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Lakshmi Viswanathan CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC of the soul to the Highest. It needs the sential feature of ’s art is that it is same devotion, the same great flights A leap year child, founded on a spiritual outlook,” she et me begin by paying my of imagination that produces reli­ Rukmini Devi said. She often emphasised that “ homage to the founder of gious feeling. Added to these are the spirituality” was above religion. “In Kalakshetra, Rukmini De­ creative spirit which, blossoming out Arundale was also a India there is no religion apart from vi Arundale. I knew her, of the artist produces great works of non­political activist our daily lives.” interacted with her, and art. Think of some of the great tem­ in my own modest way, ples and the bronze images of South and a woman known Path-breaking experiments Lhelped her with some of her thought­ India. These were not made by so­ for her refined Such clear thinking moulded her ful ventures like the Kalakshetra Jour- phisticated people… they may not vision for dance and thus was born nal. I admired her as a leader of In­ even be able to speak to us about ab­ aesthetic sense the institution Kalakshetra. She was dian culture, a thinker and a creative stract philosophy… nevertheless they the first to understand the value of a artiste. She knew that the arts have to were the people who created master­ school for dance. And she gathered be homogeneously allied to bring out pieces. Such art helped people to ap­ around her not only the expert teach­ the best in human endeavour. To me preciate reality.” ers of dance, but also the great musi­ she exemplified what the Vishnud­ As an active Theosophist, Rukmini cians and scholars of her time who harmottara Purana states — all the Devi had travelled widely. She ab­ could compose the music and select arts are connected, and to be a good sorbed ideas, and was inspired to the lyrics for her path­breaking expe­ artiste you need to have a sound create her own artistic works. In a riment — the adaptation of Valmiki knowledge of all the arts. : telling remark she said: “The people for dance dramas. This Rukmini Devi lived her artistic life who are most ignorant of Indian cul­ was her most important contribution holding a candle up to this credo. She ture, I am sorry to say, are Indians. to dance and one which brought had a keen sense of observation and This sounds very strange but it is a about the blossoming of all her crea­ understood the arts of India with fact. Abroad many people study our tive energy. What indeed did this amazing sensitivity. She observed: culture. If we really believe in our cul­ venture showcase? The Ramayana “We do not know how to create con­ ture and its value both in national series composed by her over several sciously the beautiful things we once and individual lives we have to make decades helped her to visualise poe­ created unconsciously. The simple every effort to understand not only try as dance, make it dramatic, me­ potter keeps on making beautiful the exterior form of that culture but lodic and musically vibrant, and vi­ pots. The weaver knows colours and sually appealing. if you ask him to make something Daring to innovate, she took ideas modern he will do something ugly. Rukmini Devi from the old Bhagavatamela dance­ But if you leave him to do his ordin­ dramas, and vested them with her ary way, he will make something ( 29 Feb. 1904-24 Feb.1986) own choreographic ideas. Boldly she beautiful unconsciously.” introduced Kathakali techniques for She felt that we complicate things male characters such as Ravana and and lose simplicity. The creation of Hanuman. Her wide travels to far­ beauty was part of everyday life. And eastern countries inspired her stage the spiritual background which is Visionary craft. Her innate good taste guided simplicity, she felt, had that high as­ her designs in costume and accesso­ piration, a deep love of an ideal, a ries. Till today people flock to see the goal and an unconscious but intelli­ Kalakshetra Ramayana shows as well gent impulse to express it in our eve­ as other dance­dramas enjoying the ryday lives. She believed that the old­world charm, the melodies com­ creation of beauty was as much a posed by the stalwarts, including My­ spiritual expression as worship in a sore Vasudevachar, his grandson Raj­ temple. She believed that the arts aram, and others. help in the development of all as­ For her, purana in her creative pects of life. The presentation of work was a tool to express inner self. beauty through dance, music, paint­ artiste “We cannot dance the dance of ing, sculpture, etc., which are chan­ Krishna unless we believe in Sri nels of that beauty, and channels of the spirit that gave birth to that Krishna, unless at least for the time spiritual thought stimulate the minds form.” Various facets Of the iconic being, we become one with Krishna. and emotions of people. She wrote: She believed that discernment and dancer-choreographer-guru If we do not believe in Him what is “Right emotion is the essence of evo­ discrimination in matters of beauty Rukmini Devi and Koothambalam the use of dressing up and dancing. lution. It is a very dangerous thing to should be welcomed. Democracy auditorium in Kalakshetra * PHOTOS: The outward form should be a visible ARCHIVES be brilliant or clever without know­ says anybody can be an artiste. But sign of the inward grace.” ing how to use imagination without democracy does not insist that every­ Rukmini Devi was the first Chair­ knowing how to control emotion, for body should be perceived as a good propriated the dance from the hered­ person (1962) of The no matter how clever a man is, he artiste. Rukmini Devi observed in a itary dance community. She voiced Board of India. When asked how she still remains primarily a creature of lecture that twenty people voting de­ her observations clearly: “The art ve­ became an activist, she said, “I was emotion. Therefore it is necessary mocratically about the quality of a ry nearly died as it had become a standing one day on a railway plat­ that the emotions become stimulated work of art is not the right way. “We means for remembering the body form, waiting for my train when I felt in the right way. There needs to be a should know how many among the rather than of forgetting it. Yet those my sari being tugged by someone. I fine tuning to see and hear the great twenty are sensitive and knowledgea­ whom the world denounced as hav­ turned around and it was no ‘some­ and the true. This can