Vol. 3. - ~, 1- ,'1 I n -IS -

Vol. 3. - ~, 1- ,'1 I n -IS IZIMBABWE EDITORIAL "IS irO.O STILL TIERE"? o..e...e.o...... The recent announcement by the blood-thirsty colonial regine of Smith, that no one is allowed to visit the place where our leader Mr. Nkono is restricted, leaves us in a Lgloon of doubt for his personal safity more especially that the place is so rerote and greatly lion-infested. In the pubs and beerhalls, in the schools and in the streets around the teeming townships of Salisbury, Gatbona, Quo Quo, Gwelo, Fort Victoria, Gwanda Untali and Dulawayo, and in all rural areas and reserves, the rasses' patience is greatly exhausted, and every talk is centred on Mr. Hkono's safety. The "no-visitors" announcenent by the bonny-haad and pendulous-nosed Dupont and his murderous progeny is causing disesteen and !increasing suspicion as to why the people's leader, Joshua !Tkono should be kept hidden by the settlers regime of Smith. What heightens the fears witpii. the ,aseo, s the recent Rhodesian Front Govern:lentts statement that the restriction area is not fenced, and that lkomo lives apart from the other restrictees. The area is near the Portuguese border, lions and elephants are known to roan in the neighbouring bush. Hoif one poses a question: "Is our leader still there?" We therefore roVehl it to the world that the settlers in S. ant Mr. 11komo to suffer the fate of the late Patrice Lununba of the Congo# i)y nsfusing permission to anyone who wants to go and see him there, to clear this gloom of uncertainty in the ninds of the masses in . As we arc writing, no one knows whether our leader is still alife. We therefore ask the settlers in S. Rhodesia the following questions:a) What crime has been coritted by our leader which makes it impossible for us, his followers to meet him? t) If the people sentenced to death can be seen before they are executed, why should we be barred from meeting our leader, whom we know is in restriction and not in prison? Cont.,...,.

Cont,...o C) Under what conditions is he being kept and who is cookino for him? d) What food is he beinr7 Civen? e) Why should he be kept away fron others? After askin, all these questions, and after failing to got the correct answer frot the blood-thirsty regire of Dupont and his murderous clique, we are bound to take it that the settlers have done something to our leader. During the past years of political struggle in Central Africa, we have lost the greatest political heroes like, the beloved Dr. Parirenyatwa, Dunduzu Chisiza and many others. Are we then roino to lose I'kono? Whatever happens to Nkono or any of our leaders who are in restriction, Britain will.,'esponsible, because she has willingly exposed the lives of African nationalists to the Charity of her minority kith and kin. We must inform the world of this crucial morent that if anything happens to I.Tkormo while in restriction, we, the people of Zimbabwe, shall destroy if not aliminate any white settler pest in any possible way, even if it means involving the entire world into a third world war. We shall never listen to any explanation that cones after something has h6ppened to i1r. Ikono. Why are reporters, nenbers of the red-cross not allowed to Go and see him if the settler authorAs argue that he is safe? It is now up to the world to digest the seriousness of the matter and any step taken by Zimbabweans to defend thenselves from the sharp teeth of settlerdom and capitalism. Bloodshed is just off the corner in Zimbabwe and unless we know the safety of our leader Ilkomo, we shall all perish in defence of our rights. SUD-EDITORIAL COMMONWEALTH CONFERENCE. The powder-magazine on which the settlers in S. Rhodesia wore sitting has exploded. They have in their insanity to lie, but with no succes even in London, a place that could accomodate their ancestors some years ago. Recent events have further proved that Zimbabwe (S.R.) is a human butchery, c6vered with prisoners and gallows. Dondoft:- Sir Alec has been requested by the settlers, through their captain of maniacs Smith to invite him to a conference of Commonwealth heads of States (Prime Ministers). Smith has categorically demanded it "as a right." Home on the contrary, stated that S. Rhodesia could be invited as a "courtesy." In this respect, Britain has thus admitted in no ambiguous terms, that S. Rhodesia is not independent against its fallacious and immoral argument at the U.N, that she cannot interfere into the internal affairs of S. Rhodesia. There is thus a clash of ideas with very serious repercussions for the already strife-torn country S. Rodesia o Cont,.....

