Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Joe Gaobakwe Matthews Matthews1, Who Has the Gift of Total Recall, Provides a Detailed Account of His Develo
Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Joe Gaobakwe Matthews Matthews1, who has the gift of total recall, provides a detailed account of his developing political consciousness in the 1940s at St Peter's School, where he was influenced by people such as Oliver Tambo, his activities in the Youth League during the 1940s, ANC activity at Fort Hare University, the activities of people such as Robert Sobukwe, A.P Mda and others, the 1949 Programme ofAction, the 1950 May Day Strike, the Defiance Campaign, the Congress of the People, the Treason Trial, his work with ChiefLuthuli, the formation of the PAC, the turn to armed struggle and reasons for the ANC's subsequent relationship with the Soviet Union, the 1962 Lobatse Conference, his journey with Mandela through Africa in the early 1960s, the attempt to get the support for the armed struggle from the World Council of Churches, the drive to get military training bases, the alliance with ZAPU and the background to the Wankie Campaign, and the Morogoro Conference. My name is Joe Gaobakwe Matthews. I was born in Durban on the 17'h June 1929. My father's name was Zachariah Keodirelang Matthews and my mother was Freda Deborah Bokwe, the daughter of the Reverend John Knox Bokwe. My father's firstjob, after he graduated from Fort Hare, was at Adams College, near Durban, and my mother went to work nearby at Inanda Seminary for girls. So they were fairly close to each other before they got married in 1928. I spent the first six years of my life at Adams.
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