Extensions of Remarks Hon. John Brademas

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Extensions of Remarks Hon. John Brademas November 20, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF R~EMARK.S 36775 stand in adjournment until the hour of able president of the Export-Import ing activities almost without limit while the 12 noon tomorrow. Bank, Mr. Casey. American taxpayer is unable to get financing for his home or his business. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I think he is an excellent man, and I At the appropriate time, we shall move to objection, it is so ordered. am pleased to work with him. We have a reject the conference report and send it back difference of view on some of these mat­ to committee for revision. ters pertaining to Export-Import Bank; Rejecion of the conference report will not ORDER FOR THE TRANSACTION OF but so far as the Senator from Virginia close down the Bank. It will only restrict ROUTINE MORNING BUSINESS TO­ is concerned, the item I am particularly major new transactions until Congress takes MORROW interested in is putting a ceiling on the further action to insure that the Bank oper­ amount of loans that may be made to ates in the national interest. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, We urge your support in voting down the I ask unanimous consent that after the Russia. Mr. Casey, the president of the Export-Import Bank Conference Report. two leaders or their designees have been bank, if I judge him accurately, does not Sincerely, recognized under the standing order to­ want a blank check, but it is the State HARRY F. BYRD, Jr., morrow, there be a period for the trans­ Department that has insisted upon a JAMES B. ALLEN, action of routine morning business, not blank check. RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER, to extend beyond the hour of 12:30 p.m., Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ WILLIAM PROXMIRE, with statements limited therein to 5 sent to have printed in the RECORD the HOWARD W. CANNON. / minutes each. revised letter written by he five Senators The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I mentioned. PROGRAM objection, it is so ordered. There being no objection, the letter was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, as follows: the Senate will convene at the hour of EXPORT-IMPORT BANK U.S. SENATE, 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. After the two CONFERENCE REPORT Washington, D.O., Nov. 15, 1974. leaders or their designees have been rec­ DEAR COLLEAGUE! We intend to move to ognized under the standing order, there Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ reject the Export-Import Bank conference will be the period for the transaction of dent, on November 15, a letter was sent report when it comes before the Senate routine morning business of not to ex­ to the Members of the Senate dealing shortly after Congress reconvenes. tend beyond the hour of 12:30 p.m. with the Export-Import Bank confer­ The conference report nullifies every major Statements made during that period for ence report. This letter was signed by the Senate action to strengthen Congressional the transaction of routine morning Senator from Virginia, by the Senator overight of the Bank's activities and paves the way for an immediate multi-blllion dol­ business will be limited to 5 minutes from Alabama <Mr. ALLEN), the Senator lar U.S. investment in Soviet energy develop­ each. from Pennsylvania <Mr. ScHWEIKER), ment. At no later than the hour of 12:30 the Senator from Wisconsin <Mr. PRox­ The Senate put an overall ceiling of $300 p.m., the debate on the override of the MIRE), and the Senator from Nevada million on Ex-Im Bank loans to the Soviet Presidential veto of H.R. 14223, the Vo­ (Mr. CANNON) . Union-the conference committee eltminated cational Rehabilitation Act, will begin. The letter urged that the conference this ceiling, saying the President could set At the hour of 1 o'clock p.m., tomor­ report be rejected, and it gave various any limit he chooses. row, the debate will begin on the over­ reasons. The Senate adopted an amendment pro­ hibiting Ex-Im Bank support of Soviet fossil ride of the Presidential veto of H.R. Mr. President, I rise today to con·ect fuel project without prior Congressional ap­ 12471, the Freedom of Information Act. one figure which was in error in the sev­ proval-the conference committee deleted it. At· the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. tomor­ enth paragraph resulting from a wrong The Senate required prenotification to row, a rollcall vote will occur on the addition, where it says that the Export­ Congress of any Ex-Im Bank credit trans­ override of the veto of H.R. 12471. That Import Bank loaned $956,400,000. action of $60 million or more-the confer­ vote will be immediately followed by the That figure should be $884,400,000. ence committee excluded loan guarantees vote on the override of