October 2019 ISSN 1650-3414 Volume 30 Number 3

Communications and Publications Division (CPD) of the IFCC Editor-in-chief: Prof. János Kappelmayer, MD, PhD Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary e-mail: [email protected]

The Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine In this issue

Recommendations on measurement units – why and how Young Bae Lee Hansen 250

Evaluation of visual serum indices measurements and potential false result risks in routine clinical chemistry tests in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tigist Getahun, Anberber Alemu, Firehiwot Mulugeta, Merone Sileshi, Abenezer Ayalkebet, Wosene Habtu, Zeleke Geto, Fitsum Girma, Feyissa Challa, Mistire Wolde 276

Best practices in the implementation of a point of care testing program: experience from a tertiary care hospital in a developing country Aysha Habib Khan, Shahid Shakeel, Khairunnissa Hooda, Kashif Siddiqui, Lena Jafri 288

Prevalence of liver function test abnormality and associated factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a comparative cross-sectional study Getnet Teshome, Sintayehu Ambachew, Alebachew Fasil, Molla Abebe 303

Correlation of body mass index and waist/hip ratio with glycated in prediabetes Manju Bala, Meenakshi, Sameer Aggarwal 317

Hyperuricemia and its association with cardiovascular disease risk factors in type two diabetes mellitus patients at the University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia Birhanu Woldeamlak, Ketsela Yirdaw, Belete Biadgo 325

Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: genetic landscape challenge Laura Valiña, Bernardo López Andrade, Josep Miquel Bauça 340

Letter: Manchineel apple of death Michelle Muscat 346 This is a Platinum Open Access Journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Recommendations on measurement units – why and how Young Bae Lee Hansen On behalf of the IFCC-IUPAC Committee on Nomenclature for Properties and Units (C-NPU)


Corresponding author: Globally, laboratories are producing, communicating, Young Bae Lee Hansen (YBLH) Titular member of C-NPU and exchanging millions of laboratory examination The Danish Health Data Authority values to multiple parties every day. For most values, Ørestads Boulevard 5 ‘measurement units’ are required to make the nu- DK-2300 Copenhagen S. Denmark merical values comparable and meaningful. However, E-mail: [email protected] a non-systematic use of ‘measurement units’ can cre- ate errors in communication between health care pro- Key words: weights and measures, metric system, viders and become a risk to patient safety. Therefore, international system of units, health the Committee of Nomenclature for Properties and information interoperability, health Units (C-NPU) recommends using an unambiguous communication, medical informatics terminology of ‘measurement units’, for daily patient Disclosure: care and scientific publications. In this work, C-NPU The author declares no conflict of interest. summarizes the recommendations on ‘measurement units’, explaining the reasons and the principles of the ‘measurement units’ used in laboratory medicine.

Page 250 eJIFCC2019Vol30No3pp250-275 Young Bae Lee Hansen Recommendations on measurement units – why and how

INTRODUCTION have been implemented in the Nomenclature for Properties and Unit (NPU) terminology (4, 5). ‘Measurement unit’ (unit) is a well-understood and necessary concept in laboratory medicine. In this letter, we summarise the IFCC’s and IUPAC’s Without units, most quantitative laboratory -ex Recommendations and Technical Reports on amination values will not make sense and are relevant principles and rules on units in labora- not comparable. Dybkær and Jørgensen wrote tory medicine, and the reasons behind these in 1967: “To state that the mass concentration principles. of haemoglobin in a blood sample is 25 is essen- tially meaningless. If the unit g/L is assumed, KIND-OF-QUANTITY, QUANTITY, the patient is considered anaemic. If the unit g/ AND MEASUREMENT UNIT dL is assumed, the patient is considered to be In order to understand the concept ‘measure- polycytaemic” (1). ment unit’, it is necessary to see its close re- With the introduction of the International lation to the other essential metrological con- System of Units (SI units) (2) in the 1960’s, the cepts ‘kind-of-quantity’ and ‘quantity’. ‘Mass’, worldwide scientific laboratory societies have ‘substance concentration’, and ‘volume fraction’ accepted and, to a large extent, implemented are examples of ‘kinds-of-quantity’ that place the SI units for presentation of laboratory re- system and any relevant component in a mathe- ports in health care and research. However, matical relation. E.g., ‘substance concentration’ as indicated by the recent campaign of the is defined as “amount-of-substance of compo- European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and nent B divided by volume of system 1” or: laboratory Medicine (EFLM), there is never- Amount-of-substance of component B theless a further need of standardisation or Volume of system 1 harmonisation on a national, regional, and On a more tangible level, the system and com- international level (3). The campaign recom- ponent can be specified further including a mended implementation of the “principles on magnitude, e.g. : units”, proposed by Dybkær and Jørgensen in 1967 (1). These principles are more restricted Amount-of-substance of sodium ion = 140 mmol/L than the original SI-system to ensure unambi- Volume of Mr. Smith’s plasma guity in reporting, presenting, and exchanging The latter example is a ‘quantity’, having the for- quantity values in health care. Each laboratory mal and metrological definition “property of may choose any relevant units for reporting phenomenon, body, or substance, where the laboratory examination values, but when mul- property has a magnitude that can be expressed tiple parties are involved in exchanging labora- as a number and a reference” (6). The differ- tory reports, the choice should be limited to the ences between both concepts are shown in “principles on units”. Arguably, the principles Table 1. will reduce the risk of post-analytical errors, In laboratory medicine, eight ‘base kinds‑of- e.g. misunderstanding and misinterpretation of quantity’ exist as listed in Table 2 with their laboratory reports and errors in communication corresponding ‘base units’ and ‘quantity di- between different health care personnel and mensions’ (5). The ‘base kinds-of-quantity (e.g. organisations. ‘amount-of-substance’) can be combined in var- The “principles on units” in laboratory medicine, ious ways, forming ‘derived kinds-of-quantity’, as initially proposed by Dybkær and Jørgensen, e.g. ‘substance concentration’.

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Table 1 Kind-of-quantity and quantity

Examples Level Concepts Verbal expression Mathematical expression

kind-of- substance Amount-of-substance of component B Abstract quantity concentration Volume of system 1

substance concentration of sodium ion Amount-of-substance of sodium ion = 143 mmol/L Measurable quantity in Mr. Smith’s plasma Volume of Mr. Smith’s plasma is 143 mmol/L at 2:30 p.m. on 2nd May 2018.

In the example for ‘quantity’, ‘plasma’ is the ‘system’, ‘sodium ion’ is the ‘component’ and ‘substance concentration’ is the ‘kind-of-quantity’. Also, there is a magnitude according to the definition of ‘quantity’, as compared with the example for ‘kind-of-quantity’ that does not have a magnitude. To ‘substance concentration’, the corresponding (or kind-of-nominal property) and, when rele- compound unit can be, e.g., mmol/L. To a (base vant, the unit for a given laboratory examination. or derived) kind-of-quantity, several corre- sponding units are possible. Examples of corre- GENERAL RULES FOR SI UNITS sponding units to ‘substance concentration’ are AND NON-SI UNITS ‘mol/L’, ‘mmol/L’, ‘µmol/L’, ‘nmol/L’, etc. A com- It is recommended to use units with unambigu- prehensive description of ‘kinds-of-quantity’ ous definitions, accepted by international scien- and ‘measurement units’ can be found in IFCC’s tific communities. Such units can be SI units and and IUPAC’s ‘Silver Book’ (5)–together with non-SI units. ‘kind-of-nominal-property (related to ‘nominal properties’ which have no magnitude). 1. Base SI units Reporting solely the numerical value and unit The definitions, symbols, and magnitudes of SI may not be sufficient information on the ex- units are traced to accepted international refer- amination because the possible corresponding ences (Table 2) (2). ‘kind-of-quantity’ to e.g., ‘g/L’, could be ‘mass Examples concentration’ or mass density’. Moreover, in order for the clinicians to assess the values of “The metre is the length of the path travelled laboratory examinations, especially laboratory by light in vacuum during a time interval of examination reports from other laboratories, 1/299 792 458 of a second” (2). it is essential to provide information about the “The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 generic nature of the laboratory examinations. periods of the radiation corresponding to the Thus, C-NPU recommends to report, systemati- transition between the two hyperfine levels of cally, the system, component, kind-of-quantity the ground state of the caesium 133 atom” (2).

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Table 2 Base kinds-of-quantity, corresponding base units, and dimensions

Base kind-of-quantity Base unit Dimension

Term Term Symbol Symbol

length metre m L

mass kilogram kg M

time second s T

electrical current ampere A I

thermodynamic temperature kelvin K Θ

amount-of-substance mole mol N

luminous intensity candela cd J

number of entities one 1 1

A list of base kinds-of-quantity and their corresponding base units and dimensions from IFCC’s and IUPAC’s ‘Silver Book’ (5). Note: ‘Number of entities’ is not an SI base kind-of-quantity but is used as a base kind-of-quantity in laboratory medicine. Note: From the year 2019, all seven SI base 3. Multiples and submultiples of units units will be defined in terms of constants. The To present numerical values in the interval practical use of the seven SI base units will not of 0.1–999 (8) and to make values with very change (7). large or very small numerical values readable, the units can be combined with SI prefixes, ex- 2. Unit of a given magnitude pressed as either SI prefix symbols or SI prefix should have only one expression factors (numerical values) (Table 3). For a unit with a given magnitude, there are To avoid errors in communication with potential several possible expressions, e.g.: patient mistreatments as consequences, mul- tiple combinations of SI prefixes should not be mmol = µmol = nmol = pmol L mL µL nL allowed. Thus, the following rules apply: Such variety may cause errors in communication • One SI prefix per unit between health personnel and organisations. • The SI prefix belongs to the numerator only To ensure unambiguity in reporting values, only Only one SI prefix per unit should be used. one expression for a unit of a given magnitude Combinations of SI prefixes are to be avoided should be used. (Table 4).

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Table 3 SI prefixes: factors, terms, and symbols

Factor Term Symbol Factor Term Symbol

101 deca da 10–1 deci d

102 hecto h 10–2 centi c

103 kilo k 10–3 milli m

106 mega M 10–6 micro µ

109 giga G 10–9 nano n

1012 tera T 10–12 pico p

1015 peta P 10–15 femto f

1018 exa E 10–18 atto a

1021 zetta Z 10–21 zepto z

1024 yotta Y 10–24 yocto y

SI prefix table from the SI Brochure: The International System of Units (SI) [8th edition, 2006; updated in 2014] (BIPM) (2).

Table 4 Examples of one SI prefix per unit

Examples Unit Unit symbol of deprecated Examination example with correct unit unit symbols

µµg The mass of haemoglobin per erythrocyte Picogram pg 10-6×µg in Mr. Smith’s blood is 31 pg.

Millimole per The substance concentration of sodium mmol/L µmol/mL litre in Mr. Smith’s plasma is 134 mmol/L.

An SI prefix in the denominator should be avoid- 4. Units for kinds-of-quantity ed in a compound unit (Table 5). of Dimension One (dimensionless) An exception is that ’kilogram’ (and not ‘gram’) Kind-of-quantity of Dimension One (dimen- is the base SI unit for mass and therefore can be sionless) is a “quantity for which all the expo- expressed in the denominator as ‘kg’. nents of the factors corresponding to the base

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quantities in its quantity dimension are zero” (6). have the dimension one, according to the rules The ‘base kind-of-quantity’, ‘number of entities’ of algebra. The corresponding coherent units and kinds-of-quantity with the same ‘kind-of- for these kinds-of-quantity are numerical val- quantity’ (dimension) in the numerator and de- ues, e.g., ‘one’ or SI prefix factors. The specified nominator, e.g. ‘mass fraction’ ‘kind-of-quantity’ along with the corresponding Mass of component B unit in the laboratory report provide the full na- Mass of system 1 ture of the quantity measured. or ‘substance ratio’ For the ‘kinds-of-quantity’ of Dimension One with the corresponding unit ‘one’, the unit sym- Amount-of-substance of component B bol is often omitted for the values of these types Amount-of-substance of component C (Table 6). Table 5 Examples of SI prefix in the numerator

Examples Unit Unit of deprecated Examination example with correct unit symbol symbols

The substance concentration of bilirubins Micromole per litre µmol/L nmol/mL in Mr. Smith’s plasma is 8 µmol/L. The mass of calprotectin Millimole per kilogram mmol/kg µmol/g in Mr. Smith’s faeces is 8 mmol/kg.

Table 6 Examples of the unit ‘one’ for kinds-of-quantity of Dimension One

Unit Examples Unit Examination example with correct unit symbol of deprecated symbols

- The number of cavities in Mr. Smith’s teeth is 2.

The mass fraction of free prostata specific kg/kg antigen of total prostata specific antigen mg/mg in Mr. Smith’s plasma is 0.14.

mol/mol The substance fraction of methaemoglobin of mmol/mmol haemoglobin in Mr. Smith’s blood is 0.03. One 1 L/L The volume fraction of erythrocytes µL/µL of Mr. Smith’s blood is 0.42.

The time of tissue factor-induced coagulation s/s in Mr. Smith’s plasma divided by the time of min/min tissue factor-induced coagulation in the certified reference material, IRP 67/40, is 1.0 (INR).

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To express very small or very large values, the Another issue to address is conversion of unit units should be expressed as SI prefixes, accord- from ‘one’ to ‘%’ for a kind-of-quantity of di- ing to the rules of multiples and submultiples of mension ‘one’, e.g. erythrocyte volume frac- units. To avoid confusion with unit symbols, SI tion (EVF). EVF can be expressed with ‘one’ prefix factors should be used, not the SI prefix or ‘%’ as units, whereas ‘one’ is usually omit- symbols (Table 7). ted. Without the indication of unit, it may be Consequently, redundant units are avoided be- tempted to convert from ‘one’ to ‘%’. Values cause the same unit ‘one’ or SI prefix factors can of erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF) will be represent units of various dimensionless kind- reported either as “0.42” or ”42”. Despite the of-quantities and different expressions of a unit small and simple conversion from ‘one’ to ‘%’ of a given magnitude (Table 6 and Table 8). the laboratory report with both type of results Table 7 Examples of SI prefix factors as units for kinds-of-quantity of Dimension One

Examples Unit Examination example Unit of deprecated symbol with correct unit symbols

The number concentration of Ten to the power of 6 M/L* 106/L lymphocytes in Mr. Smith’s cerebrospinal per litre M×1/L fluid is 8 × 106/L.

The number concentration of RNA from Ten to the power of -3 m/L** 10-3/L Human immunodeficiency virus 1 per litre m×1/L in Mr. Smith’s plasma is 0 × 10-3/L. * ’M’ is the SI prefix symbols for ‘mega’; ** ‘m’ is the SI prefix symbols for ‘milli’.

Table 8 Examples of SI prefix factor representing various units

Examples Unit Examination example Unit of deprecated symbol with correct unit symbols

The mass fraction of ethanol g/kg of Mr. Smith’s blood is 0.5 × 10-3.

The substance ratio of albumin/creatininium Ten to the in Mr. Smith’s is 25 × 10-3. 10-3 mmol/mol power of -3 (The albumin value is adjusted to the amount-of- substance of creatininium in urine).

1 reticulocyte The number fraction of reticulocytes of erythrocytes 1000 erythrocytes in Mr. Smith’s blood is 10 × 10-3.

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will cause confusion, if not interpreted by a This recommendation is to prevent overlap- conscious human mind. ping intervals of value sets for a specific labora- tory examination. Often, value sets vary for the 5. Units for quantities of the same same laboratory examination using different sort of system, sort of component(s), units, but these variations may overlap when and kind-of-quantity should differ the units differ by a factor of 10 or 100, e.g. at least by a factor of one thousand ‘cm’ and ‘mm’, ‘%’ and ‘‰’, or ‘dL’ and ‘L’. The A laboratory examination of a quantity with a overlaps can cause misinterpretation, when given sort of system, sort of component(s), and the clinicians incorrectly assume use of the kind-of-quantity can be reported with different unit they are familiar with for a result from an- corresponding units, according to the choice of other laboratory (see example below). Thus, the local laboratories. To reduce misinterpreta- the use of SI prefix factors: centi (c), deci (d), tions that may occur when exchanging labora- deca (da) and hecto (h) are discouraged, ex- tory results between hospitals or when health cept when the units are lifted to a power (see personnel change hospitals, it is recommended section 7.3). that the laboratories use units that differ by at Example 3 least a prefix factor of one thousand (10 ) for Laboratories A and B (in Hospitals A and B, re- the same type of examination performed in 2 or spectively) measure number fraction of the -re more laboratories. ticulocytes among erythrocytes in Mr. Smith’s E.g. Laboratory A measures the substance con- blood with the use of two different units. The centration of epinephrine in plasma with the units differ by a factor of 10 (see below labora- unit, ‘µmol/L’. Laboratory B performs the same tory reports from laboratories A and B). type of measurement but present the value The patient is regularly admitted to Hospital B, with a unit that differs at least by a prefix factor but due to practical difficulties, a blood sample of one thousand. In this case Laboratory B uses from the patient is analysed by Laboratory A in the unit, ‘nmol/L’. the patient’s hometown. The health care- per Example sonnel at hospital B may not react adequate- ly on the value ‘1’ from laboratory A on 24th NPU14042 Plasma—Epinephrine; substance January, because the value lies in a familiar concentration = ? µmol/L value set interval and could mistakenly be in- NPU04625 Plasma—Epinephrine; substance terpreted to be within Laboratory B’s reference concentration = ? nmol/L interval (Table 9).

Table 9 Example of a cumulative laboratory report from two different laboratories

Reference Laboratory examination 12th Jan 20th Jan 24th Jan Unit interval Erythrocytes (Blood)—Reticulocytes; - - 1 5–22 ×10-3 number fraction* Erythrocytes (Blood)—Reticulocytes; 1 0.8 - 0.5–2.2 ×10-2 number fraction** * Examination result from Lab A.; ** Examination result from Lab B.

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6. Non-SI units 6.1 WHO International Unit (IU) Besides the non-SI units accepted for use to- The term ‘WHO International Unit’ (IU) does gether with the SI system, e.g., litre, (Table 10), not indicate one unit but comprises a heteroge- there are two important internationally used neous group of units, each defined by interna- expressions for non-SI units in laboratory medi- tionally certified reference material (CRM), (e.g. cine: ‘WHO International Unit’ (IU) and ‘(proce- a WHO International Standard). Thus, the given dure defined unit)’ (p.d.u.). CRM defines the material and magnitude of the

Table 10 Non-SI units accepted for use with the International System of Units

Term Symbol

litre L

tonne t

day d

hour h

minute min

Dalton Da

An extract of a list of accepted non-SI units from BIPM (2).

Table 11 Examples of use of SI prefix for ‘International Unit’ and ‘enzyme unit’

Examples Unit Unit of deprecated Examination example with correct unit symbol symbols

10³ International ×103 The arbitrary substance concentration kIU/L Unit per litre IU/L of Birch -IgE in Mr. Smith’s plasma is 10 × 103/L.

The arbitrary number concentration of RNA 10-3 International ×10-3 mIU/L from C virus in Mr. Smith’s plasma Unit per litre IU/L is 200 × 10-3 IU/L.

10-3 enzyme unit The catalytic-activity concentration of guanosine mU/L ×10-3 U/L per litre deaminase in Mr. Smith’s plasma is 250 mU/L.

The catalytic-activity concentration of pancreatic 103 enzyme unit kU/L’ ×103 U/L amylase in Mr. Smith’s duodenal fluid per litre is 40 × 103 U/L.

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unit. ‘IU’ should not be confused with the sym- ‘arbitrary unit/L’, ‘ELISA unit’, etc. — with- bol for enzyme unit ‘U’ that is defined as ‘µmol out any indication of either dimension or per minute’ (5). magnitude. A current CRM may not be permanent for a The NPU terminology uses the term ‘(proce- specific measurand, and the magnitude of the dure defined unit)’, symbolized ‘(p.d.u.)’, to unit may be redefined by a new CRM batch (see indicate that the NPU terminology does not examples below). To distinguish between differ- specify the unit for the kind-of-quantity in ent IUs, the given CRM should be stated in the question. Although it may appear to be a well- examination report. defined unit, the concept contains a heteroge- In the NPU terminology, the specific CRM is a neous group of arbitrary and proprietary units. part of the laboratory examination code (in the It reflects the disagreement of the unit mag- examples below ‘IS 09/172’ and ‘IS 84/665’ are nitudes between different assays and no com- specific CRMs). mon CRM. Examples The actual magnitude of the unit depends on NPU58076 Plasma—Coagulation factor IX; the analytical measurement procedure, and it arbitrary substance concentration (enzymatic; is the responsibility of the laboratory to com- IS 09/172; procedure) = ? IU/L municate the required information for clinical NPU01636 Plasma—Coagulation factor IX; evaluation of the laboratory reports. arbitrary substance concentration (enzymatic; Thus, the ‘(procedure defined unit)’ is a simple IS 84/665; procedure) = ? IU/L placeholder for the units that one or more labo- Note: The modifier ‘arbitrary’ is ambiguous. ratories have termed and described. Sometimes it is used for ‘random’. This is not the Local symbols for these non-SI units should not case here. An ‘arbitrary substance concentra- look like SI-units, such as ‘mg/L’, to prevent mis- tion’ is a substance concentration decided and understanding of laboratory values. defined by an ‘arbiter’. In this case ‘WHO’ is the ‘arbiter’. Example The use of SI prefix factors is allowed in de- NPU29718 Plasma—3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl scriptions of very small or very large values, -coenzyme A reductase antibody (IgG); because the international CRM has a well-de- arbitrary substance concentration (procedure) fined magnitude. However, SI prefixes are not = ? (procedure defined unit) recommended in combination with IU expres- In this case, the local term for the ‘(procedure sions due to confusion with the symbol for defined unit)’ could be, e.g., ‘arbitrary unit/L’. the ‘enzyme unit’, U (Table 11). E.g. ‘kU/L’ can Combinations of the term ‘(p.d.u.)’ with SI pre- be mistaken for ‘kIU/L’, and ‘mU/L’ for ‘mIU/L’. fixes and/or SI- or non-SI units are meaningless, 6.2 Procedure defined unit (p.d.u.) as they may represent units of any magnitude and dimension (Table 12). If the unit is defined by a measurement proce- dure that is not traceable to an international Comparisons on a national or regional level re- unit or an international CRM, the laboratory quire harmonisation and pre-coordination for must describe and term the unit used. Such the laboratory examinations using ‘(p.d.u.)’ as units are frequently termed ‘arbitrary unit’, unit.

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Table 12 Examples of use of procedure defined unit

Examples Unit Unit of deprecated Examination example symbol symbols


The arbitrary substance content Procedure of haemoglobin defined (p.d.u.) m(p.d.u.) in Mr. Smith’s faeces unit is 20 ELISA unit/kg.

10-3× (p.d.u.)

7. Exceptions recommendation needs to be established for Units that violate some of the above rules may that specific laboratory examination. exceptionally be accepted as follows. Example

7.1 International recommendation ‘Per cent’ was recommended by IFCC for the on specific units laboratory examination ‘carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT)’ (10). Well-defined and unambiguous units that vio- late the above stated rules may be acceptable NPU57406 Transferrin (Plasma)— for use if an international recommendation has Disialotransferrin; substance fraction (IFCC been established. 2016) = ? % Example Consequently, for the NPU terminology, NPU codes for that laboratory examination, using ‘Millimole per mole’ (‘mmol/mol’) was recom- -3 mended by IFCC for the laboratory examination ‘one’ or ‘10 ‘ as units, cannot be established due of ‘HbA ’ (9). to risk of misinterpretation of exchanged labora- 1C tory results. This will ensure that only ‘%’ will be 7.2 Per cent reported in any laboratory. Many kinds-of-quantity defined as fractions are 7.3 Units lifted to a power by convention and very long tradition expressed 2 3 with the unit ‘per cent’ (‘%’ or ‘10-2’), however, it For units lifted to a power, e.g. ‘cm ‘ and ‘m ‘, the is recommended to use caution when using this SI prefixes with a factor less than 1000 are ac- unit due to the high risk of errors in communica- ceptable for a laboratory examination with the tion between health personnel, as explained in same system, component, and kind-of-quantity. section 5. Therefore, if there is a strong inter- E.g. ‘mm2’, ‘cm2’, ‘dm2’ and ‘m2’ are acceptable, national need of using ‘%’ as unit for a spe- because they ensure steps of at least a factor of cific laboratory examination, an international 100 between the numerical values.

