Congenital in Rats, Due to a Defect in Glucuronide Formation

Rudi Schmid, … , Lydia Hammaker, Richard L. Swarm

J Clin Invest. 1958;37(8):1123-1130.

Research Article

Find the latest version: CONGENITAL JAUNDICE IN RATS, DUE TO A DEFECT IN GLUCURONIDE FORMATION 1 By RUDI SCHMID,2 JULIUS AXELROD, LYDIA HAMMAKER,2 AND RICHARD L. SWARM (From the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service, Bethesda, Md.; the Thorndike Memorial Laboratory, and the Second and Fourth (Harvard) Medical Services, Boston City Hospital; and the Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass.) (Submitted for publication March 4, 1958; accepted April 24, 1958)

It has recently been reported that is permitted the separate collection of and feces (11) excreted in the as a water-soluble glucuronide and were fed Purina laboratory chow. The conjugation of bilirubin is believed to Blood was removed from the tail or the subclavian veins (1-3). for the following determinations: concentra- occur mainly in the liver (4, 5). In vitro, forma- tion (12), reticulocyte count (13), one minute direct- tion of bilirubin glucuronide has been demon- reacting and total serum bilirubin (14), and paper chro- strated with a system containing liver microsomes matographic analysis of the serum bilirubin azo deriva- as the enzyme source and uridine diphosphate glu- tives (15). The urine was examined for bilirubin with the Harrison test (16) and by paper chromatographic curonic acid as the donor (5, 6). analysis (15). Fecal excretion was esti- Since conjugation of bilirubin appears to be es- mated in stool samples collected over four consecutive sential for its excretion in the bile, a defect in the days, and the values were expressed in mg. per day per glucuronide forming mechanism would result in 100 Gm. body weight (17). impaired pigment excretion and, hence, in reten- o-Aminobenzoic acid and menthol were dissolved in 50 per cent ethanol and were administered by stomach tube tion of free bilirubin in the blood. in doses of 25 mg. per 100 Gm. body weight. During the In preliminary communications (7, 8), such de- 24 hour period immediately following the drug adminis- fects in glucuronide formation have been reported tration, the total urinary glucuronides were estimated in congenital nonhemolytic nonobstructive jaun- (18) and expressed as glucuronic acid. For comparison, dice in man (9) and in hereditary nonhemolytic glucuronide excretion was determined during similar con- trol periods when the rats were given only 50 per cent jaundice in rats (10). The present report is con- ethanol. Aqueous sodium o-aminobenzoate was injected cerned with the details of the murine studies, while intraperitoneally (100 mg. salt per 100 Gm. body weight) the human syndrome will be considered in a sepa- and urinary glucuronide excretion was estimated over rate communication. a seven hour period immediately following the adminis- tration of the compound. The values obtained were com- pared with those found after injection of an equivalent MATERIALS AND METHODS amount of sodium chloride at the same hour of the the difference in the the preceding day. In all instances, Nonjaundiced Wistar rats, known to be carriers of amount of glucuronic acid excreted during the test pe- jaundice trait, were donated by Dr. W. E. Castle at the riod and the control periods was expressed in per cent University of California in Berkeley. Litters obtained of the dose of o-aminobenzoic acid and of menthol ad- by mating pairs of these animals 3 regularly included one ministered. Sodium benzoate was injected intraperitone- or more offspring with jaundice. Nonjaundiced litter ally (50 mg. benzoic acid per 100 Gm. body weight) and mates and normal Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats the urinary excretion of hippurate was estimated over a served as controls. Only male animals of at least 200 12 hour period, following the injection of the compound. Gm. body weight were used for the experiments. The The hippuric acid was extracted and crystallized (19), rats were housed in specially built glass cages which and the amino nitrogen of the crystals was determined by the micro-Kjeldahl method (20). Results were ex- 1 Presented at the annual meeting of the American ad- Atlantic N. pressed in per