
■ — f University kov 1 A rch ives

Tsw day, November >, IM l Callforaia Pdyiediiik Seste Univeraity, Saa Lute Obispo VfrfBBDC 4t, No. 23

« n • Spending cuts termed unnecessary by Hallett

BY MIKE CARROLL discovered in the Santa Clara Valley in Managing EdHor Jime 1980, representatives of the U.S. Department of Agrictilture recommend­ Assembly Minority Leader Carol ed aerial spraying of malathion. This ad­ Hallett told a Cal Poly audience Satur­ vice was ignored, and the problem grew day that although Gov. Edmund G. until “ California had a very serious Brown Jr.’s cuts in state spending crisis,” Hallett said. would not single out education, the Last summer, when it was discovered governor’s plan was totally un­ that the Medfly had spread to the San necessary. I Joaquin Valley. Hallett threatened to Assemblywoman Hallett (R- intr<^uce a resolution of impeachment Atascadero). whose speech was part of against the governor in the state the Agricultm al CouncU Leadership Assembly unless Brown changed his Conference, cidled Brown’s move to cut policies on the Medfly issue. departmental budgets by 2 percent this She said it took Brown about a week f i a ^ year a mistake. She said an equal to agree to nine demands, which includ­ amount of funds could have been saved ed bringing in experts from the U.S. by freezing the state’s capital outlays Department of Agriculture and appoin­ for the duration of this year. ting a new head of the Medfly program. Legislative analysts, moreover, have 'The resolution of impeachment was an said the spending reductions were un­ effective leverage because af least 36 necessary, Hallett said, and she noted members of the AssemUy supported it that state hnancial growth could reach and 41 votes were necessary for 12 percent next year. passage, Hallett said. "This year’s deficit will be next year’s ’The state Republican leader said to­ budget surplus,” she predicted. "The day the state’s Medfly program has governor will have more money than eradication as its goal, while before he’ll know what to do with." "they were just chasing the Medfly into Hallett spoke largely on the topic of other coimties.” > what qualities have aided her in carry­ Keapportionment Battle ing out her duties in the state During the struggle to reapportion Assembly. state and Congressional districts, state Dealing with people Republicans didn’t have the same abili­ One of these leadership qualities, she ty to negotiate with Democrats and br­ said, was the ability to de^ with other ing about changes, Hallett said. In people "whether they agree with you or response. Republicans are in the process Mustang 0*My->V«m Ahiwid## not.” One issue that gave Hallett a of gaining enough signatures to put the great deal of flexibility as a leader was issue of reapportionment before the Assembly Minority Leader Carol Hallett called Gov. Brown’s state spending the Mediterranean fruit fly crisis. voters. cuts a mistake while speaking at Cal Poly Saturday. She said that when the Medfly was Please see page 3 ASI nixes salary hikes, OKs surplus allocations

'The A S l Senate decided how to spend of 8100 a month. The A S I president now can’t put a price on professionalism.” salary to 8250 a month and the vice 867,783 of its 897,783 budget surplus at receives a salary of 8146 per month Girard said that if a student wants to president’s salary to 8200 a month. ’The its Wednesday meeting while the vice president receives 8130 hold an A S I office, they wiU find a way ASI controller will also receive a salary The surplus was left over from the per month. to make their finances work. of 8100 a month. 'The A S I officers 1960-81 A S I budget. External Affairs Assistant Joe ASI President Dennis Hawk said if a receive salaries for eight months. The Finance Committee had submit­ Johnson said the officers would be able president has to have another job to ’The budget approved by the Senate ted suggeetins on how to spend 869,383 to do a better job with higher salaries, support himself, “ he won’t be as effec­ allocates 82,503 to the CaUfomia State 'of the proposed surplus. T ^ Senate ap­ because they wouldn’t need to spend tive.” Hawk said he puts in 50 to 60 Student Association (CSSA) for dues. proved all of the Finance Committee’s hours a week as A S I president. time earning extra money elsewhere. ’The money given to Um CSSA will also suggestions, with the exception of the “’Think of the benefits for the "Tlie present salary is insufficient, be used to hire an extra lobbyist for its ASI salary inqeasee. students if they had fun-time profes­ but this large increase is out of line,” Sacramento office. A S I Selariea said David Chapman, senator from the sional officers,” said Tom Cregger, ASI ’The Cal Poly Marching Band received School of Science and Mathematics. The Finance Committee’s proposal Chief of ataff. 87,826 of the budget surplus. They will would have raised the ASI presklsnt’s "The senators do a professional job, Amendment approved use this money to purchase four new salary to 8350 a month, the vice presi­ why not pay them?” a^sd Ann Girard, The Senate ^>proved an amendment sousaphones and pay expenses for the dent’s salary to 8300 a month, and in­ a senator from the School of Human to the budget, introduced by Chapman, band’s trip to Northridge. stituted a salary for the ASI controller DevelopEoent and Elducation. "You which will raise the ASI president’s Plaaae see page 4 Twirler a sparkler at halftime