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The intervals of the value sets for these units  are not overlapping, and there is no increased Vocabulary risk of misinterpretation in exchanging labora- tory reports. component: part of a system (5) Examples kind-of-nominal-property: defining aspect, common to mutually comparable nominal Patient—Body Surface; area = 1.8 m² properties (11) Patient—Body Surface; area = 180 dm² kind-of-quantity: aspect common to mutually Patient—Body Surface; area = 18 000 cm² comparable quantities (6) Patient—Body Surface; area = 1 800 000 mm² nominal property: property of a phenomenon, Note: The two bottom entries should for read- body, or substance, where the property has no ability purposes not be established (see Section size (11) 3: Multiples and submultiples of units). numerical quantity value: (numerical value, value): number in the expression of a quantity CONCLUSION value, other than any number serving as the Globally, millions of laboratory examinations reference (6) are performed, communicated, exchanged, and ordinal kind-of-quantity: quantity, defined by presented every day. Moreover, as patients (and a conventional measurement procedure, for health care personnel) are traveling between which a total ordering relation can be estab- hospitals and other health care organisations, lished, according to magnitude, with other patient health data are communicated between quantities of the same kind, but for which no these organisations as well. algebraic operations among those quantities The risk of post-analytical misinterpretations — exist (6) especially of the exchanged laboratory data — is, quantity value: number and reference together thus, high and may induce errors in patient care. expressing magnitude of a quantity (6) To reduce risk and support optimal interopera- system: part or phenomenon of the perceivable bility, the reviewed principles on measurement or conceivable world consisting of a demarcated units are recommended for use by all parties in arrangement of a set of elements and a set of re- health care IT systems and organisations, and in scientific publications in the field of health care. lations or processes between these elements (5) To illustrate our recommendations regarding  measurement units, we provide a list of two hundred frequent laboratory examinations with REFERENCES units as used in Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, and 1. Dybkær R, Jørgensen K. Quantities and Units in Clinical Swedish laboratories. See Supplement to ‘mea- Chemistry -Including Recommendation 1966 of the Comi- ision on Clinical Chemistry of the International Union of surement units’ (in Table 13, after the References Pure and Applied Chemistry and of the International Fed- section). eration for Clinical Chemistry. Copenhagen: Munksgaard;  1967. 102 p. 2. Mesures BIdPe. SI Brochure: The International System In memory of Rene Dybkær and his tremendous of Units (SI). In: Mesures BIdPe, editor. 8th edition ed. contribution to laboratory medicine. https://www.bipm.org2014.

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3. Ceriotti F. EFLM campaign for the harmonization of 7. Gibney E. New definitions of scientific units are on the the units of measurement2016:[2 p.]. Available from: horizon. Nature. 2017;550(7676):312-3. http://www.ifcc.org/ifcc-communications- 8. Standardization ECf. Health informatics. Expression of re- publications-division-(cpd)/ifcc-publications/ sults of measurements in health sciences. EN 12435:2006. enewsletter/. p. 120. 4. Magdal U, Dybkaer R, Olesen H. Properties and units in 9. International Federation Of Clinical Chemistry and the clinical laboratory sciences, Part XXIII. The NPU ter- Laboratory Medicine ISD, Nordin G, Dybkaer R. Rec- minology, principles and implementation -a user’s guide ommendation for term and measurement unit for (Technical Report 2011) (IFCC-IUPAC). Clin Chem Lab “HbA1c”. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2007;45(8):1081-2. Med. 2012;50(1):35-50. 10. Schellenberg F, Wielders J, Anton R, Bianchi V, 5. Férard G, Dybkaer R, Fuentes-Arderiu X. Compendium Deenmamode J, Weykamp C, et al. IFCC approved HPLC of Terminology and Nomenclature of Properties in Clini- reference measurement procedure for the alcohol consumption biomarker carbohydrate-deficient trans- cal Laboratory Sciences : Recommendations 2016. 1 ed: ferrin (CDT): Its validation and use. Clin Chim Acta. Royal Society of Chemistry; 2017. 182 p. 2017;465:91-100. 6. Mesures BIdPe. International Vocabulary of Metrol- 11. Nordin G, Dybkaer R, Forsum U, Fuentes-Arderiu ogy – Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms X, Pontet F. Vocabulary on nominal property, examina- VIM 3rd edition JCGM 200:2012 (JCGM 200:2008 with tion, and related concepts for clinical laboratory sci- minor corrections). https://www.bipm.org: Bureau In- ences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017). Pure and ternational des Poids et Mesures; 2008. Applied Chemistry. 2017:23.

Page 262 eJIFCC2019Vol30No3pp250-275 Table 13 Supplement to ‘measurement units’

*Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 1 NPU03230 Plasma—Potassium ion; P—Potassium ion; Plasma Potassium ion substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry

2 NPU28309 Blood—Haemoglobin; B—Haemoglobin; Blood Haemoglobin mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L concentration Biochemistry 3 NPU02319 Blood—Haemoglobin(Fe); B—Haemoglobin(Fe); Blood Haemoglobin Fe substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry

4 NPU03429 Plasma—Sodium ion; P—Sodium ion; subst.c. = Plasma Sodium ion substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry 5 NPU02593 Blood—Leukocytes; B—Leukocytes; num.c. = ? Blood Leukocytes number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L × 109/L concentration Biochemistry 6 ALAT NPU19651 Plasma—Alanine transaminase; catalytic P—Alanine transaminase; Plasma Alanine trans- catalytic IFCC 2002 U/L Clinical Ratio concentration(IFCC 2002) = ? U/L cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = ? U/L aminase concentration Biochemistry 7 CRP NPU19748 Plasma—C-reactive protein; P—C-reactive protein; Plasma C-reactive mass mg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? mg/L mass c. = ? mg/L protein concentration Biochemistry 8 Platelets NPU03568 Blood—Thrombocytes; B—Thrombocytes; num.c. Blood Thrombocytes number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L = ? × 109/L concentration Biochemistry

9 NPU18016 Plasma—Creatininium; P—Creatininium; Plasma Creatininium substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L subst.c. = ? µmol/L concentration Biochemistry 10 ALP NPU27783 Plasma—Alkaline phosphatase; P—Alkaline phosphatase; Plasma Alkaline phos- catalytic 37 °C; U/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(37 °C; cat.c.(37 °C; proc.) = ? U/L phatase concentration procedure Biochemistry procedure) = ? U/L 11 NPU19673 Plasma—Albumin; P—Albumin; Plasma Albumin mass procedure g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration(procedure) = ? g/L mass c.(proc.) = ? g/L concentration Biochemistry 12 ALAT NPU19981 Plasma—Alanine transaminase; P—Alanine transaminase; Plasma Alanine trans- catalytic IFCC 2002 µkat/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2002) = cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = ? µkat/L aminase concentration Biochemistry ? µkat/L 13 ALP NPU01144 Plasma—Alkaline phosphatase; P—Alkaline phosphatase; Plasma Alkaline phos- catalytic 37 °C; µkat/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(37 °C; cat.c.(37 °C; proc.) = ? phatase concentration procedure Biochemistry procedure) = ? µkat/L µkat/L 14 NPU01933 Blood—Eosinophilocytes; B—Eosinophilocytes; Blood Eosinophilo- number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L num.c. = ? × 109/L 15 NPU02636 Blood—Lymphocytes; number con- B—Lymphocytes; num.c. = Blood Lymphocytes number × 109/L Clinical Ratio centration = ? × 109/L ? × 109/L concentration Biochemistry 16 NPU02840 Blood—Monocytes; B—Monocytes; num.c. = ? Blood Monocytes number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L × 109/L concentration Biochemistry

17 NPU01349 Blood—Basophilocytes; B—Basophilocytes; num.c. Blood Basophilo- number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L = ? × 109/L cytes concentration Biochemistry 18 NPU04998 Plasma—Creatininium; substance P—Creatininium; Plasma Creatininium substance enzymatic µmol/L Clinical Ratio concentration(enzymatic) = ? µmol/L subst.c.(enz.) = ? µmol/L concentration Biochemistry *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 19 ASAT NPU22279 Plasma—Aspartate transaminase; P—Aspartate transami- Plasma Aspartate catalytic IFCC 2002 µkat/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2002) = nase; cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = transaminase concentration Biochemistry ? µkat/L ? µkat/L

20 NPU01370 Plasma—Bilirubins; P—Bilirubins; subst.c. = ? Plasma Bilirubins substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L µmol/L concentration Biochemistry

21 NPU02902 Blood—Neutrophilocytes; B—Neutrophilocytes; Blood Neutrophilo- number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L num.c. = ? × 109/L 22 HbA1c NPU27300 Haemoglobin beta chain(Blood)— Haemoglobin beta Haemo- Blood N-(1-deoxy- substance mmol/mol Clinical Ratio (IFCC) N-(1-deoxyfructos-1-yl)haemoglobin chain(B)—N-(1-deoxyfruc- globin fructos-1-yl) fraction Biochemistry beta chain; tos-1-yl)haemoglobin beta beta haemoglobin substance fraction = ? mmol/mol chain; subst.fr. = ? mmol/ chain beta chain mol

23 eAG NPU27412 Plasma—Glucose; P—Glucose; Plasma Glucose substance average; mmol/L Clinical Ratio (estimated substance concentration(average; subst.c.(average; Hb A1c; concentration Hb A1c; Biochemistry Average Hb A1c; procedure) = ? mmol/L proc.) = ? mmol/L procedure Glucose) 24 NPU01459 Plasma—Carbamide; P—Carbamide; Plasma Carbamide substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry

25 TSH NPU03577 Plasma—Thyrotropin; P—Thyrotropin; Plasma Thyrotropin arbitrary IRP 80/558; × 10-3 IU/L Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance concentration(IRP arb.subst.c.(IRP 80/558; substance procedure Biochemistry 80/558; procedure) = ? × 10-3 IU/L proc.) = ? × 10-3 IU/L

26 HbA1c NPU29296 Haemoglobin(Fe;Blood)— Hb(Fe; B)—Haemoglobin Haemo- Fe; Haemoglobin Fe substance NGSP % Clinical Ratio (DCCT) Haemoglobin A1c(Fe); A1c(Fe); subst.fr.(NGSP) globin Blood A1c fraction Biochemistry substance fraction(NGSP) = ? % = ? %

27 Total cho- NPU01566 Plasma—Cholesterol+ester; P—Cholesterol+ester; Plasma Cholesterol substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio lesterol substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L +ester concentration Biochemistry 28 LDL NPU01568 Plasma—Cholesterol+ester, in LDL; P—Cholesterol+ester, in Plasma Cholesterol substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L LDL; subst.c. = ? mmol/L +ester, in LDL concentration Biochemistry

29 HDL NPU01567 Plasma—Cholesterol+ester, in HDL; P—Cholesterol+ester, in Plasma Cholesterol substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L HDL; subst.c. = ? mmol/L +ester, in HDL concentration Biochemistry

30 GGT NPU22283 Plasma—gamma-Glutamyltransferase; P—gamma- Plasma gamma- Glutamyl- catalytic IFCC 2002 µkat/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2002) = Glutamyltransferase; transferase concentration Biochemistry ? µkat/L cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = ? µkat/L

31 NPU26880 Erythrocytes(Blood)—Haemoglobin; Ercs(B)—Haemoglobin; Erythro- Blood Haemoglobin entitic mass pg Clinical Ratio entitic mass = ? pg entitic mass = ? pg cytes Biochemistry

32 NPU26631 Blood—Metamyelocytes+Myelocytes B—Metamyelocytes+My Blood Metamy- number × 109/L Clinical Ratio +Promyelocytes; elocytes+Promyelocytes; elocytes + concentration Biochemistry number concentration = ? × 109/L num.c. = ? × 109/L + Promyelo- cytes *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 33 LDH NPU19658 Plasma—L-Lactate dehydrogenase; P—L-Lactate dehydroge- Plasma L- Lactate catalytic IFCC 2002 U/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2002) = nase; dehydroge- concentration Biochemistry ? U/L cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = ? U/L nase 34 Triglycer- NPU04094 Plasma—Triglyceride; P—Triglyceride; Plasma Triglyceride substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio ides substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry 35 MCV NPU01944 Blood—Erythrocytes; B—Erythrocytes; Blood Erythrocytes entitic volume fL Clinical Ratio entitic volume = ? fL entitic vol. = ? fL Biochemistry 36 Haemato- NPU01961 Blood—Erythrocytes; B—Erythrocytes; Blood Erythrocytes volume Clinical Ratio crit volume fraction = ? vol.fr. = ? fraction Biochemistry 37 Calcium NPU01443 Plasma—Calcium(II); P—Calcium(II); Plasma Calcium II substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry 38 Vitamin NPU01700 Plasma—Cobalamin; P—Cobalamin; Plasma Cobalamin substance pmol/L Clinical Ratio B12 substance concentration = ? pmol/L subst.c. = ? pmol/L concentration Biochemistry

39 Calcium NPU04144 Plasma—Calcium ion(free); P—Calcium ion(free); Plasma Calcium ion free substance pH = 7.40; mmol/L Clinical Ratio ion substance concentration(pH = subst.c.(pH = 7.40; concentration procedure Biochemistry 7.40;procedure) = ? mmol/L proc.) = ? mmol/L

40 NPU02192 Plasma—Glucose; P—Glucose; Plasma Glucose substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry

41 MCHC NPU02321 Erythrocytes(Blood)— Ercs(B)—Haemoglobin(Fe); Erythro- Blood Haemoglobin Fe substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio Haemoglobin(Fe); subst.c. = ? mmol/L cytes concentration Biochemistry substance concentration = ? mmol/L 42 GGT NPU19657 Plasma—gamma-Glutamyltransferase; P—gamma- Plasma gamma- Glutamyl- catalytic IFCC 2002 U/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2002) Glutamyltransferase; transferase concentration Biochemistry = ? U/L cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = ? U/L 43 Prothrom- NPU18878 Plasma—Coagulation, tissue P—Coagulation, tissue Plasma Coagulation, arbitrary coagulation; (p.d.u.) Trombosis and Ratio bine time factor-induced; arbitrary substance factor-induced; arb. tissue factor- substance procedure Haemostasis concentration(coagulation; subst.c.(coag.; proc.) = ? induced concentration procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) (p.d.u.) 44 Vitamin NPU10267 Plasma—Calcifediol+25- P—Calcifediol+25- Plasma Calcifediol+ substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio D2+D3 Hydroxyergocalciferol; Hydroxyergocalciferol; 25-Hydroxyer- concentration Biochemistry substance concentration = ? nmol/L subst.c. = ? nmol/L gocalciferol

45 NPU01960 Blood—Erythrocytes; B—Erythrocytes; num.c. = Blood Erythrocytes number × 1012/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 1012/L ? × 1012/L concentration Biochemistry 46 25-Hydroxy NPU26810 Plasma—25-Hydroxyergocalciferol; P—25- Plasma 25- Hydroxyergo- substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio -Vitamin substance concentration = ? nmol/L Hydroxyergocalciferol; calciferol concentration Biochemistry D2 subst.c. = ? nmol/L

47 NPU19763 Plasma—Ferritin; P—Ferritin; Plasma Ferritin mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L concentration Biochemistry 48 NPU19653 Plasma—Amylase, pancreatic type; P—Amylase, pancreatic Plasma Amylase, catalytic IFCC 2006 U/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2006) = type; pancreatic concentration Biochemistry ? U/L cat.c.(IFCC 2006) = ? U/L type 49 NPU02508 Plasma—Iron; P—Iron; Plasma Iron substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L subst.c. = ? µmol/L concentration Biochemistry *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 50 NPU03096 Plasma—Phosphate(P; inorganic); P—Phosphate(P; inorganic); Plasma Phosphate (P; substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L inorganic) concentration Biochemistry 51 NPU03688 Plasma—Urate; substance P—Urate; Plasma Urate substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry 52 NPU04133 Plasma—Iron binding capacity; P—Iron binding capacity; Plasma Iron binding substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L subst.c. = ? µmol/L capacity concentration Biochemistry

53 NPU19652 Plasma—Amylase; catalytic P—Amylase; Plasma Amylase catalytic IFCC 2006 U/L Clinical Ratio concentration(IFCC 2006) = ? U/L cat.c.(IFCC 2006) = ? U/L concentration Biochemistry

54 Free T4 NPU03579 Plasma—Thyroxine(free); P—Thyroxine(free); Plasma Thyroxine free substance pmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? pmol/L subst.c. = ? pmol/L concentration Biochemistry 55 LDH NPU22289 Plasma—L-Lactate dehydrogenase; P—L-Lactate dehydroge- Plasma L- Lactate catalytic IFCC 2002 µkat/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2002) = nase; cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = dehydrogenase concentration Biochemistry ? µkat/L ? µkat/L 56 Urinary NPU19661 Urine—Albumin/Creatininium; U—Albumin/Creatininium; Urine Albumin/ mass ratio × 10-3 IU/L Clinical Ratio albumin mass ratio = ? × 10-3 IU/L mass ratio = ? × 10- Creatininium Biochemistry excretion 3 adjusted for creatinine 57 NPU19986 Plasma—Amylase, pancreatic type; P—Amylase, pancreatic Plasma Amylase, catalytic IFCC 2006 µkat/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2006) = type; cat.c.(IFCC 2006) = pancreatic concentration Biochemistry ? µkat/L ? µkat/L type 58 MCH NPU02320 Erythrocytes(Blood)—Haemoglobin(Fe); Ercs(B)—Haemoglobin(Fe); Erythro- Blood Haemoglobin Fe entitic fmol Clinical Ratio entitic amount-of-substance = ? fmol entitic am.s. = ? fmol cytes amount-of- Biochemistry substance 59 NPU08694 Blood—Reticulocytes; B—Reticulocytes; num.c. = Blood Reticulocytes number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L ? × 109/L concentration Biochemistry 60 Adjusted NPU04169 Plasma—Calcium(II); P—Calcium(II); Plasma Calcium II substance adjusted; mmol/L Clinical Ratio Calcium substance concentration (adjusted; subst.c.(adj.; proc.) = ? concentration procedure Biochemistry procedure) = ? mmol/L mmol/L 61 NPU02070 Plasma—Folate; P—Folate; Plasma Folate substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? nmol/L subst.c. = ? nmol/L concentration Biochemistry

62 NPU04073 Plasma—Homocysteine; P—Homocysteine; Plasma Homocysteine substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L subst.c. = ? µmol/L concentration Biochemistry

63 NPU22089 Plasma(cord Blood)—Glucose; P(cB)—Glucose; Plasma cord Glucose substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L Blood concentration Biochemistry 64 NPU02647 Plasma—Magnesium(II); P—Magnesium(II); Plasma Magnesium II substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry

65 Pro-BNP NPU21571 Plasma—Pro-brain natriuretic P—Pro-brain natriuretic Plasma Pro-brain mass ng/L Clinical Ratio peptide(1-76); peptide(1-76); mass c. = natriuretic concentration Biochemistry mass concentration = ? ng/L ? ng/L peptide(1-76) 66 pCO2 NPU01470 Plasma(Arterial blood)—Carbon dioxide; P(aB)—Carbon dioxide; Plasma Arterial Carbon tension 37 °C kPa Clinical Ratio tension(37 °C) = ? kPa tension(37 °C) = ? kPa blood dioxide Biochemistry *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 67 NPU09105 Plasma—Calcifediol+ergocalciferol; P— Plasma Calcifediol substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? nmol/L Calcifediol+ergocalciferol; +ergocalcif- concentration Biochemistry subst.c. = ? nmol/L erol 68 pO2 NPU08977 Plasma(Arterial blood)— P(aB)—Oxygen(O22 tension 37 °C kPa Clinical Ratio Oxygen(O2); sub>); blood Biochemistry tension (37 °C) = ? kPa tension(37 °C) = ? kPa 69 CK NPU19656 Plasma—Creatine kinase; catalytic P—Creatine kinase; Plasma Creatine catalytic IFCC 2002 U/L Clinical Ratio concentration(IFCC 2002) = ? U/L cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = ? U/L kinase concentration Biochemistry 70 NPU09102 Urine—Creatininium; U—Creatininium; Urine Creatininium substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry 71 NPU28172 Blood—Neutrophilocytes(segmente B—Neutrophilocytes(segm Blood Neutrophilo- seg- number × 109/L Clinical Ratio d+band); number concentration = ? ented+band); cytes mented concentration Biochemistry × 109/L num.c. = ? × 109/L + band 72 NPU03943 Plasma(Arterial blood)—Lactate; P(aB)—Lactate; Plasma Arterial Lactate substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L blood concentration Biochemistry 73 NPU19677 Urine—Albumin; mass U—Albumin; Urine Albumin mass procedure mg/L Clinical Ratio concentration(procedure) = ? mg/L mass c.(proc.) = ? mg/L concentration Biochemistry 74 NPU28842 Urine—Albumin/Creatininium; U—Albumin/Creatininium; Urine Albumin/ mass mass/amount- g/mol Clinical Ratio mass coefficient(mass/amount-of- mass coefficient(mass/ Creatininium coefficient of-substance; Biochemistry substance;procedure) = ? g/mol am.s.; proc.) = ? g/mol procedure sprocedure- substance; procedure substance; esubstance; procedure 75 VLDL NPU01569 Plasma—Cholesterol+ester, in VLDL; P—Cholesterol+ester, in Plasma Cholesterol substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L VLDL; subst.c. = ? mmol/L +ester, concentration Biochemistry in VLDL 76 NPU04191 Transferrin(Fe-binding sites;Plasma)— Transferrin(Fe-binding sites; Transfer- Fe- Iron substance Clinical Ratio Iron; substance fraction = ? P)—Iron; subst.fr. = ? rin binding fraction Biochemistry sites; Plasma 77 CO2 NPU01472 Plasma(Venous blood)—Carbon dioxide; P(vB)—Carbon dioxide; Plasma Venous Carbon substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L blood dioxide concentration Biochemistry

78 Urine pH NPU02415 Urine—Hydrogen ion; U—Hydrogen ion; Urine Hydrogen ion pH procedure Clinical Loga- pH(procedure) = ? pH(proc.) = ? Biochemistry rith- mic 79 Fasting NPU03620 Plasma(fasting Patient)—Triglyceride; P(fPt)—Triglyceride; Plasma fasting Triglyceride substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio triglycerides substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L Patient concentration Biochemistry 80 Base NPU03815 Extracellular fluid—Base excess; Ecf—Base excess; Extracel- Base excess substance actual-norm mmol/L Clinical Dif- excess substance concentration(actual-norm) subst.c.(actual-norm) = ? lular concentration Biochemistry feren- = ? mmol/L mmol/L fluid tial 81 HbA1c NPU03835 Haemoglobin(Fe;Blood)—Haemoglo- Hb(Fe; B)—Haemoglobin Haemo- Fe; Haemoglobin Fe substance Clinical Ratio bin A1c(Fe); substance fraction = ? A1c(Fe); subst.fr. = ? globin Blood A1c fraction Biochemistry *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 82 Free T3 NPU03625 Plasma—Triiodothyronine(free); P—Triiodothyronine(free); Plasma Triiodothyro- free substance pmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? pmol/L subst.c. = ? pmol/L nine concentration Biochemistry 83 T3 NPU03624 Plasma—Triiodothyronine; P—Triiodothyronine; Plasma Triiodothyro- substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? nmol/L subst.c. = ? nmol/L nine concentration Biochemistry

84 T4 NPU03578 Plasma—Thyroxine; P—Thyroxine; Plasma Thyroxine substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? nmol/L subst.c. = ? nmol/L concentration Biochemistry 85 TPO anti- NPU20041 Plasma—Thyroid peroxidase antibody; P—Thyroid peroxidase Plasma Thyroid arbitrary IRP 66/387; × 10³ IU/L Clinical Ratio bodies arbitrary substance concentration(IRP antibody; peroxidase substance procedure Biochemistry 66/387; procedure) = ? × 10³ IU/L arb.subst.c.(IRP 66/387; antibody concentration proc.) = ? × 10³ IU/L 86 Hb in NPU29057 Faeces—Haemoglobin; F—Haemoglobin; Faeces Haemoglobin arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio Faeces arbitrary substance concentration arb.subst.c.(proc.) = ? substance Biochemistry (procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) (p.d.u.) concentration

