
ii:l| I liov. Burglars Work.

1 rom 11.• i• v\ ^ imi» M.'i iiari •■'■Mui! i’otatoes. ""iii- ■ ',"1 most .sin-rMrtsf’uJ makers of burglars rn. ,> in t!:•• * '»unli\, nk***i u detective recent 1 ‘"l1 .1 most important •<’ .1 s,11 reporter. > Louis better known •is i''n i, Loins tlm titter. w!,o escaped fr**m uni it ■ having been y I’Ntl; last. when In- had been s« it season tnore than ii• -«• A lgn.st Mh. ISi;. toi three years ami six in•»::th~ mr compiu Ay in a in ill" tilth -’.■ .1 be burglary taken in harvest- ward. la-.is i> lot K>mith by profession. ami is \ 1 correspondent eommeiseed crooked business by the manutae Republican ture of t a Is*- ki-y> from patterns taken from mi : ! i nl. nion says: pressions I here an* a few other.-* known to the ■ VOLUME .-><>. poiu-e. i'n->n_r them is Mi.ier who a in :' V green hands and BELFAST. kept shop MAINE, THURSDAY, s| 11e>te >t i'e> t, ami wl.o was concerned in that u s ..wed :«> NUMBER :;s harvest our po- ■walk oat of Siiiu Sing' three v ears !, i s siurs should hr wri. assorted Household < In;-' ilso tnn.ei! out u oi k Hints. Drop by Drop. good \d N<> wonder and there “*1 I)e best mat. 1 ever knew.' rhillied .ii all ex the little ones, the dismay sin- liniI no sooner -aid, Mr-i. Lsnstry. the i»bndon A pronged ronsternatipt "My papa “Beauty." Startling Charge era- i in- hrst In>!v I :l U '•'cl I- k>a.an. win* stooi.l bt. "was Met nliotigh. win* d tlir rat unis should hr l>\ printed 1 on Ol'ld <*\ fP ti l}’ depicted nil CVrl'V t'nlpilflMmV will'll nnil mamma arc i• 11 ;,i heavi n." than put had a at •• Th<‘ sum*.4 w<• i-Mti hi i, 11 'imp ,\ 10 l-mlridge street some II"!tioultuiv sail] to emir me tlouu. 1 fi'.ist'il \n 11. f.-|i aw nf at1uu! '.,h. ;u,i N I-li ■! •. M in !: uteri >1 is m>\v e\ years S' trd to >in the aiiviee daily reading! this letter. wonder mother hurst out 111 .1 blessed li! \vt‘i■ | '•}•?. * *• * liras and neat > •• ■' aao. i nit know what's become «»t him, t be " '111" at "i. Si»lllt* ]i As v is eiled m tie- lh.it p.t-S UW..V "• beaut in tile eve of till' observer, death M a; i: M u Mill'll «>! N 11 li \ persons who wish the;: roses to he looki'd made s. 's its should hr allowed '-m' uaspinph at rai’li otlnir. What hid that left a rainbow behind it. Ami some of j;.• m.est tools I evei t m\ ‘--well, t Ma •!'. will *>»• I Mill U tv h 111111 II! tin* W" *M»d > 111M !' »eep line and extra thole tit- •lllV"trt!t allOllt this So- -.veet.' she..! 1 o\ s" ia* ill thr world woir we to h'om ojiillKU: ■ is HO to ( lltrll iIn* sliadi* liar do with tId- lino that hour the w>• I:t in he hi*!' !11'ii: late I'm >'lav aitri it ■>-•( ;us mow sl,;p. tllr sunny la-yuii 1 1 11 e. I. >'ulli'il “hcanrv." iii "What ai ordinar >«*• ;; 1 ali i!i. 'll •*. medium si/c, regu- comprises velars u s always 1old "Iran bed. ; ir ,:i s, t.-d yonn,' in our bumble hoinr ! litteil from her m t more Thai slm u,i- niii! 1«*i.•. 1. ami under spoil tile host potatoes j».\ iai’y lira'll, tml I A, probable h>• *ls ! II ••* '* i' i;11 .• Ini' leatitres, f<• .i*l,ud •hminn-s mallets lilleil Ink can l.e i II C W el's al. u 1; :• 1«1 i>>s\ position A loi !al)iei iinii-c. ji. wedges. (aekserew-. preserved, from tnoai.l In Into, oho didu t housekeeper, '■>1 ehead, nice t t'iii; \ \ wiiieh i* the mots', *;..ti*m• i v •I d;__.-!' Is the I test for *‘-‘l know exactly how pool "e h;ul our mother hark an till 10 tshe coinplc with eitliei eopper or lead a latehet drill, a hiae** a I'.> lit.- ruin la'll.' i"n. ill : k !,i n lied part i»l the town. ih« boIore, pom a putting clove in the hottle, \ tow 'lr.i|i .lr..|>» w. \\i liui i, m|ilai isli shoulders, Sunday i-- l' skeleton ke\ s «*t the ■ k iiim* ;r, lot wrd been too to at '•'Oil to pn-ks. i.ij.pei mu:> ! us potatoes, and the side ot the |>:jsi an miaiiti-s winriii'. proud he ,ti 11.i .. !1111 to lii'i house w !it*l‘e 'he had beeU a! •. rvne 'h.- i>ri*iit_ ..] ,|uieiin il'' '11.'. I i--,.- »-*-•> eai a •! di"ps ally essential ..,! wail .:•* 'll! i-.-iif.il arms siu'h as the " peliti-i thi-r. fuse pr.-sem- dm\ U l:i•4 loll.- Mi! ill,* l.i,di knowdi ti4i- our extreme in tun s w.-. W all her he! ;.nate ehi.d u! '. w .. ears, w p powder. oifd tit>i Aii ot the poverty "ay hut 111 t a ,mi llllgit •oi •' perhaps, an m d iji.u;ei. .eathet noin mould, Vv !| tii.;,* .V ‘;■ i in i-tf.''- nil s p-.iup n.pieun-it- *hal and hotii a.am and ir#\r.•■-,* Moi'm h'w and < [i'>rti lyfil -auras, and on eUei.uihi'Uliee had .m'-h the e ».j' .* ioSili'-i hej a. at irs far-between lettei Uulie on- a* unselfish as ever w-mm r p. should tie Am-.t-.cd aw* r.rai’b* .-spe*.. .-»•„> on dug up r.isin will iiu-et tin trluuiijr have the A v i' li-.". .. : :,-. l n :t eoivditioii day ensemble. self-willed tJetei pi te.: h, •' Keep paste pure 1 tvary I am afraid we had led her to be Ami -s V> ii s the jJiosT ., i.n and !"' 0 ali in.- mi;.- ('arrol’s of -M. A hhell" t*• \i :;nportal/ potatoes; those Miinac. picture liiinat "ii tu In.- r Sii>..:» tl, it -111* j.• <. 1 v.v ,». v‘ we admired, tn settsate: a I ll iiiclllied to rhiiit: .he jium/ IS SO. a -*!•' i' illi'il u ith lit.- to hew that were in a a tut her 1*1 il*' I "u ;!*1 hr burned that the I hole is i... -a pay quite tiourishuir darned him >n the svalh ot the iiiih. U'il ch W., I. I.’ i) id ..mil;. Ive place I'i tire » »r "ivupali..a i in* wav and or.nt the mum nses to a t.n-t: it van oe louir a. foitui w-* na\i* laivn >iiumiiio:. out: tii>n lint ol'sayim.1' things. >V li* mu hu .I, pa: '■ niav .a for to s.. tor all that, alio ouulH t" Aeademv that autumn amt \\ i,i. doing Hay.tell. t hettri grain or some health, in itst-ll ... who si■ tio. a,.in\ km.is of are lto-i. deliadiliul >.,ns. '1 - -'l"4' l.k sw id and -t-..;., I'11' 'i i.. artistic manners, tin* Mi-tin• 11-I ....r. jiintiites ha', known that we wore not is sonic- ii iii tliui put : the town • mothet v.-ar. tiotorv in its ^ di ttouri-hlnu entered cohere last week, m; rati ••Several kind- 11..* ot aim n ., i!.e imme.l ale results, and -. rind tin- an die •i-nur "I the She -.III he 11.. 1 -tie! :•*. piL ij>nl past ■ tlimg that has set even tins prom.'ed (i.-l* 7la* to power >o einuioh support a delicate and !■• nut from lie: lait has eta", -in ■ •*e» t oi. ai ;t hi ii. i’ i1 k s lik-- cumbersome : ■' i:« rmatit : '11 t,.. the urowth of all the linei awa> a^ain. t.: 'i, m*t. for tak' l-grapli. nil rirl. used to H a 11 *»«■ when sensibilities luxury, tenderness, and been u in liar ro-.es ..I fioril thorn -. house at It I tv A M tie* ii, n! the in u r than the outdoor eiiltm. hatie! HI: W i oi il uci nut room h \ i..it tri ,tn s some \ lew s dels hit lolilie: and Mrs apart upies Utile It general. Miss .Vsnbell. devotion, tor even a few months. Was as he iial i in* ii in der. and made ..'i appointment l*> meet M u\ mate ti.nvel' •: air she came a mono ii\ .>h-vl uto t.,e the d**e. section. wedge I .angtl't. "'heie the h">,v «,i-, pieces "ir •! rvei aii\ t -o us ton ml. and that Maivwei.t -to which -:ta\ hill. malapi upo- and wxu hi uiipna iia111 and t hut ai.-: nuts When it ,s to be thought 1 ri -t. n was liappillcs "lit hi ! 7 com,.-ding depleted on tlu* 1 into broad notice In tile keep the engagement. H. .pt i*-r -:n ij;U A thins • M romse Miss \ coming into m- l>v a *»t each man *•dme> a hi ot >11 clean water ill a ides iiei t" our sorrow-clouded ■ gang burglars, ad' i’ll age to some. pail nrwh paint lares oi the to holm- den ailed at it, house tor a glas* .»•' wall and family t*»tip assembled marked at tent ion- o|' the l’i ince of U ale- ll\ tills not is wiili •• method onl\ the weight ■ ed room will reniove -a look scorn on our .-own roomed i. nil weal wild Main atn.ut a portion the Kenina o.loi Villi I I U '""n at till- two : .juarter ot mile !«. pet *r 1 : \ w r hat r ti' hea; iI, \nIit*n 1 finished the letter la a at I. r oa .cure, i lessened hut deleethiU is made tlmre »11 tfiftll t. pn ’i reading a Imt me art i.-l it fid Thai "i. lli' ir riUnra a "■ ( Utee a dwelliin:. with hark y nine hem 1 on:. 11 i;i- \ cal s' Mary spoke eu it to I pa.111. pounded in liioi lai 1 had .-:si iio ned ;rom garden twenty (ilicrc an Iin* :imimes in- constructed >»t tlie tmest steel, although the aunt. made iileai head and lace of this ^nh -■|" liieut to meet linn Mrs Mills was live h\ and a eourt ten passing -s mill roasted on an iron twriily-livr. ditleronco in tlicii -i ons T iii** work mi them and w -in;at buin- 1 he : -i!* c yard aye heiidin.: the i. wiM.Ii' : v, principal threading .d>-ohuelv ferment plate. i of m\ sell' and ed a in and. the ;ii l* \; m, ... 1»> Mar;. toil. \11•! as dI-SJ>l;i\ [m nninent nuts tie- I a 1 ed on I tot and annt. with a same .nv \\ slio|i biting tin- latter ring \en arduous 1 coals, linepur h. tiled with I',' suppose book. ;*»;.» d i\ II wiP tell heard iiiroiu shrieks and the vo ee nutter a C'lest daughter of the house and din, In one mg reeogm/ed rg.-tahle will, hearty which 111 himself and the •-b that iireseonsuUTal.de mg oiiutx The tm myrrh and sprinkled on the Moor and short--iylilrdnrss very iinu-nal to her. her the o .I. oi : >tort. ami lie wail heat is M il I. V fin.iiii M ";. lather i«. ,.| th,. w a: 'a enough to excite atn brown. dark-eved. tali and eighteen: nil into town nol icc I'liis est III. Hi I cl" s; \v is the * Hie of w|lt*dl \o > ''d v il IV M .i *. l' turniture ..t a li'entl reni irked rant it with a smile inspiivu il W'.ae 5.due ; |. ,.vS tile u- sick room are ex.-. 1 i. .n have a dlagl ail!. w‘:iel» ’•» '-.X feet long It N*a- "ou :11,i\ .»• i;i Helen, not -iiiite as hrown. ha. el ei lIn- a e w >. the tuher. eyed, tall in low only desire to lie known apart ■’p-.!'! an si ,i' iv me u mu ha. i. deo.lon 'el with ho; I’ll" proud Kiiir "I shouldn't wondcl if were ..hi. left at the Meeai; ILilili at the eoi'n-r of tireeiiwtch t 'O' ll.l *r sut'tirlrnt ti altno.-t as ta. in i sixteen ; \N hrnwii- you I loin otii.-i -.and she soon : lured : ill, became notice- l. lisli riri would no doubt loin as a Ih ow a -. and I>e\ streets. when the n-areesstii I regard nils'" ha -band Imw I i' i: made wni a attempt w It er. a h< ad \ my nyl, ha in a peered pointed kinh* w!m hi' ran hr roni'tinni- darker-eyed shorter, and ten id i t in matters of dre.-s. af w as made t" *er u k d m ISI o fortune liunter, mid when 1 er> I the eai'o id n v and invidiously t'oiiipair think ot mv 'isilmis fears ah'at artery, jugular in and i. .. 'ots i. w ha ii tie s\ ol (I t a;x i; i:i noi i \ . Carrok towering above ns all. Mm* I"rtina site doc-., the T *-n there ai*- iminies tor «*t**ie work a tritb* mptoni c ki>. ilr hi- I antique classical i lie re u a.- ah".- in o .m >e uu u a had on j rank. rather brusi ue man hint once "n a ■ itupulsi'.e, time ! "von almost al.'a' alp i.tier*-nt in eonstrnetiori. onl\ two sir M is! !'r s •*Ved. lu'-r-haired. r",dei‘-mustaehed. and ; 1 -es -• ! U hawng favorable to heat pint ..f yraled sWe.’t coin one tins I Icr ill ess linker, w ho is elits leal tn 'll oil lie luiek Ml 'll" J ,;.h: li Port teaspoon with thr ami "aw lid" (limit. ai c Lolls. :ikea;v> the -steal 1 his .utter t repose : .1'. m instr > ur~t tn have the till of salt: one WentV-olie. a: lie la allied 'earehe.i |;t111 ill .i.r, ,.| tin* knife. i»i:i P.-aten i*."; one le, she is she VS po- la’te >! nic languid swells nt her nwn land. A1111 l.ngiish llieli! is hum ii’, tor .,a> Is tcllled -||ot Work It IS \ at aunt i'll! it.nn t uiu>ii nut noi lung ini' ... luiuul 11 mv >|. eon id have m orlois .; anv ..I sweet "lac;. oar areal aunt. si.>- h. i< ''ad.ci i.’eek si a a to o so '> storing. spoonlnl milk : two larae \ III 1 sol tile and tool. I at not mm-ii leverage euu fa* oh spoon- lie lini It else might lie attraeteil j.~ -11:1 !i\ t druperv, dieted die wounds and I. Ui ot' the K'.iUe 1 (-sin- hup hale ,,|,i disposed : t:11:t ,s fuls of : tel el .ini' 1.11 lie! s mother, 1'Ul tile mill I sjjli'n.liill\ and ‘•'.-.eh .v .»ti it .i> in .i.i tie- largei "Ue 1 ak** me m to hr doin and a little black knows the lilies lends hoi 1 amiiot he oiieet v ed \ put away pepper. toward her men are s-. in i>T perfect -'1 mortem sho wn d no silseoptihlo anil -sin- nhstei! ‘M es. t ,, MUi'iitY-liv-;. •- those mi in tee li.* end t uto sab- !'ii ;! Add a noili. Cleat it i,ltle, tli.it Ae had ever '-'"iiius to this "I as j pi wedge are oil a laije ol melted Putle'. tt model, who sen lies in the Mir:i' pregnane;.* >»i,. w just \ ears ••M. spnud spoonlnl 111.Ill's lle.iult snine! mi 11 tt tlii now 11• i• i• • i I'm m i>nf whit sii■ falii',1 «•" Ixebi'N tin1 not*-, erurksiiuin at the otfi 1 roo kn u\n. \\ e !ii>• i>r111l• no I look ne o| ,t I ! 'U.o-i ! id 'i at of ; hr and mix well w itti a I mi a bad met her Inn two or lie mi. nade of II.. ie | *.irk w in re good j sp. Worked pl.u-e spoon. hop thought w I lilntvn 1'aee the sweetest :n pn three I'll Iter's share, ,rni iha! -hare was tin in .U II;»i den'- rami Ii• U .->■ iadieuh t a- root times diiniic "iir lives, as die lived m ail the w r see " !:r .lat hot. buttered middle, and until <>1 a n‘ tt t world, you mane /lie '. that range fV-*iii six *-igf.'»•••; e-lies they fry ni 111. I'he ert thiniglit maile nit .Mi-iili-r 111* Mur ••I We if .11.'. lie X.lhoi _il ii.e ",V I -I- ... II,.- j_ in bir aw 1 1 1 oih. .t'v is***! .e mi " U'h neb 1" wn ..>i..i ..a both sale- ay 111;:;..:-, and was too iiuieh Ci isi me. lie,I It di ;sed and pi imap.id b\ sie-akllm- .1 pot,, heart s fully ** simp, stop heating. Ami tins Seven-rommeil house ! i i'.e* eo.st ,||; I ,. ,, w..’ b w ■ 1 IHl. |.-.g |,. effort h h.r t'.tltv ’.llftr Dot so ihc akes .1:. :.. •es.-uihj, a pied itl grains and herds ;, ;,, ik ■mi d- assemtiled. '! / \in 1 1 he maiii .' k eu .1 tt e enuM tu a people *!i t in in tw i-lvc-lniimi't .Hi.' Hfttv. Iiv-th" e. It ei -I t n 11 and we Hot nil 111 i Ui'on l »sitv rate -I Hun- ttiey are lik. n taste. \ i. .■ w it a meats heipieiu sismna. well, we •W'i ll's the style this njoniino said drying make an.in.'-iiien,.- tn aimmmnslate her allowed her II \l: Ifv ! ii ■ iphas to assist 1 ■ 11ft 1 Arif to. ilan^lu |'t ts -at' s•, a takrn at imrr for dinner. sen ed \ ■! I!..; poi>riv p-ovided with -old ami a a d 1 .* ha hit Hi o! I *iee;tdijl\. e, ea ie -: ami it seeuieil utterly impossible turns in tils' liu i,st;v\.irk itil [is t '.ventv I m’11 t; ~t f.i.r. m n. :, M .* .ini to he aide to take Ion- and ie without I’,ilk. to a -• 1 expen- In .In sn mn servant 1ly tall, well-dressed, ai is iii'i1 lull':’'1 'it tin- iiitm.n o' Mar'- K Hetty, laithftil Ihr twi'lltv-tiw sarilnii to a III aiiri'ii I.', a ■ Sl.lcHK t i'1'M UK!; I its. Med' -e So I'.v f ■ it is unit l’P'K r- irnev what little visitin- till, I a St a I !i •: .it 1 r i iM the iast tilteen would innk ■> pel'll' e-pee( -a e bets. years, upon !minir.I. -"mer iust tiIli-it w h rosi •—.i- l ■it ; iiat "r <■;! given p.i;,* |. ai;< 1 sliced there had i.een had Seen on aunt's side, i eould make him. Ie']' m tl.e light "i' an ami Smullpn.ee .til.. as nil ■* interloper, hushes. iM.t y. 1Iumi ;u vsa- !■■ Mon ■■ tin* taP..1, I t ai; "1 >! ces with one s\ • — and then / was the \ in '1 .1 ijiians exception. treat mphony canary and black.” In He!ty h.nl hee useil Ami i". cn 111 i'll ir has ..-i t-. with ns. mid "in large nl’ salt. it lor. I: w a- wlien 1 was j -j i the ip- spoonful itiAing about til'lrrii | to answer. io.\ iim la •!< a!., nl'll.r »•;,*. 'i |;, v|r lleiug “niniiarrll o' all she ami no si allows li.ive them 1 sta me ibis si; h i snrveyeil.' li-tlut!n*imiu laia-n » ■ ■ through Let r!11■ I but memorable de I• : iiciii a), as tilt* visit took place, needed ie further enlightnieiit I.‘ ll in li isi .he.ming thues tine, our sinre i-sv and ia the *in>e. and d teidin- to aunt's a'ed upon paths, the .lime at' a Ill'W 1111,It mght. Morning. repi solicitation In i a earn iage roli-■■ I mud w it'll a eu~ times tieit lit men's smils amt women- terilMlill We So UllW llii'leiv the » drain a eoiand*. :. Ifoii I was her i Mpl'llell '1 till- ; tliroagli v.iiegat namesake started from lioint letii.de tiyim- in and b! al'Um.i -■lies lie e canary id;, ,nil'll the j.lea "I m assist il •! 'll il't .11 I lie liai : 11 w | |i 11\ ml with wlii’le. white mustard seed, hall a with the infiuation ot the sum- ft i !. 1 spondin- ant. Mi> da.. te oi seed to two .\ st on >■: a 1 IT il H’lijitii! ijuar's iaegai month the Illinois tarm. 1 nr , let lie dean of : tin- wfc of ash1 .ir> in- Vin ham. I'll iia e no st align Jersey *1 set :t to ,v, oivu ii i'ii'il, “mMi'H ha leil Mi-s \ iV ’• away I'aek tin* slieed ii-ed the!e wa> wcleoiiied heart d Mr. -a lav ol Iri :ilwav> safely.' /.v U I.auglry. liyure mar- linkin' rn in' lien I'm mu able i.> I I I I ‘I" \\ I'!• lv 1 \ i. M t-!«-"•. Kori -m !.*• u,,> t; encumbers ;n cans, and emu \\:tii and j : :,h ■.■liars. ipiart I.v. enter'Mined ri^ht roy ally; blit Uc- a' I -ie. ; .try | 'I'' the tt n; k nt this limi-i alnlle. I'll •; society imkilldly whispers !. ... a- if -'iiia :■■! n tin- to a •. \i ,t.i. the a ■ ■ vinegar, l’in.-e hit ot tore a w eek la 1 aw i" l re e :'■ ;■ slirinkaa- prepared passed ay 1 ija< 1,crown tile I 'ri a .y W ales ; the m-1 c.•!: I!, a.- :*'|i pickles tired the boundlessness ol end "i art of •.ar.Mi !ia rcllar seeming tt w's. _ay vounn ari -toe- u st! .eketi ll’.'ther lintv null! she lie.i tile a : ■ mi seal. a c .. -n '■ Hi W u.,\ M W\ a dark, in* every d. art. :n for tin 'dtle 'he V and oilier- :lie ;■.m •!’ t We!;! Keep pi ililvent of tins Miss \s||he'l lint Ih'-'I'I I.| soeie'ty’ talk of London. Pickle.- made attci iu!e i. t. ilainty • this ai mm li enttaue ami garden where It i le'dditu •.I \i tei.i.i in..nmi 1 In'dt ess a a ot \ erv deli ate I.ilhputinn we eonl I:. < peml '' ': i, .a !. ! >r aw il: a led, lie i, amu two tiin o.\i, I HU ilia- without Cl her eoior ol .In! U ill. a !:- ! .1 a) ing misl'nrtiim'. ! en it we h.ul thought 'lei.-' •' wa -1'. an W it.- .hat Hill- ... U nut 1 -mi' creams yellow that ;" ihislv, fin iiioli t!ii‘ news .I ! in it re <■ >t tin t 1 hi si nea. The 1* ■ of ilisnii, nur 1 itln-r's a-t eomm iiel. l',.\I s' e iug ■ :••! '.tic m the i '. nc : o:l. ;.a :a_v \s,ial. IIS until 1 a lie). I j. till' 111:11! TI e\ III' v. a s black velvet turban, with a >f tomatoes, si mi> it’i ami n t.ising aunt tie t'a.or she hail mu grot "< 'll 1. wrist 'eii' a iu.iee of !: n >11 : ■amatv •Ur much. .ui«i yo, bm and bark 1 her"es. livina leather not a soft .... ji• ! "ic-ii.il; of asked. Imt. ill her im.i! deridtr dronpino M .|r | teacapfnl salt. Let them earn" way. i*ti_ I .. ll w;ts expected, ha’ ms 1111111 llt'ils i't mill's ap.u t. si pi r, lea her, hul : still wing ol a till’d. start'I tvvi* 111* hours, then drain I ’iai taken ea gi,iiited. the >nung inilt w.t- huge dear lathei and s ■. a t in "• 1 ;tu aua amllnT assured me not a ■t a. n mu t" 11 u t t if. ... ! i. to d ,p ill the air ill a most si I k 'item ;’*. a nr new her a at ami tt nu’ei in- here ill a nr large porcelain kett'e. Ml* 11 i 11 ! '• • i. day -s i Uf-'Ac!-s to Sc!i *i.. without an of the in a .nil a;. lit— ■ 1 I hi e■ it11;,-; i i-1. hat. t tin i'. \dd ”1 o; itt '. Oped ;:.: .. ti 1 p pound i.rou ,_a: sd 1 ~ i> :.du .1 u -Iren had a heard twice a n|' tie- li i:ih-lVcliI fo 11• stiue■ ush -!if I' on tic ..:,!e ol over -tun*! iy uetts lie happen the head M r. \ ! ... p, •t.e- :■ h of ground mu-! ad ! lie must nillleiIi.li ely broken jmimd year from a .tut om-e eollert: elv a; t i e: U 1* .i'll it lie' 'lien, ini! -'li, With the "a. bioa iia:and i. w I '• t t VJi I m roeiall coil, ';‘i I*1 '..I”!, -e .*,.. s 111;. to mot tier i I. he :ig the lma-e- o( wh* Hetty. ■ spoonful * 'hr:-fma.s. and once on our iiereie nut lire n t.h" li _.. mi .• bi.iia. lull «!«*•! ami the respoetlseis ■ lolled g.oves. ... "t on..-: anal, ,.j kl Ill lei tank ’o' taee the liltli'l I Completed ailspiee p and *oi nia s it l.rut 1 i■; lit ion in earo- | i an- the kindly no!r |al tlitf*i in tiii'in. Ihll Koililnia v ,i t‘, ■ w '1 e 1:iles- ! iiel it w.tli frai ami tree; II st’ok Ciunai: "t: gi .*.•:. | ; •• 1 large ': eXo-'i 'I ! a I ■ 1 i’1 r.’id. \ wio. l d Is to 4000. Inl.lSt 1 1- e _ ; hi Iperat "1 '.1,1 il. I ! e ; the and no eostnim -a dry place i ., ■' I' i: I g Mir ie .11 '! _■ e 111". park, vrrikime !**ft who!, ith ie 0 ■ ’• v ■ ■' '' !.*•!•• t he .iter ran li-'i -1 1! i'eh Ii; inclosed .1 cheek -a ... :ne nil t e 111 I up an iv. Loi la...-1 w oiii'-n al g.If. and set Oil the stove. ,\s Ulg I" t ." ;*t,11nes she held ::i In-n -i < pare ■ ■ > reel or i -1 ace. to a e f .: ■:" ’. Hi pi -t it. a 'el e'dina art's lilt Miutiir le.i'ia w.-ntv ei i'l.dl doll ; "i man;, eoiors. up the > ..legal to he .u a. v. .;.■ a lap. and tth.-n I inn! ended, look" I .;> begins \ " -rain- tin- mveedina These notes tin ee, it Is tin- uor "I "Utii ml is- lie a; e -,(' Hi.i -. e year. w laguid pop] *1 ,-i <' >t»; I ii ni 11 ii .- a ii : a a llnd nl her lie. 1 and said. j ;. 1 .i sharp •:u r> :.,c inn; :\ to been i an a it to answer w ith u hope n; ions te i*■ I• j; i. U .eii t; i" a .al a -;ia w.ih an o. .o-r.iiai rbode- iny ■■ ut > are v ■ :ml 'let, Ilhti! thev III' a a |'„. , a S' mphat ••ally. l.i nmi>. Athe \\ huie "-lies ]oi tlie obi e.y's w ell.ll'e. and i. tei"! "ii. than n arrange ( fa: i. •; U to gii i:n.t. sure. I- "aii’l stand uu tine mpltotictie to break them !,.*: don-. *.; thanks lot ln-r •■■•• ;• pi'Ui>‘!. a tii n laver 1 kindnesses, and hopes tel (.'a rap! ii 'I tie' lain "riM •> 1 ‘ti rate u— it-. r.ip M's .ookcil like in ars and i‘i.ivi‘! e!i- ktdies and .-a -e ei:.--- Langtry se!\ I -mat• it- f 1 young yseng • I speedy 'li'-etina : ti shoit. in a m.ni’i.-t -aa•• -a'• I.n_ that \ eii" Jai'h !,e •’ "... i a a he.-p lit* Ill d- .1 this sl,.ii: imill lor 'mullin'." 1 ■ 1 otlitio M e ■ e" " 1 am th the only n."c.-s and o| '"I"i an. thetll a 11 t .... ill- tlie -ii. \ t i: ie A-’ •: ,iee U pi.SabM>. nephews Helen tt -nt to mother. liei arms ; 1 pet Hi" ,ii mods lain:. w n-n ina ; -. tin ■e-■ >111>i ami mpii; he .-i.i-J l tile "tin-! -he Wa.- lied ma he 'ides and o\ or tile 1 s reply st.pv np.iii day che throtlgh'M! ! Pn mi'i l’i m a i ■ l’i' a : 11; j.- j.... al.mut In- iii'i'k. an ! tt itli a km- md a ■ ■■ ■■ :a u d' od‘,. epi-in-s -'1 'Ins aunt, to ! he new s. II,- p i|, h I samite vamdeiLuI: t>••! ast ! ”1 i: ; oliiy say ■ ■ I, lt's|i.I,t*•:i- i; mysiie. gte* anatoes ,-i mi, >p, mkied Sin de ! O.d I Ie ; e ins e \ pi a t ed dihia ■'! th.it an:.: l-i m- the w,- btlnest ami eii,-i"■:ah ninline 'r.ea ; lea .- aia::. ’■'Inn- _'o white hat. white feather, until one te.(cupful d salt, ei u. d eidaig. tt :i.. a!; ni gist. and assiuiljiti"U < it brtt'-r mu to throw most iinhiei’ti l! einbet of the family. at tirst uit day l»y ila tl t n but lie li id a black silk late! cold w.m-!. and let stand ■. i "Sll" -il.i'i't ■M.' Ilea!' Oil at a .. .nil parasol, nig ■■ y \ ii- a.' e bit. cl at IhVi. as the 'lays be)o lather died In- I'Tnllli ai.ttei.a a■ 1 a: made to older n i'aia.-, u .! h t wo Icm rinse n tresli water : net thro.-mcons and ilia deal', it t don't want her : net v.ni ■ " ■ t lord t-ivetin-r. and -an elm- 'lie:; tea 1 uu _. a .. .: m 1 i'■ d ihi each oi i he ?" .jiTuiii’.i- “My • so iie> pie mild hreudths, three green jieppeis (medium si "a to tv a,ai. !. is keen kind t" its, and 'ill'll. .; isii t at w ■■ ; ict it all likely to ocem, l ut :I '.lie :,"1T1 ill" 'eiies tli: m]_;Ii ill ii in* a- hmh moans "I am pass the ton am and fn e. Scald tat .1" e. i" ie r so I Wind I I,illy hop 1 " dearly. ,!>. •• a1:1.! •ask .1 "i oi 1 -Hi_ e-a. 1' ■!' v u- to w I .an rv w r- t; c; ;< fa y on. ^ rant til" e!'i.|.. hat yi and i.-h a!1 to kilow it it I'iatuel we tb ..a. and lira l \ Id to ret' 1 so 'll" li' -t fatan she you '■ :U[i.issi!:ie '-■ s ina-:--: hat :;i -mv en:.-ne.- lie w "te 111!' il.iv 111 iai leliee.i hi> t VoU see. .Old a bat should he 1 Sim |ol lies, slllllv o| eoior- P "i gi'dt**il : o ••• ... '-'or j uphh horse-radish par, 1 ask-1 "f us." aas bee" V-t and dea''"-t t'i'ei.d i' h ■’i.i.oiiio-. iiave a v. i*'.. S .A' the trust > ay — S'" good deai to do All white niustiad seen. (w:io..-i two tea Mu' her imt ei sa d a tt nrd. Imt " .ii: I’oor lather 1 I i it 1 till.- 1II' ; line. 1 li '■:! ;• i ! lif *.t 1 k. a:, u-.i'k tlil'^tiiitl 111 i!i Tir- wav suspect ■ tile IIOIIIOlll latUI’o o! ti.r inn! a is ot a mild u.... ,• .1 wiped 11 111 »ii spi groan. | ltd; i;.u •• .1 It tla ,il '• >u« »-.•%* ■ a oat of il-- wa- W r. 1 ie e ms a; a tci *erati::**- ■ pee unary dillieulties. Wit: she in out t liai arti-t’s ■: w itli Inuli hands in a net t mis way .die ha ; ••I'M.' .ii.