BY MAURA THURMAN Pederson’s affinity for football staff Wrttar crowds did not prove to be a barrier to Fire swirls around her head, her her success in competition. bright outfit under the Her enthusiasm for baton twirling floodlights, and the crowd cheers her on was evident to judges at the state Na­ as the flames spin into the air. tional Baton 'Twirling Association con­ rj’niis is not a dream—it’s Yvonne test in 1979, where she took first place Pederson’s typical performance at a Cal in a performance before 14,000 people in Poly football game. the Long Beach Arena. The 19-year-old baton twirler has ’Trophy winner entertained halftime crowds at evwy Pederson also received a trophy in game this season with her flaming baton 1980 regional competition when she was and dance routines. She sars simply: " I 3 chosen first among 80 girls from Califor­ love it !” nia, Arizona, Hawaii. New Mexico and Although she has competed in solo Nevada. She proceeded to the national baton competition since she was 7 years contest in St. PauL Minn., where she old, Pederson said she enjoys football placed sixth. game performances most of aU. Participante are scored (m a scale of 1- During the four jrears she spent as a 100, Pederson said, and a 2W-minute student at Dos Pueblos High.School in routine must include certain "tricks.” Goleta, Pederson said she rarely missed Moat contests below state level have on­ a halftime appearance. ly one judge, she said, while larger com­ ’"nisre’s more contact with the au- petitions may have as i^any as six. disnoe, and t h ^ react when jrou mees up The fire baton is "strictly for show.” iiMSy eseei or do great,” she said. “ AU my best Pederson said, and is not allowed in English Best Issd singer Ranking Roger bangs out a reggae rhythm at friends are in the band and we’re all per- conqietition. the Beat’s concert Sunday. See the story in the Review section F | l^ . \ •forming together/’... . Pleeeeeeepage3 rUMM dwedes question ai> captekt Slate Dept, chides aid to Libya WASHINGTON (API - Amarkan dtteana have STOCKHOLM, awed* - The Soriet Unk» Newsline hal^dmaiDtaiD Libyan A ir Faaca plnaaa and accom­ > of a mlinaeMe etnaded deep panied Libyan traopt on charter. fliiM s to Chad, where to bo qpMatfanad Ifondajr and Libyan forces intarmnedt ffie State Department said e«d> to peorent bod ’ ftton battoriiw tka vaaaol apart. Seuds seek PLO homeland Monday. "W e do regard this as wrong and against peace and SawdMi at llrat inaiatad tlw t JIDDA. Saudi Arabia (AP) - Oown Prince Pahd stability in this ragion." said Dean Ffochar. tha Stete iio a lor the aM>’a ptaaanca in raatrktad Swadlah said Monday the Camp Dadd peace pro cess has reach okasman. watara would ba raqidrad bafora It eoold ba takan off sd a "dead and" and urged the United States to sup­ ha didn’t know how many Americans tba rocks doao to tbs Karlakrona naval base whaca it port an indmandasri Palestiliian aiate governed by the ware involved, or whether they ware continuing their ran agrooad last TNiaaday.H w awadaa aaid tka anb Palestino Liberation Organixetion. activitiao.* waa aqn^ipad aa a n y ab^. "Tliare is no peace without the Palestinian people "Libya has bean ea ccseefril ha racraiting ex­ Soviet AmbaeMdor Mikhail Yakovlev eariiar in the and there is no Palestinian stats withont the'PLO." he patriates, including Anwricana. to awioa various day informed tha Foreign Ministry that his. govern- said in a atatemant clarifying tha aightrpoint Mideast types aLibyan a. troops. Ma enters senate rape Florida official joins citrus siit Sari peace plan LOS ANGELES lAPl(AP) — PSMinwPaaring out a MetHat of ann.snp- TALLAHASSEE, TAI.TJtHARfiRF. Fla.Flo (AP)