87 PSA NPU08669 Plasma—Prostata specific antigen; P—Prostata specific Plasma Prostata mass concen- µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L antigen; mass c. = ? µg/L specific antigen tration Biochemistry

88 activated NPU01682 Plasma—Coagulation, P—Coagulation, surface- Plasma Coagulation, time procedure s Trombosis and Ratio partial surface-induced; induced; time(proc.) = ? s surface- Haemostasis throm- time(procedure) = ? s induced boplastin time (APTT) 89 RDW-CV NPU18162 Erythrocytes(Blood)—Erythrocyte Ercs(B)—Erythrocyte volumes; Erythro- Blood Erythrocyte relative procedure Clinical Ratio volumes; relative distribution relative distribution cytes volumes distribution Biochemistry width(procedure) = ? width(proc.) = ? width

90 NPU14267 Blood—Large unstained cells; B—Large unstained cells; Blood Large number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L num.c. = ? × 109/L cells 91 PTH NPU03028 Plasma—Parathyrin; P—Parathyrin; Plasma Parathyrin substance pmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? pmol/L subst.c. = ? pmol/L concentration Biochemistry 92 ASAT NPU19654 Plasma—Aspartate transaminase; P—Aspartate Plasma Aspartate catalytic IFCC 2002 U/L Clinical Ratio catalytic concentration(IFCC 2002) = transaminase; transaminase concentration Biochemistry ? U/L cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = ? U/L 93 IgE NPU56406 Plasma—Immunoglobulin E; P—Immunoglobulin E; Plasma Immunoglob- arbitrary IS 11/234; × 10³ IU/L Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance concentration(IS arb.subst.c.(IS 11/234; ulin E substance procedure Allergology 11/234 ;procedure) = ? × 10³ IU/L proc.) = ? × 10³ IU/L concentration

94 NPU26470 Plasma—Transferrin; P—Transferrin; mass c. = Plasma Transferrin mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L ? g/L concentration Biochemistry 95 NPU21533 Plasma(Arterial blood)—Glucose; P(aB)—Glucose; subst.c. = Plasma Arterial Glucose substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L ? mmol/L blood concentration Biochemistry

96 NPU18410 Plasma—Cholesterol+ester/ P—Cholesterol+ester/ Plasma Cholesterol + substance Clinical Ratio Cholesterol+ester, in HDL; Cholesterol+ester, in HDL; ester / ratio Biochemistry substance ratio = ? subst.ratio = ? Cholesterol + ester, in HDL *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 97 IgG NPU19814 Plasma—Immunoglobulin G; P—Immunoglobulin G; Plasma Immunoglob- mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L ulin G concentration Biochemistry 98 NPU10762 Blood—Atypical cells; B—Atypical cells; num.c. = Blood Atypical cells number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L ? × 109/L concentration Biochemistry 99 IgA NPU19795 Plasma—Immunoglobulin A; P—Immunoglobulin A; Plasma Immunoglob- mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L ulin A concentration Biochemistry 100 NPU03607 Plasma—Transferrin; P—Transferrin; Plasma Transferrin substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L subst.c. = ? µmol/L concentration Biochemistry 101 TSH NPU27547 Plasma—Thyrotropin; arbitrary P—Thyrotropin; Plasma Thyrotropin arbitrary IRP 81/565; × 10-3 IU/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration(IRP arb.subst.c.(IRP 81/565; substance procedure Biochemistry 81/565;procedure) = ? × 10-3 IU/L proc.) = ? × 10-3 IU/L 102 IgM NPU19825 Plasma—Immunoglobulin M; P—Immunoglobulin M; Plasma Immunoglob- mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L ulin M concentration Biochemistry 103 HCO3 NPU02410 Plasma—Hydrogen carbonate; P—Hydrogen carbonate; Plasma Hydrogen substance pCO22 = 5.3 kPa; Biochemistry (pCO2 = 5.3 kPa; 37 °C) sub> = 5.3 kPa; 37 °C) = ? 37 °C = ? mmol/L mmol/L 104 NPU01368 Plasma— glucuronide; P—Bilirubin glucuronide; Plasma Bilirubin substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L subst.c. = ? µmol/L glucuronide concentration Biochemistry 105 NPU09356 Plasma—Urate; P—Urate; subst.c. = ? Plasma Urate substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L µmol/L concentration Biochemistry 106 25-Hy- NPU01435 Plasma—Calcifediol; P—Calcifediol; Plasma Calcifediol substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio droxy- substance concentration = ? nmol/L subst.c. = ? nmol/L concentration Biochemistry Vitamin D3 107 O2 NPU10167 Patient—Oxygen(administered); Pt—Oxygen(administered); Patient Oxygen adminis- volume rate L/min Clinical Ratio volume rate = ? L/min vol.rate = ? L/min tered Biochemistry 108 Base NPU12518 Plasma(Arterial blood)—Base excess; P(aB)—Base excess; Plasma Arterial Base excess substance actual-norm mmol/L Clinical Dif- excess substance concentration(actual-norm) subst.c.(actual-norm) = ? blood concentration Biochemistry feren- = ? mmol/L mmol/L tial 109 A1AT NPU19692 Plasma—alpha 1-Antitrypsin; P—alpha 1-Antitrypsin; Plasma alpha 1- Antitrypsin mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L concentration Biochemistry 110 D-Dimer NPU28289 Plasma—Fibrin D-dimer; P—Fibrin D-dimer; Plasma Fibrin D-dimer arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Trombosis and Ratio arbitrary substance arb.subst.c.(proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) substance Haemostasis concentration(procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) concentration

111 NPU01536 Plasma—Chloride; P—Chloride; Plasma Chloride substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry 112 TfR NPU28336 Plasma—Transferrinreceptor P—Transferrinreceptor Plasma Transfer- mass mg/L Clinical Ratio fragment; fragment; rinreceptor concentration Biochemistry mass concentration = ? mg/L mass c. = ? mg/L fragment 113 ESR NPU03404 Blood—Sedimentation reaction; B—Sedimentation reaction; Blood Sedimentation length procedure mm Clinical Ratio length(procedure) = ? mm length(proc.) = ? mm reaction Biochemistry 114 NPU01943 Blood—Erythroblasts; B—Erythroblasts; num.c. = Blood Erythroblasts number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L ? × 109/L concentration Biochemistry *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 115 NPU23296 Urine—Buprenorphine; U—Buprenorphine; Urine Buprenor- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L phine concentration Pharmacology 116 TNI NPU27591 Plasma—Troponin I, cardiac muscle; P—Troponin I, cardiac Plasma Troponin I, mass ng/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? ng/L muscle; mass c. = ? ng/L cardiac concentration Biochemistry muscle 117 NPU01808 Urine—Creatininium; U—Creatininium; Urine Creatininium substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L subst.c. = ? µmol/L concentration Biochemistry

118 Anion gap NPU20189 Plasma—Anion gap(excl. K+); P—Anion gap(excl. K+); Plasma Anion substance mmol/L Clinical Dif- substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L gap(excl. K+) concentration Biochemistry feren- tial 119 6-MAM NPU24861 Urine—6-O-Monoacetylmorphine; U—6-O- Urine 6-O- Monoacetyl- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L Monoacetylmorphine; morphine concentration Pharmacology mass c. = ? µg/L 120 NPU03976 Blood—Myelocytes; B—Myelocytes; num.c. = ? Blood Myelocytes number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L × 109/L concentration Biochemistry 121 CK-MB NPU19750 Plasma—Creatine kinase MB; P—Creatine kinase MB; Plasma Creatine mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L kinase MB concentration Biochemistry

122 NPU57688 Plasma—Food allergen antibody(IgE); P—Food allergen Plasma Food allergen IgE arbitrary (f1; f2; f3; (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance concentration((f1; antibody(IgE); arb. antibody substance f4; f13; f14); Allergology f2; f3; f4; f13; f14);procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) subst.c.((f1; f2; f3; f4; f13; concentration procedure f14); proc.) = ? (p.d.u.)

123 THC-COOH NPU28551 Urine—11-Nor-delta(9)-tetrahydro- U—11-Nor-delta(9)- Urine 11- Nor-delta(9)- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio cannabinol-9-carboxylic acid; tetrahydrocannabinol-9- tetrahydro- concentration Pharmacology mass concentration = ? µg/L carboxylic acid; cannabinol- mass c. = ? µg/L 9-carboxylic acid 124 NPU03978 Blood—Metamyelocytes; B—Metamyelocytes; Blood Metamyelo- number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L num.c. = ? × 109/L 125 NPU19788 Plasma—Haptoglobin; P—Haptoglobin; Plasma Haptoglobin mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L concentration Biochemistry 126 NPU23111 Urine—Amfetamine; U—Amfetamine; Urine Amfetamine mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology

127 TNT NPU27501 Plasma—Troponin T, cardiac muscle; P—Troponin T, Plasma Troponin T, mass ng/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? ng/L cardiac muscle; cardiac concentration Biochemistry mass c. = ? ng/L muscle 128 NPU28062 Urine—Oxazepam; mass concentra- U—Oxazepam; Urine Oxazepam mass µg/L Clinical Ratio tion = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology

129 Free PSA NPU12534 Plasma—Prostata specific P—Prostata specific Plasma Prostata free mass µg/L Clinical Ratio antigen(free); antigen(free); specific concentration Biochemistry mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L antigen 130 NPU28061 Urine—Nordazepam; U—Nordazepam; Urine Nordazepam mass concen- µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L tration Pharmacology *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 131 NPU03972 Blood—Blast cells(unspecified); B—Blast cells(unspecified); Blood Blast cells unspecified number procedure × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration(procedure) = num.c.(proc.) = ? × concentration Biochemistry ? × 109/L 109/L

132 NPU28056 Urine—7-Aminoclonazepam; U—7-Aminoclonazepam; Urine 7- Aminoclonaz- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L epam concentration Pharmacology 133 NPU03974 Blood—Promyelocytes; B—Promyelocytes; Blood Promyelo- number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L num.c. = ? × 109/L cytes concentration Biochemistry

134 NPU03768 Plasma—Zinc; P—Zinc; subst.c. = ? Plasma Zinc substance µmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? µmol/L µmol/L concentration Biochemistry 135 NPU28054 Urine—alpha-Hydroxyalprazolam; U—alpha-Hydroxyalprazolam; Urine alpha- Hydroxyalpra- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L zolam concentration Pharmacology

136 hCG+beta NPU19579 Plasma—Choriogonadotropin+beta- P— Plasma Choriogo- arbitrary IS 75/589; IU/L Clinical Ratio chain chain; arbitrary substance Choriogonadotropin+beta- nadotropin substance procedure Biochemistry concentration(IS 75/589;procedure) chain; arb.subst.c.(IS +beta-chain concentration = ? IU/L 75/589; proc.) = ? IU/L

137 NPU28057 Urine—7-Aminonitrazepam; U—7-Aminonitrazepam; Urine 7- Aminonitraz- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L epam concentration Pharmacology

138 NPU19676 Urine—Albumin; U—Albumin; mass c.(proc.) Urine Albumin mass procedure g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration(procedure) = ? g/L = ? g/L concentration Biochemistry

139 NPU24776 Urine—Metamfetamine; U—Metamfetamine; Urine Metamfet- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L amine concentration Pharmacology

140 NPU03278 Plasma—Protein; P—Protein; mass c. = ? g/L Plasma Protein mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L concentration Biochemistry 141 NPU28055 Urine—7-Aminoflunitrazepam; U—7-Aminoflunitrazepam; Urine 7- Aminofluni- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L trazepam concentration Pharmacology

142 Anion gap NPU18415 Plasma—Anion gap(incl. K+); P—Anion gap(incl. K+); Plasma Anion substance mmol/L Clinical Dif- substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L gap(incl. K+) concentration Biochemistry feren- tial

143 NPU54550 Urine—Ephedrine; U—Ephedrine; mass c. = Urine Ephedrine mass concen- µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L ? µg/L tration Pharmacology 144 NPU03356 Erythrocytes(Blood)—Reticulocytes; Ercs(B)—Reticulocytes; Erythro- Blood Reticulocytes number × 10-3 IU/L Clinical Ratio number fraction = ? × 10-3 IU/L num.fr. = ? × 10-3 145 NPU54587 Urine—4-Methoxyamphetamine; U—4-Methoxyamphet- Urine 4- Methoxyam- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L amine; mass c. = ? µg/L phetamine concentration Pharmacology

146 FSH NPU04014 Plasma—Follitropin; arbitrary P—Follitropin; Plasma Follitropin arbitrary IRP 78/549; IU/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration(IRP 78/549; arb.subst.c.(IRP 78/549; substance procedure Biochemistry procedure) = ? IU/L proc.) = ? IU/L concentration

147 NPU54749 Urine—4-Methoxymethamphetamine; U—4-Methoxymetham- Urine 4- Methoxy- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L phetamine; methamphet- concentration Pharmacology mass c. = ? µg/L amine *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 148 HCO3 NPU14266 Plasma(Venous blood)—Hydrogen P(vB)—Hydrogen Plasma Venous Hydrogen substance actual; mmol/L Clinical Ratio carbonate; carbonate; blood carbonate concentration 37 °C Biochemistry substance concentration(actual;37 °C) subst.c.(actual; = ? mmol/L 37 °C) = ? mmol/L

149 NPU28311 Urine—Benzoylecgonine; U—Benzoylecgonine; Urine Benzoylecgo- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L nine concentration Pharmacology

150 NPU28315 Erythrocytes(Blood)—Haemoglobin; Ercs(B)—Haemoglobin; Erythro- Blood Haemoglobin mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L cytes concentration Biochemistry

151 CCP NPU19947 Plasma—Cyclic citrullinated peptide P—Cyclic citrullinated Plasma Cyclic citrulli- IgG arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio antibody(IgG); arbitrary substance peptide antibody(IgG); arb. nated peptide substance Biochemistry concentration(procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) subst.c.(proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) antibody concentration

152 NPU24819 Urine—3,4- U—3,4-Methylenedioxy- Urine 3,4- Methylene- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio Methylenedioxyamfetamine; amfetamine; dioxyamfet- concentration Pharmacology mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L amine 153 NPU04708 Blood—Plasmocytes; B—Plasmocytes; num.c. = Blood Plasmocytes number × 109/L Clinical Ratio number concentration = ? × 109/L ? × 109/L concentration Biochemistry 154 NPU24821 Urine—3,4- U—3,4-Methylene- Urine 3,4- Methylene- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio Methylenedioxymetamfetamine; dioxymetamfetamine; dioxymetam- concentration Pharmacology mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L fetamine

155 LH NPU02618 Plasma—Lutropin; P—Lutropin; arb.subst.c.(IS Plasma Lutropin arbitrary IS 80/552; IU/L Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance concentration(IS 80/552; proc.) = ? IU/L substance procedure Biochemistry 80/552; procedure) = ? IU/L concentration

156 NPU19768 Plasma—Fibrinogen; mass concentrati P—Fibrinogen; Plasma Fibrinogen mass coagulation; g/L Trombosis and Ratio on(coagulation;procedure) = ? g/L mass c.(coag.; proc.) = ? g/L concentration procedure Haemostasis

157 NPU54291 Urine—Ritalinic acid; U—Ritalinic acid; Urine Ritalinic acid mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology

158 C-peptide NPU04149 Plasma(fasting Patient)—Proinsulin P(fPt)—Proinsulin C-peptide; Plasma fasting Proinsulin substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio C-peptide; subst.c. = ? nmol/L Patient C-peptide concentration Biochemistry substance concentration = ? nmol/L 159 Anti-Tgase NPU14566 Plasma—Transglutaminase P—Transglutaminase Plasma Transglu- IgA arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio antibody(IgA); arbitrary substance antibody(IgA); arb. taminase substance Biochemistry concentration(procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) subst.c.(proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) antibody concentration 160 NPU24781 Urine—Methadone; U—Methadone; Urine Methadone mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology 161 Calcium NPU01446 Plasma—Calcium ion(free); P—Calcium ion(free); Plasma Calcium ion free substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio ion substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry 162 NPU23591 Urine—Codeine; U—Codeine; Urine Codeine mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology 163 NPU03958 Urine—Protein; U—Protein; Urine Protein mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L concentration Biochemistry 164 NPU23881 Urine—Ethylmorphine; U—Ethylmorphine; Urine Ethylmor- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L phine concentration Pharmacology *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 165 NPU03695 Patient—Urine; volume(procedure) Pt—Urine; vol.(proc.) = Patient Urine volume procedure mL Clinical Ratio = ? mL ? mL Biochemistry 166 NPU28000 Urine—Oxycodone; U—Oxycodone; mass c. = Urine Oxycodone mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology

167 Ret-Hb NPU17007 Reticulocytes(Blood)— Rtcs(B)—Haemoglobin(Fe); Reticulo- Blood Haemoglobin Fe entitic fmol Clinical Ratio Haemoglobin(Fe); entitic am.s. = ? fmol cytes amount-of- Biochemistry entitic amount-of-substance = ? fmol substance 168 NPU27388 Urine—Tramadol; U—Tramadol; mass c. = Urine Tramadol mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology

169 HCO3 NPU02409 Plasma(Arterial blood)—Hydrogen P(aB)—Hydrogen carbon- Plasma Arterial Hydrogen substance actual; 37 °C mmol/L Clinical Ratio carbonate; ate; subst.c.(actual; blood carbonate concentration Biochemistry substance concentration(actual; 37 °C) 37 °C) = ? mmol/L = ? mmol/L

170 NPU53120 Urine—Fentanyl; U—Fentanyl; Urine Fentanyl mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology

171 Ca125 NPU01448 Plasma—Cancer antigen 125; P—Cancer antigen 125; Plasma Cancer arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance arb.subst.c.(proc.) = ? antigen 125 substance Biochemistry concentration(procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) (p.d.u.) concentration

172 CK NPU22281 Plasma—Creatine kinase; catalytic P—Creatine kinase; Plasma Creatine catalytic IFCC 2002 µkat/L Clinical Ratio concentration(IFCC 2002) = ? µkat/L cat.c.(IFCC 2002) = ? µkat/L kinase concentration Biochemistry

173 ESR NPU17589 Blood—Sedimentation reaction; B—Sedimentation Blood Sedimentation arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio arbitrary length(procedure) = ? reaction; arbitrary reaction length Biochemistry (p.d.u.) length(proc.) = ? (p.d.u.)

174 NPU28402 Plasma—Connective tissue disease P—Connective tissue Plasma Connective arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio related antibody; arbitrary substance disease related antibody; tissue disease substance Immunology concentration(procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) arb.subst.c.(proc.) = ? related concentration (p.d.u.) antibody

175 NPU53097 Urine—Zopiclone; U—Zopiclone; mass c. = Urine Zopiclone mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology 176 NPU18247 Plasma—Prolactin; arbitrary P—Prolactin; arb. Plasma Prolactin arbitrary IS 84/500; × 10-3 IU/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration(IS 84/500; subst.c.(IS 84/500; proc.) = substance procedure Biochemistry procedure) = ? × 10-3 IU/L ? × 10-3 IU/L concentration

177 NPU22299 Plasma—Apolipoprotein B; P—Apolipoprotein B; Plasma Apolipopro- mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L tein B concentration Biochemistry 178 NPU53093 Urine—Zolpidem; U—Zolpidem; Urine Zolpidem mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L mass c. = ? µg/L concentration Pharmacology 179 INR NPU01685 Plasma—Coagulation, tissue factor- P—Coagulation, tissue Plasma Coagulation, relative time actual/norm; Trombosis and Ratio induced; relative time(actual/norm; factor-induced; tissue factor- INR;IRP 67/40; Haemostasis INR; IRP 67/40;procedure) = ? rel.time(actual/norm; INR; induced procedure IRP 67/40; proc.) = ?

180 NPU01972 Plasma—Estradiol; P—Estradiol; subst.c. = ? Plasma Estradiol substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? nmol/L nmol/L concentration Biochemistry *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 181 NPU03543 Plasma—Testosterone; P—Testosterone; subst.c. = Plasma Testosterone substance nmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? nmol/L ? nmol/L concentration Biochemistry

182 NPU19695 Plasma—Apolipoprotein A1; P—Apolipoprotein A1; Plasma Apolipoprotein mass g/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? g/L mass c. = ? g/L A1 concentration Biochemistry 183 NPU04166 Urine—Acetoacetate; U—Acetoacetate; subst.c. Urine Acetoacetate substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L = ? mmol/L concentration Biochemistry

184 pCO2 NPU12481 Plasma(cord Blood)—Carbon dioxide; P(cB)—Carbon dioxide; Plasma cord Carbon tension 37 °C kPa Clinical Ratio tension(37 °C) = ? kPa tension(37 °C) = ? kPa Blood dioxide Biochemistry 185 NPU09226 Prostata specific antigen(Plasma)— Prostata specific Prostata Plasma Prostata free mass fraction Clinical Ratio Prostata specific antigen(free); antigen(P)—Prostata specific specific Biochemistry mass fraction = ? specific antigen(free); antigen antigen mass fr. = ? 186 NPU13041 Plasma—Birch antibody(IgE); P—Birch antibody(IgE); Plasma Birch antibody IgE arbitrary t3; procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance arb.subst.c.(t3; substance Allergology concentration(t3;procedure) = ? proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) concentration (p.d.u.)

187 NPU27315 Plasma—Inhalation antigen P—Inhalation antigen Plasma Inhalation IgE arbitrary IRP 75/502; × 10³ IU/L Clinical Ratio antibody(IgE); arbitrary substance antibody(IgE); antigen substance (t3; g6; w6; e1; Allergology concentration(IRP 75/502;(t3; g6; arb.subst.c.(IRP 75/502; antibody concentration e5; d1; e3; m2; w6; e1; e5; d1; e3; m2; d2; t9; w19); (t3; g6; w6; e1; e5; d1; e3; d2; t9; w19); procedure) = ? × 10³ IU/L m2; d2; t9; w19); procedure proc.) = ? × 10³ IU/L

188 NPU02195 Plasma(venous Blood;fasting Pa- P(vB; fPt)—Glucose; Plasma venous Glucose substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio tient)—Glucose; subst.c. = ? mmol/L Blood; concentration Biochemistry substance concentration = ? mmol/L fasting Patient

189 NPU13098 Plasma—Timothy grass antibody(IgE); P—Timothy grass Plasma Timothy grass IgE arbitrary g6; procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance antibody(IgE); antibody substance Allergology concentration(g6;procedure) = ? arb.subst.c.(g6; concentration (p.d.u.) proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) 190 NPU18631 Urine—Bacterium; arbitrary U—Bacterium; Urine Bacterium arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio number(procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) arb.num.(proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) number Microbiology

191 NPU21531 Plasma(Venous blood)—Glucose; P(vB)—Glucose; Plasma Venous Glucose substance mmol/L Clinical Ratio substance concentration = ? mmol/L subst.c. = ? mmol/L blood concentration Biochemistry 192 NPU13135 Plasma—Mugwort antibody(IgE); P—Mugwort antibody(IgE); Plasma Mugwort IgE arbitrary w6; procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance arb.subst.c.(w6; proc.) = ? antibody substance Allergology concentration(w6;procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) concentration (p.d.u.) 193 NPU53974 Plasma—Amylase; catalytic concentra- P—Amylase; cat.c.(37 °C; Plasma Amylase catalytic 37 °C; U/L Clinical Ratio tion(37 °C; procedure) = ? U/L proc.) = ? U/L concentration procedure Biochemistry 194 NPU04146 Plasma—Cholesterol+ester, in LDL/ P—Cholesterol+ester, Plasma Cholesterol substance Clinical Ratio Cholesterol+ester, in HDL; in LDL/Cholesterol+ester, +ester, in LDL/ ratio Biochemistry substance ratio = ? in HDL; subst.ratio = ? Cholesterol +ester, in HDL *Non-au- thorized Rank indica- (see tions Abbreviated NPU **NPU Comprehensive, systematic NPU Sys- Comp- Kind-of- Scale com- (trivial term of laboratory System Prefix Component Procedure Unit Speciality identifier term of laboratory examinations spec. spec. property” type men- terms examinations tary) and abbrevia- tions) 195 TPO NPU12229 Plasma—Thyroid peroxidase P—Thyroid peroxidase Plasma Thyroid arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio antibody; arbitrary substance antibody; peroxidase substance Biochemistry concentration(procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) arb.subst.c.(proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) antibody concentration

196 52 kDa Ro NPU18242 Plasma—E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase P—E3 ubiquitin- Plasma E3 ubiquitin- IgG arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio protein TRIM21 antibody(IgG); protein ligase TRIM21 protein substance Immunology antibody arbitrary substance concentration antibody(IgG); ligase TRIM21 concentration (procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) arb.subst.c.(proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) antibody

197 hCG beta NPU01580 Plasma—Choriogonadotropin P—Choriogonadotropin Plasma Choriogo- arbitrary IRP 75/551; IU/L Clinical Ratio chain beta-chain; arbitrary substance beta-chain; nadotropin substance procedure Biochemistry concentration(IRP 75/551; arb.subst.c.(IRP 75/551; beta-chain concentration procedure) = ? IU/L proc.) = ? IU/L

198 NPU04153 Leukocytes(Blood)—Large unstained Lkcs(B)—Large unstained Leuko- Blood Large un- number Clinical Ratio cells; number fraction = ? cells; num.fr. = ? cytes stained cells fraction Biochemistry

199 FSH NPU18869 Plasma—Follitropin; P—Follitropin; Plasma Follitropin arbitrary procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio arbitrary substance concentration arb.subst.c.(proc.) = ? (p.d.u.) substance Biochemistry (procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) concentration 200 NPU13227 Plasma—Cat dander-epithelium P—Cat dander-epithelium Plasma Cat dander- IgE arbitrary e1; procedure (p.d.u.) Clinical Ratio antibody(IgE); antibody(IgE); epithelium substance Allergology arbitrary substance concentration(e1; arb.subst.c.(e1; proc.) = ? antibody concentration procedure) = ? (p.d.u.) (p.d.u.)

