challenging religious privilege Bulletin Autumn 2013

Issue 55 UN demands answers from Vatican over child abuse ollowing briefings from children were being silenced; victims’ groups and the NSS • there were any preventative F– who were invited to meet measures or support for victims the UN Committee on the Rights of in place. the Child in June – the Committee has demanded answers from the The Holy See and the Vatican over its handling of the Human Rights Council clerical child abuse/rape scandal. We are convinced that the motive It is the first time the UN has for the Vatican signing up to the ever done so. It published a list of UN Convention on the Rights of the questions for the Vatican to address Child was to exploit the authority ahead of its public examination by that being a signatory brings. In the Committee in Geneva in January particular we believe it uses its 2014. They were prefaced with: “In status of signatory to advance its the light of the recognition by the agenda of imposing Catholic dogma Holy See of sexual violence against on other countries, for example so- children committed by members called “pro-life” positions. However, of the clergy, brothers and nuns having ratified the Convention, the in numerous countries around Vatican undertakes a number of the world, and given the scale formal obligations. of the abuses”. In summary the One of these is five-yearly Committee asked whether: reporting on the challenges • reports of abuse were made to encountered in conforming to the the relevant secular authorities Convention. It is these reports that and whether co-operation with the Committee on the Rights of the those authorities was in place; Child is charged with examining. • those accused of abuse had been The Holy See failed to file its removed from having any contact report due in 1997 until 2011. We with children; complained about this failure on • the Church had supported the floor of the UN Human Rights children making accusations against abusers or whether the continues on page 2 3

Faith school caught NSS challenges Girl Guides NSS mourns In this censoring science BBC over religious introduce new the loss of issue: exam papers 3 bias 4 secular promise 5 Bill McIlroy 7

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: Sat 7 Dec Secularism & feminism half-day conference Sat 14 Dec AGM 2013 7“UN demands answers” continued Council in 2009, 2010 and 2011 under the aegis of IHEU. The report The Committee also asked questions about the notorious Magdalene was eventually filed, shortly after Laundries. These were run by nuns in Ireland over several decades our complaint in 2011. until their eventual closure in 1996, where inmates (some of whom Pressure on the Pope were girls) were used as forced labour. Even though the religious Shortly before the end of Benedict’s orders have liquidated property worth the equivalent of nearly a papacy, the Holy See had warned billion US dollars in recent years, and profited hugely from inmates’ that it would feel justified in withdrawing from the Convention slave labour, they continue to refuse the Irish Government’s requests if it were to be pushed too hard to contribute to the modest compensation (which in some cases is over child abuse. It also once more an obligation under Human Rights treaties) that the Government has rejected the Committee’s requests to withdraw the wide-ranging belatedly agreed to pay those victims who are still living. reservations it had made on signing the Convention. Whilst the UNCRC has no predecessors flouting the When in 2009 we first drew the enforcement powers, it can and Convention, a frank and open attention of the Human Rights does, when necessary, issue response to the Committee’s Council to the failure of the Holy highly critical reports. We presume questions will be painful. And that See to report and to comply with the Vatican would be reluctant to presents the Pope with a dilemma. numerous other Articles of the provoke one, given Pope Francis’ His stated desire to deal with child Convention, the Holy See unwisely commitment to decisive action over abuse will take more than the slick retaliated in a disingenuous press clerical paedophiles and to punish PR we have seen so far. It will be statement and was slated by the those in the Church guilty of crimes a Herculean task, especially as world’s media for doing so. Two against children. It is too early to many of the senior prelates have years later, we were able to tell the say whether this is hype or the been responsible for shielding Council that the renowned lawyer precursor of a real change. abusers from justice and, in some and UN Jurist, Geoffrey Robertson Given the wealth of evidence cases, have facilitated the moving QC, also alleged multiple breaches of the Vatican’s wrongdoing over of abusers to new locations where of the Convention by the Vatican decades and of Pope Francis’ they have abused again. over child abuse. Adjudicator dismisses concerns over non-religiously designated schools admissions