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Bookstore / , ^ 0 ^ T T wirier: the fire batorì is ‘strictly for show’ Frompa^ri able to portidpata at Poly. Pederson sold she also catch the baton tor them," InaCnietors at aummar She aaid she wears Uie teaches individual lessons,, jihe said, baton twirling campa oftan lenses during her halftime to girls who fall behind or •.Vi Dreaded mistakes damonatratad fire, baton routines, but " removes want foster improvement. tricka, aha aaid. bat ontfl them immediately after­ Private instruction '^ l^ e r s o n said when aha waa 12, Padaraon ward. $6 per hour. d<[^eAded mistakes happen waan’t aDowad to try it. The disMsa also foiced The group performs at azid a baton drops, the She aaid aha waa acarad of her to retire from competi­ local parades uid won first twirler has to ignore it and the flamaa whan aha began tion, after collecting nearly place in a 1980 state com­ go on with the show. teaming to twiii the fire 600 trophies. petition although they “It’s discouraging,” she baton, but* ia no longer “It’s just as well,” have been competing for said, “ because you know afiraid. Pederson said of her retire­ only one year. f * your routine won’t be as "Once I lit my hair on ment from competition. “ 1 “The girls know they’re good as it wouldhave been. fire and had little ‘ Dennia could navn- find time for just starting out, so if they But you just improvise a the Menace’ hairs on the lessons, and practice, and lose, it’s OK," Pederson little and keep going.” to p o f my head," she said. homework, and working said. “ But if they win, they The special baton is with the band.” go crazy.” Pederson said she and a friend began learning to soaked in white gas and lit ' Pedsrson said shk had to Because she stopped with a dgaretta lighter. travel to Huntington competing only recently, twirl a baton when she was She wets her hair to keep it Beech for her leesdbs with Pederson said she con sym­ 5 years old and lessons from catching fire during inatruetor E^verly pathize easily with her were 60 cents an hour. her routine. Johnson. Most competi­ pupils’ thrills and despairs “ Our mothers wanted to “.People somatimea oak tions are held

