nay. I, raUrml odltor and N w . hoirar, whom bo wltt not Mpport, dorgartan roonm at tbOand Omh Ivy laavaa ware naad te e y ^ belle add. W H AT— BIB w g g » - Mave 'leorM. N tv e luale I turned to hla home. Lambert wlU praaant appaala at W BRO -lBBe RadhandTV WTHt^Paul Barvay. ..M—Nova; haatnat M rite financial’Writer. Dtad iUmrlfratrr •n4 McCarthy, whom h « •dmlrna. j E llington ter. TMtian la IM fbr a aemaMar. mkts. wblM aubaaqiitsUy MMU* WOOO-IMB SSStiwt. Ui4a-*WDito-5SiBdy^•MT w srrsiI W M p -N ora Drake Bear TWk on Rtata Paranta are anpaeted to oooiy ate tha Zoning Board hearing In tha w m o —i t a t ' WON»-^&>aa. Btoroeat. IC-nackalasaWUe urdayv Oolonnl McCormick npudUtM i Oaorga Bcboflald, deputy Tol* town haU tomorrow. They wish WNflK>~«b. a .ItiSS—WDRO—Arthur Oodfroy. Cork, Ireland— EHhop in the work a f running the aahool. w n c —DaoMa or N otyw . WTHT-iiav TVaoe^ JEontittQ ^eralft Etaenhower hooauM o f tKa Uttar'a land County jailer and Rev. Car poola are being faruMd in each to conatMct buildiaga on their *'vfnff3teva!"fiii^lo*Y[iva from Cohalan, fifi, oldest Roaua A t the Damocratlo town com* Mam CL H. Moa, paator o f the F d ^ oUe Mahop to IralaaA “ Middle W ay" couraa in domeallc loea^. Thoaa wMdag dat^am raapeetlM pcoperttea tn Andover. IS tM ^ T n n ^ W b aa a OIrt HarriMk '^wSRO^jtiUtop Week End Deaiht mittaa caueua held In the Town aratad church and Tolland County StW—wn C —BMtotes* WU*. net . Croaa fattoraaa Ihov, t% t^«aal*'a Morloe wepe—Nova; Huichwdor Hrtlaao -^fiC^Huak. _ _ ■unday. poUdea, becaoaa ha ataada for oo* j aakad to can MM. Arthur Frank, ReglstMre of Voters and Town ^ova; IS Buadrad aad IS WDf^Artbur Mhray. ‘a Page Hall Friday night the following jaU Chaplin, ware recant gnoaU o f g*PUS. CMldrea wUl ha anroUad WH4T—HeweTrSaa Rm W fM T—Nova; •Top Hit Tim e Barino, Calif—Robin ---- operation and organlaatlon with ware named: fo r Juattca o f the tha WllUmanttc Rotary a u b a t the Clark were at tka TOem HaU Bat* ||rf»-WOOO>l/ Hor.£ad aad St Hite WONB-Jack bovBoyaloy'a bHaiw Sbap. By THE ABBoblATBD FBBBB la tha ardar that appUontlona are W ? S fe 5 a i Tteavy. . „ ■ . ) Tour OardOB. Rogers, S-yaar-old daughter . the other natlona of the world, be> Peace. Clinton Church, John oJ* Nathan Hale Hotel. Dr. I. Shanow, urday ftom t aan. to noon fo r tha WONB-Ladtaa fair. London—Sir Fradaric Gwirga , JESSS^Ste. I 8 raaalved. WONS-Jack Dowaar’a M w - MuMe W T H T -lvao Jouraor. ^utUuL film aura Roy Roam and l i | i » ka, Jr., Raymond Uitsen, Patrick purpoot of making votera. W D K D -lt Hs m m u n»*nr WW! WTHT-PbU nmter : Hove ilt.r. Kanyon, St, notad oeholar aad au* OetabOT I. IIP cattda ha la not an ladatlonlat, bo* pfofaaaor o f criminology at Oolum- IB Craabr. inno-ntruw u *5*. Wife, Data Evans. Dlsd Clooe, Oaorga Toong, Brio A. An* Wa and tha U n iv a r ^ o f Pannayl* rattaraoe WDhC--Ar;lmr Oodtray. thortty on tha Mbla. DIad Sat­ cauae he la not a mudaUnger and LaxingtoA, Ky.— Joa ---- BtcnM daraon, Loula B. Lavltt, John vanla, apoke on "W hy Prlaoi Mr. and Mra. Harbart Tbomp* 4 ;lb --W p «0 - X.B aaS Oartiya'i WHAT-itallaa. V o ^ Traat urday. rsiia nt IM name*caller, bacanaa. In other | iCrowcbanko and Charlaa N. Bata. , J r„ and famUy from Booth Baat Grlastead, England— L t tl, Fhoeatx, Aria., paoduM *t MaadiMUr, Conn.. M ot ** * * filmsiM N’t isaBa iai*^[tfE hr (MBsa worda, he U a decant and InUUl* Dalagataa to the Banatorlal con­ WlUlam Iimaa. principal a f tlm A ndover CaroUna. ara vlalUng at tha Bamm Saite -W P BC-Arthar OodtrOy, U l4 »-' . W f f i i d y . vltb Gan. BIr Gawga- F. MacMunn, tS, naas laadar. known aa tka I lull llnttnr.______WTHT—Mr Troo Story. __ ___ Bloaday.ob'---- W KNB-Navti tuea King." biad Sunday. ' gent candidaCa vention ware choaan aa foUowa: Horace W. Porter Icbool In Col* o f Thompaon’a mothar, Mra. Her* Wtaow Brava. w n c -Walomao Travaltre -Wa Uw Wmaaa. Huilr. WONS—Gsckl5oiraSY*s Mttste tksf. World W ar I British military laad- m K R i r n O N RATI I/Hila Lavltt, Patrick Cloaa, altar* bert Tbompaon. Br. w e e v i l Haadrcd aad N B ile WONg-OuMa for a Day. . Paturaea, lUDdatvoaa vltb Hutle umMa, wlU meat with m liiclp f^ M Tha now tanebara few achools in SiU -^^^woowB la Hy Bteaae w n o —nob aad Stay. fm M * •» AflTnno* Cblonel MoOormick haa ran- nataa, Edward F. Horton, ditarw aurroundlng oommunlty aehoola tha tewns o f Andover, Bolton, Mra. Oemrga Ndaon entertained WHAT—Ilallaa Nave ...... ""nn®^’SS ...... EN TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS OUR NEW LOCATION ACOOeNIAUY INJURING ANOTHER PERSON. WKNB—Oooa Davie I But Tugoetavla la our trland and for cold waaUiar. n d spainnhit davor, m i ft ceato ao I any. An iara Oommunlat oountriaa, Oaomlatoa T iM uIng W U N t t D Uttla ite t yott^ean get tha M Monday, Auguat S5 Marina FH l*c Oaiftiar U iao-WONS—PUtra te v te Jr. but Tugioalavla happana to ba a| WDRO-Kobort Qa Waxvorbe Chapman, ton o f Mr, and M M WTHT—WoaUMr: Jouraal of tho Oommuniat country on our alda of iieCgrBitck Oa*ra Th* Air Mahkm g. Chapman o f Mhpla O w T lo a k iw the gram spsor an tha street, recently completed hlo re­ tttmtMMMWB-’SH Vt w im B —No v i: Kd fivott Sbov. C h o k e o f dOO C o v e n I Q Q OO Just a few left Ithlnga. ■ T C H E I Wnd-Pbllo yaa^ ■ rfor tha im tA t to which Gan* Bo, for Olympio athlataa to ah* cruit training at Patrls Island, g. us— „ t:is —WONB—Tollo Toot Elaanbovrar and ganator|„om ,^ ^ara to go C. by winning tha slivtr badga of WTHT-Bhaor^^Davla. Rsqubr $225.00 Markaman. During basic train* M aaclM B tw £ . (fo x m a n f:M-W0N8-Ctabrlal Hratter. , wlu'aotuaUy support gana-|),gcic to daar old Tugoslavla. our P h on e 8871 w n c —Nova ol tho World. V itm ' Ing, Chapman baeama well veraad WaAT-^ymphoay Holl. tii> Joaaph McCarthy o f Wlaoen*| frund aod'aUy, la not • m atter fori INBUBANGB AOENOT la many military subjacte and flald AUTO OLABB—OOMPLETEL f DfBTAIXED WTHT—Liono Rancor, MA wo wGl chaarfuUy await thoLigm . jubUatlon, but ana lo r amnal taeUca. In addition to tha O or and iBMnnMia Adviaery Bervlea — A ll Ltaea O f WXNB—Pott on Won. MlEROBB--dHJUM FUENRUBB TOPS TE L. B4SB 1 l«S=WDRC—Bd Hurrov. You choose your ewn covsr, to herroon* Mtual avaat Tha Two Rapubllcan j embarraosmant. It la rather tact* rtfla ha fired other infantry waa* ef to this uncut antlafy tha DamocMta. who know 1 Mohammadlam, n eraad with they ware vacationing. Rev. Smith UtSS*-WDR^Ten and tha WerlA The Hotel Built, a medium Unaion aii ambrnramtog lamu whan thaylwhlch wa akn dlaagraa, could bo la u a paator o f the Zion HIU llilS —WTOT—Bob E. UoyA friese. The defiign ia an all^ver acroU WHAT—Nila- Watch. an enviable Manchester reputation 118 full and 8 twin aiie mat- ■ib oMe Th#y‘ hAvs icMRMi of thtip I soundly boMd* Ifo mkA cnsiAdA. —Mathodlat---- — ----- Church— — In —Csiuiondala.----- —* WONS—jaeira Waaworke l6ftf You chooso th ii brund now, w n C "—Nowf. long-wearing fabric from .red, toaat, 3 8 “ tresses; 10 full size box springs. Subject to iwior sale. may uW keep on ** dalK, 11 :ia-WDHC—Public Servloo Program aoMatlad with anything laaa than I halt idaoa. , ^ Mr. and Mra. Jaraat McNaUy and Uiia—w n C —Hurprioe goranace • gray, rose or Kelley green. Usually The Super Hotel Built, a firm innerapring m attrm with h o ^ WONS—Symphony Hall. h ^n g Eieanbowar dnd Nixon] In raaUty, having TUgostovto|femUy of bUpla atreat. M : 5S—WONS—Neve. $245.00. hair and cotton upholstery. Only 5 twin eiM mattresses; 1 twin urge the defaait o f MeOarthy, j around. In tte apactal rola and luj- Mm CUiarlaa Downa o f Plaaa* U:W—w n c—Neve: Hurie WDRC-Neve . ^ . 4 8 “ and 5 full size box springs left. w W di thay wUl not do. And with apedal rolaUonaMp with ua. la * U;1S—Art Ven Demme Quintet. n:Sa—w n c —Rio Rytbme. Other models at 189e00, 239*00f 289»00 tWa Damocratlo atrubagy thal healthy thing, for It olariflaa o w L a ^ ^ Mral'^Mahlon ClMpmm 11 tW—w n c —Nove ASMrlcan ptesn, erlth Ita soma* j world aim. That Is to anforcaj on Mapla atraat Mr. and Mm. Tomertov tlBiaa moronlo damand for a yaa worlS law against aggranden, and. Chapman m on a dwo-waak va •;ia—w n c —Frank Atvood Program. ^ R C —Farm Program. o r no anawar, wUl oonttoua to oo* although wo haven't quite aald cation. gtlS—WDRC—Hymn Time a :SS—w n c —Nova. Operate. opanly that we would defend Com* WHAT—Neart: Rural Roundup. muntat Tugoslavla agatoat ag- gdS-WONS—»U JtDklaa Hmv. STORE-WIDE SAVINGS IN HOME FASHIONS AND APPLIAN Nonathalassk wa think, avants WDRC—rawn P a t r o l . ____ ertU make tha Etsanhowar poatUen graaakm hy Its Commimlat nalgh* w n c —Weather: Frank Atvood. Tollan d WCO^Produetion NavaraaL etoar anough. I brne, aU tha obanoaa ara that wa WHAT—Mapal Tima . [would do to. This would not Im L mvos fo r Navy WTHT—H u ^ Tha first o f thaoa avanta, par* gtU -W H AT—Vartatv Time hapa; came Saturday night whan idaoIoglcaUy pleasant fo r us, hut George Horn, son o f Mr. and WTHT—Hornlug qjvpttoBi. nonathalaaa ra. Otto Horn of Tolland, laft WONS—Weathar; BUI Jtnklae Oalenal Robert It McCormick, the it would makt tost waak for tha Naval Training gtlS-WONS—Barly Bditloa. w n c —Nava. . „ . putbUihar of tho Chicago Tribune}&> that ooncap^that wo ara out] Balnbridga,...... Maryland.His liia-W OCC -Good Horning; Grad Slid Hkawiqt tha opsMtor of tha I to forbid aggraaalon anyerhara and] bvothar. Otto, Jr., left one year ago Xuolc. — 1 and la now on duty with tha Nainr WKNB—Phil Bale Show, New Toch Dally Nows, took to I avarywbare—Uaa tha w n c —Bob Steele o f a foraiga poUoy ara csml to Korea and Japan. Ha la dua baek W DRC-Neve Old Ipswich Bed and Chest tha air to bolt tha RapubUean to tha atatea Dec. S. WHAT—Allen Bravn Shov. tiaket and rapodlate Oenaral [ undaratand and tha one d ear BV*| WONS—Weathar; BIU Jtaklaa I Lacey Atktos of Tolland laft WTHT—Breakfaat with BIpanhowar aa a eandtdata. pose tha world may eoma to un* Aug. II for tha United Statea t i l l —WONS—Nove „ . . I I f thara had baan, to the nawa* I daratand. I t la also tha only road I Naval Tratoliig Base, Batobridge, Ilia —w n c —Weathar. Horalag Watak. | Maryland. ftSP-WCTC — Nava: Goodiedoralag See how easy yo/b can furnish a quaint pqpar haadUnta o f tho t i ^ pro* *<» our own security and to peace Huale Mm Floranea M. Andaraon.baa WDRC—Old Huale Boa; N ove bedroom! A chest and a twin, or full size vlfua days, a ocnfualan o f the Me- • t®*" t*** world. ratUMsd from a waak as guan of WHAT—Coffee Oub. bed, midies a perfect child’s room. Usu­ 2 7 . 5 0 hy laauo and o f tha truth tn* hor alatar, Mrs. Halan Smith and filS -W T B T —Weather. •iia-WDRC-Werld Neva Roundup. ally these two pieces cost 1102.60. There’s Ived, Colonel MeOormldt’a ac* family of FhiMtog, N. T. WCCC—Kiddle Conor. enough variety in pieces and sizes, in Old W * C obM B* COIMiBttRt Smith, daughter o f ttga came at n moment moat WTHT—Neve Ipswich to furnish any bedroom I Mirror 14*^ Wa ought. If wa ara going to Mr. Lincoln ttnlth o f w n o -M o v »- fortunate------—fo r ------BMwihawar.... For it I IdOlur N. T m 1b At WHAT—Neve •iarlflod tho altuatloa oo parhapo ***• RWaiwi o f other pooplaa. j ^ month. ______epactaL BO_ j words------which Blaonhower------can I.*at least davakqp >a MMietentlcenMatent] m,_ lira. Harry Gold and daughtar of Hartford. w S S F ^ m S ^ vlUi Waaw. nob to tha rituatlon could do. I t la [atandard. WTHT-Hartli. Amntte. Whan tha Korean alaotlan waaj lor. and Mm Orta Ouartto •toraya trua that ona way to know Sugar HUI aaotlon. Tolland, are Nova- a ouxUdate la by tha anomies he lover, <}ur commander In KoraAl entertaining aaveral of thair Hart­ "Like a pass to the ball game” W ^lb—Radio Baiaar. bais made, and Oolonal McCormick Oenaral Mark Clark, congratulat­ ford relattvaa. WTOT—Bob Lloyd. eahld have plektd no better time ed PrealdanI; Rhea, the winner, and Tolland Women's Ctab wlU hold Stfl—WTHT—Jobn Ooalo. called it an "inaplrlng sxampla" at I Ite grat fall meattog. Bapt IT, at WONB—Gobriol Hoattor. ,to,declare hla enmity. g p.m. to Tolland Fadoratad Chureb iiSS—WDRC—Nova. . . Oolonal McCormick, urging hlo I •“ actlosi. I t was aj W hen you need hospital care, the mem­ WCCC—IS Huadrad a a « V Blta. p ^ o ra . The program w ill conalat H u t’s bow ooB aumbcr deacribod du WONS-Nova ______Batanara not to vote for either I ***"*•*• election, operated almoat| of travel moviaa following regular ber-hospital reports your admission ditaedy WHAT—lUllan P r o fM » bualnasa. WBjr Bios CroM wodcs. WTHT—Bnakfoat Qub. Xtoanhowar or Stevwison, advo* h » i i ^ >>1 PraridMit Rhaa'a po* WTlfcTboaUr of Hriote. aatad tba formaUon o f a new p c * torca-th a vary opposite of| Night to Blue Cross. T b * plan Tsrifitg your BBMtP • lU —vm R t^ n ta la Hartford. Surprise night will be the pro­ WONS-Tollo-Toot. Dozens of, ways to^ party, to ba caUed the “ American democracy to acUon. gram far tba masting o f Tollaad **1 just showed my Blue Cross card at the b ^ Ip and guaranteas pByaMneof beoefiu' Farty." Pandlng Ite organisaUon, But In OraaoA where tha elec* I Grangn Bapt. S at S p.m. at Grange fyptrimi desk. No fuN or bodier Bboot ha: urged hla Uatenera to vote fo r p o n aystem la muM batter, even Han. wbiU y o » ’r# still its ffi# bospHtsl. .bringing ensemble the 24 •t^waa Amarican-mlnded man who p « does not happen to produce East Central Pomona Grange ctodh. No scninble to dig up odh, then No. S win hava aa all-day masting you wclcoms relief from woisy at a dm t run aa RepubUcana untU they find pesulte pleasing to ua, our tactic pKt 10 A 4-iaim for bcocfits. No ooed to pieces in the Old Bapt. S with Andover Grange. Tba when pwM^of mind is so vety invoctaot R ’ politically desirable to run as p criticise. Wa had no word| program w ill start at 10;S0 a.m. disous sqr tfoaUcs with people Bt die plsoL mambara o f the American party." I against Praaldent Rhaa'a mock M varal raaldante o f Tolland at­ t o yo u . 59.00 Ipswich Solid Maple Colonel McCormick then went 1 eieotton, and, to fScL pralatd I t j tended tha Naff reunion yaatarday WNBC—TV Only a few left at tha Brigham cottaga, Cryatal ” WbBO I stopped at d u casbkr*s dedt on to give a Hat o f the candldatea I But our ambaaaador in Graeoa la j s:oa-apoco opanly advocating that the Groaka after I was diKbuged, dw fir i told ow Blu* :1U-fjobbyB—Cwbbj H oy» iOpen Stock Croup! WWthy of auport by votera who, M M Raa Pack and M as Lor­ . AfBESO 10 AfBEI^ I 10—Hovte Dotey. like himself, wished to repudiate j change their election aystem, and raine WlnehaU o f Tdland wars CtoM bed sifmdy paid my benefits in fblL 00—Faahlona la. Hn^ _____ and you^ll never save this much again that they change thair present among tha judgaa at tha 4-H Tol­ SB—Soaly Woathor ForoMM Bteenhowar. I Always carry your Btna Gross card with yo& se-WoHd Nawa Today. ."Every patriot ia Wlaconain,'' government. land Usunty Fair held In Stafford No red tape at dut cod, eidief!” - — “ vlk latarvlaw. Springs last Friday and Saturday. I.*. «r»r "tkfcat of edadwioo'’ yon need . Parr. ha said, would ba'aure to votp for Tha raaponaa o f the Grade Par­ It’s your "tkitot ol edauMSOO mhm wnan yon M Two.' ______Base 61.50 Meal nt Bohaal i . „ I .i,r« Nava Canvas. Bapator Joaaph McCarthy. liament haa bean to give tha praa* Frank Formica, prtoelpd of Nodtiog unosoal b diis case, of coone. , botpital ouM Your card covers you sad all family ent government a vote of eonfl* Hicks Mamerid School, w ill ha Kalamazoo Electric •Every patriot." he said, should In fact, h bappens U,00b times evety m iailim Uistd on your appUcatkin. Tbe wmm lUuatrated here are o i^ live of the 24 j 1 vote fo r Banatora Knowland of dance, amid preaa demands that at tha school Thuraday to maat new tsadwra. H w school win open oweber ^sfaued on yw r cud idtetifiss pieces in the Old Ipewich collection. Other ChllfDmia, WUUama o f Deleware, Ambaaaador PaurlfOy ba seat back moodL ***""1” to B unique woricing agtee- Sept. A pieces indude various beds, double, and u Janxar of Indiana, Kam of Mis* to America. menc between your hospital and your Blu* yawr Bwinherdiipand ■saBWi ’ ’ Ba Aanounead. Hereafter, Kelvinator Ranges will be built Ronald Uahar o f MUo HUL West triple dressers, bedside tables, blanket 1^ aenri, Beton o f Montana, BuUer We are, admittedly, intx* Tolland, who haa baan a paUent you need Bbe Cross kob> UllO-NavA ^ ...... in the Kalamazoo Electric Range factory . . . 1 perianoad to the bualnaaa o f run­ Cram ^ a a . chests and desks. Pieces shown: so there’ll be no more K aI ^ szom . . . no o f Nabraaka, Briekar o f Ohio, A. M. _ . X 6 tto of Pannaylvaaia, Watldna ning tha internal political affairs ‘ 7:00^Today. Reg. 869.76 Chest of Drawers...... 59.00 more vsluee like these. And by VALUE f- o f other peoples. Furthermore, t:0fr-Taat PatUra. Beg. 882.60 Footless Um-Top Beds 27.60 we mean this stove has everything you want 209 a f Utah and Chin of Waohlngton. LET US FILL TOUR l f ; 00—Artbnr Oodftay. But, ho aald, "ovary patriot there could ba a great deal o f Reg. IT2.60 8-Drawer Dresser Bases 61.60 , . . Rear left cooking unit converts to a 7- P* IsiloliM *'tha Btara. Mawld vote against Senator Henry argument that wa ought not to Ha 116.50 22 X 80 inch Mirror .. .14.00 quart deep-well cooker in 6 secondi; will cook lilo^ridtarLtghL Chhot Lodge, J r„ o f Maasachu* I f*Ttog to do it. whether wa hava U :is —Al Paarca. ^ Reg. $86.00 Hollywood Bookcase Head- •n entire meal! The big 17-lnch oven la rom- SsK a Edward J. Thya o f Minne* I and aklU at it os'no. n't BLUE CROSS a*at to maaago ooma conolatcney. cluurte. Short. pny.Hooro. vfc* to American vatera la tbeiao that wa do not gtva fulaoma id-vftoraoM Now.. C A L L ^ 9 t 1 4 WATKINS g i ^ Idwdogieal patron of Bana-ipratoa to a naked]dictatonhlp to I aad »ag. ted MoChrthy. Ka h—, by hla ae* | o»a country and dmrp erttidam to J ig Fay-aH. M o gu lf that la I tha Imperfect democracy to Nav TaM ...... Hi,- .«-^ij »*,>■► ^T"-, ^*** »■

iiw^r-x *Jt'.y-^’.»g^.i«W«il>1»ii


MANCHEISTEB e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, OONNi, MONDAY, AUGUST 2S, 198f Quinn's; parfuma; Sherman-WtI- Park to Have llama, one gal. paint A brush aet: DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ttockville Slngar Sewing Machine, sewing BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOPPLE __set;_ _ Smart______Dreaa Shop,„ _Jxalx pair of Vacation Or Week End Polio Bootk hoae; Textile Store, blanket; iSrlple m f WOfto/ ATSCCM AA e w 6 X K - W wecoRRecT, Sense and Nonsense X. electric ceffn . popper; Vleki'a F «0 « MAItTMA^ HOW ^ u tce^ PLAV H»ze « t o Ahtwer to Prevleue PutN* ISO New Voters Are Added miniature alarm c ^ T ; WatlOna. Take Along A New pHOFUAU/ Um I' A OUT A •UMT 1 W figliti 4 Msosurtf W Will Refrethmenu Boaton Rocker; Weldon Center A 1 * P ie A d B «eM D WHAT Rl>S5(AH Pnsidant Woodrow Wllaon kad In Saturday Registrations Medical Pharmacy, perfume; WU- V » VKM OAX'LU COMfr; eotoieR /^# boan aakod to rkcolvo a group of At Queen Contest on roae Draaa Shop, evening gown. AMO HCLP \tx> 6BT WAKIM6 ■ O M K W m , SBwir Iriah-Amarlcan loodora who wtatwd. V;iTH full (ONFIDfNa BROWNIE Mew OLYMPIC to piatt a p^or. Ho had coa- lemgnukf ^ Thursday; More Gifts ylMM peuada Ch^Miaa ..w«M for your bond ogam BockvlUe, Aug. 23—(Special-kHockanum MiUa Company and re- QVAIM TKLBVISKD /dARATMOM ReCO RD 41a h aontod to do 00, with tho pw'Hao Flrst Selectman .Herbert PaganlT tired after acrvlng 4t years at hla AWOMO TRACK— -. ild U M iM t ^ that Danial P. Oohalan ahouM not and f Anally eonaontW. MOVIE CAMERA • PiMI Daughter—But fether. 1 Just revealed today that ISO more new | trade. Following his retirement be A refreshment booth , to raise Boston, Aug. 35—(«V-OathoUc — ------RMAROft. MARTHA/* • Bight vmtQ a vtM accoanpanir tham. During war funds for the local poUo commlttae You Can Depend On U ---- «( a ktod ! y*!— „ can’t leave mother. ,voters have been added to the rolla' left the*•— city-*♦” je *— r a• short•tu.rt Umt'and Archtohop______>p Richard luchard J. Cushing of fsA***** had ha OB a graft dia* after a voter-makli^ seMion held returned about two and a half wlU ba aet up at the. Harvest ttPanU ;SS?!tJ5i2v Father—Tbet eulU me Boston‘ celebrated hla 57th birth­ turbar. Navarthalaaa tha ooasmit- at- tha town clerk’s • • • office —- I Sa'atur- years ago. Quaen Oonteat Thursday night, day yaaterday by officiating at HOraat Uka taa had abown ua haadad hjr Coha- Take her wltk you. Your Pharmacist day. He waa a membar of the Unto PoUo Chairman Arthur J, LaClaire the first nuptial mass avar tele- ONLY $ 4 3 *3 0 lirnM h pl«rtl,*2 ^ £ ^ laa. Sacrotary Tumulty waa urg­ announced today. Tha lea cream articia lOQuata Helen-Say. Mve y<« eeen W At the last eeSMon, held in July, Congregational Church; Fayetta viaed and*by baptising ferauUly II Plana parta ing tha praaitettt to roloot. "Oh, IM were recorded. ’The total now aAd soft drink booth, which will IdNobody Oovomor," ho ploadod, "thla will latelvT Fve been looking m ^ Lodga 63 AF and AM; Foresters tha Manning guadrupleta. iTMulluy Sd Naim auflUaa 43 Foot TpraOx) atanM at 816, according to the reg­ of America, Cou^ Heart of Oaka be operated by Girl Scout Troop 8 Wa will fill your doctor’s lack FM. Tax It Anaaa mako a tarribto Improaslon on hU and ?ow low for him for the lo t two of the Qouth Methodlat Church, ItUncloaaa 3ITautanle 4 4 Sandaut istrars. 14; and'Rieing Star Lodge, Order prescriptions with tha high­ M Saa aaidaa 4 4 Inaact followon.'' Oohalan was an Influ- has been approved by thesHarveat SlH arvaM 33 Wapoait » 8and Pagxnl said that in order to of Oddfellowe”43. 3 4 Encauraga M CHy fai 4 7 Waata antial poUtleal laador. '"^Buf^Thoe ■** .avoidTany last minute rush; a Queen (^niest committee and the est quality, tested drugs— Yoa*tl be eble to meke gorgeoae fall-color movlee tha Tha imMidant took out hla look, old girt. Ray’s been dead JuM Surviving are hie wife, Mrs. Park Department. 33 Wax Kumanla allowanca special aees.lon for making voters Mary StoeUner Bentley; two eone, FRESH SANDY sccuretcly snd quickly. M Tharalora 40 Declaim 4gBngUah watch. *T1iafa Juat what I wanted about that long.’ wUFbe held Sept. 3 from 4 to 8 Meankrbile, the contest commit-, flret tine yoo try. And e roll of 8mm. Kodachromc Film MMaaaura al 3 6 Glva (arth It to do, Tumulty; but I think It Bernard of Maaohester and James 3TDivtdaa 4IBndarata itataanaa U.m. at'the new Vernon School in tea reporU that It U receiving Wkmnnn, Schrafl.'P. A A. land will mako a jfooi improaslon on Piret Oolfer—Confound It, eir, of RockviUe; thrae statara, Mrs. mom and mort glfU for Manchsa-' Kept hi Refrigerated Oaaaa miAee 80-40 flcenee for only 18.95, ArocoMlng end Fed­ UPaak 4 3 Poaaa gOScotUah livar Vernon.. The next reguler session William Feldon of RockviUe, Mrs. SkhrAom SopfinM MNoUan docoRt pooplo.^ you almoot hit my will be held on Sept. 3T from 9 tar’s Queen and her court from ’arWatartag Second OoUer—Did IT Well, Etta Saay of Columbus, Ohio, and local merchants These gifts will eral Tex Included. Let ue know yoa. Am. to noon. Mra. Jtnnle Kneble of RockviUs; I PlMa r “ r r Cashisr—Boas. Fm kopt awako have a shot at mine. ba added to those already recelvad .@6TTEr\ 1□ AluMMihoM Caucua two gnmdchlldren ;and a brother, RFAKriafiMt C aM tdParaoaa night afUr night by a Urriblo ‘ Rayitiend E. Hunt, chalrmail of and placad on display at Watkins make I ISSThorougUkra PT pain In tho nock.'What do you WUe to hueband—I w o “ ' Frank of Dobsohville. atom htfom tpa final Judging P" n L_ tha TaVnon Republican Town Funeral eervicea wUl be held ;g4 Bapvngaa c unreaeonable when w# were first •Committee has announced a cau- Thuraday. N r AinI DaHvArta **‘Senager—Send him homo early Sl^JSSbut you thoujht It ^ Wednesday at 2 p.m. from tha Krah's, electric coffee percu- 31 Wigwam n r ' cua- to'be held thla evening at 8 Ladd Funeral' Home here with ( M i a r C i . . ROCKET SfOacimal unit LO t cute.—Peamon In Ladles’ Home latori Lincoln Shop, ailk night­ o'clock at the Superior Court FnflacniPTiON OHAnMACv 4 H lP « . I. WV r Rev. Forrest Muaaer, pastor of •STPaHahaa F“ n It dose not tako a very brave Joumel. room to name delegatee to the Re- Union Congregational Church. gown ^ Malone/e, electric hair lOl MAIN\TI relativas tomorrow aftamoon and W . IIUp B-IIW. rtMBTIIUWi/•UHTMM 'How he rtiould stir the fire with­ *4fSUr candy cauepd by the death of Sen­ evening. and Supply, carving set; Marlow's, 1087 m a i n s t r e e t MMiiCPAt., TWtMUMMM^iWtMlU IVMMKMMP I out. InUmi'ptlng ■ the , mnelc.’’r- folding umbrellA Jewel caac; Mc- PHARMACY ------la feMMIMB YWIMH aaJIAA«UA • iMMA V i 43 Claiming r P A man named Dodgln waa ator Brleij McMahon. City Court Actlen 31 Uneoln'i 'Botween the bars,’’ replied the eently appointed foreman at a fac­ Aanouncement is also made that Otll-Converse, two pictures; Mc- MMCNV----- IT It friend. Judge Robert L. Pigeon. Justice Lellan Store, alx palra of nylon B31lavlia t P tory, but t o name waa not knovm tha filial' caucua for completing of Rockville City Court said today 1 CLOSED UNTIL riUBB DEUVERY 3IBnthusialtlc P to all the employee. One day while the ticket Jor the November elec­ hoae; »*ontgomery. Ward, silk robe: r She—’This cookery book la Juat that because of the holiday (lAbor ardor p on hla rounds he came acroea two tion will be held Sept. 15, when Day) next week, there wUl be no Nasslff Arms, tennis racket. TUESDAY, SEPT. 2 full of miatakes. men sitting in a comer, smoking, candidates for rspresantatlvas to Paris Curtain Shop, towel set; 4 Oanter SL. TsL S-|IS14 34Bafora IT Ho—I knew; I’vo taatad ’em. court seesion on that date. 3 3 PUCO »: and stopped near them. the General Assembly from the Pearl’A lamp; Pptterton’a, a por- P The trial date foe Maurice-Bre tabla record player and radio; SdCofiaumaa iT • Every one can master a grief One of the Men-Who W y«m T Town o f,Vernon prlU^be named.. ton and Herbert Kuhnke, bbarged McCLURE STJapansas co r c but he who has It. New Foremen—Fm Dodgln, the ' Republican caucuses are also with a variety of offenses Including new foreman. being held this evening at Elllng ipeeding and_breach rt peaci^ has TBBnCAI. One of the Men-8o are we. Sit ton at T:30 P- m. and at Tolland r May virtue be our armor when been...... for set ' Sept. 22. The pair was P f S B If J wlckadnaaa la our aaaaUanL down and have a smoke. at 8:30 p. m. arrested last month after a wild 3 Individuals t ] mm Board of Christian Education police chase which ended when the BY DICK TURNER The Board of Chrlatlan Educa CARNIVAL tlon of tlie First Congregational car In which the two were riding, BACK TO SCHOOL??? Church of Vernon Center will meet crashed. NK M ll«iiSi>S Jm . OM Staff Joseph Musco who had basn this evanlng at 8 o'clock at the iwoNirnrTwf m s* Just Received BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH charged with negligent homicide a wva im pat^kjge. In connection with the deaths of W I « fill H «f ThtrmM Lmicli Nx Kitf n V\M T VlVVi ' Jkhool Staff Meets IWfHSeWAWAVJSM. %glllk 3hXW(MA] MSY6 c o ^ v a a n K n . motorcyclist Donald D. Fontaine ARd TlMnnAt FiN n for Hm yMm«3t«rB 4Md A U w t . An-important meetlngf^jof the AM**l*a §€**§ *r4 eOM tVM SK tAOMKsf l*A on June 1, waa exonerated earlier \WiT 7 Suhdu School staff of me First by tlfe coroner. Th^ case case waa MANDS «f Honw PtniMiMAta imd RoMo .... A VMA MVOWW w c a s N \ COUMlt Evan^lfcal Lutheran CTiiirch will d*MM Au wm 5 CARLOADS nplled today. be helq today at 7:30 p. m. at the TONI. TONim, lOm , SHADOW WAVI. W OttdMiCW-A TVCM'Wfc Also in court today: gfvk. VVOMMl Churclu , MB WML - ■ Ritsry League ■ ' Robert W. Cuiilnngham. 20, Val- PROM. RAYVI. HUDNUT. ULT. . . . The" Whidoga team plays the aelboror Maine, forfeited bonds of Amerfean Dya this evening at. 6 310 for speeding; Roland S. Fos O’clock at Hanry Park In. an ter. South roid, ElHiigtoh. 124 for FREE DBLIVEBV ANYWHERE speeding; Joasph.Zaccfro,la^' “ :aro, 2g,“ 69‘ MMOHESTER Alumai League game. Vernon avenue, Rockvljle, misuse Atten0ng Convention of limited llcenie, 19: John D. , Mni, Lewis H. Chapman Is Wedxlniskl. Jr., RPD RockvHIe, n u m im i t MOiTII IN * nUM M Cf r ! 2 C e Among the state delegates attefid- speeding. 33S| Albert W. Percoa- OPEN nUNDAYA — PAY YOUA ELECTAIO BHX HERE ■ ■ ■ t .1 rlfi I Ing the national convention of the SUrtLY 30. ...I A___ A •■,Jl1lA*,«r la* KTmtAf kl, 81, Franklin street, RockvUle, 4 DEIW ^UARS t e l . S-43SS Amerlcin Legloil Auxiliary In New breach of peace* and Intoxication, "tf It’s Hardware We HaVe It” York t!lty thla week. She attended 310 on each coimt; same sentence r . T. BHah, Jr., Pres. a«d Treas. h me^eettng ot, the NaUonal Child for aUnilar charges against Thom­ S77 Mate SteMt— Phone 4423 IWelfi'are raSitiiSimittee on Saturday, B -’ ’ . w»”'MN as Wendua, 65. Wlndaorvllle road. Maii-Siza, Eh7 and the. NaObnel Executive com HORNETS Vernon; and Adam Luplnakl. 57. of A L L E Y O PP mlttee meetiig on Sunday, also P O R P o n e M ^ Rockville, Intoxication, 310 fine. ______. ___ . ITWAKVlNli group meeting of child wel N THi 03 «l3 M d *S j'*--V . CW fltOHMdftX sS ^ K jo u worif*kern on Sunday “ ------afternoon, OP M k«A ,A u jw OOP w « o look! a w w CUTy3 WherS( as' Area..A child welfare The Rockville bureau of ‘The' Chalrthan, she extended the great Manrlwoter Eirenlag Herald IS lo-*- MANCHESTER TRUST CO tngs k the New Bkigland BUtes; csted ist One Martlet sfteet. T*M- SeO la Bora pbone RockviUe 5-S194. Mr. and Mm. Merrill Thomaa. FD l.,R<»CktLre So/tf Out Of Uswl Cars n ty Hospital this morning.' Hs come malstanee In many Euro­ 4vs* a .retired W>om flxer.-^ pean esuntries. are concentrating #-ar Bom at Agawam, Mass., Oct. 17, on young people in those natlona. As A Result T.aia«.aae.*en iS82, he waa the son of the late Speaking at a St. Stephan’s Day Mr. and Mra. James Bentley, -of celebration hem last night. Lodge e».. mi *>■»«"***' said the Reds are "charging down We Need More Good Cleon Used C o ii fj- p , that V>wn.,but spent moat of his Ann On The Wnrpnth e r b o t h a m '^awwe.aasn.en. lifetime In- thla area. During his upon the free peoples of the earth CHRIS W ELKIN, Planatcei ’’Anothar cartHlad antIqtieT 8av! Now If I had a aurt with ominous rapidity." ■ wm>.st*s»waa»_*!?£ of armor I could stand on our creditors! period ■ here he worked for the AuRt/nBidienHi Z^L PfCOPMCOUNP ^PVOlldtEMfilt NOW, I'L l---- Hr| lAuaw name. Bird Songt Thla amf OOLVT/^MEtr mTstifnuMMtK THKevEMNpdPOur tmucKneccxyf M h M Ia r BUGS B U N N Y HOUUCTSMPINd eieMTIDdOMCS rMSOMSTO MVS CRVINOI * Terrific Trades on pocMnonydT VOVTOVmCMUVi' i rraTwiTHTMT— . FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER SPECIALIZING IN HUMRTIM TBCM. OlfflgN BtLLtAtMOA. TIMT kPVBimRSFtt U/C'1 i hrtuVkf iSM CUSTOM BUILT HOMES GENERAL CONTRACTING New Hudson’s V REMODELING AND REPAIRING Young Moderns Pay AD Thdr BDk FREE ESTIMATES — MORTGAGES ARRANGED ERNEST A. RITCHIE * Immediate Delivwy 16 LIBERTY. ST. ' TEL. 8172, MANCHESTER B Y CHECK

Tlwy iMVA a CheekMasttr « cc6 u a » berA « t The McmeiwstAr Trust Cempemy. AU Models 'At Ndme prinfDd dn oil cheeks 'A' No itimimium iMilonce required Payment 'At No monthly service chorge 'A' No chorge for deposits No chorge for checkbooks * Monthly Notes

A HnoS cliargA for oocli chAOk USED, NOTHING ELSE. Low As 4 9 m Poy by ChockMintor CiMeh Why Not Drive A New Hudson !lutt PhORS 4148 Krfo m- lusblAMHkO — CoAvonlMt The Only Cor Thot Will Not Be Outperformed We’ll deliver any order, large or smalL We’ll recom­ mend the right building maferiala for your project- brief you on the latest eonstraction methods—tell you STOP In Todoy For An Approisol the.. hast wav to* do A_ aO.-the _work..^1. or put ••a^aayoq trikin daaaajalatouch widkwith •a relifyie coniractor._BKr_t1l We’ll even l»nd you wraaM fasAAfree ■almnplan SadOdklrabooks. And Demonstrotion! .1 If you prefer a personal job analysis and free estimate, V ^ l pend our ieprepentatlve .to your doorstep— no ob- LOOK I|C«thm. AHEAD See WITH MANCHESTEI TtUST


Ailvertiae in The Herald— ^ Ptya •m tirt


V a g e t e n MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALP, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. AUGUST 25, 1952______' ______H T U T " ’"------— ------^

