Translation with commentary: focusing of culture- specific items

Bilandžija, Kristina

Master's thesis / Diplomski rad


Degree Grantor / Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj: University of Zagreb, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet

Permanent link / Trajna poveznica:

Rights / Prava: In copyright

Download date / Datum preuzimanja: 2021-09-26

Repository / Repozitorij:

ODRAZ - open repository of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET ODSJEK ZA ANGLISTIKU


Kristina Bilandžija

Translation with commentary: focusing of culture-specific items

Diplomski rad

Mentor: dr. sc. Kristijan Nikolić, viši lektor





Kristina Bilandžija

Translation with commentary: focusing of culture-specific items

Diploma thesis

Supervisor: Dr. Kristijan Nikolić, senior lector




This thesis comprises six with commentary. Excerpts from four books were translated from English into Croatian (A University Education, United States Foreign Policy and National Identity in the Twenty-First Century, Bullying and Victimization Across the Lifespan: Playground Politics and Power and Stereotyping: The Politics of Representation), and two from Croatian into English (Sjećanje šume and Faust Vrančić – Portret izumitelja). The commentary is focused on the procedures used for the translation of culture-specific items in the texts. As translation always includes two cultures, it is important to use the most appropriate translating procedure when it comes to culture-specific items. The most commonly used procedures in the excerpts are borrowing, substitution, addition, explanation and literal translation.


Rad sadrži šest prijevoda s popratnim komentarima. S engleskog na hrvatski prevedeni su ulomci iz četiriju knjiga (A University Education, United States Foreign Policy and National Identity in the Twenty-First Century, Bullying and Victimization Across the Lifespan: Playground Politics and Power i Stereotyping: The Politics of Representation), dok su s hrvatskog na engleski prevedeni ulomci iz dvaju knjiga (Sjećanje šume, Faust Vrančić – Portret izumitelja). Komentari su usmjereni na strategije koje se koriste pri prevođenju kulturno specifičnih elemenata. Budući da svaki prijevod uključuje dvije kulture, važno je odabrati najprikladniju strategiju prevođenja kulturno specifičnih elemenata. Posuđivanje, zamjena, dodavanje, objašnjenje i doslovan prijevod najčešće su korištene strategije prilikom prevođenja navedenih ulomaka.


Table of Contents

Translation 1: Willets, David. A University Education. Oxford University Press, 2017., pp. 229-233...... 1 Glossary of terms ……………………………………………….1 Translation ……………………………………………………....7 Sources ……………………………………………………………12

Translation 2: Johnson, Roger. „Victory and Identity. The end of the Cold War in American imagination.“ United States Foreign Policy and National Identity in the 21st Century. Edited by Kenneth Christie, Routledge, 2008, pp. 6-9...... 15 Glossary of terms ...... 15 Translation ...... 20 Sources ...... 25

Translation 3: Smokowski, Paul R. and Evans, Caroline B. R. Bullying and Victimization Across the Lifespan. Playground Politics and Power. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, pp. 4-7…………………………………………………………………………27 Glossary of terms ...... 27 Translation ...... 32 Sources ...... 37

Translation 4: Karakaš, Damir. Sjećanje šume. Sandorf, Zagreb, 2016, pp. 15-24….39 Translation ...... 39 Sources ...... 44

Translation 5: Pickering, Michael. Stereotyping: The Politics of Representation, Palgrave, 2001, pp. 51-55……………………………………………………………….45 Glossary of terms ...... 45 Translation ...... 52 Sources ...... 57

Translation 6: Borić, Marijana. Faust Vrančić — portret izumitelja. Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, 2019, pp. 26-28……………………………………...………..59


Glossary of terms ...... 59 Translation ...... 64 Sources ...... 69

Commentary ...... 71


Translation 1 Willets, David. A University Education. Oxford University Press, 2017., pp. 229-233.

1. Glossary of terms

EN HR Source

A levels matura Aberystwyth University: Academic Excellence Scholarships /scholarships/Equivalent-Qualifications-to-AAA-

2019.pdf academic sveučilišni

nastavnik jezik=185083

academic akademske skills vještine academic akademsko

study izučavanje jezik=340006 accredit službeno Bujas 2005 priznati apprenticeship naukovanje Hrvatska obrnička komora za-programe-vezanih-obrta/help-desk-linija-za-

naukovanje business poslovni studij studies course Sciences/School-of-Creative-Industries/degrees/english-

language/ career karijera

jezik=182566 chair katedra

jezik=167937 civic građansko

1 university sveučilište content/HR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52015IE2595&from

=SK commercial profesionalni pilot pilot content/HR/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32018R1974&fro

m=EN conservatory konzervatorij

jezik=340366 course studij Bujas 2005

course kolegij craft zanat

jezik=42252 craft skill zanatske vještine content/HR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52016IE6759&from

=LV craftsmanship obrtništvo

jezik=44946 degree akademski Bujas 2005 stupanj

diploma diploma doctorate doktorat

jezik=2102 don sveučilišni Bujas 2005 nastavnik

education and obrazovanje i training izobrazba education obrazovanje Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje employment zaposlenje


jezik=96346 entrant pristupnik Ured za publikacije Europske unije

ca75-11e9-992f-01aa75ed71a1.0011.03/DOC_1 exchequer državna blagajna content/HR/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:52014DC0392&fr

om=EN financial financijski incentive poticaj content/HR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52017AE0008&fro

m=EN found osnovati

jezik=334931 funding financiranje IATE

07/1 funding model model

financiranja content/HR/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52018PC0437 gown toga Bujas 2005 graduate diplomirani Bujas 2005 student higher visoko Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje

education obrazovanje intellect intelekt

jezik=280336 intellectual intelektualac

jezik=45811 job posao


knowledge znanje

3 labor market tržište rada leisure industrija industry slobodnog content/HR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52018IP0004&from

vremena =EN

liberal arts slobodna umijeća liberal liberalni

intellectual intelektualac jezik=152329 liberal liberalno znanje

knowledge jezik=177765 loan zajam

jezik=81595 manufacturing proizvodnja

jezik=12371 mechanical mehanička

arts umijeća jezik=14598 medical medicinski

school fakultet jezik=58898 mortar-board akademska Bilinić-Zubak 2005 kapa nursing school studij

sestrinstva KNJIGA_SAETAKA.pdf officer časnik

jezik=112219 performing scenska

arts umjetnost jezik=270482

polytechnic veleučilište practical praktično

4 knowledge znanje jezik=231387 practical praktično training osposobljavanje content/HR/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32018R1142&fro

m=EN principal rektor Bujas 2005 profession profesija

jezik=202939 professional stručnjak

jezik=153923 professional strukovna

body organizacija content/HR/ALL/?uri=celex%3A52013DC0676 professional stručna https://narodne-

qualification kvalifikacija professional stručno Pravosudna akademija training usavršavanje

programmes-18.html propositional propozicionaln

knowledge o znanje jezik=174828 public health javno zdravstvo

jezik=256635 public subsidy javna subvencija content/HR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:22006A1229(04)&fr

om=FR quasi-public gotovo funding isključivo javni content/HR/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:62010TJ0533&fro

sustav m=LT financiranja ranking položaj na

rang-listi xiURY%3D

5 reflectiveness refleksivnost


regulatory regulatorno body tijelo research istraživanje

inovacije/22303/#naziv research- sveučilište s intensive većim content/HR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52017DC0247&fro

university istraživačkim m=EN kapacitetom reverse obrnuti translator's coinage academic drift akademski pomak status system statusni sustav

jezik=230580 student student IATE

50/1 subject of predmet

study proučavanja jezik=219963

tabula rasa prazna ploča technical viša strukovna college škola content/HR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014AP0267&from

=ES thought misao Bujas 2005 training izobrazba

jezik=205419 universities ministar Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih

minister visokog


obrazovanja university sveučilište

jezik=320991 university visokoškolska

college ustanova content/HR/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52014IE0625

university sveučilišni course studij university sveučilišni

student student jezik=199214 up-front cost inicijalni trošak Cerovac 2010 vocational stručan

jezik=274862 vocational stručni studij

course jezik=192259

vocational strukovno higher visoko education obrazovanje vocational strukovno Europski centar za razvoj strukovnog osposobljavanja

knowledge znanje vocational vještine stečene Europska komisija skills u strukovnom skills- obrazovanju i week/sites/evsw/files/skills_week_leaflet_2018_v4_hr_0.

osposobljavanj pdf u

2. Translation

Je li refleksivnost akademskog obrazovanja u sukobu sa zanatskim vještinama? Paradoksalno je da intelektualci na sveučilištima mogu s većim zanosom govoriti o zanatskim vještinama nego o visokom obrazovanju. Umjesto iskorijenjenog skeptičkog intelektualizma,

7 dolazi do nepromišljene odanosti vještinama stečenim u strukovnom obrazovanju i osposobljavanju. Knjige Obrtnik (The Craftsman) Richarda Sennetta i Rad za dušu (Shop Class as Soulcraft)i Matthewa Crawforda elokventni su primjeri žanra koji u Engleskoj seže sve do Ruskina.16 Doista, Richard Sennett obrtništvo definira kao „dobro obavljanje posla koje vrijedi samo po sebi“ i tako ga vješto uključuje u tradiciju slobodnih umijeća.17 Knjiga Roberta Pirsiga Zen i umjetnost održavanja motociklaii bila je popularna verzija te rasprave u mojoj mladosti.18 Iza ovog poštovanja prema zanatskim vještinama kriju se nove strepnje, posebice oko uloge bijelih muškaraca iz radničke klase budući da je broj poslova za polukvalificirane radnike sve manji, i to uglavnom poslova u proizvodnji koje su prije radili. Reći da svi oni mogu ići na fakultet nije ispravno — to je jednako kao da kažete da moraju postati liberalni intelektualci. S druge strane, ponovno se provođenje naukovanja čini puno bolje.

Ovo pitanje ima svoje korijene u filozofiji obrazovanja. John Locke i engleski empiristi smatrali su da je misao intelektualan proces u kojem je ideja utisnuta na praznu ploču uma: „Pretpostavimo onda da je um bijeli papir, neispisan, bez ikakvih ideja.iii“19 Vidjeli su jasnu razliku između takvog propozicionalnog znanja i praktičnog znanja. Ovo, naravno, nije jednako našoj ranije spomenutoj razlici između liberalnog i strukovnog; više se radi o razlici između intelekta i zanata. Međutim, ako isprepletete ove dvije distinkcije i zamislite da je sveučilište samo za liberalno, a ne za strukovno znanje i samo za propozicionalno, a ne praktično znanje, onda dobijete specifičnu i ograničenu predodžbu sveučilišta. Ako pak mislite da sveučilište takvo mora biti, onda od njega želite podalje držati velik broj ljudi jer ono očito nije za njih. No, sveučilište ne mora biti toliko ograničeno. Rousseauov je Emil drugačija slika učenja koja objedinjuje fizičko i mentalno, što može biti i intelektualno i praktično.20 Glazba je dobar primjer za to, a činjenica da je Richard Sennett učio svirati violončelo pomaže u objašnjavanju njegove rječitosti kada je u pitanju ovaj pogled na vještine — te se vrijednosti čuvaju u našim izvrsnim konzervatorijima, važnom dijelu visokog obrazovanja, od kojih su neki postali dio sveučilišta. Roger Spratt, jedan od osnivača Londonskog kraljevskog društvaiv, govorio je o vremenu „kada će ili mehaničari imati filozofske glave ili filozofi mehaničarske ruke“.21 Upoznao sam mladića za radnim stolom na Sveučilištu u Surreyu dok je izrađivao novu sofisticiranu tehnologiju koja satelitima omogućuje međusobnu komunikaciju u orbiti: nije išao na maturu (eng. A levels)v, ali sada mu se taj rad ubraja u put do stjecanja doktorata. Bio je to slikovit primjer kako suvremeno sveučilište može ukloniti te prepreke upravo onako kako je to osnivač


Londonskog kraljevskog društva i zamislio. David Hume ukazao je na snažnu poveznicu između ovih različitih disciplina: „Prednost industrije i usavršavanja u mehaničkim umijećima je u tome što se njima obično stvaraju određena poboljšanja i u slobodnim umijećima; a jedno se ne može izvesti do savršenstva bez određenog prisustva drugog. Isto vrijeme koje stvara velike filozofe i političare, ugledne generale i pjesnike obično obiluje vještim tkalcima i brodskim stolarima. Nije razumno za očekivati da će komad vunene tkanine biti obrađen do savršenstva u narodu koji nije upoznat s astronomijom ili koji zanemaruje etiku.“22

Ako postoji dobra međuovisnost akademskih i drugih vještina, onda je argument za postojanjem šireg spektra studija na sveučilištu još jači. Argument za praktično osposobljavanje na sveučilištima, nešto čemu se mnogi tradicionalisti protive, postoji već odavno. Ernest Barker, vodeći politički teoretičar i rektor King's Collegea u Londonuvi, dao je upozorenje za „veliku pogrešku brisanja granice između sveučilišta i viših strukovnih škola“.23 Veliki američki mislilac koji se bavio sveučilištima i osnivač Instituta za napredna istraživanja Sveučilišta Princeton, Abraham Flexner, požalio se na „takve izraslinevii kao što su Studij bibliotekarstva i novinarstva na University Collegeu u Londonu (nakon kojih se stječu diplome, a ne akademski stupnjeviviii), Odsjek za građanski dizajnix u Liverpoolu i automobilsko inženjerstvo u Bristolu“.24 Ova je rasprava bila posebno žustra u Njemačkoj, gdje je izrugivanje Brotstudiuma dovelo do uvjerenja da se sveučilišta moraju osloboditi za život uma, no to se pak počelo poimati kao bijeg od trenutnih moralnih i političkih izazova.25 U četvrtom smo poglavlju vidjeli kako veliki romani poput Čarobne gore Thomasa Manna ili Igre staklenih perlix Hermana Hessea prenose ovo proturječje o odvajanju od svijeta. To nije bio problem samo u Njemačkoj. Knjiga Shangri La Jamesa Hiltona, napisana u to vrijeme, opisuje mjesto skriveno na Tibetu, koje on pak uspoređuje s nečim mnogo bližim: „Pomalo me podsjeća na Oxford na kojemu sam predavao. Tamo krajolik nije tako dobar, no predmeti proučavanja često su jednako nepraktični, a iako čak ni najstariji nastavnici nisu toliko stari, čini se da svi stare na donekle sličan način.“26

U Engleskoj su se te bitke vodile na novim građanskim sveučilištima koja su, poput onoga u Birminghamu, uglavnom osnivali vodeći poduzetnici koji su željeli imati više obučenih stručnjaka u svojim gradovima. Međutim, na njima su se zapošljavali sveučilišni nastavnici iz Oxbridgea koji su imali drugačiju sliku sveučilišta. Financiranje iz državne blagajne pomoglo im je da se oslobode onoga što su zamislili lokalni poduzetnici koji su ih osnovali. Kao što smo vidjeli u prvom poglavlju, javne subvencije za istraživanja nisu bile

9 prijetnja njihovoj autonomiji, nego način da se ona omogući. Stvaranje veleučilišta bio je pokušaj Vlade da se dođe do novog načina zaštite strukovnog visokog obrazovanja izvan sveučilišta. To je natjecanje dovelo sveučilišta do toga da se uključe u „obrnuti akademski pomak1xi“ i povećaju ponudu strukovnog obrazovanja.27 Postoji čak nekoliko sveučilišta koja obrazuju i liječnike i medicinske sestre te tako obuhvaćaju velike socijalne i akademske razlike koje su jednako velike na sveučilištima kao i u ostatku britanskog društva. Međutim, postoje snažni pritisci zbog kojih te razlike ostaju izražene jer vodeća sveučilišta s većim istraživačkim kapacitetom nude medicinske fakultete, no, ako nude i studij sestrinstva, to obično znači da prihvaćaju pristupnike s nižim ocjenama, što utječe na njihov lošiji položaj na rang-listama — tako je „dobro“ sveučilište manje „dobro“ ako obrazuje i medicinske sestre i liječnike; to su zadrti učinci statusnog sustava u britanskom visokom obrazovanju. Postoji pedeset i šest engleskih sveučilišta na kojima se može studirati sestrinstvo. Dvadeset i šest sveučilišta nudi medicinske fakultete, no samo dvanaest od njih nudi studij sestrinstva. Dakle, vjerojatnije je da će neko sveučilište imati studij sestrinstva ako nema medicinski fakultet, nego ako ga ima.