In August, the Office of the proposals to remove its faith designated school admissions Schools Adjudicator rejected criteria for admissions. could be justified, if (in the words a NSS complaint concerning Our complaint to the schools of the Equality Act relating to Tudor Grange, a non-religiously adjudicator argued that by naming permissible indirect discrimination) designated academy in Solihull a religiously-selective school as a ‘legitimate aim’ could be that published admissions criteria a feeder school, Tudor Grange established. giving priority to pupils from a Academy could be indirectly The prospect of religious religiously selective Church of advantaging children on the basis selection creeping into community England school. of their parents’ religious beliefs and other non-religiously As reported in the previous and activities. designated schools’ admissions Bulletin, we successfully However, in its ruling the Schools policies is deeply alarming. challenged the Academy’s previous Adjudicator found that, as St The designation of faith schools plan to give priority to children James had been undersubscribed as feeder schools – even those at two schools that use criteria for several years (and only without faith-based selection in their admission arrangements oversubscribed schools are policies – will serve to further favouring pupils whose parents permitted to discriminate), no disadvantage the non-religious in attend Church of England services. indirect discrimination would occur our state education system. However, the academy still in this instance. We’ll continue to highlight and opted to prioritise pupils attending Worryingly, the adjudicator challenge the injustice, not only of another of the religiously-selective went on to suggest that indirect the faith-based admissions criteria, schools which concurrently discrimination on the grounds of but also of the faith school system launched a consultation on and belief in non-religiously as a whole.

2 Bulletin Autumn 2013 Faith school caught censoring questions on science exam papers The Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Exam board (OCR) has found evidence of exam malpractice at the publicly-funded Yesodey Hatorah girls’ Jewish Voluntary Aided secondary school after the NSS raised concerns with the exam board, the regulator and the Department for Education. The investigation was launched after the NSS asked the exam board to follow up unconfirmed reports that Charedi teachers had redacted questions in a GSCE science exam this year that they deemed unsuitable. The precise nature of questions that were blacked out is not known, but earlier this year a Jewish education consultant warned that The exam board originally opted to in 1942 and operated as a private in the new GCSE science keep details of the investigation’s school until 2005 when it opted in curriculum could pose problems for results confidential, but after being to the state sector. It was launched strictly Orthodox schools. pressed by the NSS for information as a state school with a high-profile Our concerns followed an a spokesperson for OCR told us: visit from faith school enthusiast admission by the Yesodey Hatorah “We have tried to respect the Tony Blair, when prime minister. principal, Rabbi Avraham Pinter, religious and cultural sensitivities Pupils being denied the right that “sometimes Charedi schools, of this community whilst protecting to answer exam questions by if they find anything in the paper the integrity of our exams. That teachers pushing their own religious which could be offensive to parents, said, we do not consider obscuring agenda represents a new low advise children to avoid that aspects of question papers to be for faith schools. That it took a question”. good exam practice. We are raising complaint from the NSS to reveal the matter with the Department for this malpractice reveals the extent Education and Ofsted as well as our to which not upsetting ‘religious fellow Awarding Bodies, through the sensitivities’ is now deemed more Joint Council for Qualifications. We important than a young person’s are also in the process of agreeing right to a rounded education. safeguards with the centre to However, this is simply an extreme ensure good exam practice in the example of a common problem context of today’s pluralistic society. throughout our state education Yesodey Ofqual are also fully aware of our system: children’s education being Hatorah investigation and its outcome.” compromised by undue influence of School Yesodey Hatorah was founded religious organisations. Council prayers back on the agenda? Conservative MP Matthew Offord has sponsored a bill to amend the Local Government Act of 1972 to give councils permission to hold prayers at their discretion. The Local Government (Religious etc. Observances) Bill is designed to reverse our legal victory at the High Court in 2012 which established that the saying of prayers as part of formal council meetings is unlawful. Introducing the Bill to Parliament, Dr Offord said “Reading prayers of any religion before meetings is something members of my constituency feel is important. It is something I always liked and I was upset when it was banned.” Needless to say, the NSS will oppose the Bill, but being a Private Members’ Bill it stands little chance of ever reaching the statute book.