THE Defense Keeps Yanks and Dodgers Out Front iBank Knocks Nassiffs Out of Alumni Pennant Race, Heratd Angle PinspottCT ■y Winners Get All Runs Local Sport McIntosh Wins National Little EARL W. YOST Dallas Ready • apMt* Etftor Bums on Way Cleveland Home for 20 of Last 22 Games For Pro Debut In Big First Inning Chatter League Bat Crown, Legion Wins MnMnAV »of Wood«tock Ac», Meintoah, four free passes. opaned and cloaod tha season, both R. Sylxeatar, Bents. NIelcen, Braaa, nearly forgot about At Martin game winner this year. The showed that wa couldn't throw- boUBced dowa in front on foreign Early Wynn nnd Mike Oarcla, left to right, are bidding for 30-game eeaaone. (NEA), day and Thursday nights at the Cards; Tuesday, Tanks vs. Dodg^ O, Bylvoater Jaeoba, NalU: stolen .rasas« waiting at Tha Herald office for Brooks trail tha Cardinals In team we have got to have a paoaar battledelds la 1B60, but there 1s ars: Thursday, Red Box va. Dodg­ Five pUyera played their last with losses, and Umplra Sam Va- baaei, R. Brleeiter; left oa baaea VrjttlKliMWHaa- vlaltor la Bob Oor- Charter Oak Field a t 8:80. game for each team. Bowing out conU, Little Laagua Iron man. who ?ia( tha OonnaeUeut Power 2S baseball tIckaU for Saturday's bitting but they lead both leagues wa're going to gat anywhere." he BO gueetioa but that the remalnlag Wilks and tha aouth|Sawa, Brlsale Oklahoma alumnus waa batting Elim inated ers. AU games .win be pisired at Lesion 10, Fairfield! IS; atrlke- gama in Boston. Finally made in team fielding. commented, "wc got two pastel ■ehedale gives the Indlaas a bulge. GO BY BUS TO STBVb O0(ma|l started for Memorial Field starting at 6 for the Legion were McIntosh, worked both the opener and the outa, ProToat L Meintoah 11. Brass 7, w M N i y OfficW'Bob picked up an and Mickey Harria. .323 and aa a lead-off man had I Um loeefs and agnenanoed control Twerdy 5; hits off Provoet I for 8 rune | connections with At although ha What's mors, tha Brooks, with a intercepted." Outside ef a Labor Day double- driven In 60' runs. o'clock. catcher Jimmy BeU who reached finale (and quite a few In be­ la 1 Innlnsa; Twerdy 4 tor 5 nine In | Oaoigxatte Davis at a Brooklyn bowUng tU$9 intair^ing aporU calendar while New York, on the other band, I trouble aa be walked four men In three times and finished with a tween). ■ In WInatad racanUy which h* waa nearly rtady to move on. percantaga of ,M4, are -going along Jimmy thinks hla baekfiald of header In' HI. Ixmls and two gamee I; Meintoah * r * b^^^ fsatura a t a ntw autoraatle fiBiToWar. High football Coach Walker now has ony one really depend­ Dorn DiMagglo, recognised a s ! the Brat inning but should have L. Cyr, 3b ...... FOOTBALL PRAOTIOE for ■aaaon bqtting averaga of .875 and TONIGHT AT 6 at Memorial (or I nine ' ^thought would ba of Intaraet to tha at a malor league record pace, two Buddy Young, Zollla Toth. Bob In Detroit at the eeaooa’t end, At an outstanding star in the aama 0 > ^ ^ S £ r r Intoah (b. (D. SyiTMur)------; wild---- * ,iiTich««. , I tmpioys •iGCtriMl, tlootronlo and machaaleal prtM ifli Briggs reports the grlddere will be points better than the Cards of Celari and Qeorga Taliaferro Is Lopes' lads are home the entire able pitcher who can he . werked eaeaped .without being scored on. MartM. 15 ...... Manehaotar High eandldataa starts a fielding mark of 1.000, pltcher- Field the American League's tor­ fwetter. Bob left tha calendar at out Monday night for tbs first evertlrae—AIHe Reynolds, Vie capacity; had batted In 37. Fine defbnatve play marked Nas- Hedlund, p, lb ...... rid pennant race resumsa with a thUTins ’^orii’irV ‘m3iI,u5S|* taSfa'i I pit services automstlcally. His opmUoR a t thfi P&-4aak and It wju 1B44 and one bettab than tha In­ very good except for pasting. "We BMBth of September for SO of RACING CsmblaallsB Wolcik, lb. p ...... tonight at 8:80 at the Franklin tnflelder Steve Provost completing Urns and that practice until school have good racalvars but the pitch­ Raackl must have his rent. Every­ Dale Mitchell, swift and an atffa’ play all oeaaon but yesterday Dormer, If, iib ...... BuUding with Hand Coach Walker his second season, who haa bean battle between the Cardlnala and jpUsead on tha wall diana of 1B40. They've mads only their last S3, thing eould depend on the pain, or Lease rester Trssel Tlckei opens will be held at night because 71 errors In 117 gwmss, another ing Isn't up to snuff. And our kick­ Furthermore the Indians have ■ccomplised left fielder, Is one of Agesry was another day aa three errors, Cohen. r( ...... Briggs in charge. Phyaleal exams one of the mhln cogs In the Legion the Red Box. cushions, tn which a svrltch is InsUltsd. (NBA)* lAlumnl UtUa Laagua game In tha moat of tha boys are working on lack of it, mider Eddie Lopat’a those ball players who goes all In tha first inning, proved Manesfila. e : ...... ‘ iveiilnif and’tioUca aponaor Tommy record gait. ing is poor." four more series and a couple of at ie;45 A. M. . 13.68 ^ R. Cyr, c( ...... will ba rtven tonight l^rantlce sea- farms or In atorea.. . , Dsual week By completiag a double ploy Ha said hla team ahould have postponed games with tha toothless left ahouklrr. ■round asking; Isr. Tax faUL Oibbe. U . . . . . s ...... I alona vrUl be held every night thia Brown of Brown and Baaupre In ly pop corn party and taavaa occu With Al Rosen through press­ "What doea a fallow have to Hnbberd, lb ...... i-’ll tha atanda .. One of tha moat affl yesterday In rowting the Cardinals, been able to handle Carswell bet­ Tlgera. Leo < ^, plnt-elsed pivot man week starting Tuesday from 6:80 pies remainder of night's lime be ia-4, to snap Ht. Louis' eight- ter, that the Texans were only 30 I t wilt be recalled that Detroit, ing, the Indiana have plenty In do?" NfW (NGIAND IRANSPORTATION CO for the Bank, ignited the alx-run 1 u 14 a unUI dark a t tha Charter Oak LoU. •elanl ''ban ehaaari" waa Hanoi fore getting under the blanket (a) the way of an attack, and who Totals Football Fans Can Expect gRolomon. local tax ArnaulUnt game winning aireak, they brehe a points ahead tintll the last play of which hid lost 10 of 17 previous 4)utbunt by drawing a baae on SATVBDAY league record, eompleting a twin the game; that Oarswell didn't games to them, took four or five do you apppose is lending tbem balla. Al M ulin moved the runner *NO OABIE is Hated tonight In tha Boys thordughly enjoy playground What atarUd out as a routine in hitting, making a bid for the Kohen. lb AMESITE DRIVEWAY iacllttias at tha Charter Oak U)t killing In their IBth conoeentlve compare with tha pro clubs, not from the Indians Juat before the along urith a perfect aiunrlflce. Cole, w ...... I Twilight League at Nebo. The To Hear More Whistles Batting—Irv Norm, Tankas Bbfora fiaadlng for Brookflald day turned Into a moat Dlsaaant game. even tha Ballaa, wriiom Phelan aaya bell lost Kali, knocking them out league championsliip, as a mat­ Jackie Hedlund reached on a boot EKSTltch, c ... game between Hamilton and the SAVI 1074 97 CA U m a HOW and enjoyable ana. While chop­ The Yanke came from behind to la not among tha atrongar teams ter of fact? . None other than Cooper, If. p ... I British Americana haa been post­ Doubled with tvro out and the I street and a quiet avanlng watch­ of the race In which they showed by Dave Oolaa and Wojdk strolled Hoixer, lb, c( . baaea loaded in the eighth liming I ping at noon, I encountered nip the Detroit Tigers, 4-3 and pick of the National League but'atilt far the way until Bept. 10. That and Dale Mitchell, the Oklahoma oil to load tha h4tsea. Cooper got Oblas. Sb ...... poned until a later date as the By GAYLE TAYLOR e MAOmNB SPREAD ing taavaa. farmer friend who Invited the Yost ahead of tha service outfits. man-rancher who now playa ball to drive in three runa and give the WKONBHDAV up a full game on the Cleveland tha total collapsa of the Red Box, Ofiorge Dormer on strikes but Bnsllih. r f ...... Props are out on vacation this Naw York. Aug. J5 —(#)—The N ecciai (^n*t Mififl Tankaea a 4-8 unhUt victory over | o FREE OEAOINO family to visit his home and fl*h Indians who dropped a lA-InnIng B raining that while he thought Juat for the fun of It. He’a the RANGE and FUEL OIL ^ v e Boland 1st Marv Cohen's rol­ SImmone. p. If week. college football aeason la ap­ o FBEB ESmiATBS . TWk with Doc Dlakan at tha during tha afternoon. The boyr who dropped nine In a row to the bloke the front office haa been Boland, lb ...... the Detroit 'ngera. hoapUaf and Doe can't understand 0-A marathon to the Benators in the 'IWxaae were better than the Yankees, cost the Indiana, the top ler go through hla lags for the Smith, el ...... proaching, and permit me to be Says Redfi* H orasby a POWER ROLLED were thrilled when told we were Washington. Yanks at - the eeme period trying to got rid of for a half- Pitching — Randy Ounipert, why ha can't pull in Naw York World Bartes swag. firat run. Jim Managgta and Ron­ the firat to give all you fans the Benators—Relieved starter W uter I going flehing. The luck was ex­ Two ninth Inning New York .year, that didn't meaa Dalhui waa dozen years. 24 Hour DeNvery Service nie Cyr walked to force in two ToUIa ...... 35 4 7 21 S 1 happy news that there la going channala Fortunately, wa have cellent at this private pond with a rhamploaehlp eealeader. "AH tlw The Indians' Big Four—Lemon, rirxt National . . 100 000 0-4 PltUburfh—(NEA)— Rogars Maaterapn after lAike Boater bad bean able to view many of tha Giant errors gave Cincinnati two Garcia, Feller and Wynn—were Mitchell providaa one of base- sooraa. Oil 300 to M more whistle tooting this averyona getting hla limit. Kven unearned rune and a B-4 first game nther eltdw are stroager,” he eeld. NataUfe Hornsby should know a pitch­ tied the score with a two-run DE MAIO BROS. ■hows on Chaiinal Nina and Kievan ruined by bunts toward third base. ball'a stranger atories. The last BONMIX SIMMONS replaced Runs batted In—L. Cyr 3. Manassla, year than ever before. er when he saea one. Mrs. Yoat managed to catch on to derision. The Giants managad to The Yeake woa ealy awe gaam last time I looked, the University of Cyr. Bscarlteh 3. Ciolaa, SImmona: ninth Inning homer and Meldtdl CAU. ANY1BI9 Tin during tha past aavaral months . . a ehlner although bullheads were aeon. That was the first thing Manager Cooper and got Jeff OIbba to hit R. ... gtoijn •----- You Just think It isn’t poaaibla. Ha ruined enough of tham In but three hits In 7 3*8 sooreleea in­ Umplra Hrat Little League baseball get a split -In the doubleheader, Lopaa corractad in Bpring train­ MORIARTY BROTHERS to Bhprt but Al Cole couldn’t find two-baae hi'j Cole; Local officials who should know the object of the party. Our boat' The 46-man aquad will go to Olbm. Cooper, Moee^f' Kuben 3, Cole, hla day. nings until the Banatora taUiod in gama of tha agason at Memorial winning the second game, halted ing. the handle, Cohen croeaing the Kecavitch, Smith; aacrificaa, Martin; ■ay you'll go home on Saturday So whan the Cincinnati man­ two daughters also helped. In the at the end of seven Innings by Dalles Thursday on the way to 315 CENTER STREET I ’EL . 5135 the 16th to defeat the Indiana, Jiald and gam# runs off ln.l:10 ■. afternoon's catch. Not only did we Odessa where a aaU-out crowd of Clavaland .has three atrong- plate. Lao Cyr singled to center to double playe, Hubbard to Manrosla) I mmmmaamainmtB^m^mmam^ nights and dream you’re lost tn the ager got hla firat look at tha 9-8. liUUac ptannlag occupies re m a ile r darkness, 6-3. armad pitchers—Wynn, Lemon left on baaea, Bank 7, Naoalffa 4; bOMa testing department of a whistle bring home fleh but aleo tha beat Boeton’a third place Rod Hox batter than 30.000 la axpeetsd to regtater MonHVlB Ronnie Cyz on balla. Woklk 5, Cooper 5. SImmona: By BEANS BEAXDON Plratm’ young Ron Neoelat, ha of evening after getting boys off to eating com we have had this sea­ see tha Texan-Eagtea game. and Garcia—begging for work. with the fifth and sixth runs. Mar­ atrlkeouta, Woiclk 6, Cooper 6; hlta off foundry and that little men in went overboaro. moved to within four gnmeo of the Cooper 3 for 4 rune In I 3-5 Innlnae: M Y oon la NattMMl Leiqpw white panU are popping In and •Bad; son . , . Boys made a complete While Bob Feller has lost consid­ tin walked, but Hedlund grounded Wrlttoa for NEA Servlw "With an arm Ilka that." tha THtlRSDAV Ynakeea, eweeMng a pair from erable of hla speed, the one-time ELASTIC STOCKINGS 4 to first to and the frame. Cooper Simona 1 for 0 rune In 1-3: Woiclk 7 out of holes In the walnMmtlng. Ra^ah said, 'the sky’s tha lim- canvas of tha neighborhood In the the Ht. Louie Browna, 3-1 la 10 (or 4 runa in 4 3-3; Hedlund 0 (or 0 ‘ tone of the flneet baseball plC' evening displaying their catch to Iowa farm boy Is still an excel­ EXPERT nTTERS ^ came hack In to start the second runi In 1-3: hit by pitcher, by Wojcik QUasUon: Why ian’t baaabsU They aay It’a really going to be Sporlt Mirror HI u*i4 Oiti WaetM-Ulsd B«S WMIlii; tura booka to hit tha desk this Innings and It-1. Philadelphia's lent spot rlght-luinder. Bo Is and allowad two hits and walked (Oolaa); wild pitehea. Cooper; umpurea, part of tha Olympic Games pro- something. lha naFghbora . . . Moat neighbors Athictica rlunt to fourth ptaro hy Karr-Olovlno; time. 1:50. Today A Tear Ago—Tha Unitod •aadn aM vas from tha Loulavllla wanted to know where this mya Bteva Oromak. And In the bull one but the damage bad been done. muhmi la th a t they’ve now de­ ituggar company, maker of those tery pond waa located . • • After one percentage point, dividing a pen there are the right-handed Noaaiffs kept peeking away at AasTreri Beeaaae the game Imi’t cided to hang a whistle on eveiy ■tatos Tvon Its 16th oonsacutlva I fanoua Louisville Slugger bate. doublebrndcr with the White Box JI WetliaraSald ^7^ / Includea tha Oald Judge, who In vtotory In Wlghtman Cup tennlal house hunting family aattlaa back the Bank load a4 they scored ain- the BaMeaal offkdal to the .Held, .from .the iPieturea oC many major league The A's came hark to cop the gla runs In- the' second and third HI>OAB the past has been a quiet austere play, dafeating the FttUburgh J and anjoya fine teevee programs. Mnnn. 2b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ■pert to eMOfh toaiUiiifienun right through the Individual. He jiflU .be expdetad to are are«al»wn, plus records and HDNDAY second game, 6-1 after the White Septic Tanks Cleaned "and added a pair in the fourth. I-eTendre. aa ...... 4 1 0 10 0 eoimtriea. No Mfaroe. That means at least J m nrMea, ll-io; and bald to their | ly otM JUgls of Intareat . . . Box had taken aa 11-7 opening WoJeUe ran into real trouble In Drennan, c ...... 4 2 3 5 A get Ms knickers muddy toe. ■Ix-gama league lead. Make 10 o'claek maaa and then DeaMarala, 3b ...... 1 1 0 0 1 "game, aoceM- whiatlee where only one abrOlcd Motor U m m cti to ftorrs to taka eotlect boya grandmother prior to alugfrat tha third but tha Main Street nine Aperqulat. p ...... 4 0 1 0 1 iBg to Olymple befoK. In seine conferences, where Each official, aa ws understand Ten Tsars Ago—The Boston Red I Thl Philadelphia Philllaa and 0 0 0 It. will have a given territory to In thajnwHOOSi aaaslon of tha a trip to Foraat Park tn Spring YEBTIHOAY’S RESULTS Cofl MoRcliMttr's S«w«r«9« Sp«cidUts 4mty acored one run and left the Maranall. ci ...... 1 - 0 rules. Buy he- epectatore wlU be especially lueky. Box awepl a doOblahaadar from Ic . , . Lecturers are field, to tee the monkeya. The park Chicago (Tuba split a twin bill as sacks Jammed. Vinnle Kohen ain- Wlae, lb ...... 1 0 eaene part ef watch very closely, espSclaUy for tha Cleveland Indiana, 4-8 and S-I, Xaslera Keleher. If ...... 2 1 It meoBB 0ve. ihfracUons of the personal foul of Holy Oroas and Don la Jammed with cars and more than did Pittaburgh and the Boston ltsrt(«r4 3. wmismsport t 111). gled to left and Cole followed with Anderaon, rf ...... 1 0 the oflteial eom- The Idea behind the influx of for their alghUi in' ouocesalon and uiMJMiMHsaMt^, . . Met many SO minutes la spent trying to move Bravei. The Phlle swamped the Bln|)>smlnn i-4, fierantnn l-h a double to center. Mike Baca- Daley, 2b ...... 1 1 petltloB aaleaa rule and for defanaive holding. 8rh„n*rttdy 4, llsadina 1, AMESITE SmoientkI. cf ...... 5 1 whUUes la. primarily, to try to out the New Tork Tankee lead to | nadtieut high school and rol Cube, 14,4 behind Runs Meyer Vttch waa given an intentional Each will have aomethtng of the the Jeep along a quarter mils Albany at (Elmira (nlant), Quelette, l b ...... '...... 5 0 lit Is geaeraUy maka a sharp reduction in the ex- 8M garnet. legal eeecRaelfctiudlng Ray Coating stretch of road . , . Played ball In after Warren Hacker had outpltch- Natleaal pass to load them up. Jackie Hed« Champ, If ...... 2 0 plaved ^ eight ori^nal powers of the referee. He Twenty Tsars Ago—Bah# Kuth ed Robin Roberts for a 3-0 CYil kmd, a lefthander, waa brought in KoilekI, rf ...... 1 0 cesalvely rough play which be­ will Mow a blast a t the eUghteat jndrttip Jaaaea from Trinity, Btan lata afternoon with boye and then CInclimsU 5-1. New York 4-4. c inney bros natioBa. came notorioua last fall. It •lammed hla 36th homer and Lou Chlrsan t-«. Phllsdelnhla 0-14. MK . iWald.- Bob- Ingalls, Hugh Oraer, watched Ctty Editor Jerry Bapl- esgo triumph. The Braves took i to pitch to Cooper, a lefthanded Q. Whan a infraction and order the penalty. 10-Inning 0-3 win with Ralph Broriklyn 10, St. Louts 4. sw l^r. The move paid off Total! ...... 3» 7 I 31 s a brought the game a good deal of Gahrlg hla 2Sth aa tha Naw Tork C eilirtitlan. ^11 Lolka, Larry enia play rantsrflald on a aenib .Pitlehurah 4-5. Boston 5-5. Browa A Beapre (4) runner la called very unwelixime pubUidty, and the Clipping wUl be caUed much Tankaea nipped the aeveland In- ' «,.nul White and Carl taahi. Ye editor came up with a Klnar hammering hla 36th home DRIVEWAYS SEWERA8E DISPOSAL COMPANY •XIoop" grounded to Cyr who A BR HPOAB out for being more cldsely under the new in- men who make a Uvlng from foot­ dlanar, 4-8. iachi^ d( UOonn and Coast catch that brought back memories run to give Pittsburgh's rookie Boston 3-11. 8t. Louis 1-1. threw out Kohen at the plate Sweet, oa ...... 3 1 2 1 2 0 ■truck by a fair ■tificUons. In the past you might Ron Necclal his tin t major league New York 4. Detroit %. DRAINAGE and SEWERAGE ENGINEERS Wojcik came bock in and forced Boasinl, 3b ...... 4 1 0 0 2 2 ball are determined to put on the AT YOUR A U T H O R W Guard's Nala NItchman . . . Plan of Joe DiMagglo during, hla hey­ Chicain U-l. Phtlsdelphls 7-5. NO MONEY UP US 38 MONTHS Hedlund. lb ...... 411710 ball, who gats Beardon brakea right now. have watched three or four games «d outdoor barbacua la moved In day with the Yanke. The Herald'a victory In the opener, 4-3. W’ssliTnaton t. CleTtland I (II), cole a t the plate on BIU MOxser’a Irlih, 3b. p ...... ,4 0 3 1 0 1 credit for tbs without seeing It called once. It' sed UNCOLN-MERCURY DIA&i _de when the rains come and gain la the Yankees' loan In Bapl- The Yankees erupted for four iBlerasllsasI TO 130.1^2 Pm v I St.. M oKliM fM R-TBl. 5308 slow roller back to the mound. Zatkowikl, p, 3 b ...... 2 0 0 0 3 0 putoutT It’s tha main thing wa've had to be a pretty open and abut BuRaln 13. Toronto 7. George English want down awing Aiutin. c ...... 3 0 0 11 2 0 tolked about at our meetings ^Joy company of Walt Schmidt enaa. t runs in the eighth after rookie llnchester 10. Syracuse 7, TO PAY Kinney, If ...... 110 10 0 A. The fielder aeareet the taJL case, with aome offenaiva player BALCH is Your a rs Billy Hoeft had baffled them with Montreal 4. SprInaSsId 1, fng to end the threat, _ Keeney, r f ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Q. A fielder drops a fly ball, a since lost aeawin,’’ a well known diving deUbarately into an op­ five hits and no rune through seven Ottawa t, Baltimore 1. B b o w m a n d b e a u p r e Curry, cf ...... Una drive or a tbrown baU, but Butern coach tells me. "Please ponent’s hind end whose back la Innings to overcome a 3-0 deficit STANDDfOS W i HAVITHI PROPiR EQUIPMENT eoiddn't come up ivith the baae hit Quay, rf ...... recovers the batt in time to force don’t put me in the position' of AaMriaaa In the clutch and Wethersfield Flaher. rf ...... turnad. \Top PGA Stars Arrive A baoea loaded walk to pinch ' w L Pci. OIL and KNOW HOW Wojcik.' If ...... a runner at another base. la ha pointing the finger, but we know TAKE 24 MONTHS TO PAY hitter Johnny Mtae with two out S pw Tork ...... 72 — walked off with a 7 to 4 win. Ken absolutely that some coaches have I t is no aeeret that tto) Johnay U ,U1 Total! ...... M ' i ’la i 5 I given an error for dropping tha Bright InetdcBt loot taU aboekad followed by Irv Noren's pitch CUvpUnd ...... U 55 .599 2 DONT DELAY ~ CAU TODAY ny Irish and Hank Zatkowakl balir become mighty careless about Tomorrow in Hartford BoMon ...... 99 54 .IH 4 divided the pitching for the Beea Wetherafleld ...... 000 411 0 -7 what they teach their boys to do. the game’s guardians aad brought 1YS0 PACKARD 4 M O R S ID A N ___ _ double that cleared the bases, gave PhlUd^lpMA ...... U .52t Brown A Beaupre ...... 110 090 0—4 A. No. them to a solemn reiriliattaa that Ed Lopat his sixth victory. Waihinfton ...... 94 8 ju YOU CAN ALWAYS DO lUSINESS WITH Joe Apelqulot went aU the way Runa batted In, Apel(|ulat. Smolenekl, Q. Did the great Eddie Plank and it ,1s to oty own interest to Grass. Bodle sad healer. QIKQK Ehrl Rapp's baseo-loaded alagle Chicftfo ...• ...... 45 H 7)1 for the visitors. Quelette. Keleher. Irlah 2, Sweet: two- ever pitch In the minors before help the offictala atop it. they had better do some thing la Mactford—Harv«y Raynor, P. Rt, Louis ...... 52 75 .408 21H baee hlta. Irlah: itolen bases. Drennar. a burry to curb their wUder " € ) oft Early Wyaa with aone out la D«lroit ...... 41 51 .8M H movinif up to the b ir leagues? "There will be a great increase ]. .A. Tournament director, has BRtter Gets Bum^s Nallaaal 2. Hedlund. Wojcik. Zatkowakl, Bog- aplrlta. Too many mUlions m w the dvlo^ Insurance City Open the loth B eared Jerry Bayder to (Inl, Irish; aacrificaa. Sweet; left on A. The rcRurkabie left-hander to penalties this season aad the BETTER DEAL 1951 NASH AMRASSADOR 4-DOOtl briag victory to Waohlagtoa. 'The Brooklyn ...... 75 19 .U7 oaaei. Wethersfield t, Beea 7; bases on ■ever pltehed for a mtoor league crowds tvin not like to see the ■equeoce pictures of the D rakt Gray. Radio, heater, aatematte trea i l aalau C l O O V ' airman Ed May by phone from Rush for Big Fib 81. Louli ... 50 .580 $H Uiriveraity ace getttag It oa the ladlaas had forced the game lato Sew York .. :::::::::V) 49 .581 9 major LfAGUE jails. Irish 3. Zatkowakl 3, Apel(|Ulst 5; tesBi. ffolvar from Gettyritorg Col­ game slowed np, but we can’t have Stock Ne NT-llfi^...... fort. Wayne, that tha P.O.A. tour- rhilAdPlphla 6^85? strikeouts. Irish.5. Zatkowakl 5, Apel- Jaw—goo4l^—after he had lomg POmiAC DEALER extra -laalaga ea Luke Raster's ...... 84 54 GOLLA qutst.d; hits off Irish 4 tor 4 runa In lege tv the Athletios with whMi any more plotarcs In the papers natnent players and diractore will Reno, Nev. -(NBA)—It hap­ tbree-rua homer la the alnth. ChlraiTD ...... 80 .3! 4 tnr.insa; Zatkowakl 2 (or I runs In 2, be pitched from IfiOl to 1814. He lUie aome you saw last whiter. alnce piufted with the balL irHve In Hartford on Tuesday, Bolton ...... 83 u .iSt n • Oo 'coafidaiMly vaeatioa ebefs $30M whan promptly rs- Happy Whlstnng. 1951 CHIVROLiT 2-DOOR SIOAH. pened 'In the Class D Far West _ It took the Dodgers Just two Cincinnati ...... M TO CONSTRUCTION CO. with I hit by pitcher, by totkowiki (Dee wen 8t0 gamm la 17 aeaaoas In From here on when a player Is ha Hartford Junior Chamber of League. .411 n I ISO or $100 tucked paU in la eeaaaeatira monthly Marais); losingwitcher. Irish; umpire*, S-Toae gray. O l A C A Innings to cool off the red hot PIttfburfh , ...... 3T 10 .381 48 249 In yeur wallet for emergwjctes. iiflaltm anh al $10X)3 aaeh. Par mhhha 4AaJ*J A A Aaat * AiasOa* Wlllla,...... VecentT; iT; tlnitime, 2:06.■ ■■ the nujors. - caught getting too rough he la go­ ommtrce la completely organised A batter fiercely protested a lal.rMtl«(ul Stock No. NT-Jlfi...... lYaoalM them and to praient the Cardinals aa Preacher Roe rolled Montreal ...... u 80 .831 mm BR O A D ST. 5 2 2 4 U you rfon’f use (he cash, retam aaampla, $100 lor 1 month cotta ^ ' ’^ P h W h l a . .537: ing out ot there in a hurry, and no biggest Boir event In Naw Eng­ called third strike, Hla man­ to hla 10th triumph. The Brooke Nyraruta ...... 78 52 .547 8^ H. Yam anlr charge k h t tha you only $3X10. Phene, write or MuS5J5,*'c5lTeland. orgnmenta.” 1949 CADILLAC 4-DOOR SIDAN ager rushed onto tha field. broke through .starter Joe Presko Rocheater •• ...... 74 54 .538 11 lima yog hold H. A han al $100 come In today. W York. .222; Kell. Bo(rton, .512; The men with the tootera—all land's hUtory, tha IIS.OOO Inaur- Toronto ,,,, ...... 85 M .488 17H S-Toim greca. "Was It a bad pitch?" ha for three runs In the first and fhiffaln ...... 63S «s Ooodman, Boston, .209. . , Country Q ub Notes SportS in Brief four or five of them—will be ex­ nca City Oj^n. asked the batter, 'ihe latter ...... 85 99 .485 18 Roas ia tU d „IT»U»0«1- Stock No. U-7t7. aeaasaOBSBBi $23« 1MK TOURNAMENT will start three more in tha second to clinch Raltlmora •...... M 73 .478 If mS m 1 VB ey** k t pected from here on to get right nodded. the victory. Ottawa ...... U 79 .411 tomaanrgtuaf. uun f tho ■b. P ‘cSi..rt:«"N .w “ior!S; Every Saturday game played in there and mingle on Intimate tiaraday, a t S p. m., with a clinic "Outside a foot.” he said. Rorlnirflald ...... 57 79 .433 1949 MERCURY CLUl COUPI nd driving contest put on by tha An error by second, baseman TODAVS GAMES I by the St. Louis Browns at Sports­ terms with the performera. That The manager lit Into the Davey WUIlama on Will Marahall's f in a n c e c i RiuU lte. '^hSlxo. Gray. Radio aad beater. IhtteUaat aUon'a bast golfers. Tha touma- Kaatera m e m m Atiphia, 144; Robmoon. Chicago. 141. m a n 's Park is a Ladiea* Day— aaaa**fiS*S«B $ 1445 - i)e»t flfld will tea off Friday tor umpire something awful and grounder with the bases full In Blnahamton at Brrantoe, M n e a r > JARVIS BUILOING AvlM, Qexaland, 141; Jenaen. Waah- whether it be a day or night coo' Stock Ne. U-T6S...... was thumbed out of the game. tha ninth permitted tw*o Redlegs SrhrneCsdy at Albany. NMIN tm iC T (Om WMhwNth't) MANCHESTER teat > first ot four daya of pipy. The ump turned to the bat­ Only asmM srbedulsd. m **jBroblee— Fain, Philadelphia, 25: 1951 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Included tn the field of approxl- to score, enough to give the Reds Nallssal We'll Tra, Usw (sale Is (wliwd tl ifi imw llig )— » Waidilngton. 26. _ , . _, ed at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 80. Stock No. U-aOL ...... sros. Douglas, Burke, Kroll, Bolt out for lying." Brooklyn at gt. Louis (S-dav-nlgtat) Triplea^lmpeon. Clerelard and Rls- Best BaU I jid Ford who represented the Giants a split. Lnea ()3-g) ant.' Rutherford (4-4) vs. ■uto, NSW Tork7l0:'Fox. Chl(«o and Del St. Jolin, Max Schubert, 60. Staley (14-11) and Hsddix (1-01. Young, St, Louis. •; Mlnoao, Cmcago, Doc McKee, Earl Ballaleper, 67 Tommy Holmes of the Brooklyn 1951 FORD "8” 4-DOOR SEDAN I'- Jnited Btatee tn tVie international rhilsdelphia at Chirsgo —RIdtIk (I- Doby; Cleveland and Vernon, Waeh- natchea in Montreal. It la expect- |) vs. Lown (4-1). YFSj Wc Need Your Car! (Draw). Dodgara wlll become a 10-year UghI green. that a large throng will greet Only gamsa srheduled. A JL ky **^m e *’Rune—Doby. xaeveland. U ; Sweepatakea player on Aug. 86. Thkr means he Flanagan Boxes Berra, New York. 26; tornlal. PhlU- LOOK Navy Gridders AMrlaan I cannot ba traded without hla con­ Ilia group at Bradley Field when ameland at Washingisn (night) delphla. 24; • Boater. Cleveland. 23, Oaaa A— hey arrti’e from Canada on Wed- LentoH (15-5) rt. Marreno (10-51. B()Mn, (fiavelanc, 21. Henry Rockwell, 74-,6 60. sent and that whan ht reaches SO 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN esday night. ‘ Lack Poiiudage Tommy Collins Detroit a! New York — Houttsman Stolen Baeea—Jenaen. Washington. Frank Olekaak, 76-6 73. ha wiU draw a 8100 a month pen- Bine. It Is now certain that the field (5-17) TS. Miller (1-4). yrM taiao. Chicago and R lroto^jw atte Only games schedtilued. York, 16: Thronaberry, Boston." 14, Class B— I sion. Stock No. U-78t ' antriee will include virtually all laSeraalUnal We'll Deliver You A . . . Al Leone, 82-13 69. he outstanding golfers in the Boston, Aug. 35—(P)— Slugging Balllmors at Springfield, D IR E C T Larry Doby of the Cleveland In­ Annapolis, Md„ Aug. 36—(F)— YES 0 4 1001); Blunts. Phlladelphlsi, 22-4, Sav Zavarella, 86-12 78. 1947 HUDSON COM M ODORE fcountry. Names like thoee men- Navy’s "smallest" football squad. Tommy Collins of Boston and ,S4i; Raaehl. Naw TorL 152.^.5M; Ben- diana tied an Amarican League t-Door Hoden. S-tono Green. “ Loned above plus Skee Riegel, Jim nigged Glen Flanagan of St. Paul,' TO T R A C K record when he struck out five rerrier,' "Porky” Oliver. Jim Including 18 lettermen, starts tak­ ton.' Boston. 4-1. Stock No. U-644. $74 S ing summertime klnka out today Minn., swap punches tonight in Z,(MiU. 7-2, ^700. FORT WAYNE PLAYOFF timaa in ana gama on April 25, umSaa, Lawson Little, Tommy S trik M u u "— S-T-R-E-T-C-H with Ua first drill for the fall tha latest acrap of the elimination Sports Schedule lUrnohl*. Naw Tork. 133: Bhairti, IMS. [OVER 1949 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Vrmour. Jimmy Thompson. John- Fort Wayne. Ind., ,\ug. 28—UP) campaign: tournament to pick a duration GO BY TRAIN TO THE RACES Fhn^elpbla. 121; Oarcla. Oevrland, Black. Radio aad beater. In excellent i py Palmer, etc., plus many popii- world featherweight champion 115; W yco, (ntvaland. 111. —Jimmy Clark of Laguna Beach, In 1M4 Jockey Johnny Longden ii' local entries make the field Coach Eddie Brdelata will be TeMgbl J NEW PONTIAC! $ 1473’ while titllat Bandy Saddler is In Decl'g vg. Center mringa, Calif., an outsider when the 815,- Stoeh No. U-804...... ound like the National Open. shaking down hie two-pronged of­ g— NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD OR OVERTRADED' LABOR DAY and evenf Saturday B a tU M -M S S S r Bt. Louis. ^.829: rode in a race at Balmont Park tha ...Your Fuel Bills my. Charter Oak. ' Xldoaewakl, Cincinnati. 606 Fort Wayne Open Golf Tour­ day after he had bean riding at AMONG THF. MIHHIN'O will be fensive attack, which mixes the Mew Tork. .200: Atwell. (2itcaso. .806, nament started, faced Jim Turnesa 1949 PACKARD SEDAN single wing and old Jfotre Dame National Boxing Associa­ Rad Sox va. Carda, 6—Memorial, HoUywood Park in California. Joyd Mangrum who has been or- tion sanctioned the tourney to find 'rueaday. August 36 thru SEPT. 2 0 kobliwoii. Brooklyn. .W . today in an 18-hole playoff for the W-A-Y 0-U-T Black. Radio and heater. itered to withdraw from toiima- box, running behind a balanced Runs-- Loekman. Naw York, 89, champlonahip. Clark, who neve^ ’49 PACKARD Stock No. U-SIt. Priced to sell at $ 134* neat coTnpetition for three line. an Interim feather, king while the First National va. TTYuat, 5:30— BALCH PONTIAC, INC. Hamua. 6L Louis. 91: Robinson. Brwk- Bubba Church, Cincinnati pitch­ New York battler li doing hia Charter Oak. You’ll bu‘ thoru on linw . . . iravol in sir. lyu sa d MUalal. St. J^ula. 81: Reese, led during the four echeduled daya er, aaya his top baaebaU thriU waa nontha by his doctor. Gene Sara- The Middies' starting offensive I'-S CENTER STREET PHONE 2 -I545 )w4ANCHESTER -V fcooklyn and Sauer. (2ilcajro. 75. of play, shot a five under par 67 LUXURY 4.DOOR cn. who waa one of the first big line stacked up at an average of fighting for Uncle Sam. Yanica va. Dodgers, 6—Ms- conditionod pomfort . . . no traffic or hitting s home run agslnrt Preach­ Here’s how oar divided payment plan works. We esti­ 1947 OLDSMOBILE "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN The winner of tonight's Boston mortal. v- Runs Batted In Sunday's final round for 272 Black. Radio and heater. Hydromattc Drivw ^tara to be signed up, recently fewer than 190 pounds at .spring OPEN IV IN IN G S TIL 10 P M Thomson, New Tork. 87; Hod*ee, to tie Turnesa. The Briarcllff, N. er Roe in Shlba Park In 1961. mate your yearly fuel bill and break it down into small Ithdrew with regret due to an practice. Brdelata calls it "the Garden 15-roimder will meet the Wednefiday, August 37 . parking problams Brooklya .98; Bnnla **>>ll»4e>Pb A = installmenU payable over 10 months. This keeps your Near new tires, pnnctnre proof tnbea. CKQOK victor in the Panama bout be­ Moriarty’a vs. Aircraft, 6—Ne- toayenella. BrMklyn and Blaushter, Y., golfer had to drop a lO-foot nportant business engagement, imalleat squad I've ever been as­ putt for a par four on the 18th Lea Blngaman, guard on the budget from being knocked oat of whack by big bills Stock No, U-D69. A real boy a t ...... hla is also true ot Cary Middle- sociated with.” tween Percy Bassett of Philadel­ bo. FROM MANCHESTIR aUa^^-Alami, Cincinnati. l6j; 8choen- Detroit Lions, la the heaviest play­ OUR SALE PRICE phia and Federico Plummer of Hiuratla)', August SB dianst and Mualal. St. Louts. 149; ^ k - to get a 69 and hia 16-under-par during the cold months. 1946 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE off who sent hla regrets. The poa- Stopping the opposition will be $8.52 ROUND TRIP (Taxliicl.) man, N tw Tork. 145r E rnla and Ham- 272 for 72 holes. The winner today er on tha team. He weighs 280 ONLY 'bUlty remains that Sam Snead Brdelata' main worry. Navy lost Panama. First National va. Trust, 8:30— pounds. mae. Radio and hentor. Good trnnspertotton. Those two finalists battle for the Charter Oak. ■V, PhtladelphU, IM •*. takes home *2,400 and tha loser ill be among the starters—he Is Juat about all its defensive 11ns Doubla»-%hocndUnA m. LouU. M. geU $1,800 second place money. 3395 DOW N Automatic deliveries guarantee you’ll never be left Stock No. U-814. Priced right at BoeaeanB# $ 84$ |io»r on tour in South Americs and between the ends from Ita IPSl duration American crown with the Red Sox vs. Dodgers, • —Me­ $4.02 r o u n d "'tr ip bieliidiiifl Bantr. Cbicaao anC Aahburn. Phlla- dt^ua. 27; Bomntr. Philadelphia and This Is the seventh season that stranded vrith an empty tank. Our “Degree Day System* ; ia not known whether he \rill be crew. Back on the flanks win be winner meeting France's Ray morial. TELEVISION ADMISSION TO PARK the Washington Redsktna footbiUl ALL AtOVB CA R S HAVE ack In time for the Labor Day Captain John Gurakl auid Bob Famechon for the duration world “ T?hlleril'nSSlt.n** N.w tork. W: GIANTS OPEN SEPT. 18 team haa tralnod at Oecidenta] Balance 24 Months assures you of a weather controlled supply. vatk end event ' Hcmpel. championship. SOCCER PLAYER DIES Leave Bfanrhester at 10:36 a-rn, Bula/^lladelphla aijd Sleughter. College, Loe Angelea, Calif. Any Demo Up To A SULLIVAN SAFE BUY USED C A R W A R M ^ T Y The cocky Collins—a hard hit­ • t Idonif^t; JeUiroe. B■.■ ■ ‘ of the Baltlmoce Bullets George Groaa, manager of the while Collins scored a knockout on tha playtng field during a lull 358 EA9T CENTER ST. TELEPHONE 5191 11-1/299: .*bwMe.^ 1 Walt a Bit, and Jimmy Stout, Boa- 331 Main Street, Manehester Utti fiart WnM-rUttd to lN tlt. Boaton. . 134: 40 names (or one a t his horses to I . I V t S I H3SI.M a 4«|n>ty ahariff In De- Flahermen'a Cooperative, esti­ ever clever but aging Willie Pep. in a game between the Trincria It Teur Bet Is bi Our Shop Mere Tha«'S Duye S . j SS;; ClOb brfo^ tha organ ■uet) atlU are active on the race Bit enian ha Isn’t playing profoo- mated Ita live weight aa "probably A crowd of close to 13.000 u Soccor Club and tha Ognluro d u b , We Wia iMMUi Veh A Set l«Uon found one accepUble. tracks. b^ftathaU. opar 600 pounds." expected to watch tha tq^ale. both «f thia city. 'tv- i . RANCHEST^IR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.> MONDAY. AUGUST 26, 1962 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. KANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST 2S, 19CT iPAGB,TWELVE WBBted to B eat •$ fs r SaU 72 fsr Sals 71 Waatai — Baal BsUta 77 Redsy West Stalled H3ipWsated-rMate Sf ArtIdoB fsr Bale 48 B m sm Im U G «o4s i l Bal Boyle' Morlng—Ti ueUiif— w a n t e d —Three room lurnlehed Aatoaioblko for Bate 4 .BosiaeaB S em cca Offered 18 TO BE SOLD VACANT—Five room cqiaalaL 166 FOR QUICK RESULTS in aoUing UN Ptoncs 50 Rescued On German IVeaty S ton ge USED WASHERS apMtment with pHvnte h j^ by yotir praparty eaU Snbuthaa AMTIQtmi lUaniSlMd. lUpalilng 140 p o o T x IT p o o r QUONSET Oak straat Garage, large lot , GET BETTER VALUE ON AUSTIN A. CHAMBBIUI CO., WANTED $10 UP ySung, married ^ SIX ROOM COLONIAL CaU 2-6777 or EUiagton 6-0099. Raalty Oa., Raaltora, 641 Mala | How to Make a Fuel ^ ^ s i i f i i d dona on nay funlturt. Ttainana, Hut can 3-6066. UP to 1100 ptr month. HnvG/rtf- ISO aouth ICnIa atraat Riona local and long diataaea movtag, Oarnar. atraat OaU 8816. Slash Vi'tof After Plane A BETTER USED CAB STOCK MAN ABC A PPU AN CE CO. •rtnett- PtM>H6 2*4340e Bowan School Area seat. packing, atoraga. CSall 01B7. Hart­ IN MANCHESTER — Aaaartcan BUYERS WAITINO—Stagla ai oriental 6x13, $160, appraised Fhona 2-1676 MANCHESTER—Duplax 4 and 4 ahould ba vrilUng, tha Waat luw A lvertisem enb AT ford 6-1438. A steady, full time position. irmnLE-AGED Ooupie end 8% $19,600 brick oonatruction, nice cenditiaa, taro-fapaUy homaa For aSiclaat| Of Your Wife argued, to Join in aatUag up soma 8TONE AND Bilek maaon, nlao 8166; two Orientals 8x5 886,. ap-' 21 Msi^e Street CLASSIflED ADVT. oamant worli vnlantina BaUuc'cl, UOHT TRUCKINO. Weakly rub­ Applicants must be capable of year chUd desperaUly need 4 or four car garage, large let. dandy aad coafldaotlal aarvica aaU, A.| Red DepotslWts W afer kind of impartial commission to BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. praised 886 each. Roekvllla 6 -1 8 room apartment or tenemwt Hera is a home for truly com^ DEFT. HOURSt SO Blrcb Araat Pbona 3-1601. bish disposal. Low rates. CaUara receiving gnd checking mer­ for IllJOO. Cali the EUaworm ______Raala, Rroker. 3-1818. New York UPi—The datarmlno wbathar and how free 6161. unfurnished. Reasonable rent fortsMa Uving. Flrat floor haa Mitten Agency, Raalton. 6630. one of her favorite draasaa and aloetlons can ha held. 8dS A. M. to 4:S0 P. M. cleantd, complata- Janitor sarv- chandise received. Starting 8DC PIECE dining room rat Also modera cablaat kitchen, dining CASH BUYERS waiting for 4, 8 .1 woman gat more thlnga dona than collect Sprinffield 6;0869, or anld; (Oaatinaad traas Page One) (OeaBaaefl fNaa rage Oaa) ^ Rada Take Oppaalta VWw 1941 Pontiac 4-Dr. — 6 cjrl. ica. Phone 3-4686. _„Iary $40 to $60 depending g u atove. Gall 7983. room and spacious Uving room I gnC-ROOM Brick koun. 1 year 8 and Sevan room singles and that they know battsr how ASHES AND RubbUb ramovad. to: aifford R. Stewart. 27_R»^ "WaU. 1 forbid you to Uka thU The Ruaaian position amoart c o n CLOfllNO^TIOT Standard shift. Pbona 3-S7S1. on age and experience. COMBINATION 4-4 Monogram •eU etreet, West Springfield, with firaplaca, lavatory. Thera are old, in excaUant condition- Oak twoifamuy houaaa in Maachaatar. ^ thamaalvaa. along. It makes you look Uka Air Force commander, said In an 6187. 8 good sisa badrooma up and com­ Bolton, Oovaatry aad Vamoa. | interview that the stepped up to ba the exact oppoalta o f this fO B (XAS8IPIED ADVT. Painting—PapetfRg 21 atove, 60 gM. drum and pump. Mesa floora aad plantar throughout, tUa Thera is no fuel Uka an old fuel, Quean Victoria on n ptenie.” One boat the motor-powered 19B1 Ford 2-D r. Sedan • TOUR KNAPP Shoa counaalor. plete earamia tile. hath. Hot water Howard R. Haattngn, 1-1107. "Oh, it doaaT" she anariad. "I’ll raids against Red suppUas “aaam Nuovo Plnueclp, brought in 46 procedure. Tha Ruaaiana Ustad • Vacation With Pay, Holiday | chrooM pipe. Top eondlUoa, 970. bath and lavatory. Firaplaca, ga­ and tha oldaat and beat fuel Isn't u aubteta for n Big Four aaa- Many extras. Shoaa all aiaas, wtdtha Aim PAINTiNO, Exterior and intaWor, THREE OR FOUR rooms furnlih- heat with oil burner, laundry , traya rage, aiea lot near bua Una. city wear what I want to, Smartyt” to be hurting him (t^m unlaU ) Burvlvora and one body. MOM. THBO PRL pan. Phone 3-4604. Inqiiira 381 call evealnge 9604. in haaamant combination windows, wood, coni or oU. It la anger— from tha way ha ta sounding off." aion: first, conaldarauon o f n boots. Contact W. P. Sullivan, 60 paperhanglng. OaUlnga raSnish- Pay. Canter atraat. A pt 8-A. •d for ediUta Phone 4984, or call water and aawar. FuU price 816,' plain .old inner anger. In a tampastuoua hurst of en­ The airliner had left'Btackbusha lOtSe A. M. cd. Wall paper books on request, Venetian Idinda, newly painted. One Ugal Maticds ergy, ___. aha ______packed____ tha ______auitcaaa,, Communlit radio broadcaaU ^ . paaca treaty; second, formation I960 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan— MounUIn atraat, RockvUla. Tel, OIXNWOOD Oaa stove. Oenvert- at 85 Bunce Drive. 700, about 86-000 to 88.000 doam Notice how n woman ojrtrataa. airport. In Sutray county near of an all-Oarman govaraaant; 0-0664. Estimates gIveO' Fully Insured. • Discounts On Purchases. SMALL HOUSEHOLD itaina. ■ ear garage. BeauUfuUy landacapad. anappad it abut They caught the have bean IT London, at 6:16 p. m. (8:16 p. m. .BATDRDAT • A. M. One owner, low mileage. ing to elaetricit). Mohs ue-an of­ Can be aaan by calling payment The Allen Realty Oo., uqooa naaniT If she has a diataataful Job to do, third, nll-Oarman elactiOM, and Call Edward R. Price. 3-1008. Tables, lamps, etc. Alao 4-room fer. 698 Middle Tumplke West 180 Canter atraat Tai. 5105. . noTicror ArrucATion tha flrat thing aha does is gat aU train. cent daya In blaatlng UN. air $t- , j Sunday. Manv Low Cost Pre-Wsr CSTS POWER b u r n e r s and Raaga • Promotion On Merit. WANTED—Six room rent by re- _ _ ^ , fourth, determination of. n dnU cottage in Coventry. Inquire 67| Btaamad up about it Lat ua aup- "As a mattar o t fact aha was ao Uoka. . . . la Roina, the British amhasay fo r Tvftbdrawnl of tho oeoupatiaa m any lAiw rra -v ra t Bumara axparUy elaaaad and PREE ESTIMATES. Exterior MONTOOMERY WARD wringer s p ^ b l . femUy CeU 3-9640. This Is to slvo Botico thst I. angry aha wouldn't speak to me Tha Peiping radio raid Sunday High etraet after 4 p. si. 3-6181. ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. SIX ROOMS, all finished, oak riU^K KOaoK. 01 MD Msssll Stmt. I poaa tha chore her conaclaaca talla bMA w th a r Harmaa paaa^ra forqqq of the four powers. Excellent T rsnsportstion 1 aandoad., tat ua oarvtca aad ra- painting. Hava it dona now. • Retirement and Sick Plan. type washer. Automatic pump, throughout, oH buriiar heat, 10 for a wMk—hut ia that altogether | that tha uicraaaad UN mtllUiy WANTED—By buslneie girt, two 883 MAIN ST. Msaekssur, Coan. hsro aitd SB SB- [L r aha ahould be doing ia haf had?" racaUad tha huaband. "But prauura against Rad troops la r your washing naacblna or re- Phone 3-1888. ONE 18” HOT air furnace, 830; 3% years old. BMcellsnt condition, TEL. 3460 yaara. old, city water and eairar, lUcstlon doUd AuiuKuot 11. IMI. with aaml-aimual housaclaaning. A man S S ^ -D tl/irtoS m ^ irtta ^ addition, tho Bevtot not# rarator. Ifatro Sarvlea. S-OSSS. • Free Group Insurance. room epertment Pleaee caU 2- Uquor OontrolM C-----ooub;—Iss .I ob , (or . „ a 1 laatnad a laason: If you want to "ahaar futile aalf-dacapUon and **^K^*^^**!f MwiA to wrty I Sovlot covommont would K two 30" Plpeleas furnacee, 886 $45. Tel. 4807. priced 911,800 about $3,800 down ______.faced With this teak says, "I ought out the aurviyora. ha Trtltog < ^ D I A L 5121 PAINTINO and paperhanglng. aad 866; one Silent Glow gtm type 0425 after 4 p. m. ' After 8 P. M. CaU Mr. Heck at 9068 Tsrorn f^rmlt (or tho solo ol.sleohoUc gat n wife anywhere on time, first a "farce." . BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. UOHT TRUCKINO—Also rub­ Interior and exterior. Cabinet • Pleasant Working Condi­ payment The AUen Raalty Cit., liquor oo Vho prsmioos. Ul CosUr|to tidy tip thlt Joint and I •nia 60 aurviyora probably wUl “ im paSuM aoit oil burner (Air-Seal model) com­ 180 Center atraat Tel. 0105. siroot. Honehoour. Coco. Iona Of these days, but I feel awful gat her mad. Ruffle her feathers, | Allied offtclala had axpraaaad bish ramovad. Pbona 3-3061 or building and building contract­ tions. MANCHESTER — Modern five than smooth them laterj hope tha heavy aerial blows m uiklnTrtout a 165 Center St. — Manchester] plete with controla 860; one large tlras imall apartment. WriU Box x o n lx "m r— tirad today." And ha d o w ’t n t That is aouad psycholacy, up lb I atfiaUgic targeU auch as NorUi nuttorttira ralsara them, Lost sad 3-8008. ing. Cril Cliff, 3-43P8. aectkmal eteam hoUer, rated at street (forinerly The Old Red Tin room homa with fireplace, tUa sBd inCKABL MAfliAiio. nround to aboveling out tha drtrta * I peace treaty and a Oarman fov- Phone 2-4646 E, Herald. n point. Of courra soma nrivaa, Korea’s big power plaaU w ^ d | apokaaman arnmant. PICTURE Praming, any slsa or PAINTING AND Papering, Boor A ro ly A b 1,000 ft. ateam 1.886 water, 8138; Bam), buys and sella good used bath, attached plaatared farsfa, Lots for Salt 78 *7 Whito strost Msaeimur. Co«;jin4 juntU it thrantana to smother him REWARD To Pindar of l « ms furniture aad antiques. Bedroom radiant heat, wan to wall carpet­ will bo conSucUd by FKAMK K08AK ' - - * when they get made, Just go Into Induce tha (Mmmuntats to nagtK. style made to order. North End sanding and Snishing. No Job too aevaral used ateam radiators, f l w a n t e d — Fbur or Bve-room et IM Mssoll strsot, MSBchostor, Conic, But a woman aays, "I hnU tha colorad rims. DoatlOpen Evenings UntU 10 P . M. aata, aad UMas, rumpus room ing, three badrooma, braakfaat LARGE LOT — Appraalmntaly way thii place looka." She la an­ another room and lock tha door. tlata an armistice. Paint and WaUpapar Co., 346 mall. Call 8373 after 6 p. m. Employment Office par section. T. P. Aitkin, Heating rent. Unfuraiahed. Vicinity of three acraa. Located off Route 18 M pormlttoo. Can 4661. sate at 830; all kinds of diahea nook, amaalta driveway. FuUy gry at It the angar gives her an- No nils worka With all of them. ImpoaaiMe Mtuntlan r»£!lLa"^"i22'w*JotaSra^vd auhjacta ia that it t a c t / 1641 DODGE PANEL truck, in North Main. Phone 8668. W . T . GRANT CO. contractor. Phone 6768. ManchesUr. Working ooupla. CaU Bolton, Conn. For datnUa enU 3- Dotod Auauot 11. Itll. And, of course. It usually works Barcua, in affect, agreed with vary good condition. New paint Hours 9 to 6:80 p. m. Tuesday Norwich, Conn. 6-6466 coUact landscaped lot. 100* x 238’. Im­ •rgy, and soon the dust and furni­ 816 Main Street BASSINErri! Crtb, mattraas, through Saturday. mediate occupancy. Owner work 1367, ture are flyUif ■ By tha time her tha other tray. A woman uses her I Vice Adm. Robert Rrisooa, U.S. P****^®" dictating a paaca ABnosaeoBients and motor lob. Top trades. Name WINDOW BHADEB made to order Coarscs and Gasses 27 I anger to whammy a man Into Far Bast Naval commander, who I t * Co., aad installed. Vsnatian idinda ■troller and basket. Thayer chair, ing at Bradley Field. A bargain angar la worn out aha can collapse '®'^ Oarmany inataad of aa- m, la^i ' , - I I your tarroa. lIbClura Auto ’TWO LOTS, high anil dry, with on n aplck-and-apan couch In n ebajrlng her whim. Many n fallow last Wednesday said it was "an Ju? gotiatlng MS, sine* diacuaalaa o f PRgJEW ES **•*" atraat. Open av«avanlngs and curtain rods. 34 hour ssrvioa. MEN AND WOMEN I WANTED—Ihipariancad helper for bathinatta. dryer, play pen pad. H0BB6B for Bab ~ 72 at |18,60C. Henry Eacott Agency. sanitary, aawer in atraat South­ is prodded Into suecass in Ufa only . I MacUBcry aad Toob 52| Mancheater 8683. Name Wetherbee houaa that U shiny-bright. Impoatlbla aituathm" atUmpt day during a crash landing. j the treaty would precede tha ora- , atyla. R a a a e w ^ Per informs- ,y, %.9Ui. EsUmataa gladly glvan. Pagan harvaatlng hroadlaaf tobacco. Any reasonable offer accepted. west corntr Irving and WlndS' bacauaa ot tha long alow burn of to cut I M communicatiena with Tha crash wee an tumpaotad|pupp of Oarman' govarnaent WANTED Phone 653A PORTER STREET That la why man a n aacretly UOB can 8-6606,______Window Shade Co., RouU 44 at Fhona 7788. SMALL BUIADOZER lor hire.] mera streets. Inquire 370 Oak- gMCgbSatafraid ofwa women—bacauaaWTWBSSVoa of tha hlB wife over tha fact tha huaband air blows, prelude to g o v ^ o r ’a day core- c*poM, of nagotatlng for tho A PULL now car guarantee. 1661 Bolton Notch. Phone 3-4478. 15 MINUTES from Maneheiter— To Ciinic Staff '.S*HUIIT0PHER ROBIN pca-klnd- ■JUaaonabla rates. Fhona 3-06801 ponrar of angar they have.' Few next deer la gatUng ahead faatar. Tha admiral said tha AUlra monies ot Uia Paansylvanla Na- oountir. Hudabn sedan, radio and beater. EXPERIENCED Service SUtloh 1 Charming six room home> I»valy old colonial iriUi plctur- LOT SUITABLJE for buUding, fdr Her wrath feeds hla will, and ha Mkartaa sehoal wUt ra-opan PLOOR PROBLEMS solved with ] TO TRAIN FOR MOTEL attendant Married man who da- BaOdlBg Mstcrlmls 47 after 6 p. m. ofasUclaa can stand before the would Inataad begin hitting tha tlonal Guard where the continental ] 36-(F>-FrtBMi uf- One owner. 878 Main atraat Open fireplace, full bath and lava- aaqua view. Built approximately side in Vernon, 240’ fronUga, 110’ Or. John S. Wetherbee hra been iflamUig anargy of a wrathful lady riaaa In tha world on borrowed Rads where it hurU to most— ~ ' *^ar ath for children 8H to avanings 'til 10. Pbona 3-6443. llnolsum, asphalt ttta counter. | slrw pannaneat, year round ISO yaara ago. lat floor: living deep. $396. OsU RoekvlUe 6-6563- fuel. old. Mrs. D. L. Ballard, . Ibipsrt workmanship, free aatl- MANAGEMENT work. Ckwd wagaa vacaUon with 1 X 8 and 1 X 10 Sheathing RALE W M . <^ant mix^. tory, pine paneled recreatten a p p lie d u a second chiropodist at prak cry. storage arau. honored guasta. ^ ^ ninumng mnl nioiraaa * ------' tractors. Used CMUrpUlar 33, garage. Beautifully room with flraVlaee, dining room to tha a u ff of the diabetic cUnIc I a wise man, however, can axar- Thera la another inner fuel, u Barcua raid it aa "a. vary dlffi- With Johnson flying u oo-ptlot. o o r m w U o r a ^ m ^ 76 Lakewood Circle. 1661 OLDSMOBILB 68 HoUday matas. Open avanings. Jones Fur-1 pay, insurance banaSts. Apply in W . P ...... 199.60 M kitchen and bath. 2nd floor: 4 old M angar. It is caliad fu r. Farmalls, AUJa-Oialmara t w - 100’ frdnt- Pries at tha Hartford Hospital. Dr. elra aoma Influence over a woman cut. . . bustnara’______to knock out tha , plana was making lU aaooMl its lataat note to tho three urast' ~>-36N. sadab, lustrous black Snlab, white nitura. Oak Atraat Phone 1-1041. Actual experience in mod­ person to Hr. Wadsworth at Mc- tors. Terms. Dublin Tractor Oa., bedroom and lavatory. FuU attic 3% ACRES IN ToUand. Wetherbee h u an offlca at 806{if ha cunningly laarna ao chaiml Anger is n flu tin g fuel, tear la the Clura-Auto Co.. 878 Main atraat. I Canadian Framing ..$105 M| 1500. OaU 3-6618. OomraunlaU with nir power. Ha . p p i ^ to tha landing atrip whan ^ pmrraaT^ wall tires, only 11,000 miles. em motel part of training. ___North Windham Road. WiUlman- tage. and cellar. Copper plumbing. Hot Main atraat; Manchester, where he I her Ire In the right direction. In- tusT for running away. You need said amphraia was being piaoad on It hit tala^ona wins and plum- officials aald arna Priced wall under eailing. Oat POR OIL Burner sarvlea and in- water oU heat. Meat of the floora both ta Ilya. aUUaUon by 16 yaaro exper- TELEVISION Barries man Select Appalachian Bed Oak tic S-S3i 7. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA practices general chiropody nndjstead of coaxing her knonklng _out "atorra •?_« ^ mitttag t h i ^ ^ o i ^ h a m the beat fo r leas with-Bob Oliver, Must be mature. Age 26 to 60. Flooring ...... $219 M ' are tha original wide boards In­ fbot orthopedics. thing he wants,, he might find It I may ba a traitor ta my aax, mant ha (OommunlsU) h u 461 Main atraat ianesd oU burner sarvlea man. house service work. W. H. Preusa OAKLAND Street. 100’ g 300* lot but it aaama to me that woman 9H I PRfMPECr HUl school for For personal interview write terior haa been reflnishad. 1 car All utUltlea la. Phone 8686. He la n graduaU of the Chicago better to m ^ e her » mad sht hauled up” to tha front Call Manehaater 3-1781 or 3-8008. A Bona, 17 VUlaga atraat Roek- No. 1 Common Red Appala­ 876 Main St.— Est. 1921 attached garage. Flagstone ter­ keep these two fuala in batter hal- n aiBBn • propoaaff OcU^btr mooting. Isad- yeung ehlldran wlU reopen > ^ -| o N E OWNER 1646 Dodge sedan. rille. Wasted—To Pay 68 College of Chiropody and Pedic | can’t help doing It In spite of lier- Barcua axpraaaad surpriaa that ofrwlth "tho praperatloo M s LINOLEUM Reumants 80c square 1 chian Flooring ... .$187 M | race ovarlooka the raUlng hUls. 68 ACRES of laiul, 16 acraa clear' anea than man. They nra laaa likely tha Rad flghtara "haven't made “ 8. TransportaUon I Beautiful Mack Sn- WANTED—Usad furaltura liy- Phone Office 6440 flurgery and while In college ha self. this to ba evarwhalmad by either. They P ® ^ traaty for Oarmany." 0 ^ - LatoTybur,dlrae- yard. Asphalt tila, wall eovertng. AMERICAN MOTELS, Inc. SPARE TIME — Extra money. Approximately 8 acres of cleared ed plus enough lumbar to frama a received the Chicago Mycology A ml"* this more ot an effort to step our at­ Ori. Edward Mlkotoarskl, Maj. | thavthey anld. aald, tha the four four jSeat gfant tab- Top tradaa. Name your Ing room, bedroom, Utchaa or land. Asking 914,600. For ap­ know batter whan to ba angrily tor. P k ^ 3-8767. terms. McClure Auto Co., 878 Dona by raUabla, wall-trained I Show amaxlng Cuahion Comfort I NATIONAL BUILDERS Evenings 2-6988 or 2-4278 house, 86,600. Tarms. CaU 8374, or Award for extanatye work In the ‘*?.6*^*‘*'* *“* brave, whan to ha cautiously tacks." Hs Mid ths only axpUna- man. AD JotM guaranteed. Hall 230 Fremont antlrs houaaholda Let ua make pointment contact Elva ’Tyler 3' Hartford 5-8138. Schwarts Real wife to pack her auitcaaa m time Uon hs could think of Is that tha Main atraat Open avanings 'tU 10. ahoea. To 84 commission pair, SUPPLIES you an offer. Ilia Woodshed. field of mycology. to catch a train for their vacation afraid. I agraamantagreement on na paaoopoaoa traatyttantar bo- Unolaum Ob., 66 Obttaga street plus big cash bonus. Experience j FIVE R(X)M CoIonixL live yean 4469. EsUte. Rads 'Yalt thair Iobsu ware too tha craw chief. Nona was injured. fora they had agraad on alactlona Phone 3-6443. Las Vegas, Nevada 420 Davenport Avenue Fhona 3-8164. trip. But, man or woman, nobody B. W. » BERBEMBER 6th. Phone 3-4033, avaniags 6166 or | unnecessary. Writs for free cata­ old. Oarage, large lot Private aver became a star In tha human high." Uiroughout Oarmany aa tlia .haaia New Haven, Conn. owner. Inquire 196 Oak street MANCHESTER — East Side — ACTOR’S CXJLONY E ata^, 3 ad He pulled out his watch * and 0RASHE8 IN RSD ZONE 11647 BUICK Supar aadan, ra 8106. log, full' Information. Tanners| U. S. May Recall pointed at It She dawdled. He race imtll ha learned hew to make o t a now central Oarman foveni- and beater. Traded on a n Repairing 28 Shoes, 186, Boston, Mass. Telephone ST7-3697 Duplex four and four. Large Joining lota 80 x 100 amcll. South tha right )(lnd of fuel of hlmaalf. BarUn, Aug. 36------^A four-an- mant OR1MBR8 TAKEN for home made I WANTED To Buy—Olrl’a 34” hi-1 r b a L VALUE—3 family home,~3 rooms with extra large attic, lot atreet, South Coventry. CaU pleaded. She dawdled. He begged. glqa BrUiah riviUaa cargo pian*| HuiMon, a one owner car. 1 . „ MATTRBBS. Tour old mattraas cycle. Phone 3-6083. | grepigcM, 3 furaacea 4 roonu 3 Held by Reds Adlai Will Face Danish pastry, doughnuts, trades. Name your tarms. Me- T. BERVICV. Phone 3-OUO. C. FORinON Employment Ooiwtruc- 100’ X 160’. One aide avaUable on 1896 after 6 p. m. crashed in tha Boviat aona aix milaa eakaa, tea blaeulta and muffins. CluN Auto Oo., 878 Main street I Haney, 80 Bolton street sUrilisad and remade Uka new. j tloa work. If Intareatad in foreign I DblnoBda—Watdwe— WANTED—Used wardrobe trunk ' each TIoor. One vacancy. Call Bale. Aaking $14,000. For appoints eluding a ahake-up of tha Army CaU Jonas ruralturs and Floor RastsimnU soppHad as wen ai projects with high pay, write. . Jewelry 48 in good condition. Phone 84631 Madeline Smith, Realtor, 3-1643 ment please call Howard R. Hart- (OenWnaed (tara Pnga One) [Pick Criticizeg englnsera who startsd tha project Stormy Reaction I Says U. S. Missions eventnga 'tU 10. Phone 3- MANCRBgTER Welding Barvica. Covering. 88 Oak. TaL 3-104L or 4676. Rcflort Property For Sale 74 and a threat to cancel the contract private bomaa. Call 3-8661. Foreign Barvica Bureau, Box 366, | ariar 6 p. m. ; Inga. 3-1107. .______I pilot andaad navigator saeapadaseapad unhurt ------Y ------Portable | equipment daaaral LEONARD W. TOST, Jeweler, re­ awarded to a group of Ilya larga and raturnad safely to Waat Bar- Metuehan, New Jeraay. pairs, adjuata watches axparUy. MANCHESTER—Ranch home (80' I SHALL COZY year-round homa on Though Army haadquartara at Waste Charges (OenWauad traaa Faga Om ) Aid to Iran Army G.M.C. CHEVROLET, Hudaon, welding, hbUar and furnace weld­ WANTED To Buy— Two wheal OWNER SAYS SELL! Heidelberg said no final decision contracting firms. Un. ' BOR AVON PRODUCTB, caU Ann ing. Phones 3-1858 or 3-8763. 'Bondsi' Btecfca - Raaaoaabla prlcaa Open daily. I X 88') with esUar aad attic, 8 bad- waterfront at Andover Lake. Pentagon apokesmen aald Paoa, , ^ . . . ___, ate. Light trucka. Low prlcaa, tap WANTED —Part Uma student,! trailer. CaU 6663 between 5 and 6 Large Jiving room with fireplace, had been made on Oen. Vassily British ofUeials aald the Rus- , Raynolde Mortgages______W mechanical anglhear who ia at­ Thursday evanlnga 186 Spruce I rooBOA Uving room with flrsplaca, 4 Rooma plus 3 unfinished. | Cniukov’e demand for recall of the (OsnUnnai tram Pago One) U due baric here tomorrow from an mltmenU to anybody on any jNiri- agreed to let the BrlUeh re­ value. Bxcallsnt condition. Easy COMPLETE Rapalni by Stuart R.| street n o n e 3-4887. p. m. kitchex, dinette, aids pMch off Uv-. 8 bMrooma and bath. Excellent tlon whstaoevar. , . . X do not n' Tehrau, Iran, Aug. 14 ' (B) ■ down payment, tarms. Brunnar'a, tending coUaga, to do drafting Dorman in front, P^ill tile bath. men, an Informed source raid "In...... inapecUon tour nf ovarseas Inatal' cover the p}*ne wreekage, prah- WANTED — RMa to Hartford Wolcott on washing maehlnaa FIRST AND Second mortgages Ing room overlooking brook, hot Large kitchen, ample eghineta. value at 88,880. Phone Coventry tend to enter Into such dlacuralona Iran'a new anup ehlaf-o(-*Uff, 858 Bast OanUr street. Open daUy work nighta or waekands. CaU| all probability" tha Americana aubcommltUa has lubmlttad latlona. I ably today. (Arab and Praapact near Hart­ vacuum elaanara, motors, small bought for our own account Fast water baaaboard radiation with Firaplacei Hot water oU heat FuU 7-6917 for appointment to Inepect would adhere. generrtiie^ report which . . . ap- Tha Senate defenra watchdog' until after tha alactlon and no as­ 'Ul 6, Baturday 'Ul 6. 3-3193 or 3-1683. Garden— PsnB—Dairy Roobm Withoat Board 69 'Tha plane, a York. )ud baen Oen. Mahraeod BabarmaM. iadl- ford 'nmas building), 8 to .6:88, appUancas. Pick up and dalivaiy. epnBdantlal sarvlea. Manchastar oU burner, aU copper plumbing, basemant, laundry trays, plastered If they didn’t he added, the pu ra to be over-critlci^ group liaa been Inveatlgatlng over- sociate of mine la authorUed to do chartered by the Berlin city gov-1 eated last night that V. B. luUitBiy from vicinity of Pine atraat aad Investment Corp., 887 Main wijr.axAUT, LARGE room for ■0 on my behalf." TRUCKS—H, ti. 1-ton pickups, A-1 repair. Salas. 180 Main m EN WANTED for ganaral clean­ .______Prodneto , 80] lauqdry tubs, hatchway, combina­ wsiUa. Near bua line, achool and | Sobarban Tor 8sl« 75 Ruuians probably would take I aeaa air base projects for almoat erament and vraa carrying esportl miaeioma )iere hava bemi a M|g kdlp Moriarty Bros. Call 3-3707. Phone 8687.______street Fhona 641A ing, afternoons or avanings. { two genUamen. At the Center, 14- tion aluminum acreeaa aad storm ahcqiplng center. away the Interxonal passea the "It le, he raid, “not unjisual for a year and the inquiry la Btevenaon also discloaed ba had goods to Hamburg. I to the Iraniau Anuy. h i arade racks, panels, sedan dMivarlas, ] OLADIOLUB, vary raaaonabla~i^ I waighed* tha poaalbUlty of losing 1V4, 3 ton, platforms, dumps, Write Box C, Harxld. 16 Wadawortb street windowa, lot 106 x 160; with ahade BOLTON—New four room tingle, mlraion members need to travel conatructore to «*P*rt«"« •««• continuing. ' it clear tha antyJhae ao diHXMy GREEN ACRE Lawn Barvica. | 664 Bush Hill Road, Manchastar. traaa. Price 814,600. Henry . Es- Price $11^00 through the East Zone to their I deflclenclea In accompllehlng large Clialrman Johnson reported aome sloctoral votes in making public LARGE, AIRY room in neiy home hot water heat, oil burner, nr- A atoaiotoaB f « r B a b 4| jadca. Many to Oomplata grounds malntananoe, Bnsinese Opportsnltles 821 'Phone 4864. cott Agency. 8888. , tuian wall, large lot, 86,600. 8. headquartara at Potsdam, 18 mllaa military conatriicUon proJacU un- Improvements since the probe got hla poaltlon on the Udelanda fight ' Champs, Routs 80. Rochvula. traaa removed. IJaid mowing, fence j for reUned woman or girl. Phone Quick occupancy, Juat off Center' after urging from Tessa' Oov, Al­ Hospital Rotes Iw®k2d^^^ Pbona 6-6674, RockvUla. STORE—Fully equipped for meat Help Wanted— RIPE NATIVE TOMATOES, 10c A Baachler, Realtor. Phone 8966. aouUeut of hare. der extreme llmtta of time. Tlhla la underway but noted In a atate- AnU-weetem legMators t # e 3M1.CHC B______B l^ U B T , Bal-Alr, radio, huUding, new lawns built. Mil- 3-8866.______THREE FAMILY—One apartment Street, not In a development •rha three Americans were Iden- j what happened In Morocco. _ ment that "much of this activity len Shivers. ^jSbar. Pbiva^da.[hda, tuUmatutona blue and grocariea or complete aat-up Male or Femab 87 par pound. For sale at 67 Flor­ laauM Statomrat (ilemored aafrarul inent**" t o r w o 1681 caneVROLET tudor deluxe, organita fartlllalng, anow removal with 6 rooniA steam furnace; two BOLTON—LOVELY new six room Ufled as Lt. Col. Gerald H. Duln, Pick aald ha had.returned ^ h t bears auspicious reaemblanco to the Patirata Today ...... XU| axpulaion of tha A a ericanmUHfcy aad gray. FoaitivslyPoaltivi like new, low D. r . Rawlings. 3-4688. for caterer. Walk-ln Ice box. re­ ence street . apartments with 8 rooms each. CHARLES LESPERANCE Stevanson Issued a statement green. Pully aquippad, fuUy guar- EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper with I ROOM FOR RENT. Phone 3-0181. ranch house. C. H. W. heat, oil, 14 South Washington atreet, New I days ago from, an Inspection of the practice of locking the barn after mUsaga. - Doaglas Motors 686 frigerated caee, slicer, grinder, some knowledge of typing for In- Large lot. Oarage. A good buy! baseboard radiation, flraplaoe, at- Baturday raying ha backed Tru­ ADMITTUD SATUltDAY: antaad. A. beautiful car. For thlal electric cash register, lUtchen, a ■ Telephone 3630 Ulm, Minn.; U, 8. Air Force Capt. North African bases and aubmittad the horse haa .been stolen." man in hla veto of legtslatlon Price 818,000. Call Madeline tached garage; full baaement, ar­ !'Funds havo been WMted which m«i« Cabral. FaU lUvar. Maw.; 1 mbt ih . one sea Bob Oliver. Boh OUvar al­ equipment Beautiful dlshee, teraatlng, responsible position. HouwhoM Goode 81 William P Choucher, 1016 Mt. Holly a .report to Pace 'which the com- which would have given the states ways has Chavrolata, 481 Main j HonsthoM Servlcw Oall Manehaater 3r4661 for inter­ ROOM FOR Rent to married cou­ Smltb, Realtor, 3-1843 or 4679. PORTER STREET—Six room sin' tesian wen, large lot with shade ■Ueet. Baltimore, Md„ and Pfc.jmiUee apparenUy haa not aran. cannot ba racovarad and time haa Nell Ortfge. Rockville; M «. Mae| . *!gLy'!!S!yLS! : 1680 pUDBMOBILB " 8 r dahixa sparkling silverware, glaaaea, gla, three bedrooms and bath, seC' quit-claim tltla to the oil lands. * A tkomughly axoallant street.______Offered 18-A view appointment So You Need Furniture Huh— ple or two glrto. Two minutes trees. Many extras. Only one Arnlod P. Swenson, 3008 Seventh That report, Pick raid, ”raU been lost which rannot bo regain­ But hs added since there is a ereamere, ate. Rcaaonabla avtn If And You Want A Bargain? FIVE ROOM housa plus one un- ond floor, large Uving room with available. Raaaonabie. Suburban forth a plan for oorrecUnj* ths da- ed," Johnson sal<(. ‘ aiitoaanliilT Wat this oaa see Bob moved tc new location. CaU 3- from Main atreet Call 3-1614, or flnUhad. OU heat, redecorated atreet, Port Arthur. Tex. "laglalative atalo-mate" he thinks MTianav. iir. 1 prpbleraoof 1961 MERCURY WEAVINO Of buma, moth holes WaU Hare It la 4W Cottage street______fireplace, dining room, compact Realty CXi, Raaltora, 641 Main They were arrested north ot flclenctea.” And, he added; Tha rush air bases project was A D M irrro BUNDAYi keenlag U. S. sdviMra * OUvor, Oaatar Motor Bales, Main 8867 after 6 p. m. Friday. Any-1 JUST RETURNED FROM throughout. FhiU oeUar. storm kitchen and Uvatory first floor. ■omt solution should be. found to !;| keenlag V. S, SSviMra here luui and tom clothing, hoalary runs, Dogs—Birds—Pab 411 atreet Phono 8215. here, indicating that they had en­ "^ r in g my recent visit, I found decided upon shortly after the aur- protect the interesta of both the | Carmella B ranny 84 North‘ {1 ‘‘poU tl^ aa as iNltv^ iNlt,^ 8* 88 tephnlial atraat.______Radio, heater, many extna, handbaga repelled, alppcr time Saturday or Sunday. EXHIBITION—USED IN ATTRACTIVE Room for couple. windows and aersenA giaceUent Copper and braaa piping .through­ tered the Baltic Sea area where the work progressing at a highly prise Oommuniat invasion of South School atraet; Simon Helland' condiUon 12 x 24 garage. Asking VERNON CENTM —Two acrea federal government and the atatea. *'angiM aad the daoMon taken bn 10.000 miles. Private party placement, umbrellas repaired, MODEL HOME; Complau Ught housekeeping fa-| out Recreation room ia pine the Soviets have eetabltshed a ratlsfactory rate. The Jobe are well Karra began in June 1650. Shivera raid after thia an-1 brand, 11 Fulton road; Thomas ^ ' Buy A "On« Owner Cai^ I TURTLES—Kelly's Aquarium. 89] 8 BEAUrnUL ROOMS 811.800. About 82,800 needed. OsU paneled and has tile floor. One clear. Main road, to Rockville, them l8 a duty o t tha poUtkat men's skirt eollars reversed aad SUNDAY PAPER Route for aale. cUlUea avaiiablA Central loca­ strict security belt. organised and auperior quality of Origlnhl plana called for Imrov- nouncement he could not feet ha Wallett, 30 Alton street; William authertUee of n t governmant** asking $1,960. Ceiling price raplaead. Mariow's UtOa Mending Sunset street. Open 'tU 6. "DELUXE" FURNITURB tion. Mrs. Doraey, 14 Arch street 8374 or Hartford 6-8188. SchwarU cor garage, 100' lot Outalda fire­ fleven room single, arteiiau The Soviet protest, dated Aug. work la being accompllahed. My de­ Ing four air baara used In World Einaiedel, RockvUla; Oeoige Ru- 'r i Easy Tarns c all 6977.______could peraonally support Steven- MenawhUe. as the reUremeal^f Chop, also secMid floor. ______Real Estate. ______place. Shade and fruit trees. Early water, oU heat. Asking 111,000, 31, was made public Saturday terminations wert concurred in by War n la North Africa and con- eon in November—although ha deen, 38 Division atraat; Cedrlo fw S i'fW d c o u p e -V -8 , rmdlo.|l2*200- World Famoua Appliances This one will sell feet. For sp 16 gsnerala harame effective yus- Phone 2-4642 WTHY BOTHER looking for a rant occupancy. Can be had as owner night An American reply an­ the local Air Force commanders." BtrucUon of a huge new air depot, would be guided by whatever the Ott, 106 Union atraet; Donna , haabe. Mas. I FLAT FINIBH HoUand window! Live Stock-Vchiebs 4 1 1 Includes following:— R(X)M FOR RENT at 19 Johnson la moving out of town. Please pointment please phir^i Howard nounced a few hours later charged Pace ia in Europe, but other an Mtimaled coat of 800 million Robb, 88 Adelaida road; Mrs. Nan­ teroay, the army aaaouncsd "luu- Help Wanted— Foaudo 861 when you can buy i^th amaU Democrats of Texas decided they Une" ehoagra la .about 16 poiU. 11843 FORD 4-door sedan. New shadae made to msaaura. AU •Wary Pretty” Bedroom Terrace. Woman only. One min­ call R. T. McCann. Realtor. 7700. R. Hastings. 2-1107. the Ruselan seizure of the men Pentagon sources raid an official dollara. wanted to do. \cy W allu, Bolton; John Manning, V3646 gupd I, 4-Dr. Bsdaa^Raatar, mstal vanatlan bllnda at a now HIGH SCHOOL Olrl to help moth­ "Gaorgeoua” Living Room ute from Main street Pbona 8669. down payment. Immediate occu­ 39 Carroll road; Mrs. Oraee Ono of th* ahifU 80111 a aew oobi- angina, good tires, radio, heater, EIOHT. WEEKS Old Jersey heifer { pancy. 4 rooms with porch. Year was a violation of mutual agree- Army atatement may be forth­ Hie report raid costs have been Sparkman aald (hat he eup- ; Wa*b low price. Kays made whUa yon er with four year old girl and I "Attractive'' Dinette Set THREE ROOM cottage, psrOy menta giving the military miralona coming late In the day. generally expanded by delays from ported SUvenson’s stand and he Thompson, Cottagettsgs atreet; Mrs. mander to Aaerbaljon, en tha |U6. can 6477 after « p. m. and biiu. Phone 4886. VERY. CLEAN bedroom for relia­ round dwaUIng. High elevatioA FOUR ROOMS wait Mariow's light housework, afternoons 1 to "Armstrong" Inlaid furnished, year round, near Uni of aU four occupation powers dip­ The Johneon ebmmittee report lengthy negotiation with French did- ...... not believe... the fight over----- MUdred this I MUdred Stlpek. Stii ik, Fiekerdale, Mora.; Soviet border. BOLDIENB, IBC. "Sealy" MattreM ble gentleman. Quiet home. Phone nice traeA Furniriiad. Sale price versity, Storre, Conn. Coventry Obrarven attariied ao BEFORE TOU Buy a used aw 8, Monday through Friday atart- Articles for Sab 481 plu8 two partly flniahcd. Fire­ lomatic status. Mid Pick had not given the com­ officials, both In France and Mor­ iuue would mean the Demoerata Leslie Bllllnga, Andover; Alvar DodgB-Plymouth Can sea Gorman Motor Bales. Butch Ing after Labor Day. Call 3-3046. | "Sealy” Box Spring 3-1330 or 388 Oak street only 14800 with down payment 7-682S. mittee "full, frank, and compre- occo, frequent changes In sites and would _ lots . Taxu . to the RepubM- Berggren, ao'JarvIs road. signiflcaaeo to tho ahifla. fTorbts—WBrseries "PhUco" Bleetric Refrigerator only 88()0 to 81000. Balance like place. hot water oil heat. Bath ______^ J^R ated Trucks Balsa and Sarvlea, 388 Main 60% OFF on famous make Bat- tin' PB0FE880R PASSES henelva testimony about the pro­ plans, and tha order to get the Jc*> | cans In November. ADMITTED TODAY: Oeorgo OIRL TYPIST, 86 houra par waalu "Waatln^ouae" Laundromat ROOM FOR Rent Near Onter. rent. U»e Allen Realty Co., Real­ room partially tiled. Hatch- Co v e n t r y —New six room done quickly without regard 684 Center Street street Pkoos S-4B7L Open ava-l OLADIOLI BOUQUETS — Fraah- teriaa. Written guarantees. 81.00 Gentleman preferred. 87 Foster ' way. Combination windows, j glegie 4 and 3,2, hot water neatheat with ject. Stevenson took note of Shivera' Davie, 193 Adams street Must be ready to accept employ­ "Bengal" Combination Range tors, 180 Center atraat. Phone Oroton, Aug, 25—(/P)—Private •'The Secretary of the Army costs or Usual standards. aUnd by iraulng a atatament ray- DISCHARGED SATURDAY: Bam'# " — *— *■ flM ifcM : Phone 6101 or 6102 nlnga. ly cut Choice varietlai. Wood­ down, 81.00 weakly. Caiao Sarv-1 Also diahea, sUverwara,. pictures, street. Phone 6381. oil, Srrplace, 3 baths, six acrea ot ment by August 38, 1653. Call Icantar. TaL 4164, 4185 or 8-0080. 6105. ______Nice shrube. Beautifully land funeral aervlcea will be held to­ (Pace) should review careftilly It said only two of the bases ing: MIm Vivian Bouiala, 691 Hartford tbfe Pbee Yo Buy Used Can! m e PLYMOUTH convarUMa land Oardana, 168 Woodland 7874 Town CUerk’a Office, Man­ scatter ruga and many more itema. land, sltely location. 813,500. 8. morrow for Harry B. Jepaon, 63, now are partly operational, work atraat Phone 8474. FRONT, HEATED room, nicely I EAST HARTFORD—For 810.600 scaped. Large lot. Near school, A. Beechler. Agent. Fhona 6966. the testimony of the Chief of the "Oov. Shivera naturally found road, Robert Benslni, 86 Unnmore coupe. Good coadlUon 8H0- Call chester. LOAM. Daik rich cultivated Orada Low Monthly Terms proferaor emeritui of applied mu- Corps of Engineers (Pick) before h u been started on a third and my wiews a dluppointment. He so drive; Mra Anna Uaupes, 78 Bum­ FA LSE TEETH 1646 UUDBON Badan, owned by CAN BE SEEN DAY OR EVE. furnished, in .private home. Oen-1 and Immediate occupancy, four and bus line. 8776.______No. 1, 88 cu. yard. Orada No. 8, tleman preferred. CaU 2-3176. SOUTH WINDSOR—6 room ranch lic at Yale, who died of a heart at­ this committee in the light of his ■lies Burveyad for the two others.™ i -eaprsosed ------hlmaelf, _ teth to me and | 1mer------street; Mrs. MUdred _ Smith, _ 37 Do (alee taeOi 4iea, ella or wokfee V former axacuUva. Just traded for CASHIER WANTED—for Supar 83 cu. yard. DaUvared ia track SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT room (^pa Cod with full base­ Price Only $12,500 tack at hie Noahk summer home "For this, we have spent 330 .• a new Hudson. T m trades. Name Roefliig—Siding' home on hill. lots of land, lota of knowledge, at the time, of condi­ to the people of Texas upon hie I Nathan road; Ernest Bantly, 44 vhtn you talk, rat, fausE er eraaipf NEEDTRANSPORTATTONT Market Good hours and wages. load lots. Bcraaned sand aad all ONLY R(X>M FOR gentleman. Private ment, steam heat, oU flrad, auto­ Saturday. Retired from Tale In tions In Morocca. and take appro­ million dollars—^more than two- rstum (from a visit here), but Porter street; Arthur Reed, West 1 your tarma. McCiura Auto Co., PHONE MR. ALBERT matic hot water, screens, storm Immediate Occupancy trees. Large living room, cheery OREAT EASTERN RooOng and Experience helpful but not eseen- aiaaa stone daUvarsd. Order now. home, quiet neighborhood. 89 1636, Profaseor Jepion was widely priate action," the Senate report thirds of tha 300 million that ' ' “ with what 1 consider to he both wuUngton; Mra. PhylWe Zawlstow- , STS Main atraat Open avanings. aaaa Pre-War Cara tlal. Apply Popular Market. HARTFORD 8-0358 windows, combination doors, one- CHARLES LESPERANCE flrepisce, dininjg room, kitchen, 3 supposed to buy all five bases," ■ I. . ------\ 1 OoBstruetlon Co. AppUcatora of Nusadorf CMtstraetloa Oo. Phone Holl atreet.______bedrooms tile bath. FuU base­ known u a concert organist choir- said. fairnera and reetralnt ski, 12 Kerry street. your 'Ul 18. Phone 3-6443. Written Ouarantaae Bird and Fllntkota. Guaranteed 8408. After 7 P. M. 46-4460 / car garage. Nicely landscaped let Telephone 3620 .muter, teacher and composer. He The Senators did not indicate ha report aald. "The Air Force has "Ha fuUy racognixed that 1 DISCHARGED SUNDAY; 1 firmly Lset. -.. owes------cenfldsnt, (aslliiir of 8#- ACT NOW—Make big money. Sell ______If you don't have transportation. Alice caampet Realtor, Man- ment. Garage. *17,000. OsU Made was the former universityItv organ- requested a total spending author­ eurlty so4 roofs and aiding. Ufa-ttma alum­ line Smith, Realtor, 2-1643 or Just what they regarded as "ap­ should reach my concluslona hon- George Last, 69 Waat straat; | sne^paaty taste or feeling. DM ' IMS CHBYROLBT CLUB COUPE inum clapboard and combination Chriatmas cards SO with name I t o r SALE, 610 par loadjru'asnd my car for you, no obli- Boarders Wanted 69-A. chaster 3-4648. MAN(3HE8TRR — Expandable 1st. He was a nativs of NewNe Hav- propriate action" agalnat Oen. ityiiy ofOT 430eso million dollaraaoiiors forlor^ine ths ythe ,, axerclraexercise of my EUeeB SchiMir and aon. South | TSSTHtraBy at any drug store, I 4676. ’ '^aw PONTIAC SEDAN storm windows and scraana For 81.38. Buainem, profaaalonal call'7186 batwaea 8 gatlon. Cape Cod with dormers, hot en and Joined Tale In 1895 after Pick. »>«»t reg.rdlera_ of _ the Windsor; Mias Jsaa OlkowMI, 76 tiful, MiMiUon. ov«rarlv6, ntnoK r?L.tni COUPB cards. Stationery, napkins. Fund I 5^ A—L—B—E—R—T—'—8 } NEAR PRINCETON Street fchool, water oU heat, oak flooring, studying In Paris. He leaves a,sis­ this will -not be the ultimate coat. tfrae. New seat covers. Top tradaa.' BUICK c l u b ^cu u fk free eatimates caU 8871. Evanlnga ROOM AND Board fdr gentleman. five rooinv. full bath and lava- VERNON—Four rooms down, ex Pace previously haa carried out possible effect on electoral votes. Haynes strart; Mitchell Bala, Jr., 1636 PLYMOXmi TUDOR 8908. Albert V. Undsay, Owner. ralalng plan. Costs nothing * " | ___ l ^3 Allyn Street Hartford hatchway, fireplace, aluminum ter and a piece. His wife, the for­ numerous earlier recommenda­ It win almost certainly be even "Whatever our differencea of HaxardviUa; Mra Phyllla SUrllng, | Name your tarms. McCnura 1689 PONTIAC TUDOR try. Free imprint aamplcf. Boxes | MAKE MOWING A PLKA8URB. | ^P*^**"??* Phone 7678, toiv, fireplace, hot waUr oil heat, psndable up, three years old, higher." Auto Oa. 878. Main street Open combination acreens and storm spotless condition Inside and out, mer Mabel Preston Wyatt of New tions of tha Senate probera, In- opinion, 1 am aura I am in agrse- South Coventry; Margaret Orifflth. 1688 PLYMOUTH SEDAN WE SPBCIAUEB In rooling. and on approver Write Syracuse I 83 down, ‘ 83 weekly. Buy the new COMBINX'nON Coal "and gas porch, plaaUiad walla, fuU iniula- windows and doors. Built I960. Haven, died In 1647, The Senate prohers conceded avt^^^a tU 10. Phone 3-8443. raaga with dual oven. A-l condi­ loaded v/ith extras. Has city util­ ment on this principle with all my RockvUla; Mra. Arlirn Orlffla aad raESQRIPnONS aldtag. Hlghaat fuaUty ma- Card. Byracuaa, N. Y. Worcester Power Mower. Fa- Uon, open sUlrcaaa, hatchway. 90 Lot 70' X 208’. Immedlste occu­ that aome waste and "large-scale, friends In Texas, among whom I son, Hebron; Mira Marlanho TTo- COLE MOTORS____ Workmanahln kuaran-1 — "• * ' ...... I moua Brigga-Stratton motor. tion. Phone 4649. Apaitmcntn— PIntaH— daya occupancy. CaU 9620. ities and about % sere of land. A lavish spending’’ were necesrary J-1641 caiEVROLET Club coupe, CAL80-8KRV1CB CENTER tarluA 6.3 pancy. Price 312.500, 38,100. very good buy at *11,800. Call continue to Include Governor mann, 186 South Main atreet; Mrs. Csrsfally CosipooWM taad. A. A... ra«».»Dion, Inc., Inc- » 9 Autumn WOMEN—Make real money for Phone 4184, Tenem fnts Henry Eecott Agency. Manchee- H tsdsfj Right For Succs** , under the original orders to rush I Radio, haaUr, original black your very own. Convenient hours. I • '■— '■USED ALL Wfhite gas rtovaa. 1 SOUTH MAIN Straat—Two tene­ the Ellsworth Mitten Agency. ’’ the project. Shivers." Sara McHugh. 832 North Mata r flnlah. LoU of good trxnaporta- 61 and 486 Center Straat atraat Phone 4ib0. Write Box N^ Herald, fl^ ng TOL-ION — ^ d l ^ atoim a ^ arorth 860, aeUing price 836. ment. 6-8. Furnace heat. Very t*r 8663. ______straat; Joae^ MaUraL 176 Sprue# Phone 4164—3-0960—4166 Realtora 6930 - ______But they raid that some of thei —_ . • street; Mra Leonora Oranler aad Eithar lra ( Stone i tioni in this one. Douglas Motora, I i o R OUARANIKED Roofs that A.B.C. AppUaace, 31 Maple. FOUR R(X}M flat, no heat, adults large lot Price 815,000. One tene­ paving on landing fields and park- M a r & a r C t A r n V C 8 088'Maln afaaat______only. WriU Box D. Herald. ment, owner occupied. CaU 9620. TO BE SOLD IN COVENTRY— On bus line, an Ing aprons, rushed to early com- O daughter, 76 Deenwood drive; Wal­ 11681 MODEL A Ford. Good run­ stay on In any kind of atorm, and FOUR OIL. four gas combination ter CaoMlIs. 43 Strickland atreet ning condition, 876. Call Coven- POSITION with a future. Married r TWO SIX ROOM HOMES ideal small home with oil heat. pletlon, already has started to j ^1647 CHEVROLET Club Oou]IPS. gutters, conductors and roof re­ Andes range. 'I^ite porcelain FOUR ROOM tenement. Excellent GLASTONBURY—A-A Zone, land Owner leaving town- Any rea­ Late in Norway DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. ion entry 7-V713. pairs, CaU Ctougblln 7707. woman with a pleasing At $11,000 Each crock and crumble becaura of fail­ Ity who needs to add 846 to |76 or I « “ •“ pattania In stock. I outer aurfaca, cast Iran body. oondlUon, 876. Center Springs | and foundation, city water la- sonable offer will be considered. ure to fellow ordinary apeelfica- Peggy Tracy and aoa, 37 Silas Choice of 600 daalfiiA MeOUl- Heats as wall as coolu and bakes. Realty Co., 470 Main atreet staUad, graded. 390 f t on' Man- We offer these properties st low road; Edward Reibetanx. Andovsr; 4 « IMO DODOli^coupe. Priced to eeU MANCHESTER - Rooling more every week to family in­ R, O. Denton. 6724. tlons. Oslo, Norway, Aug. 26—(4^— day. Ontar Motor SsIsa 461 Oonvarsa, Inc., 845 Main. AaMng 866. CaU 3-6966 after 7 cheaUr Road overlooking Hart­ prices for quick rale se owners "Large-scale loafing, drunken­ Mra. Elsie Swenson and sen, 38 NOTICE quickly. Written guarantee, 8185. Siding Co. Also all types of paint­ come. Out of town opportunities Margaret Truman arrived In Oslo Elisabeth drive; Baby boy Oauru- ' Mala atraat Buy it on your own tarms. Ode I p. m. Bataicas Locationa ford. CaU ManchetUr 3-4865. ar# moving out of town. Both have COVENTRY—New four room tin­ ness. and failure properly to at­ ing and carpentry work. Ouaran- also open. Car neceatary. Age 36 4 past the midnight hour this morn­ ROYAL AND Smlth-Oorona port­ Per Rent $4 . . _ . ______four rooma down and two finished gle, hot water heat, artesian well, tend to duty WM rampant at least dsr, 160 Wetherall atraet DR. ELNER.DISKAN MOCXURITa UTO wUl guarantee I Motors. 41M. taad work. Phone 3-8988 for free j to 48. Flextbla working houra. able aad standard typawrltarA LOOKINO FOR a guaranteed used VACANT—Year old brick C ^ six acres of land, nice location. ing by automobile, after missing BIRTHS SimDAY: A son to Permanent position with national up. In excellent condition. Beau­ throughout the Initial etagei ot to deUvar a new Hudaon within aatlmataa. AU makes of adding Boaelilnaa T.V. sat. We have 12%" 14", 16'' OFFICES or store. ground floor, Cod. Four down aad two unSnlab- tifully Isndscaped. For sppolnt- *10.500. 8. A. Beechler, Agent. the train from Stockholm. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorga Nsfro, 778 ; 10 days after your o^dar la organisation. Opportunity for construction." the report raid. Looking tired sfUr her long vs WILL NOT BE IN I 1840 FORD. Radio and Urta, ln| sold or ranted. Repairs oa aU .tahlaA consoles alao combination Main straat near Post Offlca. ad up. Shed dormer, fireplace, oil ment call Phone 6909. It found no effective check on Vernon etreet; a daughter to Mr. placed. Prlcea aUrt. deUvarad in promotion. Write now for "Oat maksA Mariovf'A______13%'' T V. radio-phono, Uke Phone 6888. heat, garage. You really should cation Journeys through Europe, and Mrs. Jeraph Rleetsr. South good condition. Call 3-8631, R oetlB t Acquainted" interview applica­ frauds, kickbacks, thsft and pilfer­ HIS OFFICE FROM Mkachaatar at 83.841.00 Heaura new, cost 8466. It’a youra for see this home to'appreclaU it tXJ'VENTRY—Four rooms down, ing and a lack of an adequate staff the Preeldent’e daughter neverthe­ Windsor; a daughter to Mr. end jCuto Oempany, 878 Main atraat. 8368 DOWN on a 1961 Chavrdat IROOFINO—Speciallalng in repair, j tion. P. O. RobarU. Empire Crofts BRUNSWICK POOL tablas for 8168. Brunner’a T. V., 658 East PROFESSIONAL Office in Man­ T. J. Crockett Agency. Fhona 5416 ROBERT J. SMITH. Inc. two partially llnlrhed up. Full of army auditors to keep tabs on less was paUent In answering i Mrs. Felix Pectus, Storrs. FRIDAY, AUG. 28 Manchester. Open avanings 'tU| Balaira or 1661 Ford Victoria ing rioofs of all kinds. Also new Cbrporatlott, Newark, New York HlA la good condition. Inquire canter street chester. Bacallant location for a or evanlnga 9751. . 663 Main Street basement, baiement garage, oil payrolls and expenses. cascade of questions at s news con 10 p. m. TaL 3-6443. ______with automatic tranamlarionA roofA Gutter work. Chiinne.ya State. 86 Oak atraat Pbona 3-1041. doctor or padlatncian. Entire Phone 3450 heat, main highway. Route SI. In addition to action against ference In the U. 8. ambsssador'e XWTIL . Complete line of Children’s suite now being air conditioned. After 8 P. M. Call Mr. Heck 3959 Just before Hayloft. *8,600. Call residence later In the day. NEXT BEST to a new ear la this Compare. Douglas Motors, 883 cleansd, “ y**"’ Wanted In dry cleaning FIVE ROOMS " Gen. Pick, the report asked ’’dis­ perienca.Darienca. Free eatimates.estimates. O aui''V “_. . __... ' rvMm ONE E. F. M. eeoond hand | ~ afeHiwiuiea Contact T. J. O ock ett Agency. (Coventry 7-6396. ciplinary action" agalnat any mili­ "I am a lucky girl to have seen AFTER LABOR DAY beautiful 1660 Hudaon tudor Main. store. Apply in person. Crown maUc stoker. Also one Whitehead Fum itare, CrtbS, M a ^ ^ S , NEAR WADDELL achool: 6 4n- ao many Important people and Howley. Mancberter 6861. during jpiay Pens, Hish Chairs, Car­ Phone 6416. ______1 two partly finished. Hot tary officers Involved If Secretary aadan, a one owner car. Top (CHEVROLET 1646 1%-ton 12 ft. (Tleoners and Dyers. 886 Main waUr haaUr. CaU 6138 Ished rooms Basement laundry. ELLINGTON— Easy commuting Pace finds It warranted. places," Miss Truman told the re­ BANTLY trades..Name your terms. Mc- rack body. Oood condition. Beat | street buslneaa houra riages, Walkers, etc. Complete AIR (H N DinoN ED office space water oU hM t. ^replace, Large tot. Screened summer distance to Pratt A Whitney or porters. QUiia Auto Co., 873 Main atreet. I for rant Divide to suit CaU the Plastered walls. Full insula- house. Price 111,000. Madeline Hamilton Standard. Seven room She will be a guest tonight at a offer over 8400 takas It. Manchas- BMttnf—Planblnff I WANTED—Olri or woman to care j furnishings for the entire O IL CO. Open evanlnga 'tU 10. Phone 3- ter 3-0474. home. Appliances and TV. JarvU Realty Co. Phone 4112. | tion. Porch, garage. Full shed Smith, Realtor, 2-1643 or 4679., bri^ (Jeorglen colonial. Two Coal Mines Shut dinner party given for her by Am­ '6443. C O. LORENTZEN. AlteraUonA for baby 2:80 p. ra. to 4:80 p. m., baths, lavatory, hot water heat, bassador Charles Ulrich Bav. dormer. This is a real oppor- COLONIAL—Brand new. 6 rooms copper wmUr piping. New work. vicinity of South Main atraet. | oil, copper tubing. 3-4 acres of Later she will tour Oilo and will . 1686 PLYMOUTH Tudor. Good. CaU 8788 after 4 p. m. Sommer Homes for Rent 671 tunity to own your own home. with oil hot water best. TUe hath. On Union Orders MotorcydeB—Blcydug II 84-hour aervlcA Manchester 8688. WANTED CHAMBERS FURNITURE land. Flvs room ranch, tile bath, pay a visit to the residence of * lew priced transportation, 8148. ' Lavatory 6rst floor. You and stall shower, hot water heat, base­ Crown Prince Olaf and Crown i Written guarantee. Name your BOY’S English bicycle 36”. Prac- [ EFFICIENT Plumbing and hsaL [ WAITRESS Wanted. Apply in per­ Blaa over draft, age fori KNOLLWOOD BEACH, Saybrook. Asking Price $12,800 youra will like It! Price 315,500. At The Green Seven room cottage. Bath, ga­ ment, lot 111' X 815’. Exclusive (Oonttnned from Page One) Princess Marethe, I own tormo. C^lto Servicenter, 436 j tlcally new. Reasonable. Phone ing. Plugged drains machlna son. Silk a t y Diner, 641 Mein general work in a grocery Madeline Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 ! . Oantar street 2-0980. 5408. cleaned. Phone 6467. street. rage and acracned porch, electric Occupancy Two Weeks- H. B. Grady, Msneheeter 8009, atorc. 5H day week. Good Open 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. kitehan. Near beach. Phone 9410. or 4679. Lewis, to continue through Sept. I ■ » ------CHARLES LESPERANCE BOLTON—New four room house, jPLUMBINO and heatl^, special-1 pay. Inanrance beneflta. Ap-1 Evenings 7:80 to 8:30 UNNMORE DRIVE —Attractive I, Labor Day. LAND SURVEYING ^ 9 4 8 PLYMOUTH four-door sedan, j Help Wanted—Malt M f o u r -r o o m cottage, furnished Telephone 3620 cape <3od. four finished rooma, French road. All modern con- Schuylkill county operations of Wanted Aato*— iatng In repairA ramodallng, cop­ ply in peraoB. . veniencea Ovsr sers land. Center i Price f880. Phone 4722. per water plpl^. new coastrac- at Coventry Lake, near waUr- upatsirs unfinished. Hot water the Philadelphia and Reading C»al Motorcycles 12 I MODERN Style Prlaar coal atova.' DURKIN STREET — SingU. 4 Springs Raalty Oo. Phone 6688- Edward L. Davit. Jr. tloB. Time paymenU arranged. [ Eacellent haaUr. FuU range aise frant boat August 81 through | heat. oU burner, bey window, and Iron (3o.. were among the MALE HELP WANTED September. Coventry 7-6826. down 3 up, fuUy flnUhad, fire­ Registered Land Surveyor GET THAT CLEAN WANTED— To Buy—used cars. EdararC Johnson. Phone 6979 or| KOCUM'S with aprons, three years old. First acreeiw and storm window#, ga­ EAST WINDSOR —Seven mllee mines closed, despite the fact thst CaU Barlow Motor Salsa, Wap- place, hot water beat with oU. rage, amesite drive, nicely land­ the campony last week posted no­ IS Proctor Road* Maaebestev USED CAR NOW 8044. Several openings of |80 wins this beauty. Inquire 80 nice location, 913,900. S. A. Beach- from Bradley Field, new home on \ plng Center. Phone Manchester MARKET Hemlock street scaped. This Is a good home et small elevation. 6 large flnUhed tices thare would be "work avsll- TO. 7616 Written Warranty 6404. various t>*pe8 of work for Read Herald Advs* lar, Realtor. Flions 6609. You can turn out this good look­ sble" for all men reporting. HEAYINO From A to Z. Con­ 379 Eaat Center Street 112,600. Wm. Ooodchlld, 8r., rooms. plasUred wslle, picture ing skirt In practically no time— 1166L DaSoto De|uxe 4-Dr.—Heat- version burners, boUar-burnar | men over 18 years of I WE BUY and saU good uaad furai- , Realtor. 7925 or 2-0796. ___ Here ie a flattering bat that may The potted notices warned window, oil steam heat. Low be worn two different ways and is It’s SO easy to aew. And thrifty, > ar, scat covers. Just like new. unltA oompIaU heating aystems. age. tura, cornMnattai raagas, gaa down payment. Asaoclate Realty, miners that only maintenance Bosineas Sarvleca Offeirad IS SOUTH MAIN Street Six room becoming to every age and type. too, because it requires Just one ' 3661 Chrysler Newport Coupe— | AU work guaranteed. Time pay-| ranges and naaUra. Jonaa Furni­ Broad Brook. Windsor Locks 2- yard of 54-lnch fabric. Why not operations would be carried on < Radio, heaUr, power steering, menu arranged. Moriarty Broth- ture Store. 88 Oak. Phoea 8-1041 Cape Cod. oil heat, hot water, fire­ Oochet It easily In chenille, which during any holiday, although the DOORS OPENED, keys StUd, Apply In Person 6736. ______gives a velvety appearance, end make several for cool weather. { V-8 angina. copied, vacuum cleanacA traaAl STA TaL 6188. place, built In bookcases, open Pattern No. 8868 It a lew-rite union coll had specified that mine SERVICES 19681 Chryalar Windsor 4-Dr.— I FLORENCE Oomtdnatlon oil and MALE HELP WANTED staircase, storm windows, full cel­ the trim in a atriking contrasting workers might engage in some CHENEY BROTHERS gaa range- Oood condition. RaS' color. perforated pattern In waist sizes { HaaUr, 18,000 mUeA Extra [ lar, used as laundry and recrea­ WsntNt—itesi EsUte 77 34, 25, 26, 28, 30. Size 25, 1 yard preparation and repair operations r claan.'' SSS„ ulStS! ACSA oU burnera aad boUara Earl FILL sonaUe. Fhona 2-4804. tion room. Call 2-0886 after 4 p. Pattern No. 8362 contains com­ not directly concerned with cosl dlUOB for coming aeoda Bndth-j Van Camp. TsL 3-8644. Personnel Office plete crocheting Instructions, ma­ of 54-lnch. f W 9 Daloto Daluxs BUUon Wag-j waiU. 83 Paarl stiaat. BYE HOUSE W ORK t eXJNSIDERINO S E L L Q ^ For this pattern, tend 80c In production. }• on. Radio, heater, 38,600 miles. I FIVE ROOM space bqaUr, uaad TOUR PROPERTY T terial requirements, aUtch Illustra­ Among the PAR operations COMPLETE FURNACE repair­ 146 Hartford Road one aaaaon, 990. Combination gaa tions and finishing directions. Coins, your name, address, aise, Just the thing to carry paa- CARPENTER arUI frama iinflnlKi FOR SALE To Learn and Operate Dye-Jigs—Third Shift BRK^ffC CAPE OOD. 4 down 3 un­ Without obligation to you, closed was the Packer No. 4 at ing aervlcA Oaa, oil or coaL Win- and oU atove, |46. Phone 2-8702. finished up. Quality home with Send 38c in CX>ina. your name, desired, and the Pattern Number saqgiia to the aircraft. Holds] ed upaUlra roomA ReaaoaahiA will appraise or make you to Sue Burnett, Mancheater Eve­ Shenandoah. Members of the Ur air conditioning sysUnoa In- WANTED—A -l mechanic. Steady! CALL Apply To Mr. KeDey flrtplsce, oak floors. Rusco com­ address and the Pattern Number can «-4361. I TWO HOT air furnaces for sale. offer for proportjr. Be ning Herald, Manchester, c:onn. unkm local there had sent a letter (1-Dr. Badan—Heater, staUed and aervicad. T. P. Aitkin, work under flaa working condl- j bination door and windows, mod­ to Anne Cabot, Manchester Eve­ to Lewis lost week pointing out Om practiesUy new. Inquire 979 you aeD. Ready for you now—Baste Fash' aaat oovsta Clean. REFRIOERATIOM Barrtoa, ooaa- 6 McOkha atraet Phone 6793. UoBs. Apply In paraon. Bolaadi ern kitchen, Gar-Wood heating PhOM « m ning Herald, Manchester, Conn. that they had no voice In calling ar Royal Club Owpe— A L E X A N D E R Adams atraat after 6.______Anne (Mbot’s New Album of Ion for ’52, Fall and Winter. This meralal aad domaetlo. Sea our Motora, 966 CbnUr atraat AM ERICAN DYEIN G CORP. unit, recreation room- work BRAN-BURN REALTY new iseue Is filled with ideas for the holiday and urging that UMW Bear Ursa. display o( guaranuad used raCitg- bench, hatchway, fenced yard. Nosdlework is chock-full of grand officials turn over their salaries MIMnery— Druawaalrlng 19 PART TIME appliance aalaaiiiaB.| ICUMBINAHON OU and gas stove, WANTED — Single home, con­ jCfigos, plus exciting features and smart, practical sewing for a new Tour ChrysJar-Piymouth Dealer atorA O a o ^ H. WUUAma Aaao- J A R V I S C O . dining room sat. Alao miscallana- Comer of isaat Main and Grere Streets—RoekviMe, Cenn. Price 111.800, Exclusive with. during the holiday to the unlon’i For paraonal intarviaw aaa John venient to Cheney MUla OaU agtft pattara printed in the book. season; gift peittarn printed instda ciaUa, 360 PoUand TurapUtA T I L 4112 oua housahtUd articla*. 44 McKee W a rm Howtand Realty. Phone hehltb aad welfare fund. Fitspatriek, Brunaar’A 888 East] 8008. 35 cents. the book, 35c. BROWN-BEAUPBE, IiMt Manchaatat Pbona 3-8666, a ^ U ALTERATIONS and draaamaking. atraat •600. M «awllBtrart ' Pboaa Tin 786L Raaeonahk rataa Oall 8-4870. C ^tar atraat No phooa csUa •• 3 T