cent of the dose of benzoic acid Society for Clinical Investigation, City, J., ministered. May, 1957. rats were de- 2 Present address: Thorndike Memorial Laboratory, For estimation of enzymatic activity, the Boston City Hospital, Boston, Mass. capitated and the livers were immediately chilled and ho- 3 The authors are grateful to Mr. Samuel M. Poiley, mogenized with cold isotonic KCl. Microsomes were pre- Animal Production Section, National Institutes of Health, pared as described previously (21). Uridine diphosphate for his help and cooperation. (UDP) glucose dehydrogenase activity in the liver was 1123 -1124 RUDI SCHMID, JULIUS AXELROD, LYDIA HAMMAKER, AND RICHARD L. SWARM

TABLE I taining 0.05 ml. of 1 N sodium hydroxide. For intra- Serum bilirubin concentration in Wistar rats venous injection, this solution was mixed with normal rat serum to give a final concentration of 1 mg. bilirubin per ml. As source of bilirubin glucuronide, serum was One minute collected from patients with complete biliary obstruction, direct-reacting Total bilirubin or sterile bile was obtained from patients with a T-tube Rats No. Mean S.D.* Mean S.D. in the common . Before these specimens were mg.% mg.% injected, their approximate concentration of conjugated Jaundiced 14 0.21 0.05 8.09 2.85 bilirubin was estimated by the direct van den Bergh Nonjaundiced method (14) and by paper chromatography (15). litter mates 5 <0.1 <0.1 Bromsulphalein (0.5 mg. per 100 Gm. body weight) was Normal controls 5 <0.1 <0.1 injected intravenously and the concentration of the dye in serum and bile was determined at different time in- * Standard deviation. tervals (23). CholografinO (iodopamide) was injected intravenously (0.1 ml. per 100 Gm. body weight) and assayed by the method of Strominger, Maxwell, Axel- the excretion of the contrast medium into the duodenum rod, and Kalckar (21). The rate of formation of o-ami- was followed by serial X-rays. nophenyl glucosiduronic acid (22) was determined by in- cubating microsomes obtained from one Gm. of liver with 0.2 micromole of o-aminophenol and 0.3 micromole RESULTS of UDP glucuronic acid which was prepared enzymati- A. Hematological and pigmentary studies. cally (21). In the kidney, glucuronide formation was estimated by incubating tissue slices in Krebs-Ringer bi- Hematological studies, performed on 10 jaun- carbonate with o-aminophenol and UDP glucuronic acid diced rats, yielded a mean hemoglobin concentra- (22). tion of 13.2 Gm. per cent (S.D., 1.5 Gm. per cent) For histological examination frozen sections were and a mean reticulocyte count of 0.69 per cent used, as well as paraffin sections of material that had been fixed in formalin or in Zenker's solution. The golden (S.D., 0.41 per cent). These values are within material found at the tip of the renal papilla of jaundiced normal limits (24). The values for serum bili- animals was freed under a dissecting microscope and was rubin concentration are summarized in Table I. dissolved in 0.2 ml. of chloroform. The azo derivatives On paper chromatographic analysis, the sera of prepared from this material were studied by paper chro- jaundiced rats exhibited only the azo derivatives of matography (15). bilirubin. In nonjaundiced For collection of bile, the rats were anesthetized with free, nonconjugated ether, the peritoneal cavity was opened by a midline in- litter mates and in normal control rats the plasma cision, and the common bile duct was ligated in its distal was colorless and bilirubin azo derivatives were portion. The dilated proximal part of the duct was then not demonstrable on paper chromatography. Bili- intubated with a polyethylene tube (outside diameter, rubin could not be detected in the urine of any of 0.024 inch), which was anchored with a silk ligature. Bile flow at the rate of 0.8 to 1.0 ml. per hour was main- the three groups of rats. tained by subcutaneous injection of 1.0 ml. normal saline In the bile, the bilirubin concentration of five per hour per 100 Gm. body weight. Aliquots of the bile jaundiced rats was 3.32 mg. per cent (S.D., 1.04 were removed at different time intervals for estimation of mg. per cent). On paper chromatographic analy- bilirubin concentration (14) and for paper chromato- sis, azo derivatives of bilirubin glucuronide could graphic