Bulletin Autumn 2013 3 NSS challenges BBC on its misleading chaplaincy findings In June, the BBC reported instead of using up that chaplaincy services precious NHS resources had been cut in 40% of to do so, especially when English NHS hospital substantial cuts are being trusts between 2009 and made. 2013. However, more Whilst the BBC extensive research based approached 171 Acute on Freedom of Information Trusts for its survey, the requests that had been NSS sent Freedom of carried out by the NSS Information requests to all showed that, in fact, the of England’s 230 Health number of chaplains had Trusts. actually increased over Despite our providing this period. the BBC with our more According to the NSS’s extensive research research, in 2009 NHS contradicting their findings, Trusts were employing the BBC pursued their own 546 Full Time Equivalent misleading “chaplaincy chaplains. Our most cuts” agenda. recent research shows The NSS’s position on that in 2013 they are this received substantial BBC website presents its findings – complete with employing 557, despite ‘a chaplain’s story’. media coverage. President cuts to NHS frontline Terry Sanderson, executive services. In stark between May 2010 and argued that churches, director Keith Porteous contrast, the number of June 2012, according mosques, synagogues Wood, and campaigns nursing staff was reduced to the Royal College of and temples should manager Stephen Evans by around 5,780 (3,700 Nursing. be funding their own also raised the disparity in full time equivalent) The NSS has long chaplaincy in hospitals, local BBC radio coverage. BBC blocks scrutiny of Thought for the Day It has been revealed that BBC remit for this review because it its contributors. executives blocked an attempt seemed “absurd” to exclude it, Meanwhile, the BBC Trust is due to include Radio 4’s Thought for adding that he had no difficulty in to rule on a formal complaint made the Day in the remit for a formal including a secular and humanist by the NSS concerning a Thought impartiality review earlier this year contribution within Thought for the for the Day slot which we argued into the BBC’s ‘breadth of opinion’, Day if justified on editorial grounds. breached editorial guidelines. which included a review of the His co-author, David Elstein, argued The slot in question was BBC’s religious output. that he is “…one of those who delivered by Lord Singh and The independent review, think TFTD should have regular broadcast immediately after our commissioned by the atheists in it to achieve a full High Court victory over prayers BBC Trust, was led range…” during council meetings. Lord by former ITV chief The BBC has refused our Singh used the slot to portray the executive Stuart Freedom of Information legal action as bigoted and as an Prebble. The NSS request for correspondence attempt to impose our own “beliefs president and concerning this, and and prejudices on others”. executive director the Editorial Standards Our complaint to the BBC argued had a detailed Committee of the BBC that the three-minute broadcast discussion with Mr Trust has refused to even was used to deliver biased Prebble and raised offer an appeal insisting that commentary on a topical political once more the issue of the it would not “revisit” the issue. controversy, without any right to exclusion of non-religious voices It was, it says, a matter for BBC reply or attempt to provide due from Thought for the Day. management to decide whether impartiality. Mr Prebble asked for Thought Thought for the Day should include We will report the findings of the for the Day to be included in the humanist or secular voices among BBC Trust in due course.