' ii jjK

Tka Waathar MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1958 1 Avstags Daily Nst Praa Rua PMMaal o< 0 .8 . Woathar Wmtmm i Fee Wa WaaS iCnSaS PAGE rOURTEEIT ifllanrliM rr lEnrnino Hgralb Ang- 2S, 1S82 Clour toulgkt^ ounay tomnrtuw —opper sa toalikt—tuMdlo SO to- lUfiaM E. W right 20. of 278 Oak 103J6 high of 84.60 and a low of 84 for Four Initructon atraet iia«rl|rBtrr lEurtiittg UlrraUi ■ i 28 buahela. I Jons Erect Road Marker Emblems MenaSee el Uta AoOt In Insurance Post Tha mart will open for Ova daya BUNWi ^ 1 ManchoBter^A CUy of VOUige Chmrm About Town each week, Sunday through Thura- Added at Trinity day, with Friday and Saturday aa COMPLETE PRICE nVE CENTS A dauKl)t«r w m born to Mr. and (FOURTEEN PAGFiS) the cloaed daya. Hartford, Aug. 25—Appoint- MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1952 Mn< Dlno Naaclmbenl of 102 Sum- VOL. LXXL NO. 279 an Page U> mar tlrwt at tba Hartford Hoa- menu of four toiatructora at Trin­ WARM A IR ity Collega wcra announced yeater- pltal Auf. 21. day It Dr. Arthur H. Hughaa, act-1 HEATING *'• Tba MancheaUr Fire Dapart- GOP Caucus lag prealdent Dr. Alfred S. Reid of Starke, S Y S T tM S mant waa awardad tha prtaa for AND tha baat-appaartaf company In the FU., haa been appolnUd Initructor I Knockout parade of the Warehouae Point Set Tonight In Edgilah; Dr. ftu i W. RurU of SERVICE Newark, N. 3„ Instructor In V te Department Saturday nlfht. Salva yaor heating piobleme or phlloaophy; MIchaal R. Campo, :48, InataU new beating ayetcm Blow! lans Police of Weat Hartford, Inatruetor In Atlantic Miaa Helen Harmon. M A Cheat- Will Elect Delegates to pot atraat, Nancy Whilehlll. 28 elaaaleal language: and Vincent i • FURNACES YOU can lose your home, your State Convention; No F. KoUchar of Waat Hartford.' Waatmineter road and ■ Priacllia •DUCTWORR automobile, yolir saVings, and Mill. 28 Footer atreet. have re­ Contest Is Expected part-tlma InatnAstor In gaology. j turned from Camp EdUh O. New- • OIL RURNERS an that you value. If yoo have all In Btandford, Maaa., where they to pay a judgment awarded The Republican party In Man 10 Hours Main and Turnpike By Tha Aaaociatfil Prtaa apant the aummer aa counaelora I cheater will caucua tonight at the Plumbing and by a jury for injuries sus­ tained on your property. Gen. Dwight D. Elaen Theft Holllater Street School to elect Solves $65 A meetlnr of the Sunday School four delegatee and their alternatea Minor Crash Site lower has b « n told hit cam­ taacher aU ff and Commlaalon No. Heating Coinprehensive Personal to the apeclal aUte convention Ih NO 0HAK6E Liability Insurance win de­ tf paign is not doilig wen so far. 2 of the North Methodiat Church Hartford Sept. 4 and. 8. NO OBLIGATION wlU ba bald tomorrow nitht at 8 Two local driven w en Involved fend vou In such iui action Bus Omsh Kills One Aides said today he hM Town Committee Chairman W il­ In a minor juito aecldant aaar tha 88 MONTHS TO PAY M a rk A lso deliberately pulled his a’etoek In tha church parlor. AH liam S. Davla waa aulhoriaed by and pay the damages op to Seek FIngepprinta on Brink’s Truck mambara are urged to attend Intenactlon of Main atraat and B lin k Loot the OOP committee at Ita meet­ MIddIt turnpike early last night punches, but now is ready for tbia Important meeting. the Umit of your inaurance. J-il ing Friday night to bring In a ten­ when both tried to paaa on the a toe-to-toe fight for the tative alate of delegatee for lU V. P. MAROIN 8 00. In c lu d e s 2 John D. Saundera of 47 Thomaa right of a ear stoppad at the traf­ PInmhIng aad HaaSag • • presidency. R e c o v e re d approval. No conteat la eapected. fic light waiting .to nuka a laft S8B NO. MAIN ST. Those does to the Ropubllcan drive. rapraaent tha Ohio Unl- The convention In Hartford, vantty ehaptar of Phi Delta Theta turn. MANOHESTCR candidate say hla aoxt moves will which will be key-noted by vice Then were no Injuriee or ar- at tba fratemltya 4»th general I t COMPLETE HEATING H o u r Stop be to; prealdcntlal candIdaU Sen. Rich­ fMt#. 1. Obtain the acUve support of A t C a p ita l aonvantlon which will be held at ard Nixon of California, la being The men a n Samuel 3. Harri­ SERVICE Franch Uek Springa, Ind., from U’Ullam Tomkiel 8sn. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, held to aelect a candidate for the son, 48, of 87 Alton atraet, and Taft’s organisation, and the Ro- A ^ . 28 to 2*. uhexpired term of tha lata Sen. Aldergrove Airfield, North­ William Tomkiel. aon of Mr. and publlcans who backed Taft for Washington, Aug. 26—

Mra. Stanley Tomkiel of 81 Creat- Brien McMahon. ern Ireland, Aug. 29— the nomination,. Mr. and 'Mra. Edward SchueU Following the caucua tonight, — A hunch by Polica Chlai .pad daughter, danlee, of Oloucea- wodd drive, haa been namd home A British jet bomber flashed 3. Begin speaking out on .speci­ office repreaenutlve In the CTeve- the town committee will meet to across the Atlantic ocean and fic Issues, blasting Gov. Adlal ats- Robert V. Murray crackad 'ja tar, n T j ., are vtarttlng with Mr, land regional group Inaurance of- decide whether It ahould endorae S c u ta 's alater, Mra. Edward O. vonaon of lUinols, tha Democratic 9M.00O Brink’s armorad c lr Sre of Paciflc Mutual Life Inaur­ candIdaUa In the local primarv bac\ today in slightly ovSK. Haln of 2U High atraat weat. nominee, and pIn-poIntIng major theft today leas than 24 hoil^ ance Company, according to Ralph electlona Sept. 8. Thia propoaal. 10 hours. GOP charges against the. Demo­ J. Walker, vice prealdent. . which aeema to have aome aupport The double crowring In n elngle after a 26-year-oid bokasy Tha data for tha Joint Inatalla- crats and the Truman administra­ Slnqe receiving hla bachelor of within the committee, led to the dfty WM tht first In hlitoty. truck driver pulled it off. Uaa of tha American Legion and realgnatlon from the. group of Sr 39f tion. aria degree from Trinity College tU M H M The aleek black Canberra alao One of those who warned Bleon- Arreatfd and charged with Attalliary haa been canceled be- tpli year. Tomkiel haa aueceaa- SUta Rep. Sherwood G. Bowere, eanaa of a eanSlet with other dataa. Herald Photo, amaahed all prevloua recorda for hower that he ought to build i and larceny and bank rob- fully completed an Intenalve train­ who haa been Influential In Re- riik under his campaign was Sen. Tha new data will ba announced publlcjui affalra In town for many a weat to eaat paaaage aa It ry waa Ray Eugena Farm­ ing courae In group Inaurance at' An Important event waa marked president; Edward Macaulay, praa- 175 East Wallace BsnnsU of UtiUi. Bennett G aiwrtly. yeara. fbe Modoes TewK* Mtrcnk^d homo from Ooiidor» N®w» er, a ahort, alender youth who PacISe Mutual’a. home office In In the local Uona Club hUtory prealdeilt, and Sfapherl Cavagnaro Center SL ^oundland. wwitem lermlnu* of said, a ’^surprising number” of vot­ Loa Angelea. Aa a group repre- ...... trn tim ers once strongly for the general had b a tf Dred by , JBzlBk'a Dtia to tha Republican Town Friday evening when club mem­ of Cayay’a restaurant. Front row, Tel. 1665 the epic flight. M Ri^ttaa meeting at Holllater eehUtIve. he will auparvlaa the bers en ded four road marker cm- president, and Stephen Cavey of or# now lukewarm. three ymbrr ago after working aale of group Inaurance and aarv- Hutchinsons Note S- 39f. IncInSIng Stepew ' School tonight the HUIlard blema on principal highways lead­ Robert Dillon, publicity chairman; Like a Dry Crt«k Ice policy-holdera In the Cleveland Edgar Clarks The whole trip of ^,144 mllea as a guacdr lor t l^ 'apnorw Aaaoeiatad group haa poatponed Ita ing Into Manchester. The Uona Ford Crosby, 1st vice president, took 10 houra, 2 mlnutea. Includ­ The Now York.. World-Telegram area. 42nd Anniver»ar\ amblem. the familiar double faced ' Insnror and Sun, a unit of the Scripps- car aiaatlBg until tomorrow night at and Bernard Fogarty, chairman ing a two-hour atopover at Gan­ All . T:20 at tha HoUlaUr School. Uon Head; la mounUd on a 30- of road markar project. Howard organisation which Is sup­ Inch diameter »teal circle with a g er. • porting Elsenhower, criticised his Fanner di Mr. and Mra. OarroU -W. ilwJW.HAt€. Thla waa the timetable of the Uoo. Us Robart 3, Boyce, aaecutlva vlee Sales Hit $4,001 Hutchlnaon obaerved their 42nd baked-on enamel flniah. Below A bus Ilea ovumpM in Bdgownter, N. 3h otter going out of eon- campolgn, said "Ike Is running the circle Is a aepafate sign In­ bomber'a trip. In terma o f Britlah like •Tiry creek" and aoked "Ike, ed 4U praaldant and aacratary of the wedding anniveraary yeaUrday at daylight Ume which la alx houra trol. craabiag tbroogh n viaduct guard rail and *• * SMbt MancheaUr Savinga and Loan their home. 81 Hawthorne atreet. dicating the regular meeting time mllrond track. A SS-year-old weoaaa was Wlleid 1* " “ ‘" . • '• 'S " * when do wo start?” At Auction Marl ahead of eaitenaatandard: The geiwral, aMisrontly, was Aaaodatkm, Inc., will apeak on OueaU preaent Included Mr. and and place, the first and third gere lajurod. The driver suBeced a broken leg and Internal Injuries. Tuesdays of each month' at Cav 8:34 a. m.—Left AMergrove. getting undetway today: - It was-^ “ Functiona and Furpoeea of Sav- Mra. Herbert W, Porter and chil­ ,11:12 a. m. Arrived Gander. (N B A T clepfcoto). bory, SI Inga and Loan Aaaoclatloni'' at the Total aalea yeatarday at the ey’a restaurant ' THE QFHCE OF Ho scheduled appoIntmenU In dren of Hebron; Mr. and Mra. 1:10 p. m. Left Gander. bakery . RoUry au b meeting tomorrow MancheaUr Auction Hart came to Pictured above are, left to right his newly-established • Now York Evarett.C. Hutchlnaon and aon of 4:88 p. m.—Reached Alder- headquarters with such top Bo- Jaokaon, ___ Sight at «;I0 at tha Country aub. 14,001.16. There were 1,173 one- F,ait LoAgmeadow, Maaa.; Mr. and back row, Mark Kraritx, 3rd vice DR. j q ^ P H C. BARRY half huahel baeketa of tomatoea publicans as Sen. Edward Martin ory company, said Uidiy whan aB- that bro\tght a high of 84.80 and a Mra, Frederick E. Hyatt and chil­ plana fought lOO-mlle-an- of Pennsylvania: Rop,- Stylos vlLd ef^ a amsi; “Z just ei% Mlaa MaroU Beach of 41 Ooot dren. of Amityville, L. T.. N, T-; ballavalt." low of $2.80 for an average of WILL BE CLOSED hour headwlnda on Ita eaat to west Bridges of New Hampshire; Rap. Two angotprtat oxporto go over a Brtah-s. Ine,. nhnmt tmok at poUoo J lS filS S l Idga atraat left Saturday morniiy Alfred W. HUUhInaon of thla Judge Hits Report “ Ray cama In rrM tol dor a v^aak'a vacation In Maine. 18.08. Alao offered were 28 boxea flight, but waa iMUpcd by them on Joseph W. Martin, Jr. of Mssoa- alter saS.esiwM stolen froSo the vnblrle while It was narlied at tte n hotU of choice tomatoea which brought town, and Mra. C. Fogll of Hart­ For Your IndlvidaoHy the trip homa ehusetts; John Foster Dulles, for­ hwl mlo to ^ t b e r ONaASe In the UmJTwtm not token. 'Hw OMo solvM tha riigular tlma, 18.00 per box. ' ford. DastaBod Splrofla FROM AUGUST 16 Avaragea SSS MFH eign affairs adviser; the GOP vice H W M y n sS v ^ aftor poBoo amotod Ray Bngono Famwr, a bakery tmek driver, wbo hnd bosa Bind said. "Ha w « ^ David Motycka of North Coven nonchalant aa hd try left today for hla aanlor yaar The 248 buahele of cucumbera The average speed on the home presidential running mats. Sen. by artok's torso yonro ofo. (AF WIrepheto). ______' ' ' -- FoMBoatlaBS — CoB TO SEPT. 2 leg waa Juat over SOO mllea an (Clearing Finnegan waa ona of « at Waat Point Ha graduated from brought a high of 82 and a low of Richard Nteon of Catlfemla, and Manehaatar H l^ School In 1M2 80 cenU. Shell beana brought a Mrs. Bsia MiBieneci hour, Tha 2,072 mile fUght took othera of our meat tr ■1 g houra 26 mlnutas. The flight In botwoen conferences Elaon- It waa ----- FiMma 7 7 3 7 from northern Ireland to New­ tion of s 'tot M A1TRESSES Washington, Aug. 2ft— (/P>—House tax scandal proters hower fanned to march In the foundland required 4 . hours 88 American Lsglon parads. One KiUed^ Voice from that tod toiPstttor’* P i__ _ i It Is better to have a good minutes. were told today that Ellis N. Slack, now an acting Assistant Warns of Red Threat toy rocallml tlHtol —— ... rebuilt mattress than a That waa almoat 40 mllea an Attorney General, okayed a grand jury report vindicating the He addressed the American Le­ hour alowar than the eaat-to-waat way James P. FinneJran was handling the St, Louis Internal gion’s national convention yester­ cheap new one. We re* record of 4SSAI mltaa an hour ea- 52 l^urt in Revenue office In 1951. Dlatrlct^l ~ day. atressing both denMSUe and make and sterilise all types UbUalitd laat Auguat In the u n u foreign Iseues. He roecived an Judge George H. Moore described of mattresses. plane by the same pilot—Wing ovation when he entered the hall, Commander Roland Beaumont of the report aa “ astonishing" end told the grand Jurors to try again. and was Intsmiptsd fnquontly ^O W Riots CANNING the Royal A ir Force. W ood s Gets with sppisusa during his address. “AS a m u lt," a Judiciary suh- The new waet-to-eaat rooord He • ! ths thrsst'tif. So­ Now York, Aug. 26 — (f>--Tl»ouaaridi"ifl loRM Funitura a ii waa-esw eetehllah For more comniltteie was tSM, “many indlet- Avsnue today 111in tha lillO AIUAmarican «3 l'-aaJS LagioiisRA^awaMw mMsw - --- •—-wpla y o -- ' ABMP ta nients were returned, Incliidlng an viet. Iggreaslon. A t ths same siiffs to tberteitf a 18 yeara the record hea bean tine hit hard at corruption In Seoul. Korea, Aug. 26— tha nations’ past and prasant m illUry might, Tlia partda of XasgtotoP FImf OtvfriRg 30 hours 30 mlnutaa, aet by the Indictment of the Collector of In­ Position as ternal Revenue in St. Leuia James government. Ho attacked to# .—One Communist prisoner of mora than 7M00, axpected to last at laaat 12 hours, atappe< Americana H..T. Merrill and J. 8. j Aftor Faraai's .16 Oak St. Tel. 2-1041 P. Flnnsgafi.’ ' i administration’s handling of for war was killed, 40 wounded out from 31st street at I0:0S a.m.9 Lambs In . a Lockheed plane. eign affairs as a parads of "falsa found In £to pospato______. FREEZING Many commercial planes have .Reopen Scondele Probe by gunfire, and 12 injured In Its terminus w m 48 blocks north! in 1849, pottos took him (B 5_ starts, loud poHass and faint made hetter Ume, but not under The itatement was made by Ro­ O P S Boss five riota in UN POW cam” ' at 74th street. deeds." A pollce-estimsted crowd or 2,- \ tody and nusstWaMI h io r official timing condlUoni approved bert A. collier, counsel for the sub­ Stevenson was due to see a few Since Aug. 11, the U. C oal T alk s found JM avntonM of any w. by the international aeronautical committee as It resumed an In­ 000.000 view toe parade In the callers in Springfisld. 111., today to Eighth Army said tonight. doing by Fsrasar and rstoasad federation. • , _ . . quiry Into the St. Louie ecandsis Washington. Aug- 26—(/P) first two hours. Police Commle- Thsy found sftorwarto, Bt. talk over farm prohlenw. Dtselosurs of too Incidents cam* ■loner George P. Monaghan, who Beamont grinned ae-ha jum p^ ths; lad to Finnegan’s conviction — President Truman today They Included a yd e H. Sey flasd FsrmiF bsoauss of to« _ „ BAUgNG'S W OOL AND RAYQN In three aeparate announcements, mads the estlmats, said the crowd from the plane into a light driaale last March 18 on charges of mis­ named Tighe E. Woods, now bold, president of the Natlowsl W ith Lewis form opiseds. SUPPLIES which began Calling half an hour conduct In office. ssvsral hours apart, after a “hM not yet rsachsd Its peak" and the nation’s rent controller, Rural Electric Cooperative asso­ Hs want to wtok for too I before the Canberra arrived. Slack, wlio was In the hearing munlst Peiping radio broodcMt that additional throngs would view to ^ head of the Office ,o f ciation, and Herschel D. Newsom, had charged that 16 Koreans ware company.'But, as li- Is Your Sunday BrwMast He wax followed by co-pllot roqpi, told , a reporter that Collier msaUr of the National Grange. tha procession before It ended Are Started kspt a dupUcats k a to an 58" PLAIDS, CHECKS FeU r Hlllwood, who took over the was in error Jn saying that Slack Price Stabilization. killed and 40 wounded In an un- after dark. But most of the day was sat deslgnated UN POW camp last sd ear which Uavslisd In ths saiB controls on the homeward half of approved the grand Jury report. • Woods will succeed Bails G. Ar- For many a marching L«glon- arsa of his bf*rtnr routs. ^ Showing? the flight, and Navigators DenU "The report was reed to me," year on Aug. 18. nalrs it w m tha emotional high nall In tha pries post on Sspt. 1. (Oonttonod on Page Thirteen) The Eighth Army made no com­ Wilkes-Barre. Pa„ Aug. 26 At noon ysjBely, tos am oM AND PLAIN FABRICS Watson. Slack said, “but I had no authority Amall's resignation, effective on point of the S4th annual Legion car pulled liit t o the fashlonaS* to approve It That is where the ment on too Communist broadcast. convention here M the brass blar­ — (/p)— The hard coal indus­ T sin t nsccsaary, you know! A quick phono call that date, has been In Truman’s In an incident last Saturday, Wardosan P a n hotel aad ths fH P statement is in error." hands for some time. ed and tha drums throbbed and a try and John L. Lewis’ Unit­ guards went Inside to oaL Tbdy to os— will take Boiied clothinR probiems o ff your Chairman Chelf (D-Ky) has an­ one Red POW w m killed and 12 In­ warm Auguat tun Booded tha deep Meet With Truman Interim Senate jured In enclosure 10 on Koje Is­ ed Mine Workers resutnei lockod up toe ear. Iranian Police nounced the aim of the subcom-. Roger L. Pulnam, chief of the canyon of Fifth avenue. Igaerod 8299AS9 ^ hands In no time at all! And best of all. besides mittee la to find out whether there land ’’When a U. S. rtfls comowy their Intfcrrupted contract Bk:onomtc Stamlixation agencies, WM forced to rMtore order, toe Many a girth had falUned on Then Farmer drove up la & $ was any "Interference” with the civilian,chow, many a muscle was talks today here in the heaiH' bcinf thorough and fast, our prices are rock- 1.98 made ths announcement of Wood’s Army report said. It did not m - bakery trusk, inserted hto kto. Arrest Sumka grand Jury. Job Asked for of .America’s anthracite coa* For amart fall and winter ahlrU. dreaaea. aulU, etc. You win appointment after he, Woods snd plain how toe prisoners, ware In- soft from relaxing at a dMk. But turned toe lock, grabbed a somc bottom low. Bald Collier: feet quickly romsmbered tot throb region, want mort than ona akirt made from theae popular. priced VAfter three weeks of delibera­ Amall, had conferred with containing $65,000 In smalt cur- Truman, . ^ * * ^ 0 prisoners of war ware Lawia, who remained away from rsoey, pushed it Into ths bakery fahriea. Party Leader tion, the grand Jury submitted to GOP Candidate (Osat eo Pago Pow) negotiations laat weak In Now SPECIAL 1 DAY CLEANING SERVICE — WORK Judge Moore a so-called ‘partial Putnam said ths three had come and wounded Aug. 19 on Kojs. Th* truck and drove off. Hs ign o M to the White House together so Reds were creating York, spent the night in a hotel $300,000 in bills e f largo don om i^ ACCEPTED UP TO 10 A. M„ EXCEPT SATURDAYS report’ which Judge 'Moore char­ By ’THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In nearl^ Hazleton, home of UMW Tehran, Iran. Aug. 26— acterised as ‘astonishing* and ‘a ttiat Truman could Wd farepell to Ing the evacuation of POWs to tlons, S Uce announced today the arrest m the out-going price stabiliser and Some Connecticut Republicans make room for hospital, patients, Vlce-Prealdent Thomas Kennsdy. Ths theft was dtocoversd wKsb complete vindication' of the han­ want WlUlam A. Purtell of Wort Nslthcr Lewis nor Kennedy would 4S" AMERITEX Davood Monshlxedegh. leader of dling of tax cases In tha area for to greet the new head of OPS. th# army Mid. Mercy Slayer whsa tos guards, ramming tholr Iran’e Naal-etylo Bumka party. In “ We loae one wonderful child Hartford, his party's candidate for Thirty-eight prisoners on Kojs cohiment on toe union chiefs ths past five years. Judge Moore prestnM in Psnilsylvanla biit It /tt/ft4 connecUon with atUck* on bulld^ also questioned whether the report (Am all) but promote another one the full six-year U. 8. Senate term, were wounded by small (Ornttamd oa Pago >M t) MANCHESTER PIN CHECK given an Interim appointment by non# seriously—on Aug. 11. the WM presumsd hs wss en route ings occupied by Soviet cultural (Woods)," Putnam said. was ths grand Jury’s own Idea, or Says Daughter here for the dlscusslans on the new organisations, ^ llc e also took whether someone else's ides had Woods, 43, is a Navy vsUran Odvemor John Lodge. i 4 f t t / s # s (Oonttaned on Pago Thirtoaw) contract. • over the party’s headquarters In been thrust upon It. of World War 11. A fU r the war Party caucuses at Andover and he headed the Chicago rent contral Windham iMt night adopUd 9# Peresat Hera DRY CLEANERS ACETATE Tehran. ‘‘Prior to the submission of ths ‘All Right Now’ Meanwhile, the 78,000 bard coal Informed sources said Uial office. He moved to Washington In resolutions to that affect, arguing 9S WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 7264 report, A lls N. Slack, then an at­ miners, 90 peresnt whom ars 21 QUART Isaders of the Pan-Iranlit party, 1947 to become deputy and then that the Interim service would at Bulletins Mr. J. L Birshir torney employed In the tax division centored In this sastem Psnnsyl- another ulrU-natlonalUt group, of the Department of Justice, had chief housing expediter. He then bolster Purtell’s election chances Miami, Fla., Aug. 38—(88— A REG. 32fA5—SALE TA fFETA retired grocer stabbed his 18- vanla arts, art staying home this friHR tha A P Wiraa FRESSURE OANMER also likely would be arrested. been sent from Washington to St. moved over to head the rent con­ In November. News Tidbits week csnylng obt Lewis’ proc­ nUf SjMcM Buaato In Protest trol program. If elected, Purtell would serve yMr-old Invalid daughter to death IS QUART _ . _ LouL- and had appeared before the with a butcher knife yesUrday lamation of a- “Memorlsr holiday The atUeJee on the Russian cul­ grand Jury on at least one occa­ 'He Is a big. 200-pound, six-foot­ until the opening of the next Con- Cullad from A P Wires honoring ths vicUmi of mine dia- HEAR DI8TBBS8 CAIX, • tural headquarters drew a protest and latar explained to police: “ I ffffNvsMNrffvc fr$ m REG. f27.SS—SALE sion. er, a natvs of Chicago and a grad- grra- when he would begin his aaters. Tekye, Aug. 2 ^ (P) —Yb# PRESSURE CANNER SIStS nede from Moscow to Premier regular term. couldn’t stand to see her suffer aoae out of nationally famoua brand at thla low price. any more.” The halt became effective Uat Japanese Const Gunrd picked up This Is The Best Time Of - Mohammed Moeesdegh’s govern­ (Coatbmed Oa Pago Poor) (CmtUaued oa Pago Bovsa) Many Choices VA reports toat number •Jt SatUlday and will continue n dUtreoo enU tola n w n ite $ y*"* ment. demanding the punishment As to what Republican ahould Police called the slaying of 1*39 vetorans with Adels Moskal a “ msrey killing." through Labor Day, Bapt. L from the ranantanUn aUp of those responsible. The Soviet of Korean war reached l.OZl.oou KAHN COLD PACK CANNEA serve the remainder of Sen. Brien DetacUve Cliarlet Sapp said In tha ioft coal fields, mom than A ^ t i c Sen. adrUt abmrt M Year To Do Lawn Seeding SIM A fabric ao different and note directly named the Sumka McMahon’s unexplred terra, there on July 81 . , . Mexico'a govern­ Holda 7 quarta. Seamleaa porcelain enamel. Complete Inetruetlone John Moskal led officers, to toe 300,000 additional UMW members mUca enat of Hokkaido, the party. WM a variety of choices expreasad ment drops all charges a***"*^ observed the holiday, altoough aortoern main laland of Jnpnm; TA I LOB I MO C O . Included in each. Sumka members also wors ac­ body of his daughter In the bath­ new. For a beautiful dreip Soviet Rulers to Purge at party caucuses iMt night. 5g oppooiuon poHlIclans arrested room of their apartment and said; soma sxpreaaed hope it Islnot a ef Isdieespells cused of setting a fire last week A t Ridgefield snd Redding, for­ after poat-electlon riots Uat Use-- for fall and winter. "M y girl U all right now." prelude to an all-out strike.\ ISO ABE POISONED ~ ALUM. FOOD BLANCHER MJ5 which dam ag^ Communist mer U. 8. Rep. a a re Boothe Luce month In which four persons Ware The detecUve said Moakal rclat- Contracts, for both toe hara and Turin. Itnly, Ang. 28—1*7— Win N At Oar Stare ••psaco'' hsadquartsrs here. The was the choice Greenwich and Food poUonlng aent IS# For home freealng, epaghetti cooking, french frying,. eteriUaIng. party hss been prominent in street Criticism Suppressers Branford Republicans favored A 87-room Long Island mansion, (Centtmwd Oa Pago Four) (Oowtlamd on Pago Four) bera of Tnrln’a poliee to tba bog^ A king alae aauce pot. clashes between Rads and Ns- Prescott Bush. once part of J. P. Morgan esUte, pttnl. Only tome beennto Thirsday, StpL 4 NEW PAHEf NS AND COLORINSS tiohallsts which led the govern^ J. Kenneth Bradley, former sUte will be sold to order of Roman •erloualy 111 but 75 othera hndl to. 0 ment to relmpooe martial law Bv ‘raOM AS P. W HITNEY .%^ward political “ heedlessness and chsirmsn. got the support of Catholic nuns- Instead of to Rus stay away from tbetr Jobo tm ALUMINUM FUIL 39c gulllblllty" and too much “revela­ WOODRUFF’S He is bringiog with him the AMERITEX FAST COLOR Aug. 20. Moscow,. Aug. 26—(^)— Pravda Bethel party members, while Wes­ Sian delegation to UN , . . FIrti 01 Wrmg F lm ; day. An Inquiry w m u n d em ^ 28 feet. An organ of the Moslem religious announced today It Is Uunchlng tion of party and state aecreU." ton Republicans said they would bounced Bakersfield, Calif., j# to deUrmlna the soume of tbS letesc in fM hiou and fabtia gtoup. Mojahlddin laUm (FighUrs “both positive sad criUcal” artlclM Builds Rule e f Party support John M. Lupton. who cam­ talking about building new m ic poisoning. for men and women. Let him for Islam), demanded that Mon- on the proposed changes In party The new atatutes, Pravda ex­ paigned for the nomination which renter amid rubble of last Frt ■hlsadegh ba expelled from Iran. plained, give Increaaed powera to day's rumble, and federal govern Jei Fighter ^8 Rocket Spins help you make your lelac- ALUMINUM COLLANDER SUS 36" COLDTONE statutes coming before the All- went to Purtell, “ if he becoroM a d r a s t ic MEASURER It blamed the Sumka partv for Union Party (Jongress Oct. 6. 'rae a committee on party control, par­ candidate for the nomination.” ment U ready to help, R id i in permanent grasses^ Alumlllte flniah. WlU not ruat BnltliBore, Ang. 28—<*>— A * dona and take your meeapte- “ creating disorder, trouble’ and official newspaper said it w m doing ticularly In the field of party dis­ Otherwise, Weston will send an Prinresa Ludovlcn Plgnatelll de nntomatlc IS-dny Uoenoe snopen- preparing “way for a government thU on Instructions of the Central cipline. This, It said, was necessary unlnslructed delegation to the Amgon, 63-year-old member of Bomber^ Crew o f 8 into Sea ri^ t for a long-living, menn now for delivery liter. to advance the cause of the strug­ alon WM annouBCOd today for PRINTS Of bayoneta” committee of the USSR Commun- special nominating coventlon at one of Tlaly’s most ancient noble any motorist convletad of speeg-^ Alum. Fruit & Vegetable Press S2J0 Was la Oermaay gle “with violators of party disci­ luxurious lawn. There’s Hartford next month. families, collapses In train at log In Maryland over tho Labor fvery eemiMf We Mate Monshisadegh, 39, la a doctor of pline and unsaUsfactory fulfillment FU.. * An all-night search of toe de­ The newspaper said the party Is While the party gatherings were Geneva and dies soon after . Elgin Air Force . Day weekend. aooe better! It ladIvMaaNr phUooophy who sports a Hltlsr- dstarrolned.to root out "suppres- bv Oommuniats of tbelr obligs- Manila Army chief wanU to know Ang. to—OP)—The Navy report bris-littered waters by ships and FREEZE IftOS tiona.** planes failed to bring any rescues. TaNered H MeaMre FREEZE BOXES sam of crIUcUm" in party ranka (Continued on Pnge Thirteen) wlwt la happeoing to beer ^ cd today a minesweeper had COP BOUND OySB (Oontlaned aa Page TUrtoea) Thus, Pravda said, It ia appropri­ The crMh scene was about 50 I c y a r d and that the new statutes provide nated by Maqila brewery to Flu picked np two aurvlvlng crew­ Hartford, Aug. 28—<*>—For­ IQfT. SIZE 2 5 1 nr. SIZE 7 5 a the weapon to do thla ate that the control committee plno troops with UN In Korea. men of n B-17 bomber nlive in miles south of Panama City. 25 Me NEW SMALL PAHERNS IN should have repreaentaUves mer Hartford Patmlmnn John Giant torchlight parade will the atorm - to—A spokes­ ordering subordinate organizations far yaor FfosoBt kRFB. It wM do the bast Uod of es of rain In 15 hours flooded 90 The 44lh annual convention of bomber spinning In flames Into 1 coata, aa wan aa dreaaea and draperiea. man for ths Intsrnatlonsl Umon of the party...... throughout the USSR to “develop The Air Force M id the pilot. ra n MAY BUN ‘The new etatutea It nald, “ make per cent of this caplUl yesUi'day Hoboes of America. Inc., marks the Gulf of Mexico yesUrday. ‘ of Ck>^ m {o k Mods ospeclaly for soH ia this oroo ood sold KVF FREEZER PAPERS c y»nl Mine. Mill and SmelUr Workers broad dlacuasions” of the project­ and today. As the one to three- 69 (Ind.) says early returns on a na­ It hot Juat the right, but the ob­ Ume M early arrivals, at Ham­ New York, Aug. ’------ed changes In the party atatutea, foot deep waters receded, at leMt d iclHsivaly by bs. ligation of every party member to burg, N. Y., await delegates who S T w i’w i morBep.Hamlltsa>||B.a ^ HS- tionwide strike voU being taken “beginning wherever possible In eight dead were counted. "as,' rwi. r«uTOsn' who parachuted the B-17 “mother ” plane for a Housewares Depi^Basemeni by 90.000 members of ths union Inform on faulU In party work, Six bodies were recovered from had trouble getting away from day ke WM oouM4ailng right up to the Central commlttoa the primary party organizations’’ their Jobs , . . Averell Hnrriman, InS^toe waUr with hU life Jacket radio-controlled drone. The drone indicate the measure Is being ap- —the lowest units 'of the party flooded Manila streets. Two per WM following about a mile and a tor Senator tkta fan m of the party." director of MSA, predlcU that W M caught up In 18-foot high cakdldato o f tfce now A ^g ^ ,■ Mmehester Plumbing & Supply Co. 0. E. HOUSE Green Stamps atnicture. The Central committee •ons drowned In the provinces. waves churned up by a sudden half behind. union called for a strike Some Oommuniats, it aaid, hide The sudden tropical storm, ulUmately “the forces ef disinte­ the truth from the party and cover decreed "full freedom of criticism" gration wttl set to” behind Iron riOnstorm, snd may have been F. T. BLISH, Jr„ Pres, and Treas. ft SON, ING. Given With Cask Sales vqtat his week among Its mmbers wMhed under. (OMttoMd oa Pag* N (E&ssr^ABi^ ■riM-lWHALCco, I Tlw-IWIiALdcft up fmeU which show too wide a (CoBttnned on Pago Baven) Curtain. “ If It’s Hardware We Have It” tendency hmong party people to- (Coattaaed aa Paga Mina) 877 BIAIN STREET TEL. t425 . (OsnOnned ea Pago Mso)

- _ - 1 . . .. V.