Još se uvijek raspravlja o prihvatljivim sveučilišnim studijima. Jedna je bivša britanska ministrica visokog obrazovanjaxii osudila takozvane studije „Mickey Mouse“. Izraz je skovala Margaret Hodge govoreći o studijima „na kojima sadržaj možda nije toliko zahtjevan koliko bi se očekivalo i na kojima diploma sama po sebi nema veliku važnost na tržištu rada“.28 (Na Cambridgeu zaista postoji Disneyjeva katedra — no, nažalost, njezin osnivač John Disney nema nikakve veze s Waltom.) U SAD-u možete studirati na Disney Sveučilištu i dobiti pravu Mickey Mouse diplomu „zajedno s togom i ... akademskom kapom koju krasi prilično šarmantan par ušiju“.29 Usput, to je primjer onoga što se može dogoditi ako nema kontrole nad upotrebom naziva „sveučilište“. Međutim, vidio sam neke izvrsne studije „Mickey Mouse“. Za studij golfa na Sveučilištu u Birminghamu potrebne su dvije četvorke i petica, i, što je još zahtjevnije, hendikep od 4,4. To je zapravo poslovni studij usmjeren na ovaj određeni dio industrije slobodnog vremena. Na Sveučilištu Southampton Solent upoznao sam studente nautike i upravljanja pomorskom plovidbomxiii koji se školuju za rad časnika na teretnom brodu. Standardi i strogo uređenje takvih stručnih studija zaštićeni su zahtjevima poslodavaca koji trebaju diplomirane studente koji su kvalificirani i obučeni za određeni posao: strukovne organizacije mogu održavati standarde na učinkovitiji način od

1 eng. reverse academic drift — proces u kojem sveučilišta pokušavaju postati sličnija nesveučilišnim institucijama

10 klasičnih vanjskih ispitivača. Tako Kraljevska ustanova ovlaštenih geodeta Ujedinjene Kraljevine službeno priznaje sveučilišne studije geodezije i neće dopustiti da dođe do spuštanja standarda. Zapravo, stručna zakonska i regulatorna tijela30 službeno priznaju 38 posto sveučilišnih studijskih programa. Ruku na srce, „studiji Mickey Mouse“ Margaret Hodge bili su gotovo nevažni za tržište rada. Vrlo je frustrirajuće za studente ako vjeruju da ih neki studij priprema za budući posao, a na kraju ne bude tako — sjećam se ogorčenosti jednog studenta koji je započeo studij javnog zdravstva na jednom sveučilištu kada je saznao da taj studij nije valjan put do posla službenika u javnom zdravstvu.

Sve se više stručnog usavršavanja odvija na sveučilištima. Više od 40 posto sveučilišnih studenata pohađa stručne studije, poput onih srodnih medicini na kojima je više od 12 posto studenata, sedam posto je u obrazovanju i izobrazbi, a šest posto u inženjerstvu (42 posto po definiciji strukovnog obrazovanja koje je „osmišljeno tako da omogući put do određene karijere ili profesije razvijanjem potrebnih specifičnih, tehničkih vještina“).31 Tomu dodajte i 14 posto studenata koji su na poslovnom studiju i dobit ćete gotovo 60 posto studenata koji pohađaju nešto što bi se moglo smatrati „utilitarističkim“ studijima. Ako mladi žele studirati na sveučilištu zbog stjecanja više iskustva i prelaska u odraslu dob, ima smisla i da profesije onda onamo prebace usavršavanja. Kao što je pljačkaš na pitanje zašto je pljačkao banke odgovorio „Jer se tamo nalazi novac“, tako i strukovna zanimanja prelaze na sveučilišta jer se tamo nalaze pametni mladi ljudi. Također se mogu nadati da će njihovo zanimanje profitirati od izlaganja dubljem promišljanju o struci. Osim toga, model financiranja pruža velik financijski poticaj. Oduvijek mi je bilo neobično da, iako ljudi misle da je sveučilište postalo sve skuplje, istina je upravo suprotna — sveučilišta imaju mnogo bolji gotovo isključivo javan sustav financiranja putem zajmova nego gotovo bilo koji drugi oblik stjecanja stručnih kvalifikacija bez inicijalnih troškova. Kako to da kad se namjestite u svoje sjedalo u zrakoplovu British Airwaysa čujete kapetana koji se zove Jeremy i zvuči kao da je član lokalnog golf kluba? To je zato što je osposobljavanje za profesionalnog pilota studij koji se mora platiti i nije dostupan na sveučilištu.32 I scenska je umjetnost u ovoj dilemi. Oni smatraju da put do njih ne bi trebao biti isključivo sveučilišni studij — trebao bi postojati način da netko postane glumac putem strukovnog obrazovanja, odnosno bez odlaska na sveučilište. Međutim, kao i u mnogim drugim zvanjima, potrebna je određena izobrazba prije samog zaposlenja, tako da naukovanje vjerojatno nije opcija za njih. Nastavljaju se kretati u pravcu sveučilišta.


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Collins Dictionary. Collins 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

English Language Studies. University of South Australia, language-studies/. Accessed 18 June 2020.

EUR-Lex. Ured za publikacije Europske unije, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Europski tjedan vještina stečenih u strukovnom obrazovanju i osposobljavanju. Europska komisija, week/sites/evsw/files/skills_week_leaflet_2018_v4_hr_0.pdf. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Faculty of Maritime Studies. University of Rijeka, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hesse, Herman. Igra staklenim perlama. Translated by Vera Čičin-Šain, Zagrebačka naklada, 2006.

Hrčak – Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. SRCE, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatska enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 18 June 2020.


Hrvatska obrtnička komora. programe-vezanih-obrta/help-desk-linija-za-naukovanje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija. Institut Ruđer Bošković, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatski jezični portal. Znanje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatski pravopis. Accessed 18 June 2020.

IATE - InterActive Terminology for Europe, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Mann, Thomas. Čarobna gora. Translated by Zlatko Crnković. Školska Knjiga, Svezak 1, 1994.

Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Incorporated 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Narodne novine. Službeni list Republike Hrvatske. Accesed 18 June 2020.

Online Collocation Dictionary. Online Collocation Dictionary, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford, /. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Pirsig, Robert M. Zen i umjetnost održavanja motocikla. Translated by Mate Maras, Zagrebačka naklada, Zagreb, 2005.

Pravosudna akademija. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Prijić-Samaržija, Snježana, and Gavran Miloš, Ana. Antička i novovjekovna epistemologija. Naklada Jesenski i Turk. 2011, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Proleksis enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Srce – Sveučilišni računski centar Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., Accessed 18 June 2020.


Stalno stručno usavršavanje u Njemačkoj, Irskoj i Velikoj Britaniji. Razred arhitekata Hrvatske komore arhitekata i inženjera u graditeljstvu, 2006.

STRUNA – Hrvatsko strukovno nazivlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

The Department of Civic Design. University of Liverpool, Accessed 18 June 2020.

TVETipedia Glossary. UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Accessed 18 June 2020.

U fokusu – Strukovno obrazovanje i osposobljavanje, Hrvatska. Europski centar za razvoj strukovnog osposobljavanja, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Ured za publikacije Europske unije. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Veleučilište u Rijeci. Accessed 18 June 2020.


Translation 2

Johnson, Roger. "Victory and Identity. The end of the Cold War in American imagination." United States Foreign Policy and National Identity in the 21st Century. Edited by Kenneth Christie, Routledge, 2008, pp. 6-9.

1. Glossary of terms

EN HR Source administration administracija


American američki


American cause američki cilj translator's coinage

American history američka povijest


American identity američki identitet


American myth američki mit

Americanism amerikanizam

=2226 army vojska

1868379441/1 coexistence koegzistencija


Cold War hladni rat communist komunistički


Confederacy Konfederacija conflict sukob Priručnik za prevođenje pravnih propisa RH na


engleski jezik

Congress Kongres declaration proglašenje

d_clanak_jezik=275820 defeat poraz


defense secretary državni tajnik za obranu demobilization demobilizacija

d_clanak_jezik=275624 destruction uništenje

d_clanak_jezik=4879 extremist ekstremist Bujas 2005 foreign stran

1869716371/1 forerunner prethodnik Bujas 2005 freedom sloboda


government official državni dužnosnik hostility neprijateljstvo

1869811203/1 internationalist internacionalist Bujas 2005 leader vođa

d_clanak_jezik=223279 liberate osloboditi Bujas 2005 military vojni

d_clanak_jezik=11260 military defeat vojni poraz


d_clanak_jezik=166909 military force vojna sila

d_clanak_jezik=5023 military triumph vojni trijumf

d_clanak_jezik=251814 narrative narativ

d_clanak_jezik=149957 national purpose nacionalna svrha https://www.schiller-

Nazi Germany nacistička

Njemačka d_clanak_jezik=136167 negotiation pregovori

1868573116/1 nuclear destruction nuklearno razaranje

(uništenje) d_clanak_jezik=139388 nuclear nuklearni translator's coinage triumphalism trijumfalizam nuclear war nuklearni rat

d_clanak_jezik=275740 opponent protivnik

d_clanak_jezik=96420 peace mir

1870473839/1 policy politika Priručnik za prevođenje pravnih propisa RH na engleski jezik politics politika content/HR/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A62012TJ03


17 presidency predsjednički Bujas 2005 mandat president predsjednik Priručnik za prevođenje pravnih propisa RH na engleski jezik presidential bid predsjednička

kandidatura d_clanak_jezik=32878 reconciliation pomirenje


Red Army Crvena armija

d_clanak_jezik=162270 reform reforma

1869831082/1 regional identity regionalni identitet


Republic Republika Priručnik za prevođenje pravnih propisa RH na engleski jezik revolution revolucija

1869508681/1 rhetoric govor

d_clanak_jezik=113394 rhetoric diskurs

d_clanak_jezik=36427 satellite satelit

d_clanak_jezik=196643 senator senator content/HR/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32017H15


Slavic-American Amerikanac translator's coinage slavenskog


porijekla soldier vojnik


Soviet Union Sovjetski Savez spokesman glasnogovornik

1866025088/1 strategy strategija

1864843154/1 summit sastanak na vrhu content/HR/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:52013D

C0923&from=LV surrender predaja

1868610400/1 treaty ugovor

ik_za_prevodenje_pravnih_propisa_RH.pdf triumph pobjeda

d_clanak_jezik=56205 troop vojna jedinica Bujas 2005 universal revolution univerzalna

revolucija d_clanak_jezik=315319

US military američka vojska

najavile-povlacenje-iz-iraka utopian utopijski

d_clanak_jezik=205097 victory pobjeda

d_clanak_jezik=110629 victory parade parada pobjede


19 weapons build-up nagomilavanje

oružja d_clanak_jezik=267452

western vestern win pobijediti

d_clanak_jezik=70822 withdrawal povlačenje


2. Translation

Goldwater je zahtijevao službeno proglašenje politike pobjede u „komunističkom ratu“ koju je Fulbright odbacio, proglasivši je „pobuđujućim pojmom romantična prizvuka“. Goldwateru je takav odgovor bio „zapanjujuć“:

Sumnjam da je bilo koji američki senator ili državni dužnosnik – ikada prije u povijesti naše Republike – bio pozvan zalagati se za pobjedu u sukobu u kojem je na kocki sve što Sjedinjene Američke Države predstavljaju ili su ikada prije predstavljale.9

Potencijalnom je budućem predsjednikuxiv bilo jasno da je njegovo inzistiranje na pobjedi u skladu s američkom poviješću i da time brani američki cilj. Fulbright, kojeg je okarakterizirao kao sanjara i utopijskog internacionalista, bio je u sukobu s američkim identitetom.

Međutim, iako su Goldwaterovi prigovori zbilja značajno odjeknuli među nekim Amerikancima, njegovo zalaganje za pobjedu i njegova tvrdnja o američkom identitetu nisu mu uspjeli donijeti predsjednički mandat. Unatoč inzistiranju da je njegova strategija osmišljena za sprječavanje nuklearnog rata, ideja ustrajanja u pobjedi bila je preusko (i previše očito) povezana s vojnim trijumfom. Goldwatera su protivnici doživljavali i prikazivali kao opasnog ekstremista koji bi svijet doveo do nuklearnog uništenja. Osim toga, neki, poput Martina Luthera Kinga i Pata Browna, izričito su povezivali njegovu politiku s politikom nacističke Njemačke, čime su narušavali njegov dotadašnji status glasa istinskog amerikanizma.10 Dok je planirao svoju predsjedničku kandidaturu 1980., Ronald Reagan poveo se za svojim prethodnikom u izravnoj viziji strategije hladnog rata: „mi pobjeđujemo, a oni gube.“11 To je opet izazvalo zabrinutost i optuživanje koje je dolazilo od onih koji su se

20 bojali nuklearnog trijumfalizma unatoč Reaganovim uvjeravanjima da se „nuklearni rat ne može pobijediti i da se nikada ne smije voditi“12 te onih neumirenih tijekom ranih godina njegovog upravljanja državom zbog velikog nagomilavanja oružja i zbog toga što se činilo da SAD planira voditi i dobiti nuklearni rat. Zabrinutost zbog takvih planova nije se umanjila nakon što je glasnogovornik Ministarstva obranexv umirivao javnost rekavši da „ako ima dovoljno lopata, svi će preživjetixvi.“13

Do Reaganovog dolaska na mjesto predsjednika ideja je američke pobjede postala još potrebnija kao posljedica vojnog poraza u Vijetnamu. Prethodni su porazi u američkoj povijesti postali dio većih narativa kao „pokretački preludij za pobjedu“14, poput bitke za utvrdu Alamo ili napada na Pearl Harbourxvii, ili u slučaju bivše Konfederacije, kao osnova za poseban regionalni identitet. Međutim, povlačenje i poraz u dugom, razarajućem i pogubnom ratu u Vijetnamu doveo je u pitanje američki identitet preokretom tradicionalnih pretpostavki o američkoj pobjedi – o njezinoj neizbježnosti i zasluženosti. U Hollywoodu, gdje su vesterni i ratni filmovi bili gotovo primarna artikulacija tradicionalnih pobjedničkih narativa u SAD-u, iskustvo rata značajno je izmijenilo takve popularne mitove. Film Zelene beretke (1968) Johna Waynea pokazao se jedinim izuzećem u žanru filmova o Vijetnamskom ratu u kojima pobjeda nije bila dio iskustva, a u mnogim slučajevima ni svrha vojnika koje su prikazivali – bila je to izravna suprotnost ratnim filmovima koji su se prikazivali u američkim kinima tijekom i nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Kao glavno vojno iskustvo hladnog rata, Vijetnam nije pružio jamstvo tradicionalne pobjede kojim bi se ublažila sumorna neizvjesnost zajamčenog uzajamnog uništenja. To je imalo dubok i dobro istražen utjecaj na američki identitet, bilo da je izražen u kontroverzno netrijumfalnom Spomeniku veteranima Vijetnamskog rataxviii ili u bojažljivoj upotrebi vojne sile Reaganove administracije – suzdržano i oprezno kao u Libanonu ili ciljano i slavljenički kao u Grenadi.