4 Bulletin Autumn 2013 Girl Guides introduce inclusive secular oath for all

In June, Girlguiding UK announced it who joined the Harrogate Guides movement.” In would update its promise, removing as a volunteer leader after hearing a radio interview the reference to God in order to about the new secular approach, involving the emphasise that guiding is open to all was told by local group leaders that NSS, Church of girls – regardless of their religious they would be “sticking with the England General beliefs. The updated promise previous promise”. Synod member replaces the phrase “to love my The group leaders, who are Alison Ruoff God” with a promise to “be true to all members of the local United suggested God myself and develop my beliefs”. Reformed Church, had previously would “remove Jem Henderson The change was made after a written a joint letter with its minister his blessing public consultation, with nearly to the local press to express their from the UK” if the new pledge 44,000 responses. During the “dismay” at the change. Their letter was introduced. Prominent church consultation, Girlguiding UK made it described the previous promise “to leaders also called for Guides to clear that that it was not, and never love my God” as “inclusive” and be prevented from using church has been, a Christian organisation. insisted: “Girlguiding has God at premises. The NSS’s counter- Our submission to the Guides its core and anyone who has issue arguments in defence of the Girl pointed out that their existing pledge with this is free to start their own Guides were widely reported in the to “love my God” was incompatible organisation.” media. with the Girlguides’ aim of being The refusal to implement the new Despite the former bishop’s “fair, open and inclusive.” We also promise made national headlines hysterical rallying call, the rebel argued that one secular Promise, after Ms Henderson contacted the Guide leaders bowed to pressure without reference to religion, was the NSS to seek our support. and agreed to use the new secular most appropriate way forward. The former Bishop of Rochester promise. This followed a meeting The secular argument was widely called on Christian Guide leaders to with Girlguiding UK. Chief Guide supported and, rather than introduce rebel against what he called “secular Gill Slocombe said the response a new additional atheist pledge, the totalitarianism”, and suggested the to the new promise had been Girlguides opted for one secular organisation could split if it refused “overwhelmingly positive” and the promise for all. to compromise and allow two complaints it had received from When the new promise came pledges. Andrea Minichiello Williams, members represented “significantly into force on 1 September, a Girl CEO of Christian Concern, joined less than 1%” of their membership. Guide unit in Harrogate defied the the small chorus of condemnation, We pay tribute to Jem Henderson movement by insisting it would stick saying: “These women should be for standing up for secular principles to the traditional wording. commended for standing up to the and for taking the sudden media Jem Henderson, a former Brownie forced secularisation of the Guiding interest in her stride.

Old Promise New Promise I promise that I will do my I promise that I will do my best: best: To love my God, To be true to myself and To serve the Queen and my develop my beliefs, country, To serve the Queen and my To help other people, community, and To help other people, To keep the Guide law. and To keep the Guide Law.

