
TUESDAY • TUESDAY Edition t Edition Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper

Volume LVI LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FEBRUARY 14, 1956 Number 30 Lacrosse Team Plans Tour of England *Game Plans ·F . . I . . M IncludeOxf'd raterntttes n1t1ate 16 9 en; And All-Stars Total Is Less Than Last Year By HERB IIUMMERS The Washington and Lee Athletic ------· Department announced today that Variety Noted the Lacrosse learn will 8y to Eng­ IFC Delivers Unanimous Vote land, and play several exhibition matches there during a six week trip In Averages this summer. In Favor of Sunday Combos By RU S EARLY The Lacrosse team is expected Last night the IFC voted 0-14 Kaplan commented that in the past One hundred and sixty-nine to arrive In England on July 7. After against a motion that would have combos ~>eemed to be the 'lource of pledges have become elir;tible for a few days sigh~elng, they will banned the use of Sunday combos. much or the trouble ansinl( from fraternity miliation it was announc­ commence playmg exhibitions. In­ This unanimous action came as a the fraternities. ed last night at the IFC meelmg. This cluded among W&L's opponents will response to a motion that had been total is twenty less than the total bt> a combined Oxford and Cam­ introduced by IFC president, Sid D G H initiated in 1955 ond len less thn.n br•dge team. a Liverpool city team, Kaplan. at a prt'vious meeting. r. . . Foster the 1954 total. The I.Ul oi tho~e eli­ and University and City teams from The propo!led change m IFC reg- 1 gible and the fraternity rl'quire­ Manchester. The last three games ments is as follows: ul•t•ons was cons•dered in the t.ight will pit the Generals against North­ or last week's Judicial COmmittee Wrt.tes Artt.cles ern and Southern English All-Star meeting of the IFC. This group mel Bela Theta Pl-12 teams. and la tly against an All­ to determme what action should be On Aviation CMmimum requlrement .6) England team commented Gene Cor­ taken on the Red Square houses, Edgar M. Baber, Joseph S. Cam­ rigan, Lacrosse coach. agamst whom complaints had been By PlflL TURNER bria, David R. Gorsuch, Owen H. elected Group registered over the week-end. Dr. George H Foster, who was a Harper, Robert B. Leyy, Edward R Washington and Lee will jom a Kaplan sa1d he was "sure it wns Lt. Commander m Air Intelligence Lilly, Frier C. McColl~ler, Ted Mc­ END !\fEN Ike Smith, Steve Nachman, and Kelly Younr roll their eyes not necessary" to ban the combos keldin, Samuel S. Merrick, Thomas and !.queal in preparation for the '56 Miru;trel (Roger Doyle not bhown) very select group of school5 which during World War II. has been en­ have sent Lacrosse teams to Eng­ on Sunday art.ernoons in o:rder to gaged since 1944 by the Navy Dept. M. Moore, Rice M. Tilley, P. B. Win­ free. land. Other school!! whose teams preserve the good standing of the to write a series of pamphlets con­ have made this tour include R.P J ., fraternity houses. It was generally cemina naval aviation Delta Tau Del~ Yale University, and the University agreed upon that clOS4!r self-regu­ ( Mmimum requ~rement 1.00) latiOn in th11 matter was the most The Navy te1 ms thcs<.> pamphlets End Men .Named As or Virginia. "sense books." They deal with such Zack Blallock, Corky Briscoe, efficient way to curb excessive noise Harry Brunell, Bill Kellett, Phyz In the past these trips have met and disturbances. subjects as the general problems with great success. Everywhere the of jets. high altitude flying, mstru­ Lemmon, and Ray White. exhibitions were witnessed by large In the past the fraternity houses ment flying. and many other simi­ Students Start Practice have had combos for Sunday en­ Delta UpsiJon-12 crowds. Cor the English have a great lar problems. deal of interest in Lacrosse. in fact, tertainment without any trouble (Minimum requirement .5) Roger Doyle. Ike Smith, Steve a member oi PW Delta Theta. He was whatsoever. By the unanimous re­ The books are designed primar1ly the Canadian Parliament declared John M. Cherrybone, Stephen W. Nachman, and Kt:lly Young will take last seen in the Troubadour produc­ jecllon of the proposed change the to promote fught safety and to cut tion "My Three Angels," plays var­ Lacrosse thl'lr nat1onal game. Thl' down on the needless accidents Cone, William A. Dietrich, William the parts of the End Men in the English network B.B.C. wUl tell'­ houses stated they hoped to control 1956 Minsrel Show, said Director sity football and Is a Dean's List which might be caused by oversight C. Floyd, Eugene N. S. Girard, Ar­ vise the contests. their social affairs themselves and thur S. Grove, Jr., William S. Har­ Jack McQuiggon today. student. on the part of the pilot. in a manner so as to protect the K. The fou.r, who