Odgovor na pobjedu

Opći nedostatak vjere u pobjedu tijekom hladnog rata, kada se identitet nije vrtio oko zajedničke potrebe za ostvarenjem trijumfa, nego oko prihvaćanja vječnosti hladnog rata ili barem Sovjetskog Saveza, doveo je do iznenađenja i neizvjesnosti nakon ostvarenja pobjede. Nekolicina je Amerikanaca, osobito onih na vodećim položajima, očekivala miran i konačan završetak sve dok do njega nije došlo. Pobjeda ne samo da je pokrenula ponovnu procjenu nacionalne svrhe, nego je izazvala i preispitivanje pretpostavki o sukobu u cjelini i načinu na koji je on definirao SAD. Razdoblje je pobjede, od kraja Reaganova predsjedništva do raspada Sovjetskog Saveza krajem 1991., odjeknulo tim pitanjima dok su vođe, stručnjaci i

21 komentatori iz cijele nacije pokušavali na njih dati odgovor. Rezultat ovih rasprava, blistavo izvješće Carnegiejeve zaklade za međunarodni mir iz 1992., Promjena smjera (Changing Our Ways)xix, bilo je osvrt na posebnosti kraja hladnog rata koji „niti jedan član“ nije predvidio:

A ipak, naša je pobjeda paradoksalna. Nije bilo Dana pobjede nad komunizmom, ni konfeta, ni stranaca koji se ljube na ulici. Doista, prošlo je mnogo vremena otkad se Amerika osjećala toliko nesigurno u samu sebe i svoj sljedeći korak. Dok Amerikanci gledaju prema inozemstvu, naša je euforija zbog urušenog Berlinskog zida ustupila mjesto shvaćanju koliko će nadolazeći izazovi biti složeni.15

Sukob je završio nizom neobičnih, povremenih događaja u kojima američka vojska nije sudjelovala i pritom nije porazila nijednu vojsku niti oslobodila ijedan grad. Nije bilo pregovora o predaji ni bilo kakve demobilizacije kojom bi se potaknule parade pobjede zbog povratka vojnika. Amerikanci nisu imali sredstava za sudjelovanje u pobjedi i samo su je mogli promatrati putem svojih televizijskih prijamnika i tiskanih medija. Brzo uslijedjele i uzastopne revolucije u Istočnoj Europi pružile su niz slika, od kojih je najistaknutiji bio Berlinski zid, uništen i suvišan u studenom 1989. godine. Kroz te su slike Amerikanci mogli neizravno slaviti euforičnu pobjedu koja još uvijek nije promijenila njihovu situaciju. Iako bi se takvi rezultati mogli protumačiti kao američka dostignuća, moglo ih se doživljavati samo kao strane događaje i, s koliko god ih se veselja prihvaćalo, nisu pružali temelj za slavlje ili razrješenje američkog identiteta. Početkom 1990. povjesničar Daniel Boorstin predložio je povijesni model američkih reakcija na revolucije u inozemstvu koji opisuje proces pretvaranja euforije u zgražanje. Ukazivao je na oprez prema pretjeranom optimizmu kritiziranjem „našeg naivnog vjerovanja da će se svi ljudi ponašati poput Amerikanaca“ i naglašavanjem strane neameričke prirode trenutnih događaja.16

Ulice Istočne Europe nisu bile jedina pozornica na kojoj su Amerikanci mogli gledati razvoj pobjede. Svjetska pozornica također je privlačila pozornost jer su vođe Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Sovjetskog Saveza putovali i susretali se diljem svijeta, ubrzavajući time ublažavanje neprijateljstava, kako simboličnih tako i stvarnih. Gorbačovljev posjet Washingtonu 1987. i Reaganov Moskvi 1988. godine bili su snažni pokazatelji promjene odnosa između nacija tih dvaju vođa, a plod sastanka na vrhu održanog u Moskvi, Ugovor o nuklearnim snagama srednjeg dometaxx, bio je dokaz te promjene. Dok je bio u Moskvi, Reagan je imao priliku razgovarati sa studentima Moskovskog državnog sveučilišta i

22 iskoristio ju je za propovijedanje o načelima američke nacije i njezinim obilježjima. Naglasio je elan i uspjeh SAD-a i rekao da korijeni toga leže u predanosti slobodi koju Amerikanci njeguju, vođeni svojom poviješću i religijom. Reagan je među mladim Sovjetima promicao američki identitet i ponudio im ga, čak ga je i spojio sa sovjetskim identitetom naglašavanjem rodne povezanosti Amerikanaca slavenskog porijeklaxxi, opisivanjem američkog tehnološkog napretka kao univerzalne revolucije i citiranjem filma Butch Cassidy i Sundance Kid u istoj rečenici s Dostojevskim, Pasternakom i ruskim narodnim pjesmama. Reagan je predstavio netrijumfalne, pomirljive Sjedinjene Američke Države: „Amerikanci se uvijek žele sprijateljiti sa starim suparnicima.“17

Slično je tome, na sastanku na vrhu održanom na Malti sljedeće godine, George H. W. Bush koristio jezik pomirenja opet izražen u odnosu na američko iskustvo. Bush je američko- sovjetski sukob definirao u odnosu na Američki građanski rat, dosljedno dozivajući u pamet Lincolnove riječi i ukazujući na bratstvo između prethodno nepomirljivih neprijatelja dok sjede za stolom u mirovnim pregovorimaxxii. To je naglašavalo ideju rata koji završava ponovnim spajanjem i zajedničkom budućnošću; međutim, također je nagovještavalo američku pobjedu nad zastarjelim, nemoralnim i neusklađenim sustavom. Osim toga, Bush je svojim govorima projicirao „uvjerenje da međunarodni mir i stabilnost zahtijevaju širenje američkih vrijednosti i trajnu američku snagu te da američko iskustvo može objasniti promjene drugdje u svijetu i ponuditi model za njihovu buduću stabilizaciju.“18 Imajući kraj u vidu, američki su čelnici izbjegavali otvorene izjave o pobjedi, ali time što su o miru i pomirenju govorili u okviru američkih vrijednosti i američkih mitova implicirali su trijumf američkog identiteta.

Iako je predsjednički diskursxxiii nagovještavao mir, hladni je rat i dalje ograničavao shvaćanja i sprječavao neposrednu sigurnost konačne pobjede. Sastanci na vrhu poput onih na Malti ili u Moskvi bili su tradicionalni dijelovi okvira hladnog rata, a Bush nije bio prvi predsjednik koji je govorio o miru i suživotu. Čak i dok su sovjetski sateliti uzmicali i dok se Crvena armija povlačila iz Afganistana, neki su iz Busheve administracije sumnjali u Gorbačova i njegove reforme, bilo da su mislili da su neiskrene ili da uopće neće uspjeti i da će se normalni uvjeti vratiti. Dick Cheney, američki državni tajnik za obranuxxiv, izgrdio je optimiste u Kongresu koji bi „dali svoje kapute prvog sunčanog dana u siječnju“19, dok je njegov kabinet u prvim mjesecima djelovanja izradio pregled dugoročne strategije kojom je predviđena potreba za suzbijanjem agresivnog i ekspanzivnog Sovjetskog Saveza tijekom narednih osam godina.


9. Barry Goldwater, Why Not Victory? A Fresh Look at American Foreign Policy, str. 104–6.

10. Powers,, str. 316.

11. Peter Schweizer, Reagan’s War: The Epic Story of his Forty-Year Struggle and Final Triumph over Communism, str. 106.

12. Ronald W. Reagan, „Radio Address to the Nation on Nuclear Weapons“, govor održan u travnju 1982. godine.

13. Michael Schaller, Reckoning with Reagan, str. 130.

14. Englehardt, Victory Culture, str. 4.

15. Komisija međunarodne Carnegijeve zaklade, Changing Our Ways, str. 2.

16. Daniel Boorstin, „A timetable for revolution-watching“, U.S. News & World Report, 5. veljače 1990., str. 47.

17. Ronald W. Reagan, „Remarks and a question-and-answer session with the students and faculty at Moscow State University“, govor održan u svibnju 1988. godine.

18. Siobhán McEvoy-Levy, American Exceptionalism and US Foreign Policy, str. 57–60.

19. Gloria Borger, „The politician at the Pentagon“, U.S. News and World Report, 2. listopad 1989, str. 25.


3. Sources

Bujas, Željko. Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik. Nakladni zavod Globus, 2005.

Collins Dictionary. Collins 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Encyclopaedia Britannica,, Accessed 18 June 2020.

EUR-Lex. Ured za publikacije Europske unije, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrčak – Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. SRCE, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatska enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija. Institut Ruđer Bošković, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatski jezični portal. Znanje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatski pravopis. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Klein, Joe. „Unthinkable Chitchat”. The New York Times, 1982, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Landsbergis, Gabrielius. „Izvješće o stanju odnosa između EU-a i Rusije“. Europski Parlament, 2015, 0162_HR.html. Accessed 18 June 2020.

LaRouche, Lyndon H. „Zaboravljeno umijeće kapitalnog proračuna“. Schiller-Institut Vereinigung für Staatskunst e.V. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Incorporated 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Online Collocation Dictionary. Online Collocation Dictionary, Accessed 18 June 2020.


Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford, /. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Russia Beyond. “Parada Pobjede u Moskvi 2019.”. pobjede-u-moskvi-2019, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Priručnik za prevođenje pravnih propisa Republike Hrvatske na engleski jezik. Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija. Zagreb, 2006.

Proleksis enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 18 June 2020.

STRUNA – Hrvatsko strukovno nazivlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Vallet Pascal. „Peace Table”. United Nations International School, Accessed 18 June 2020.


Translation 3

Smokowski, Paul R. and Evans, Caroline B. R. Bullying and Victimization Across the Lifespan. Playground Politics and Power. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, pp. 4- 7.

1. Glossary of terms

EN HR Source

abuse zlostavljati

adolescent adolescent

age dob

aggressive act agresivni čin

argument prepirka

boy dječak

bullying dinamika dynamic vršnjačkog nasilja bullying radar radar za translator's coinage prepoznavanje vršnjačkog nasilja

CDC Američki Centar za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti

conduct poremećaj disorder ponašanja

conflict sukob

cruelty okrutnost

death smrt desensitize desenzibilizirati Cybermed

27 desirable poželjan

deviant devijantno behavior ponašanje

dimension of dimenzija moći power

distress nelagoda

eating disorder poremećaj prehrane

economic stress ekonomski stres

exclusion isključivanje expel izbaciti Bujas 2005

family obitelj

family obiteljski odnos relationship

friend prijatelj

girl djevojčica

group skupina

grow up odrasti hassle gnjaviti Bujas 2005 hazing šikaniranje kao translator's coinage dio procesa inicijacije

high school srednja škola

hostile neprijateljski

hypersensitivity preosjetljivost

ignore ignorirati

impulse control kontrola impulsa

incite potaknuti

income dohodovna inequality nejednakost

infection infekcija

intense intenzivan

28 intent to harm namjera da se Protokol o postupanju u slučaju nasilja među djecom i mladima. nanese šteta Ministarstvo obitelji, branitelja i međugeneracijske solidarnosti. Zagreb, 2004.

interaction interakcija

interpersonal međuljudski conflict sukob

intervention intervencijski program program intimidate zastrašiti Bujas 2005

injury ozljeda

kill ubiti

life span životni vijek

manipulate manipulirati

mental health poremećaj disorder mentalnog zdravlja mislabel pogrešno Grbavac, Ivana. „Prof. Valentina Kolek: etiketirati Disleksija nije prepreka uspjehu!“, 2009. Accessed 18 June 2020.

neighborhood kohezija u cohesion susjedstvu

normative normativan one-time event jednokratan događaj

parent-child odnos između relationship roditelja i djeteta peer behavior ponašanje Šincek, Daniela. Doprinos teorije prisile razumijevanju vršnjaka delinkventnog ponašanja mladih. Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer, University of Osijek, 2007, Accessed 18 June 2020.

perpetration počinjenje

29 perpetrator risk počiniteljev translator's coinage factor for čimbenik rizika violence za nasilje

physical fizička snaga strength

policy maker oblikovatelj politika

popular popularan

popularity popularnost

post-traumatic posttraumatski stress disorder stresni poremećaj

poverty siromaštvo power neravnopravan Protokol o postupanju u slučaju nasilja među djecom i mladima. imbalance odnos snaga Ministarstvo obitelji, branitelja i međugeneracijske solidarnosti. Zagreb, 2004.

power odnos moći relationship

practitioner stručnjak

preschool predškola prevalence rate stopa Gazdek, Davorka. Trend navike pušenja u zdravstvenim ustanovama prevalencije Koprivničko-križevačke županije i politika kontrole pušenja - komparativna studija: 1998.-2011. Zavod za javno zdravstvo Koprivničko-križevačke županije, Koprivnica, 2012.

principal ravnatelj

psychological psihološka šteta harm

rate stopa

react reagirati

repetition ponavljanje

rick factor for čimbenik rizika violence za nasilje

30 risk factor čimbenik rizika

rite of passage obred prijelaza

rumor širenje glasina spreading

scar ožiljak school djelatnici škole

personnel leaders

senior maturant

sensitive osjetljiv


sexually spolno transmitted prenosiva disease bolest

sibling sestra

sibling brat

social context društveni kontekst

social power društvena moć

societal stressor socijalni stresor

socioeconomic socioekonomski status status

standardize standardizirati

substance use uporaba sredstava ovisnosti

survey istraživanje

temperament temperament

tolerate tolerirati underclassman učenik nižih Bujas 2005 razreda

weak slab withdraw povući se Bujas 2005


2. Translation

Jasno je da postoje skupine počinitelja koji manipuliraju, uznemiravaju i zlostavljaju osobe iz različitih društvenih konteksta. Postoje i žrtve koje su doživjele neki oblik zlostavljanja u različito vrijeme tijekom životnog vijeka. Još je više osoba koje svjedoče ovim činovima i viktimizaciji s različitih udaljenosti tako da reagiraju na njih ili se povlače — svatko ima neku ulogu u dinamici vršnjačkog nasilja.

Različiti oblici nasilja imaju slične čimbenike rizika za počinitelje i slične posljedice za žrtve, čime se različiti oblici nasilja dodatno povezuju. Počiniteljevi čimbenici rizika za nasiljexxv obuhvaćaju njegovu cjelokupnu okolinu i uključuju pojedinačne, obiteljske, vršnjačke, školske i kulturne čimbenike te čimbenike zajednice. Čimbenici rizika za nasilje mogu biti različiti: individualni temperament (npr. ljutnja, smanjena kontrola impulsa, uporaba sredstava ovisnosti, gledanje na svijet kao na neprijateljsko mjesto), obiteljski odnosi (npr. visoka razina sukoba, loši odnosi između roditelja i djeteta, ekonomski stres), devijantno ponašanje vršnjaka, obilježja zajednice (npr. nepovoljno susjedstvo, nasilje u susjedstvu, niska kohezija u susjedstvu) i socijalni stresori (npr. dohodovna nejednakost, visoka stopa siromaštva; Foshee i sur. 2015; Sumner i sur. 2015). Što se tiče posljedica, nasilna viktimizacija, bez obzira na oblik, može rezultirati višestrukim negativnim ishodima, uključujući ozljede, spolno prenosive bolesti i infekcije, poremećaje mentalnog zdravlja (npr. depresiju, anksioznost, posttraumatski stresni poremećaj, poremećaj ponašanja), poremećaje prehrane, uporabu sredstava ovisnosti, suicidalnost i smrt (Američki Odsjek za prevenciju nasiljaxxvi 2016.; pregled vidi u Sumner i sur. 2015).

S obzirom na višestruku povezanost različitih oblika nasilja, početak je suradnje među istraživačima ključan. Suradnja će istraživačima omogućiti stvaranje sveobuhvatnih i funkcionalnih intervencijskih programa. Jedan je od mogućih načina širenja suradnje stvaranje zajedničkog okvira kroz koji istraživači, stručnjacixxvii, oblikovatelji politika i svi zainteresirani građani mogu promatrati i razumjeti nasilje. Koristit ćemo dinamiku vršnjačkog nasilja kao okvir kroz koji ćemo promatrati i razumjeti različite oblike nasilja u različitim dobnim skupinama i fazama razvoja te u različitim kontekstima. Primjena dinamike vršnjačkog nasilja na različite oblike nasilja pruža detaljno razumijevanje odnosa moći svojstvenih nasilnom ponašanju, pružajući nov i inovativan način gledanja na nasilje tijekom čitavog životnog vijeka.

1.1 Definicija vršnjačkog nasilja


„Na primjeru prepoznajem o čemu se radixxviii.“ Ove je riječi izrekao Potter Stewart, sudac američkog Vrhovnog suda, o slučaju Jacobellis protiv Ohija 1964. godine. Ova je rečenica postala gotovo uobičajen izraz kojim se pokušava definirati nešto subjektivno što nema jasnu definiciju. Mnogi djelatnici škole, roditelji i mladi koriste ovaj pristup kada je u pitanju prepoznavanje vršnjačkog nasilja pa se, kao rezultat toga, neko ponašanje često pogrešno etiketira kao vršnjačko nasilje. Određena je količina agresije i sukoba normativna. To ne znači da takvo ponašanje treba tolerirati ili da se počiniteljima treba progledati kroz prste, no djeca i adolescenti ulaze u sukobe i prepirke te su ponekad zlobni jedni prema drugima. Namjerno izostavljanje iz grupe ili guranje na igralištu koje se dogodilo jednom ili dva puta, iako neugodno, ne predstavlja vršnjačko nasilje. Međutim, ta se izolirana ponašanja često pogrešno etiketiraju kao vršnjačko nasilje, posebno među odraslima (npr. roditelji, djelatnici škole) koji su i sami doživjeli vršnjačko nasiljexxix u djetinjstvu. Primjer Josea i Ernieja na predškolskom toboganu završio je vrlo loše — Ernie je slomio ruku, a Jose je izbačen iz predškole. Taj događaj i intenzivne prepirke odraslih uključenih u tu situaciju odredit će velik dio njihovog djetinjstva. No to nije bilo vršnjačko nasilje. Bila je to loša odluka jednog predškolca u kombinaciji s neodgovarajućim korištenjem fizičke sile.