Bulletin Autumn 2013 5 Scotland Religious ceremonies and the legal system Catholic adoption Lawyers for the Scottish Lord Gill receives his agency continues fight Government have rejected a NSS Papal Knighthood complaint concerning the annual during Red Mass for right to discriminate Kirking (protestant) and Red Mass (Catholic) religious services for St Margaret’s Children and the judiciary that mark the start of Family Care Society in , the legal year. the last Catholic adoption Our complaint centred on agency in Britain to continue to a potential undermining of exclude same-sex couples from the impartiality, integrity and consideration as prospective independence of the Scottish the independence and impartiality parents, has appealed to the judiciary by its attendance at the rules imposed on the judiciary. Scottish Charity Appeals Panel ceremonies, all the more The Scottish Government sought after the charity was ruled by concerning because of there being to justify the religious services on the Office of the Scottish Charity two sectarian events. During the the grounds that attendance is Regulator to have breached Red Mass ceremony in 2012, voluntary. We have been referred to both equality and charity law. Cardinal O’Brien told judges to the Lord President’s private office if The outcome of the appeal is “remain strong and true to their we want to take the matter further. awaited. Christian beliefs”. The Lord President is Lord Gill, St Margaret’s has raised We argued that such services pictured at last year’s Red Mass numerous objections, including represent undue interference in with receiving a Papal Knighthood procedural ones, with both the judicial process contrary to from the disgraced Cardinal O’Brien. Regulator and Panel, and lost on all. The latest was an attempt to prevent the Equality and Tackling Religious Observance in Scottish schools Human Rights Commission In Scotland there is no requirement for daily acts of religious observance from intervening to provide their (RO) in schools. Nevertheless, secularists have been drawing attention to “view on how the [Equality Act the excessive observance and inappropriate content of this observance 2010] should be interpreted”, in Scotland’s non-denominational (notionally secular) schools. something St Margaret’s RO has become the playground of evangelical groups seeking to impart seemingly didn’t want them to do. inappropriate Bible-based messages, especially on evolution, the role of The Regulator’s ruling followed women and sexual . a complaint by the NSS. With research help from the NSS, the Edinburgh Secular Society has St Margaret’s accuse the NSS been campaigning to remove RO from Edinburgh schools and has put of seeking to bring about their pressure on the City of Edinburgh Council to undertake a thorough review closure, whereas all we wish of it in the city. them to do is to comply with the A further debate has been developing about whether the current law that every other adoption parental opt-out provision should be replaced with an opt-in. This followed agency does. If the appeal goes a petition from the Scottish Secular society (a group independent against them they have vowed from the NSS) calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish to fight on in the courts despite Government to amend the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 to that effect. “frightening” costs. Legal action suspended after Woking issue ‘clarification’ on worshippers’ parking policy Following the threat of a legal challenge from the NSS, head off allegations of unlawful discrimination while Woking Borough Council issued a ‘clarification’ on its still offering privileged parking arrangements to those controversial policy that grants car parking exemptions to attending religious services. religious groups. There is doubt over whether Woking’s ‘revision’ Councillors responded to the threat of legal action sufficiently addresses the alleged discrimination. Equality by amending their policy which now makes clear that law expert Michael Rubenstein wrote in the Equal members of other community groups who promote social Opportunities Review: “The council’s defence to a direct inclusion and undertake voluntary work may also park discrimination claim seems problematic. You cannot cure free of charge in the Council’s car parks. less favourable treatment of a protected group, here The decision as to which groups (faith or community those who lack religious belief, by expanding the group based) are allowed free parking will continue to be for the who are more favourably treated.” Council to determine on an individual basis. We’ve decided to postpone our legal action for the time While we welcome the revision, we remain concerned being to enable us to assess how the new policy works in that the revised policy is, in practice, a manoeuvre to practice.

6 Bulletin Autumn 2013 Bill McIlroy with NSS executive NSS welcomes director Keith Porteous Wood new Honorary Associates Ms Asma Jahangir Asma Jahangir, former UN special rapporteur on religion and belief, is a human rights activist who has been working courageously both in Pakistan and NSS mourns internationally for decades to prevent the persecution of religious the loss of minorities, women, and the exploitation of children. She is President of the Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan. Ms Jahangir recently called for an inquiry into reports of Pakistan’s security apparatus’s plot Bill McIlroy to assassinate her. Keith Porteous Wood and Terry Sanderson have worked with her at the UN in Geneva. William (Bill) J McIlroy Baroness Tessa Blackstone Baroness Blackstone of Stoke Newington is a Labour 1928–2013 politician and Life Peer. From 1997 to 2001 she was Minister for Education, NSS General Secretary 1963–1977, and more and Employment and recently a Council member, Bill died peacefully Arts Minister from 2001 on 22 August 2013, aged 85. He was also to 2003. In the Lords, Freethinker editor for three stints over 25 Baroness Blackstone has been opposition years. spokesperson for Education He was most active in the 1960s when, and Science, for Treasury together with the then president, David matters, for Trade and Tribe, he helped make the NSS a force to be Industry, and principal reckoned with. They played a significant role in opposition spokesperson for making the 1960s the decade in which more Foreign Affairs. She is a member of the Economic Affairs social advances were made than any other. Committee, the Public Service and Demographic Change They tackled the laws on male homosexuality, Committee, and the Freedom of Information Advisory abortion, stage censorship, Sunday observance Panel. She was appointed to the Privy Council in 2001. and the last remaining blasphemy statute. In 2009, she became the Chair at Great Ormond Street David, who now lives in Australia, told us: Hospital, and in 2010, Chair at the British Library. “What a pleasure and privilege it was to work Kerry McCarthy MP with someone of such loyalty and ability”. Bill devoted himself to the movement and Kerry McCarthy is the Labour Party’s shadow Foreign Office Minister. After being elected to represent had a phenomenal work output. He will be Bristol East in 2005, remembered for his wonderful sense of humour, Ms McCarthy worked integrity and kindness. on Select Committees His funeral in Brighton was attended by the involving borders, offender president, two directors and the executive management, mental health director, who also paid a warm tribute to him and finance – in which she there on behalf of the movement. has held some shadow A memorial meeting will be held at 11.30am ministerial posts. She has in Conway Hall on Saturday, 14 December spoken out about religion in 2013, shortly before the NSS AGM. Non- politics and campaigns on members are equally welcome to the memorial animal welfare issues. Ms McCarthy is a vegan and meeting. Vice-President of the League Against Cruel Sports.

