
f':= ' l'T Ar - u'.o; *;f closing lu?.t)stegut,:I ^^. l7 O Supreme Court to decide issue

_- ,\\r\StllN(l']'()N I)efcrrrkrrs nrrtl opDonerrt.s'the ol Srrndav closirrg larvs clitsltcrl for l"rvotla1,s 5alnr'- U.S. Srrnrenr"e {lourt iu a crlnflict n'ho.se outcourc will lrave an iinoact u'hercvcr .srreh lals are on the books. Suppolter.s.o{ tlre Sunrlitl' lax,s ar.gued that thc.y arc nocossAf v sociirl lucasufes rlesignctl to guirlnutee rvork- ors a n'erekly dtr1, of rest arrtl to protcct thc corrrnrrrnity ngainst the cvils of seven- da1'"a'wtt-'k l)usiness. Ilut opporrcnts uontanrlrrt lhat lhe lnrvs' reul pulpose is leligious snd thnt they "1.1*,r the U.S. (lrrtstitulion by prottctinI tlre Cltrislian

EsioyItsSoy'wruters writersprornole i n terrec ial j"st ice


Dear Diary,

Thursdry, Oclobr:r 11, lttti0. You'ro my blg consolntion: I hnvc ro lew lrientls in whom l tnn conlids. To you I lell nty lroubler, my lrnbitionr, nry Jtrys, end rny rorrowc, Your coycr ls es blrck as mine but wc'ro hnth rehltg on the insida. I'nr so happy! T'lro nrost wolr- derful thing happencrl to nrr loday. I rwoko and preparr::tl EssAY coNTEsT WINNERS-Lohai Sogbandi, rocond from righl, r native of Sierre Leonc currmly myself lor rchool, rently lttr tlra allonding Indiana Cenlrul Colege. poinh oul lhe localion of hlr Africon homolrnd for lfie boneflt of thc rttds renrnrks thrown nly !t'tt]', Indlanapollr Catholic tnlerrrcirl Councll'r ioeenl orriy conlcrl winnerr, Mr. Sogbandi war guert rpeaker ol lasl week'r councll meeling whon lhe contorl wlnn.rr worc honored. Sacred Herrl con?ral Toni Hynes, lar rlghl, placed tirst iunior .mono ll5 conlert entrlsr, Othcr winnerr Included, loll to right, crrolann Munchel of st, Mory'r Acldemy, lhird; srlly Kirbr ol st. Agner Acrdemy, lourth; and Jonell Frilsch of St. "lnlegralion Agnos, second. Tho orroy lopic wast from lho Teen.AEerr, Viewpoint," For pholo of rnolher group o{ lrrry conlerf winnorr, ree Page 3, (Staff photol llenr l)inr'1., "NO." So thrit's rylrat tlrc Neglo has to llttrt iltc !rlls\1'(,r is n :iirrrltlc en(lln'{)! Not nll ncccpt it ns r A n-cglo hflg tlto $ftnlc l)otolt- GREAT SOOK! DISCUSSION-Thr rbovr Junlor Grul Bookr group, comporod of rrvonth ond elghth hlcsstrtA ll()\\'('\,01',for vatiorrs r.rlr- Itirl ns ln,r'olrc r:lsr:, if ilivan t]ro gtedc youngrhrr ol Arc, 3t. Thoinar Aquinrr tnd lmm.culrlc Herrt of MrrY Schools, sons..=.pliucipnll.v, littlt rcligiorr from $t. Jorn cltittteu to t,tlrrrute hinrsr:lf. llr-' progrrm. perrnan€nl leaderr nttd less ethrcatioir. Ilrrt horv gre Indilnlpollr, demonrtratc thr dircurrlon hchniqur of tha Tho dircus$ion Cilll llilSS all.V (llltt'itflc(: tcst tX(,('pI tltoy lo trtlirir) thos0 cnrls if wc 'l'hnt of thir group arc Mrr. Willirnr Morrlron rnd Mrr. Hrrry $lovt. Moro lhrn 250 Crthollc rchool youflt lhc lacial test. is the r.ea- lvlrr.r posstrss tlrr.'nt rlo not give thc prrliclprh ln lhr progrrm. (Shfl photo) sntt lJrl'lrc is trrlncrl arva5'. lVhart Ilorvever, I can .t&ul il, fot rlt'ep Negt'o n r:hnnrc? a Nr.J;r'o is trrlnc'tl irr.,'ay, it is tlru wilhirr nre lics thc knowlcdgc lhiir. Norv I trnrlorslanrl the rvorrJs of sBlllc rs scntlitrr{ Clrlist nrlul'. lhrrr' is Orl0 rvlursc lluthoritlr .l\ltl'iBll r\tltlcrsorr in hcI nuttr- ( "Wha{sorvcr TT-IilII;1, 7'O READIItiG lltlis{ s:ritl, yrlrl

llxtrir.ctltricular. sclrolastic ur'- nnd tttilrtlr l{t':rtit' sciclrcc tr.xts itr tivitio.s for. lntlianapolis Cnilrolit: trsc b1, at('il(li{)co.\an scltools. llr' s<'liool sttrdents irre n()t lirtrit,,el tu clrrtoses tltrt rrtirteliirl rt'lrrclr can rtrattcrs litertr'1. Scicuctt l_ ,jecfs hcsl llc rlt'rnuns{r'aterl, obsclr,r'rl qre ul)pertr.to.st in ilrc nr inrls ol rurrrlr'xplrtilrt'


i 1'OIiONTO * Sunday movies anrl sports reccivcd strong sup- port at tlre polls in the Ontario municipal elections despite the plcatlings of Protestant and Cath- 'foronto. olic Church leatlcr.s. In llrr: Strnrlay nrovie vote cnded in a lopsirletl scot'e o[ nearly two.io- one.

Purfi-ButtonSPRAy (oler

I The llolv t'athcl lrns clcalctl a ltierat'ch5' in \,'it'tnarrl. tlte ltttkr- Cltinose nltion rlivitlctl bctu't'cn conrmunisl. rttlc in tlrt Nor'llr antl a pro.weslct'n grlvclrrrncrtl irt tlre lkrutlr. lrlosl. of tlte []atholics for- nrerly living in Nolth Vielnanr flcd to thc Soutlr irr l1)5,1aurl tl]irfi. Sevc'nteen of the l9 ncrvly ap- priitrletl ()r'tlitrat'ics ale nrcnrbels PRINTS of tlttt ttittivc clclgS'. ln ulosl- tnscs rt'ltet'r',iul lp()sl{)li(, \'i(,in'i- 5E[ YOURNU.DA Dfl4[fR ltte tt':is t':tisrtl trr n dirr<'esp. the vicar' :rpostolic rvits tranrcrl ()r'rlin- It'1t uf irrlisrlit:tiorr. Sorrth Viet " 'l'he I KIIAR'fOtll\{ -- q(}\ ('r'n. nltnl Ilils nro|e {ltarr l,i}(Xt 1111i1'p 'l'hc|r' ntcni o{ thc Surlan scc\uts to grasl) grrrests. Ar{. allortt 3(X} cagcr'ly aI anl tlring thirl rrraJ. gricsts irr tlrc Nor.tlr. seLvo ns a plelcxl fol Thought expclling 'l'lte :r (lltholic plicst. nccor.tling to NC | Saclc

"RECENTLY hou,ever. we N"WAtt TOWALI Y5 SOY, OFF wt're sadl]. Rootfl.stl[RuGs surprised at wolds spoken by you in your capacily p(,1 hr*Awunl-,rtzmrr Sirr ocrcriplion tAt t !,rt 0.t€riptio6 Reg. lAtt as ltead ol the government from l?' xl4 l0" Collon cEv i.ooo ll'i9:o | 75.00 15 tg's" Woor Eerta lrrrrl 11,,0.00 | 89,00 l2'9"x1'10" Ravon fharcoal Jvieed 129 56 69.00 15' x8'1" Wodl Beiq6 B/inod 159.50 ta.to lho stcps oi ilrs tinivatsity (o{ FULL88-NOTE I?TAITO l2' xt3' Wool Charcodl lw€ed 96.00 5t.oo 12' /13' tlnyon gg. Iw., 5p. Parl 99.50 6t.to llat,lna )." l2' xl8' (ollon Tlvend 1,,f4.o0 79.04 17' 19'/" Rl,W 7-Ionc 6ra?n Arnlin5lr 119.00 6t.@ l2' rl\'6" Rdyoir Plilth | \lt l1' r1A"l" Rayon (l)ut'ing 0reen 1' E9.50 Chdrcodl lv;rrd 63.50 J9.r0 this spcerfi to mililia- l)' 122'8" Wool Berqc Willon 11 00 125.00 l5' \15'8" V/ool Rore ') 2 Bcigc 2-1. Wilton 365,00 777.00 "u'4$5oo nrcn antl sttrrlents, I'r'tlmiet' CR$- | 5' r l5' Wool Ile,gc Axrnin,f Fr t5.00 t99.50 l5' x8',t' W&R Beiqc Mod, Axminlt.r l,ta.00 t9.to "privilegerl l\' \22'6" Wool Rose BeigB Wrlton _1/5.OO?43.75 j' xt?' referrsd Yr'ool Red Twist 120.00 t!.to lro to 15' lircv \9' l{vlon 134.9t 89.50 1)' :tl7'7" Nylcrj fo.od lertrr. 2i9.5$ t69,to sclrools" thr: tI xI'2" Acrilan Parrh. Seigr t:12.0o 59.00 thnl only edrrca{e 1?' al 7" Nylon th.rco6l ls'.cd /tl.X, a9.lo 12' >9' Wool Bci{r Hordl r t9.()c 87,50 lich anrl prcach hatled oI ctasses )2' xe' llylon B.ig! 9,(.5O 3t.to Now your llrtrilv can own iln 9' tl2'6" W.R.ll Eeigo Axrilirrrlrr ct 00 59 50 11' tlo' (otton Turquoist Plush 99.50 t ,9g anrl corrntly. ) l rl3'5" Wool Rot. Bcigo Y/iitoo 7 49.OO 169.t)O la'r 116'6" llvlon Aqur lwrrt ?19.00 119.00 lnthentic Wuriitzer for lcss thtn yotr "lf yttu ?' r5'q" Wool Seiqc Axorirrster 96 00 5r.o{! by'privileged schools' tl3'll" 2 xla' Rayo^ Brolvn Tv/.ed I l9 00 75.00 l)' Wool Charcoal Br. fw. 299.4i lt9.00 thought possiblc! This ii trury { nreatrt to rcfer to tlro Catholic 2' xlO'6" ncill,1n Beigf, ?15.00 159.00 ll' r9'5" V/o,)l D.ey Willor l/0.5O l09.lo 'r'lool st:hools-where r Iarge ntrntllcr' 2' xl2' Jul€ tlrcen & Gold l r.red 30.00 39.85 l), i8'7', Snnddlv,ood Wriror 195.00 l0l.0O rarc vahre--a famorrs Wurlitzcr ?' \16'9't Bciqe floral 308.00 |68.0o 12' x9' $/ool B.iql I".,6.r, lt9.00 49.00 gralis ')' o( clril