Cont.... If Britain stands by the right; then the Smith squad may declare their diablically planned minority independence aGainst the will of the majority, sooner than envisaged. Britain is now faced with an open crisis. On the other hand, if Britain must succumb to this settler intimidation; then we expect our brothers in the Commonwealth not to find themselves in this net of constitutional black mail. We fail to see how the Pan-Africanist representatives can sit with a man of the dominating settler and murderous regime. We refuse to be convinced >y our Asian friends for this act, and yet at the recent Afro-Asian Conference in Algiers; they agreed to severe all relationships and dealings with these *resont wicked masters of banishments led by Smith. We still fail to see how some other Commonwealth countries who boast of democracy in their own coutries can invite an undemocratic representative at a conference of democratically elected heads under 'One man, One vote.' In the name of sanity and humanity, they (the commonwealth countries) threw away Verwoerd, why replace him with another devil-Smith? DEMAND:- To us, we foresee Zimbabwe flowinS with the blood of the patriots as long as Britain is going to be courteous to the minority call instead of a majority right. This is no time, place nor a chance to dream of courtesy but to find a solution acceptable to the majority of the population in Zimbbwe# Let the world be left with no delusion about our position. We demand that Britain (the creator and origin.ator of this plunder) mkke good her mess-by calling for an immediate constitutional conference now, Where the people's leader Hr. Nkomo shall demand the restoration of Zimbabwe back to the legitimate owners. Men with the sagacity know that it is not a cry for the moon which we, the African masses are making, buY a God-given right which we promise him to fulfU, what ever the circumstances and Sonsequences. Therefore, we think that our African brothers in the Commonwealth, will not betray us, by agreeing to sit at the same table with Smith, who is oppressing and mercilessly killing the defenceless masses in Zimbabwe. The presence of Smith at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference to be held in London, will be a defeat on the part of Britain by the settlers, and it will be a direct admittance by the British Government that she is determined more than ever to protect her kith and kin in Zimbabwe, at the expense of the African masses. Southern Rhodesia is a non-independent colony controlled directly from Britain, therefore this wild talk of S. Rhodesia being internally selfgoverning is completely nul and Void. We challenge Britain to use her power and suspend the present white-manto- whiteman constitution, which the masses have rejected enbloc. Whatdoes Britain say?

(1) P.C.C. DRAiiCIi ASKS FOR A COISTITUTIT'I COiFEREIICE In a memorandum to the Dritish Government, the University College of Rhodesia and HIyasaland P.C.C. branch ashod for an im:ediate constitutional conference to be attended by all the representatives of the people of Zimbabwe* The memorandum said Dritaih's reluctance to exercise her legal powers over SR. had resulted in the present economic stagnation mounting to unemployment and erosion of the 'Rule of Law'. In drawing attention to the deteriorating situation in the country, the memorandum signed by the branch chairman 1ir. Herbert T . Musikavanhut says the "failure of Field's premiership provides conclusive evidence of the explosiveness of the situation." The memorandum went on to say that the 1961 Whitehead-Sandys constitution, rejected in tot6 bir 4,O0,O'Atrilcans rmust be suspended forthwith and immediately replaced by a constitution accepta7.le to the majority of the populationi COIIIEUT: We, the people of Zimbabwe, warn Dritain and the settlers in S.R. that our forces are narching forward and no r.inority cliques shall halt our determination to rule Zimbabwe under the leadership if komo aid all his lieutenants.' Ve are very much aware that the present mass arrests of the P.C.C. supporters, the detentions and restrictions, and other diabolic tactic$ now being used by the set tler regine df the Oejected Smith, are preliminary -steps towardIs a unilateral declaration of