
Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming LICENSED MINISTRY TRAINING

TITLE III MINISTRY CANON 4: Of Licensed Ministries Sec. 6.

A Eucharistic Minister is a lay person authorized to administer the Consecrated Elements at a Celebration of Holy . A Eucharistic Minister should normally act under the direction of a , if any, or otherwise, the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith. A Eucharistic Minister should have education and practice in the following areas: • Explanation of the rubrics concerning the Eucharist in The • Explanation of the Eucharist • An awareness of the culture of the congregation and the role of Holy in its life and practices around receiving communion • Names and uses of the vessels and linens • Administration of the and/or , use of and the common cup • Administering the elements to persons with special needs • Service with experienced Eucharistic Minister before serving alone A Bit of Eucharistic Theology The Eucharist is: of Christ's body and blood, the principal act of Christian worship from the Greek, "thanksgiving.“ instituted the eucharist "on the night when he was betrayed.“ At the he shared the bread and cup of at a sacred meal with his disciples. He identified the bread with his body and the wine with his blood of the new covenant. Jesus commanded his disciples to "do this" in remembrance of him Eucharistic Theology (cont.) Christ's is made present by the eucharist; In it we are united to his one self-offering (BCP, p. 859).

The Last Supper provides the basis for the fourfold eucharistic action of taking, blessing, breaking, and giving/sharing.

Christ's body and blood are really present in the sacra- ment of the eucharist and received by faith. Christ's presence is also known in the gathered eucharistic community.

Eucharistic Vessels

chalice paten for for wine bread

for (wine and water) Eucharistic linens

Rubrics at the Eucharist

Rubric--instructions or directions; found in italics throughout the BCP notice the difference where you have choices or the word “may” is used.

Page 361-367 BCP(Rite II) Look and read all italicized parts, the go to page 406 and read all of the Additional Directions. This exercise will give you a good overview of the distribution of the sacred elements of Holy Eucharist. The attire for Eucharistic Ministers varies from congregation to congregation depending on custom: A Eucharistic Minister may wear a white and cinture; cassock and , or street clothing.

Again as per custom --during the service the EM may sit in the area with the (and Worship Leader if one is used) or in the congregation.

If in the congregation the EM should come forward during ’s Prayer or after the .

It is recommended that the priest and EM both use hand sanitizer before administering holy communion.

The words said when administering the chalice should “match” what is said by the person distributing the Bread.

If the Bread is given with the words “The , the Bread of ,” you should say “The , the Cup of Salvation” when offering the Cup.

The default phrase would be “The Blood of Christ.” How to “give” the wine:

Hold Chalice securely with Purificator in opposite hand

Offer chalice to communicant, they should reach out and guide it to their mouths,

but don’t release it totally. Allow the communicant guide the chalice to their lips.

After each person receives the wine, wipe the edge of the chalice (firmly) with the purificator, then rotate the chalice a quarter turn before offering it to the next communicant. Adjust the purificator several times during Communion so that more than one area of the purificator is used for wiping. If a person has their arms crossed across their chest indicates they do not wish to receive the wine. You or the priest may give them blessing rather, than offer them the chalice.

Intincting If people wish to have the bread/host dipped in the wine rather than drinking from the chalice the Eucharistic Minister should take the bread/host from the person, dip it in the wine then place it in person’s mouth. This guards against fingers, touching the wine and passing germs. How to “give” the bread: From time to time a Eucharistic Minister may be asked to distribute the Bread during Communion.

With the paten with one hand, (or have a carry it for you) Break a small bite of bread off from the loaf (if using actual bread) or take a host in your dominate hand. Hold it in front of the person receiving saying the words “the Body of Christ the Bread of Heaven” or “the Body of Christ”

Place the bread in the person’s hand Move to the next person. In Case of Oops! -- If wine spilled on the , wipe it up with the purificator immediately.

If the Wine gets on the floor or carpet in front of the person receiving place the purificator over the spilled Wine spot, get a clean purificator and continue to serve. Clean the spilled wine with water and a purificator at the end of the service.

If a piece of bread/host is dropped, pick it up, put it to the side dispose of it properly after the service. Other Notes:

It is not necessary that a person receive both the bread and the wine. Various circumstances or medical conditions may prevent a person from receiving one of the elements. In such a situation, it is suitable to receive the Sacrament in one kind only.

Please have a conversation with the clergy in your congregation, about the customs surrounding the Eucharist with in your specific context.

If you have visiting or supply clergy, please discuss how they wish you to serve prior to the service.

The Cup of Salvation: A Manual for Eucharistic Ministers by Beth Wickenberg Ely (Author)

Ely offers historical perspective on this ministry, a theological overview, practical tips, plus an invitation to engage in the spiritual dimensions of serving one’s local congregation as a Eucharistic Minister. She concludes the book with a chapter on how to establish this ministry in a local parish

This book is available on Amazon Smile or from Church Publishing, Inc. Thank you for your Ministry