HOUSE of REPRESE,NTATIVES-Thursday, March 25, 1971

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HOUSE of REPRESE,NTATIVES-Thursday, March 25, 1971 March 25, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 7959 HOUSE OF REPRESE,NTATIVES-Thursday, March 25, 1971 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. pointed Mr. CANNON as a member of the BYELO&USSIAN 1NDEPENl>l1:NC£ Rt. Rev. Nikolaj Lapitzki, Byelorus­ same Board of Visitors. Mr. Speaker, the highest hopes and sian Orthodox Church of St. Euphrosy­ aspirations of the Byelorussian people for a free and independent nation were ful­ nia, South River, N.J., offered the fol­ NUMBERING OF RECORDED TELLER lowing prayer: filled on March 25, 1918, when the Byelo­ VOTES AND ROLLCALL VOTES russian National Republic was born. In the name of the Father, and of the The SPEAKER. The Chair would like It was during World War I that the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. to announce that recorded teller vote No. Byelorussians took advantage of a weak­ o eternal God, and our Father, the 1-on the public debt and interest rate ened Russian regime and took steps to source of all life and light, on this day limitation-and recorded teller vote No. liberate themselves from the Russian commemorating the proclamation of in­ 2-on deleting appropriations for the powers. The All-Byelorussian Congress dependence of anniversary of Byelorus­ met in December 1917, in the city of sia, we hwnbly bow our heads and pray, supersonic transport--be renwnbered ss "roll No. 30" and "roll No. 31,'' respec­ Miensk and, on March 25, 1918, pro­ that Byelorussia, and all other captive claimed the Byelorussian Republic. nations may soon receive a new birth of tively. The Clerk will henceforth number an recorded teller votes in sequence with Byelorussia's provisional constitution freedom. roll numbers. was adopted which provided for freedom o Generous God, the source of kind­ Without objection, the permanent of speech, press, and assembly; national ness, bless and instruct the leaders and RECORD and the Journal will be changed and cultural autonomy of all minorities; legislators of the United States of Amer­ accordingly: and, in the future, recorded a direct and secret ballot open to all ica, so that they would arrive at the de­ Byelorussians; an 8-hour workday with cisions, which would lead to peace and teller votes will be carried in the single "roll number" series. a right to strike-all guarantees of hu­ freedom of all mankind. There was no objection. man rights. o Merciful God, source of love, send Acknowledging the right of Byelorus­ Your blessing on all people of our glori­ PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY sia to its freedom and independence, the ous country, United States of America, Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, a parlia­ Byelorussian Democratic Republic was save them from discord, giving them the mentary inquiry. accorded recognition by over a dozen spirit of love, wisdom, and true brother­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman will states, and Byelorussian legations and hood. Amen. state the parliamentary inquiry. consulates were set up in some foreign Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will this in capitals. Unfortunately, the new Byelo­ any way change the results as they ap­ russian free and independent state was THE JOURNAL pear in the RECORD? unable to enjoy its new found freedom for The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ The SPEAKER. Not in the least. The very long. The Russian Communists in­ purpose is to have just one set of nUll).­ vaded Byelorussia and turned the terri­ lned the Journal of the last day's pro­ bers on recorded votes instead of two. ceedings and announces to the House his tory into a battlefield, and the nation Mr. GROSS. Since they have already soon found itself in Russian captivity. approval thereof. been changed from what the Chair an­ Without objection, the Journal stands World War II provided a period of nounced the totals were, that is why I relative calm and, under the German oc­ approved. raised the question. There was no objection. cupation, resulted in a spontaneous re­ The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks the vival of Byelorussian national institu­ gentleman. tions. In 1944, in Miensk, the Second Byelorussian Congress was convened and MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT it reaffirm,ed the desire of the Byelorus­ A message in writing from the Presi­ RT. REV. NIKOLAJ LAPITZKI sian people for complete political inde­ dent of the United States was communi­ <Mr. HELSTOSKI asked and was pendence. cated to the House by Mr. Leonard, one given permission to address the House Today, the Byelorussian people can­ of his secretaries. for 1 minute, to revise and ext.end his not claim their former lands as an inde­ remarks and include extraneous mat­ pendent and free state. What resem­ ter.) blance there is to show that Byelorussia MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Mr. HELSTOSKI. Mr. Speaker, on this is an independent state is only an ex­ March 25, the people of Byelorussia are ternal facade, while the inner workings A message from the Senate, by Mr. commemorating the 53d a:nniversary of re:flect the strict hand of Moscow con­ Arrington, one of it clerks, announced ·their declaration of independence; and trol, which do not represent the hopes of that the senate had passed without what could be more fitting than to have the Byelorussian people. amendment a joint resolution of the one of their own clergymen open this There is no joy in Byelorussia today, House of the following title: day's activities of the House of Repre­ there are no celebrations, there are no H.J. Res. 468. Joint resolution ma.king cer­ sentatives. family gatherings on this, their day of tain further continuing approprla.tlons for Mr. Speaker, today we had the dis­ the 1918 proclamation of independence. the fiscal year 1971, and for other purposes. tinction of listening to Rt. Rev. Proto­ Today, in Byelorussia it is a day of work The message also announced that, pur­ presbyter Nikolaj Lapitzki of the Byelo­ for the economic benefit of the oppres­ suant to Public Law 84-1028, the Vice russian Orthodox Church of St. Euphro­ sor, the Soviet Socialist Republic. President appointed Mr. MANSFIELD, Mr. synia, located in South River, N.J., de­ We all know that we cannot physically YOUNG, and Mr. HARRIS as members of liver the opening prayer. help Byelorussia regain her status as a the Board of Visitors to the U.S. Air Reverend Lapitzki, although not a res­ free and independent nation. We can Force Academy; and Mr. STENNIS, chair­ ident of my congressional district, has only express our hopes that this once man of the Committee on Armed Serv­ been a friend and has done an impressive proud nation will soon become a mem­ ices, appointed Mr. DOMINICK as a mem­ and dedicaJted job both to his church and ber of the free nations family. ber of the same Board of Visitors. to the community. He is the guiding I wish to join in this universal struggle The message also announced that, SPirit within his community of Byelorus­ for Byelorussian freedom and urge my pursuant to Public Law 84-1028, the Vice sian people in keeping their hopes alive colleagues to express themselves in seek­ President apPQinted Mr. MONTOYA, Mr. for the resurrection of Byelorussian free­ ing justice for these subjugated people. FONG, and Mr. PEARSON as members of dom and independence. Mr. Speaker, at this point of my re­ the Board of Visitors to the U.S. Military Mr. Speaker, I am pleased and honored marks I would like to include a well­ Academy; and Mr. STENNIS, chairman of to welcome Reverend Lapitzki to the prepared treatise on the subject of what the Committee on Armed Services, ap- Halls of Congress. is presently the situation in Byelorus- 7960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 25, 1971 sian territory, which I wish to share with of Soviet Russia. The same holds true for russian national life. During the first stages my colleagues of this honorable body. Byelorussian students-they must leave Byel­ of Russian Communist terror, the Russian orussia in order to get jobs in their pro­ Communists liquidated several hundred The material referred to follows: fessions. M.any of these deported specialists Byelorusslan National Communists. In the BYELORUSSL\N CONGRESS never return back to Byelorussia and are 1930's the Russian Communists arrested COMMITTEE OF AMERICA, completely lost to Byelorussian nationhood. thousands of Byelorussian scholars, artists Queens, N.Y., March 10, 1971. The Government of Soviet Russia carries and engineers. Many hundreds of thousands Hon . HENRY HELSTOSKI, out a policy of genoolde toward the Byelorus­ of Byelorussian farmers were deported to Hou se of Representatives, sian Nation. It is a staitlstically proven fact Siberia, where they perished. Among the first Washington, D.a. that during the So'V'iet Russian occupation victims of Soviet Russian terror were Byelo­ DEAR SIR: The United Nations recently has the dem~phic deficit of the Byeloru.SSian russian leaders, such as the first president of celebrated 1st 25th anniversary. The Byel­ SSR was 6,045,000; only one-third of that the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences, most orussian Soviet Sociallst Republic belongs number were direct or indirect losses of authoritative Byelorussia.n historians, econ­ to the United Nations and is one of its WW II; two-thirds, or over 4,000,000, di­ omists, etc. founding members. However, the Byelorus­ rect consequences of political terror. mass de­ The ruthless purges continued also in 1937. sian people are not represented at this inter­ portations and forced resettlements of Byel­ Thousands of political leaders, former Byelo­ national organization. The people of Byelo­ orussians to the Asian parts of the Soviet russian representatives in the Polish Parlia­ russian SSR have been and remain under Russian Empire.
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