- I :.• a if!..- "i i., ’.-• a!..! in-tv •• in 'ii' rrc *1 >t man. and '' th no arid 1 mipraette.ii. amy '..•• i.*t. .I'l.l ---! !; < •; S, -tl ••:, f.. T|ii' •• V }»o;nt. s'.igai. hick in when anything grieted nr aumiyed ie:. is "ill! el nuns an 'Ll:' liltlc lie 1 e| S.l -' doin'; sueeeed '■ iI- It n : .t ;d- ■ "i'y well in 1 in i t w, eoloi tnueh. and mass \ erv tl "rough i . ;l, And thnn we began fm M preparing *1 M". ! t.i• a : K. sp'ite 'l his die,imincss and hi- w.nit of ': -•;' V" 'tv.'i I. ].;!'? .1 n In- :n l!' !!!••! 1.- little Io>S Iroiri ■ v ie *!d iiiegar A si 11 11. Mill's room was t'l lie _;vei! T strong •• i. 111 »v 1 .? tint Tlf-I.* so up r t in' i'.,i:,ie V. •; |;.m1 l.-aty 'Solidly tact, and h.s beina unlike her One ■ 1 ji 1 -■ s Shadows. uaiue-l when In lie:. and Mill art, n'- ... w as : a % -••! : *. i 1 a u -a in* lit.- Uall; :i n-.-st he was a ■ .oht •• at :!t ways, 4re.1t favor,te of the lor himselt ami I. "Ki ti tT 11! "I.!: : 'll-. A .tl J t il* i ti," '■ vv siari'idy large emmgh n k tilt' if her mn i i. ;i See- 1 ., -H W" t' se 1 an ,; a ;*• a The Cost t, Writ. W-... :ear,.[lin'd In- >tnL" i" a '-.U: K in- won, •'tv art traps. •.< he railed them i "a- he •111'i a rt v. "I" 1 11"s- '.oiler V as! lie atiitturii hoi' Itusii,ni,( .* ret a: ■ ; a > she |e;': her pos. >|.j Iasi lion- stowed e .v in the a 1 Ills .. .11! .ilea li A ...li •: ,l .• 1 iy loft eg i Aii i" ill" A' a .i' i '• hf IH ,t!i utauti viir.-r 1 ses.-i i! w a ml a |«r-ii-eed -Mi1 ho turt.nj .V i> I. vr**: ence :i In at a ;n m -fit's M .1,1.1 i. Ml-.- U" M< "1 I all.-I 1 t we can I lot m captain tt I,’, a V ~. t.. i’!v ,i" A -> <•<>ni[m•-11!. Ieoh he tietved with immense iis-at:-- li ling id g ■ it-'•'■ a i 'A n tin 1 Iiin-il If- a. t.-i-l. inn lee. ami Hastened l" his nde. kindly -.ii'l him : -casi>;• tired in a l’h— wlio nakilia ... \ lie ;i .car if aiin-r i>k\ a daj taet"I'll s,anther lip time ill lint week iign km! night sent ■" :: ini. t"ii know !i"v\ s:itlh I the ot he' appearance :u a b,innet that iiiiiuedi .. : it where their n <-i =>iir: ■ m iu impression thiHiplil Weather." he so d with .1 lari'. >ti, I iihithi-r l itf lie---age. that mm' s wry [il siynig ili ah .ni tii* v : •. i« at > ate! i!-• was so limiting }..•! if..,*- It. tint sv*»:.«i. i„isi..,! it int- :-v .. -n \\ « am til.- have im-n piairies. ,t ■ a alia >lvuu. !ii iuittf m>ti UlUtM t upon : -li tlea .isn't M \:n-r, M nt didn't ktinu li.■ i■ In- weidd li. a. 11;. " lit-:.- 'a ir: mu' 1 any hig '\ dear." lie :• ni1. ■•lull You i. a;i'! ;t:i,*■;1 tin- most intense .Hi''- "d as to me and s> !-are ol m a.i- ami iiumiiu sill- a lie A till* aim Mint III 11. o|e II -1 s ... don't go In hotel .tilted k:: I a: i. ',min a..d - i.ieh aim 1 li"’.v hard ti|i \.s soon ,1S ] ■ Workers. 1 old b '•1 .il and : -e.y "U don [ -lie. coh.>t-. I. ti -1 "it itlt" the remembrance "J Ill'll s.td » tue i-xtr.-i ;abor which 1:i. hilt.ip ur.' » !i j pr.mm I .-cl :to lor her. but g-"s f..|- .flier ami those !.■:iideat "--A '• ptvpa;•• ess. tint a to hoot. .'I -v I. U tested. lime Ii.. aftiT. He p lent '. Um|K !: t !.♦ .If Ultll t!f iUr-• the i >: lack ii el- " Joint, :!!!'! yiiur I «*V. .n il shall lie jTr.it.' i;t ■ '1 li*. "i* jH-r reilt. !ua\ l»t* la-siimiiiu Ii;.p. and j-‘ I. .nr wen- ot the li.' sen lees i ;ha;t dat e, and .'till a; me tin* v"'v preparations I'"r: iii -iiitrs ,11• i-r thill h>- elitei jr 1 bright with us. In t:i.• t hadirt ■ »*« •• * •-• m I :* t .ait at rate '•vas round lnnu after las do.,;., v. litto;, they kni'i. atnl li r 111' ItltUir I An u! aw- t! 11 1 ail «•; s 11 .t: i! 11 tin- in; k In- -'ll!- any | simplest Carrol made put np ay. day limn .i ivsinnram a with hij basket and a ■. >>v.*r anti over ;n a l«v:i bright at ail. "■ -a ., (.MW ill-: -r Tli.- kit **! !m. t ;n"l-rc,iurs w.11 of w Ad- tv." a i.it.e ia lie ties .a;," all fiu rnliu-a t<* iUteii.l tin- i j variety brackets, ami hung with pan vIMi A A A !• w pretty upol >gy MI k-i h ft, 1 It,II,. .u i'i-a !_. ,*v ;.ia:in !. a -.1 :t dis. lit .-. ole out ;• •.'• 'mil there as dmi oi ■ .. a-t u.t- \!; Il tv if., m.l 1 av.-tril m tukiair b. .icl'caee to the pat good o at ;■ >.it ,■ 111 sit'll foi he liate-i with them ffii' saying that ■•ared he.. basket was a 1 .uni Ioi part I'hifkrn. piek'tes. rakes a. tltoii. when a money mi-■:n._r. what tin ■ ... It .: wc lieatlv whole impression ; tile lew he on tin- me wide the routi: a pictures ;i—cosed coherently. knit, and u bottle of d of a i:> il i-M i.v w;n. w.. ■ <\" hundred * 1>'liars aunt us on pie liqn ;m‘ .• .*•- hence iked gave tin- of the walls. J ,!( k the curtains Aided ee wrote nil) lilied loin '.III' j. 1 ■.'. a1' "» a •• looped white III ■." ami be a ii i. in-»vv n >a 'l r •!' Mi'- diner.il -lie ii;nl<- us |,:*l hjliliuj t«r-;t\ fit' ... ‘I* l-i Ml.. |A tlie to insert some new 111..■. "good tie a. • •lit in fill •"'•rt .ill ! tit* III.if vi inf I. _..i\f stop press washed and ironed, with nim-ii down W .ill disea.-e I a ci n'pse. I'i,. r a '■ii ’in' ii-'i.in: freshly '•'■lit Mi alien In* ife raine ahm j. •’ "• Land. > most ... osmt- p i, thi'ii ii’iiinaun wi-rc uviT ." Ml i .,i\ t.,f ! MI.-I vv la h.r e inav ; et i [ i>\ lb with new bine rib l eii ms wvi .• J*.il I.’"' i i i r i' w i!'w :: grumbling tty) per,si here !" he ■' *£t !*! ai'. l' II a * la yon \rl timed. i’ "'.i .f .1 a ; Mm .f ti"ii.f M >i.i. I.U suits oi most was < •■ t a»\i '.hr 1 ir-t c intense laiioi. He wwi cheap innliniillg 1" I eo'. Oi mot 11 two cm fat iMi K i i.': t ini. M k• pi .os, ami l'd the train oti-'Iliail riie i was -• 1 it. riii t j,'in j to the market. If. Ml Ii •■ a week at :i time I'u.'l tin- bundier. and II'!! I- all IUr a.i a a a b.iclit -pend in eh; 1O': grocer with chintz, rind with Helen's lei:, " y nly. bright Iim•:••• '.tin mij what's n tIni[ ha. •• '• •*-f '••' .• a w M-h air -•Dale humorous letter to a friend. W'l A t'»ri made a new mat to before the iei- that lie eollid lilt ie ml fill !\ I » We place '••! .ffi n*ii. :• w were all w'.Hitur to do. anil all .1!" U il ii ! m Hi"..: l.f: M ■ Mil '! l'.' invson is have •. vtten did s Mai il-' cli''Mil 1"! the reported ream and \ve turned an lore e| ..sed and Ins lies ... ": a" .1 >; t’i* old table cloth day dispati I a. as i".■ i" earn th > >k |ii .1 hatei r we mill tu ward at j lish-p m'M: I", >. a’ tli.t- ua;V if -Miif !>>:• Mi >n li are •a .m. Il.t" tie '. a i- u Miii.' supp< ilia tin- j wb into and I. .unlit a new came along as m; al. the woi pie- :" .i !>" 'in mi .1, a 111 si -1. napkins, napkin only ."'"Mid 1 Tn ..a avr: rirM 1 than times or n 'il'.u : ill.If 1 talk a "111 ;Mi'lln I ! •' i: i!i final* I i.t! u i« ;. t•• I lift;, liefoiv ': mu 11 e a 1' ; vv pri-sen ple.i>,..; ring and two or three cut glass g •Idnts tore in increased in dark lie III"' a 11 s\\ eivd. 11 a I i-.-ii sv.-i. Mi-i-if y iirr;.- a a_v aiat •• V'l'il.' : I Ur'.rr ,tu all ah iu 11 k L* estly d ; him and Looks' ! (all." .lie i rst man ig V. IS no a I i :*• "I tin- S t: »ill!ii T Ilf lifilat.-il <>vet ng and a china and saucer, elm's Hie: ternIIla -|M*i‘l.t"»l > tim< \’||i' lovely cup and I.ope "And that bu*ket iiilii K»"*l tin- —l. '. -I t'l.'-'l I'm: ,i.". >t i!i, ,• '.\ u- LaM ! of hieil a as wrt'o n t\ i111 ;: ;. ’' •iser.pl when all was done, waited with anxious hut 11 IJeiidam still in lined battling Umu I. ,'|V ::. ,1..- .! iv-i tln- This basket well, I was to w > y da\S lie aiT"l. wtiii hail an artistie turn of _t>inj 1 .tin■ i:;«l -j" Mil Mr M i.M.ai 1 »;. Mi_ !■• mi. spent the mosl of s'\ wee!; 11 tlm l.n ■■ m I aen two :oie heaths foi our unwelcome guest. de.-pair. n.e a t*> the a a* a mit tii .t i■ :. 1 ii a .i !• :'"!him pit :.•!!; :h- iri r. Danger e.lterino and struggled it. 1. who lino 1 polishinm Mother had shir in imi room a id tin was ire,a M.-fi Mr mMhm ■ i I t M ..|! day pa.'-ed I" a \ ; *• ■ pntn children It i li out ,;i 'a >* in' turn ol herselt'dip th;e donation A ! "| n If !,! I a a s,-ti.| 1 Mekeils w o lid m n making kritl. iiii'i I. .ill !| M i! u ! k.| :,. ■" 11 >■ 11 1 Imtl him -oil' mind, struggled ( ; id rile oil he -' LfU i; I i'-'i 'ill i. ii mi < >f earlv In tin- morning of llm ex- leached iU'MlM; -.-. tt-nils that pr.. pected her. and had remained tin-re : and by Til last hursd; y \\ i 11 i ni ! loud believe it"" t*l ;.m|i a.,* paper .I'.s. l" a i'- ■ a I."ciimc trarlu-r in "' hrrstn stilt ::"3 l hcl d Imping as I In- n seei ■ !: t k • n !'t i: 11 a the rest ol‘ wen* all as uni-oiidoi table and I': aiay. tow ml to ha\e ">li ! 1 >■»;i t.ilk so fieh l a ii'l lit! 'i •' pub- at ol a 'A ire was a d : gam. aiul w ii 'Mlj-: J ." a nl v. t!> them be tin- idea perfect slraagci's in ope! .pea e •■!.! iied. I 'll in t on are join j lisliin illst h y j." at w .- :n t at 1 App. alt.-: siiai'4 ll* ;i.SUITil!H.l- ImV 11)1 fellow ! •• Hf -*U Mi 1 ■« l>ai/;te. .nit one .a h s | II ■ pi.iff! '■ ir.-ii ihiiikin.n gn-ss into the heart of lin-ir home, ing came tin* in- .im Wdding i \l ■■ I itted does the inis- very h: eter deceited lie t "!'\ I'f .. l»"s,'lrs thi' .-11 U. ur hail amtlirl iry, you iif J ii 111 ! lUvsil it. .'V I' i; [i romances mul amas-ann n Vv evi r. Ill'll I 'i ]hi:!os..pai.-a! and w and that dim n it 11 the Th: Id id" 1.; '. ■v a- .if ,. ; v Mi.- .n.. i.it;mu ■: i ! f I lie vi titer" ■' vshing audibly naiidibly fit asked. "! never hate I \s I.,--, l"thi ■ motet 'an-. e: to In- r ip is! ■. A !»"u I'l'ks after we lost plain! .a ued tm! ;: A u'm -till : a11■ t.-Hiv IV"im wiiM'li .! .1. U'.ii'f'l at tunl ■ study Mi Ash bell’ fatlu-r had mom brought i|':irer." esfeiday aiidIn oof oi m»u can unking '" I.liber ur "ar teeritv, take this tla.t m.iUient '. lost sister. \ "' !l a' it "'it' iif I'f v "l. until 1:1- Work Was baby dll'.: 11.- II "i'i: : a' da. :>a ii|: lilt* tatai a! Mil'll t'.uter than .lnpl.-r her from Knglainl, when, as the sun sank lledding I' I... t t" :!"■ ,i I:;:" miim, If Hi.'-'--' !i oraulili: riiii.i sIn- t\ as. as t.u V- in.ill- '1 ifii.'.v U 1. .>i*il I •*"i : oil lor tie- soejetv sm m* n .>,,■ bright anil fair a '" press, in the west, and a summer s." Tlie lea i iai: 1. a: .is la a i. hi ; irmvn. ami cool breeze, J :ig|. \nd I'l i" t -he a -ffia- hav .i" a 'lianioini m ami tin promptly iepl.nl iMiiiiit .;t>i- Mill "f !••,..Mi ii-* ..M'Itm him. Ills -her said h.- pearl ami !■ pul.] pride jell'd bs lain .ill : ■ .i:i■ a v -..Mil tin- appearance fragrant will; the lot■ -rttli of the roses, and A;l> C'.n<| 'll',-.' -lie re! a a ed him of it. li IS ii if .-I "it '! "i| !i 1 -! t vv M'-.M head, ■ i "i s- ..1; at these hi- iiin..: U '■ times, on return. v\its like Already sinking lifted curtain nir ail. talf'i all I ua- m Mi'l mi!! .1 i: !!,: Lav ; •• ■ '<1 v.a of small the from oe.y bay win- hadn't ton pair oi ii at Ii the I don ol' bur husband's lieat'h. "Mary, that his own ghosts. dow. a there. The creature IL-manuscrip u carriage stopped Nr sir. I hadn't ! \ Ml'd better burn j " as in'll her iittb dieil too often altered and then he daughter nty \\ i1 u ,i at in 111 tin- • copied, '•She's come, and I'm gone.“ ml \\ til, An Mm'INsu Put ; : in. I: : well a ith that !i* 11 :is 11 i,• ni.in mat ;>-elltl : .!.' in '' in- > heart a as In "km from up pole. pa— mto the hands .a'11 nearly Out in I\ a 1 down in- hook and nit a! a ! • he cot rise a -a Camping Kngi.unl. a a a- iln- ki rile Is as dinging rushing funeral and eon eel nut it. 111!'! he enrelul liott y oil mid I he proots were corrected and revised being x aUllsiiil.y, uUul'eel'i'. busy Homan. a-; t" vi a pi ili" butt into the garden. narrating the incident .f the die and a:omul in the hot sun !' leav- ami Im i-ai.ie lisi ii-'S, in 1' re-revised, and then went a:' apathet ic, .■-itting > 1 a/ain Carrol rose from his eh dr. ran his lin- character of iIn- dece i, re she ;1art :g a:" nuke a a. ai 1.. fifty mess of her room unily left kiln there. lie tvalehni her the hands of the t day after the printer three me day gazing upon gers his and The un- article** u kett o' tiiro.igli golden liair, glanced latjons, etc. foil, wing -how.' an !;; o' the mu' for home, and thru he ir- separate Pels, even four times, [li'-rures the lo\ed ones, or rooking i It gi.lt V Judge l-.uilllt f 1' M: before the author's leave in tile minor at the new blue silk ion : _ : neck usual caul mini t Mi and issn I street -1.;. u.i- substance. I nark and pole t!ie ehelle. !>••. .-int.«•; I>; I B\ t:i«• C-Hlld he a -t to -end the often fe-u dtcll I'orth. her hands clasped buforu tie. I Icier, sank back mi the with Mr. ■ it" a ni-v, i-it'ir. am! if be lounge Phipps died, being the third hus- and said to ail aequaintanee : Sotue <•: 1111 '"I d-dect: v.- « k j hook ; Her. ookil: 4 with dry ey es aeain".. ||.> •• finally press. was iiterallv upon a I •. w I :• ■■ in :■ a'1 ’’.I- iaail as as ; sort of groat:, and the parlor band of M rs I ’. \ the I::i>i : a!. tin : i "in. I'm sin ennj tt irh nenralj a. s lugLngV* > all .tin;* tire o •. Kl*i. l'. K:' ili.l I. extensi’D-ly that she eoiiid iie made to ween I opened "lie te::"t •: all ."!: I "is an : im --1', tent .»Mt stakes. 11, umlcd. \; ■ as went a .a- so pi door lirnty muttering through regular minister .icing out of town, tin illd till' even; sion is oft' till lle.U week y-m, poles. many .|uarturs HOUlC il < it:it sin- uh.l In- l oused from this dread- w ,n s. U •—.,!»:«•. a-*k n .111 1, »:i of the «»w i.i*| ol " LUOUgUl (1111 C K rt'lirk 11 Uu j*. iti• : his will the entry in answer to the hell. Methodist m.iiistiv was ;o of l oo 11.:i i. but we rail net er tell what .]), presence wr'itt' ful. gloom into which she had rei|ucsuul llit- land I" [-ill'll >"t !>■::! in lu> <.>-iii.un. amt in t*• i- .1 m.lgf Gilford .i! V. i.iv 1‘laitis. \r ill.* tun*' seventy lines m 1 .aiht liookii" in speechless a "is it Mrs. .'"asked lieiate. Having la ai -»r .ii '• lin u ere a!»ut to nark a u ity tl'tn anything our arm.idy's pleas- recently a-sigud dry may briny forth." their ■!}'' y hank week. a talienwas eontiimai prayer, for the Kinglake’s “Rot ben” as re-writ- ant ■ r r' Tin- •• lit a If '. ia •: that aln-adv voice, with yes it was a to the town, and being alums! a -t ran :. There was chicken and and "st■.ii:t ,dgc g m. a;:<•! trial terrible thought name to us often that slight pickles ten five or six times, and was in the is s ting till s i*t iv :11«• ; : went\ t-iii> am ii i.> m>ii< at*- a nest. kept brogue. he had to lie nastily as to T lie! joed tllill'JS I'll tile table at dillller. .ry. we lose our in a posted v > < a ; w r «. desk as Wordsworth .it might mother much alt* prop. I mud even in uu.i.iia *ii pari**. ; iin* nil hr aim he ••A es." answ ered And deceased, his eti At fern I al .. i" : --a lai-nr i tin- aatin- in Hetty shortly. family, tile net ei smiled. I. en tt hell i : s i;m>t MH iv^ii,! papet •■White I»ne nf and like worse w;,\ iisin we had our father and ll"S burglars asked i:m- importer Ryiston:" kept m another moment a un- all went and a r h. e a iff a. a-raii! a-i'h--.v !;f t.ve •!; ...Ha.,:;. ''i-i'liaps twelv. or sister that round-cheeked, well, stiwngi might .sheil sh*1 was m orphan, il that a.iii.-at l-» the dctei that. T■ be taken out ;v\ her brain would at last give fur lew and ml haired, good-natured look- him an old and ilitim ite I leu 1 tt.i the ■ v were he br- f ml "ii tin* I'.-ai'li. near which you wd a 'BtU 1:\ u and Johnnx I’• »rt*• r. who an* n«*w s northwest of .Meriden, sends i beneath its of inistably thought ay til, led. net er am]', revision almost dav. Matl'oi)'.- nay weight in-avy. despair- W>--. 1 sc tile sin.iih-s’ ; lantitt ol I .<■. a hum! •hunt i..w it 'Mi tnn!: .!"«.* Butt.- ami a every ing'girl in a dress stood of the late Mi I tilt ’.<• w is a iMenl in his IVppennilil til'- alal iiilit„r la ages "I a i plain traveling l’llipp the jlottm heart. It v;i* I"• St lies of Nature” cost ig thoughts. Mi! --1 dry !-.'>>»: hark w.. .llii e to mui your t.-a urn vi'-iv arrested .n this » it\ tor c. implicit h bet..re me. little liiggv on the for in Id' when she handed him the In- bottle he > ,n which may this same t J i«• W.iS iuW (.•!)• widow, only keltic mi* j>. A l l»..i/siig ca 1;[> n!'«•». es ik "j«*i.i i‘f w iii*' "no incessant t" 1 before he sent it to the r\'-|H*ijUCr Jllgii ">.ood 1 s 11" iiilils of coni are gracious this the beauty prayer he lost ln< reckoning, and brought had so ared'tilly tucked into tile basket, |iecia!ly in a dn lime. .net always !••• -> i'c pour was awa\ with Butts got iivi* wan* and ln> -.pa ami nmth-T h;t li.e IMaware Mike ad 1 oft the roots having at t!:e:! iliv-s maker.- about holding igaitt again," impression nece-s.iiy up scraps his erode : in e.ir- tempers so. v -■ "i 11; V thought the -croud lie ■•ami lot mo welcome turn- an instant, lie add. 1, ■■■//;•/ ,• liar : tii w-M ;; altrael 111 n I*.. ii>hin_r > aeel'.an \S||e ;e \| ,ke.‘ oW 11" i 111_* t\le!\e .. you;" when, ing /- •_ eold-!'lootted i'.v he r;ivagus of soiucthtng the lit oj' her dress t to he 1 reeted. and them Use tilling Ufess *s W hell is deiid Bennett. mm an* .ml town here. on until he readied the tilth only into tin room the 1 Whether Billy I column, loveliest little ehihl I):' Iiiul incorrect!y the other li i-ken Detroit Free 1 n 1 mi w e mst a, a a- i _r that ruins the corn. a little on one shoulder and ciphered lej. hat iiitJ.u uc.n ii Site. 1 pot..is 1m: ji.u ties ai e Bdl\ has returned from tie w-st Adam within which lie wrote the i suit taking ti[* hail ever finally beheld in my life, with up l lie ti uni bur nl’ husbands who had gone Press. I:.title to pass Treat all w ith whom come in Woith and Ivnreiie Ueeekinan There was also down an inch or so in iVont; and large you ol liis labor, t h-tdiiy he. a <• ltut even after this he would soul lit eyes, ami hair the exact before. in- whs making allowance for one contact with courtesy; the rood will ot a dog is B _r Crank .Met now tug d from I Maw an W ill's arm was alnm-t sunny Itural Straws. I'fvoiiJHKMlCl* Sr!lt(‘Ii('t‘S right Hi-,idled hoin The President in Minnesota. I tetter than Ins ii! will leave all chronic urwm- .1 'ii .l"hui B"bbs. wl.o robbed a hank twrHtV limes, ;in»i color ot out lost, to come, we air lmt ad\ ; o'd. Brady a “I hooks he darling’s. Jlddor's Iuers. ami those who are not iit \\ ft liei si-e-d M iss I i i I» once tie voted heavs load had carried a willing make me nriehs. ■ 1 fourteen hour- to the timi- I h:s is Miss ; 1 >rawvr. ii ;i-.i;- hi a cow a milk Ashheil." said the .1 an ! s distance the before men September Ilarpei. President Haws was very re- host of even tiling, at home. Lxeepuon oue such III d 1.-mi\ ott. fill'll III whom are do produce of a r w long day (how cordially ng word itli whi< ii to round "and 1 a n to stav or as .1 a n he so ■ i a cream than forward ones. prope go hack von see ceived at >t. il! found emlurahle as a hutf. lee iliir twenty years. Bilh Connor, who the can have the heart to a man's bur- I*;,ul( .Minnesota, last \\v«:k. party escaped off a give wii! a long time if in a ami neatlv In in I a llow street Then- is period. lit.” Si-: vi:< mini; l.vnius. 1.adit's who go lls to keep wrapped cloth jail. sl.tMHi den to .1 child 1 can't said, in I'oplv tin1 address of Cox- I i- no animal which will better sec) when aunt's inside a lnkin and the tirkiu inside a not now standing tor his loin John Foster often hours on a 1 looked at ('arrol. lie in a a arc in Hand- put put appivheusiou. Utley ■ spent shopping peril. iT'ior that the most a indulged prciiliar Pilishurx, toll sack, w iiien must he wet. 1'liese Ban l\i Bats. Barn initlia. i. of a letter fell like bomb-shell into our interesting kept surges Bentos c,st good extra keep than single sentence. I en t ear- lie very tinder-the-hieatll whistle. ling: lias Us drawbacks. elapsed long elegant goods ■ w hich n nv engage the ntte it ion tious are otVered an old who Brady Mike Htirly. the Marsh brothers, Clair. Jim cow in full milk. tween the nearly disheartened little camp. inestions by camper, hopes you first sketch of igoldsmith’s Helen 1 hi fieri hot lace stores a small room and a a -o.l who was m the in the cushion Man;, large keep of the imhlic are those which relate to may have plea>ant parly and w.-nthcr. and Draper. eoneern«*d l...ng Island Traveler" and its I,a •■in. O r >■ A friend of none all and women on to search take great comfort ami ■much Bank rob ben Charlie Ballard, who port ten acres in California a fanner completion. illgli.-h laughed hysterically. hand suspected per- the litiaiteial condition of the fy<*die." (I’l.ilis engineered iii in aim's was correct country. \ th*- 1st on Bank n lover Rochefoucauld fifteen in language enomrli hut at i The child eatnc sons. are burgh t.) Kepublirun. Boy robbery. Boston Billy m .' spent years pie- forward, and. Store often mistaken, I the thirteen \ ears, sinee .cp-of ten tons to the acre of miles iier >: 111■ j_r u.t- -oinewhat "who holding keepers hiring the close ami iTatt. the who was identified with till NosKin.tKI*. he has hut little faith in wit finished his who will cvei.tuallv I*.* a m»t-to be snitb-d at air ! of the salt sea lire* /e was a novelty, had east his says very his and jokes: the proof 1 went down on knees on one side sickness. A ease of hardness est \ fellow had the nosebleed bad 'Phi* blood w:t; to » iiv. my peculiar charge do millions, more than do line into the waters o(f Seek and toiled in “until we ui}' Having been delicately reared in j per llarpsweil improvement farming of which was found on numberless bits of of hoi and I h'len went down on her knees occurred at Kraneh the other hours in the festive most run out of him. the midst of devotion and tenderness, this place, lamp day. rent of what we now pay ; the reduction cheerily many puihug sculpiu.s a n our land and work it written in various inhabit that of the Atlantic. The all thought he would die and the doe thoroughly paper ways. Reger- only suited to hold, strong natures, is a little too on the other, and we kissed her till There is a sort of a notion store that is of since which portion lh- people i taxes, the panic of ls7d. amounts tors had no doubt ot him repeatedly to kill the weeds, and showed Crabb Robinson a note to his riili tor her So sue di-sir.-s -at least / desire for her full of \ of eminent face wore a sutistied expression- and In* considered dimpled cheeks knicknaes. lady til a a is glowed again (you po millions year: the annual that his was rare luck. A Lewiston Then up there stepped Chinaman. ami this ike ail the manure we can.” which he said took him her a home in tic- North, and I wish that home expendi- wag rudely “Italy,” two; see, tint house had been so without sition took her little into the room to tures d-i Ids him what he said of him to be with you. lonely have been reduced millions; our interrupted sport by telling that the fish weeks to write. It consisted of a i our little look at A was •• •Kf want dot nosebleedee. cutteeotV water is an excellent very niece who inherits the of sister), while Carrol looked tut things. boy in charge has advanced to the bal- were worthless. What, not good for anything !” you stop you >o.tp-uds liquid- My Mar} disposition currency par: ile heiui ot him." few lines. a with of Soon exclaimed tin* lisherman. are for "i ie for some her father to great extent and he would have astonishment, admiration and tender- the store. after the lad.y had ance of trade is in our favor. Fur- “They good garden crops, especial- largely but clam the moral. Thus it is that we discover the real gone out of his way any to even a dumb ness Mended in reached a man nothing baits," wag replied and de- lor which if other 1 day give tiis face, and Will stole in her hotel entered and pre- our which a few celery, applied every brute 1 am sure, he kind t<» her. thermore, bonds, years parted. The angler pulled in his hues and was secret of with authors. No pleasure will, with the hud from sented a bill of si*, had Oh, Socialist and Comumnisl Oh. labor man atnl *> its the stocks immortality • only my tea- nearly filings were held have been later seen wandering the shore during growing season, arrol will love her for her beauty, if for nothing precious ago largely abroad, along and anxious Kearneyite ! II be grand work ever came yet from the and rose, tlie stem of its been missed. The sum demanded would ••where there was a to crisp and of a mammoth size. else, tic rest ot you will love her because she ! carefully stripped returning, and our interest payments now ly inquiring good place Now very ninrh your plan looks like the plan of pen of man. that did not hear the i.