Appendix E Hydraulic Analysis, Assiniboine River
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FACILITY EXPANSION AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM UPGRADE PROJECT FILE: 734-1810720100-REP-V0001-A | FEBRUARY 9, 2018 APPENDIX E HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS, ASSINIBOINE RIVER Simplot EALP Master DTv6 Quality Engineering | Valued Relationships February 06, 2018 File No. 0002-065-00 Mr. Dave Tyson, M.Sc., R.P. Bio Tetra Tech Canada Inc. 400-161 Portage Avenue East Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0Y4 RE: Hydraulic Analysis of Assiniboine River Downstream of Portage Diversion Introduction Tetra Tech retained TREK on behalf of a confidential client to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the Assiniboine River at the location of the client’s process plant outfall pipe. To determine the Assiniboine River hydraulic characteristics TREK performed hydrologic analysis of the natural historic and regulated flow regimes in the period of record. TREK also required bathymetric cross-sections to produce a one- dimensional hydraulic model to estimate water profiles and velocities in the vicinity of the outfall. This memorandum summarizes the results of our hydrologic analysis and hydraulic assessment for the proposed outfall located downstream of the Portage Diversion near Portage La Prairie. The outfall location is indicated on Figure 1. Flood Hydrology The contributing drainage area of the Assiniboine River to the bridge site at River Road (PR 240) has been delineated as approximately 161,131 km2. A streamflow gauge (Assiniboine River near Portage La Prairie – 05MJ003) has been operated by Water Survey of Canada (WSC) on the Assiniboine River a short distance downstream of the PR 240 bridge. PR 240 is located 6.2 km downstream of the Portage Diversion Water Control Structure (WCS). The WCS which serves as a flood control structure for the upper Assiniboine River consists of two radial gates which rise to regulate the Assiniboine River flow by elevating surface water levels and diverting flows north to the diversion channel. The flood peaks and flows within this reach of the Assiniboine River are heavily regulated by the WCS gates and dam. The flood hydrology for the streamflow gauge, as summarized in Table 1, has been developed by Manitoba Water Stewardship through detailed hydrologic flood routing and analyses of observed historical flows. The hydrology at the downstream streamflow gauge will be selected for the outfall site (Figure 1) assessment as the incremental increase in drainage area is minimal. 1712 St. James Street | Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0L3 | Tel 1.204.975.9433 | Fax 1.204.975.9435 Attention: Mr. Dave Tyson Page 2 of 4 Hydraulic Analysis of Assiniboine River Downstream of Portage Diversion February 06, 2018 Low Flow Hydrology The low flow hydrology relates to regulations with respect to minimum in-stream flow requirements. The 7 day – 10% discharge, commonly referred to as 7Q10, is typically referenced for the assessment. The 7Q10 discharge is estimated from the results of frequency analyses that consider the lowest 7 day running average in a given year. Annual 7Q10 discharge values were estimated from streamflow records for the Assiniboine River near Portage La Prairie (Figure 2). All data used to compute flow statistics for the outfall location were from daily stream flow records at the streamflow - gauge 05MJ003 including 37 years of record. The 7Q10 estimate is summarized in Table 1 for the project area. Table 1: Assiniboine River Downstream of Portage Diversion - Hydrology Discharge Event Assiniboine River near Portage La Prairie - WSC gauge 05MJ003 Regulated Discharges (m3/s) 1% 490 2% 450 5% 380 10% 330 20% 270 50% 170 7Q10 9.5* * - Based on low flow frequency analysis (Figure 2). The design low flow discharge for the assessment of the outfall location is selected as the 7Q10 discharge of 9.5 m3/s from Table 1. Hydraulic Assessment A steady-state hydraulic backwater model of the Assiniboine River within the study reach was developed to assess the hydraulic conditions at the studied outfall location. A length of approximately 5.8 km of the river was included in the assessment, extending upstream from