be done only ble about good art.” ing become corrupt gave themselves one’ but a monkey, a caged monkey, through one channel — by attuning She proved time and again that her modern world, but in order to give where teachers and the taught lived up with devotion and sincerity to the pulling at my sari to ask me to help it ourselves to beauty, to greatness.” roots were firmly planted in India, great gifts we must have a true ideal together in harmony. She eventually art they loved. The art was their very get out of that trap... I felt that the and in fact she never veered away of great refinement, a refinement of built a Kerala style theatre for perfor­ life and they worked and sacrificed monkey had given me a task, a Art as life from a lifestyle which was typically the mind, of the soul…” mances, giving credence to the aes­ their bodies for perfecting the art.” mission.” It is not surprising that Rukmini Devi South Indian, which included a strict To quote her again: We should thetics of traditional theatre. In­ The fact remains that a deep love Rukmini Devi declined the posi­ pioneered the Renaissance of Art in vegetarian diet, a passion for Carnat­ never say that a thing is not modern. house artistes and craftsmen gave for dance inspired her to go to its tion of being the , modern India. To make her ideal ic music (a trained singer herself), a The very word MODERN is not In­ the finishing touches to not only the roots and study it with diligence with when it was offered by Prime Minis­ work, she started an institution of taste for authentic handwoven Kan­ dian. It is an English word, express­ décor and ambience of the whole gurus at a time when crucial changes ter . She was nominated learning where art dominated the chipuram silk saris, which became ing an un­Indian spirit. Our word is campus but also executed, under her were taking place in our society with for two terms to the , core of education. She said : “We may her fashion statement, and hand­ ETERNITY not modernism. watchful eye, costumes and accesso­ regard to temple dancers. where she mustered support for one say Art does not matter, it is religion, crafted temple jewellery. It is not sur­ Conceiving her design for living ries which brought out a visual treat. “Whenever there is a decay in ci­ of her causes — the Animal Welfare it is spirituality that matters. Any bo­ prising that for decades she was an with the arts, Rukmini Devi had a Stage craft in her hands became an vilisation we also see a degradation of Board. dy who thinks so is absolutely wrong, active votary of . clear perspective. The old campus of example of visual beauty. the arts as we see in our country to­ Young readers will be enthused to because Art is not something apart She said: “India must be an exam­ Kalakshetra was modelled on our ru­ Often Rukmini Devi is described as day… We have to make every effort to know that in 2016 Google honoured from life. Just as religion is not merely ple to the whole world. Today we are ral architecture, with thatched roof the one who saved the art of Bharata­ understand not only the exterior her on her 112th birthday with a doo­ a temple, a mosque or a church, Art trying to be a bad copy of the West. spaces for classes, sylvan surround­ natyam dance from extinction. Some form of that Culture but the spirit dle, and repeated it the following is not mere show but the aspiration We have so much we can give the ings, and a Gurukulam atmosphere scholars also like to think that she ap­ that gave birth to the form. The es­ year for International Women’s Day. ‘He could not have been a rude man’

So said R.K. Shriramkumar about Mani , whose music reflected his personality Shriramkumar. Recounting some telling sarvalaghu phrases common to Mani Mihir Balantrapu CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Iyer’s style, the accomplished violinist ad­ mitted how challenging he would have or three hours last Sunday, P.S. been to accompany, in a nod to T. Chow­ Higher Secondary School’s Viveka­ diah’s brilliance. Fnanda Hall was overflowing. Its 80­ seat capacity proved at least 30 too few Real gifts as rasikas squeezed into any nook avail­ When Shriramkumar, himself an example able — on the window sill, around the of humility in excellence, speaks passion­ dais, under door jambs — to drink from ately about the importance of musical in­ the inexhaustible chalice that is Madurai tegrity and points to Mani Iyer as its para­ Mani Iyer’s oeuvre. gon, you prime yourself to observe Madurai Mani Iyer, a prodigious ta­ closely in the listening session that lent, hailed from an illustriously musical ensues. family, publicly performed at the preco­ Be it ‘Tatvam Ariya Taramaa’ in Rithi­ cious age of 12 and reigned thereafter. gowla, ‘Manasu Nilpa’ in Abhogi, or ‘Dur­ But his music wasn’t just a product of maargachara’ in Ranjani, the vintage 78­ heritage. He seems to have possessed RPM recordings, collated and preserved the ability to deliver his music with an meticulously by dedicated rasikas, are ear to the ground, the singular quality real gifts for us in the YouTube age. that makes artiste connect with rasika “Madurai Mani Iyer is a standing exam­ and thereby ‘transport.’ ple for the adage ‘ Sruthi­mata, Layah­pi- The Madurai Mani Iyer Rasikas Asso­ ta,’” asserted Shriramkumar, addressing ciation gathers every so often in Myla­ the misconception that va­ pore, Chennai, to keep the Ganakaladh- with an aim to rekindle and re­enliven lues pedantic correctness more than me­ ara’s legacy alive and fresh. In their the past master’s music through criti­ lodiousness. He challenged the audience special listening sessions, they DJ old cal and contextual analysis. And this to pinpoint a single instance of off­key high­quality recordings of the doyen Notes from the past Madurai Mani Iyer performing a kutcheri and R.K. Shriramkumar at the event time around too, the playlist was a gift singing in any MMI rendering. that kept on giving. Mani Iyer is known to have eschewed The “people’s and pundit’s musi­ negativity in his repertoire. Shriramku­ READ INSIDE cian” that he was, the session show­ mar went further to assert that he had an cased his mastery over both ‘arith­ intrinsic capacity for happiness: “You can The Ustad recalls his Manimantapam for Seshadri BTS’ new album traces metic’ and ‘aesthetic’. Ultimately, his decipher his (soft and kind­hearted) per­ Kalakshetra link P2 Swamigal at Vazhur P3 their journey P4 intent was bliss, or ‘ aanandam,’ sonality from the music,” adding that “he pointed out chief guest Vidwan R.K. could not have been a rude man.”