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This ad Is not a coupon Women train to join Cai Poiy Fire Department BTSANDEAGiytY ‘Th* lalited H fpnalata of yoa off yoor fast,’* aha don’t got to thorn in a dasaroom at California prafraaai lato bava (at riforonaykyafcal and eMn- aaid. anoogh, thay dia.” Men’s- Colony. Fire B OMnr joÉB t m ì) naa atudanta in Udcondiliotiine. I t ié apon- Zanghi and I f cCarthy hopa McCarthy foand oat tmhniqaee, of Cai Poly t r a ia ^ ao wban aoaad by tha IVi-Coaiity to bacoma panunadics. aboat tha program and equip- by DaoMBlHr. I I bava FIra ChiaTa T ra biii^ Com- althoogh McCarthy iaopan throogb Johnoon’a wife, raont aaoga are atadied. « mUbc a foMTyaar atratcfc aonM (naw atndant ^mittaa. to staying with adm is a friend o f bars. The raaarva stodanta wkbonk a ivomaa on ,kha fhaflghtara) abaady train* Johnaoai aaid trainine ia Z u ^ ^ hoard aboat it from a6o raeoiva training by fona, Poly’s Sra clikf aakL ad in raaarva." Johnaon not anay, bat tha woman “ I ’va always been in- a San Luis Obispo City firafigd>tars and stodsnt Carmon Jokaaoa aaid. ara daine fhia. taraatad in it,” said McCar­ fireman. i firaflghtars at tha station. raportad that Uva Po(y Hioaa partidpatine in Braaldne into a tradi- thy-’ IVaining ineladaa a class “ rva got a two-way atadnta, inriiiding thna tba naw propam aia Kria tiooaUy wiai« in Fira Command 1-A atraat going hara,” womaa. ara trainine to ba “I want a challongs." Zanghi. Laura MeCarthy, profcaaion ia aaay for Mc­ aaid Zanghi "I want to ^ which is taught by Fira Johnaon said. ~ ’Tha stu­ pari o f tha naw raaaraa P n t r Nabilla. KandpU Carthy, a aanior racroation aomathing worthwkila with Sorvica Coordinator Bill dent firafightara help teach Paaraon and Don Waat. ni^ior. Bat Zanehi, a my tima. Oat thora in'tha Lana o f John Hancock Col- the new ones and that aophomora P.E. mojor, field ia whara it’s at. I f you legs. H m coaras is taught h ol^ keep their akflle up.” Rock Hudson has heart surgery waahaaitant at firat. LOS ANGELES (AP) — compticationa,’’ aaid Tom *T was antidpatine • bt- Actar Rock Hadaon, aa^ Clark, aeant for tba 65- tla bit of tha macho guy tette frotn a potantially yaar-old atar o f auefa fflma aayine ‘ How çould yoa ba Senate new spending fatai kaart valva probten, em d —«one*» to do this?' ” aa “Giant,“ "Maenilicant Prom pagai $400 for an administrative Eniployaaa’ Ratiramant nndarwant opan*bèart aha aaid. “ I hopa if I ’m not Obaaaaion** and “ Sae* pobUc relations fund. System ud $681 for a hffm m aoreary Mondky ot good anou^ thqr fira ma Othar bodgat aDocationa onda." Mandatory axpanses, salary incraasa for Doug Cadara-Sinai Madìcal T te bllMua oparation in- on tha spot.” approvad by tha Sanata b>- which totaled $86,891, Jonas, the studsnt oc- Cantar, authoritiaa aaid. votvaa ramovìne a bhxtd Tha woman aro alight o f cinida t8,600 for the par- ware also approvad in the tivitise information ctirec- ‘.T’va haard from tha vaaaal from tha lae and ta- stators bat ara not ascoaad diaaa o f a naw mat to ba Senate’s bodgat package.' tor. inc it to bypoaa a dafactiva from lifting baavy laddars used in tha gym daring hoapital Evarythine !■ e»* Hiaas aapenaaa induda The ASI Sonata will not ine *Bd thara ara no valva in tha haart. and hoaaa. Z a n ^ is work­ concorts, tS,666 for tha ing oat to boild atrongth in Student Ralationa Board, $18,000 far 1961-82 bodgat discoss how to spend the her arms and shealdors. $4,006 for tha À S I Tlmaa footnotes, $14,460 for cor­ remaining $80,200 o f the “ A foor-indi hooa arith fai tha Muataag DaUy, porate board rasarvee, surptoa until the Finance anormoos watar praaaara $2,000 for a trovai raaarva $2JM0 far pajrmeat o f old Committee makes it recom­ going throoi^it will lift fond for A S I offieors and debts. $6,600 for the Pabhe mendations. I QCT READY | I I I CLIPSAVinOS I I fnthe t I I Mustang Daily | I I I coupon I I SPCCÌALI I I „ I S t e s it i I TUESDAY, nov. j I I I : i DISCOUNT PRICES FAST SERVICES



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maarBMoa-fiacnaMB-MaBMONM-MAUxxMDonN-iwn lO U IC t PM •soiMMit,TBUnrGBJJAMaiiM^brMICHAELIIUJN«a TERRY GBiJAMaM.1 5 4 4 -6 1 2 6 te-a*Fwi-mC80llCE HARRBON-sDENIS CXEIEN Tues.-Fri ...... 7:30-5:30 OMM Set...... 9:00-3:00 THE FANTASY BEGINS NOVEMBER 6 Stanly 8tok«d ByTonyCocKrall OKIH V\MÆ m D?OeL|