MISSIONER HURT V Alaska-Fatltet' AN(-tIOn'\GE, Pattl Dcschout, 6l-1 ear-old .lcsttit nrissionel fronr Nclson island, is in Plovidenr'e lrospital het'e strf-l [aling seriorrs hcari in.iulies fr-orn I 'l'hrce a sno\\' platte accitlcttt. i ,\laska .Tesui{s Ita'.'e drcd in llre i past year, tuo of lhcnr irr theI f ie16. I -tHE PAGE FOUR cRitEiqao-N, DECEIT1EERt6, t960

g||||l|||l|t|1|ltniitltml|m|t|'tlli'miiltt||||tt||i'm||[ll|||tfl|l|ll||l||l|l|t|mnmi|l||||tll||||t|Hl|lll|l|i|Hiiil lnto tidy compartments, has eontrlbuted very much to the Intellectuals are unscientific and the inteilectuals saying the The specialisl,s Iack of lntegrati;ii i;d harmony ln human rociety and scientists are unintellectual. Cornrnent may some day erupt. tnto active disintegration and dishar- = If you had to choosc beiween a thr.ologian and a sclcn- mony. V'/hat does all this mean to us? It rneans thut, if scien- arpr.rtcd ln lhcro edltorlrl columnr rcp. tists and intellectuals, philosopher,s = Thr oplnlonr list as a candidate for lhe Prcsidency of the Unitcd Stales, anct theoi;;t";;"rneciaiiieJ il;t Dr. Jaeques Barzun, In a leeture at the reatly..go. each their owh trighiy_developcrl rna rGienl I Cathollc vlcwPolnF-nof nrcrrrrrlly TtlE Catholio which of them would you vote lor? Who do you think likely Universitv of = Calilornia in 1959, quoted, way, the. integration and hariroiization tftr odllorr lo rorvr public with agreement, a statement itrat bt ttreir "iio-it, ,iiii = vlcwpolnl. They rrc cfforfr of to do better for lhe country or, at least, inflict the less harm "a Decome.lmpossible, to the pre,iudice unified and consistent vision of nature of ilre good, orderlv po;- oplnlon wlthln tfrr Church rnd wlthln thr Nrtlon and forcign affrirs? hag become im- ernment = on it, ln domestic of society. After ali, it is not td-o diificuia f im- p,n^*r-iP]9 ".t any rare.among working scientists." agrne ll,g],".d"I, an uncontrolled chain-reaction in tlre hiehlv fission- Which would you prefer to be ln charge of atomic H9 w,T;l ralklng about the rapid and dramatiC increase in able materiat of human society.which coutd OfJi."o5,-'ui'aif example, fl sclentist or a philosopher? sclenunc Knowledge during the last prny bornbs, for two decadec. as effeetively as any atom borirb. A l,inre l.o These are simplifled verslons ol the sort ol qucstlons Slr Charler Snow, (Gonfllct of Culturor, a verv ttne This.may be depressing to thlnk about, but lt need p*f,ll) has deprored separation beiwet"'r.i.ritisis . not which seem to bother an incrcasing number of our thinkers .the ii,i De so. we can encourage ourselves by rememberinE In Cuba the axe Eeems abotrt to lall on Calhollc bl.shops' Inlenecluals as social.groups. Fle said that and writers thcse days. There is an opinion that lntensive it was dangerous to any society should.have enough atl hrrnranity that eomm"onscn-" t; ,l;;T ;iih -scieitisis nnc intJr"ctuarr shoulcl lack ls own detects and In Ceylon the government ls dettroying the whole Catlt' specialization, with the rcl:rted tcndoncy to put eyerything respect for each dangers if it already has enough to ob- other as groups_the scientiitJiaViiig'i;; serve ollc school system. them accurately, 'Church In Polanrl and other Russian satellites the fake, tcm' o QUESTION BOX Separatlng "relaxation" And State, O STRAY porary i8 over, and Catholics face a relantlesc LEAVBS porrecutor. Are many clr:rnges These are otll)' some ol tlte more r€cont movcs on the Ceneralizations program of destructlon which the Reds and other statists irre pushin.q. Tltr:so movrls prolnise eveR more sulfering [o como. Our brotherg suffer ltn(l will stlffer. planncd for: rnissal? "comnlemorntionil can be quite silly Days of are sllch R commonplnco that th-ey cnsily slip by unnoticed. The day of prayer nnd By IIICHAEL BOWLET saeriliee which our bishops hat'e nnnottncerl for "itlnda.yr Generalizationc are mostly rilly. Bome general. December 18, chould not be one of the ttnnoticed. lratiooe rre rillier than otherg. Among the silliest ol generalirationr ls We prny nnd rlo penance on that tlay for our persoellted the notion that Irishmen are de- cently reticent, tender and consid- hrothers, Just as x'e wollld pray for a sltffering nlelnber oi errte In the presence our tamily. of women. fte lnct h, Irishmen are more tn faci" that lr u*rat wa ars dolng. llkely to be hnrd, enleulnting anrl lnconsiderate. I rnr re minAei of thk pro- lundity recently upon readlng r "I lnlerr:flr:iarl horrsing poem by Padraie Colrrm called Shall Not l)ie For Yott." llere are Bulld a better tlwt:lling and whtler will be oagcr to rent the lorrrth and rirth verser whir:h your interrBcial apnrtment$. 3ive a good itlea of the rest: llka It muct be a lot moro ratisf.ying than building mouss ?hose zusn brouts, tlurt halr Oold, thttt ohgin v:av; trapc. Thov lnngtoror'.J tonss, The llouing limhr, thr rowded hesl Ws nre talklng lbout tle ox(]iting 0utcorile of H (lilrir)g 'Slirllt tre n. butrttu' receutly in Dccenbcr is,suc I)roject conrplotcd Chicirgo. The O Woman, rhnPelY a,r thl rucn, of Tibonl':the Nogro picture mcntlili' lh:t xhites lvould In o cttttning house hmd'tented vu l: pfofit much from rcarling-*tells nll rrliout it. O horcm wh'iLt, O uelt'shoped pnlr4 elie, On e l0G.acre site ln Chicago's nelr routll si(lc, along I ehntL nol "atnid the lake shore, tht're is "spaciolls suburban living Thls rneorlng attltrrrto lo womnnklnd ls no( new ox[)i]n,\i\re lawns nnil glitss-walled to\\'ers," ns Ebony (le- with this prrenl' The poem lr a kanrlation tl e "Lakr scribes it, hr l\lcilrltl\\'.s," $'hore the ntlvcrtising slo- much earlier one in lrish; probably of f,hs verrilr' "I,ive "Love gans invito the public to In a I'nrk lly lhe Lake." 'which tlr. Douglas IIytle prrblished lrr hk 1l'he ltictttres itttlicati: tltnt this is lu.rurious liviug, built rvith Songs of Connattght." Tho Pntlrale ilolum vorrirrn sllcr-{:ssful Ncllrocs iu nrirrrl. It is owrred i]n(l operated by rppearerl in r snrlrll anllrology, F,11esof Yorlth, Yrtttr' (lh'rtorfon' the New York Life Insurance Co.i so it is not a bit of so- lirhed In l0l2 with a foreword by G K' ciali.slic folly. G.K.C, war lotnewhat revcrt: in his corrtmentr on "'l'o 8n Englisltnran, tlte nrrta lg "black lhe poem, IIe sard, Iocntcd rvithin the cit.\",s bclt." it \\,a,s lo be not only ttniqrte, btrt altnost hostile' ft is the hard' expecl.c(l tltat the first tenants $'ould be Ncgloe,s. r\s the ness of the real It'islttttan which har beeti to rkil{ully al'ea Eaille(l in altrnctit'eness and lllore of the ruodern 2l- hiddcn trndcr the roftness of the rtagr: lrishman.'' "thc slor\r apartlncllts \1'clc brrill. lrorvcvcr', rlhile farnilies nttention to tttrt, 'l'otla1' Late r, Itlr, Chcstertorr dr;rws wanted irl. npproxiut.r tcll' 30 pcr ccnt o[ J,0ke blcak rvolrls, lhe ltartlllrll' hcatlrrrt spirit . . .'' l\lenilols' rr).,ii(lcllts $r(l u'hit()s, I sttppostr cotlltnt'ncc, ns inrlic;rtcrl irt lh* versos alrove, lttay llcc()lllc I sotl of tot,r rle force, rnd mey Char' bo tleveloped withorrt sn)' l(in(l of Obediencr,

ilililililililililililfl 1ililililfi 1ilililn ity or i{tttnililY? t Well. now. What next'l lrrofcssor Krttto Meycr lo of llarnburg, (ermany, wnr r maJor eonlribtttor the development ol Irish langrrage rtrrdies rome airty wifc yeald ag(r. IllFFSelectiant lrorn Anciettt lrish Poetrv clisputcs0r.rr editor:ial "1'he The ntl.itucle of rvhites towartl lrrtemnt:ial ncighborhootl.s I inelutle an exccrlrt fronr Inrirttctiopr rl Klng Is changing. In 1931)a n&tional poll slrowetl that-rnore thau 1'o ilre Flliton Cltrtrch'stlilct,tivcs on llrc rvtrokr nll Nr'. Willgs has to do is to look (lorlnac." (T1ris was thc latn'rtts King tlorrnne Hac' per of la1'participation nrottnd him al attl' l\lass to find tlre lSth celltttt'y Annolt nf Clotm'mnoise 80 cent ol u'hitc Arncricans favorerl scgregiltr\d trousing. As R nrrlsc nnd phy- nratttr in the Airt whonr 'lrr wife of t "absoltttcly tlrt' Iosat']'.,ht'ittg t'ct:itctl or tlte as llro bcst king lhet evor 195tilri'o :ir.palitte natiouel polls showe(l tliat ltetter [rriir sicinn, I cnll oull'rlr.sclibe llre Stass. I rcpcrrt r fcrv oI tlre descrihe pcr t'it "l,irr lrelarlrl befot'e hitttself llc wroto " l16ok 50 ccnl of llre rvhitcs telt \vorrkl nlakr) llo rlifkrenee lrlitori:rl, rlorttors onll'," as [ernrsrrscrt by l\rr,.u,isil. in ,]"r. l,',llil"''1,*11,11"'j",,,11'jl'.1,,ill]'',J,:rcigncrl in rlisgustinll. I't'hrcely lttsfrrtrlions rr;hit'lr. irt lrislt ts tc thern if n Ncglo rvith thc silule iucolrre lnrl crlrrcalion ls lppllling, ignorant crcttcc to tlte Irtslt'trction Otr Sn- trtttitlctl clclirrg tlrt: Surr,lar, 'l.rrrl, or. n'hnl. goodly tlrr.irs ruoycrl Frul ns s l{ravo in.justicc to tho eallati'l'cogtrsc Iii, l'hich book cotttiritrs tl irrlo lhc.ir lrlock." crcrl i\lusic anrl'l'hc Sacled l,il- the llrl Srrllrvan shorv nri(lrl. lrave tredical ploft'ssion. Your trvo precepts ntoral tloctttrtettts na tlato or At'lfitotle ttrgy, issttt'tl b1' the late, llcloved to offer, Anrl Yel, congt'egational end Tlrtr i11'sp1gc .,\rrrcricitn erucl a{lncks nr.t'nrer.cly prrre rloubtlc.ss woukl r:hlrllen((l ilte P0pc I-itt.s XII on Scptcmllcr 3, singing, which rcqrrr|cs that all cver ditl rvt'itc.") rlisi.ortions of thc tlrrth. "fatl "O (lonn,* irccuracy-_oi srrclr polls. ll is cornnronl.v hcltl lhlrl, ivhites l0ir8: for ltat'tit'ipation," lrc e.lclt nnd tr.uly palticipate in (lormac, gtrttttlsrltt of l;rid Carbery, ,l.hat I'irst plrl'sician "fatttotrs ''lo " ars unu'illing to lravc Ncgro neightrttrs. is rvhv the of ntl, n is not nolion," conlpoutul lha rllass, tlta$'s fit'c f|orn Jtlr. "ltow tlo yoll (llstinlltllsh u'onrenl "nln" born nt l,'ort. Krrox. "ernptt'-hearlerl "liot "I $'hites whcu l Ncglo fnnrily ulovcs into ilre 6lock; A cornfor.t.able lhe silliness." nnrl tYigils. hllrl to tell," said (lortnac, tlistingutsh incotro is orrly ohtained after lrusl'wot'k tliai gccs n'rth r:hant- they fttiu' their plopcrt)' tvill dcpreciate bccausc o[rel whitcs ilrr f,rrgi.ts tlral llrr, rrrissal ls ln lhent. but I ntake no with her in her sin or arlrl to the rcantlal A. 8-v realtzinll lhat the sitrnlq nr('lrot joalotlt. l'gicrrllv nr0re she is halc lo sletp on park henches. Grre lonrntrorv a chancr lo gcl here, .securc.I,'orrr[rr.r', put r"hoseo,t,t-trriti'siik giving, The-v shnrt!rl ronlinur lo Ior.e hor f)ololrons lo lht'rn rhorild !rclp \{rrl l1\' lif!n,tll!A Rnrl nt av attrl r..hctr lt cillt0s it t\,ill brtng rts ptrilile ttts alr,ng, -1{rrt firgc. i\l;11'hetlrcy' fnr her, thev p (;(Hl. lltjn lt]9,fir n,ill'rlistrar:t .n,nn i,loi,-iS.; brrt shorrlrl h;rr 11rrparl rn her. nrock rlorFr ln $ hcn thr,.r' ,c{nrt ciirll{.nn{ ult }ortr rrom Eteauirll lrub-caps. l,our mir"laS* ililllllffiiluullufiffit|lliltillililllliltlililililillltuulliffiillr[|ltflli|litiiHilHlHlfllilliiltliif[lde drog them.