will help to form Stage Debut rison, Wilham Hughes, Arthur Representin g U.S. reputation or both the individual Many Complexitie W. Kehlem, LewiS H. LaRue, Laird the "Washington and Lee Cast of Steve Nachman, a tall live-!oot A great deal of emphasis has been house and the school. Stars," will be joined by members of Dr. Foster and Mr. Osborn, his il­ G. Lawrence, and John F . Muir­ two-inch Portsmouth, Va. boy, makes placed upon the fact that this team lustrator have attempted lo translate head, Jr. the faculty and girls from neighbor­ his W&L debut in the new show. ing girls' schools for the Student wlll be representing United States Dr. S. Gould Appointed into readable prose and attractive Working with Ike Smith, the two­ Lacrosse a.s weU as W&L. A suc- illustrations some of the complexities Kappa Alpha-1! War Memorial Scholarship Fund some is expected to provide the pro­ cessful tr•p could certainly bring a As New History Professor Minstrel, March 15-17. of modem ftymg and modem air­ (Minimum requirement J .00) duction with steady entertainment. large amount of favorable inter- craft. Several of the stars in last year's Steve is a junior and a member of national publicity to Washington Dr. Stanton W. Gould has joined Duby Ausley, J ohn Bassett, Russ show will be on hand again said Phi Epsilon Pi, White Fralrs and the and Lee, staled Corrigan. the Washinaton and Lee faculty os The results have been grnli.fymg Early, J ohn Fay, Dade Foote, Robert McQuJ~gnn. Additional talent among Southern CollegU.n staff. Coach Corrigan seemed extreme- an assistant professor of history for for these books have found great Grady. Chns Harrell, Charles Hurt, students has Lcen auditioned in the PhiJ Insley, Bubba Lee, Murray Kelly Young, another newcomer to ly confident that W&L would win the second semester of the current popularity with Navy people. They p:~St two months and will be placed Wadsworth, and Brooks Whitfield. the W&L stage, wlll round out the at least a major portlon of these year, President Francis P. Gaines are found at naval inslallatlons and in the two-acl production. exhibitions. However, he cautioned announced today. aboard carriers and air stations all group or four end men. Young is a Kappa Slcma-14 More Girl senior and a member of Phi Delta al(ainst extereme over-confidence as Dr. Gould replaces no one, but over the world. the coach or Virginia, the last man provides the Department of History {Minimum rcqu1rement .6) More than 75 students at Hollins, Theta, the Southern CoUe,tan and Over Twenty in Series Randolph-Macon, Sweel Briar and Mongolian Minks. to make this trip, said that they came with a much-needed additional pro­ Dave Baker. Kent Dodge, Don Southern Sem inary have tried out for up against several excellent play- fessor, Dr. Gaines said. He will be The pnmphlets are illustrated by Joffiron, Tom Kroetz, Lyle Lulchken, Robert Osborne, a famous illustrator, John McRae, PhiJ Reidford, Voigt parU.. McQuig~tan is jubilant over Ticket Sale!> ers and one boy who was the great- at Washington and Lee for only one est player they had ever seen. semesll'r. who has exhib1ted In the Museum of Smith, J oe Stevens, Jim Stoffer, some of his discoveries, which in­ Other production plans arc already clude a song-writer of exceptional Dr. Gould holds degrees f1·om Modem Art. Some of the recent Skip Taylor, Joe Ulrich, Bing Van in progress in preparation for the Squad or 25 Bowdoin College and the University books have been designed by C. Har­ Nuys, and Mike Norell. promise, be says. Last year eight opening night perfonnance March A squad or 25 men will be flown o( Chicago. He has also studied in old Lauck, dJrector of the Journal­ roles were filled by young women 15, said Gooch Heading the ticket Lambda Cbi Alph.a-1% from these schools, and McQuiggan's over to England. This group will Yugoslavia, Shanghai, China, and ism Press Trus far there have been over twenty book, In the series. (Minimum requirements 1.00) promise this year is "more girls." (Continued on page four) (Continued oo ~e four) University of Madrid. Ro~er Doyle, who appeared in ------~------Donald Briden, Gustavo Glau"er, the Cotton Pickers Minstrel, returns Maurico Glauser, J erold L1ndqu1st, for the second llme to the Wao;hmg­ Robert Lowe, Jamc:. McLeod, Mel ton nnd Lee Minstrel stage. Roger, McCarthy, Peyton Middleton, Robert (Desire Under The Elms' Opens Wed. Shepherd, James Wilkerson, Jere known to nud1cnces lnsl year as "Dumbhead," i~ a sophomore and a WLlltams, and James Wood "Dcs1re Under the Elms," the sec­ member of Della Tau Della and the Phi Delta Theta-9 varsity football team. ond Troubadour production of the lke 'smith, tht> unforgettable "Sor­ year, opens tomorrow rught at 8:30 I Min1mum requirement 1.00) rowful" in la t year's Mms1rel ap­ for a fou r day run at the Troub JOt' Barkley, Bob Bohan. Bob Col­ pears once agam for the benefit or theatre. l~tl, Tom Foltz. Ed Ha4ell, Tom the S\VMSFC Mmstnl l.ke, who Tbt: play, a tragedy by Eugene Larunon•, George Stuart, Carl !