Vršnjačko nasilje često ostavlja trajne ožiljke i rezultira preosjetljivošću ili razvijanjem radara za prepoznavanje vršnjačkog nasiljaxxx. Odrasli koji su doživjeli vršnjačko nasilje u djetinjstvu mogu biti preosjetljivi na takav oblik nasilja zbog čega burno reagiraju na bilo koji oblik međuljudskih sukoba kojem svjedoče. Ova sklonost etiketiranju manjih agresivnih interakcija kao vršnjačko nasilje može biti posebno snažna kod roditelja koji vide ili čuju da netko u školi gnjavi njihovo dijete, pogotovo ako je roditelj bio žrtva vršnjačkog nasilja. Stoga, kada dijete dođe kući i kaže da su ga gurnuli na igralištu ili da su ga namjerno isključili iz društva za vrijeme ručka, roditelji često odjure u školu, zahtijevaju sastanak s ravnateljem i prijave da im je dijete žrtva vršnjačkog nasilja. Zapravo, njihovo je dijete doživjelo jednu od bolnih i neugodnih stvarnosti odrastanja. Ako se, međutim, guranje ili isključivanje nastavi iz dana u dan, proglašavanje takvog ponašanja vršnjačkim nasiljem i zahtijevanje intervencije škole svakako su opravdani.

S druge strane, ovisno o tome kako roditelji i djelatnici škole zamišljaju i definiraju vršnjačko nasilje, moglo bi doći do izostanka intervencije odraslih kada su u pitanju ponašanja koja zapravo predstavljaju vršnjačko nasilje, posebno u slučaju prikrivenih oblika takvog nasilja kao što su širenje glasina ili vršnjačko nasilje putem interneta. Ako su odrasli desenzibilizirani na vršnjačko nasilje ili vjeruju da ono predstavlja obred prijelaza u život

33 odraslihxxxi ili normalan dio odrastanja, vjerojatno ga neće prepoznati niti kada se događa točno ispred njih ili će ga možda i prepoznati, ali neće intervenirati. Neki odrasli koji su doživjeli vršnjačko nasilje u djetinjstvu, umjesto da postanu preosjetljivi na njega, možda vjeruju da je ono normalan dio života i da pomaže djeci da očvrsnu. Neki odrasli smatraju da djeca trebaju samostalno rješavati sukobe i zbog toga odlučuju ne intervenirati. Prikriveni oblici vršnjačkog nasilja poput pogrdnih pogleda, došaptavanja glasina ili zlobnih SMS poruka lako se provlače pokraj odraslih, a nedostatak njihove reakcije jednostavno može biti posljedica neznanja da je uopće došlo do vršnjačkog nasilja. Također, vršnjačko je nasilje teško definirati i prepoznati jer ovisi o reakcijama i tumačenjima žrtve. Zaključak glasi: oslanjanje na rečenicu „Na primjeru prepoznajem o čemu se radi“ prilikom definiranja situacija vršnjačkog nasilja previše je subjektivno i dovodi do toga da ih ljudi pogrešno identificiraju ili ignoriraju, ili ne interveniraju kada je intervencija potrebna i opravdana. Iz toga proizlazi da postoji potreba za standardiziranom i široko prihvaćenom definicijom vršnjačkog nasilja.

Međutim, problemi se javljaju jer istraživači, stručnjaci i oblikovatelji politika vršnjačko nasilje često definiraju na različite načine. Zapravo, tri američka nacionalna istraživanja o vršnjačkom nasilju daju pomalo različite definicije tog nasilja (o stopama prevalencije vidi odjeljak 1.4). Budući da istraživači koriste nedosljedne definicije vršnjačkog nasilja, stope prevalencije razlikuju se od studije do studije, što otežava njihovo uspoređivanje (Gladden, Vivolo-Kantor, Hamburger i Lumpkin 2014). Iako ne postoji standardizirana definicija vršnjačkog nasilja, istraživači koji se njime bave uglavnom se oslanjaju na tri različita određujuća obilježja koja je naveo Dan Olweus (1993), međunarodni istraživač koji se bavi vršnjačkim nasiljem:

1. ponavljanje — vršnjačko se nasilje pojavljuje opetovano;

2. neravnopravan odnos snaga — počinitelj je društveno i/ili fizički nadmoćniji od žrtve; i

3. namjera da se nanese šteta — počinitelj se okreće agresiji kojoj je namjera fizički i/ili emocionalno naštetiti žrtvi (Olweus 1993).

Američki Centar za kontrolu i prevenciju bolestixxxii nedavno je proširio ove kriterije za definiranje na tri dodatna ključna elementa: vršnjačko je nasilje neželjeno, događa se među mladima koji nisu braća i sestre ili partneri te potencijalno uzrokuje nelagodu ili šteti žrtvi (Gladden i sur. 2014).


Iako je gornja definicija korisna kada se radi o prepoznavanju vršnjačkog nasilja, važno je razmotriti i nejasnoću koju sadržava. Prvo je potrebno spomenuti kriterije ponavljanja. Općenito govoreći, vršnjačko se nasilje pojavljuje opetovano, međutim, određeni su jednokratni agresivni postupci toliko nečuveni da bi se mogli i trebali definirati kao vršnjačko nasilje; no, prema trenutnoj se definiciji pojedinačan događaj ne definira kao vršnjačko nasilje (Evans i Smokowski 2016; Finkelhor, Turner i Hamby 2012). Na primjer, tijekom američke predsjedničke kampanje 2012. godine, otkrilo se da je republikanski kandidat Mitt Romney, kada je bio maturantxxxiii, potaknuo grupu od pet prijatelja da prisilno drže učenika nižih razreda Johna Laubera. Dok se Lauber borio i dozivao u pomoć, Romney mu je odsjekao konjski rep. Lauber je rekao da ga je ovaj traumatični incident progonio desetljećima kasnije (Horowitz 2012), dok je Romney tvrdio da se tog događaja ne sjeća (Bazelon 2012). Iako se radilo o naizgled pojedinačnom događaju, intenzitet i okrutnost nadmašili su čin agresije i trebalo bi ih proglasiti vršnjačkim nasiljem (Evans i Smokowski 2016). Pojam vršnjačko nasilje označava žestoku i intenzivnu agresiju, a neproglašavanje užasnih jednokratnih događaja vršnjačkim nasiljem ne prenosi počinitelju, žrtvi ni promatračima ozbiljnost događaja. U sljedećim ćemo poglavljima u vršnjačko nasilje uključiti intenzivne jednokratne događaje kojima je cilj nanijeti fizičku ili psihološku štetu žrtvi, poput primjera s početka ovog poglavlja u kojem je šikaniranje kao dio procesa inicijacijexxxiv rezultiralo smrću Roberta Championa.

Međutim, problem s proširivanjem definicije vršnjačkog nasilja na pojedinačne događaje je subjektivnost do koje dolazi prilikom određivanja koji su to pojedinačni događaji dovoljno grozni da bi ih se moglo etiketirati kao vršnjačko nasilje. S obzirom na gornju raspravu o poteškoćama na koje odrasli nailaze kada je u pitanju pravilno prepoznavanje i određivanje vršnjačkog nasilja, moglo bi također doći do neslaganja oko toga predstavlja li određeni jednokratni čin međuljudske agresije vršnjačko nasilje. Ne postoji jednostavan način za rješavanje ovog problema, osim reći da određeni pojedinačni činovi agresije, poput prisilnog odsijecanja nečijeg konjskog repa, prelaze granicu rutinske agresije i postaju vršnjačko nasilje. Ako netko nekoga jednom gurne na igralištu, to se ne bi trebalo smatrati vršnjačkim nasiljem, ali ako netko nekoga zaveže za drvo užetom za preskakanje tijekom odmora i tamo ga ostavi, onda je to druga priča. U nastavku teksta izmijenili smo definiciju vršnjačkog nasilja kako bi glasila da se ono „uglavnom“ pojavljuje opetovano; ova suptilna promjena u načinu izražavanja daje mladima, roditeljima, djelatnicima škole, stručnjacima i

35 istraživačima prostora da posebno strašne jednokratne događaje prepoznaju kao vršnjačko nasilje.

Neravnopravan odnos snaga drugi je dio definicije vršnjačkog nasilja koji zahtijeva dodatno pojašnjenje jer se radi o poprilično složenom konceptu koji je teško definirati. Primjerice, može doći do nesklada izvora moći: „Ako jača, ali manje popularna djevojčica opetovano zastrašuje slabijeg, ali popularnog dječaka, je li kontrolna dimenzija popularnost, spol ili fizička snaga?“ (Finkelhor i sur. 2012: 272xxxv). Da se stvari dodatno zakompliciraju, ako je djevojčica iz obitelji visokog socioekonomskog statusa (SES) i nosi modernu i poželjnu odjeću, a dječak dolazi iz obitelji niskog SES-a i nosi otrcanu rabljenu odjeću, prihod postaje dodatna dimenzija moći. Problem s konceptom neravnopravnog odnosa snaga leži u tome što njegov značaj ovisi o percepciji žrtve (Evans i Smokowski 2016).


3. Sources

Bujas, Željko. Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik. Nakladni zavod Globus, 2005.

Collins Dictionary. Collins 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

EUR-Lex. Ured za publikacije Europske unije, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Gazdek, Davorka. Trend navike pušenja u zdravstvenim ustanovama Koprivničko-križevačke županije i politika kontrole pušenja - komparativna studija: 1998.-2011. Zavod za javno zdravstvo Koprivničko-križevačke županije, Koprivnica, 2012. http://www.zzjz- Accessed 18 June 2020. Grbavac, Ivana. „Prof. Valentina Kolek: Disleksija nije prepreka uspjehu!“, 2009. nije-prepreka-uspjehu/ Accessed 18 June 2020.

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Hrčak – Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. SRCE, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatska enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija. Institut Ruđer Bošković, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatski jezični portal. Znanje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatski pravopis. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Incorporated 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Odsjek za prevenciju nasilja. Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo Primorsko-goranske županije.

37 Accessed 18 June 2020. Online Collocation Dictionary. Online Collocation Dictionary, Accessed 18 June 2020.

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Pavlović, Nataša and fourth-year students. “Bullying glossary 2019” 2019. Microsoft Excel file.

Proleksis enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Protokol o postupanju u slučaju nasilja među djecom i mladima. Ministarstvo obitelji, branitelja i međugeneracijske solidarnosti. Zagreb, 2004.

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Translation 4

Karakaš, Damir. Sjećanje šume. Sandorf, Zagreb, 2016, pp. 15-24.

1. Translation

Mother walksxxxvi in, looks at me lying with my hands on my face because the sun is in my eyes, and asks me: “Are you in pain?” I lightly shake my head, get up, go into the kitchen, and stuff some bacon, five or six potatoes, and a folding knife into my pouch. In a few minutes I make my way through the warm cattle; I unhook their chains carefully so they don’t crush me. Then I run towards Teddyxxxvii, who is jumping for joy and tightening his chain; I almost couldn’t release him because of how stretched the chain was. I fix my heavy pouch, pick up the rod behind the barn door, and drive the cattle uphill. I pick some juicy red strawberries along the way, turning around after each strawberry I eat to see whether Pejo and Nenad were already on their way. I clear the space in front of me with my hand so that I can see better: through the curtain made of small, leathery leaves, I can only see the Boyxxxviii and that cow of his, so I hit Peronja harder with my rod; we go across the clearing first, then through the yellow flowers; and after we’ve all gathered up in the meadow and lit a fire, we think out loud about what game we could play today. The Boy says: “Cowboys and Indians.” Pejo says: “You're too young to be acting smart.” Nenad is already rolling up his sleeves, he wants us to throw stones from our shouldersxxxix like we did yesterday, I want us to look for wasps’ nests, so that we can destroy them with fire. “Let's have a smoke first,” says Pejo, bending down and taking a pack of Opatija cigarettesxl out of his sock. After that, by the fire, he slowly hands us cigarettes, only the Boy won't have one; we smoke and try to blow smoke rings; Pejo blows a smoke into the fire and hands his cigarette to the Boy. He hesitates at first, then takes it, takes a long drag and starts coughing, as if suffocating, and, we start laughing at him as we sit around the fire.

Something on Wheels

Father is sitting on a stump; he is holding a yellow folding measuring stick in his hand, a carpenter pencil behind his ear. He gets up and starts walking around the house like a sleepwalker; as I’ve heard, he is planning to build a barn next to the new house, so the cattle won’t sleep and shit under us anymore. Grandma doesn't like that, she says: “Cattle living

39 under people’s been savin’ this nation during winters for centuries.” I get up, take a step towards my school bag, take my notebook and pen, and return to my chair. Grandma gets up on her tiptoes, twists the light bulb with her hand, and turns the light on; Fatherxli is sitting on that lonely stump in front of the house again: his tired head sleeping in his hands; all of a sudden, he gets up and starts shaking off his numb legs one at a time, his eyes looking like two dim light bulbs. I’m looking at the blank page in my notebook, imagining the new house again: a red brick roof and a tin rooster weathervane that spins at the wind’s command; the main reason I’m looking forward to the new house is because the squeaking will stop; that’s why I always pull a blanket over my head at night. I listen carefully, then I stick my fingers in my ears: the sounds are shouting at each other across the house, not even the fingers in my ears can help. There is also moaning, rapid panting, and the house is rocking, shaking, like a boat on wheels racing down some bumpy slopes. My grandma angrily gets up every time, stands in the middle of the room and shouts at the wooden walls: “What is that?” Even though I know very well that she knows what that is, but she can’t say it. After her shouting, it starts to die away, it gets quieter: just some rustling voices. After that, I can only hear Father's howl, similar to Teddy’s when he yawns. The house is dead silent, but those sounds stay in my head for a long time. In the morning, as if caught in something dishonourable, I secretly check if my mother's belly has got bigger. I ask her: “When will the work on the new house start?” She just shrugs her shoulders. I ask her again; in a calm voice, she says: “It starts, when it starts.”

In a few days, Father pulls out the beds, closets, tables, chairs, the stove and all the other things from the old house, arranges them neatly on a nearby meadow. He takes out the cattle, ties them with chains to the plum trees. He wraps a rope around the house five times, as if he wants to confine it forever. After that, he brings over Lozonja and Peronja joined together by a yoke and ties the end of the rope around the yoke. For a while, he stands beside the oxen lost in his thoughts and weighs the old house with his eyes. Then he slaps the oxen hard on the buttocks with his palms and raises his hands in the air abruptly. It's like he’s shouting at the house: “Surrender, you don't stand a chance!” The rope stretches out, but the oxen remain buried in the soft mud. Father angrily puts them back in their position, takes a shovel and slams it hard against their backs. Every muscle in their bodies tenses. He hits them with the shovel again, shouting: “C’mon, deadbeats!” This time, the oxen easily uprooted the house, the house fell apart; the only thing left in its place was a black, stinking hole, like the one left after pulling out a bad tooth. “Didn't know it was so rotten,” said Father, brushing off

40 the dust from his hands onto his pants. While the new house is being built in the old one’s place, he and Mother will sleep under the open sky, next to the cattle. It's summer, they'll sleep under a blanket and they won't be cold. Grandma and I will sleep at uncle Joso’s house; when he was alive, he often chased me, Pejo, and Nenad away from his meadow; he was old and slow, so we were in no hurry to run away. We would calmly pick up our ball and leave shouting at him: “Drop dead!” When he died, his daughter who lives in town gave my grandma one of those big cylinder keys to air out the house from time to time. Pejo would never sleep in that house because his grandmother saw a light in the attic several times late at night; she thinks it's late uncle Joso. I would never sleep in it alone either, but I’m not afraid with my grandma next to me. On that first night, we lay in a wooden double bed; on the faded wall above our heads, there was a Jesus figure made of plaster, as if fused with that yellowish wall; I’m lying in silence next to Grandma, she starts saying the Lord’s Prayer: she does it every night. On Sundays, she walks to Letinac, a neighbouring larger village where our school is, and prays in the church there; my mother and father, like most people in the village, rarely go to church. Father says: “I’ll go when they build one in our village.” My grandfather didn’t go to church at all. He used to say: “I'm bald and it's freezin’ in the church, I could catch a cold, and it's not nice to have a hat on in the church before God.” I don’t go to church either, none of my friends do, but Grandma says I should start going and receive my first communion. She made the sign of the cross once again, fixed my covers, and said: “Let's go to sleep now.” A little later, empty noises appear above our heads at first. Then creaking sounds. It was as if Father and Mother were up in the attic now, just above our heads. I’m lying and looking up; at one point I feel the vicinity of the ceiling, so I crawl even deeper under the sheets out of fear; I don’t know why, but it seems to me that I’ll die in this house tonight; one morning my grandma went out on the doorstep of our old house and watched the black, cawing birds: the sky was full of them. Then, she returned to the house and whispered to Grandpa: “The crows are lookin’ forward to someone today.” It was the third day since I had been discharged from the hospital and I was sure those crows arrived because of me; now it seems to me again that I’ll die, I wake up Grandma with my elbow and tell her: “There’s something in the attic!” She immediately sat up; I thought she was going to shout, but she just calmly continued to listen in the dark.