y0uth CYO Office rnails Parish JATsroup Act ivity reorgertisationplan Calerrrlars urtnouncedbv CYO J bui hundrcd.s of tintcs Rttd altttosl. Negro sit-ins cvcryrvhorc you go. And tltis Dctirils of il llew ol'ganizational plan for parish youth wholc paitcln of living gcts tttt- groups camc out oi thc CYO Officc this rvcck, giving im- night last wintcr R group t'itrt'I "r'e-tlrgtlllizttliort One be araltle. Yort .ittsl feel 1'ott petus lo a rnovenrent" flnnounced last fall of sopltoutot'cs sat in put it Bn]'tlloro. Yott high-school up rvitlt by F;rther .Iohn Illl'otxl, C\iO I)ilcctor, at a meeting of CYO the living roont of an npat'tntcnt rlon'i scc rvhy yott shorrld. Antl Pric.st i\lodclltors ol tltc lurliatttrllolis l)uatter.y. on the Sortth Side of Chicago. Thc so sit-in tlcnroustt'ations colllc As 'lhc '- apartment belongcd to n Yottng alnrost n nlnlter of cottrstr. You plan scts up it unific(l bachelor, a Ncgt'o. llis otltt't' thcl"rc rvoltlt iltc troulrlc." I'arish Yorrl,lr Activily Cont- club, ctc.), trvo gentlal advisors, guests, arrtl rcproscrrtariva bosides the six white 'l'ho lnittoc to co0rdinilte lhe & of the affiti" etisis lrarl teen-agers antl two of thcir teaclt- SILENCE nglin. rvolk Of V.llllttlLafS On LrOt[t aterlorganizations, plus the priest passed, rtot rvitlt mrrscttlinc t'ool- .[lode €rB. wero also Nogloas. the Ctrdet ;rtttl .luttior :lgc lator' .rr'trrhctl ness arlrl rletncltrnent, btrt vt/ith r Both guosts at a Caiho. lcvcls; lo provide a l]1,,,)llllf worrtnnly sll'ength nncl grassiotl oI tDEALLy, nccortting to tlro lic hospital in Clticago, t)nc &s nn lhitt tt'ill nssttnlc ftltt(l- stRtcnlcnt, No ottc fclt ttntttovorl, Sr()ul) (.\'g ()ffiec,the nnworlanization. orderty, s ntRtt allottt 35 lcat's oltl, rrrisingrosponsitrilitl "ll:l'1..:Tl'j.l: No one ntisserl the cnollllous tnl- rr.trcrrin effccr jn ; ,i" Lourdes, rather sliSht of hrtiltl, rotit'illg ntr(l cd; lo rt'lit'r'enrrrt'lr oI tll:-,\tl:.:I..]l i;'_i:iiri.ll Sacrcd lleat't I'rent:rtstudents plieatiotr in rvlrn{ slte srtirl trrttl slroultr sorve ronre pcrsonncr quiet; thc other ns q ntt'dicitl of thrtit'stuiiv lrrrrtlt't,y t'll::l horv shr said it, that bcncittlt tlte l)r,()l)1,1'srrow cnt:oun[ercrl by tcchnolo8ist. I pr)sition of cottsid- I\loder';rtor rvhilc leilf1ll:l ixl{{ f itlrl pruy ck'ut lntl logical ultsetttntion of iu.r11,plr r.islres, tlitrtieularly sinc; peace erable rcsponsilrilitl'. 1'ltis lattt-'r cirnt.ol i' Iris hnrrirrg lrl <:ortrpletrr llte cnin* cxpcricucc, as I think nll sU this sit,in lursincss is rvor.th it nfrangor)rcrlls are llrc officuls of of lott rr'ill agltt. Conrpnr.ilrq llre Slct t ttrrluv cr,nd urulav golte S ol'not, till 1'ou'r'e into fl lho Nolrc [)rntt' i\lutrtni Associa- tno rxpt'r'ietrt'(-s rrl) Al Rlnciont, JJ drrrgstola 1'oulsclf nftcr a lon{ l ion : i\l r', I'lt [,'ilzgclnltl, plcsi- bcitrg blrnd anrl heing a N..c{fo rTrr dal' of .slurppi:rg, lll tirt'rl out rlcnt; ill r. Willianr Ilooncy, J r., irr thc Srrtrlh. he t:orrcludctl th;rt antl tlfing foI ir t.rrp nf crrffr'p 11111i vicc plcsidcrtt; llt'. Williurtr Nlc- Jark f,llathews& Son Itc trottld rathel bc---blintl. I I r urintrte of rtst, and lrrrn rrrlrlr-. (iorvirn, :iocr'etar')'; anrl trlr. Itir:h- nnoto& TV Decernlter17, 18 to stanrl up just hccarrstt lllr;t .luni()r ('Y() Stvlrr Sho$'. sincr.' FRrsllMAN.t0pltoMoRtIrAouI I ll lorr'ftr 'l'ltrtIsrll1', liiJ.11't1t't::1it":i::l:" : . <'oloretl-,r,1 tven bt't'n lokl to go llttt rlOltrllittt' fulls on -, Grmerot tund.y,0iilmbrr ll snns& srjRvrcr ';;:i#i:' 'il. I li nrotrnd llnck-lhis happr'115, hp- ,tnrr.r, ilrr, h..irrsr,,, aftcr.ttre s.lr..l r.r'r'('ss rt. .l!r.rr ,,"'Ll'.il""llodtr oi /irL -il:.r;1 -t./, Ii. ilnlli,lr,,.r:",1u:,:iAilrirc\v :lJ: [hfusj frrr K,n!i jt. Irrlr* nrt'-and qrt snrncilririS at iS CntiCti. 4,r, St Mi.hdci 2rij ilrrrrlo,)h€l 'l'lur | ^:ll^l--;,;;,"" lll the kitchen rloor. anntrll cttllttt'al-strt'tal lf- "You PRODUCE TERMINAL jrtst tlon't kntrr,v tr.hut tlris firir'. rlhiclr iri ltoatlitttl tt'tto tts l#il-| r.r.r.n. I 1;' 4100 Mattachuiells AY€. is lill .vou't o experienced il. antl sistli lcttct'al. is schetlttlt'tl fot'lltc un,o,oto""u,"^,* ilillililiil (3 blks. East ol Sherman not oll(:e ol onll lrt luncir corrnlet,s ltttttrirt'trllrlt' llt,rtt t nttrlitrrtitlrt oll I | Dr.) rPortnhlcRddior. Suntla1', .liin. :]f], itt coltnectiotr I li rlrth n cit)'.rvirlc tlauce. Get | 4I3o E. IOfh Slreet li I]ostou qirl, l'lntr)' l)lanks halc llt'ot tnirrlctl | ,t.o"trrr l, -;;["il#'l,T;'il"Ji;' D" 21, is nrurrcrl{o all palishcs in t}tc ltttlianapolis complete rleaner'1'. antl a sttppll' of llte rt'g. 'Catholic istlntion folnrs has bt'en rlelivclr'd protsstion Yorrth lo nll ('atlrolic lrilllr schools in {he elf )'crlr.' lrrtlinnapoli:.i arca teachirtg honru foryour \\:,\SIIIli(;l'())'i. --.,\lirta et'ononrics ('outscs. An5' intlilitl- n. C'. ftrrprally prcscntetl q.ith tlre I'ouise oiarrlrrlL,. - tual ol glottp tlcsirittg atxltr l.tst ll ['onicr. collcge (]lass I'nsirlcut in hpi. Ilon'i. ?J. cttct', rlho tnn(llncc(l tltc atr.artl, sophonrore nntl scnit,r.r,,u,j. nnrl saitl girl tlrc rvas -setectetl flonr stirrlent t'ouncil "-c.,r't.tirr,in-1.r".l is unnau nc.'tl CNAIil DSAT.ERJ n0tttinces f|ont thoLtsanrls par'- for of .irrnror. 1.clr., shc rcpr.. solltcrl lr.r. iii;:;lry'll.$,i:ii:,trt*t*,tl isltes a.tl 'rr:r.t'tlta'1(r0 ttluTuAl Acfl{cY, tl{c. Cattrolic .sehool irs;r sturle.t..r.n;rtor to ilrc- '6i r'ollege-r nnrl i\eu'man clubs in statc of r\[assnchusctts FressrtIonth in 1gsr. ,.*';:l*,it,i'i;lll-,jn,"iJ-illj.1 l74O N. Moridion Street '"iriss"'ctar.tltrllo, 5J_ frt- rk | 2; Sacrcd lt.rfr ?5; Sl, Josroti ,r,rrn (Shribvvilte) l6; (0th0rinc, ril,o Nl.lW\.tJrV \,{}r)liYOIili_'l,lre .,,,,^rr,l st,contl au- rrr- ,''$ii,',ijll.rolo,St.sr. Corhcrine, byc.bvt. WAlnut 3-2453 $,iU l_ro ,,,i}'flll:,,;:il',1.,,:l,,..:il.]ii'',,,;.ll: nrral strrtlonts'postor conlest for j7; tlo.lv!piril o';, s1:'?ll,l:i: 'li'r'l',liJll; r/Rf.l1uro.cAsuAlrv ('a{lxrtic t)r'css I\tonth rvill heltl t,",,'l'J;,o,Ji,"i,r.ld. FoRyourH lL::,.J,lli:rJ':5ll'i'j'l:'1,. i:ll.:,.: .be lfii ?i;rrs'rsf'%','J"f. yOItK_*(-artlinal p.r.csidctrt. NIi\v l,_r:rncis Anita then becanro (lcanefy - Spellman, ;1r'chhislioir i,f titrv t \'o.. vicc pt'csitlt'trt. sl York, pt'csitled nt tlrc fir.st rncct- clttliot'esan I'icc'llrcsidont, antl yice-plcsi- irtu of the 30.nicnlbel. erlrtrrr.irl Nerr'.I')nglnnd t'c11ional ITURAL Ii\N OrisinalMOVIE BAR ndr.is.r-r, 5o^r.d (,atltolrc (l0l]t ln 1058. oI llre MIXED DRINKS W|NE IMPORTEO BEER 'l.he O O Youth lineyclopcdia here. ltliss tiiardulto. who oncc rvon a las O COLD CHAMPAGNE 3 10 r'olume cnc3'clopedia, beauty title "Unucual" ryftose frorn ar]long Z.lX)0 Dtt ln Our' flally Orrf. flcparlnrcnt firs.t volunre will appear- in l1}6i, entrants in a contcst sporrsor.,.rl 157 V;\RIFITIES of LI0UOItS antl rvill eoyer Catholic lifc and t.:rch- hy e Boston fu.nt, 45 IlllANt)S of ('ot,i) BIF:ll slstt lias bern scItool ings iu tornr of the intcrcsts ll{)norc(l by (rolrrnr. 2123 E, Michigon St. Rural) Free Farking ol the K'ights of llre ct {cl high school .\tudents, a spokes_ blrs at & t6stinroniai rlinner. in lrer. ('athol I}LUE & WI-III'[: SBRVICB,II\C. DISPLAY AN OUTDOOR ,,CHRISTMAS 8 LOCATIONSTO SERVEYOU CRIB" ALWAYSOPENI \vIN CASII PRIZE wA +5381 GutdoorChristmas