\corerl an upronriously comic suc­ O'NeUI will star Jun Moffatt, Jack 'lhomas, and lrLy Walton. cr:;.s in the '55 11how, is a jumor and Lackmonn. and June Moffatt. Jim Moffatt plays the pnrt of Eph­ Phi Ep!>ilon Pi-2 raim Cabot, a 76 year old New Eng­ ( Mmimum requirement 1.00) lnnd farmer who marrJes, for his Jot•l Koeen and Marty Slater. Dr. D. Fleming third wife, a woman half his ago. June Moffatt ploys the role of Phi Gamma Delto-1 1 Speaks at 8 p.m. Abbie Putnam, Ephriam '~ wife, while tM mmum requ1rcment 1.00) Jack Lackmann will star ns the son, Richard Bowls, John Brcd~:hoft, Dr. D. F. Fknung will deLiver Eben. Robert Curran, J ohn Dauchlery, the second address of the lwo-day Other leading characters are Isaac Stcn Fnbcrl(, Sargent Heath, Glor~e International Relations Club confer­ Mecluns as Simeon Cabot and J ohn Hixon, John Kotz. Phil1p P,tlmer, ence tonight at 8 p.m. m duPont Jenninr as Peter Cabot, both o£ 811l Pixton, Ray Rohrecht, Larry Jlall which are sons of Ephraim. Smail. Charles Stock, and Damel Ills lopit• wi ll he. "Woodrow Wilson "Desu·<' Und('r the Elms" repre­ Ward and Colleelio,:e Security Today." Thi11 •ents th<.> hei~thth or O'NeiU's de­ Phi Kappa P~i-11 Har marks thl' I>(COnd annual ln­ velopment as a tragic wnler accord-, I Min1mum rl-qu1remt>nt :11 lcrnntionol Relations Week to bt' ing to many er1l1cs. Jl has stood the spon!'lored by the W&L Jntemational test of lime in having been pro­ Rank Bohlman. Tom Broadus, J, D1ck Newberg, D1ck Riddle, of Nations. He has been at Vander· awarded the American Academy of Gil Swift, Andy Treadway, Sk1p Vll· bUt since 1928, serving u head of Arts and Se~encea Medal h:rot, Don Youn17 the political science department 19-11- The play had a very successful rwt - . -:--- . -- - ~ ... " Phi Kappa Slrnm-3 51. Since 1951 he has octl'd in the oo Broadway when it lint appeart'd .. - -- c. ... · ___...-...... :>pcctal capacity of research professor. (Mtnunum requirement .5) early in the 1920's. It waa revived JACK LACK-MANN IS SEEN above listening at the door of bis fatl1er's bedroom in a ~ce n t' from " D~Ire m 1953 by the Amencan National Under the Elms" whlcb opens tomorrow ni&'b.t at tbe Troub Theater. Dave Glendy, Nick Ho..'llcy, and Theatrical Association. Bob Jacob. Summer Grants Available It was censored in some quarters DennJe Sensabaugh, Dolorous Hick­ bel'n collected by Mrs. Marshall floor and two bedrooms on the sec­ PI Kappa Alpha-9 English Speaking Union Granl.li for when It tln.t appeared. Jack Lanich, man, Dale Cornelius, Kemp Morton, Fishwick. ond floor. &ummer study In En~tland or Scot­ the Director, attributes thls to the Carl Barnes, Doug Moriata, John One of the most startling featurca "Desire Under the Elms'' will run CMm1mum requ1rement .5) land of value of $750 arc now avail­ (oct that O'Neill' style was slightly Boone, Bob Blair, Mike Norell, and li a two-. tory house which ls o from Wednt>~>day through Saturday Leidl An dl, Charles T. D:.' il>, able to Virginia juniors and seniors. ahead of the American people. Cathryn Eichelberger. test1mony to the hard work of Wayne at 8:30 p.m. The campus tax covers Royce Hou~h. B1ll Morns, Gt-orge Deadhne for applications is next "There would be no doubt about Its Furthermore, the play will fea­ Fowler, head of the construction student admi.SSIOn and the faculty Potts, Dnve Root, John Rus,ell, Dave Tuesday. Dr. Turner hns informallon nccephb1lity todny," he continued. ture some unique settings and au­ crew. The house has four room&­ and faculty wivt.'S may purcha:.e Schaefer. nnd BtU S.tWeJ·s. pertainmg to the granll. Also tn the C&lil. are Jeanne Tracy, thentic period furniture which has a kitchen and a parlor on the ground tickets (or 75 cents. (Continued on pace lour) Page 2 THE RING-TUM PHI

LmU MAN OH CAMPUs "Silhouettes" Tuesday Edition -- Hood Draws Character Sketches Publish~ on Tue.day and Friday during the college year. Edstorial and Busmcss offices: Student Uruon Building. Mailing addreu: Box 899. As Light Tone Prevails Column Printed at the Journalism Laboratory Press o£ Washington and LH Uni­ vt rs ty, Lcxsnston, Vtrginia. Entered as ucond class matter September 20, 1946 at the Po t Office, By Ed Hood Lexsngton, Vsrginia, under the act of March 3, 18i9. Hell Week is the only time W&L matter now ssnce he JJ learing so fli11tionnl Advertising Representative: The National Adverlismg Service, students stir £rom their apathy? They much about tu law. In fact, he is lnc., l!!O Madoon Avenue, New York. seem to l'njoy it more than Fancy