The Atomic Bomb is Asleep


Grandma is watching Father lay tiles in the loo: brown ones on the floor and white ones on the walls. Father tells her: “Move over, you’re standin’ in my light.” Grandma leaves, and Father says while laying a new brown tile: “Bring me some rakiaxlii.” I walk down the hall to the kitchen, take the bottle and a thick glass, and quickly go back; he shuts his one eye, looking at those tiles with the other. In the morning he puts on his only suit, the brown one, his only blue tie, and all dressed up like that sets off to town with the oxen and the cart; around noon, he brought back a flush tank, faucets and a tin squat toilet. I help him carefully unload the tin squat toilet. Mother is also helping us, she tells me: “Don't, I’ll do it.” I tell her: “Let go, I will.” With his head in the clouds, Father starts stroking the squat toilet with his palm and says: “Let ‘em see who’s the first one in the village.” In a few days, he gets up early again and harnesses the oxen, this time in the clothes he wears around the house; walking in front of the oxen and whistling: I haven’t seen him so cheerful in a long time. I peek out the window and think to myself, he is surely going to buy a TV today, the first one in the village, I’ve been wishing for that for years. And he's been mentioning it a lot lately too. Later, I get dressed and go to school. Halfway to school, I sit under a hazel tree: Pejo comes along, and I tell him in confidence: “Tell the teacher that I have a fever, and tell my folks that we only had two classes today.” I go back and immediately go up the hill above the house: standing and waiting. I keep looking at the spot where my father should appear any moment now: the shadows of the trees have stretched out their necks, so it seems that everything around me is looking at that one spot. Father is still nowhere to be seen: then I see him. When he finally arrived, he stopped the cart and the oxen in the middle of the yard; at first, the iron barrel lying in the hay reminded me of an atomic bomb. I stroked it with my palm, knocked on it with my bent finger, knock, knock. Father says to Mother: “There, a hydrophore, now we’ll be the only ones in the village with tap water.” Grandma asks: “And how much electricity does it consume?” He says: “Who cares?xliii” Soon, an electrician in a blue boiler suit comes over from the town in his Zastava vanxliv; Father and he start carrying the hydrophore into the basement. Father turns on the light with his elbow as he walks in; they place the hydrophore in the corner. They tinker with it for hours. They connect the wires, pull some black rubber hoses through it: they wave their hands as if they want to cast a spell. The electrician goes to the kitchen to adjust the kitchen faucet using pliers. He turns it on, waits. There is a hum and intermittent crackling: yellow muddy water reluctantly runs from the tap. The electrician takes a look at Father, pats him on the shoulder and says, “It’s fine.” He picks up the flush tank, goes to the toilet, asks for a chair; Father brings him a chair, the electrician climbs on it and sets up the tank. Smiling, he lets me be the first one to flush it, and Father looks at me in

42 confusion, shouting: “C’mon, what’cha waitin’ for?xlv” Then all of us together solemnly watched the water from the tank foam and forcefully run down the dark hole of the squat toilet. After that, the electrician took a short, light-yellow screwdriver from his bag and placed two turned-off red buttons next to the toilet door. He started explaining to Father, and now his lungs were whistling loudly while he was speaking, that the first button was for the heater, but since there is no heater, he says, it won’t work. “The other one,” he adds, “is for hot water.” The electrician goes to his van and, with Father’s help, brings in a grey, iron, cylindrical thing that reminds me of a bomb once again. “A boiler,” says the electrician to Grandma, who had just arrived from the field and was shaking her head in despair. “Go ‘n’ do somethin’,” Father tells her. Using long screws, they attached it to the wall in the toilet, once again taking a long time to connect the wires. A little later, the electrician pushes the other button, which lights up red. He turns it off, nods contentedly, and says, “There, that's it.” In the afternoon, with his long strides, as if constantly measuring something, Father goes to town and brings back a shower on his shoulder; he mounts the rod and attaches the shower head that looks exactly like a phone handset. In an excited voice, he calls Mother. She comes in and straightens her sleeve, he presses the other button next to the toilet door and tells her, “You turn this on an hour before you want hot water, and make sure you turn it off later.” Then the two of them go into the toilet, I sneak in behind them: one leg outside just in case. Father stands in his clothes and shoes on the grooved sides of the squat toilet; places the shower head a span above his head. He turns it on, and the water stream bursts into hundreds of wet arrows. Father starts laughing all of a sudden, jumps next to Mother, his head wet, and stares at the water running down from the shower into the hole in the squat toilet; laughter escapes his lips again. “This is gunna save us after workin’ in the field, we just come in and take a shower,” he says, his face beaming.


2. Sources

Bujas, Željko. Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik. Nakladni zavod Globus, 2005.

Collins Dictionary. Collins 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatska enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatski jezični portal. Znanje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrvatski pravopis. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Incorporated 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Online Collocation Dictionary. Online Collocation Dictionary, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford, /. Accessed 18 June 2020.

Proleksis enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 18 June 2020.


Translation 5

Pickering, Michael. Stereotyping: The Politics of Representation, Palgrave, 2001, pp. 51-55.

1. Glossary of terms

EN HR Source

academic akademski

advance napredovati

ahistorical ahistorijski

ancestor predak

ancestry preci

anthropological antropološki discourse diskurs

anthropology antropologija

antithesis antiteza

art history povijest umjetnosti

barbarism barbarstvo barbarous barbarski Bujas 2005

behaviour ponašanje brutal okrutan Bujas 2005

civilisation civilizacija

civilisational civilizacijski advance napredak

civilised civiliziran

classical klasična sociology sociologija

45 coevalness istovremenost

colonial kolonijalni encounter susret

colonialism kolonijalizam

conceptual konceptualna dichotomy dihotomija

construct konstrukt

contemporary suvremeni world svijet

control kontrola controlled kontrolirano translator's coinage breeding nasljeđivanje

cultural kulturna anthropology antropologija

cultural kulturna razlika difference

cultural kulturne sanction sankcije

cultural value kulturna vrijednost

culture kultura

custom običaj

descent podrijetlo

development razvoj

discipline disciplina

domination dominacija elimination isključenje Bujas 2005

46 environment okruženje ethnically etnički izolirano translator's coinage isolated society društvo

eugenics eugenički movement pokret

evolutionary evolucijski development razvoj

evolutionary evolucijski niz sequence

evolutionary evolucijski system sustav evolutionary evolucijsko translator's coinage temporalizing temporaliziranje

evolutionist evolucionistička thought misao

evolve razviti se

family obitelj

future budućnost

genealogical genealoška production produkcija

geographical geografski space prostor

govern upravljati

group grupirati se

group skupina

guidance usmjeravanje

hierarchical hijerarhijski model model

47 historical povijesni movement pomak

historical time povijesno vrijeme

historicist historicistički

human ljudsko existence postojanje

human origin ljudsko podrijetlo

human rights ljudska prava

human humanističke sciences znanosti

humanity ljudskost

hybrid vigour hibridna snaga

imperialism imperijalizam

inherent urođen

intellectual intelektualna orientation orijentacija

intelligence inteligencija

inventiveness inventivnost

kinship srodstvo

knowledge znanje

law zakon

legal scholar pravni teoretičar

mankind čovječanstvo

marriage brak

48 mind-set način razmišljanja

modern society suvremeno društvo

modernisation modernizacija modernity suvremenost Bujas 2005

monogamous monogaman

nation-state država nacija

native domorodac

noble savage plemeniti divljak

nomadic nomadski

nuclear family nuklearna obitelj

object objekt

other drugi

otherness drugost

past prošlost

people narod

physical fizičko nasilje violence

political politička praksa practice

popular popularan pre-eminence nadmoć Bujas 2005

prehistory prapovijest

present sadašnjost

49 primitive primitivan Bujas 2005

primitive primitivno society društvo

private privatno property vlasništvo

progress razvoj

progress napredak

progressive progresivni evolutionism evolucionizam

property imovinski relation odnos

race rasa

racial purity rasna čistoća

rational racionalan

rational racionalno thought razmišljanje

rationality racionalnost

referent referent

remote udaljeni predak ancestor representation reprezentacija Bujas 2005

research istraživanje

sameness istost

sanction sankcija savage divljak Bujas 2005

savagery divljaštvo

scientific znanstveno

50 discovery otkriće

sexual drive seksualni nagon

social socijalni Darwinism darvinizam

social društveni razvoj development

social origin socijalno podrijetlo

society društvo

space prostor spatial prostorna

distinction razlika Spatial_Structure_of_City_the_Case_of_Zagreb

spatial prostorna periphery periferija

spatialize oprostoriti

study istraživanje

supersede zamijeniti technological tehnološko translator's coinage prowess umijeće

temporalized temporaliziran

temporally vremenski distant udaljen

territorial teritorijalan

time vrijeme

traditional tradicionalan

traditional tradicionalno society društvo

51 transition promjena Bujas 2005

travel writing putopis

tribe pleme

vulnerable ranjiv

2. Translation

Stvaranje primitivnogxlvi

Pojam primitivno bio je složenica, riječ koja utjelovljuje različite kvalitete europskog drugogxlvii i moglo ga se pronaći u različitim dijelovima neeuropskog svijeta prije nego u nekoj određenoj državi ili na nekom kontinentu. Međutim, bio je to rasni objekt reprezentacije i znanja, kako u svojim akademskim, tako i u popularnim oblicima. Konstrukt primitivnog dobio je na značaju krajem devetnaestog stoljeća, premda je na različite načine nagoviješten i ranije: u Kolumbovim „kanibalima“ i likovima poput Calibana u Shakespeareovoj Oluji, u uopćenim idejama o barbarstvu i divljaštvu te u raspravama o ljudskosti i ljudskim pravima neeuropskih naroda, poput Južnoameričkih Indijanaca (primjerice, Montaigne je bio značajan zastupnik njihove ljudskosti i smatrao je da žive u stanju nevine čistoće „netaknute razaranjem civiliziranih grijeha“ (Friedman 1983: 36)). Slične su rasprave izbijale u kasnijim godinama modernog razdoblja, primjerice one povezane s australskim Aboridžinima, no u učenjima devetnaestog stoljeća, složenica primitivno bila je proizvod progresivnog evolucionizma. Takav je način razmišljanja bio vidljiv u različitim disciplinama humanističkih znanosti, poput prava i povijesti umjetnosti, ali njegov se utjecaj posebno osjetio u antropologiji koja je kao poseban predmet proučavanja uzela primitivno društvo i kulturu. Progresivni je evolucionizam u velikoj mjeri istisnuo romantične predodžbe o plemenitom divljaku i izgubljenom zlatnom vijeku, iako to, naravno, nikada nije učinio u potpunosti. Ti su se pojmovi ponovno pojavljivali tijekom različitih razdoblja, primjerice u Melvilleovom Taipiju iz 1844. (1972) ili, pedeset godina kasnije, u Gauguinovoj knjizi Noa Noaxlviii (1890), dok su tijekom devetnaestog stoljeća najprodavanije knjige o putovanjima po Africi ponekad prikazivale različite dijelove tog kontinenta kao svojevrstan izgubljeni zemaljski raj.

Tijekom devetnaestog je stoljeća prošlost i način na koji ona može objasniti sadašnjost te ponuditi predviđanja za budućnost postala središte problematike

52 zapadnoeuropskog učenja. Mnogi su se Europljani osjećali kao da se nalaze usred agonije uzrokovane velikom promjenom, osobito tijekom druge polovice stoljeća. To je shvaćeno kao radikalan prekid s tradicionalnim društvom. Iako je ovo stajalište bilo grubo i pretjerano, njegov se utjecaj na razmišljanje o prijelazu u suvremenost ne može dovoljno naglasiti. Između ostalog, izazvao je nastanak mnogih vladajućih konceptualnih dihotomija klasične sociologije. Usporedno s time, Darwinove su ideje probudile novo zanimanje za ljudsko podrijetlo – ono što je Conradov Marlow nazvao „noći prvih doba, onih doba koja su prošla, jedva ostavivši pokoji trag — i nijednu uspomenu“xlix (Conrad 1976: 47). To se tumačilo na različite načine, ali mnogi od onih koji su se u početku bavili tim ranim socijalnim podrijetlima gledali su na njih kao na skup pitanja koja se odnose na zakon i donošenje zakona. Njihova su istraživanja o razvoju obitelji, srodstva, braka, privatnog vlasništva i države nacije provedena u okviru pravnih pitanja.

Ako iz arheološke perspektive pratimo ovaj razvoj od „tradicionalnog“ do „primitivnog“ društva, čitav niz istraživanja pravnih teoretičara poput Mainea, McLennana i Morgana pruža uvid u primitivno koji je predstavljao konceptualnu suprotnost civiliziranom subjektu. Primitivno je bilo nomadsko, a ne vezano za teritorij; promiskuitetno prema kulturnim sankcijama, a ne monogamno i grupirano u nuklearne obiteljske jedinice; udruženo kada su u pitanju imovinski odnosi, a ne obvezano privatnim vlasništvom; mentaliteta koji karakteriziraju nelogičnosti te odanost magiji i praznovjerju, a ne razumu i znanosti kada je u pitanju intelektualna orijentacija. „Opće karakteristike divljaka bile su dovoljno jasne“:

Tamnoputi i niskog rasta, neprivlačni, goli i prljavi, promiskuitetni i okrutni prema svojim ženama, štovali su duhove životinja ili čak grančice i kamenje — njihov manji mozak zatvara se i zatvoren je unutar mentalnog svijeta opisanog u Spencerovim poglavljima o umu primitivnog čovjeka. (Stocking 1987: 234—5; vidi Spencer 1874)

Temeljna je pretpostavka bila da se moderno društvo razvilo iz svoje antiteze da su nebijeli „primitivci“ u suvremenom svijetu „naivni, intuitivni i spontani“ te da im je zbog toga potrebna kontrola i usmjeravanje Europljana ako ne žele trpjeti zbog fizičkog nasilja i seksualnih nagona koji su im urođeni (Kuper 1988: 5, 231–6; Goldberg 1993: 156). Opravdanje se takve kontrole i usmjeravanja, prema Francisu Galtonu, osnivaču eugenike, kojom se promicalo kontrolirano nasljeđivanje željenih i rasno urođenih karakteristika, moglo vidjeti u tome što su „zahtjevi civilizacije“ u „napredne“ Europljane usadili „instinkt trajnog

53 postojanog rada“ i iskorijenili „divlji, neukroćen nemir“ koji je „urođen divljacima“ (navedeno u Stocking 1987: 95).