201 CEA NPU19719 Plasma—Carcinoembryonic antigen; P—Carcinoembryonic Plasma Carcino- mass µg/L Clinical Ratio mass concentration = ? µg/L antigen; mass c. = ? µg/L embryonic concentration Biochemistry antigen * ‘1’ indicates the most frequent laboratory examination perfromed by Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish laboratories ** The content of this column has not been validated, and may solely be a help for the readers to find the exact laboratory examination. The trivial terms may vary between languages and cultures.j

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Evaluation of visual serum indices measurements and potential false result risks in routine clinical chemistry tests in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tigist Getahun1, Anberber Alemu1, Firehiwot Mulugeta1, Merone Sileshi1, Abenezer Ayalkebet1, Wosene Habtu1, Zeleke Geto1, Fitsum Girma1, Feyissa Challa1, Mistire Wolde2 1 Ethiopian Public Health Institute, National References Laboratory for Clinical Chemistry, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2 Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia


Corresponding author: Background: Mistire Wolde Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences Serum indices (SI) including hemolyzed, lipemic, and Addis Ababa University icteric samples, affects the accuracy of test result. The Ethiopia E-mail: [email protected] aim of this study was to evaluate SI values done by visual inspections and potential false result risks by Key words: comparing with actual measurements done by Cobas , icteric, lipemic, serum indices 6000 Chemistry analyzer at Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was conducted from April to May 2017 on samples referred to Clinical Chemistry laboratory of EPHI, Ethiopia. These samples SI values, after visual inspection by three trained ob- servers, was analyzed again on Roche Cobas 6000 ana- lyzer (RCA). The generated data was analyzed by using weighted kappa methods on STAT statistical software version 20.

Page 276 eJIFCC2019Vol30No3pp276-287 T. Getahun, A. Alemu, F. Mulugeta, M.Sileshi, A. Ayalkebet, W. Habtu, Z. Geto, F. Girma, F. Challa, M. Wolde Evaluation of visual serum indices measurements and potential false result risks in tests in Ethiopia

Results: SMLS: School of Medical Laboratory Sciences From a total of 1509 samples, SI values identified SOPS: Standard Operating Procedures by the RCA as hemolysis, icteric, and lipemic were UIBC: Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity 933 (62%), 74(5%) and 59(4%) respectively. The SI average weighted kappa between RCA and vi- HIL: Hemolysis, Icterus, Lipemia sual inspection were: 0.1870, 0.3421, and 0.1259  for hemolysis, icteric, and lipemic samples, re- spectively. Combined inter-observers variability among observers for hemolysis, Icterus, and li- BACKGROUND pemic samples were 0.4758, 0.3258, and 0.3628 In clinical laboratory activities, 68-77 percent of respectively. The best agreement among ob- errors occur in the pre-analytical phase [1, 2]. servers was in the case of hemolysis (0 grades), Efficient management and monitoring of the while the lowest agreement was observed in the pre-analytical sources of interference is criti- case of icterus (+3 grades). In addition, test pa- cal to the quality of clinical laboratory analyti- rameters, such as CK-MB (22%), and LDH (20%) cal process and to the quality of patient results. - + were falsely accepted, whereas Cl and Na (up Clinical laboratory errors can lead to incorrect to 25%) were falsely rejected tests by observers. results dispatched to physicians that result in On the other hand, results rejected by Cobas SI erroneous patient laboratory report interpreta- assessments included CK-MB (22%), LDH (20%), tion and conclusion. This in turn highly affects and BIL-D (4%). the whole healthcare system [3]. Among the main causes of pre-analytical error, serum indi- Conclusion: ces (SI) which includes Hemolysis, Icterus and Visual inspection of SI showed poorly agreement Lipemia (HIL) are the leading ones. with automated system. Thus, there is genuine need for more training of Laboratory profession- Hemolysis is one of the major causes of pre- als on identification of SI, and as much as pos- analytical source of error. It accounts for 40% sible SI should be done by automated system to to 70% of unsuitable samples [4]. Hemolyzed improve quality of test results. samples (>95 percent) are attributable to in vi- tro processes resulting from inappropriate sam-  ple collection technique or transport [5]. The hemolyzed sample affect different clinical tests Abbreviations by mechanism of leakage of constituents of red AAU: Addis Ababa University blood cells into plasma or serum, spectropho- ALT: Alanine Amino Transferase tometric/colorimetric interference by hemoglo- AST: Aspartat Amino Transferase bin, participation of the hemoglobin in the reac- tion through inhibition, and dilution of serum or CCH: Clinical Chemistry plasma components [6]. CK-MB: Creatine Kinase Lipemia, the other cause of pre analytical errors, EPHI: Ethiopian Public Health Institute results from increased concentration of triglyc- LDH: Lactate Dehydrogenase eride-rich in blood. This lipemic se- rum causes cloudy/turbid appearance of serum RPM: Revolution Per Minute or plasma. Lipemic sample test interference is SI: Serum Indices associated with light scattering effects, and may

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increase absorbance during end point reactions Thus, the aim of this study was to compare Serum and non-blanked reactions for some analytes. Indices value measurements and visual assess- In addition, lipemia is associated with volume ment using Cobas 6000 chemistry analyzer, and displacement effect, and greatly decreases the identify potential false result risks at the routine value of some analytes [7]. clinical chemistry laboratory at Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Icterus, another main cause of pre-analytical errors, result from diseases associated with in- MATERIALS AND METHODS creased bilirubin production or inappropriate bil- irubin excretion. Icterus samples interfere in lab- This research was observational, cross-section- oratory tests by direct interaction with different al study, conducted from April to May 2017 test analytes or reagents resulting in decreased at EPHI Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, Addis analyte values, and creating spectral interferenc- Ababa, Ethiopia. All patient samples referred to es during color measurement [6, 8]. EPHI Clinical chemistry department, during the study periods, were used as a source of samples. Different studies have showed that visual assess- During actual study, all referred samples except ments have limitations, including subjectivity, those that were unlabeled and with insufficient difficult in identification by the naked eye, time volume, were utilized. Accordingly, a total of consumption, and inability to inspect by naked 1509 samples were analyzed visually and us- eye when the sample is covered by multiple ing serum indices (Roche Serum Indices Gen 2). barcodes. Visual inspection was done by laboratory tech- In Ethiopia medical laboratories, common inter- nologists who took intensive training for three ferences are usually determined by using visual days from experienced laboratory technologist assessments. But up to the knowledge of this to identify interferences. In addition, to stan- study groups, there is no study conducted on dardize the visual assessment, colored photo comparison of serum indices value against vi- and categories of HIL in serum or plasma grad- sual inspection of the samples. ing were prepared (Table 1).

Table 1 Categorization of HIL indices with grading*

Hemolysis SI indices Icteric SI indices Lipemic SI indices Grading value, hemoglobin, mg/dl value, bilirubin in mg/dl value, intralipid, mg/dl

0 <9 <2.5 <40

+1 10-199 2.5-4.9 40-99

+2 200-299 5.0-9.9 100-199

+3 300-399 10-119.9 200-299

+4 >400 >40 >300

SI=Serum indices; *adapted from Lim et al [9].

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Laboratory analysis Quality control and quality assurance Blood samples (3-5 ml) without anticoagulant Before running patient samples, two levels of were collected from each patients, and centri- quality control materials were run to assess the fuged at 2500 revolution per minute (RPM) for functionality of the instrument and test pro- 5 minutes according to EPHI clinical chemistry cedures. In addition, well-trained and experi- standard operating procedure (SOP). Then the enced laboratory professionals participated in the analysis procedure. separated serum samples were inspected visu- ally by three laboratory technologists who par- Data management and statistical analysis ticipated in the study. Visual inspection was per- The statistical analyses were performed by formed with grading according to standardized STATA version 14. Prior to analyses, the entered colored photos and a consensus was reached data were cross-checked against the original pa- when doubtful samples were interpreted ac- per data collection form. Agreement between cording to these photos. serum indices and observers were assesses by Those samples which were evaluated visu- weighted kappa. Interpretation of kappa coef- ally were analyzed again for serum indices us- ficient was as follows: - <0 = Less than chance ing Roche serum indices of Roche Gen 2 with- agreement, 0.00-0.20 = Slight agreement, 0.21- out delay by Cobas 6000 (Roche Diagnostics, 0.40 = Fair agreement, 0.41-0.60 = Moderate Mannheim, Germany). In addition, the Cobas agreement, 0.61-0.80 = Substantial agreement, 0.81-1.00 = Almost perfect agreement [11]. 6000 instrument was used to perform 22 differ- ent routine clinical chemistry tests (as request- Ethical consideration ed by the physicians), and assessed the degree Before the research work, ethical clearance was of interfaces on the test parameters. obtained from the School of Medical Laboratory Description of Roche serum indices Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University. In addition, the project was The Serum Indices Gen. 2 assay is based on cal- presented to EPHI scientific and Ethical Review culations of absorbance measurements of dilut- Office (SERO) and got additional ethical ap- ed samples at different dichromatic wavelength proval. In order to protect patient confidential- pairs to provide a semi-quantitative representa- ity patient identifiers like name and telephone tion of levels of lipemia, hemolysis and icterus number were not collected. Moreover, Patient’s present in serum and plasma samples. The ana- registration (sample ID) coding system and pa- lyzers take an aliquot of the patient specimen tient detail information’s were secured. and dilute it in saline solution (0.9 % sodium chloride) to measure the absorbance for lipe- RESULTS mia at 660 nm (primary wavelength) and 700 Comparison of visual inspection nm (secondary wavelength), for hemolysis at and serum indices of Roche 570 nm (primary wavelength) and 600 nm (sec- for hemolysis among observers ondary wavelength), and for icterus at 480 nm From a total of 1509 samples, cobas automated (primary wavelength) and 505 nm (secondary SI measurement revealed that 933 (62%) were wavelength). From these absorbance values the hemolyzed. These values when assessed by vi- instrument calculates the SI [10]. sual inspection, observer one, two and three

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recognized 257 (17%), 343 (23%) and 336 (22%) icterus (+3 grade) with kappa value 0.1016, as samples, respectively. The weighted kappa be- shown in Table 5. tween observers and serum indices was 0.1709 for observer 1, 0.1764 for observer 2, and 0.2136 Potential risk introduced by observers for observer 3. Accordingly, there was slight One of the objectives of this study was to assess agreement with Cobas by observer 1 and 2, and risk of false result delivery following poor visual fair agreement between observer 3 and serum SI evaluations. Accordingly, test parameters indices, as shown in Table 2. which were falsely accepted by visual observers while rejected by Cobas SI assessments includ- Comparison of visual inspection and serum ed CK-MB (22%), LDH (20%), and BIL-D (4%), as indices of Roche for Icterus among observers shown in Figure 5. From a total of 1509 samples, automated se- On the other hand, routine clinical chemistry rum indices revealed that 74 (5%) were icteric. tests which were falsely rejected by visual ob- Meanwhile, when icterus assessed by Visual in- servers while accepted by cobas serum indices spection, observer one, two and three reported analysis, included Cl- and Na+ (n=178, 25%), and 158 (11%), 76 (5%) and 81 (5.4%) samples, re- BIL-T (n=17, 7%), as shown in Figure 2. spectively. The weighted kappa shows fair agree- ment for observer one, and moderate agreement DISCUSSION for observer two and three, with Kappa values of 0.2682, 0.4136, and 0.3445, respectively, as Efficient laboratory service is the cornerstone shown in Table 3. of modern health care systems. In this regard, mainly in the clinical chemistry areas, scientific Comparison of visual inspection and serum innovations contributed a lot to substantial im- indices of Roche for lipemia among observers provements in reducing laboratory diagnostic From a total of 1509 samples, Cobas 6000 SI errors. Nevertheless, shortage of advanced clin- value reveled 59 (4%) as lipemic. Meanwhile, ical chemistry instruments, affordability of in- observer one, two and three upon visual as- strument running costs, along with shortage of sessment identified 207 (14%), 208 (14%) and experienced laboratory professionals are still a 148 (10%) samples, respectively as lipemic. The challenge in most developing countries to pro- weighted k coefficient was 0.1169 for observer duce quality laboratory results. 1, 0.1221 for observer 2, and 0.1386 for ob- In the present study, out of the 1509 specimens server 3 with slight agreement between serum submitted to EPHI for clinical chemistry tests, indices and visual inspection for all observers, hemolysis was detected in 933 (62%) sam- see Table 4. ples. For hemolysis, visual inspection showed a fair agreement with automated detection, Inter-observers variability at a kappa value of less than 0.21 for observ- for visual inspection among observers ers. A similar study performed by Giuseppe L. In the present study, agreement among Inter- et al, compared detection of hemolysis in 800 observers variability was assessed. Accordingly, serum samples, where 8% of samples were the best overall agreement among observers hemolytic and the automation versus visual in- was in the assessment of hemolysis (0 grade) spection difference showed a weighted kappa with the kappa value of 0.6600 and the lowest value of 0.42. Hemolysis was overestimated degree of agreement was observed in assessing using visual assessment of serum samples and

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Table 2 Comparison of visual inspection and serum indices of Roche for hemolysis, EPHI, Ethiopia, 2017

Visual Inspection of hemolysis Serum Indices Level of 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 Total Kappa agreement

0 576 8 0 0 1 576

+1 667 168 57 21 4 917

Observer 1 +2 0 2 2 2 2 8 48.97% 0.1709 +3 0 1 3 0 1 5

+4 0 0 1 0 2 3

Total 1234 179 63 23 10 1509

0 517 9 3 2 1 576

+1 604 143 98 52 20 917

+2 0 1 1 3 3 8 47.05% 0.1764 +3 1 0 1 2 1 5 Observer 2 +4 0 0 0 0 3 3

Total 1166 153 103 59 28 1509

0 565 8 2 0 1 576

+1 607 208 78 13 11 917

+2 0 1 3 0 4 8 51.6% 0.2136 +3 0 1 2 1 1 5 Observer 3 +4 1 0 0 0 2 6

Total 1173 218 85 14 19 1506

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Table 3 Comparison of visual inspection and serum indices of Roche for icterus, EPHI, Ethiopia, 2017

Visual inspection of hemolysis Serum Indices Level of 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 Total Kappa agreement

0 1327 80 24 3 1 1435

+1 11 9 5 4 2 31

Observer 1 +2 9 6 8 3 7 33 89.26% 0.2682 +3 4 0 2 0 1 7

+4 0 0 0 0 3 3

Total 1351 95 39 10 14 1509

0 1404 19 12 0 0 1435

+1 14 9 7 1 0 31

+2 10 3 9 7 4 33 94.37% 0.4136 +3 4 0 1 1 1 7 Observer 2 +4 1 0 0 1 1 3

Total 1433 31 29 10 6 1509

0 1392 35 7 0 1 1435

+1 15 9 6 1 0 31

+2 15 4 8 6 0 33 93.51% 0.3445 +3 5 1 0 1 0 7 Observer 3 +4 1 1 0 0 1 3

Total 1428 50 21 8 2 1509

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Table 4 Comparison of visual inspection and serum indices of Roche for lipemia, EPHI, Ethiopia, 2017

Visual inspection of hemolysis Serum Indices Level of 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 Total Kappa agreement

0 1280 81 63 21 5 1450

+1 22 4 13 8 7 54

Observer 1 +2 0 1 0 0 4 5 85.15% 0.1169 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0

+4 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 1302 85 76 29 16 1509

0 1279 123 41 6 1 1450

+1 20 7 18 8 1 54

+2 2 0 0 2 1 5 81.22% 0.1221 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Observer 2 +4 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 1301 130 59 16 3 1509

0 1332 97 18 2 1 1450

+1 29 7 10 3 5 54

+2 0 1 0 1 3 5 88.73% 0.1386 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Observer 3 +4 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 1361 105 28 6 9 1509

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Table 5 Inter-observers variability among different technologist, EPHI, Ethiopia, 2017

Visual grading value Interferences 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 Combined

Hemolysis 0.6600 0.3563 0.2619 0.1486 0.4847 0.4758

Icterus 0.4643 0.1310 0.3238 0.1016 0.2692 0.3258

Kappa Value Lipemic 0.5022 0.2265 0.2489 0.2067 0.2812 0.3628

Figure 1 Total number of tests performed and the number of tests falsely accepted by observers, EPHI, Ethiopia, 2017

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Figure 2 Total number of tests performed and the number of falsely rejected tests by observers, EPHI, Ethiopia, 2017

underestimated in plasma samples [5]. Studies indicated that use of the automated hemolysis indicated that following damage to red cell indices is highly recommended and that potas- membrane and a resultant hemoglobin concen- sium in neonatal and adult specimens should tration greater than 0.3g/l, hemolysis can be be reported with a correction formula, since it recognized by the naked eye [12]. But the visual might be beneficial to the clinical management inspection of hemolysis varies from person to of the patient [13]. The most probable cause person due to factors, including differences in of poor identification of hemolytic samples by laboratory work experiences, individual ability visual inspection might be due to poor knowl- to differentiate color intensity, and on job train- edge and lack of observer experience on hemo- ing opportunities. lysis. In addition differences on sensitivity of the Hemolysis affects result of different test param- naked eye as compared to spectrophotometers eters. In the present study, our observers falsely could be another reasoning. accepted a number of samples that were (+1) Another finding of the present study was that hemolytic as per the automated approach. If the automated approach identified a total of 74 the tests were run just by visual inspection, test (5%) samples with icterus; whereas the icterus parameters including CK-MB, DBIL, LDH, AST, indices recorded by observer 1, 2, and 3 were UIBC, TBIL and K+ were labeled as false labora- 158 (11%), 76 (5%) and 81 (5.4%), respectively. tory results. Similar study done by Jeffery et al. Upon statistical analysis, kappa value agreement

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between the automated machine and the three estimation by providing a more objective and visual observers were 0.3421, i.e., fair agree- accurate estimate of lipemia [14, 18]. ment. A similar study conducted in Croatia in- dicated that from the total of 1727 routine bio- STRENGTH AND LIMITATION chemistry samples, 101 samples were identified Strength of this study include its large sample as icteric using visual inspection while automat- size, and to the best of authors’ knowledge this ed serum indices detected only 74 samples, with study is the first of its kind in Ethiopia. However, moderate agreement between the two icterus there are certain limitations that need to be indices detection approaches at weighted kappa considered when interpreting our finding, since values of 0.529 with moderate agreement [3]. the numbers of observers and the analytes mea- The only parameter affected by grade icterus sured were limited. (+1) was the triglyceride assay. Similar findings were reported in a study conducted by Fatuma CONCLUSION et al. on the study of assessment of serum in- Ethiopia and most other developing countries dices implementation on cobas 6000. In this are now delivering quality laboratory services, study, a total of 717 samples with no interfer- and also apply for local/international laboratory ences by visual inspection were analyzed. From accreditation. In this regard the present study this, they found 102, 4 and 2 samples were he- demonstrates that visual inspection will intro- molytic, lipemic and icteric, respectively [14]. duce significant pre-analytical errors with- re In this present study a total of 207 (14%) lipe- gards to SI evaluations, and lead to false results. mic samples were identified by the automated Thus, as a recommendation: approach, and upon visual assessment observe • Further studies are needed in the area in or- one, observer two and observer three reported der to study the level of agreement between lipemia in 208 (14%), 148 (10%) and 59 (4%) visual inspection and automated serum in- samples, respectively. The average weighted dices value for more specific parameters. kappa for the three observers was 0.1258, with • Continued training on visual inspection slight agreement with the automated approach. for medical laboratory technologists in or- The findings were similar to results reported by der to increase the potential of identifying other researchers [3, 7]. Test results from lipe- interferences. mic samples may be inaccurate and can lead to medical errors, and as such represent a consid- • Medical laboratories should be encouraged erable risk to patient health [15, 16]. Studies in- to implement automated serum indices dicate that lipemia is associated with diet and measurement to detect interferences. alcohol intake; as well as due to different patho-  logical conditions including diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, chronic renal failure and Authors’ contributions lupus erythematosus [17]. TG, AA, FM, MS, AA, WH, ZG, FG: designed the Studies showed that lipemic indices estima- study, monitored data collection, and prepared tion ensures that the sample is fit for analysis. the manuscript. The use of automated lipemic estimation over- MW, FC: Principle advisors of the study, and comes the limitations associated with visual participated in conception and designing of the

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Best practices in the implementation of a point of care testing program: experience from a tertiary care hospital in a developing country Aysha Habib Khan1, Shahid Shakeel1, Khairunnissa Hooda2, Kashif Siddiqui3, Lena Jafri1 1 Section of Chemical Pathology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Aga Khan University (AKU), Karachi, Pakistan 2 Emergency Medicine, AKU, Karachi, Pakistan 3 Software Development & Maintenance, AKU, Karachi, Pakistan


Corresponding author: Implementation of a structured Point of Care Test Lena Jafri Section of Chemical Pathology (POCT) program is challenging. Traditionally POCT Department of Pathology was unregulated and the aim was to introduce a and Laboratory Medicine structured POCT program at our tertiary care hospital Aga Khan University (AKU) to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. The Karachi Pakistan purpose of this article is to describe how a hospital E-mail: [email protected] in a developing country with limited resources has approached POCT program initiative. The benefits- of Key words: point of care, laboratory, fered by such systems, including cost-effectiveness, quality, safety, accuracy robustness and the ability to generate reliable accu- rate POCT results in a short time, are appropriate to the clinical and social needs of the developing world.