analysis of the bilirubin azo derivatives (15). not be demonstrated, but there were small amounts Crystalline bilirubin (Armour and Company) was dis- solved in 0.2 ml. of 2 per cent sodium carbonate, con- of other azo derivatives, which exhibited Rf's simi- lar to that of the azo derivatives of crystalline bili- TABLE II rubin. In addition, these bile specimens contained Fecal urobilinogen excretion in Wistar rats some yellow pigments which gave a negative van den Bergh reaction. In normal control rats and Urobilinogen in nonjaundiced litter mates, virtually all of the Rats No. Mean S.D. pigment in the bile was present as bilirubin glu- mg./day/100 Gm. curonide. body weight As shown in Table II, fecal urobilinogen excre- Jaundiced 3 0.009 0.004 Nonjaundiced tion was much smaller in jaundiced rats than in litter mates 3 0.039 0.013 nonjaundiced animals. Patency of the biliary ex- Normal controls 4 0.077 0.024 cretory apparatus was demonstrated by the ob- CONGENITAL DEFECT IN BILIRUBIN GLUCURONIDE FORMATION 1125

TABLE III Urinary excretion of glucuronic acid after administration of o-aminobenzoic acid and of menthol to Wistar rats

Glucuronic acid excreted in % of dose administered* Dose given Mode of ad- Rats No. Compound given per 100 Gm. ministration Mean or range S.D. mg. Jaundiced 4 o-aminobenzoic 25 Oral 22.8 2.1 acid Nonjaundiced 9 o-aminobenzoic 25 Oral 70.1 16.4 litter mates acid Normal controls 4 o-aminobenzoic 25 Oral 93.2 4.8 acid Jaundiced 2 Sodium 100 Intraperitoneal 8.4-10.9 o-aminobenzoate Nonjaundiced 4 Sodium 100 Intraperitoneal 25.4 3.2 litter mates o-aminobenzoate Jaundiced 2 Menthol 25 Oral 28-42 Nonjaundiced 2 Menthol 25 Oral 70-72 litter mates * All values are corrected for basal glucuronide excretion. servation that Cholografin® could be recognized and after intraperitoneal injection of sodium in the duodenum 20 minutes after its intravenous o-aminobenzoate (Table III). injection. Furthermore, in two jaundiced rats in which bromsulphalein had been injected intrave- C. Glucuronide formation in vitro. nously the dye was cleared from the plasma in. Data for the in vitro biosynthesis of UDP glu- 45 minutes, and was quantitatively recovered in curonic acid from UDP glucose with hepatic UDP the bile. glucose dehydrogenase are given in Table IV. In three jaundiced rats, the urinary excretion Data are also presented for the formation of of hippurate was 75 per cent (S.D., 2.2 per cent) o-aminophenyl glucosiduronic acid from. o-amino- of the administered dose of benzoate, while in three phenol and UDP glucuronic acid by liver micro- normal control animals the corresponding value somes. UDP glucose dehydrogenase was found was 57 per cent (S.D., 1.7 per cent). to be about equally active in the liver of all three groups of rats. On the other hand, the rate of B. Glucuronide formation in Tpivo In 8 jaundiced rats, the basal urinary excretion TABLE IV of glucuronic acid amounted to 4.7 mg. per day Enzymatic synthesis of uridine diphosphate (UDP) glucu- (S.D., 1.3 mg.), while 24 determinations in 1 1 ronic acid and of o-aminophenyl glucosiduronic acid by rat liver in vitro nonjaundiced animals gave a mean value of 9.6 mg. per day (S.D., 2.1 mg.). The difference in o-amino- UDP phenyl daily glucuronic acid excretion between nonjaun- glucu- glucosid- ronic uronic diced litter mates and normal control rats was acid acid statistically not significant. As seen in Table III, Rats No. formed formed p the urinary excretion of glucuronic acid following ;IM Am acid was Jaundiced 6 4.9 0.008 oral administration of o-aminobenzoic Nonjaundiced much smaller in jaundiced rats than in nonjaun- litter mates 8 4.3 0.034 <0.001 observations Sprague-Dawley diced controls (p < 0.001). Similar controls 7 5.8 0.061 <0.01 were made after oral administration of menthol 1126 RUDI SCHMID, JULIUS AXELROD, LYDIA HAMMAKER, AND RICHARD L. SWARM formation of o-aminophenyl glucosiduronic acid by tion, determined prior to the injections, was 8.2 liver microsomes of jaundiced rats was much lower mg. per cent, all of which was present in the non- than that of nonjaundiced controls. A statistically conjugative form. Immediately after the injection significant difference was also found between non- of crystalline bilirubin, the serum bilirubin level jaundiced