Evolucionistički je karakter ove vrste učenja postao poznat kao socijalni darvinizam, što je pomalo neobično jer njegovi osnovni pojmovi nisu bili toliko povezani s Darwinovim učenjem, nego s Lamarckovim glavnim idejama. Sam je Darwin smatrao da je „hibridna snaga“, a ne rasna čistoća ključ uspjeha u borbi različitih skupina za dominaciju nad svojim okruženjem, pri čemu su etnički izolirana društva u tom pogledu najranjivija (Darwin 1913: 281—97). Međutim, prihvaćanje i širenje Darwinovih teorija postalo je temelj za ponovno buđenje evolucionističke misli. Socijalni je darvinizam iznio ideju rasnog „podrijetla čovjeka“ te se „na njega sve više pozivalo u pokušajima opravdanja osvajanja Afrike i diskriminacije crnaca u Europi i Americi — pobjede „povlaštenih rasa u borbi za život“ (Honour 1989 IV: 12). U djelu Ljudske rase (The Races of Man)l, tekstu kojem ću se vratiti, anatom i etnologli Robert Knox već je tvrdio da rasna borba sve određuje i da je jedinstven izvor ljudske kreativnosti, civilizacije i napretka (Knox 1862; vidi Biddis 1976). Takav je pogled počeo sve više prevladavati i imati utjecaj na isti onaj način razmišljanja povezan sa socijalnim darvinizmom. „Rasa“ je upravljala inteligencijom i inventivnošću, a borba između različitih „rasa“ dovela je do zaostalosti i konačnog isključenja onih koji nisu imali sposobnost razvoja (vidi Jones 1980; Stepan 1982: 47—110)lii. Tako je viktorijanski pustolov John Hanning Speke rekao: „Afrikanci će uskoro morati ili izići iz tame ili će ih zamijeniti neko superiornije biće“ (navedeno u Kiernan 1972: 215). Socijalni se darvinizam pokazao vrlo utjecajnim u pripajanju statičkog hijerarhijskog modela dinamičkom evolucijskom sustavu društvenog razvoja. Zemlje Zapadne Europe predstavljalo se kao da su dosegnule vrhunac ovog razvoja, dok su „primitivna“ društva, poput onih u Africi ili Aboridžina u Australiji, i dalje bila na dnu. Takva društva jedva da su se uopće „razvila“. Predstavljala su zaostao, nepromjenjiv, priprost oblik ljudskog postojanja koji je Zapad odavno ostavio iza sebe.

Na taj su način geografske prostorne razlike postale temporalizirane — pretvorene u povijesne faze razvoja prema vrhuncu civilizacijskog napretka koji je zastupalo zapadno društvo. Na primitivne se narode iz dalekih mjesta gledalo kao na suvremene verzije europskih predaka, davnih naroda s vlastitim specifičnim prostorom u svijetu. Koristilo ih se kao mjerilo za razvoj europske civilizacije koji se temeljio na tehnološkom umijeću i sofisticiranosti te ovladavanju racionalnim razmišljanjem i ponašanjem. Ono što je postalo vremenski udaljeno i odavno zamijenjeno u središtu, moglo se vidjeti na prostornoj periferiji

54 u obliku „živog fosila“ primitivnog drugog. Kao što je jedan putopisac s početka dvadesetoga stoljeća arogantno rekao: „Afrički divljak današnjice služi nam kao pokazatelj koliko smo mi sami napredovali od sličnog primitivnog stanja“ (Ward 1910: 287). U to je bio uvjeren i Edward Tylor, čiji je rad bio ključan za utemeljenje kulturne antropologije: „divlja i barbarska plemena uglavnom vjerodostojno predstavljaju faze kulture kroz koje su naši preci odavno prošli, a njihovi nam običaji i zakoni često objašnjavaju vlastiti razum na načine kojih se sami ne bismo sjetili“ (Tylor 1913: 388).

Takvim je načinom razmišljanja došlo do toga da vrijeme, a ne prostor, razdvaja svijet. Vrijeme je postalo izokrenuti prostor. Uočavanje razlika prilikom kretanja kroz geografski prostor pretvorilo se u poimanje razlika zamišljenih prilikom kretanja kroz povijesno vrijeme. U ovoj je genealoškoj produkciji povijesnog pomaka primitivan drugi shvaćen kao povijesno različit na ahistorijskoj ljestvici evolucijskog razvoja. U antropologiji i putopisima, kulturna se razlika pretvorila u povijesnu, a povijesna razlika u evoluciju na nelinearnoj ljestvici koja je postala ključna za procjenu društvenog razvoja i napretka. Za neeuropske se narode kolonijalnog susreta, susreta putnika i „domorodca“, nije samo smatralo da su zamišljena dugotrajna povijesna periferna skupinaliii europskih naroda koja predstavlja „tada“ europske prapovijesti, nego i da žive „sada“ u sjeni europskog povijesnog napretka usmjerenog prema svjetlu racionalnosti, znanstvenog otkrića i njegove tehnološke i industrijske primjene. Ipak, upravo je „sada“ antropologijskog objekta odbačeno i pretvoreno u vlastitu suprotnost. Vrijeme primitivnog uvijek je bilo udaljeno kao „onda“ i „ondje“ od „sada“ i „ovdje“ civiliziranog Zapada. U evolucijskom je temporaliziranju razlika postala udaljenost u oprostorivanju vremena: „evolucijski nizovi i njihova popratna politička praksa kolonijalizma i imperijalizma ... temelje se na distanciranju i razdvajanju“, na onome što Johannes Fabian naziva „odricanjem istovremenostiliv“: „ustrajnom i sistematičnom tendencijom smještanja referen(a)ta antropologije u Vrijeme različito od sadašnjeg vremena onoga koji proizvodi antropološki diskurs“ (Fabian 1983: 26, 31 i poglavlje 2). Konstrukt primitivnog predstavljao je ranog „čovjeka“ u ranim vremenima, fosiliziranog u fiksnoj drugosti daleke prošlosti. „Izvan Europe otada je postalo prije Europe … Neeuropski je drugi bio okamenjeni Europljanin, a njegova je razlika bila tek okamenjena istost“ (McGrane 1989: 94; vidi Asad 1973).

Ideološko je mjerilo u ovom slučaju bio napredak temeljen na historicističkom skupu kulturnih vrijednosti koje su se nalazile oko njega. Na primjer, Charles Rau, koji je bio zaslužan za etnološke eksponate na Svjetskoj izložbi u Philadelphijilv 1876., smatrao je da

55 bismo „trebali uživati u tome što smo napredovali tako daleko iznad“ „ekstremno niskog statusa naših udaljenih predaka“ i da bismo trebali „prepoznati veliku istinu da je napredak zakon koji upravlja razvojem čovječanstva“ (navedeno u Rydell 1984: 24). Primjenom je ovog „zakona“ inače bezazlena riječ „razvoj“ postala toliko opterećena vrijednošću, posebno jer se otada, zajedno s „modernizacijom“, nužno počela uparivati sa svojom suprotnošću — područjem „primitivnog“ postojanja. Iz toga su nastale kategorizacije razlikovnih faza i razdoblja razvoja, „ne samo s prošlim kulturama, nego i svim živućim društvima ... nepovratno smještenim na vremenskoj padini, potoku u Vremenu — jedni uzvodno, drugi nizvodno“ (Fabian 1983: 17). Unutar ove historicističke sheme Tylorova „divlja i barbarska plemena“ predstavljala su početne faze na dugom putu od „naše“ prošlosti naslijeđene od predaka do „naše“ suvremene globalne nadmoći, „našeg“ imperijalnog doba.


3. Sources

Baričević, Sanja. Sintaktički i semantički opis prostornih adverbijala u hrvatskome standardnom jeziku. University of Zadar. Zadar, 2017. Accessed 19 June 2020.

Bujas, Željko. Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik. Nakladni zavod Globus, 2005.

Clastres, Pierre. „Vlast u primitivnom društvu“. Anarhistička biblioteka. 1976. drustvu.html Accessed 19 June 2020.

Collins Dictionary. Collins 2018, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Conrad, Joseph. Srce tame. Translated by Vladimir Cvetković Sever. Globus media, Zagreb, 2004.

Čorak, Željka. „Grijeh struktura“. Vijenac, 2005. struktura-8570/ Accessed 19 June 2020.

EUR-Lex. Ured za publikacije Europske unije, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Freeman, Derek and Fox, James J. „Dilthey’s Dream (Croatian Version): Essays on Human Nature and Culture“. ANU Press, 2016, pp. 39–62. JSTOR, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrčak – Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. SRCE, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrvatska enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija. Institut Ruđer Bošković, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrvatski jezični portal. Znanje, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrvatski pravopis. Accessed 19 June 2020.

Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 19 June 2020.


Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Incorporated 2018, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Online Collocation Dictionary. Online Collocation Dictionary, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford, /. Accessed 19 June 2020.

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. Accessed 19 June 2020.

Prelogović, Vedran. „Application of Factor Analysis in the Research of Socio-Spatial Structure of City: the Case of Zagreb“. Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik, 71(1): 67-85, 2009.

Proleksis enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Shakespeare, William. Oluja. Translated by Antun Šoljan. Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, Zagreb, 1979.

Smith, David. „Colonial Encounters through the Prism of Music: A Southern African Perspective“. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music. Vol. 33, No. 1, 2002, pp. 31-5, JSTOR, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Stenek, Marina. Strateška studija utjecaja nacrta prijedloga VI. izmjena i dopuna prostornog plana uređenja Općine Pisarovina na okoliš. Eko Invest. 2017. content/uploads/2018/07/SPUO_Pisarovina_final-ilovepdf-compressed-1.pdf. Accessed 19 June 2020.

STRUNA – Hrvatsko strukovno nazivlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 19 June 2020.

„Uvjeti sve bolji, djeca sve manje inteligentna“. Školski portal. 2019. Accessed 19 June 2020.


Translation 6

Borić, Marijana. Faust Vrančić — portret izumitelja. Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, 2019, pp. 26-28.

1. Glossary of terms

HR EN Source

ban ban biograf biographer

ik=172702 biskup bishop

ik=340582 car emperor

Roman-emperor carski dvor imperial court

ik=255513 crkvena ecclesiastical

elita elite ik=320375 crkvena ecclesiastical

služba service ournal:287&metadataPrefix=oai_dc diplomat diplomat

ik=281792 diplomatsk diplomatic

a misija mission ik=174149 diplomatsk diplomatic

a služba service ik=204147 diplomatski diplomatic

posao affair ik=261393 djetinjstvo childhood


59 dobrotvor benefactor

ik=283773 državni national interest

interes ik=211556 dvor court

ik=98080 epidemija epidemic

ik=330051 faksimil facsimile

ik=45204 humanist humanist


identitet identity javni život public life

ik=33954 književni literary text

tekst ik=294731 koresponde correspondence

ncija ik=179370 korijen origin

ik=89320 kralj king


kraljevstvo kingdom kriptirano encrypted translatior's coinage dopisivanje correspondence kriptogram cryptogram


60 latinist Latinist

ik=130370 latinski Latin

jezik ik=301639 legat bequest Bujas 2005 mecena benefactor

ik=213673 mir peace

ik=60888 naobrazba education

ik=46330 nemir unrest

ik=43381 običaj custom


obitelj family obrana defense

ik=319294 odgajatelj educator

ik=200698 odgoj upbringing

ik=333196 oporuka will

ik=196164 osobni personal

potpis signature ik=273872 pisac writer


61 pjesma poem

ik=178032 pjesnik poet

ik=336501 plemkinja noblewoman


plemstvo nobility podanik subject Bujas 2005 podrijetlo origin Bujas poduka education

ik=164726 politička political elite

elita ik=109969 posjed estate

ik=10410 poslanstvo mission Bujas 2005 posrednik mediator


pošast plague pošta mail

ik=24731 povijest history

ik=171841 povjesničar historian

ik=24511 predgovor preface

ik=149870 privatan private life


život ik=301782 privatni tutor Bujas 2005 učitelj protestantiz Protestantism

am ik=70246 proturefor counter- Leach, Andrew and Macarthur, John. The Baroque in matorski reformatory Architectural Culture, 1880-1980. Routledge, 2015. proza prose


pseudonim pseudonym rekonstruir reconstruct

ati ik=312507 riznica treasury

ik=328327 rječnik dictionary

ik=333251 skrb care

ik=239537 služba service Bujas 2005 stric uncle

ik=252847 svjedočanst testimony

vo ik=106074

školovanje education


škuda scudo


štićenik protégé Bujas 2005

63 učitelj teacher


vazal vassal veduta veduta

ik=344396 vojska army


2. Translation “(…) You will not be surprised that I keep jumping from one thing to another in this letter: I am writing down my thoughts as they come to my mind. I remember that Your Honorable Lordshiplvi told me at parting, when we bid farewell, to bring my son Faust with me when I come back. This was exactly my wish too, so as not for him to be surrounded by these wild customs during his childhood, but to be able to receive purer education and learn languages from an early age. He has already grown a lot; he can travel now. He has a lively spirit and a beautiful, truly noble appearance; he is neither unreasonable nor playful; there seems to be a prospect of a more significant future for him. Therefore, I have decided to take him with me, if Your Honorable Lordship’s decision has not changed, because he will perish here if he is raised by his mother, in the midst of completely perverted city customs. (…)”17

Faust's father Mihovil Vrančić (Šibenik, 1507 – Šibenik, 1571) was a diplomat, poet and writer. He studied with his brother Antun in Padua, Vienna and Krakow.18 Being educated and having a wide range interest, he was interested in history, he wrote poems and prose, and transcribed Croatian literary texts. As a young man, together with famous Polish Latinists, he was a part of Bishop Piotr Tomicki’s circle. He also participated in diplomatic missions in the service of king John Zápolyalvii. He then returned to Šibenik, his hometown, and started a family, but he remained attached to his brother Antun for the rest of his life, for whom he performed diplomatic affairs in various missions across Europe for years, helping and supporting his brother in managing estates and affairs, and performing diplomatic services, especially during Antun's long absences.19 For example, Mihovil was an important mediator in the correspondence between Antun and Emperor Maximilian I during Antun's second mission to Constantinople. Due to their distrust of the Turkish services, the correspondence was done through Mihovil, who mostly resided in Šibenik at that time. Mihovil then sent the

64 mail to the imperial court by safe Venice canals or from Venetian estates. What is interesting is that recent research has shown that Mihovil and Antun Vrančić used a specific type of encrypted correspondence.20 The negotiations resulted in a peace treaty concluded on February 17, 1568, and Emperor Maximilian I thanked Mihovil for his services in writing.21 Mihovil Vrančić was married to noblewoman Katarina Dobrojević with four children: Faust, Kazimir, Marijeta (wife of Petar Divnić) and Klara (wife of Dinko Zavorović). In his mature age, Faust Vrančić lviiiwas a patron of Dinko Zavorović, a historian from Šibenik, who dedicated his work De rebus Dalmaticis (On Dalmatian History) to him.22

Apart from his father Mihovil, his uncle Antun Vrančić (Šibenik, May 29, 1504 – Prešov, June 15, 1573) was a key figure in understanding Faust's upbringing and formation, as he had undoubtedly influenced his future life the most ever since his early childhood. Although Faust's biographers conclude from his oldest surviving letter written in Pressburglix on April 29, 1561 that his uncle took him in in Pressburg (today’s Bratislava) to study at the age of ten, there is a possibility that he left Šibenik a few years earlier. Darko Novaković made this assumption with some important indications in his book Sentimental Education. Antun and Faust Vrančićlx.23 Tracing back the contents of the letters between Mihovil and Antun, Novaković concludes that Mihovil arrived in Pressburg with Faust as early as sometime between February 1558 and July 1559. According to him, that was when the brothers most likely spent most of their time together, because there was no usual correspondence between them during that period of time. In support of his claim, Novaković refers to the information printed in the preface to the second edition of Faust's Dictionary from 1834 saying that Antun had already bought a house in Pressburg in 1560 for his brothers Mihovil and Petar.