Page 288 eJIFCC2019Vol30No3pp288-302 Aysha Habib Khan, Shahid Shakeel, Khairunnissa Hooda, Kashif Siddiqui, Lena Jafri Best practices in the implementation of a point of care testing program

BACKGROUND Managing preanalytical, analytical, and post-an- alytical processes compatible with centralized Driven by quicker diagnostic paybacks, point of laboratory testing is a major challenge in POCT care testing (POCT), also known as bedside test- program implementation (11). Regular labora- ing, near-patient testing, alternate-site testing, tory surveillance, inspection and prompt cor- and ancillary testing, has modernized patient rective action is essential for smooth operation care (1). The College of American Pathologists of any POCT program. Additionally any POCT (CAP) describes POCT as ‘testing that does not program requires continuous training of the require permanent dedicated space and it re- operators, competency, method validation, fers to those analytical patient-testing activities and ongoing comparison with central labora- provided within the institution, but performed tory results (12, 13). It is essential to maintain outside the physical facilities of the clinical an appropriate record trail linking POCT opera- laboratories’ (2). tors’ training and competency with POCT device The POCT tests offer rapid results, allowing for validation, verification, maintenance and qual- timely initiation of appropriate management ity control. POCT execution and oversight poses by reducing the turnaround time of the results a great challenge for laboratories as the testing through minimizing delays and errors in sam- being performed is actually out of their hands. ple transport and processing (3, 4). Potential Still the laboratory is responsible for ensuring patient satisfaction comes from testing that is that patient testing is performed in compliance more convenient and less traumatic with mini- with laboratory accreditation standards (14). mal amount of blood draw. Furthermore im- The POCT program at Aga Khan University proved turnaround time due to POCT results in Hospital (AKUH) was initiated in 2014 with the prompt management reducing length of hospi- objectives of ensuring patient testing performed tal stay (5, 6). Although the unit cost of POCT is in compliance to CLSI standards. Hereby we re- is higher than central laboratory, overall the port our experience in establishment, organiza- testing is patient focused and cost-effective by tion and successive execution of POCT program reducing hospital stay and improving patients at AKUH. The purpose of this review article is flow through busy critical care areas and emer- to highlight the importance of clinical needs as- gency departments (7-9). sessment for development of POCT program, to discuss challenges in POCT implementation. We Despite the relative simplicity of POCT, regula- hereby provide a road map for POCT implemen- tions like Joint Commission International (JCI) tation and smooth execution. and CAP dictate that all hospital based POCT must be supervised by the central laboratory. NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR POCT PROGRAM These regulatory bodies make certain that the laboratory director is responsible for standards Delineating program proposal of performance in all domains of POCT includ- Like all laboratory testing, many regulatory ing pre-analytical, analytical and post analytical guidelines have been put forth to address qual- aspects. Delivery of medical diagnostic testing ity control, training and documentation to en- outside of the well-controlled environment of sure patient safety. To start off with a thorough the clinical laboratory are affected by several review of literature including International organizational, environmental, operational, and Organization for Standardization (ISO) guide- technical challenges (10). lines, CLSI, Joint Commission International (JCI)

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and CAP standards specific for POCT was com- Evidence based approach pleted by the Chemical Pathologists (15-17). A for POCT program development proposal delineating the scope of services was Clinical needs assessment is a process by which developed at the Section of Chemical Pathology, information is gathered regarding the scope in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory and potential impact of gaps or deficiencies in Medicine, AKUH. It was decided that POCT the current delivery and practice of health care would be performed in inpatient locations in- (18). The POCT need assessment was done to cluding wards, emergency department, operat- gather information regarding current practices ing rooms, special care units and intensive care and clinical needs for developing a POCT pro- units of the hospital. The POCT proposal high- gram in our institute. Multiple surveys and site lighted the shortcomings of existing bedside visits were conducted by the laboratory team testing identified in need assessment. at all the inpatient sites in the hospital prior The core of the document was a regulatory pro- to the development of the POCT program. The posal for the implementation of POCT including purpose of these surveys and site visits were to aspects related to personnel responsibilities, identify potential end users, optimize the use quality assurance, data management, and fu- of the deployed equipment and identify the ture tendencies. The goals of implementing the changes required to make the project efficient POCT program in the institute were clearly de- and effective by taking feedback from all con- fined in the proposal. cerned stakeholders. Table 1 outlines the do- The goals of POCT program were defined as mains which were covered in the surveys. follows: Cross sectional interview-based surveys and • To ensure that POCT is high quality and site visits were done at all the areas of the hos- cost-effective. pital where bedside testing was done. The sur- vey included the infrastructure and connectiv- • To give guidance to all users and potential ity requirements and current volumes of tests users of POCT. being performed near patients. The presence • To provide consistency of test offering at all of deficiencies, gaps and challenges in POCT op- POCT sites. eration was documented (Table 2). • To simplify billing procedures on POCT sites. While most laboratory testing continued to be • To provide faster turnaround times in test performed in the main clinical laboratory, arteri- results with minimal inconvenience to the al blood gases, electrolytes, glucose, urine anal- patient. ysis were performed in wards and critical care areas without central laboratory supervision, re- • To provide an organization-wide standard- port generation, lack of training and lack of evi- ized policy for POCT application. dence of quality control. Manual record-keeping This document included following initial tasks as was inadequate for an audit trail for quality as- part of POCT program: outlining an organization- surance. Compliance with requirements for doc- al structure, defining roles and responsibilities of umentation was difficult using handwritten re- POCT teams and members and describing clinical cords and going paperless was one of our goals. needs of proposed POCT tests. The proposal was To address the challenges of POCT, to share ex- shared and approved by the senior management periences faced in previous clinical audits and of the hospital and all stake holders. to solicit opinions on executing POCT program

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Table 1 Clinical needs assessment domains to identify and characterize existing gaps in current system

• Stakeholders assessment • User needs assessment Personnel related • Acceptability assessment • Organization and responsibilities • Identification of POCT users

• POCT equipments and method validation requirement • Training and competency of users • Purchasing and inventory processes Policy and procedures • Data management • Record keeping of POCT information • Quality control and proficiency testing • Security access

• Device location and POCT sites identification • Landscape analysis Facilities and safety • Information technology connectivity check • Electrical points check multiple focus group discussions with nursing and standards. To successfully achieve POCT im- managers were conducted and a strategic POCT plementation in an institute, a multidisciplinary roadmap was delineated. organizational approach is a prerequisite. First and foremost, a clear organizational structure POCT IMPLEMENTATION should be put in place for appropriate function- Organizational structure ing and optimum utilization of each POCT site (19). While the nursing staff and physicians may un- derstand the day-to-day operation and provi- A multidisciplinary team comprising of all stake- sion of results, the overall responsibility of POCT holders with representatives from Pathology, program generally lies with the laboratory di- Material and Management Division (MMD), IT, rector. Responsibilities of the clinical laboratory Biomedical Engineering (BE) and Nursing was for- include organization and implementation of malized for execution of POCT program at AKUH. the program, performing technical and general The team presented the POCT program at the oversight and clinical consultancy and ensuring Joint Staff meeting of the institute for approval. quality assurance. Laboratory director ensure Concerns that arose with POCT implementation, compliance with all applicable regulations, rules like problems with ensuring quality, potential

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Table 2 Deficiencies identified during clinical needs assessment

Categories Gaps identified

• Lack of instructions for specimen collection and preservatives • Lack of evidence of training and competence assessment regarding pre- Pre-analytical analytical factors that may influence the results • Lack of information regarding identification of POCT operator • POC test charging mechanism

• Lack of evidence of training and competence assessment of POCT users • Lack of evidence of quality control processes • Absence of written quality assurance and quality control policies • No participation in proficiency testing program Analytical • Less than optimal information on policies, regulations, supplies & standard operating procedures • No identification or trail of site of testing • No records of equipment calibration and maintenance

• Absence of report generation • Manual recording of patient results • Previous POCT records of patients not accessible Post analytical • Absence of records of POCT results interpretation • There is no connectivity of equipment/devices with Laboratory information system for prompt results reporting and to minimize errors conflicts of interest, and an uncertainty of the made responsible for standards of performance responsibility, were all addressed with the stake- in all areas, including quality control, quality holders and the POCT end-users. assurance and test utilization in patient care. Each POCT site that performs POCT must have POCT policies and procedures written policies and procedures available at the As per CLSI guidelines quality management sys- testing sites. Quality management plan, policies tem approach was followed for the development and testing procedures were written down and of standards and policies for POCT program. simultaneously POCT training program and cur- The organizational and regulatory requirements riculum were outlined by the pathologists and that should be considered when implement- shared with POCT team members for approval ing POCT program in an institute should all be and critique. Oversight and control of POCT documented (Table 3). Laboratory director was program was hence provided by the laboratory

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Table 3 Quality management system plan including policies and procedures needed for POCT program

POCT quality Quality management plan should include management system these policies/processes essentials

• POCT Committees • Roles and Responsibilities of teams Organization and • Responsibilities of POCT coordinator integration • Workflow • POCT program contact information

• Internal quality control • Proficiency testing • Assessment and audits • Equipment procurement and method selection • Method validation • Standard operating procedures of each POCT • Result reporting and recording • Panic value reporting procedure Quality assurance • Unusual result reporting procedure • Equipment maintenance • Inventory and storage management • Safety and infection control • Occurrence management • Troubleshooting and backup plan • Customer satisfaction and complaint handling • Sample retention and storage process • Document control policy

• Training curriculum Training and competence • Training process assessment • Competency assessment • Certification and access to POCT device

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directorship along with all necessary assistance it was the responsibility of POCT coordinator to run this program smoothly. The laboratory in to check if all POCT systems are in compliance writing agreed that under this program, a stan- with accreditation needs, to provide evalua- dard package of POCT services can be provided tion of the analytical performance and method at any clinical facility in the institute, as long as validation of POCT devices, to monitor perfor- the required training, proficiency testing, qual- mance of internal QC and take corrective -ac ity control and validation procedures were per- tions, to schedule proficiency testing surveys, formed, verified and documented. to monitor performance of proficiency testing at each POCT site and take corrective actions, Coordination of central laboratory and POCT to monitor POCT quality indicators and share The ultimate responsibility of POCT lies with with quality improvement coordinators com- the laboratory director. As soon as the POCT mittee meetings and to conduct POCT site in- program approval was sought the central labo- ternal audits and take regular feedbacks from ratory identified and selected a POCT coordina- POCT site supervisors. All technical problems tor from the clinical laboratory staff. The main and complaints were to be handled by the POCT role of POCT coordinator was to assist in over- coordinator. He was also responsible to arrange sight, management and synchronization of the for POCT user training, competence assessment entire POCT program. The responsibilities of and maintaining POCT users’ records. He was POCT coordinator included all aspects of the the person responsible for coordinating POCT POCT service, including overall supervision, activities and connecting with other health care management and oversight of POCT sites and professionals. He acted as the liaison between devices (20). Additionally, he/ she would take nursing and laboratory personnel. Selection input from and interface with the laboratory di- and installation of POCT instrument, maintain- rector regarding POCT activities and issues. The ing the in house inventory of POCT tests, review POCT coordinator supported the pathologists and update of POCT standard operating proce- in developing policies and procedures, design- dures and policy manual were all his duties. He ing and interpreting method validations, and in also ensured that updated POCT manual was communicating with clinicians. Periodically, the available at all POCT sites and implemented POCT coordinator inspected POCT sites to en- safety rules and regulations at all POCT sites. sure that proper procedures are being followed Checking maintenance schedules and coordi- and documentations for patient identification, nating between Interdisciplinary and End user patient preparation, specimen collection, speci- Committees were also done by him. men ID, specimen preservation and processing, The Aga Khan University Hospital Clinical and result reporting are in place. It was couple Laboratory has sections of clinical chemistry, of months later that our POCT coordinator as- clinical microbiology, haematology, histopa- sistant was also hired and trained. Therefore thology, molecular pathology, blood bank and depending on the size and nature of the POCT transfusion services. The POCT program came service, a POCT coordinator assistant may also under the domain and responsibility of clini- be required. cal chemistry. A middleware Cobas IT 1000 was Responsibilities of a POCT coordinator were installed to connect the Clinical Chemistry’s clearly outlined in four domains of quality assur- laboratory information system (LIS) with hospi- ance, corrective action, training and education, tal information system (HIS). POCT coordinator and administration. To ensure quality assurance controlled all POCT activities via Cobas IT 1000.

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This included review of POCT end users details Responsibilities of end user committee were as and competence assessment, POCT patient re- follows: sults, QC transmission and validation. IT 1000 • To discuss ongoing issues and problems has the ability to communicate bi-directionally with POCT program. with HIS and POCT devices. In order to control • Recommendations for change should be POCT operation and the quality of patient care, forwarded to the interdisciplinary commit- and to ensure that results are integrated into tee for consideration. and being networked with the LIS, the establish- ment of new relationships among the labora- • To discuss various compliance reports. tory, clinicians and the Information Technology Identifying POCT site supervisors (IT) was needed. For establishing goals, ad- dressing compliance matters and setting future Nurse Directors or nursing managers qualify as directions of the program two committees were POCT site supervisors. They are responsible for established; an interdisciplinary committee and day to day supervision and oversight of POCT end user committee. The interdisciplinary com- users performing and reporting test results in mittee had representation from various depart- their respective areas or POCT sites. The- re ments and was headed by the laboratory direc- sponsibilities of POCT site supervisors were well tor and pathologists while end user committee defined in the POCT program manual before im- was headed by the POCT coordinator and had plementation at our institute. They were made pathologists and nursing managers from vari- responsible to set up and maintain a system of ous departments as members. regular internal QC checks, maintain equipment in a manner appropriate to the proper collec- Responsibilities of interdisciplinary committee tion, handling, preparation, testing and storage were as follows: of specimens and operation of test results and • To establish/allocate POCT system in de- patient’s reports. fined areas. POCT site supervisors reviewed QC data on • Any proposal to establish POCT must be re- weekly basis to assure that testing and -cor ferred to this Committee for approval via rective action is taken and documented. They the POCT coordinator. would contact laboratory and cooperate with troubleshooting and corrective measures if • To evaluate & select equipment for testing. performance seemed unsatisfactory. They • To select appropriate methodology. were the ones who would identify POCT user • To assign responsibility for test performance. for competency assessment and ensure com- petency assessment of every POCT user. They • To define policy/procedure for record keep- documented certification and competency as- ing /documentation. sessment of every POCT user in their respective • To assess POCT impact or outcome. sites. All requests for new POCT systems were made through them via the POCT committee • To assess whether POCT meets safety and in accordance with the selection and procure- quality standards. ment criteria. POCT site supervisors also main- • To ensure POCT meets the requirements in tained in-house inventory, place orders for relation to protecting data, patient confi- the required reagents and consumables from dentiality and risk management. the hospital logistics and were responsible for

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administration of the daily operation of POCT at service contract for vendor, ancillary infrastruc- their respective site. ture etc.) and variable cost (reagent consump- tion, internal controls, consumables etc.). Selection of POCT tests and analyzers Comparison of the available equipment from Data capture and connectivity different vendors according to the preset Improvements in testing technologies and criteria and specific standards was done by the advancements in specialized informatics the POCT team members from Pathology, for POCT have greatly improved the ability of Biomedical Engineering (BE), and Material and hospitals to manage their POCT program (15) Management Division (MMD) (16-18). The test (14, 20). menu proposed included arterial blood gases, The benefits of POCT are enhanced when re- electrolytes, glucose and urine dipstick analysis. sults and records are directly downloaded into The team realized that the POCT instruments a laboratory information system (14, 21). For or devices must be user friendly, robust both in accreditation and patient safety, trail must link terms of storage and usage, capable of produc- each patient result to the operator to his/ her ing results consistent with the medical needs, training records, the reagent lot used for test- less costly and safe. ing and its validation, and the POCT device to The system performance of the proposed POCT its validation and maintenance. Managing the devices was evaluated. Power and network re- quality of large volumes of POCT data was a quirements were considered and POCT site vis- continuing challenge for our POCT team. its were conducted before making any decision. Confidentiality, security, legality, compatibility, Regulations mandate documentation of meth- interoperability, timeliness, and convenience od selection, method validation before patient of processes, records, communications, and testing is performed for each POCT device software were reviewed by the IT support team placed. Validation of equipment, test method of our institute. Connectivity of POCT equip- verification and instrument to instrument com- ment to a middleware POCT data management parison was done by our POCT team according system (server) and then to integrated labora- to CLSI guidelines at the Central Laboratory by tory management system was established. POCT coordinator (19). The connectivity in place was bidirectional, Protocol for POCT method validation according from LIS to middle ware and then back to LIS. to CAP and CLIA standards included accuracy, Through IT 1000 (middle ware) specific config- precision, verification of reportable range and uration were assigned to all POCT devices for analytical measuring range, POCT inter-instru- internal quality control. ment comparison and comparison with bench A QC lock provision was set up in all devices top analyzers placed in the central laboratory. and at 8 AM all meters automatically are on Reagent shipments and lot numbers were vali- QC lock. This does not allow patient testing un- dated and tracked. til two level of quality control are passed. The Management of consumables and reagents was middleware is also used to assign new lot con- and still is procured in a cost-effective manner figuration of reagents and control. The ‘client to the clinical unit concerned. POCT costing BG link’ connected with IT1000 gives facility was done which included the fixed capital cost to control all ABG analyzers remotely from the (instrument, proficiency testing survey cost, central laboratory.

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All onsite POCT instruments and POCT users sample analyses (POCT user and patient iden- were connected via this server to the LIS. To re- tification and test results), quality control and duce medical errors barcode was introduced for the instrument itself (calibration and mainte- all POC tests. The POCT instruments, regardless nance). These voluminous data were managed of their site location, generated data related to through a middleware further linked to LIMS. Table 4 Components of POCT training curriculum of POCT users

List of policies, processes and modules in the POCT training curriculum

Entry qualifications of POCT users.

Sample requirement, sample collection and handling including any special requirements.

Positive patient and operator identification before testing.

Stability of sample and reagents.

Device theory of operations and steps in analyte measurement.

Timely routing of results to the decision maker and the appropriate operator response to results that are outside predefined limits.

Clinical significance of results.

Actions to be taken in case of critical or unusual results.

Sources of common errors.

Maintenance, calibration and cleaning of instruments.

Performance of QC and review of POCT safety and security policies.

Information systems that support POCT, the rationale for using them, the benefits they provide, and the problems inherent in their implementation and use.

Safe disposal of the sample and sampling device.

POCT device error codes, their meanings and what to do if the device generates an error.

Documentation of all records and reports.

Maintenance tasks and consumable storage.

Who to call if there is a problem with the device or stock needs replenishing.

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With the help of LIMS and hospital integrated Fifty-eight trainers were trained from NES with management system a mechanism for record the support from POCT Coordinator and manu- keeping, archiving, billing, and data entry into facturer. The TOTs further conducted more than the electronic medical record was ensured. 100 sessions (3-4 lectures/ward) to train more than 1000 nursing staff. Training included class- Staff training and competency assessment room training, hands on training of POCT device Unlike the modern central laboratory where the correct operation and assessment. Training cur- bulk of testing is conducted on few analyzers by riculum included all phases of the testing pro- a core group of skilled technologists, POCT is cess (Table 4). conducted by a variety of clinical staff on mul- Competency assessment included observation tiple devices in many locations (11, 22). Training of technique, written examination, analysis of and competency assessment of all POCT users quality control or specimens with known val- was a logistical challenge. Like all other organi- ues, demonstration of maintenance, recording zation attrition was a constant challenge faced of test results, and evaluation of communica- by the ‘POCT Program implementation team’. tion and problem-solving skills. Competency (23). The POCT training plan and curriculum was documented through certifications that were developed in line with the CLIA’88 and assured that individual POCT operators met CAP standards by the chemical pathologists and training and experience standards. After POCT shared with Nursing Education Service (NES) for certification, the POCT users were issued -bar implementation as nursing staff are typically the coded access to use of the POCT devices. largest percentage of POCT operators . CLIA’88 Recertification of this ‘competency certifi- requirements for competency assessment in- cate’ is done annually or sooner if need arises. volve “evaluating the competency of all - test Furthermore, all training and ongoing com- ing personnel and assuring that staff maintains petency verification records were and are still their competency to perform test procedures maintained via the online connectivity server by and report test results promptly, accurately and the POCT coordinator. POCT training program proficiently”. CLIA’88 requires that laboratories ensures that testing personnel meet regulatory have on-going mechanisms to monitor accu- requirements and provides regularly scheduled rate patient test management. Competency as- review of training and techniques (24). sessment is one method used to ensure those POCT users that perform POCT are proficient QUALITY ASSURANCE in test procedure and reporting test result. The POCT training program at our institute ensured In principle, no difference between POCT and that testing personnel met regulatory require- conventional laboratory testing exists with- re ments and provided regularly scheduled review spect to pre- and post-analytical errors (25). of training and techniques. The POCT person- Therefore, the entire diagnostic process must be nel training program chiefly consisted of three considered in quality assurance (26). Clinicians components: initial formal POCT training, POCT and nursing staff may fail to comprehend the recertification and POCT competency assess- importance of quality control and correct docu- ment. Training of trainers (TOT) and assessing mentation when performing POCT (27). While their competence to provide training to oth- ensuring the quality of POCT compliance with ers was done. Training was performed of TOTs regulatory guidelines it is mandatory for institu- from NES followed by training of the end users. tions to maintain their accreditation status (28,

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29). The analytical goals for POCT were equiva- POCT program and the data management capa- lent to those used for our central laboratory and bilities has given us the ability to monitor our it was ensured that the use of POCT does not whole program of >1500 operators and to pro- compromise standard of patient care and clini- duce accurate audit trail. Our POCT operators cal decision making (28-30). Both internal qual- understand that the laboratory is overseeing ity control (IQC) and external proficiency testing every aspect of testing and monitoring it closely (PT) programs were an essential component of along with regular onsite inspections. QA for POCT program at AKUH (31). Three main IQC requirements were addressed: SERVICE EXECUTION procedure established for IQC at appropriate Pilot project and expansion frequency, QC material procurement and cor- rection of nonconformities. To assure that the Finally, a POCT execution plan was laid down. POCT devices were working correctly all POCT A live demonstration on connectivity was per- users were trained for running and monitoring formed in the laboratory before making it live at IQC along with remedial actions before patient the patient testing sites. POCT reporting format testing. It should also be noted all the POCT de- was finalized and essential components were vices had advanced levels of connectivity and made part of POCT report (Table 5). Training re- the ability to electronically capture and trans- fresher for all POCT users, review of instruments mit results to the middleware. The POCT man- installation and inventory check was performed agement middleware offered features such as by POCT coordinator. A 24/7 hotline was in place operator and patient ID lockout, QC lockout, to resolve POCT related query and complaints. remote configuration and management of A POCT contingency plan was put forward and consumables, improving efficiency and giving the POCT team was open to suggestions or com- us strict control of our testing program. With plaints based on the feedback from POCT users the help of IQC the reproducibility or precision and physicians. The POCT team conscientiously was monitored by the central laboratory on monitored the whole process for one week at routine basis. each site and implementation was signed off Policy for proficiency testing (PT) was outlined gradually one after another. Fifty-nine glucom- as part of POCT program. Before POCT execu- eters, five urine analysis devices and five arte- tion all PT surveys were identified from CAP rial blood gas analyzer were installed at 22 sites and acquired. Comparison of results and per- (including emergency department, critical care formance across different POCT sites was done units and wards). The initial week or the tran- by the central laboratory and communicated to sition phase was the toughest time once POCT all site supervisors routinely. Sub-optimal - per implementation was introduced at these vari- formance in PT and internal quality control was ous sites. The issues faced were frequent QC brought to the immediate attention of the POCT failures because of incorrect QC identification, committees, which then determined corrective frequent comparison of POCT results to cen- action. The POCT coordinator ensured that PT tral laboratory testing, decreased utilization of surveys generate accurate results, regardless POCT by end users, frequent training refreshers of the location. Control of training and compe- and instrument breakdown because of mishan- tence assessment, policies, procedures and IQC dling. Laminated posters or flyers with simple and PT are now under the guidance/oversight step-by-step instructions on how to perform a of clinical laboratory. The connectivity for our test on a patient and how to conduct quality

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Table 5 Elements of POCT report

Essential features to be specified in POCT reports

Patient identification and patient location

Demographics of patient

Time and date of test when performed

Patient results with units

Type of sample

Distinction that the test was done on POCT device and not in central laboratory.

