Whkend of July 7-8, 2007 Guest Host: Kelly Clarkson
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I 1'260 vt.~ DOlJI,...b"VARO ST'R Fl..OOR ~.AMA:-.. OAKS. <.:AWroiU'tA 9t4 0)-SJJ9 'TU.JtP'RO}.."E (&18) 3'174300 f:AX (818) 3 77-$3)} \o\....,.. lllap www p.·~:nie.rc:r.~.di o,(;(lm AMERltP.N TOP 40 / WITH RYAN SE ~CH E ST Show Code: tro7-27 Show Date: WHkend of July 7-8, 2007 Guest Host: Kelly Clarkson Disc One/Hour One Openitlg 6w.:Joan::s :05 lifetimeiRyan 4 Seg.l Content #40 "IRREPLACEABLE"- Beyonce #39 "THE WAY I LIVE"- Baby Boy Da Prince #38 "POP, LOCK & DROP IT"- Huey Break Out: "SHUT UP AND DRIVE" - Rihanna Comm~ :30 Ufetime/Ryan 4 :30 Check 'N' Go :60 Benadryl Base Outcue: • ... OTC allergy medcones: Segmerrtti.-w: "li:SO Local Brea 2.1)(; Seg.2 Content: ;::> -c_.::-m:s ~-G.- c...ss -...roa ;:36 ":,..,.:.-rGOESARO\......... · - ....-.: -~ i;;5 - -.!: G~- E~ - 3orS .JIIJ! Grls INSERT LOCAL iO :04 #34 "GET IT SHAWTY" - Ltoyd featunng Y~M~g Joe Cc nmerda!s: :30 ABC Fam:ly/G:~c ~--::. - - :3() GM Corporate/DJ :30 WalmarVGriUin :3() Lifetime 'Ryan 4 Outcue: • ~ "" u'&...,., • Segm<mt time: 17:35 Local 3.-eal< 2:00 Seg. 3 Content #33 'ROC-<5"" AA'- NO e.::ac. #32 'tAS- \ IGir. - Doody 1e3tunng Keyshia Colo ;;31 "THE V.AY ARE" - TomOaland f eaturing Ken Hilson Corr.mercials: :30 Michelln Tares :3() Fox/Ryan Seacro Outrue: " ... only on FOX • Segment time: 12:34 Local Break 1:00 Seg 4 -•This is on optional cut - Stations can opt to drop song f or local inventory".. Content: AT40 Extra: "DON'T LET ME G ET ME" - Pink Outcue: • ... coming up next." Segment timo: 3:55 Hour 1 Total Time: 58:S4 END OF DISC ONE .sntrt.ooR SJ-lCR..MAN O AKS. CALlFOR..NlA 9S~J-5J"l9 TP.t,.F.:PHONE (8J 8) J~""'·SlOO FAX (lUll) J,.,·SS:n WcbiiJtC' llttp.//w w w .prc::u-..... com AMERICAN TOP 40 /WITH RYAIISEI.CiiEST Show Codo: W 7 -27 Show Date: Weekend of July 7 ·8, 2007 Disc Two/Hour Two Opening Billboard :05 Lifetime/Ryan 4 Seg. 1 Content: #30 "SAY IT RIGHr-Nelly Furtado 1129 "IF EVERYONE CARED' - Nickelbaek 1128 'REHAB' - Arny Winehouse Extra: 'EASY" - Paula DeAnda fiBow Wow Commercials: :30 ABC Family/Gree :30 Radio Shack Ace :30 Ford/FQC..Used :30 Lifetime/Ryan 4 Outcue: •... central on Lifetime." Segment time: 16:28 Local Steak 2:00 Seg.2 Content: INSERT LOCAL ID :1 ~ 1127 ' DON'T MATIER'- Akon #26 "IrS NOT OVER'- Daughtry 11125 ·BerreR TWW tJ€" - Hinder C-' ~:.:.E. i:.C ',---..._ !llaC d z==s. > ~~ -oAo ~u.- ... 30 Je:. r-.e.~ ~ .60 Benaaryl Base • ... OTC allergy medicme." Segment timo: 18:09 ...ocal Break 2:00 Seg.3 Content INSERT LOCAL 10 :11 1123 '4 IN THE MORNING' - Gwen Stefani 1122 'LIKE A BOY" - Ciara 1121 "I TRIED' - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony featuring AADn Commercials: :30 Lifetime/Ryan 4 :30 GM Corporate/DJ Outcue: ..... Crossover. check it OUL • Segment time: 15:39 local Steak 1:00 Seg 4 -This is an optional cut • Sta:tions can opt to drop sor>g for local inventory Content: AT40 Extra: "BOUI..EVARO OF 5RC-<::~, DREAMS' - Green Day Outcue: • .. country are nelC1 • Segment tlmo: 4:06 Hour 2 Total Time: 59:22 END OF DISC WvO - lS26() 80t11,.