Image, page 26: Veduta of Pressburg (Bratislava), 16th century

Antun Vrančić got involved very early in Faust’s education and he wrote to eminent humanists looking for an excellent teacher and educator for his nephew. He wanted to provide him with an excellent education and upbringing during his long and frequent absences because of his work in the service of Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and Ferdinand Ilxi.24 In search of a tutor, he also sent a letter to his longtime friend, Bishop of Pécs Andrija Dudić, a prominent Croatian humanist whose family comes from Orehovica near Krapina.25 Because of Dudić's life circumstances, another teacher was

65 selected.26 From later letters between Antun and his nephew, we learn that a certain Gaspar was employed as a teacher and an educator, to whom Faust was sincerely grateful and devoted. Although he was close to Faust, Antun spent little time with his nephew because he was assigned multiple duties by the court. In addition, as Bishop of Eger, he took care of its defense, army, and territory, which meant dealing not only with dangers coming from the outside, mostly from the Turks, but also with internal unrest fueled by the spread of Protestantism. Because of his positions and various duties he performed for most of his life, Antun had to prioritize national interests over his personal and family interests. Therefore, the teacher hired by his uncle had a very important role during this period of Faust's life. Gašpar not only taught Faust, but also took care of him, which ten-year-old Faust gratefully mentioned in his letters to his uncle written on April 29, 1561 in Pressburg and on August 2, 1561 in Nádasdlxii.26 These are the only two of his letters to Antun that have been preserved from his childhood. In the letters, Faust reported to his uncle that the whole area had been ravaged by an epidemic, taking many lives. Wanting to save him from the plague, Faust’s uncle moved him and his teacher from town to town where the disease had not yet spread. Despite that, the boy fell ill and struggled with the disease for about ten weeks. The letters were written in Latin, in a childlike and unskilled manner, in a solemn tone full of respect and adoration for the great uncle. They hint at the ten-year-old boy’s hidden loneliness expressed in the signature at the bottom of the letter: “Faustus Verantius m.p. ibi vivit, ubi amat. (Faust Vrančić, m.p.lxiii he lives where he loves)”

Image, page 27: A facsimile of Antun's letter to Faust written on July 10, 1571 in Uyvarlxiv in which he expressed his devotion and support to his nephew

Faust spent a total of seven years studying in Hungary. During that time, his father and uncle made sure that the boy did not lose touch with his hometown, so he occasionally stayed with his family in Šibenik. Using the available historical material, it is no longer possible to piece together how often Faust came to Dalmatia. Only one of Mihovil's letters to his brother Antun has been preserved, as a testimony to Faust's visits to his hometown, written in Šibenik on January 25, 1564. In it, he commented on Faust's letter announcing his arrival home in Šibenik. In his letter, Mihovil Vrančić informed Antun that he can see from Faust's letter that they intended to send a teacher to accompany him. Mihovil advised his brother:


“That seems unnecessary to me. Indeed, we do not have a market or a kitchen here, so we often go to bed with a couple of young cauliflower heads in our stomachs. As long as he is here, he shall not miss his teacher. However, it shall be as Your Honorable Lordship decides.”27

The letter suggests that Mihovil’s family lived in poverty that year.28 Ever since he started working, back when he still had relatively modest means at his disposal, Antun continuously helped and cared for his family in Šibenik, and also took charge of Faust's education. Not forgetting the help of his benefactors from his youth, banlxv Berislavić and Bishop Statilić, he continuously helped the younger generation of the Vrančić family in their training for service and life.29 Faust was not his only protégé, but judging by the preserved letters and documents, he gave the greatest amount of his love, effort and money to him. Apart from the excellent education that he enabled his nephew, Antun Vrančić also took over the main role in his upbringing. This was of great importance for Faust's formation and future work, because by raising him, Antun instilled in his nephew an awareness of his own identity, a continued attachment to his roots and respect for the heritage of his ancestors. Over the course of his life, Faust clearly expressed his connection to his hometown and homeland in various ways, not only in his books, but also in his way of thinking and acting, and in his choice of his personal signature. Just as some other Croatian humanists, he emphasized his origins through his signature. In Machinæ novæ, Faust added the adjective Sicenus (a man from Šibenik) to his name, identifying himself with his hometown Šibenik, while Antun Vrančić signed his name as Antonius Verantius Sibenicensis Dalmata. It is interesting that Faust Vrančić also used the name Sicenus in his pseudonym. Therefore, in the first edition of his Logic from 1608 and the first edition of Ethics from 1610, his signature reads Yustus Verax Sicenus, which would mean the Righteous Truthful Man from Šibenik. Valentin Putanec wrote about Faust's pseudonym, which is also a cryptogram, explaining and proving the way in which Vrančić phrased it.30 Faust showed his attachment to his hometown by choosing his final resting place in St. Mary's Church of Our Lady of Mercy in Prvić Luka on the island of Prvić near Šibenik, and with his last will and testament,31 according to which some of his assets were inherited, in addition to some family members, by the Šibenik municipality,.32 For example, in his will, he included a bequest of 12,000 scudo, stored in the Milan treasury, and left it to be used for the education of the youth of Šibenik.31

Due to Antun's numerous obligations, and his ecclesiastical and diplomatic service, out of a total of seven years that Faust spent studying in Hungary, the nephew and uncle spent

67 relatively little time together. But in those precious moments, Faust adopted everything that was important from his uncle, which later determined his private and public life. During his lifetime, reaching the pinnacle of honor as a member of the European political and ecclesiastical elite, Antun Vrančić was in many ways his fifty-years-younger nephew’s role model. Many of Antun's anti-Turkish attitudes and counter-reformatory views, which he advocated very clearly, are visible and reflected in Faust Vrančić’s work, especially in his mature age. With their education, skill and ability, the Vrančić family distinguished themselves and achieved a reputation of ruling vassals and reached high positions in the Kingdom of Hungary and Croatialxvi, which were unthinkable to them as members of the Dalmatian nobility and subjects of the Republic of Venice.32


3. Sources

Bujas, Željko. Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik. Nakladni zavod Globus, 2005.

Collins Dictionary. Collins 2018, Accessed 18 June 2020.

Hrčak – Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. SRCE, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrvatska enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija. Institut Ruđer Bošković, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrvatski jezični portal. Znanje, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Hrvatski pravopis. Accessed 19 June 2020.

Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Leach, Andrew and Macarthur, John. The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880-1980. Routledge, 2015. 1980_2015_pb_2017_. Accessed 19 June 2020.

Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Incorporated 2018, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Novaković, Darko. Croatian Latinists. Humanism: 1400-1600. SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia. 1994. Accessed 19 June 2020.

Online Collocation Dictionary. Online Collocation Dictionary, Accessed 19 June 2020.

Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford, /. Accessed 19 June 2020.

Proleksis enciklopedija. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Accessed 19 June 2020.

STRUNA – Hrvatsko strukovno nazivlje. Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Accessed 19 June 2020.


The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Catholic Hierarchy. Accessed 19 June 2020.


Commentary i As there is no published Croatian translation of these books, I decided to translate the titles myself and leave the original titles in brackets in case the reader wants to find these books online. The Craftsman was easy to translate, but the title of Crawford's book was quite challenging for me. Reading the summary of the book proved to be very helpful in this situation because I managed to understand that the topic of the book was working with one’s own hands to achieve something that makes one feel better. ii This book is already translated into Croatian by Mate Maras, which is why I decided not to leave the original title in brackets. The reader may already be familiar with the book as it is quite popular, and a quick Google search could help him find the book online. iii I found the translation of John Lock's quote online in Antička i Novovjekovna Epistemologija, which is a textbook for university students, written by Ana Gavran Miloš, Snježana Prijić-Samaržija. The exact quote was: „Pretpostavimo onda da je um, kako kažemo, bijeli papir, neispisan, bez ikakvih ideja.“ (available at: iv Royal Society is a national academy of sciences based in London. According to the Croatian Encyclopedia, the translation of the academy is Kraljevsko društvo; however, as this institution is quite famous in the United Kingdom, and not known to the source text audience, I decided to use addition in order to give the reader of the target text the necessary information. That is why I added the adjective londonsko to make the reader aware of the fact that this academy is based in the UK. v I decided to translate the term A levels as matura and indicate in brackets that it has a different name in the UK school system. Although A levels in English and državna matura in Croatian do not have the same meaning, they are similar enough for the reader to know that it is the final high school exam followed by enrollment in a university. I decided to translate it as matura, and not državna matura. A levels are quite specific for the UK, and državna matura also carries a meaning that would imply that this student was in the Croatian education system. Because of that, I found the term matura to be general enough as it exists in many countries and many school systems which is why it was the most suitable in this context. vi King's is an informal way of referring to King's College London. I decided to use the full name in the translation because the reader of the source text my not be so familiar with this college, especially not with its informal name. Also, as there is no official translation of the name in Croatian, I decided to leave it in the original and just indicate that it is located in London instead to translate it as Kraljev koledž or sveučilište. Furthermore, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, a principal is the person in charge of a college or university, which is equivalent to rektor in Croatia. At first, I was not sure whether to translate it as rektor or dekan, but after reading about the differences between the two in the Croatian education system and looking up the translation in Bujas's dictionary, I decided to translate it as rektor. vii In the original, the author quotes Flexner who calls these courses “excrescences”, which, according to the Oxford Learner's Dictionary are abnormalities or something very ugly and unwanted. In order to keep the same picture of something unnecessary and ugly growing and developing, I decided to translate it as izrasline in Croatian. viii According to the Collins Dictionary, a diploma is a qualification which may be awarded to a student by a university or college, and a degree is an academic award conferred by a university or college on successful completion of a course or as an honorary distinction. I found it quite challenging to translate this part of the text because, in Croatian, both words could be translated as diploma to imply that a student successfully completed his/her studies and got a bachelor's or master's degree. In order to emphasize the difference between a diploma and a degree in English, I decided to translate


the word degree as akademski stupanj, because that is something a student gets only after completing his/her studies at a university. In Croatian, according to Hrvatski jezični portal, diploma is a certificate proving that a person passed their final exam or a document that officially confirms that a person has a certain qualification or right. That way, the difference between the two terms becomes obvious in the source text too. ix According to the official website of the Department of Civic Design in Liverpool (, this Department focuses on the planning of cities and regions, which is not something that exists in Croatian universities. Due to the fact that I could not find its cultural equivalent in Croatia, I decided to translate it literally to be precise and to make the reader see that that is something very specific and uncommon in order to further emphasize the fact that the quoted American thinker tried to imply that these kinds of courses are unnecessary. x When it comes to titles of these books, I decided once again to use the existing translations that can be easily found online or in libraries. The Glass Bead Game was translated by Vera Čičin-Šain and The Magic Mountain by Zlatko Crnković. xi According to the International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (, an academic drift is a “tendency of making vocational education more academic”. This concept is not very familiar in Croatia, which is why there is no cultural equivalent of the term. Because of that, I found it most suitable to create the term in Croatian myself and to explain it to the reader of the source text in the footnote. The context helps the reader understand that the author wants to describe the process in which universities try to be more similar to non-university institutions, which is why he puts the word reverse in front of the term. The translation obrnuti akademski pomak is not that self-explanatory, which is why the reader of the source text needs to be provided with further explanation of the term in the footnote. xii Universities minister is a term that is very specific for the UK political and education system. Due to the fact that it does not exist in the Croatian system, its equivalent cannot be found. In my opinion, translating this as ministar obrazovanja would not be completely wrong as it is something that exists in Croatian political system; however, that would imply that the two systems are the same and the reader would lose the opportunity to learn that there is a certain specific hierarchy in the Department for Education in the United Kingdom. I decided to translate it as ministrica visokog obrazovanja, as it clearly shows that there is a separate department in the UK that deals with higher education only. xiii Navigation and marine operations management is something very specific and it has no equivalent in Croatian universities. There is the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Croatia, but I wanted to stay true to the original in order to show just how specific and unique certain courses in the UK are, which is why I decided to paraphrase it in the translation. xiv According to the Collins Dictionary, would-be can be used as an adjective in describing someone who wants or attempts to do something. Considering the fact that Goldwater was the Republican Party nominee for president of the US who lost the election to Lyndon B. Johnson, I decided to translate is as “potencijalan budući” in order to keep it similar to the original. The reader who is not familiar with the fact that Goldwater lost to Johnson learns that later on in the text when the author clearly states that Goldwater did not win the presidency. Because of that, I decided not to reveal that he did not become president, but to imply that he still had a chance of winning the election. In my opinion, translation options such as tobožnji or nazovi-predsjednik, which were offered in Bujas's dictionary, were not a good choice in this context. xv Defense in this context refers to the United States Department of Defense. Although Croatia and the USA have different political systems, I decided to translate it as ministarstvo because it is more familiar to the Croatian audience and, in my opinion, the difference between these two systems is not


that important in this context. What is important is the fact that this person speaks on behalf of the part of the government that takes care of national security and the army, which is equivalent to Ministarstvo obrane in Croatia. Also, that translation is most commonly used in official documents that can be found on EUR-Lex. xvi According to Klein's article in the New York Times, “the shovels were for digging holes in the ground, which would be covered somehow or other with a couple of doors and with three feet of dirt thrown on top” (available at Due to the fact this sentence was not translated into Croatian, I decided to translate it myself in order to keep the picture of people needing shovels in order to survive a nuclear war in the target text too. I did not think that this sentence required any further explanation because it is quite familiar to most readers that people use shovels to dig something, especially in a war to dig ditches and trenches. xvii I decided to use addition to further explain metonymies the author used in the original (the Alamo stands for the Battle of the Alamo, and Pearl Harbor for the Attack on Pearl Harbor). Although the attack on Pearl Harbor is well-known in Croatia and everybody who might read this text probably already knows what happened there, due to the fact that I had already decided to explain what had happened at Alamo, it seemed natural to do the same for Pearl Harbor too. The addition sounds more natural in Croatian, it does not disrupt the flow of the text and it provides the reader with enough context. xviii There is no official translation of this memorial in Croatian. I found various versions of its name in Croatian: Spomenik veterana Vijetnamskog rata, Memorijal veterana Vijetnamskog rata and Memorijal veteranima Vijetnamskog rata. However, although there is no official translation, I found it necessary to translate the name to make it easier for the reader to understand the context. The translation that made the most sense to me was published in the Crotian Institute of Art History Journal (the article is available at: According to Hrvatski jezični portal, spomenik is a work of art made in memory of someone or something, and memorijal simply does not have that exact meaning in Croatian. Furthermore, this memorial is made for the veterans, not by them, which made my final decision much easier. xix According to the Croatian Encyclopedia, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is translated as Carnegijeva zaklada za međunarodni mir, which was not hard to find (source: However, the name of the report is not officially translated into Croatian, which is why I decided to translate it myself and leave the original title in brackets so that the reader can find this report if he/she wants to. The title itself was difficult to translate, but after reading online that it was about various changes affecting the USA, I decided to use the phrase promjena smjera in Croatian to imply that some changes are being introduced in the way people lived before. xx According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty is a „nuclear arms-control accord reached by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1987“ (source: On the official website of the European Parliament, there is a Croatian translation of a report in which this treaty was mentioned as Ugovor o nuklearnim snagama srednjeg dometa (available at: Furthermore, in the source text, the author mentions the abbreviation INF in the brackets, which I decided to omit from my translation because it has no meaning for the source text reader on its own, and I found it unnecessary to mention the full name of the treaty in English because of the translation. Had the treaty been mentioned again later on in my part of the text, I would have put the full name in English in brackets together with the abbreviation and used that abbreviation throughout the rest of the text.