Identification of POCT operator who performed the test

Reference interval of analyte

Treating physician’s identification

The identification of the laboratory that issued the report management (QC and PT) testing procedures were knowledgeable about the disinfection into a practical, workable format was distribut- protocols. However audit revealed underuti- ed at all POCT sites as a training refresher. lization of few POCT instruments, manuals not easily accessible to end users and inadequate Clinical audit and ongoing POCT compliance knowledge of some POCT users regarding result All POCT programs need to be observed and reporting and corrective action to be taken. evaluated periodically in order to assure that Based on audit findings and POCT team discus- the program is meeting the needs of patients, sions some quality performance indicators were testing personnel and hospital (22). Once our introduced in the practice to monitor POCT on POCT program was in place, a clinical audit was a continuous basis. These include patient to QC conducted by the institute’s ‘Quality Assurance testing ratio, moving average of blood glucose Department’. in the hospital and PT survey monitoring. The All POCT sites were audited and assessed for laboratory POCT team prepared for CAP inspec- the policy, procedure and protocols, POCT us- tion two years later and got accredited by CAP ers’ knowledge, skills and practices. Most of in 2016 and again in 2019. the POCT users were aware about the proce- The POCT program is now under strict oversight dures and policies, daily QC checks and report- of CAP. Supervision of a POCT program requires ing of the equipment related complaints. Daily continuous attention to POCT instruments and QC checks were maintained and all POCT users users management, competency management,

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review of IQC and PT, presenting IQC and PT re- 6. DuBois JA. The role of POCT and rapid testing. Here sults in QA meeting of the institute, data moni- is an overview of an evolving approach to direct patient care. MLO Med Lab Obs. 2013;45(9):18, 20, 2. toring, inventory management, monitoring all 7. Simpson KN, LaVallee R, Halpern M, Palmer C. Is POCT POCT devices and their remote access, process- cost effective for coronary bypass patients in ICUs? MLO es of introducing new POCT in the institute and Med Lab Obs. 1996;28(2):58-62. day to day issues (32). 8. Ward MJ, Self WH, Singer A, Lazar D, Pines JM. Cost-ef- fectiveness analysis of early point-of-care lactate testing CONCLUSION AND WAY FORWARD in the emergency department. J Crit Care. 2016;36:69-75. 9. Nichols JH, Christenson RH, Clarke W, Gronowski A, The POCT allows rapid diagnostic and screening Hammett-Stabler CA, Jacobs E, et al. Executive sum- test results. Concerns over the quality of results mary. The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and difficulties in managing the documenta- Laboratory Medicine Practice Guideline: evidence- based practice for point-of-care testing. Clin Chim Acta. tion have created challenges to the extensive 2007;379(1-2):14-28; discussion 9-30. adoption of POCT in hospitals in the developing 10. Nichols JH. Point of care testing. Clin Lab Med. world. A clearly defined organizational struc- 2007;27(4):893-908, viii. ture should be put in place for proper function- 11. Gregory K, Tse JY, Wu R, Lewandrowski K. Implemen- ing and optimum utilization of each POCT unit. tation of an expanded point-of-care testing (POCT) site With our experience of implementing POCT inspection checklist in a large academic medical center: program the key to success of establishment implications for the management of a POCT program. Clin Chim Acta. 2012;414:27-33. of POCT infrastructure was a dedicated project lead and team work. POCT implementation re- 12. Mion MM, Bragato G, Casarotti A, Cosma C, Vigolo S, Vettore G et al. Clinical performance of cardiac Troponin quires multidisciplinary, multimodal approach I: A comparison between the POCT AQT90 FLEX and the involving all stakeholders, giving respect to each Dimension Vista analyzer in an emergency setting. Clin other and with effective communication. In Biochem. 2017 Sep;50(13-14):763-767. spite of major improvements in technology, as- 13. Petersen JR, Graves DF, Tacker DH, Okorodudu suring the quality of POCT remains challenging. AO, Mohammad AA, Cardenas VJ, Jr. Comparison of POCT and central laboratory blood glucose results us- This review may guide and assist other health- ing arterial, capillary, and venous samples from MICU care providers in implementing POCT effectively patients on a tight glycemic protocol. Clin Chim Acta. for improving patient safety and outcome. 2008;396(1-2):10-3. 14. Shimetani N. [Current status of POCT and its future REFERENCES challenges]. Rinsho Byori. 2011;59(9):864-8. 1. Shimetani N. [POCT (point of care testing) and rapid 15. Lewandrowski K, Gregory K, Macmillan D. Assur- testing]. Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. 2008;97(12):2913-9. ing quality in point-of-care testing: evolution of tech- nologies, informatics, and program management. Arch 2. Howanitz PJ, Tetrault GA, Steindel SJ. Clinical labora- Pathol Lab Med. 2011;135(11):1405-14. tory quality control: a costly process now out of control. Clin Chim Acta. 1997;260(2):163-74. 16. Briedigkeit L, Muller-Plathe O, Schlebusch H, Ziems J. Recommendations of the German Working Group 3. Kendall J, Reeves B, Clancy M. Point of care testing: on medical laboratory testing (AML) on the introduc- randomised controlled trial of clinical outcome. BMJ. tion and quality assurance of procedures for Point-of- 1998;316(7137):1052-7. Care Testing (POCT) in hospitals. Clin Chem Lab Med. 1999;37(9):919-25. 4. O’Leary D. College of American Pathologists Confer- ence XXVIII on alternate site testing: keynote address. 17. Anderson M. POCT regulatory compliance: what Global view of how alternate site testing fits in with medi- is it and how does it impact you? Crit Care Nurs Q. cal care. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1995;119(10):877-80. 2001;24(1):1-6. 5. Matsuo S. [Usefulness of POCT (point of care testing) 18. Weigl BH, Gaydos CA, Kost G, Beyette FR, Jr., Sa- in clinical practice]. Nihon Rinsho. 2004;62 Suppl 11:40-3. bourin S, Rompalo A, et al. The Value of Clinical Needs

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Prevalence of liver function test abnormality and associated factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a comparative cross-sectional study Getnet Teshome1, Sintayehu Ambachew2, Alebachew Fasil2, Molla Abebe2 1 Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia 2 College of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences, Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Gondar, Ethiopia


Corresponding author: Background: Getnet Teshome Comprehensive Specialized Hospital Determining liver biomarkers can help to screen and College of Medicine and Health Sciences facilitate early management of potential liver diseas- University of Gondar P.O. Box. 196 es. However, such studies are scarce in the present Ethiopia study area. Therefore, our study planned to assess Phone: +251918098902 the prevalence of liver function test abnormality and E-mail: [email protected] associated factors among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Key words: (T2DM) patients. liver function tests, diabetes mellitus, Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted at the University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital from January 1, 2018 to May 20, 2018 among 159 T2DM patients and 159 nondiabetic controls. Clinical, lifestyle, anthropometric data and 5 ml of blood were collected from all study subjects. Liver function tests (LFTs), lipid profiles and fasting blood sugar were determined. Systematic random sampling technique was used to select the study subjects. Binary logistic regression and bivariate correlation was used to assess association of factors with outcomes and p value of ≤0.05 was considered as significant.

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Results: Liver function tests (LFTs) are used in clinical Overall, 53 (33.3%) of T2DM had one or more practice to screen liver disease, to monitor the liver test abnormality above the upper limit of progression of a known liver disease and to the normal (ULN) reference range. Alanine ami- monitor the effects of potentially hepatotoxic notransferase was the most frequently raised drugs. The most commonly used LFTs include liver enzyme in T2DM (n=37, 23.3%). The mean the serum aminotransferases, alkaline phospha- value of LFTs was significantly different between tase (ALP), bilirubin, total protein (TP), albumin, T2DM and the control group. Alcohol drink, sex and prothrombin time. Measurement of serum and age were found to be a significant factor for aminotransferases, such as alanine aminotrans- impairment of LFTs. ferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) serve as a marker of injury. Conclusion: ALP, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) and bilirubin act as markers of biliary function and The prevalence of abnormal LFTs was higher in cholestasis whereas TP, albumin and prothrom- T2DM patients than nondiabetic control group. bin time reflect liver synthetic function (4). Hence, we recommended the utilization of LFTs to monitor liver conditions in T2DM patients. The prevalence of abnormal LFTs among DM patients is still controversial (4). In addition,  there is limited evidence about the relationship between abnormality in LFTs and DM patients INTRODUCTION in the study area. Awareness of DM as a signifi- cant risk factor for liver injury may help for early Diabetes mellitus(DM) is a group of metabolic diagnosis and interventions and derive health- disorders of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins promoting policies which encourage action to characterized by hyperglycemia (1). Globally, prevent liver diseases in the future. Therefore, more than 415 million people, aged 20-79 years, the objective of this study was to assess LFTs were affected by DM and the figure is expected abnormality and associated factors among pa- to rise up to 642 million in 2040. An epidemic tients with T2DM attended at the University of growth of DM has occurred in developing coun- Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. tries in which 75% of patients with DM live in the low and middle-income countries. In addi- MATERIALS AND METHODS tion, DM affects the working age in the low and middle-income countries (2). Study design and subjects The exact pathophysiological mechanism of DM A facility based comparative cross sectional to induce abnormalities in liver biomarkers is study was conducted at the University of Gondar still unclear. The first possible explanation that Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northwest DM induces liver function abnormality is the de- Ethiopia, from January 1 to May 20, 2018. The position of fat in the liver which is the character- study included a total of 318 participants; 159 istics of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). T2DM patients and 159 non-diabetic controls. The other possible assumption is the vulnerabil- A systematic random sampling was used to se- ity of individuals with metabolic syndrome like lect study participants. We included adult (≥18 DM to inflammation of the liver which alters the years) T2DM and nondiabetic controls. Patients function of liver and induce a change in liver bio- with history of liver disease, pregnant women markers (3). and patients on drugs known to have effect

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on liver function (except antidiabetic therapy) Anthropometric measurement (weight, height, were excluded from the study. waist circumference) was measured according to WHO guideline by trained nurses. Body mass Data collection and laboratory methods index (BMI) was calculated as weight divided Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical by height squared (kg/ m2) and classified as un- data were collected by trained nurses using derweight (BMI <18.5 kg/m2), normal weight a pretested semi-structured questionnaire. (18.5-24.9 kg/m2), overweight (BMI=25-29.9 Trained laboratory technologists collected kg/m2) and obese (BMI ≥ 30kg/m2)(5). Waist five milliliter (5 ml) of blood sample. Then af- circumference (WC) >88 centimeters for female ter centrifuging the clotted sample, the serum and WC>101 centimeters for male was taken as was analyzed for LFTs, lipid profiles and FBS high(central obesity)(5). Blood pressure was by using Mindray BS-200E chemistry analyzer taken by qualified personnel using an analogue (Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical electronics Co. sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. Systolic Ltd, China). The remaining serum was also used blood pressure ≥140 mmHg and/or diastolic for HBsAg and HCV anti-body detection by using blood pressure ≥90 mmHg or current use of One Step Cassette Style HBsAg Rapid Test and blood pressure-lowering medication was used EUGENE® anti-HCV rapid test, respectively. The to define hypertension (6). quality of each test was maintained by strictly Data analysis and interpretation following the standard operating procedures. Quality control was run daily prior to each test. After cleaning and coding, data was entered and Completion, accuracy and clarity of the collect- analyzed with SPSS version 20 statistical package. ed data was checked regularly. Data is presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or a percentage (%). Descriptive statistics of The interpretation of test results was based frequency distributions, summary and variabil- on the reference range recommended by the ity measurements are used. Binary logistic re- manufacturers’ instructions. Serum level of al- gression and bivariate correlation were used to kaline phosphatase (ALP) >306U/L, total biliru- determine the relationship between dependent bin >1.2mg/dl, direct bilirubin>0.2mg/dl, total and independent variables. Factors with p-value protein (TP) <6.6g/L and albumin <3.5g/L was ≤0.25 had been transferred to multiple binary considered as abnormal. The level of ALT >32U/L logistic regression analysis. A p-value ≤0.05 was and AST >31U/L for female and ALT >42U/L and considered as statistically significant. AST >37U/L for male was classified as abnormal. Fasting blood sugar (FBS) >115mg/dl, triglyceride Ethical consideration (TG) >200mg/dl, total cholesterol (TC) >190mg/ Ethical clearance was obtained from the School dl, HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c) <40mg/dl and LDL- of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences Research cholesterol (LDL-c) >100mg/dl were considered and Ethics committee. Written informed consent as abnormal. was obtained from study participants before the Physical activity is defined as if a study partici- commencement of data collection. There was pant was doing sport by allocating regular time. no financial compensation or provision for the Sweet eating can be defined as an eating behav- study participants. To ensure confidentiality of ior in which study participants consumed car- data, study participants were identified using bohydrates enriched foods such as cookies and codes and unauthorized persons had no access chocolate regularly. to the collected data.

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RESULTS observed from 34 (21.4%) of T2DM and 3 (1.9%) of a control group. On the other hand, 19 (11.9%) Characteristics of study subjects of T2DM patients and 1 (0.6%) of controls had The mean ± SD age of a control group was 52±13.22 decreased level of TP respectively. One or more years, ranging between 24 and 80 years and the test abnormality was observed in 53 (33.3%) of mean ± SD age of T2DM was 55±11.025 years, T2DM patients and 6 (3.8%) of controls whereas ranging from 32 to 85 years(p=0.23). Overall, 30 (18.9%) of T2DM patients and 3 (19%) of con- 82(51.6%) of T2DM patients and 76(47.8%) of a trols revealed an abnormal level of LFTs in two or control group were male and 87(54.7%) of T2DM more tests. and 87(54.7%) of a control group were under the age of 55 (Table 1). DISCUSSION Mean values of ALP, ALT, AST, total and direct bili- Prevalence of abnormal liver function tests rubin were significantly higher in T2DM than the Elevated ALT was found in 37 (23.3%) of T2DM control group (P for trend ≤0.04). On the other and 4 (2.5%) of a control group. Elevated AST was hand, the mean values of albumin and TP were Table 1 Sociodemographic, clinical and anthropometric characteristics of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and nondiabetic controls, Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018

Study subjects Total Variables T2DM patients Control group N (%) N (%) N (%)

Male 82(51.6) 76(47.8) 158(49.7) Sex Female 77(48.4) 83(52.2) 160(50.3)

<55 87(54.7) 87(54.7) 174(54.7) Age ≥55 72(45.3) 72(45.3) 144(45.3)

Yes 56(35.2) 65(40.7) 121(38.1) Alcohol drink No 103(64.8) 94(59.3) 191(61.9)

Yes 112(70.4) 115(72.3) 227(71.4) Coffee drink No 47(29.6) 44(27.7) 91(28.6)

Yes 40(25.2) 47(29.6) 87(27.4) Physical exercise No 119(74.8) 112(70.4) 231(72.6)

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Underweight 9(5.6) 4(2.5) 13(4.1)

Normal weight 77(48.4) 154(96.9) 231(72.6) Body mass index Over weight 47(29.6) 1(0.6) 48(15.1)

Obese 26(16.4) - 26(8.2)

Normal 124(78) 157(98.7) 281(88.4) Waist circumference Central obesity 35(22) 2(1.3) 37(11.6)

0-5 99(62.3) - - Duration 6-10 31(19.5) - - diabetes mellitus >10 29(18.2) - -

Normal 122(76.7) 158(99.4) 280(88.1) Systolic blood pressure High 37(23.3) 1(0.6) 38(11.9)

Normal 142(89.3) 149(93.7) 291(91.5) Diastolic blood pressure High 17(10.7) 10(6.3) 27(8.5)

Present 67(42.1) 11(6.9) 78(24.5) Hypertension Absent 92(57.9) 148(93.1) 240(75.5)

Yes 19(11.9) 12(7.5) 31(9.7) Family history of diabetes mellitus No 140(88.1) 147(92.5) 287(90.3)

Note: N=number of participants; T2DM=type 2 diabetes mellitus; %=percentage. significantly lower in T2DM than controls. A simi- the studies conducted in Finland (10), Scotland lar finding regarding ALT and AST (7-9) and TP (11) and England (12) reported a 17%, 23.1% and and albumin (8) was reported. 25.6% prevalence of abnormal ALT in T2DM pa- The prevalence of abnormal LFTs was higher than tients, respectively. The prevalence of abnormal the prevalence observed in control group. The ALP was 10.7% (6.3%-15.7%) which is compa- most frequent abnormal LFT was ALT (23.3%, rable with 8.9%, reported from Algeria (13). The 95%CI=17%-30.2%) which was followed by AST prevalence of elevated ALT and AST was higher (21.4%, 95%CI=14.5%-28.3%). This is in line with than the prevalence reported from Algeria (13)

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Table 2 Comparison of clinical and biochemical parameters between T2DM patients and nondiabetic controls, Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018

Mean ± Standard deviation(SD) Units of Parameters P value measure- T2DM Controls ment patients group (n=159) (n=159)

Fasting blood sugar 182.60±74.375 84.25±51.56 ≤0.001

Triglyceride 188.45±103.62 86.58±58.84 ≤0.001

Total cholesterol 191.05±77.07 139.18±35.44 ≤0.001 mg/dl High density 44.18±11.940 52.28± 8.156 ≤0.001 cholesterol

Low density 105.33±56.0 55.55±8.53 ≤0.001 lipoprotein cholesterol

Systolic blood pressure 135.52±16.52 118.72 ± 7.81 ≤0.001 mmHg Diastolic blood pressure 81.30±9.02 79.63 ± 5.2 0.04

Waist circumference 94.00±8.81 78.14±8.26 ≤0.001 centimeter

Body mass index 26.74±18.79 23.30 ± 2.53 0.02 kg/m2

Alkaline phosphatase 165.55±81.610 118.38±23.628 ≤0.001

Alanine aminotransferase 37.57±35.831 17.89±7.097 ≤0.001 U/L

Aspartate aminotransferase 35.2±32.278 17.89±7.067 ≤0.001

Total protein 7.469±.8461 8.005±.7583 0.003 g/dl Albumin 4.602±.6736 4.930±.3262 0.004

Total bilirubin .553±.3907 .418±.2449 0.006 mg/dl Direct bilirubin .169±.1680 .140±.0575 0.04

Note: g/dl=gram/deciliter; Kg/m2=kilogram/square meter; mg/dl=milligram/deciliter; mmHg=millimeter mercury; U/L=unit/liter.

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easFigure 30 1( 9%)Number of of 2DM study patients subjects and with 3 liver19 function ) of con tests rols abnormality evealed an abnormal in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and controls, Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018

Two or mor test abnormality Single test abnormality AST>3XULN st abnorma AST>2XULN st abnorma ALT>3XULNAST>3XU ALT>2XULNA T>2XU 3XUALB BILTXU TPA BILDB ALP ASTBI ALT

T0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of controls with abnormal10 LFTs Number30 of T2DM with40 abnormal LFTs0

Figuregure 1 2 Percentage ber of stu distribution y sub ects with of liver liver function function tests tes abnormality s abnormali in y intype ty 2 diabetes patients and controls, Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018









Abnorma LFTs in T2DM(%) Abnormal LFTs in Control(%)

0Page 018 8. 309 eJIFCC2019Vol30No3pp303-316

Getnet Teshome, Sintayehu Ambachew, Alebachew Fasil, Molla Abebe Prevalence of liver function test abnormality and associated factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Table 3 Bivariate correlations among continuous variables in T2DM, Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018

DM Systolic Diastolic WC BMI TG FBS TC HDL-c LDL-c duration BP BP

r -0.245 0.289 0.273 0.430 0.329 0.728 0.772 0.812 -0.628 0.792 ALP P 0.002 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 value

r -0.200 0.283 0.289 0.443 0.327 0.731 0.786 0.847 -0.680 0.849 AST P 0.011 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 value

r -0.198 0.315 0.305 0.450 0.395 0.737 0.797 0.840 -0.686 0.855 ALT P 0.012 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 value

r 0.173 -0.233 -0.203 -0.417 -0.241 -0.609 -0.692 -0.773 0.592 -0.695 TP P 0.029 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 value

r 0.119 -0.261 -0.211 -0.424 -0.305 -0.671 -0.759 -0.822 0.694 -0.784 ALB P 0.134 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 value

r -0.191 0.150 0.206 0.303 0.241 0.658 0.668 0.815 -0.584 0.764 BILT P 0.016 0.007 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 value

r -0.134 0.162 0.236 0.254 0.274 0.528 0.554 0.690 -0.525 0.690 BILD P 0.092 0.004 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 value Note: ‘r’ denoted correlation coefficient; ALB=albumin; ALP=alkaline phosphatase; ALT=alanine aminotransferase; AST=aspartate aminotransferase; BILD=direct bilirubin; BILT=total bilirubin; BMI=body mass index; BP=blood pressure; FBS= fasting blood sugar; HDL-c=high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-c=low density lipoprotein cholesterol; TC=total cholesterol; TG=triglyceride; TP= total protein; WC=waist circumference.

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Table 4 Binary logistic regression analysis of associated factors with different abnormal LFTs in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Gondar, Northwest, Ethiopia, 2018

Elevated Elevated Elevated Decreased Decreased Elevated Elevated Factors ALP AST ALT TP ALB BILT BILD

COR 8.4 3.3 3.9 2.8 6.4 6.4 3.4 (95%CI) (4.2-11.7) (1.4-6.8) (1.6-7.8) (1.1-7.2) (0.9-8.6) (2.9-8.1) (0.9-6.3)

P value 0.038 0.005 0.002 0.03 0.08 0.038 0.068 Male AOR 0.6 2.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.9 (95%CI) (0.2-2.4) (1.2-3.8) (1.01-3.4) (0.4-3.3) 0.4-3.6) (0.3-3.3) (0.3-2.7)

P value 0.50 0.014 0.047 0.80 0.80 1.0 0.80

COR 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.5 (95%CI) (0.2-1.1) (0.3-1.3) (0.2-0.9) (0.2-1.2) (0.1-1.05) (0.1-0.8) (0.2-1.2)

P value 0.068 0.22 0.033 0.11 0.06 0.024 0.11 Age<55 AOR 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 (95%CI) (0.1-1.1) (0.1-0.8) (0.1-0.9) (0.1-0.8) (0.2-1.3) (0.1-1.02) (0.2-1.4)

P value 0.054 0.041 0.035 0.012 0.13 0.055 0.22

COR 1.9 2.1 2.1 1.5 1.9 1.9 - (95%CI) (1.1-3.1) (1.3-3.4) (1.3-3.4) (0.9-2.5) (1.1-3.1) (1.2-3.2)

P value 0.019 0.003 0.003 0.15 - 0.019 0.012 Butter AOR 1.7 2.1 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.6 - (95%CI ) (0.9-3.4) (1.2-3.4) (1.01-2.6) (0.7-2.3) (0.8-2.8) (0.9-3.0)

P value 0.13 0.014 0.045 0.5 - 0.22 0.12

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COR 11.7 8.4 11.2 6.5 4.1 6.5 7.0 (95%CI) (3.7-16.9) (3.7-18.9) (4.7-17.2) (2.5-16.8) (1.5-11.1) (2.4-12.3) (2.6-15.2)

P value 0≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 0.005 ≤0.001 0≤0.001 Alcohol AOR 5.9 6.4 6.0 6.1 4.2 5.1 6.0 (95%CI) (3.4-8.6) (2.6-11.2) (1.8-12.1) (2.1-12.3) (1.4-8.9) (1.6-11.6) (2.0-10.9)

P value ≤0.001 .001 ≤0.001 .001 .011 .006 0.002

COR 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.5 (95%CI) (0.1-0.8) (0.3-1.2) (0.3-1.1) (0.2-1.0) (0.1-0.8) (0.2-1.2) (0.2-1.3)

P value 0.015 0.14 0.10 0.056 0.019 0.13 0.18 Coffee AOR 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.5 (95%CI) (0.1-0.7) (0.2-0.9) (0.2-1.2) (0.1-0.9) (0.1-0.9) (0.02-0.9) (0..2-1.4)

P value 0.01 0.047 0.09 0.045 0.028 0.043 0.16

COR 5.9 3.4 5.1 2.9 4.6 3.3 - (95%CI) (2.3-15.3) (1.5-7.8) (2.2-11.9) (1.1-7.3) (1.8-12.0) (1.3-8.6)

Sweet P value 0≤0.001 0.004 0≤0.001 0.028 - 0.002 0.013 drink AOR 5.1 2.2 6.2 2.6 3.0 2.4 - (95%CI) (1.7-11.5) (0.7-6.9) (1.7-16.0) (1.03-9.9) (0.8-11.5) (0.6-8.7)

P value 0.008 0.19 0.006 0.048 - 0.10 0.20

COR 14.7 11.8 21.4 6.2 - - - (95%CI) (4.4-18.8) (4.1-16.9) (2.8-42.2) (1.8-11.7)

P value - 0.001 0.001 0.003 - - 0.004 T2DM AOR 4.2 3.6 5.2 2.5 - - (95%CI) (1.6-10.6) (1.8-7.1) (1.2-8.8) (1.2-5.2)