litter mates and normal Sprague-Dawley rose to 13.5 mg. per cent but it gradually fell to rats (Table IV). When equal amounts of liver 11.6 mg. per cent after 30 minutes and to 7.1 mg. microsomes from jaundiced Wistar rats and from per cent after 160 minutes. The injection of bili- normal Sprague-Dawley rats were mixed, no re- rubin glucuronide increased the 1 minute direct- ductiont in the rate of glucuronide formation of the reacting serum fraction temporarily from 0.2 to latter was observed. With kidney slices, formation 1.5 mg. per cent. of small amounts of o-aminophenyl glucosiduronic At the beginning of the observation period, the acid was demonstrable in nonjaundiced rats, but bilirubin concentration in the bile was 1.6 mg. per none was detectable in jaundiced animals. cent, none of which was bilirubin glucuronide. The injection of crystalline bilirubin was followed D. Biliary excretion of injected pigment by an only slight increase in the concentration of nonconjugated bilirubin to 2.8 mg. per cent, but In Figure 1, typical data are presented on biliary no glucuronide was demonstrable. After the in- bilirubin excretion in a 330 Gm. jaundiced rat, which had been given intravenous injections, first jection of conjugated bilirubin, on the other hand, a rapid increase in biliary pigment excretion was of 1.5 mg. crystalline bilirubin, and 30 minutes observed, which during the second collection pe- later of 0.8 mg. bilirubin glucuronide. The bile riod, raised the bilirubin concentration in the bile was collected before, during and after the in- approximately one hundred fold over the prein- jections over consecutive periods, ranging from jection level. Virtually all of the excreted pigment 10 to 30 minutes. The serum bilirubin concentra- was present in the form of the glucuronide. At the end of a two hour period, paper chromatographic 160 analysis indicated that all the injected bilirubin 140 glucuronide had been cleared from the plasma and BILIRUBIN that the bile no longer contained bilirubin glucu- IN BILE ronide. mg.% 100 E. Anatomical and histological findings 80 J.I At necropsy of jaundiced rats, icterus was par- 60 ticularly evident in the peritoneal lining and in the 40 subcutaneous and mesenteric tissues. The liver was grossly and microscopically normal, and the 20 6LnUUU/*atunt11 extrahepatic bile ducts were patent and not dis- 0 , M tended. Fecal material in the lumen of the in- SERUM 15 testinal tract was of the normal brown color. No BILIRUBIN 10 --~ be in the rng.% 5 abnormal pigmentation could recognized central nervous system. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 rats exhibited TIME IN MINUTES The kidneys of all adult jaundiced a grossly demonstrable deposit of orange material IN THE BILE OF A FIG. 1. BILIRUBIN EXCRETION of the renal On JAUNDICED RAT AFTER INTRAVENOUS INJECTIONS OF at the tip papilla. microscopic BILIRUBIN study of frozen sections, this material was shown One and five-tenths mg. crystalline bilirubin and 0.8 to consist of many rhomboid and needle-like crys- mg. bilirubin glucuronide were injected in the tail vein of tals which were deposited in the interstitial tissue, a 330 Gm. jaundiced Wistar rat. The conjugated bili- and which resembled bilirubin crystals (25) (Fig- rubin was rapidly excreted in the bile, while the injection ure The tubular was not of crystalline bilirubin resulted only in a slightly in- 2). epithelium pig- creased concentration of nonconjugated bilirubin. mented. Paper chromatographic analysis of the CONGENITAL DEFECT IN BILIRUBIN GLUCURONIDE FORMATION 1127 azo derivatives prepared from the crystals (15) gen was suggestive of a defect in the glucuronide revealed them to consist of free, nonconjugated forming mechanism (26). In the jaundiced rats, bilirubin. In some of the jaundiced rats, small such a defect in glucuronide formation has been numbers of similar crystals could occasionally be demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, it found in the adrenal medulla, in the brain, and in was found that while UDP glucuronic acid, the the mucosa of the intestinal tract. glucuronic acid donor, was formed at a normal Nonjaundiced litter mates and normal control rate, the liver microsomes were deficient in the en- rats showed no anatomical or histological