independence. Therefore we warn him before it is too late that any such irrespohsible steps will be met with the amount of force they deserve by the African masses. SETTLER COSTAS DISCIPLIUED DY AFRICATS- SALISDURY...... see In a European suburb of Avondale, Salisbury, a certain European cafe owner, Costas CalocgTipies, was disciplined by four African customers who wanted to be served with chocolates and fresh milk. This nan Costas, using the Vorster entality called these four gentleman 'Kaffirs' and went on to say that he was not prepared to serve the kaffirs in his cafe. After these gentlemen had warned him against using the word 'Kaffir' and after this Vorster ape had irresponsibly insisted to call them 'Kaffirs'e the four gentlemen grabbed him by the nake, jostled him hard, emptied his milk cloates, threw bars of chocolate on the floor and warned him never to insult customers any more. They told him that this was no more time for any form of humiliation against an African because of colour. He later on called the police but no arrests were made. This was a good lesson to those who still believe that they can call the African people by any names they deem fit, and we hope there won't be any other case similar to this if we arq to have good relations with each othere ( CIIROITICLE APRIL 23, 1964. )

TAUDA WIOMEIT TO SUE THE GOVERIUMiT .Several woren, of Ttndh RebrVe," ehe"i-'baii' in the Eastern Dis ricts of S.R., are suing the Dutiont progeny for the rough and most cruel treatment they received from the settler forces of oppr"s~i~n, the day they were arrested for allegedly not dipping their cattle, Most of those women were badly injured by police dogs and batons. One' of the women, Egemia, aged about 30, is still in hospital with severe body injuries. These women have put their case to a firm of lawyers in Salisbury who are., studying the- matter. (DAILY iUELS APRIL 21, 1964) TAIIGAITYI:CA, GIiAiA A7 D I11DIA SAY 'IOt TOSMITII'S PRESEITCE AT TIHE LOiDOK PRIM MiIIUISTERS COiTFEREi.CE IN JULY. , ~...... eeeeo....eeeoe The Governments of Tanganyika, Ghana. and India have told Britain that they are against an invitation being extended to the S.R. settler Prime Minister , to attend the forthcoming Comnonwealth Prime Ministers Cqnference to 13o'held in London in July, unless African nationalists are also invitedi The statement issued by the Office of President Nkrunah of Ghana says: "The proposal that S.R. Prime Iinister, Ian Smith should be invi'ted to the forthcoming Commonwealth Prie Iinisters. Conference has no basis in law or p recedent." M Meanwhile in New York, the U.NI. Secretary-General U Thant has asked Dritain's chief representative to call on him to discuss the threatening S.R. situation. U Thant has said he would convey the great concern of the 58nation Afro-Asian -roup over the restriction of the nationalist leader Mr. NTkomo and the daily arrests of.many African nationalists in S.R. C CIrMOICLE APRIL 23, 1964 ) COIFUSED CAMIPDELL TALKS RU1DISII IIT LOiIDOP...... Recently, one of the frustrated, dejected and a slave of political confusion and homicidal ldnatic, representing the Dupont pror-eny in London, a certain Mr. Campbell made one of the worst allegations agaist the African people in Zimbdbwe. In his wild allegation, this Cambell referred to the PCC masses as a gang of thugs and added: "We shall see if a year in detention will b'ring Nkomo to a more moderate way of doinC thinsl." One fails to understand what sort of a Iih Cormissioner Campbell is. IVs mentality is that of a female Gorgon Medusa, which makes him so u'hrealistic and dangerously blind to the truth. If he means to tell the world that his murderous gang of blbod-thirsty farmers in Salisbury, is not a gang of untamed political lunatic9', then he must go to a mental hospital for treatment. His baseless and unrealistic political statement , made in a place which he is supposed to 'respect as a Dritish citizen, only reveals that his amount of lbnacy and idiotic legacy Can only be cured by medicine made out from 'the decaying bones of his ancestor Rhodes. We shall deal with.men who have this type of mentality like Campbell's when we take over the government and this we shall do to anyone who entertains such vulgar language of Campbell.