Bulletin Autumn 2013 7 NSS keeps up high Dates for your diary: Saturday 7 December Secularism and feminism: media profile a common cause – half-day We were quoted worldwide in the conference. recent debate over the burka. While Conway Hall 2pm – 6pm opposing a full-scale ban on niqabs or burkas, we supported the right of Saturday 14 December: institutions to place restrictions on Bill McIlroy memorial. them in certain circumstances. Conway Hall. 11.30am We were also quoted in national and international media Saturday 14 December: over the court ruling allowing a NSS AGM, Conway Hall, Muslim woman to wear a niqab 1.30pm. Registration starts while standing trial for witness Anne Marie Waters on Sky News 1pm intimidation, only needing to remove it whilst giving evidence. NSS have also been quoted by the Saturday 29 March: council member Anne Marie Waters national media on a host of other Secularist of the Year 2014. was interviewed on Sky News topics including hospital chaplains, Central London 12 noon – 4pm and Channel 5 news following the the Church of England’s plans to controversial ruling. dominate state education and the The NSS was first to report the UNs scrutiny of the Catholic Church story of the renegade Girl Guide over child abuse. We also countered leaders refusing to implement the the outgoing Chief Rabbi’s claim new secular promise, which was that increasing secularisation was Secularism and subsequently picked up by the causing Britain to ‘lose the plot’, national press, with the NSS widely arguing that the decline of religious feminism – a quoted. authority had led to a more tolerant Our executive director appeared and equal society. on BBC Breakfast to discuss We have also regularly contributed common cause the need for reform of religious to debates on regional and national On the 7 December the NSS will education, and NSS spokespeople radio stations at home and abroad. be holding a half-day conference to discuss the common causes of secularism and feminism. The Thanks to: event will be chaired by Anne Bulletin Marie Waters and speakers will Claudine Baxter for her help with include Pragna Patel (Southall membership administration Issue 55 Autumn 2013 Black Sisters), Nahla Mahmood (Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain), Bradley Davis of WhiteLight for Helen Palmer (Central London 25 Red Lion Square, graphic design Humanists), Helen Nicholls London WC1R 4RL Ralph Seccome and Kirsten de (Lawyers Secular Society), Yasmin Telephone: (020) 7404 3126 Vries for translation work Rehman (The Muslim Institute) and Julie Bindel. Email: [email protected] Barry Thorpe for his assistance with The conference will take place research and proofreading from 2pm – 6pm at Conway Hall in central London. It will be Executive Director Dennis Penaluna, Dominic Wirdnam followed by an evening of comedy Keith Porteous Wood fcca and their team for FOI work on as Terry Sanderson presents his hospital chaplains which provided an Campaigns Manager film compilation show “Women Stephen Evans invaluable and timely challenge to a in Comedy”. less comprehensive BBC survey. Conference admission is free, but requires prior registration the Irwin Prize for by email. Saturday 29th March Admission to Secularist the evening Tickets available now event is £5 payable on the of the Year2014 door, no prior registration needed. To reserve your place at the conference please email [email protected].

8 Bulletin Autumn 2013