P value - 0.003 0.001 0.013 - - 0.012

Note: ‘-‘ denotes not applicable; ALB=albumin; ALP=alkaline phosphatase; ALT=alanine aminotransferase; AOR=adjusted odds ratio; AST=aspartate aminotransferase; BILD=direct bilirubin; BILT=total bilirubin; CI=confidence interval; COR=crude odds ratio; TP=total protein; T2DM=type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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which observed 13.9% for ALT and 10% for AST. China (16) demonstrated a significant posi- The difference might be attributable to the differ- tive correlation between elevated ALT and WC, ence in medical care, living standard and knowl- BMI, TC, TG, LDL-c and FBS. In addition, this edge of the patients on the risk factors. study noted a significant negative correlation It was noted that 33.3% (95%CI=26.4%-41%) of between ALT and HDL-c (16). T2DM had one or more test abnormality. This Both diastolic and systolic pressure was signifi- finding is consistent with the previous study con- cantly positively correlated with ALP, ALT, AST, ducted in Scotland (11) which reported 29.1%. total bilirubin and direct bilirubin (P for trend Disagreed with our result, studies from South ≤0.007). Furthermore, these were negatively cor- Africa (14) and Finland (10) reported a 46% and related with TP and albumin (P ≤0.001). A similar 57% prevalence of one or more test abnormal- finding was reported in a study from China (16). ity. The possible explanation of the difference Obstruction of the blood flow due to the depo- in prevalence might be due to the utilization sition of fibrin in the liver sinusoids might be the of different cutoff values, which are influenced probable cause of the liver damage in partici- by sociodemographic characteristics such as pants with hypertension (17). sex, age and ethnicity (15). The prevalence The likelihood of having an abnormal LFTs was of two or more test abnormality was 18.9% greater among males than females. Previous (95%CI=12.6%=25.8%). This is similar with a find- studies have shown the association between ing from Sudan (8) reported 24%, but lower than male sex and abnormal LFTs (16, 18, 19). The the prevalence (27%) reported from Finland (10). sex difference may be explained by differences Among T2DM patients, 11.3% (6.9%-16.4%) re- in body fat distribution due to the presence of vealed elevated ALT and AST each beyond two estrogen in females (20). times the ULN whereas 6.9% (3.1%-11.3%) and 8.2% (3.8%-12.6%) of T2DM was found with an Older age, with shorter duration of DM, was elevated level of ALT and AST respectively be- significantly associated with abnormal LFTs. In yond three times the ULN. In line with our find- contrast to our finding and others (12, 16, 18), a ing, a retrospective study from South Africa (14) study from Scotland (11) and Italy (21) reported showed a 9% and 6% prevalence of abnormal liv- younger age with shorter duration of DM as a er enzymes over two times ULN and three times factor for abnormal LFTs. This difference can be ULN in T2DM respectively. related to genetic variation as ethnic difference in NAFLD progression was reported to be de- It was noted that WC, BMI, TC, TG, LDL-c and termined by variants in genes (22). The inverse FBS were significantly positively correlated correlation between duration of DM and liver with elevated level of ALP, ALT, AST, total bili- enzyme and bilirubin may be due to survival rubin and direct bilirubin (P≤0.001). But, these were significantly negatively correlated with TP bias (people with more severe liver injury dying and albumin (P≤0.001). HDL-c was significantly earlier) and treatment effect over time. Older negatively correlated with liver enzymes and subjects might be less consistent with the strin- bilirubin(P≤0.001) while it was significantly gent lifestyle interventions usually prescribed positively correlated with the level of TP and as part of T2DM management. albumin (P≤0.001). A study from South Africa Alcohol drink was significantly associated with (14) has previously reported that patients with abnormal LFTs. A similar finding has been ob- abnormal liver enzyme were significantly asso- served by other studies (11, 12, 16, 18, 19). ciated with dyslipidemia. Another study from Alcohol drink might bring this effect by altering

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lipid metabolism and direct toxicity. The break- the association of abnormal LFTs with NAFLD. down of alcohol with cytosolic enzymes gener- This point is particularly important because it ates toxic metabolites such as acetaldehyde and has been demonstrated that NAFLD could be highly reactive oxygen containing molecules present also in absence of elevated liver en- evoking oxidative stress and inflammation(23). zymes (30). Sweet drink was significantly associated with abnormal level of ALP (AOR=5.1(1.7-11.5)), ALT CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS (AOR=6.2(1.7-16.0)) and TP (AOR=2.6(1.03-9.9)). In conclusion, the prevalence of abnormal level The intake of sweetened beverages may af- of LFTs in T2DM was higher than a control group. fect insulin sensitivity, which results in im- The mean values of the liver enzymes and bili- paired metabolism and hepatic steatosis (24). rubin in patients with T2DM were significantly Butter consumption was significantly associated higher than that of a control group. Moreover, with elevated ALT (OR=1.4(1.01-2.6)) and AST T2DM patients had lower level of TP and albumin (OR=2.1(1.2-3.4)). Evidences revealed that but- in comparison to the control group. This differ- ter consumption is associated with increased ence indicates that T2DM may induce liver func- risk of metabolic syndrome (25) which may in- tion impairment. The high prevalence of LFTs duce liver function abnormality. derangement in T2DM highlights the importance We have seen the inverse relationship between of requesting LFTs in these patients as they may abnormal LFTs and coffee consumption. Coffee harbor potentially treatable co-morbid illnesses. was reported to decrease abnormal LFTs in oth- Health education about the potential risk of liver er studies (18, 26). Aromatic extracts (27) and diseases and way of prevention shall be provided chemical compounds such as cafestol, kahweol to T2DM patients as well. In addition, follow up and chlorogenic acid (28, 29) has been suggest- study is required to ascertain the mechanism by ed for their antioxidative function. which liver function is impaired. Strengths of this study include the compara-  tive method we used. Consistent definitions were applied to all subjects, which we believe Abbreviations that help to reduce bias. Notably, based on lit- ALD: Alcoholic Liver Disease erature search, it is the first study to report the prevalence of abnormal LFTs among T2DM ALP: Alkaline Phosphatase patients in the study area. Despite the above ALT: Alanine Aminotransferase strengths, our study has limitations. The study Aspartate Aminotransferase was a cross-sectional study design and thus, it is AST: not possible to determine if diabetes preceded BMI: Body Mass Index or followed the abnormal liver, nor is it possible DM: Diabetes Mellitus to determine whether we observed chronic or transient LFTs impairment. Because of self-re- FBS: Fasting Blood Sugar porting measures of behavioral characteristics GGT: Gamma Glutamyl Transferase such as drinking, some error and resulting re- HBV: Hepatitis B Virus sidual confounding by these covariates and oth- ers may not be excluded. Our study didn’t use HCV: Hepatitis C Virus imaging methods and/or histology to ascertain HDL-c: High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol

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Correlation of body mass index and waist/hip ratio with glycated hemoglobin in prediabetes Manju Bala1, Meenakshi2, Sameer Aggarwal3 1 Department of Biochemistry, Pt. B. D. Sharma, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), Rohtak, India 2 Department of Biochemistry, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India 3 Department of Medicine, Pt. B. D. Sharma, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), Rohtak, India


Corresponding author: Introduction: Meenakshi Department of Biochemistry Prediabetes (preDM) is a state of disordered glucose Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC) metabolism rather than a distinctive clinical entity New Delhi – 110001 India representing an interim condition and a risk factor Phone: +91-9671265956 for the development of diabetes. Diagnosis of asymp- E-mail: [email protected] tomatic people to assess the risk for development of Key words: DM should be done in overweight or obese adults prediabetes, body mass index, (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) of any age along with person having

waist hip ratio, HbA1c one or more additional risk factors like physical in- activity, first degree relative with DM, high risk race/ ethnicity, hypertension etc.


To correlate glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels with body mass index (BMI) and waist hip ratio (WHR) in prediabetic patients.

Materials & methods: The present case control study was performed at Pt. B. D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak includes thirty prediabetic

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patients of age group 20-40 years diagnosed on INTRODUCTION the basis of HbA (5.7-6.4%). Thirty healthy and 1c Prediabetes (preDM) is a stage of disordered glu- age matched control were taken. After taking cose metabolism rather than a distinct clinical written consent, they were subjected to physi- entity and a risk factor for the development of cal examination and anthropometric measure- diabetes along with an increase in cardiovascular ments as per protocol and findings were noted. and microvascular complications. The transition Venous blood sample was withdrawn for esti- from preDM to diabetes may take years but may mation of HbA1c levels. also be rapid. It is estimated that most individu- als (up to 70%) with preDM eventually develop Results: diabetes. The incidence is highest in individuals The correlation coefficient between BMI (27.01 with combined impaired fasting glucose (IFG) & 2 ± 2.91 kg/m ) and HbA1c (5.94 ± 0.21%) is r = impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and similar in 0.583 with p value = 0.001 and between WHR those with isolated IFG (i-IFG) or isolated IGT (i-

(0.87 ± 0.38) & HbA1c is r = 0.495 with p value IGT) [1]. = 0.005. Both BMI & WHR are positively corre- BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 is a major risk factor for develop- lated with HbA1c. ment of prediabetes along with other risk factors like physical inactivity, first degree relative with Conclusion: DM, high risk race/ethnicity, women who de- Obesity is a risk factor for glycation of hemoglo- livered a baby weighing 9 lb or diagnosed with bin & hence, it is an effective measure for pre- gestational DM, hypertension (HTN), HDL choles- vention of prediabetes and diabetes. terol (HDL-C) level of 35 mg/dL and a triglyceride (TG) level of 250 mg/dL, women with polycystic  ovarian syndrome (PCOS), etc [2].

Figure 1 Formation of HbA1c [5]

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HbA1c results from the nonenzymatic, irrevers- Inclusion criteria ible concentration dependent covalent bonding Patients of age group between 20-40 years of glucose to hemoglobin within the erythro- satisfying the criteria of prediabetes based on cytes. Glycation occurs in a two step Maillard HbA were included in the study. reaction. It involves the initial formation of a la- 1c Schiff base which undergoes a subsequent Criteria of prediabetes according to ADA is [8] Amadori rearrangement leading to formation of 1. Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) with fasting an Amadori product i.e., HbA1c. Driven by the plasma glucose levels of 100 to 125 mg/dL nucleophilic nature of the NH2-terminal, ami- (5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L). no group of hemoglobin condenses with glu- 2. Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) with plas- cose found in the erythrocyte. The cumulative ma glucose levels of 140 to 199 mg/dL (7.8 amount of HbA in an erythrocyte is directly 1c to 11.0 mmol/L) 2-hour postprandial. proportional to the time dependant concen- tration of glucose within the erythrocyte [3,4] 3. HbA1c of 5.7 to 6.4%. (Figure 1). Exclusion criteria The concentration of HbA correlates with the 1c • Patients with hemoglobin < 9 g/dL and any average blood glucose levels over the preced- history suggestive of hemoglobinopathies. ing three months. As a consequence of relation- • Patients with history suggestive of endo- ship between glycemia and HbA1c, it is clear that crine disorders like thyroid, adrenal and pi- there is a significant association between HbA1c tuitary glands disorders. and various clinical outcomes. Moreover, HbA1c is related to the risk of microvascular (in both • Patients with history suggestive of any drug type 1 and type 2 diabetes) as well as macro- intake affecting glucose metabolism. vascular (in type 1 diabetes) complications [6]. Methodology Thus, it is concluded that development of preDM is linked to environmental factors such After getting written consent from the cases as physical inactivity but the subsequent devel- and controls, detailed history was taken and re- opment of diabetes is affected by combination corded in their respective proforma. They were of genetic and environmental factors. Therefore subjected to physical examination and anthro- efforts to prevent diabetes should be initiated pometric measurements as per protocol and prior to the development of preDM in order to the findings were noted. Waist circumference obtain the maximum benefit [7]. (WC) was measured midway between the low- est point of rib cage and the superior border of MATERIALS & METHODS iliac crest at the end of normal expiration with a stretch resistant measuring tape. Hip circum- The present study was conducted in the ference (HC) was measured around the widest Department of Biochemistry, in collaboration portion of the buttocks with the tape parallel to with the Department of Medicine, Pt. B. D. the floor. Waist hip circumference ratio (W/H Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak. Ratio) was calculated as WC in cm divided by In the present study, 30 prediabetic patients di- HC in cm. Cut off values for WHR is 0.90 for agnosed on the basis of HbA1c levels were en- men and 0.80 for women [9]. The weight and rolled as cases. 30 healthy- and age-matched standing height of all study subjects were mea- individuals were enrolled as controls. sured by using calibrated weighing scale and

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stadiometer with a fixed vertical backboard and antigen antibody complexes. Since the specific an adjustable head piece respectively.BMI can HbA1c antibody site is present only once on the be calculated by the present weight in kg divided HbA1c molecule, complex formation does not by height2 in metre. BMI can be expressed in the take place. The polyhaptens react with excess units of kg/m2 (Table 1). anti HbA1c antibodies to form an insoluble anti- Quetlet Index body polyhapten complex that can be measured BMI = weight (kg) / height2 (in metre) turbidimetrically. [11]

SAMPLE COLLECTION STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Primary outcome were calculated by applying For estimation of HbA1c, 2 mL of blood was col- lected in EDTA anticoagulant vacutainer. Samples Unpaired ‘t’ test and secondary outcome were were processed & analysed on the same day. obtained by using two-tailed Pearson correla- tion between variables of prediabetic cases and HbA1c was determined by turbidimetric inhibi- tion immunoassay (TINIA) for hemolyzed whole controls by using the statistical package (IBM blood. Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) in the sample SPSS 20). Data were considered to be significant reacts with anti HbA1c antibody to form soluble if p < 0.05 and highly significant with p < 0.001. Table 1 WHO classification of BMI grading [10]

BMI (kg/m2) Classification

˂ 18.5 Underweight

18.5-24.9 Normal Weight

25.0-29.9 Overweight

30.0-34.9 Class I Obesity

35.0-39.9 Class II Obesity

≥ 40.0 Class III Obesity

Table 2 Data of study group

Cases (n = 30) Control (n = 30) S. no. Data p value mean ± SD mean ± SD

1. BMI (kg/m2) 27.01 ± 2.91 24.16 ± 1.25 0.001

2. WHR 0.87 ± 0.38 0.80 ± 0.38 0.001

3. HbA1c (%) 5.94 ± 0.21 5.24 ± 0.32 0.001

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RESULTS & OBSERVATIONS to development of IGT. When the condition develops further, apoptosis of islet cells occurs In the present study, out of 30 cases, 11 (37%) and glucose metabolism is disrupted leading to were normal, 13 (43%) were overweight and 6 clinical DM [2]. (20%) were obese. Out of 30 controls, 20 (67%) were normal while 10 (33%) were overweight. In the present study, 63% of cases had increased 63% of cases had increased BMI that is much BMI in comparison to 33% of controls having in- higher than 33% of controls having increased creased BMI. HbA1c had significant positive cor- BMI (Table 2). relation with BMI and WHR. Our observation is supported by study done by Li et al and Abtahi WHR showed statistical significant difference et al. between cases (mean 0.87 ± 0.38) and controls (mean 0.80 ± 0.38) with p value = 0.001. Out Li et al reported a positive correlation be- of 30 cases, 27 (90%) had increase WHR while tween HbA1c and BMI in preDM. It is found 3 (10%) had normal WHR. Out of 30 controls, that oxidative stress is a key determinant of 13 (43%) had increase WHR while 17 (57%) had glycation of hemoglobin leading to increase normal WHR. So, 90% of cases had increase HbA1c levels with elevated oxidative stress in WHR in comparison to 43% of controls. nondiabetic subjects. Oxidative stress affects HbA1c level through two ways. Firstly, the gly- TWO-TAILED PEARSON’S CORRELATION cation of hemoglobin is a two step Maillard BETWEEN PARAMETERS reaction involving the initial formation of a labile Schiff base and a subsequent Amadori In the present study, it was found that HbA1c had rearrangement. Oxidative stress facilitates positive correlation with BMI as well as WHR the autoxidation of glucose to dicarbonyl in- (Table 3, Figure 2A and 2B). termediates in an early step of the Maillard reaction and thus enhancing the glycation of DISCUSSION proteins. Secondly, oxidative stress results in Development of preDM is linked to environ- insulin resistance within adipose and skeletal mental factors such as physical inactivity but muscle tissues and subsequent development the subsequent development of diabetes is af- of hyperglycemia which will further increase fected by combination of genetic and environ- the oxidative stress [12]. mental factors [7]. Adverse environmental fac- Lipid peroxidation also affects glycation of he- tors or disease can cause cells to fail to respond moglobin independent of glucose concentra- to insulin leading to insulin resistance (IR). Once tion. Therefore, oxidative stress may partly -ex

IR develops, the body cells fail to respond to in- plain the discordance between HbA1c levels and sulin and are unable to use it effectively leading blood glucose diagnosing diabetes and preDM. Table 3 Correlation of HbA1c with different parameters

S. no. Parameters Correlation coefficient (r) p value

1. HbA1c Vs BMI 0.583 0.001

2. HbA1c Vs WHR 0.495 0.005

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g . p g a e bA1 Figure 2A Graph showing the correlation between HbA1c and BMI

Figure 2B Graph showing the correlation between HbA1c and WHR

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Manju Bala, Meenakshi, Sameer Aggarwal Correlation of body mass index and waist/hip ratio with glycated hemoglobin in prediabetes

Obesity has been reported as a strong indepen- effective than dietary advice alone. Exercise dent predictor of systemic oxidative stress. Thus increases insulin mediated glucose disposal in the association between BMI and HbA1c is medi- muscles. Although in humans low dietary fat ated by oxidative stress. content does not influence insulin mediated Obesity can induce systemic oxidative stress glucose disposal but hypocaloric diet leading to leading to increased glycation of hemoglobin weight loss is associated with improved insulin mediated glucose disposal and reduction of gly- independent of glucose levels. Thus HbA1c con- centration may be disproportionately elevated cemia. Thus, these interventions lead to reduce at a given glycemic level in obese subjects. So, IR, slows the progression of glucose intolerance and arrests or delays β cell deterioration [20]. HbA1c cannot reflect the real concentration of glucose in obese subjects [13,14]. CONCLUSION Abtahi et al observed that the prevalence of preDM was higher in obese person having high- BMI and WHR has a role in glycation of hemo- er range of waist circumference, WHR and BMI. globin and obesity is a preventable risk factor Body weight is determined by many factors for the development of prediabetes and its fur- such as genetic, behavioral, cultural, socio-eco- ther consequences. nomic, physical inactivity, diet and psychosocial factors. Excess body weight is a risk factor for a REFERENCES variety of health hazards like DM, preDM and 1. Buysschaert M, Bergman M. Definition of prediabetes. cardiovascular disease. It was concluded that Med Clin N Am 2011;95:289-97. people with lower BMI are less susceptible for 2. Tang Q, Li X, Song P, Xu L. Optimal cut-off values for development of DM & preDM and obese peo- the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance ple have higher prevalence of abnormal blood (HOMA-IR) and pre-diabetes screening: Developments in glucose levels [15]. research and prospects for the future. Drug Discov Ther 2015;9:380-5. Various studies have shown that one to three 3. Hare MJL, Shaw JE, Zimmet PZ. Current contro- quarters of subjects with IGT develop diabetes versies in the use of haemoglobin A1c. J Intern Med within a decade of discovery of IGT and annual 2012;271:227-36. progression rates from IGT to diabetes range 4. Derr R, Garrett E, Stacy GA, Saudek CD. Is HbA1c affect- from 1 to 10%. Thus by slowing the progression, ed by glycemic instability. Diabetes Care 2003;26:2728-33. the incidence of diabetes would be reduced and 5. Sacks DB. Diabetes Mellitus. In: Burtis CA, Ashwood the onset of its complications would be pre- ER, Bruns DE, editors. Teitz textbook of clinical chemistry vented or delayed [16-19]. Early intervention and molecular diagnostics. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2012. p.1442. is required to improve the progression of the complications and reduce the cost of disease in 6. Zafon C, Ciudin A, Valladares S, Mesa J, Simo R. Vari- ables involved in the discordance between HbA1c and the long term. A sedentary lifestyle increases fructosamine: the glycation gap revisited. PLos One the risk for development of IR. Energy expen- 2013;8:e66696. diture of 500 kcal/week decreases risk of devel- 7. Anjana RM, Rani CSS, Deepa M, Pradeepa R, Sudha oping type 2 DM by 6%. According to one study, V, Nair HD, et al. Incidence of diabetes and prediabetes vigorous exercise at least once a week reduces and predictors of progression among asian Indians: 10 year follow up of the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology the risk of type 2 DM in women by 33% [2]. Study. Diabetes care 2015;38:1441-8. According to the Da Qing study exercise advice 8. American Diabetes Association. Diagnosis and classifi- (with or without dietary advice) appears more cation of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 2014;37:81-90.

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Hyperuricemia and its association with cardiovascular disease risk factors in type two diabetes mellitus patients at the University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia Birhanu Woldeamlak1, Ketsela Yirdaw2, Belete Biadgo2 1 Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Gondar Hospital, Ethiopia 2 Department of Clinical Chemistry, School of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences, College of Medicine and Health Science, University of Gondar, Ethiopia


Corresponding author: Background: Belete Biadgo Department of Clinical Chemistry Hyperuricemia is associated with cardiovascular dis- School of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences ease (CVD) that presents in diabetes mellitus patients. College of Medicine and Health Science University of Gondar Therefore, the aim of this study was to appraise the Ethiopia serum uric acid and its association with CVD risk fac- E-mail: [email protected] tors among diabetes mellitus patients. Key words: hyperuricemia, diabetes mellitus, Methods: cardiovascular disease A cross-sectional study was carried out at the University of Gondar hospital from February to March, 2018. A total of 384 study participants were selected by systematic random sampling technique. Five mil- liliter blood sample was collected and analyzed using Mindray BS-200E machine. The data was analysed into SPSS version 20. Logistic regression model was used to investigate associated factors. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.

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Results: FBG: Fasting Blood Glucose The prevalence of hyperuricemia among type 2 FHDM: Family History of disease diabetic patients was 31.5%. The serum uric acid HDL: High Density Lipoprotein concentration was higher among male (33.1%) compared to female (28.9%). Elevated systolic HUA: Hyperuricemia blood pressure (AOR: 4.4, 95%CI: 2.1-9.3), fam- IR: Insulin Resistance ily history of DM (AOR: 1.5, 95%CI: 1.2-2.5) and LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein BMI ≥ 25 Kg/m2 (AOR: 1.4, 95%CI: 1.1-3.7) were significantly associated with hyperuricemia. MetS: Metabolic Syndrome Increased BMI (52.4%), high waist circumfer- MSU: Monosodium Urate ence (63.0%) and elevated systolic blood pres- SUA: Serum Uric Acid sure (58.2%) were the major CVD risk factors. tCho: Total Cholesterol Conclusion: T2DM: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitu The prevalence of hyperuricemia was high in TG: Triglyceride type 2 diabetes patients. The major predictors of CVD risk factors were elevated systolic blood UA: Uric Acid pressure, family history of DM and BMI ≥ 25 Kg/ VLDL: Very Low Density Lipoprotein m2 which lead to early diagnosis and treatment WC: Waist Circumference for hyperuricemia. Lastly, CVD risk factors are es- sential to reduce the disease among type 2 dia- XOR: Xanthine oxido-reductase betic patients.  

Abbreviations BACKGROUND Uric acid (UA) is a final enzymatic product AOR: Adjusted Odds Ratio of purine metabolism in humans [1] and it ABCG2A: TP Binding Cassette transporter sub is regulated by the xanthine-oxidoreductase family G member 2 enzyme, which converts hypoxanthine to xan- ADP: Adenosine Diphosphate thine and xanthine to uric acid [2]. An elevat- ed concentration of UA is associated with a ALT: Alanine Aminotransferase variety of cardiovascular conditions [3]. The ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate balance between the intake endogenous BMI: Body Mass Index synthesis, excretion ratio and metabolism BP: Blood Pressure of purines determines the concentrations of Serum Uric Acid (SUA). The alteration of any CE: Cholesteryl Esterase of these factors could cause hyperuricemia CI: Confidence Interval (HUA), which defined as a SUA concentration COR: Crude Odds Ratio >6.8 mg/dL[4]. Currently, the prevalence of HUA is potentially attributed to recent shifts CVD: Cardiovascular Disease in diet and lifestyle, improved medical care and DM: Diabetes Mellitus increased long life [5].