KIgYA GOVER.Hr,-E T DEEIADDS I11iEDIATE RELEASE OF S.R. POLITICAL PRISOHERS ...... o..... The Kenya Minister of State for Pan-African Affairs, Mr. Peter Koinange in a statement demanded the irniediate release of Joshua ilkono and all other political prisoners, now detained by the S.R. colonial authorities. Commenting on the deteriorating situation in S.R., Mr. Koinange said; "The present S.R. Govorn.ont has embarked on a course of action which has given rise to acts humiliation, mass arrests and detention. These methods can only help to inflame racial hatred m d violence. They can never succeed in suppressing the peoples legitimate demand for freedom." "No compromise on the part of the African people canbe expected at a moment when strong arn tactics are being used against then," he added. Mr. Koinange condemned the S.R. colonialist government for adopting more .and more arbitrary and repressive measures to assert white supremacy. Mr* Koinange went on: "A Government based on the fallacious theory of racial superiority cannot last." "The Kenya Goveramont holds the British Governm'ent responsible for the present situation in S.R.," 1dr. Koinange said. "The Government of Kenya i% opposed to any unilateral declaration of independence by the European minority regime in S.R.," Mr. Koinange concluded. (IISIU:!UA HEWS APRIL 26, 1964.) IF SM;1IT11 I. II1PfED, NKOMO MUST ALSO BE INVITED - KAUNDA. ** 0 ...... oe oe P. .. .. e e e o .eeoc 6 eo ....ee Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda, the. llR. Prine Minister said on arrival at the London Airport for the independence talks, that if Britain invites Smith to attend the forthcoming Prime Ministers' Conference in London, Mr. Nkomo .must also be invited. Dr. Xaunda went on: "Mr. Smith's presence at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference, will be regarded by the masses in Zimbabwe as a direct betrayal of their demands, and that if Smith isinvited, then there is no reason why Mr. 1Nkomo, who is the chosen leader of the African people should not be invited." Meanwhile the Party lhip of the ruling Kenya African National Union, Mr* J.D. Kali has said that East African leaders should boycott the Prime Ministers' Conference if Ian Smith, the S.R. Prime Minister is invited. (IHATIOIuALIST APRIL 29, 1964.) ZArU FAMILY CRUMBLES: MADOTDO AND ENOS RESIGN TO JOIN THE PEOPLE'S CARETAKER COUICIL...... The few ZAHU diehards, who have been clinging to this defunct tribal club are deserting from it every hour that passes by* This has been proved by the si.natien of..two. out of the remaining fiyvq.e..xocutive mebers. These two -are the fbrmer national secretary for.transport, Charles Madondo and the former deputy secretary for publicity, Enos Ndlovu# who are now seekinZ nembership into the people's party,the P.C.C. under the leadership of ikmo. Conrt...../4

Cant.... (4) In a letter oX resignation to the ZANIU executive secretary, Mr. Madondo said: "At the time when ZAiTU was forned, there might have been reasonable grounds for its existence. "Its formation was helpful in as far as it rade~all leaders work hard. "But as things now stand, I am convinced that ZANU no longer has a role to play in our political struggle. I am convinced that what S.R. needs now is not to have many nushroom political parties, but one strong nationalist party under one strong leader. "That.political party is the P.C.C. (ZAPU) and the strong leader is Mrs Joshua 11kono, who has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that he is our people's choice." Mr. Madondo urged those few urfortunate men still in the, executive of ZANU to disband now and seek membership of "the more determined P.C.C. led by Uikomotand added: "ZAIUU is just a mere spent force." (DAILY NEWS APRIL P4, 1964). FOOTNOTE: We have long told all those people who are still sympathising with this animal called ZANU that this monster does not exist anywhere else except in the minds of those who are enemies of the struggle in Zimbabwe. ZANU died a natural death the day it was inaeugrated. CAIRO RADIO DENOUITCES BRITISH COLLUSION Ii TIE ARREST OF IAIOMO. Comnrentin '-oa the arrest and 'restrictien ,df " 'lkrlo nd 'is lieutenants to