...T—"-^ii- V- \ ' >■ ---- _ ------^-;-7 ------^ v 'V» X ^ , B ATU R D A Y, a u g u s t M . 1952 PAGEUN NlanrtfpBiTr lEvjmms W convince ua that faU if^bat around B S fitL ltliilliiig MMO BATTERIES A b o u t T o w n tha comer. The dai» may etui b* Farrand-Read Nuptiials reet hot and humid Jmu th< tempera- ...AixiiAaES WUlUm SfaMtB. Jr., M Adtlald« tur* I* Sinking noticeably during G ^ d i l roaA 1®^ otf»nJ«t, win pl*y Sun­ the.nIghL AiS mt Brat Elam day ib r tha 75th Annivanmry And on Som e o f M aneheetef^e SIdf StreeUf Too The dayf are getting aborter and Cmtm raa*tlnf ,t*rvleea of tha Ufa that mdans lea* heat m>ffi the em. Officiak of Trust Co. | aadAdvont Vnlon which *ra halnf The preeence of dew ft aapeclally hald at Oanp Bathal In Haddam. OanM Wa Do MT ^whlch thara la no return, to teak prominent after a cloudlaaa night Vkit Long Island -for Harold Bacltn, a local tanor aoli^ Wa have mat and haard of oaV' rafug* In another country only to with no wind. And dew doesn't fhU, aral diaplacad paraona in Ihl* and b* axpatlad from thara alao. Study of New System | S U K V IY IN ® tat of tha im Ui llathodiat diurch can only Imagln* what It la Uka. _ many once believed. InMead It choir, win ainc at the Sunday aurmunding town*, and wa hava a la -the condeneation of- atmoepherlc grant daal of adii^Uon tor th ^ W* can aympathla* and offer aid It was announced today by off!- gdword L. Dofk, Jr. aaryleaa. Kany local paopla alra and ancouragamant but wa'can not moletur* that reiulto When the newcomtri to natlvo Inn^^Wo temperature outdoor* falls to the daft of Tb* Manchaatar Trust planning to attand. luiow i f a fampua architact In hla aver raally onderatand; W* Oan ■•gleteied Imad / country whpaa now working aa a Imagine what |t would b* Ilk* and daw point and , object* atandlng Company that they ar* conaldar- [ IS rraetor aaad M an**^ ouUlda ar* bathed In thft coatmg. Mr. a iid k n . William McMuIIan gardanar./'Tha gantlaman a wifa, w* gat a litu* frightened thinking Mg the aatabllahmant of a ret^ ' Tel. 7*1* of Bdmuad atroal and tbair daugh- who waa a laboratory technlclM. about It and. tlMin wa eetUe down Judging by aU this, there ahould r / be only a few more weeks of "good credit pftn aimUar Ui nature ti^tne tar. Ura. Edwin Foata of Wood- la now working aa a miraaa* a ^ . to our nice cofafortabla Uvea. on* fa affect .for aomawhat hior* hrM ^ atraat, ara vacationing at Botiit hava taken thaaa Job* ^ a Theea people are ao glad to h* weather" ahead before It get* cMd , Oloueeatar, capa Aroa, Ma. to^ praaant languaga barrtara Imt ally*,' to-M doing eomalhmg worth­ and bluatery, than a year at Tha F ra ^ la Na- "they aaam to ba nappy In thalr while-to Improve tbair fallow men However, w* may get a resplt* ttoaal Bonk of Franklhr gqudi., 1 dllmb back up tb* ladder, in the form of a famous New Bag- Long Island, Their pfleriration re-1 W«ahinfton, Aug. 25—(/P)— The Chief of Army engineers Seoul, Korea-, A ug. 26— (^P) Pfc. Emaat H. Pallaln. a o n ^ work with no complalnU. Our atandafd of living In tha they tall ua how fortunate land Indian Summer when f calved cansiderabl* illcity Ini today tkrihed "over-critlc*r a scorching Senate report ac- ■U. St bombers delivered s 'VMr>- and Mw . Mkhacl,ga)l«to^gt. ■ »to" lnrra-*the ortaHegF* fdlden hoWi o r petobar aeem to-v TWWtNpimrtmir'leif - jocmiatv)' >34 Oak Btraat la now rn rm g fa trTB;r wircr w n w «» "1 ^ ' ' m inglirm Khef^ot) fiOTUrym»rt-»f tsiwrfafifoh-iiie^^ one-two rated among tha hlghaat' In tne here. We are apt to atart on and on in an end|*a* array of In May of thft year. in the hurry-up building of U. S. air base* in North Africa. 0 «nnftity with Uin 2nd Worid. ha* cauaad many of u* to again. Theae people Immediately following the an­ supplies last night. Flying ••HaU on Whaela-V Wrfalon. Pal- blight day* that compare with the ROY KNOFU 'Th# committee urged Sacrataryitary ofof-e— ------' ------weigh thing* and paopla ^ a m^ teach u* a^aaon when they ahow bast of the hot aummar. It's usual­ nouncement by The PVanklln Na­ through stormy weather they Iain antarad tha Anp^ in Fabru- terial plane._Wa maaaura a n»a^- no hate for Hheir oppreeaora . ly too. cool, than to do anything but tional, three offlcera of 'Che Mon- INSURANCE the Army Pace to "take i hit a 40-acre supply area in “ d iy la H S l and to Buropa prfate action" against Lt. auccoM by Uib kihfl of hoiw ha *ft ft ifat « e > w i * you know enjoy the sunthln* and hop* that cheater Truat Company vlaifed the Of DaaeHvilaa northwest,' Korea and poumt- aarly. thla n on ^ haa, hla wlfa-a J t ^ r y and fur*, It ft tha leader*^ they aay. bank on Long Island and dftcusa- Lewis A. Pick, the engineer*’i‘S 5 0 Rescued It wUl laat ARTH U R A . pick got out a etateraent today | ed behind-the-frpnt storage and tha number and kind of a «i^ So, let tM remind ouraelvea that Meantlma, clean up thoae car ed the matter at length wiUi\lte moMlaa houaad In hi* gang*. W* It ft not the fortune of ’ the man officiaft. Much detafled Infomia- KNOFLA AGENCY aaylng 'T had no respohslblllty in depots. Mra. WUluin B. Swaanay of 118 cbalna and snow shovaL Tou navar the determination of the Air Force , haa boon awarded a hava placed thla evaluation on our to be oopaldcred . . .i t I* bow be thm was secured and has been un­ .1991 A . rain storm swirling over treat* hla fellow man. dtls what ft can tell. der study and consideration by the gTgMAIN 8T. requirementa in North Africa. It After Plane Korea bogged down troops on the In tha Joaaph Dixon nation aa a whole and w* lmllaj"» B7g: was not my reeponaiblUty to. direct Ob.’* MMh Aanlvaraary that w* have much t» offer tta in Ma heart ^ t oount*,>nd It ft local institution since that tlm*. m ail lIHNnUe ground ’ front. Forty C3il- office Viadleated the construction on a crash (or.| n*M firing burp guns made a reat of the world due to our m M up to u* to elect and put Televlalon ha* received^___moral Briefly, the opm tlon of such -production- Una* -and _opportuiHty tha rights kind of men whd\wlll ptaa-lnvolves: the eeUbll juahliiHimn»JiaMrtt.:L____ ^ l 4hruet—At-Bunksr- 41U1. on. ...Uw the peiple praise and had mOfff abOM heapedi 4m C-Mt Sera Detthled for peraonal gain. place their duty to upon It In lU brief span of life I credit at the bank by^the wMtern front but a U. 8. Eighth ilh U la 'vary true hut we are not above pereonal gain chaser, tha discounting of bherge The Arnfad 'Servlcea Prepared-1 Army staff officer said the Chi­ thinking clearly whan w* forget Bafor* the coming alaotlon, par . than any .medium of ita kind since I /.* t' tickets by the bonk for the rstail- nesR Inveetlgatlon subcommittee, j torrid New York, Auff> 26—(/P)—Dwight D. Eisenhower said to* folk* first clamped yui>hon*a onj L#a oy «n, i.vnaa» o. Tr*p*ni, SicUy, Aug. 2 S ^ nese were beat back In iW - th* fallow-from acroM the ■on* who have not placed a vote ep-aad finally the paymei^ of the headed by Sen. Lyndon _B. John­ IS-mlBttte fight. day that, b ^ u 8 « of tha Soviet Ruuiter-plan of coniiueat, “^ 8 t i ^ heade to beof U»* raapyt (D.. ^ex.) made public lu * crippled four-engin« waUr, who p r o b a b l y haana In four year* will hava to re-afftrm accounfa by the cuatomer at ’ the son There were only patiitrol clashes nation today atands in greater peril than at any time m dit’ laamad to eapraaa h lfa a r if^ w^»H voicUs and thin scratchy muale| bonk within, a specified length of SERVICES yesterdav. It Mid that Pick I Dritish airliner plunged into thalr ragfttraUon. Wsi hop* they'll port . and light enemy, piprobe* tbes ' eftewheie. history.” He called for a clear, strong warning to the Riuaians FILMS in our language, probably ^ do ao and that they wiu eonttnua whlel^mingled with eUtte, Issued | time, thereby re-eetablfthing the wae rrsponsible for...... the the building Mediterranean early to­ L their crystal acts about SO Tlifft Interprtt The WkhtB Communist artillery fell off to from th* American government. DEYSLOPED AND aomathlng o f bonafit to ua. Ita thalr InUraat by voting in the fall. customer's credit If payments are job which haa coot taxpayers 33(1 day off this i4rest Sicilian port 908 rounds Sunday compared With hiat good o(d-faahlon*d omnmon X • ago. I mad* promptly ae a g r*^ million dollars and ft expected He declarad, "W# muet tell the 8o- PRIN TED 4,1U round* on Saturday. ^ r t ^ and eonaldaratlon birt w* TVedlWng BfaMka Televislohft presUgs waa almost M, Whil* the entire scheme ft reftt Of Tht FbbUIt eventually to total more than but fiahing boats saved 60 of vlets .with cold finality that never •iw apt to maka mlaUfca with' killed off at Ura start, as kponaora.| lively new In retalUqg and bank­ the 57 persons reported The' Navy Mid lU operatiqpa ahalt w* rest content until Uie W i l s o D 24-BOUR SERVICE A wadding ft on* of tha moat double that amount. were curtailed by heavy weather Hite out raallBlng It. __ _ Important occaaion* In a paraon'a knowing nothing about, the special j ing circlaa, it has received tho at. The Johnson committee report aboard and recovered three tidal mud of aggrcMlvs Common- Deposit Bos .V: but .rcpOcUd that , carrier , pilots, Wa aan natr^paaflhly apsfaoUta Ufa. Much preparation ft .Uk*n. lachnlquaa iwqunwd by the nawj tontiooi aiMl study o f many bank-' .JOHNA BURKE -aaW^thete'had been-w effectlv*- bodieB in * dramatic nights ftm . . ^ racadad' wUhia Ua -oipa what It aaa«* to a w from often montha and weak* ahead, ao RMdlum and caring leas, pftguadl ere. In aiMlUon. some retailers strafed .and bombed Red target* borders.l* check made on frauds, ■ kIckha'fkSi - time rescue. ' 'BlMhhower’a remarks were eon- a homo and land t f it haa b l ^ that even the moat mlnut* detail with abominable\programa in] who normally carry no charge ac-r \Uieft and pilfering. It' said, too, around Hungnam and WonMii fa Kni'i^VieW 0OBi#d out of your own offorto their rufh to have tlM^ products | counts have expressed interest In NNDUU. HOMf In London, the plane's operator* nortiieMt Korea Saturday. The Ulnod to a speech delivered to will go off with parfacUon. Tha mat "large-scale , loafing, drunk- Mid the plane carried 51 passen­ the American Legleo national con- KEMP'S whil* aomaona alaa taka* over, to bride, bar parent*, eloaaat raft, advertlM visually. I •, ' ir-I'e • It. It ft the feeling of Um officers IT BootOaodar Bk TSLiM enhm . and failure properly to at- heavy cruller Bremerton and have your young aiid haalthy aona ttvaa and frianda uaually have a But Televialon'B Rup| a - ?. of The Manchester Trust Com­ gers, Including four baMes,'and a destroyer Hollister fired on Com*- venticm. ternTtp duty Was rampant at least crew of six. All were BrUfttt Th* general, 4 Leglonnatra, Of Truma]| taken to uav* labor oamp* from rt fa tha faaUviUas and thay all w* don't mean those who pany that, following careful study a m b u l a n c e SERVICE 'throughput the initial staiges of munist positions at the eastern around the house “just for - 5 ^ . , of the matter. If a survey of mer­ a Mitos Offshore ' end of the battle front and report­ flew to New York from Denver __forward with plaasura to tha Gonstructlpn.'’ last nlfhl, and the New Tork big day and to the edition of tha events"—pofated to the chants and the public shows that British planes from Malta, Ital­ ed hittiite five troop bunkers Sat­ a worthwhile-volume of such bust- In his statement. Pick Mid'he speech woe designed'to step up hla New York, Aug. nawapapar carrying the atory of for good quality entertainment t-' had hot yet^ en boples of the re­ ian aircrMCt from nearby airfields urday. e 26-i/fyr- p u b l i c service programs the ■ 4 - s can be obtained, an office and Italian naval craft from Trs: North *f Pyoagyaag campaign aa th* Republicanepui can- Donald- {1. .Wilion, natioMl the momantoua occasion, uaually may be estabUehed by the bonk to port but that *Trom the newspaper dldetc for the prealdenc;iicy. THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB with plctura of tha brid* In har medium had, and continued to de­ accounts, It woumappear-that the pani scanned th* disaster scene A .dozen Japan-based Super­ command^ of the Amariaatt give the plan a local trial. about three miles offshore this forts flew through moderate to Th* speech waa Mlled*a aa non- Wedding gowb. fend It MRS. VINCENT I. FABRAND political.' but It contained Mvertl Legion, charged today that it What with all the elaborate An occaelonally programa ware (Ooatlnt3l on Pakg^Hilrtpra) morning for the missing person*— IntenM flak In their first raid of paesagaa that appMred to refer, is “ an un-Amerigan approaeh praparationa, more often thpn'not preeanted that cauaad even the Identified by Trapani Port Com the war on th* 40-acre supply Mfts Lorralna Read, daughter of* Mre. Bertha J. Farrand, the directly, to some of the charge* to ther facta’’ to call the warte very little attention ft given fa- moat carping of tha medium'* mandant Arnsldo Taddel as.one area at Anju, 100 miles north of th* Republicans are m a k in g Mr. and Mrs. WUUam J. Read of bridegroom's sftter-ln-law, was of the plane's two hortesacs and the Rad csMUI of Pyongyeng. Korea a “police action.” That forming the ipdety rej^rters of Clitic* to aeknowladga that TV maid of honor and wore a rad against the Truman admtntrtra- tb* newspaper of t ^ combw.ovent was. as It ware, a force for good S98 Eagle street, 'North Arlington,' RMOHESTER three passengers. j Th* Air Fi'orce Mid one ~Oommu- tlon. , ia the term'President Truman nykm drees and carried an old nist night fighter was sighted but or oacudag tha pMpar blank to fill as well as for evil. N. J., and Vincent James Farrand|, fashioned bouquet of rSd roess. Four W i^ , ' Terrel Mid all of -tne deid arid While he eipphaefa*4 today tha applied to the fighting tiUlfe out the aeceaai^faformaUon. WMI, thia year the faith of tde- mlMlng wero paaeengera except did not attack. dangM to th* UifnlW Btate* poead vftlon'a defendara in the medium eon of Mr. end Mrs. 'Vincent L Beet man waa the groom’s brother, BOWLIM BREEN On ..Saturday night, the Air K n o t Studio when it broke out in 1960* 'Thi blank* for The Herald clear- for the mlMtog hostsM. by Ui* Soviet menace, Bfteahower Wlftmi eaid tha aaUoB bat y (UUKfhat all Information must was vindicated—perhaps not for Farrand of ISO Woodhrtdge street, R o b ^ H. Farrand. \.The airliner, a Hermes, wqs Fore* reported,. Superforta raided de­ were united in manlaga Aug. 9 by The bride's mother wore a nylon Re-Opening The Alley* 3 R escu ed .Mrmbrrs of DMworth-Cororll-«toey Pe«t « « farowrll to a follow ^ g teM g *^ ; Ytoyfoto > Y ^ r- Mid he doe* net believe tha Rue- veloped a "new, BOphleticated, SATURDAY NH3HT .ba.ift:u.thaaoeftty editor 94 hoiir* all time, but vindicated Just. the uhdec. ehkrted to. the Sudaaaae the , Supung rail yard, jtear, .the etane-ara readVi new, to kick off * same, becausa thla was tha ytn r Justice Frank O. ' Staat*. The blue dren;«tth white accessortee Manchurian border. It Mid one ot baoke, i>4*t 4o4imaBdeK who left Hd* Wtok end SB Seterato from t k o H ^ super-modern approach to hhneetar, nAKTINO AT t:II SHARP befom tlm* of wedding. If a pic* gov^ m en t and waa bound for Third World War. dijMomocy and world affair*." tore ft to b* piintad. that too of the conventional the Republican carainony was parformed In tha and the gtoom’a mother wore Aug. 30 Kharuqm, capital of th* Anglo- three Red fighters that challenged to tho national convention which opened today.In blow ‘ •J*'-. I* right, Bxaeu- evening at ISO Woodbiidga straat gold suit witji green accessories tlve Oommlttooman Harold Okb. Adjntaat Earl Potoraen, Palrtianks and Coiwrade Ray tnvory. atm Have Tbae Bpealting at tha opontog e*i lO RCeDLAR GAMES— S SPECIALS must arrtva in tlm* for tha nacaa- and Democratic eonventlona, and New England’* Fineat From Caves Bgyptlm Sudan, Officiaft o f . the the bombers waa shot down. "Wa atm have time," he aaid, televftton did itaalf proud In cov­ In a beautiful garden, decorated and both wore corsages of red of th* Lejrion'e 84tk annual S S i aary engraving ttfTBa cut from Alley* charter flr'hiiMld all of the pasaan- A single B-30 hit . targets along end he outlined a program deelgn- ventJon, Wtfton declared: ~ w w h tne pidure ft pubUahad. ering theln. with palms; and Japan*** lantams. roes*. gers w'ere roitlsh civil servants, the front. The brlda, canning on old When the couple left for a two ed to present countg'r-meaeurea .to "We hava In ItH than 10 yean Somahow or other avarybody. In- Of course, TV cameras had employed by the Budenese govern­ U. B. Fifth Air Force B-36 light tha BovUi movement. They.ton- ♦«f f*o*d ctudUig the brlda, forgets all about poked UiMr rad noaes Into ne- fashioned bouijutt of whit* roaaa, weeks , motor trip to Seaside n u N E S Muotathal, Switzerland, bombers- bombed a rail Interiec. Firemen Get Utkad ouraelvM into the position Heights, N. J« the bridb^waa wear ment, and their wives and chil­ U.S. Oilmen toiled; / of an international dupe «ff fan^»> thft until tha day of the wadding Ulonel convantlone before, but wSs attired fa a white ballerina Autf. 25—r^ Alogna Mid iH the way Tehran, Iran, Au*. 26—-(4P) ^wlthin ue.ue, woHtwo with US, build with hay* no rsjpwta. ^ c a d fa’ th* paper the aama day. Thay broke into committee one>.haIf days. at tm R aiut hard work. ftrfsw t. V ^ o B S y the best tion of voters, decided to come back to cook their meals, wash their Harr)' S. Truman's post-irfe be found fals house whenrhe he re- — W . Alton JoneBt chaijtnan us,, for thetM eecurtty of all of ue. Tha aoeftty reporter trie* to ra- rooms and brought the people of to tha polls to paiticlpat* in the Later today, rescuers in the (CratlnoeB oa Page TUrteaa) iiM i oa Page l^irteea) torned from Boston yesterday. QueeHeaahle Credit the country along' with them as clothing, iron and sew, all of which of the Cities Service Oil Corp., 8.3, A/^arnlngA /w * to. RuHia that "We have gained the queetioa- main calm as poastbl* while election machinery that they had require tha manipulation, of some Breconshire hills of WaIss tun­ identigl plans are to Icai He haatened to get polire and the• Uffited State* wtU "never BttHW UHERS E U T m U D O writing down an aaaortment of they sat In on the ptoceedlnga. neled through nine feet of fallen Washington immediately af­ of /-. New York, hts arrivea aU* credit for the Mfta o t Chins,'* ■een eat In motion. mechanical device, and they allow flremea, but all they could do hara, a f the InirfratioH n f P r o . j-ecoghta* the sllghtoat ' perms- tnfermatftiii- a a * 1 a g quostk T li« avan peifonaad the miracle ug to do thsM thlhga with the ut rock- aB»*-puU*d «u4 tw*^ l7.ysxr- ter the Inangtlr^on: of 'his ■'■wae-wet tlm lutoe dewifc- ■—“■ 5to?Ru2i.to'{£[?rw' thinking about the other thro* of flaahlng a plctura of Truman Works Both Ways, old Boy BcoilU and their Injured PoIlM said they could net find mier Mogsadegh,/ A govern­ In the near M d PhTEwt.East, ocom eeeni boarding Eft planb In Waohlngtort moat confldenea. It remain* a mya successor, establish 4 library Europe and AMs. itertto ifae'i » t 4 wito Bcoutinaster/ imprisoned ISO feet- any ooe "who evea smelled ment apokesmaa aaid Jones With thft, he coupled the de­ at the conferano* table and a repu­ bound for the convention in Chlca- , .Ar* ^ you one of ^ thoya paraona] tary why they baUave we become doi^-n fa a cave yesterday. \A11 on a farm site near his boy­ tation for lattlng eeplonaf* agM^ta whil* the edlwr fa oaUfaff ^ y- a*gft. They, .eaid he tofended ;to ga Amtrlean people, have become au BUT WHERE SERVICE 18 ailed to the Blair house In Chi­ tighter ? Or that ArmeMane and thaC he can become a veritable ' this month. Four men were res- Urs. Luce Gela poolng room for typo ist-up. Qreeks or* Intareeted only In rugs demon overnight. Gov. AMat Stevenson returned t o , one who obey* the Supreme Court." ernment.” ' ' G r o ^ ^ Bus Abedeh for an inepecUon tomor­ baffled by thft un-Amcrtcan ap­ So what happens . . . the story cago, where the minoft governor cued from 1,153 feet down In the his campaign planning today while I He turned from the problem to- ' The President's program la out­ row. / proach to th* facte, so smaaed and Was awaiting the coll he had and fruit stores? ‘ Much aa we love the dear male Pierre St. Martin abyss of the ft duly printed In tha newspaper. If this la your -viewpoint, hare's half w* heartily recommend the his aides watched closely the reac- concentrate on plana for his visit lined In the iMue of Look Maga­ The world’! biggest refinery at emotionally'deadened by om erftft The repotUt antaTa tha otflca the dreaded but must have known NOW lEING OPENED AT Pyrennes mountains, near the Vew GOP Piish another that may-imt-stt so weH! driving - school. The. automobiles Frbndh-Sj^rsh b o ^ , a week tton to. hto;,etand--jngalnat -.statoi to NewYork City and New Jersey zine out tdmorrow- The- magazine Drops 30 Feet A badan has been ehut down etoce after uiioth*r,v^ao—4Bvolved —t*r following morning, her telephone' wijuld'be' We—the cairto delfvef 'o' control of the nanon's off-shore in mid-week and hi* Labor Day ealcf that the - direct quotations the British pulled out last October speech accepting the- Democratic Most Europeans consider all owned by these outfits gfe equip­ whirling around th* world, that linga and eomeon* ft oalling to pH land*. ' j speech In Detroit, next Monday were approved by the White House following Iranian natkmallMtlon the war fa Korea ft go hmger htod^ PHOHE M t 7 B 21 M A PLE preetdentlal nomination—to show Americana oa noUy, ,cookspr* and ped with dual controls which In­ (OoatlB^ *F Page Poor) To Senate Job say that aomethlng was omitted boMtful. clude an extra clutch and brake The Delnocratic presidential - (ormaliy launching his drive for before pbMication. T o Re Re Tracks. of the properttea of the Anglo- Ifa* new*.’’ ■ from the wedding articla It's all the people who the man was whom nominee faces th* -political prrath i the presidency. He will addrsH the ***4 ^a*4 laaa the . Democrats had chosen and These are but a few the na­ so that there ft no reason for the Nei^Stop—Misioiiri Iranian (m Company. Th* President’s messag* wa* ifery dleheartanlng to us and w* tional prejudices and tensioni Instructor to become nervous. The of Texas and ‘ other states with ; Americanlean Legion convention Wed- Triiroah, according to Look, has * Baakruptcy Near Stratford. Aug. 28—(to—Grow­ read at the opening of the Leglen'e hops that our raadere will help ua how he reacted to that choice and tideland riches to announcing he ' ' • ■ to the reporter* and photograhera affecting world understanding and controls permit him to stop the car Rubber Union I nesday in the first of a two-day told a friend; Edgewater, N, J,/ Aug. 25-- (to— Ae. a remit o f the closedown, ing Republican sentiment for for- 34th annual convention In Madfteh live them better service by pick- there Is a group currently engaged at any time giving him a calm out­ concurred In President^ Trumkh’e scries of speeches and cenferencM. "Wlton 1 ride . to the • Capitol L crowded bus'^pltoili^ 30 feet this co^ try haa been brought cloae n|er CongreMmaa Clara Booth* Square Garden. ng up. the proper blank from the and newsreel men who had\ been CAREFUUY RESTRICTED veto of a bill which would have from a small wdodto.bridge'Into a waiting for days to see him.^.- in a study that may help to alle­ look, -thereby buUdlng up your Due To Talk to batoiruptcy for leak of revenue* LUC* of Ridgefield may bring Gov. "On our country] th* people ham foMety editor—In fa c t we'll even viate this situation. ■elf-eenfldence. ( l b CONFORM WITH BUIUMNQ CODE) given full title to off shore oil de­ Stevenson was due to talk this (Cratinued on Page Four) deep rallroad cut today,Killing one w hl^ the oU had poured' Into the Lodge around to s p ir t in g her ■n opportunity to (fttermlne UMr Taievftlon presented a., two-dl- Gains Demands posits to the respective etatea. woman and injuring at least IS k^ ad to mall it to you. melu^onal picture ol I k TarlR experts fronr morning with Waltar Rsuther, Ironian treorury. Many pravIoUe to the interim U. B. Senate seat own dMtIny by deciding the vBal Try to typewrlto or print the In oountrlee ore seeking the answer But he tempered hie statement persona. \ left vacant by Brian McMahon's Ihum at th* ballot box,’’ tb* PirM- tions that was a coherent whole. training, ladles, don’t expect your Saturday, by adding that some president of the United Automobile. efforts to get the nationollMd Ml iruU on d e a r ly on the blank; eiM peftop* the iMet wwthwhllaj to.tha.queitkiB Of-lrtyj*gpftJmy>LgMMtiEn ______wa*______to makea _ . Ij these idese AtaMaefiiabout lar aMaeanlApct^ile aand v u l I ovMnlght. . . . Upon_____ aeevilng______your ^Froni Firestone "equitable’ arrangement" -Could be which being sponsored jointly 16 States Faipe railing o f the narrow bridge ort/;ed. egy. help America chooM wisely by see­ found to protect both state and River road and landed up*li|* to overtime with some the conventions a pereonal thing I nations. ■Hi* newl: formed Inter-' Ucenae, he win be convinced that by tha cno and AFL. Abbas Parkhideh. president of Mrs. Luce, who entered th* GOP ing that all the fact* are put he- the apMUngs and handwriting w* naUonal Union of Bdentiflc Psy­ 'federal Interests. , down at the mouth 'pi the Suaque- fore the people In free and fhir for the viewers. Televielon didn't you iMiv* oamiid the all-important .Ooluinbus.'O.. Aug. 35—(Ah—The Sparkmaa to AM - Alao it developed over the week­ ' lanha railroad tunnel througty the the sale* commission of the Na­ race for nomination for McMa­ reca lv*.^ ^ u* have your picture bring the convention to them. It chology ft working hard, on the hit of paper by charming the fa end that Stevenson la Irked by Full Treatment tional Iranian oil Company, to)d hon'* unexpIred four-yMr term debate.'' and weddlnR blank aa aarly as problam. Hava habn. for tha laat resident of the Rubber He had comfort of support to yilsades cliffs Just acroa*' the biought them to the convention, spectof somehow or other. Workers unlop'egld today the Fire­ reports, on possible cabinet ap­ reporter*: after Oov! Lodge announced he Weleofqe hy Dewey pesalbla so our consdentlous where they could see the Indlvld- three days. this stand from his running mate. Hudqon river from New York City. Gov. Thomas B. Dewey of ibotogra]^h*r-oan take hla wife to stone Tire A Rubber Co. ha* Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama. pointments If he Is elected to No­ Th* crunipled bus sprawled dlM't went it, spoke before a* Re­ uaie Involved, eeuld see, aa well aa One of thoa* in attandane* aaya y«rt Wasn’t There vember. One of thCM reports .was By Ike, Adlal (Centiaued Oa Page Four) publican outing her* yesterday. York, welcoming .the L*| Ji* shore on. Bunday instead of that most paopla art pilaonera of agreed to a full union shop and a Gen. Eiaenhower, Stevenaon'e acroM all four railroad tracks in praised It for it* effort* fa hear, Uie argumanta, could form We see.by the papers that a 10 cent* an hour general pay raise Republlcen opponent, has Mid he that tha govarnor'a aaaoclatM had the cut. its wheels pointing up­ Lodge declined to comment yes­ spending the dky down In the dark their own opinions and' prejudlCas | thalr own anvlronmant and for approached Sen. Eetee Kefauver of terday on the appointment for the of universal military training. room, and w* ciu> look forward to most p*o|d* that environment Is a 1 "Btoryhook Romance'' hasn’t come for 34.000 workers. would favor leglalatlon giving the New York, Aug. 25—,(Ah—Six wards.' There was no indication of about the laauaa aa they d*veIo|Md. 0« the way a great many people L. S. Buckmaeter said a con­ Tennessee about tha office of At*< remelnder of the CongrcMional The text of PrMldent Truman's efficient and well organised A i a result, people throughout natural on*. A child’* picture of] state control over tidewater oil. teen states--eight of them In the the cause of the 7 a. m. accideilt. Burning Ship Seen meaaags: WSN predicting. T h ^ had that ex- tract agreement reached, laat - The Supreme Court haa ruled torney General. The bridge la barely wide 4*Mlon which end* Jen. 1, but Monday momfag following a week­ the country could osaoctat* tbsm- the world outatds hft own country Midwest—apprar likely to get the obMrvsnr felt th* fast ‘growing ft learned through proper ecdiool- OI and hft Irfth lass all married night raises to 116,000 the num- the federal government has title Stevenson iMued a statement enough for two cars and there la end of several wedding*. aelvea with the procoedlnga os they Mying: full campaign treatment from Gen. Off Newfoundland M'ntiment for the blond* author (OeeitiMMg *• Pigu Poor) Ing and instruction. But roost and settled In the SUtes, baac . bar of' rubber workers throughout to off shore deposits. Dwight D. Eiaenhower and Opv. horseshoe turn at the northern never could before, and theo* p*o- “Neither I nor any authorized and of the span. The dead woman may change things with tb* gov Ooir Baromelav caedlngat therefore, became of adult* already have preconeelved couifi* of weeks ago. / the Industry covered by full union Stevenson's statement Mid "I Adlal E. Stevenoon of Illinole. ah(ip contracts. accept and abide by thla ruling to associate of mine has made com- was indentifleff as Mary Muriglan, srnor who haa been reluctant to Lees than a liMnth ago moot of vital concern to them. notions about foreigner* based on Now it appeanr that hd** coming The Midwest, regarded as the 81. Johii’e, Nfid., Aug, 96—(to— commit htmMlf on hn appoint­ rumor, hearsay and anecdotes. back alone and h i* / friend . to The pay rafts Increases the common with all Siiprema Court of Edgewater. ua were crying about, tha *ab- Hera In Manchaatar, tha raautta (Coatfaued hu Page Thlrtera) No. 1 battlefield by many Demo­ The burning wreck of what ft be­ ment, ^ normaily warm weather. This past of all of thft can h* aeon In tha The sxMrte. who have been Dingle, Ireland, wlU jk> back to her average Flrstofi* wage, to 93. an deciaiona.’’ cratic atrateglate, .la likely to see Bulletins * lieved to be a SOO-ton veoeel wee The Loot CaU week haa gtysH ua owr firol sign fact that realdanU who have haen wMottog at headquaztoraaC the VHi kMttlng ^. or m od properly • - hour, ha said. A total of M^IXIO tnotie Ot the two prertdentlBl'-«*ii*- sighted' fortay «eit o f Cape Bona- 6 m i 5 7 1 0 :1 5 BduesUonaL BoftMtllfa and. CUl-j rubber workers have won pay to- In a five minute talk. Mr*; Lnro f r o * tiw ' A P w i n s *nmmKr.Js. now. iteawfag. hato-lW:y*Sto. .a*^:.hfT» .tarattar 'Uil^.Oto J***> to 'S ’Cloea. ■■ to ' toglator are T W Buck a wdndr^idTiUiitt' whSft -m wi'-'to'W ewirt^ aecttonr with th* ‘ti>*»Ibl« ;«e «p - fouhdlaiM.'by' a eeirch' plam^ * 1 0 9 9 to fit a program for remov- brou^t n*r back to politic*. Ji^hapa y«t, Jhava.: your,- «*m s»lto..WadBii*^ -'totor^hffa''t04r''Tha.gvy.'«izitoa...A4i ...dciVL ft* .-*o<>*4- , tioo.-of. nallfonua..And..Naw.. .XflCk., - <-FlMunHM(r»f.«**a- last, -night,. A *-^AMouff4aet/' eh* deefared.:'jWe. fadthod 'of reckoning 'such~lhing*. men and town ...... ONE OR THf liANY lEACMK BiickniiStrt- issued A ft 'rtat#- MoseoWf Republicans are nibre incltoetf ^-aiiU dB '-w 'HnMoiED ■ ■ ■ v-'"' lUBder s S t r i S to iM f ir ^ d drbp* in report from Bonavfttq brought ! a can .say that thft ft tile last can ■New York, Aug. 98—.iarg*rtM fortnae. wuu One look at 4 dew-covared car lagft'traaU Wadnaailay had h«»4 COMPIETR FACIU11ES FOR rolM but did not mehUon the less plans, are changed Eisenhowlir. get peace In the world. Watts SItaatkp! nota was contatoed to a bottle. New Eingland Nattonsl Guards­ Naval Station to search th* area. indicted today by a-vtoe-probhig , ylOATING. RATHING. FISHING union shop. ^ , the GOP nominee, will give early The plane spotted the wreckage "Vv* want a prosperity built on ' Thera's somethtog “hahy" go­ About two' months aigo he re­ The URW president Mid , and thorough attention to the mid­ men buckle down at Camp Drum, gnuHl jury. ••tt m m m om nKm ceived a letter from an Irfth col at dawn today and said there, wa* the rock of peace and-not on the cuenoH nsc aiouiu mex a u i m a ing on at Pawcatuck that hook X t h e HRST FEW MILES ^ T "Not Only were w* eucceMful In west. N. Y„ for two wreka of Intraalve and line anglers should watch laeh which told how. the hotUe ' winning a full union shop, but we Washington, : Aug,' 25—(to—4, The RuMlan .atrategy In- the training ae/.|roops arrive by train BOV s t i l l i n c o m a a:i| aa / HAVE SEEN DEVELOPED ARE There Illindis. Indiana, Iowa (Oontlaued en Page Four) (Goutinued on Pag* Four) m with baitfdbraaths. After that drifted up to the beach bordartag were able to Improve the work- Ruuia and the weete'ni powers ap­ long exchange of notes on German Michigan. Minnesota, Missouri- and truck ronvoy . . . Sixty-one'- Hanover, N. H„ Aug. 96—(to TM-u nan M n ^ Ijyr agreement all along the line" —Three-year oM Garry Smith o i ui-i> naii nui pun wa ahould '.oomplaln about her mothar’e farm. ^ COMPLETELY SOLD OUTI peared ae badly spilt as ever today unity and peace which has . taken Ohio and Wlaconsin Wffer a total f*ar-otd London d(x;tor who hae having a haddock . . . oops, we Our hero OI hops aboard a plane T i e listed bettered provlelonhmi as• place over many months ft be Men trying to swim English Chan­ SpriagSeM, V t„ sttU f t - fa ^ • o m im tN u in orttog on hodi to go apout making a of 131 electorial voles toward the / > o Y o u K now— mtan nt^**?*****!. and lands In Ireland but from the the vacation program, repor llcved to be aimed at disrupting 266 needed to win the preeldency nel - for 26 years, gives up attempt .com a todiw, 18 days after H| Anyway, to. complata dftregard This Is Your Last Chance pay provlelons, pay for holliilldeys Oer.man peace treaty. western plana to aasciate Germany today when water is found too was found-aoMdentally ttoppiS very first tbera waa a noUceahl* A RuMian note proposing a Big In November.....• Oil Firms Deny Cartel Link. , i i a ' a . for what thoaa lets tocltoad toward air of reluctance nbout the whole TO PURCHASE LAND AT CONNECTICUrS workad, plus double time for with the North Atlantic trMty d*- storiHy and eoM. In aa Md leebox.ln hi* haoea. 'puns might caet our way, thara Four meeting on the prbbleip by fenMs in Europe. Meaaurcs for John Foster Dulles, American Y m m o IB O V B IM M y l thing. OouM b* too that a swarm HNEST DEVELOPMENT October aeemed certain to be re­ (Oentlaued oa Page Fpor) nail nppaars m the makinff a .sort of of photograptiara and reporters (Coattaned OU Pago rear) German rMimament and the for Republican party foreign poUcy RESIDENT TO (M>EAK ' • » Ub Im O p r t o i < battl* betwaan Rhode.Island and ONE MILE OFWATERFRONT LOTS jected by the United States, Brit­ mation of German troop unite aa a advlsci', gets blast from RUMlan Get Bid to Answer Charge Wasblngtou, Aug. 98 (to - who war* trallfag the young cow ain and France because of the con­ n m Connecticut. pft at every step, Injected ONE MILE OF lOULEVARD LOTS part of a European array era' well papoN and li.accuertl of plotting President Trumna today a ■ i / Wo say you can’t flouadir ■i- I 4 -


of the cost of laataUaUon. M • » I • • ' to Geneva, SwltMriand, to start On Scottsboro Urges IJmited^Uf!^ _____ tt___I___ 1 ______.....__ A- - Tho stroot, whloh-U oompUta ftlim waiM lL a 8>^ iMaiB mma>8h fjS |» . Bolton^. About Tow n ^ il iweieSe iffttertatii- K imtr xnp ^ina a dlct Knpehiinen, Harold Johnaon, sxeapt for tho curiw, was doodad on their Itinerary, and the country Stdeks^ ^ o r AlomiiTPow HowaM Bennett, BaHwra MaiTap, ment. pregraan* . to Ihi tiwra 1* itBO. but uover a c j.> ^ ' Dies in l^ b o n DaMs Makr m ta R a , ifartfdifd. , StdMMl Nearly Bendy. . fteihapd to which they wem look- Andsrson-Shsa' Auxiliary No. i ^ a p p i n g Roland Aubln, Culler and Fred copied. However. Town Oouaeel. % Ing forward with the ireatest an­ QaalBtlewi Fkmiehed By TG.: 2(Mft VFW, will Jiavs a picnic to­ Delecatei choaan to the DemOr la. apitc of material and eon* diicago, Aug, 25— (F) cratic atete convention In Hartford D o o ^ . . - JoliB D, LaBeite informed ^ At Ranger M eef^ Pam ticipation. Howover, tnay all felt Osboni B MiadtebmoK lac. JaCkaon, Mich., Aug- 25—(FF-- morrow evening St the Coventry .Set Harvcot Ontlaf Btruetion deleya, Lee Magee. Chair­ jidminisiriation Gets Blast board through Gosoral Manager that (hey had gained much from Market Otoaod SaBvdays Hans Thirriag, one ofrthe BnR -oiwKltM »* on Sept.,5 and • Include: John men of the Board of Education be* The death In priaon of HeyWood Bolton Raimblioana wUI meet to­ Lake cottage of Mrs. Atdea Outs- Maddtn.yohn Cutler. Harry Odlujn. The Democrat Harveat outing done and work XMiat be apeeded If Martin that tha street became the fie Ranger Gathering, and ^ mer. Instead of the usual husi* sciehUats to point ths way to ] llcvea that the new Wapping Gram^ town'e TwmoakJbillty t h r ^ h Patterson, one of the South’s night for a party caucus at 8 ■ibis development■ of a hydrilydragta ,„lEd^rd R- f William Threeher, Thomaa Bur- will be held Sept. T at Hlll'a qrove, they ate td bedt the colder weather By EMILY SMITH 4>Baaque. 'Hii 'aan Haasea, made many new friends o( differ­ famed "Scotteborp Boye". was an­ ness meeting. Members sre re* mar School will be ready for oc­ In Seely^Brown GOP Talk ueage, despiU the town’s failure ent neUonalltlea At least they Btd Aahed o’clock at tha Oomtounity Hall. bomb,______cams______out today . sgslnstj „ dost tha Vmlley ■ rt*d w** A6inin*t«l otiO aoivieO tn the armod Juatice ^ — of the peace randidatea the opening. Equipment from the harvoet work all laat waok. accused of "indulging In the char- Conn. Truat 88 Sft Biiigo and other gamiee. iCpHM aie far too scarce to bo — Maddin ” — well known Democrettc apepkera Old ichool and new material hae acUriatlc gesture of patting Itself Maaeheater Eveat^ HeraM y 'Jiffiweaa the nations of the world," Alter the tmks wem over, Striking Dock Men year term for manslaughter. *nie convention WlU heme •a rs' f«n «a In officer rank. He h ^ n -1 Include: Threeher. nreotn Bareao, Mm. CBartm A* *171181 ... OT placement for the late Sea. Brien used^SM^power while other ,i'8S* already arrived and will be put In on the back because the Treesury Oevnaijfjr 7-B88L STATE -y ' aaid Dame Leslie Whateley, chair­ 1,200 atlendhig the Ranger Gather' The Oeorgla-borh Negro,'Whoae. senres of energy .remote vtrt«)|gy ttle, TieWpi moenix StaU Bank McMahon. ' Mr.; and Mrs. lAUls J. Tuttle, "utlim piece thle week. The eelecUon of Reserve Unit Ends is 28 per cent lees In the red than S ^ - man of the World Bureau of Girl tng spent the laat three days In B8 A2 book "Scottaboro Boy’’ gatood him Ouidea and Girl Scouts, at the and Trust ...... Mrt. Raymond J, Schorl end Mrs. unlimited. o«i< a name for the atnieture haa yet the President had eetimated." NOW PLAYING — Parts, whom they stayed In tycees, rtm lasamaee a new measure of fame to 1848, WlUtom J. Teylor attended the. Writing to thjS bulletin ofj to be made. Thoae were the wofjlp of Coagreae- closing ceremony of the French provided by the city of Paria One •OH haa been In Michigan elnce ha Bad B im t EBPBIMAND Vonderhetde-AUen wedding In the 2-Week Training Hearing Tomorrow t Shewn—M at Evk TiU International Ranger Gathering In Aetna F ir e ...... M)4 atomic sclentista, he eal4 Annoal Fair man Horace B^y-Brown, Jr„ ^ftSmooh the gaUMring divided ___ Iraq, Aug, .28—(FV— Hartford Fire ...... 1 4 8 158 primii In Alabama In 1848. First Methodist Church,' l>utnsm, probably le surflcien( uranli The annual Wapping Fair, at speaktnr-at a barbecue eponaored - Paria oh Sunday, Aug. 17. At­ into smaller groups, each of which StriUngmick workers tried to ast There ha' warn serving a 75-year National Fire ...... «8 T1 Hartford, Aiig. 25-^4F F ^ ^ b»^ Saturday afternoon. power the world for three taMished In 18N>. will be held Sept, Saturday by the Coventry Repub- ‘On OtU St. Curbing tending the gathering as represen- visited a spot of Interest such as fira to port Installatloiia In the oil 105 sentence growing out of the tatlves of thethe United States were Phoenix ...... cffttlc tiftiu chglnngii John, m . generations. But he added: t. regardleee of weather at the Tha 117th Organlaed Raaerve licaif Town Cornimttee and held at Montmartre, ’Tutleries Oardsns, center ol Basm yesterday and po­ Ufa sued Ihftinmlty laa. "Scotteboro” case of 1881, to Mrs. Leon A. Rivard of 123 Bret- ‘It can easily happen Army Sorvtco Unit, including more tho Mancheotsr Rod and Gun Oub tha 1ft ’'members of Senior GlrL Bois de Boulogne, Champa Elyaeas, lice opened fim on them, a gov- Bailey says two Stata department / ■ Community House end grounds. Aetna Casualty . . . . . 86Vi T00«4 which nine Negroes were convict­ heeds who hUred two Stats IsgWs- ton road la chairman of (he dance some future time,when Offleere are: George Potterton, then BO Oonnectieut reeerve of­ grounds. The Board of Directors will hoW Scout Troop 1, who left Manches­ and Place de U Concorde,The next enunent announoemynt said. Bev- ed of mping two white women In which the September committee of 3 EM : t h e a public hearing on the IfisUlla- ter on Jqne 18 on the etsurt of their Aetna Ufa .,.',.1 .... •« 101 tbrs should bs mprimandsd by Gov. saHon will first have preetdent; John Mrowka, vice ficers broke ciunp yesterday,nftei; The Congreeelnan from the Boe- day all were* taken by bua to Ver- aral workere mem injured. a freight car. S t Margaret’s Circle, Daughters Uon Of curbs on Otis strset Ifl a three mohtha trip in Europe this Conn. General...... L ^ s . Ballsy mfsrs. to Stats advanced stage enitoUng U end-,Connecticut jyatricj told me saiUes. where they spent the The Workers quit because they Hitttorii 8te8m.J8otU - ...47 After a bitter and Intematlonal- jM..IaaheUa». will hold sit the Man- Hipbetkl' meeung;^^ aummer:'''.- :-*■«- r;;-,■ * wife hW gfaiited wage Increases 'pamw snd'MariMt* Osnunlaalcnsr, jlart; teaUy gotog ptoaa ss^iirij&ss'iyssis tiraUIng ait Cdibp Cdwarda. Haai eudience that Republlcene in the vlsiClng the jpalace'of the t 'hwvelers ...... 8 6 0 ft«0 Ty-puhlfclBM tHal In Montgomery, rtestsf Cbuhify^ d u o , , satilrdey ursnium' and thorium (a ae<^tery; Blele C. Porcheron, The raaerve unit, with head- Just fer"that purpose, The closing ceremony was held’ Sun King, Louis X LV,.ne grounds along with other government env- John Christanssn and Stats House fought'a stubborn battle tb 8 PLUS . . . GLENFOKD r m t o Utuitlm Ala., all nine origtoally were Oommiaslonsr John J. BS^. Ths evening. Sept. 27, Mrs. Rivard and metal), It will find left it 1 'Omeponding aecretery; Wllllem quattera In Hartford, la the eug? eliminate waste In federal spend­ meetingaaawmvaaa^ wlU warn ■p--’get under way---w at—- on the terrace of the PidaU of of this renowntd spot, the scans p k ^ given a special-booetbe- aentoncad to dqath In the elec­ her committee have already en TRF o’clock in the hmring h)om of the RUTH ROMAN la Conn. Light Powsr .. 15 IftH two rsspscUvsIy hired GOP Rap but miserably poor depot a ; Perk, fliienciel eecretery; Wil­ menUtlon of the station comple­ ing. "This was done,” Seely-Brown C3ialllot, a beautiful elte near the ol the ’lYeaty of 'VersalUeii 1A1918, eause of the approaching gR it, Conn. P ow er...... 88H 87 H tric chair. The eentencee never gaged' Ellsworth Mitten’s Orches­ Municipal* Building. -YOUNG MAN WITH HHEAV 'ihffet ’Tower, where many inter­ Balream celebration. Harry W. KaSmpffs of Ubaon and these metals, while ths rich liam Leonard, auperlntendent ol ment hare and In tha event of mo- Btatsd "In spite of determined op­ are kept up much aa they wem la Hartford Elec. Lt. ... 4ft 4ft were carried out. tra to furnish music. Mrs. James Will have been used up grbunda: and Wraltar p. Footer, bUiiatlon would oporat# tha hoad- position by the Fair Dbalers.'; The hearing was called by the national 'gatherings have been the times m Louis XLV. Tha enUra MoSlem worid will Hartford Oas Co...... 37 40 The defense won three retrials. Stata Rap. Eugsns V, Dick, Demo­ Barry of 18 LInnmore drive, who aupdrlntendent of commerclale and directors earUer thle month after held. Dame Leslie and two other open four days of tsasttng Aug. crat, of Vsmon. Ballsy claims ths li In charge of reeervatlOns, re­ ducUon of commercial qiiartara of thla camp. The Congreesmann said the Ra- they warn informed that there was Attend Ballet So. New England On Juns 14. 1887, Psttsrson was state dual-Job law was violatad to commodity that can be ^ FOR IMMEDiitTE DELIVERY catalogue. Tha personnel of the unit, which publlcana won't win the election WBO„ THUK8„ PBL. BAT. members- of the International 81 in the traditional celebration of Tel...... 34 H 8*H rS-sentenced to 78 yesrs to minds ths mem^iers that only 78 no ’’practical way” of making the One evening the assembly bad a ths hirings. equally cheaply and K UMinO NUMNt OP There will be exhibita of farm ie commended by Obi. Harry by talking to thsmselves . . . that OommlttM of Girl Guides and Girl choice of attending either the bal- the eafo ei^lval of pilgrims at Manutactailng Oemonnleo prison. couples may be accommodated and hbmemaklAg akllle, anlmala, street’a developer . end fortner Scouts spoke to the 1,200 repre­ Mecca In Saudi Arabia. and they should telephone her at from many other Sourceo.’ SchwoUky of Hertford, havo baen they face an uphill fight, particu­ owner. E. J. Holl. do tha work. let or the mime, the local girls Am. Hardware...... lOH 21H Hs etesped on Juns 20, 1848, Thirrlng described a canned foods,. n®were. machinery sentatives from 26 different coun­ an early date of their IntentiorM. aaalgntd to. tha varloue eu ff qec- larly tn eastern Connecticut. According to cost estlmatee..«( choosing tha. baUeL Thla was in­ Arrow, Hart, Heg. . 40 48 snit fisd to Michigan, which re- BOOBRF OHILD DIES ..... oal hydrogen bomb In a and other Itema bn dlaptay from tlona of tho hoadquaMara alnco Ha told hie listeners: tries after a French BSclalreuse m oV KILLED BY CAR Aaaoc. Spring .... fussd to return him to Alsbame, * r . . K ™ curbing given the board by Gen- and a Fmnch Guide had raised the terestlng and well done, althougb book published to 1948. noon until 10 p. m. Featured, for their arrival at: Oan^ Bdfwarda An "The people era ready to put mmmi mgMfhMBrmf Martin, qlkte long. Another n^ht movies Bristol Brass .... But to I960 Patterson was' .ac- MFD will drill tonight ei ft the day wfll Be the parade ached- their triist In ue, If we convince - Worid fUm. with all praaen^ atand- UoIUhi ...... , . — BncteOj-Gsllf,r--Aug.^-^V=-(®'*^ ^artha'hoas house-at Mato and -Hu> AiiguriT id. i ' amMiU would coorbS conU a run- Injg at salute. Following the cere­ on conditions of work for women Waterford. ’ ‘Aug. 25—(FF-' cussd and i^ v lc t^ , again attar Actor Roy R o g e r s ’ youngsat uled for 2 p. m. which will. Include la addition to on tho Job train them that we can and will do the In countries were shown and the Joqepb Oengo,'seven, was Injured km-Hart ...... lengthy court battles, of stabbing Uard atresia. DIBS IN HOBFltAb' float of vasioua organlxatlona, ning foot and concrete, $2. Prop­ mony the-local Girl Scouts, many daughtsr, Robin Elisabstto dlsd Ing In the actual operation of the Job that needs to be done, and do erty owners would pay two-thlrda representatives of saveml countriea fatally near hla home here yes- Fnnlr Bearing...... WlUle MItcheU, a 27-year-old decorated cere, bicycles, doll car- camp headquartera, tha two woek It.right. And to do It we can’t de- with tears in their eyes, bade fare' ' crdiy-by a car ^ I c e aald was Hart.Cooley ...... ysaterday of compllcaMon foltoyj' HELD IN STABMNG demonstrated i o ik dances 1, to Ncjm, to a -^!-l rlagen iMKh farm Implementa. IWIT ' OH aetlva duty tnclnded p«id- merely upon the eandMatee weU te theirJBCW iriendA imttd by Mm.- Ihhri-K Ffkser, LAMetirFreuryFCUc,:- PLtB f "BTOiaW FACES cOstum'S;" New LoAdmi furniture daslsrr Will Serve Sapper orientation aaaaiona and famlllari- and members'Of the Town Com- Tour Provincm , of New York, a summer visit­ New BrH. Mech. Co. Patteraon had been In. the priaon two tomorrow. East Granby, /ug.- 28—.*••• Oeryl, 12. Unda Lou, 8. and Roy. bing of Mra Mas BlUngton, 81, vlvlng are his 'widow« two alao reviewed the retiwat parada of Finland were amaatog to ths Man- with another boy. At Lawrence Noim of the original "ScotUboro daugntsL two brothers aa tion. Slated for the auction block the unlU of the SUtlon eomple- a Republican, and who bellevaa in "KING I . "THB 8Tance. Some of the Mancheater Memorial hospital. New London, Torrington .. .V... • Jr., 8, by hie first wife, Mrs. Grace hare ysstsrdsy. Police said the two giria reported seeing some beautl' cheater glrla. However, American Boys’’ now sre In prison as a rs women had argued prior to tha sisters. Funeral services ai will be baked gooda. fnilU and mant this great crusade In which we KONO” I LEOPARD death was said due to a fractured Union Mfg. suit of tha 1981 case. AU have Arlans Rogsrs, who dlsd to 1848. WE’RE TRADING HIQ vegetihlaa.. am. now''engaged,'’ ^ I MAN^ . m.couotry. .The.three- Ann Thrall, square dances :ars, popular evsiy; okoll,' -fractured 'ribs, and inter* JU. S.FtovelPPe,c(toL., YoUowtoff tha Wrth «4 Roy . Ja.. rouasiv-atabbtog.. c. ulsd foe,tomqr«>7f.jit Nsw The ntthi ORASO, m seado up Janice Murphey mid Doris Beyer, where 1h Eufbpe and the Scouts been releaMd or am dead. * Face Joiy Duty of oOiceM frwM tha gisater Mart- 88, Voters Made nnl tojutim. :. (Joroner Edw»nl Q. ah The following local roUdenU A tout df 213 new vbUrs has ■me AmuWM I Bmeta' VBselr Who v#ent to ’Provence, frequently called upon to ford aroa. New Britain, WUllman- e:ee-e:i».9=ie I i.4t-trtt McKay who releaaed Mrs. Fraaer have been eelected for Jury duty been recorded In the two seasions Monte Chtrlo, Nice, and Monaco on teach them. aald he wUl hold an Inquest The above quotaUona am not to tic, Meriden and MIddletewn. The the R iv ie r a , paaaed through A great deal of planning and ha construed ae actual marketa. for a one year period beginning tmit meats every Tuesday night held for thle purupoea In Coven­ WED.I JUMPINa JACKS shortly. Sept. 1; William Andnilot. Bwdln try. At Seturdey’e aeaelon 98 C^nek and other points of tater- preparation were 'done by the USED CARS at the Connecticut Military - DU- eat, awam In the Mediterranean French for the Ranger Oathsring, D. Barber, Robert Blanchard. triet Headquarters, 470 Qapltol were made at the firehouse tn HtCH£5T Loula Boxer, Oladye Burnham, North Coventry. Of these, in the and reported that they had a won­ over a period of two or three years. avenue, Haraord. derful and Interesting trip. Such an International gathering Portar Colllna, Harold Cumminga, Members of tho unit from Man­ first district, 18 reglsUred at Re­ ■■ llllliLIIIWI Raymond BllUon, Deuglaa Grant, publicans and 18 at DamocraU. The trip was made by chartered for young people Involves consider­ PfilCES Lawrence Orennan. Donald Harrt- chester ineiuda: ZA, Ool. John S. e An-CONDinONEO e bus from Paris to the Riviera and able detail and much correspond­ G. Rottnor, Mad. George W. El­ Seventeen I'tdicatsd an Independ­ THE CANDY aon, Lloyd Hevenor, Wilbur HlUa, then back through France to ence between countries. However, liott, MaJ. John T. Haaey. Jr., MaJ. ent atatiu. In the second district, with unsurpassed values Nelaon Johnaon. Jameo Kendall, IS reglstsrod RepubtlcaM. 18 Dem FfAU.'Hl -.HOV.', A I *' ^rck-Plaxe, where each group did It la felt that the morqauch gather­ The Maeter^s Touch Alma Lawton, Leo Mageo. Arthur [William It. Nowbury, MaJ. Frank ocratlc and 18 Independent. Anoth -KINO, -LEOPARD a service, project. ings there are the more and better Miller, Henry Parent, Kiwane Valelulls, Jr, OapL Haydon L. er session will be held Sept. 27 at BH’OEmiijC U t O i Barbara Kioppenburg and Caro­ understanding will result between MADE AND putt, Kenneth Quinn. Olive Roae, GriawbM, let LL Robort J. Allsy which time voters will be made KONG" MAN- Hll. 1 A lyn ScOtt, who went on the trip to .the young people of varloue coun­ SOLD A T _____ ^ _ Melvin Stead and Raymond Va- I and Warrant Offloar Oolin V. frmo 9 a. ro- to 8 p. m. at the town Alsace, reported that they, visited tries. a moat Important atop to­ MUNSON’S Davies. Amlena, Nancy. Rhelme. Straa- ward the promotion of ^aee. Ude. office building. e« litl m S>M-»:U " V CANDY KITCHEN Prepare New Beeh ’ Having, been granted parmtaalon bourg, and Colmar, where they saw Hence, preparations are already i n NEW BOLTON ROAD—ROUTE 8 aad 4 ^ underway,for a aimllar gathering A !new cook book U boing pro-! by the State Board of Education 'such things as a wine cellar and NEW STORE HOURS: 9:80 A. M. to 8 P- M. WEEKDAYS IN KEITH'S AUGUST FURNITURE SALE pared by the Pleaeant Valley Club About Tow n to launch a campaign that will I WaAt -Win Begem BJary- 9 ; . VliNDSO/? a torture chamber. Orleans. Blols, In Holland In two years. SUNDAY 10:00 A, M. to ft:00 P. M. II •TOUR HOMnOWN NASH D IA U n r and will feature favoriU recipaa seek to raise funds for grade one phM -Diploniatk! Coaiier- Bordeaux, San Jean Pled de Port On Sunday nigbt. Aug. 17, the of aome of South Wlndsor'a beat uplla at North CJoventry’a Brick and St, Jean de Lua were visited group of Mancheaterites took the President of the Touiig Demo- U EASY FREE PARKIN^ • aU night express, tcato from Paris irv sot CRNTW ST. AT WIST CttiflR ST. TI^IPHOIII 407t -kitchen experts. Coplea of tha| efette Club o f ' Hencheelef, An­ ehool. Mrs. Stanley Papanos and bjrthe group that visited-tha Pays book, which will be reedy ifome- thony Bay loo,, will hold an Im- gMrs. Archie Haynes are In search portnnt mooting this Wodnqaday of donalions for the project. TBCUaCOLO at 7:80 p.m. at. the Community Y Needed bealdea money, are dona­ tions of second-hand lumber and Dsa lURTON'S . . . AIR-CONDITIONED on North Main atreoL All mombere Dsiler art urged to attond. equipment. Some 2S atudents will I Mister” begin attending the Brick School BRAND NEW 1 9 5 2 INNERSRR1NG P vt Donald Cervlnl, eon of Mf. Sept, 8. At the Democratic Caucus held fl ' and Mrs. Philip Cbrvlnlof • Ridge­ wood street, la now a|atloned in bare at the beginning of the week Tokohame, Japan. Hie mailing ad- end. five delegates to the conven­ HOLLYWbOD Bto droas l«: R. A. 11248881, .Btry., tion In Hartford wars named. ’They S7th AAA Gun B. N.. APO-BOB. C-o are: Charles E. Nyaefc, Arthur t ■ Poatmeater, San Francisco, Calif Sebert, L. James Loystm, Christ­ ian A. Welgold, and Ralph V. Rey- 4 . givtt you Raymond U Cannody, son of nolda. , a < Mrs. O. Ai Hsaly of 14 Alpine Nancy Jean Kristoff. daughter street, has heem aelacta^ as a.can- of Mr. and Mm. Bernard KiUtoff if dtdate to attwid cUm No. 81 of of Stonahouaf roafi. celebrated her There's a cartoea at the - , _ tho Officer candidate. School at third birthday on Saturday. of every ehew . , and a com- Fort Sill, Okie. Upon completion of Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Moore, Bleto New Show every Suaday, Nohtrt didn't! tho 22' weeks course he will be Jr., observed their 2Sth wedding Taeaday aad,Friday. anniversary Saturday at their Ragular Prica S79.50r .commlnalpned a .*«»nd lieuten§r!,t ...... GaaL.EfaaLJMSlK'l^.iRN^. In the artillery of the U. 8. .Army. home bn SSkVIt 'Htll Toad; Open Priced 11% to 33% (ESS thon AttracUve Plastic Headboard, Ihnsraprlng M a ^ s s , Matching Box Spring on lags Alt complsU at 4hl#Tahu loui low Keith August Sals pries! Oood looking, offs gemnarobla auolitv loit jveor world of restful comforL lasting servlcs. Firm, wall • msltreas has roMSd edtes, heavy ACA ttoktegr Now—whon you'ra tfiinking of your portohot Poll ---- ■'i*:------■ ■ Wardrobo, fli ieliod dothaft for tha efilldran— Libaral Kaith Budgirt Tarmi . V O p tn An Aecdm Grants effart its 1952 crop of Fall fabrics at .balma-19Sl prkas. Oat your tharaJof ftavl^^^^ NOW BEING TAKENiFOR 7 / 1 NCE^ ;/ / Fine rayon GABARDINE V ibVEN - y Tha »ama fine grade of gobordine thdl QronH told kirt year lor 89e a yord. Hapd-woehabla rayon and ocMote. 38" RANGE wide. Dre*i and dcirt weight. Block, [novy, brown, green, wine, grey, red. with four gas and four^bB burner cooking top, Urge percsiain lined oven that can ha haatod with either! Oven hegt contrql, iSTUDIO - 539 MAIN ST. many mors quality festursit CRISP F A I l t l . Some quality woe 79e in 1951. RuEf* A O C i linB royon; wide variety of Foil eolorE. 44" wide------F yo. e n r o l l now fo r f a l l C i ^ E S PRINTID SUEDES. Colorful ploid flannel for leen- ' f t O c CLASS a n d p r iv a t e INSTRUCTIONS IN ogerE* Epor(,EhirfE, etc. SonforIxSd. 3ft" wide------f ... .. 4 . . PIN«WALE CORDUROY. ioEt yeor'E comporobl* 1 Budgst TAP ~ BALLET - ACROBATIC quollty WOE 1.59. Nine luEh oMtumn eolort. 3ft''^wjde---- * , - Tarmt

ploidE, Vot-dyed, pri-Ehrwnk to 19ft. 3ft" wide------^ ^ Xpt ~ A L L STEEL SPECIAL.TAP CLASSES FOR BOYS CHECKARBRRY iUITINOS. Sold loEt yeor for 7 9 ‘ : Kaith Stera Hours |1 yard payoa weave#,with Important look. 42" wWe. Closed Wednesdays at 12 Noon, Open UTILITY Thursday NighU Until 9. Regular Hour# Cfaesm For (Sroife School, High School and Adult Ballroom Dancing From I A. M, Until 5:30 P. M. CABINET REGISTER AT STUDIO ' Orants famous ^ 539 MAIN STOEET SUMMIT COTTONS .95 T h u r s d a y , SEPTEMBER 4 - 2 F. M-to 9 p. M- Fraa Parking High-count, quality cettohE ki o braoth-, Use Keith’s Private P4rklng‘ Lot Ad- t l l BS,VALUE! All Steel construction In taking array of unuEool priniE, light ond joining The Store. No MeUr Parking heavy baked on while enamel finish, with two shelves for linens, canned FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 - 2 P. M, toft P.M, dork EolidE. Specially priced for this big In ’Hie Entire Block Just South! kui i. g goods, kitchen utonsiU. Sink and etoya 3-doy ovent, EoJivy up yordtl h e i^ t , . . H you're a hove or hove-not e e . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ft - 10 A. M. to ft P. M.