CribContest Dobbs snd Cqvonsgh Hqtt 3ponsored by 4th Degree K of C -Tho BEST qt your price- Any Marion County Family May Fnter no mqller whal your pricel" TWO PRIZESTO BE AWARDED Compl conI L. STRAUSS& CO. lst Prize-550.00 2nd prire-S25.00 cia I hol ilow it Catlroli OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS CRIB CONTEST 39tlr St COLONIAL ENTRY BLANK SCIENCE GRANTS MAll I0r L, J. Wcndling.26?6 Allen Av!. tndianrpolitJ, ltrd. FTOWER SIIOP \\'r\SlllN(i'l'( i\--l'hirtr:cn ('ath- 3723EAST 38rhSTREET t i I wish to enter Conlest olrc collegcs anrl unilclsrtit's - lor Crib. lrale Under New Ownership - | i gotti'rr S[];S.llr{}of the S3?.7 nrillion oRDER CHRTSTMASFLOWERS EARLY- i I Nrme . qrilntr{l li.r llir- I:ilronal Stir:nca' CALL Us FOR SUCGESTTONS! n i I:'r)un(lirlj0n t.r 2rji, lltstltiltl{)ns Serr,tct-.Is Onf llotto r I r.AArr Ei Addresr placc Ll 7-5227 ru'ltir'lrr'.ill c.rnriur I srtntrnt,r' irrsli. ro o,deir.. . irr-r- il trttes ioI teachefs, ,*"*n""**[*ili.11Il;Si$s,t*""t*..."i1 THE CRITERION, bECEMBER 16, 1960 PAGE SEVEN

uliiiii|iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiimiiiiliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Says school uid fl. S. to establish its first serninary fT.. rfl I for late vocations nra.y not .[oster BOSTON-A natlonal sominary I tc I acKer for older men wishing to enter the priesthood-the first in the United l|l|||l||||l|l|l||||||||l|||||l|||||||tl||ll|||l|||l||l||||ll||l|||l||l||t||||l||ll|||||||||l||ll||l||||ll||ll||l|l|||||l|||l||||||||l|i|[||ui|c/ass dislittt:l,ions States-will be ctrnstructed here pe next summer. lfot' tltc pilst lcll cars, R 1'r.rtritg ttt0tlbtl' of 5t. Paul'r rich, ) LOS ANGItl,[]S-l,'crlalrtl aid to ,l'r,ll bt'oatl- Cardinal Rlchartl Cushing, t,it1" lurs lleen llct.sonalll'financiltA;r rlail5. rarlio llosary 'l'lrc c

Splendor of llctlir'r al r\tt," at thc .lolttt [[ct'r'on r\rt trlusettnr, lnrltlna|olis. rt .l |t.111.on Sttnd;t1', [)('(:. 18. I{is toiric lill rncltrde interior nnd cxtt'rior vit'rv'r of the most stlikrnA cirtlrctlr-als,strritrotl glnss, ttntttary, nnd illttnt Sold \\'ork, cnitntcl inlal', ttronzt: efl$tinS ^*!&L inatod rnanttsffll)ts. I"athor Schotlcr pt-t'.st-'Ittcd ati qffi truiloTott-ftrn illu.stratctl lt'cttu't' ut .loltn IIert'tltt Iast 1t'at' ott nrcltc- rv $oPP4noPua olocicnl rttins in.\iorth r\fricn. ALltnissit:rtrlo tht' lcclure is freo. Oift$0alore! * Dlamorrdr Les * Wateher Saludomos * Fnrhlon Jewelry AMIGOSI tt D.corstive (Xoc&t Something Unururl For Your f Skywny Lrrgg"g" DINING ENJOYMENT

Gillslrorn up A dinner of autlrentic i\lesican flavot'-an appealinSl IiW'SII $l "Sotttlt vctsion of onc of the mirst popular recipes of tlte " Ilordcr.


'TEQUILA SOUft SHRIMP AFERITIVG "llcveragcr SEAFOOD WITH RICE 'DECANTER aro OF CHILLED SAijTEFtiE Chrittmar Hourr optional 'tll 9:!0 I Drily MONDAYS ONLY Jrl.'fil a KEY !941 Metlison Avqru. Jwejrg WEST sT 6-1441 t{nlril SHRIMP 1'he lnrlianqlolis llestrnLrurt uitlr tr Nctrrrrrol.llrplrtuLiotn Chargc - Morrlr Pfun HOUSE

"diirlogrre" PRAISE\ryORTHY PROGRAM-.-'lht L'urrrnl strcss on "up"?) bctrveen nrajor laiths has fiitclcd tlorvn (or is it [o ths ct'rl. "rlir- legletr icvcl. St. Mrry.of-ths.Woodr College har rehcdulcd tu'o ,SAIIVT'S "(lrrfinc logrrc'' rcssiols for Janulry 8 rnd 15 vith r view to rn(l AI,[VE' cltt'i(y, thfotl$h s Jifoccsr of convcrsation, lht preciso aretr ol rgree- Turiilry pm...Morrl nrrn{ p.nd rlisngteement rrnong the rrriour groupr constitutinf, con- f,l0 sr('eof rl0$r .....'\'/tlA$ A FIVI.MINUTE TiFE OF -A.gAIiiT "r:o|a llcHMoxn ARta lemf$rcry Artrerican society." .{ illoup" oI six \Yoodr' stutlentr t,ili moet with rl eqrr*l nurnlrer of Plotestnnt anrl Jervish rtut6n.rr c,l: r.nr.-a;li1'ti sl:ti:::l...... wxlv TXPLAINED BY F.EV.KTNNY C. iIWEENEY "Wlrcre to conritlol tireso tlutrstiorrs: rlo crlrrcation antl rcligion lneet?" 1l,r r.m.-trcrcdiii;lit...... ,.,..wKgV "Whtt rnd tole. if sny, rloes re'lrllirlus affrliation play in the olficial sAtrM IRFA capncity of govclnrlent lradersl" A prnst, r rabbl. two I'rotostrrrt ?r!0..r.-**l*oill'iLl,lr,, ...,..rrrr* ministers in(l two Sisterr rvill rct ar rcsoulce personncl to rvoid lr[[ ctlY ARIA /fra* Now Prrrnlrd Dlily-tundry, Dcc, l8-.|tl! r.rn. *rror rntl ruisuuriclstanding. 1'ho frertfrrnl ls slxrnsorerl hy tiro Na- r:0or.m.-Thr [:il?;t:j:t...... r...wrcr Funeral Homer Mondry thru f rldry-'Dor. I9 lhru Dlc. l$-8:00 r.rn. Ironnl I,'etleralron of Catholic t)ollcgc Studcnts. Rrdio*tundry frfil r.m.*llcred ltcirl ..,..,...... W1T2 ]rl5 r,m.-Ihe ChrisloDheri .,,.....,W1T2 ]:fi) r,m.*Hout of lhe C.ucified .....WlTZ l}Lrrico's(lhrrrt:[r-Stulc srlup 9r3O r.m.-Avc Mdri,r llour . , . ..,,..,WIII l]rniscd llr0O a.m.-Siudents of \!. Bnden ...,wlTZ FIII.2-9,43:t llrl5 r.m.*Hour ol Sf- fron(ii.,....,WlIZ WLW.I TV CHANNEL I3 3unday-Televilion f.'lliIII'.\Ill-,.\ A llcrican 9,3O r,n.-,[ook Up and l.ive..,,,.Wllll-lV CH,APEL OF THE CHIMES-l2trl Prorpect (lath,rlic $t'r l'r,ishop saitl Clnrr.ch. Rrdio--Surdny Trlt r.n.*lhr Ch.ittophers ..,,,..,.WI111 Stals t clntions lll his country "a SOUTHPORT CHAPELJS Union St. lotlny arrr eouilut'tcd in cb, A PRISENTAYION Of THE RADIO qnd TEIEVISION lil&l€ of ntutunl l'(,sl):'c,, nntl GRE ENWOOD CHAPEL-S. Madiron-Greenwood natlc APOSTOI.ATI OF THE ARCHDICCTSTOT INDIANAi'OLIf -.:::"!":'l::':'lun ,r1'lrich 111s . BURKHART CHAPEL-371 W" MairpGroenwood

FOR THE HOMELESS Giveand Serve the PopUIaIone Popularto Give Popularto Serve t'tlls City Ileer comes in brightred and Watclr the rrntlea rheo yoo p@ Fant CXty * wlrite firrron.a rhe Jr*rfcrct gift...ltl f

Dlr D0t0€Il.s kg*i$,;b-..swE:3 ffiii,trP',il-.'J'Cii @-ili$.;b Feady SOmfTODAY...lrorn yowPopglg Folls Gty rehiler diet ;,-,,,-"',,'.7i,',.-' the fresh BITTER'FREE "''; )- PASTEURIZED' ready,tg,Use l2l3 N. ShermrnDr. . .:iiq, 6td r'i .rfr rffi coitt$tv, ottfyttit tt. rr, R FL 6'?403 u'eight controt PAGE EIGHT ?HE CRITFRION,DECEMBER 16, 1960 .$s8qu wg.o ffi.-X^l OPEN Eveningsand