a remote area of Nuanebsi by the ,S.R. colonial authorities, the'Cairo Radio condemned the British imperialism for its collusion with the settlers in S.R. in arrestin" Mr. gkomo The Radio char, ed that the arrest of Nkomo was aimed at stamping out and suppressing" the nationalist movement in Zimbabwee "The white settler reg-ime of Smith is fully supported by the British Government, which is supplying, Smith with weapons for suppressing, and oppres-. sins :the local unarmed African people," the Radio added. The Radio accused the British authorities of scheming" to domInate and perpetually suppress the nationalists, and accused Britain for -ranting '.-'fake independence to the settlers in S.R. FOOTNOTE: If Britain ar,,ues that she has not .ranted the settlers in SOR, fake independence, we, the peoples of Zimbabwe, challege her to convene a constitutional conference and Grant majority rule to the Africans now* If she fails to do this, then we shall- know that, .her l.qv -.qr.pqqe .J noyhing more than a bluff, to the world. AFRICAITS CANIT REACH COMPROMISE WITH: COLoNIALISTS NOKOo * *....* .*.* ...... CommentinC on the recent restriction imposed on our Life President Mr, . komo, Mr. Noko said: "No banishment or, fascist- *means can defeat the aspirations of a nation, This has been borneput by the -course of events in Kenya and Algeria. Cont...... /5 Cont..,,, (5) Mr, Ioko who is our ZAPU Representative in Algiers went on: "It is now clear that the relatiopship between the colonialists and the majority of the Africans has come to a point where there can be no compromise. The African masses in S.R. demand that they be allowed to express their opinion on the future of their country on a "One man, One vote" basis." "We are determined to stru_-le to attain our objectives, even if we have to make the greatest sacrifice, Mr. .:oko concluded. (ILSITIIUA NEWS APRIL) CO?4iE _T: We are absolutely in aCrex.ent with IToko when he says the African masses shall never compromise with the white settler pests in SoRe We are marching forward to liberate ourselves from the vestiges of oppression and suppression and when we take over, our wounds shall still be too fresh to be forgotten, and under such cohditions, we will Dot compromise with the settlers who are now rercilessly ravaging and killing us in cold blood, TWO RAIL TRUCXS DERAILED - W-U1IATI ...... 00 On April 22, two trucks of a nixed train from Salisbury to Dulawayo were derailed near the Uriniati Power station. The. two trucks were carryinC copper i.nots. The police of Dupont, trying- desperately to cheat thi world, straightaway.rushod to the Press to say no damage was done, ahd yet in as far as we know, the damage caused by this derailment is well over £2,000, This only shows that most' of the genuine and correct information is irresponsibly suppressed by the pdnicking settler forces of oppression$ who are working on distant instructions from the disappointed Sith's Cabinet@ PROTESTS AGAIN!ST !7KONO'S RESTRICTIOIU STILL GOING OT. To prove that nothing can stop the African masses fron demanding that which is theirs, the masses of the African population throughout S.R. are deonstrating theft determination to cripple the settlers in SeR. Since the day the blunderous regime of Smith restricted our Life President Mr. lkono, many demonstrations have taken place throughout S.Re Recently, the police used teargas in a reserve, against more than three thousand African people who had gathered to demand the imediate release of Nkomo. The incident took place. in the Mhondoro. Keserve, *at a township- called Hubaira. European shops are being boycotted, beerhalls deserted and beersales have gone down terribly despite the organised intimidation by the ruthless police and their dogs to force the African masses to buy from European shops. Many more demonstrat-ions are going on and the settler Press has been ordered not to publish them by Dupont and his clique of tobacco -rowers* Dut for how long shall the settlers suppress the present. trend of bolitical events taking place in S.R? The voice of the majority shall prevail, irrespective of Dupont's organised intimidation, and suppression of events taking place in S.R.