Bk> Clab Mwting' Sail Aw ay Baptist Film PreLaw Club Meeting \ H m Bidogy Chib jwUl be The Sailing Club will be The Baptist Student A law professor from the weeting in Sdmoe North meeting at 8 p.m. Wednee- Union is sponsoring the University of Santa Clara 206 OB Thondny, Nov. 5 at Newscope day, Nov. 4 in Science E •Gospel film “ Hi, I ’m Ann,” will meet with interested 11 ajn: Dr. Roeet will 46. Sailing theory will be to be shown at 7 p.m students Friday. Nov. 6 diecoM the a^Mcte of diacuaaed. aa well aa Thursday Nov. 5 in the from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in working in • too and with organization for the^tq>- Dietetics Meeting Beauty Pageant Mustang Lounge. The film the Political Science Dept. xoo animale. Future chib coming regatta. The Dietetics Club will The San Luis Obispo is about Ann KiemeTs Conference room, FOB 14- plana will alao be cUacuea- meet in the Homn Ec. Liv­ Beauty Pageant CommitT sharing of the Gospd. B. ed. ai^ ^ everyone ia *MBX^HA Meeting ing Room at 7 p.m. on tee ia now sselring con­ Turkey Trot V et S d Meeting wdcome'. MECHA will be meeting Thursday, Nov. 6. The testants to run for'’ Miss The second annual at 6 pjn. Wedneaday, Nov. meeting theme is ‘‘Orange- San Luis Dbiq>o for 1982- The Vet Sd Club will OH Club Meeting Turkey Trot will be held 4 in Flacher Science 286. Pumpkin Delight.” 83, Entrants must be 17 to meet Wednesday. Nov. 4 at Thursday. Nov. 19 at 4 The Ornamental Hor­ There will be final planning Members are invited to 25 years o f age, and free to 6:30 p.m. in Science North p.m., starting at the north ticulture Chib will hold a for the Nov. 19 cultural ac­ contribute any type of accept the reqwnsibilities. 201. 17» agenda indudes end of the main gym. The general meeting Wednee- tivity, aa well aa planning orange or pumpkin fond, as of representing the dty discussion of the Aggie race will be 2Vi to 3 miles in day, Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. in for the state-wide conven­ well as their rec^Ms. The should they win. Talented Stomp, the Davis ‘Trip and length and the winners in Ag. Engineering 128. Dr. tion scheduled for Nov. 21- speaker will be Ellen Col- woman are urged to enter new activities. six categories wiU redeve Theobald from Pacific 22 at U.C. Berkeley. lemen. New'members are before Nov. 15. Scholar­ Thanksgiving turkeys. Stompin’ Leaaons Botanic Gardena wUl be welcome. ships will be awarded to showing a movie and alidee Sail Some More Badminton Tourney The Veterinary Sdenoe the winner and runners-up. Club will qwnsor Aggie of the gardena. The Cal Poly Sailing For an application, please Tbere will be an in­ Stomp lessons'fii4e to the Team is hosting its annual C rafty Christmas call Irene Hillat 489-6788. tramural badminton tour­ puUic in Mustang Lounge CD Club Meeting North-South regatta at - •; Applications are being nament for men and on Tuesday, Nov. 3 at 5:30 The Child Development Lopez Lake Nov. 7 and 8 Foresters Meeting accqvted now for selling women on Nov. 23 and 24 p.m. Club will meet and hold in- starting at 10 a.m. both crafts at the annual craft The Society of American and Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. temahip night tonight at days. All the sailing teams sale held in the University Foresters will meet Residence halls, sororities, Planning Meeting 7:30 p.m. in A g. 214. from California are invited Union.. .Students, faculty Thursday, Nov. 5 at 11 fraternities and The Student Planning Preaentationa will given to participate. Some of the and alumni are all invited a.m. in ^ e n o e B-5. A t this open/independent divisions Commission will hold its by atudenta doing an in- competing schools there to sell their crafts. Applica­ weeks meeting, Brian Pat­ be included. Enter by second meeting on 'Tues­ temahip or their 430 lab. will include U.C. Berkeley, tions are available in the terson from the USFS of­ noon on Friday. Nov. 20 in day, Nov. 3 from 4 to 5 There will alao be the Stanford, USC, UCLA and Craft Center. Deadline is fice in Santa Maria will the Intramurals Office. UU p.m. in University Union. regular meeting. U.C. Irving. Nov. 10. speak. 104. Room 216.