6 'Ji nffin-fficgocoLAl ,ffiw,tffiwoNDElruLLY?nAc- xoirorv IUN oN rlLM' lil TAIrY ; xr":;*"g Sunday g *!tti*iil ffl,[ 1":'d'il';rdt ffi u,i. i;!i6$iri[ll',t-:$'fffr-'i:i'i"-fi_ _$__rrf_X c(}nornET BLENDER BY IONA HEALTH FOOD5. BASV TOODS,DRINKs, sOUP5 ,MHDEsSERTs.OMIIETS ARE ALL A 8RIEZE WITH THIS WONDERFUL IIENDIR. AT HOOX's_ -,]-'g.,q I4.98 ft r,ur*g* frlgtli+H fi'-,,, lifiiiiilr fr *** fi-- 1+11i- $ IBH$#.'ee"$Hti-friat-fi$til$.d'*-H 88'

Hsok'sHave Filled0Yer ll Million lr*at xu;aL' E PresciPtions ,ieblq€EU{!a}J [*"ih**RdRus*' S]. g- M TakeYour Nert One d! d= g€HIo Hook's DRUGSPECIAL5 *tffi ffiff:i-t$,",1T:I: ljc Al{A(ll{lA8ttII, 50'r .. 61e 44t Yl(ll JIIYI | 1i'0L 3ec g*,;;ffi*I'* 'J 9le (tPA(0tAllllltPn(, UR6[ . 89c frf.'.ltl$f fi ^;ri:i 98cl,llA0'l DIIIRI HAtf0Jl. tB.. . 85r 57tPllll,tlPl' |lA0lltllA, ll'0r,.....,.. r9c i.79r lAt.H[PAII(4, 6'0I, 69e l,l9 lttfi ililti'tilt,5.0t, . .,..Jt,tt HWtWWh5h$$gu"ffi,g9Ee(0tDfllt IA8[tn, 20'r EEr FREE! Fi -o1o*1u1Tll GETYOUR FREE tsh- ATMAIIACIIALEI{DAR ffi%"*. ry€ fi%EE .."^,qAT At{Y HOOK'SOEPEiIDABLE .d' ORUGSTORE, i:'fihlriry,qT r*ryr;lYil:'?Jiiif*'r,i,]ft frr,h ryii:fil':]i:fffl?'iilfi WHILE THEY LAST! ',!1,#+ugiil.I*ffiL'-Ti1*-fh":it *mi*U*}ilf:':'::*i*::f*H :rr"1'?r;)' :rFc bCucsrorr-. ffi$i+1fl,iliii,J,iil'ff]ffilfi"Irgri;t^luifi:lliiif,Y'frirvwoootr ANo H00K's--' E3i#iil$il '*oRi-3.g5ig -^t.;lN'HooK' fifr $H ''* 3.95 6.g5ij Tfi [ i.fi % r$,. PAGE NINE . ANATECULKIN Mr:s.'l'ur:nq:r rliesi Busy woman Iroington Club lVr\SlllN(i'l't)N - 'l'rvo years aclive in ACCW flonr now I\lrs. Althur 1,. Zept slates luncheon rrray be a r:anditlntr for the title of one of the nation's mosl. at hoilre? 1'he Irvington Catholic Wom- Why not stay travelcd lvornen, an's Study Club will hold Nlts. Zcpf, rvlro is the ncw a p.rcsidcnt of thc Nat.ionnl Ooun. luncheon meeting and Christmas cil of Oatholic Womcn, is Gift llxe than a lole r ol bluebct'r'y pit', look- hange on Wednasday, A rni_ttrrre ol a*es in an.y ' rlly rrrolltcr i\ fl/fr'(,1/slr'/lirrrJ lrr: Erorrp ing folward to living out of I I)ec. 21, at the home of Mrs, sltoon in lrnnd. Still )'ort read the cirrr crea{e ploblcnrs. }lut yottr lo rtsA' sorttr. of lhc lroys fll?(l r,t/fis Iullcaso. Michacl Tamcr, 953 Ellenberger escort ccrtainly knowr what yott fronr trtiT sr:Ioo/ rrrrrl li(l'. c l)(]flil acceptcd nrlc. She disclosed a[ a prcss con- Parkway, E. Drive. The annual ol {: are parmitted to do rnd what otrt /roritr'. r'lll/ I'ril'crrls s(ll/ ri O felence at N(.jCW headquarters canned goods collection for the Jtcle lots 0f l'orrttr ut oltr,lttrttst', )'otl Rr€ not' Apparcntly he r€' thai, as Dr,rrr rviss ('rriliirr.' I)art of her new dutier Little Sisters of the Poor will also for you give no indi- ottd I rlotr't ?/s('?:. Ji?rt lrorl nf spects lhis, shc will comtnu[c bctween her be held at this time, 'l'Jrc ciltion lo llte 1'he fact 'lblctlo, llr:: A'irls ol r-i'lroirl rrr';ilrl rrrlhcl boy I arrr goirrg rlill is fl conl't'ary' honre in Ohio, and go is tltat this i.s an oldar grottp in Arrangcmcnts {or the Christ- ottl. { t|iltt/r/ l,rd.' llrrtt' r',t'r I .\r)I)i1rlr)r()l'{'ttt r'rrlk'1;e. l ut tt sr'rt- Washington at least oncc a g{'t yoll mas Party are being made by the ntU l}t()1ft('f ti) lrtr{r'r'slrttttl rol ll ltiglr.seltool [rnl nltlrty.r wltich fcel ttncontfortabla. nronth. Shc rvill be callctl upon sociaI Il untlCrstantlable. conrnrittee with Mrs. Oval I ls: lr.r,lil ollt rr,lllr olrl('l' br-rys.'l'htr'I'hat's to iltt(,nd convcntions of arch- I\{iller, chairman, assisted I'oliY ^'lttttr onlu thrno rs llrrt lliis I (-trn Wlty not ask hint tri .ioin sonto diocesan hy !/rr(lf nnd tliocesan eotrncils j. titttes with yollr higlt school Mrs, F. J. Hayoz and Mrs. F. I)ear P0ll)' r\nno: r.orrslorrf/l/ r'lrl;irrrosscd ltocnttse of wonren in l0? Sees in alt 'lhis yollr Sehoettle. rrrrl bollfrrr'rrrl rrrrtl I tlrrlr' tt'tth ttn. clotlrl! tvottkl renlol'e palts of the U.S. r:ntbqrrgssntent "l'rn olhtrr t'orrPlc l;ho go l{) r;ollat/r!' and Jllnce tlte looking forwald lo n trin 'l'hr'y tlrrlrL'; I rlort'1. ?'h{,'!/.{ltt l-rttt'den o[ on yotlr llonre -ad.iustinE'l'his !o nr\xt iU ay for the I ft'iend's shottlrlt'rs. may not .\l{r!, (}ut inlr'r lhrrrt I fn'1. I oftt'n Worltl Union of (iatholie Wom- ltc tasy {0r hitlr; howevcr, hi.s Jr'r'l lihr't rhilrl r|rlh fltr]}rr. ilottr Survivols inclurlc e darrghtcr, cn'.s Orgarrizlt.ions," Nls, Zepl tvillingnc.ss to do .shottltl "l'vc curr i 0ct ol'i.l'lllr.s lrt'lut,J? so ntlrl Itlrs. I)cxtct' l'utlick. ol (lr.ccns- sairl. ncvcl' lrecn abroatl Jrxfl to Iris rtaturs in yorrr c5t's. burg; antl a son, \Villinrrr'['rrrncr, anrl I'rn thlillcrl tlrat nry fit.st o( Larvlcnccllrrlg, Intl.; and two Lt'ip will br: to llonrt'." t grrtndchildlen. Rtttnenrber Thent In Your Prayers Ike lauds r"'fforlrr

lery. 5rrrvrvorr: husbrnd, Vrclor drughlrr, loy.. Millrr. for: Cullnrl refugr)os

(hurch, I MACARfI CARn, 89, lillli tlow?r O!.c. l.!. Hdly Cro3t (C[rrlt.y. 5!rvivorr: Atl(iUS'I'A, (1a, . Prcsitlcnt l,lis- diuqht.r, Aldb?l Howtrd, rislir, Jo5cphint praiseil 0c I n r\dy. enhower has tlra he lp Catholic ngencics are giving