rfcl 5 you nssd ths nsw snchanfmtnt of Maidsrffertn's Etudor OR REGISTER NOW ^ TEL, 4891 or 2-0ft49 p - If your figura it avaraga Etuda will mold you, lift you, flat- Sonferixftd SROADCLOTH' RINTS s a w m mm n m F OF m A MANCHESTER rS V.. n C O i t:. yew e W s edBcetioB w i* e eoBrse Ik Hw dwKB Biidw m cBsipBN iit ttuff • ! tBocfcws. Ttim fine mereeriiad eoiionE hove the tor you! If you’ra smallar-than-avaraga Etuda Minor will iBV lip f eWKl pOStWB, C— nBUftiOKt SKCkl eiKCB. Kk O pKiSK. of silk. In Gronh own exeluElve 'iniika your tigura perfaet with built-in eontouri, Etuda in STUDEN1S OP MARION WILLIAMS PICK HAVE i^PEARID REGULARLY ON TELEVISIM. perttofnE, phn oil wonted Foil " cotton $2,0p, Etuda Minor in cotton $3.00. - S j~ZU, M is . P m Ii b • HMwbw Kf Hm DoReiBe M wtwi •# A ^ fk K k k G i U Dk k ^ T K w i ^ 815 M A IN S T R E E T I S KOetlCKt. W.T. GRANT CO. \ Ti

■”/V. ''I' ■ ' -S

4^ . wtiinwi a S w^ i^ '■V ;• V ' . --; i«'ar. z ^ ;l - . .fai.>. ■■_pi,>,>gj, .1-^ 1,--"-rrs;

\ EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MOIIUAY, AUGUST 26, 1982 MANCHEOTER EVENING HEBALD. iU ^ CH ESTEB, CONN, MOITOAY. AUGUST » 5 . 1 9 6 2 TA 6 E S o i l R A tha. Hartford Steam Boiler .In*, the Jonaa atraat Oamatary -Im* oty connAl. waa ftiaA a p a ^ al Thanks and. ararariatloa la ax- thi maattag at Hebron Grange anranea Company, She la apandtag i Fiiidei Prisoii Bu« W id e ^ Jp e n O B D e n y , : pramid to tiw Caurant. and . also Srovamant Society mat A tto Ad ,-gggtly - - .. I ths tlms A hsT homs vlslttag VulE to tbooa helping to make our Mys­ H ebron urytag ground tar thalr annqA 'ttllB B ll SBtn Zwicl^Andiersoti Niiptisds mgs projaetawaak ago. During the JraA Woiri'has bsM recaivad of the (her brother and sister-in-law. OnQi^akdiM sHide Link to Cartd tery Ride s groat auecaaa. birth A htoUghlA, Aug. 80, toJ Capt. and Mrn^Uoyd S. Gray and » a r e s In Race for 2 V O P S e a ts Tto next moating wilt to "Back Add Oarden Bprante asw gate poaU hava bean art U^. tt^Rav. and Mra- hm U A P. ln-| their two children, who have re- V lfelidd* ASdR te School" on Sapt. 8, S6p t 18 to- In adAtlon to tha list A awantolUm tateraattag and broutlfA Ad ^ A Franklin, Did* The toby to ronOy returned fr^ 'Tokyo, Rad Bluff, CAif., Aug. 38— Irin lh a ou flakto. the Grange HAl Aug. 14, and ob- ing and caring f a hoes; prapara-1 «„ggg gf tha former BAl-PAka fwmw Mine Grace Chempe. tov. , ^ . . . staaring It A f the highway onto P in t Mothodtat Church, Putnam, nwmm wsme - Apparently material dealing, aSrvad Youth N ig ht, w ith Mtoa tkm of vagetaAea, Mary MoranI gg^ owned by Hary V. rocky hlUsida. -o: to tto praaanoa of a larga aaaam* M to n w b iKAoentaat A o for tsm o ^ ra « « Om ) lO M ) Tba Rapubllcan raca lor nomlna- with thto.phaaa was deleted tram Cynthia Booth, SaatoUnt tocturar, and Pinky Sboray; Charles Schrai* ^ g ,g ^ g .The pcMiAa eiU V child,««« Hto a aon, David. Turn to Drinking the California Highway Patrol htoau of ratotivao. frianda and for* of Vbtpn dha^ ta charge tha lacturar'a program. _im aa candidaha for atato rapra- tto document and other niaw r a t er. Steve Lenafsky and Allan Rych'j ihhgMBt A a permanent fund for Eight young paopto A tba Ha-1 aald 11 prison Jruateas and a gimrd With toy fiiccoooor, whoofror bo to.l mar partoblonan of tha bcldafa waa edited and toned down before Mtoa Je ah B u b l^ Mtoa S& h ling presehtad their, amualng hoe* | ,h . Minaterv waa dla* ware hos^teltoad for Injuriai not KMiaUn Uat th* fathor, Rov. IVodaHck C. aantaUva may davalop into carin g fo r the cem etery waa dto- bron Orange want on a «y^ ry «U 1 not **rwt ct coiitrA u tha bus A notify RumU w»t "now Dorebaatar of Anaonia, undo of T . J . Crockatt today hidtontad ha bon; Allan Rychltag, sq ^ b , blue; y a u 1776. and many Antarican Champe, to apmidtag a v a AI m f Truman don't intend to bnag around Waah>| might baeoma tto ftftli. . G u lf OU. and it to Imped that all members Ann Leary, rod; euounibars, Allan visiting tor atotar, » t$ . coholiam. a YAa aoclologlat aaya. whipped around curvaa and con­ i unt dooM 'in our old to o w ^ tto brlda, aadatad. fort to adoption of^ ragiflaifly RavAutkmary war aoMiara aro Robert Straus, roaearch aaaociats I und womon of thooo ohucldod Ington to toU tba noxt manl c ro c k a tt. Who aought R w rdpra* Tha foreign eorporatioM named w ill attend. RychUng, blue; Charles SAuptor. Inglto ta FranhUn, Did. She w ill to tinued to pick up apaad. how ha it to run hto Job. U | Bridal attandanta worn Mtoi ■cbadulad votor-raalong m ya •re Angk>*lranlan.. OU Oe, A«g> 36-38, Mra'. Evelyn H. buried tharo. It to Aao ta uaa at at YAa'a center of Acohal stUdlaa Then, at a brlA bruk In tha wte took rotufo with no, 1 rad; Ann Leary, whlta; cairote, ■thw proaant tlma. atoAion. wai with her until |Abor Day. fto w l » i f jPno>" 1 -cnr alwuya r andy I Kattaaztoa. IwMtoon od Mwitdtolr. CMgbBB; iactnrar.'wlH attend the JFIm ey Fetiowg. ■ blue *nd rod: ..... ■■ * atm aowm s turn • -aagra ’tam ny A -th w naUontasheinar* 'ommont and that M J. mm — of hooor. —- — ------S h e ll; New - Bngland States Lacturera' bald, and Slrrono fi. Scranten waa iSM men left thalr paTOntA fam _oplo uiflM no of froodom, u w to aorva m] OrotdMn Baekar of Houaton, Tto .,] nation thto faU Joyce Kinney, rod; Ann Leaiy and Mr. and-Mra Kenneth O. Grif on mo, But my ■i; 0 -buOd___ m atrtmgar Daomcntlc tateraatA Oonfaranca at the University of Carolyn Coolidga, White; toate,. ra-atoctad proaidant; Mrs. John Om named thAr aon. born|9 y in their late'teens,-and Joined to ^d than balpl VondarbaUto, atotar of tha brlda* | B o ^ of ntoaetora again. 1^ - and Joyce Kinney, white; onions, Ho oold thorn tbrm i^ ^ uro id mg< Aa a dtt*| aducata .tte youth 03 og,thto, thto Clcounti^l hinuialf on roeord aa being in fo* ^ norL The company aaid it Ad not w ard N o cm ^ ib , master, and CarAyn Coolidga, red; peas, Bala u ra r. drtioy urUl bo : ma. A * a ' groom, warn bridiamalila avar, to qtoBkl not aay that thto vor of ptodlhg togtttoOVa acRg Kltchm Ctommittea d ..M ,««- feerr » ofBunodluto to tbrtr urgw w . nan and Lagloni^ra,;]bownar,■0,'totoraYa JTjon tba htoU^ u d 9 ^ ^ o f| meant to waa a canf3Sata for the •alo ng aeverai other mambars are atoo Schreiar, blue; Swiss chard, A u d ray Vondarbaida, another ato* lowartng tha voting ago flroga S I UKfttla plaantag to attend. i Tha Hebron CongregationA Tbo opootb___ wui _ ontlr^rt dorot^ abaU______aUU ba workii mg' for tha pur* . | , thalr______govarnniant,'_ . , ta r, w aa to charga of tto gnaatj rapraagntatlvu nomination. Ha has Charles Schreiar, rad; squash, In mrmnry o( Carl J . Bam, who 41*4 r toin of tba throat tol pom I bavb atrlvan>>r aa Praal* Tba Pmidant told tha unldanU* untRtoldnlght tonight to flto hto to 18. ■ ’'A Standard Oil of Callfoniie MrA Ooughlki accepted tha ap­ Michael Novae,* red; lima beaus, church kitchen renovation oommlt­ AucuM U , it«4. the Unitad MaUn, how it came g«nt—an Amaiica at |*aaea wlthih flad frtand that ha waa "acting' With tha daadtfna for SUnf for ^ apoteman aaid hto company to pointm ent as tha reporter fo r Oon' Joyce Kinney, blue. Prout com­ taa. mambars are looking forward w u l J * * * w 2 * that when tha man return to civil- Robart Boot of Vamon, N. j., pwpQMkL the p rim a ry a fo rt jmstoa aw ay, to Sxing ovar tha kitchen In a way 'Each mrmocy of you la Ilka a tU r, abotttandtbanurtbodauaadby tbai itm lf, aaoura to tha world, aarving aatda 60 aern of tha farm for a Rapraaantatlva Stowwtod 'xituavtag the rejCurt and “naturally nacticut at tbs Lacturera' C m i' mented ta a complimentary man- S M ra 1 *•« ^ *• impoaslble for ■uidihr ua toward tha piioclpl** in waa toaf man. and tha naban ABUU a n ly S3 camBdafog for oftfo* tofo feraaee, which hener waa conferr­ on the showing' and - gave | whleh atoulA to-.n groA-U n^ w " f i SS a v BKiltita*- to adjust to coinrounlty Ufa. which you haUavae. Jtunitoaa* lb that fnmaworto Bto*! aa agutdairnd bulwarkforall naafjlbrary atta, and I'm gotag Hto ware Rotoad Vondarbaida, brotbar. O. BowatA Dtoa^ra. Bay Wkrran axpabte to preaent a complete d^ ggjjgg th , mgg "pgtholo^- found tba opportunity to nationa arbo ebarUb fraadom tranafar aU _et my papara oift.| mMontad their propoaato and ^ fenae against aU charges made ed upon her by ^ha state lecturer, pointers in tha way A- Improva-- " I nient. Tto committee hro ordered of tbo bcMtogroom. Cbartos Dor* and Aldan K. Baltoy, and Robart Icae to agak. lO-HdtoRtoi a.jd[(nibto,.atalnieaa ateA-Yop (thlL S r S I raLJltlaltera'' rather than jilco- Mrs. Ha4» lf Earn an4 lamlly. i S S r ^ anno potou that ban| nd tfaoaney^ |tb a ra .'* ...... — - — efaaotar of J&ionia. Donald JPaa- Ckcmaa 'afo tto four avowed dm* - agahiat-Yhto company and aiqr of Mra Alma A, BrookA - mant.' ■ ■ ■ -...... -- - ...... — . <;■ towh ctorit^^^^^^^ . Ite aSUlates." Sewing Oub maattaga war# ra* Tha paititibn between kltAten and B e poUUcal argumanU for tbal »t>aaplU ppaaalng rovaran ahd| ‘Tva got more privata papaiu] n y oof f Now York a ty and^Cralg dldatas for tba nomination. New Vetera Listed th rro , Mtoa 1 duration of thalr drinking rather lieana. ___I diaeoururamanU, wa hava baattltban any otbar Prnidant in bto^ • A Gulf OU spokaaman aald of aumed Monday at the homa A Names of tha unropactedly Urge dtaW 'l^ in to to to taken down « « dlaoouragamanU, wa hi n a n d of Bayport, L. L Of thasA howsvar. only Warran Thaaa afo: M tto Roi^ pf Dl- and a liaw one put up in a more grade four, Mra^ I «»»»the Intenaity of It, ho saya. T ho ap^a of eorrupUon in gov-l raaj baadway on tbtoltory, tona of tham," ba to quotadj Tto bride's of— w_____ h ito, land Baltoy, whose candidactoa tha report: Mra. Mae Young. 387 Hllto atreat. number of new volcra made at tha Throuah the ma4lum' ot Tba :a a tJ tp racto^ Helen n t "Iw fifsi- M -jSiiri Is ennaarned It JEast-MnrtterdiJBMt imat rmeettag. vanUnivntoca* wUn: a.-Aarving. rowoala aapraaa our-aXai km w akton fU r vUkrwara anaotmesd by Ttom-OommlU propowL* ^ — r-'Twc«-irtJ-y,-~'arot' idow 'betv^m 'IritCM trAHd’ dtlf> r'S rih ' ' XSSr ■W'an i(W 4nam lirt-w y ir h#= \-Ut iia band ramaina to ba dona. I know that Ubfo» lohndatlbn. ~X npaet < erat, propOal^ to not baaed on fe e t. G u lf to hot A w ill ba held tonight at the home lUushm was of 'p length I tea Chairman WlUiam S. Davto, Mghonay,y . Dafooctot,DSi and H arry line Upplucott. Soadtona. H. tag room. Coihton w ill to put ta Hrok; grade aeven, ChAlaa Caru- T A T U M P O L B c4 to ua 4Urlng tha ilia. P**^**” S: tha Amarloan tagton—to tha fu- apaafc and wrtta a lot, on htotory and drapad M of tto I are axpactad to hava tto hacking party'to any cartel arrangamant, A Mm Otodya Steiner. 201 Bpah BadAd,'Richard R. Bedard, Arthur kin; and grade eight, Mrs. Maude bsn4 an4 talnar, Cnarlaa J and gdyammant. fd Uko to talk J. -Firato, IfopubUeaa, --- J^ e • sAlAWl gnd aithir InteraatlonA or oitorwtoa." HUl road, M aneheirter. A rticle^ WUI . Mro Albert B . BiUard to chAr­ an4 at tha time ot hia paaalnc. . !2 ^. ^ .rrJ^ *«“•• to tha pato-wlU play m m atarial orange bloa* I of tto Rapublican Tbwn commlttaa CUffordClMford Varney“ tod orq L . P . Hyde, F a I J- Swaenay. June man A the commiHaa. O tbar mam- Bottoralay, prlncIpA. Oollaga PA k, Md.—-(NBA) WOUI4 also aatan4 thanks to mambars M todtopanaabto part to our afforU to high acbool Junloro and nnlora. ____ a bridal bott*l In tto prunary Sapt. 9. Tto qusa* A spokaaman for s.tha .Texas to made for the Grange FA r'to to Sweeney, Dennis A. Keefe, Joan R. M usic auparvtoor to M rs. WlUo Jim Tatum hu complied a fiva- ot King Oaal4 lio4aa. I.OIO.T., aa4 to Tbay aro Marp and aagar to loam. FSIrbahkAFSirban both Rapul M. pro* Company atoo dataad that the held on Friday and Saturday, kept bars are Mra. Albert A . OMildga, Al who aant beautiful 6oral irlbutas. auat of whifo roaaa and gppao* I tlou of wtothar tto commlttaa wUl poaato. Kcafa, Marcha F. Gray, Rosa M rs. S tan ley K , N ygran. Mtoa. Supranant Mra. Iterry ,ff. Klrk- year football coaching record at "You know thara'a aigbt major I andorfo any 'candidates in tha company partldpatad ta a cartel 19 and 90, at the Grange HaU. Parham, Philo J. Parham, Bleanora ham w ill begin her duUaa aa MhoA Maryland of 89 w ine, 9 dofaate and j than tha moral flrmaan unlvarnlUn and naarly 300 n For BaMctmto. B lk M. Qutoh, sad said ha doubted tha axis tones HlUatown Grange* to ta the pro­ Herbert W. Porter, and Mtoa Edna M rs Marlon M. JneebaoB The- honor attendant was I primary w ill to answered whan the M. Lundquiat, Marjorie C. Taylor, Latham . nurse. WAter C. Hasritt w ill ra- 3 ile a . ■ ■ nlly. 'i •«i.iwt« offtolato." ...... ooUagaa, aaaybd-mo n, wJtbto-k -nfc aay . euCh..taten»atkw* l agtaa* as-o f fo m ta g a n orohaatr a , anda -tum ^ MihiMt rtntodtain - - , U to n t ^ - gownad in isnk orlon and whitol group moats tonhilit. Dagna. Bytvta'K' MeObf* Mra. Gardner Q: Sboray.'Mpra jnUaradiuaiMnrdndvtow, n e t g to oanr|sd an a rm ho*^ m ant. it to uigad that, anyone who can ' hftos Mb i t G fsF to'flpandlng.a "fuaiUte of Odmmuntolr^'"' A b d u tT o w n 3 . straughan;: -Jamaa "XHdty wnd ttoon.'Ahnla T .R A ti. caroiyn Sag- santtag'tha woman’s orgaatoattan My Ubrm y wltf^ba open to any quat a t pink eamaUona and wora . Say World Market DKlded ^liiy a muaicA Gaatniment contact of tto Hebron O vll Dafanaa advls- two-waak vacation from her work am m ant. qualiflad adltor, wrltar, eollata or BowarA who has hoan in tha lag* Raynrond B . RoMafom all Rapifo- kfrA OougMta or WAtar F . For* lio, Franeto * Fltepatrick, Jamas a matchfng^haadplaca of tto aama The FTC report .tracing a maro Inupatrick, CtaatriM L, Wark, Ed­ wa muat agy It to graduate atudaat .that wanta to tolatuN sinca I 94T and waa a aa* UCana and S lin g noUeaA and An- of oorporatiohA aubeldlariae, tater- re st fo r tafdrm atlon. M ra. Oough-r ■Ti- Sowara. fta bridesmaids' goama toctman and dlraotor for IS yaara thony K. Baytos, Democrat, pro* ward Tarasavteh, Arthur P. aA ahamo, ia wall aa to Mra. WUIIam Q. Criwford make un of it It oan ba * of bhia orlon and not and loektag (UraCtorateA and agne* Ita to Aao trying to organtaa Oall sm tboy h a r a ' attooaadad to Aoadamy atraat, pa»t groat cultural cantor to tha Middle bafora than, broke with tto com mente, pictured the cartel a* carv­ Choral Group, and would like to BedAd, WUliam A. Melvin. Blvtaa thalr bouquets and haadptocaa "«u*— over tho tosua of the pro* For town, dark, Samuel 3 . P.,M:elvln, Emery N„ Taylor, Ban- our oam ranka, aran O rford P aria h G b ap U r. Daugh< Want, and that it what l^ lw It of vari*colorad ohryaantho* ing up tto world's raparvaa, sup* hsA: from anyone who-wtohea to FarMHairSanlM n «ur goyamnaant," of tha AmofloaB KayMution, poaad eonimlttao andorsemsnt of Turkihgton, RamlbUcto, ttoUea; bars J. Porter, DouglA M. Fal­ tuma out to ba. Tbat’a yrbat X want m uniA pUaa and markate for patroteum Join, espaciAly tha young mambars. SaafwofeSd ch a^ to do noftta** oandldattiA to rripch Bowen for traaaunr, C. Leroy Nointo, Ra* and lixtag high pricaA There to atl|l time to 611 out tba lows, CAherina FeUowa, Agnes B. MrA Alton aalactad for her Opposed. publican, noRea; and for rartatrar U fU'-JN'O ' 'ti .■ ' A'NiN 5 , 0 mitoriad to waato aad . 1 mambmiw^ oommlttaa ad tha la an artlela aeoompanytog. tho diaughtar's wadding a gray crape It said production ta tha oU-rtcb entry clanks for the "Youth MAI, Ida V. CamptoU A d Ramon . . ^ atoU ocgdataatkm. praaidantlat qdoUUon, tlm m i^ Cnekatt, thou^ a ragtotarod o f' vofora. IneumbantA Donald MidAa East. Vanasaeta, and other D. CampbalL Thera won’t ba u - drasA black valvat aeeaaaoriaa and Acbiavcmsnt Oontaat." SaverA of Any Imwr—day os night— taau lt and hyatarta. na| ■too atom tha lib ra ry , to to c a flr t Raimbilean, has often bean at odds Hemingway, Rapublican, and Mor* m ajor petroleum- reservaa bad bean the young members hava dona ao, ottor chance to ba made a voter coraaga of yellow roaaa. M rs Von* with tha organtoatton in town and to rty. . /^nesMem To aewa , \k_ ^ Ji 1 Mra. «»«MnedRalph | jw a ii r. Bairiar. PMta mond T . Qntob, Dacrocrat, propoa* prices without price-cutting com­ F o r tha 13th conaacutiva year V with nnrMfa of wink Oorman, although hto proposal to al, and Raymond KlscoIL Demo­ enter. c^fnaloa. This to the] at caratA at* •to "* *® ®'-fnabUto toidudtog thAthmia^^ JACOB ZW ICK A large racaptun followed in tba] petition. havA tiii tnintd manpoirar Wirlto tomtotoWw WdtoyNtowii^ggly^y,,^ leroarly a practletog g ilt, *,j,loh hava coma to thal being apotuMNd by Victor Swan* crat; Frank O. StaalA Rapifbltean, Tlie report aald this waa aq,- -iaatloa to detail ig axpertoaoe. vaatiy, with the Woman's Laagua son, who to wall*known In Rapub* Ronald Lingard, Damoerat; WD- a t t l tooM $0 do th i job ri|^ .Bnt braada wuata of mibataaoo r jg Maachaatar, la at ^ u ta Houat. Tha library will to rpaaa comptofod tbar outfit. Beat of the church catering. dompllahed in tha United States, gad corrupUon cf m » ______pnaaht aUUonad to Topaha, Kan. „ t on a alto which to part of tto Mtoa Bthal Marjorto Andarapa,o: Ilian clrelaa in town, dose not have Itom V. DaHan, DapiocMt. and v > th o 8 n t tin *—ngardliti of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Vic­ was kUrtutal Zwick of 170 ~ On thalr return from a wedding das^te anti-trust lawa, through a "Ptom thto titoa forward, wa j jmkta tha rank of Itoutanant Truman family form naar Grand* tba Uosalng of tto eommittea Harold A . Gaer, Damoorat, aU hof system qf state and -fedaral laws No Fu aer* tor Andarwm of 3S Strong atraat. Oak atraat. who to the bride* trip ta Maine tto couple wlu eltb ar. ticto . ’ th i traubli. Amartoana colonal to tba Air Forea. Hto apa* wbara Tn»m*n groom's brother. ooeupy tto panipnaga of the Math- In the name of "conaervatlpn." . A H o I prapmatlon 5”2 cUto duty to that of Sight atargeon. j© yaara praoadtng hto World War and yacob Zwtek. aon of Michael ______I Tto Damoeratg, with only two For tto Board of Bdueatlon, WE HAVE JBwick, Sr., and tto lata Mra. Kath* Tha brldaamaldA who ware at* odtot Church in Norwlehtown. Chairman Sparkman aald the A n i ABlBBIBtli ilsliv f ry OR ■ran ktAoltouR* otitok •M|jg,»Tumh«igta waa tha formar I Armr^ - r w r * .George W i Chaney, nottes to: aue.- Sm alt' Bnatasaa .committee w< la B i e r artoa Zwick, tihlisd Ip toiar* tlrod in hlUa gowito stmdar 1» tba WhaiNi tha bridgseotoB wtR-aamimo I aantattva,: do not anticipate a mml' caad hhnsdf for term ending In K f f i ' I Mtoa O aratba O . P o tta r, R . N . tha duQag of student pastor. Ha give the oH' firms a chance to re­ clian-dinniing M oUlhoat, Ba aaid tba Araarlcan Xwgtoa rl^ at tba/Bmanual Lutheran maid of honor's, wart Mtoa Anna tor cont^ tinea each party will 1986. A w in rw iT H Church Saturday aftarnoon bV Z w ic k , Mtoa V lo U Natoon and Mtoa w ill puraua-hlr atudlas a i tha Hart* ply at pubUc hearings Wednesday too.Ofdhr now. «yarata ^ . aaag "Broauae" and "X JunA — II way of Koapinu 'am Runnfnu Rlph'l ■tod Mra, Varaay McBride of You lY u ljr gnA^Tba Lord's "% e hrida's. Brother choaa for her Tlw bride win begin neat mmith Seen Enormous court actions agatapt the oU firm s tpbrU . N J ., formerly of thto town. Aid Sought daughter's wadding a rose lace to teach Snt-grade at tto North Is Dismissed by tha Justice Department. ’ '^ Tbrida, given In marrUga atraat length dreaa with whlta ac* Stonington acbool. Sha was born To know tha amount of food One sought recovery of ,67 m il "Youy bkva dwto^j|^r^ woi* , Ralattvaa tomT have racalv^ oaasoriaa and a whlta orchid cor* In Manchastar WhOs bar ptoants ___ raeuaafdy tajurtog «»a bar father, wag wearing a toca I ordered for tto K . of C. family lion dollars or more from four of itatjom of tonoeant paopto." nawa of tha Mrth of a daughter to By Irainia^ ovar satin gow foahionad with g aaga. The groom's aimt, Mra. wars toadart ia tba weak of the picnic would toad ana to tollava King Foand Net (Guilty the American firms on the basis COLLEGE GIRLS WANTED Mr. and lifoiDam on Handay of fitted bodleai* a g «^ cu t tr^ John Gaily, wore a peacock blto Second Congregational Church of [that the ayaa of 660 paopto wan of prices they charged for oil for te medal, eamiart aad asn g^n^Mwar also ...ISisTviaQ^'^OriU. draaa with blaOk aecassortoa and a Chula VtofoTtklW. (Oettouod From Pago Ona) , iUuaion aoallqpad yokA and a fin* thto town. ^ Irr’mw bigger— ,« thaji « « ,----- thalr atomachA, . i,,, but After Eye - Witness* the foreign Ad programs. The • No matter what tha item for comptiaot, coartecus la Blair's a« campam rtothas campaign ^Litee navar tolarata to wy j _ g,,,gktav of Mfo. Phnll Hal- I gartip vail of nylon Ulutoon falling iraaga of red roasA other invAved an antl-truat. ta' g lad io li and w h ite -pom' K ^ avaiyono waa ahto to partlcl* auy be, if it ia aomathiog aad prompt aarvics at uni­ Wodnosdoy ThroHgli SoliMrday, Sopt. 3.4. S flpd A M obil h e a f of our community ^ tiro ^ Ot^Twho apant of from « crown of iaqulna a^ Story;^ Other Qiarges vesUgation of A l aeven. formly fait pricasT-Awayt. S<‘rUN> VAt IHJM HIAIINf OI| xl malafaetora who Jy | UW^^^g "Mr. Alton JonoA praaldant to. Sha carrtad a eageada of pons decorated tba Itallan*Amari' yoa would axpset to hod ia B r J d r ^ MOO eoksA 16 Recovery of the 67 mllUons waa PxaacriptioBa? 9 nmg thaaq «r by aubvaraUm or 1 T h a bab y to th a _ eantasad with a widto i i a Ohih fan a > feativa sought ta thraa civil suite filed ta a good drag Mora, raro coo* We eepacUay waat uphamaroa, pmiora and aealara wlte /S haroua totrayal attam pt to which waa attandad by about Bya*witnaas tssUmaav’ that' a hdcatly to this dapandable bars for snt6 !,.Tbeir com*, lave for ctothsa aad a dertra to eara olothlag cradUa to pur Aoro tar of Mra, M gryj federal court ta New York Friday. pounding is our , andi ddaatroy a a ^ Stto Ai.marlton DIage, who UPto Bllto Martin of 130 D riv a man accused of tvading raqpatast- Defendants In the suite were the ■ooret. Yoa ooum on u far yaur own back-to-caUage wardrobes. Step to BIAr*a, tocSted CALL S13S POR TOP QUALITY tituUenal ayatam. for many yaara • ______IT of tha hrida, was maid of When tha eouple left for a wad* bOlty ia eonnacUoa with m m inor a t 157 Mato Stnet, for aa totorvtow today, ' ^ fo -lX C to t SSSto Fto^l d^ conaTO un*-..«ahl. oum.* American firms named ta the FTC gt the aama ttoia. tot ui bar homa w ltt bar daughter, Mrs. honor and wora an orchid gown of ding trip to Capa Cod, tha bride accident handed tto othar driver report, with the exception of Gulf SILENT GLOW OIL RURNm to to * Rtoda- Iranian natlonaUaad oU Indi^ry rloa- oat -oy«lutofM SJ9 ^ toto oparation. • tavolvad inanfol Atoartoau ^ toca panato down tha n o n t^ th fin George V. Holtim, board chair­ manJatopoototuntU to la "Ha alao to hard to advlgd Iran- toam of ‘ accordion pleat gaC An whlta'orclild corsage. They will Barvica ta tha Naw Bngland South* | was held at Martin Park, Bart I with him aloag Park atraat't^ I Mtantonomah Trtba. Ko. Ians how to continue working —• — and arrive borne Sent. 3 to raalde at) man of Socony-Vacuum, Saturday orchid .net bat trimmed with erai Ccmfaranca. Hartford yesterday. Included soft* | jjgig him rasultto ta a Bight issued a tatement saying hia peufto •*><1 • cascade of TaMarogn 36 Stro ng 6 6 ^ MORIARTY BROTHERS ****^!^*^^y?^ ^ I kar»S!*^aM w l^ to^awlm m tag, h o ^ o sA •«<> tadtag of not guUty ta Town Court company was blamAass of federA 'Oiwa Snndaya — Wa D eliver ma P*tohotar^ofirtt^^»wto " jjfo r tha Zfofo.HaymaJMra <^va n - | g number! clalM / that it overcharged the !*lKtaiieim to .the racaq w9fo>.ShCl* I ^ l^iy Yoor Eleetrie Bills Here y iw to w G av* B a r i W am i> h a s aald O;-R 0ttsar- daetdad Y S r M ita liid guianiinent -on the-foreign A * oil 6 B ej^ Bqdafo — Tat 3 *6S8i 31 BCtNTRR STRUT tto Novamtor outeoma to ta doubt under 6. Janet Thayer; boys under ahlpmente to Euroiw, aa Aiegsd in aao, Tnasa gtotlamen wUl go to S tates 6, Roland Oormtor; glria 8*9, Diane not-proved-tto aecoded dM not Abaiian ot vtoftNtha feflnary and 1 6 Kofauvar may be asked by Btev- Four Widk, the suite. and MUcheU; boys 6-9, Michael Gar­ ThMaramtCto ainakgainat the I xannath Bird, son of W7' tha ott filed kraa*-; anson to compete with Nison ta identify himself after tba aoddant. t^^J^oCBtoanhtfW ar's ne«m U„. Katoath Bird of 86 H a r v ^ Tho newapopar \Etalaat aald FiiH Treatment CalUornlA whera tha Tannaaaaa vey; glrto 9 and over. Marguerite Peter a R. King. 68, qf B a st am ionm os at Denver Friday in srho rocatved * a fractured Mossadegh invited Jonaa to coma Senator won a'big Democratic pri­ BwJr; boyA 9 I LcitJrodow.Vai^ wMeh ho was asked about San, I |,gek whan ha fall foom a traa, to hen whto ha waa in tto Unltad mary victory eany ta the year. H i^ ; men, ^ told drive, Manchaater^ ttto ao- Grange Notes AHt-COliDmONiO R , MeCaitoy.-tB» .--i**Ming enmforttoly Jtfld toJn.good Stataa-laat yaar. - Jonatf—axact _.jrhs RapubllcaniL.*ay m Nlxen ««^to,-waa fauto -gidtto oB thrae AIR-CONDRIONED By Ike, Adlaitout with a cam pi^ train for (Oaiaiiai fiwtt FSfi'fhw) ibbwar, wmioat naaoing|eoiundbn. whsraataouta vrara a myatety but Mrs. lUchard omlKtoy- | othar counts and ai^ $70—180 Manchester F«M^EeiiTRATI9N AraoUy, aald to would sup* whtoUa stop toura. But Sen. John Ohaitman tor Uia picnic waa | ot tha rulas of tto the local papefo Jumped on. the /■- ■ro attar a fifth man ta thalr ./ glooiroy for raatoctloa “aa (OMlhmaS troai mga Om ) Sparkman of AlabamA the Dem­ Paul Buettner. .. (road, $18 for fallnra’to SaverA members of Mancheatar htory with gusto. Ona nrintod a p a rty faU 130 feat to his death. aecuro a Grange took a part lit the annuA r o f t h e ------picture of a hekvy, middla-agad ocratic Vice prealdantlal nomtaae, and $8 a c h w ^ ^ y^ntnUDi GARDNER TYLER / UNOUN-RICH - U tho DamoeraU keep tha South baa no such plans. Extanalve Bearcli mystery ride Waidneaday evening. atlop." but man and Idantifiad it aa JonsA An Tto explorers here—colTO Pto* jy iif f y fg T fo lc ftll B L tovtag one marker platA at andoraamant othar had a pan and ink drawing Intact and carry tha bonierUna Sparkman wlU do most of hto Automobiles 6 Ued with Grangers Ing X bahova folltoMHMMMMwaaiWMBMpw ■foteA they could win with a mid* touring by phuM, regular tralna feeaor Alfred Boegit. two »*ye.r* ^ ^ J AttoiAttorney Jay B. Rnblaow, te* left from the Center about 7 : 80. SCHOOL OF THE DUNCE doto anything of a bald-haadad man supposed to olds and a youth 18—calmly ate a / m-Aroaricaa ln methods: or lo cal youth whooa e to laft< weatern sweep. and automobOa. CaiM tn tto R llita l Ktog.aaritad that bond Via a roundabout route, they stop­ C o ld W o v e supper of pork chopA rice and to­ ejOCB aO for appeal «a tto thraa oounte-to ped at Eaglevllla' HAI ta .Bagle- STUDIOS , atraat near Qton .rotol-*^ If the RapubUcana could taka mato salad after their return last today's spaa eh Btoanhowariggi____ y afternoon and h it a pole ______aet Judge Rottner set aggregate vUle, • Mtoslau To Madfoto tha Midwest solidly, thay could night, then toft for their homes. bond atllO O . WITH AMASNG I tha nationa and tto numbers nras foundind ghlltygpllty of raektoas driv- Xn New York, a apokaamaij for w|ii with tto addition of Callfor* Probatton Ofticar Jamaa Duffy I Tha Lecturer, MrS. Gbstaf An­ RIASONIC TEMPLE— WEST SIDE REC Their plight had awampad thto derson, had games planne4 and a people who have baen 'anatavad tng In Town Court thto morning I th« Cltlaa Sarrica Coro., tha par* nlA Hart Yoik. Itonnaylvanto, Mrs. Luce Gels ttay mountain hamlat with vtriton w ^ iM ^ ^ a ritttag ta hto l charges grew out of an ac* the Ktamlfo alRce the ato of | and fined | 86. A Wlndaor^a mim | company of which Jonaa to Maasachuaatfo and Naw Jartsy, ear thto morning on Canter street, | doent Tuaaday whan King drove' akit "My Aching Tooth”, by Id rssultad ta one of Bwltaer- Thrnnu Maxwell and Charlotte REGISTRAnON HOURS Id War XL Buaaia to towhant, arraatad on tha same charge In praaldant.' aald hto misalon In Iran even If thay rtara |hut out of tto lanira moat axtenalva operatlonA aercaa from the poUca statloA and | out of a driveway on Park atraet C U R I- A li> eonOnuad, on "gradual atrang* eoeuMctldn wlfo the aoddant was | was to madlata, and that tha com* South and lwfdar;.atatoA New GOP Push was taken to Manchester Me* (near tha tateraectlon, with Main H u t c h i n a. Accordion selectloM TUESDAY. AUG. 2S. MASONIC TEMPLE lion of Indliatrlal America." I found not guilty. pany had no ftnanctal intaraat in Both Bldao aaaiha to agrao that morial Hoapltal where to waa ad* etriklu a car driven .by F n ^ were played )>y Edith WllUams. . addsdt I Hudi^idi B. Capallo, XT,,of 113' thfc situ a tio n . tha chief aastarn battles w u i to mltted for obcervatlon. | Stamler of 107 Keeiwy streeL Somera Grohga atoo came to Join 2 to 5 P.M . FOR ^‘Stadln has aald that than may | umig|.jg^fust. Sad Antluay Mul* Jonaa, 61-yaar-old imtlv# of fought In Oonnactlcut. Maaaachu* To Senate Job | Politic* Debated No report on bto condition waa I gg^ Inrident In with Mancheatar Grange for west City. Mo., who has bean aattA New 3 New York gad Mt a Robert uptoB of P a rk their Mystery Ride. OR TELEPHONE MANCHESTER S259 to to 88. of WlndaorvlUa, ware the sn»y. 1 1 ‘ Dancing, and card playing were PRORLEM HAIR aSuaed. both nnraoantad >y At praaldant of tha ClUaa Sarvlca FannaylvanlA Thoaa stataa have .uS«nd«tot^ttot^ planned two tritw through Call* X think we have a chance to get rion wax carried , on by Jbbn D. g lS W ave 5 m cS rtiito WM tCH Juat befora tha 'accident ato t^ ----- — i Ionia. Btoeitiwer alraady has an that with a man nsmad Btoen- Sep t. 3 an6 will be “Neighbors LaBaUs and Chaster HogsA lapro* I Night", with Hiltotown, Ellington, baan th a n ainoa bis nomlnaUan iw w e r." santtag the DamocraUe vlav^ n t; a U n io n and wlU go back for Intfoglva H ie outing waa attended by boaiitel ta bto Oar. nar, .and later return P a rk Windsor and Conn. River Orange laelndlag Shampoo doubt 'that,(from which Mulka atappad > Richard Law and Bvaratt Keith. Who can ornny state party toadera. taclud- rapraaanUng the RapubUcaip: and! atraat jrith him. attending. sat and Tent Curia , l t wUl nad with tu |ha came to aaatot Capallo In ______nomlnaa'a-hop* Wapptag' " Ji-r-r- * ' Go*. , Lodga. Wffilaie-;^ 3 3 m . UramOt tto ------Tumpttce Al of infatoatlonl Ihg the car from tho^pede. •" 'G a in s to -tha-Bauth. toglmdnf 'the to f^ btoyeurtatm I-that King rofBtad to riww U s U- The next rtrUtof meetinx Of the W| SfiWad~.to Mnat.-^^pB K ^ ~ ''aw» an riay i i i » I Schnaii. who waa daltver. Sis.'dt.-cu.vjs UUcal <^lra jia toitgar ^ M in X ,'. , ____ 001110. 0 - .v.'rj fa' IR p ito -a irirt’ktotoy'i I s ' aapar McLavy' annlvenary yesUnday. and a mo-| Xtoatoo fold the iIN n t Co 'Na^limdtar' iiaw iJ Aaai yow ladf is.]iiMi'' Anthony S. TMtaianA 19. of 1S9 —.-- .. - .ill 8.^ .t^.a^SanJ.*^ — identinad tha aecuaad (Oanthwad troaa Pagu •) mente to rompalgn ta every aee* tfon was made and paimed to aand Mala atraet to locate ah ...e a m in g " w ill be devoted to aafe^ m uck at a "problem" you coualder It . . you’ll to driusTAOif lha two Cara. Men-ad -the oountty. .. . _juth. Mata , atraat waa amsted TM OON dOtonY Inrfr w in t seud flf nyarewOvto MnA^aj^i pmd rimrgad w trii r i eWirii drtetagij ty . The lecturer has made arrahga-: thriBad at the way yaws hair taapaada to thlit saw ■R -J • - ^(^toary Oapdlo taaUfled ha was foreto] holiday work, and ctousaa covering and a — conventimi" Ga Hartford Tto attendanoe prtaA drothd Ktog*# taaUmo^ waa- to dlratt mchts to have a'policewoman as off tha road by a truck ooo^ ta allowancaa. view of a major southern break* aa tto raault of aa accMant on beautifyiag cold ware with the 6-aa. take Laaoito Sap L 6 and 8 when tha p a rty aa- this weak by Rav. Fred Bdgar, waaj Middle turnpike waat Saturday. coiitradtcUoB to Btamtofa. Ra aaid our guest apeakar. WARNER-TVONDERFUL the oppoalta.dlracUon. Mmka *^g«uu,tone and the union hava through It once held, though . It lacte Ite candidate to r tha fo u r won by Art Knoito. to attempted to show Ua Ucanaa, '' Be aura to ba present at this aad Kolasterol Neutraliser! Only this wave ha saw a truck coming along Jtotlj,^ nagotattag hare for eight Awa n tata hopes of winning Vlp- , Ttemana and a paaaangar, Al­ and want -with Staador to- find a Creamattser, tto wonderful cream that Hrtu the Deaths jfota and possibly Texas. 3TMkr t^rnia fred B> Woodward Jr.. 19,. 367 policeman. meeting aa wa are to set a date before the accidMt I weaka. Btoanhower has announced ha 'n>a governor, care fid not to Weat Osater atraat were both for our “Booster 'Night" program, A’LURE* BRA problems ia "problem hair" by coadlttontag as it Edward Walter geahl Tto arraats wafo. made by Fa* i The pact must ba approved by plans plana atopa at Atlanta. Ga., throw favor on any GOP nomtaae, Pablic Record *-k«» to the-Manahaster Memorial King 16ft after talltag Stamlar coma to this meeting and Join in Beutrolises! Aad only this wave has Curl that u\ ard Waltor JaakI, 67, of 68 trolman AMn Baldt tba eight Fkraatona locato, the Ja c l^ v in e , Miami, and TampA paid equal trtbutas to foirteU and HoMttol .hy the Qutoh ambulaaoA to taka bto rogtotratioa nunbar tha plans for the varied fall ac* helpa^ to give your h a ir the so ft aa tu riu looklag. jtt atraat, died auddenly this Haary Roaenawalg.''^. of WW generaJ a ^ U y a .b ^ Mt a L u c a frotn tha mariur plate, both tastt- FlA. Btrmtasham; AIa , and Little W airantee Dead Injuries were not serious and both tivitiaa and projects. $ 3 6 5 waves yaw waat waves that are long Isstlag arhlto a t work at the Orford iniaabata drive, waa fm d not I the Wage SlabUlxation b o ^ 1^ Rock. Atk. Later trips may taka PurtaU aakad tto help of rank Ormand J. West and Doris V. hava Sian dtochargad. moniaa agreed. Thera will ba no masting Aug. Ccaapany on Hilliard street, guilty on a charga of tlolation o f| 7ora it can b^"]* the general into hto naUva atato srStoyanTBAth______Faads F. UrriA 88, of R F D 6 , PUrotanan MUtoa W. SUmttaM : 86. Read thia column and do not and easy to maaage, yet etreag aad epringy •J. in Imtond, be came to tha tba rutoa of tha road which grew I would to ratroactlva to A»V' ot TaxsA and Into VirgtalA Tut* sat Job that aver facad tto party. J Katoay, property. “ • Steep Steen I Rockvtap was arrasted early Sun* amatod King later Itieedayhat a ipiM your opportumty to play and waves that make your hair truly your erowniag ^tad States 51'years ago arbare and ektand to June 10, 1984. Ha aald the campaign waa not iv diarged with recklaaa local drtokltig aatahHghmant an' out of a minor accident yaatar* The union formerly'had a modi' nesaaa and Kentucky. work ta gt»d fellowship a^your g ta ry l aettlad In Hartford. Ho' has day at Mlddla turnptaa wart and 'Damocrotie toadera aald Steven- to - the candldatee alone. "HelpJ**®*J*^ ^^Beiad ta# DeeO and falhm to carry hto Stamlar'a complalaL , „ O range m eottaga.-,. .j - a rarident of Manchastar jCor ■on wyi to u ^ base fo aavm-ti^^ n ^ ogma lrgm ptripta." ^ > qroaggi h . PbOolhr land hnW -Iteanae Veraoa tha company. .At Samm'li Mtontia past 60 years. to- paaS: a^ truck stopped at tk« “ aouUMira stiitea aithar lata ta Sap* to Reginald L, SChmldt Both King atol Mra. Upton teatl- The Vernon Orange meeting of e to aurvlvsd by hto wife, Mra. light on the right and was atriUdc tamber or aarty ta Octobar- ad today that was at tha A u g . 15 was tto Mystery Ride, so w ith, each Special PermaMt Wave Jeaki; alx daughtarA Mra. whan tha truck made a right turn. Both candidates wlU make ap* Co-Workers Fete scans for abont 18 aobuites after anly important business was set­ M; Xtracken of Manchaa- Burning Ship Seen paarancaa ta such bordaritaa atates Mahon ta 1660. saltod hto hat Intop*™ * Warner’s* exciting escluaiva .a gift else Jar of Suaglow Roaanawaig taatiftod. tha truck the OOP Senate eandUatos' ring. - v ^ tha aoddant. Staalar taatlSad Jb tled, The Home Bconomlcs com- A Frank IXAvanso of puUad fa r ta the toft bafora start' as Kentucky. Maryland, Oklahoma M ii^ Petricea -wa than only two or thraa "ifim ee donated $10 for the .Rock­ wanderful A’Lure elaaiie Laaolla Bbampae ..($IA 6 v a lu e ). N . Y „ U n . Andrew Off Newfoupdlani and Tannaaaaa But they may limit iMarldeA and Mary Jean HoMa U ittnlMo ing Bad Fund. Invitations to visit bra that atreicbes wit^ you tag the turn. Ha aaid ha thought thamaalvea to one stop ta such y HUl, Mrs. Anthony the truck waa going to turn toft troaa Fags Owa) King oBCnd ao Bafaiuo on ttm Meriden and Tolland were.tabled for 'round-the-clock conifOrt. of Bartf oi^ M nr Albgrt (O ont atatea to save more Urea for cam­ rasSiS w » m. bmp,-. Mtoa Mary PstrtoM^JM Pack­ rulan of tho road ohaigo, but at­ O ther cases dtopoaad of were paigning ta tto Bast. Midwest and aaek tto nomtnatkm for tto aboat j'®****“- ggim g, VarmtU ard atraat waa guaet at to the next meeting. , Nylon satin- nndercups with s Um of Faffoington and no sign of life. No other ahlpe are tempted ta aataUtoh,, tlthrough Rub- Tlla matter of a homa for tto Stanley Zaramba of thto WlUiam Hunt 63, o f 31 - Spring r a r Weat a surprtoa' party gtvan v JW f ^ inow, that ha waa notIt ia radd|oBt of nmbroidered nylou marquh atraat, intoxication, glO; Dorothy In the Immediate vicinity. S«*. Ririiard M. Nixon of Calif* **Taibott n ropreoMiUUva m tto | . 79 workan at Montgonrary Wartto dd people ta Orange was -brought throat sons, Louis Jeaki of < It to preaumad raacua ahtaa OoBnaettout and ttanforo_ raforo uraawaa not tp. and Mrs. Hoadlay WUlea waa sette. iw iw l* ...... m Jeaki of Hart* K , Dunn, 8L of 8 Hartlaitd road, onta, tha RapubUean vica praal* Friday avantag at tto homa o f ^ . n S ty of failure ta obtain a Mcanaa. < appointed to look into tto matter nahoansad dog, $8 : Sklvatora wUl g» from BonavtotA about 80 dsntlal nominee, baa toan aarignad and Mta John ZaUanLOt Baldwta Try a Warner A’Lure to oir-condH and Raymeto Jeaki of Man* mUaa away from tto wreck. Ba hoMa a Maamainmatts Ucanaa. tod raport her findings at our : one riator, Mt a FaBxa A tab tuso, 89, of 68 C olonial, a tra a t tto Job ot taktag on what has be* fM 4 a - At ona polBt to the,trial, RuU* aaxt meeting. An tavlUUon to day. You’ll uke new honara Hartford, tatoxlcatlMA Judgntot In Nev/ York Pan Am^can coma known aa the TCafauvar ha*&”iMUted|gerSn^at*^ Many refraahmante ware aarvad r and Judge Bottnar manimad In charm. ot HoIyokA Ms s a ; and 18 World Alrwaya aaidiOapt Rg4 >h Gov. Lodga'a daetoton, ^ **!**^?LJ[*” ** “ Marlborough to to ta tto Square .ampandad. type" of campaign. ta a room, decorated ta bias and atatutea on tha auMaet of rad* Dance contest waa accepted. dlOiS.Whitc-AjBandCcupn. Tb a case of HanM J . Lavaaque.j Rlriiey, pUot of FUgto 'T S m ~ m. Bates Kaiauvar of Teanan- This brought to threo tto num*lo*tott stroot $1,800. yritaw, tto colora of tha.S t Fran­ WiU to ktid iRnawday bar of Ropubllrana who would-ae*| - ifumiLU ny. LsttotaUan roquirtag a par* Fonowtag tto maattag, the a t tm Ofrom tha Jebn .B- I t o f 1689 Mnin atiM t. Hartford.( toft Gandar, Nfld., today.for PariA emn moat ot tto Damocratlo cis Nuratag School, which Mtoa aon to ragtoter hto aaolor vaUcla aambara went on a Myatary ride ^heautyisalon Id A ug. 81 on a racklaaal reported at 8:08 a nt, dn.^ to hto it not tto party nom* eapt ttosiroatortal ppot nomiaa*| NBW NIXON BBta^BDY ItonanU H orm, 87 -Ifotot ntm$tmd Aug, Petrteoa wfll aster nrict week. Mtoa In Oonnaeaent If ha to dtaddtod, ‘« the Hartford Courgnt Where ah driving chargA WM eoatlauad tq righted a troigltter envstopad fat .ttoin-*«y handahaktag toura and tVm: Mra. Luoa TUbot and Free* PptrieCA who waa awardsd the and makto Ua living haha, jpaa I W3 MAIN ST. TEL atraat, a to a t S B Jaxdaa* foOmy talks in aa manyIwmlate aa M tt Buab of O r a t m ^ yrho ™ -----^ Bterosttag movie was shown, and- m i | ; at S rtclook. Bmfal w ttjw ttto Srat Saturday saarton in Sap* llamTT He asked tto Pan Aaurt* Chib Scholaiehlp. was given dtad, but no fignlranmit for ob-' va were taken on a tour 4f tto WILROSE can- f ^ t dtopatehar-at Gander to w* could rticb said to erould acoapt tto nomina- Mmt "toa iroqr^to ja g iM-of aa* JaaaaF OaaMUty. Frtaods OB raquM t a t tten but would not •ettvelj «am*i enUsi ■MaOaiinyHBr ta to a tonntMBl wriUwatah a ttto party tu ning a h e j aa. ftoni4hto Otate . mildtag. Followtag this, we ereot Apter, Leveoqua'a notify rescue servioee at /lander Nixon MUspand a lot of time Ttr tohtnpiwertwca. 601 MAIN ST. — SHEfUDAN BLDG. AIR-CONDITIONED AIR-CONDITIONED can 'Riaaday avutlng at tto ta hto homo atate of Chllfovnia, paigB for It a the home o t Mr. and Mrs. after 7 o'clodk,_ i and’ .A rfen tto . ggthaway tar rafrsshmsiitB •I ' X , ' - \- 'l l . - ?