CHENNAI 2 FRIDAYREVIEW FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2020 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE U Shrinivas tribute show A bond nurtured under the child prodigy, mandolin U Shrinivas rose to become Aan accomplished classical musician and an ensemble ar­ tiste. He won over music­lovers across the world with traditional banyan tree kutcheris and collaborative shows. SIOWM (Srinivas Institute of Ustad Amjad Ali Khan and sons Amaan and Ayaan Ali Khan revisited the Kalakshetra’s campus World Music), a Trust started by the late Shrinivas along with SS to pay tribute to Rukmini Devi Arundale International Live, is celebrating the birth anniversary of the man­ Lavanya Narayanan CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC dolin maestro on February 28 with a tribute show that will fea­ Sudha Raghunathan, Hindustani arod maestro Ustad Am­ ture distinguished artistes, many flautist Rakesh Chaurasia, film jad Ali Khan first spot­ of whom had collaborated with music director Devi Sriprasad, ted wife and Bharatana­ Shrinivas. mandolin artiste U Rajesh, Har­ tyam artiste On the ocassion, the Trust will meet Mansetta on the keyboard, Subhalakshmi Barooah felicitate senior Carnatic vocalist pianist Anil Srinivasan, drum­ pSerforming in Kolkata, but his Sudha Raghunathan and re­ mers Greg Ellis, Steven Samuel romance with the art of Bharata­ nowned sufi and playback singer Devassy and Krishna Kisore, gha­ natyam began much earlier, a Kailash Kher. tam artiste Giridhar Udupa, bas­ tale that hardly anyone knows. The non­ticketed show will be sist Aalap Raju and tabla player “Rukmini Devi Arundale was held at The Music Academy (6.45 Praveen Narayan will perform in my wife’s guru, but our associa­ p.m. to 9 p.m.). Kailash Kher, memory of Shrinivas. tion far precedes that. Her brother actually used to learn vocal music from my father in our hometown, Gwalior!” he Tharangam festival says. As Khan continued to court he 274th Subhalakshmi, tracking perfor­ Aradhana of mance to performance in the TThirupoon­ hope of marrying her one day, thuruthi Narayana his association with Rukmini De­ Tirtha starts on vi grew. Her spirit and unilateral March 1 at his sa­ passion for her art spoke to him, madhi in Thiru­ transforming Kalakshetra from poonthuruthi. The his wife’s home into his very Aradhana Commit­ Unchavriti during the Aradhana at own. tee has organised a Almost 25 years after their last Tharangam festival Thirupoonthuruthy. * PHOTO: FILE visit to the campus, the family to mark the occa­ musical discourse of Thanjavur was back recently to perform on sion. The three­day festival, the Srinivasa Sarma. The next two the familiar stage to pay tribute Committee’s 56th, opens with Ti­ days artistes will render Tharan­ to whom Khan calls “a consum­ rumurai recital by K.P. Nallasivam gams. Unchavriti at 8 a.m., group mate artiste.” of Thanjavur Tamil University at renditions of the hymns will take It’s a stage that sons Amaan 3.30 p.m. on Sunday followed by place on March 3, Anjaneya Utsa­ and Ayaan, who joined their Sound affair Ustad Amjad Ali Khan with sons Amaan and Ayaan J.A. Jayanth’s flute concert and vam bringing the curtain down. father in this presentation, re­ (Below) with wife Subhalakshmi * PHOTOS: THE HINDU ARCHIVES member well, for a multitude of reasons. And yet, they say this Ask Khan, for instance, about his your Arabic shlokas. I laughed in show was “one of a kind.” fondest memories of Chennai, response and replied, ‘there is Dance for a cause “My mother, who often does and he waxes eloquent about no need. I can feel your bless­ not travel with us for perfor­ the prowess of contemporaries ings already,” he recounts with a ach time it has been eminent artistes. Recording mances, is here with us. After and collaborators like the late smile. destroyed in bombing, was done by Chennai­based Sai all, Kalakshetra was her home and M.S. Go­ After seven decades of tours, EThiruketheeswaram Shravanam. Dancers from for 15 years and the final perfor­ palakrishnan, as well as the geni­ workshops, residencies, perfor­ temple in Mannar, Sri Lanka, and Chennai will be mance of her career was on this us of legendary artistes that mances, and over 20 self­com­ has risen like the proverbial performing along with Sri very stage in 1985,” says Ayaan came before them. posed ragas, the sarod exponent phoenix. Abhinayakshetra Lankan artistes at the premier during a conversation before the is now on a new mission, hoping Dance School of Thivya Sujen, show, to be held on March 1 at performance. Music beyond divides to bring the world together artiste, has New Kathiresan Hall, Colombo. They call it ‘the happiest of “I have never thought of myself through the power of seven, sim­ produced The aim of this production is to fates,’ as Subhalakshmi sits with as a Hindustani musician, simply ple notes. ‘Thidamaavuraiginraan raise funds to restore the Kethu her grandchildren, watching her because, I belong to every God, “Our new project, Strings for Thiruketheecharathan,’ a temple. Thivya Sujen’s earlier two worlds merge. And while every religion, and every aspect Peace, is a sarod and guitar col­ dance­drama on the iconic production was ‘Sai Nathane she no longer takes the stage artist after all,” he adds simply. understanding, passed on to his of sound across all waters,” says laboration with guitarist Sharon temple, music for which has Varuga Varuga,’ in aid of a herself, it’s the music of her fa­ And in the case of the Ustad sons, that the audience func­ the maestro. Isbin. It strives to preserve the been composed by Rajkumar Shirdi Baba temple in mily, Amaan says, she performs and his sons, the artistry and the tions as a messenger of the di­ And there is another burst of essence of Indian and Western Bharati, voices lent by many Avissawella, Sri Lanka. through. “An artiste is always an inspiration evolves from Subha­ vine, conveying God’s apprecia­ nostalgia as he shares his most traditions so they can flow seam­ lakshmi, as well as lessons tion and approval of one’s art lasting memory of Rukmini Devi lessly into each other without ar­ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB learned over decades of prac­ through their love and sustained and the bond they shared. tistic compromise ,” informs Twin celebration at Marudhur For the Ustad, the tice, performance, and artistic support. “She was generous enough to Ayaan. The project is one of ma­ Kalakshetra evolution. “Talent with humility is what host our wedding reception, ny upcoming ventures that the he Mahakumbabishekam of Meenakshi Sundareswarar performance was Speak to the three musicians sustains us. We are here because Subhalakshmi’s and mine, un­ trio is working on. temple (8.45 a.m. ­10.28 a.m.) and Lakshmi Narayana and the nuggets of wisdom are of the love of our audience and it der Kalakshetra’s famous ba­ “You see, people get caught TPerumal temple (7.45 a.m.