MAtY IAI{1"I, 81, !lrth Ilowtr Chur(h, Crrban rcfugoas I'olli. .\rlnc. lltltt 1 in routhern Did ."-'orrknou', oce. I L 5urvivors: Sl. JosaFh Clnrelsry. I'lorida. I_ mrny high scltntrl lrols hrr t' :t ton. frrnk A.i d.ughlsr, Mrry Lourtr 0wyer1 llililnililIililI|ililililililrililnilililililtililililnililfit W ,l sexsoNBRos. (lll('s "otl rslcr, MrL Irlix Ctriplir- Lttttt:lttrt)It, I hrrrd tirrtc lrtttl{t'tittc l)ttrl_\r. l| r.O',vEsrPnr(rs I l5 *.t I'lte lr'lli'l's lltrtt I N0 lANAf0l CALENOAR EXPENS| the torl'tt"l th. Xrnq DAI,I llN0, ,{0, 0ur l"ddy of tourder ,l oRrctNAL t5LANDCREEK I ANNA A lCR0ClN, /-1. lhrr\l I I cfoss llll* tlosk itlelttilc rll:rtl]' r ll!rrrr. 0t,. 9 il()ly lro55 i rill0lRry. .lur {-hurch, Dec, | 5. Holy Cross (errol.rv. s(tl. |)r'r't'IttIlt:t' 2 l. lunummuumuuuunulmmnlnmmnunmnn I il 5x3 Fkd, fl5,90-Lp. Fkd. tl6,?0 rl,ru,t'r'f \\rr- Rolldrl C' 0on!hu!t iurvrvorl xil{, M.lrqdretj d,ruqltlert, Sus.rn | \\'ll{} \\'lsh tltcir r:trls vrrorr: @ from ho,vs joiephi 'l tr!lor, Aqr\f\ llcilr. lnrlei \oe, nlotlrtr, freoll Krilq, DECEMBER16 wHrre srAR E. t(ENTUcKy had less expt'ttsir. trlslt's \''tttr ir\ler!, fior.rc. funk. &\lry tchrllrng, llcletr I Blooill.., &. Urrnlti-__ Sf. Rlta's Soei,rlhosins nt {l:}0 5x3 Fkd. 915.90-Lp,Fkd. fl6,?0 p:irty nt ltotttr' tttitl rtt'll t':lstt I ADRtAt J t{nIIlNGIY,6l. 31. frarrtir It1,['[itt'vrlukr [iuikl , | | (alvary 5l0frr ld!lrrrK€ntu.ty nll akrrrq tlto (tt! Si f. t lrur"rl. De!. Q. Ienre- l).llr. ln tlrc;rrrtlitoIirttl],l9tli en(l II ...... 117.10 | financial tt'ttst,'tts ( (0rl l!'Y. Striv:vif ivt{r. ,\lable: \dll(, J0iatlh, t FAIIlq ,. ttilNt0Y, 92, lloly rorr Il ot',rrlrrF|um I r\tsctrrrl. fldm4 Iino. a,!J t iil; dJUilllcr, f,\i\ [\.!r10fl Rdbtrli: [hurrh, 0r. l5 Xoly Iroir fsnollry. llrr.,llrrrrrs llot'lurff. {)ilt of th0 I I Tru tu.l oit I lVnil0r, If0nirr1 irrlaft. il\.tly Jurvrvorlr loN. Jottoh artd d,tuqh, ilq. ?, 100 adl, 315,40-50qdl. 16.20 a 1,,\\,hi,r, fran[irt ouginirl lirrrrrrk.rs oI thc Slar';.rlalo , I | .rr,rffttn trr(! Arla ,\\rllrn!llY, rnrl 0or0ihy Irr. Al,rl iigrr. I t{0 l. 100 t^|. tr16.1050 qrl. 1E.70 ('ilt'l A Fish Fry "f i ,,,t4Social :rt t I | l1,tnrilrorll. (irrrlrl, lr:isislCrllr1' llIs, i'iltitv, ,l I)anr ilftss t-[1i'ilt] at lloll' Narnoin IlcecltG'ove. sEXsoNBRos. eoAL r olL rs gcttr:titl clutrrttutn of llttl llitlt I ., r r,, r t h,'tr h, In trt4' 1,,,,,r,' ,- f1rt1' f'11r1'lrt'r I [t.lRY L. SfIRI, 60 1t \1nllh.!v attrtivclslr|r' l"ou ntlcIs l)ily t!.,-. 9 (!|vd.v (eilr{lffy Srrrvrvots s'(. ME8.6s3t Crltf ll't' {'(ll r'r'i'r'1,{)il {tr li ( ('ltt'isttttttrt lltt !r \{,. l,}ilri I l.llrrt, Mr! ,ihn ,r.^r l,ltn('h{'()ll ltntl r\tttttut[ rlII I i\rrttt tirltctt litard rs Iols itf lrr:, t' L rifr), \1ri, {. L Rrhcrll; br0lllcrl, J05aoi I'trr't,\' fol grrls oi ll;rt'ltlaltt irlJ li!il,rl. li'il I r{'O(l li.{,1 fr'a U,lt' d SIr)r)ll. Sclrrrol. ntrns irnrl irllo(l l)cls()ns ()tl r!rt'r'r {l Sl)(l}lt rnd lrLrl Ui)u r'rt{ 1r1.'l.li}r I ANtIA CANllt, Ill, 55 Prrir \Vcdnesrlar', l)t'c. lll, at l\larydala TOP GRADECOAL 'r, (rrlclcrl. cIcn ii lltr'",f ts r)i ltll.r' r.trr'ilJ, {\r' lt\ ltoly Ct0sr W l)ir'rlt!/ t\ttrlitot'itr rt r. rnd tr,i\iv0i. s,s!c,. [1:rtlrel. tul,l lvAx I rlOtr,t kttrrtr, tr.iirils li.'.r)f?(/ti.tllt I Cr0tGt HonilYAx, 116. Ltrttclrr'orr u'ill llc sot'\'n(l rtt lisltlO tl.(l)0{)lt- t CIARLIS tl IRADY, rlot] Nnrrrr frtr,r( l, Dcc.12. I'rrl' il., l: \l ln\aoil ieillclf:r 5r:rvrvotr. ll:4ir l.nr. follrrs'irrr1illss al ll FUIIL OIL I'lir',: (itherril0 \!,ie tr!,rrrj iirL).dJtrqhltr, l)trt r.rn. irt th('r'('tlcll cltapt'1, cr'le- \,r 1. Irlltcrl lrr')l-s13r' \'rclor l, (ir)r)s' Pittman-Rice ! AMY I CAMAtAlt. 58. A'rurr)Dlrol flt!'!h, s.ns. ;\ll llrst [rtr'sirlcnls utll lla :i,)( l) !.rl\i.t a0ilrelrry. Survivorrr hr,s 'l'hr' h()n()f0(1. r{it'ls ull{'rl(lrnt.l ['uel Co. I' jrd, lJntt', diL!hl0f!, iv1.r Alrce Shurr)d' "Service A.'\ l,.r.r.c liJrln,r, Nlr\. lJnl{tnrfl f.rn,l, i\lar'l rlrrlr' Strlrr','l u rll r,tttt't'lairr At ltg Bert" \...\ tr.r!d, \\dilr!, Jo5eph, lrtJ Jetry; srr I)ruggisls o1te'n tr',. tilr,.! Rar'r, [5llle. Wi\s0n, [l.trrai tlrc glul{l rrrt'ntlrt'ts artrl gttt sts ME 2-747N 3409E. Warhington ME 2.6565 \,r(rnl l, rtJ,r 0nyrer, Lortoino Prflltn0tr folh)wr'(l lrr ;r ('ltt'tsltl;ts I'at'11 lrrrrri.{t, rl)drlD\, ,Uorri\, Ied, tloyd ind NTW AI,OANY fil\\ird- t fLlIAItlll McMAt{US, llolv lridity (hur.h. lrth It'lIr'slrrrrcrrlslirl llr0rrr. decenc,t'tlrimt 0rtt 6 Survrcvo.: tisler, [1rs. l\1ary (ilt'itlrl lltllct lro Srttta. "onrc D..e | ilrtrt. IIr. sill (ltrrJinirl Ccoled By Ur, i' tUilttt Covrnrr,*l-...g- \r Bsrnrdrlr! Spr.llrntn 1.1ri1,, ('lrlrfot'nta ! L)*. I 2. lloly ffoit Ienr.ltry. Novcr (old Agoin; l,Os lN(;li:l,liS-'l'ho J,rv,r.rr. huih,rr.l. llrlirlrrr. lill l()ll lt:ts Itltattttlr-ottl ttl;tl r\s\{)( iB. (rrrl:'r' iWltBUR I Wt5I, St ltlirrrdfr llrir ittr' r'olk'gls :ulnutl lorrr ()l)cn(a(lrt rlt ltt l() l)fl)tllr)l(' do('t'llt :. j .:.if, r|,rri{,t S.,,,,r,'. lrlans v- '., l.n Lr|. rJil. iY,ti)U' rlnrlrlr)lfr ,r,1,!. t !TuEtmAlf puhlicairon.s ttt tlt tt{stoLt' t acks. t),!i|,rr !fofqf. !r5reis, N\Jrguefil0 Jolrn'otr anJ llcllo Roodlhy Coal& It lras tttirrlctl:lt)0i)I)estr'rs to l)tr OilCorp, 'l'ltc ,,OUR tlisplnvt'tl lty its ntt'ttthtrrs. OIL HEAT . . . "\Yo postels state: u'attt to sell CAN'T BE EEAT'' only rc('cpt:rblc t'cading trtatet'ial. 44t N,Holmer ME. 7-l If r nragarine secllls oh,itction. 3l 8

ENGINES-Alf Mokes ond Models w.o. Iol{EsI I Doy Inrlollotion RUG CLEANERS 6uorsnleed 10,n00 Miles or 120 Doyr .44O N. KEYSIONT lrcc Piqkuo Wilhin 50 l'{1.

Crnnkshqfl Ixchonge, Cylinder Heqdr Exchongo All Mokes& Models GrinsteinerFuneral Home CornpleteMochine Shop Servicc Erlablirhed 185{ IAJY CNTDII GiORGER. GRINSTfINfR, HAROLD fr. UNGfR rtnHS At row Ag i,9t PrR wx, irt'n rrtt.rtH'.anr toi slule lunr:heon lllli',llillJXlt I s tnol9J,E{9l*lcE G.H.Herrm&ren I I Air Frrneral llorne ME'. 2-8d88 condlioned rso;;"J;;; "ln .iorro*', Urrder-sloneJurg Con ,\leon 5o Mucfi' CARDISSERVICE -I 3220EA$T WISHITGTI|II STREET \sncwrl ME 2.oB2B ME 2-ot8o Tire PricesBeforo You Buy Em e r s o HI-J:ft,[!'1r;I"{ rom at \"fiJ Clreck Our

D of f anrrorur(:r:g l\ liW'\il r\NAG liN,l l,lN'[' RILL K(JIIll seyst - phns for parlies You Do lt Or We'll Do lt no* we will delivera BRAND NEW

Uill'rk-L l.llgr" 196ICHEVY at FULL SIZE 2.DOORSEDAN (Jreene'sPoultry Farm (Wholesalerr of ihc Finerll .NLY $2088 sl,tt sr {.252t H. B. GREENE & sON 'T 7.I2OI

FACTORYEQUIPPED: HEATER, DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS,5TUBELESS TIRES, 3.YEAR WARRANTY Ar Strong and Tough ar fon Know What . . r YOUR CHOICEOF COLORS GRADV'S OPEN I]\']i)NINGS TILI, 9:30 ASPHALT Cotirc.In-Ile ItrePoradto Deal Slt}0ttti ln(l KIRK W. J. GrarlY R. B' GradY MORTUARIES Becutiful Conslrucllon Ou'rrctl and Opcratcd by 1'r.cssie Kirk ! Selcction E Aspholt Rosds, Driver. Slreel I ol Chrirlmrr Ticr fi 2530Strtion St. Lt. 6.1564 Mcrkelerr ond Appllen ol Roqdl Otl Tqr NOIiTt{ slDE ctlEvR0Lll'l' 534?E. WashingtonSt. FL, t.ll59 frroee. renr Lt 6-t63rii Fjr\Sl'SIDE CIII'VROLIi'I' I 8051E. 46rhSr. FL. I.5140 Emuhllted Aephcll AvENUE cL t'2{7t W. t4J6EAsr wAsHtNcroN FL I'ttll I rt, BRoADRIPPLE 105? Wrshinefon51. CH. {-4t7a I ?o:lB:00-ullir I u,ili,,';i.;- t ct,tf col,r,r,(i' At'F_ cr,. $.?36t 3,{41Collese Ave. WA. 6{056 P.M. i i IriltltlDMl PAGE TEN THE CRITERION,DECEMBER 16, 1960 I I-OR THE CLERGY fnterfail.h lnllis Elect oftieers floly See lists u,slmtfofctss l.o llc o(xxluclc(l at Scottsburg by ttt:lv.sllilIx)rrn{}n

IIU'l'lll:|,, (l()l'nlany -.- (latlrolic tnust he and I'rotestant newsnlorr in Gol'- ntany will mccl, again Apfil 211-:J0 lo rliscrrss nrn.ior leligiorrs issues anrl contloversir:s in thc ncrvs. Brownsburg The tnecting rvill be heltl rri. Ilcnsl;clg, ncnr r,l()lo!1l}1., ll rvill be tlte sixth timc thc gloups have MASS lrlUST also br' offtlcrl fot rnet since .lS,'r?, FEENEY'STAVERN llrt intcnlion of the people on tl 36 [ M.in tt. Prrrpose of ilre nrct'tings is l0 Irowntburl, ltr{, of 3l secortrl class feasls in the Announce lheme Good Beer and Sendwichcr pt'ovitle llcttct' t'oopclation bo- phonr calorrrlflr of tlre llrrivelsnl Church. Ut t.g27B 'l'hese hvcon etlitols rvlro nrc htrrdlinr nre the fcnst.s of the Puli- rcligious stot'itrs. [Cach urlilol is lientiou, lhc Ililthday of lhe for I'ress ilIonllt Bro*n,bi,lTliin providerl wi{h Lclepll()11e nurlbers "." Illt'sscd Vir'11in r\Inry and tha and Furnilure Co. "ltit'l of two outstanding expcrts on htl:tr-s"-l hc nnniverslrrit--s o! 5Ptf0QUttl{ ApPLtAt.l(ES rnd eillrer Catholic ol ProtestnnI lrol- tlt:tllt_-of tltc r\llosthrs ntrd l,lr,an- 'l'hrrs jcy. rvhflr a Protcslaill. Glidden Paintr gcl isl r. +dilor is proccssing a stoly on ;r . . r ,. #*'1,'^: ::1t]t'rrownrbtr,s L-atholic sub.lcct hc cln t:;rll I uL 2-4587 ACCM l.iEAD HONORED-^fr. Jrmcr J. Rurrll, prrrldont of rho (latltolie autholily for tlrc hir;tori- Archdiocerrn Councll ol Cctholic Men, holdr f{rc brhlcarc which cal nntl thcological bar:l