xxi In English, it is completely natural and common to refer to an ethnic group of Americans who come from different backgrounds by adding the word American after the word denoting their original nationality. However, that is not the case in Croatian, which is why I decided to expand the translated term by defining the origin of Slavic-Americans. xxii According to the United Nations International School, this term is most commonly used in classrooms when it comes to conflict resolution ( Due to the fact that this term has no equivalent in Croatian, I decided to use the term mirovni pregovori, which is something that the target audience is familiar with and a term that often comes up when talking about a war ending in peace. What's more, I wanted to keep the original image from the source text of people sitting at a table talking in order to resolve a conflict, which is why I used an image of a table in my translation too. xxiii According to the Collins Dictionary, rhetoric is a type of speech used to “persuade or influence people”. In my opinion, translating it as retorika in Croatian would not work in this context. I found the word diskurs to be a better choice here, because it is defined on Hrvatski jezični portal as a manner or style of speech used in a particular field. Also, the collocation politički diskurs is very common in Croatian. xxiv According to the Prolexis Encyclopedia, Dick Cheney's position in Bush's administration was Defense Secretary or američki državni tajnik za obranu in Croatian, which is why I decided to use that in my translation too. xxv Due to the fact that this term does not exist in Croatian literature, and there is no official translation of it, I had to come up with my own translation by combining the term risk factor for violence, which I managed to find in various papers, and the term perpetrator. xxvi The Division of Violence Prevention was established by CDC to „help states prevent violence from happening before it even starts“ (source: project/index.html). There is no official Croatian translation of this division. I also could not find the exact equivalent in Croatia that operates on the country level; however, I found something similar in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County — Odsjek za prevenciju nasilja ( This term is close enough to the original to help the reader understand what kind of organization or division that is, and by adding the adjective American, I indicated that this division is based in the US. xxvii According to the Collins Dictionary, a practitioner is a person who practices a profession. It is very commonly used in combination with the word medical to mean a doctor. However, in the context of bullying, I would not include only doctors, but different therapists, counselors, educators etc. I decided to translate this term as stručnjaci in order to cover practitioners across different areas of expertise and to indicate that the author wants to urge experts from various professions to cooperate when it comes to dealing with bullying. xxviii „I know it when I see it” is a very famous sentence uttered by a Supreme Court Justice in a case about pornography and obscene material. Although the author uses it in a different context in his text, it works in English. I managed to find various translations of this sentence, mostly in news articles; however, I decided to translate it on my own as I did not find a translation that would work in this context, in which a famous sentence is applied to bullying instead of its original meaning. Translations such as „Znam kada ga vidim” or „Znam to kada vidim“ ( pornografije-vrhovnog-suda/ ) were too literal in my opinion. I decided to expand it in order for it to sound more natural in Croatian and to fit into the context of bullying. xxix I decided to stay true to the original when it comes to repeating the term bullying/bully/bullied throughout the text. Although it may seem repetitive in some parts of the text, I did not want to use


any other term instead of vršnjačko nasilje in my translation, because using words such as zlostavljanje, maltretiranje, nasilje would not convey the same meaning. xxx According to the Collins Dictionary, a radar is a “means or sense of awareness or perception”. Due to the fact that the term bullying radar does not exist in Croatian, the best solution was to use a paraphrase or a definition of the term in the translation. The paraphrase provides the reader with enough information to understand the context and it does not disrupt the flow of the text, in my opinion. xxxi According to Struna, a rite of passage is a ritual celebrating someone's transition from one stage of life to another. The translation is obred prijelaza; however, it sounds quite unnatural in Croatian to leave it at that because the word prijelaz requires a postmodifier in this context to indicate the transition from one state to another, which is why I decided to add u život odraslih. xxxii CDC is an abbreviation for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the US. I decided to write the full name of the center (which I found on Struna) in my translation because leaving the English abbreviation in the target text conveys no information to the reader. Had the center been mentioned again in my part of the text, I would have indicated its full name in English together with the abbreviation, and then used the abbreviation throughout the rest of the text. xxxiii In the source text, the term the author uses it a senior in high school to make a distinction between that term and a senior in college. According to the Collins Dictionary, a senior is “a student in the last year of college or the twelfth grade in high school”. In Croatian, there are no special names for pupils or students depending on the year of their education. Due to the fact that the Croatian education system is different from the one in the US, I found it unnecessary to emphasize the fact that Romney was in high school, because that meaning is already covered by the fact that I translated the term senior as maturant. Not only does that imply that he was in high school, but also that he was in his final year of his secondary education. xxxiv Hazing could be translated as šikaniranje or maltretiranje, but it does not convey the information that it typically occurs as a part of an initiation into a group, especially in a fraternity or, as in the case mentioned in the text, in a band. Because of that, I decided to translate the term by using its definition in order to explain the concept to the reader of the target text, as this concept is not common in Croatia. It is very culturally specific to the US. In my opinion, neither does the paraphrase disrupt the flow of the text, nor does it confuse the reader of the target text. xxxv I used the style of writing the in-text references suggested by, because Croatian readers are more familiar with it. There is no comma between the last name and the year of publishing, and there is no period after the page number. xxxvi The biggest and the most important decision I had to make before translating this novel was which tense to use. Reading the source text, I noticed that the author often jumps from present to past, but keeps most of the plot told in the present tense. Due to the fact that it is more common to use past tense in English or perfekt in Croatian when telling a story, I came to a conclusion that the author used the present tense more frequently for a reason. Both in Croatian and English, there is historic or narrative present, which is used in literary texts in order to create a feeling of immediacy. The events seem to become more dynamic and readers seem to pay more attention to the plot and get more involved in the story. This made me choose present tense in the translation. In my opinion, strictly using the past tense does not preserve the same effect of immediacy in the target text. Moreover, I decided to follow Karakaš's decision when it comes to tenses and provide a translation that is true to the author's style, which is very unique in Croatian too. There are many long sentences connected with commas, semicolons and colons in places where a period would be a more logical choice. Furthermore, Karakaš often switches in between tenses in the same sentence, keeping the action very dynamic and the reader very involved in the story. In my opinion, it is very important to stay loyal to


the author's style when it comes to literary translation as those small decisions make the text very unique, different and give the target audience a chance to experience it in the same way as the readers of the source text did. xxxvii The dog's name in the original is Medo, and it is mentioned later in the text that they took the dog to the woods to protect them from a bear. It does not necessarily have to mean that that is the reason why his name means bear in Croatian, it is also possible that he simply reminds them of a bear because of his hair or size. In my opinion, this name should be translated because of the meaning it has in Croatian and the emphasis the author places on hunting bears throughout the novel. Due to the fact that medo in Croatian is a small fuzzy bear that could also be a child’s toy, the equivalent in English would be Teddy. I decided not to translate the oxen’s names because their names have no special meaning that is relevant to the story. By leaving their names in the original, the reader of the target text gets a flavor of the life in a village in Lika. xxxviii I kept all the names in the original form except for Medo and Mali because their names carry meaning in Croatian. Due to the fact that the meaning behind their names gets mentioned or explained later in the novel, it is important to translate those names at the beginning so that the reader of the target text becomes aware of the underlying meaning embedded into the novel too. The author mentions later in the novel that the Boy’s grandmother says: „Ako ga zovete Mali, ostat će Mali i kad bude veliki.” In order to translate this sentence to make sense for the target audience, it is important to think about this character's name before starting to translate the novel. In Croatian, there is a word play based on the fact that mali can mean both small and a kid. However, it is harder to make a nickname out of the adjectives small or little in English, which is why I decided to translate his name as the Boy because it not only implies that he is smaller or younger than the rest of the group, but it also makes translating the sentence above much easier. The word boy can be paired with man instead of mali and veliki in Croatian in order to convey a similar meaning. xxxix The game kamena s ramena is not a familiar concept in English and there is no exact equivalent of the game in English speaking countries. When there is no equivalent of a culture-specific term in the target culture, there are several commonly used procedures. In this situation, the best choice seemed to be explanation because the sentence itself allowed using a definition or a description of the game without it sounding clumsy or unnatural in combination with the rest of the text. There are some similar games that are popular in Scotland, but, in my opinion, the rest of the audience may not know those games either, which is why using a definition instead of the term itself is the best choice here. xl In the source text, it is very clear that kutija Opatije is a pack of cigarettes produced by a famous Croatian brand Opatija. However, this brand may not be familiar to the reader of the target text. In this situation, this culture-specific term could be translated using the procedure of substitution because there are many brands of cigarettes that are well-known in English speaking countries. However, that would be contrary to my choice to use the strategy of foreignizing when translating this text. I wanted to leave the “flavor” of Lika and Croatian culture in the text instead of making it more familiar to the target reader. Because of that, I decided to add the word cigarettes after Opatija (the brand name) in order to make the „implied” more „explicit”. The addition did not disrupt the flow of the text, it helped the reader to better understand the paragraph and it kept the reader immersed in the Croatian culture. xli In English, words such as mother, father, grandmother, son etc. are very often capitalized when they are used as a name. Whenever they are preceded by possessive pronouns, they are not capitalized. I decided to do the same in my translation, which is why the words Father, Mother and Grandmother are always capitalized when used as names. xlii According to the Collins Dictionary, rakia is a strong fruit-based sprit, distilled in the Balkans, which is the exact definition of rakija in Croatian. As mentioned before, I decided to use foreignization in order to make the reader aware of the Croatian culture embedded in the text. That is


why I found rakia to be a better solution than brandy or schnapps, which are similar to rakija, but carry no cultural context relevant to Croatia or Lika. xliii The sentence in the source text is „Troši koliko troši” which could be translated literally into English; however, it would sound quite unnatural as it is not something that would be the first thing that comes to mind to a native English speaker. I decided to translate it with a very common English rhetorical question that has the same meaning. The father is saying that it is not important how much electricity the hydrophore consumes and that they are going to keep it no matter what, so — who cares? xliv Fićo is a nickname commonly used in Croatia when referring to the Zastava 750. Later in the text, the author says that the electrician goes out to his van to bring the boiler into the house. That would mean that he had a different model, probably Zastava 850 AK, but as I could not be sure about that without contacting the author, and as it is not that important for the rest of the story, I decided to translate it simply as his Zastava van. The most important thing about this culture-specific item is the fact that it is a vehicle made by Zastava Automobiles, a Serbian car manufacturer, which was very popular in Croatia, as almost every household that had a car, had a fićo and not some other car that might be more familiar to the target audience. xlv Translating dialogs in this text was a challenge. The story is set in a village in Lika and the characters are either children or uneducated older people. Very often, the characters use different colloquial expressions or simply talk as they normally would at home. Considering both the fact that their dialect is not that unusual or extraordinary in comparison to some other Croatian dialects, and the fact that I wanted to keep the story set in Lika, and not move it somewhere in the UK or the US, I decided not to use any specific English dialect in their dialogues. That way, the reader does not get confused by reading the sentences uttered by Croatian characters with, for example, a Scottish accent (which was an accent I considered using before translating the text). Furthermore, by omitting some letters or connecting words, the feeling of the spoken language used by the characters becomes more obvious. xlvi Even though it is common to capitalize certain common nouns in English, in Croatian, that is not the case unless they are a part a name. Also, after going through some Croatian papers and articles about anthropology and the Primitive, I noticed that the Primitive and the Other were never capitalized, which is why I decided to do the same in my translation. xlvii It was very challenging to translate the first sentence as I had to deconstruct the sentence in order to understand it properly. The author uses a very distinct language in defining what the Primitive was. Due to the fact that I could not find the translation of the word portmanteau other than a type of suitcase, I decided to paraphrase this part of the sentence to convey the right meaning. According to the Collins Dictionary, a portmanteau can be used as a modifier to mean that something has several uses or qualities, which is exactly how I translated it. xlviii Due to the fact that all these books mentioned in the source text were translated in Croatian, I decided to use the Croatian titles of Shakespeare's, Melville's and Gauguin's books. That way, the target text reader can find these books in Croatian for any future reference. xlix I decided to use the Croatian translation of this quote from Conrad's book Heart of Darkness. The book was translated by Vladimir Cvetković Sever (available online at: In my opinion, it is better to use the already existing translations of book quotes, especially if they are very popular and well- known, instead of translating them alone and confusing the reader because that translation becomes something new and it may bother the reader, especially if he already knows the original Croatian translation. By using the already existing translation, the reader of the target text is more likely to


recognize it or remember it as it is something already familiar to him. The rest of the quotes in this text were translated by me, as I could not find their Croatian translations anywhere. l As mentioned before, I used Croatian translations of the books mentioned in the source text. However, in this case, Knox's book The Races of Man was not translated into Croatian. I only found a paper written by Tomislav Jonjić (available at:, in which he mentions this book titled Ljudske rase in Croatian. However, I decided to leave the English translation in the brackets in case the reader of the target text wants to find the book. With the Croatian title only, it would be much harder, as the book has no official Croatian translation, whereas the original English version is available online. li According to the website of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Robert Knox was a renowned anatomist and ethnologist ( 9780198614128-e-15787). Although the author used his doctor title before his name, I decided to refer to him as an anatomist and ethnologist as it sounded more natural in Croatian than just writing dr. Robert Knox. By using the hyponym anatomist instead of translating the term with the word doktor, I provided the reader with the exact information about Knox's field of expertise. What is more, it is more relevant to mention that Knox was an ethnologist because of the context. lii I base all my decisions regarding in-text references on Hrvatski pravopis ( because that style of referencing is more familiar to Croatian readers. There is no comma between the last name and the year of publishing, and the year of publishing is separated with a semicolon from the page number. liii This sentence was quite challenging for me to translate. The author uses very vague but, at the same time, very colorful descriptions in the text. According to the Collins Dictionary, penumbra is a vague, indefinite area or simply a shadow. I did not manage to keep the same picture in the target text, but I think that I managed to imply that non-European peoples were not as important at the time, considered as backward-thinking and not developed enough, which the reader of the target text could understand from the phrase periferna skupina. liv I found various versions of this term in Croatian in a paper written by Ivona Grgurinović (available at: „odricanje/uskraćivanje/poricanje istovremenosti/su-vremenosti“. However, she decided to use odricanje istovremenosti throughout the rest of the text, which is why I choose to do the same in my translation. This term is more frequently used in scientific papers written by anthropologists. lv I regarded this as a name of the exhibition, which is why I capitalized it in my translation. Although I came across both versions, capitalizing it made more sense to me because it is not a description of that exhibition, but its name in Croatian. lvi According to the online version of the Collins English Dictionary, the expression Your Lordship is used to address a judge, bishop, or male member of the nobility. I considered leaving the translation at that, but I wanted to emphasize the level of respect with which Mihovil Vrančić addressed his brother Antun, especially because it was a direct quote from his letter. Therefore, I decided to translate the word prečasno as honorable, as there are a lot of examples from various books, letters and documents available online in which this way of addressing was used. lvii I decided to use the name John Zápolya instead of Ivan Zapolja in order to make it sound more familiar to the target text audience. His original name is János Szápolyai, but both Croatian and English have their own version of the name as it was adapted to the culture and tradition of these


languages. Furthermore, the Encyclopedia Britannica also refers to him as John Zápolya (, which was another reason to use the name John and to spell out his last name differently than in Croatian. Also, I decided to use addition in order to incorporate the noun king in form of an apposition in order to allow the target text reader to have the same extralinguistic knowledge as the source text reader. John Zápolya was king of Hungary (or Hungarian-Croatian Kingdom), which is a piece of information that the Croatian audience interested in this text should be more familiar with; however, the procedure of addition helps the English audience become familiar with the fact that Mihovil Vrančić was in the service of a king, emphasizing his successful career. lviii I decided to use the Croatian versions of the names mentioned in the text only when referring to , such as Faust, Mihovil and Antun Vrančić, because the text was in fact about them, and later on in the text, the author explains Faust Vrančić’s origins and ethnicity. Also, most Croatian authors use their original names in their papers. lix Požun is a Croatian version of the name that was used for Bratislava, Slovakia. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica (, Bratislava was known by its German name Pressburg, which is why I decided to use it in my translation too. The original name is Pozsony, but because of the fact that the author used the Croatian version of the name, the only logical decision would be to use the name which is most used in English speaking countries. lx According to SVIBOR, a database program for scientific projects, the name of this book is translated as Sentimental Education. Antun and Faust Vrančić ( What is more, the translation of the name of this book is another reason why I kept the names of Croats in their original Croatian form. lxi According to Britannica, Ferdinand I was Holy Roman emperor and king of Bohemia and Hungary ( However, Croatian Encyclopedia mentions the fact the he was king of Croatia from 1527 until his death, which is why I decided to add Croatia next to Hungary in order to emphasize his historical importance for Croatia and the long-lasting Hungarian-Croatian connection throughout the history. lxii The translation of this Hungarian village can be found in the paper written by Zrinka Nikolić Jakus „The Aristocratic Čupor Moslavački Family“, (available at It is also important to make sure that the name of a country, town or village is orthographically accurate in the target language. In this example, the English version of the name is the same as the original Hungarian name; however, in the Croatian version, the name was orthographically and phonetically adapted to the system. lxiii According to Proleksis Encyclopedia, s.r. is an abbreviation meaning svojeručno, which means that somebody personally signed the document (handwritten signature). The Latin version of this abbreviation is most commonly used in English: manu propria (m.p.), which is why Faust Vrančić's original signature in Latin has the same abbreviation as the translated English version. (source:


lxiv Translation of names is always challenging and it demands research and special attention. Transalting the name of this town in particular was quite challenging for me. Uyvar (or Ujvar in Croatian) is a Turkish name for a town in Slovakia known today as Nové Zámky. However, there is also a place in Romania called Ujvar in Croatian, Újvár in Hungarian and Uivar in English. After much thought, I decided to translate it as Uyvar due to the fact that the letter was written in 1571, when Faust Vrančić returned back to Šibenik. Considering the fact that Antun Vrančić lived in the Kingdom of Hungary, the more logical choice was Uyvar, the old version of name of this town in Slovakia. lxv According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, ban in a former Hungarian title and it is typical of the territory of the former Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia. The word has its origins in Serbo-Croatian and it is not translated into English with an English word, but adopted from Croatian in order to emphasize its connection to the Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia (source: lxvi I found the name Hrvatsko-Ugarsko Kraljevstvo quite challenging to translate. There are a lot of English sources referring to it as Kingdom of Hungary, which is not the best solution in my opinion as it does not show the fact that Croatia was also a part of the Kingdom. After reading various papers published on hrčak (Croatian scientific journals portal) and CROSBI (Croatian Scientific Bibliography), I decided to translate it as The Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia. One such paper is available at JSTOR, “The Memory of the Battle of Krbava (1493) and the Collective Identity of the Croats”, written by Suzana Miljan and Hrvoje Kekez. Furthermore, the name is used in different books and papers written by non-Croatian authors too (e.g.