Souris River Basin
The report of the International Garrison Diversion Study Board is bound in six volumes as follows: REPORT APPENDIX A - WATER QUALITY APPENDIX B - WATER QUANTITY APPENDIX C - BIOLOGY APPENDIX D - USES APPENDIX E - ENGINEERING APPENDIX D USES INTERNATIONAL JOINTCOMMISSION December 3, 1976 December 3, 1976 International Garrison Diversion StudyBoard Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Billings, Montana,United States Gentlemen: The Uses Committee is pleasedto submit herewith its final reportin accordance with the terms ofreference given to it by the International Garrison Diversione& Study Board. H.G. Mills, CanadianCo-chairman ,,I r " i / .I ,' . -,/'+.f?&&/p&<f T .A. Sandercock, Canafim Member United States Member & yjj 9-42. D.M. Tate, Cazadian Member E.W. Stevke,United States Member (ii) SUMMARY The Uses Committeehas analyzed the impacts of GDU onmajor water uses in the Red, Assiniboine and Souris river basins andon Lakes Winnipegand Manitoba. Water Uses includedin the analysis are: munici- pal,industrial, agricultural, rural domestic, recreational, fish and wildlife, andother. The analysisof GDU impacts is confined to usesin Canada.The effects upon theseimpacts of variousalternatives andmodi- ficationsto the authorized GDU project were alsoanalysed. The following sections summarize theresults of the Uses Committee'sanalysis. (a)Municipal Use (1) Increasedcosts of municipal water supplytreatment: Deteriorated water quality will require, as a minimum measure,that currentlyinstalled or planned water treatmentplants be operated at peakefficiency, producing the best quality of water ofwhich they are capable.This measure represents an increased cost of $59,000 annually. Constituentssuch as nitrates, sulfates andsodium would remain at post- GDU levels since reduction of theseparameters is beyond the capability ofcurrent treatment facilities.
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