www.nekatur.net nekaDISCOUNTS In this section you will find information on the discounts and/or offers which the different tourism bodies and tourist companies in the Basque Country offer to guests staying at Nekatur establishments. To take advantage of these discounts and/or offers, simply present the "Nekatur discount card", which will be provided when checking in at associated establishments. Each card is valid for the number of people entered by the owner on the reverse side (staying guests) and must be handed over to the participating entity, where it can be used no more than once. ENJOY ALL THESE BENEFITS WITH NEKATUR!!! Gipuzkoa Centro de Interpretación y Degustación del Queso Idiazabal Gaztaren Interpretazio eta Dastatze Zentrua Kale nagusia, 37 - bajo 20.213 IDIAZABAL Tel: 943188203 · Email:
[email protected] 10% discount on the ticket Museo Zumalakarregi Museoa Muxika Egurastikia, 6 20.216 ORMAIZTEGI Tel: 943889900 · Email:
[email protected] 10% discount on the ticket and free guided tours Centro D´Elikatuz Zentrua Santa María, 24 20.240 ORDIZIA Tel: 943882290 · Email:
[email protected] 10% discount on the ticket Museo Andueza de la Madera / Andueza Zuraren Museoa San Martin, 7 20.215 ZEGAMA Tel: 943802187 · Email:
[email protected] 15% discount on the ticket Parque Cultural de Zerain (-eko) Parke Kulturala Herriko plaza, z/g 20.214 ZERAIN Tel: 943801505 · Fax: 943801606 · Email:
[email protected] 10% discount on the ticket Museo Etnográfico de Zerain (-eko) Museo Etnografikoa Herriko plaza,