. t s r w T ' T k K t 'r . '■ ■' .V SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1952 . Ths WSBlhtr/J, AYtrst* DsUf N«t Pnas 1 at tr. •. MteEieo ■ PAGK liD f \. Par tea Wook Badad ^tulrrater lEvntfttg HMralb Aug. 28, IfiU Ctear, m 4 qaMo • in tha aarly awmlng Is enough to 1 0,316 Fair, wannar TMaday cdHvlaea ua that faU Is just arouad Bank Mulling A b on tT ow n tha com er. The days aaay atlU be Farrand'Read Nuptials IV of tea AofiK HeaM Along Main Street \ hot and humid but the Umpaiw lO f ( HanchoBter^A City of ViUago Charm wm tam Mob^*> Jr., «i Atftlaldc tura U sinking neUcaabiy during Credit Pkin ( 0^ l«ca) otf«»i«t, win play Bun- the night AndonSom * o f Maneheotor^B SIdo StroeiB, Too The days ara getting shorter sadl MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST ;BS, 1952 (FOURTEEN PAGES) aay lor tho 7BU Annlw w . (t CSans Mootinf oorvleoi of U»o I^o that means lass heat from tha sun. J O ffidab of Trngt Co* VOL. LXXL NO. 278 Tha presence o f daw Is aa^>actalty] •aa^MvcntUnlon wWch *ro li^ ff ^whleh thara la as ratnra, to asak M 4 at cam p BoUitf In Haddam. OaaSd Wa P o t t T prominent after a eloudlasa night Vbit Long bland for Wa hava mat and board aav- refuge In another country only to with no winA And daw doesn't fall. I Harold Baglln, a local tanor ad<v be axpallad from thara also. Wa Study of New System tat of thaSooUi Matbodlat Oiurch aral diaplacad paraona In thte and I as many ones bailavaA Instead It l a n p s u r v iy m ^ aunoundlnt towns, ^ wa hava a eaa only Imagtaa what it la Ilka. elmlr, win attf at tho Sunday Wa eaa sympathiaa and offer aldi—is tha7 - condensation- 7. of atmoapharic UN P lanes Mndeaa. Many local poo^ m a t daal o f admiration fo r thaaa It was aanounced today by offl- UvMwdLDovIs. Jr. naweomara to our natlw Im A w a and aneouragamant but wa can not! moUtura IhM w ^ ta plm Unff to otti&d* know of a famous drchllact In his aver really undarstanA Wa aan Umparatura ciala of Tha Maachaatar Trust Ike Urges U. S. Warn So country who la now working aa a Imagtaa what It would ha Hka and daw point Oompany that they a n conaldar- Slash Vital wo gat a little frightened thinking outslda ara bathed in Uls coMInjr U m a t a r l Mr. and Imto. William McMuIlan gardonar. Tha gantlamana wtfa, mg tha aatablishmsnt of a retail N . i m o( Edmund atraat and Uitir dauKh* who was a laboratory tachidciM, about It and than wa aatUa down I Judging by all this, there ih ow credit pbtn atmUar m nature to tha tar, Mra. Edwin Eoata of Wood- la now working as a nurma alda. to our niea comfortable lives. 1 be only a few more weeks of goM Waste Charges brtdgi atroat, ara vaeatlonlnf at Both hava taken thaaa Jo b s ^ a Thaaa paopla are so glad to be weather" ahead before It gats cold one m affect for aomawhat mors R ed Deppts Oloueainor, Capa A ^ , Ma to praaant languaM barrtara but alive, to ba doing aomathlng worth-1 and blustery, than n year at H m Frankim Na- they aaam toT iaT iappy la thalr while to In^rovs thalr fallow man I Howavar, wa may gat a raopita Uoaal Bank of Frankim Square, ■................. "F and to dimb back up the ladder. I in tha form Of a famous New Eng- tong Island. Thalr pparatkm re­ Wsfihington, Aug. 25—(flP)—The Chief of Army engineer* Seoul, Korea, Aug. 26—<A*) Pfo, Emaat H. Pallato, ^ work with no oomplalnU. uest Our standard of living In tha Wban they tall us bow fortunaU hud Indian Summer whan tha ceived coasidarahia publicity in tedsy t ^ e d "over-criticsl” a ecorching Senate report mc- Mr. and Mrs. Michael PalMn — ^U. S , bombers delivered s U. s., which avaryona toowa la they feel to hava "tha privilege" .gi^sn hours of October seam to go nawa^para and banking journnla cusing him end other top military Aien of confusion and w ute one-two blow St Commuidst X34 Oak atraat la now oarvini In rated among tha hlghaat In tha of living hero, wa ara apt to start ^ gg m sn andlaas array of m M v of this year. Oarmany with tha 2nd Armorad world, haa eauaad many of ua to maasuruig again. Thaaa paopla u^ht days that compare with tha Immadlataly following tho aa- in the hurry-up building of U. S. air bases in North Africa. supplies last night. Flying "Han on Whaels" Divlaton. Pal'^ weigh things and people on a teach ua a lesson whan they show gf u,, hot summer. It's uaual- Bouncamant by The Frankim Na­ The committee urged Secretary off' ' ' through