PAGE'SEViilH MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. AUGUST 25. 19B2 RC-Oari Smith. ar to tha Middle Eaiit ong ■IHtsiy Mies-w*»»-eeega ac AanrU KCCO-Wewai HuaBred and ‘ t to.HABSlhoea '£S"‘tha' polisn' to '-ato-'tsY^ CodrtcAduSir PA G E SIX MilS-WDRC—ArWur Oadfiar. HUfc Meilnee. New, Y «#-W m to« W, _ at Rdckvllla a ty Hoipltail. bag ra-' GbnnfFs t«e«ntly lamodatod kto* BddiB dI Appeals. urnahM. a dtotant esusto sf car­ BPONB—IBlO WTHIb—USB WHAT-4teltaii Muale. Uiee—WPBO ll»e«ni»nr. WHA' ------BMibaB. at Mai^ l.Tlaa howar,''Wlu>m ha wtU not aupport, CUfford Bkeogliad Ctoiwaca Mars than BOO tons of IS:»-WTHT—WWepenDg StmU. WTtO— woMS-Ke«a . r o ^ 5 fmppoBi1 $inry flay. BB, retired editor and New Yi turned to hla home. dargartsn m m a at TOttand Can­ laavas wars used to bolic arid. W D R O -M WHAT—BIB WCCC-Miulc. city flnanctal writer. Died ' mattrlfPEtpr an^^cCnrthy, whom ha Ddmlrea. E l l i n g t o n ter. TutUon to »3B for n samsstar. Lambert win praaant appeals at ~WONf-^uU SteM. WTHT—Paul Barroy. , Drake. WKNB—Nowi; Roaqaot Xatlaee. Bear Talk ea Woto the ZSontog Board heartot to the manta, which aubaaqu(ntly idanU- WOOD-IMB WTIO—IBiB WONB-iV^ aiDStetr. ttis—wOKt—Xa mrkiM. Ballrooai. WTIC—Bockriafo Wir uraay. Odonal McCormick repudUtMl Oaorga , Beboftold. deputy Tol* Parents are aapaotad.ta coopyata MiSa-WDRG-Artbur Oodfrty. / WOMB—Tukoo Shov. to the work of running the aeaool. town han tomorrow.. They wish SPNHO-Oh. • WnC-DyoMe or N ^ a s- . woMBr-Cari liaaeoy TIbn. WTHT-Bbew TUDff tiM-WDRC-Brlsbtor„t—i Doy. \- Cork, Ireland— Bishop £tipititi0^ £pralli Elaaiihower bacnipa of tha Jatter'a j TRBSaBa^aSaaT land County Mlar and Rev. Wil­ —r r t—ItallaaVotoo. .WTIO-Howo;rTi _ ___ . —Taa -do Nowa Coholan, U , oldest Bomon Car pooto are batag famed to each to construct bUildtogs on thair WONS—Onriea Kuber. K>-Ifo«ti Woatlior. .WTKMiAa Box Jlngloa. Hollywood. _ "Middle Way" couraa In domeatic At tha Damocratle tow;n txm- liam C. H. M ^ p asto r of the Fad- locamy. Thoaa wUktog datalto are raspcctlve proparttoa to Andevar. WCgg^jtm irwnate. tiSS-WOIli^TauMits—WDR^Youaa _..Dr. .Maloqe. olle bishop to Ireland. Olgp mlttaa caueua hald'In tha Town aratad churcb and Toljand County in SmtenM Sbew, Mtes—WTBT—Whoa a OIri Barpea Btorloa ManctMotor tUUMo. It WDRC—HlUtep B a ^ Week End Deaths poUciea, becauaa ha atanda for co-1 asked to eatt Mm Arthur Fmnk, Ragtotrars of Voters and Town Bundred and I WDRC-Artbar ftodtroy. woNB-^ovi: Wwan't Paso. JvSSPcafiSi. sS2?u5' 'CCtl-Mudc. Sunday. ? Hall V^day night tha following JaU chtolln, wara recant gnaata of S-B S . ChUdran win ba anroUad ]1 lies:-WDR^fho^m«lasI ies.::-R^Sil8 3 Se Siw a i Ufbt wfllT-Ttowo;WTHT—Nowo;. . i Top---- Hit- **aeleTliaa _ Enrino, Calif—Robin EUsakatla.. oparaUon and orfanlaaUon with wara namad; for Juatloa of tha the Wllllmaatlc Rotary Club at the 8 3 dark wara at tha Town HaU Sat­ WCCC-M—te, ..d i# n u . WTtC-Iteva -HoaMsa------, WONS-iteorla Revtos. WONB—Joeh Dowaoy^i Maale Shop. Ry THE ABSOCIAIRD FREBB to tha order that appUeatlona are urday from • a-m. to noon for the WTHT-CBl TJoney. .. . __ WHHR-Howfi eeo CIvR , London—Sir Predertc George Rogem B-yaoc-ald daughtar el tha other nationa of tha world, be- Paaca, Clinton Church. John Bo}> Nathan Hate Hotel. Dr. t Bhailow, WONS-Jaek Dovaer*aJln*ie ladlotFilr^ " lilS-R^NB-^oa Bn«m WTI^Ufo OW Ro^BtautlfuL Aim stare'Ri»y Rogen~ and M|‘- ka, J r , Raymond Uttaan, P a trl^ trofaaaor, of mimtaology at Oolum- racalvad. purpose of making votara. STOriTCMIlWstfOih ' WPRC—n Bapsaae B*enr > jounMs^ WTHT-Pbll Bnljor ! Mowa WHAT—Rod Box ra Detroit liU-WDRC—Art UnUettor. Kenyon. BB, noted acholar and au­ aauae ha la not an la^aUoniat, ba-1 DBO—Blue Craebr. I It Rich. wnd-ltorlorio Hllla tita-WOO&-Now(: Hade. wife. Data~ ‘ Evans.~ -----k Dlsd Sundajr*^- cauae ha la not a mudalinrar and doaa, Oaorga Toung, Erie A;-An- >la and the University of Pannsyl- Paraanal Manilas Dept'deto yeemE. Bab the aetoee PaijltenoD. > WONS-Woman'e Pay. WDRC-Aocoad Mra Burtoa. WTip-Iload ot Ula . thority on the Bible. , Died Sat­ defacin. tAUla B. Lavltt^ John vanlA spoke on "Why Prtoonars Mr. and Mm Harbsrt Thomp­ to hry, «k sr jeri-weB «ttk Miaenak . Ite giaal Daltea TrtaU. X WDRO—RoattMo of Holoa Treat WOKS—Cm . Brilroom. _ _ lim ^ W C T ^ t^ o; Muote. urday. Lexlntton, Ky. Joa PsKslSang.' nama'caUer, bacanaa. In othar ' far diMrii diia-WDRC- SLaa aad OaretjrB’s _ Boia -- ____I WonoB. ------T—Hewe; Top HU TUa«...... - -__wor*o; Top Hit Tima Bl, PhMnto, Arts., psottom kuri* •l^anelMiUr, Conn, Krowchanko and ChanaalN^. Bata. Blot." son, Jr., and family from South iM_ W w-— EJ w as^mrwm S trile ria s ■adlMlI.a mmM m k Klteben. _ I Nlcbote. WTIC—Th«- -Docte/e -lo/a WHO.Wtfa , WHAT-WHAT Jomboroo. Eaat Grinataad, England - Lt. worda, ha la a dacrat and IntelU* j A n d o v e r OUfoUnm are visiting at the botoa m WTHT—Bddle Arnold Bbow. tWDBC—Artkar Oodtrey. with WTIO-Prppor Toons'e F»ml|y. Gan. Sir George P. MacMunn, BS, nass loader, known os the ?|UI1 lutur. Winiam Innas, prinelpai of tha E ta tbs paiafai aiea. ^ Tn»o Story. WKH»-rWHNR-Mowii ‘ RcalduTOUi---- liU-WOCO-JUBlor Dim gant candidate. vantion wara chosen as follows: Horace W. Porter Bchool In, Col­ of tb ^ p s o n 's mother, Mm Her­ aaMiiac laUef. If la ~ IS Travoltra __ tho Baak. Mu.lr. WQNB—Jack Dowaoy's Muile Shop. Wotii Warar 1 Brittahi n military lead- tuca King." Dlad Sunday. pnOM RATM Loula Lavltt, faM ck aOsa, alUr- bert IRiMBpaon. Br. bay Brin BtNog Mami MB tor a Day. WOHi—Creaa Poltcroon. Rondoatoas with Muaia in ID AdTDHoo umbia, wlU meat with principals of Tbs new taachera for sobeols to 2 ^ I aad1 Ray.: tfBBn IIS to I SJOionniCblonal McCormick has rah" natag, Edward Jr. Horton, gitar- aunounding community schools the toanta of Andover. Boitos. Mm Gai^ga Natoon antartainad WHAT-^tanaa Neva. wwc ■t ■ j s darad to Oanaral Elaanhowaf tha nata Raymond Lutaan, Rapri# 5 hors Tuesday. The masting, ptoca Oalunibia, Somers, Tolland and at a brush party to her home tatlva i^lllam O. Wormatad. Thursday aftamoon. Mm Doro­ iMUSTeroLE WTOT—H»wt: Joe aiiaaA political aarvtca It waaj win ba the Hocks Memorial Bchool Union win mast for an aU • They hava probably read la the Princlpato who wlp mtend the eedrei. poclal Agane;^ How setdy on skillful handling; pobita camp on Lake ChafTaa In Ashford. Staadynarvaasra Bnalas j^trolt and Boaton. world praaa how tha friaa world of tha dog not to count. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Duncan are meeting include Mm Doirto, Oiam- mighty important S:eS—WONB—Nowa barlato, Andover; Gabriel Ruben, I ^ I T BUIIBAU chaara auch declalona oh tha part ni At Homs spending this weak as guests of tosnccM ^.I^ WTIC—Ntwi. of athtdtea from Oommiinlat mchard Dlmoclc of Main, stfsat Mr. and Mra Robert Adams of Btoton; Wffllam In jil, Oohunbla; • — to Hli. Yon tPorta: Mmla to ill at hto homa with ona of tha Philadelphia Pa J o a ^ Homtckl, .fwmara; Frank MtoraOP fsH' WTOT—Nowa; Joo Olraad. Bill countiiaa, and they ^ b a b ly as- odds that afsm to be quite numer­ fbnnlca, ToUaad; WlBlam Frank­ satid do better ScImmI ' Supper Bcreasdal aiimed that these « sars would be ous this year. Tha new. kindergarten opening lin. Unimi. FritoSnn to a new wbeh y<« Milo E. Hayas who has bean con mambar of toe group. Tha prln* lazad inataad of )k- Ira mut. for them, too. If they daddad to hare Oct l annbuncaa that appU- tcry aad upset And Wrilf^Bob W ^e; Sporta. llmehoidor Broaltf Ho.raU make thair own sacapa. fined to hto home for aoma Urns eatlona from Ellington rssidanta clpato wll be at thair achooto WD¥0—Jack Smith. SporUi. bawa! with whooping, cough to able Thursday to imwt new ataff mam- chewing on a ■WDRC ------I out agalnr------—— are now being acooptad. Bcnoel Bm'JianNtoooto w m ^o^ iapt Mond^., reallae la that there U a diffaranoa Miss AMlna Lioatschar of Barr win be bald to tbs Fadaratad «, • 1. Tuoadar, avenue to vtoittng her atotar Mrs. \mb^-^i|rolla Com Glee Club. urad.?-! a Wadnaaday. between Communist oountrlaa bat h c ^ you ralsz without WONB--Nawa:wuna—ricwa; MusicMm for Amarica, , . undar. Russia, Poland, OMchoslovaklA Robert Griswold In Broad Brook. HOME OWNERSHIP'Mfiy ACTIVmES*PETS* down. WDRC—Guy Lombardo. m. rriday. All tha cross roads In Ellington WCOC-Now Marie. wra'daai.'^a: 10:*> a ■------Hungary, Bulgaila,------r- Rumania and Canter hava bean given a d re a s^ Wri. S^^S^rm . , . int has bsan a Sitt—WTIC—Threo Bur Rxtra. pnblleation aaoapt ■•tnrsar-1 are conaldarad our anamlas. SPORTS'THERE ARE ALWAYS CHANCES OF tomrits in New Bmiaad for WTHT—Stock Market; Sports. O P E N T U E S D AY AN D T H U R S D AY EVE N IN C S of tar combination In praparatlon OUR NEW LOCATION ACODOirAUy injuring another person. ttona It ton a d5@Sel jeB _ WKNB—Gooff Darla. But Tugoalayla la our friand and for cold waathar. msl epesmitot itewf*tamp, and k costs as ally. Alt afa Communist countHas, ...... Uttle biat you csn.|et tta Mirnday, August M Marins Pvt 1*0 ,0 Birinar m MPMl TIHMHKE___ you NiBD sM-WONS-rtitoa Lewi*. Jr. but Yugoslavia bappana to ba a ON THE BIGHT,’OVER t e TRAGBUI i» O il MADf StWPBI WDRC^-Hbbart Qi Wtxwortta Chapman, son of Mr. and Mra 6 WTHT—Waatbor: Jeurari of tha X" Communist country on our atda of Mahlon B, Chapman of Kapls Gwb. Look t e tfas graaa ipaar OG tbs lleCoratck CkarB The Air 'W ^BJ —nowa:—Nowa: Ed ■flwatt Show. things. strsst, rsosntljr compistsd hto re­ WTKp-Phllo Vaaee. Choice of Covers .00 a As for tha iiatA t to wMch Oan- Bo, for Olympic aUilataa to an­ cruit training at Phirto island, S. • SHi—WON8—Tello Taat _Lr ^ a n d Banator C. by winning the allvar badge of WTHT—Btaior D|arla.„ „ R ag u lsr %t B.OO 1 8 9 sml BiMnhawar nounce that tlM^ dA it care to go «:ta—WONB—Gabriel Hosttor. 32 kaman. ^ r in g . baste traln- J^BL^mond £ . (fotmun ' w n c —Nowa of tho World. Mtson will aotunUy support Sana- back to dear old Yugoslavia, our tng, dM pritpw bacama%all■■ versed WSUtT-^ympboay HaU. tojr Jtosaph McCarthy of WUepn-1 a matter fori in many mUltiuraubjaeta and field INBURANOR AGENCY WTHT—Lone Ranfor. . ------,*.*1 1 - AUTO OLA8B—OOMFUBTELr IN8TALLBD. IsKuanoa Advisory Servtoa — A ll Ltoaa Of iMrimnee w nfB—Pest OB Wax. / gito, ws will cbaarfully await thclciMr Jubilation, but one for somajtacttea. In addition to tha Garand | 0 R«OBB-.OLA8B^FU*Nmm* * W 1:4*—1TORC—Ed Murrow. ' a ^ event The Two R ^ b llcan It „ SBB MAIN STREET WONB—Vlc*Damoa: News. You choose your own covsr, to harmon­ pona toriuding tha caliber pistol, OPEN THURSDAY EVKNDIO ALL DAY SATURDAY ize with your decorating Acheme, for candldatM htv* bMn box«d ills by 1them to empheelae the fsot .46 WnC-OlieWAAV"'“»iPMW Man's • wmaMeig.Family _ , choice of earbtoa and automatic rifls. 7'»a-2a55r2."*''.WDRC^Urt...... Inthe ' Air. Wstitins Cusiijm-Covw- - vei^ Sofa*. - -This I^BCarihy*a friends to tha Bepyb- t h a i'w good friand Tl|<1 la, for GOP to rsiinsa WHAT—Cote Glee Club. crown-bsok model can be had in over naan party and by Oamocratto| ^ uimm who have to Uva Elltogtan Itapublteaas will bold WnO—Rellroxa Hour. taunts and I v tha toslatanee of a caucus to tha Town Hall Mon­ WTHT—Herry J. Taylor. 100 diffOrent fabrics; dsmsskB, mste- srlth him, atilt nothing mors than day at p. m. to ataot dalsgataa WKNB—Ed SwtU Show. lasses, tspestrleB, textures I Usually 3 a m Amartcag press upon prinUng a Communist 7:10 t:U(—WHA1—Bit of Ireland. to tha Rapuolloan stats convention WTHT—Trarel Diary of the Air. , 1^ . 00. a«4^rfleial questions and answers, OUr poUojrinakars, who keep In Hartford Bapt and . Tha g;ia—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey Trieat 4 0 Seouti. _ . . _ sg that It has baan difficult fo r wobtog T ito with attonUon and convention will nominate a can­ WONB—Crime Dbee Not Pay, tham to aatabltah elaaity tha real didate for the united Btatas Ban- WTIC—Voica of Ptraatone. . STEARNS plodgft^uid arma ara> wa suppoaa, WHAT—We^ra Carayan. BStura o f tiMtr position on Mo- to hava any public ata for four jraara to fill the va- ;«»—WTHT-^teago Blsaatura. coAC/ dhiisaa by Iha death of Sen­ {IliWV”VV • as—WDRC—Raaesace.— •wwewwwywe Oirthy. iphaala mads o f tha fact that ator Brian McMahon and to tran­ w n c —Telephoaa Hour. WTHT—SpeaklpB of Aotu. Sho truth. Is that they wlU "su; Tito fa sUU a Communist sact other buslnaas. WONSr-Newe: Crime Pisbtera. Custom-Covered Sofas to fit Your Budget & FOSTER fSrtr* him to tho ostont that Uiay in reality, tha/' should not ba Feraeaal Mention S:1*-n!c.C.J._ _ . „ Mias Dorothy SUverhars, daugh- •;ao—WON8—War Froat Homa Freat not urgo tho riactlon.^ his ambarraosad, and they ought to tar of Mr. and Mra..BamuaI Bllvor- WHAT—Night Watch. wno-Baad of America. „ ^ Dstooerstio opponsnt wltosvtr ht waicoma i t For the raoUty of the Ptonsy stroat, Ellington, WTHT—Paul Whitrinan Teen Club. ba Tbs truth Rhw la that world situation today la that wa | (p gunsnotof from ^eeday tot Batur-1 WDRC—atove AlUbSh^. Bedding Values Grove, I ia:M-WDRC-Wrik a MUe. /n hew Qu PoMl Eibce E 1 9 8 “ bgto llaanhowsr and Nixon dla- ora not, however much some oft day at the Oval to the • WTHT—J^B Dalty. ograa vtoiently with the eraad of 11^ I Fomtogton, WONB—Fraak Edwarda. R tg u ls r $ 2 3 5 .0 0 our omtors Uka to proolalm « charter of Mato w n c —AmarSeaa Jtuiic. thought and action coUad "Mo- engaged In a cruonda a g a in a tji^ f^ entartaUilng her ia:I»—WONS—Jael?a Waxworks. WTHT—Coabait Hour. . The Arlington, a luxurlouily soft innerspring mstttBBS a t b Otrthytom.” They have both said I Communism as a creed. No such {brother-in-law and aletar. Rev. UtM—wn c — Robert Hontfomary. "Plbr« E" is B new dovelopment of DU more than enoa. Icniaade oot^ ba soundly based, •nd Mm Irving L. Smith of Con-1 Newts Daannnm Asrignment. PONT; B rsyon ysm thst Uket s per- drsmsticslly low price. Xust 6.full Bixs m^tressM sod im s t^ [any mors toon a crusoda against I mtodole. They were enrouto home I WDRC—B«jb^Biiri Dance Oreheatra. msnont crimp. sftmi .Treavlng. giving s ‘ Ing box spnngs remaining, Subieet to prior, ssle.’ ^;; r This poolUon, of oouraa, will not I trotoBost Northflsld, Maas., whore I WHAT-NluVateh. 2 8 I Mohommagiam, a eraad with llrit—Ninra ea aU Statlona. „ tough twisted efliet to this uncut oBtlofy tha Damomato, who know they ware vacationing. Rev. Smith I llidS—WDRC—Ton and the Worfd. The Hotel Built, a medium tension Innerspring m sttrw with •R ambormaaing loeua when they I which wa also dloograa, could ba lla UM cantor of the Zion Hiul WTHT—Bob B. Lloyd frieze. The design i« sn all-over BcroU WHAT—Nlte Watch. an enviable Manchester reputation 118 full and 8 twin Mss mat* taas one. They.have aoma of thair j aoundly, based. No audl crusoda Methodist' Church to Cannondale. WONB—Jack's Waxworks. leaf type. You choose this brand new, t VM Dorothy Marks of Phlla- WTXC-“ N#wi» ' I longewesring fabric from rad, tosot, tre ssss; 10 full size box springL Subject to prior Mle. own. They wUl keep on not being could will, aithsr, tor buUaU Rsvst delpnla, Pa, hiu been a guest of I ll:*a—WDRC—Public Berriee Profram .11 :ts—wn c —Burprlij^renaoa. gray, rose or Kelley groen. Usually oegisfled with anytIUng Isas than j hoR Igeu. I |(r. and Mra James McNally and ------..---- ■--^y.,I^all. The Super HoUl Built, a firm Innerspriijg m attrw with h o r^ JuivlngBlaanhowar And Nixon I In reality, having Yugoalavl% ^ g hair aiMl ootto»uphoUUry«Xkily.6 tadABluJUAtixeiMVl Musk. . 9 5 dMSat ofMcOm&iy.T arqimd. to. Hi apsdil rola onA T r Mm Cnarlea- Downaowna of Pleat-1 A ^ 5 full size box springs left. wtHeh thay WlU not do. And with apaelat relationship with UA/to ■ 11” i! Tl!ll*‘{l*Jl.” Jamme Quintet —.. ..lo Rythma tMs Damocmtlo stmtagy tha healthy thing, tor it cloriflas our Idaughter, Mra. Mahlon Chapman *>•' j It tl*—Wn,C—News. Other models at 189»00f 239»00f 289»00 j Amerieon preaa, with Its abme-juterld. aim. That to to antorce on Maple street. M r.. and Mm. j Tamenew * AI. I «><,(.. .«iia-WittC-JCta^ .Mimod Pregnusu.. ' XlRMV'^IIOrOlllv iNInWitI' Tvt V'^mv'Y^POl'Nr { ChapmaR ors o a-a Awo.Waah A»g. WDRC—Farm Prolram.. Bc iia onawsr, wUl conttoua to oo-{ Although wa haven't quite aol.d cation. dilf-^DRC—^m a Time. ___ _ d iti-w n c —News. operata I openly that wa would defend Cbm- WHAT—News: Rural Roundup.Kounaup. tim-WONS—mu JacUas Shew. NmefM asa wa think, avehts Yugoriavto against og* WDRC—Town Patrol. STORE-WIDE: SAV1NGS IN HOME J a SHIQ^NS wUl mai^p tha Etsanhowar poatUen grasalon by lU Communist nalgh- T o l l a n d w n c —Weather: Frank Atweed. ■WOCO—Production NaWaraaL etdor enough. / | bora oil tha ohanoaa ora that ws [ WHAT— Time . . - —WTHT—Muale. News, Tte iin t of Jkaia~ avmia pfcl^PPiild ndoTO. Tktomould wtit ho ..... ^XiAVsA for Wavy"’ gil*—WHAT—Variety Tlim. luqia coma Saturday night, when I Ideologically pleasant tor ua but George- Horn, eon of Mr. ondj ' WTHT—Homing Devotloas. Mm OUo Horn of Tolland, left ( WONS—Weather: mil Jenkiaa Orional Robert R. McCOrmiric, Ota lit would make aenoa neaatMIaaa All*—WONB—Earlyi»*-w oir - ...... EdIUon. I In that ooncap^that sra ora out lost weak for the Naval Training j wnC-Nawa. ' „ , publisher of tha Chicago IVibune Bose, Bolnbrigge, Maryland. Hia| t,tS_WCCC -Good Morning: Ooo4 { ofid llkasrtsa tha operator, of tha to torbld aggression ahysfhara and bfotUar, Otto, Jr., left one year ago j Music. WKNB—Phil Hale Show, New York Dally Nawa took to I everywkats—Uaa tha one riaor and to now on duty with the Navy I w n c —Bob Steele. basis of a foralgB pOUey ws can to Korea and Japan. He la due bool« k | •WDRC-Newe. _ _ O ld Ipswich Bed and Cheist 86 \ v tha air to bolt tha Republican to the AUtea Dec. S. WHAT—Allan Brown Show. , tlekat and rapudlota Ganerol I understand and tha ona riser - WONB—Waathar; BUI Jaaklas gbow. Leroy Atkins of Tolland left W rm —Breakfast with .Baa. . Risenhower os a candidate. I poaa the world may coma to un- Aug. 11 for the United Btatai TiU-wONS-Nawa. Ideratond. It la also the only rood Naval Training Bast, Bolnbridgs, 1:U—wn c —weather. Morning W a ^ tf there hod been, to the newi- TtM—WCCC — Nawa; Good Morolag how easy ydb can furmsh a quaint psper haodUnaa ot tha twp prs- to our own' aacurity and to pages I **^ff**{^ Murie. ' YIm Floranea M. Andarton.haa WDKC—Old Muric Box; Nawa. bedroom! A chest and a twin, or full site sioua daya a confuston of the Mc- for the world. ratumed from g weak oa gut A of { WHAT—Coffee Club. • bed, makes a perfect child’s room. Usu* - Oartfiy issue and of tha truth to- her atotar, hfm Helen Smith andj »It*-WTHT—Weather, ally these two pieces cost $102.50. There’s 27*0 ▼ajved, Orionel McCormick's nc- family of FIuahtaR N. Y. lit*—-WDRC—World News Roundup. We Conld Bn Coniislent Mtoa Bolto Smith, daughtar of { WCCC—Kiddle Comer. enough variety in pieces and sizes, in Old Mirror |4*^ tlqs coma at A-‘moment moat WTHT—News. Ipswich to furnish any bidroom! We dughf, if wa ore going to Mr. and Mm Lincoln smith o f| WnO—News, Bortunato tor Blaenhower. For It Long Island, N. Y., to at Camp { WHAT—Newa run the affairs other paoplas, WON8—News. ’ . , riffle d tha sUuatlon. mt periiapa ot Woodstock, for a month. { ill*—WDRC-Shoppera gpeciri. BO srwda arhlch Bilaanhower can at least develop a conalatant! Mr. and Itm Horry Gold and ( iC—New*. ^ _ WHAT—AT—T^ ww ag with w.— Wamp. naa to tha attuatlon could do. It Is standard. daughtar of Hartford. WTHT—HartlL Agronaky. Whan tha Korean riectlon was ku*. and Mm Orta-Guartto efj WONS—mu JaalriaJ Show. always true that one way to know Sugar Hill aacUon. TOIIond, oral Slip—WCCC—News: Braakfast Newa- n candidate la by the enemlei he over, our commander. In KoreA antartoining several of thair Hart- ( *’Like a pass to the ball game’- WTl^Radlo Basaar. has msde, and Colonel McCormick General' Mark Clark, congratulat­ ford raiatlvaa. WTHT—Bob Lloyd. could have plcksd no batter time ed President Rhee, the winner, and Toltoad Woman's Club will hoM { AU»—WTBT—John Coat*. called It on "Inspiring example” of Its BrA fall maattog, Bapt 17, at WONB—Gabriel Heatter. to declare hie enmity. S p.m. In Trilond Fsdamtad Church [ OolMiel McCgimlck, urging his democracy In action. It was a portom Tka program will conaiA { W h e n jTQu need hospital c tie , die oMm* '■ *'Tfeo£^HnBdmd aatako Hlta toahtod alecUon,. qpamUd'- almost That’s how ooB member degcribed the JUteners not to vote tor either of tmvri SMiM louowtag sagutosl hc^hbAt>itBt w poro yopt admiaion dim aiy Rtoenhower nr Btovenaon,. advo* entirely b> I n d e n t ' Rhea's po- buitoAlto. ■* • igsiy M ob € t o w ''i ^ ^ ' TI£r~1WBA'"'IBirBB|i| Bff t e lUi ^ "W~ ir~ m r __ niiRtwm te-Ate t o •rairtyf fc'te: c ^ ^ ■aeWMCroey-ln- OCQMt.’ gniin tor Iho mooting ot ’TriEriUlJ T jtliM BXthe wane—— ' Party." Pending its orgonlxaUon. m it In Grptoa, where tU« elae* Grange Bept. I at I p.m. at Gronte Uon syatom to . much baUar, av«fi hoipitBl dcilL. No fun O f bodwr shoot - » bdngiog ensernble 24 ha;urgad':.hia - Jiataaeni. to votertor' Btolb...... ■ ■ — ■ ■ j ir±^r-^i.ir’7.rri "V- -'V •■'H,'- " oaa Amarlcon-mtoded men who If It does not happen to pr^uoe JEast Central Pomona Orange ( cr^(.~ No scrtmble *p «l«g op csih, dnn 4 No". S will have on mil-day meeting you welcome reiirf from wotiy «t a dm*' TUB os Republicana until they find regiiltk pleoatog to us, our tactic Sept. S with Andover Orange. The put in B clsim to t benefits. No need to Television pieces in the R,politically desirable to nm a is to critlctoe. We hod no word program will start at 10;S0 a.m. { when p ^ of $4^ is so very important agolnat President Rhee’i mock 5iiK«iaa m y trocdbles w idi people a t die plsnL mambara of the American party.' Several residents of Tolland at- { . >• to you. 5 9 .0 0 Ipswich Solid Maple Colonel McCormick then went election, and. In fOet, praised It. tended the Neff reunion yecterdoy wimc-TV Only a few left o nto give,a lut of the candldatea But our omboasador to Greece to at the Brigham cottage. Crystal “When I stopped Bt the cashier’s desk ----- openly advocating; that the Greeka Ltee. Hayta- {Open Stock wnrthy of.auport by voters -who, Mra Rea Pack and Mtoa Lor-( nfter J wss disefasrsed, die giri told me Blue AfMBo Bke hlmaalf, wlahed to repudiate eban*^ their election system, and roine WtoehaU of ToUond wreral t o M m h $ r s am* In jl'o ^ . and you'll nevfer save this much again Cron had nAmndy p s^ my benete in fulL WMthcr forattat Blaenhower. that they change thair present among the Judges at the 4tH Tol- Alwayt etny yonr Blue C to m x M with yoo. lid Nawa Today, •*Every patriot to Wlaconali).” government. land ‘County Fair held toAtofford No fed t ^ at that end, Biiherl” _ j«r ik latarrlaw. Springs last Friday onB Saturday. S-to-Parr..— ba said;-would be sure to votp for The re^Mse ot t&a Greek Par­ It’s your " tk k n n l ndadniQn'* when yoo BBid. I TWO.' “ liaaA'AA -v - I I Nam CarsTsa Base 61-50 Banator Joseph McCarthy. liament haa been to give the pres­ PToiak Formica, principal ' of I Nothing ununnl in ^ cate, of coone. ho^itol cam. Yoor e n d eontn you and all famify ent government a vote of confi­ Hteka Memorial Bchool. wUI ha{ Kalamazoo Electric •Every patriot.” he said, ahould In It happens 14.000 timet every ,,^aniiia>a Usisd oo fOot oppUfAtioo. The BBCnl- pots frir Senators Knowland of dence, amid prieas demands that at the achool Yhuraday to meat{ niuttrated here are only five of the-24 btfthip nuariMr ncinttd oo yoor end idtntifin OAUtovnlo, Williams of Deleware, Araboasodor Peurtfoy be sent bock new teachera Hia achool wUl open j moiodi, »*»ai»lra io B unkjoe working agree­ pieces in the Old Ii»wich collection. Other Bept. S. playhoo**- pieces indude various beds, double and , Janaar of Indiana. Kam of Mls- to America. yinm uMBibAfthlp nad AARuit ipeedy n iv k n whtR B* Anaonneed. Hereafter, Kelvinator Ranges wUl be built Ronald UdMT of MUo HUl, Waotj ment between yoor h o ^tal and yoor Blue triple dretsert, bedside tablet, blanket senrl, Rcton of Montano, Butler We ora, admittedly, inex­ ToUand, who has baen a paUent{ you ntid Bine Gran h i^ in the KalemBZoo Electric Range factory . . . It* Af ; Nafemako, Brickar of Ohio, perienced to the. bustaasa of run­ C io n plan. chestfl and deskt. Piecet shown: - r - so there’ll be no more K»le"iBZOM^. . . Mwtte of Pannsylvanio, Watklna ning the internal poUUeol affaire A M. Beg. $69^75 Chest of Drawers -----59.00- more vtalues like these. And by VALUE 209 - I T.OO^Today. t:aa-T*at Fatu™. Af ,tJtak and CUln of Washington. of other pcoplee. Furthermore, 10:00—Arthur Oodtray. Ber. 882.50 Footless Um-Top Beds 27.80 we rawn this stovis h»s, everything you want But, ho sold, "ovary patriot there could be a great deal of LET US FILL YOUR i*:l*-Ntwa. _ Reg. 172.50 8-Drnwer Dresser Bases 8IJ80 . . . Rear left cooking unit converU to a 7- l*:1 0 -x**t tha Btara 325.00 ritould against Banator Henry argument that we ought not to be 10:4‘ ■ ~ Reg: $16.60 22 x 80 inch Mirror .. .14.00 Qunrt deep-well cooker in 5 secondB; wiU cools CAbot' Lodge, Jr„ of Maaaachu- trying to do it, wbether we have nifc^aiSsfrttoht Reg. $85.00 Hollywood Bookcase Hesd- an entire meal! The big 17-inch oven » Mm- ValuB Briga, Hdward J. Thya of Mlnne- experience and akiU at It or' no. HifcSJritriTiueh. bMid with frame for bedding . ..72.50 pletely Butomatlc; starts, stops end timte sote, Irving M^ Ivaa of New York, But, tf we find it too much' to ifs BLUE CROSS for a aBw Caaorttaot pM|il* F. X. your baking while you’re away. Waist-high ll:0a-Rath l^ons. with bedding Bolito R. Rlaadars of Vermont” reatot, os wa seep Into o«r power­ CaHed.for and delivered I of I smokeless broUer; three storage drawers, and TIM publisher and would-be ful role to the world, we ought at pronptly at no extra -MMRiMur aotmai. NMica pc, am aawa^^m fram e pafty leader who offprs this a^ toast t<> manago same constoCency, d ia rfe . to American veUra la the so thai\wo do not gtve futoorao gisat idaologicat' pntioa of Bang- praise to a nokM dictotrirahlp to C A U ^ f 8 1 4 M^JItoCRrtby. Ha boa, by bis oe- one country arid sharp ertUetom to gulf that to the Imperfect democracy to oa- t ;,". i;..; r -:' ■' r-rJ-v ■;-. v ” ..,.^-. - ' ...... v t -t • t t*:-.' S9ggitilifeitsaa^aEgfe»^aj8fa.tg»rjWiffxgitegg^ ' ';'“ ■ .-; '■'/ '>*” ?*?^r^';=*' v\ -:-'«Bbj«-j-1 -- }-■(: v>--:-K-•••-•k-'i—;^. .. -r --- . ^'^r■':D. V' «Sii)rh«KrcTS<^^ - vl- - -isa^.v-*'--- A.*j“^' ’ riSSSSSTM^.-iwCeS ■7^

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAJTCHB8TER, GOWN.. MONBAK AtIGUST 28. 1982 FAGENINP "T. MAKCHESTEB EVENING HERAW MANCHTOTEB, CONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 28, Wl .QuUm’t. .ptrfu.mei... Jherfeen-Wllr. *fSciS EiGtfl R o c K v i ll e llama. «ne gal. paint ^ brush setT MAJOft HOOPLE DAILY^ CftOSSWOftD PUZZLE FarkloBa^ Singer Sewing M M lne, iwwing BY J. ft. WILLIAMS OUft BOAftDiNG HOUSE with set; Smart Drass fmop, six pair of VdcoHon Or Week Ei ^M JTOUEW AT hose! Textile S t ^ , blanket; Triple /W/ WOAOf ATSte^AM V ^HES30K' THE ccteeecT Sense a n d Nonsense Polio Booth X. electric popper; Vlckl’e. fSOM ^ItTM A ^ MO>^/ 1M6 UKUE; pla y HERE IS TD Anewer to Previoue P i ^ ISO New Vo^rs Are Added miniature a)vm clock; WatKlna. A r TOATOUTABUNT^ Take Along A Ne/ UI«1U6UAL/ UM/ II Wti0hH 4 MBOturtt Will Sell Relirshmenis l^ t o n Roofcer; Weldon Center A w , * FLEASe «EMt> WMAT KiySSiAM TO THAT Praaideat Woodrow Wilson bad A fU r the Medic.al Pharmacy, perfume; Wll- ^'S^TeueecAPH departed, her father cWled her Into In Saturday Registrations we W O ) o a . VLu c o m e t SOLDIER i § been asked to receive a group of At Queen Coriteat on roae V fitA Shop, evening gouiu AMD HELP VlX) B T WAKlMG V oFPice.' tha library. ^ B R O W N I E 6 MOUIONTAI, aierly .American leaderswho wished rather-Daughter, yjw-. WITH full CONflDlNQ Mt^W OLYMPIC UPA. i a paper^fle had con- Rockvlllf, Aug. H-(Speclal— * Hockanum Mills Company and re- ^ ThuFsday; More Gifts .ISOMpeuadt .2*?*““ man asked for your hand agam, 21 quADs ''’m jcvisKO MARATMOM RBCORO CITlZei^ , to do so. with the proviso First Sclactman Hetbert Pagan!: tired after serving 45 years at .hla A 8 0 0 MO TPACK-— - AT 3 A M -' VeiuofMt.^ thatNpai^ F. piHMlan should not and I flnaUy conaant^. A refreshment booth to raise MOVIE CAMERA • Elghtquwa g Daughter— But father, 1 )uat revealed today tha^' ISO more new trade. Following fci.hla *«nr«,in«Mtretirement ha,he Boston, Aug. 33-- (jpa.^CaUioUr You Can Depend On PeSASOfi, MAKTM A t During the war Avoterv have been added to the rolls left the city for a short time and funds for the local polio commltty- .«-MV^^^oeo/ U—• kind Sir?* -.A I n a gredt dis­ can't leave mother. _ . Archbiahop Richard J. CuMklng of Bill rather— That eulU me ___after_ a„ voter-maxing____ „ aeuionsew held returned about two and a half wttl be set up At the. HaryMt Boaton'cei.ebmled hi* S7lh bhdh- CA»i 6He 0 e lip w M . turber. N^verthelaae the commit­ at the .(own clerk's office Satur­ ysars ago. Queen .Oonteat Thuraday night, day yesterday by officiating At ■ E&TIM leOrM l LidM tee haffahOwn up, beaded by Cdba- Take her with you. Your Pharmacist 3 6 m day. ■'.'••v ’ He waa a member of the Union Polip Chiirman Arthur J. DeClaire the first nuptial. mass aver tele­ O NLY ) » French plnrel •*«»“ *« iretaxy Tum ulty waa urg­ announced today. The Ice Cream 'S $ 4 3 * 3 0 • . B article 10 Qu^ A t the liM BeaUon, held in July, Congregational Church; FayetU vised and*by baptising formally X., ^ . ing the preudent to relent. “Oh, Helen-Say. »“ v» y*^*,*!*" and aoft drink booth, which will -ri^ 11 Piano parU lately? rve been looking n»gn 385 were CwordecL The total now Dodge 55 A F and AM ; Foresters the Manning quadruplets. I« Nobody 3 5 Noun suSUee Foot (prefix) OovenwrT" he^leaded. "thU wUl ba Operated by Girl Scout Troop. 3 We will fill your doctor’s iM i. Fed. Tax IS Aman 17 Nullify 43 and Tow for him for the laet two 'stands a ^ lS , according.to the reg­ of America, Ooutt Heart of Oaks 51 Teutonic 44 Send out make a terribla impression on hla istrars/ of the South Methodlat Church, SO Sea eaglea lOUncloaee fellowara.” Ooham was an Influ- 16; and'Rising Star Dodge, Order prescriptions with the high­ UBepoeee 33 Send 451naact P a j^ t said that in order to of Oddfellows- . » has been approved by the^Harvest SlHarveet antlal political lea Those are the P'“ “ . *'? 45 24 Encourage 35 Oty in 47 Waste avolA\any last minute niah; a Queen Qonieat committee and the est quality, tested .drugs—■ You’ll be able to make gorgeoUu full-color movlea the “But * Daddy— ■ ' H otpot Tha praeldcnt ik . out hie look, old girt. Key’s baen dead just Surviving are hla wifa. Mm. Park Department. 33 Wax Rumania allowance ^t I wanted emal seia.lon for making votera Mary BtoSUner _ _Bentley; two *ona. accurately and quickly. Dialiwasher from ARC AP ­ n Therefore English watch. "That's Just about that long.' Meanwhile, the contest commit-, FRESH GANDY flrat time you try. And U roll of 8 mm. Kodachrome Film 35 Give forth 40 Declaim 45 buiNI,.tkiak; .It .....H«aMH «i....— ' it.'WAo, -Tumulty« „ ar. atiWw yrmun SehOot hrl RockvlUeTthree afitam. Mrs. t*5 — report*' that'-H - la- *eeo»v4ng WMInwiif 'SehMlt,-R»4k S--' PLIANCE win be hetA g ^ land 'ItTHvIdea 4lXhddra«a 5 will make a gOOd imprmeiob Flret Golfer— Confound it, air. Kept In ItefHgerntcd CnsM ISPoafc 4 3 Poema SO Scottish river /Veroen., ^ e next re(h»l*r session j relddn of Rockville, Mrs more and more gifts for Maiirhea- makes .1 0 -4 0 e ^ ^ for only 1 3 .0 5 , processing and Fed- and Mom’s preeent!” , r ’ ...'Sl 3t Notion decant people." you almoit hit ter'a <}ueen and her court from i Sickroom Soppltos Well, will be held on Bept. »T from B Etta Seay of Columrbua,Columbua Ohio, ansMen-Who »re you ? Tqwn of Vernon wlB be named. table record player and radio; .. » ;• .. -U F .Every one can master a grief ■ ■ ■ Reipnbilean caoeuaea -are . also' top.and Herbert Kuhnke, charged ~' Japaneae coir ■■Ma" - - -J but he who has It. ■ New F o i ^ ^ — Tm DOdgWi the with a variety of offenses including •new forw yl^ \ - . balflg Aeld..thls eventag A t Jlllihg-. speeding and breach oT-peaee, has " ' V iM iC AL'' F F ton at 7:30 p. m. and at Tolland May virtue be our armor when One of the MenvSo are we. Sit been set for Sept. 22. The pair waa J Indian weigh wlckadnass is our assailant down gild have a smoke. at 8:30 p. m. arrested last month after a wild IKiV __ t «nm Z i Board of Christian. Education 3 Jndividuala t mm police chaae which ended when the la i'iil CAftNIVAL BT DICKtUftNER The Board of Christian Educa­ car In which the two were riding, LH tion of the First Congregational BACK TO SCHOOL??? Church of Vernon Center will meet crashed. NH AS Iln4»,4 Jm. Old Staff iN Joseph MuscQ who nad baen BOOTS AND HEft BUDDIES BY GALBRAITH this evening at 8 o'clock at the charged with negligent homicide ih*ONiYSrt'*»'*e* SIDE GLANCES pafsonkge. W « hovu a fuM Him o f Thormes Lunch Boli^ Kits W f . W (bOVLy.lVWS in connection with the deaths of- fwIMOW-AWAYiAlt VVRVS NCL'VNMA WLVV.XVfc ; lichool Stair Meet* motorcyclist Dontld D. Fontaine and Thnrmof HHnn for the youngttofc and ALL fO« laKSltUt-l Wt An Important meeting of the QlMbft.VMWI GUMiSPiV. tAONItW i*A P r ^ r -L On June 1, was exonerated earlier Aewline Iww *"d 5UIRI.VW )sm» f\)bNbo>»6 «*. pww,|»yM;«£^ \W t Sufudgy School atair of*the First by tfie coroner. The case case was ■RANDS o f Homo Permononts and RnfUM • . - • VMb COUMftS Evangelical Dutheran Church will ■MmAUMni 5 CARLOADS VWA o w b .L hwa f j nolled today. FREE DELIvklRY ANYWlftcilB specdlng;-Jos^h Ziiccaro, 28, 69 "iMuioHESTER Alumpl tieaglie game. Vernon, avenue, Rockville, mlause ^tending Convention of limited license, 39; John D. F L U m iN B 5 -.r-AfrA Chapman. _ Is Wedatnlakl; Jr.. RFD • RorkvHlei HORTR END PHARMACY among thKatat* delegates attend­ speeding. 336; Albert W . Percos- jYS — PAY YOUR ELECTRIC RILL MERE ■‘O ing the natranal conv/entlon of .the ~ SOPPLYliO. ' OPEN 8 U I kl, 81. Franklin street. Rockville, 4 DEPOT * rUARE "rEL. 2 American D c « ^ Auxiliary in New breach of peace' and Intoxication, •if U'e Hardware We Have It" York ’City tWaVeek. She attended 310 on each count; same Sentence F .'T . Bllsh, 3 r., Pres, and Treas, a meeting o^, t l ^ National Child for similar charges against Thom­ 577 Main Street — Phone 4425 nt> p » 'M ■Welfare bommltteX on Saturday; as Wendiis, 8.6. WIndsorvllle road. B' and the NaOonal KW utlve com­ HORNETS M«ti-Slse, Eh? Vernon; and Adam Duplnski. .67. of a l l e y OPP mittee meeting on Sltin^day. also PONSr€eAKE.TA problem , Rockville, Intoxication, 310 fine. ir s A MANl AB'flUMIOS ocx:.:,B^T yAU^i~ 0 N6 the group meeting of cWld. wel­ AND eOMBWHW* N W i WWimANDS ^GPeHSBMBquSKI^eHSBMBf BfoNoeoiou fare workers on Sunday efternoon, OP MtABOLAIXlV O^W D G B X tOOKi ,W5Wt.m s o (WTVBOijND u T V ------where,, as Area . A child i^fa re The Rockville bureau of Hie' WITH IMS fiSNB WHOSi TOPWE^TGAre. rhalrttian. ahe extended the ghpet- Manrheater Evening Herald U lo-' MANCHESTER TRUST CO CMPtT fU W AMAY WITH Ings of the Now England State rated at One Market afreet. T*M- (XXXA AND K>OZV. •'g , . i ' Sod U Bom jikone Rockville 5/8186; Mr. and Mm. Merrill Thomas. R FD D Rockville, are parents of a son, boni /Aug. 21 at the Mart- \LODOE BLASTS REDS ^ •-fill • ford Hosplleh •lames A. Bentley New York, Aug. 25 -- Con- jamenJames ysiLuuiArthur tavuvic.r.Bentley. 69 •»«'.. of«»* 30 , ..v-.-.....—nectlcutV - _ Governor . .. .. John Lodge „ IfountAin itrfeet. died at Rockvnie aaya Comm\^iniRts.omnv falUnff to over Plus: W e Are Sold Out Of Used Cars City Hospital tht* morning.'He come resistance in many Buro- ' *'RT a'Tettred ’leom flner. paaA .owntricA^are. conermtraUag, t a g Bom at Agawam, Mas*., Oct. 17. oil young peopleMn those nations. 1882, he waa the son of the late Speaking at a sK Stephan's Day Mr. and Mrs. James Bentley, -of celebration here/last night. Lodge We Need More Good Cleon Used Cori that (own but spent most of his aaid the.... ------Reda V e "charging down ^ ir -f AfHt> On ThA-W dipsUt.. e r r o ih a m t. Now, if Liiad. A..auil -.llfeUmalarU»U.aisa..Jaur.ingJW«.iHt9R.l&f.Jxtt,JKMfA,Pi tuuieMOaini ,MU':-*m3.- 'TCHRI 8 W E L K I N , 1»lsnetwr'~"- -r--w r “ Anwlwr ■eertiflod'ventiqtioy R®'* ’ period here he worked for the with ominous/rapidtty. SSiLSSUasuA of armor I c<)uld stand.off our oraditors! I/' 'VJau!-:-!'"" s ,^^ s«,i n* « , A»»BtA,rmeiKn»* Z ^ t C«OP AROUND '^nP>OV$KHfiR _ mreursujutM fn TM(*evew»N6 A5our mmCATKOCtC/f ^ dues BUNNY T M eaH 6 T0 UAVB / on NOMCnmiDINA I B tO H T W ^ K M POCMnOAVAT yOUlOTHKCMfV* . rrovrwiTHTwrr— BY HERSHBERGER SPEGIALiZINd IN yiAMMTIM TICH ouebn b a l u Amaiza, ■nUT APVBNTN»»» FUNNY BUSINESS f -WBWaatOCK^feM— OBAOl CUSTOM BWLT HOMES GENERAL CONTRACTING REMODELING AND REPAIRING FREE ESTIMATES — MORTGAGES ARRANGED ERNEST X . RITCHIE BY CHECK w.% 16 LIBERTY ST. / TEL. 8172, MANCHESTER BEL Tkay hoYi) ip 'ChnekMostar CKCdunf hart ^ Mcmehastnr SR PRISCILLA’S POP Sound Policy Trust Campony. All Models r K N O W r_BUT WHEN r T H A T . 'CANTT EVEN HAZEU, i f Nome printed bn oil checks i ^ ^ e e x ^ H E A R V tJU / pftOM ise..^ ^ if No minimum bolonce required ■ 1 ★ Low Down "'A. ^ No monthly service chorge No cliorge for depofits / ★ No chorge for checkbooks ★ Monthly Notes » ....Spv; —

4 m < sasgr^'T^ss^gaiafc.aha ifa •: ix S5r '« NOTHtNO fiif; , I'MFaesTTffliaaMflNpvyr i CAPTAIN EASY Ready To Run Away doar. It’a not aportinfr BY M. C. BLOSSER '.•Sfen'', "rwfpio bw ^ Nttti « w ? ■Forinr'CNEU IthS HOSEOM VtXMsNTMAgfiKn MtfHTAJS MNUA t o o n e r v iB " f o l k s BY FOOTliN® FOX Mere he comes \ O h,o w r f Y j think. PLACE ANOI AJJP WOWJ j B »t! rU IME N the HMORS ] OUR sow s A RWU. ClMck ^ ^ h y Not Drive A New Hudson ^iWCABOUriUHSM; _ CARf _JL MtoO/ MigHTASwea N o m u o u s W Phone 4148 ^ofn — iusInoMHkt TAKSITOW TM' BANK' LAM MOWl noesM. — Convonlant The Only Cor Thot Will Not Be Outperformed MIS We’ll deliver an^* order, large or amklL W'e’ll recom­ 7 - e m u C A fTuam mend the right building maleriala for your project- ay— brief you on the latest eonstmetkm methods— tell you STOP In Todoy For An Approisol TOuVr the beat wav to do the work,or put yoq in touch with a Gunsto relklNe contractor. W'e’ll even send you free plan hooka. And Demonstrotion! r r r LAItO . I If yqu prefer a persona! job analysis and free estimate, smith! ’w«*ll send our iepresentallve 4 o your doorstep— no ob- LOOK H fntion. See