Cont...... (6) 11'0110 SEI!TEIICED TO SIX MONThIS OR $50 FINE - BULAWAYO...... S..** .. Our Life President, Mr. hkomo, now restricted by the settlers to a rei-mote area of Nuanetsi, near the border of Mozambique, has been sentenced to six months, three of which have been suspended for three years with conditio ns that he must never be convicted under the same Act. lie has been fined £58. The appeal was being heard by the Chief Justice, Sir Hugh Beadle at the Bulawayo High Court. Mr. Leo Baron was defending. Mr. hkomo was appealing against a sentence imposed on him by a certain 'M ,istrate at Untali last January, for allegedly making what that particular magistrate called subversive statement under the Law and Order of Dupont. Mr. Baron later said that he assumed that if the fine was not paid$ Mr. Nkomo would be removed from the restriction area to jail. OUR VIEW...... We think that the settlers, angry with existence as they are, are trying by all means to force a charge against our leader,. so.that they can proceed with their plans of declaring unilateral independence, when our leader is in jail. But we must warn them that whatever plans the settlers have, we shall resist them vigomously. We shall fi#t to win pnd weshallnever restuntil wehave our country. NEWS IN DRIEF.. JAITE ARRESTED...... a. The settlers, regit:e of the pendulous-nosed and rasters of draconic injustice, led by the disappointed political dir whit, Smith, has arrested and restricted to Wha Wha restriction Centre, Miss Jane Hgowenya, the PCC Secretary for Women Affairs. This arrests of Jane loaves the PCC with only two of its Cabinet Ministers still not in detention or restriction. The,s9ttler rogimr.e of Dupont and his fanatical clique is trying to clear-up -all members of the PCC and then declare their much-talked-about unilateral independec, but let us say this that whether the masses are in jails or not, we shall resist in all terms any unpopuldr move by Smith and his gang. NYATTDORO SPEAXS TO U.N. COM4ITTEE OF COLON-IALISM...... The Secretary-General of the peoples party, the Zimbbbwe African Peoples Union, (ZAPU) 111r. George Nyandoro has petitioned the U.N. special Committee on Colonialism in New York over the S. Rhodesian situation which has now reached a clinax. -TODD TOO Meanwhile, the former Prkie Minister of S. Rhodesia Garfield*Todd has. applied to speak before the special Comvi-tt4e on Colonialism and his application has been accepted without d6bate.

TODD TO VISIT U.::...... *...... w . , Todd, a former S Rhodesian Prime Minister plans to visit Britain this month for talzs on the situation in S. Rhodesia. Todd will be accorrpanied, by Mr. Holdornoss, a lawyer who said at a Press conference: "We have been asked to go as individuals, because the group sponsoring us believes that we have reached a state of deadlock in this couhtry which is having very serious social and ocononic effects, and that it is difficult to find a solution without outside help." Mr. Holderness believed that the present Constitution would never be able to produce a Government with real responsi!'ility to the population as a whole. (Tanganyika Standard April 30, 1964.) IN LOUDOP1. In London, Duncan Sandys, the Colonial Secretary has rofused to conzent on a S. Rhodesia legislature resolution seeking; to petition queen Elizabeth to remove from the British Governrent all discrotionary powers in the S. Rhodesia Constitution. Asked in the Commons by Mr. Fenncer Drockway (Lab) What reply had been given, 14r. Sandys said: 'he petition has not yet been forwarded to us." S*R. SITUATION EXPLOSIVE: TWO EUROPEAN CONSTABLES COMMIT SUICIDE. Two European constables recently shot themselves in protest against the inhuman and evil actions of the present settler regime if Smith. This action came as a result of the recent demonstrations against the restriction of Mr. Ikoio and all the P.C.C. top officials and members. The first constable shot himself at Marandellas after he had been ordered to harrass the women who had been transferred from the Salisbury main prison to Marandellas. Because this. European constable could not perform these evil acts against innocent souls, and because he could not agree with the Member-in-Charge when he was ordered to beat the women up, he decided to shoot himself. He then shot himself and died instantenuously. The other constable shot himself at the Machipisa police Station in the African township of Highfield because he could not tolerate the orders from the member- in-Charge to shoot at first sight any. African seen near the Police camp. Before killing himself, this constable told his family that the SR authorities were committing one of the worst crimes by arming the police to'kill innocent people in the townships. He then went to the police station to carry out the duties. As he was there the Member-in-Charge ordered him to shoot ata group of Africans who were passing by. Instead of shooting at the Africans, he shot himself right in the chest and died on the same spot. After all this firing, can one say the situation is not explosive? If the settlers in S.R. argue that the situation is not explosive when such things are taking place, then we must .tell them that homicidal political lunacy has taken up their uppermost. Britain must act nowor else something very seriuus will take place before she is aware of it*. These two suicide cases should be an eye opener to those who are still doubting the seriousness of the situation in Zimbabwe (S.R).