the Portage Diversion Water Control Structure in the southwest quarter of section 26-11-7 W1 to the southwest quarter of section 19-11-6 W1 at River Road (PR 240). The hydraulic analysis for the study reach was undertaken using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) model v.5.0.3. The HEC-RAS model is a one-dimensional backwater model, which is considered to be the universal standard for computing steady-state water surface profiles. The Attention: Mr. Dave Tyson Page 3 of 4 Hydraulic Analysis of Assiniboine River Downstream of Portage Diversion February 06, 2018 backwater model, used to assess the hydraulic conditions at the outfall location (STA 22+75), was assembled from available cross sections, channel profiles and details of the Assiniboine River. The cross sections for the study area consist of a combination of LiDAR data collected by MI during the fall of 2011 and bathymetry data collected during the summer of 2012. The downstream boundary condition was established utilizing the stage-discharge relationship developed from historical records at the WSC gauge (05MJ003). The stage-discharge relationship is shown on Figure 3. The backwater model has been developed to the level of detail required to estimate the hydraulic conditions at the proposed outfall location. The model has not been calibrated to observed water levels during periods of high and low flow, and hydraulic parameters such as channel roughness have been selected based on observations, judgement and experience gained from similar projects. The estimated water surface profiles for the Assiniboine River within the study area are shown in Figure 4. Table 2 summarizes the hydraulic assessment for the outfall location. Table 2: Hydraulic Summary for the Outfall Location on the Assiniboine River Downstream of Portage Diversion Discharge Water Level Elevation Velocities Flood Event (m3/s) (m) (m/s) 1% 490 260.2 1.14 2% 450 259.8 1.12 5% 380 259.2 1.09 10% 330 258.7 1.06 20% 270 257.2 1.01 50% 170 256.9 0.85 7Q10 9.5 254.5 0.23 Conclusion The analysis of gauged flow data at this location (Assiniboine River near Portage La Prairie – WSC 05MJ003) suggests that the estimated seven day summer low (7Q10) design flow is 9.5 m3/s. This low flow at the outfall location was seen to result in an average cross section velocity of 0.23 m/s with a corresponding water surface elevation of 254.5 m. S T A T 5 ran 8 s-C + an 3 ad 5 a Hig hw ay ± T ran s-C an ad a Hig hw ay S T A 3 6 + OUTFALL 4 9 LOCATION STA 22+75 PORTAGE DIVERSION CONTROL STRUCTURE S T A 0 + R 0 VE 0 RI INE IBO SIN AS v ASSINIBOINE RIVER NEAR PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE WSC GAUGE 05MJ003 204 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community ASSINIBOINE RIVER NEAR Cross Section PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE SCALE 1:18,000 Meters River LOCATION PLAN 360 180 0 360 720 1,080 1,440 Road FIGURE 1 100 /s 3 m low F Low 3 ay 9.5 m /s -D 10 onsecutive -C 7 Yearly 1 1 10 100 Exceedence Probability of Larger Flow (%) Notes: ASSINIBOINE RIVER AT WSC GAUGE 05MJ003 1) Low Flow Frequency Analysis derived from historical data for Water Survey of Canada Gauge – Assiniboine River near Portage La Prairie LOW FLOW FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 05MJ003 FIGURE 2 260 259.5 259 258.5 258 257.5 257 256.5 Water Level ElevationWater (m) 256 255.5 255 254.5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Discharge (m3/s) Notes: ASSINIBOINE RIVER AT WSC GAUGE 05MJ003 1) Stage-Discharge relationship derived from historical data for Water Survey of Canada Gauge – Assiniboine River near Portage La Prairie STAGE-DISCHARGE RELATIONSHIP 05MJ003 FIGURE 3 265 263 PR 240 - SOUTHPORT BRDIGE 261 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - Q1% 259 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - Q50% 257 ELEVATION (m) ELEVATION WATER SURFACE PROFILE - 7Q10 255 ASSINIBOINE RIVER 253 RIVER BOTTOM OUTFALL LOCATION STA 22+75 251 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 DISTANCE (m) NOTES: 1) HEC-RAS MODEL DEVELOPED FROM FALL 2011 LiDAR DATA AND ASSINIBOINE RIVER NEAR PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE SUMMER 2012 BATHYMETRY DATA (PROVIDED BY MANITOBA INFRASTRUCTURE) WATER SURFACE PROFILES FIGURE 4.