­8.30 a.m.), in Marudhur near a homecoming of sorts, endless. For instance, the vete­ has allowed us to flourish,” says nyan tree. It was a spiritual re­ up in the grammar, the techni­ Kulithalai, Karur district, will be held on March 5. Rituals at both since he has fond ran musician is often quoted say­ Amaan. ception of blessings, with calities of it all. You have let your the temples preceding the consecration will begin from March 3 memories of ing: “As an artiste, it is not your A product, no doubt, of the students chanting Sanskrit shlo­ craft metamorphise into the with Mahaganapathy homam. Sri Meenakshi Sundareswarar will job to be the best, but to be the multiple global audiences that kas. After the chanting, Rukmini poetry that it is destined to be,” be taken out in a procession on March 5, 5 p.m. Tirukalyanam will the institution and most­loved.” the family has cultivated over de­ Devi turned to me and said, ‘if Ustad Amjad Ali Khan con­ take place at the Lakshmi Narayana perumal temple, on March 5, 5 Rukmini Devi There’s also his rather unique cades of propagating the sarod. you wish, you can now chant cludes. p.m. Bharati Award to scholars Flavour of Sikh devotion

Dr. Alankar Singh sang gurbani to the lilting accompaniment of rabab


n Saturday last, Viswa kala Sangama presented a Oteam of promising artistes at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Chennai. Pt. Janardhan Mitta, disciple of Pt. , set the tone with a prayer song. The concert began with the soothing strains of raag Puriyad­ hanashri on dilruba. Sandeep Singh, disciple of Ustad Dilshad Khan, nephew of the renowned Three Bharati scholars — T.N. Ramachandran, Sarada Nambi Arooran and V. Sivasankaran — were Ustad Sultan Khan of Sikar Gha­ honoured at the 138th birth anniversary of poet Subramanya Bharati, hosted by Sriram Bharati rana of Jodhpur is a much sought Kalai Ilakkiya Kazhagam of Shriram Group in Chennai recently. The Group has been conducting after artiste from Jalandhar. Soothing strains Dr. Alankar the event for the past 34 years, the venue being Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai. Eminent Tamil He performs both solo and in Singh. (Left) Sandeep Singh the company of Dr. Alankar scholars, including ‘Avvai’ Natarajan, were on the dais to speak on Bharati and felicitate the * PHOTOS: THE HINDU ARCHIVES & awardees, who in turn spoke about their views on the legendary Tamil poet. A book titled, Singh, artiste of the evening. K.V. SRINIVASAN Both have presented recitals at Naalum Niniavom Bharathiyar 366, penned by ‘Avvai’ Arul, director of Translations, Government prestigious musical gatherings, saadi peed n jaani, jaani pausi­ of , was released on the occasion. Well­known orator Raja and R. Nataraj, former IPS including the Hariballabh and yan panwa kaak udawa” in teen officer and MLA, were among the special guests. Tansen festivals. taal, presented a vivid imagery of Sandeep Singh is the recipient the crow announcing the arrival of the Ustad Latif Khan Award of the lover as his beloved draws from Ustad Alauddin Khan San­ lines on the wall starting a count­ Title for senior dancer geet Academy, Bhopal. Dr. Alan­ down. Finally came “Man japoh kar Singh is an Assistant Profes­ ” — the much­awaited At a cultural event organised sor of Hindustani classical Music gurbani composition of Guru Ar­ on Mahasivaratri by in Punjabi University, Patiala. He jun Dev (fifth) in raag Kanhada in Naadhabrahmam United Gyan is a disciple of the late Prof. Tara Pad taal. The last shabd — ‘Mehr­ Academi, New Delhi, veteran Singh, Madhurima Kishore and baan, Sahib mera mehrbaan’ — dancer­guru Saroja Pt. Ganesh Prasad Sharma, a dis­ in Bhairavi was a request of Pt. Vaidyanathan was honoured ciple of Ustad Wajid Hussain Janardhan. with the ‘Nrithya Kovidha’ Khan of Rampur Sahaswan Gha­ elaborate alap, which show­ musicians, he presented a com­ The gurbani shabds were sung title. rana. Dr. Alankar Singh, inciden­ cased the beautiful nuances of position in vilambit ektaal, “Jab to the accompaniment of rabab N. Sivasailam, IAS, Special tally, is the recipient of the Ustad the raga, Sandeep Singh set out hee ghar aave,” followed by two by Ravinder Singh. Rabab is as­ Secretary (Logistics), Ministry Yuva Puraskar to play gat, jod and jhala in the compositions in dhrut of Pt. Ga­ sociated with the Sikh sacred of Commerce, Government of Award for gurbani singing. tantrakari style. Alankar Singh’s nesh Sharma — “Aayo re man­ music and can be traced to Guru India, presented the award. gayaki was laced with sargams meet’ and “Eri aali aaj piyarwa’ Nanak Devji’s bhajans, almost With them are N. Subramanian Sargams and bols and bol­bants and bol­taans. to the accompaniment of 500 years ago. Tabla for this part of Naadhabrahmam, and R. Accompanying Alankar on the Executing meends in the me­ dilruba. of the concert was played by Har­ Mukuntan, secretary, All India tabla in the concert on Saturday lodic rendition of different raags, A Punjabi composition in manjeet Singh, a disciple of Mad­ Tamil Sangam. was D. Chandrajith, disciple of beginning with Shud Kalyan, a Raag Nand, also known as Anan­ huresh Bhatt of Benares Pt. Abhijit Banerjee. After an favourite of Patiala Gharana di Kalyani, followed. “Toon tan Gharana.