(8) (WHAT DO THE $UTLERS II! S. R. GAuL FROM TELLIIG LIES?) In the recent days, the settler ro(,'i-.c of Dupont and his imperialist and colonialist colleagues, has indulged into the greatest political chicanery, intarnatinal lyin. and glolal confusion. Trying desperately to defend the colonial. doctnine, ruthless exploitation under capitalistic imrialis and old and nuw colonialism2 in Zimbabwc (S. R.) the prescnt settler regime of Smith is enga;in, in the methods of 'survival of the fittest' by calling the freedom fighters in Zimbabwe thugs, agitators and all sorts of names. They have arrested and restricted the leader of the African population Hr. Ekomo and all his lieutenants to a remote area near the Mozanbique border, an area which Dupont adrnits is heavily lion-infested, not fenced and with thick bushes. One poses a question: "What do the settlers hope to win by restricting fr. Ukomo? hon the masses recently demanded to know the reasons which have ledto te restriction of 1r. ikomo and all his lieutenants, the Dupont-Smith-4Aunt progeny in a reply to this demand, has sent police and their dogs to ravage and rampage these innocent African -asses. Police batons andtteargas have been used as silencing instruments. But have these methods succeeded to stop the fast blowing trend of African n-?tienalism? The -esweris ',O'. CYiIICIS1 1...... Instead, thisaction by the settlers has only helped to widen the already wide gap between the whites and the blacks, anqhas only revealed the mounting and irresponsible irperialist cynicism model, overriding the settlers in our unfortunate country Zimbabwe. Never in such a little space of tinle has ever been accuriulated such a big dose of lies, by the settlers aEgainst the African nationalists. The settlers have tried to use shy tactics to cheat the world by calling--Africans thugs, intimidators, stone throwers and a host of other diabolic words and phrases. The whole truth is this. The S. Rhodesia minority settlers have failed to maintain their white supremacy; the wind of change is blowing them very fast, African nationalism has proved the greatest power to reckon with, hence all this propaganda against the African is heard everywhere where the settlers are. The settlers are. accusing the nationalists of demanding that which is theirs, and which the settlers themselves know they are illegally possessing. Having failed to suppress the views of the African pebple, these dejected settlers are indulging into a supervision of direct provocation, ruthless methods of stamoing out nationalism, yexation, subversion, torture and annihilations against the Africans in S. Rhodesia. But for how long shall they do that? Mass arrests are the order of the day in S * Rhodesia but the -fire of 'freedom Goes on at the fastest pace. The African people are experiencing assassinations in cold blood, many are languishing in prison, restriction camps and concentration camps and many other oppressive -)laces. The Afticann an is now at the mercy of these settlers. Is th4t what Dritain and the S. Rhodesia settlers call democracy? (9) KOY'STROUS IhPUDICITY It all amounts to monstrous inpudicity when one hears the R.F. Governnent, the only inductor and rosponsible for all these dangerous huriliations, irreparable violations of the democratic dictates, desperately trying to accuse the nationalists for opposing the evils of oppression, suppression and settleris. What can one say to such trash? Is that not confusion of the highest order? STRATEGY It is now very clear that all the atrocities cormm.itted by the settlers in S. Rhodesia belong to a strate[,y, deliberately direct, to create incidents that will appropriate conditions, which can he used as a scapegoat to promote their aggressive and unchristian methods against the innocent African nationalists, who are waging a war against inperialisn and denanding equal opportunities for all men. DETEMIINED TO DEFEIID ....oe..e... We, the Afcican people of Sir.zbabwe, have shown, desrito all these suppressive, activities of the