Chinking about becoming a tax law­ Dress, except that part o( the dance yer since there is such a demand for l~dltorla~ are '" umed to be written by l.he editor unle:.l> otherwl.e weekt'nd they spend heckling de­ them today. inilialt:d. fcnsless people trapped in Red Square ... at least judgmg by par­ ALPIIONSIUS SPRlNG was very BlLL 11. WILLIAMS LARRY A. A'fLER ticipation There are some things put out to find that so many people Editor Business Manager from which man, 1f he is to remain at college wore hom-rimmed spec­ human, must reroain permanently laclH ju.t like his, eo he now peers Managing Editor. ...Tom Litzenburg Aasoclale Ecbtor...... - Phil Labro darkly at people, and brightly at News Edstor...... Chfl Smsth Sports Editor.... _ . Jerry Susskind isolated. One of these IB the terror or a predatory form of power which bookJ, throu&h crey steel-rimmed has awallowed up the &ood It was daaes. Hi.l mother writn him three mtant to achieve and has become an times a wetk, admonishing him to Fraternities and University Loyalty end in UaeU. k~p up with his piano playing (he plays ..like a lamb") and not to for· \\lith the concluston of the various smnatton ceremontes, Well, it's over now, ud tlten's aet to take cold pills if be aets wel ..e eryinr o\'er spilt blood. Be­ the r:1nb of fraternity men on campus grew stronger this 1. PMBODY smokes .J~ I am rrowiar ilied or Ute CLOUET'I'E perfumed cl1arettes, wboae l!C:ent week. And with this increase in strength and devotton to the ecoldbtc toee tlaat tbe ~«end pares permeates his aection of the !~hman of both .-.en laave bt~rly fraternity may come a weakemng of allegiance co the Um. dorm, which he delights in compar­ versity...... -ed , my.af not e•cepted. I 4o Uke to say NICE t..lalac but ing to a butterfly caJe, to the be­ For within the fraternity we find too often an organized tlaet is so dlfllcolt.-ud there has wilderment of hb Colorado room­ ll)ate. He eonsJders h is roommate un- resistance to the Untverstty. The new initiate, no doubt, will to " 80MEBODY to adminlster 5peakably lacking in cllic, and rep­ tile &bps that ~r the JI'C, soon be exposed, amtdsc the tedsum of a lodge meetsng, to the ¥ecwty, oor Admioistration uve re.entatlve, unhapplly, of most other students, who think, he fears, that fears of some excited active that the faculty is crying to Ill· Ute auts (~? tower?) to 4e­ "I thought perhn p<> you didn't know- there are three hicher possible linr. Bandelaive is some sort of parlor fringe on the rights of fraternities, or that the administration grades besides 'D' and 'F'." game. He was importuned by the is trytng to take over the fraternities. This line of thought But Ute role of wre\hful deity Salvation Army in Boston this is kept alive from year to year and bears certain marks of im· does 1et tiresome M d, since 1 am Chrisln:au , and replied with indig­ " ViYe Le CitJema'' subst.itutillg !or my al ~.entate cpl­ nact amazement, "Charity? brandy mortality. And yet, we can understand, in pare, the reasons. umnist, who js Ill. I mllbt u.e the the price lt Is?" and fluttered off to The question was put most aptly by Dr. Marvin Perry an !)pJ)Ortunity to make son:ae li&ht. ob­ the Syn~phony, his h~ls m apping smartly at the 1ldewalk. an tntttauon address last Sunday in which he asked: "Is the serveti o ~ts on genUem«n and aehol­ Labro Cites Coming ars at W&L. See how many you rec­ fraternity at W&L JUstifymg irs exiStence here? Does the fra· Oitlize. 1£ you 6.nd younelf ameqg JIAAVJNGTON TWUD looks tack with noc;talgia on the days he ternity make tt easter for a man to get an education here or does Attractions at State tnem, don't lret; I probably dol\'t know you. was ftrst crewman at his prep-sc:hool, it hinder his gerting 1t? Are sts values those of the college, or St. Gvattlaex. He is dimnayed to ar­ do rhe values conflict with those of the college?" FLETT SHIPPINGTON has re­ rive at school as a freshman and By Philippe Labro turned to school from the Wars. He find Chat all the shells had been shot These quesuons do tndeed provoke senous doubts about hu been, to put it mildly, (though he up by an Irate freshman and that our frarerntty system. Doubts which are intensified as we view docs not), through Hell Disabused, l.he university could not alford new he sees through most everything, ones. He dislikes his classes, but the vise-like gnp whtch these seventeen insotutions have on but has auivonic tolerance for the dresses Impeccably £or them, well our life here--permeattng every phase of campus activity and kids and old gents. They don't know aware that du1y white bucks and first twenty-five msnutes. Then a Mr Daves gently grabbed me by what it was like, but that dosen't blue blazers are paue. (He keeps his affecting every student. Doubts also