Loses Office Space to Roller Rink
ASMSU loses office space to Roller rink Exponent l\1la11aging Editor l\Iichelle Toliarslti Caught it1 Love T1ia11gle -With Hol(vwood Movie star Tim Roth and Communist leader Fidel Castro Cuban Arn1y on Alert ~:::mlllm'llfC'1~~....- 2-1602 Ahufu~ 24601 ij,,,. •:t.k 1J)onm~·J/ll • '' -l\hCBEltE TOK.\RSKJ;EXPO Er-1!\l\'1AC I 'C EDITOR, CO'l\ll"'ll T.D1 CO D\..,CFR '' This will change everything. (left) Expc Editors ga around th newly d1scovere1 Dictionary the Renrn Library. Although discovery occurred late to hel this year, publicat10 plans full implemen of the boc the Sprini 2004. (Ce Exponent Editor Ma Hibdon la asleep af1 spending minutes reading tt tome sho following discovery Exponent discovers dictionary for the first tim 8) r'\,T\STll l\IO :\11t110GR "Ill K-Z Besides. poncnt :\ews Editor ~1. l:\pom 111 /Ille rnati111111/ 11 nit r o t h e r ~Iiddlebrooks. ,he :::a1 A ;\ISP com the word;; are really poiz In an exciting revela mittees like unles,; you·re tr~·mg to tion thi;; week. the Expo11c11t film::; haYe mes:;age acros,,.;. editors made a ::,tartling dis been operat .. It·,_ ju,,t a bun cover~ that may greatly im ing for year;; stoopid worch an1• proYe the qualit) of the stu without a :\liddlebrook,, ,,,nd ... ,, dent new'-'paper as ,1 whole dictionan the point un!e,- \Oujus a dictionary. and they·n, ing- to wnte a stOr) or f .. You may not know done ju,;t ticle. but senCl' \\ l'n this... Exponent Editor fine ..
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