- y ^

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST >25. 1952 V a g e te n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. AUGUST 25, 1952 THE :ers M^rald Angle By Winners Get All Runs McIntosh Wins National Little EARL W. YOST Bum.s on Way Dallas Ready SpoHt E4ltor Cleveland Home for 20 of Last 22 Games / League Bat Crown, Legion Wins ■ jut______To New Mark For Pro Debut ^In Big First Innmg T i MONDAY 'Of Wtiodiiock AC»il»m.V. JInJ «'*|- New York-(NEAI-In the BBNN'B T A V E W vron the nib- N ATIO N AL U T T L E LEAGUE abattlng and pitching force*. fir*ti of unolhfr week nnd tt 1» Hvin «nrt Eddie CoIlHi* ^owl- Spring the Indiana told you. Lu*-. bbr. gam* with the Bolton Lake FtnjU Standing* -baseman Dick Nielsen who reached Mait Down Tinst IVice House yedterday nioriaing at the three times, scored twice an* iMVtutial lietvy Mond«y irheduU .row Wllnon. M Defensively C/>Hrh PheUn claim* clou* Liik* Easier was the key ' First Round iS Sfc^ .HI, . nv ■ M «ilb«g heovy \vo»h1 *nd Fred Foil of Mlddl*- T li^ Week to Finish Checks Arms Charter Gak Lots, 18 to 11. Flre- i W L ret. drove In another run to complete 1 fool^*!! pre*» releii«e» now town «t \the dinner ^ «r d . . , Squad In Better Than mag.'' baU Red Oavtllo was the winning Morlarty Brothers...... 7 2 .778 hla second season, and Inflelder m f •m w it bnnebnlt nnd horee .Spee, he* ore o.il, exrept for n Wei- By ,IOr. R P.I(in,E K Yank* of a Year Ago TTiIng* were blackest fo r the Round in Tie With ' 'IM m r hiina pitcher In A relief role. Billy Pa- American Legion ...... 5 4 .554 Mickey Romanlew Who although ^W n« hnndoilU . . . Motor to romtnir eddre^e* by Prjieldenl Jor- Associated Pre«* Kpnrta WHter Cleveland club, July- L when the ganl managed'the winners. Fairfield Markets -5 - .444 ending, the season In a slump, had R. RreviKt, 9b .. __t...., ■' 8*11, c ...... & * r t « r 0«k leOU in the evenln« Reneen . . . Home »t »n e*rly hour Know what'* keeping the Yan­ gigantic Aral baseman had to be Brown and , Beaupre Manidiester Auto Parts 2 7 .222 been. Impressive at times, both In McOehan, 9b .... Kerr.vllle, Tex., Aug. 25--(Ab-- g lu t C ITY football team wlU fiS^VikfkOl^wt’ inl^rw*Ung Alumni: mvi tf^vu# gnd'rndlo hold* the In- kee* 'and Dorlger* In ffr*l, place? sent down to Indianapolis to re­ ---- - . the field and at bat. McIntosh, c. p . K*«iryft vgtne. Two home lereet until, bed time, Cotrh Jimmy Phelan aay* hi* Dal­ gain hla level awing. vrAN iM M as hold its first practice of the season Bobby McIntosh won th* Na- j MAKING THEIR FINAL ap- 8. Provost, p. 9b Pitching? Nope. Hitting? Nope. las Texans are stronger than the tonight at 6 o'clock at th* Charter W. Burnell, If .. ^HirC/onc #«ch bv Steve Cooper P'KIDAV Then what la lt? The Bitoatlon waa sn desperate W L P e t tlonal U ttle League batting cham- pearancea for Falrflalds were BsnU. It ...... and-put Mozter, and four double-' Pay day and th» uauat trip to New York Yanks, whom they suc­ that Hank Or*«nberg gave Saern- Brown A Beaupre . . . . 4 3 .646 Oak Lots. Alex Ferguson wlU be plonahip Saturday afternoon by three-year veteran Dickie "Red" Nlclssn. lb .... Okay, we’ll tell )«ni. U '« th* Aelrt- ceeded In the National Eootball ih charga of the driU. A coadh wUI D. Burnstt.rf ...... - - ipleyit HtgmghW iuu.ai, f , taUr- U.1JS.. bank. R.ouUne ^ y ^ ■big- ■ 2" •: ’Jnst • platn roid "faahblned meats gA M M MMLgiayans-tec BIU - Itewt Motional Bank ..^ 4 A -.A U smltectiuE ltWft J4MU WhUa,Jip..w -MwtSVSltr-, - 1- tw .rfc • areathr with ear n ; followed by watcffinj Yanke#- LesgTie; atiovt of Olynn, although three years In ' Tm «g'm#riit¥rtSfti»*eIt;' At It. h« pitched the American) Walk ana A single. wujfer.Bcrol^ MrCIsIn. cf ...... 9 0 DP. PP. N RR . championship caliber. Haaaltf.Anna ...... 4 4 hSS k'emti aa aeaaon near* o ■ Cleveland baaeball Kama.on. teevee. Triple A gave quite a Hne on him. Miuichaater. Trust . . . . 1 4 .142 Uglon to a 10.5 win over Fair-i F'inWe who led the team wlUi a Twsronlts, cf ...... 1 0 OMr Mel Cuahicx' deaervea much' Having picked the Indiana In .Before the start of the aeason Silvery-haired Jimmy was pretty NICK TW ERDY la still anxious field Market*. The game waa a .367 average, third baqpman Don­ Romanlew, *• ...... 9 0 ” ' plua Johnny Hedlund, j April. I waa a-rootlnjt all th^e way. those who picked New York and pessimistic today aa he prepared Easter la hitting nothing but to pick up th* baaeball glove he nie Sylvester, who reached .three ;enKht, . Una drive* now, and the Indiana Naatift Arma got oft to a shaky > make-up contest and decided sec-: Totals Yor the fin* four team How about thoae tight pitch** Al- Brooklyn to win the. pennanta pre­ Texas’ Aral, major profeaatonal lost laat week. The person who ond place in the first, round, llila time* on walks and once when hit are conAdent they'll take it all. drat Inning start itnd lost a 4 to 4 found the glove caUsd Nick's home 'daaaup which . waa organ- lle Reynold* threw to Luke Eaater, dicted the Yankee* would win on team to play It* Aral professional contest rapg down the curtain on by a pitch, Bobby Braos, the main­ I-arry Doby and Al RoaenVTb* their pitching *nd the Dodger* opponent the Philadelphia Eagles "O n# thing I*, for sure," they daClBlon to the First National but tb* Little Leaguer was so ex­ spring of a wobbly mound corps, D. Sylvsstrr. lb iMSlaat Spring . . . Two baaeball point out, "the Yankees aren’t IBank yeaterday afternoon at the National League’s first season. and Bob Nell who played the In­ Fisher lb .. gliwtao that 1 know of were loat Big t'hlef aiire had the batter* un- would cop on their hitting. at. Odessa Friday night. cited h* forgot the adiiress of the The Legion acored three runa In Twerily, p .. "Tlial’s'the game that will tell going to hurt us." Charter Oak Field In an Alumni caller. Mra. Twerdy would appre­ field, outfield, pitched and caught Stevenson, cf ^dlnrtnil lha ', gamb Imlge over the Nt. afraid It will be bad news,” anid mad* a winning habit of knock­ crowiL Brown and Beaupre played glove would call again. A final recheckIng of the atatla- Jacob*. 9b ,, ; « ' r ram at. Charter Oak which ing off the challengers, hut time Brass and Bill Twerdir for nine tlca show that Mac and Nlclc JMwiMti to Ronnie Kimmopa while Llttle'Lengue game In the evening liOiil* t'ardinal* In the Natlnaai Phelan. "We'vn been playing serv­ boat to Wethersfield iu the second Cronin. 9b .. plartlcally ha* run out on them iMRS. GEOROB E N G L IS H hits. Meanwhile. Steve Provost and Twerdy, hi* nearest competitor, Nell, ck tha league atandinga. They Eddie Wojclk for walks in a game when he drew and Neal Cheney after the game. I pear that either club wilt have a made Phelan slightly ill, "It road, of rnurse. The Yankee* BIG CHIEFS— With Bob Feller falling off, the Cleveland Indians rely on Uieir Rig Three. Bob Lemon, will meet Manchester Trust Tues­ foUows: Tonight, R ^ Sox vs. were the Fairfield team which Runs bsttsi] In, McOehan, McIntosh, favorita nawspapar nearly forgot about Al Martin Early Wynn and Mike Garcia, left to right; lye bidding for 2(>-gany seasons. (N B A ). Cards; Tuasday, Tanks va. Dodg­ four free paaaea. Opened and closed the season, both R. Sylvester, BenU. NIsIssn, Rtsss^ ig:..-" ■ ■n^DAV 20-game winner this year. The showed that w* couldn't threw— bounred down In front on foreign day and Thurailay 'nights at the D. Sylvester. JacobW Nsllli stolen waiting at The Herald office fdr we have got to have a paasey If bsttledelds In 1950,. but there I* ers; Thuraday, Red Sox vs. Dodg­ Five players played their laat with, losses, and Umpire Bam Va- tTdv*it*r>ilyii------wildWM« . pHehsi*, employs slectricol, slsetronlo snd mschaaical priaetplan, Brigga reports th* griddera will be point* better than the Cards of Celerl and George Taliaferro I,* Lopes’ lada are home the entire escaped .without being scored onj^ MArtirf. M 0 0 3 Manchester High candidates atarte a fielding' mark of 1.000, pltcher- Field the American League's tof’ >*welter. Bob left the calendar at overtime— Allle Reynolds, Vic (uipaeity, had batted in 27. Fine defensive play marked Naa- Hedlund. p, lb 0 10 0 rid pennant race resumes with a Brass 4, Twsrdy 1; pasMd ball*, Fbk*: pit services sutomstlcslly, Th* operation t f th* ■r~-~ out Monday night for the first 1044 and one better than the In­ very good except for passing. "We month of. September for 20 ot RACING Wojclk; lb. _ 1 8 a tonight at 5:30 at the Franklin Inflelder Steve Provost completing winntnx pltebsr. McIntosh; IMlng rilM tlMk and It waa promptly Raschl must have hi* rest. Every­ C^blHBlIofl I aiffs* play all aeason but yesterday battle between th* Cardinal* and pitcher. Brass: umpires, Mullsn, Va- time and that practice until school dian* of 1040. They'Ve made only have good receivers but the pitch­ their laat 2t, Dale Mitchell, swift and an laCfivB O atcr T r»rfl Dormer, If, ,3b 0 1 0 Building with Head Coach Walker hi* second aeason, who has been uses two sate of pins, ia started by the Impihot oC .pUcad on tha wall ., . Watch thing could depend on the pain, or z' Ticket 0 0 0 esnti: scorer, T*tro; ttms, 9:00. opens will be held at night because 71 errarn In 117 games, another ing Isn't up to snuff..And our kick­ aernmplised left Aelder, Is one of was another day as three errors, Cohei;. rf ---- Briggs In charge. Physical exams one of the mkln cog* In the Legion the Red * Alumni Uttle U a r t* g n "* ‘ ha Furthermore the Indians have lack of It, under Eddie Lopat’s Afc«fy ManefRia. c * 0 5 4 cushions. In which a switch I* instalM- (N B A ), ' moat of tha boya are working en record gait. ing Is poor.” those ball players who goes . I all In the first inning, proved 0 0 0 will be given tonight Practice aei- ^averilnip and hotlca aponaor Tommy four more series and a couple of left shoulder. •t ie:45 A. M. / R, Cyr. cf ... farms or In atoraa. . . . llaiial week­ Ry completing a double play He said his team should hsve around asking: Irc. Tex fatal. Gibba. I f ...... 0 0 0 alona will be held every night this Brown of Brown and Baaupre In postponed games with the toothless 0 2 1 ly pop corn party and teevee occu- yeaterday In rmiling the rnrdinnis, been able to handle Carswell bet­ Tigers. With Al Rosen through press­ "What does a fellow have to I Lao Cyr, plnt-slfed pivot man Hubbrrd, 8b . week starting Tueaday from 5:30 the aUiida . . Onp of the moat effl- do?" NfW INGUNO TRANSPORTAIION CO. plea remainder of night's time be­ 10-4, In snnp St. land*' eight ter, that the Texan* were only 20 it will be recalled that Detroit, ing, the Indians have, plenty hi I for the Bank, ignited the six-run Tptaia ...... 26 8 3 21 14 2 until dark at the Charter Oak Lots. Football Fans Can Expect •fle n l "ball chaaara" waa Hanoi fore getting under th* blanket (a). the way of an attack, nnd who Bolomon. local tax A>naulUnt . . game winning streak, they broke n points ahead until the last play of which hid lost 1ft of 17 previous outburst by drawing a base on Maakiff Arms (4) HATIIRDAY do you spppose is leading them AB R H PO A B NO GAME I* Hated tonight in the J S J t. Boya thordughly enjoy playground leagiie record, eonipieling a twin the game; that Carswell didn't games to them, took four or Ave balls. A l Martin moved the runner Kohen. 2b ...... 4 1 1 3 2 0 What- atsiled out as a routine compare with the pro. clubs, not In hitting, rhnking a bid for the TwiUght League at Nebo. The AMESITE DRIVEWAY facllltlea at the Charter Oak Lml killing In their tOth consecutive from the Indiana Juat before the along with a perfect sacrifice. Cole, aa ...... 3 1 1 0 I 1 To Hear More Whistles BstUng—Iry Noren, Yank***— day turned Into a most plea»*nl game. even the Eallea, whom Phelan says bell laat Fall, knocking them, out league champlon-ship, a* a mat­ Jackie Hedlund reached on a boot Eacavitch, c ...... 3 1 1 7 0 ,0 game between Hamilton and the Before heading for Brookfleld and enjoyable one. While ahop- ter of fact? . None other than Cooper, ir p ...... 4 1 1 0 4 0 Doubled with two out and the SAVE 10«A lY CALUNA NOW itreet and a quiet evening watch­ The Yanks came from behind to la not among the stronger teams of the race in which they showed by Dave Golas and Wojclk strolled Brltlah Americans has been post­ plng at noon, I encountered a of the National League but still far Dale Mitchell, the Oklahoma oil Mozaer. lb, c f ...... 4 0 1 6 0 0 poned until a later date aa the By GAYLE TAYLOR bases loaded in the eighth Inning ing taavae. nip the Detroit Tigers, 4-2 and pick the way until Sept. 18. That and to load tha bases. Cooper got Oolaa, 3 b ...... 2 0 0 1 1 I a MACHINE SPEBAO • WORK gC * farmer friend who Invited the Yost ahead of the service outAtS; man-rancher who nofr plays ball Bngliah. rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Props are out on vacation this to drive In three runa and glV* the WBONBNIIAY up a full game on the Cleveland the total eollaps^ of the Red Sox, George Dormer on strikes but New York, Aug. 36~(/P)—The Necciai Oin’t Ml§8 “ Yankees a 4-2 unhlll victory over a FREE GRADING • WRI family to visit hi* home and fl«h Indl*n* who dropped a IH-InnIng Explaining that while he thought Jxist for the fun of It. . He’s the RANGE ^ FUEL OIL Dave Boland let Marv Cohen's rol­ Blmmona. p. if ...... l 0 0 0 0 0 week. ■ college football aeason I* ap­ • FREE ESTIMATES • M O m TWk with Doc Dlekan at tha during the afternoon. The boy* who dropped nine In a row to the Boland, lb ...... 1 0 0 4 0 1 th* Detroit Tigers. 0-4 marathon to the Renatora in the ITxnna were better than the Yankesa. coat the Indians the top hIolaat aavaral, montha . . a ahlhkr although hullheada were That waa the Arst thing Manager Cooper ahd got Jeff Glbba to hit You Just think It Isn’t possible. He ruined enough of thsm In but three hits In 7 2-8 scorsfeso in­ CAM." ‘ Umpire Aral Uttle League haaehall .gel a split ,ln the dnuhleheader, season. MORIARn BROTHERS two-bkee hi'ji, Cole; stolen bases, the object of the party. Oiir boat's The 48-msn squad will go to Lopes corrected In Spring train­ to ahent but. A l Cole couldn't find GlblB, C^ooper. Mozaer. Kohen 2, Cote, Local officials who should know hla-day. nings until the Benstorp'tallied In irf the deaaoh at Memorial winning the second game, halted ing. the handle, Cohen crossing the £Uc^*ltch. Smith; aacriflcea, Martin; say you’ll go honie on Saturday So when the Cincinnati man­ two daughters also helped In the at the end of seven inning* by Dallas TTiursday on the way to 315 CENTER STREET T*EL. 51.35 .1 the 14th to defeat the Indians, and game r^iOB off 10,1 :1 (1 ... afternoon's catch. Not only did we Cleveland .has three atron^- plate. Leo Cyr singled to center to double plAya, Hubbard to Maneggia) nights and dream you’re lost In the ager got his flrat look at the ptannlng oceUplaa rem ailer darkness. 6-.1. Odessa where a sell-out crowd of left on uaaca. Bank 7. Naaalffa 4; baaea 9-8. E bring home fish but also the best better than 20.000 is expected to armed pitcher*—Wynn, Lemon register Maneggia and Ronnie Cyr on balla. Wojclk 5, Cooper 5. SImmona; By BEANS REARDON testing department of a whistle Pirates’ young Ron Necciai, he of evening after getting hoy* off to Hoslon's third place Red Ron " " " 7 ' ..... ' esting cbm we have had thI* sea­ see the Texan-Eaglea game. and Garcia—begging for work. ■with the fifth and atxth run*. Mar­ atrlkeouta, Wojclk 6. Cooper 6; hlta off foundry and thait little men ' in went overboard. moved to within four games of the Cooper 2 for o runs in 6 2'3 innlnga: 34 Yean la National League son . , 1 Boy* made a complete While Bob Feller has lost consid­ tin walked, but Hedlund grounded Writtea for NEA Servloe white panU are ’popP‘"K •" "With sn arm Ilk* thst,” the ... ■ Tm!B»DAY " ; Yankees, sweeping n pair from erable of hla speed, the one-tiplc ELASTIC .STOCKHsr.R to first to end the frame. Cooper Simona 1 for 0 funa in 1-3; Wojclk 7 out of holes In the wainscoting. Rajsh said, "the sky’s the lim­ canvas of the neighborhood In th* the Rl. laiiil* RrnWns, 2-1 In 10 for 4 runa In 6 2-3;. Hedlund 0 for 0 I Sports M im r ~\ 'Oil* Of the Aneat haaaball pic- evening diaplaying their catch to Iowa farm boy la still an excel­ k EXPERT riTTEB^ ^ came back In to start the second rtini In 1-3; hit by pitcher, by Wojclk Question:' Why Isn’t baaebaU They say It’a really going to be it." Utsd Otrt Vsrtid — llisi Osi* W iW R Inning* and -Jt-I. Philadelphia's .ura, book* to hit the deak thle the n*rghbora . , . Moat neighbor* lent ' spot right-hander. So la and allowed two hlta and walked (Golaa); wild pHchea. Cooper; umplrea. part of the Olympic Game* pro­ aomething. auoh aflivea from the Loulavllle Alhlrllcs cliint to fourth place by Steve Gromek. And In the bull one but the damage had been done. Kerr-Glovlno; time, 1:W. gram? Reason is that they’ve now de­ Today A Year Ago—Tha United Wanted to know where this mys­ one percentage |>olnl, dividing a t Arthur Drus Storas j States won Us Illth eonsacuttv* lugger Oompeny, maker of thoae tery, pond waa located . . . After pen there are the right-handed Nasslffa kept pecking away at AnSwpr: Beoause the game Isn’t cided to hang a whistle on every doiililrhrstler with the White Rox. Wetheraield 0> Include* the field Judge, who In vtetory In Wlghtmaji Cup tennis famoue Lmilavllle Slugger bale, hnuse" bunting family settles back the Bank lead aa they scored sin- AB R H PO A E the national offlClai in the .field, .from .the ricture* ot many major league The .A's came hack to cop the gle_ runa in the'second and third the past' haa been a quiet austere play, defeating .. the Pittsburgh and enjoys fine teevee program*. Mann. 2b sport In enough -fieadlliMsman right through the individual. He ,v^U be expected to are areiahown, plua record* and second gnmr, A-1 after the White Septic T anks Cleaned and added a pair In the fourth. LeTendre, countrleo. No Plrstss, 11-10,. and held to their • Hl'NDAY lefereo. That mean* at least four Drennan. . get hIs knickers muddy too. ay ot ,*m* of Interest Make 10 o'clfwk mass and then Rox had taken an 11-7 opening Wojclk ran Into real trouble In 'game, accord­ Wkistlra wiiero only one shrilled six-game league lead. ^ t hch to Btonra to tak, etiigtest. - DeaMaraia^. 3b Each official, aa we-unders^iid IllDtor cbTleclTioy* giiinamolher prior to the third but the Main Street nine Apcrqulat. ing to Olympic before. In s o m e conferences, where Yen Yitera A g o —The BoffRTh'Raa th*. asaalon of the a trip to Poreat Park In Rprlng- Thi Philadelphia PhllHes and Coll ManchMter's S«wtraqB Specialists only scored one run and left the Marahall. rides, may be- speotatera wiU be especially lucky, It, will have a given territory to Sox swept a doUblehsader from YFJtTBRDAY’S RESULTS Wiac. lb lie . . . Lectiireri are fleld, to *e* the monkey*. The park Chicago Cubs split a twin bi" ■■ sacks Jammed. Vinnle Kohen sin­ fxHne part of It mean* five. watch very closely, especially for the. Cleveland Indtansi 4-3 and 5-1, dill Pittsburgh and the Boston gled to left and Cole followed with Keleher. If . infractions of the personal foul M floly cross and Don la Jammed with car* and more than Hartford J. WtllUmiport 1 (13). Anderaon. rf the official com­ The Idea behind the Influx of for their eighth In succession snd Braves. 'JTie Phlla swamped the a uble' to center. Mike Esca- rule and for defensive holding. iPauiil., IU m M i:! , . . Met many 30 minute* Is spent trying to move ninfhamton B-4. Scranton 3>3. Daley. 2h .. petition unicos whistles Is. primarily, to try to cut the New Tork Yankee lead to high Khool and col- Cuba, 14-4 behind Riia* Meyer 8rhi*rsrtady €. Readini 1, vltch waa given an Intentional Smoienakl. cf ...... 8 1 1 2 0 0 . KjmEraJtr Each will have soiReihlng of th* OB/ the Jeep along a quarter mil* make a-shaep reduction JaTltoAX.t' ______— ______Iheludtng Ray OeatlBg aftea. ■Wwi’cen-Uneker-had'cnt pitch'- , .AUuuu;. ItU^bUA._____ .... bripiir powers Y«f#rw:«e ■«T»tPh' nf- Toad •TT'- 'Ptayed balt-lTr ?'v..r.vrxChamp. Ifir ...... ____ 7 n0 n0 o0 0 0 niKvaidpiav;^ n r A ln t cesslvely rough play which be­ Twenty Year* Ago— Babe Rutlhi ed Robin Roberts for a 3-> W.hlte and Carl team. Ye editor came up w ith.* KIner 'hammering hla 28lh home Amarlraa SEWERAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY •’Coop” grounded to Cyr who AB R H PO A E out for being more ^closely under the new In- cun> .:tn-,-g4««>..thtL*bHi'glW* rooble- At. LOUl#-,l4e- - -..threw - -owL -Kohen- JtL. tha---platc- jneR .whOL .nj»Hs » ______•, “H0OIWW-’ -«NMI -Twtrh-lliat hioiight hartc-raemoriea- f?sw York 4. Detroit 3. Bogginl. 3b. .... 0 - - - •xtrnelrT>jr'"»- "stfgiiftifftte Tir tnp-pB «r ywu ntght Kon Necr.lal hi* Aral major league ' D R A I N A G E ^ Wojclk came back In and forced ball' are r. Phlladflphla 7-IL Hedlund. lb 1 7 L 0 ball, who gete brakeff, right now, have vVatchOd tktee or four game* led outdoor barbecue la moved In- d*y with the' Yanks. The Herald's victory In the oi>encr, 4-3 Waahlnfton f. dBveland I tlA). cole at the plate on BUI Mozzer’s Irish. 3b, p 3 1 0 1 credit for the R ««d o n without seeing It called oncf. It 3b 0 0 2 0 LINCOLN-Af^RCURY D fA ftt; _ld* when th* rain* come and 1 gain la the .Yankees' loa* In .Sapl- The Yank?** ervipted for four IntaraatUaai ]30>1^ Poori St., MoRchBstBr—TbI. 5308 . Slow roller back to the mound. Zatkowaki, p. putoutT "It's the main thing we’ve had to be a pretty open and abut ftiiffalo 13. Toronip T. ' Cleorge English went down swlng- Auatin. c .. 0 11 2 0 talked about at bur meetings enjoy company of Walt Schmidt enta. runs in the eighth after rookie IlofhrBtfr 10. flyracuBB ’7, Kinney, If . 0 10 0 A. 321* fielder neareat the ball. ease, with some offensive player BALCH is Your Billy Hoeft had baAled them with Montrsal 4 Sprinvflalri 3* - h)g to end the threat. Keeney, rf .. 0 0 0 0 Q. A fielder drops a fly ball, a since lost season;” a well known dlvpig deliberately liito an op- Ottawa 3. RBlUmora 1 b r o w n a n d b b a U P B Curry., cf ... 10 0 0 Eastern coach tell* me. "Please Ave hits and no runa through seven 0 0 0 0 line drive or a tbrowp ball, but ponCRt'g hind end whose beck Is innings to oven~ome a 2-0 deAcIt ATANDINOB couldn't come up with the base hjt Guay, rf ... dM ’t _put _meJin Jlie position ‘ ^of -Amertmm----- — — -Tlaher.—ct- 0 n J) 0 j*CQV-*rfl the balLJn Jim®, to .force, -tume' TAKE A/l ilAllTlH TA M l Fop PGA Stars-Arrim, A ' baaea loaded walk, to pinch In'Tim " em eX " and WeUiei afield Wojcjk.* If 10 0 0 pointing the Ongef, but we TthoW W L Pci. OBL a runner at another base. I* he \ y Is no secret that the M um y 1 AUft TO Z4 MUIII n# III Fill hitter Johnny Mlae with two out NVw Tfjk ...... 73 U .561 walked off with a 7 to 4 win. Ken­ absolutely that som^ coaches have TO Totala ..... 4 7 91 9 3 given an error for dropping the Brndit incident last fall shocked followed by Irv Norm's pitch OUyfIkiwI ...... 66 a .566. t ny Irish and Hank Zatkowski become mighty careless Tkbout Rdolon ...... 64f 54 .A50 Wethersfield ...... u000 419 0—7 ball? le game’s gmrdlans and brought Tomorrow in Hartford double that cleared the bases, gave 4 divided the pitching for the Bees. what they teach their boys to do. '1950 PACKARD 4-DOOR 5I0AH PhlUrtfi-lphit ...... 43 61 .Ut YVi Brown A Beaupre L: ...... 1no 000 0-4 A.. No. them to a M em a realization that Ed t»p at his sixth victory. NVfiKliinfton Joe Apdqulst went all the way snd It is to our own Interest. te Green. Radio and beater. ■/" .....e.'V 64 16 .uo Tt# Runa______batted.... in, ^elquiat. Apelquiat. Smoienakl. Q. Did the great Eddie Plank they had better dp something in Earl Rapp's hases-loaded single ,...*#../ 65 60 .590 7^ for the Sdsltors. Quelette. Keleher/Irlah' • .liAr ! Irliih 2.9 RSweet; two- ever pitch In the minor* before help the offleiafa stop It. Stock No. U-774...... $ 1 5 9 f HarUord—Harvay Raynor, P. At.',Lntili .... M 76 .406 31H n hurry/to curb their wTldey off Early Wynn with none out In baae hita. Irish: atolen basea, ^Drennan moving up to the big league*? ■There will be a great Increase , JL. Tournament director, haa Detroit ...... *.. .. . 41 it .SM 30 2. Hedlund. Wojetk. Zatkowski, Bog- spirits. Too many mllllqns snw the Batlpr G p I s B i i i i i ' r. the I6lh scqred Jerry Snyder to gint, Irlah; aacriflcea. Bweet; left on A. The remaritoble left-hander in penalties this season nnd the 1951 NA5H AMIA55ADOR 4-DO0II .dvised Inaurance City Open RrooklyiL *...... 75 56 .667. oaaea. Wet,heraneld 8. Beea 7; baaea on never pitched for a minor league .^rowd* win not like to see tile sequence pictures of the Drake BETTER DEftL lalrman Bd May by phone from hring victory to Washington. The St. LrOUlP ...... 73 50 .560 Gray. Bodlb, brater, Butomatle tnuimnlaekni. Rush for Big Fib Indian* had forced the game Into m major leAOUB .jalla. Irish 3. Zatkowaki 3, Apelquiat 6; team, going from Gettysburg Col­ game slowed up, but we can’t have ITnlvTralty ace getting It on the ort Wayne, that th* P.G.A. tour- New YorH ...... 70. 46 t - strlkieouts. Irish 5. Zatkowaki 6. Apel- Jaw<—good—after he had . long PONll&G DEAIER Stock No NT-21«., ...... extra innings on Luk? F,nster’B PMlKdelphlK ...... 64 56 .536 u s quiat.6; hlta oft Irish 4 for 4 runa In lege tv the Athletics with which any more pictures In the papers aJtiant player* and directors will, Reno. Nav. ,(N E A ) It hap­ ...... 60 6i .a i slHra parted with the ball. three-nin homer In the ninth. t is # Go confidently on v#catia^ 4 innings; Zatkowaki 5 for 3 runa in 8. he pitched from 1901 to 1914. He like some you saw last winter. I , ( . <>!’ r -I I ■ . I 'I ” 11 h’ l- i 1951 CHEVROLCT 2-DQOR SIDAN. / nHV# In Hartford on pened 'In the Claa# D Far Weat Bojfitnn ...... 63 61 .4.73 ITS coot* $20.60 whop promptly ro. nit by pitcher, by Zatkowaki (Dea /H appy WblsWng. .j* Hartford Junior Chamber of; It took the Dodgers Just two CiiirlnotbU r« ...... M TO .46! 36 - with an «rtrs ISO or $100 tuded poid fit 12 eorfmeutivo monthly won 820 games In 17 season* in From here on when a player _ls 3-Tone gray. ------League. ritUburKh ...... 77 60 Aaaae Ja^yow » A»e a aa4*-»»-'»* Maraia); losing i>Ucher, irlah; umpirMl, "V. Commerce la completely orghnlaed Innings to Tool off the red . h'ot ; » t 46 bi your wallri for smartracito- inotollmonti of $10.05 ooch. For Wlllla, Vi^canti; time.- 3:06. the majors. caught getting too rough he Is goy Stock No. NT-tl9< ...... A better fiercely protested a iKtermtUKKl AMcrkaa I^agae ‘ ItoTfioeiv* them and to preaent the Cardinals aa Preacher Roe rolled MtviitreR] ...... A 63 50 .631 •— ' If you don't uw the ca.fi, rehtm oyompio, $100 for t 'month eottg Bstllna—Fain. Phlledclphl*. ing out of there in n hurry, and no iggeat golf event in New Eng- cslled third strike. Hla man­ to hla 10th triumph. The Etrooks SyTtruee ... **..,.... 75 63 .547 tw I t Your only cAsrd* h for the you only $3M. Phone, writ* or MltchsU. asveUnd. .391; Woodlinr. argunWnts." 1949 CADILLAC 4.DOOR SEDAN \ ager rushed onto th* Aeld, broke through starter Joe Preako R(V'he»!e,r ...... 74 64 .5.16 tl timo you hold It. A loan of $100. come In today. Nsw.Tork. .929; Kell. Boston. .312, The men with the tooten^all and'i hlatory, the gl5,000 Inaur- Tnronjo ...... *..... 6.1 ’ 66 .466 Its j 3-Tone green. ice City Open. ">y**" it a had pitch?" he for three run* In ih * Aral and Ruff«lo ..... iMM 929 to- 9900 om 9leeetove Aleno O^mac- Boston. .301, Country Cltib Notes. Sports in Brief four or five of them—will be ex­ $23 91 asked th* batter. The latter ...... 6Aj66 .465 11 Run* Batted In-®*™'?'- fitock No. U-79T...... THE TO I'RNAM ENT will start | three more In the second to clinch Raltknore « ...... 66 73 .476 16 phis, rf; Doby CTeveUnd. *6; Robln- pected from here on to g ^ right nodded. the Victory. OtUWK ...... 56 76 .U7 MS tmmpeu vm rwer u cii v » ray w aon. Chlcafo. M: Berra. New Tork. 78, Jn there and mingle on Yntlmate lUraday, at 6 p. m., with a clinic j SprlnRfleld ...... 57 71 4tt 36S every Saturday game playe Icum of "And vou." he growled, "are Al (?orwin's Aye-hltlef gave the Hearn "112-Ji va. Raftensbelfer (I.1-ltl, Washington. 29. Best Balt ed at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 80. Stock No. C-803...... $2195 roa. Dougla*. Burke. Kroll, Bolt out for lying." , Brooklyn at It. I-eiula (1-dav-nlfhti Trlplefr—fllmpaon. Cleveland and Rlv .jd Ford who represented . the Giant! a apllt. Loea tl2-») am. Rutherford 14-41 va. tutOs Naw York. 10;* Fox. Chicago and Del St. John, Max Schubert, 66 .Staley <14-111 and Haddlx ()-0l. Young, 8t. Louis. 9; Mlnofo, Cr^ago, Doc McKee, Elarl Ballaieper, 67 Tommy Holmes of the Brooklyn 1951 FORD “8” 4-DOOR SEDAN nlted State* in iVie international rhiladerphla al (Thlcaao —Rtditk (I- Doby, Cleveland and Vernon, Wash- atchea in Montreal. It la expect- J) vt. Lown (4-11. (Draw). Dodgers . will become s 10-year . Light green. We Need Your Cor!Car! . LOOK that: a lavgw throng - will greet . O n ly mmee sehediile.-Raw EitvaT*lla.^'S5»I2.<7E. - .’i4MTy:l)()by Iff UtoOsvaisskd'Io; eqMMOooit|!ii£ ounlry. Nam?s tike those men- .'■J AaiAipnlte;'''Md.'.- Navy’s "amallest" football squad, Tommy Collins of Boston and t o TRACK disns tied sn , Amerioam League 2-D6or Sedan. 3-to(ie Green. loned above plus Skee Riegel, JIni rugged Glen Flanagan of St. Paul; tw*on Little, Tommy [ with It* first, drill for the fall the latest scrap of the elimination Sports Schedule ^’ atrikTOnU — Pierce. ^ ,'f.**‘’hh*ntV 1948. S-T-R-E-T-C-H 1*4* MERCURY tTORT SEDAN rmour. Jimmy Thompson, .lohn- tournament to pick a duration GO BY TRAIN TO THE RACES Fort Wajme, Ind., Aug. 25—(Ah y Palmer, etc., plus many popu- v*mpaign. Phfudelphl2**91; 'acvcland. Black. Radio snd beater. In excellent oondltlen. world featherweight champion Tsnight IIJ; Wynn. Cleveland. 111. —Jimmy Clark of Laguna Beach, In 1944 Jockey Johnny Longden r local entries make the field i Coach Eddie Erdelatz will be NEW PONTIAC! HsUawal Lesgas , Stock No. U-804...... $1475 ;whlle titltat Sandy Saddler la In Calif., an outsider when the |15,- rode In s race st Belmont Park the und like the National Open. j shaking down hJ* two-pronged o(- Deci’a, v*. Center Springa< 4— “NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD OR OVERTRADED" LABOR DAY and every Saturday Batting—Mualal. St. Louis. .329. ...Your Fuel Bills the Army. , (Charter Oak. 000 Fort Wayne Open Golf Tour­ day after he had been riding at AMONti THE MISSING will be , fneive kttack, which mixes the Xluasswskl, Cincinnati. -9H; L SOCCER PLAYER DIES lawva Manehrater at lOrtS a.m. Baals! Phlladsiphi* 4M ' College,- Loc Angeles, Calif. Any Demo Up To A SULLIVAN SAPP BUY USED OAK W ARRAN^ There will be no worry about The cocky Colltna--a hard hit-. REPAIR—SERVICE Due 'G a ^ t t at 1.20 p.m. tt. Louis. 9: Jethros. Boston. Kl*u*- New Yoric'"(A h—Prtrfessional Full Day' ter with either Ast---conAdently Hqgtford, Aug. 26—(AV- Au- ■evski. Cincinnati nnd _H*mus. BL Stop in at your earliest convenience. Or phone 2-4595 dent parking areas for the Betara trela i ^ . the Jockey Chib before the orgaui suet) still are active on tb* race alt erasa ha lan’t playing profaa- mated Italive w e t^ t as “probaMy- A crowd of close to 12,000 is Soccer Club and th* Ognlwo Club, We Win Loan Y * « A Set I l l ; Robert*. M(C‘‘‘^ • ■ i«tlo n found one sccepUble, tracks. r jm 1 b ^ e th a lL (ipar 900 pounds.'-’ expected, to watch .the tpMl*. both o f this city-

- A - ■ ... u :-v a h a'# I-' ’ iHr- : - . M

m PAGE THIBTBBM MANCHES^rpi EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.» MONDAY, AUGUST 25. 1952 -4>- .PAGE. TWELVE Reds, West Stalled B omms for 72 f«r Salt 72 yantidw Bfl EiUto ,77| S ^ ie [ Boriiesa Senloai O ff«^ 18 W a n t e d —Three room 'funfihed x^ntoaiobHei for 8ml» 4 TO BE SOI VACANT—Five! room colonial, 196 FOR QUICK RESULTS in aeUlng UPf Planes 50 Rescujed On German T r^ty USED WASHERS apartment with private bath by Oak atreet. Garage, large lot. your ' property call Snburbas | AMTICiUCS Reflnubed. tUpairliiK WANTEl ySwg married couple. WIU pay Q lissifi^ GET-9ETTER VALUE ON don* on any furnitur*. Tlcmann, AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., 610 UP > ,SIX ROOM. OOLONIAL , Call 2-9777 or EUlngton 5-5033. Raalty Cq., Realtora, 541 How to Make a Fuel up to 3100 per month. Have/ref­ (OsMtlaMd (aon raga Obo) . A BETTER USED CAR ISe South Mala atraet.' Rion* local and long dialance moving, STOCK MAI Owner. atreat. Call 8215. A fter packing, atorage. Call 5187. Hart­ 4NC»ESTER —. American ABC APPLIANCE "CO. erence*’ , Phone 2-4240. Bow ers^)iool Area S«48. MANCHESTER—Duplex 4 and 4 BUYIUIS WACTING—Sbigl* and should iMr‘Willing, tha West has Mvertisments ford 8-1433. *ntal 9x13, $160, ' appraised Phone 2^1576 '"'.AT * STONE AND Brickmaahp. alao A steady, full time pcwKion- MIDDLE-A«ED Couple (l9,600 brick construction, nice condition, two-fapi*ly homea. For afflcient Of Your Wife argued, to Join In setting up soma CLASSIFIED ADVT. Applicants must be (ispiabl^f l9S; two Oriehtats 8XF $56, ap-i 21 Maple Street year chUd desperately n*4d 4 or and Confldantlal earvic* caU, camant work ValantlnoV* Balluccl, LIGHT TRUtTCING. Weekly rub 'Upraised 888 each. Rockvllla 8- . four car garage, laig* lot. dandy Red De H its W ater kind of Impartial commiitlon to BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. 8 room apartment or^^Unemwt H erej^ ’a home for truly com- for $11,300. CkUI the Ellsworth Raale, Broker, 2-1919. datermlne whether and how free DEPT. HOUES: SO BirCh atraat.Phdha 3-lSOl. blah diapoaal. Low rate*. Cellar* receiving and checking met 9181. fo r ta ^ ^ v ln g . First floor haa I Hi* yawn*Srffiu3l?rfrf3eS8nip cleaned, complete Janitor **rv- unfumlahed. ReasmpAble rent^aU / Mitten Agency. Realtors. 6930. *l4>cUona can be held. ^ 8:16 A . M. to 4:S0 P. M. chandise received. Starting'* SIX PIECE dining room eet Also modfira clriabiet klfchen, dining CASH BUYERS walUng for 4. 5 .1 J r m o r . 'l L I I ’don. t h a n W :^ .^CiaBUatMd from PBga Obs) bHIUFS Station wagon pedal car. collect springfie;a 94)893, or n ^t* (Oea^mfi tnaa PBg* Om ) Rods Take Opposite yUiw 1941 Pontiac 4-Dr. — 8 cyl. removed. Ice. Phone 8-4988. salary $40 to $60 depending] f U iMve* CaU 7M2. to: aifford R-^Stewart. 2T Ru»- and 'apacloua living room SIX-ROOM Brick hoiu*. 1 year 8 and seven room elngle* “ '1 men^l* that they know better how ASHERS AND Rubbtah ..61*1 a I'Wail, I forbid you to taka this Tha Russian poilUoii appears , < X ^ CLOSING TIME StKndard shift. Phone 3-3781. on age and experience. COMBINATION 4-4 Monogram „11 .treet, We»t Springfiald, 4th fireplack, lavatory. There arc old. In exceUent condition. Oak two-famlly house* In Mancheeter, ] ^ themeelvea. along. It makea you look Ilka Air Force commander, eald In an Z Rescues 48 9187. good sisa bMrooma up and com­ Bolton, Coventry and Vernon. Interview that the stepped up to. be th* exact opposite of tliia FOB GLASSIPTED ADVT. Painting—-Papering 21 .'Stove, 50 gal. drum and pump Mass. , floors and plaster throughout, til* There te no fuel like an old fuel, ()ue*n Victoria on a picnic," .On* boat, th* motor-powered 1961 Ford- 2-Dr. Sedan — YOUR KNAPP Shoa counaelor. plete ceramic t ^ bath. Hot water bath and lavaiory. Fireplace, ga­ Howard R. Hastings, 2-1107. "Oh, It doeaT’’ th* snarled. raids against Red euppllfs ,"a**m Nuovo Pinueclo. brought ^ procedure. The Ruastans Uatad • Vacation With Pay, Holiday PRAC?riCALLY new Thayer play chrome pip*. Top condition, 370. heat with oil b u ^ r , laundry trays and the oldeat and beet fuel ien't as aubjacts for a 'B lg Four Many extras. Hhoea all alcea, wldtha Alro PAINTING, Exterior and Interior, pen. Pnona 2.4604. Inquire 38l call evenings 3804. t h r e e or f o u r rooih# fumleh- rage, nice lot, near bus lina. city wear what I want to, Smarty!”/ to be hurting him (CommunlateV survivora and one body. MON. THRU FBI. paperhanging. Celling* reflniah* Pay, In baaemant, combination windows, wood, coal or oil. It U anger- from the way he I* sounding off." Bion: first, consideration of a boot*. CJontact W. F. Sullivan, SO Canter street. Apt. 3-A. tk for adulU. Phopq 4934, or caU water and sewer. FuU pries' 318,- plain old Inner anger. V In a tempeetuoua burst oyen- The airliner had left Blackbijshe lOdM A. M. Mountain atraat, Rockvlll*., Tel ed. Wall paper book* on request. Venetian blinda, nev^y painted. One Lcgsl NotiMS Communist radio broadcaata peace treaty; aacond, formatlen I960 Mercury 4-(Dr, Sedan— GLENWOOD Gas stove. at 65 Bunce Drive; ______700, about 35.000 to 38,000 doam -Notlc* how a woman oparates. ergy, ah* packed the suKcape. airport, In' Surrey count#'-iiaar of. an *H-aerinan govarnmahti Fjitlmate*. given Fully ln»ur«d. • Discounts On Purchases. SMALL Ho u s e h o l d it#m#. ear garage. Beautlful^v landscaped. snapped it ^ut. They eamlht the have been eapeclelly bitter In re­ I^B A O T P A Y 9 A. M. One owner, low mileage. 5-S964. „ • Ing to electricity. Make us an of' payment. The Allen RMlty Co., I.IQDOU PRKMIT I If aha haa a diataateful Job to do. London, at 8:15 p.. m., (3:16 jp. m. third, all-German alactlona, Bhd Call Edward R. Price. 3 -1 ^ . Tables, tampS, etc, Alao 4-room fer. 828 Middle Turnpike ^esl? Can be seen by eatUfig MOTICX OP APPUCATION train. ~ cent days in blasting UN elr at- e.d.tl Sunday. POWER BURNERS and Range • Promotion On Merit. WANTED--81* room rent by 180 Onter street. Tel. 5105. th* first thing she does U get all fourth, determination of a data Many Low Cost Pre-War Cars cottage In Cpveptry. Inquire 97 ateamsd up about It Let ua sup- "As a matter of ract^/the was aotacka. • In Rome, the British embassy VOTBi ooorcKATioN w nx Bumara expertly eleanet) and FREE ESTIMATES. EhiUrior MONTGOMERY WARD Wringer aponsible family Call 2-9649' Thl« la lo #l»« notice that I. angry ah* wouldn’t e ^ k to me The Peiping radio aald Sunday (or withdrawal of th* occupation High atreat afteV, 4 p. m. 2-9131. ROBERT J. SMI-I^, Tnc. SIX RCK>M8, all finished, oak PRANK K08AK. ot MO Blaarll atreat. I pos* th* chore her conaciencq telle aald another Hermaa passanger (orcaa of th* four powars. ‘ H APnUSOIATED Excellent Transportation aervtced. Let ua aarvlce and re­ painting. Hava It don* now. • Retirement and Sick Plan. type washer. Automatic pumj), throughout, oil burner heat, 10 for a w*4k—but la that altogether that th# Increased UN military WANTED^By buamee* 983 MAIN ST. Manchester, Conn., hare 8l»il an ap-,I her______eh* should be doing 1* her pressure against Red/troop# I* plan* had arrived at Milo airport In addition, tho Bovlot note pair your wnahinf machine or ra- Phone 3-1.388, ONE 18" HOT air furnace, 320; 3 >4 yeara old. Excellent condition, TEL. 3480 years old, city water and sewer, bad!" recaUad th^huaban*. "But near Trapani from Malta- to ferry rrlgarator. Metro Sarvle*. 3-0883. • Free Group Insurance. two 20" Pipeless furnaces, 388 roorti apartment. I learned a latao|r If you want to sheer futile e*l(-d*c*ptlon' and said, tha Soviet government would ^DIAL5121 PAINTING and paperhanglng $48. Tel. 4807. priced 311.900 about 32,500 doiyn out th* survivor#. , *L _ ..and|86:4>a* augnt Clq)^jg;ua.JLypa Q45w^afm ,*i^.S“:- ______AftairA P. H. CaU MLiHeck.a paymeat/ ^ The- JOleB -Baalty.. Oia., _ ^ ______. .. I ^ trilling to take up th* wastarn BALCH PONTIACv Inc. UOHT TRTiricmO^Arfe^^" YhteH&i*: ' iftd extwior. o*wn*t • Pleasant Working Condi* tlSwn'” prawM^ *-W c Otakerit^ up 4hl» -JotoU aBd - f ■*iel^ bm^lala Tiiff Tho ro an rvti^ probabtr Tri fiSpiirtlM 'e«Bi- oil fcumsr (Alr-Saal modeU com' AjiUiiti* and ’ TEACHER AND >lfe-nurae. de- 180 Center street. Tel. 5105,’ atreet','Mancheater, Corn. | on* Of Uies* daya, but 1 f*4V awful blah removed. Phone 3-3B91 or building' and building contract­ tions. hand' furniture store at 66 Cooper MANCHESTER — Modern Oye Thi bufiiiDM ta ownad t/vlAV *' And h« doHin't EHt then aloooth/them latar,” hop# the heavy aerial blow* on be flown to MalU a* soon M hoa- niirtion ,f u f talking- about a 166 Center St. — Manchester plete with controls 350; ode large alres small apattwent. Write Box pital authorltiM, releaa# them, ajp^^c, t „ ,t y a Gorman gpv- Lest and Foand 3-8603. ing. Call aiff, 3-43PB. ' sectional steam boiler, rat«d at , street (formerly The Old Red Tin room horn* with fireplace, til That la Kund psychology, up to strategic targets such as North.. . .. E, Herald. _ tor. Conn.. «nd MICHAKL MA8SARO. Korea's big power planta would apokesman said. Phone 2-4646 1,000 ft. steam 1,638 water, 3136 Bam), buy* and ealls good u*ed bath, attached plastered garage' Lots for Sal* 78 *7 White atreet. Mancheeter. Conn., and until It threatens to smother him. a poInt./Of courts some wives,, ernment. IWWARD To Tlndar of ladyk r . nr PICTURE Framing, any *l*e or PAINTING AND Papering, floor Apply A t will be conducted by PRANK K08AK when get made. Just go Into Induce the CommunUU to nego- « nBaaii sanding and ftnUhlng. No Job too aeveral used steam radiators,' 31 furniture and antiques. Bedroom WANTED Four or five-room radiant heat, wall to wall carpet­ But a woman says, "I hate the On* of th* prineipa) weatarn colored rim*. Doat 1 Op>en E venings Until 10 F. M. atyle mad* to order. North End LRGB LOT — Approximately of IW Biaaell etreet. Mencheater, Conn, another rood* and lock th* door. tiatf an armlatlce. • ™ ORABH nat tha Paint and Wallpaper Co., 849 mall. Call 8372 after 5 p. m. Employment Offiefe per section. T. P. Aitkin, Heating set*, end tables, rumpus - room rent. Unfumiihed. Vicinity of ing, three bedrooms, breakfast ai permittee. _ „ way tlili place look*." She la an- n > - M largumants against tha Bovlat'a Can 4M1 aeta at 320; all kinds of diahea nook, amesite driveway. Fully tire* acrea Located off Route 85, FRANK KOBAK. gty at It, the anger give* her yn No (Xil* worlu with all of them, ''' imposaihie Situation Indlantown Gap, eubJecU la that it 1194V DODGE PANEL truck. In North Main. Phone 8S6J. W. T. GRANT CO. contractor. Phone 8793. Msnchrtter. Working couple. Call Dlton, Conn. For detail* call X nd, of ceiura*. It usually work* BarcVis, In effect, agreed with | (gV-IA. Gan. Lm h y*ry good condition. New paint Hours 9 to 8:80 p. m.. Tuesday landscaped lot. 100’ x 225’. Im­ Dated Auauet 11, 1*63. argy, and soon the duet and furnt J would put th#tha four(our powars in th* 816 Main'^Street Norwich. Conn. 9-9^89 collect fa other way. As woman uaea her Vice Adm. Robert Rriacoe. U. 8. five " of " hla staff ' escaped ' from their position of dictating a peace and motor job. Top tradaa. Nam* WINDOW SHADES mad* to order Cnuraea and Gasses 27 b a s s in e t t e , Crib, mattreaa, through Saturday. ' mediate occupancy. Owner work­ ture are flying. By tha time her C-47 transport plane shortly be­ - - Amiemicfients 2 stroller and baaket.-Thayer chair, anger Is worn out, she can collapse iger. to whammy a man Into Far Bast Naval commander, who treaty for Germany Instaad of ne­ your term*. McClure Auto Co., and inatallad. Venatlan blind* ______j______ing at Bradley Field. A bargain TWO'LOTS, high end dry, with obeying her whim. Many a fallow fore it buret Into flames., yester­ MEN AND WOMEN WANTED—Bhtperlenced helper for bathlnetta, dryer, play pen pad ■ r at 318,90C Henry. Elscott Agency. on a splck-and-epan couch In iMt Wednesday aald It wa* "an gotiating one, sine* discusaton of t S b Xp SRIXS Mad* to order. Any 378 Main atraat. Open evening* and curtain rod*. 34 hour #*rvlo#. Houaes for Sale 72 ranltaty sewer in street. South- Name Wetherbee la prodded into aucces* In IK* only Impossible sltuaUcBi” to attempt day during a crash landing./ atirlc. Itaaaonabla. For Informg.^ Ettlmates gladly given. Fagan harveating broadleaf tobacco. Any reaaor.able offer accepted. HBchinery mnd TooU 52 / Manchester 3683. bouse that'is shiny-bright. the treaty would prqcodo th* cre­ ■til 10. Phone 3-9443. WANTED writ oqpef Irving and Winde- rri • C a - .f * l That 1* why men are secretly becaua* of tha long slow bum of. to cut Red communication* with 'hie crash was an unaxpsetTO ation of a German' govqmmsnt< ■ t*oncam-aiH». ,/ Window Shade Co., Route 41 at Phone 7733. _ Phone 6626,__ . PORTER STREET mere stngets. Inquire 270 OSk. hie wife ever th* fact the husband prelude to governor* day care* / SMALL BUtIJXlZBR for ht| 15 MINUTES from Manchester- l o A r l i n i C 9 t l l t l I afraid of women—because of th* iUr blow*. ‘ cApahli of negoUtoir (o r tlu A FULI.. new car guarantee. 1981 Bolton Notch Phone 3-4478. next door Is getting ahead faster. Th* admiral aald the AUlaa monies of the Pennsylvania Na­ - *4lnaiiriv»PHER ROBIN pre-klnd- Hudson aedan. radio and lieater. EXPERIENCED Service SUtloA] Reasonable rates. Phone 2-| Cliarming six room home^ Lovely old colonial with pictur­ power of anger they have. Few [whola country. TO TRAIN FOR MOTEL after 5 p. m. LOT SUrrAtBLE for buUdlng, fdr obataclea can etand before th* Her wrath feeds hla 'will, an* he would Instead begin hitting th* tional Guard wliare th* eontlnantal . aftartan school wUl w-op*n On* owner. 878 l^ ln etreet. Open FLOOR PROBLEMS aolvad with attendant. Married man who de-1 Baildtnff Materials 47 fireplace, full bath and laya- esque view. Built approximately rale in VertW 240' frontage, 110' Farts, Aug. 35—(/r>—VYmali of- JhisSBBlMc- 8th.foiLdillflr^ — -JilJdre^ eii8 H to alrex permanent, year round | Qr. John 8. Wetherbee has been Ifliunliig energy of a wrathful lady rises In th* world on terrowed lUda where It hurU to moat— aveningi^tU 10.~ riione UnolauiDr asphalt tUa coUhUr, jaANAGEMENT BAI4C WIRK. caiman!^ mixer*, toiy ,. pipe paneled neemtion 180 yeare -ago.--1st flMr: living 6eep.l3295;"»H; RockriU*:.57*658. fuel...... honorod guestt. S i*ae* n4dt-4twfc»P. Balian tBapert workmanahtp. free eatl- work. Oood wag«»--vacatlon"'Witt 1 : I -x. 10 Sheaihiai room wiCk''fire'^lB6e, dining F66m, appotetsd 4U A aMxind chiri>podUti^,f;iaK «i^>. . ' . ' of. blocking **sl,,pBflBP9*,- tractors. Used (^tem llar 22, room, garage. Beautifully to th* staff of the diabetic clinic | a wise man, however, can axer- '1%*re t* Mother {nher fu*l.'''ia **^Sreua*»rid It a* " i visry dlMl- With Johnson flying as oo-pilot, d)rw!tor. 78 Laluw(m o^ Ctrcl*. 1981 OLDSMOBILB 08 Holiday roata*. Open evenings. Jonas Fur­ pay, ineurance benefits. Apply In W. P ...... $99.60 M kitchen and bath. 2nd floor: 4 towaird Oarman raanlfleauoa with Farmell*. Allla-Chabfter* trac­ landscap^ lot with 100’ front­ at the Hartford Hospital. Dr. else acme influence over a woman eld a* angar. It I* called fear. eut bualnesa' to (uiobk out - th# „j# plan* was making ita aacondlu______Utaat_ nou to tho thrao wast- nmaaS-lSM. sedan, lustrous black, finish, whit* niture. Oak street. Phone 3-1041. Actual experience in mod­ person to Mr. Wadsworth at Mc­ tor*. Term*. Dublhr Tractor Co., bedroom and lavatory. FuU attic 2»i ACRES In\ Tolland. Price Angar I* a fighting fuel, fear Is tha Clure-Auto Co.. 373 Main street Canadian Framing ..$105 3500. Call 2-9618 .Wetherbee has an office at 905 if he cunningly learn* so chanml Communists with air power. H* I approach to tha landing atrip whan j ^ powars! wall 'tiraa. only 11,000 miles. North Windham Road. Wllllman- age. \ and cellar. Copper plumbing. Hot Main etreet, Manchester, where )i* liar Ire In th* right direction. In- (ii*T for running away. You need Priced well under celling. Get FOR OIL Burner service and In- ern motel part of training. aald amphasta was being placad on it hl3 tatophoa* wires and plum- offtclala aald Rusata WBs Select Appalachian Red Oak .tlc 8-3217. / water oil heat. Mott of the floors praetices general chiropody and | stead of coaxing her to do ■oma- both to live. knocking out "atorea and aqutjpi-1 matad to the ground. I tho cart befort tha horse Pernsaala the beet for lea* with Bob Oliver, atallaUon by 18 yearn exper­ ' dust be mature. Age 25 to 60. TELEVISION Service man for • ARTHUR A. KNOFLA I may be a traitor te my sex ienced oil burner aarvlce man. house service wock, W. H. Preusa Flooring ...... $219 M are the original wide boards. In­ OAKLAND Street, II X 200' lot. fbot orthopedics. thing he want*., he might find U ment he (Communists) has already 'nioa* aboard th* plan* In addl- ^ at*ida item* (or 481 Main street ■"or personal interview write terior ha* peen refinlshed. 1 caa He la a graduata of the Chicago I better to make her' ao mad she but It aeeme to me that women hauled up" to tha frynt. tlon to Johnson were: a nreoesod O c t o t i r ^ ’ ’ ----- r o b s p s c r hui s o h ^ for Call Manchester 2-1781 or 2-8003. a Sobs, 17 VUlage street, l ^ k - Ko, 1 Common Reil Appala­ ^ ^ 87^ J ^ n ^ . —Est, 1921 All utUitlea in. Phone' 535. keep these two fuels in bettar bal- raopen mob-* tJNK OWNER 19iri>0dg* aedan. Vllle. -- Wy^a-rToBny 58 : attached garage. Flagstone ter? College or-Chiropody-and Pedlc I can't help doing it In aplte of hef- Barcua expreeaed-aurpriaa that MkJ, Gen. OiHirga race overlook* the rolling hUls. anca than men. They u a lees likely fc-—Transportation "Vary clean ~B*autiful-Maek fln- UNOUBUM RawmaaU flOasquai* chian Flooring .... $187 M Phone G ^ ce 5440 65 ACRES of land. 15 adIM cleas' Surgery and -while In college helaelf. , . tb* Red flgiiura '.'havaalt .madaljBrig..GeB. .JUdMrtX.. 09pal«y. jJU! * yard. Asphalt tU*. wall covering. AMERTrAN ~MOTELS, Tni;. SPARE TIME —'Extra money. WANTED—tJeed furpltnr*. liv ­ Approximately 3 acres of cleared ed plus enough lumber to'Vrams a received the dilcago Mycology A friend of mine work^ this td'h# everwdielmed by either. They Mr*. L*la Tybur, direc­ lah. Top tradea. Name your I ing Tcjm, bedroom,/ kitchen or 1 know lietter when to he angrily more of an effort to atop our at-1 Col. Edward Mlkolowski, M^. they' aald, th# (our gtaat Don* by Nllabla, wall-trained Show amazing Cushion Comfort I NATIONAL BUILDERS Evenings 2-6938 or 2-4278 land. Asking 314.900. For ap­ house, 38,500. Terms. Call 8374. or Award for extenalVe work In the ruae successfully in getting hla tack# ■ He said th* only explana- James ^ S U rk . ‘ he pltot.^and Air- qot be ahto to reach tor, Phone 2-0787. term*. McCSur* Auto Oo„ 8781 230 Fremont entied household*/ Let us make pointment contact Elv* Tyler 2- wife to pack her suttcase in time brave, when to be cautiously Main etreet Open evening* 'til 10. man. All Jobs guaraatead. Hall shoes. To $4 comraiaslon pair, I SUPPLIES Hartford 5-5188. Schwart^Real field of mycology. tlon he could think of la that the man First Q m # Robert C. M * ^ , I ^ppm ant on a poaca traaty ha- yoii an offer. /Th» Woodshed, FIVE R(X)M Colonli*1, five flv< years 4469. lo catch a train fof their vacation afraid. loasea were terience | 420 Davenport Avenue Estate. But, man or woman, nobody Reds "felt their for* they had agreed on Sections ■' SBPITEMBBR 9th. Phon* 3-4023, avanlng* 8188 dr f^ n e 2-8184. / old. Garage, large Private trip. . B. W. unnecessary. Write for free cata­ ¥ ' He pulled out hla , watch ‘ and ever became a star in the human high." Uiroughout Germany m tM* baaia ^ 1947 BUICK Super aedan, radio 8109. log, full ■ Information. Tanners 1 - New Haven, Conn, owner. Inquire 196 O0 ^ street*ti MANCWESTER — Eaat Side — ACTOR S COLONY Eatata U. S. 3\lay Recall ORABHE8 IN RED ZONE of a naw cantral Oarmaa goPam- 2S Duplex (our and four. Large joining Iota 60 x 100 eacn. SouC pointed a t.it She dawdled. He race until he learned how to .make and heater. Traded on a new Repairing Shoes, 135, Boston, Maas. Telephone ST7-3597 ^ WANTED/To Buy—Girl'* 24" bl- the right l(ind of fuel of himself. Berlin. Aug. 28------A four-an- ment ORDERS TAKEN for home msd* REAL VALUE—2 famUy home. 2 rooma with extra large attic, lot street, South Coventry. Call pleaded. She dawdled. He begged. HuiMon. a on* owner car. Top ^ ' cycle, ^ o n e 2-3082. 3 llfeld by RecU Adlai Will Face gin* British clvlliaii cargo plan* DanUh pastry, doughnuU, pie*. T. V. SERVICE. Phone 2-OflO. C. MATTRBISS. Your old mattreeae* FOREIGN Employment. Construe-1 fireplaces, 2 furnaces 4 rooms 100' X 150'. One aide avaUable on 1595 after 6 p. m. crashed In th* Zovlat son* six mtlaa tradea. Nam* your term*. Mc­ atertltsed and remade Uk* new, Diamonds— Watcht cakM, t*a Mseults and muffin*. Haney, SO Bolton street. tloa work. If Interested In foreign j w a n t e d —Used wardrobe trunk eaejt Hoor. One vacancy. CaU aale. Asking 314,000. For appoint eluding a ahak*-up of tha.Army west of Berlin yesterday. The Clure Auto Oo., 878 Main etreet. Call Jonea Furniture and Floor Madeline Smith, Realtor, 2-1643 engineers who started th* project Says U. S. Miisiont . ItesUuruiU BtipplUd a* well a* Open evening* 'til 10. Phone 2- project* with high pay, write. Jewelry inyiot;ood condition. Phone 8462 ment pleaae call Howard R. Hart- Pick Criticizes ^ Stormy Reaction I flight engtnear waa killed but the prtval* hom*a Call 2-8881. MANCmESTER Welding Service Covering. 88 Oak. T*L 3-1041. or 4679. \- Resort Property For Sale 74 \ (0 ««ened trom >ag* Om ) and a threat to canctl the contract 9448. ______Foreign Service Bureau, Box 295, | LEONARD W. Toi'iFr Jeadeler, re­ after 8 i p. m. Inga. 2-1107. pilot and navigator eacaped unhurt ■ ",i ' ------Portabi* I equipment. General Metuchen, New Jersey. awarded to a group of five large and returhed aafely to Waat Ber­ welding, boiler and furnace weld­ pairs, adjusts w atch^ expertly. MANCHESTER—Ranch home (30’ SMALL (X)ZY year-round home on lugh Army headquarteri' at Waste Charges (OoMttBMfl from PBg* Om ) Aid to Iran Army O.M.C. CHEVROLET, Hudaon. WANTED To Buy— Two wheel OWNER SAYS SELL! Heldriherg said no final decision contracting firms. lin. FOR AVON PRODUCTS, call Ann ing. Phonea 2-1688 or 2-8762. ' Bonda—S tocka^i Reasonable prices, ^pen daily. X 38') with cellar and attic, 3 b^- waterfront at Andover Lake. Pentagon apokeamen aald Pace etc. Light truck*. Low price*, top WANTED —Part time student trailer. Call 5562 between 5 and 6 Large living room with fireplace, had been made on Oen. Vaaally British offielaU said th* Rua- . Raynold* 8043. ______Mortgajtea SI mechanical engineer who 1s at­ Thursday avanlni^ 139 Sprues rooms living roonvwlth fireplace, 4 Rooma plua 2 unflnlahed. Is due back hare tomorrow from an mltnients to anybody on any posi­ value. Excellent condition. Eaey COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. m. 3 bedroomi and bath. Excellent Chukovw demand for recall of the (Oontlnaed from OM) atana agreed to 1st the Brttlrit re­ tending college, to do drafting street Phon* 2-4M7. kltcheu, dinette, slide porch off liV; Dormera in (ron.t. Full tile bath Inspection tour of ovaraaaa instal tion whataoqvar. . . . I do not n- cover the plan* wreckage, prob­ Tahran, Iran, Aug. 35—<•)— WANTED — RM* to Hartford down payment, term*. Brunner'*. Wolcott on washing maebtnea, FIRST AND a^cond mortgagee ing roofn overlooking brook, hot value at 39.850. Phone Coventry men, anxlnfbrmed source said "In tend to enter Into such discuiwtons 888 Eaat Onter etreet. Open daily work nights or weekends. Call Large' kitchen, ample cablneta. all probMillty" the Americana subcommittee has aubmllled a lationa. ably today. Iran’s new array chlaf-of-ataff, (Arch and Proapact n*ar Hart­ vacuum claanart, motors, small bought for our own account Faat, Rooms Withont Board 59 water baaajx>ard radiation with Fireplace^ Hot water oU heat. FuU 7-6917 for appointment to inspect. generalixed report which . . . ap- 'Th* Senate defense watchdog until after the election and no as- ford Time* building), 8 to 6:83. 'til 9, Saturday 'til 8,______confidential service. Manekeater 2-2192 or 3-1532. Gard( Dairy would adhtfe. 'The plane, a York, had baen Gen. Mahraood Baharraast. tndi- appliance*. Pick up and daltvery. oil burner, all copper plumbing, baaement, laundry traya, plaatered - - - » - the peers to be over-critical."' group haa been inveatigatlhg ovar' s.ociat* of mine I* authorized to do chaftared by th* Bdrlln city gov eaUd laat aight that U. a nUltary ' from vlcLilty of Pine street and A-1 repair. Balaa. 180 Main Investment Corp., 887 Main 50 PLEASANT, LARGE room for If they didn't, he added, sioton my behaU." TRUCKS— 1-ton ptckupa MEN WANTED for general clean­ laundry tube, hatchway, combina­ waila. Near bus line, achool and .1... Suburban for Sale 75 Russians probably-, would take Hltuatlon Not Unuaual .. seas air base promts for almost arnment and waa carrying mlrelOB^^ hav* bam a t o Iralp ' y M orla rty Bio*. Call 2-8767. ■ Phon* 8897. - .------— ' street PlioBr 64l8. two gentlemen. At the Onter, 14- tion aluminum acreena and storm "It Is," he aald. "not uhliiual for Stavanson also diacloaed he had racka, penele, eedan dellverlea, ing. afleriiobns' or evenings. OLADIO: 8, very reasonable at shopping' ’ceiilei'. away the Inui^nal paaaea the s ' yaar' and In* '"Inquiry geoda to Hamburg. f to th*traiilaB Anhy. YSttha mdd* Write Box C, Herald. 16 Wadsworth street. windowa, lot 108 x 150; with shade BOLTON—New four room single, constructors ' tp experience some continuing. weighed' th* possibility of losing ' It claar th* army haa no final aay 1^, 2 ton, platforms, dumps, GREEN ACRE Lawn Service, 6()4 Hill Road, Mancheater. miaalon membwa need to travel electoral votes In making public racks. Many to chooS* from. tree*. Price 314.800. Henry Ba- Price $11,200 hot water heat, oil burner, ar­ through the Zone to their deficiencies in accompllahlng large Chairman Johnson reported some , on whathar tha mlaalona ahouUi h* Aatonobllas lor Sals 4 Cqntpiete ground* malntenence Business Opportunities 82 Phon' LAROE. AIRY room In nei^j home military conatrucilon projects un­ hla position on the tideland# fight Champa, Rout# 80. Rockvllla for refined woman or girl. Phone cott Agency. 3683. , tesian well, large lot. 39.500. S. headquarters at Rptidam, 18 mllea improvements alnc* th* probe got H n m i t A l N o t o f | klekad out of th* country, tree* removed, field mowing, fence Help Wanted— Quick occupancy, Juat off Center A Beechler, Realtor. Phone 6969. der extreme limits of time. Thla la underway but noted In a state after urging from Texas' Gov. At* i n o s p u a i J lagOUtora l«v * ■' 3881 CHEVROLET Bel-Alr, radio, Phone 6-9674, Rockvllla building, new lawn* built, MU STORE- Fully equipped for meat NATIVE t o m a t o e s , 10c 3-8866. THREE FAMILY—One apartment Street, not In a development. southeast of here. l*n Shivers. 1 and groceries or complete set-up Male or Female 87 er pound. For sale at 67 Flor- The three Americana were Iden­ what happened In Morocco." ment that "much of this activity elaraorad savaral manths fo r Di* • Jb*at«r, Potmih.da, tutona Wu* organlte fisrtlUaUig, »now removal with 6 rooms, steam furnace; two BOLTON—LOVELY new six room ______.Pick aald he had.returned eight hears sutpicioua rasemblancs to th* lasuea Statement 1981 CHEVROLET tudor deluxe, for caterer. Walk-In Ice box, re ence street. CHARLES. LESPERANGE tified as Lt. Col. Oefsld H. Duln, Stevenson Issued a statement Patient* Today ...... tU I axpulaion of tha Araarican mlUtary and gray. Positively like new, low green. Fully equipped, fuUy guar­ D. F, Rawling*. 2-4988. EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper with| apartments with 3 rooma etch. ranch nouse. C. H. W. heat, oil, practice of locking the barn after ntilaaga Douglas Motora 888 frlgVrated case, sheer, grinder, ROOM FOR RENT. Phon* 2-0131 i'i'South "washlngtoAv street. New I days ago from an Inspection of the Saturday aayliig he backed Tru­ advlaara. RaeanUy, howavar, lit* anteed. A' beautiful car. For thl* some knowledge of typing for In-;. Large lot Garage. A good buy! t Telephone 3620 baseboard radiation, fireplace, at­ Ulm Minn.; U. S. AlrNforce Capt. North African bases and submitted tha horse haa been stolen." ADMITTED BATURDAY: Da­ daraand* hav* aubaldad aomawlrat. > Main. ______elfftric cash register, kitchen Price 313,000. Call Madeline man in hla veto of leglalatlon one aee Bob Oliver. Bob Oliver al- teresUng, responsible ppsitl^ Hoa'sehoM Goods 51 tached garage; full basement, ar­ William PCroucheriiOlilMt. Holly 'a report to Pace 'which tha com- Funds have been wasted which rner* Cabral. FaU Rivtr, Maaa.; Baharmaat told nawaman th* HousichoM Scrvlcea equipment. BesuUful dishes, Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 or 4679. . PORTER STREarr—Six room sin­ tesian we'.l, large lot with shad* ---- ^ . — ‘ mittee apparently has not ,seen.’ which would have given the state* Nell Griggs, Rockvlll*; Mrs. Ma* ^1860 OLSAMOBIUD "8ff’ dalux* way* haa. Chavroleta, 481 Main sparkling arilverwikre, glasses, Call Manchester 3r4651 for Injer-1 ROOM FOR Rent to married cou­ street. Baltiifhore, Md.. '\jmd Pfc. 4Uuinot be recovered and time has quit-claim title to the oil lands. Iranian Army plaeaa graat 'vfliu* street. Offered IS-A view appointment. So You Need FUmlture Huh— ple or two girla. Two minute* gle, three bedroomi and bath, sec­ trees. Many axtraa Only one Arnlod P. Swenson, 3008\8eventh That report. Pick said, "aeta been lost which cannot be regain­ Grant, tJrParker atreet; Anthony 4.jU*r., A thoroughly axoellant creamers, etc. Reasonable even if And You Want A Bargain T FIVE ROOM house plus one un­ ond floor Urge living room with But he added alnee there is a on th* ua* of axparts and taaehan. ' ntttoaaobU*. For this on* see Bob from Main atreet. Call 2-1614, or available. Reasonable. Suburban street. Port Arthur. Tex forth a plan for correcting the da- ed," Johnion aald. "legtslative stale-mate" he thinks Patmleri, Derby. But h* addad that th* prpblama of WEAVING of buma. moth hole* moved tc new location. Call Well Hei-e It Is finished. Oil heat^ redecorated fireplace, dining room, compact Realty C o, Realtors, 541 Main flclencles." And, he added: The rush air bases project was * OUvar, Oentar Motor Sales, Main 1961 MERCURY 3897 after 8 p, m. Friday. Any­ 47'Cottage street______throughout. Pull cellar, storm They were arrested norai of some aohiUen should h*. found , to a d m it t e d SUNDAY! Mrs. kaeplng U. fi. advUan twre has and torn clothing, hoalery run*, JUST RETURNED FROM kitchen and lavatory first floor, street. Phone 8215, here, Indicating that they had en­ "During my recent visit, I found decided upon shortly after th* sur­ Carmella Brennan, 54 North ^ atreat. Radio, heater, many extras, time Saturday or Sunday. / EXHIBITION—USED IN ATTRACTTVE Room for couple. windows and screens. Excellent Copper and breaa piping .through­ protact tha Interests of both th* "pollUeal M waU as. tachnieal handbags rapaited, alpper rf- tered the Baltic Sea area iwere the work progressing at a highly prise Communist Invasion of South federal government and the atste*. School street; Simon Helland- anglaa and tha daolalon takan on placement, umbrallaa repaired MODEL HOME: Complete light housekeeping fa-, condition 12 x 24 garage. Asking out, Recreation room la pine ■VERNON CENTER—Two acrea the Soviets have eatabJlshedX a satisfactory rate, Th* Jobs are well Korea be|^ In' June 1950. brand, 13 Fultoii'. road; Thoma# Buy A “On* Owner Car” 10,009 milefl. Private Piarty 8 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS 311,500. About 32.500 needed. O il clear. Main road to SockvlHe. Shivers said after- this an­ th*m-ia^ 4utF-«C “ ...... fi- men'* Shift collar* reversed and SUNDAY PAPER Route for sale. duties available. Central loca­ paneled ami haa tile floor. One strict security belt. organised and superior quality Of Orlginai plans.,called for Imrov- nouncement he could not feel hie WaHett, atThar; William authoriUse of nam a gigovernmant'’ E asy Tohna I Making $1,960. Ceiling price replaced. Marlow'a Little Mending "DELUXE" FURNITURE tion. Mr*. Dorsey, 14 Arch street, 8274 or Hartford 6-5138. Schwartz car garage, 100' lot Outside fire­ Seven room single, arteaiaii ■ The Soviet protest, dated Au work la being accomplished. My de­ Ing four air baaSa used In World Einsledel, RMkvllle; Osorga Ru- Call 8977. also could 'personally support Steven­ Maanwhlla, as tb* retiremant of [|2,200. Chop. second floor. » Real Estate. place. Shade and fruit trees. Early v/ater, oil heat. Asking ? 11,000. 21, was made public Saturda terminations were concurred In by War II In North Africa and con­ son in\November—although he decn, 28 Division atraat; Cadric 1938’ Ford Ooupo — V-8, radio, World Famous Appliance* occupancy. Can be had as owner This one will sell (aAt. For ap­ night. An American reply an­ ,the local Air Force commanders." struction of a hug* new air depot, Ott. 105 Union atraet; Dopna IS ganarals bseam* .affaetiv* yaa- \ Phone 2-4642 WHY BOTHER looking for a rent would be giilded by whatever the terday, tha army announcad "rou- haatar, Mu*. FLAT FINIBH Holland window Help Wanted— Female 35 Live Stock— Vehicles Includes following:'— ROOM FOR RENT at 19 Johnson la moving out of town. Pleaae pointment please pb ir.o Howard nounced a few hour* later charged Pace la In Europe, but other an estimated coat of 300 million Democrats , of Texas decided they Robb, 88 Adelaide road; Mr*. SUh shade* made to measure. All ‘■Very Pretty" Bedroom when you can buy with small Una" ehangaa (a .about 15 poata. .1942 -FORD -A.-«loor. aedan—New. Terrace. P"* down: payment;' InHuedlate occu­ eaU R. X. McCann. Realtor.. 7700- R. HaaUnga. .2?110j, „ „ ^ __ tha -.Ruaalan. seizure of the...men inLagoh aouccea aajd an rffjcial doUaca...... ■■____, ____ i wantatlla-tie,...,..,.. cy WallM. Bolton; John Manning, , - » t 949>49’»o*d'^-'XJe. Baian—Heeten, metal'veniiUan blthfii lit a new HIGH SCHOOL Girl t5 h «p moth­ ' ’TS^fgecin" laring'Rbbm’ ute from Main atreet Phohe'3959. was a violation of mutual agree­ Army statement mgy be forth- Hi* report said coats liave been 23 Carroll roafff . Hre: engine, good tires, radio, heater, EIGHT IKS Old Jersey heifer pancy. 4 room* with porch. Year THREE ROOM cottage, partly Sparkman said (hat he sup­ mender to Aasrbaljan. on th* hiSMt, 3338. Call 9477 after 8 p. m. low price, Key* mad* whU* yon er with four year old girl and "Attractive” Dinette Set FOUR ROOMS ments giving the military misaions coimng late In the day. / generally expanded by delays from ported Stevenaon'a stand and he Thompson, Cottag* ktreet;- Mra. and bull, 'hone 8389. "Armstrong" Inlaid VERY .CLEAN bedroom for relia­ round dwelling. High elevation, furnished, year round, near Uni­ Soviet bordar. , '■ SOLIMSNE, Inc, wait MarloWa light housework, afternoons 1 to of s'!! four occupation powers dip­ TKh Johnson committee report lengthy negotiation with French did not believe the fight over thla Mildred Btipek, Fiekerdale, Maas,: BEFORE YOU Buy s used aarj 8, Monday through Friday start­ "Sealy" Mattress ble gentleman. Quiet home. Phone nice trees. Furnished. Sale price plus two partly finished. Fire- versity, Storra, Conn. Coventry lomatic status. said Rick had not given the com- officials,lie. both In Franc* and Mor ______Leslie Billing*, Aadovar; Alvaf. Obaafvsrs attaehad no spaota) ►■Plymouth Cars Articles for Sale 45 only 34800 with, down payment issue would mean .the Democrats V tea Gorman Motor Bates. Bulck ing after Labor Day. Call 2-3046. "Sealy" Box Spring 2-1320 or 238 Oak street. niace. hot water oil heat. Bath 7-88.25. ^ mltteey full, frank, and coippre- occo, frequant changes in sites-and would iose Texas to the Republl-1 Berggren, 80 Jarvl* road, algal&eaiica to th* Shift#. |"S«Jar - mid”B«rvl«»,‘ ’ tSB-Msl* I flerlB ts— NaeBsilElfiS,,... .1 5 . o r r oft‘:Ttm&er HiaRr”B8i^ '.<^>Ueo!L Etaetrio-Rsfrigaratar. only. 38()0 3L000. .Balance Olke.^ ' 'FltOFBHRO*' PASStSS-'-'"'' - HenslveXfrirtimony about the pro' plan#;' mwt-th# order ttr get the J«»> "Westlnghouae" Laundromat ROOM FOR Rent. Near Center. rent. The Allen Realty Ck>., Real­ rtiom paHraTIy ^ (XIVENTRY—New atx room' 'aih- can* tft NdvifmBer.' r - ’ AtyMiT T ED T W A T r GaorgB ] ------634 Conter Street street. Phone 3-487L Open ave- [ GIRL TYPIST, 38 hour* per week. lea. Written guarantees. 31-00 Foster Ject. done quickly without regard to Stevenson took not* of Shivers'J Davis, 193 Adams atraet. GLADIOLIDtOU BOUQUETS t Freeh- Must be ready to accept employ­ ‘'Bengal” Combination Range Gentleman preferred. 37 tors, 180 Center street- Phone way. Combination windows. gle 4 and 2, hot w’ater heat with Phone 6101 or 6102 nthgs. fown, 31 00 weekly. Oalao Serv- Groton, Aug. 2.5—(SI—Private "The Sicrelary of the Army costa or usual standards. atqnd by Issuing a .statement say DISCHARGED------SATURDAY: n i ly cut. C3iolee vartell**.' Wood­ ment by ^August 35, ,1982. Call Also dishes, silverware, pictures, street. Phone 5331. 5105. \ Nice shrubs. Beautifijlly land­ oil, fireplace, 2, baihi, six aiirea of It said only two of the bases I | I ^ SlfMMNf land Oardena,' 168 Wqpdland /icenter. TeL 4164, 4165 or 2-0980. land, silely location. fl2,500. 8. funeral services will be held to­ (Facet should review darefully ing:...... , Miss Vivian fioulaiSr 651 Hartford Sitfe* price Tb Biiy Used Cai«! | Imb PLYMOUTH convertliil# 7874 Town Clerk’* Office, Man­ scatter rii^ and many more Item*. FRONT, HEATED room, nicely scaped. Large lot. Near school, morrow for Harry B. Jepson, 82, the testimony of the Chief of the now are partly operational, work "Gov. Shiver# naturally found TMUl, Robert Barelni, SfitLinnmor* coupe. Good condition 3110. Call atraet. Phon* 8474. LOAM, Dark rich cultivated Grads Low Monthly Terms EAST HARTFORD—For 310.500 A. Beechler. Agent. Phone 6989. haa been started on a third and 1949 HUDSON Bwlan. owned by chester. furnished. In private home. Gen­ .professor emeritus of applied mu­ Corp* of Engineer* (Plckl before my -views a disappointment. He so drive; Mrs. Anna Usupas, 76 Sum­ FAlSi TEETH* 8778. z No. 1, 33 cu. yard. Grade No. 2, CAN BE SEEN DAY OR EVE. and immediate occupancy, four and bus line. . sic at Yale, who died of a heart at- sites surveyed for the turn either*. ■ former executive. Just traded for I SHOWTN BY APPOINTMENT tleman preferred. Call 2-2176. room (^pe Cod with full base-, SOUTH WINDSOR—6 room ranch thl* ’committee In the light of his expressed himself, both to me end mer street; Mr*. Mildred Smith, 27 Da false (setb dWR ellB er wohbl* liBgJ------16 CASHIER WANTED—for S ^ r -32- cu.—yard. Dellvared. In-Anick _ Price Only $12,600 4ack at- hia Jioank summerJmme knowledge,-at—the4lmer—of—condU -‘IFpil. thl*. -w e,h av«. spent ^220. 4o -the people -of-'Texas, upon his- Nathan-road; Ernaat-48a»tly,-^ ' a hew Mudaoo. Top trades. Ifame I ^ NEED transportation T Rooffi Market. Good hour* anii 'HUir. ONLY ment, steam heat, 'oil' fired, auto­ home on 1illl. lots of iand, lotsrof' million dollars'- more than two- Don't he aeaoytd ,, your'terms McClure Auto Co., load lots. Screened sand and all ROOM FOR gentleman. Private trees. Large living room, cheery Saturday. Retired from Yale In lion* In Morocca, and take.apipro- return (from a visit here), but Porter atreat; Arthur Read, Waat {GREAT RASTERN Roofing and Experience helpful but not^aaen- stzM atone delivered. Order now. PHONE MR. ALBERT home, quiet neighborhood. 59 matic hot water, screens, storm Immediate Occupancy 1939, Professor Jepson was widely thlrdi of the .100 million that was such Itaodleai*. FA------— . 878 Main etreet. Open evening*. | Clean Pre-War Car* HARTFORD 6-0358 'Windows, combination doors, one- fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 8 pi'late action." the Senate report with wjiat I consider to he )>oth Wllllngtonf Mra. Phylll# Zawlatow- lias (noii-ii-*eld)^pwir4*^___ , , m egrtgU^ Oonatrucjion Co. Applicator* of tlal. Apply Popular Market. Nuasdorf CoastrucUon Co. Phone Holl street______CHARLES LESPERANGE known as a concert organist, choir-, said. ■uppoaed to buy all five basea," fairness and restraint. skl, 12 Kerry street. your plats, kssp' ----- 'tU 10. Phone 2-9442. Bird and Flintkote. Guaranteed After 7 P. M. 46-4690 car garage. Nicely landscaped lot bedrooms tile bath. Full base- master, teacher and composer. H* h* report said. "The Air Force has iiiKi-M • KI. n. U nunuA. i ; i firmly **t.,OlT«* eonfl/Jsnt fMlIaa of ( . Written Guarantee* ACTT NOW—Make big mibney. Sell 3408. If you don’t have transportation Telephone 3620 ment..Garage. 317,000. Call Made­ The Senators did not Indicate "He fully recognised that I, DISCHARGEDu 1 H u n A. n K ^ u oupiv/ASUNDAY; i, eomfort. No auway. roofa and aiding. Llfe-tlme alum­ Alice cnampet. Realtor, Man­ was the former university organ­ juat what they regarded as "ap­ requested a total spending author­ should reach my conclusions hon­ ^ 'i960 8TUDEBAKER Commander 1942 CHEVROUCT CLUB CJOUPB Chrlitmaa card*. 80 with name I’ll send my car for you, ho obli chester 3-4543. line Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 or ity of 420 million dollars for the George Last, 69 Wast atraat, Mr*. I goMy, pasty taste or lesllnt, OstTfiB- aedan, radio and heater. In beau­ inum clapboard and combination LOAM FOR SALE, 310 per load Boarders Wanted 59-A MANCmiSSTF.R — Expandable ist. He was a native of New Hav­ propriate action” against JGen. estly and In the eifarcisa of my- Eileen Schmeir and ton, South tEETH today *t say drug ator*. 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN atorm window* and acreena. For 31.25. Bualneaa, - /professional delivered. Call 7198 between 9 gatlon. ------;------^ ^ ^7 Cape Cod with dormera, hot 4679. - en and Joined Yale in 1895 afte.r whole project and It Is clear that tiful eendlUon. overdrive. new cards. Stationery, jiapklna. Fund A—L—B—E ^ R -T —’—8 NEAR PRINC^ON Street «chool, Pick. best Judgment regardless of the Windsor; Mias Jean OlkowakI, 761 1940 BUICK CLUB COUPE free estimates call S3U- Bveoings and 8. , water oil heat, oak flooring studying in Paris. He leave* a sla­ Pace previously has carried out thl* will not he the ultimate coal. possible effect on electoral vote*. Haynes street; Mttcball Bala, Jr., tlfei.’ New eeat covere. Top tradea. 19.19 PLYMOtrrH TUDOR raising, plan, (xala nothing to 43 Allyn Street, Hartford RCK)M AND Board for gentleman. five rooine, full bath and lava­ VERNON—Four room* down, ex­ It will almost certainly he even ■ Name your term*. McClure 8303. Albert V. Lindsay, Owner. hatchway, fireplace, aluminum pandable up, three years old, ter and a piece. His wife, the' for­ numerous . earlier recommenda­ "Whatever our difference* of Hsurdville; Mr*. Phyllis SterUng. 19.19 PON'HAC TUDOR try. Rree imprint samples. Boxes m a k e MOWING A PLEASURE. Open Any Eve.. Bv Appointment Phone 7875. tory, fireplace, hot water oil heat, combination acreena and etorm mer Mabel Preston Wyatt of New hlgiier." I Auto On., 378 Main street Open COMBINATION Coal and gas spotless condition inside and Out tions of the Senate probers. In- opinion, I am sure I' am In agree­ South Coventry; Margaret Orlfflih, 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN WE SPECIALIZE In roofing and on 'approval, /'write: Syracuse 32 down, 33 weekly. Buy the new porch, plastered walla, fuU insula­ Windows and doors. Built 1950. Tha Senate prober* conceded evenings *tU 10. Phone 2-9442. range;, with dual oven. A-l eondi loaded with extras. Has city util­ Haven, died In 1947, ment on thla principle with all my Rockvlll*; Mr*. Arlin* Griffin and aiding. Highest Quality ma Card, ByracuM, N. Y. Worcester Power Mower. Fa­ tion, open staircase, hatchway. 80 Lot 70’ X 208’. Immediate occu­ that s<>me waste and "large-scale, raESOmPTHNIS (X)LE MOTORS____ mous Brigga-Stratton motor. tlon. Phone 4649. ApartmentB—YUits— ities and about H ecre of land. A friend* in Texas, among whom I son. Hebron; Mlaa Marianne p * - Club coupe, tariala. Workmanship guaran­ days occupancy. CaU 3620. pancy. Price 312.500, 33,100. lavish spending" were necessary continue to Include Governor CarcfaOjr Com^flimdfiA^^ CHEllTlOLET CALSO'SERVICE CENTER WOMEN ,ke real money for TciiemfntB 65 very good buy at 311,800. Call mann, 189 South Main atreat; Mra. original black teed. A. A. Dion, Inc.. 399 Autumn I^one 4164. Henry Eacott Agency. Manchea- Headed Right For Success under the original orders to rush Shivers." Sara McHugh, 822 North Main ^ Radio, heater, your very wn. Convenient hour*. USED ALL Wlilte gas stove*, SOUTH MAIN Street—Two tene­ the Ellsworth Mitten Agency. the project. * finish. LoU of good transporta­ 91 and 438 Centqr Street street Thone 4880. BOLTON — Building atone and wort'h 350. selling price 325. ment. 5-5. Furnac«rheat. Very trr 3683. street; Joseph MaUral, 178 Spruce Phone 4184—2-0980—4166 Write Bjix N, Herald, giving Realtor* 6930. But they said that some of the street; Mr*; Leonora Oranler -and Arlhir Drag ~ tion In this one. Douglas Motors, 1 FOR GUARANTEED Roofa that phone inimber. flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. A.B.C. AppUance, 21 Maple. FOUR ROOM flat, no heat, adult# large lot. Price 315,000. One tene­ paving on landing fields and park­ J' 683 Main street ______Phon* 3-0617. Stanley Patnod*. only. Wrrite Box D. Herald. ment, owner occupied. Call 3620. TO BE SOLD IN COVENTRY— On biis line, ap Marp;arel Arrives daughter, 79 Deepwood drive; Wal­ 19sT m o d e l a Ford. Good run­ stay Oh In any kind of storm, and FOUR OIL four gas combination ing'apron's,. rushed to early com­ ter Casaella, 42 Strickiaifd street ning condition, 378. Call Coven- POSITION with a future. Married TWO SIX ROOM HOMES- Ideal small home with pH , heat. pletion. already has started to ) 1947 CHEVROLET au b Coup*. gutters, conductors and roof re- WALLPAPER 88 1-3% .discount Andes range. 'Wrhlte porcelain f o u r ROOM tenement, Excellent GLASTONBURY—A-A Zone, lapd DISCHARGED TODAY: Mr*. entry 7-'T712.______palra. Call Ooughlln 7707. woomn with a pjeaslng peraonal- At $11,000 Each Owner leaving town! Any rea­ crack and crumble because of fail­ Late in Norway I blaek. Excellent condition Ity w'ho needs to,'add 345 to 375 or on all 1963 patterns In stock. outer surface, cast Iron body condition. 375. Center Springs and foundation, city water in- sonable offer win be considered. Peggy TVacy and son, 27 Bile* * throughout. See Bob Oliver to- ure to follow ordinary-specifica­ 1940 DOCtalf coupe.^ricad to sell MANCHESTER — Roofing and more every week, to family In- Choice of 300 designs. McOlU- Heats as well as cooks and bakes. Realty Co., 470 Main street. staUedi graded.. 290 ft. on Man­ We offer these properties at low ,R. O. Denton. 6724. tions. road; Edward Relbetanx. Andover: ' day.' Center Motor Sales, 461 Converse, Inc., 645 Main, Asking 385. Call 2-9996 after 7 chester Road overlooking Hart­ prices 'for quick aale as owners Oslo. Norway, Aug. 25 -4” 14", 16" OFFICES ot store, ground floor. Cod.. Four down and two unfinish­ tifully landscaped. FOr appoint­ 310.500. 8. A. Beechler, Agent. the train from Stockholm. Mr. and Mr*. George Negro, 775 }; 10 day* after your order 1# organisation. Opportunity for construction," the report said. Looking tired after her long va­ WILL NOT BE IN 1940 FORD. Radio and Urea, in | sold or ranted. Rei«lra on all tables, conaolei also combination Main atreet, near Poet Office. ed lip. lihed dormer, fireplace, oil ment call Phone 6969. , '« It found no effective check on Vernon street; a daughter to Mr. I placed. Price* start, delivered In promotion. Write now for "Get makes.' Marlow’s 12 V4" T. V. radio-phono, like Phone 8988. heat, garage. You reaUy should cation Journey* through Europe, and Mrs. Joseph Rieater. South good condition Call 3-3931. Roonng 16-A Acquainted" Interview ajSpHca- frauds, kickbacks, theft luid pilfer­ HIS OFFICE FR05J/^ f i^ c h e it e r at 32.341.00 McClure /new, cost 3495. It’s your*, for aee this home to ‘ appreciate IL CXJVENTRV—Four rooms down, ing and a lark of an adequate staff the President's daughter neverthe­ Wlndaor; a daughter to Mr. and • Auto Company, 878 Main atreet, 3398 d o w n on a 1951 Chevrolet ROOFING—Specialising in repair. tlon. P. G: RoberU, Empire Craft* BRUNSWICK POOL table# for 3198. Brunner'# T. V.. 358 Eaat PROFESSIONAL Office In Man T. J. (Trockett Agency. Phone 5414 ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. two partially flnirhed up. Full less was patient In answering a Mrs. Felix Padua, Storre. _ FRIDAY, AUG. 23 i r WmiV. -imlliTrtaW "propw'Khd' J sedan, a eht ownet car. Top Howley. Mancheati/ 8361. Cleaner* and Dyers, 836 water, heater. CaU 5135 during Play Pens, High Chai«,-C*r- lahed rooma. Baaement laundry. tary officer* Involved If Secretary CHEVROLET 1945 Iti-ton 12 ft. water oil heat. Fireplace. ELLINGTON— Easy ’ commuting Pace find* It warranted. , places.” Mia* Truman told the re L tlgilas,. Name your terms. Mr- rack body. Good condition.- B*gt street..,. ^;busUieB* houra rigges. Walkers, etc. Complete AIR CXlNDiriONED office apace Large ' lot. Screened summer distance to Pratt A Whitney or porters. E- g^9«,.Afito-'do-T'933'Maln.--atMM- offer6verT40«"IS*«TL ’’•-^iHeBitliiy Z ^ fHim W n f' I t fariiiiiiitriitiB fe r t h r ' enthrs fb^reirb Wirtda tn a PlMtiei«(l? waUs. . FiiU insul^^ • hooae; Price-3H,000. MadeUn* 'Hamilton Stsiidapil.' Seven ■'rooiti ’ ‘ Hhe -will ' h* ■*?. gneri’ Um'litht'at Open evenings 'til 10. Phone 3- WANTED—Girl or vromi^to care Jarvis Realty Co. Phone 4112. tion. Porch, garage. Full shed Smith, Realtor, 2-1642 or 4679., dinner party given for her by Am­ ter 2-0474. (or baby 2:30 p. ro. toirfSO p. m. home. Appliances and TV. brick Georgian colonial. Two Coal Mines I 9443. C O. LORENTZEN. AlteraUone, dorjmpr. This is a real oppor­ hatha, lavatory! hot water heat, '’--a* bassador Charles. Ulrich Bay. copper water piping. New work. vicinity of ' South MSin street. COLONIAL—Brand new. 6 rooms Later ahe will tour Oslo and will TEL. 2^598—2^594 1989 PLYMOUTH Tudor. ^Gpod. In. Summer Homes for Rent 67 tunity to'own your own home. dll. copper tubing. 3-4 acrea of Motorrycin— BIcyelM 11 ’ 24-hour service. Manchester 3636. Call 8783 after 4 ^ ^ CHAMBERS FURNITURE with oil hot water heat. TU* bath. land. Five room ranch, til* bath, On Union Orders pay a vlalt to the residence of low priced transportation. 3l4S. WANTED Lavatory first floor. You gnd Crown Prince Olaf and Crown Written, guarantee. Name your BOY’S English bicycle 26". Prac- EFFICIENT, Plumbing and heat- WAITRESS Wanted. Apply In per­ KNOLLWOOD BEACH. Saybrook. Asking Price $12,800 yours will like It! Price 315.500. ftall shower, hot water heat, base­ Range arid Fuel Man over draft, age for AV The Green Seven room cottage. Bath, ga­ ment, lot 111' X 315'. Exclusive Prlncesa Mareth*. 1 own tenna Cal*o Servtcenter, 436 Ucally new. Reasonul*. Phone | ing. Plugged draliu machine son. Silk City Diner, 641 Main general work in a grocery Madeline Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 (ConttBued from Page One) 5403. / cleaned. Phone 6497. street. . rage and screened porch, electric Occupancy Two Weeks H. B. Grady, Manchester 8009. store. SVi day we^..Gi)od Qpen 10 A. M. to .5 P, M. kitchen. Near beach. Phone 3410. Or 4679. Lewis, to continue through Sept. BOLTON—New four room house, Oil Distributors |PLU3(BINO and heaUng, apeclal- pay. Insurance benellta. Ap­ CHARLES LESPERANGE UNNMORE DRIVE —Attractive 1, Labor Day. LAND SURVEYING "1948 PLYMOUTH four-door sedan. Wanted Autos— Help Wanted— Male S6 Evenings 7 :30 to 8 :30 FOUR-ROOM cottage, furnished Telephone 3620 French 'road. All modem con­ Schuylkill county operations o f , laiiig In ,repalra, ramodallng, cop- ply in person. Cape Cod. foul finished rooma, veniences Over acre land. Center 333 Main Srroat I Plica 3880. Phone 4722. Motorcycles - 12 par water piping, new construc­ MODERN Style Priaer coal atov* at Coventry Lake, near water­ upstairs unfinished. Hot water the Philadelphia and Reading Coal ■ Edward L. Davis, Jr. WAHONS e. front, boat. August 81 through DURKIN STREET — SingU, 4 Spring! Raalty Co. Pljon* 6988 and iron Co.,. were among th* tion. Tims payments arranged. MALE HELP WANTED ExceUent heater.. FuH range size heat oil burner, bay window, j Registered Land Surveyor ■ KOTHBM. INC GET 'THAT CLEAN WANTED— To Buy—used cars. September. Coventry 7-6825. down 2 up, fully finished, flre- screens/ and atorm windows, ga­ mlnei cloaed, despite th* fact that | Edwarc Johnson. Phon* 6979. or KOCUM'S with aprbna, three years old. First plkoe, hot water heat with oU. EAST WINDSOR —Seven miles IS Proctor Road' Manchester USED CAR NOW .C^l Barlow-Motor Sales,' Wap- 8044. $60 wins ^ts beauty. Inquire 30 rage, amesite drive, nicely land­ the campany last week posted no­ FUNERAL pVng' Center. Phone Manchester Several openings of nice location, 312,900. S. A. Beech- from Bimdley Field, new home on Tel. 7019 MARKET Hemlock street. scaped. Thla Is a good home at small elevation. 6 large flnished tice* there’ would be "work avail­ Written Warranty 8404. HBLATINO From A to Z. Con­ various types of work for Read Herald Advs.' ler. Realtor. Phon* 6969. 5292 You can turn out thla good look­ able" for all men reporting. s e r v i c e 379 East Center Street 312 500. Wm. (Soodchild, Sr., rooms, plaKered walls, picture ing aklrt jn practically no time— tlO glD eSoto Deluxe 4-Dr.—Heat- version burners, boiler-burner men' over 18 years of WE BUY and acU good used fnrni- , Realtor. 7925 or 2-0796. Here la a flattering bat tnat may The posted notices warned window, oil steam heal. Low be worn two different way* and la it'a ao easy to sew. And thrifty, OrafifiJ JLWnt r t-' ‘ er, seat covers. Just like new., unit*, complete heating aystenm. age. tun, eombinaUon ranges, gaa down payment. AraoCiate Realty, too. because it require* Juat one miner*' that only jnalntenance f 1951 Chrysler , Newport Coupe- Business Services Offered IS All work guaraiitced. Hme pay­ ranges and neatars. Jones Flirnl' SOUTH MAIN Street. Six room becoming to every age and type operations would be carried -on Cap* Cod, oil heat, hot water, flre- Broad Brook. Wlndaor Lock* 2- Crochet it easily in chenille, which yard of 54-inch fabric. Why not < Radio, heater, power steering, DOORS OPENED, kays fittSi. ments arranged. Moriarty Broth- ture Store. 88 OMt Phm* 2-1041 make several for cool weather. during any holiday, although the V-S ai«lne. era TeL 618& Apply In Person '• place, built in bookcase*, open 6736. gives a velvety appearance, and unlop call had specified that mine copied. Vacuum cleaaeca, irooa, the trim in a striking contrasting Pattern No. 8868 is s sew-rlte SERVICES •! 1951 Chryaler Windsor 4-Dr. guns, au „ repaired. Shaara, FLORENCE: Oimbinatlon eU and MALE HELP WANTED atalrcagFT atorm windows, full cel- workers might engage in some - K-Heater, 18,000 miles. Extra PLUMBING and baatlng. Purn- ' CHENEY BROTHERS" gaa range. Good condition. Rea­ color. ' perforated- pattern In walat alzea preparation'and repair operation* knives, mowers, etc put into oon- l —■_ l*r, used as laundry and recrea- Wanteit— Real CaUte 77 24, 25. 26. 28, 30. Size 25. 1 yard ThatTnlerpret The Wishes i clean.' ■ acta, oU burhera and bollera. Earl FILL sonable. Phon* 2-4804. i. tlon room. Call 2-0888;*fJer 4 p, Pattern No. 5292 contains com­ not dIrMtIy concerned with coal dlUon for coming aeodsL BraltS- Personnel Office plete crocheting instructions, ma­ of 54-lnch. ''i}9 4 9 DeSobo Dalux* Station Wag- 'yan-'Camp. TeL 2-5844. DYE HOUSE WORK f m. CONSIDERINO SEIXmO production. Of The Family on. Radio, heater, 35.500 miles. aralts. 82 Pearl street. FIVE ROOM space bqater, used terial requirements, stitch illustra- For this pattern, aend 30c in t q ,u r p r o p e r t y 7 Oolna, your^name, address, size Among the PAR operations / Just the thing to carry paa- COMPLETE FURNACU5. 'repaiiv 146 Hartford Road FOR SALE on* season, 300. (Combination gaa BRiCnC CAPE COD. 4 down 2 un .tions and finishing directions. closed waa the Packer No- 4 at CARPENTER Will frame unfinish­ big aervtee. Gas, oil or coal. Win­ To Learn and Operate Dye-Jlgn—Third Shift Without obligation to yo<^ sr* d*alred»and the Pattern Number ^ senfeta to the aircraft. Holds ed upstairs rooma. Raaaonabla. and oil stove, 345. Phone 2-3702. flnished up. Quality home with Send 25c in Coins, your nams, Shenandoah. Member* of the ter air conditioning systems In- will appraise or make, you a caah address and the Pattern Number to Sue Burnett, Manchester Eve­ JOHN Be BURKE CaU «-4ltl. WANTED—A -l mechenlc. Steady ' CAU. • Apply To Mr. Kelley ! fireplace, oak floor*. Ruaco com- offar for proparty. Sae u* bafor* ning Herald; Mancheater, Cqnn. union locsil there had sent a letter IF NO ANSWER ^ 2 l| il£ M ^ ‘3-Dr. Sedan—Heater, atalled and serviced. T. P. Aitkin, work under fine working condi­ TWO HOT air furnaces for sal*. 1 bination'd(>or and window*, mod- to Anne Cabot. Manchester Eve­ 6 McCabe Street. Phone 6793. One pncUcaUy new. Inquire 373 you aeU. Ready for you now—Basic, Fash­ to Lewi* last week pointing out I new asat cover*. Clean. refrigeration Serrioe, oom* tion#. Apply te person.' Boland .ern kitchen. Gar-Wood, heating Phon* 6373 ning Herald, Mancheater, Conn. that they had no voice In calling FUNERAL HOME RHONE 8404 12848 Chrysler Royal Club CouJIb— merclal and domasUo. Boa our ALEXANDER Adams atreet after 6. AMERICAN DYEING CORF. Ann* Ckbofa Naw Album of ion for '52, FaU and Winter. Thla Motora, 369 Canter street. unit, recreation room, work BRAE-BURN REALTY ' new issue is filled with Idea* for the holiday and' urging Uiat UMW 57 Eaat Center St. TeL 6565 142 Efiit Center St. I ' Radio, heater, new tires. display oi guaranteed used raCilg- bench, hatchway.' fenced yard Needlework is chock-full of grand officlala turn over their salaries MlPtnery— D rw ia k tiit 19 (XlMBINA'nON OU and gaa atovs, I daalgna, plur exdting features and amiu‘t, practical aewlng for a new I Tour Chryaler-PIymouth Dealer atora. Georg* H. W.Uliaau Aaao* PART TIME appliehce talesihah. JARVIS GO. Corner of East Main and Grove Streets— RockvRle, Conn. i Price 311,800 Exclusive with, Wa n t e d — single home, con­ during th* holltlay to th# union's AAfBULANCE SERVICE Muichestcr For. personal interview sea John dining room aet. Alao mlscellana- a gift pattern printed in the book, season; gKt pattarii'printed inside clatM, 260 Tolland Turnpike, m . 4 1 1 2 ous household articles. 44 McKee : Warres Howland ReaUy. Phone venient to Cheney MUla Gall health and welfare funi}. Piti^triek, Bninner’a, 358 East 8009. 25 eanta. 'the book, 25c.' I BROWN'BEAUPBE, Inc! Maacheetai Phohe X-SS88, aifRta ALTERATIONS and draaamaking. Street 8600. ^MaaMlStraa^ 'PbonoTlBl TOtL BaasonabU rataa GaU 2-4370.' Center street No phon* calls. ■T