which are not removed by l.he nrm l.he other rught and told me big white ape blazed across the 1 deter him from telling them To old bucks well-whitened now £or dtSgusttng dssplays tn Red Square' which, understandably, pro­ screen. He saad "Oungana" and then, that he hnd "Ransom," "Benny sophomores, he is a hero; to fresh­ rain days; and he has dilicarded most ten minutes later, whispered: "Chee­ voke criticism from 'the Hill' and which lead to strained re­ Goodman Story'' and "Bottom of men, he is ridiculous. The faculty of his rep tics for foulards.) Pro­ the Botlle'' coming very soon-so tah-Ouagnna." I picked up my rom­ lauons. Chinks him an unfortunate error in vided with choice, he will see the everythmg was not that bad. I there­ coat and went my way. 1 had seen admissions policy. His manufacturing movie rather than read l.he book. (and henrd) Tarzan, ond there was We fi nd the fraternity mores reflected th roughout our fore announce it and hope that these father hns promised him a vice-pres­ The only book he likes outside of nothing else left to do Chat very campus-as we are forced to conform to a P rocrustean form of &hows, If not masterpieces, wiU be at idency if he wut stick It out till Spillane is Catches in the Rye, hav­ least snlereatmg. night. My purpose wos accomplished graduation. ing read it four limes. He has drunk dress, habits, and worst of all, thought. and my desires were fulfilled. Scotch since ho was lhlrleen, and For the lime being we have to This pattern of con formity is leveled on the freshman who "Footsteps in the Fog" was not MUZZERELLA is a foreign stu­ bought a hJ-fi set for his Brubeck denl with "Special Delivery,'' and dent. None of the Romance Language records last year. does not go fraternity and who is labeled non-conformist from other lousy little things that wiU much of anything bul for a couple of good sbol'l, pannings and color professors like h im because he can't the first week of school and muse suffer the insecurity and ne\ er, never die, but will always understand them when they speak TED WOOD is a senior, and he be re-made by our genial Holly­ devices. Watch out though for has allected the Mannerisms of Galus discomfort imposed on h1m. H e must ad just to a mode of life ''Saratoga Trunk" and "The Big his language. Not many of l.he stu­ wood friends. dents like him, either, because he Caligula-even the hair style. He apart from the great majority. And yet, he is ultimately Sleep." Both these film, promise struts the campus carrying piles of to be instrurtlve and good. invariably tells them the lruth when governed by the mores of the Greek-letter houses, unless he ''TilE SECOND GREATEST SEX" he is asked (every day) how he likes books he never intends to read, was actually the second greatest flop dressed in a 3 or 4 button coat, wishes, withm che Ltmits possible, to pursue further the path of I have not yet &een "Desert Sands'' America. He says it slinks. They of lhe- ye01r. It was a weak ''remake" think be has no right to be critical. speaking to no one. He is vam and non-conformity, which is more often characterized by with· of "Seven Brades for Seven Broth­ but I am sure-

Face VPI at Blacksburg Tonight;·....------....., Swimming Record 5-2; Matme,r Drop Fourth Meet General Comments Host Virginia Tech Today Bow to Appalachian The W&L mtnncn returned from The Washington and Lt-e WrcsUmg I thetr recent road trip against East team lost 1ts fourth match of the hopesw~:~~~ contmued -~~:.U~~~!~? to be on the. rase In all probability,~: t ~ ~~=-~Coach McCann '------' Carolina, Duke, and William and cason to a strong Appalachian as the Generals defeated Davsdson will go with his regular ltartlng five By DOD SHEPill:RD, JR. J would l1kc for Mr. Gitter to try to l\bry with n bleml!.hed but still lm· wrestling team by a score of 25-13. and The Citadel this past weekend. consisting or Lee Marshall at C('n- In last week's Tuesday Edition of write up a 54-0 loss in an optimistic pres~ive record. The Generals lo:ot to All of the events resulted In pins VPJ wsll prov1de the "Blue Comenta" ter, Frank Hoss and Barry Storlck the Rin~t-tum Phi, there wos con- manner somcUme. Pessiml!im has nol Ea:.t Cnrollna. Duke, but still de­ except for one decision by John El­ next crucial test tonight in Blacks- at the forwards. and Dom Flora and eluded an article by Al Gitter con- so completely over-whelmed the feated thetr Conference foe William burg Barclay Smith in the guard slots. cerning the much db.cUiSed topic paper as Gitter implies. If he had ex- lis of W&L over Appalachian's Bill and Mary, 53-51, to keep thc:1r Brown. The b1gg l surprlSe of the W&L gained re.venge f~r an earlier Rebounding is ihapmg up as the of what wrong with Washington tended his research back a little fur- 