- most lovable. Her maid will thorns and it in her make all The was catch clams." any accompany her. pat hand. square. lady indig- go mainly to our own citizens. We arc this old blatherskite. 1'he first, of the litter are evidences At her affairs are in a hut I 1 eggs always of the severest labor. The present tangle, hope “Thank you, boy,” she said. “1 will nant and refused to compromise. She to the j to marching threshold of reviving host for After a hen has unravel them iu tic course of a few ! w.*man hatching. genius of toil is as essential to the pro- months, have you for a ami was arrested, held by the dustier over A in New York, the other day. sang ■ said the i “Hut i a otto Sun- and then you will be r -compensed for whatever ! brother; you too," ; general prosperity, President, puss,” said minister three hours without need twenty or thirty eggs in duction of as is that of a the next is to he stopping. Mow, if she had perhaps greatness concep- extra she cause I would in looking with bright smile into Car- night, got bail day and in and now we in consecutive xpense may you. | up j conclusion, shall look j day,, dismissing one theme of his suh- stopped three hours without singing, there would many days, the strain upon tion. Therefore let no devotee of frivo- close a check at hut all rol’s is an hold for Y. present writing, my funds face. "There angel home in a ! theft. correspondent. around fora new wax to old or take I have been about it. Kxi 1 is j [N. pay debts, juetto up another. “Then make something pleaaaut [ liauge. -tlength very great, and oonse- lous dream that- some brilliant are invested in a speculation from which f with life, by expect big picture, hair and eves like I shall we march in the marked out it veiled out a man from the the become in to reap much profit, bo the best you can until i paths spades!" •eiitly eggs impaired vi- and sudden stroke of lie is to can Kev Johu has had to leave his house be- genius hear me yours." You a married the the of of who was the Jasper and to you from again, wheu 1 will further tin j spot newly couple by fathers,- path honesty, gallery dreaming happy ality capacity produce vigorous carve a name beside tbe immortal in Carrol her cause he couldu t pay his rent, and has gone to live | told niv plans in regard to Miss Ashbell. who, h\ I caught up in his arms, and b> the way the girls turn round and and of ? That is the hours in an of hicketi industry economy awa,\ imaginary game with his mother lie son do move” Y. letters. starts to-morrow. Acm. with her to [S. the-bye, | away mother’s room. And | make up faces at them as they pass. question before the people to day. euehre. Graphic "hat the Kx-Sim Kobcson wa> Papers bay. rotary ‘gi'eatlv surprised.M What Will bo Dono at Augusta? Butler’s Nows of the and through tho feverish days of inllatiou Campaign. for liutlor.*’) A roeoss was then taken. City County. Ml.-::. is l.\crlieUl\ »lai'coh 'll. A a Ihlsworth toll the- New <:OV«TU<>l correspondent gra caused the war, settled down a will In a' ■mt\ by upon There be lively times at Augusta The have Ion g boon anxious the afternoon session the hi tli<* tall the robin’s [ Lewiston «.a/elt.* 'l ■ k Herald as follow Republicans following pipings BELFAST, SEPTEMBER O'er tin.* meadow cease to tloat. THURSDAY, I1S7S. substantial and healthy basis. Hut there this winter. The is to rid of Ben Butler ; and the Demo- State ticket was nominated: Lieut. iio\ r. :< Mite seems !<• h .. .• ! uiTi-in' Halt* lias been in liio law Legislature decidedly get gone hell bent” odi.v of ilalo In Hi-- fall tin* average young man <> "ash; ugton Post A all and has not been a I Kmery nearly day re.eiving mswering 1 iU.ISII 1.1» EVERY THUltSDA Y MORNING HY corresponding settling mixed, being composed of Republicans, crats didn't want him. When he joined crnor, John F. Arnold, of North Adam «>'•!.> a new light overcoat and with friends. Ik* does ran. i ■ dispatches conversing 1f In- mi >vers *ii« 1 -t must he eon W 1LLI A M 11 down on the part of the National and and crooked and the Nationals a exclaimed of Charier; M. Stevens of pul! beautifully not iijiiiiiffst the slightest desponden.o as to tin* SI M V S O X straight Democrats, contemporary Secretary Stale, —■l i! th«*\ ! eonid >..;.»!• 14» " > ! j>u ashing inturt* nor regret as to lumsell. 11. d<•'. lares this Kill roll AMI I’Koi'ltlETOK. State Governments. Their ('u-h- September 11 i«• n ! Portland Press expenditures (ireeubaekers, and its organization is “Thank God, Butler has lit at last." But llinghani: Attorney General, ('aleb i' only skirmishing and will serve to the intensify Tin- 11:_■ ■ an i: *w i! I Si'KscRiri ion Terms. In advance. a are their lists of ollicials of : days and **»n I determination of the friends of honest year; disproportionate, to consume some time and that was before the Nationals had dis- inyr Auditor, J. Hoyle nearly Herald thinks f iat in tin* hack ntn’eney witlii 11 likely require Newburyport and 11n* year. ; at tlio expiration of the Ma.ne ’ll.' bears must national faith to meet and heat down alias and their salaries too length. have eaten up tilt* year, $3.00. excessive, large for a deal of wire The at- their strength at the Since o'Keily of Boston, editor of the Pilot; saults upon them. The Pa.: ts not to be lowered a j good pulling. played polls. A i»v t; s hast week u.- had a touch of 1 I 11si Teems. For one inch these of genuine single tneh. nt is to be kept living, and ion >t square. (one days specie resumption and uuir tempt to prove fraud in Portland then Butler’s movement on the Gubernu Treasurer, 1 >. Askings, of Winchester. .-H-eueraV | of length in column.) >1.00 tor one week, ami ~7» having weather. party that !uis Mist carried the men of all partus will surely rally round it a> tie- sticky, dog day.- j o ‘Os for. ad: insertion. oi helium W hether under torial chair of assum- '1 he resolutions !ik<* (handler's barrels he danger is understood. 'Hie be ardnou., I subsequent A fraction prices. enlisting failed, the character of the House is now Massachusetts has adopted declare that the considerably tight may Business men a square as a full one. who advertise in the Joi.rua heads" th<- greenback and and long, the faint Imarb'd should leave the ranks charged the banner of a party whose chief end and the Crecnbaekers and Dem- ed formidable and I >eiuoeratsof the their 1 here | settled, proportions, seriously - asiiington of the : 11a i the united o a « just is the best to accom- of State, Treasurer, (ieneral natures had been his ciples Getnoerm y reform fat. fellows. No an •/ people ill the work ot H k e l>oiu». IJI Washington St Boston. passed, way Attorney appended by agents, pledge great, yellow Oreenbaekers >lr:l‘lw,‘ the Congressional Committee He shor.M have liked it much («ko. P. Bowei.e New 7' ‘; is anxious to on the all over the country A Co.. 10 Park How. York. these remains to be seen. and who are chosen there was but little felt. in State bewail “the for- them. •' -! K a .:•>•*»! detm-sratie | carry tight plish reforms, Adjutant (ieneral, apprehension expenditures majority in mi same re Baies a Bo. ke, 31 Park Row, New h oik u : t!ie issue made h. be pat in excellent company and W e do not believe that it is, and belie\ by joint ballot. The Boston Herald says Then he was nominated by the Nation- geries, perjuries." etc., bv which I’resi- The «|Ueslion of removing the tall spire from 1 «erve P ins constituents unite as well \ s I >M I N ! n; A TORS, E.X ElTTOl.’S ftlnl CiEAHIUANS so dent was .Methodist churi h in tins is being c ■■' Hai.* we can the more that “the men from whom the next tils. That was he did made Cliiet executive of city, again j Portland Sherman and Resumption. desiring t heir advertisements in the Jour- ing only regret Speaker expected. But Hayes Argrus. published | side red " nal w ill so state to the Court. so of the voters of this State have of the are not there, lie went the nation, and the P l.' an nominate candidates torolLce piease many Maine House will be selected" stop ahead, captur- deprecate tendency //''• All Associated Press from i„ ot > des|i;itcli Tie* h \nme Me Keen. Belfast, has •'i.ij'ietelv desert them, as the Demo placed themselves in a position where J. R. Talbot of East .Maehias, M. P. ing to the Democratic and lie of legislation, growing y ear le, war. to ■ or to delegates > I' Washington says that the of SUBSCRIBERS remitting money 'erte»l Major Bek her in the Second Secretary desiring ’•ived at da*-ksonvil!f on Friday with loss of sa ,« have the address of must state the their motives must be in the of 'y‘-’ a. The i bird and Mr. Martin in Tim the Treasury, after a careful examination papers changed, misconstrued, and Frank of Portland, Charles P Brown of publican conventions, until it to J place impediments way the five P. o began chain and anchors 1 •’•• ! of oif.ee t*. winch the paper has been sent, as gentlemen having any self respect ! the laws, has temporarily postponed who the Greenback vote here Edmund Wilson of Thnmaston, look as could Ins exercise of the rights of 1, 1 well as the otfiee to which it is to by swelling .liiag,. poor 1 ,‘b*l n«»t to go. Bangor. though nothing prevent I s \\ h \ i-’ •» W hit •* »:!.• vr their names to be usetl the execution of the recent orders tor the apt up ■ f.'iat ;-a;t\ have elsewhere t and W. W of Camden. We had victorious march to the State House I he i and laboring men. [Kllsw.uth given encouragement Perry Beita.'t. which recently put nto \ alpniaiso h o mernan. exchange of silver dollars f..i I niteil Subscribers are to take notice of the requested A to on a movement based on misehic. that to executive coimnitte of the Massachusetts close the ui the h is discharged her tor States notes, and will hereafter pas out date the colored slips attached to the paper. It wrong, supposed legislative experience, fitting exploits irgo repairs 1 a ‘..'i* H e km iw mi sm !. tlii iitr a< defeat is the onh form of now used For silver dollars on liabilities. A r«-c.-ipt instance. ous in its tendencies, and from which no of other was re Democratic State committee undertook j day was a m the owning, of the t he \ u hl < uinmodoii ot Bath, has been 'O that are currency say nothing qualities, speech h ip.cs eternal, we look t<» l-> M o 7 ‘. mruj s that the subscription is paid to •1 *1 **re bu -uir« -Ttam to the Boston Herald can of to usual character, from Butlei s 1' i.i.lw «y. where the sheathing w triumph, and our party Washington spee'al that date When a :*t w payment is made, tue date good possibly come. quireit a candidate for the Speaker's head olf Butler by voting ’that undei mlvanei .pper 1IV J,|ll armored m the panoplv ot Bight. i"s tells why the Secretary revoked his order, will be changed to and SI BSCRIB taken •ill' a: a the bottom eaiked and j-amte : ,.n the coricspoiid. chair. Perry's candidacy reminds us of the call for the State convention no agent, the murdciei of the iae li-di ; m miped gr-uiud where tlie vii tore is t,, be and discusses the eti'eet of the HRS ARK K KSTKI) To SEE THAT THEIR pci 1 probable KqH We have before remarked that tin- be la <>t reckoning has its j The e.vcun .rs are and sugge.stn t.-r-..;m store HATES APE CoRRKCT. Subscribers in arrears the familiar quotation, "Fools rush in," son known to he m favor of guage and eoiuei of choice ep tliets. I u getting chilly u'h• • Creenbaek movement his future nominating !i.ive fostered upon ■: ‘••■it t>* delusion an.l laid ; are requested to forward the sums due. great strain upon the new tlreenback I o.d- for d: that im o»rl tears lean *■ ’T Hu* t**et ..f the course. The Herald It is etc. I’lie Herald further oue has the Democratic convention a- a nis Kearney. unwan its advent is special says says through r,ite while .!.dm out the c-msodiut ,l a.fed bv us will be felt when it becomes jM.-jiu w :. .sstoao .•' 1 clear that national hank will have party appur pretty to go abroad for home news sometimes candidate for governor 01 anyothci State T he opponent o) I'.u’ay that ib A Review of the Election. "liv I. •• <>; this that :t to go. Both are anxious to de- cut that there are not offices enough to ej ity -ays parties "on A. a a I that the side office who is not breaking into the ball will hart ldm and u ■' Republican Joseph person lecngui/ed i rei l.h le-r- 'Aii, 1 *oheil»e for dc-itr«I. *‘"i'aMain .rv clare them :io friends ot theirs. perfect determined that Secretary I’he results ni our state election have go round. \ forerunner of the truth o! VV:* 1 l.oeke of J. of member of the Democratic should while sonic of Bullet fi tend admit that t> e consent t<* any combination 'iivman has an that Portland, Stephen Young party '•!ie I piau toi destine "■ expressed opinion that be found re- .-; '-J■''■«>'i»> > M ere i«» *lo ealleil forth. as was a vast observation may in the they so, tiie\ should he .-tu of anticipated, Brunswick, A. Curran ol Calais, be entitled to sit or vote in the Demo- it was on.-, to tst u'die :•••..! t" Join t!:e;ii i:' t they legislated existence. tieorge injudir they empt •; ;.r»--pared -it• I lie > !.-•:•• < >' names a marks of the the In 11) he is haste to deal of comment from the and I’rog. Age upon meeting •1 T *e\ t• mamtHii' only making range press pol- and Col. ,1. \\. Spaulding of Richmond cratic State convention." :t because ol the a< tern of the State 11 .•'ir-'O- .id :.ie t.*i -i t.i gather th*- beaut ; propose 1 1 1,1' ■' t to receive the returns on election ikon tor holiest a:, i himself witli what lie hears or is iticians of all sections of i.c in*.per believes the country. night. was to mittee. nto*! I*- ot ant .ia:; w. .inon be u, ••:■. ,'"‘i will be among the leading men," while Butler not he bluffed in that Die Boston pi. is >atlier than enter r'at'o an sentiment. As is | outspoke'; popular John Sherman The has won. but .'till it is not w ..I tarn I md •' •* ; *1 We a fair exhibit of the nature and Age happy. 'flu-n the hide di *:onan ■' -i. wi gi\e in ! Oil the I iema-oiriies th*-\ so \. S Rice of Rockland, who was elected wav, and forwarded to Democrats all subject. We giw below extracts ■ the Administration, lar as iniluettee u •. large books be ,-ito 1 i• *:i t*» ..t if i>t |»ro:-sses to tone of these comments in other eohimns. After some fault-linding with the pie-Pd brought r***|usi d 1 it :sniu\ the towns where caucuses were vet to he from editotra; a the I’o t i I o- •• goes, certain that am hard Democrats and >emeet,b :^ \! * | Mai; proposition by mono;. Reptlbli t* hw \ "1 -j Their into consider- ing of Mr. Jewett, the \go proe.Is n- 1 to ahoiish national hanks will not he uniformity, taking cans, "will also be beard from." lb- held the letter and Journal i ol ! following lb-public,to) yesterday. < he rorn-Im I lh ty of fha !"-• •' vetoed. will rcas ation tin ditVcreni sources which say s }>r*imbU* lf' .*t the Congress hardly from a lash v- in. Is: I he Post i1 !arp* majority would be man who should nturr M.September : > *' -•••■>. t \f* •: 1. 1' K '• Another we »*»l was tin* .r N' * ;ni■ -pa •1 la eertl d fa a from send i'-d when lulls to abolish national tiling id, I.••trislatnrc «*.tu In: 1 ,t .! emanated, is remarkable. 1 Ilf l>.!• •!'.•••• ;i ■!"1 they something < u. u ! !. i• 1 rat i»'. to tin* result m tins ..u v\ to w Ini i!! In' tlic of tlio i!itr «•:.«* »• i»11:i*• t ’! > < 1«• t de.ir •:ai. ;;i_r hanks "ill he i■ v tempt appropriate predict Speaker They ji»i\v«*r 4 the score, 1 tier.'y intrnifjieed I>I»I! .it t \• .•-’!• i ’’ *>■ ttie (ietnoi ratn and t<» 11.r*t t: ii"l 11»♦ I«i mucus i> ;i I the Honest Democrats and exelusivelv. unto itself w .- third larii*- money party Kvcry power •• V- rk. ami -Li ,r.- ;i ii rproh?, hur: place and. in the condition of demoral Hcptihli- II' me. I nit lit" ihali■! itics arc -eu to iu> 1' i:»t *:i’• present ■■ ]'f' oj I r<»!ii(-tin.. K• k in iv nient : sentiment m that direeiiou for I''''1' \■•!■•* i the .,11 ,,f the \s l!l Tile ft prove ;»*• a;i ■ express |.pie's powers ( ms l'.ul “"I au*l l\ I;.--.;; * 1. i; a > I i>. a a- II od t leal sent inlet it. railroaded. Much .ii;Ite the victories of the was the r « » up p! {• |. p;t>s,. -n !ry Mr*’ p-o deplore repnhliean anteredents eaMetl upon pi 11 ist■ i-.- "it. l it" 1 ’<>r thim! Advertiser has the State. ty anti T«,w t.11: 11e- an- <: mpn tint a< in !!.i> ■ i;.i;,j t. I |j.- : It u,> ; r.i. •a.-'. I us that in our the a.ui .■* '.. I i' analysis, >t a new itueus •• « oil a X cr. !;•■;. '• nan fni Ins ret iretiient "I the meetings r»»wer rises fp.in tl j. wiiioli tln-iv •..» ti-nraim*. tiio stiver eireu V'> v. a s» »!,< 1 '| tll apt.. 1 the inllation and e V : ~ r*-[)r»-sfutiit: ; •'•‘ih"‘i ot the. encourage repudiation | have all treated wit It :; 11 eo: ati- : ! ;i that tin lloilsi' 111.iN he divided and dues Hot descend from foiiiiniltee- ]»!•■—enti.in lie was to 1 >]it'lli ■ tt>-; ...*!> t.- ..... vio > tit's, inlluenci'd tips course > i..|. i.iiv ; mvntni th 1 ■!' He- It anteredents and deiii*»< ra! .'.'• .-ns If delegates are eh-eted I * all* j pnn ly -j i,h!.* .» ,v The luove .lent elsew hero. The republiean session not Republican s ..I ilif l,,t !,.! i;. ,:i v \ ,i: > tear as ■ I \ K w ■ that the circulars wen dents routers SO that ah follow he i<. ! .>'1.1 a- u u a aw hy my early and late routers aliens, duly called, thev will ahniitti d !>-• not ,>ly * .t- >« •.--:«* t VV ii*' l'i*. \V :: t tli w \ ss with to heel at home. It seems to i.-» .1 .:111 m; 1 % "!l»|M-lll!i'_r M at. _n u .*> it limit authori t or law. lor this lies lion in jHimt.- pride the noble fight may II n-'l lit':::." >• -It tit I wi ee t h;11 I) Kept amp q money. In > > M \ ! i: ,• I S s p;,.r * ■ lion !.• :• i.:._r T. m lor, 4*? ! it i. *.; .-et V 1 .. ''or a sneaker to part.' 1.!a: ./<• tie- lt*•:»t: 1.< others, have fair It K It 1 was well considered hetore tho\ were play 1 •' ihc lia\e made in defence of i;ui s.-.-n .• Republicans ,j » Is * a a- 1 -v i oh-rted a< Uentoerals with a •'ilii'le xr• •;• t.• •: 11"l.it.-an IViii"t-r;it>, 1 r'o If !v •>! \ ssued. But it "as fear that | tins 1». '1 •!••!!.r t •. r' I ft i: i !*•>? through the our as 1 life r The a of pr*-t.-!i.U-r. ‘..t the n.n o; a honor, and remiees tliat | andidate for om*M-rat* 1 daily pro Boston, the Travel to iii a a “:>• O'? m. |»f* Iifi 1. M .it they j wlisrh !i•» Inis to m.sed payment silver dol'ai emild not be ! and the rltairmatt rividue as ;i seem d 1«• .- Is sly. Slruiglit Ili'lntti'isi's Of a ( n 11 "■ 1" s .-vs.. !»■ r without to into t \ i«»!•• a. iiaml ;n, I til .!■• «* otlli-a. W'V.rrl m l'e\ if Will ,,.1 j„. ha\e .line out o| the contest with their ■ regard c.irry im;•,i1 ,i *ii;ty :p; sustaaied. 1 rhimimr in that tie- u t excepted, l.y 1 SherniiUt has the last lepublir.tn- i l'""t!i '.u-k"ist : j tioti Ins -.1 ■!• ore 1 t ion a j.. ,* ,IH purpose -ton it.i; a ar-ii.-o. I'l » ;> >; ; \. : proves s • lire on the (teller il 1 le wa dr week ;i dmilit iceess ot witli the ■ > w opened v-" expressed the •rgani/ation unimpaired. and The allusion hero is i M I ,o m. 11■ am! :t I y oj„. sc t I t ■' ■ ill the l.o'e "I a ioa!i\ "ss a nonneed 1 »cin>>erals ; in' i'l m k :l i'_r *;»’.■ 1:: * *; 11 r*»; 'ii:- .specie resumption, eoinparatively small rentage did labor in tin- occasion a by leading ::i open !*' ll.' per eertyinly gue mail in .'lull In In- aillpalL'ti Will if lift VI ff ;«• Non. ;i■ ■ letter' and iuten iews. 'The llmi. 'barba ftl'-r *i -if "i *• reel,..... k Candida!** 1 he hand these jonr- strung rant toward tin* I 111 cr.itit I null1 111; ot 111 j ii must ill- ■-i.'i: t vi .Mi in .ti. .>4't pi.'\■■;. at,; jiart\ i a •• \ihfitisci's then is •' ■' 'I ■■ ■■ I gures certainly -i' •: t Ip- n ||„. inil- a ; ■ 1‘tie Marne State J-’air. the Maun 1 as It Theodore Kus.'cll. through To.-t ntrr- at -,a. o'ii*i>. w ., si,a : regard »emoerary and liimsolf in particular. l>'*!ll-n 1.1- 1 i"'i in nil-- •i l.-lu• !,. I generally. that Mr. Wilson ot Mr. liicc I ;•! i probability o. \ es > -• .• ; .i-U ... 'o',I' < di ed. The l lineinnati is iewer. g' tin' most coin reasons ••'.ml jovrnnnu.i .- -1 ;rte. v tiir .rninp It ull p'-oi».< V 111. :r iv;.:.; flu sixtceiitli annual exhibition m the peli organ! natural that tins should beget md,_n.i ineing J ,/y ".hi: I he 'celt'll with the >■ to speaker sup- •U1«! -tl.••!). ,.• I a ■- a ( "’ it 1.1, i;11;i-.. ith flit- ■! p Maine Mato \g:'i■ ; 1111] a ".:\. and lim .-ays; ••The result does not t:on among tln> laborers :n the why the Democrats of Massachusetts early ol the ans, while it is Tin- s,i r' ■!' .i 'ho; r port lieptlhin unite Iniimal aid as' wav exhibition of the Maine I n men's lake the but t. could not have Butler for their 1 1 country exactly by surprise, riTtiback who feel decently •: cans, vineyard, tjiat they v, nn t n •. tor son., ■ c\ i'lelit till", cotill! not elect one of their Tin- iit'-li V> •’ -» making s.loiation. at I '. md on Tin hotly 1’otnt‘i n a; a.-.-i j>p*\ail throng :• .• ..a 'pened em mragt tlie Nationals not to make candidate, lie shows that a. the matter '1 u .1 passe.! aw i\ have earned the right to at least epiial uo 'Um-.-i.i : 111' i; 1 .. >t,11• ■. u ■■ J'here Was own niimher. Tin noinina- ior Iif Mar Kv-m 'i.l kept tiler h. ads day morning. largi Republican ; r* i-r.-f M.ttn ••; tin* I*.•::»• r.it n irr •. i er.tang! ng alliances with either < »ur of the \\ ,1! of State administration the Democrats p 1.1—-' timi. u;:i ’v a of party. friend I tf .is he to hold excellent display ntamif.ietured ..is recognition. \ge t mi would it course to either of Hut!' pa .,!:** .... •'•'''■! >ta;;d,.ni ahoi.t which a Ill lie h'r hai e lost then of Massachusetts have advanc'd 1 il in the an ns .5,i! better at City Mail and at park, publicans grip in find, as time goes on. that M< l.ellan and always rauip.u^u. r«-j-i.a‘ 4‘i- •!•• :* ii*• V -a 1 Piesumpsoot I the iio i "p.a.on an and w h these of'utlcinvu Kepuhlican votes, o! all that l> i-vh Hi t uiiiii' ... and the U'ltal line oxhiluti m of Maine. :: is In a while Butli : lias never conic to ; “P : \ _■' 1- "ti animals third and his adherents will ■•crowd the mourners economy, | ftim !*••; >ther hami. have party, they 'n- 11 \v;.i irn .- !.•• h-t.-sta? r : ha*. :■ •! _ y sail tlies" with the Id straight l>eiun. Mr. erusia*'! at tin- \.n •in-.. iJi.tt ! itttimr \ arif" »; II .• uoeupicd hy -placet '!•• po,i> ppy rd v *• se\eral thou'.ind than extravagance: that on tin-cur- ha not w;.n last this nor made Iris greatest ol'l » •>inui«*n«••ai'. -t i".i. •. the mi larger movement, M l.i.M'tts \v, '•'■ "; pottage. the track. Among the noted trotters frequent Wilson ami Mr. Kite are both men of ti ’•••*,..( ...... ajm -ollo-iP i* *'• r*‘-.i :. t heir s ■ ; sells, when tii.o ■ ■■ more vnx**»l witli tl.. -r• r;t ;in ! 1 : l; n Were Joe and ear The on the ate boasts that 1 tin Waido count■■ rency .(uestion the Democracy of Massa t!’ present Kipk-y Vltoilytle, Democrats, contrary, Jim t!. P ti,.* K R ... ?: »■:!., r, •!■- i,,str •;-ht exp-ra-m-f anil y. on; tii" :iinner has tie ad'antage ! h-rishi p-'y 1 tl.f ■•f and Tutu B. Pat, hen ot Port- who chusetts has been and is h i.iilM.,;, v wi. Bangor, imagined they were the whale and without a purpose. directly opposed I-.- ml>.. p I "• h to- ihr " of leaislati'. e which is a moment tui'lci. u .. land. all tth records lose t,. experience, strong they twenty- e \ iponaN tin- donah, see the to Butler: that his nomination on his own K**.;inn'\ lt;t> Inn-n inter wed ih. •T i .' a ; .r 1 i• 1 :; ■.i.. r 'T. 'li“‘ '•! :: from the'tri.-k live. The formal took position card in his ,>1 ;lt (aver. opening pi.me s Pi- tf.I I •} •‘ti'i -w he risi-d. There is little visible of the The dockland Opinion thinks that the platform would he an uttei ahandonment Maine -a. fl 1 1 '• twelve o'clock Wednesday noon, "lien "h ft-mded *o s,.rve. Tii" Advert is." ;filler ; p: ty W .i' :.: ■■; N v iiivertior l». lien rail" in Maine but the bui.t- •lournal is not a Democrats1 \V. of the of the and on a well satislied. u:t do i« :. .; ta* '..;ip. p uimi- .pi ••>:• Connor, hr. i.arclon. and h. party paper. ■ principles party, e.