Spin Off May11.Pub

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Spin Off May11.Pub NOTTINGHAM SPORTS CAR CLUB May 2011 1 CLUB WEBSITE www.gosprinting.co.uk Don’t forget to visit the Club Web Site. Its full of useful information from Club events and dates to results, Championship positions, downloadable regs and membership forms and details. If you’ve got something that could be useful to other NSCC Club members, then why not advertise it on the Web site. For further details contact Cliff Mould on :- 0114 2864135 or email [email protected] SPIN OFF ARTICLES Breaking news, adverts, for sale items, letters, views and race & event write ups should be sent to the Editor. Copy date for the next Spin Off:- 14th June 2010 And sent to : Paul Marvin. 4 Marriott Drive, Kibworth Harcourt, Leicester LE8 0JX Tel : Mobile : 07715 353440 or Email : [email protected] 2 IN THIS ISSUE Chairmans Chatter 4 Editors Mutterings 5 Anglesey, Pembrey & Curborough Regs 6 2011 NSCC Speed Championship Calendar 7 Invited Event dates for 2011 8 Major Motor Sport Event dates for 2011 9 Event Contacts List 10 Trailer FOR SALE 11 Membership for 2011 11 2010 Event Programmes : Mallory Park 18th June 12 Classic Corner 13 Marshals Update 14 Round 1 Harewood (Martin Parkes) 15 - 16 Championship Stickers & MG Car Club marshals request 17 NSCC Speed Championship scoring for 2012 18 MSA News March & April 19 - 26 Official & Committee contacts 27 Acknowledgement The artwork on the front cover is re-printed with the kind permission of the well known motorsport cartoonist Jim Bamber. Jim has very kindly allowed me to use his illustra- tions. For a sneek preview why not visit his web site www.jimbamber.co.uk 3 Chairman's Chatter The Championship is well under way but, I have to say, the Committee meeting last week was a bit low key – we had nothing immediate to organise! With no May Curborough this year, and our 'quid pro quo' agreement with the Westfield 'boys' for them to have the June Curborough date, it will be July before we have to run an actual event – halfway through the season. We still had plenty to talk about, however, namely target times and scoring. There have been a number of comments following the first events that it is not a level playing field and certain classes are at a disadvantage, mainly due to unrealistic target times. These target times are usu- ally class records for each venue and are reviewed each year by the TSC ( Technical Sub- Commitee), a difficult task in itself as information has to be gathered from all the venues and some organisers/websites are not always up to date with the latest information. Additionally, as has been pointed out, there is no guarantee that the times have been set by a car which conforms to our regulations or the course is exactly the same for all events etc etc. This is inevitable where different clubs and championships are involved and is a problem which other champion- ships who use the 'target time' system have also come up against. It was agreed that the e-mails received, querying results, qualified as 'protests' within the re- quired time period and a special TSC meeting has been organised to look at the issues raised and, if necessary, look at how others have dealt with the problem. We are limited in what can be done regarding the scoring system as this forms part of the Championship Regulations ap- proved by the MSA but the TSC will, I am sure, make every effort to quickly rectify any anom- alies. On a brighter note the re-vamped website should be up and running by the time you read this thanks to the sterling efforts of West Bridgford member Andrew Warren. It will no doubt take a little time to settle down and I know there is still some editing of older material to do and the archive section with past results, photos and Club history is an ongoing project. Please feel free to let Andrew have your comments (preferably constructive!) on anything you feel could be improved or added. Photos / videos of this year's events particularly welcome. Talking of photos I was at Harewood on 17th April as a spectator and got shots of all the NSCC members which, once I work out how, will get across to Andrew – for once it was a warm, fine day with a nice breeze instead of the usual wind, rain & mist. Our experiment of having alterna- tive events as part of the Championship seems to have worked well with similar numbers of NSCC members at Harewood, Silverstone and Three Sisters – let us have your thoughts. Sadly I have to report that, for personal reasons, Martin Pickles has stepped down as Club Sec- retary and committee member. On behalf of the Club I must thank Martin for the time and ef- fort he has given to the NSCC over the years and I am pleased to note that he will still be avail- able to contribute to our discussions as time and circumstances allow. We are actively address- ing (arm twisting