11 Southern Conference mark pure. meet wu George Vodhan's pin of defeat by tro~ncmg . Dav1dlon 85-75. determining factor in this game. and Lee's school spirit, particularly thcr than the Dec. 3 issue, he would The. sconng was Should Washington and Lee be able as It encompasses the football situa- have found a great deal or optimism The aquamrn appt>ared a bit out pre\'iously unbeaten Gibby McSpad­ General~ eve~y den The pin took place after only d.IStrs.buted With all five starters hlt- to hold VPI even on the backboards, lion. Mr. G1tter has taken a rather expres eel on the Sports page, par­ ol shape after exams and Fancy 1 minute o£ the first period and was linfl 10 double figures. Lee Marshall the "Five Star Generals" will then unique and perhaps interesting po- ticularly earlier in the sc:a~n Il's Drf:!SI; against Duke and East Caro­ lina, but 11ecmed lo round Into ~hope definitely the IJiggest upset of the led the way with 21 points, he was bring home 8 victory. !lition in blaming a major portion of rather hurd to continue beinq overly followed by Dom Floro with 15. the lack of student and team morale optimistic about a team that nveral(es against W&M. East Carolina was a meet. Rounding outlhe scoring were Barry on the Rinr-tum Phi. The power of less than 4 points a game while al- very clo•e match with W&L grab­ W&L's only wins were John Ellis's Slorick with 14, Frank Hoss with Off the the pre~ never ceases to overwhelm lowing 11.1 opponents over 28 poinu. bing the 300-ynrd relay, Aliolti win­ decision, Dick Whiteford's pm of Bill 11, and Barclay Smith with 10 points. It is also rather hard to write up ning 220 yard free style, and Guen­ Butler, and Bob Mlller's pm of Dixon us. an optimistic report of a game in ther capturing second in the 50-yard Roberts. All of Appalachian's wms Defense Good As the reporter who wrote most or wh1ch W&L I~ to a team that is (rei: sty I e. were posted IJy way of pins. Backboards the reports that Mr. Giller refers to wmning il.l first game in almost two Perhaps the key to thi!l victory was Charlie R1chardson captured 'ICC· This defeat g1ves the Generals a on the football games, I would like yean~ nt our exp.·rase. the defensive job turned in by Bar­ This is the second in a series to explain my position to Giller and ond place in the diving, Glauser took record o£ 1 win, 4 losses, and 1 tie. cloy Smith. Given the difficult task of columns to promote better specta­ to other rt'aders. Mr. Giller ~ms to 1 agree with Mr. Gitter that the second in thr 100-yard freestyle, The Blue and While grapplers hove of stopping the Davidson high-scor­ tor understanding of the game of be under Ute delusion that the papers student nttllude was poor, but don't Duncan plncrd liecond in the 200- a chance to unprove upon their rce­ ini ace, Hobby Cobb, Smith held him l:>asketball. This week let's look at were writmg up the games m a pes- believe he can blame the ncw,rpaper yord Back Stroke, Aliottl placed ord at the expense o£ Davidson whom to a mere 10 points. Smith's &hooting the three-second rule. simJStlc manner in order to discredit for the students not cheermg at second and Hank Smith third in 440- thcy host here tomorrow night al of late has also ~n of the spectacu­ There ore both re.stncted and un­ the non-subsidized athletic program games. or not showing up for pep yard free style, Fox came in ~econd 7:00. Nothing much IS known about lar variety. In W&L's last games restricted areas in the free throw of the Unlvenity. Nothing could be rallies or leavmg the games early m the 200-yard breast stroke, and Davidson except that they arc pre­ he has made 12 of 14 shots. lane or keyhole. further from the truth. I hould like or any other of a myraid or factors. the 400-yard medley relay got first dominately young. Alter the match place. the Generals have left .Va. The "Blue and Whltc" led right Unrestricted area-The area from to stale that 1 am. and always have On the other, the paper, wns trying fs·om the start at The Citadel, and by Against Duke on last Friday the and the Citadel before the Southern the fr<:c throw lane to the outer bC'en, wholly in accord with the its best to mstill a bit of hfe in the the final whistle they had run out principle of purely amateur athletics student body. Nobody loves a lo~ing Generals lost 57-27, but the meet Conference meet here at W&L on edge is unrestricted, and any player March 1, 2, and 3. a 99-67 victory. Conch McCann used may remain in this area as long as and, except m regard to the complete team and a newspaper cannot com­ was closer than the score indicates. this game as an excellent opportuni­ he desires. abolition of athletic scholarships, 1 pletely control human nature It W&L placed first m three of the Sum.marie ty to give his [rcshman players some agret! with the stand of Washington would l>t' much worse for the Rinc­ E-vents; Rtchard"K~n in diving, Aholli experience, and both Gene Girard Restricted area-The area from the and Lee without reserve. tum Phi to offer weak excuSE$ m 440-yard free style, and Jay Fox 123-lb.