\jjtI Hop -.st.. nt_i in the Sentitt ami ■ > li-ki t: .4 -ok to 1 *iio II. I .si de ..'i i'd ■ *i 1 s.' believe it never did so; hut the ; trtiripu’o ; I'llitig. j aodross, h think "... la 'ir.t.r't heiiiet rail" e tlic Utilise will tie Democratic platform sunplv an ah-urdity. Hotter. He had le- die' -d .Mass.e 1 1 la', .p \1 at ll. P ip. i .. Thc rrott _ nil I’m -d.o. •■'. as vet tut] "at a. er ami p, M 1 -;u .'1 t' takes tile results ill tills •lournal don't lament over that. It > p cu the reconstruction Butler s.*tts that the t i oenliaelve; -a «n:Id »•'•■• ipe-stions •" ■. t ii'tvi stati uiticerH a a- Pit. 1. p iP ? 11 a- ti-rt-sx::i _. 1 a- ; t,. o "tale :.;ost of im- rather however. to see the ill- been the most active of Dem- niemhets ■ e ; " heart, heeause the amusing, has enemy eighty of the P. tip1 a.,:: : P ow hy 'has. 11.. three*! iglit eat l'liat to >ay. th" Id straight Ivnin- -l..ij o\, -- tu- : ,is.-::inen r;• p.i A !‘t*!uo> rat!. nanv Mspatch fourth. iie race ".m I ha heiim eluent on her i.nbernatorial the result in its own It last if the 1 >ouiocratie lias no distinct; e o-.:pa-;y ip.tja-J: reality. year will a "ii ballot, party breakinit up won Bet !.'.i 1 t '. impurity joint hy y tug ve eiia;r. Tint Hatler has adherents in tool, to it sod all the ered.it of : ie Detilo issues, it has no reason for existence. >:ates. rile re does not seem to he other i-HliJy. heats trotted. Feamaugli! winning any a a- -.UP.- a -a Mi'll 1 *«• P being "h: the •! in Massachusetts eratie sure— in Knox, < Ml last the Democratic State entirely '• ••• * ■||" 111 roe lost \ > 1 io\ :: s,.. ■. ,i parties igtioriti to 1 f to Tuesday 1 v li 1 1 y i\'j..\ |. ] •■in.pen then they go over Die Mry v,. ll In? t|;.* 1 ll.-r pi iy Mi- ■ \ been Pile insiveil shown, hut his fol- the old and sueeessful leaders. This Convention was to meet at Worcester, it '• Uobei is' ictoi third and I.iiwretiee's ye;;: i -. hr. ... they abandon princi- the Noiitb'-rn c.t P t!> J’here \ Franklai fm.rth. the four-yeai- old tore oners d.i not rank among the most in- it has been full of oraeular predictions oi Oceanic known that the executive com of iior trtiis 5i: ’l.is ipp la.st vv.-i{. ‘!’a>- !■ ple, md prove recreant to the eotistitu- there are ll'ietuat: tie- ie.it h rat. party There no was won Knox u three thin; ;>art\ u hy B.ayard t • •! i: _r' ■! 11 a I id elti/ens (if its own and success l’lie result mittecs vote was to he carried out .,;.i i >,.!} respectable the strategy by w respeeting enn.'S whs'll elected them, while are Inelt indleate ! hal toe wnpo .. straight heat'. The tli ie n ade in the they ’! !>• '.V ■*» 1 i'.ilit* organization v;l>ra If: The Massaelm- is that candidate recognizing all of the contesting delega P'-tiTl. Ir- f.v., three minute race "as i'S])octahle every county supported at h ast in with a 111*»!: -o. 1 Tratui.es. Hem |n. g’ |:t: |- unison the and «le«-reased aht am;• -a an “1-; an: -r. nf on 1 ,-i ■' Intelligent Republicans t>., u- ...... lv j. t i oils a:trr ... setts Democrats are not. elated over the a defeat at and tile B it lor -;..ar--:v ;fc,. III the stauion race 'J.-dd *J..'!7 : 'j.'ld ; the by opinion got the poll.- so excluding delegates. •a a- N ip p a .. 1 : th" hnmifial far the looked for. y Bru■ m U: • •!:..* Wit!. i;s ■,u.'-ti.'ii. ,.r* w;t). t!.« ■ g.. hi: '-1:C In the tout tear- old race Maine lection. John 11. Last year Knox iiad about sou I'cmo The Butler men determined upon a ■ mp 1'••iKurrats w* l'it/gerald says: t.s,ernor is (-imeenieil are like- : hip they ;r — ■ I'd III. V. ■- i •ei‘■:.£ :.«» Id. "I th:nk 1 eratie The is won- which was Wiii i'li.unli.-r \vrltt>- a '.-t t.-i hey with and \\\- the icinoeratie suffered a tTri'ii, carried out, > v ...» party plurality. opinion to have a choice of evils, it is promptly To 1 -i. a ... tlLet tia.se u ii., ai.ke ly only i that to-puni..•;■!:< ot ;,.s stamp .e ;•.• ’■ b ••••r i' -rtiaiai the .•■'st. Thomas .1. : -T derful and at a. ill. they were in of iuiu i; n> he-uk | i*rc>> Horrible Murder. (;organ says paper. not probable.that they will have .in op- possession ; tlu-yreenli.n party ;• r*-pn » : iry -••• n ..is of consider tin- result weakens the Mechanics Hall, where the com eiition w;e tile Maine a greatly to vote election are lore hie nv INNA n. Id. .• 1 j.:- portunity for I >r. Hareelon The sept il.gli: e s ■ ! n : IM" 1 : ■■ Kven the Christian I nion lias fallen a J»e 11!»I i a II of ; d-m ;r.l t ■ I >!•::.■ H-i a-s' ." Abbott savs : to be held, had elected a ehairmaii and de- p u'eii nt i at party .lu.lge oi •'' si,;r; 1 "t ‘‘iseijuleiit ieorge Lynch. living llin<-kK'\, plan of th" 1 •emoerats who are openly i sent. victim to the madness of the hour, and not iaaeli of an ae.yii-iti >i !•• .ui\ : ■: ’*■ T'A.is. were murdered l’riila a: 1 : it Is disastrous" to the 1 >. clared their intention of remaining there 'iniuant that any change midirgiit ip"lai •••> -eel et i \ working in tile •; reenl iaek iutel -'s,,u-as unknown thinks there should he some restriction the!., m many liy Jail party, Lynch. tin la- l.everett' Salt* nstall “If until the convention was organ •• T say ••st m to throw 1 )r. ians'lon overboard, fully F lie Maine 1 p y11'i.I:-i; beasts niid ther. was aw akeiieil a ,t strik- the of wealth. ••• r '• by pistol :; a to upon aggregation were of ^ semi rev .t,• ,u ha.- tendency encourage the men placed speeches made, many them way e .ng him hi the breast 1 le ami fleet smith. We find corroboration ; fiat ion. ha. beet; i :: \i •••' '-Xten! the sprang up ami no man more outgrowth o! who want an inflation of I re It would luue worth than violent, ii> stw a masked man :n currency. oi movement an nearly every delegate declaring are. thoMirh Hu iii- standing thi- mid- tiu- contemplated in | eo;i!it;. the ed, bell ed.a y tie p: they *-.day. potent far tor could called upon to sutler, and one .may o' for Butler in of the dev il or ■’ sire for the election Smith. This, of pivote spite >’a'- : 1 > u:i. ot the The assassin, -a Manv premises. thinking — llepub!-- the and rise from e«l s.nee it *--\ n'o t hi- ; ■ •• •: aha :! would afflict the classes highest possible honors, other man." ’These were hiipn>. pa the ai^*date* r.u;»rol o» Lynch dead, sea ed a hatchet and all working course, would he tantamount to an aban- any remarks 1 : put u;‘*; «ha..:e an... without _‘i to wealth. Doubtless there are of its sent editor. >illg witnesses out of the then set to !ui more than the if there is poverty pm Ii-a'n pa n T..-- -t: rm oi .uw ■, *'■ way the capitalist.-, donment el' the 1 lemoeiat:e loudly cheered- By .eight o'clock tile w<”‘V M'—o* vvi;ititr to organization gu the house. J lie saw who dream of the Ir p.-.i.p a ,ti" p i a>a!.t dig the ll se distracted lather distinction between the ad- many poor boys to-day 'I..; pi. w.-ath el.thy i Ves With the any possible in Maine. regulars had all waked up to tilt* sta- •• ••••'• ••iueni. 1 lie lJeuiocrats. win. have the house burn and fall in on the bodies time when become President of Generalities. .mtage to one or the other. And it is they may tion threats of was :l u-. were and police ln-artl. At determined upon of his children. Lym-h. :t is thought, will \ .- the t inted States, or as rich as the an This s the season oi the when ul the year the .; -■ —;’. ■ .< — •1 !:reu,i Hamlin amt Blame red vet rests '•spec:.: discouraging when we have s.dli a. m. the Mayor of Worcester .irriveil I !i>* Ift; :s ■:. '. 'i”M >,'rl- Suspicion voting :.v Mr. Ham.::. > on derbilts and Astors. The our m funner an.l gardener haste to d> on : i'-"u 1 man named Boat ware with whom returned to prizes posit with a of officers and was in- riie of ai;f- Him diu- Anythin- to lie.it Hamlin" l..neii viituaiiy specie payments." possee fifty srrupe crop l> ,:,r of ri. 'V-‘A a till it has had trouble. st i t at ions offer to the ambitious and do tie till-'.-* tie nearest editor specimens year. been u>ed I lie Washington livening Star, in the vited upon the platform. The Mayor, [Host..;. furnish the incentives which have of their -Kill, or Valences of the freaks of The skllll 11.hk t-viie!'- are •• eourse of an editorial on the Maine serving elec- after some talk, said he was t *.• ■ A box human indies was accompanied till- sfoi.- Ni-'i \ 1: k the *:I ii ill or ehiid containing' made this and nature in tile of mon- s 1 111 t on. will be country great powerful. shape vegetable owner ol • a' Hu found at says ••Specie payments the the hall and no one was ’-vo»*t !. !sv.j ii»-• 1 a .4 -. Broad lire, near low water by ■ > grave The .Ma< I.• *}*i.i-, m reports lim •; ■■■ -- Nor can be withdrawn without de- strosities. That the is al- : -■ the \ they agriculturalist ,i- t 1 t* : mark, on "today. by some hot The re- rtii.iiiy resinned next_ Monday. (Sept. entitled to be there until II o’clock, the of Inly JII tli.it scetioii the larm-si foi a.a .y y< jtrt x'Uiv.i right. mains are 1 e our form of i be, eminent. abroad we lind evidence in '* 1 to those of an stroying present •■ •' u I'd and formal ready ample 1. :: ha! .1; the end will supposed Lng- resumption at the date hour for which it had been hired by the Mr. Id H \ !5 •;• seller, or a servant of one of of- 1' of :'ih *!i and e .. giish the our chronicles an hear: di-*a.-- .te Used is assured. The victories of the exchanges. eighty State Iicinoeratic Committee. I'he hall very suddenly Monday 1 "i"1'' ■'■■■' "t the green .hackers wisl ficers stationed here wlli'e was > llaStport The gubernatorial Vl|te of the enii in- water melon: another tells of a file T Ilion. .: Jo.;;. *’ 111* i d oei: hackers in the of pound .e>diiy : V < elections, had ... entered during the unlaw ■■ 'v | ei,| in the possession of the British. *ld in- coming night over and killed a -em a s n-rt. di-'.r.. .. a h;.!> ,;'j and l'e can official 7>ti \ .. whii pa\ :> learn are as lo;]m\s: The man was returns, gives Connor II'.' otes. pose, or did repose eleven pumpkins, aired !>\ mi,- aud ra ’r"--. luttm:. rious condition of affairs. A considerable that had come to and would wnerever it :t> a servant ot the was in they stay Thursday, chaplain and love tiarcelon, -7,87',’: Smith. II.Ml: ( mi- raised from oih- the combined 1 n the irates ol of the voters of the nation will seed, with some fair maid who it seems did not portion not be and he modified his orders Amos Fatten. w.di ir:r-a :. |o; a — t;,Vl aga.list jf This ; ejected, e.eeti.in nor's over •-!'.:>|7 his ■ of which is jol and the ■ : plurality Oarcelon, ! of last •! \ y half-past great a ire nt. and assigned toddy 1 .ohjjlai- i.o awaiting b!'.‘,’7t; and therefore Connor lacks are !-".eiay re gates not that the editor Trur. .. : -1 soidieriLg. the old of this State an- concerned this stultifi- surprised defiantly of for the most llutlei Florida J..strict- >f. i.:i Mi' : :*•* voinuteers who w hi guard house he committed suicide delegates, part just votes of an election tin- "Can one a : t, !;,!• > '•' ’• ’•• t«* '\ and w ere l'J,SoS by asks: any truthfully tell Mrs. Kb-a/er Fa_re :,,rn» iud.si<1. tor orders given to have his remains cation j> more apparent than real; yet men, were gathered at the foot of the wars The vote thrown was in i« l.she !; ,-:V‘. ,'v;o.-h ..pun pablie buried at low water mark, which was people. aggregate bigger pumpkin story than this An ,l> it will be to convince the two broad staircases of Mechanics },r*vale provp,.rit v. is hardly possible Hall, from heart disease •* and now after over Tdo,7‘T<». Total vote last loi.lol. ,1"i'■' '' a> done, years have year amiable we notice mat ndes sixty outside that rivalry prevails among si>: thousand ti;e :**»'• ’..y/ public such is the case. Hilt j back from the entrance under order Forty Uas>iaa It the action of the waves has 1 kept elapsed the editoi a! in these matters. ! ha\o embark*4*! dc e.e- id. •: '.I' .V fraternity tiiiople ■ the Iiirht the those who know the of Maine of the two cordons of alhl 'I'strut o -ill' r I! ••11.For Hi Ur .10 !r< s '• copies following- ’• Maine ed tlie “of a stock of sweet corn " ''I o. _ri,' i-i u. ; este gence and their know that i receipt last to the inside, but the doors Imlensba iT. \ V Tim r-da1 -i ;• a 1 the Two •. ""• *■ v1 integrity, prominent Maine editors -Hr delegates itemen’t anil When Ben Butler was in command in of to hnaa* .ai atlair-. '11': vtkr-H»H .■ 1 t..■ •. "'in i: take that hack seat. Marc-1 i;-. sent to the editor that friend lartrely tvpu I,! man and democratic national honor is safe in their please m_\ l*t.y i paper by were all and the refused to New o hands, and locked, police 1 '• ii leans In took ei in ■’ 1 sCiii.iiiiii gold ran c*me to the front II No; ■ f ei-rtain return ns not you right up Xieholl- ol' \ assalhoro. that measured lleroir !u- is. wle .* at < ■ !:i" >i- iii''i-riiis. from the vault of the smith fl neither communism nor N. V.) ia/ette. admit the viands. An ellbrt was made : t*ii■ I"■' although there was Brothers, and repudiation widow m ith J'' chad. .,, S .-I II- Pi- 1 ;,i Jtv I !i-M:uu to eight leet and 1 inch." the Newcastle .■ m beat it W hen ,« it i.s the act 'lad: ■ Powers brought away confronted with ean ever have any number of adherents The (iazettc man to lie well to hoist the baskets of refreshments to .1^0 ’.a r- ’mi a si- 1 1 ;tp])ears to the I the Herald that, "ive sever- p I. disappointment unlawful act. he said he took the meiiiored ■ 1 1 > i; |. .• “i them. for an reports Kiirht e.'tta-e- o:. v n- V •:>an I, |,p i,| ertiunlv t,, defeat among The financial question, qualitied usher. He attends first the side window It reached the window as a w ar \V. .. money measure, and that he had of sweet corn in ( Were lire Im-ur. s H,...... v an,| yjye ,.|ose n;n al stocks apt. Robert destroyed by though the to the of the and and was within '> 11,0 it over to v apparently paramount issue worthy part audience, nearly the hungry men’s -■! belli cc’. i'1 t, | paid the treasm of the Tinted property u ■ Decker's liela in this town to-day. that I •T.i! 1: a- 1 *■!•"* *. t■ t:I ’. sMMl 111 I! it to states I'lte of the was not so. seats it as far as from the when the on the inter- treasurer at It stairs Hr Failed 1» a 1. d Fa band i* ■ telegraphed campaign, really possible annoy- grasp police Ferry, prom pay matt-:' M -1.. in.'.- I ! S < *.! r i:»»r« i Power Hale, measured ten feet four with two win, were not once tl at Butler had never a inches, sic ia u. a ml -urm-di of tiie Twelfth Maine •ll I"' farth- hud little to do with ance of the wind instruments. fered, and in the scramble the window ! Kt-irime defeated, lull paid votes. •' *i•!tii• *i't*. a:, i W. ii l. t*. 1 uvr- Utw- uiried influencing u >■ ■ l'_v of this into full ears on n stock.” Not to he be- dtirimr the w 1- ! •.•! d ■!•:. ■ ing the The good -■ '■ money treasury .t ... votes to trims The earliest and staunchest advocates of was smashed. The baskets were not Thursday .* ujiur.'i Sin to tiiose orguui/ations. Thy de courts then made Butler refund the hind hand in this w e money l’oor ! She has had war, competition respect- ana th- IU" 1 ;■ in tin- van Hale al the i«reenbaek theories were Turkey pes- in. The scene inside was tame An s. ii"olma>d r mm 1 !!•• polite standpoint. is a ea to the Smith Brothers. To elect such ii repudiated pulled Kn_rl:s'i a, ;iTi call attention to the large crop of j > 1.-• •••••n -m. 1 .. i; tii- o. t... t. ,*.it>11- party more >n than tie- in the tilence, famine, besides the foot of the fully a Mis- Mei vis fur breiudi promise. ipj> ot man to the executive chair of state conventions or at the The for while, but delegate after "to i„ any polls. delegate »o l "f u ongre.. He i,one ,,f the election heats recorded in last weeks mised th" matter and paid m-t ri i: "St acne Ot would be a to free Russian on her neck ; and now there has party leader, had t|„. atirihiites disgrace institutions, intelligence of our farmers, who gave to rose to say lie would stay there until lie and recover her letters. : milli' him a and a humiliation to Journal. sagacious party e ,m ,el the over come her the curse of fiat " '*.ts people the (freenbaek movement its chief upon money. was starved bclore lie would to the Mi>s BlaUdcll. ;itTf.I a:i ,m itc 1. ■t'liek and pugnacious in ..ft lie sup- yield Sally 15 K* il. ■•;isV I) delr'ate. m whom might But there are m to I" 1 preside. The bakers of have dis- ; auon town farm, left Friday. Sept. p;ek record of the hist , and who are too too Constantinople " State „SJrK, m>t bean It '■ :i>-i m the storm «• Kl-'ri i.i\ I".1 had tile many elected. prevail | management ot his party continued the sale of bread because of i wandered and died. ‘"'h't Ins However, we can believe it. Hart- honest to endorse the financial nlauk of in Massachusetts is an surrendered to the mob, ami left >lu* away troll: total destrm tio Sho u. i'.'. eoutroi than eve,, hardly yet open question. finally 1,1 ’he ford Times. the of wheat and from B< u *s< other defeated eandi late the on which is alone high price depreciation If the Democrats and the them in of the hall. The State Three ear loads *>t ,-ats re roto pa'>- ’a l Wl 1,1 ">"• platform they stood, Republicans possession r'"!,l.v term < :i a:,: \\ [Washington |i of the currency. Money is but 'auada Suiit li*-i i> conclusive evidence that we must seek plentiful, each ]nit a candidate in the field there is Central Committee and recognized lead- iate there has i.eeu a« ti\- d« n. ; fm- The New Hampshire democratic state | where of H A I mi : is worthless. mouse killers, in <•: wh i» h ats :.as u< i\s> “A 1 convention mot at elsewhere for the reasons which influ- nearly a not a one, ers of the I concluded c<*nseqiirucr C’onconl, Tlmrsdav, probability, tlmuah strong >emoeraey thereupon :-.os1 tie- vessel -!i '•* :t lid :n*t st* In » • riz. mst.mfiy ashiugion the is freely and nominated Frank A Me Keen enced their votes. Nor have we to the convention until Wednes- prediction made ot for far to < that Butler may succeed. We believe adjourn -eles mill the Seems as though the Rockland < result Maine means the elec Governor, and li. li. 1). II. 'pin- Wheeler ost 1 1 Fowier, d when th*- vess*-; was t** h'11 Hull- r oling seek. who had been that a vote is of next week in Fanned Hall. This a a haiih-d arid anchor* as said to a sioners. Uesolnt oils were they troublesome load of that libel suit. It prohibition- n .'•>. <• .mu " Republican. adopted in fa- man named Naior attempted found himself near th*• ciitniim- to Tenants || asiiiliyton renort.■* ! .. that he was not of , ,.,* greatly discuur vor of a stable approve the financial theories of ists who have nominated a candidate for fact of liutler's friends secured all both died. 11" del currency, payment of tlie ! allows a to having to- led care lunch for il due. but the actually correspondent speak hor. a::d w »ar !•• { < \ r..;, ":,ier of the public debt, modification of the taritV. in the new party, but went into it Coventor, over sixteen thousand the available halls in Worcester, lint for A bloodless duel wa* n S mho •■'••num parts country i-ould not simply of leneral" Tilson and his granite works polled fought his Ilf*- saving cr-w fr t,.,- U'h II.-.,.* favor of he! w.■■ a t a m-.idcu to the llemoerati, keeping up the President fraud , and with at Barkley Springs. Md.. advantageous solely the of the votes last it looks as with the moderation shown who rendered tl! th*- a-'i-ta: ••*• •»!!.;»• Tt m-iiim to tin- hope defeating at Hurricane! But the Ceneral is a hard year, though great by leading men. tire didn't h;t and ', ."u liypublicau parly. "It will cry. and congratulating the South on the voting The firs! anyhod;. ne of accom- a shot was not failed tor. 1'he foolish t«v vessel was so near the bre t t t ~ said, witii our in lu- Republicans, having despaired four candidates there be no Democrats serious trouble would have second a]1L party restoration ot rights of self-government. man to coax. running might lows then made up. si hie 1 Resolutions favoring the taxation of plishing that result by other means or election by the people, thus transferring occurred, as there were a large number to pel ''' gov- Boston Globe lias Broderick of Beldcford was best r cauie and made last, th*- c hain an l h',,o V.I"'1 interviewed j ernment bonds, the of the national in other ways. Some, and the ('base’s Chronicle lias a edito- the contest to the But in of anti-Butler men who were so Timothy slipped repeal perhaps leading Legislature. indignant .m 'ubjw' >l*e Maine election, i hoard from the steamer A masta while m: \ and the vessel towed Min, MlV‘ bank act, the of the rial out iuto the channel. Aftc- Im'|! of the Fourth and Fifth dis repeal resumption greater number, wanted to bring about beginning- order to ensure Butler’s defeat a that they volunteered to take ettrsiou to Hill's Beach. 'N <-dnesday uiaht, ami was :V i" tiic | beyond possession tln-m three cheers steamer east off reporter said act, and the of bonds in drowned. It is uncertain whet tun he fell aeei giving the .m payment green- a from the The election last is an eye -|iu, change existing condition of Monday opener. doubt, it is there be a com- of Mechanics’ Hall and clean the Butler m» |G-|."rter it ha* been argued that the | backs, were offered hut not adopted. possible may dentally or threw himself over. left, asking *•: l,u'f allairs, a We should judge so from the cocktails place before discussion believing that change be bination of all him. It is forces out. vices. Flo- I rVi .sun arrived a* Bedfast same d.c* | might parties against In our opinion it is very doubtful whether an) in other columns of >> '.enerul Butler A correspondent of the Portland Press for the better and could not be for the displayed the Chron- known the Amid turbulence and confusion the will control the action "i the m-.\t Congr **'i Sunday steamer Ma\ Ouecn. with a «r* « —Yes; but have not been well that Butler only wants party " they i The* era of has arrived. | says that Prescott, the murderer, can worse. icle. This accounts for Solon’s political disorganization went to tin* scene of the above disaster and ree**- ".'T th?,n observed another Then, there is an almost univer- probably of as a liutlerites went the farce of or- > tiri!'-about the Coveuorship Massachusetts step- through I aud the political parties of tin- eonutrv are mum. election in one of the hard'y he called an inhabitant of Wind- double. ered tin* chain and anchor of the and re : 'ii.it the morning sal sentiment the cor- seeing to be Herald. Ferguson •*("•!>. (livenhackers were among people that stone to the for which a convention, Richard S. j reorganized. [Beston casting an un ham ; but having stolen more hens and ping Presidency, ganizing Spof- turnc*d at four o'clock m The three masted t.