.tlnnourn:er hike in A/.D- luilion

lf/ied,enr.{rnft'$* Il k Iz SWANKS Ihlls City * (]oiltll - l\tltst Jlrrf {}r.rlcr. lo rrurci. Why PeryMore? :tl l(t'u' Allxrnv .ffil'*:",1,^:J- High Quality & low Priccr 4"rrn BercrtaV 0amprny

IIARPER'S LICH[YTER BUITDING SUPPTY Cunnlnghom Bros. t@l Conf rcrcling Contpotty Building f/tEfcriql Co, coi,{f'rETI sultDtNc StJPPUFS DNUG STORI tul'{BIR Al.lD llll W. Ilrrt !t, Phonr fgg SUltDrNC SUPflr[S l2'l l. itoln tt ?hone 76 I:l[,] liinirnclrR-No l)own l *,11cttt SAVE TIIY1ESATELY I'hon. 6l3t*62X-?l E, JACKS(,N E'f. Dial3-E088 Dial ctrFry tNN clitry Idlli Jtorr Pdrh THESTAHGER Cl!. (Bob) ETEVENHUNDRED CAR * .- R,lV, Gasway FAMITY RA'Es Men crnd Young SERVICT HcCaHfeyInsuranee Men's k:eiianr Food in Coloniol CIOTHING ond SHOES 135W. CourfAvr. lll0 filulbarry Jt. Phon* 546 5etling ll4 Wasl Nat'! Avc. ph. 26076 JrSerronvilh, lnd.

Hargol|il Company rri:$ ,:t i) i$ RffiI Cleoned Filtered ;L\i*iri Ni$ffi1 FUELOIL [{"*,1T,'.,} "Sn,ui.o AtiI.l.l:'l'lN l;O,\hl): St, llrrlholo, orr Anylhingl Ileclronic" ltlo l. ltoin F a trFvra TellGils Federaltlal I ntcw'r SurlCov ltnssts-1, ana t t | tl Poorl tr. Ph. lVIl 4-0581 t FllrD I t I I Bill's TV DEPT. STORE qnd Service s,&1.Assn, I Soles J Blcrk- Ofi Moin Iov AIEN'3 ond BOY3' srtronia rV & Hi-fi in Iell Cify ct oIHtNc I lnCOLUfiBUt...lee rsol centrol Dr. 6.7550 c-o-A-r I TEtt CITY Bokery ond PeoplesBuilCing I Gene's scHUtz NATIONAT BANK I Delicolessen "85 I & Loan[ssn, Ycors of Good SoeciolCoker & l'oslrier 6O8 I Fill Up and FEEL Paorl !r, Diot Wlt.4-2211 Eonking Servicc" D{/gmt, fZS Worhington tt. I ll6 Worhingron Jtr.rf, oR. 6-4828 fRET PARKINO I lhe difference I Downlown Colsmbur | 1r67.25fh sr. Dn.2-5311 Patron ize Palronize u. s, BRtcK F['Er0t[ Our COMPANY HomeFederalSavings and Loan Associalion Calt C-222s Adtx:rtisprs 0ur Insured Sovings Aceounts foc" Brick W;lh Tht For SERVICE Adverlisers (olor Eurned ln 544 Woshingto.; George Shruili,r J. Funt,rnl llome Armslrong-Wof ker Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home 0ARPEilTER'SREXILL onuq ST0fiES tumber Co., Inc. i;;;;;,,,, Arribulonco Scrvice -- rrh * wA3xlHGroN tL - t739 CtNlEAt AVt. Our Ithonr PholoSupnlier-Sundric:- Grl,r Phonr lTll oAx rr. fEILCIft, IND, 08. 4.{{?7 P.;;eripfrc"r-Drugr.^Cotmelrcr Dil -}7'l5l ,:klw:rli!'{}rB , THE CRITERION,DEEEMBER 16, 1960 PAGE ELEVE$ t


REAL ESTAIT, RENTS, INSURANCT Thomas[. l{elch Co, tOf Inlond 8ldg, mt. &6!64 List Parish PLAN ALUMNI DANCE-Tho Sceclnr Memorhl Shopping Hlch Indianapolis lchool Alumni lsrocirlion will rponror r Chrlrlmar Dancc ln lhe Sceclnr celelorium on Thursdry cvonlng, Dec. 22. Themc of lhc reml. "White formrl irffair ir Christme s." Clarr roprotenhliver, above, '59, Little Flower Sf- Jar,res include (left to righf) Julie O'Connell Noreen Sheehon ,59, * Lady of Lourdec * * '57, '58. Prlly McAteq rnd Mary Jo Bqrnr (Staf{ photo} | EMERTEN RESIAURANT 6{lii0ll. loth st. t'|,. i "rt;Tl !'lfAi\tous ljott oull t'.\s'nu l,:s" Ar[ irrsh'ur:torat Tiloods \\fo Spcr:lnllrc In AMER ICAN slt,\ l,{)ol)s ,t l.lNtl illi.l'fs .-*::11_YY:|::T :l l:liil:T- .. ESTATESCO. cclits lrcw tcaching scrics t{20 N. Collasc Ct. l-9.r0l lry\ STNCLATR& SON cARAGE A ncrv lltrt:e llook sctics of r\r-t fA) '['t'aclrin!l * Cathedral l'latts lor ust: itt ltaLo- Nativity Sl, Joan of Arc chial f.it'atlc scltools hns I'0ccntll' Holy Spirii r"-*,il'l,il'1," llcsirlcs thwalting his clcative 3ffi lrcon t't,lctse:tl lty tlttt (it'c11rtt'ilrtt rl,. l'{5'll '[irli'rlo. llt l(. Frna' ll[5 N' PGnr' llrstrlrrtc l'r'css rrf li]tlitor allu' C()r. r, l0th rnd ltltll:RtoN tia|tl HourG Rili'lgh 'Tlil{srr FAt'.NZl'S donrtrleto Automrblla Relirrirlnl c\J? MEA'l.lir of tlrn illtrstratcrl toxts is Sister SlloPs ()ur 'ltlth IGsr SToREY'S F'OOD ItAlllo &'r.v" PAT DOLLEN'S Bsther, ii.[]., lreflrl of ilrr: nlt rlr:- tvafidrt rnd !jl)lcur'! F otr[tr $J\t,Fls , nrl $tltrvtdh -"r :4::-*:' -T-!::::I-g* paltrlcn{. at St. r\1at'y-of-thc- Loxe;t lrtrlslblr llrlerl 6tt1 B" l0th sr, l'L. tdtol ll.\vll ul,llrlLsl'liltv \l0llK Wo buy orrr owB lruitt rnd v.B*tablar 'I'hk Wootlri (-'ollcgtt. a.0s5l rlr- a.06tl {}rourrr, you xE r)oNri tio\Yl {ron ln{rrcr trcrh. slirions, gs rYrE r'r' rY rrrt!s and qUallft. lrtrlivirhral \(.cr'd coir- llil)lical clnllctcls I I I 3.lrrt fr0m Ntr Fill l'rbrler Roo(l 1rr'o,jrcts ll t't,ll ts irkros fronr rlnil;r living, ------l "fYnfylh!ng 648 E- {gth AT. 3.637r tril)ul('(l lry rllelullels of tlle ljalvr-l 6aorl f0f A, & E, UPHO'.STIRING 'rrur Hr'*ittir ('ottl'r'l,lt,'u of ,\r't J,l,lrr. tlnl,ri,ly 1ilirll" .!l, .' r tislliilrrl,rr I;ttrnlrltiil t I Shodeland Super Markei tttors, l'{rlrft'scntittg scvotnl rell. i !-LlI-s-!.-..-. -. .I-":,11311.- gious (rl corlrnnrnititrs and laynrcn I 6961 l. lolh thrdrhnd) fl" l.86lt TMTRSON HIIGHTS W.5r,c,rinlir. in lli')h Quallty At.rlr tlrloughout tlur coutrlry. Eradiey Hardwnlc Co. i dnd Poullry CI.EANfR5 iliorr lln. tloq. tlnr. flrt, {:f0 .!. AN INTERVIEW *'itlr Sistrr FTAITNER}IOUSE HOMES, IhI(. aSoll t), i!{lchrtarl I I i.nl. tlt I Ul tl D.m.-qutr, P.s- l,'1.8-iiln? ltlstltcr about thel placo nntl r;altro i compl6t. I'lnc lltrdun e1\'hrtt i Your tirrMcnts At ]{(il of rlt irr tlxr ok'nrcnttt'y scltool Llc I BUILD YOUR OWN HOME Eurdrall Paintr SccotulttB to Ytttt th0y Should (:rtillllB t,r [1r" r:rrrricrrlurrt, rvltich ot'itriittally np-i ,ift ttA f'tala 'l'lrtr t lf,Ati, poiilcrl in lntliatta (l:ttholie I Thru Self-Help- With OtherFamilier --= " s0r,t,t'al nlollllls aqrl, sol'vos as nn I itt "nJ'ii"."i"n" l;;"nn'R'$ inllorlur:lion l(' {,ir(:lt lruok tltt l r;;i;;;; ll {)rtp covet's ttrt itt Flower Shop CAFETERTA selics. llook I il stlttc{ions fol gt'atk's t. 2 and ir; "llowrtft AII 0ial\icflr" I NEWPROJECI STARIIilG! for I[.7-OOqt '1'q'1, r $, J0llNs0HAvr. Imorrcn rt !0th il lilrqft ittclrtrk's grirrlcs 4. 5 | 'l'irrt'c ti: covcls ploj-l FL 6-5508 ilcoo' rooo lntl !l,rok THREE BEDROOM RANCHSTYLE HOMES il (r'atlcs IVTRY OAY" rcts l.ir' ? antl fl. I l lii_Y-- ;I lllrrstlrrliorrs aLu rvofl{s try palu.l IN THE DOUGLAS PARK AREA "leo lood At llr Birt* il t:hral sclrtrrrl tltiklLett ft'ttttr tll I WOI,MAN'S DRUGS ort'r' llrc I.initcrl iitattrs. Iltrst ofi I'r'!r ll r,.ur.- 1l t.rtr,'-{.llost,l t".0. il tho {rt'iliinit ls wt'rc st.'ttl rtt for tltc I Call or Visit Nultotr:rl {'ltliolic ('hal rtrcs (irrlel'i ' Sirrtt I {}./(} crr Julrtllc l'lrhibil rrrr