-Jerry Daniels (ASTC) !tee throw lane (including the line) pinned Dennis Patton (W&L). and Charlie Broil broke into the Gitter in his article has acted ex- for a lo than to try and offrr a bit won the 200-yard breast stroke. to the end line IS a restricted three­ 130-lb.-Hubert Dancy CASTC) scoring column. actly in the dogmatJc way which he of con5tructive criticism 1 sincerely second area to all offensive players. The W&L tankmen went against pmned Bob Neunreiler (W&L). Once again a balanced attack was criticizes in the opening paragraph believe that the criticism was, in An ofTenstve player is considered in William and Mary in a lillie better 137-lb.--Dick Whitelord (W&L) the Generals' formula for victory. of his Jetter. He obviously has tried intention, helpful and constructive. shape and succeeded in mopping up this area If he has one or both feet pinned Bill BuUer (ASTC). Dom Flora topped all scorers with to present in the article the very I do not believe that anyone on the the Indians by a score or 53-31. W&L on the line or in the lane. Alter he 147-lb.-John Ellis (W&L) decis­ 24 points. Lee Marshall chipped in same "opinion of opinions" to which paper stafT would conseio~ly crltl­ won the 300-yard medley; Aliotti leaves this area and places both feet ioned Bill Brown (ASTC). with 18 points. The other three h e is opposed. He states that the pes- cise the1r own athletic teams il they won the 220-yard free style In his starters Cor the "Blue Comets," Bar­ outside the area, he may agam re­ simi3tic stand of the paper in its didn't feel the cnticsm would ac­ 157-lb.-Glenn Welborn (ASTC) turn and have an additional three be,t time; Fox took first and Glau­ ry Storick. Frank liOS$, and Barclay edJtorials and game writeups so tually help the team. pinned Don Fowler (W&L). Sl>eonds. There are no restrictions ser second in the 160-yard medley; Smith were also in double figures. completely penneated the morale of I hope that my "pen of nc1d'' has Richardson won the diving; Duncan 167-lb.- Bob Msller (W&L) pinned placed on the defensive player. DIXon Roberts (ASTC). Win Three trairbt the student body that it became not serm<'d too caustic, but it seems won the back stroke; Aliotti won the QUESTION: U an offensive player almost non-existant. The basic moH- that Mr. Gitter has just been one 440-yard free style in his best time 177-lb.-Gcor&e Vodhan (ASTC ) As a result of their wins over stands with one foot in the lane and vating factor of journalism is the of the many people groping for some­ to date; Jay Fo.x won the Breast pinned Gibby McSpadden (W&L). Davidson and. T~e Citadel, W&L ex-~ one out.c;ide the restricted area, then presentation of the truth ns the paper one or something to blame for a poor stroke with Gold coming in second; Heavywe1ght- Ray Bragg (ASTC) tended tts w~mg strenk to three Hits the foot in the lane up in the sees it and sometimes the truth hurts. (Continued on page four) (Continued on page (our) pmned Gil Holland (W&L). games. More tmportant, however, a1r and brings it over the line and is the fact. that these ''ictories then proceeds to put it back down in · should place the Generals in the the lane without touc:lung the un­ Southern Conference playoffs. restricted area, does the three-sec­ VPl, who defeated Washington ond count continue? and Lee earlier In the year, should EVERYBODY CAllS FOR LUCKY DROODLES! provide the "Blue and White'' with ...... + y some tough competition tonight. The "Gobblers," a big surprise in the : LYLE D. HARLOW + conference this year, feature a strong : Watchmaker and Jeweler i rebounding attack with Bill Mat­ : 38 S. Main Street thews, Clayton Contes and John ~+ WHAT'S THIS? : Phoae lW Quillan. Their little playmaker, Ter­ + For solution see paragraph ry Penn, is considered by most ex- ++++++++++++++++++++++++ below. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • REDWOOD: Quality, Sales and Service • TV RESTAURANT • • RADIO • Complete* Meals PHONOGRAPHS STEAK DINNERS + Sandwiches of all Radio Hospital Kinds • 7 N. Main • • CURB SERVICE* PICK-UP AND DU.IVERY • • Phone 6IU ! 1 Mile North of Lexlnrton ! • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • MATCHLESS-that's the word for Lucky Strike! Want ­ ter taste in a cigarette? Light up a Lucky! Luckies taste For Fine Food and Service Deluxe better because they're made of fine tobacco that's Stonewall Jackson TOASTED to taste better. Incidentally. matchless is the word for that DroodJe, too; it's titled: Very short Restaurant candle as seen by Lucky smoker about to light up. Touch a flame to a Lucky yow-self. You'll call it the most glow-rious cigarette you ever smoked! DROODLES, CopyriabL 1953 by Rop.r Price SHIRT SERVICE AS YOU LIKE IT IAHANA PI Frtthrid LoueleN Quallty Cleaning and Prmlng U. of Rochutu University Cleaners Phone 749 "Your Campus Neichbon" ------~ STUDENTS I