-.iiv large vote hut it p. that was drawn large I ruption exists in our National and State of of chair- Charlie K. Ordway, an orphan aged I d years, tetn """ ,lu' turkeys in that town than any other lie In its review of the office he expects to he the candidate ford, Newburyport, permanent soli. s. in be .Maine, Portland Press says —“The dissenting hung ‘h' ligured out by that there vote there. When found his feet rested on. and his nan- somebody in these hard times there should as ler was nominated for the en- I away. of coal tor th*- Maine Central Kailroad been no Republican The be, from .Maine consists of three Governor, Cause company changes. fact is ‘f,)n leaving the he remarked that delegation The that editor did j hands nearly touched the floor. despomlen "‘at when men are polls a measure Age explains the Had head winds ami sea all discus practical of relief, a decided tire convention and cheer r v and loss of and sisters. light heavy easterly brought by if his vote had been refused he would honest money men, one soft money dem- rising giving parents ‘‘onsideration of their gneveuces in iinan not write that Dickerson was a the in the gale <*: the Hart was 1,1 reduction in National and State Judge at passage, Friday ""'T have no have had blood. For the entire he expen- upon cheer for the nominee. A t this A beautiful daughter of Ueorge Compton. diflieulty in fixing where day agogue, and one communist.” oil ami 1 ‘on lie wild-eyed “wise, as but ‘‘nisi Fa., while Big Uushkill broad Monhegan. the eaptain reports it lies, and this uiakes them for a was reform in taxes and ditures. It was and pious judge,” printed, Dingman’s Ferry. visiting ■ eager busy preaching whether with amid the most intense i. tnge Hie felt, point, excitement, Falls on with a over the as the lie ever on tin Maine election will a Saturday party peered roughest night experienced have very a more distribution of See here—how's Bill to ?et that it isn’t safe to Latin etl-, t all over equal property. reason or not need not be into Simpson (roing prius judge.” sling of of the rocks into the seethiue water. FdO teet the It has almost enquired John C. Galvin, Stoughton, took the edge coast the summer mouths. The vessel wa> .g".',ui country. We find his acts office that was booked for him, now. dockland and during fluestioii on the correspond with his | into the bands of the below, suddenly lost her balance fell headlong majority in the next that these reforms could not or average compositor, : a to ;; words. \\ bile now, be, Opinion. Moor, and said “I have word say,’’ iuto the She was very deep and washy, but sustained no serious Representatives. The Republicans' the waiting for a decision as rocky abyss. fatally injured. '"M rather not and leave him to work his will with it. ( in the do. could ligure out hut six. and to his right to lie was to sell would not be, carried out the By getting booked at Auburn jail, (cries of platform and general damage. apt. Uyau. packet Lillian, left now yoiihl vote, trying by uproar) The hay crop in Buckingham county, 11., is they have lost two of these. Boston four o'clock and arrived the horse which he had taken from Wil- men in and hence the determina- or the Rockland “as a elected to the con- the of many seasons, and has been gathered Friday afternoon, power., lock-up. on the outside of fhe Journal delegate duly largest Washington specials that liams, who lie said had to lioston.” to-day in better condition than for twenty years past. In in Belfast at two o'c lock Saturday afternoon, mak report Secretary Sher- gone tion to new men in their It vention. I the name of tb‘- put places. on protest against Deerfield, the farmers are good Baldwin rim !“ election indicates the Mured, who will the Fifth will be found a very clever parody selling iug the in twenty two hours. During this that the must be represent at ten cents a bushel, of 7b cents per barrel, .notability Greenback party will take the It is stilted that the steamer Croat Hasteni has admitted that the people have (Jen. Butler,” groans, “1 apples time the Lillian laid four hours in the *>M 'ace ot Rime of the Ancient Mariner. (hisses, etc.) ap- ten or to by fop, I the Democratic in national District, is such a tariff man that Coleridge's and carting them twelve miles the cider polities. It been purchased by a company who intend had cause for high ought not be if usiug complaint. There is need peal to the Chair for protection. By mills. Mouhegan—The steamers did not leave until at' surprising the Greeubackers held her as a cattle boat to ply'between Texas and lie wants the duties increased I Newspaper men will fully the ‘in- balance of present -appreciate ter the storm had somewhat abated. power in several states and in Con London. .She is now fitted out nt for reform at and in Butler’s own he is not a not The Boston gross being llilt'ord Washington Maine, declaration, In consequence of Chief Justice Appleton soon J’he of the llow’s that for fun thereof. and growth Greenback move- Haven, and is to have new engines and boilers and Democracy? recovered from a recent nit.u k Portland bouts, due here in the morning, did ment as shown i„ the Maine for that matter in every State of the Democrat. He has told yon that he is being sufficiently election, surprised the maunfectured by the Clyde Iron Works at a cost of of illness to at the term of the not arrive Republicans and preside September until Saturday afternoon.Several Democrals alike. The result is foOO.OOO. will be built in her Union. The in the lead- a was to if Refrigerators for the people generally, their Good old Waldoboro her The New Hampshire Patriot, not Democrat. Vou may S. J. Court for Knox county, which open pan ul.tily di scorn to gave stead- nominate, small boats moored below tin* Sanford wharf, forcing Republicans, because purpose of carrying fresh beef. It is estimated it has been one week. The 1 ,i4,lure i<> affairs and Tuesday, adjourned maintain dominion in that that she will ■.’•’ml head private public and hard Democratic paper of the State, lias but cannot elect him as a Demo- broke but were found after state, carry of cattle and :MM) enterprises, fast, money, Democratic majority ing you St. i»The ie\vT *llus I'«> til*’ llou. JUstlC.es ()t the Judicial f'ouit •' >UJ)r€IU€ >l is k*Uv was in our on A. d. trated edition ot WebsteTs con bankrupts being grouud out city Wednesday, with his la.lv. Friendship. Wincapaw.— Bii.uu.uny. taming PROBATE NOTICES ii( x; to be holden at Belfast, in the <'oir.it v "1 1 three thousand is t he Waldo and Stale ot on the I T landlord on their return from the Aroostook excursion. Croenbaeks. engravings, ./"/ Maim-, ueflduy ot of the American House, that the has iced in the PO •' A. D. W* bod// press prod present wdGer I o tin* Honor;,! |e ot p,-<»!.;?i<• for the 1 tober, ( ROYAL Judy ounty to 1ms Mrs amden. W. W. room by illness Ralph C. Johnson, who lias boon l’erry. and should lie regarded as of W al«io ARLK" «.■•• ot lh in said < oun- spending Miles 1). Creamer. century, indispensable ANOTHER 3lA M, 11 in sinco her return from Eu- library Ctil respectfully gives 1 who a successful orchardist. Belfast, Union, Warren Hills. \\T • and place of business. (Bolden lira Absohitt»h S6tm*. *V I .Jell* rson I »u it I t {, la!( ot I'un;. in lorn, able < 'ourt to be iniormed that he wmarried rope, leaves to morrow for and will bo at '.ii 1 ac'.i’cs tit the choicest Boston, U N« OI.N I’lU N'l -i KN 11 I'!.!.!> H> C*. Countv, deceased, respectfully represents that to Mary Malcolm at Richmond, in -aid State o, plums "IB A I.” lias a >;•!*■ I an all the Hotel Brunswick m that larger oilier baking tin- *;oods, ehaltels ami credits of said d< are Maine, ..a the doth day of .>* A !> city the win li I" A l.l. iMfoi; VN I that t o»a->.|, ph-mber, > during ie* young should m i<» l’; iinuienced the of a Kepubliean. powders inbined—In ..a of its stio».« *1 'Uflirinit uii.su« r his just debts and cimr*'.-s ot and that since said in!marriage he has alwavs be- building ter. learn how to avoid the most diseases al uiupu 1 ullhetive Administration tim 01111 of 1 a- a cliaste and ailediouate *1 Austin Hal! by i-hr liumli* d doll irs haved inm-eii tnifhlul, b the on avc Purity, t nifor.ii Li-althtuim> and I ;li- :ty. North in rumm unit u ..! strength, 1 1 port ways prevalent n\V.md ie-. W1! 1.1; >Ki. your petitioner your 1m: or to hll'bun l. that he lias provided lor lie- -nimble and I leinocrats. v. prays 1 W. Barker on ea Pm lillAPK I'liFAM I A IMA If -• > Tuesday chartered the steamer luirdli less i’.npojlaul that lue”. .>! middle age. and Prepared jrrunt him. a licrn.-m to 11 and nino v, >0 much ot prop* r -uppo t I '..id libelb-e. and lnrni-ln *l In r tin- of nun -aid Wabiubor.-' Corhatn 11. lor even those more advanced in life. .o dd under imported f.-r t!r- dirt et GREAT DECLINE real Mate -aid dec-a-, <1, includimr flu- re wit o u e.uniforiahie home Ami libellant 'v< 1‘lauet, invited about liftv of his and Fey oxprr.-dy p*■erles- powder ’>'• break. the that are friends, gave vi >1 lanterns \ .1 1 stand how the m;iv he re rsiou tin- v id «\\flow 1 then on, as u id -.atisP. further libels ;■!:trict of l-'ra ure i :* eei ■! in them a tree excursion -aid vows ami 1 :i -1 ’" down the bav. A clam debt and incidental charges and «■! of In bliiiai ion-, him A i"Mv buildimrs. to warn trac- \N iseassrt. Wm. C Cunningham stored. 'Mi these and other kindred matters the charges neglectful uiurriag* indorsement anil recommendation ot the New \ ork Adttiini •: r;it >n a! or in a manner inrun-i.-tent a ith do. hake was had at s puPiir private sale eotnlneted heraell ts "t (iilkev harbor, after which a Hoothbas Wm. E. lu-cil. I Work entitled "The Science ot Lite, or Self I'res danger. Board of Hi uith, and m eminent -iei-iiis and UdLl.l VM A. BAKU ! I mestie peace ami happiness m !l*i«, that ibe said circuit ervatnu:." ;s gouv lurid l!i i» u\ or medio il j>3»\ of Hong Island was made Creenbark. Mui V Malcolm I' ll In-1 lioim- and k* pt the company t "s Scientific men e\eryw’neie. No y arc tl.at the th Maine h’ft: work extant. See advertisement. family liavingoneo At a Court ot Probate held at B« Hast, within and of man* and divers men < notorious cbariU'ter Unit The train in A P h I over the of the old enncdy used the Ibtyul Baking i'ow e- r will ver *i with lorthe ot \\ on the second In r assoeiatioii with such *vu- «»i no illicit .at largely belongs \v. this will running body Comity ald<», luesday perso vicinity, o\l oi:i» Oil's I v i.N 111 ! HI* I' s. ■ I is>. tin 'aid. itbelUe had letui man ( arson, last of< ; o'; caused as mu ! out it. IN PRICES Sej'tenihei. A. I>. and immoral nature, tliai a Monday, came near thrown Sirup has eh woinim reunion this being .- year I | 01- tin- tor, loir 1 ’1 ti: i >n. Ordered, That the ami lascivious conduct with -uch persons* and oi*t trom tun. i. more in house, where it has been Sold in tin can- the track joy every only groe.i o ■ The trucks of the forward ears Republicans. by pel it ion j v mniee to all interested coininit tin- dime of adultery with maid men w hose used, than Murch's el.•«■!,••.. mu per-oll- l>> iu"r:.:a^ had a di-eided wintn The best cough Xti" 1 he hue-: ion in r- appear were raised six inches from the iron but fortunatclv Fryebiinr. Cuoeh Carrington pn parat the wan id. oii-nim can si n- a eopy oi -aid pi t m ion. wit it tins order there name- are to your Id ,iai unknown And y« rjntnled at Belfast. that is | 11-si d ul h ioi' n H in per and disposition, that M**s tom from the harbor. VIbauy. not insun s muvc.-s in b r. make.- it have only Baking, go tlo m 1 at a < onrr to at t all eliort s t > re*: rain a* tin said libellee lcoin been precipitated i::t*► the water below Smnnei. llenrv H Horsey Pills, Potions and Pungencies. y appear 1’robai be held he pi luliy one-third turtle ;!,uu adult* rat* 1 ui *!nef Pi'«d»a! mini in Belfast, atom-anl, on tie m ,.nd hci conduct \\«• i, nf.-t with mm a* violence e\u,aitum a sketch troin his Paris. Pas id N. Trim ,vight K O O F* 1 a ot no tliat m tin- month A Co oi t.do r t. 1, and were Thorndike call attention to their fall 1 next. at o'efiek in tin- fore, pend. nee, avail, I s kmd It will k ug’n t '- ne til ail. climate, file-day a Cba and bis y f the ami bind, taken ptoil. Pouglass. foo] father's m«u,e\ are soon nailed lioon, and -lie.’. ■■it-" ir an;. Hie. huv* the of M'iv, A 1> 1 MS, the said libel!*-.- .leseit.d your bay 'took ot window shades, room chan U tv do why paper, lamps, anover. Wintield s. ii..\u same should not be anted. said libellant an>t bdt tor part t m, •' limit un ujoi.ti ot »loose Liver The friend of .• ami obi let v in .»■ id coin tellers, a c They deal only in first class goods Croon hack. temperam I’ll J !.' » it f.IvSi.’l Jud„'e know ii, and t.a- m-* 'ince etui d 11 muni S .% .1 O ^ >r.ilil» A\.u V U.N.,!.... A true Cop\ AC, t -B 1 J' li.il', Ife;.' 1-t e| Cutie.) with i'lit Mb* o ilit that il ibellalit be the North church next eve Hall A advertise lumber and P i. Sunday Cooper shingles Bi.rkfield. Henry Irish Jit*v> the s id lit lee 1 »**« 1« -: ibeilat.t t The henhouse o a loadstone which a dis m • »•’' it to S .1 .tun' Law at low In fact, N guides .11 ,i a: d hing Spil lapboards very prices. this mate ES O IS I o tie ii >u 1 J udtre oi l'r mm• lor : ne 1 it\ honest negro in the dark.-st hour of the night him 'i on.’ ill.- to, t... r i. w no vi ui * «*mm«*iH e at 1 ■> never was so ot Waldo clock. nai before A M Carter ha< u cheap Republicans children bo, n ot m. i» *. mi libel.ee Mlillu I P ni l I- \ [mu. 1 tratoi t Doctor, it Peels like a Pull of Fire ! 1 tb 1 .* -mi M.i is it a choice v argo of corn and lieu for sale at Lam lire wer W illiam 1* Burr \ Wtn r. ior. y..ui It'.* Haul | r'• jU'ttce, urka Lam*-* wharf AND 1 I a S|..-id. ,1 ,tl t X II -0,0 :• undergoing .-. i. «•.i •.. u .riuonv So ware the sulferer from In :u t*. |ie\ n g it •.• mlm wiiart J W Charles >,ispeak.-1d'teutinies spep- 0 1 a-, d. I- elli,.. ,.l > r- 'v \N Waterman has a Carlami, -p. ,t ■ fin- i .1 Hrown has been opened writnm pi !,-. '.ib1... > .. •; : Viler eating. it seeu.s .»* ,! tune w is a \entaM!<- till id and lit P> -ocn-ty Croenbaeks. * r u t *. s > 11*.«! mur '• ha’ .Mi.* :.ei\ studio over Hervey s -tore. where m all i. ot tire ami down lie FURNITURE! and the couiutuud), »ad> writing miming up thiough nf I 1. t and h • harles 1’. Brown CHANDELIERS ! It otiol aide oUl t \. giant hound 1 0.1, M|e s branches is >r. stoimn h. If he eats much he tech it n In- ilon A dii.ini'ti ai .oil !.. th* -uui ...... ,i 1 1 taught Haug< !■ •! \i i- * him and es A Ha: ,>t .r> : t u.dj bon*is ot mat 11 a. n w -11 lit* v,:iday eve C 1. Boynton .at uni'll he 1 eels it. It t he »>; u tiv dolhti destroys enjoyment enty 1 he lilu llee. A 1 \k* i ASSi Ip. .MINI \ I •• sa,d •• C\-i Sailiv. The three soli f. H 1’iokard ’A hi 1.1 1' e. our it ■••ck 1'h -amor m .1. «#l masted Amos life. If tin* d.wtei be demi -us ot i.riti h pet ioner pray honor t> m speak The really your And mi ,d.. n. cl 1 nr' ,• a* U, u- In- i--- t a -n-e to ,| .\« wb Josiah C .•» grant him lie* and eoiivey mm a mgstiu. ot Belfast. now a; New liigl-s pat lent he should md exj im.-nt with the -utlerer. .Mow 11.* re idi-l.e. ot tin- lid id" n-e ami that lu- Hr.it -d Capt Hodgd*’ 1 -' Heuef Ho a I -i t. said l.i o .1 .a 1 110 *• Hap*ust ■ d, .nil t ie »■ ileruioi. \ll-ert Hall in* should re. ouieiui him to use 1*1 in \ \ S ll ith •■•■ireful s. net, ami Hie rMTci'f ut due dnigei dork. das made the round from that to •n .1 lie U T trip nty »> LOW PRICES! idow’s iji.u thereoll. .1 will i- le-idence : warm wo dd 1*! I>. whose merits ho.* be,-a tested long, .■ ! a .. bus ii"! (i.i I, able to Us*/ei I all, Wln-Ii h**l weather have yu.oiit!: hapmati I -aid if ids, and ineeleiiTal and >t Jacksonville and back in nineteen and one halt • eharge- iialye- 1 "1- « AUl.f S .'1 v It Ol.ll I.a_rrn Coo W Joims. o .. or !i ill.* II nor, B of tire m. the -tom Ad in, pla. Mm !M-r: .*•' lilos.N.uns -atmlaetoniy M't rati at public auction or pin ale -ah t«* In \masa .1 'lays -aid tin* •puckest round record Alto!, Hatch. l*i m I a \ S\ m emit •Iw.-i; tog,.tlier. to \ M P IP »> !. 1- 111 ■ trip I.Ho.N ss •• •*> V se«-*' s A I. **• M UM U U.lM, "Worn and -id ill tile lields M i ford \ :• bet wet:. the two Win. (kikes vo.ir druggist he :t ul w n read m :• AND FANCY ports She made the run out ::i keeps COMMON -i |.. 11 1 ttl. a' >1 A l» 1 >ept L.*e. \ Hanson It U work like a harm At a 1 f ^ .1'. d Peace. a. <*st. ill four was in a < ir « days days loading I’assaduinkt a. vi m Hi!!. caxjI^ !o| the .lilt >' ot \\ a I do, Oil lie ■-> Uni 1 'an-das 1 oi\r i at' •; \ nnninn worker iu oi »• Consumption Cured. 01 >.-pteml.er, A l). l'iv go .iim!»er and was nine and a halt <»n the Lincoln. li\«-r I! Chesjev FLOWER POTS! Ju iictal <' urt, in ■atm days I tin a ■' o.: i 11 o \\ II \n old m i.-tired from t •. >\ u p petition. Ordered, i r Ii.n Meath under the wheels homeward l’he s.d, \:b\ Hampden. Joseph u. pit\ pm. | ith, l^rs. passage (iale. l>arb\ I iitiofs. !• y.-e notie. to ail a -on- inter* d .. had ; in i h m is an l.a-i I m -s p \ • ti de* id. i lull HOI ice ot ’■ Oldtow n. M Coinnso. p.a. ndia he foregoing lib* caters Ustrueted hi< t ibe |>y cm11• a ol -anl e by -d Belfast, recenth made the inn from Iny copy petition, with I hisord.-r tin b. a to Mar Mu Hingliam < irono, II N 'J rue worthy ary the t pie \ j () ill p* mh m v Ml* go. •it i l.-t t .. iron ti to n, 'in a at t 1 d :tek to Bamro; u three hours The rc 1 >oxtor. >amnel h the :md ."*r111ai:"iit nr. l..r ojimmu;-; ,ou -In- -aid 1 i t..-ll-o g copv twenty captain Kldndg sp-eV IP m Jo n iial a d .< p.. that WINDOW SHADES p.i'.'u paper print, Hast, Wit II t 111' »i ••. >i i, ’o be 'll * ■ ■ j aid lib* .. pllle broni liitD. atari h a-thum. me! all 11.1 at tin-, niav ■ He.ta-d. 1 e \>soi »a that on the t It.! ’\TY- ! \ ri ; 1.1 l.t at a Prof.ale outt. t he In id at I an cmperaili ports passage Bingham whon fortv ns. A 1 \--l IS appear hi e. Wet k sue es'H* .ii the K i ub.n Join adeclious. also a m:d rauu al < Ml, 1 .• i ‘at e Mil,-, ill in It ,-t on < lung positive AND abue-aud the c- -I.- a! !h 1 tils’ in '.I'd ountv e: set U:d haild Cioth.lliT. miles southwest of Monheirun. ked a seine < ireeiibacks j • p.< up nervous and all nervou- er.u till 1 nes.hi v ot let..hi m I, at t eli ioek n ’a* I li-bility complaint- |;,st puMicati >u to tit* leu da\ .M least air.ou^ tie- It be lulling test. 1 its U'.ltlVe for, main, and "In w ii ij (l, •( ;. u Il lii'".!y uiay left boat Parkin a::. In-son Bri^m-5 Woliderft.l poll .♦•tore the next t* tin «-l till' * ourt, ;>• '*. 1. >ni« at •aim ioi.nl m.t he u.-.ml- !. M. 1 W Hans, -in thousands «•; a<.-< 1. 1 it In lut\ to mike t -' W a!o •, o,, the H >f.-et ROOM PAPER a w it a mi ami h.r t o| « The M .- .j.1 < I'll 1 I ,< > .In to Sni.scoKl. Convention. held at i oxi-nai. B. F. llainin«»i:«I knoii to hi- ■, mg ..• 1 i• u \- t I hi 1 1 lie-iii, ot * let libel ? 11MI ': III.IV A n \tt- I; P.iii. l; :.i. op an -le.w enlls*\ it she \ :* rural Fair m this \N a til’ll and there appeal any city this place ednesdav, was derided success, more \-. v;. VI-. -IN KS 1 11 :> ! '• I r o r .< : .i o1 t lie lib* Hunt should n t »* •• ia\ e, },»* pia M a’ I « t.ntv v., i.• is m bad ospC' :aily the evening concert. Tin* music consist s. I" 11 N A I’K I KII' I Mn lion, a a I'm d ad c e Pr, ,ha: e I ■ m- t• .Ju- ie.' 1 ou* t. :k«* at interest in it. -*d : ora> anthems eiccs. a:tett« >, so >s FALL Tiy-gVlDE. Ot w.ii lo BaU. J.-hn 11 knuii.i’! (jerim Freu r Kin s Mr mail *e. API Dl I i. epv bei a no 'I b* reol: c ail V. ?iu W \\ 4 til 1.1.Ids- Ado >.i_> Ai Th«- selection b\ Mr of Wo...-a Jo A St. e.ihlri'ssin with stump. ni: pel PI, l-l- lil' ,1- •' \ W •, 1 11N 1-. rierk. >dsby Bangor Ja|;.| \ of .1.line* i ,i- at.- \| i c.slum. .Iaui> Barron Si •'* ,r I i'ow I*,.... k. 11 .• N N ithe leader! was von and the • "iiat d- good, performed by \N 1 d, -etluil) nja Kit'!uii.chi. .1. \ N > >i'.uiMinu W < m- tr re .:i! I el' and -M !• I •!«•• 1*1." 1 KI» I «)l M I I i.• " •- ;■•••'. > ,i_ M.t.v ii an. 'dass wr ! much itli Sh m; c\tremci> cinitmg applause •• ,t,e ml, d «M 1 !>1. I N KN I 1 I- 1 S E 0. Thorndike & Go. "tithe |.-l:t to answer ,i- i-t d«-b's am ,t ••• \ rr“,‘ i' * wat an’ in M.iuk ">dr rv .a that sin *Mis« Nett Tr h M ss i'tia'i..., -a ,-t t'erteen 1 ot m* mb A 1">. te'.esrram }.*■ go ai:' ;o-j.,.!'ia u fl»e i-'tate ot 'atnuel f listcile Park. M >, Met 1 re. Mr. I..otitis Kame< : ^ mg t. a \-ihm and ad disease- t \\ in of Mol > s .... .t 11 S S!' wa;-! I !.; Cough, 2! MAIN STREIET. 1':... i mm,- !- umr Maiislir i- u '• a d a t:i Mrs Nora and Mr C-mant oi TV-.in* and I.m gs.it .■Volute!v ithout m, ''•■ii and miit a am- tti .a Maim ", 'e, adjudg. I’.anktupi plan. Boody '. re«*a Jacks. j public Two v ill .• on \ ‘I A !». ivs '.11 doses relic y•.:ir e!i «u Crou}., it is ! ale sal* ad the real -tate of -a: I. “it hi- petiti c > rt. :uti. : "a- ?.. lake M ■:.!•'•<*. M s> Tru-a si t« mi:,c winch were FairlicU. Fdwar-i J Lawrence And See the udiue ii,. rt r ion of rim w dou -I-.-.. in pa men* ot ■• »» I » i. Immense h appreciated and amoved by Miss Bark Ki|»le\ James B Lewis, LUMBER ! belonging itmiaii. UlnuH B <'base also sang several times, bring heartily applauded "i T lie n d M oi ot t In \ was :,iu!i * 1 < il Alii O! ! l- i PI m' at :i uni lli.i! .iinm*l B : u ■;. 1’ e 11 ; ,t- 1 -1 «-• bn V»rtnport Fra^in. p-me *! on• iselves Sutl w A : of P: henl a ii- dust. ithiand v N-.»lon. Jolm L Bier. e. tie. I » >! tie l:«*idel, .it '!•• o .... '.V •!.!' eiiMnigCs O- ‘Mint V f Wah!-,. ,,n is.-co .1 ! u< da ,-t our: I’.auki .ptc' I ::* -M takiat the door at tic* ev«*u ug session to meet Moose Biver. 1 B Newt..;; I USe |V. V Oi >< n.her.'.x 1). Js> Mol In da-t. '.* tote 'll- Il 'bull, •. > i: made Shingles. A Clapboards. Stock Recent- I tin- I .; joiult P- Mtiull. • >:-!■ re 1. 1 i it tin bi tin foa; htb : uses '.I N poll ai. e\nens'-s. Eight new have been built V Y l-.Ml 111 1 e .. Bought c ii a i:i \i \ > -v w Hal I mui ;i n ■. t: pi III .•!.,■ none.- 0.1 p, rsous in,- n -r u ,.y k c m ere this seas • veenkaeks. II Veh ! And a!! other kinds cf 1 I. j u > M..1 ia.. ■ M eg ■■ lumber, •-< ;••..■ 1 in t h* oi.,* a doiible tenement hons< Be It AM. to-.* I'. Wall, ice juiIdi-in-d y |^r^e .Journal u c ha a nil ha. > Kepuhlicun paper printed at Bella i»l> I i;h i "l M..IM- >' M: Mo-; of •■:u- I* Simps-... which we ?re Abran Wentworth. those at at a Pro! ate ,.urt, h. a, .d ., \.r 1 'I 'hi \ \\ selling prices tin-;, may ajipear || |> 41V M .iv '. ston* F l l; t. ~. '. his m P Mlp hi India t •.:; 1, r.. -s :•.!'•• t wo stoj ;es. and are finished at 1. *... | -, \ 1 pu-ted cry nicely H-. < M-.hae’H ■Mid 1 •e -da', ot >c!"her m a., at r, ,. ..V ,-m ie He -' ^ 11 -• 1 1» >n1 •> \i j-.-ri'ven-il >•» ever for .1 .--u**i .1. 1 u ;>•• )i' T!i- S- « orm-t Band was nb.cu to Bios lower than before. GASH, which arsport Beiu M utin B. H s ly tore noon, a lid In w eause, ,J a,, : In--, hat I V\ ami "><*’• \v •; IV:- the 1 M ... tli»- .11:1.' m-: an v a.- ; i S > a n h;- peer .Saturday, B. M to h. celebrate the Creeii- Uiunnlik" Albert Hina: M.. 1,. win 1 a- I.»« 1. *• M'l;- i Huukrupt V d '1 •* ’•* Free 1 »iu. Jatise> i* I.an.' :. GIVE US A Cai-L. Ptli I.' 11 KltSf i_o II n till’ll .1 »U(, I •»' 1 v [ i*Hl, back A states that b.irk W.-iU.- A It e 11. m -> t h* .'Tory telegram a John B. IInr 1 | Attcs 1'. Hi• n? ■! :111v ■*•!> an* 1« an prop. lt> Hou > u -- ami u:.i M nrph_\ Milled field. J. B Nichols. ved at New Y.-b, .,1,^1111* n -noli Hank 11 ; ’. tn li.ru or ho In- Capt ■ •* — BELFAST PRICE CURRENT I \ I I -v n \siir\oa *n s n -kvti.ti.ki* to is. 1 COnl’KK. >1 1. I> 1 1 •! .111 n I ■■ !> 1111 a 11 11111*!i 1 •' » I III' II' in able d II !_" ot IV" .r I'M ..on* I ! ,11 -f y i > t" ■]. Sat urdar Sundat with loss of m Com- !< I \Wrkly for the ,/ourtml .1 in* .i- i.t ‘ilu r4 *■! Hi* '•m*l Bc;aiM:.*ans will be Sold at Prices ot U .,. i:1a. I I.at '■ Mail. .-tree?, and "Ver Kv C. II. Sas. i.n So. i Main mit. t. f. ■*• ««* 1 1“" r, I ! i" *>!!»-* «\ A III I* II ,kni; :, ;** |.im* ht- < -. L,-.. \ Ca-ran 'ala |M:n 1 at a * ‘*1! I > ?| 1 111 -tal*-, .1 ho lu'1'1 T ... i■ *ni. milk Produce Market. Pru es oaid Producers. i & .t' I -oil. I d i: li. ... III 11. Kobiuns. a at tii*- u-h •I”"'* THE NEXT MAINE EEGISL ATUKE Kastport. <»e-orge 1 u< e >il HI v ,«K et lull .« '< M[ Hint 11 •t Haiiknm !»• ’lil* H t«*;>. > I: i ;i-e.|t!.*(,i pH •• CORN ! -• «• n CORN! ,i> jr-*at. met. who \\ T •»»* 111 The M ilibrnln. »'liarles \ i. ■ Hi O' I"i' * I' a -. I ami: ii. I K ^ irii il ;;» y.1 ■ chatti and nnl.: -u -a; I .u a- 1 pei IIp* ;*•, a: .. ■ * > A I* .* flock Senators Elected. Me 1-1ViMflllbs. airb (i.iliiai: *!• .'tit t.> -.a wer I. b _•• >i r. :;la : r. i-t the gutter did : *.t give 1 Lamb r ili i: I j:i»t 1 i I i» H AMI'.I ICI.AI.N. n't >■ Franklin B 1. u-l \d a.' a. -I ra >'i lie -u in of i.« ii .1 .•. i•! I* M \;*ni *s< '•»<,«; .. : \. M /1: V Lamb >k: n- ! 5.900 Bus. Choice Yellow Corn •'* •• e ; ag tie eh Very A I*. a >. .M a > I. a i, .1' M a.*T. urge. V. .-A I ■11. h* M u !! ■ 1 ¥ \ < R :!;i' l'rinee. of Turner \ Less than the Goods \v ! I '■ o;i J.* ! i'. oin pi » .• I "li ■ ? lUitt-r lb l.ial" i w M; !.-ie> r w.- ami .. halt years {<«■: *a!p'T u11, j V lour. 'i I \\ .! 1. H » ob!». ^.. I-It I: i Ml li eli-e to «e|| ami oiiv > till "I tin < A N I. Lewistoi lb *T |h r ib 1 V»t.uto«"», ?.’i.» •/t M> 1 »:li I -I '! .tv ■ r« al * >i.i:e ot -iiul ileeea-. t p in a in •: ii •*! iv tin- r Fast M e-hias J on-s 1; T.t!!- a. Harltv I'.i < A. M. CARTER d. ineludiiiy |! | Hi.- I *iay -signet! A no- •> loon <■• ,u j.<-r Hound II £r jr lb ; | > of tlie w lower t » i\ j -sit >. a. II 1 \ I *. -.*•*. Ill Ha 11k 1'111»* i-t > : :• take elleet tue last Mat hutspc.r: Anker M.*■ m. . I,. ,,,. r 1‘ Straw pt*r t X d-d ill 1 I. oil arnt t ■ 11 ■ i■ .! I.• M k t A. \l.i Boulton. A'ldisim. Jou-.s W ass. hi k* u |>• -r |.‘> I urki p'T it» ; aye-; ■a .1 .1“ tie !»•*.-1 w ;s!u*s eo.il an. i. at a bn. or vat Mile. * V' .h >i a'*- I Mann all >km« \ > .. 1 | ;>ri IP it.i-I, rn 111• 'Min I al'l' 1 ! Mli!.Ul.AM» OH \1 1 Brim-.