St. Bernadeits * Woodcroft Pharnracy PAil'ltltlx, M0taL'taTl. tJr!a? - - - J14g ffitlr!,Jra l?. tltll Chureh School Iiome hlaintenance . r:xPlinT Psa8cnlIartoN tfSvle]; t qltal,tTv DBU{ll Cullrnctars - Supplir:rr - Eliltrtriciarrs - thrpentcri -'l= - - - 5i. PhilipNerl *i* St. PhilipNerl l.tlumbers Flaslererc Falulers Fencing fh.rrrrl for ,lll Orjsrioru 5t. Patrick Anlhony'r Flower $hop 'l'l'.o!11!)t{rr! Jnr .1. \Yllrrln (&ilthony) FREEI JOHANTGEN'S LCD(' l( ll!'oDrlstorr ,lT" J"lfll Onc Eeluliful Chrlrlmcr Trcl PHARMACY CIPIT|ILGLISS fllt ilrdltrtl rtvr. RURAL JOIEIDAN 8ou(ht'ort Ind- Ornemenl Wilh EvcrY Purcherr fi f{ urumr*our (IOTPATY, rl h- P,rvrrro IJIG. DOYLE'S ffi *rtiff:J".. FunerulHome ,lrth. (ffiJ ilE l'ttl tl CARI.OS EAKIRY 'Eom. d Prrsonrl *a:lof a Elorc lrontr flill{A sHELLsERVlcE =€z a haaadDdor a tN$, rxcAvArtot{l l?tl Btlll B.l. (Jutt Otr ll.{.lhdn) ta !filt l&bqtaDar ,l;'b 8T. i"li?E ProrPoct IT r Furnhurc Topr TsJ/iln l50l "-";" r tlctlelour lltlral li

HASSE'S BAKERY rou t3, ilL ll"l BE: tov tEt 'lrt & / t/ FAtt SPESALS/ / . gIRTHDAY CAKEA sAI.ON CrtKllS PANELING, 4r8, t7n" V.G. Philippinc mohg. , ,. . t4,40 BEAUIY e WEDDIs*G PLYWOOD, 4x8, t;0" A,D. fir, er. .... ,..12.86 1'IN'l r N (i ^ n- l) Pli:'l{.Y.{li L}i'l"t EOT rTCTNUTB l:10 f'X' BVEBT DAtt KNOTTY PINE PANELING. 6'E.10'12"widlh, hd...... 112.75 llert {:' iloll., Ortl.t tlx8, PLASTERBOARD, sheel ...... ,...... 11.t4 J5{ N. lalr.l IB. l'?atl INSULATION, blcnket type, hd. ...,..91.80 Si. Francis flr,rrrl !drdnrrdrt lr?nlnlt bt.lgPL UTILfTY TABLE TOPS,5xl, 1.", o., ...... 112.10 JAC0R ll{]ltzlit, UTILITY TABLE Brser, ce, .....t8.95 Italrernize lhe tinFoilai -{ c.rnrr qurl,, gal, .14.32 PAINT, Inl,, rubber baso, lop , . ..,,... ART'S TJRUCS othcr Iloe cl'rlr Cherler B. Ellir, D.C. rinprllrtfur-Cuckm"" -iarihcr I ' AR'THUB J. UTUNIEE . lcr.lrt dlrmondr SUTHERLANDLUMBER CO. 2t{l fltf loth '{Your atPc!-l rtPslrlii( Open Fri

f)ro1r f4tts scrvice Protestant church body Lifite Christophers fi[ass meclia uid for pilirils lrrivrtlc unlts put.clrase thotrsartrls of auto- ruoltilc stickcr.s, stolc wintlow appeals for racial postcrs, leaflots anrl sntall seals n'hich are distrillutcrl by Nlt\V Y()ltK-'.;\nrcricArr-s rvcle school chiklren. askcel bt'lhc Nnlionnl Council of Sturlonts (.'ltrrches here in a ntessage fot' of {)ul t,arl;. of Glace At'arlclny, (ilovc, Race Relatiotts Strtrtl:t1'. l"t'b. 12, Ilccch rvill dis. "Aontrint'ltoss lribrrle lo (loulonsll'alt' llto enrDpair.ln nratt,rial lo more or' Christian love" lo| thc'ir fcllou' lhan Z0 Indiana citics and rn(.n b.Y ntahing it the irasis of torvns tluring [hc coming holidays. .iu,stice rn all hrrnran rclation.ships, "[,eI ouf socrr!t.\', ouf inslltil- liorts. ,ts woll {s p(rrsons he losterl h1' the genuin{)nt'sli of Ior e." lhe luossittlo doclnrr'd, ' \\'hcn lor c i.s tlcnuirte, l'ace or eulttrlal back,qt'ound, rgrr or srrx, inttlligcncr ol wt'rllh rvill not be n basis fol scpllation." "EVERy NEW BEDFORD SCHOOL-Abovc ir lhc ncw righl-clarrroom rchool al $1. Vinccni de Peul perith, Bod. ,,,;;fT,l'trl'il*,,,11'li',"'';iiX'1,,,:: MAN,u''h Gotr'.r ford. Thr huilding war blctrod lrrt tundry. Frlhrr Lrwrencc |rVainnpfel ir thr prrlor. pronlrse in lhe pockcl lcss. tlo loveloin nnel th. rrnlor._ of his healt. llas..llto figltl. t.o be u'hflt nble,,,tlre n)essaqo rleclalerl. nnd he is a.r (i{)(l's_tllllll_antl @fr* to fttlfill rvhitl tlotl EUARD**b Its l{enilinolloss is tcstcd bt' ils e\l)0I!l of hinr' Gcnttinc lote HA}ruFACTURING f0sponse lo lhfoc rtcnr..ntai ltir- Popular Special offict: to hancllt: JT]TI/T:LIIR se{!s,lhts ntan. It brcak.s dorvn lltc ntan nerds*.'the riglrt of rll nrcn (Jewelerr For Four (icnrration;i nrirldle u'all of partition lo hR'e tvlrat is ttrcir.s a,s nion. and looks lllx)n cvrf]' the Iight of tttt-tt to ltc in.',rttt,u,,- mRn Rs infinilcll'sl- cled \\'ltat hc is antl u'lt:rt he rD I a nr o n d s #?riiTffil,i$****"h, nion ivith ollrr.r' prcn, an6 il," cnn licurnc'nicalColrn(;i I lrr)ws be no nlnn ntust |ighl oi evor]' lltfln to be lrrnr' tlesecrale'" Accontpattf ing lhe nlessnfic 0y M$GR. JAMES TUCEK Bulovr, llamillon lVnl,r:hes ..,.ttlf rvor.o .sltgNostiorrs lirr. aclion llv g24.9ft ltr-rM E--liis ttollness Fope ,lohn Irgc SelecHrn tlutr to i,li',t},il Jocnl clnrrche.sin thoir conulunr. AFRICAN CENTER 'l'ltosr' 'l'lto \\ll! has oltlererl the r:;tghlir;!r- Iros. inclrrrli,rl srrppolt of tttt'tt ailrt u'otrrr'lt slil(loillr nrcnt of a spcr'inl ncws informa- ()ur I.t)NIl()N* [n I rnttlt to e ror.t 1tor.r.prelts to Ialier lliamtmd Walchet Spet:ialry elinrinnte' rncial tiurrt fnrnl 38 llatrsher u'hrte inflrrcnt'o lion offico for the cornin5. ocunl6n. sreillor oll r\h'icilns $'ho rlirrcr.imiuution nt lrrnch eounto|s, cortle thcl' lssist llrerr plstors iu the ical council. lo I'lrrglantl. thtr.lt'srril l"n- r.csrauranls nnrl o{hcl prrblitl 5lb lloa Morchonir Bar ndq. (OppositeAyrad lltel's of lhc l,lnSlish rcligious inslnrction of Cath. I'r.ovincc pllccs rrrtl r:ontinrred effoits to T'he oltlcr w{s rtrvoalcd bv halc tont <'ttt-rl lt srrr:rll lrolcl near ns.sutrr all l)crsnns ilte oPpottrr- olic clriltllcn altcnrling public ArclrLrislroll I'crrt.lr' lfelici, rou.c.. l,onilou'.s Vlct(!rir srntion inlo r nill,of excrcising thcir light to tcltttrr ls. tat'y of the Centt,al Prclralator.l' e0ntcr [(!l't'atlrolic.\fr.tcans. \.olr]. 'l'ltc (.'onrrnission for lhc Sccontl {(|.r.|qKK*&tgwr^tl strtrlonts tttt'nd t2 lrlo- Vnti- 'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllllllltttltttlttttilttlttltlililiilillilnllllliliniill t'nn (iouncil. in a slreech (o hottr stttrll' .sessiotts, consis(irtl nlcln- hels of lhe Catholie llnion of Rrr horrr of

I rlrsar{r'ct otlilrl.v s'iih llr. 20ll. Pff{l{.sT. "l)r'qt- \\'i1l1ts tvlrr:rr hc sals llrat ftlE. t-9629 ('slitnts srlq hr'ctrrse thcy ltale Itotitittll eisl to rkl at tlrorl st'r.r,- 'l'lris it'es." is n 11'oss, inlole lan{, nri.srrnrlt'r'st:uuling o{ thc rvhole i)r'olcstant irtrprorch. nnrl ns sut'h. I u'orrkl sa1. is nrost rrnrvorthy of anJ'('atholic.

I fol otre think wo ('atholics rlo har e sonrc tlrings to lcar.n fronr l'l'ott'stilils, atitl I lt'r.l ii is rrttcr. ilrfr)g:rnec !r' sir)' Ihal n'e cannot Termite ('at'tls lhtt r.rlrj'c:js lolln flonr therrr. ControlService lltc ltrre sprr.ll of llrc rr,1:;1,11, [,31.r" ililenlion! raflcl)' {)l cal'(ls clpacral}1, lot. I}t.r0st-s,lrrirrs, rclatrvcE. I'Rlill sl'A'niwlDti QUICK SAVE T[]HI\IIT'[ INSI}ECTION COUPON PLAN c [ifetinro Guortrntee Plcrrr . For Schools,Churcher, Converricnl Tsrnrs . Refererrce:: Clubr, Parish Organiralionr Nunrercu: Ciiiliolie Churches Throughout tlrr- Stote . . . lhey'll hove lheir' --- Y r your Combinc Efforrr new home gooner Obtrin M,rny Usrful Gifts For your Frvoritr Orgarrirolion becouse lhey soved ol CI{OOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF GIFTS CELTIG FEDERAT r Electric Applirncer I Movie pro;ectorr t Co{iec Urnr * Linenr * Mrny Othrrr

NOW Availablel Sar etrick c Coullous on rvct..\, can rf \rrlr.a, \\'il.son Nlilk: also Nrrrnairi anrl Drrrkee's il{ar.galitte. W For Deloilt WRiTE or CALL -- Ir,IailO|clerr Pror:rpily .['illcd * WilsonMilk Co. "Il,'e Specialize Iu. Scrt:it'c"

! ME 4.74t5I l{nfnC BnOS. lisrlt,tistrerrtfrgp !..---.1 fr T lndienepolir, lnd. r ffi a ll FEENEY'S { FTNESTFUNERALS-- I{OW Mt. 8-3416 I Mr. 8-34t7E lsr FRtzE*t50.00cAsH A b, .h,tti!* !s.' 'i*rFI-h &ih'hFrlE,};hF.*Fr 50,}i;ill;u'.Ll t /1i' 4 A, \i if,r i 2ND PRrZE__t25.00 cAsH FiiF't Outdoor Chrislmas iionest Crib Contest

l'cnrorrd Ly ilth Drir.r I ,f I ffff5'l[0l|J||5n|[tI

Harry J. Feeney I'or Next \\'eek Onlr': and Martin T. Feeney I)otrnlourl . , . OUTOOOR CHRISTMAS CRIB CONTEST ENTRY BLANK CAPIIOLCW SUPPTYCO., IJ{C.

Dislribulors I wi:h to cnter Conlest for Crib. ... . Nrma . ThornarM, FitrgeraH, Prerident

Addrerr 214 E. St. Clair Indianapolir