~V/\RD STHt"LOOR SfiJlRMAN OAKS., CALIFORNIA 9 1403· '339 TIU...EPROl':£ (818) 377•-'300 FA.X (818) 377.3333 Wet..&c- bAp.. -.p!"C'Jl\ierctadio ..:.urn Show Code: #47-71 Show Dale; Yieekand of July 7~. 2007 Disc Three.'Hour Tlvee Opening~ :05 Lrfetime/Ryan 4 Seg. 1 INSERT LOCAL ID :14 Content 1120 "THE SWEET ESCAPE' - Gwen Stefani featuring Akon 1119 '"WHINE UP" - Kat Deluna featuring Elephant Man #18 "CUPID'S CHOKE HOLD"-Gym Class Heroes II Patrick Stump Extra: "COOL" - Gwen Stefani Commeroals_ :30 Ufetime/Ryan 4 :30 GM Corporate/OJ :30 Cheek 'N' Go :30 ABC Family /Gree Outcue: ", on ABC Fam1ly " Segment til:ae; •!~ Local 8reait LiXl Seg. 2 Content. .... - ""w\t"\A.,. "'\:C. ~·€ - ~ ?'zi ""SERT LOCAL ID :a 1116 "GLAMO~O US" - Ferg"' !eatumg !..uo.lcns #15 "BEFORE HE CHEATS"- came Underwood #14 'PARTY LIKE A.R_~KWB"- Shp~ -- Commercials: :30 Fotd/FQC-Used :30 Fox/Ryan Seacre 30 1.1ocheWI rues 30\'.~Gi""'l'l OutctJe. • :a'tleO es _.. 'le<E • S<>grrwnt limo: 17:39 Local Break 2:00 Seg.3 Con:ent ~3 ~-•,I(S ~ ?., l.r.'~S'- Fal Oul Soy .;•2 'HEY Tli"'...RE DEU!..AH" - Plain While-s "SERT LOCALID :13 ;; '• "V,Aff FOR YOlr- Elloot Yam1n Commercials: .30 ..iletrne/Ryan 4 30 Radio Shack Acl:; Ou!cue: ' I:IU) sllt.J 00 Sluff ' Segmenttime: 14:27 Loca. Break 1:00 ·~This is an optioruol aJI • Stations can opt to drop song for local inventory" Ccw.ent; ;..-~ EJc:ra. .._OIIOEL Y' -AAIJCI Otr~; :op.,.anexl' Sogmenltime: 4:37 Hour 3 Total Timo: 60:08 EN!l OF DISC THREE < \ BOU'Lt.VA.RO STIH"LOOI< SH!::.RM.AN OAKS~ CALif.OR...~lA 9J.C0)-!i)J!) "l"£LE.P.80N"B (SJS) 177-$300 FAX(8 t8)377-$~33 Web6ite: bnp://ww-w.pt"C'm.ic:n::n.dio,c:om I.IIERICAN TOP 40f WliH RYANS! ~CREST Sl'>ow Code: #07 ·27 Sbow Dato: Weekend of July 7-8, 2007 Disc Four/Hour Four Opening Billboard :05 Lifetime/Ryan 4 Seg.1 Content: #tO "GIVE IT TO ME• - Timbatand f/ Nelly Furtado & Justin Timbertake #9 "GIRLFRIEND" - Avril Lavigne #8 "BEAUTIFUL GIRLS" - Sean Kingston Extra: ""NEVER AGAIN" - Kelly Clarkson Commercials: :30 Walmart/Grillin :30 Lifetime/Ryan 4 :60 Benadry! Base Outcue: ·· ... OTC allergy medicine." Segment time: 17:30 Local Break 2:00 Seg.2 Content: INSERT LOCALID :10 #7 "U + UR HAND" - Pink #6 "BUY U A DRANK (SHAWTY SNAPPIN')" - T·Pain f/ Yung Joe Commercials: :30 ABC Family/Gree :30 Radio Shack Ace )(J...,......,pr ... ~"=""--~ • cpo dol <:Orr • Segment time: 10:30 Local Break 2:00 Seg3 Content INSERT LOCALIO :15 #5 "HOME"" - Daughtry #4 "" MAKES ME WONDER" -Maroon 5 #3 "" BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY (PERSONAL)" - Fergie Commercials: :30 lifetime/Ryan 4 :30 GM Corporate/DJ Outcue: • ... Crossover. check it out. .. Segment Time: 14:10 Local Break 1 :00 Seg.4 -rhis is an optional cut • Stations can opt to drop song for local inventory"'"' Content: AT40 Extra: •PROMISCUOUS" - Nelly Furtado ffTimbaland Outcue: • ... on American Top 40." Segment time: 3:57 Seg. 5 Content: #2 "" UMBRELLA" - Rihanna featuring Jay·Z #1 ""SUMMER LOVE" - Justin Timberlake Close Billboard: :05 Fox Outcue: ·· ... Clarkson OUT'"" Segment time: 10:52 Hour4 Total Time: 61 :59 Show Total: 4:00:23 Tracks 6 & 7: Promos Track 8: Promo Bed .. .