The Right Chord This temple tank seldom dries up Driven by the ganjira’s The perennial pond and the Vaidyalingeswara Swamy shrine in Thirukattur are special for many reasons sound

T.R. Sudha B. Shree Sundarkumar on why he chose to pursue CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC the instrument he setting sun streaks the sky Lakshmi Anand as the hour­long drive along CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC the Chennai­OMR leads to Gu­ duvancherry, via Thiruporur. Ganjira artiste B Shree Sundarkumar articulates his views as resoundingly as he The road, fairly good, mean­ plays the instrument. He strongly believes dTers through remote villages with lush that all artistes are equal on stage, paddy fields and barren and agricultural regardless of vocal or instrument, age or lands, some of which have been turned tenure. into residential layouts. The tower of a His first concert was at age five on the temple comes into sight as one crosses mridangam. His father and first teacher, Dr. the junction at Kaatur village. It is the an­ KBS Mani, put his all into grooming cient Uthira Vaidhyalingeswarar Swami Sundarkumar. A practicing veterinary temple, with a majestic five­tier Rajagop­ doctor, Mani did not take up music professionally. Both Sundarkumar’s sisters, uram. B Lakshmishree and B Vijayashree, are “The temple is 1,200 years old. The vocalists and his maternal uncles are all deity here is a swayambu facing into music — AS Krishnan ­ morsing, AS North and is believed to cure diseases. Ranganathan ­ mridangam, AS Shankar ­ Hence the name Uthira Vaidhyalinges­ ghatam and AS Murali – vocal. At six, he warar,” explains the priest. “The God­ joined Guru Karaikudi Mani for further dess is Thaiyal Nayaki and this temple is instruction in mridangam, along with 2002, he played for veteran flautist N. Ramani. Sundarkumar floored everyone. Angaraka Parihara Sthalam,” he adds. Lord Siva and the result was a pond, Mani’s older students. Sundarkumar soon got opportunities. “Sri Yagnaraman of “Ramani Sir and Srimushnam Raja Rao Sir The sthala vrukshams are neem and which never dries up. It later came to be Krishna Gana Sabha promoted talent, (who played the mridangam) were most palm. The fish icon on the roof of the known as Agathiyar Tirtham. People be­ regardless of age. As a result, I got to play appreciative.” sanctum sanctorum of the Moolavar indi­ lieve that its water has medicinal proper­ with veterans like N. Ramani Sir, Thanjavur Ganjira exponent BS Purushotham says cates Pandya connection. The premises ties. Sathya, a resident of Kaatur, says Venkatesa Iyengar Sir and OS Thiagarajan that Sundarkumar can replicate with one has shrines for Vinayaka, Dakshinamur­ that the tank brims with water even dur­ Sir, even as a child.” hand anything played with two on other thi, Vishnu, Brahma and Chandikeswa­ ing severe summer. But proper mainte­ A concert he attended at The Music percussive instruments, including strokes ra. nance and a compound wall can help Academy in 2001 was a game changer — played on mridangam, thavil, tabla, preserve its sanctity. Trichur Ramachandran with Umayalpuram drums…He draws attention to Sivaraman and G. Harishankar on ganjira. Sundarkumar’s detailed delineation of Created by Agathiyar Devotees from nearby villages earlier He recollects the mridangam maestro sankeerna nadai which “few have tried Legend has it that the sylvan setting and used to come here in large numbers to doing the thani avartanam for a very early exploring.” thick foliage earned the village the name witness festivities on Panguni Uthiram piece in Adi talam one kalai. Sundarkumar Sundarkumar’s Kanjira Man Foundation Kaatur and that Sage Agathiyar chose the and Vaikasi Visakham . But over the wondered how Harishankar could possibly promotes solo concerts of percussion spot for his penance. The village is years, due to negligence, the temple fell translate in one hand what had been done instruments and organised a three­day known for its temple tank that never into a state of disrepair and the conduct with two. “I was just blown away. I could festival last year. “A dedicated event dries up. It is said that to relieve the vil­ of daily rituals and festivals were affect­ not even see Harishankar Sir’s hands.” He celebrating percussion was necessary to lage of an epidemic disease caused due ed too. To revive the lost glory, devotees promptly went to Saptaswara Musicals and promote them and give them their due.” bought a ganjira. “My mother (AS He worked on the movie Sarvam Thaala to dearth of water, Agathiyar prayed to formed the Thaiyalnayaki Udanurai Vijayalakshmi) scolded me for wasting Mayam by Rajiv Menon with music by AR money when we already had mridangams Rahman. He has collaborated on several Arulmigu Uthira Vaidhyalingeswarar at home.” fusion projects including with drummer Swamy Trust. Renovation work, in two Ranjit Barot, playback singer Kailash Kher phases, was undertaken and consecra­ Rigorous practice sessions on MTV Unplugged, lyricist and singer Amit tion was performed in 2004. The Trust He spent hours practicing, playing Trivedi on Coke Studio, L. Shanker, late has plans to construct the temple chariot alongside recordings, listening, observing fusion violinist Balabhaskar, drummer for which donation is solicited (call Harishankar and translating his mridangam Sivamani, and more. Guitarist Darryl skills on to the ganjira. “I learned to Dobson and he released a Jazz CD in the 94448 78797/ 94457 36549). U.S. titled Ninth Wave. Sundarkumar had A couple of years ago, the Kanchi San­ produce a full and complete effect on the ganjira with far fewer available tones,” also formed a fusion band called MAyA kara Math took the initiative to establish says Sundarkumar. In six months, he with veena artiste Rajhesh Vaidhya, a ‘gosala’ with 20 cows. Milk from the go­ showcased his skills to Guru Karaikudi drummer Gino Banks and flautist Naveen sala is used for the early morning abhish­ Mani, who told him to switch over to the Kumar. Their first album received the Best ekam of Uthira Lingeswarar Swami. ganjira. Instrumental Fusion Album award at Palm How to reach Says Umayalpuram Sivaraman, Expo in Bombay. Thirukattur is located around 10 km “Sundarkumar modulates the tone of the Shree Sundarkumar feels music should be put at the from the Thiruporur junction on the Illa­ ganjira in different colours. Achieving this dexterity requires sadhaka but appropriate forefront with the artistes lur­Guduvancherry road via Nellikup­ seeing themselves as mere pam and Manapakkam villages. Temple channelisation showcases the artiste’s skill. Sundarkumar possesses this in abundance.” instruments to timing: 5.30­11 a.m. and 4­8 p.m. Buses At a Sadashiva Brahmendar