Exhibition History 1971 - present The following list is a record of exhibitions held at The Photographers' Gallery, London since its opening in January 1971. Exhibitions and a selection of other activities and events organised by the Print Sales, the Education Department and the Digital Programme (including the Media Wall) are listed. Please note: The archive collection is continually being catalogued and new material is discovered. This list will be updated intermittently to reflect this. It is for this reason that some exhibitions have more detail than others. Exhibitions listed as archival may contain uncredited worKs and artists. With this in mind, please be aware of the following when using the list for research purposes: – Foyer exhibitions were usually mounted last minute, and therefore there are no complete records of these brief exhibitions, where records exist they have been included in this list – The Bookstall Gallery was a small space in the bookshop, it went on to become the Print Room, and is also listed as Print Room Sales – VideoSpin was a brief series of worKs by video artists exhibited in the bookshop beginning in December 1999 – Gaps in exhibitions coincide with building and development worKs – Where beginning and end dates are the same, the exact dates have yet to be confirmed as the information is not currently available For complete accuracy, information should be verified against primary source documents in the Archive at the Photographers' Gallery. For more information, please contact the Archive at
[email protected]