HISTORY of ACTIVISM INSPIRES DISABILITY ADVOCACY Disability Rights Movement Influences Student Efforts at UC Berkeley
A&E CHECK OUT OUR INTERVIEW WITH POET JERUSHA MATHER PAGE 4 Independent Student Press Since 1971 BERKELEY’S NEWSPAPER SINCE 1871 BERKELEY, CA • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2020 AWARD-WINNING NEWSPAPER COMMUNITIES HISTORY OF ACTIVISM INSPIRES DISABILITY ADVOCACY Disability rights movement influences student efforts at UC Berkeley EMILY BI | SENIOR STAFF BY KATE FINMAN | SENIOR STAFF students then formed the Roll- Memorial Hospital to Unit 2, really more about being the an- KFINMAN@DAILYCAL.ORG ing Quads, an advocacy group in part to reduce the stigma tagonist, poking the bear and for students with disabilities. In against the students, according changing the system,” James the 1970s, he helped found the to the website of the current said. “It was the Civil Rights C Berkeley is known inspire students working in dis- Physically Disabled Students’ Disabled Students’ Program. Movement; people were pro- as the home of the ability rights today: He initially Program, or PDSP, and a resi- In 1982, PDSP was also re- testing a lot of things.” U disability rights struggled to find housing that dence program with a staff of named the “Disabled Students’ Eventually, TheCIL ex- movement due to a rich his- could fulfill his needs. attendants was founded to help Program,” as it is known today, panded from a student group tory of student activism and “We almost gave up because the students with independent to include students with learn- to a community organization. advocacy. of that,” Roberts said in an epi- living in the hospital. ing and mental disabilities. One of its main early actions, This history largely began sode of “The Berkeley Remix” “Berkeley was the antago- In 1972, Roberts, with UC according to James, was par- in 1962 when Ed Roberts, who podcast.
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