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Lacrosse Tour tors in England and tht:reforc guests. W&LMermen ruary 24 and 25. W&L will probably Glee Club Gives Radio Program Howc\'CI, while we shall do our best be fighting is out with Davidson for (Continued rrom p.,-e one) to prove oun;d\'es gentlemen and (Continued (ro.ID pqe three) the third place position in U1e South­ Tomorrow night, Wn~in~tnn and Pre;,ent IS 8 &enCS Of Jlrograms de- sportsmen, on the other hand, we include the t'O:lching and tnumng the 400-yard relay team once more ern Conference meet behind VMI IA·c Wet' C'luh Pn:,ent-;. n radio pro­ l£1lt.-d to bnng to the public's atten­ staff. Most of the funds lor th1s trip are gotng to be representing the and VPJ. If the Gcnel1lls could pos­ gram originated by Bill Grigg this tion the many sources of all types captured fi.n;l place. are being supplied hy the University, Unik~ States in Lacrosse and one siblv defeat the Tech Gobblers here Jo' ll, w11l gl\'c a program of ''Hat of mWJc utSting on and around Washington and Lee'. r~cord now but the players will be asked to con­ of our first nlltlli will be to win these today, their Conference stock would Jnu.' at 8 p.m. over WREL this campus both in the faculty and games. stands at 5 wins against 2 to cs. II certainly be strengthened. tribute 300 dollars e:~ch. Admission W&L looses to the powerful VPI ] t \\ tll consiSt 0 r n long scri or the r.tudtnl body. will be chart:ccl to one or two of the team today and beat:; the wMk Ran­ All signs point to a succ ful md­ rccordmgs or Stich ail time greats ------­ General r\.ogular home games this mg to a !iUcces lui cason and an ns l..ouis Armstrong, Snootttr Qumn, Mock Convention dolph-Macon team on the 21st, their season to nl~ help to delray the final standing wlll be 6 and 3. Vir­ e\'en brighter future ahead, stated D x B iclcrb<>c:k, Louis ''King'' Oliver, Fraternity Initiates (Continued from pare two) costs. ginia Tl'Ch and R-M are the lut two Conch Twombly. ''Jdly Roll" Morton, and Papa (Continued from pare ont') The• e arc ....:vt•Jnl \'nrralions in Lnmc. The show is b.JsN.l on a sc:rtpl the political nclivaty. dual meets for lhe year. Pi Kappa Phl-11 the rules for Lncrossc between the In 1952 a large staff of student The Bli Six meet is on February by George Holhrooke. Good !ness Wn, hingtun and Lee Glee Club IMmimum requ1remwt .5) Engllr;h nnd Anltrt~. n \'Crsions ol puhllcity a!:'-l~tants will be organized 20, next Monday, at VMI, as is the It's B u the gam<'. Thcl u c twdvc men com- to help thf· News Bureau provide Southern Conference Meet on Feb- To Do u iness Sam Alkms, Led Day. Jrv Ebaugh, pared to our ten, anti allow no sub­ v1sitmg newsmen w1th complete fa------­ with lERER'S Jim Goar, Bob Ketcham, Bruce Mac- stituhons during the of eaC'h Troubadour Tryouts t~urse cilitlcs Cor fillng of n~rws stories and gowan, Jlll\ Mason, John Paul, Doug game. Their mo 1 unusual change is or explanations of the {actors do no obtaining background information. good now. It is too late for that, the PHARMACY Troubadour D1rctor Jack Lnnich Smmk. Ralph Smith, Dave Wallis. m the type of playmg field u.~. The question iJ: What is the solution? nnnounccs that there '''Ill he try­ i«ma Alpha Epsilon-13 British have no area marked off, outs this Thursday, Feb. 16, from but rather usc 1111tural boundaries. General Comments 3 to tl r m. lor the next Troub play~. (Muumum requm:ment .6) Thili f.houhl rni c interc:.ting com- (Continued from pace three) 'fh< tryouts will be held at the Troub furry Bain, Nctl Benney, Neil plicatJOns. R. L. Hess and Bro. ~>cru.on. Tht >ttuntion was a combmu­ '1 hct~tcr nnd all students arc invited Bland, Bayard Boyle, J1m Crews, Coach Corrigan, commenting on with or without exp«•rience. The Charlie Cole, R1chard Cummins, the future h IJ), ~nid, "We must rec­ tlon or many diven:c factors and not JEWELERS plays w11l be productcd in conjunc­ Davc Flegal, Harry Hem1L<.h, Bob ogn!ze the fact that we will be visi­ any one or two :.pcc1fic factors that tion w1th Southern Se-minary. Flcming, Gcor~e Jackr;on, Dan Miller, ------­ have c;\Ulicd the unrest. All criticisms Lexington, Vrirfnla and Bob Stone. Zeta Beta Tau-1 J Sigma Chi-lO 1Muumum r<.'()uiremcnt .75) St.nt., (Mmllllum requtrement 1.00) Tony Frank, Steve Frtcdlander. Wamu'a Bill Acquavclla, Tom Foley, Cart

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