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morning sale 6:30 to 11:00 11 Santa Rosa CP41 • Portland 12 Poly sets record; yellow flags fly j \ BYTOMCXHiILON

Cal Poly’a 41-12 win ovar ParUand State ia ooa Ukaiy to ba ramonbarad by davoted Ifuatang footbafl fena fot at laaat anothar tbraa waaka, arhan tha aaason anda. ^ Approaimataiy 1,000 fana, arho muat not o f had anythiof battar to do on a Hallo waen Saturday nisht V t, than atkk around for tha final mfawitaa o f a thraa-hour long gama, wan adtnaaa to NCAA, hiatory (Diviaionf I, l-A A , II and III indodad) in tha making and a bizarra diqtlay of ooOaga footboD. Tha Mnatenga wara taggad with a racord 26 panaltiaa for a.raoord 298 jrarda. s “ Wa want a panalty,” and ehomaaa o f booa on that jryaoccaaionwtiao no flaga wara thrown wara common ■fourth qoartar chanta. \ i Hand coach Joe Harper attrttmtad many of tha • pniacnaa to^ tha play o f hia raaarvaa arho entered the . ¡game in the aacond half arith Cal Poly leading 24-6. But rtha coad^did not raaerva fate critictema aolaly for th* Mustang dsfsnsive tackis Stave Paesvar^t put tha squeeze on Portlanfj State quarterback Roggy jparfarmanca inU m ' plajred tha third quarter while Nelson came on to finish jrarda and two toochdoema. UntÜ hia appaaranca. Cal backfield , Their traat cama when Smith took a KDar tha gams. In prs^us gamas, Nateon had played tha Poly’a only acora cama on a fumbted Portland State pitch out and rhead around end for 44 jrarda. Itwaa. first and third quarters with Biller starting the second anap into their and Bona for a aafety. Smith’a aacond run o f tha season—his firqt, against •nd fourth quarters. Harper eepteined, "Wa made an On thair ft e t offenaiva poaeeaeion with KUer at tha Davis, went for 50 jrarda.. evaluation o f thdrparformancea at halftime and decid- ad ha (BUM had a hot hand." ~ ' Biller had hte best sight in a Mustang uniform, com­ puting dlght paaaaa in 16 attempts for 143 yarda. Naiaon’a only paaa of tha game feU incompleta. IQU SHOUUNrr lU K ID SM OR Cidvin lad att rushers with 134 yarda in 11 carriaa. FRSTJOIL SONY