-ton A. 1! \V,...Jm-k I | j" .!■ ,ii II.Mdd ! Ill IMI-'I I *Mi In- oW U *• 11 ••it 11" will )uck r !'• VV iVrt ! i! w h I a- !*• «li a* ! n a Malik I Belfast. 1 i»» ; •: Bargains! u lin W W -i.lv m IA I'1;; u Bargains la. n. a- n’ ih..mav Jr i'l.rt,.:! F-. n,i I.a 'I Ml.. 1 '• I*« can > be Manufactured. .V a :.-:reh meeting. a 1 -o i‘o 11 i,e, a i! 11; 'V H Vinton, nruv >vvl W a«l til* an-hr ol ..i1. a. -Ma; M Kstes \ndn-w HnwO' l>e.-n: ib :1‘ * " 'O'l a.do, Hank rapt. t*» I im mi « a B .1 Jel : : I. iries 1* •" " 'O' h in. ... 111in .i:'*• 1«*11.iI■ i• 11 i■. ia I liut a l>avi ! Buran. < aseo Km-ry 1 11, Retail Market. I a! ■ ■. <«**". Farcin poll t ;io lop Hi oiuy 11*: it ton, Ordered, I :1m |.e in, ,nt.a I tit* «■; i. t i-t 'a* -ant Hanknipt. to v « .•! ■: ■ '' -'- K vnki I i.. I!' i: H> a I i'i < h v .e., •• < on. •>' a k111 -1 Ii.-nit.s M i: I pef 1111. I, pr o'. 111* ir ,l*'l a a ml ! hoo-* ti***r* "ijiin i t.- .. a e ,> a.'W >;,.»p;, nearly l'*!l: ter >.ii •\ ‘moil' .ay a ul i.. it: m v. h thm order mi, r-> •« In a! a! a * ..nit t .•.lines Moris*.n. .1 r Sanford. J Mo<’|t«-m i j't ib 'jo jet in- -i..:. will Hanknipt o> I’h:llij». < 1 > < •'*• U.as.- •: the " i*er door lias Seen n !ii«h •. Hi K• t*i-• ii• i.i ii. :>.• .■ d t If eh -.i oi. m io i;< .; ;*• !•« 11 .ll Hi* A-toni 11' n- H* II i-t. I'ol*' New;.■•!•!. -lia> L Finkliaui j.< ^ p’h'ii p ll ihll HAN- o« K '--IN', « •' v "i "Mi M* al ;•!•! u>!i I ■Ho- k j.«r ll/ 1 '.a -ioorii .1, a j pril/.d at id da H hat do |, M a. h lii'L'i-i* r. on tin HI. 'I 1‘!••:.' ;. .'lilt• '.hat ..!. Bui aid s N.ti.e plain. o s m ■ 1 ■ "- IVrk l;;uk :1. ', 1 .A I': f., ...Pi b- d a: ;! i* 'Ik I* M ii I > 1 m>lu! I 0 j.« Boots £ Shoos pear i, A lloiis. James Mc-» i. 1 :*!'> •• « ..ah a be seen *r<>m 1'. 1-ti-r ! : Si., I': oi, ,i. 11f 11• in I;- lt.pH od oe oi d li \ M HI Kl. \ I v 1 )iiii!i liiifiisl. 1 I>. a;, may :he William (irindle. odii-h, dry, j A: John T. Hall. v ( Ynnl'iTri*-' > i; Mi ;t 1 I e !.: ,-I » let'.Per IK -A ;A '• ii n .... a ! In !■ ll. at- Ma -h ll M* n." r. >•-> : -• the lla'l entrant'* d...-r ju-r «j? |.< Ladies Hid Boots ! j K -I N < >. Cheap ,. I- VI l. : !•.N N Ki •! l\ 1 »em-rats. lov.-r .-.i. Oi. and it ; a \vli III. •» : M:i>'. Augusta. Sugar j.it lb .' I !»l- I i:l' l "i M AIM >•' V.-rk James \ BiMH-t-m ".•« !i ■ .■ 1 d II t. r i. 1.: 'ill'. 1 !. per bn -Ii Misses School Boots very Low IRON FRONT BLOCKS I*m I.n ii I-.Km. ely N ha * " -t ;• r- have m-aily M• ->es > Mount \ ern--; j I HI" _i 1 Mayhew I ’**1 H-.vutrd I. * 1 m : V\ .. .4- Ml ill I., : A A* I'- I* f 11 IP .-tei Sl.iyie.' jo, ll;! A ! * -. a w a Ih.iiki ’ipt*’> w e 1 j.’* : ■: K i: i :! he imation ot the 11a "I -. 1 S"A N I l’o!;t vj ! ,i > ^ I t a w J Mens Boots a | a a i -in 1 alia n •* at*' ! ...-an il, Kip ■ 1 Specialty. < *: a nl" a at T' v 1 I i*: mat in* ti in i»I W ml Friendship Berwick. < has. H Horn.- A !’ ••a. o 11 r i. 1 d a i H i, ..'id : in:, > I w 1 a n Z* «l a oil hi- BOSTON MARKET. .. n. M.,11 l.o lla Hankiup! * mat t \\ I, HI, I it. -da -1 •• US- I. < oiN ( \.r i!iiai:> Fredenek. qrades of Men’s Work ..A •!.. tih’.l A ■: 1- .. I pa U very !. "in' r. \. D. 1\V j : W at.-r!••■!. W. L.i- -v *- l»* \ i: •, W ■ ill;-. .1.1.!'anil «!* :i- >*i an> ..•••■ art ar- ernr.g 'idr-'\v >t;,ith. i i J'.I I'M ! re-h t* :iini .if "in :it -.'.’a f r j / »i; Id K\,i --r f o pr**p»-it> ; WHITMANS 1 mi l»:«vtor ».e.. 11 Mo.ii, -: <"1 Han kl up\ "* v t OKI' -INI, l I .1 at h t !.• \ »• him an- lm hi nl* li *v Twegian Bidden-r i. Harden -w. 1 -• ... 1; an-!* 7a; mil fuuc\ selee*ions ut a higher pi 1 IjOW ! r. .i -od. j r.n pi -■ Id oil j.. Hi d, 1 i,.i. \\ I | any prop»-rt'• 1 » n * I till' *a**l 1 !ill.. .H W .... i'-*rt• i". < I UV. Hilt a n i*. J •>! 'Of- * -4 -■ i., re*. i-!v noted The lain- \i w V ik .it. 1 \ 111 ■ 1.t h r.tn I I !'" id-t, tA A ] .hr ..•! 'h"-' III* "■ W > | ial.kl ml, !.. In h Tumi W ait 1»1 : •' f r ;t>- .■ii -aid '!• «•* a-o state I j.{ a ,d ••• * .:. 1* dm., n.r .New 'i rk. has not ved a good lo< Remember we are ...... ,t h -tal- w hi at «»urt Repudiation pn Mill 1 'i W. !. 1 u■ ch 1 ,:u< fa. Selling • ■ 1 I; it tin -aid t‘> ■ > > <• ■ i To :, 1 NilltSi illoiiYi’oiili'rlioiim hr 1 li .:!••« u-!"'n M< ti»< '■ i.estmont i m| Hank. to -.1.1* .in• e. « itil a large out in Missouri. L.xcludim. Ml*' 111 saM 1 lair 1 g■ ».i a! aiv, and Minin ai t-« ail p- .a d.-re- » i*v ,.y a m.j ■}'•.* ./. M I (Roll". medium at opler ! Me three W ei-k' JO — l I. H i >! J.ouis. there are >.V».imhi.inhi ol .uni .. these Goods VERY C6EAP ! J-t.bli-lieo !o"k L-.-.- AT [' r- m place />' !' Hang--l Sales of ru liau- mad* .it A\ i • a a mr.iab |»i i.A*. i a! IP lla.-t, A. 1 y ; t\ and p-pubi'ie.i I 1 1 11 \ M I .I-.!.’ I \ 1 \ .■ 'l'.\l aijtill t three I,' ST.-ts.-;. and township debts, interest j' an i .N "I I In rn and 1* E I ai •• hr: a: : I w .'i h i' N and must be with CASH. -• I'plt /• ■ i’ t paid on less than one-tilth this sum. Tic It bought wd !iiu and tor aio ‘o'tniv. >a t i. i-o I ... 1. >. i'h- v e.it .el was orintb. POTS’S SALOON. the road-at loa.-c p.-r tm-h. fh» ! ,;k 1 tii* I d .0(1 "!• .1, \:, at p-.i <0 ! h-r- m»o; .*« debts were made to build local railroads. !•!>< AT * * -■ h. ; WmdN N V. ru stock ha been *1 in a.lli s hr.* it. .. < N j< and ,*rici saved at an !i"'.% a in' W ii : In ; .0 | 111 I !: •! M \ I h 1 J < reteuce was made to discover taken :t with ran.n'»-. Money by calling ,d : :i"o •.;!•! i. A "*• yr..id. o. I N II;,: It tin- !* % •- nt *. 'lav m: :;_r K ;• N illegalities jj in ! \N- W.- q U *t at -f ! 'I- M- IMII." 111 I d X a 11 in mil I»a 11 k « the both the State a > A'i Al»AllO' -• loans, and, though Hereafter 5 shall wyke 11 iliiims; .•* 1 rout I- ish tin a i' speci- ■ * * ;. ..rk had tm w.nd from j j,<-r r* an-, aii-i 'l A rru, ;■ \ M >5. Ip it >, !; -1-11 t. »y a i ii -1 -1 a I. * I Mora i id national courts held them to be valid. W \N >i-ti'i Rath I \\ -. 1 'M ll f "t :»!•!* !•' w ha st ..do...j sails on. Rogers. A ". I ’li- w- ti mo interest was Local were mark* t *•!!•: !.••.!. and j of Whitman's Karo Phila- 1 -t Maim in* I. ! 11 a*i a|_" •! a 1 Ml k >' -M 1 paid. judges alty KRS1 .it 1 >o 1' ■ n •. all t: deek i? tin.* time. linn £ a 1 w : -oim lum-v trui: ... 1. 1 w !. li i1 I 111 I. I j»«-r Mb, •: 1 1.1 ; 11, elected in favor of and it is a j repudiation, littlf 1 ■ .1 an "I an ■ /. silling higher. 1 it lit o*-h! |.r**| :. : ae let k •' ‘he nark JJartland, pa II \ AM» M i: v W \N » .m< Confections. 1 1 now not uncommon for the of jn- "M ha « a :-f. to I iin l"i t A /*■' >k** vh- _;a. .justices 65 Main Belfast. delphia ! / \ A ; I •. a Hanknipt. •»■ Ltreci, Ih.th •. into al> ] T •»1 i. with lari«*v lot .1- •, rim- r. m. dium .• "j air hv him .11* I r. ; ft : or courts to overrule the Cnited States j Ij j (1i ii rian-!' p.op* rt> U Ai.lio < o.N N » lla 1 a! 1. >• >1x1111**11 hav a' : a J :>iii -• raw 'l r ? per 1 I i' « hi.image !•* the s< i:oolu*r This.rfeiieious variety of Com- .lint ! -t.i! A A a. .. 1 k Court decisions. A at -fILL': tun. No We- ti 111 hue in tin- in irkc:. ml 11 i» V uni i" ho* -•• h- tl A. Beilast. Supreme correspond per lloit.1 P I'l !I I < o" A \\ liO". .it l.y ihiAi W' >!ie i- -:r : k <>li 11 ,• ,r i.i.*r* .--'j n> •! hi- -hi! «•. w ,il •■* In nl at • /-' Stoekt'-li cut of the New York I’< st, who elabo ate; p! I A •’ i’l A j fits have never before been liai.M I" »■ l.'.nP n at In 1 -1 ■ 111 .* oown t a e! v < Streaks. these «*r the said hi A. y ip: iSHlN'i I "N u M facts, further state’s that the repu- Brighton Cattle Market. 't t"f*' a- l! 1111 II. K- K«'i:i.-l* Varn iiiNi ■■! V a ■ o- to 11 .11 li* Worsli'tls! all -illy urdor .. a a. e t.inhe.-s broken in. and towns, .|| ! In toll' lit" t .t "I «*•:<• \ 1 Austin Harris Hast Ma diating counties with great WlusksI'AV offered in Selfast. ; a .•"■■■■ IP p Sep: | A •- 1 A Ml.I HI.AIA. a".. ?n i.: rail a.- far A t i.„ k r. .M. 1» Ul split A den Bradford. Fust natural are and Amount of stark at mark-: Mattie .;! j, > Intel tit l, ij port advantages, languishing «-j Mai .M. a, I Ih- —' i' i, d, i' • ,, i;' '1 '1, ; 11 I.A I.. ,1 1*. ha., ami Lamb- *, Swine < W.-:. rn u: i, :. d n. eh.ininhs broken. YoKK <"I n -, number p. j while the honest Ladies and Gentlemen • -• '■ hopeless, municipalities, tth 1 M Young •li ad tor -a. 1 'oltlit •. 1)11 "lid lm 'day ot ..■h and "ther u.mor dam am*. n a’ ! \ N * William F Moody. Kenie-buukp-.rt notably Kansas City, are full of lit’.- and N'irthi rii ( attle b in st, .A I. 1 I l:!< I "I- M l sln-M "Id •• ! Ill- In V in v>-. wh. the '.line 'in u id 'I 111- N ■ I ..It MM ■ I A' .ast i.-hn F confidence. Price- of B- t < at t a p.-r 'bs. 1 ** .v.^hi Ex- 1 -unpanson. Ferguson. Shapleig'n. a h .*.• i. i'. I Old allow, d. \ W if ni.t U| allies M Andrews Riddel--rd traquality b'-.i '71.. first £ *.i.> ... p|, X *. qualify TRY WHITMANS CANDIES! •* * 1 r Shetland, 1 ,* *-l H* I ...-enarired for repairs. Saxony, nil !.•» ii li:>i ^. dudyr. a -*;*-•• 11*• "r*!*■ I corn! quali:\ j-1 4 thir.l quality .' •.. 1 i. ... '-•»» ••• * **l Reoublieans in Roman < A V IP 1’. I'll IP in* * "im;. ot W ai*i>* ami > t a I Main*-, '.t; < arr.e 1 .ill" the .\duiir Thu liulla.st Age is like thu alchemist poorest grad*- of r- >urs*- \- n, I * ■.* 7 A .- !a-t, ■ < 11 iju>!_» >1 a Hank! Up! on "w 1. p* as in who alter suc- and 1 W J-Tuukunstuin. he had 1 yon 11, \ '•'.>> I ha* t h* pa) nn 1st I an I> ri if lit on Hi lies : :• I .ilimv 1 per Bright-m A • .n; in !,. i' 15* W I b:li a id for I’pd hr r. air rt I»*-lt*ii t!: I* • •'! ceeded in was horrilied at 1 1 .'<■ < 1 a ml *1* *t prop* 11*? h H.t.-seh Total. creating la-'* pi-r 3b. lii.L-.j Ja-'c Germantown and Water -• aptaiii put life, '...iilitry prr lb, T'n < •'. d "A aid". t .-I l !!• "I.; "t dehcions than ever be- .! -noli to liin im in- 1-' ami tin nan* Mouutrfallow 4 1 ',*a4 4c r if Calf 1 Hankrujii, •, monster ; skins Spaa, any you ■' ; the he had made. It beheld the >• \ 1 defend. Representatives Elected. i f"C ■•* M. 1* 11 him at t..: hi l*h hi law ami 1 .umi> skin.- Jnabne * aeh. 1 ] ..j peril*; Sheep •!• >1 M I III l\. • "I II« d II W • <►,;<.! N < ,t! S 1 V —KNTI 1! Kd 1" which it has been into life J 1 li.it in* in ol a liitol •! ho .nl Hank ■ party warming W "! k. ! »r tip M ek I ba- In ell .1 iha uvl tatai a* .ilelit ’.1/ ■ IN BALL AND fore Tasted ! It to t. .* ■.: ■:* •»r a 1 to ■; 1* n •-* or lino for two a larj' :• «•:' Working < >\. ;. in market 1 ban the SKE:?I, rupt, prove the hist at supp!. ! t I 11. 1 years, congratulatory j j• j (.rant ot 11 * -'.!!• w o *n •! a’ MlrI ol .i.d ... >n the ill 1 -^ u! red britige trade reqair'-d and .-ah s were -!-»w W- qu •!• m!i I br meeting the after election, and is llj)| t •** !n*.*i* 1 m th* i-rmn h*..i-o, H«-l A ilium: Charles K Smith night r St a e ft at Haukriiptc). .... : wneu the d-.wn ward | To be found t i• -,.I I,;.' .!-• • 'tut" only * h 1 -. li 1. IP : h u h Jeremiah constrained to that its 1 pr. fir’ll- 1: 4 in 1, W? a*uu s. 1u-i, boi'.i an*.;n. say proceedings #10o, .b-, p; FGF? FALL KNOTTING. >■ .. d, I ai i 1. ok civ di -e t > ; « oi * A l* a; >Am* k I :.*• -Ihioma- J. Carson, a man .1 S. _r i rt h ti .' it., 1 U't moo 1! -to. In *i’to'" Lew i.arcclou were A ". inter* 'led to .11-i PC a "I Id "I'd- to in the highest degree offensive, and eo|>\ w > I 1'. « HAM HI U; MN. 1 Milch Mow- —Extra S- 4 v ordinar- > :,f- i ..*• had fr«>m \ M Jones. p. ;,e -1|. d 1 lire. W. kf iKA ->iA I V 111 no l; 'III.. separated ; ] I .1 M. uj. 1 » I l»i-l. becoming to Communist head, Most -*1 I Mow .ob reil in I>« pu* Mar-'. only mark**-1 l*»r sale an ■■ L. 11 Hutchinso, Kearney. m J I" .1 eh i; rhit "i.e passe:; ('nil anti i!i" .1 li.i r Portland Press. <>f a common grad, Trade lor common grade*, ha* he Poiand. D B Perry.--C pour at :t I’r.ib.ite t'uui'!, To held at lfe!ta*l, with been dull of late. COWS sell well at tall SWs -• ar- a: d (jOOd Saloon, I reached the turn iivil usually ii si ltd for -aid oaid on t In I tie-day of < i reen backs. • • ! ot the ,. b. lop- PENMANSHIP > were run: :ar down the ,ie\:. .A tell lock tu.'-n. and griule. At Lewiston. Saturday night, att *r Van \tn- Store Matt.•— -rTalJ. #; • hits, li Lane. Yearlings, year o’.-ls, -1 w r,.;;-.', it at, > luivw h .. --r ••. -aid %% ft II l|Y| It IriM ■*«*«» ■ •* Leeds, they pi st. .- I >.n hrioge ami i'Uig's I. ii'i'ii'* as a young Frenchman Ja >ear <>- Is, #v;.:i4.* per lp*a 1. 1 lp re were but a attempt Livermore .Liiia-.' N -itw,»od pcrforuianee. p. :n •hutild be *jrmd'd Ill and were were l.-w '•"in- ttie "if* re.i in market f«>r lie, i... ■ « returning home, seized I A d oh M a. -n ’•was the N J h lady they SB SF'. W ELLS. 1-HII.O II !;>! upon Shaw.- six the small catrle being to hy roiurhs mid couducted to a grove. Here bought -laugh:* A trie "pv Attest IP IP l- li t.I IP. •- ■•■ man am shouted to him and Lambs -There v\.i- a »>- lu< ■„ Ol N \ KN M I l.l l' l" 7. ’■wo r Li\ ei We-:, rn Bepublieans. loads pool. >!ieep Galvanized Iron! '\ .-trlit with I .rla \ l'«i « a m.u k Five in-u have been arr< ted for ;n 1 Wai-lo. "11 tile -. olid i u.-.-d of C- ars Were i' se complicity the If.mi and Lamb- mire til" -anty tipoll Houltom Lben cost aabc, from peril-, landed n a»!« a a-i.:it\ w. a nil;* :ii W"ik, -mli a- Woodbury •— •• A .1 * -7 it!.' at Jr .1 Brighton. I *i -1 lie 11. 11• I attith K < a a \ k. ■: t" over Hodgd.-m Smith Ornaments. Settees. \ \ t i. w idovv d ] otias, attempted step Benjamin .: Fencing, \ I. I 11 I.!»1-71C, Swine Tat .w><’; 4c live n. «•» •" Hogs pLces per lb, 1 a; ‘1> t.• Km -. p* park. •• ; The Orient, from that on \A.MP p. A, i• ..A- >t WIntel ; in d -:i it j.'lain, k Knock- and the Democrats. ship Liverpool, reports • a.Ulre--, 1 do j j -.-k et> « \ ;_r l^th. the Atlantic. <>t Chairs, Name Plates, for Ceme- Tin. IIaru Ware, ,d dt r.'U!" .1, ha' ii yr pr*-'- t. ! a pt n.u et>; -pok Bangor. Isiovts, a- a >« »< •. 1 rani- ami iiiP tinte.l -aim- iea- ng '. .s nlviess Daniel Lewis. t r an a.• from t In 1 :al• ot '.mi Me foi St. i'aoin -s. dismasted, but needed no a> j-eixMin -• 1 ja .. k. ml. i- I hr \ an John JL Farrell. ■. • Mo, .n.,. |m } »*h !..•• tr.fk. < »ne and Bureii AND a d «:y ; leg and Private Grounds. Ilia i! \\ i; !i av -A ' A 1 Wm. SPECIAL NOTICES. tery ordered 1‘hat t he s l Nuncv y pi ; Fort KeiA Dickey. ! 1 I .1;, A U \ II II M A \, Pm i T M« ii: d : ribs crushed in i-oil ldtep -i t 'i a • tl.:.' irly Dreen backs, This cl.;—•• ; "• Ni l'. I» r. I •. ny ,j Probate Court. •. •:; a: «.f the re Goods tlir.a weeks .'ti 'MV* in rIn IP-, arrP the coroner « A. Kltchings Furnishings puhlislied PI an i*;. >. C. F Smith. h!ii mi .Pm: i. .-d A Itelta't. 11: a t t In MiifucloG tut: and Hi u i i. All pa may i.; and Carried to the Maine 1’iiu -Hi ksi.v m \n 1*. I- w "of Kinds. • F ->rt Fairlield. Bobert II Perkin'* Judge—IU n.i.i), Register. To all !io are suffering from the errors and > 11 * 1 i appejil* at a 1 *1 ,'in. Jo he held at io An-:. MCTSCE. cretions of nervous earh arni 1 iraw; within Mild for said * "it tin- sen ini fa, _ i. .•.«*»• w here at on.-o'. i«K-b <'oroner youth, weakness, rheay Prices on "ilt'.ty, -day Mlll-.n:. iN'lt < Of N I V- ipplicatit'a. l -:k* .\< w The following business was transacted at the loss of manhood, .V'- I will -end a that will I i la ir.tr 'titMi'li' d thcm-' ;ti lilt ck. ot O. loh.-r In XT, :A l.J: "1 tin Monk b.'lop llo .ii, T « recipe ;-sf « !iiet**d -v Attor 1 Main ir- now :• imi :■> furni.-!i tin ir 1 .unty September 'IVrm of said Court : I curt mu, lTILL Of I! .\K(iK. I hi-great remedy .•'trrnt, ] ; ami 'how nail-.-, it any p- / have, u by : pray m ••? Republicans. FRtD ATWOOD. Me. tiie nl ^luatlunl ! 111■ 1 lav• ■ r■.• ii i 11 I:.• I ,• ; ii'loiu Hou-» 1 «». < was discovered a in South Amen, .i S I'lnuirrs with .til liujmit 'aid ■ Pen >is-1 ! ted | ml M her. -Veils. harles of— { hy missionary Winterport. j ytalitn.l Brunswick. J. Administration Granted on Ksiatks im 4».(IC*‘rni -*i 1 i \ hi.im pa_'. :r.l a f a '1 I .phr a n: h Stephen Young. 1 Send a self-addressed envelope to the UlA’. .1«* -1 i' !'l: 1 I.o il Kl:-K\ i-" !; -M.ir> }’ \ Howard and W .lorarii late of llarkn. -;x n ^ h- .t ii -mo a,, Palpi Freeport. Josiah P. Merrill. Nichols Seal sport, Daniel M Nichols f. Inm vn, Shiti 1 />, Bible House, X -ic A true 'opy. Atte-t U. i'. KlKl.P, IP yi-n I ark-ton, <>1 am* ii ; that in.- i- uulitmii in -uni w. r- as iyi: Par- 1’harles Mace. Brnlgton. Deorge Taylor. Administrator; G. of S'-ars- Staves, ■ ‘ii.paie.-hed jun Elbridge Jilanehardlate Cooking Ranges, m < I ai! >1 -.. I a !•• n 1 a m1 r* i-oli Stan dish. Tobias Lord. Jr. george t. A: Probat e «i: .'1 lod; a~;. a it 1 It ii;i ^ W Alvena A. Blanchard read, i~’ -• .r t IM i* S-weenet. Y. Patterson and port, Administratrix. lor Heaters and Furnaces -• •' In n at I. II i >h« Allan! t• the ninny ..1 \\ lido. Oil tin Dray. ■ * _M.nl- anil i-tilti- '.ant ii.ukui* mil* ml to Giaupian THE GENUINE in -. : v I v.uj w-re summoned as w tnesses. All W. Ari'oi.vrici)—George O. Holmes over- I' ./l v\. G Li I 1ST I S T ! f..i(4*st I St«*s» l*.itt*Tns in 11. ni:uk' f, >f,»i I r, A. ! Yarmouth. Wm. Thomas. .!«*-«• I In- 'aim s -nit *! I A l i!. > 1 1 i. 1 w « ! j -' minor heir of Vedta A. Waldo. AM • at t»! th« tiuu a. a to show that the deceased had Dee rim: Nehenuah Smart. Crooker, late of Di. ALI U IX pridi II ! -II 11*11 I- 111' \ i: V d Mean** in iid t ■ unc "i A *. A. x. Li« i:\sk i" >t.li 1!kal Estate on Estates oi * a a. !a ’■" Portland. Locke s a oi I« >r ;t.. 'am Sept. a:el ypol’t as to get out of Joseph NEEDLES AND ATTACHMENTS! \\ also keept- r sale «*• :ii. fin i ii _• [Tt >enti <1 [ i;: an — William II. late of minor at t«-n 11 ■ o, :. > th.r «» > loom [In- im r-ouai ••~i.it*- said *i- oia-cd. an 1 Democrats Laughton, Searsmont.; ''peciul culling 62 nut the railroad officials did all in Sheet Sheet < m Sheet Iron, Copper, I liuf tin* said liarloth* •• i.••:■.•■• heir of Actha Coombs, late of A Idie Scrib- Hoard fcreiitil«*. 4-nu iRu aii-i fc* Ordered, y Cauiion Notice. Portland. F.flmund Dana. Jr Unity; | ~ l-r ;void the calamity »ue witness I Manufactured o;iI\ l.v Lie |\iline*tmk \\ >iaii' Tladlin** !<••{>.ii riii” and Sheet t;> ml pei>ons in:* *. 4 by aUHiij: a ho * -11 1 li :••••■ \\ >rk i»li m. Inal ami >anl without ■ .I’ll 1 >Bl. 1, I’A 11tin matt-rial*-- on han-l. u> r this ir*l*r to t. 111! i -mct^iwly wilt- ha\ii:>: o’er th• liivi he shout- oi»»i*4»ny of ug.ne pas^-d Darius 11 i. •; 111 *. »rin t «-.l at It. it'a>t. a .-i 1 Ion In .orl'iil all Ingraham. Inventories Eii.ko on Estate- ni —,James C. Itcml's Hr. i. fueling Can*' >1 a •• Ma."! n tin* K«-j m r.! rlui't M*l jm-t piao .»i:.i!ion. ■ Load and Tin .O WJ. Was a few feet that Frederick Fox. Pumps, Pipe, Copper li* a m-a .i: a P. i! t*» be u Id at I t;- in Ii a i! a 11 iru-rii.iT nr on in m: only distant, Ellis, late of Monroe; lienj. U. Batchelder, late of ! J, H. BAKER. No. 24 India Boston. Belfast, Mo. -df may■ pi ourt, pt-r.-o..' \ F street, llelta-t, w lnu and *i ~a;b unity, on ; in on*i mi nr. ! 1 -IihH p. no fall- ol her coni act n ^ it« trs wen h*se him The returned Moulton. Tin Furnace and upon iry Ann K. of 611110 A .. * * I Kdwin L Poor. Winterport; Spaw.late Northport Joseph I 11 i a y i) •; n* \:. u of tin k .. t hi- mite. \Ki.l> I; det f hat fie lrcea>ed eaiue to his death Work of all n.;. an«I slimv ohm-, it’ an* Ii a > wl. the P.il> mo. >• •. a by • umberland Samuel B. Brackett. Brown, late of Monroe, Isaac Thompson, late of Job Kinds, n, t!u> pt. not !•*• 1. > at -a. i pt thio -houM ur.ii.• ••are.ess-;.-? and that the railroad r to i‘l*a--e j*ra>iT Cape Flizaueth. Benj. 1*111 la » IJKKM-.'i .lndge XIAURIKI). .. eii'toiai'!--, mil ^ive them their money's u*»rth. w u.inic ess matter. < A FLOW A N< K MaI'K To Wll-oW ON K STATES Ol —li. P. l- in the irecnbacks. I; N A true coi>y. Attest u.i>, Register. lute in CEORCE T. fo Belfast from Skowbegan W est brook, Merritt W. Styles. Joseph Stevens, late of Unity; Daniel Jones, this city, Sept, loth, by Kev. .1 A. Ross, Mr. READ, of burn ham. Clarence H. Smith ot W aldo, formerly of Bellas*, 37 Main Street, Belfast. Ai i■;.!< Court ii U1 at liflla.-t, within and Soh- \ _ont tor the Care’ Patent t rorham. William Duptil!. dml. :tj y. ars ag<•. and l’or many years and Mi.-.- Mary A. Parker of Waldo. tl»i* < V' Windham. Andrew J Morrill. A< oi xts Allowed on Estates «>i Minor if b had a wife J n this city, at the csidence of tne bridt's mot her, i. a. 1>. i>rs. -STk smith trade. He Deo. Mureh.— l M-pi.-nibi heir of (j« orge Donnell, late of Belmont; John Sept. l-rh, by Rev. .1 A. Ross, Mr Augustine P. J B. WADLIN & SON. \!l 1. II lb >\Y\, wi.l. u I .»••-* Prown. Combination Needle •■ia a of hddreu. who left him number • •’» Munaid Count' »\ .t 1 i.\ years ag-« liis second wife cied. *■<■ iM-tl, h.i. i.y pro j 1 'm j<:irtiru'ur ad- Be publicans. r in tin- oi -.i *i .!*• mont, John A. Bobbins, late of Belfast; Luther mav bf in.a!i In fro personal .1 «ct tlm w lie-h tn g he h;ts lived principally upon A. Thomas A T HSiul. Farmington Cyrus Davis, late ol Freedom, John lute ol Sears- i > 11:1 >. louibiwitiou i> in of Knight, Union I lia! the -aid Sarah give notion to all He lived tie- iifc a hermit in a little Kdwin Sawyer. NEW .STOCK d, tuning a thread Temple. inont Abiathu Knowles, late of Ather- oa a ot this order to K Katon. \Tinterport, persons intended by i-iny oojiy rum r tor sev« —. .• tLi railroad trac k, not a hundred rods Wilton, John X l< tj >nd th< announcement the mime, ring ton W. lute of l.incolnville. minor heir /thing <>/ ag>, la three w oi k' >uooi >>i\ r’l v in : lie fIn- Wilson <\ Beal. 1. I’endleton, res idence. o deceased be MRS. B. F, WELLS. published Kepubli- the tliread at f persons will published ! *1 it ma\ when* he met his death. He was oan .Journal, print* Uelta-t, ihat they an- ti • jil t spot of Harvey Morton, late of-. under this heading. ) pO"ibb Dree n back. ar ai a Probate Court, to bi held at liellau, witliin ■ pi to the opera voieut in the of his Wills Ploi.atkd ok—James M. late of lii point days prosperity. Dickey, Bangor, Sept. 11th, Elizabeth Ann Gardiner. tor >ani on till* Miond I ot > New Leander B. Burbank I and minty, ne.>day tot ! he>e needh Vineyard. wile. I Albert and of .John Mad PLOWS! ten <>i the el<>> k bel'ori- iway in.- to be destitute in J.iucolnv ill*-, wherein he to his wife all his .aidiner, daughter | I (Jutobl-r iie\r. at noon, and sell v< v earnings, only bequeaths ot rapidh HAN' o, K orv 1 V -KNTITLED TO docks formerly this city, aged 4\» vears. show cause, if an\ hu r, tin pra;. er of said Also 1 age He was a eccentric man. a and an individual half of all hi- real es why 'ole agent strange, personal, In Rockland, 7th, .Mrs. Rebecca wife ol not Sept. \\\, THE SILVER EAGLE, SIDE HILL. petition >houid be granted. It-: tlieYh rot: < »l i-sf m belief, and acc ustomed to discourse Republicans tate, the balance to his children. Albion K. Hewett, aged ou jrs lo mos. and J» da\s. Gloves! 1‘im.n II KKM.'i Rid .!udge. 1 iot oil m tie mark- t \\ di not lu- luhneamig gum < Alfred K Ives In Rockland. Mrs. of -AND astine. A. late of Sept. Oth, Annie M., wife A true copy, Atle-t li. P. Fll-.l.l*, Register. nor 't ee tin- cloth visitors that came to in the still Charlotte Ferry, Belfast, by which she tie machine him W Samuel W Holden, ag< d A' \rs., 1 moil, and Sedgwick Henry Sargent day-. 1 am sob- agent lot tin- nt -«)i«• ami oil, in thi' ioin gives all her estate, real and personal, to Sarah A. In Rockland, sept, oth, widow of Robert En ihe dhierent Shades the Light. Some advance the idea that Bluehill. J. 'J' Hinckley. | Miiicent, SULKY PLOWS ati At a IVobute Court hold at Bt lfa>t, within and for it\. ,1 tildn-r' ami letail dealer* must purcha'i nt Bird in for the of de- I P« t 77. years and months. Win trust, support her. the said ry, aged .it of tlu* of on the second ot an 41 K«» I. KKAl>.-Hi Main Me Mt Desert. Fennelly. 1 Very cheap lli. 1 ;*-»! Mori foot Main strt« County Waldo, Tuesday street, Belfast, >.»>••!}* placed himself before the approach in Rockland, Sept. 4th, l.ucretia 11., wife of Win Douldsboro'. Reuben Band. ceased’s husband, and at hi death tin- residue to be :-v.:r >epti m> -r, I >. ls>. ‘•'am to on < McIntosh, ol 7 10 E. BEAMAN. be killed. Wells that throp aged years, months, days, > George says David D of and Members. The Largest C< nam'd l'.