festival in communicate the artform. are available from T. Nagar (519), Tamba­ ram (555), Broadway (102X) and Koyam­ The author is a freelancer, who writes on music and other subjects (From top) The temple tower; Ghosala and Agathiyar Tirtham. * PHOTOS: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT bedu (570X). Memorial to Seshadri Swamigal at Vazhur A Manimantapam is being raised at the birthplace of the seer, who revealed Bhagawan Ramana to the world ancient inscriptions. A kitchen, office room, etc. beautiful tank with steps, The life of Swamigal will be one side of which is named depicted through amana Maharishi, who Kamakoti Padithurai photographs. Taking into shone as a beacon of belongs to the temple. The account the consecration of Renlightenment, made basil plant niche (Tulasi the Mantapam, daily pujas, the final Maadam), which Swamigal’s regular maintenance, destination of souls in quest. mother worshipped has celebration of festivals, etc., Ramanasram continues to been preserved in the the project is estimated at ₹2 draw people thirsting for house, where crores. peace and solace. Those Manimantapam work is on Contributions as cheque who are familiar with the in full swing. may be sent to the Trust life of Bhagawan know of The members of the Trust address: Sri Seshadri Seshadri Swamigal, who firmly believe that they are Swamigal (Vazhur) Trust, revealed the ascetic to the guided by Mahaswami. C/o S. Ravi and Associates, world. Although they were “This was a project started Chartered Accountants apart in terms of age, nine years ago but was (9840110827). Address: No. Swamigal (most senior, b stalled. Mahaswami 2, ‘Kamalini,’ No. 31/16, CIT 1870), Ramana Maharishi (b appeared in the dream of Colony, First Main Road, 1879) and Sri Veeramani, a devotee in the Mylapore, Chennai ­ Chandrasekharendra U.S., and ordained him to go 600004. Contact: Saraswati (b 1894) were to Vazhur and help with the Mahalakshmi Subramaniam contemporaries and had Manimantapam task. (9840053289), Dr. P. Sridhar high regard for each other. Veeramani did not know the (9443543397). Veeramani Seshadri Swamigal was background and it took him (the U.S.): +1 (603)546­5502 ­ born on January 22, 1870, in three months to locate [email protected] In progress Manimantapam under construction, the Tiruvannamalai temple.and Seshadri Swamigal * PHOTOS: THE HINDU ARCHIVES Vazhur, near Vandavasi Vazhur. Things moved fast Details for bank transfer: Sri town in Tiruvannamalai the passing of Varadarajan, Temple, Kambathu himself to be bathed and in which Swamigal lived in after that, he got in touch us Seshadri Swamigal (Vazhur) district. The child was a Seshadri and his mother Ilaiyanar, Pathala Lingam dressed in fine clothes but Chinna and now work is in Trust, State Bank of Idnia, blessing of Goddess moved to Vazhur, where his and Arunachala Yogiswarar fell ill soon after. It is said during 1870­89. progress,” says Vandavasi Branch, Current Kamakshi to Varadarajan grandfather Kamakoti Sastri Mandapam were some of his that for 40 days his human Consecration was done, a Mahalakshmi Subramaniam. Account No: 34411917439. and Maragadam, who were lived. The family moved favourite meditation spots. form suffered the ailment, portrait was installed and The Manimantapam, in IFSC Code: SBIN0001018 childless for many years. back to Kanchipuram, when Curiously Swamigal never deteriorating in the process. the house named ‘Sri which a statue of Seshadri The couple lived in Seshadri was 17. His mother went to the top of On the 41st day, he made his Kamakoti Seshadri Swamigal will be installed, (Compiled by Geetha Kanchipuram. Young died, with the cry of Arunachala although he last visit to the Arunachala Swamigal Nivasam.’ There is will be protected by a Venkataramanan with Seshadri endeared himself ‘Arunachala’ on her lips. would enter the caves in the temple and died within a another temple in Chennai compound wall. The inputs from the Trust and to neighbours and was The seed, perhaps was sown slopes. It was in one of these few days, at the age of 59. A at Madambakkam for the premises will include a Sridhar-Chaama) known for bringing luck. then. slopes that he found young stunned Tiruvannamalai Swami, built by a disciple, Vendors and shopkeepers Well­versed in Vedanta Ramana meditating in town overcame its collective (guruji KVLN) Sharma. The vied with one another to and sastra, Seshadri was Patala Linga cave, oblivious grief to organise a funeral, abode enshrines 18 hand over an item to him guided by a wandering of the anthill that had come which is remembered as siddhars. because the entire stock got mendicant, to go to up around him, insects one of the grandest of its sold within minutes. The Arunachala. He also eating into his body. kind. With Ramana Mahaswami’s guidance child was called ‘the boy initiated 19­year old Swamigal brought the Maharishi joining the Sri Seshadri Swamigal with a golden hand.’ With Seshadri into sanyasa. The emaciated form outside and mammoth procession at (Vazhur) Trust has taken BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB period of 40 years, which declared him as Maharishi. Agni Tirtham, the Mahan’s up the construction of the Swamigal spent in For this reason, Swamigal is mortal remains were Manimantapam at Vazhur, Born in Vazhur Tiruvannamalai, is part of referred to as and interred a short distance a charming village. A and raised in Arunachala lore. Although Ramana as Subramanya. serene hills, Sri Krishna away. The is on Perumal (Sri Kanchipuram, his unpredictable behaviour Apart from Arunachala, played his flute and Siva Chengam Road, now within Sundaravadana) temple, at Seshadri Swamigal and mood swings frightened Swamigal worshipped danced. He spoke highly of Seshadri Ashram. which as a young boy, Sri the people, soon they saw Kamakshi and Rama. In Thirupugazh, calling it Although there never was Seshadri spent long hours, made the yogi in him. Restless in Arunachala, Swamigal saw Mahamantra. He directed a a dearth of awareness and a Sivan temple Tiruvannamalai his spirit, Swamigal never was Liberation. He urged people seeker to Vallimalai, who regarding Seshadri (Brahmapuriswarar­ destination for 40 still. When he sat it was in to visit Tiruvannamalai — became Sri Vallimalai Swamigal, efforts were Kamarasavalli) are located Swastik Asana. Homeless, mere thought of which Adi Tiruppugazh Swamigal. renewed recently to raise a in Vazhur. years, adding to he was seen at several Sankara says grants Mukti — Seshadri Swamigal memorial to him at Vazhur. The Siva temple, is close the aura of the places at the same time. likening the decided to shed his mortal Many years ago, guided by to Swamigal’s ancestral land of Yogis and Draupadi Amman Koil and circumambulation of the hill coil in 1928 and indicated it Mahaswami, Bharanidaran, house. It has been Siddhars Easanyan Mutt, the inner to a visit to Mount Kailash. to devotees in the month of the late author and eulogised by prakaram of Durgai Amman He often said that in the November. He allowed dramatist, traced the house Arunagirinathar and has