ab- zyme system, which transfers the glucuronic acid normalities. to suitable aglycones. As a result of this enzy- DISCUSSION matic defect, the rate of glucuronide formation in the liver was much reduced as nor- Malloy and Loewenstein, in compared to studying the jaun- mal control rats but it was not dice of this mutant strain of entirely absent. Wistar rats, concluded The results obtained by mixing liver that the icterus was not in microsomes hemolytic nature (10). of jaundiced and of nonjaundiced animals, indi- This is confirmed by the present investigation cated that reduction in formation was which revealed normal values for glucuronide hemoglobin con- not due to the presence of enzyme inhibitors. centration (24) and reticulocyte counts and re- These findings differ from a recent report duced fecal urobilinogen excretion. That the by Carbone and Grodsky (27), who stated that in jaundice was not obstructive in nature was indi- jaundiced rats transferase cated by the absence of "glucuronyl activity is conjugated bilirubin in the absent or inhibited." The plasma and of bilirubin presence of a defect in excretion in the urine glucuronide formation in these jaundiced (15). Furthermore, the rats had efficiency with which recently been confirmed by Lathe and Walker injected bromsulphalein, Cholografin® and conju- (28). gated bilirubin were excreted in the bile demon- In rats were shown strated that the vivo, jaundiced to excrete hepatic excretory apparatus was less glucuronic acid than nonjaundiced animals functioning normally and that the ductal biliary under basal conditions. Similarly, jaundiced rats system was patent. responded to loading doses of aglycones with The retention of free bilirubin in the plasma as- smaller increases in glucuronic acid excretion than sociated with reduced excretion of fecal urobilino- normal animals and nonjaundiced litter mates. In view of these findings, one might have an- ticipated that the formation of bilirubin glucuro- nide would proceed at a similarly reduced rate, but would not be entirely absent. It was there- fore surprising to find that on paper chromato- graphic analysis, bile from jaundiced rats con- sistently failed to reveal even trace amounts of bilirubin glucuronide. On the other hand, small amounts of nonconjugated bilirubin were regu- larly demonstrable in such specimens. Two explanations are offered to account for these observations. Since it appears that a single enzyme system is involved in all types of glucu- ronides formed (29), it is possible that bilirubin is unsuccessful in competing with other normally occurring aglycones for the deficient glucuronic FIG. 2. BILIRUBIN IN THE RENAL PAPILLA OF A JAUN- acid transferase system (8). If this hypothesis is DICED RAT correct, it must be assumed that small amounts Frozen section, photographed with polarized light at of free bilirubin probably attached to proteins partial extinction. The light areas represent bilirubin are crystals, the dark ones amorphous precipitates of bili- capable of leaking from the extracellular fluid into rubin (magnification times 75). the bile. Another and more likely explanation is 1128 RUDI SCHMID, JULIUS AXELROD, LYDIA HAMMAKER, AND RICHARD L. SWARM that in jaundiced rats, small amounts of bilirubin plain the observation that after the injection of glucuronide are actually formed, but are rapidly crystalline bilirubin to jaundiced rats (Figure 1), hydrolyzed after their excretion into the bile, and the concentration of free bilirubin in the serum de- thus escape chromatographic identification. creased much more rapidly than could be ac- Regardless of which of these two explanations counted for by the excretion of pigment in the bile. is correct, it is evident that in the absence of an It is realized, however, that this fall in serum bili- efficiently functioning mechanism for glucuronide rubin concentration may in part have been due to formation, biliary bilirubin excretion is severely redistribution of pigment in the extravascular impaired. This was apparent from the lower space (34). bilirubin concentration in the bile and the reduced Since breeding of nonjaundiced litter mates pro- urobilinogen excretion in the feces of jaundiced duced offspring which were in part jaundiced, it rats as compared to