«x< «*ut ix in a rtain Lamoine, Hodgkins. the property said Sarah. lu l nion, Aug '.1st, of heart disease, Martha .lane, M< >BB, TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS CITY he Carson some instrument to !••* the last will ami ■I’day evening gave provisions Greenbacks. Jacob Coombs, late of Lincolnville, wherein after wife of Mace -diepherd, aged 7o yrs., J purportiiur testament of Mc> obb, lair "I l.ineolnviile, AND VICINITY. macro, At .North Ha'en, Sept, loth, wile of.John THOIWBS & OSBORNE <,corge when the old man .said, ,,The Lord L. March small to his son ami Eliza, and Stock in the Ellsworth, Henry sundry legacies grandchildren, Waterman, 07 II months and 0 Cheapest in said County of Waldo,deceased, having presented i'«- aged year.-, days. with you. but 1 shall soon he with the C. C. Homer he the both real and to his hi I n -aid w ill for l’robate. Bucksport, gives balance, personal, >musu>n, Sept, oth, Edwin S. Robinson,aged \ mi are cordiulh invited to «• \mtiin>• tlie yriind SAIL IVLLYK.UIY3, I’hat the said I.ois notice to l a A. M. 31 unroe. 4 months and J.. days, child of ( Edwin A. and Ordered, give only few days more.' His hut was entered Democrat. (laughter apt. ot this Amelia Robinson. AND Di: \ LI’. US IN City. all persons interested by causing a copy if could be found to A. Russ. I Margaret 11. Conant, late of Belfast, in which she to he three week in anything substanti- Deer Isle. Chas. In Ihomaston, Sept. Oth, ('apt. .John Dunn, order published succe-sively to her husband all her both real -O 0 PAPER IRON & METALS. the Journal \ rinted «t Belfast, that but was -ENTITLED TO El. bequeaths estate, aged years,months and day-. , STOCK, Republican PORTRAITS! theory, nothing discovered. In KINS I BF/' COUNTY B B W" B L B S to be held at COPIED and they may appear at a I’rohate Court, personal. Swan & Bros.’ Wharf, Belfast, M»*. o linn .»t ">rner ot the small room was a couch, and Republicans. Sibleys Belfast, witliin and for said County, on the second Now on exhibition at tin I*, from the Henry D. Smith, late of Searsport, in which after Ui- -'-Highest rash pai-1 lor ni l rag', .' ink, ot October next, at ten of the clock be- v stand was found his a soiled and E. Weeks. price Tuesday spectacles, Augusta, George lor the of his he SHIP metals, bones, &e. fore noon, and show cause, if any have, VOSE cSr- O. providing payment debts, bequeaths NEWS. they why F^NUL, 1 worn Releg Vickery. same should not he and ah Bible, and the Farmer's Almanac, tl»e residue of his both real and the proved, approved Skowhegau, Me. Elliott W ood. property, personal, 1‘HII.o 11 Winthrop, lowed. KKSEY, Judge. ol premises were and betokened want and his PORT OF BELFAST. [ Their business is making portraits all sizes, filthy, W in. W. Hankerson. to wife. AtrueCOpy, Attest:—B. I*. Kn-.i.ii. Register. Chelsea, ARRIVED. REMOVAL. liiii>lu-d in India Ink, Crayon or Colors, from small '>l''ntem. Last Sabbath the old man MonmoutJ.. Seth Martin. evening *TOI)ll.4 ft B> now oeaip\ ing liis Icc Salvers, Goblets, pictures ot all kinds. v* William F. Richards. 17th, schrs. James W Brown, Patterson, Pitchers, 'lied the Methodist and the Gardiner. Another Fat Man Reduced. Sept. ,■%«»%% Itooninin Masonic Temple, win n nnilK subscriber hereby gives public notice to all Mr Vin- is at the New Kngland House for a t* w meeting, opened Earl, Edwards, Lizzie nil. W'est W WT. Lynn Bangor, Poor, Dickey, to and lit &c. concerned, that she lias been and solicits your ■<•'•* ai>-rvHie, George Goulding. owing better tacilitii\s oompeti assistance. Casters, Cups, A duly appointed ilavs, respectfully putionuge. with II. A. Knfns. dealer in Woodhull. 111., fishing, v‘-V*u bbls. mackerel.; Baskets, prayer. Vassal bitio'.. Grrick Havyes.—8. dry-goods, In* will b»* enabled to attend to bis patients without and taken upon herself the trust of Admini.-tratiix Ifeltast, Sept. .*», 1N?S. 4w:;*» writes Botanic Medicine Co Buffalo. N. V Sept. 14th, schrs. George II. Ferguson, Ferguson, Ml Little the Maine Central station agent took much delay. Patients at a distance, however, would of the estate of Greenbacks. June 1S7.S “Gentlemen—Please tind in- Bostou; Empire, Ryan, do; D. Iv. Arey, Ryder, do; ±id, -ave themselves inconvenience by making appoint- Table Knives, Forks & ELBIlIUir. BEAM 11 A K l >, late of arg._* of the remains, a casket, and'had > G. Hart, Hart, Baltimore. Spoons. Searsport, purchased Vienna. Saunders Morrill. closed *.00, for which send me, by express, Anti- Stephen ments postal card. ! Sept, loth, schrs. Lillian, Ryan, Boston, Mary, by in the County of Waldo, deceased, by bond as Stoves Stoves e tuneral services.—which were conducted the David Fat. J have taken one bottle.and 1 have lost live Best Goods direct from giving FarmiugdWie Wing. McGee, do. G. W. STODDARD, E. D. S., Rogers the law directs; she therefore requests all persons T B. WADLIN & SON. laving purclias- s -'lie China. Rrancis Jones. and one quarter ed a stock ot Wood Slovesat Auction afternoon by Kev. Mr Gerish—held in the pounds.” Sept. l"th, schr, Commerce, Gray, Portland. 1) E N T 1ST, the manufacturer and sold at who are indebted to said deceased’s estate to make fj • Cooking de- have “lilted them with tin- ; Clinton, Alfred Weymouth Sept. 17th, scurs. J. II. Stinson,Stinson, Portland; immediate payment, and those who have any Prices, up following i-sseuger depot. The Maine Central Masonic Belfast, Maine. 1 Company Home, Thus. S. Golder.— Malarial Fever. Veto, Thorndike, New York, brig Benj. Carver, Temple, Reduced mands thereon, to exhibit the same for settlement to uutnher ol Pieces of Ware 1 Wash Boiler, Pot, ‘11 assume of burial. do. Wonderfully Figures. her. ALVI NA A. BLANCHAKL>. 1 Kettle, lea kettle & spider, Steamer ami J Covers, expense K »\ TO 8. Malarial Fevers Gray, COUNTY—ENTITLED constipation, torpidity of the SAILED. 1 Bake Pan, 1 King Pan, Ladle, shovel, Brush amt The lirst wife of Mr Carson and one and Cutters. daughter liver and kidneys, general debility, nervousness Hay Vegetable Tea a Sett. Blacking, which we oiler for sale for Cash at the Republicans. Sept, lltli, schr. Louisa Francis, Thorndike, Rock Spoons $1.00 in Waltham, Mass and one son at and neuralgic ailments readily to this low No. 7, $ls, No. s, #l«. Ke resides Rockland, J. S. j'ield great land. extremely prices, Willoughby. disease conqueror, Bitters. It repairs the rav- Low Prices. II. B. M. D. member, these are “First Class” Stoves, ls7*. Mica Frovidence. 1. The whereabouts of the re North A. G. Hop Sept, llth, schrs. Earl, Denis; P. M. Warranted to Wear 20 Years. Huntington K, Haven, Beverage.— of the into Edwards, l toors, Pleasant as an Fire. ages disease bv converting food rich Bonnie, Burgess, Carver’s Harbor. AT AMERICAN HOUSE, BELFAST. open mainder of the are unknow n The .1. It. WAl»l.IN & SON, family remains Democrats. blood, and it gives new life and vigor to the aged isth, schrs. Geo. B. Ferguson, FRED ATWOOD. Winterport. Sept, Ferguson, ** '57 Maiu Belfast. w Hour- •» to 1.’ A M to 6 1* M <)flice practice only. u.U street, were deposited in Grove cemetery. Rockiaod. Albert S. Rice. and infirm always. See Proverbs" in other column. Bluehill, Empire, Ryan, Sandy Point. 13 3: HERVEY’S Jewelry Store. •wvwnwwsBr-’c- A n A'-lri'sa (ifT Hie Place. “Forget Thee:’" The female attendant at a \cw York r Tenements to Let. I" Hi*' Hen. .Tip! f!i" r-»*j r»'in«* .holtria! ( '■ -■■■ ■> I'r. ;.i ( bath house ;i Carver's Harbor < liir Tiuirsd Fotgd Hum*. It to dream «t;.< 1 iulm1 stole diamond the other New Artvort Packet. *'•: ti:* ul \\ .. ill )Vi Ai linage ;>y night. ring iscniciils. r r > u.i, i wo 1i; I M i <"Ui!) itlilii! IWlla*', W iho nch widowet ar- on thoe ami to In. ; I,i'H by day day, swallowed it detection. Hie Mini one 1 escape it)> .Hairs below, (a-t packet I'. M I'.ON- It all < 1 : two the and wild .t lover's heart eau in i!; ■■.! <• id r1!'- suits. rpill. ’•! M A M. I I \ \ V w:m 11« -. in ill '-.i children ami servants worship deep I»tit ii did not agree w ith hor. it 1 A I i ! i-a ami so \\ k!i• mi !. i,•!i \\ spring re.-inm d In r be. Summer Aits .-muiiI:; lo7B.! our iii.iiio hot ill that a .stomach i again weekly trip- 1 equipages, etc., sty- it iu abseuee. breathed to pump had i" ii'-, Moll'-ut Witter ! V%! 11! v' Mil I III! Hi I I .\ It 1 h. 1 Vav oC Ml ll i prayers fni thee heaven's in iii'ii .i om inch ;n!\. privilege tween this cilv and Larvi*- y j Harbor, >• '• dt young huh was tor an at- to l.o mto use. The was und rv tv con vriiii'.t <•. I ot tin- at •» Ilf mil . prepared protoetmg power: brought ring t’.M iin nt •mi- vr.ir for l\v«» iwjuiro Yinalh.ivcn, and will run until further I'ltij.ir, ii" ll'ii : iiidi\ £ »t <~ I l.|{ 3 I I "" < « r l.n I In (til theni h was It' that llit to a thousand iu dollars and a irt r n or foi tin kt notice. Inn all. just after winged thoughts thee, ri'iumi'il. ami too woman will <|ii paper, -.um price th’ii probably J{- iJusi I*. I •; •. jott ii Wiilia.a I*.nowitoii's tmu.-r in an hour: wo cun in>« rt notice* ,i now om ,,i all kinds w ill at Boston and Lowelt. a at lift)-two iending rountr> produc In-pure!,a-ed 1 when she value out the go to Sing sino. \ out west, ■>' ill' .III inotln holm ami upon pi- I; young lady o\ work i\ >•»< n I in* .1. ! i .1 1, the going Win n in tin a; lain ma\ In fam-v thee all future cry ora^iti,^ prices. port ■ < w a busy blending with my •' O' two r1.; h -1m th»- uii volume *>! Paine in her hands. has had hotter luck. she was and utlu r ular>, addr< fount! on boartl tin at Murad. u ,\ a! inarrij^i lot papers parti* packet ban, 1 ■ traveling Tenemutil to Let. 11»i*! II.* I• 1 t v\ v » > Dili la-l A U ■ tin store ot WoolH, Mathew- \ iiakt r. FOUR TRIPS PER WEF.K. ) lljf 'inked at no one. hut seated herself It m the 1' this thou eaU st thou indeed shall stage coach from Hedvillc to the ;,h.l •!*■ ** .1-1 • 11 * n 111 < n:! ;i: ri -forg* tt;ng -id.-cril.< would a Lxcelh-nt a. coniiuotlation* a !’., CEO. P. ROWE L oc >rl'HI like to rent, to it IH Hsim-s s|if( tm,> Highwaymen ap Id M'RI ( i: \ 'I iijvjut jiort ■ Oltik i u: 11 will' :. 1 i." lie r, alill tloni- all she u t hes: and buried herself in ami one ? a”! dwi h..iiM on Mill, Orel iveo .»i Con to Ifli-t, Sept. !>.' if light thee Hi J preaching. of the •' !" » .1 'Forget tie- forest birds tmget then- passengers A A -. "It tin laln;!\ all.I tlijif lit ;• n Ii ii' w 1 v iiui'h. d and or. eon allot oi this great and sweetest tune 11;isti 1 \ hamh d her ha -1 hi ir Ini' ill.1,1 lit!,I' IIUIIII*' t ii»*ir man persistent hit. large solitaire dia- ven'rut, w;it. earned to tin -t-coiid I > a Mor>. per 1 a o ‘i-i a...I tlnii fate the Forget thee' Hid tin* sea to >we ! be m'h u i-!m:to ki ,i hor-t y ni •ii-r: .i... Kreiteh She forget mond rina tiir She eon- liiirn icom will !>i NOTICE ! I aetulemy. sale-keeping. fa'1." ami ln.it 1 n i- ,• a in- i >« >r t«-< t tin neath tin* moon ; Ini nisln d. Al- > laud to il iii:h Ik- W A 1.1 K) SS. j pa 11.) ■ t a 1 iiil^lln refpiired black roln-, all ealed ,t in her hut sai'i la mil v si mm .^m urn i. a \» gauzy mouth, while the roh- :: _• 11 • i' 11. of I ml fur tit- ln.-t Hid flowers to drink the ev s re I oiler more |'iii 11 \( i. \KI.N on ey.cutinn md will < ..:, ,.-. thirsty forget \ahie for tin- ino»n*\ a-ked ttin»« mo.- j CAMBRIDGE, RATA HD IN, ~■ "i». ... •• i'O'i .n er with old Her black hers were | Ii. lia-i. s. !«*>. ;w:t;* rp | i'; h mi n|.j.. gold. dew despoiling the other other I not pt. 1 auction on the twelfth *la : :. \ < < maker. do with ft I* •: freshing occupants compete | arlies making ! J.MINn. W I,1. I 11,1 I" a*4>1 an !,•'.# > were a -m, Ial two o’clock in the ai -ton a embroidered in thine own dear lam! its wavrs de< of the coach of their \aluables, she ti ;i>!n 'tool, hut 5 nod ace a ,] a, ;l ».<» afternoon, tin a i.' i I .i ki- ai In gold Thyself forget p got cheap, : Wiliam >1 a ml Jur cliii ii li I»HH I \ I. I a mg fellow, m Palermo, i n *: an,I ins little so 1 i Jin T nil! ;| 11! a prett> did frightened that she swallowed it. m Will Itcivr l»< it i'« I .. j, slippers and IM II I III Mil cannot’., d \ R. 11gli' equity which Ingraham lam or, .»f Pub-nun, P.n.tM. >Jo\- w, 11 l < ach old tain.! ar faee each reiueui e,riall. W. iit-i -aiii tiiat .-!»•• w as but •1 I 1 st orget loi.g ROGERS, in U I 1 Mv. > A 1 •( ■ V I hu.-baml; for of 1 .1 her delicate feet that '•n the next station the own- vour denier lor and it he has ino.m tin mint VV altlu, has to r. It m (I ollow r'’* bored reaching them, send i'.m j tig '■■■'*' "I'1 hi 11.• Him-of Inn nunTi.i/f. ami spot ■■ •li-'fr ihed leal e-tate o'clock, M 1 a.'vd er i at and l’i MiMtt 4 -iniuit ii Palermo, in -aid < mm I'-.-it iii In r isolation under her tie-hack. When these are of the ring an emetic, hut alo^ue tin*Lmiiil a.-stuni her ami her po. v things forgot by thee, then thou suggested iv, to wit: on the road I fti vi !!o-:«»n fur IP-!' s *. in.! lie. ni. ••! •; i*i- I l*clt- Imm o. II Lying in said t.*w i., >• '• 111111tst1 iiiin hading that 1. ’a o'; ak. oo .o I-. i.e^hrte.l .. ported (< I luu adik«*.\ ( o.. ai1 id tMending •I : li M.i tult this yellow if thou wilt, paid • n 1 i»«‘ »niplain..lit ii. i. Keep. thy maiden >tiU e.din IOc tit lOr. In ( a ril < » "• -1fr 1 said Brown'- I i by lund about two bundl'd > '•••>« In !l m h tin l.irlli I tin it .. .mi i-| jjil In u sleeves were tilled m with the same and lars as was >l,i" Nii oi !• free salvage This refused, and land, lBMaluSt,, Uollmt, Mo rod-, to land ot Orriu lam.a tbence I, u ^ k. l‘liil;ul' l|ilil;i, ll.i l! mi. .11mI \\ n h u !• n I fancy tid'd on aimrv Mini In In- a -• -aill ;tn m il il In Win hl 11u: t; asa: e. to: tiod forbid 'gladsome to rniw ie^- the v\ e-t l>\ -aid Orrtn 1 urn. J jUi'l !<*r lit— W• | and thy heart now the owner i- tlm tail '• and, and on tin w long Chantilly gloves ting following in\« ste.i in \\ ail : ,, j .-I aim t! ilinnit IniVilia ,«o nmi Ui Mr. a, s ii, glad for me south by land of Svlvanu- It loin to -aid :<>r| JVll P I V H II1.1 l>' 11 lateutii ami exhibited her arms. Nut a creature makes lor tun* ■ ei n,on: h -1 11 at'! I' t' t Is m i'. *1 Iii Wife »ln iii t1 around the see ret lv r hence .hi Vet while that si; <• country, -aid road to ot b« ginning, b. in: heart i.uw ; Book 'cut tree 1 1, ,.. 11 place mg ki 'in- hililn it- \ |i £ FKLICHJ IAKLN AS Lb.UAl u, ami appeared to have broke the outlines of her a, in her food and ISAAC ■*‘‘re« more or ami tin -a me in. -1 on shapely mine to rove sp: inkling ip, resorting evi Addre HILLS. le—, leing pi» '•mi n I: I'l nil h. 1 rvthinjr r \ \ Fore to » ami that oil tin- if. at .. *'d '.. -aid Ingraham l.nmi b. V\ arien I’urm-r Bouton. uO -tiHuatii and a tillet of But let n its humble taitb and a,;, to evei > eoiiceit able device to recover his I KK & CO Hankt r-. I.' Wall St .V > "I M •' 11 1 i. linn .il ho nn a ml titigers, only keep Mioouip hv -teed dated Nov i'll. I'.i.i, arid refolded III W a Low ell, 4 |f> n. ■■d love l-hio. m>l!.n I" «a- •«. .• to Will'ii. Ik .1 -!. t..limed her head, the hair of which mg property. He had her arrested for tln-ft. SURGEON DENTIST. "j Heeds Book v* I : It'gi-ti 1, ugi Excuriiion "" .‘i i. M. >mi In l! these, tor at iva.i Ticket*. -men u preserved patient last '• abov e -■ "as h:a. lied in a yeai*. buf premises cf to ig ■' 1 1 loose coil and held in the judge dismissed the case, and the 19 Mam Street, BELFAST, ME. being -ubj, niortg ! 5.00 m .'I i. i..■. 1 imr w 5 it»• n to Ihi- me not. SWEET '■-Tiled in Maul f Hook 1, pig, N A \ ■ He..i-t ... V 'i Kegi*fr> * t ■lit-' to an ai.'i.w of with lias now tacked on extra •it .-r l: K u II M i. ! j 0,1. ^ 11 .in- I support, or ai gold tipped me then but ne'er believe that t1.. ansi lady vsi foi ltd duted November ti n tin 11 ,ANE A^u‘- Forget by In 1.1. !'•; \\ i:all.I 1 on ! (ml h-f? ••,. T ,j • •• \ e. -aid I I’urner N I arm n. -« iieh aster ui be stern, I lie stone is worth and Msi ugraham t" H. cm 1 Jaqueminot forgot -!• .•ai- ml n | mt. i,f ,i; ihunt\ a i»111 av men! two hundred dollar' < bn .1 a i Innnlr. d •' m i- isietted to her belt, and a fan as tlm ease jrows more Ciiewina 'h ‘kill;, ai .1 ■ tlin daily interesting I in one .'oriii.hon / C. bits at and tin bulam m t wo mi wit) on I Muiii tin- P. hi'. in I ».♦•; hat I lias V. iiti-i, r-. -on rattiei- waved | Burlington Havvkeve we look an \ LOMBARD, inter, -t INSIDF LINE! ill her J mush the t' ti itm nia annually, agreeahh r.> td- t w o not. a j, ,,, soitiy through I tin »r m i^hhor-, lii.t has Ui'>i-r man*- Jin The ot b. even iinji ami \ Rime the Modern Editor r arillg dale v\ifli -aid mortgag. "I’ ’1 W I.. ■ otllel ladies svere nis paper-, t! the denouement. h i.li •■!, ;. Ill r* I .’t •vv > l, Nol; |(i,N, |i. >(.i nl ened DK1VTIST put Hi. mu plain a (it I 111 -htisJi* .1 Iroln ‘n- tn-atim white muslins and rib- ocn I > d»-l at -. many bu.'/ed the S ..! ».y all t.-.*t S i. I I., Palermo tbi- !"! dav ot II 1 1 i,.' ,1 Merrily mosquito. I'll!,- mi:.,;.'. d S' UK I pi, 78. SUNMEI A AN h. u j/ ll.. i1 iniii I hi. ami of In- hoi .1 *• Li' sr f lEN'f '• ■: ed. nr rai led .t*. free, to {’. A. u ksoV A 1 1 -•. \ J eoitfures, but the ieerily seratrhed the .j u;ii 4 tit Mm- h th;r ha- I.. ,.r'h --tn. w a h. 1 Indigestion. -I iiht tur in the his wruin'" to wn .m.; o. -1 a .»i, ... na »»h she knows hut night m* C'nrda. Sim ad> ul iTvousuesf •_ i-si Fancy THREE TRIPS PER 'A CER. ; ■ write ■' l i' w. 25 Non-Resident Taxes. the etfeet of the eon lli;t? ,'<■■■{ :ikn**>s t.| tlh- >1«*!i:.n !i 1 powerful >« rilib!e»l the editor "t.i x. v! *' .i tilth, it1.1 ha hr li.n- i. fit in-r h> N" tail I II I', tulltjwill- |i-t ft t;l\- ■. 1 n or-: ~ a lia\. 1,1 an*i li«-ull!i T Hmii-oi-, I in.:, p .r*-.1*. Mi! -. o. I i dowel little datioh- good HOMPSON & 11. -W .i*4» a ... f, ,vn. |.J ll- in h«- at pretty DUN!ON, idont o\vnnrs» in tin- -1. \ without i, 11• Hitii*rs to 1 town t I- raiiklort ! i :i'ci Ill' pr!n !. I: .i \ « " " noiseless on the .h>,.r sir >|> Mrengllieu tl>‘* This old nnd a> a v a_ and don n of step v*e» in up in front iv T > ar !*«:;. bill* commit t« ii I». \ 1 v »-ii.. Hi rtui \: 1 < the sit net i! 111 '•t*‘in.ifli. i>. thr Mo.nl. ui.l tii.-liv.-r and »ed -pens door Remedy ■ ■ h e anil -1 nl t v\ n mi tin Ji'th 1 a >i .11. i. 1' ha- !., < n • > l: t ti liiUI was un lv 'In.' K t.t, 11• tin has proven Counsellors at M V:1 "'i apparently d !l whose ;l>re W ,'d « o\et o?I ;iI! tin* an.I Attorneys Law, Speetre |i,ii.xoi,,ms ri in me ••• its value >■' turutMl a-1 irtnuinitij' uuj ai-l h .-•< ■.1 at ;o \ !«. ... p M 'tterd 'h wasn't she i H U:td,- ;t t. Til.- -n-tetll oth.T collUUtl. / /•' Is/. i/i/v/. Her little page, <■1 .liiilr, Hint now remain ah 1 noth'. i- unpai.l t In- .J jir ir. '■ " ■ -• 1 I n- • "■ '"‘I I * " alke.I o\^r tin- Ir- ;>ttr,r »r’- < '•« r \ i: .11 -t m, "I" h.'.i- tire.-- a id blaek sashes tiuttered ■'.inetiun hour \| st. hereby given that if -ai.l taxi ami ami II O \ »* 1 * id.//,iWl,;is S. : * at ar*- tint into f !»♦ r* a-wnr .1 n .‘‘.arg.-.s )>(inl -ant tow .till M ■■ : lia ews of this wise actress. > ul.i, I? i. uniatis'ii, I in of i -'• m l '! Mat '"t t.r 'mi -1J editor raised his aehmy !.« ad within month- Irotn tin- .1 s •ighleen «lat» commit- H l« It lit 4 9 IMI « K 11 • I' oil II I.Mlit \> tnan ot 4-hiniM-ti ni l> hr .1. 1’ain't flies Its and hs the he see n ho lit o! -ai‘i so much of tin n the heavy years Swelli:. Sv ... 1 I hill-, al -tale ta\<-l ol I \..u, the heard.' he .-a i luvu!;,V !. ii .. •:.! mi w ill ia -iiHi -i# nt to tin- amoiinf ilnn r» t >. ! ,.M e ot ! e s ped t i hands, hy hoary I*. l : S. L. |.-*\ tin Ml'.| I- hat thr n l(| M drill lit I t a I \ m- MiLLIKEN, i11 in.Iin.' i.’i-i a1111 <• 11ar a• -, w w o.,t -10 • a! tin- ii-u ■ hat wonldst thou have ot me 1| iiJ! *!i ii | ii,-in I;.., ., | | :i thi \aet moment, no ■.. i- I..- ■ by aecjiient. you injur not n -oil at {..i!»l:n an.a ion it tin !! i. •! tl.< in. ii. ii- _■ -.ml. 1 .. •. \ | \ i, *■'i ■ *11 ■ ij11- > -• t.rnnlv lie ereaked leathern a« -1-11 y all l>ru-v; It > a- ii it .:i -anl on ; 11»- h ». •••’• and fed 'll the little foot of §ANFORD’§ and at town, .la I Hi:. I'.tf 1 a1-, it .-k i' M 11)11 Coiii]se!'cr Law. > ou 1 lie w Attorney \ 1*. at v oYlook in fI,. i» I* i :. ,• agged his -llifc' I..I-1 |; i, pas- au euiid. It sou could have ** .Mid the hems and haws. and after ,i PIANO // /• /;/. /./•’ t > / »/ /•/. I'... «• •• I' W i. •. M o «>»« %*J» W ;i;e sorrow, the sweet Mar 1 II lila. k, .Mo- barn an.I a. t. a i, * K .ili -ail, ui, r. \| pairjno RADICAL CURE ■ i, !>aus. IN 'ii"'. | 111.410. f »? » I '• !.-i »*.. M .raiiiti < .. hoi.-- r. *-!••:» l\ ■. v a. and tin li.i were tin- U >r !' .. < tender apologies, al. u i *i :t Ii **. j r.. 4^00 «| J ». i' ? -ho,I. 1 barn, 1 .-hop amt 1 U an" n ..ii M M I < 7 \• _ ss ;h m ♦ rl-'lV -«> etl Mattery the really unhurt "It' 1 II.-nn Hillman -ta:1 III l; .:« ui'l ami I .. I. am 111.- man." tin- sm-i Tre «» »j >». EMERY d V'h.le ORGANuniJWW BOARQMAN, 1 barn a ml lot, .. i" •<•>.- " :' it t m > I»■ ■ i; tin- tathei stood endeavor saved. For CATARRH S' ~ M h A M I’l by >, 1 l«MI II » i U m II .Mi I aii.ui, o-r. tt t"„ .it k r m V > : ! vi > s a' was of no all >•:i t !i. knowest of i,. gain I2.> .Wi'i a j• <'j,; |jT ,• l l‘ !« '\ I ill. X I I i -1 l* -l : :,i mi -- ... ! " 1 eonseipienee ■' i, |. \, ^ •: '''H » Pit < >i hundred ami I V ! c-.r- : Par. m. | AO. «» > (01 — Jm " My seventh :.a!a! dav pM j.t NSLI.LOI! at LAW 1 11. k t •' 1 -. li of course it was as t, j •: >• !■•••■ not. the i .»• >: •• <’ it* ar\ •• i" 1 \1 I .,,,.1 1 w a i.tac-.-. 1, t \| .<>-. ,|." vMIO u I. IJ, 1 t I never again >ee. '■ ; I Ii.-.it.- i l '■ ss X ■■ 1 ‘■ > «I.;U tli«- r» -t If n-'i.ivn.M* ■ ! Ii. oic is i.iuirhins; and liked it. and 'V *7 1 “V1 ! .tv "HI illd \ u t IMdIIIH tkllfl AND I ’• tbs* T!i‘\ l; »•. —• M t lion. !lU * a;.4 t».»rk« i; ..! Jivi- fr. in -u.u* r. ini r f. ’1 H •• OrirMii«.**>iit i.i,k;i>- '"*•:! »W(‘st ’.!'>■ < '•.*.i. »• I PIi'H-. DA M I; 1. t I'll it : the e.oijuem upturned ;u .!;••• Commissioners' Notice. K- ii.. ... \\ .. •• P. Mow. y o: 1. .-w In o -ho. t \. ,• ,r * BEATTY, Washington, J\ J. '<»'• •" I*• *-r*-« i, ■ ■* !, m,.;,r *!■ the st 1 _ : a- B th. \VM II. Ini i: 'h 1 she said to the f'.» w .v •• Public, I 11 1- ml* r-: _• to -i !ia\ :i_ •; t t. A t h 1 i. Notary —i «.;t "jili .. Kill; at the :..s\ in.- at fi' ul •»!' \|• I min .it ,• ii -- ,» .v \| •»- 'i '»iier* \. K ;.ow n ! .i.- ! :.<• Hoi. .!•. la. l*r..bat.. t.. .. -* W "Hi.is-, me to take the -aue .-*ai,4:»r4 ivi: -•>!» No. Main Street. BEDFAST. ME. I m: niiir'i permit little Hre breakfast | an liailt .a*l, av 1; h \j t A mi r- *'• 1 Ai I. i. ■; K i- I ii v- ik u i..a:c:!:a and niaki Jnek. U I!I c n <■!' ii-. .- it: n ... 7 r my apologies r• •. *■ iv«• and \am m tin* ■•lam .■laditor- ■ HAIR ayain-t » work: 1 * > troll, r. -!'•!. .I\ f| 1!I « S ..s Ml ! V |,a l'u'.! i.inetv t-.v > i, ••W oi( .,rn. ■ tin o-tatn ot ||nun 1 1 t M lib .1. hat at •»t < I .ii t: Fxtra Announcement. Imiiii: %%«•<.« a ’. I «• ■. ■ ■ i-• *1. nt* •! in-oi. .1,;, (,, ,a w- notb-.- that ci i> ti u ••"! 1 I'.-* in a iiicii lf..\ ■ r.-|ims, ■■■■:■• 11 ■ •. lest to the dramatic world while “Ide: am I s lust nor is I JOSEPH W m 1 <) that. .■ ■ g V. « •• KNOWLTON, •. w oi ,, w Hi »■ t1 t «•. ..i -11 iiioii! ii- ari- alio .1 t ini ia-, ii: ). inb r>. M *■' llu arm -1 :tar i.ai a !'■ ml M-k I1 M. I it, I. '■os •M m ■ •• OWIN', -...!» ,,| P. sauna woman •; and teeth a; a, 4 r» .1 v in. r. s,r,|. : s ■• tin performed foi- H«i hr if in ami |.r■ ir aim ami 'ha' 'In will in : '" only >1 IiS \ I N m i; I- ! : •! :«t J r i. 1‘. i; Ha*! t. !• ! i- :• '■ tli.it •» icl»* » led a iaClee \\ I am W! I h -. at Ho stum \ t » hiie > v r. '"in- over « s tills; of Vain*. .1 w r;:. b _• S. S SK s St M \lt'»rili,\ vV "IlliMMinrnt 1 < 1 fi I <% '■,1,1 dav | ■ t oh W 1; -Ha an 1 IMI SI \ 1 tas.'i.ii*.i ... r •• v. ‘"ttiu t the '. iutnc «.f !.\ hr If-!,. V r. -la u II lit m "f Tainc fed live nvwj/ii-'l 1 •' in t w r. II..-r ,i.| only 1 il..- ... •• V. ■la -t In mini ar \t, at ■'.,■■ 1 M I*. d ..: ..! « \ hop up pi* a si d all in w ant u! p.I- ii * r ,r, S' a a" I ;% !i. *! 11 las wind' iss in see \ I* M \ 1 11 1 > tt IV In P'lll.-, ( li! ,-, N., .4• a n*-\ I m <:u' ■■ iis « f»« *n 1' .11 oft 1 to ... > I l l'll l.\ > I li‘ >1 I .inn, Uy walk. ;••• make ta*k. Maine. i* Ii1 -is -h ac'l iiito a saddle tor a n»ud«' toard* in .*> ti«»:r a ■! [ | r Liberty, 1 'i v> .