- y . .. •y nT? r;f’-^^rwW.m'. -i>i»^'';Sii^jpcM. 4t4S

-XT \-

ilC^DAY, AUGUST 26, »« 8 •- .> v ■ ■ ,‘.^AGa-FOURTEE»_

Ronald E. Wright, 20, Of 37* 0 «lt high of 84.80 and 8 low of 14 for Four Instructor street 28 bushels. Lions Erect Road Marker Eniblems About Town In Insurance Po^l The mart will open for five days l ig h t e r s — S t a t c h e s each week, Sunday through Thiira- Added at Tjrmity CLOCKS — w a l l e t s dliy, with Friday and Saturday as 1 - ^ COMPLETE A dsiighter wa* born to Mr. and the closed days. Mrm. Dino Naaetmbent of 102 Sum- Hartford. Aug. / I s —Appoint- Arttair Drug S it iii mar itrert *t tha Hartford Hon 'menta. of four InsUvctors at Trin­ W A R M A IR piUl Aug. 21, ity College were jmnounced yester­ day by Dr. A r ^ r H. Hughes, act­ HEATING Tha Manchpstar Fire Depart G O P Giucus ing prcaident^ Dr. AHrejgS. Reid of Starke. SYSTEMS mant waa awarded the priae for AND tha beat-appearing company In tlie Set Tonight Fla., haa IMn appointed instructor Knockout parade of the Warehouae, Point in EngiiMn-Dr, Pmul W. KurU of -/■ ■ SERVICE N ew arj^ N, J., Instructor in |fSa Department Saturday night. Salve yoor heating probleme or p h ilon ^ y; Michael R. Campo. '48. inatall new heating aystem MJaa Helen Harmon. .MA Cheal- Will Elerl Drlegates lo of .V )^t Hxrtford. instructor In jiul a t»e t,^ Nancy Whltehlll, 28 clamicsl iMguagca; and Vincent •FURNACES - YOU can Wise your home, your r Sittfi* Convenfion; Noj F^^otschar of West Hartford, Waatmlnaler road and Priacilla • DUCT WORK \ automobile, your savings, and HUl, 28 Toiler atreet. have re-, Contest Is Expected | wrt-time instructor in geology. turned from Camp BXlilh O. New- •OILRURNERS \ all that you value, if you have alllnBlandford, Mae* . where they to pav a judgment awarded The Republican party In Man­ 1 apant the aummaf aa counaelori. Main and Turnpike Plumbing and by a jury for injuries sus­ By The Aaabciatfd Praa* chester will caucus tonight at the Geji. Dwight D. Elsen­ I -Hoittatar A teaet»-gelH>ot..'4ervld bakaty Tha data for tha Joint Installs, Since receiving his bachelor of within the committee, led to the truclrdrivgr'pulled it off. tloa of tba American Legion and 'S ' 99* day was the flrat in history. tion. . ---- . arts degree from Trinity tJollege resignation from the', group of M|Ms*i« One of those who warned Blee«< Auxiliary haa been canceled be- State Rep. Sherwood O. Bowers, The aleek black Canberra aUo and charged with tMna « f a ewiflict with other dates. this yeaCt Tomkiel haa auccess- . —- ^ Hersin Photo. •maahed all previous records for hower that he ought to b ) ^ a ' TDb- fully completed an Intensive train­ Who haa been thftuenttal in Re- fire under HIS campkiJm '''vaa Sen: SkAM W ..dM i wiu be anppunccd pubtlean aUalra in towa Jor many j i ...w cat. to east; Daaaage, M it ing cmiriiir in group itisumnea at An rmpdrtaht event vwm marked ‘prestdentT Bdwtrd Macauleyrprta- I78r|!g8t atreaked home from OMdar. WeW- w anacrB w intn-iBPtftali:. Oewnett Miortly. PacIBr, Mutual’s home office In years. In the local Lions Cftjb history president, and'Stephen Cavagnaro taseftri Cenler Ht. foundland. weatern termlnua of said a "Burprlilng numbef" o f voL- Los Angeles. As • group repre- — ...... "•" cra once strongly for the general Brink’s Dua to tha Republican Town Friday evening w h ^ club mem­ of Cayey'a restaurant. Front row. Tel. 3R65 the epic flight. Mmimlttaa ipaetlng at Holllater selitatlve. he will supervise the bers erected four r^ d mnrl'er em­ president, and Stephen Cavey of are now lukewarm, ------working sale of group Insurance and serv­ Hiitchinsoiis Note W 3 9 < Including Stopover ■iiuat School tonight the Hllllar mounted on a 30- of road marker project. Howard oVgahlzatloh which la sup­ Inch dlamel;^' steel circle with a jler. •, Farmer duglug up tithe------money, for , - Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. •itMJW.HAUoa Thta waa the timetable of the porting Blsenhower, criticized his lice. He had Buried It in a wood Robart J. Bbyea, axecutiva vice Sitle8 H it 94,Mil Hutchinson oboervfd thclr 42nd baked-on ghamel finish. Below A bos Ilea crumpled In Bdgewater, N. J.. after going out of «m - campaign, said, "Ike la running the clrcler Is a sepaPate sign In- bomber'a fHp. in teritia of BriUsh like a dry creek" and aaked "Ike. ed uee near Oten IScho sunuee- president and secretary of the wedding anniversary yesterday at daylight time which is aix houra trol, craahlag threugh a viaduct guard rail and plunging 80 feet to a ment perk In neerto Merytend. ManchesUr Ravings and Loan At Aiirlioii Mart their home, 81 Hawthorne street. dlcnttn^he regular meeting time railroad track. A 5S-year-«ld woman waa WUed and 19 other pnemn- when/do we start T" and place, the flrst and third ahead of eastenvatandard: Tbe general, apparently, was Oerernlly rtuuMd ABsotdatlon, Inc., will speak on Guests present Included Mr. and 8:84 a. m. —Left Aldergrove. gera InJOced. The driver suffered n broken leg and Internal Injuries. It wae A carefully ptenned rob­ ••runctlona and Purposes of Sav- Mrs. Herbert W. Porter and chil­ Tues^ys of each month at Cav- (N E A Telephoto). gcttbif underway today: Total sales yesterday at the ey'^estaurant. THEOP'KICKOF 11:12 a. m. Arrived Gander. He scheduled appolntmenU 1h bery, eendwlched In on Fermer'e Inga and Loan Ataoclatlong" at the dren of Hebron; Mr. and Mrs, j 1:10 p. m. Left Gander. bakery route yesterday. Myrtle Rotary Club meeting tomorrow Manchester Auction Msrt came to PIctuied above are, left to right his newly-eatabltsh^ • New York Everett C. Hutchinson and son ofl 4:88 p. m.—Reached Aider- headquarters with such top Re­ Jaokabn, recepttontet at the bak­ nt|^t-at 8:80 at the Country Club, 14,001.15. There were 1,17.1 one- East LfAgmeadow, Mass.; Mr. and ck row, Mark Kravltz, 3rd vice DR. JOSEPH C. BARRY half bushel baskets of tomatoes grove. publicans aa Sen. EMward Martin ery eompeny, said today when ad­ that hroilght a high of 94.60 and a Mrs. Frederick E. Hyatt and chiK The plane fought 100-mile-*n- of Pennsylvania; Rep, Btjdea vised of the errsat: “1 Juet can't Mtaa Marcia Beach of. 41 CViol. dren.of Amltyvllle, L. believe It" Idga atraat left Saturday morning low of $2,50 for an average of W ILL BE CLOSED hour headwind! on Ita baat to weat Judge Hits Repeat Bridges of New Hampahire.; Rep. Two Bagerpriat experU ge ever a IM ak’a. Inc,, moacy track •» 93.98, Also offered were 2.1 boxes Alfred W. Hutchinson of tflis flight, but waa helped by them on Joseph W. Martin, Jr. of Maasa- after aag.Mi waa etolea frem tbe vehlele while It was twrited at the >ear_nf a hntel by fe w B eam “Ray came iff from hie route at tor a Waak'a vacation in Maine. Ipwffj a M .Hrs, C, r o fll Of Hart For Your IndividiMily the regular time yadUrday." eae t8~ of-choice tomatnea which, .brought ..tba trip bom*...... ehuaatta; John Eoater. Dullti. forr ^ i S - ^ S e t b a a :gSMJI00 la the tracTwaa ford. F R O M -A U G U S T 16 Averages «M MPH laia: "H* W(6i JU« efe cej« a ^ David Moty'cka o f Norfh' Coven 95.90 per box. DfstqntNl Splr«IIa~ eign affairs adviser; th'e GOP vice mvjierm ew vie umPTmrmw tw Y ^ -mowmm arreeted Bay—* *Engena 7 Farmer, a bakery track driver, wfce kad b e «a w n Tbo average speed on tbe home presidential running mate. Sen. . .a ______dAOi aora.,——^ — * nonchalant aa ho could be.' Be try left today for hla senior year The 248 bushels, of eucumhera Foundations —> Gcdt by Brink’s three years age. (A P Wirepheto). wee one of our beat drivera, one at West Point. He graduated from brought a high of 92 and a low of T O S E P T . 2 leg waa Juet over 600 miles an Cledri Richard Nixon of Califomia, and Manchester High School bt 1949. 80 rents. Shell beans brought a Mrs. Elsio Minieueci hour. Th a 2.072 mil# fUght took othera J o( our moat triiated employee." 8 houre 26 minutes. The flight It )V8» Chief M ur^a recollee- k . , . In between conferences Elsen­ M A T T R ^ S E S PhcNio 7737 ■ from northdm Ireland to New­ tion of ,e three-yeer-old incident Washington, Aug. —(4*)— House tax scandal proters hower planned to march in tba foundland required -4 houra 88 26 American Legion parade. One Kijled, Vpice from Past: that led t« Farmer's arrest. Mur­ It is better toiiave a good minutes. were told today that Ellis N, Slack> now an acting Assistant W atM ef Bed TWreat rey recalled that Fartner’a Brtirito rebuilt matycaa than a That waa almost 40 ■ miles an Attorney General, okayed a grand jurjf report vindicating the He addressed the American Le- uniform once pi^ppod up In fie cheap newyne. We re­ hour slower than the eaat-to-weat way Janies P. Finnegan was handling the St. Louis Internal glon’a national convention yester­ hands of a teenage gang oC hm* record of 483.91 miles an hour as- day, streaalng both domestic and 5 2 ^ u r t in n luma, rounded up on vaaM Revenue In 1951. Dlatrict<^ ' . make and/iterilize all types Ubliaked last August in the same office foreign issues. He received an chargSt. 'nMra waa auapicloui'St ^ane lyr the same pilot—Wing Judge George H. Moore described tha time that some of this of m*Ui!^«9- the report ae "aatonlahlng" and ovation when he entered the hall, Commander Roland Beaumont of and waa interrupted frequently , . eontempleted lutng the uaUorM the Royal Air Foret. told the grand Jurors to try again. P O W R io t s > la aome sort robbery. 'k- CANNING “ AS a r*ault," a Judiciary aub- W o o d s G e t s with applause during Ms address. Hi# new weat-to-eaat record He warned ef the threat Wf So­ N«w York, Ai|g. 26 — ^ p ou u a n d r awunir linked In Ufftfemaa Jo ^ FurRiiurt rriI A l U D vaa- aaa« to eetahlluh. For more committae waa tdld, "many Indict­ Avenue today in the American Ugions maWW# diaplay of Here ta the story e« told to re- ments were returned, tncludtlig an viet dggreaeion. A t the same than 15 years the record haa been time hit hard at corruption In Seoul, Korta, Aug. 26—><. the nations’ pa«t ahd present Tnilitary inighfe p e P « w « poitunr by Impector Jareiaiak f lodr CDVtriRg 20 hourd 29 minutes, set by the Indictment of the Collector of In­ Positioh as ternal Revenue in jSt. Loula James government. He attacked the —One Communist priBoner o: more than 76,000, expected' to last at least 12 houra, steppef FlalMHrty. . Americans H. T. Merrill and J. 8. .After Farmer’s uniform WM 46 Oak St. Tel. 2-1041 P. Finnegaii.' administration’s handling of for­ war was killed. 40 wounded out from Slat street at 10:08 ■•m.f ' Lambs in a Lockheed plane. eign affairs as a parade of "false found tai the poieeeilon of the gang FREEZING Many commercial planes have Reopen Scandals Probe by gunfire, and 12 injured in Its terminus waa 43 blocka north ia 1949. police took him Into «u »- starts, loud poltcica and faint The statement was made by Ro­ O P S B o s s at 74th atreet. ^ mad* better Ume, but not under deeds." five riots in UN POW camps tody end questioned him. They tinging rnndiGona approved bert A m- .Cblller,, cogntellm the ju.h-, . A pollce-eatlmated croisrd of' 2,- • Stevenaonf-wwe-dne- to-aeen-eew ■gjxice^ 'Aug.' tl> •th« - -Uv - S. 'OOO.Ow view-Ike"'paraiK "TiT 'tlf9' C o a L T a l k Feund ne Mddiiiea'-M any noong by the international aeronautical committee as U resumed an In­ doing by Fanner end released him. callers in SpringAeld. HI., today to Eighth Army said tonight flrat two houra. Police Commla* federation. , . . quiry into the'St. Louis scandals Washington, Aug. 26—(/P) talk over farm probleme. They found nfterwarda, Brtalc's Beamont ^ n n ed as* he Jumped that led to Finnegan's conviction — President Truman today Disclosure of tha incidents came aioner Georg# P. Monaghan, who BAULING’S WOOL AND RAYON They Included. Clyde H. Sey- In three separate announcements, W it h L e w is ilMd Farmer bsqause at the uni- from the plane into a light driaale last March 15 on charges of mls- named Tighe E. Woods, now bold. pr.eeldent of the National made the eatimate, raid the crowd form epla«xle. , *'.nAisxtaC*Mt>wc)awBi ■ »i»Wxi4Pi«r. -o —.’-•■^hn gnjw iiv -jr r -v . , — t.*v. WiV VHVHw.'a.w-v..^ wMeA. bagaa. faiUng Jialf-an- hour ■ -savaeM-houra.aparL-jaftex -S. Opm- "ha* imA y#Lr#««h8!rUa^**k" And. .conduct- in. ogles. the hkfibh’a irettt can n ier, HUral Ufifeme* tJoopereriv* Ttt' n u ll 10 awB'lui' the Iwhacy before the' Canberra arrived. Slack;’^ who was in the hearing munlat Peiping radio broadcast that additional throng# would view elation, and Herachel D. Newsom, had charged thAt 15 Koreans were company. But; as it developed, he Is Your Sunday Breakfas) , He was followed by co-pilot roqpa/iold a reporter that Collier, to be head of the Office . of the proceaalon before it ended kept a dupUeata key to an armor­ 58" PLAIDS, CHECKS master of the National Orange. kUied and 40 wounded in an un- Are Started Peter Hlllwood, who took over the wa^lp error Jn saying that Slack Price 3tab|lizaUon. .... But most of. the day we* , set after dark. _ ed oar whieB travailed m thenaale cohtrola dh the homeward half'of dealgnated U N POW , camp laart SMroved the grand Jury report. ' ‘ Woods will succeed rails O./Ar- For many a marching Legion­ area of hie bakeryikery route.w the flight, and Navigators Denis year on Aug. 16. / ’ "The report was read to me," nall in the price post on Sept. 1. (CoDtInoed on Tags Thirteen) naire it wae the emotional high A t noon yeaiitahpay, tbe armored Watson. Slack said, "but I had no authority Arnall's resignation, effective on The Eighth Army mad# nq com­ point of the 34th annual Legion Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Aug. 26 AND PLAIN FABRICS ment on tha Communist broadcast. ear puliid 'up to^. the fe ih lr o ^ e TW«i-iia€4»8ar^-y®u itnowl A uuiypbona-caU to approvc-it.That J» where_the that i!ater,-b*s. bean in Truman's ronventlnn-here aa the braas blar- — (;p)—The hard coal indus- W ardmen P etit Bcdrt Bhd tlw j dffg atateroeht is in error.” — In “aiT Tncld«ll' text Saturdayr ed and the druma throbiaed and a hands for some time. one Red POW waa killed and 12 in­ try and John.L. CSBaria^Unit- guards went Inalde to eaL T U y io us—^win take soiled clothinir proem s off your Chairman Chelf (D-Ky) hex an­ Meet With Truman Interim Senate warm August aun flooded the deep ed Mine Workers resumed locked -up the bar. Iranian Police nounced the aim of the aubcom- jured in enclosure 10 on Koje Is­ hands in no time at all! And h ^ t of all, besides Roger L. Pu^am, chief of the land "when a U. 8. rifle company canyon of Fifth avenue. their interrupted contract IgMred U999A99 mitte* is to And out whether there Economic Stabilization agencies, Many a ^Irth had fattened on Then Farmer drove up in hla $ 1 . 9 8 waa any "interference" with the waa forced to restore order, the talks today here in the heart mMiiff thorough and fast, nu/^ prices art rnrk- made the announcement of Wood’s civilian chffw, many a muscle was bakery truck. Inserted hia key, Arrest Suifiik a grand Jury. Job Asked for Army report said. It did not ex­ of .America’a anthracite coal For amart fall and wlnleraakirt*. dreiaea. xuiU, etc You wilt appointment after he, Woods and plain how the prisoners were in­ soft from relaxing at q, desk. But turned -the lock, gritbhed a sack ' bottom low. SaldColltcr; feet quickly remembered the throb region. want more than one akirt made from thege popular priced •After three weeks of delibera­ Atnsll. had conferred with jured. . . contajhing $88,000 in small cur- T w o prisoners of war were shot Lewis, who remained away from fabric!. . Party Leader tion, the grand Jury submitted to Truman. s - GOP Candidate randy, pushad it into the bakery SPECIAL 1 DAY CLEAI^’G SERVICE — WORK Putnam said the three had come and wounded Aug. 19 on Koje. The (OoatiBBad Ob Faga Few ) negotiations last weak In Naw truck and drove off. He IgnoMd Judge Moore a so-called/partial York, spent the night In* a\ hotel report’ which Judge Mo«ire char­ to the White House together so Rede were creating dlaor.^r dur-, $200,000 In bUla of large denomlaa- ACCEPTED UP TO 10 y i\ . , EXCEPT SATURDAYS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Inr t i i evacuation of POW* lo In nearby Hazleton, home of "UMW y o u 4 r « Tehran,'Iran, Aug. 28—(4^ Po- actemeaacterized aa ’aaionisnuiK‘astonishing’ «nuand ‘a » that .Truman could----——y----. bid fare.Well - to tlona. . ? Uce announced today the arrest of complete vindication' of the out-going price •tebiUMr and Some Connecticut Republicans make room for ho*pltal pallont*, VIce-Praatdent ’Tbomas Kennedy. . The theft was diacovered When ■ V'- Nelther-Lewls nor Kennedy would 45" AMERITEX Davood Monshizadegh, leader of dllng of tax caaea in the area for to greet the. new head of /ant William A. Purtell of Wart the army *ald. ' Mercy Slayer when the guarda, resuming thalr Iran’s Nazi-atyle Sumka party. In "We lpse...,one wonderful child' tartford, hla party's candidate for Thirty-eight prisoner* on Koje ^ comment on tha union chiefa / o W frd the past Ave years'. Judge Moore presence In Pennsytvania but It PIN CHECJ$ connection with attacks on build-' also questioned.Whether the report (Am ail) but promote another one the full six-year U. 8. Senate term, were wounded by *nn*'ll pellet* - (Oenttanad an Pace FWir) M ANCHESTER Inga occupied by Soviet cultural (Wboda),’’ Putnam said. given an Interim appointment by none *erlou*ly lon Augr. 11# the was presumed he was en route was the grand Jury’s own Idea, or Says Daughter Woods, 42, is a Navy veteran Governor John Lodge. / here for the dlacusaions on the new * organlaations. Police also took whether someone else's idea had Te 4feo/« . ovsr tha party's headquarters in of World War II. After the war Party caucuaea a t Arrdover and (OnnUnaed. oii Page Thirteen) contraet. been thrust Upon it. 90 Percent Here DRY/OfANERS ACETATE Tehran. » "Prior to the submission of the he headed the Chicago rent conlral Windham last .night adopted ‘A ll Right Now’ Meanwhile, the 75,000 bard coal 93 WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 72.S4 Informed sources said inai report, illis N. Slack, then an at­ office. He moved to Washington in reaolutlons to that effect, arguing 21 QUART ^ leaders of the Psn-lranist party, 1947 to become deputy and then that the Interim service would mlnera, 90 percent of whom are Bulletins Mr. I. L Blrtlnr torney emplo.ved in the tax division centered In thia eastern Pennayl-. another ulrU-naOonallst group, of the Depsrtment of Justice, had chief housing expediter. He then bolster Purtell'a election chances Miami, Fla., Aug. 28—(ffh— A from the AP Wires PRESSURE OANNER REG. SS9.95—SALE $ a _ TAFFETA moved over to head the rent con­ retired grocer atabbod his 18- vanla area, art ataylng home thia Z. 1995 also Ukely would be arrested. been sent from Washington to St. in November. News Tidbits week can jln g out Lewie' proc­ T H bSptM Russia la Protest LouL-- apd had appeared before the trol program. . If elected, Purtell would serve year-old invalid daughter to death 18 q u a r t The atUcks on the Russian cul­ with a butcher knife yesterday lamation ot a- "Memorial" holiday grand Jury on at least one occa­ 'He is a big. 200-pound, aix-foot- until the opening o f the next Con- Culled from AP Wire* ^ honoring'tha victime of mine die h e a r d is t r e s s c a i x _; tural headquarters drew a protest er, a natve of Chicago and a grad- grra- when he would begin his and later explained to police: "I Ks/etsuiMfvt fr$m PRESSURE CANNER RFAl. S27.S5—SALE S18e65 sion. couldn’t aland to see her suffer asters. Tokyo. Aug.' 28— (ff) -“-Tkl note from Moscow to Premier regular term. 1 The halt became effective last JapaneiMi Coast Guard picked up Close out of nationally famoua brand at thia low price. Mohammed Moaaadegh’a govern­ anv more." Tnis Is The Best Time Of (Continued On Peg# Four) (Contlnued on Page Seven) Many fholcea VA reports that number of Hsturday and will continue a distress eall this $ 1 . 3 9 y>f<* ment. demanding the punishment Aw to what Republican should Police called the slaying of veterans with " ' ' ' ' ‘'T Adela Moskal a "marcy killing," through LAbor Day, Sept. 1. from the Paanwanmn - o f those reaponaible. Tha Soviet o f Korean war, reached 1^021^ KAHN serve .the remainder of Sen. Brien Deteetiva- Chaelea. -Rapp . said Iirih * aWtt coalxitWdai n ii^ eor To Do Lawn- S e e ing COLD PACK CAimEII^ SIM ■ «o te dlrecffy rnamed the ~*Wbr'ka McMabdn'*~u»explr*d .terra, there on July 5l • • ' Mexico 8 g O Y ^ " [ '• a “ YahriTAio ’different •and’ .lohn litoaktl led rifflcera, to ih* 300.000 additional UMW member# milea e e iF w HokkaMo, Ihe Holds 7 qUtltJi. (MamlMu pwr^Iftln qnumel. 'CoWptete Inrtructlonu ment drops all •‘barges agalw l t4Jj^SlH A op, parly. was a variety of choices expressed body of hi# dauchUr in the bath- observed the holiday, although nertkern main igland al Japan.^ T-new.^rkir-a- IfeauWuI T^Hyar- - J'Sumha•;me^»heJ»^^ 'St/partv' ckuenaez Izattnlskti--:; r. ■AS -oppoatthm-RellllelMs- f- tiu ifra^ ffiffw tt- arid- iwia; iwt-m mf laileaapaHs -y m-rTriy-i-r ■jBsgageur Pf'■ iir t t ^ i :w:»AjJiitgwaak.; ?t’'ttVd^gfff»M’ aW 1teddlng,''4^ for ftU and winter. . which damaged Communist iner U. S. Rep. Clare Boothe Loce month In which four persons were The- detective aeld. Moakal relat lard and Turin. Italy. Angi ---ri"- WIU l e A t Oar Stwre ALUM. FOOD BLIRCIIEC UM ‘'peace'' ..headipiartera here. The^ was the choice .Greenwich and ItiUed, __ , - r--- ' f feesiny.i apaghatfl eonWat , ,|iaBM>?r»yla«.:atoriHslng.r- party h^''beatt. pcomiitaittt- .ia- atreet. Criticism Supprjessers Branford Republicans • fayore* •A i57-r()om tw ig M*®ti-ma«alohr "'friaigiBea-Oir' Fa|ia:=F ^'''"'L‘/%MiiriifaaM-''>n Thniwlay, Stpt 4 A king eta* aauce pot. ■■ ■ • clashes between Reds and Na- Prescott Bush. • once part of J. P- Morgan esUKh pltal. Only three beepaw NEW PAHERNS AND COLORINGS tlohallsta which led the govern­ J. Kenneth Bradley, former slate will be sold- to order of Roman seriously III hut 75 others had tR R O L L 3 9 , ment to relmpoae martial law Bv THOMAS P. W HITNEY » ward polltlcai "heedlessneaa and chairman, got the support of Catholic nuns- Instead of to Rus­ stay away from their Jobe ta* He is bringing with him the ALUMINUM FOIL AMERim FAST COLOR Aug. 20. , Moscow Aug 26—OPi—Pravda 1 gullibility” ami-loo much "revela Bethel parly members, while Wes­ sian delegation to UN , . . Qu**^*' f\rsi 0* Wfowg Piawt: day. Aa inqulby waa uaderw^ WOODRUFF'S > , 2 525 feet. An organ of the Moslem reUgioua snnou^ed today It ia launching | tlon of party and state aeereU." ton Republicans said they would liounced Bakersfield. Calif., » to.determine the aouree of tha laicM in ftshioia and fabria gt^up. Mojahiddin Islam (Fighters !^ t h ^sU ivTand critical” articled Builds ^ l e of Party support John M. Luplon, who cam­ talking about building new ctilc poisoning. for men and women. Let him for Islam (, demanded that Mon- on the proposed changes in party; Tho new statutes. Prayda ex paigned for the nomination which renter amid rubble of lest Fri­ 36'^ CO LDTO NE ahizadegh be expelled from Tran. ifatutM coming before the All- plained, give increased powers to went to Purtell.,-"if he becomes a day’s rumble., end federal govern­ Jet Fighter^s Rocket Spins DRASTIC MEASURES help you make your aelec- ALUMINUM COLLANDER $t25 It blajped the Sumka party for Union Party Congress Oct. 5. The I a committee on party control, par Rich in permanent grasse*, Alumllite finlth. Will not met. candidate for . the nomination." ment le ready to help. BsUtImore, Aug- 28-rtdV- A » tions and take your meature- . "creating disorder, trouble' and X i i l newspaper said it was doing: tlcularly in the held of party dls Otherwise, Weston will send an Prlnreaa Lodovlca PIgneteUi de automatic 15-day Uoense saapea- preparing "way for a government right for a long-living, ments now for delivery later. ?hls on inatruclions of the Central cipllne. This. It said, was n e c ta ry uninstructed delegation to the Aragon, 63-yeer-old member ot Bom ber9 Crew o f 8 into Sea Sion was announced todny fer PRINTS Of bayonets." r-nmmittee of the USSR Commun-, to advance the cause of the strug- special nominating covcntlon at one of Tlely'e most ancient noble . nay motorist convicted of speed­ Was la Germaiiy S ? ^ r t v *1* violators of party disci. luxurious lawn. There’s Alum. Fruit & Vegetable Press S2J0 i Hartford next month. families, collapses In train at ing In Marykuid over the l«b a r Ivery Oanaeaf We Mata Monahizadegh. 39, la a doctor of Tbe newspaper said tbe party la pline and unaatiafartory fiilAllment An all-night search of the .de­ While the party gatherings were Geneva end dl 1 FT. SIZE Ic yard rhewelLnlorthit. late that the control committee ' miles south of Panama City. S BIZB 18c 25 75c NEW SMALL PATTERNS IN t h e w e (^ ehould have repreaenlaUves pino troopa with UN in Kmea. men of a B-17 bomber alive In mer Hartford Fatrobnaa JohR Cannot Stoy in BanK | country who are Giant torchlight parade will the atorm - tossed Gulf of Undergoing Testa 8. Sedorak charged with larceny . i ' 1 AMERITEX Flood (x>vcrs 90% march through heart of Buenos n- ■ i 25 1 FT. SIZE 70c 2$ 1 QT. SIZE S5c For dieaaca. blouaep. skirts, Melal Union Vote Mexico. I The rocket waa fired by the ot $1$1 from • eense was on. U ■ YOUR LAWN NEEDS WOODRUFF SEEDS 'brunch coats, housecoats, Aires tonight lo commemorate I pUot of an F-88D, the Air Forca’a u.’red bound over To Soperion { - aprons, etcer All' Washable,' in^pendent of services and posta authorities Of Manila; 8 Drown death month ago of Eva Peron. - Elgin —- ...... Air. Force - , - Base, Fla., Aug .newest all-weather fighter, which Court foUowing a hearing i^ lW FREEZEHE CONTAINERS „ Indicates Strike •At the. same tiip* Pravda re A 31-year-old New Brilaih i new colors. 36" PRINTED SEERSUCKERS occupied by them.” Pravda said. ported a new anpoi'ncement by the 26— A rocket und6r|roins operation*! suit** OB probnhie cause before PeOca man becomes that city's fifth dndgb NIcKoKa Raga. adding that auppresaefi of erttic Central commit.ee secretariat ^urt r. ' ^ \• ' f . . W o also rocommMid iB*4>2 Y o b mixturo fortUixor - : V / z PE. QT. I/a g a l . g a l . lam cannot remain in the ranka of Manila, Aug. 28— Ten Inch­ polio case this year. i : 1 T Makes beautiful houaecoala’ and brunch ' Denvpr. Aug. ?8-<87—A apokea- ordering subordinate organizations ed of rain In 15 hour# flooded 90 for your prosoot knun. It wiR do tho host kind of man for the International Union ef the jiarty. •rhe 44lh annuil convention of FISH MAT RUN coats, 88'wen. as dresses and draperies. throughout the, USSR to "develop per cent of thia caplUI yeaUiday Hoboes of America, Inc., marks ' i - Mine. Mill and Smelter .Workers Tbe ne'w Statutes, It swld. “tlj"*** broad discussions" of the project­ .» a ieo. Modo ospodoNy for soil in Mils oreo and sold KVP FREEZER PAPERS 6 9 c , - i it hot Just the right, but the ob­ and today. Aa the one to three- time as early arrivals at Ham­ (Ind.) says early returns on a na­ ed changes in life party statutes, foot deep water# receded, at least New Tofk. Ang, 2d Housewares Dept.—^Basemtot by 90.000 members of the union Inform on fauIU in .party work. had trouble geltiag away from day he wda oanaMeriag ma^ t Six bodies were recovered from into the water with hla life Jacket radlo-controUed drone. The