North Carolina 911 Board Meeting MINUTES Banner Elk Room 3514 Bush Street, Raleigh, NC October 20, 2017 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
North Carolina 911 Board Meeting MINUTES Banner Elk Room 3514 Bush Street, Raleigh, NC October 20, 2017 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Members Present Staff Present Guests David Bone (NCACC) Martin County Richard Bradford (DOJ) Jeryl Anderson, OCES Secretary Eric Boyette (NC CIO) Board Chair Tina Bone (DIT) Randy Beaman, CCES Heather Campbell (CMRS) Sprint Ronnie Cashwell (DIT) Rachel Bello, Wake Co Eric Cramer (LEC) Wilkes Communication Danette Jernigan (DIT) Maureen Connolly, MPD Chuck Greene (LEC) AT&T Marsha Tapler (DIT) Susan Davis, MPD Len Hagaman (Sheriff) Watauga County Richard Taylor (DIT) Mary Gainey, RCES Greg Hauser (NCSFA) Charlotte Fire Department Pokey Harris, RWECC Jeff Ledford (NCACP) City of Shelby PD (WebEx Jeff Holshouser, ADSC and phone) Mike Reitz (APCO) Chatham Co 911 (pending) Tim McCurry, AT&T Jeff Shipp (LEC) Star Telephone Dominick Nutter, RWECC Jimmy Stewart (NCAREMS) Hoke Co 911 Phil Penny, MCP Slayton Stewart (CMRS) Carolina West Wireless David Poston, CMPD Amy Ward (LEC) CenturyLink (WebEx and phone) Lisa Reid, Fayetteville 911 Donna Wright (NENA) Richmond Co Emergency Jean-Claude Rizk, AT&T Services Brian Smith, AT&T Calvin Smith, RCES Members Absent Staff Absent WebEx Guests Andrew Grant (NCLM) Town of Cornelius Ron Adams, Southern Software John Moore (VoIP) Spectrum Communications Von Beals, Motorola Niraj Patel (CMRS) Verizon Joshua Briggs, AT&T Lee Canipe, Frontier Brian Drum, Catawba Co 911 Greg Ellenberg, AT&T Jim Lockard, Federal Engineering Melanie Neal, Guilford Metro 911 Candy Strezinski, Iredell Co Corrine Walser, MEDIC Call to Order—Noting how suddenly the room became quiet as soon as everyone perceived he was planning to call the meeting to order, Chairman Boyette reminisced how this silence had immediately reminded him of when he was in elementary school, where a traffic signal had been placed in the cafeteria, and as the noise in the room increased it went from green to yellow to red, at which point everybody had to be quiet.
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