the Presiden­ Another point in that same paragraph from this provision, effectively nullifying it. tial veto of H.R. 14223. Under the Con­ that needs to be clarified is that the let­ The Senate put Ex-Im Bank back ln the federal budget to show its inflationary im­ stitution, both votes will be by rollcall. ter says that the Export-Import Bank pact and to permit better CongreSsional re­ Following the disposition of the votes loaned the figure just mentioned. view of the Bank's lending-the conference to override the Presidential vetoes, the The more exact wording should be "as­ committee deleted this provision. Senate will take up S. 3418, a bill to es­ sisted in financing." The Export-Import Despite growing public criticism of its op­ tablish a Federal Pl'ivacy Board to over­ Bank loans for these items mentioned in erations, the Bank has continued to make see the gathering and disclosure of in­ this paragraph totaled $308,550,000, loans which cause serious economic hard­ formation concerning individuals, and based on the press releases by the Ex­ ship to American industry and American workers. For example, from August 26 for other purposes. Rollcall votes are port-Import Bank. I point out that most through November 11 of this year the Ex-Im anticipated on amendments thereto. of these loan!i were at a 7-pe!.·cent in­ Bank assisted in the purchase of $884,400,000 terest rate. of U.S. aircraft. Of this total, Ex-Im Bank I thought these two points should be loans totaled $308,660,000, primarily at 7% ADJOURNMENT clarified for the record. interest. Pan Am pays market rates for the Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ The signers of this letter regret that same planes and is asking for $10 million a dent, in accordance with the previous the figure was slightly incorrect. It month in federal subsidies to stay in busi­ order, I move that the Senate stand in ness. adjournment until 12 o'clock meridian makes no substantial difference, but we If the conference report is adopted, there do want the exact figure. will be nothing to stop the Ex-Im Bank from tomorrow. I want to say also that nothing in making more aircraft loans, or from financ­ The motion was agreed to; and at 6 this letter, so far as the Senator from ing the Soviet Yakutsk and North Star en­ p.m. the Senate adjourned until tomor­ Virginia is concerned, should be con­ ergy projects while U.S. energy development row, Thursday, November 21, 1974, at strued in any way as a reflection on the lags, or from expanding its low-interest lend- 12 o'clock meridian. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ations is meeting in Washington, D.C. Mr. Speaker, as chairman of the House LffiRARY ASSOCIATIONS this week, and over 900 delegates from Select Subcommittee on Education, some 70 countries of the world are at­ which has jurisdiction over our Nation's tending. Federal library programs, I wish to ex­ HON. JOHN BRADEMAS The International Federation of Li­ tend a special welcome to the delegates OF INDIANA brary Associations is an international from other nations attending this 40th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nongovernmental organization, having General Council Meeting of the Inter­ consultative status with UNESCO, work­ national Federation of Library Associa­ Tuesday, November 19, 1974 ing in 88 countries through its 120 mem­ tions. Mr. BRADEMAS. Mr. Speaker, the In­ ber-associations and 450 member-li­ It is :fitting at this time to note that ternational Federation of Library Associ- braries. there is pending on the House calendar 36776 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 20, 1974 I a bill calling for a White House Confer­ national level is among the press, who caused by lnflation of prices and interest ence on Library and Information Serv­ are now reporting a 6-percent unem­ rates and by the recession of revenues. I also directed our Budget people to review ices in 1977-Senate Joint Resolution 40. ployment rate, and the President's ad­ all departmental spending and recommend This measure must be expeditiously en­ visers, who are now admitting that we areas where new cutbacks could be made in acted into law before the 93d Congress are indeed in a recession. The unemploy­ a budget which is already tight as a drum. adjourns so that plans at the State and ment and in:fiation problem is being If economic conditions do not improve I local level can begin. Senate Joint Res­ treated here in Washington as any other am sure that I will have to institute new olution 40 authorizes conferences on Li­ political fad. Many words and much eutbacks which will mean not only munici­ brary and information services at the literature have been traded back and pal job losses, but also some damage to our State level in the years preceding the forth; but now that the moment for neighborhoods which will not get as many 1977 conference at the national level.
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