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a 6 - pack 5 4 4 -6 0 8 O ‘ reg. 2.69 1599 Monterey St. Across from Pepe Delgado s rii IMI Pacfa'es refuse to trade Poly alumnus Mustang men run 2nd, SAN DIEGO (A P )-A n (rfSdalofthe "TVs Dodgsrs caaM to oa." oaid San Dlago Podrse asqrs tbat the Nte Padree’ Osiàaral liaaagar Jack tioiial Lsagne ehA has lejeeted an even- McKeon. “ Oosrrsro le aa outetanding quaify for Nationals op brade invotving sbortsCop. and Cal player and haa thè kind of right-hand BYVALBnBMCKMAN alimmf, OsrieMnildi and infialdar- power wa’ie looidiig far, hot we woald ootfMdsr, Piadro Goorroro of the Los Laading tlia llnatanga 'was nave to gat much more in retom far Os- CU PCjr's I Mphomoca Andy DICoatí as lia dodnd • in at 83:12 to plaea fUlk. TMmmata TPYmOJBM Elaetronic 80, 75; • a poittioa in the jDoag A rrit was doas bsUnd as ha plac­ Classified R a R Typing, Rotta 94:30, M- DMaion II Notloaals> to M kdd Sotar- Need lo lent ploiwp from Dea Set 544-2091 ad sixth with a tima of 82:89. ______(11-19» doy. Nov. 14. at Lomll Unhwpity in Otlwr acetara for tho 11 nstangs wara IS thru Dea 31 tee neeoUeMe. Loi*oll.llaos. ae aw t1.7S ter a S le s Celi Otto 813 seas *yP**V UflWnilBO B1 Phfl BaOaa (lOth) 88:27, Joa O ía n 01-^ par page can Lon 9 am la 5 pm UC lUvorUdo won tho xrm t wHh 42 (20th) 84KX) and Stava Strangio (81st) 5444239 ) CU Poly had 87 and 84HM. WJa ter Sw 3 ______(114» UUvatUty placad “ Ws didn’t run wsO. thia was tha Sava 8 with thto froa program. lU n d in s wocat wa ran aU isaaon,” AaUstant Exchange your time and Hamboldt Suto. placad tetente. Call SWAPJk-SERVICE C oa^ Ifanny Bantiata aU(L “ Oar gaya 54A4740 wkh 97 wbila CU Stata Nor- wara not haalthy.” ha addad. b ter eiiook only te I Otter. market paperback books. □ ▼ •trtte a M M tM te k a r. While the clock ticks, you may have to make PROGRAMS AT VANOENBERQ REWARD Loot ooft contact Datatb at El Corral bookatora. decisions imotving the future of thousands of US. Steel people—and the iiv AIR FORCE BASE, CAUPOR- (11-13» veatmert of mttons of dolters. NIA. INTERVIEWS NOVEMBER lonioo In glaao contalnore Call 3,19S1. John et 5434025 L’nlght TAKt PART IN THE CRAFT □ VwstVa a taana p la y ar. At a dynamic place H keliS Steel, guiding and (11-31 (114» CENTER CHRISTMAS SALE. moth«Ung others b ikely to be an impoftant part of your career in Applications are rww being ac- oaptad in tha Craft Canter for the Dec. 3 4 4 aala. Daadllna la ISRAfi. 1400 LONDON 8254 Nov. 10. Today u s Steel b a whole lot more Atoney b good. Fringe b en ete are SANDY UM A1500TOKYO $435 TEE 511 ______(11-10» than4he nation's largest steelmaker. Pleeae cell the « thet N. La Cterteoa No. 216 LA. 'i NberaL And you can take advantage of Do you fasi I Iks a rod rip* W ete In cheminis. with annual LOVES YOU *M E* 90048 (213» 8544537 a variety of continuing personal-devel­ (11-31 tomato longing to be a lean str­ sales o f OMTII bHioa We're in resource opment programs-iTKluding tuition ing bean? Lattuoa at tha Nutrt- Cen’t Sey It To Thok Fece? tlon Education turnip your dew topm eri ready to nl industry's refund. Meke your leeHnoo krtown In For any typing needa, call Suele eating habite. Open 92 pm daily growing needs for coat iron ore. ura- Vbft your placement office and the pereonele column o( tho at tha Health Cantar. No charge Muatang Dolly CteMldedo. for feat ootvioe 4 roaaortabte nium and other vitai nrtateriab. We build check out the openings our representa­ rateo. 538-7806 Make appointment at dock. complex structures a l over the country. tive plans to dbcuss. But donl worry if (11-a (14) (114) We offer engineering services an over what interests you most happens not the world.that's ter from a t to be on the KsL Just write us with ’ ANNOUNCINQ ' . Join us, and you're immediately a your quaMflcations: Dave Bates, College 19B1-1982 fulrfledged merrtoer of our manage­ Relations. U S Steei 600 Grant St. ment team. Your oppoiturUty for Pittsburgh PA 15230. An equal advoTKement b as bright as you are. opportunity employer. RESIDENCE Meet the U S Steel representaUve United States Steel on campus: HALLS . Thurs., Nov. 19 ikaMW«««

HOuaNQ on u m oiiT Division cf student jfHoirs CAL POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO SECURITY PACIFIC BANK WILL BE ON CAMPUS NOVEMBER 9 . . . to discuss the many channels students of all mafors can take in establishing a business-related career with one of the nabon's PGandE largest arrd most profitable financial institutions. ENERGY CCWSERVATION A 9ecurMy FaoMc representative will be on hand to answe' ail the questions you may have. Check with your Placerrtent Office for "if Over $2,000 In prizes sign-up information and further details on our November 9 visit. We invite all those unable to attend to forward resume to: ^ Speclel Events/Activltles COLLEGE RELATIONS ^ Six (6) Months Long P.O. Box 2097 Ttm ilngl Annox i f Starts NOVEMBER 1st Lot Anpilii, CA 90061

ie curtty PacNte Bank Fully Supports i f Open to North Mountain, South Mountain, Vosemlte Equal Opportunity Employment and Sierra Madre realdents. 4 $