is another way of putting it) a replacement for the position of Secretary. An early note for your diary – possibility of an exploratory day out at Blyton for a nominal fee a couple of weeks after Thoresby now that it has been tarmaced (as opposed to concrete) and is a prospect for next year. Details in Spin Off / on the website nearer the time if it comes to pass. Roger C [email protected] 4 Editors Muerings This edition of Spin Off is a little thin this month owing to a distinct lack of available material!! I need all you competitive drivers out there to start putting pen to paper or finger to keyboard preferably as I can only waffle so much in these pages. So come on, lets hear what you’ve been up to over the winter break, let’s hear how your early events have gone. If you got photos as well, great, if not it doesn’t matter. I have had one report from Martin Parkes who has put pen to paper for the Harewood round. If any of you have anything to report from other rounds then please email me. Apologies for there not being an edition of Spin Off in April. This is the first time in nearly 10 years that I was unable to create an issue owing to an overseas trip to see my son James “down-under”. I am also looking more seriously now at the possibility of emailing Spin Off. You may remember that I asked the membership on their views of receiving Spin Off by email or still as a hard copy. The email route will obviously save the club some cash and although many of you prefer to receive a hard copy, the changes would still ultimately save the club some money and me some well earned rest time from the computer and the printer. For those of you who requested the hard copy you will see no change, for those of you who opted for the email version, this could be in place in a few months time. I also in- tend to make it available on the website which is currently being modified again. PM Chester Motor Club Anglesey 11th & 12th June We have been informed that the Supplementary Regulations and Event Entry forms are now available for this very popular weekend of sprinting. These double headers are both rounds of the NSCC championship and early entry is recommended. Go to ….. www.chestermotorclub.co.uk If anyone has difficulty accessing the site to download the neces- sary documents, I have electronic copies that I can email out. Paul Marvin BARC Wales Pembrey 4th / 5th June Supplementary regs and entry forms are on the BARC website for drivers to download Go to ……. www.barcwales.com Westfield Sports Car Club Curborough June 19th Supplementary regs and entry forms are on the BARC website for drivers to download Go to ……… http://www.wscc.co.uk/regs.htm (Discount available to NSCC registered members) 6 2011 NSCC SPEED CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR Round Date Day Circuit Organising Club 1 17-Apr Sunday Harewood BARC (Yorks) 2 17-Apr Sunday 3 Sisters Longton & Dist’ MC 3 17-Apr Sunday Silverstone Sheff’ & Hallamshire 4 30-Apr Saturday Aintree Liverpool Motor Club 5 07-May Saturday Shelsley Walsh MAC 6 08-May Sunday Shelsley Walsh MAC 7 14-May Saturday MIRA MAC 8 04-Jun Saturday Pembrey BARC (Wales) 9 05-Jun Sunday Pembrey BARC (Wales) 10 11-Jun Saturday Anglesey Chester MC 11 12-Jun Sunday Anglesey Chester MC 12 19-Jun Sunday Curborough Westfield Sports CC 13 25-Jun Saturday Aintree Liverpool Motor Club 14 10-Jul Sunday Curborough (L) NSCC 15 16-Jul Saturday Llandow BARC (Wales) 16 13-Aug Saturday Mira NSCC 17 28-Aug Sunday Harewood BARC (Yorks) 18 03-Sep Saturday Aintree Liverpool Motor Club 19 10-Sep Saturday Loton Park Hagley & District LCC 20 11-Sep Sunday 3 Sisters Longton & District MC 21 17-Sep Saturday Thoresby Park NSCC 22 18-Sep Sunday Thoresby Park NSCC 7 INVITED EVENTS Events to which we have accepted an invitation, but do not form part of the NSCC Championship. Keep watching this space as it will be updated as more invites are accepted. DATE VENUE CLUB CONTACT noreenward 20th March Mallory Park BARC Midlands @tiscali.co.uk ormer- MG Car Club’s 3rd April Curborough [email protected] Midland Centre m mar- 7th May MIRA Bentley DC tin.greenslade@ bdcl.org noreenward 7th May Curborough BARC Midlands @tiscali.co.uk Classic Touring 18th / 19th www.classictouri Mallory Park Car Racing June ngcars.com Club noreenward 13th August Curborough BARC Midlands @tiscali.co.uk noreenward 1st October Curborough BARC Midlands @tiscali.co.uk 8 MAJOR MOTOR SPORTS EVENTS FOR 2011 F1 Round 1 BAHRAIN GRAND PRIX March 13th Round 2 AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX (Melbourne) March 27th Round 3 Malaysian Grand Prix (Kuala Lumpar) April 10th Round 4 CHINESE GRAND PRIX (Shanghai) April 17th Round 5 TURKISH GRAND PRIX (Istanbul) May 8th Round 6 SPANISH GRAND PRIX (Catalunya) May 22nd Round 7 MONACO GRAND PRIX (Monte Carlo) May 29th Round 8 CANADIAN
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