normal rats (30). More im- may be assumed that such rats were carriers of the portant, however, is the observation that in jaun- jaundice trait. Although their serum bilirubin lev- diced rats injected bilirubin glucuronide was els were not elevated, their rate of glucuronide for- rapidly excreted in the bile, whereas free bilirubin mation was reduced as compared to normal Wis- was not. The intravenous administration of tar and Sprague-Dawley rats, but it was greater crystalline bilirubin to jaundiced rats resulted in than in jaundiced animals. This would suggest the excretion of less than 1 per cent of the amount that in nonjaundiced litter mates the metabolic of pigment that was excreted by normal rats with abnormality is less severe than in jaundiced rats a comparable serum bilirubin level (31). On the and is insufficient to produce pigment retention in other hand, injection of conjugated bilirubin was the serum. Since it has been observed that sig- followed by a more than one hundred fold increase nificant differences in glucuronide metabolism ex- in biliary pigment excretion. The maximal clear- ist between the two sexes in rats (35), only male ance for bilirubin glucuronide in jaundiced rats animals have been used in the present study. Be- was similar to the maximal clearance for crystal- cause of this limitation and the relatively small line bilirubin in normal rats as determined by number of animals studied, the available data are Weinbren and Billing (31). believed to be insufficient to establish the genetic In the mammalian organism, most metabolites pattern of this disorder. which are excreted in conjugated form can com- In the plasma, nonconjugated bilirubin is at- bine with more than one hydrophilic group (32, tached to proteins, mainly albumin (36), which 33). The finding that in jaundiced rats a larger keeps it in solution, since at physiological pH it fraction of the injected benzoate was converted to is almost insoluble in water (37). In the tissues, hippurate than in normal rats, is believed to indi- on the other hand, information is lacking as to cate that the defect in glucuronide formation may whether bilirubin is attached to extravascular se- in part be compensated by activation of other de- rum albumin or to other tissue proteins. The toxication mechanisms. In the present study, presence of bilirubin crystals in the renal papilla however, no such compensatory mechanism has and in other organs of jaundiced rats seems to in- been demonstrated for the conjugation of bilirubin. dicate that the local concentration of bilirubin Although normal rat bile regularly contained small must have exceeded the capacity to bind the pig- amounts of water-soluble, diazo-positive pigments ment. It is of interest to note that in conditions of a nonglucuronide nature, this pigment fraction associated with high concentrations of nonconju- was not increased in jaundiced rats. It is surpris- gated bilirubin in man, bilirubin crystals in tis- ing that in spite of the severe impairment in pig- sues have also been observed (25). In three pa- ment excretion, the physiological turnover of tients with congenital nonhemolytic jaundice (9), compounds did not result in a steadily increasing which is believed to be due to a defect in glucu- degree of jaundice. It would appear that alterna- ronide formation (7, 8), Smith, Wheeler, Bauer, tive pathways of heme metabolism must exist to and Saltzstein have found bilirubin crystals in account for the lack of progressivly increasing ic- the renal papillae (38). The significance of these terus in these animals (4). 'This may also ex- observations must be clarified by further studies. CONGENITAL DEFECT IN BILIRUBIN GLUCURONIDE FORMATION 1129