stormy weather they lita aatarad tha Army la rsbru' tatlal plana. Wa measure a mans no hata for Oidr oppraasors , ' tional, three officara of Tha Man- the Army Pace to "take appro-, mm g\ J ary in IM l and arrlvad la Eoropa ly too cool then to do anything but priato acUon" against lA. hit a 40-acre supply area in success by tha kind of home ha "It Is not tha paopla you know anjoy tha sunshine and hops that 1 chaster Trust Company visited tha northwest Korea and pound­ aarly Oils amoth. has, hU wife’s Jawalw and It la the leaders,^ th ^ say. hank on Long Island and dlaeuis- Lewis A. Pick, tha------ engineers’-- ‘^ ^chief. *“^ 50 Rescued tm , It wUl la st Pick: got out a atatemantstatement today ed . behlnd-the-front storage and the number and kind of a n ^ •0, let us remind ourselves that MaanUms, clean up thoaa car ad tha matter at length with its moMlaa houiiad In hla garage. Wa It la aot tha fortune of tha man officials. Much daUflad Infornin- saying ‘T had no reaponsiblUty in depots. Mia. Winiam E. Swaanay of US disina and snow shovaL You navar tha determination of the Air Pore* Mata atraat haa baan awardad a hava placed this ,'^ «jtlc« w ,« » to bo oonstdarad ... it la bow ba, „ tkm waa saeured and haa bean lui' A rain storm awirUng over nation as a whole and wa baUava traau hla fallow man. It is what la dar atudy and eonaldaratloa by tha raquiremenU tn North Africa. It After Plane Korea bogged down troops on the SIO -priaa la tha Joaaph Dixon waa not my responsibiUty to direct CnadMa O0.'a 128th Aanlvaraary that wa hava much to offer tha la his heart 4 »t oounta, and It la local Inatltntlon amca that time. 15S*raUe ground front. Forty Chi­ Vladlmtad the construction on a crash (or nese firing burp guns made a Ooataat rest of tha world due to our n w up tO'US to elect and put Into offica Talavlsion haa racaivsd BriaSy, tha operation of such a To Check Red production lines and opportunity ifia right kind o f man who will I Id n mvolvaa. tha astabliahmant of rush) program basla." Hits Water thrust at Bunker Hill on the for personal gain, credit at the hank by tha pur­ Ceat Seen Doubled weatern front but a U. 8. Eighth TWs Is vary true hut wa are not chaser, tha dlacountlng of chaiga The Armed Services Prepared- Army staff offlter aald the Chi­ alaotton oar-U*»« “ y medium of lU kind alnca New York, Aug. 26—(flV-Dwlght D. Eisenhower 8 s id '» thinking clearly whan ara forget tickets by tha bank for the ratml- nets InvesUgation subcommittee, Trapani, Sicily, Aug. 26— nese were beat back in a torrid that tha faUow fiw wrom Um ar and finally tha payment of tha headed by Sen. Lyndon B. John-, (fl>)—A crippled__ four-engine 15-mlnute fight. dsy thfit, because of the Soviet master-plan of conquest, “ tiM accounts by tha cuatomar at tha son (D., Tex.) made public lU re-.: (|P)-—A COM . , . There were only patrol claahes nation today stands in greater peril than at any time in Uam^ ^ (B ip rw ia^ * * 2 lhM?“J«SSiui.“ ’wT^^ “IS? thin mrrstchy n!2 Z bank wlthm n apaciflad length of SERVICES port yesterday. It said that Pick i British airliner plunged into do ao and tliat thoy will conUnu«| which, and light enamy probee eteewhere, history. Ha called for a clear, strong warning to. the RuagtOfi FILMS time, thereby re-aaUbliahlng tha was responsible for the building the Meditermnesn early to­ (temmunlet artillery fell off to 5S thalr Intaraat by vSlng In tha fall. I f r ^ tbalr crystal acta about *0 customer’s credit If paymaate ara That IntcTErtt Th« WUioB job which has coat taxpayers 320 from the American government. *• ------------------------ DITIIXIPED AND day o ff this west Sicilian port MS rounds Sunday compaTad with Me declarod, •*We must tell tha Bo- 'KE’Of '. - PRINTED lust go^ otd-fhaMonod oonmon tads promptly aa agie^ million dollars and Is expected Murta^ and conddari^ b^wa Weddme~Bmnka ^ TalavUkm’a praatiga waa almost W hile tha antlra aehama is leU t Of Tho FhHdIy eventually to total more than but fishing boats saved 50 of 4,m rounds on Saturday. vtats with cold flnalily ttat navar | « IfiOYI UlTM SM apt to make this mlataka arlth- A w a d S n g ir o n a o f tha moat kUlad o ff a t ^ tlvaly naw m retelling and bank the 57 parsons reported The Navy said lU operatlone shall we rest eentaht until 24-HeUR SERVICE double that amount.
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