Rachel Rhine CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC that shadow and fear inside of us South­African born Australian experience. ‘Jamais Vu’ featur­ hen K­Pop Su­ grew,” said Suga at the press con­ singer Troye Sivan, is not just ing Jungkook, Jin and J­Hope was pergroup BTS ference. The first new track on haunting and gives a nod to part of the last album, but to became a global this album, ‘Interlude: Shadow’ some of Sivan’s earlier works but have included it in this album phenomenon, it is Suga’s solo, where he looks BTS bares its also is a perfect fusion of all the means offering a full package. was widely back on his childhood dream of elements that reflect the BTS of The members also have their Wspeculated that they wouldn’t being a rap artiste and as he now. solos — V’s ‘Inner Child’ is an ode last long. However, the septet grew in fame, his shadow be­ ‘Friends’ is sung by V and Ji­ to his past, Jimin’s ‘Filter’ is Lati­ has proved the sceptics wrong came bigger, it was harder to min and also marks the latter’s na influenced; it is not just a by continuing to rule the popu­ find himself. MUSICAL SOUL official production debut. It trac­ lovely song to listen to but also a larity charts. With the release of ‘We Are Bulletproof: The Eter­ es their life together since they great salsa number, Jungkook’s its latest album, looks like the nal’ is my favourite song on the met each other, references little ‘My Time’ is an R&B influenced band is here to stay. ‘Map of the album and speaks of how they personal experiences and over­ track that weaves in the emo­ Soul: 7’ shows the group’s ability were just seven members but The hugely popular K-pop band’s new all is heartwarming as they sing tions he went through as a young to look beyond K­pop with the al­ with their fans they became bul­ album, ‘Map of The Soul: 7’, is a of how they will stay by each oth­ boy who was training for a life in bum being a mix of styles — bal­ letproof, a nod to their name er’s side even after the cheers the limelight and Jin’s ‘Moon’, a lads, rap, electro­disco, Latin, which translates to ‘Bulletproof heartwarming story of their journey fade away and close the song by heartfelt thank you letter to fans progressive and some Disney­es­ Boy Scouts’, no matter what hap­ singing to the other ‘You are my ­ ARMY. The vocal line of BTS, que music. pens they will always be here. soulmate’. ‘Respect’ is the sub­ Jungkook, V, Jin and Jimin also “The emotions in our songs The title track ‘ON’ is a stadi­ unit song that features RM and showcases their abilities on are something that our genera­ um­like anthem. While it is a re­ Suga. When it was first an­ ‘00:00 (Zero O Clock)’ that runs tion and everyone around the versal of their 2013 hit ‘N.O’, the nounced, fans wondered how with the underlying message of world can relate to,” said leader music style and the lyrics are the two with very different music no matter what happens, every RM at the Map of the Soul: 7 glo­ quite different. This track also styles are going to work togeth­ day is a fresh canvas for one to bal press conference that was has a digital version of the song er. This song seems to be a novel paint on, so we shouldn’t dwell streamed live on YouTube. which features vocal power­ on past mistakes. The album, which has a total house Sia. ‘Louder Than In seventh Heaven ‘Intro: Persona’, RM’s solo is of 20 tracks, of which 15 are new Bombs’, which is co­written by The K­pop band another song from their pre­ and five part of the previous al­ Suga, RM and J­Hope alongside during the launch vious album ‘Outro: Ego’, a solo bum ‘Map of the Soul: Persona’, of its latest album by J­Hope is the last track. It is re­ was released on February 21. It is miniscent of the music style that said to be one of their biggest J­Hope showed us in his solo mix­ and most intricate productions, tape ‘Hope World’. since the launch of Connect: BTS By the time you reach the end — a global project that connect­ of the album, you feel like having ed 22 artistes and five cities. had a heart­to­heart talk with the Their latest offering weaves in BTS. Carl Jung’s philosophies and DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD tells the story of the band Hitlist members’ journey along with references to their earlier B I Need You works. B Blood Sweat Tears For me this album ranks be­ low their ‘Wings’ (2016), ‘You B Spring Day Never Walk Alone’ and ‘Most B Dope Beautiful Moment in Life: Young B Forever’. ‘Map of the Soul: 7’ be­ Boy in Luv gins with five of their earlier B N.O tracks and works perfectly to tell B Run the story that the band’s intend­ ed to. B Save Me “We debuted seven years ago; B Butterfly sometimes we were uncertain, and every time that happened B Silver Spoon DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

S.R. Ashok Kumar TUBEWATCH Lights, Camera, Stage ... CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Moon Sai Stage Komal Swaminathan more than 2,500 so on,” he informs. Kaalathai Vendravan In multiple genres in his play times and in more Mohan started his The 103rd birth anniversary of former ‘Poovilangu’ “Swargaboomi.” It so than 100 films. The own troupe, ‘Sai Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu M.G. Ramachandran was celebrated recently Mohan happened that he list of serials is long — Stage,’ the first made his cinema “Thyaga Chudar,” production being in Singapore. A recap of the event will be aired on the channel on March 1. His love for acting has debut through “Paanchali “Kettadhum * Sunday, 7 p.m. taken ‘Povilangu’ Thanneer Thanneer, Sabadham,” Koduppavane.” It was Mohan places in a again a Komal script, “Nadiganin Manaivi,” directed by P.R. Durai. career spanning three directed by K. “Ilakkanam Meeriya Titled “Arjunanukku decades. From small Balachander. Mohan Kavidhai,” “Chithi­1,” Villu Enakku Cellu,” Sathiyam screen to silver and played crucial roles in “,” “Ganga Sai Stage’s next Ivar Yaar stage, Mohan has seen “Pournami” and Oru Yamuna Saraswathi,” venture is a comedy, A glimpse into the life of achievers and leaders who left it all. He considers Kudai Pasam,” KB’s “Marma Dhesam,” written by Ramani an indelible impression in the minds of people. * Saturday, 5.30 p.m. himself lucky to have comeback vehicles. “I “Veettuku Veedu and produced and been introduced by have acted on stage Looty,” “Jannal,” and directed by Mohan.