SUMMARY 8. Axelrod, J., Schmid, R., and Hammaker, L. A bio- chemical lesion in congenital, non-obstructive, non- 1. Wistar rats of a mutant strain, exhibiting haemolytic jaundice. Nature (Lond.) 1957, 180, congenital jaundice, were studied. The icterus 1426. was shown to be nonhemolytic and nonobstructive 9. Crigler, J. F., Jr., and Najjar, V. A. Congenital in nature. familial nonhemolytic jaundice with kernicterus. Pediatrics 1952, 10, 169. 2. In jaundiced rats, no bilirubin glucuronide 10. Malloy, H. T., and Loewenstein, L. Hereditary was demonstrable in serum, bile or urine. The jaundice in rat. Canad. med. Ass. J. 1940, 42, 122. bile contained small amounts of free bilirubin. 11. Draper, H. H., and Robbins, A. F. A urinofecal Fecal urobilinogen excretion was greatly reduced. separator for laboratory rat. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. 3. The liver was histologically normal, and liver (N. Y.) 1956, 91, 174. function tests, such as hippuric acid formation and 12. Sunderman, F. W., MacFate, R. P., MacFayden, excretion of bromsulphalein, Cholografin® and D. A., Stevenson, G. F., and Copeland, B. E. Clin- ical Hemoglobinometry. Baltimore, The Williams conjugated bilirubin were normal. and Wilkins Company, 1953. 4. In vivo and in vitro, marked impairment in 13. Brecher, G. New methylene blue as a reticulocyte glucuronide formation was demonstrated in jaun- stain. Amer. J. clin. Path. 1949, 19, 895. diced rats, due to a defect in the glucuronyl trans- 14. Ducci, H., and Watson, C. J. The quantitative de- ferase system. Since conjugation of bilirubin ap- termination of the serum bilirubin with special excretion in the reference to the prompt-reacting and the chloro- pears to be essential for its bile, form-soluble types. J. Lab. clin. Med. 1945, 30, this enzymatic defect in glucuronide formation is 293. believed to be the cause for the impaired pigment 15. Schmid, R. The identification of "direct-reacting" excretion and the retention of free bilirubin in the bilirubin as bilirubin glucuronide. J. biol. Chem. plasma. 1957, 229, 881. 5. Nonjaundiced litter mates of icteric rats were 16. Hawkinson, V., Watson, C. J., and Turner, R. H. Modification of Harrison's test for bilirubin in the found to have a reduced ability to form glucuro- urine especially suited for mass and serial use. nides, but the defect was less severe than in jaun- J. Amer. med. Ass. 1945, 129, 514. diced animals and did not result in retention of 17. Schwartz, S., Sborov, V., and Watson, C. J. Studies bilirubin in the plasma. of urobilinogen. IV. The quantitative determina- 6. Crystals consisting of nonconjugated bili- tion of urobilinogen by means of the Evelyn photo- electric colorimeter. Amer. J. clin. Path. 1944, rubin were observed in the renal papilla and in 14, 598. other organs of jaundiced rats. 18. Dische, Z. A new specific color reaction of hexu- ronic acids. J. biol. Chem. 1947, 167, 189. REFERENCES 19. Quick, A. J. The study of benzoic acid conjugation in the dog with a direct quantitative method for 1. Schmid, R. Direct-reacting bilirubin, bilirubin glu- hippuric acid. J. biol. Chem. 1926, 67, 477. curonide, in serum, bile and urine. Science 1956, 20. Ma, T. S., and Zuazaga, G. Micro-Kjeldahl determi- 124, 76. nation of nitrogen. Industr. engin. Chem. (Analyt. 2. Billing, B. H., and Lathe, G. H. The excretion of Ed.) 1942, 14, 280. bilirubin as an ester glucuronide, giving the di- 21. Strominger, J. L., Maxwell, E. S., Axelrod, J., and rect van den Bergh reaction. Biochem. J. 1956, 63, Kalckar, H. M. Enzymatic formation of uridine 6 p. diphosphoglucuronic acid. J. biol. Chem. 1957, 3. Talafant, E. Properties and composition of the bile 224, 79. pigment, giving a direct diazo reaction. Nature 22. Levvy, G. A., and Storey, I. D. E. The measurement (Lond.) 1956, 178, 312. of glucuronide synthesis by tissue preparations. 4. Schmid, R. Some aspects of bile pigment metabolism. Biochem. J. 1949, 44, 295. 394. Clin. Chem. 1957, 3, 23. Gaebler, 0. H. Determination of bromsulphalein in 5. Billing, B. H., and Lathe, G. H. Bilirubin metabo- or icteric serums. Amer. lism in jaundice. Amer. J. Med. 1958, 24, 111. normal, turbid, hemolyzed Path. 452. 6. Schmid, R., Hammaker, L., and Axelrod, J. The J. clin. 1945, 15, enzymatic formation of bilirubin glucuronide. 24. Wintrobe, M. M. Clinical Hematology, 3rd ed. Arch. Biochem. 1957, 70, 285. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1951. 7. Schmid, R., Axelrod, J., Hammaker, L., and Rosen- 25. Dunn, T. B. Hematoidin crystals in reticulum cell thal, I. M. Congenital defects in bilirubin metabo- sarcoma of the mouse and in newborn human tis- lism (abstract). J. clin. Invest. 1957, 36, 927. sues. Milit. Surg. 1951, 109, 350. 1130 RUDI SCHMID, JULIUS AXELROD, LYDIA HAMMAKER, AND RICHARD L. SWARM

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