Spon$ond by (fra PO and C Campus Rapa, SaiibtaCllfton and Joa Barton, In eooparatfon w/ffr (fra Cai Roly Houalng Dapartmant Fot Mora Into: Cali tha C a m pu a R a ^a t 544-522$ or talXto your halUtowar Vico Praaldant Opinion! » Are you fistening? American ferégn policy in the Mídcáist: We await your reappnse, Mr. Présidant. It’s bem two weeks since the signatures of 1.1 million Americans were A fyolicÿ borely Wh/e . . . iweeented to the White House, demanding the removal o t In ­ terior Secretary James G. W att from office. W e can only h < ^ the ¡wesident is listening, for Watt could Oje can rebuild /t. We have the do a lot of damage and q>oU vast stretches of AmeHcan wilderness during his time in Washington. He must be stop­ technology. Wc have the m o r^ . ped now. We can buu better ihends; better, Watt is a man still omvinoed that energy and economic stronger, rv>ore stable... ccmcwms are more im portant to Am ericans than their future quality of life. He is cleariy in the wrong job at the wrong time. . The actual duty of the Interior Department is to act as a caretaker of public resources and fingile wilderness lands for ‘ the use and enjo 3rment of future generations. Unfortunately, Watt runs his department as th ou ^ there is no tomorrow. - Since taking office in January he has set out to turn back a decade’s worth of gains in environmental protection an^ con­ servation made by the federal government. W att has insisted on opening up offshcne

TO M JOHNSON, £i$ior E d to r. money to the A S I? Sure, the eanate Mustang Daily A fter talking to the A S I Senate regar­ could have ovar-budgeted a fow hunched PubHtkiT WmECMMOU^Mane^EJitor ding tbs budget excess, soma quasthma dollars for each dub and activity—Bik a CYWTWA BAKMIATT, Editorial Atsistam still remain in my mind. Tbs reason total of $97,000? D A V n > B H A C X r a Y , Edoanat Assiaam given by the A S I for the 897,000 axcaaa ^ Why did Wf need the fee increase DAVB> M DDUCASIP, M m s was that they had"ovsrbndgstad" and when we have an excess which amounts TOM O O M LO M , jjp v u B A w r do bs had retumad money: this axcaaa to $8 par atudant? The budget, o f L. JOANN SeREM ET. Gkwo/Aimigw being a “ windfan," onoa-in-a-lifotinM oc- course, is a guessing game—but wfaat is PAULA DitAZEX, AAsrookr Mssqpr curranca. the excuse for the increase now? M IK B D A W S O N , CmsiisniM Don’t UM my money for your apedal Thaas answers are plauaibla until one intareet groups; if I was intaraatad in an thinks back and remembers wfaat the activity, I would pay for it myself. PmadmcsmtmtyVmmmiyOMfldtSymmm A S I said last year about tba budget: no S i Sm if aS R w apaaB ëS M R S Majrbe a recall of the fee IncraaM la in S a w a Ri Sna ifRt Jan^aOâaMB Rr «aihlaBia. ■HAk TXAVB, GbwWiUaaww funds and thns, dubs and aw icaa order, or maybe a refund. In any T A M M T t A a « , wouldbacut. CATHY KUriDBLL./taz Mgr^ifmsmgOfaadmm ra^MCts, it appears that our student WARSBfBBED.ASZ Mgr, WaOpmmmm If tbara really was a lack of funds «bd govanmMBt is as financially rasponaibla a M a -, - a P A T M eOSUeS, Am Afrr, **FiMr/^e*«aea dnbs Mere andangarad o l loaiog mon^y, as "real” govwnmsnt. why did soBM organlsatibns return lahaO.H.Lam