Pithamagar Shri Purandaradasar” Pudhuyugam Bhakta Meera written and directed by Dr. TKS legacy Rusikkalam Vaanga Gridharan was the troupe’s first From traditional dishes to fast food recipes venture. learn how to cook like a pro. This apart, Sri Annai Creations T.K.S.Nadaka Mandram many interesting health facts about the The crew is visiting places ingredients that we use in daily cooking associated with the saint singer to Bharadwaj Srinivasan TKS.Pugazhendi and useful tips are also shared. absorb the atmosphere. The play * Monday-Friday, 1 p.m. Bharadwaj Srinivasan, founder of is written and directed Srirangam Sri Annai Creations, is preparing T.K.S. Pugazhendhi is Rangamani and music is scored by happy with the success for his next play, ‘Bhakta Meera.’ News 7 Dakshin, grandson of the late V. of his play, “Thamizh Son of veteran comedian Dakshinamurthy Swami. “This play News Karate ‘Manager’ Cheena, Srinivasan, who Selvam.” Son of theatre Spread over four segments, the show brings news from across the globe with a will be inaugurated soon as we are legend T.K. Shanmugam, was an event manager, started the in the process of the finishing the tinge of satire. Pugazhendi grew up * Monday - Friday, 10.30 p.m. troupe when he thought he was script. I am producing the play,” ready to stage plays. “Sangeetha watching doyen at close Cinemax informs Srinivasan. quarters, and doing roles The weekend show brings the maximum information about cinema, audio luanches, from the age of seven for press meets and more. * Saturday and Sunday, 5.30 p.m. TKS Nataka Manram. In “Desabhaktar Chidambaranar,” he played Arumugam, VOC’s son. In Kalki ‘s “Sivagamiyin Vendhar Sabadam,” he was Mamallan. About ‘Thamizh Selvam,’ Pugazhendi says: “The Meiporul Kaanbadhu Arivu interviews of political leaders and target audience was students, of schools and colleges. We presented seven stories representatives and film stars are the from Sangam literature and also drew from Tirukkural, which conveyed the highlights of the show. richness and beauty of Tamil. What next? The world theatre day falls on March * Monday-Friday, 7 p.m. 25 and Pugazhendi is planning to stage his new play, “Ezhisai Mannar MKT,” on Top 50 Super Fast News Tyagaraja Bhagavatar. “Having imbibed the art from my illustrious father, I’ll Get you daily dose of news from across continue his legacy,” he says. the world as the show brings 50 most significant events for the viewers. The topics range from politics, cinema, education, trade and sports. Each news Pudhiya Thalaimurai will span over 20 seconds. Konjam Soru Konjam Varalaru * Daily, 7 a.m. A slice of history with every bite. This IN BRIEF Memorial Trust, when a lecture will be given by Accent on foodie show travels across regions to Justice Prabha Sridevan on ‘Yaadhum Oore Sri Raghavendra find out the most exotic and delicious Vocal recital Yaavarum Kelir.’ Tamil folk arts recipes apart from tracing the history Kartik Fine Arts has organised the vocal Variety of concerts aradhana about the place visited that week. * Saturdays, 11.30 a.m. aradhi Academy will present concerts of Ramya Ramanan (5.30 p.m.) and ● Organised by Madhuradhwani, the following Anjana Thirumalai (7 p.m.) on March 1, at Padam Eppadi Irukku a series of cultural pro­ concerts will be held at Arkay Convention he 16th year ‘Nadhahaara Samar­ Kartik Rajagopal Hall. Centre, Mylapore, on March 1. 4.30 p.m.: Y.G. The daily events in the political arena grammes with focus on Ta­ pana,’ a musical offering to Sri Ra­ S Tribute to Brinda Latha (veena) and 6.15 p.m.: K.N. Renganatha are shared in a film review format in mil Folk art forms, tomorrow, 5 Sharma. Tgavendra will take place on March this segment. p.m., at Infosys Hall, T. Nagar. De­ Gayatri Fine Arts has organised a day-long ● The single mike concert, hosted by 2 at Mantralayam on his Vardhanthi day. * Monday-Friday, 10.30 p.m. va, chairman, Iyal Isai Nataka memorial concert programme dedicated to T. Madhuradhwani, will feature Santosh Special puja and music concerts have Manram, will be the chief guest. Brinda at Arkay Convention Centre. Schedule: Subramanian’s vocal concert on March 4, 6.15 been organised at the shrine of Mancha­ Peppers Prof. Prameela Gurumurthy, Tomorrow, 5.15 p.m.: Tiruvarur Girish; p.m., at Arkay Convention Centre. lamma Devi at Mantralayam. Around 6.45 p.m.: Kiranavali Vidyasankar will deliver a ● Hamsadhwani will feature Aishwarya Vidya Geethai Kaatum Paadhai Vice­Chancellor of The Tamil Na­ 300 musicians will render the Pancha­ speech, ‘The Extraordinary Brindamma’ and Raghunath (vocal) today, 6.15 p.m. Tomorrow’s This morning show is presented by du Dr. Jayalalitha Music and Fine 7.30 p.m.: Vocal concert: Rama Ravi and event includes felicitations to vocalist S. ratna Kritis of Tyagaraja and eminent scholar Venkatesh who will explain the Arts University, will preside over Nanditha Ravi Sowmya followed by her memorial concert as a nagaswaram and thavil artistes will play meanings of each verse from the Gita by the function. Tadepally Loka­ In memory of Somu tribute to Madurai Somu at 6 p.m. March 1, the Mallari for the rathotsavam. Nagas­ comparing them with Tamil Venbas natha Sarma will be the special 6.15 p.m.: Vijayalakshmi Subramaniam. At waram by T.P.J. Selvarathnam and Thi­ which has the same meanings. guest for the evening. The cultu­ Madurai Mani Iyer Rasikas Association, Youth Hostel, Adyar. rukovilamputhur C. Dineshkumar and * Daily, 7.40 a.m. ral programmes for the evening Myalpore, celebrates the centenary of Madurai Consecration on March 1 the thavil concert of T.G. Muthukuma­ include Villupattu by Bharathi Somu tomorrow (March 29) at Ragasudha Hall, raswamy, Koyilur K.G. Kalyanasunda­ Luz, Mylapore. Veteran musician T.N. Sri Bhakta Anjaneyar temple, Kottivakkam, is Win News Thirumurugan; Pinnal kolaattam, ram and Rameswaram T.B. Radhakrish­ Seshagopalan will be the guest of honour for getting ready for consecration tomorrow, March Ayya Officer Ayya Tamil folk songs by the students this event, to be held at 9.30 a.m. He will share 1, 9.30-10.30 a.m. Sri Bhaktha Anjaneyar nan will take place on March 1, 5 p.m. The social and civic issues are brought to the of Saradhi and presentation of an­ his insights about Madurai Somu. This will be Cultural, Charitable and Spiritual Association, The event on March 3 will include violin attention of the officers concerned and remedial cient music instruments of Tamil followed by Injikkudi Subramanian’s AGS Colony, Kottivakkam, has organised special ensemble by eminent vidwans (9 a.m.) measures are taken to solve the problem. Nadu by different groups from nagaswaram concert. The evening programme programmes for the occasion. Contact 98410 followed by Layavinyasam and nama­ * Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. across the State. at 6 p.m., is hosted by Kalki Sadasivam 25528/94442 27199. sankirtanam (10 a.m.)