• 11 ,.i s< a.,'- hhi> -lli '1... ot V\ \ «,; uities ere I.• >•.:. -■' 1 A I 11 ! urn ,ll"r‘ 1 .. ^ 78. »■*«•!•. i *»t S.- XT. Ill \ ml "S er w Summer 78. twilight 1 ear an iimhie .ltp- ill -f. k u :l 1... «i. r. i toners ,.r 1 kept t,!| Arrangement. ••••!• S o" I, 11 si's, 1 ll I !:*• >eor« *.! i '• '• sapi'l hoi she hlt'i: si; -t I '1 1 I at 1. a'.a W II. HENRY L. LORD. IN* -■ ■ tin FO R, -• •c siks gi u a.l MIC >. !• \ I N N |.|, SALE. H U. .1. .V W I K « handsomer than itt her ridinu' an H ITT' W Ai.ri: Ma V. And Iliea ktl.-u *].■ eord" >\\ \m. Mai" >ti ■ f, P>. Ita-l a.a :i spoil line steed. ■ \M- Aim: a 1 \ : That oil b< th side> : Belfast Krotn Was i Mi Sayings Bank CHOICE Notice of Foreclosure. A Remarkable Model. STEAMER ot Hav. V \ VI- IIKMiiVKh: ir A 1, ■ 1 •• voted; nk p Mmliiiiii Tailor. w vi ■ t a; < hun-cstoi at!:act.' H in u-'"tn ||.him >,.i :, j. !o r, IVt AY C«i\< 1 :.lM ! 'At!" *i*l No. 10 QUEEN, •"*. kt.ovv. lirpositI'liti .11 Williamson Block, al men, from st III. .1 >w Tie- ;• fir-t da <>1 .1 mu .1 i.,;. \ a _■ ai, ,1 .•[ i. n. ’,, 1 %f' < >l»l 1. (.11 T.'Slltl 1 smded. FARMING LANDS > ’i'■■■!•• i and the In-ceiiiP. r,.l:imi:ir\. K't»ru ii aai M h h, High Sheet, Belfast, Me. predictions \ :;d he mended the 1 I t»»*l in >i •», ;i « ,» S'" Ujt ; a art nueio of her lig j)i in \T \- I sailing ';ualities. and l)« .-. mb. r ic- ■ s ,.! an.'ii : the «d m, bread. harhui she Deposits received d C. f. ■ O'CONNELL, .' r:: ■ hm k nan a mt a:c: homely appear .... , l.egal 11 "lida -. 1 u : A V P. W .o MINNESOTA AND OAKOlS. 1 I'.aiiK cb> ., v ■ " satunl.i) ill' at \ ''n dill'erent i-i.' lSt *• rcl.v from any s st \\ J"it\ II. A-\ I Al K,!' l'e-w : p:. n i • rat: ever seen in these th*- door op.-:,. the Winona 6c St. Peter Railroad Go ami of graceful lines in < Fruits, Confeclionefy .Tobacco, si. mi winyna \- i ri i i.i: \ \* *\i 1'i:: '.'ha'li ut as H i- In accepted .liked •;j. n. and Domestic ■ ■ :;p p. ported Cigars, I \M h'.W ■!'• II! w pi -. stai iar'l of :i mai ine ardli- * ■- "-auty \ II : !;; .,-k. it. u*t. Jam! arrant laints .»!.- -t K i. a m U- i:' tt:o 1 s, M'.ii" i_: a rail ,.f tons -■•!.• ■ a Miin .:a ... 1 1 •- fiat lotnr tin Ipii. i>t ! ii- 'acr.- not a n'd M-..-1 E C. HSTON, V \ Ii A. ... a in, it. .h- a- 1 '■■r b- :■ tin lett* ii” i nai Tvl rchant Tailor, -t. Ii; tow deck and bottom, widening out be- : so : "1 a m: : o';. She lias and liters on cithet side eom- Gcrts, Youth, Boys’ GET THE BES' * *’ de ounty tie turdest w II Tl III IK II 4 II II \ J. 'grilles at the •••• hottom, tic- hc- Vll ■ ■ ; I u -•? < *1 4 PI * II 4 I I space dies -wn year Ojj and a •!- -ai.l A "• y ■; o'"' : a t. 'd with ha hast. making a Ready MadeClothing I. \ < \ « 'I MV. Ml N.M \ tei My •>'•«■» >.• ,V! and iron to a ia; I '■ depth I know !iv i •. tai>- .... Furnishing Goods. ../f/.'■ , , , ci feet in mine, in of the nsu- Most Nutritious Restorative GEO. P GOODWIN. Land Commissioner. / W \n / W place I know ,.,iT W j;,. w known •la v .in:, i- M s a t d ■ are holding vh-tin*" ;pplios oi .N rvo ■ hi a « •' " Deficiency \\n 11 i)', .,‘lt Mar 11 Mt t VI ta "id. t: "'a .- •1 nursed \\ ■ t:. in tin other '\.4 Nutriment, imvwiMc r:" in.' l;. I}-.** peculiai H. 1_. I ail IVr-.iis r. i'l. -'iiij i' mu. :: FEAFiiHG & CO. •tn I- -! 1 "f he! "di .. it is evident that she Itia Othnrw ire at a nl Slaj w til In t AOFM'S Ql* fro u! o-t '.v -ai-l 1 ami < o-. .■• -.11 ami l- V > 1 W t■ Ir»*rx I e ■. iia!»rie et.es tWa I. \." •am.- *'a ... l.rnr n i'.v sie at" at.d ■ t w !.. ItOuO I- i.iid’,r;v if sci.pjH-:s without greater «lt.— up, ; r.•" -s i. Ii i ■ To uurht Mi--i. itie>t VOLTAIC ai■ a_ut;:i PLASTER i' A} a. -:11.■ 111 of water than when she is up- i’QUli \.hL> \ 1 An F.l«t rr Delntitv. iiiokni llor.i: « .. t« •. i«: l 1 in lily nj;t|i. ni hjj I’Ia«*t«r, ot : 11_rt 11. extends stern- ills ^ Vrtii^o, 11 \ ii lu-r r-.»rmii n tlf- 1m -t lMa-tir for an.I a« beyond u pain- ln > ■ \ t.*,*• 1*1,1 .in w!i<. «■ 'k'a u ,. i. ». ; I i A Wi! '■:. : h -j..i, tin- \\ l.i «.| ly sod b ittom iust touch- in >1. 11. mi. 11 harp b-nce broke 111- IN I w ti >3 U V» t \ < j»*J so 's tlie water, that, as the ("aft An a x J «•**! i»^ 1 4:«t f lies jvtn*■ Ji >i, a c j*.;.g -• i!. '->•>(<■ an.: P : a I \ Of V.-Uid not !«• from A MORBID SWELLING. i,_: Liverpool, England. distinguished >E. »4> a •. !.?*;» !' ♦ f ■ port ns or the hull hav ing a -'M'< *t.i : w V. •; r \ j. h ,N I n .:.._ .'. lie: ing K*r 1 am one the.-e thro- cany capacity Depot, u'fs an ..I tvi Main Str* He’: I C inr Standard Chain Cabie o' .hie that of vessels of the -:nee. J in .it; ,i... Works. ordinary i.n :ih n < «•!<•* :.:f< I I ’!•'.< I A 1 NuTK i ■ nm. jc. iher sides. pla.-d. M bulging A;, Wert i 3UJI. IQ t<-. 18 3 \ Ac !>.! Commercial Boston. thou not beholden to an- 3s'r. hJEiAf't St., s< -A. oil dec .- 5? feet, and she i,- 4 “The A ml E$8« a: C 7- \ S CC 2'? & s 8 S ii' 1". y ears of Ur. age .:■• o- h 2J. w adth. w ith i' feet of »il.n I *> .!i \s a. " Itl. < OIIIIIIClK Itl- I llftll.n ?1 .« | « Ill) 11 I'd -t ot U .,. W .s -'an! " ng to ilcViM- a model SELF-PRESERVATION An : tti.-.t ;«.i ;• \t. 1 1 i:<. :»'.•! i:i-i I ri'i tv d enter and It'll' e the w liter Men. xj;.. x,.y ,,| | -.u. it. _• ;ui v i s b-, 1 iei'l | I'nbh-tm.i ami mr ..alv th. HI-. AB» >fi\ Mil* I t 'l l..: 1 i >1 A" and i:i...;A ■ a .I : OS,stmioe Her sheer ••••' It. 1 I h.. .'IK, Iblii'lillilHiilllliimiKl is i. in>rm 11 S'.* i:.i:■ ii •! sir..» I"!' k a the w,te of in g* ahddang'ite: " •>:* -1 *'■ 1«1 liftve Jirur.t : Is a Positive Curt for all those Com- i: dc ila'o'l to secure this areal [ l; €»-T -it- K< II. m-. < 1 Kl « I'U r J desid- ’1 1UI 6 61 |^, Ml. 1 \ M « :> and l*»- tluil on of l*r»*«*. S !’>• '. M ,, I. ai M: l‘. A"r Ii.-- demonstrated \ 1 ,n tVRETT plaints Weaknesses Pe- r**««*i|»C w ;mi that u..tki.: in.. Si-a. V.. l{cfl«TH a IV ( : si it'll' i:!" a hie of his mi id I've taken. > SNin-xl n JI. culiar to Women. rpil|-. mroM in II* M l! '-in mil lilt BLS1 ■ .* > ir ISi(I < :*<« » .1 I ina I-*- i: a: I tie ...-and ; Vi -1 W n ; 1.1 a*i« it a Ins .nto Ihuiity ,-d a: d "■* '• -•> < « nl Maine Central put: money the oralt. 1/| w ii.i I. mi I Mi a--. itimi 'I : n-h I-.- Mi* !-*'.\ Time-table. 1 F ;>o nl !<•.; Cirliii. U ! •:* Ml > 1 M 'iiii.’i't no- her under M*.!i .rW pa I in me v diseobrnging < ’" It mi.I : Su A :U o.io : f *1.1.INs* voi.T \1. I 1 -I " -’iip ii iimm ! •. 1 ; n rrau^eraent. \md asti i: j tic h*- I > I I I I I K, Bo-lotl, « iiti; Uul .ni'niiioos that have well dis- "_r more nad she -a •. ^ nught 1 1 ’• mill -'. ! \ .'ail! N. ... •: =•• *'i •• -t’t !i, will* liiklllL.' .>*//-/•/'.•>. l-.Mi.4U-!* ;u>oo s- 1 -a sanguine inventor. He patiently stayed ami I’ *a I I »• .! v. *. \ :• on -I b. I ... I ■ imp \ w a.tinr a ham <• .; I r 1 \ ,Mf >;t had c ■ 1 ■ •:111.i lid, ,o«»- .11ion o ; i "i a on tic rrror- ...i youth too ap|* 11* to bu-im patent model, \ w •.man who eaiue w .? I. :!.■• 11 i- t .t: ii.i i tried and' and in nutv b»- r« -lof I at.il iiutiili'.<1 r* "mm. <1 ion in .- .■ o r od a ea\ the > it. hiv-li him lame. 1 ■' 1 \\ .. tMUi lrr.lt h Ip !"U. I'. 'I !. n!a’u-! protects "I in' n r.i! a! ? v\ hi. It ■ m r :.•>! I h..i? ; i u nts. \hd 11. Mghed a.- -!;•• litter.-.; publi-h*-i It I' -!aiiilar-l In. oral Work, lllr -t S The yaelit is 1 ■ r* : ciM 'timruon to w ol d. iu til. l-.li^li-li iuntfU wror- It t } a pliy -1. iaii ■ ■! -i -_ed. tin- I-' a\ •' I.. i:.«-1 a; -I I' < gin running 1 u *i■ w a I stay 1ST EW _ r* at i-xp* '••it. t" In ml* a u I ■ *. Brook-. K I 1 \ a ^ o’l *• »'• i"i "ilia •: to the stem of the ves- Iieal 111e. good : ^ w••!*-■ :u.Mai a• \ -Mini M li. a! A-mat i- Wphapr s NjI'O f.-l Pi- o» .r< 0 1.1 o >. I I.- -a i: ': *• !*», a’ u l«»Wed a needle, Tin: I' Olltaill- beautiful amt \> ■■ j >'• I. V -!• t'i p .■ i. moil oati'ias is desired, a a! I I III. i n a !.’ of riitidl.sh hi .ght-1 in "ia iiami hum t :.a a '• a I u a pi ■ ; ■" ho aged ."it in o of a for i!: form- I «!i-«.«- Mm r* u ? r -a plea 'li woe i- me. it eaiue oiit <•: u,\ .-• pntailiim lU \ nl GROCERY Sn nits Hi.in. w ars of x T i’ll i *• aii'l .-IP -till pta- h'-. inodoi the J STORE! fieri (if \\ omen. pi ihloo nine v.-ar- after Im"\ ■. v THE NATIONAL STAN DARI> vessid, went) long ■■ Ii.~ N » 11: r ■ on. of whi. ii i- worth tin- ot :.a- ok. k-.' '■' > f .Mu pn id :■ 11 •• :n n* 'ii •••.. i" i- nr I. sailed Kill V. ! ... !.;• it wlipn * r« :11gt;ll, \nd more lii-> 1 <>l ;; ;• J j *|» ct mole at th. -w i; ... I .■■ ■ *Tl" f ri a 11 tin. i< 1 i kanU. •. — Buii :lln .,t 1 I» »11 r v. ii | itifl icat ion, a fin t• r«• f* I •. to 1«»>. > ! I 11 im iti:. ny aomal measurement. .. I nut i"*r -, p.-ruii- *n, door. 'I — ir u 1 •! or a a!’. « T n ».-• ■ l 1.1' r I V k'. h I. l. i.l «.,• r.ibi.- i, .-Pm r -| a!! to well noth i I i. W \ 1' IN'.I.Al! AM N one L li. l*r* mi aged the owner to aim* into \\ .1 I' ., I, PATENTS. pro- trooping tie- i! !r. J'* -i KM tO hi,: W.I'AIM.,.'!. I'M.' '.UNI 'I I \ I'UMM Pit 1 II Since she was -pei-tre and ghost aid T I.*-.!' Iiiei *■ -*■"»<»' .: II .1. im it t i i, m i> i: li M I \ M. : .ii: s i;i-1 it f t- ii«! *» n J host C. H. tii- ••..! i.., a..- ur i,. Ifnl.roMI!. Mb N II. IM N < II. M Im M Tv.. T I. 1:1 IT ID n : : there lias been no ry MITCHELL y TT. gge,l s <.| I" ..)• loud m the -a., tilin'- < 1 •' li irniNM.I.I,, M I» iculty !pl ia >■ : gloom I’ T ••: .-ur fr v1 NO. 7b Sldtr K i: V Boston u les; > her I 11iv• r- i! .*t .Mf.li' ii-' iiol >ursr*-r- t. > In :a.• ;t 'ailing <;iia.1- ■ «:*•! urr iu>. i.. II..:. J\ u. y ■ \. ".■ <], in- I YDIA HE-OP EN wiiat heer Having Large has put -j» E. PiNKHAM'S ii mi r \ bi>.>i i.i. m i', i*i. .; i.• t ti,. \ ■ sii far as '-T-. •• '!’ f fr I j: .» \\ OF FHF V: 'lidit:oiis, i.nt, she I drank from the huimuo. !. 1 Miai .M*-.:u-ai \ "o<->!i. POPUl suan.py "I 1 1 e I i«• 11. | ii ml .1. '• t'-sted. -he has t wo \.- M..i.' than a tii..u- I •t:'.. f.- '••• i.i i._- met her Vnd for thin\ i;-x b.-hoid t !t.-.-e in a Full Line of 1 '." fully -l!- J'.;. 1 u : A ".-I- "1 !"■ an 1 KCK l I'olitic ll, l.it'-l at li* ||_'I I* Ip. a-, and Imild- tears. I > ii,. liui.-i i..-.l„\ Aill.K((OllNllMl practical li i'..- -p.-k.'ii in t i.. m.'1..-! ;* mu to- i. ii. 1 ve lived with a snake n .-loin ■ •aelitsiiieu exprc" great coliti- my Cough Cure and f I 11 ; ;o«r { ail.’ ll «• llipiaillt s I,ih ," ami lli* v all pr inoni,> p !h- ! M> .li. K Try Hop — i,i!0VII>K\i avh." aM'' W* k i; .l»i worn* I' ~ t **> i: -no will J n thf I *uhi;.-at ,.)ti ii t h* I .u^ii li i n_ remarkable Pl-aaghcd < GROCERIES! "i I O' ii.'.tin.;. »i develope i ...n, •lua-cts the ital j *• w pi,. | ..jnloii | nia. -a “No p- r-<.i! Ii"', i !••• lloston Herald. y;; \ud 1. good editor. I aui the i.abe 1 -.i 11’ 11<■ 11■» tho mU'olt-s ot tin* .jh ari{'llI, uterus, w iMioitt tl*:s valuul.ii- i*»-k. 1 in-auMi- a liobm TO NEW YORK, » iiut In addition to '! wa.-horn a neighboring o.wn his CONFEC- •"111 nit' it inIt- | la..-, and ^' \a it tom- and h. ii* f.ti-lor." With twi Ay I'-ur t.*eth and !o:i-nun k 1‘ 1.-’’ •" C. t! '.>■• cult- i- rad..-;, i ah'! lit ir- It *• l Im Hook f..r omi" ami mitbil* .1 iu- ii n a.I VU PROVIDENCE Ic n- tin ha.-k and a: e- v ii H \:i i;u:\ in Dinnkic. An Au- hair. TIONERY business. ivn^t p«*h p-_-i >n ; it yis ione just HOW t Ilf v. II. of I.i!'-. o! l'! 1 11 t*► tli* a hoi* M-: "ll' in — That redcheth my feel when t'sdown it in 'ton-- di'plac.l /‘r./niOH nu Jnurnui. di-.... icing t :<••! -i lew .an- o. tin n ■■ UI’E\S i'ii! 1 FOil ip P days ago, natural po-ition. | hat 1 •-!ino- ■: I ||.- >rifii<-.- u! I. :> i- ml all in pit r: n M.» 111, ■ i'd ::i " "/•<;,'/ «/■/."/,, i-oi^ a i^lit and -mi I*’. •• -i",o" * «u it iiite the night before, -N'» more. lio mol*-. ye editor Tied. pain, havkacln*, iiio «\ti aor.linaiw u.ik j. i.' ii a a in* '! rui'.'.l [,\ it u •• ■ •■ Oil 1111 j.i-Mn IMh-.I.” I.nstuil ll, ■:!’!. are iV : Ye all of friends to me XiinsM ! n ; do’a about to *" ) a W e 42 a 1 rou a V\ > FtfiLES of floon-time, i-'n- 111, he l a i k I'll t it ti \V 11 im-fhal ii th»* !" ■'! i: of I'amiora'- l>o\, ONLY RAIL No power our can ever ■ : opt* •> U'lnutes nuii friend-hip and U i'h *11, ".ill alter tic ll■»*• of till-* h> will"' >inre Mm S;, I .r. i I,,. v while dinner vide— aii'l hop*- plum*"* r nmw, i->ntii*; rei, e walk -eo la! i.ole- without ii.. ii h !•:«»% i-l. n. ■ I la. V. i ■ if d H Would announce to the lor t. It of tlrn-e valuable u ol'k.-, published tlm Ihaibo-lj it the man an ■ ■ slept Kut who eometh now that I people rn a- '. n o| -' :u a in w .I .<• ■ I* '!. r..-,! ! i th*' nd ^iv> Medical I m-ti:ute, which are teaching Me'U-aml- >--i " ; :.n n,.'. Masonic I• O •' 1: m- t ii: .» and his wife did Block, Belfast. —-"f. 1»\ I'-. 1.1 aidtrit*'*, Flu’ ii how to at oi'l tlm malit'li' that .-up t cihide! of I-! \r ,i ml *1 ,i ,u||. 1. .0,1 j.* a editor x...., thou art of this that I'-tn -i a I or i in'i an.I r^r aw d-i*‘!i him a- -i,c ihnught him looking vicinity Shey ian lit.-.” I'ltiliifhtph i 111. Utlllff, til* loi.l'lli-a^. 1 i'< When a he awoke his wife ■ tin- 'worst to of 1' alii it of I a /O finally I conn .ii an urgent mu-.-ioii. have their Hew tin 1 ami i'll tlm ul.l." \. ) r/. Vo'-' 1 masachosetts. opened .1 “'i io o ..r ""steamer irtaki of the meal. I lin- Much copy 1 bring, for I've bee: vis i. I'.tii '*1* ; it 111(lainnuat ho ami l U*er- larimstl’. hop' tint Mi book at >n, 1 IT* if 'll a ti«' 1 I" .. It i- ,1 j;r.a| l.ifi-’ will liti'l, not onlv r» .i h i>, hut in i.- 'd i till m.Ui : "W w in-. | have itiuir many iiy. ii'-lp ill 1*1 e"!, ii no r* ].• pain dnriiij; I.ih**r. ■ The I bins THE NEW < Kxpu.-itioi. -> .a i iimner:" She. was astonished. and For t In <•!! re o| 1 v i i "in, ; *int "i it her this All STEAMER Dry a. ISLAND. fiend' lit tor a_ RHODE no you have i." she sa ■: ; tbit, Avaunt' with savage po- \ air. -- Im:. VV. II. i'Alihf.K, No Huilim h % n it ii>” :t \ ■ ■. \ e .h llOWix. • lur !.,'. for mi.''e h. > i^wait ng you than an Hoston, who, us w il as t’i«-auMior, ma on- i'a >l lit" 11; ? 11* *• mia Jt Lu r.i ^ I v And scowls most tierce to see. ! But I 11.tve iieeu in on all 11 i-<■ a1 r« -kill aiul xp*u u na. ^.tn%4‘ll K.n dinner," the W irh and shout, hurl him 'luirmg yell they «tfHce hour- \.m, toti \,m, 1 ■ -iinti per-i-sted ■•ami I had baked lamb. out. Femaie It «*lu rnisi^-. Complaints, M m m I'. ’1 m a! \ Alt* t<•< 1 I■ tin- n< a nice y1* is only on»* chi.-.- ..f tict'o:,." Store a-y•, Knox I'l .M till III 4- il llli \ 4‘ II I oyou any Jewelry o !■« t Main Street, -> ni|.at ir:ill> Misorden 0 in mo-t <■:i« ■I ti "“f w hich tin* gr.-at world never tile- \\ tilings ;."ii have named lit re !" -he I t> iitcruv I here i' al'o a dull, hea\y pain con- 1’ ■- par after to read ai: I to STORE Wm. K. Bicktord, .111 I a- iJl.-ll.ll X I’l-MX "|- n ) year. -IN THE-- -1 a in I I-it ill t lie low er ion of the a si*. Prop’r, •■I'd 1 "and the! e is V "111' as il was port liyck, or plate > » •' .1 v\ i;h a ;.!»' hear I •: 11 i n LT .« n*l is |»| II' t 11 I! 11 11' *!ll' l’"‘\ il \ li.i-',.,,. sharp pain Ili.it almost um-u- •' i;' •*| ^ v> i1 |*d l"i uni i he man was Tiie a -on-ip renm .c \ A I IM.'HM, "11!> \ r t himself good old reliable liar- i'lrai'i*- through tin- I-tins, or low 11 old hav iug been thoroughly pubis, P ■ *t t ..n ; ai and t 11 :ii> 11• i- imw u ii.z un* i>• {•<-* u if ti '*i •"inewii.i -urpriM'd a-be said : "Well, In Masonic !- ot al.iloi.n i.. .mil iliivugli tin uppi ei|, rc modeled d, o|" Temple, o|fi u I Op- nau-i ;u ii n (r.uauriil | this'll- tin Momach i> ol wile. I n ;i I;, I had taken n. w l»e eomiud\ e !<> rIn thought The Rarest of Flowers. l'i' ut r-.-uri ; .on ami gnldim m tin- head, No pain- ill -pared a ml I. .»t '• 1'ieal. Masonic a ii-i of confu-. r \\ comfort ami cum enienrr of it ron-. Ji'.IC d. and had i'ist awoke troll! an and are prepared to meet the akui-'S. an.l constant run- pat HOUSE :epe tljrfil At Templo; '1 / I'. 1 1 * i.oll (M-S soliu-t till follow t'ommo'ii Sample Itoonik ■ii: r-i!mu r the lntine of lion. Tliurlow Weed. nap my dream pis it must •! > •••"• input lift if S' mptoui of ilisi ,1>I ii uti ru'. and with rlat ion of < omnifrii I \>K V < : have "l No. |-„' West Twelfth street, there is now A I* a riTi'lii .Il It. f ■ i|. I.;,! \\ r-. i-: been) rating the articles I have wants of those who wish " tIn-ro is a constant I" sir >ache- h ave t Iff- 11 ou-e I•.r all pa-.-«-nger train-, gral. ni in :m *i >v.i-ii• >. dimed was s" \ i \ id !" His in bloom one of the rarest flowers in the Is now ii/ ;io\vn pain, a pulling from tin* l». wt h that ren ol.-o daily lines ot'stages to tIn- -un ounding count wife laughed : to the in- .-m! I l’->rthind, tims. I;.»J open M. !' vi > pa ntul to w ilk or stand for anv ol it*; A tir-' da I II «** fel.ililc "ino ct< it with THE FUTCME5M mn, haf N, and the man the Itove Flower, or in length ’! md A d • I* ,. sat down to his second world, Spiritus anything their line. : in.' tin IIou-e. Hit T.muy of p. my of h in a /‘.Nil H.VN D ideal, finding, as he progressed, that his Sanctus, brazil. The flower is rare, iinpo*-i'.!. woman, after a tot Ii till course C P BROWN, Bangor ot 11 <-.i! m.-nt w i' u tlii' if even in its native 11 iln i in-, to font in tic to have had not been land. The stalk is of the All NEW Y!1 Wi o ,|. ! r o’. appetite and a entirely appeased 1| j spection public. GOODS, bought w. km ot tile uterus, and thousands .>1 women ]■. a about inches in <' e 11 School Notice. his first effort. his first forty height, with a leal to.lav I i jrratetul ri iin-uibra nci of the h< Kvidently lp MINERAL SOAP. Mu !1 .', !-> like of a t ih t; <1 from the u>e of t liL remedv. < ounnitte. will be deal was a ti.t: dinner. Kennebec .Jour- that tuberose, hi the top are for CASH ! at the present rpiiK >up. rin!< tiding School nal. four of the flowers, the lowest of which is 1. in ses.-iou in tin High School U-hmii on sat n da' September llth, and Saturday, N" ember Jd, Tl E El O V L ! in full bloom, the three others in bud. Please time, when are t eachers tor t be \\ inter call and examine GOODS goods LYDIA E. for the pur post of examining SYLVESTER PINKHAM'S >elnvols. 1 eactier- w ill be « \ainined at no other 'If.tui .lul. u111.tt silken hair." The flower in bloom is small, and of the • i I lie ; t, .... t i.at I'liill|i uiur- .1. A. lit *S>, hail man. D LOWER than ever time. u s: 11 m «: l v .oi miri'il 1','utl.-. with one of her nut most cream color. Its ]■ ’'iff in forumr ; !;ie ng!.,vingly exquisite perfume and PRICES before !. at n tress. .son us purchas- to I 'lew the plumage on an angel's is delicate. It is similar in and LIVER %*«»re lnl < lit II l; I a a- shape PILLS ti ih" thistle down that ilanees on the known before. Notice. size to a Madeira nut Caution • is ;.nd ('i >j .• ream | ir.r, '•..da, ''immer :'-a' tie' shimmer of sunset, opened, but still Curo the glitter ol elsewhere ! Constipation. Biliousness, and v ra» t •, ml at. m I.oh **»i ing persons are hereby warned against pur- I*r««-c* gill 1. the One-half of the Mower v yellow rich reil brown of autumnal for- joined. remains In Oi : > All are invited to call Torpidity of the Liver. VI.I,chasing a not*- of $200.00, given in March f»th, h»m k limy 11* ban t lie low l »oilai est- in — whether in ;‘i.* blend eutraneing iu its T 'dt I t ! i* a * t 11 • beauty And upright, and the other half lays down ex- 1-77, h\ If. A. t oward, and running to Mr.-. M. A [ ! oj'j- Hilton i i is! then it eatue oil > in bis hands, and ho forgot actly at right angles to its mate , ot Belfast. Said note has been lo-t. D. SYLVESTER. is! wine 'o next. was exposing to MarU. ", 1 ,-ay There a moment ot they wish purchase I In— Pills are ted to the needs of M US. M A. SNOW. iWmasf, Aug. in the erect a most Moral Great Reduction in ROGER & especially ada| | proloiii.il sileiiee. and then Aurelia took it from part dainty tIte >i.imacli and Liver, the derangements of which Belfast, Sept.'2, l8?s. iiw-'UJ him and went, out of the room with it. When she grotto, in which rests, apparently, upon or not. tip. prevent and cure. I ‘Ii' v are excellent in con- Law Notice. ue with the Fbfl GENEIM HohLHcMi I ir !< I v; v/ ’» bark itu was gone. They meet now. but a a like a dove about j BROTHERS junction Vegetable ((impound, especiullv in perch, petal shaped ,ho'i cum s w here the AVI moved to a cos ... office in the lev meet us and the that were complaint* that are peculiar Notice. For strangers, eyes to with removim; Faint, V:.: ... at !:; of lit"' mv "id My outstretched head and extended t-» ... an* attended with and a Illstory liitAMn k. Main Street, h.-um other with Constipation an.i all from tin 1 ,s o iifwin-earfh the awaken are forbidden or impurities d >oi oi -si s \\ sluggi'h Liver. In such cases these Tills enable the persons harboring trusting t.i tin -tore .Mi o«.d-, Mathews .v B.i l'»ve light, as wings. The dove is cream white with ill the market. now-glare though life was an eter « to ilo Kbeiiezer Farrington, a pauper of Prospect, u- k* r, w i* !• tin i'ro;V«vioual ba-im ■>* of old ami m u mil the F, A, A,P, Vegetable otnpouud its work more speedily A1J. wash dse of the MANSFIELD, 1 have suitable lor bis NOTH li.—Ik surf extremities of CARLE, ami t*el the H:(« he:> client will b»* attend-d to on rea^ona!-!- exception upper and th-ctnaily. I hey are purely Vegetabh and per provided provision- support. promptiv A UN Bit K. UK AY. l« rms in*-. the which arc itinl llnml Mineral ami ndt- ih> by wings, Soap, ■ beautifully speckled. LJOtf 1878.—.*>W27* iMIi.i trom :■ \ — — Belfast, July Prospect, Sept. •'», 'hour- M ami to I*. M. The and ALSO ollnr iiiul will use Beecher, in a recent sermon at San perfection life like appearance you always j,. A. ii .IPWT.TI, < ounsellor at law 1- of the dove are incredible to w Tlie-i remedies are hv Mrs. K. 1 T.v dmdd rancisen, exclaimed : “How many men persons ho prepared Lydia Belfast, Aug. Tiukhain, Lynn, Mas-., who will freeh answer all Notice. there are that are like have not seen the Mower. In the land of Clocks & CHARLES F. those fish we catch Watches, Jewelry. letters of iinjuiry. nix Iftottlea of the Vegeta. BATES, Proprietor, forbid all wife, Helen M. Ml in Boston its grow tli the spiritus sanctus is lield in CHILDREN’S I>l«* < xeikt l»y i:\|ire»«on persons trusting my HAltKINOrV AV., litIVr.lA. Harbor—four-fifths of them are SHOES, receipt on account, as 1 shall no debts IT or Sale ! of ffr.VOO- I* ill* *»ent lit Hail on I Sweetser, my pay month and the rest is tail. great esteem, and the receipt of her alter this date. lyU excellent horse, black, And yet what among superstitious of cent*. contracting family good looking. Wear twice as with either the HKoltUK K. SWIJIISI IB umi and feel >ub- lor a w omuu fo driv ■ a noise such men make!” in absolute veneration. Many Particular attention to long ONI. pei ly legends paid 1878.-2iw::7 1 doulile Wagon 1 Wugoi, are told about the Belfast, Sept. 9, l-.xpr-*- “sacred Mower.” Mr. Five Dollars Reward .*s SILVER, Address MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM, spiiug*. Iwpr W agon ordinary 1 uii- Meed received the Fine Watch Ph:0‘lon go. I a' m little L >« d set id bar It has been discovered by a close ob- plant about a fort- Repairing. fir 1LL b«* paid for inf inuution which will h u, oK “A. S. T. (>.” No. 233 Western Notice. m "» Al-o-toi. ti\ture- in -Tore ea*t *ide. Pric*-- server and it bloomed : Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Caution, f \ In- com iction of I he vnnn^ man and !•«.\ w im that husbands are in- night ago, yesterdav. X. !ou. 1 inn* to suit, of henpecked 'll T H F.KFAS my w ife, Fntma (i. Black, has left on l ue-dav afternoon, ad, mati -ion-h initi11.1 hmjuire V. 4f# I". Ins.- for Cirruluri. Sept, « men with hairless Times. Nlani|t o \Y. M Main Belfast. uriably lips, ft takes BLACK f V my bed and boardwithout just cause, this is the boat 1 the subscriber as it lav on the Abort m-i YKSllAl.l., St., a moustache to awe a female. [Break- TIP, 1«. warn ail persons from harboring on trusting her aho\ e t lie Battery. | t i» intend' d to pi o-ruute them Of the .i.UUO voters in I.vud am on as 1 shall no of con- the fullest d t am v » fast Table Mass about 'J UPON THEM. SOI D BY DRUGGISTS. my account, pay hills her to extent lie law ^ f l ii-ds, ' tracting. CHAo. t'll.sBLin, I Z 0 1. h u.ldlr, ct*. ort"ilU Li*rd Co I;* 22, 51\vl9 187s*.—3w37* i?* I Belfast, Sept. 12, r^orthport Avenue. Sass.ui .. w Y k.