settlers, that we are determined m.ore than ever to fight for our national iliependenco and fatherland. Zimbabwe. We have shown the world that we shall .ever rest unless and unil we have achieved our goal. 1!0 MORE TOLERANCE ...... We have now reached .a point of no return, and are no more in a position to tolerate indefinitely the provocations of the Dupont-Smith-Harper progeny. We are no nore prepared to watch perpetually the violations of the democratic dictates practised by the settler regime, which have com-,pletely evaded the 'Rule of Law' in Zimbabwe and. are now using the 'Jungle Law' of Vorster in theouth. IUTiERIATIOPoAL IiLICATIONS...... When Britain sits back, gazing as a spectator, at the deteriorating situation in S. Rhodesia and when she admires the Rule of Law being evaded by her kith and kin, does she think the world will close its eyes and say nothing?-Is Britain not aware that her silence will soon cause very sharp international implications, which nay result in a cold war? We expect Britain to realise that the present illegal shootings, mass arrests and restrictions, provocation and irresponsible conduct and arbitration perpetrated by her kith and kin in S. Rhor'esia against the will of the African masses in Zimbabwe will not only end within the borders of S. Rhodesia. When frustration has reached a clinax, every humanbeing is bound to act in any manner. To prove our argument, we must let Britain know that when she waged the Second World War against the Germans, it was not because she enjoyed the War, but because she was frustrated by the German provocation, therefore what can st,? the African masses getting frustrated, and waging a war against the settlers in S. Rhodesia?

"VOX. POPULI, VOX. DUI" lith. the Dritish Government dillydallyinr; to make a decision on S. R. with the white settlers in S. Rho,,esia, indulgintg into telling Lies to the world, we are sure that blool'-shed is ii'rminent in Zimbabwe. Unless and until so-,.ethinL; is done now, we are hetdin - for an open and arried revolution. It is at this staCe that Britain should now be showing her democracy in 3. Rhodesia. It is this tinc that the Voice of the People which is the voice of God should now be respoctod. We know that the natural policy of 'VOX POPULI- VOX DEI' will always prevail. Therefore we expect Dritain and the settlers in S. Rhodesia to see reason and aide by this natural rule. The nasses rust rule and the majority should be respected. io minority force shall hindcr forces of the i-ajority. ZAINU i.' DISARRAY The Secretary-Genural of ZAPU , Mr. George 11yandoro said in Dar es Salaam that he had information to the effoct that two ZANU officials are leaving the political arna in dispair and are going for ftther education. A 0 'These two men," Mr. Kyandoro said, "are Chitepo who is the Director for Public )rosecution in Tanganyika and the preseut so-called- chairman of ZANU and NathanShamuyarira, who is the ZANU financial secretary and lecturer in adult education at the University of Rhmodesia and Nyasaland." "Chitepo is --oino to London for schooling and Shamuyarira will be going to America sometime in September for studies," MroYnandoro added. This leaves the dejected, angry with existence ZANU family with only four members. This disarray in ZAFU should be an eye opener to the outside ZANU sympathisers that there is no vacuum that will ever succeed against the will of the majority. Already two of the ZANU tribalistic clique have resinged and are seekiig membership into the militant Peoples' Caretaker Council under the peoples chosen leader Joshua Nkomo. Charles Madondo, the former ZANU roving ambassador has made it clear that ZANU is just a spent force and shafd disband now. Therefore, we hope that no-one will ever waste his time trying to support a vacuum which has led itself into the tartara (LoWer world). Thank God of Zimbabwe, that these ZAITU embiciles have destroyed themselves and that the masses have had no time to waste thinking about this monster called ZANU if ever it existed at all.