Souris R1ve.R Investigation
INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION REPORT ON THE SOURIS R1VE.R INVESTIGATION OTTAWA - WASHINGTON 1940 OTTAWA EDMOND CLOUTIER PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1941 INTERNATIONAT, JOINT COMMISSION OTTAWA - WASHINGTON CAKADA UNITEDSTATES Cllarles Stewrt, Chnirmun A. 0. Stanley, Chairman (korge 11'. Kytc Roger B. McWhorter .J. E. I'erradt R. Walton Moore Lawrence ,J. Burpee, Secretary Jesse B. Ellis, Secretary REFERENCE Under date of January 15, 1940, the following Reference was communicated by the Governments of the United States and Canada to the Commission: '' I have the honour to inform you that the Governments of Canada and the United States have agreed to refer to the International Joint Commission, underthe provisions of Article 9 of theBoundary Waters Treaty, 1909, for investigation, report, and recommendation, the following questions with respect to the waters of the Souris (Mouse) River and its tributaries whichcross the InternationalBoundary from the Province of Saskatchewanto the State of NorthDakota and from the Stat'e of NorthDakota to the Province of Manitoba:- " Question 1 In order to secure the interests of the inhabitants of Canada and the United States in the Souris (Mouse) River drainage basin, what apportion- ment shouldbe made of the waters of the Souris(Mouse) River and ita tributaries,the waters of whichcross theinternational boundary, to the Province of Saskatchewan,the State of North Dakota, and the Province of Manitoba? " Question ,$! What methods of control and operation would be feasible and desirable in
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