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Developed countries tend to have a higher bur- of HUA has been increasing [15]. Evidence has den of gout than developing countries. Some supported the association of high level of UA ethnic groups are particularly vulnerable to with MetS, T2DM and CVD [16]. gout, supporting the importance of genetic pre- Some of the recognized risk factors of CVD are disposition. Socioeconomic and dietary factors, high blood pressure, rapid acculturation and as well as co-morbidities and medications that step up in economic conditions, economic tran- can impact UA levels and/or facilitate monoso- sition, increased tobacco use, high blood lip- dium urate (MSU) crystal formation, are also ids, physical idleness, over-weight and obese, important in determining the risk of developing DM and poor dietary habit [15]. Hyperglycemia gout [6]. and lipid metabolism disorder is also linked to Recently, SUA has received attention as a poten- a greater risk for vascular problems, kidney tial biomarker dependently predicting the de- disease, nerve and retinal damage resulting in velopment of hypertension, diabetes mellitus challenges in managing the disease adequately, (DM), and chronic kidney disease [7]. A close especially in the presence of immune suppres- relationship exists between plasma UA levels sion, and predisposes individual to premature and glucose utilization in type 2 diabetes mel- mortality. Moreover, this has cost and social litus (T2DM) [8], which results from a defect in implications for patients, their families, com- insulin secretion or action, almost always with a munities and the healthcare system. Currently, major contribution from insulin resistance (IR) HUA in T2DM patients has been less well inves- [9]. T2DM is a corollary of the interaction be- tigated in sub-Saharan Africans. Until now, the tween a genetic predisposition, behavioral and pathogenic role of UA in the development of environmental risk factors. Obesity and physi- cal inactivity are the main non-genetic deter- the MetS is not complete, therefore, the aim minants of T2DM although, the genetic basis of the study was to assess the current burden of the disease has yet to be identified [10]. The of HUA and its association with CVD risk fac- strong relationship between UA and T2DM is tors among T2DM patients at the University of due to the development of renal dysfunction in Gondar Hospital. T2DM [11]. METHODS AND MATERIALS There were studies that showed a clear relation- ship of increased UA levels with hypertension, Study design, period and area metabolic syndrome (MetS), abdominal obesi- Institution-based cross-sectional study was ty, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, sub- conducted from February to March, 2018 at the clinical atherosclerosis and an increased risk of University of Gondar Hospital DM clinic, Gondar, cardiovascular events [12]. Some other factors Ethiopia. The University of Gondar Hospital is can also induce HUA such as hypertension, pos- one of the biggest hospitals in Amhara region sibly by urate reabsorption, which is caused by that provides health service, acts as a referral decreased renal blood flow 13 [ ]. Dyslipidemia center for other district hospitals and has about may also cause HUA through a negative effect 400 beds. on renal function 14[ ]. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination It is expected to deliver health service for about Survey (NHANES) 2007–2008, the prevalence of five million people in Northwest Ethiopia. As HUA was 21% in American adults, reaching 26% a teaching hospital, it plays an important role in African Americans. Recently, the prevalence in teaching, research and community service.

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According to the 2007 census, Gondar town selected using a systematic random sampling has a total population of 323,900 [17]. technique.

Population Data collection and laboratory methods The source population was all T2DM patients Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical who have access to be served at the University data were collected by trained nurses using a of Gondar Hospital. Moreover, the study popu- semi-structured questionnaire. In addition to lation were all individuals with T2DM who vis- that, trained laboratory technologists collect ited the hospital during the study period and and analyzed the blood sample. Anthropometric fulfilled eligibility criteria. measurement (weight, height) was measured Inclusion and exclusion criteria according to WHO stepwise approach guideline. Height was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm us- All T2DM patients > 18 years old who were will- ing standiometer and weight was recorded to ing to participate in this study were included. the nearest 0.1 kg with the patient wearing light Pregnant women, severely ill individuals and clothes using a balance. BMI was calculated as patients on drugs known to have an effect on weight divided by height squared (kg/m2) [18]. UA level except for anti-diabetic therapy and patients taking lipid lowering drugs were ex- Blood pressure was measured by nurses using cluded from the study. an analogue sphygmomanometer. Five milliliter fasting venous blood sample was collected us- Operational definition ing serum separator test tube by following asep- Study participants were classified as under- tic blood collection procedure. Serum glucose, weight (BMI<18.5 Kg/m2), normal weight (18.5- lipid profiles and UA were measured by using 24.9 Kg/m2), overweight (BMI =25-29.9Kg/m2) Mindray BS-200E chemistry analyzer (Shenzhen and obese (BMI ≥30Kg/m2)(18). Waist circum- Mindray Bio-Medical electronics Co. Ltd, China). ference (WC) >88 centimeter for female and WC >101 centimeter for male was taken as high WC Data analysis and interpretation [18] Systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg and/ Data was checked for its completeness, clarity or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg or cur- and edited for its consistency and the data was rent use of blood pressure-lowering medication entered to SPSS version 20 statistical package was used to define hypertension 19[ ]. The inter- for analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to pretation of test results for fasting blood sugar summarize the frequency distributions. Logistic (FBS), UA and lipid profiles was based on the regression analysis was used to determine the reference range recommended by the manufac- association between dependent and indepen- turers instruction were considered as normal. dent variables. Sample size determination Variables with P value < 0.25 in binary logistic and sampling technique regression model were included into the multi- Single population proportion formula was used variable analysis model to identify independent by considering the proportion of 50% preva- predictor variables for abnormal serum uric acid lence among T2DM. 5% desired precision and concentration. In addition, Pearson’s correlation 95% confidence interval (CI) resulting in a total was used to determine the correlation between sample size of 384. The study participants were independent variables and serum UA.

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Ethical consideration RESULTS Ethical clearance was obtained from the Research Serum uric acid level according and Ethical Review Committee of School of to socio-demographic characteristics Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences, College of study participants of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar. Permission letter was also taken from A total of 384 study participants were enrolled clinical director of the Hospital and head of the and the response rate obtained was 99.1%. In DM clinic. To ensure the confidentiality of the this study, a majority of 60.4% (n=232) of the study participant’s information, anonymous typ- study participants were males. The mean age ing was applied, so that the name and any iden- of the study participants was 55.74 ± 9.05 years tifier of the participants were not written on the with a range of 36 to 88 years. 95% (n=365), 96.1 questionnaire. % (n=370), and 59.1% (n=227) study participants

Table 1 Serum uric acid level of the study participants according to socio-demographic characteristics

Uric acid level, N (%) Variables Category N (%) P-value Hyperuricemia Normouricaemia

Male 232(60.4) 77(33.2) 155(66.8) Sex 0.382 Female 152(39.6) 44(28.9) 108(71.1)

36-45 46(12.0) 14(30.4) 32(69.6) 46-55 148(38.5) 28(18.9) 120(81.0) Age 56-65 139(36.2) 52(37.4) 87(62.6) 0.001* 66-75 41(10.7) 24(58.5) 17(41.5) 76-88 10(2.6) 3(30.0) 7(70)

Unmarried 12(3.1) 7(58.3) 5(41.6) Marital status 0.041* Married 370(96.1) 113(30.5) 257(69.4)

Educational Literate 104(27.1) 33(31.7) 71(68.2) 0.898 level Illiterate 277(72.1) 86(31.0) 191(69.0)

Urban 365(95.1) 115(31.5) 250(68.5) Resident 0.995 Rural 19(4.9) 6(31.5) 13(68.5)

Employed 276(59.1) 89(32.2) 187(67.8) Occupation 0.524 Unemployed 104(39.8) 30(28.8) 74(71.1)

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Table 2 Serum uric acid level according to clinical characteristics of study participants

Uric acid level, N (%)

Variables Category N (%) P-value Hyperuricemia Normouricaemia

Yes 121(31.5) 57(47.1) 64(52.9) FHDM 0.001* No 263(68.5) 64(24.3) 199(75.6)

Present 118(30.8) 82(69.4) 36(30.6) Hypertension 0.001* Absent 266(69.2) 39(14.6) 227(85.4)

High 92(24.0) 58(63.0) 34(37.0) WC 0.001* Normal 292(76.0) 63(21.5) 229(78.4)

Normal 239(62.2) 46(19.2) 193(80.7) BMI 0.001* High 143(37.2) 75(52.4) 68(47.5)

High 79(20.6) 46(58.2) 33(41.7) SBP 0.001* Normal 305(79.4) 75(24.6) 230(75.4)

High 56(14.6) 36(64.2) 20(35.8) DBP 0.26 Normal 328(85.4) 85(25.9) 243(74.1) <5 yr 248(64.6) 63(25.4) 185(74.6) Duration of DM 6-10 yr 100(26) 44(44.0) 56(56.0) 0.02* >10 yr 36(9.4) 14(38.8) 22(61.2) No 304(79.2) 100(32.9) 204(67.1) Physical activity 0.28 Yes 80(20.8) 21(26.2) 59(73.8)

Yes 88(22.9) 31(35.2) 57(64.7) Alcohol 0.393 No 296(77.1) 90(30.7) 206(69.2)

Yes 265(69.0) 81(30.5) 184(69.5) Coffee 0.552 No 119(31.0) 40(33.6) 79(66.3)

FHDM: Family History of Diabetes mellitus; SBP: Systolic Blood Pressure; DBP: Diastolic Blood Pressure; WC: Waist Circumference; BMI: Body Mass Index; *P-value < 0.05, statistically significant association.

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Table 3 Serum uric acid level and biochemical parameters of the study participants

Uric acid level, N (%) Variables Category N (%) P-value Hyperuricemia Normouricaemia

High 199(51.8) 85(42.7) 114(57.3) TG (mg/dl) 0.001 Normal 185(48.1) 36(19.4) 149(80.6) High 171(44.5) 66(38.6) 105(61.4) tCho (mg/dl) 0.007 Normal 213(60.1) 55(25.8) 158(74.2) High 131(34.1) 73(55.7) 58(44.3) LDL (mg/dl) 0.001 Normal 253(65.8) 48(18.9) 208(81.1) Low 77(20.0) 61(79.2) 16(20.8) HDL (mg/dl) 0.001 Normal 307(79.9) 60(19.5) 247(80.5) High 362(94.2) 118(32.6) 224(61.8) FBS (mg/dl) 0.063 Normal 22(5.7) 3(13.6) 19(8) TG: Triglyceride; FBG: Fasting Blood Glucose; tCho: Total Cholesterol; HDL: High Density Lipoprotein; LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein; mg/dl: milligram per deciliter. were urban dwellers, married and employed, The high percentage of abnormal serum uric acid respectively. The prevalence of HUA was 31.5% concentration was determined among study par- (n=121) with 95% CI, 27.3-36.2. The serum uric ticipants with central obesity (63.0%), with ele- acid concentration was higher among male vated SBP (58.2%), and with family history of DM study participants compared to female (33.1% (47.1%) (Table 2). versus 28.9% respectively) and the prevalence was also higher among ≥45 years age group Serum uric acid level and biochemical (31.8%) (Table 1). parameters of study participants The HUA concentration was determined among Serum uric acid level according to clinical 42.7% (n=85) study participants with hypertri- characteristics of study participants glyceridemia, among 79.2% (n=61) with reduced The prevalence of HUA was higher among study HDL, and in 32.6% (n=118) with hyperglycemic participants with a family history of diabetes (Table 3). (47.1%). Higher prevalence of HUA was deter- mined among patients with ≥5-year duration of Correlations of selected cardiovascular diabetes (42.6%), overweight (BMI: 25–29.9 Kg/ disease risk factors with serum uric acid level m2) 52.4% (n= 49), hypertensive (69.4%) T2DM The Pearson’s correlation coefficient had indi- patients. cated significantly positive correlation between

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HUA and biochemical parameters like TG (r= (AOR = 3.7, 95% CI (1.6-8.8), and with high BMI 0.3, p value=0.001), FBG (r=0.3, p value=0.063), (AOR = 1.4, 95% C.I (1.1-3.7) were considerably tCho (r=0.3, p value=0.007), and significantly associated with hyperuricemia (Table 5). negative correlation with HDL (r=-0.3, p val- ue=0.001). In addition to that, some anthropo- The prevalence of cardiovascular disease metric parameters including BMI (r=0.1), WC risk factors among T2DM patients (r=0.3) and SBP (r=0.2) have significantly posi- About, 29.6% (n=121) of the study, participants tive correlation with HUA (Table 4). have single CVD risk factor, that is followed by two CVD risk factor 24.8% (n=93). At least one The association between serum uric acid CVD risk factor was observed in 97.4% (n=374) and cardiovascular disease risk factors of the study participants. Hypertension 58.6%; among type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients dyslipidemia 64.9%; overweight: 37.2% and In this study, T2DM patients with a higher central obesity: 24.0% were selected CVD risk Systolic BP (AOR = 4.4, 95% C.I (2.1-9.3), WC factors (Figure 1). Table 4 Pearson’s correlation of cardiovascular disease risk factors with serum uric acid level at University of Gondar Hospital, 2018

Parameters Mean + SD Correlation coefficients P-value

TG (mg/dl) 272.2 + 194.6 0.3 0.001*

FBG (mg/dl) 192.8 + 66.9 0.3 0.063

tCho (mg/dl) 226 + 152.5 0.3 0.007*

HDL (mg/dl) 57.4 + 19.8 -0.3 0.001*

LDL (mg/dl) 97.8 +52.3 0.3 0.001*

SBP (mmHg) 131.6 + 13.8 0.2 0.001*

DBP (mmHg) 81.9 + 8.6 0.2 0.001*

WC (cm) 94.3 + 9.4 0.3 0.001*

BMI (kg/m2) 25.4 + 12.3 0.1 0.003*

TG: Triglyceride; FBG: Fasting Blood Glucose; tCho: Total Cholesterol; HDL: High Density Lipoprotein; LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein; SBP: Systolic Blood Pressure; DBP: Diastolic Blood Pressure; WC: Waist Circumference; BMI: Body Mass Index; mmHg: millimeter mercury; mg/dl: milligram per deciliter; kg/m2: Kilogram per meter square * P-value < 0.05 is statistically significant.

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Table 5 Logistic regression analysis of the association of serum uric acid and cardiovascular disease risk factors among T2DM patients

Uric acid level COR Variables N (%) AOR P-value Hyper- Normouri- (95% CI) uricemia caemia

232 1.2 Male 77 155 - (60.4) (0.7-1.9) Sex - 152 Female 44 108 1 - (39.6)

336 1.1 >45 107 229 - (87.5) (0.5-2.2) Age - 48 <45 14 34 1 - (12.5)

248 0-5 63 185 1 1 (64.6)

Duration of 118 2.3 2.4 6-10 53 65 0.002* DM (30.8) (1.5-3.8) (1.4-4.2)

18 1.1 >10 5 13 - (4.6) (0.3-3.2)

118 13.2 13.9 Present 82 36 (30.8) (7.8-22.2) (7.9-24.6) Hypertension 0.001* 266 Absent 39 227 1 1 (69.2)

79 4.2 4.4 High 46 33 (20.6) (2.5-7.1) (2.1-9.3) Systolic BP 0.03* 305 Normal 75 230 1 1 (79.4)

56 5.1 2.2 High 36 20 (14.6) (2.8-9.3) (0.8-5.6) Diastolic BP 0.089 328 Normal 85 243 1 - (85.4)

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121 2.7 1.5 Yes 57 64 Family history (31.5) (1.7-4.3) (1.2-2.5) 0.05 DM 263 No 64 199 1 1 (68.5) 92 6.2 3.7 High 58 34 (24) (3.7-10.2) (1.6-8.8) WC 0.001* 292 Normal 63 229 1 1 (76) 143 4.6 2.0 High 75 68 (37.4) (2.9-7.3) (1.1-3.7) BMI 0.03* 239 Normal 46 193 1 1 (62.6) 88 1.2 Yes 31 57 - Alcohol (22.9) (0.7-2.0) - drinking habit 296 No 90 206 1 - (77.1) 265 0.8 Yes 81 184 - Coffee (69) (0.5-1.3) - drinking habit 119 No 40 79 1 - (31) 80 0.7 Yes 21 59 - Physical (20.8) (0.4-1.2) - activity 304 No 100 204 1 - (79.2) WC: Waist Circumference; BMI: Body Mass Index; DM: Diabetes Mellitus; BP: Blood Pressure; COR: Crude Odds Ratio; AOR: Adjusted Odds Ratio; * P value < 0.05 is statistically significant. DISCUSSION The main finding of this study was high preva- lence of HUA concentration among T2DM pa- A previous study has reported that moderately tients. There was significant association between raised levels of SUA have been considered as a HUA and the various types of the CVD risk fac- simple biochemical defect with little clinical tors, and an increase in number of each CVD risk significance. However, recently, it has become factor among the study participants. increasingly clear that moderately elevated SUA In this study, the prevalence of HUA among levels are independently associated with in- T2DM patients was 31.5%. The magnitude of creased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality HUA that was reported by Wang J et al. from in T2DM patients 20[ ]. China (32.2%), Shah P et al. from Egypt (32.0%),

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Figure 1 The overall prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors among eT2DM overa patients l preva enceat University o ca d of Gondar scula d Hospital, ease ris northwest acto among Ethiopia, 2DM 2018 pa

Woyesa et al. from Hawassa, Ethiopia (33.8%)[21- ATP binding cassette transporter sub family G 23] was comparable to our finding. In contrast to member 2 (ABCG2) expression in men compared the current finding, low prevalence of HUA was with women. The expression of the ABCG2 pro- reported by Moulin SR et al. from Angola (25.0%) tein induces HUA through the reabsorption of and Mundhe et al. from India (25.3%)[24, 25], urate [32]. and much less prevalence was reported from US In contrast to our finding, the prevalence of HUA (21.0%)(26). The variation in prevalence across from China, by Wang et al [23], was high among studies might be due to the different life style, female study participants. The difference might and the existence of ethnic variation between be due to the ethnic difference of the study par- people in different countries [27]. ticipants across countries. The magnitude of HUA in males was higher than On the other hand, the prevalence HUA in females in our study, which was supported by Nigeria [33] and Taiwan [34] were comparable the study conducted in Nigeria and India [25, in both genders. Beyond dietetic factors, HUA 28]. These sex differences of SUA levels have can also be related to the genetic predisposition been attributed to the influence of sex hor- for higher urate reabsorption in the kidneys. mones [29], due to the mechanism of estrogen Previous studies had shown that the ABCG2 in promoting UA excretion [30]. protein, a UA transporter, shows differences in The other possible explanation for this, could its expression and function by ethnicity [27]. be that males are more exposed to alcohol In our study, age greater than 45 years had high consumption [29] since, beer contains large prevalence of HUA, which was similar to the amounts of purine [31] and the increased renal study conducted in Hawassa, Ethiopia [22] and

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China [23]. The reason that might occur is that phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT), inducing the effect of diuretics35 [ ], due to ABCG2 pro- a lack of feed-back control of purine synthe- tein, which increases as age increases and renal sis, which accompanied by rapid catabolism complications during aging [27]. of purines to UA [40]. The magnitude of hypertension (58.6%) in our Increased SBP had significantly associated with study was comparable with the study conduct- HUA, which was supported by the study con- ed in Himalayan areas (61.5%)(36), and its prev- ducted in Black Africans [24]. alence was lower from Northern Catalonians The possible factor might be the use of anti- (74.5%) [37]. In addition to that, the overall hypertensive agents, such as diuretics, which magnitude of dyslipidemia in our study was are known to increase HUA [35] and T2DM lower compared to the study in North Catalonia with hypertensive patients showed a signifi- (77.7%) [37]. cant association with HUA compared to non- Similar study conducted in North Catalonia hypertensive participants which is supported showed the different types of specific CVD risk by a study on Black Africans, hence, anti-hy- factors, which include high BMI (>25 kg/m2) pertensive therapy contributes significantly (60.9%) and hypertension (80.3%), which was increases HUA [41]. higher than the current study. In this study, high WC and high BMI (>25Kg/ 2 On the other hand, hypertriglyceridemia (35.6%) m ) were significantly associated with HUA. This and lower HDL (19.5%) were lower compared finding was supported by studies conducted in with our study. The possible explanation might Nigerian, China and India [23, 25, 28]. The pos- be due to the life style, ethnicity and cultural dif- sible reason might be as a result of increase ference between those two regions [37]. in Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) in obese in- dividuals catalyzes oxidative hydroxylation of The simultaneous presence of three or more CVD hypoxanthine to xanthine to uric acid (35).The risk factors in the current study was observed in level of HUA, accompanied with a significantly 24.6% of the study participants. This was much correlation with LDL, TG, TC, and HDL levels, in less from the study conducted in North Catalonia our study, which is agreed with study conduct- (91.3) [37]. ed in US [42]. Evidence also supported that dys- The occurrence of at least one CVD risk factor in lipidemia may cause HUA a negative effect on our study was observed in 97.4%. In this study, renal function [14]. the duration of DM and family history of diabe- Anthropometric measurements, such as high tes had statistically significant association with BMI, high SBP, high WC, as well as biochemical HUA, which is in line with the finding reported parameters, such as FBG and TG, were positive- from India (38). ly correlated with HUA. The possible mechanisms to explain these as- The current study showed that, low HDL had a sociations are the use of diuretics [35] or im- negative correlation with HUA, which were sup- paired renal function [39]. Genetic predisposi- ported by the studies conducted in Ethiopia, tion could be one of the reasons for the effect China, Taiwan and India [22, 23, 34, 43], and a of HUA because of the gross overproduction number of pathophysiological mechanisms have of UA which results from the inability to recy- been explained to these associations including cle either hypoxanthine or guanine in patients insulin resistance (IR) [44], the use of diuretics genetically deficient in Hypoxanthine-guanine [35] or impaired renal function [39].

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Patients who have IR, secrete larger amounts Availability of data and materials of insulin to maintain an adequate glucose All relevant data supporting the conclusion are metabolism and the kidney responds to the within the paper. The datasets used for this man- high insulin levels by decreasing UA clearance, uscript are available from the corresponding au- probably linked to insulin-induced urinary so- thor on reasonable request. dium retention [45]. Due to these, the kidney has been implicated Authors’ contributions as the potential link between IR and compen- All authors participated in data collection, anal- satory hyperinsulinemia and the develop- ysis, and interpretation of the result, write up ment of HUA. and reviewed the initial and final drafts of the The limitation of this study was cross-sectional manuscript. All authors read and approved the nature of the study design that does not allow final manuscript. the establishment of causal relationship. Conflict of interest CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The authors declared that there is no compet- ing interest. The prevalence of hyperuricemia was high in type 2 diabetes patients. The major predic- Funding statement tors of CVD risk factors were elevated systolic The authors received no specific funding for this blood pressure, family history of DM and BMI ≥ 25 Kg/m2. work. There was significantly positive correlation of  HUA with hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholester- olemia, high LDL, high WC and increased BMI. REFERENCES Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment for 1. Chiou W-K, Wang M-H, Huang D-H, Chiu H-T, Lee Y-J, hyperuricemia and CVD risk factors are essen- Lin J-D. The relationship between serum uric acid level tial to reduce the disease among type 2 diabetic and metabolic syndrome: differences by sex and age in Taiwanese. Journal of epidemiology. 2010;20(3):219-24. patients. 2. Kang D-H, Ha S-K. Uric acid puzzle: dual role as anti-  oxidantand pro-oxidant. Electrolytes & Blood Pressure. 2014;12(1):1-6. Acknowledgement 3. Ruggiero C, Cherubini A, Ble A, Bos AJ, Maggio M, Dixit The authors would like to acknowledge the VD, et al. Uric acid and inflammatory markers. European heart journal. 2006;27(10):1174-81. University of Gondar, University of Gondar Hospital DM clinic staff and clinical chemistry laboratory 4. Bringhurst F, Demay M, Krane S, Kronenberg H. Bone and mineral metabolism in health and disease. Harrisons staff of University of Gondar Hospital and Mr. principles of internal medicine. 2005;16(2):2238. Molla Abebe for cooperation and helping us dur- 5. Denzer C, Muche R, Mayer H, Heinze E, Debatin K-M, ing data collection. We also would like to acknowl- Wabitsch M. Serum uric acid levels in obese children and edge the study participants for their participation adolescents: linkage to testosterone levels and pre-met- abolic syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and in this study. We thank Prof. Rana RaidaWajih Metabolism. 2003;16(9):1225-32. Khalil, University of Philadelphia, Jordan for edit- 6. Kuo C-F, Grainge MJ, Zhang W, Doherty M. Global epi- ing the English Language of the paper on behalf of demiology of gout: prevalence, incidence and risk factors. Science Edit for the Developing World. Nature reviews rheumatology. 2015;11(11):649-62.

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Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: genetic landscape challenge Laura Valiña1,2, Bernardo López Andrade3, Josep Miquel Bauça1,2 1 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain 2 Institut d’Investigació Sanitària de les Illes Balears (IdISBa), Spain 3 Department of Hematology and Hemotherapy, Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain


Corresponding author: An obese and current smoker 23-year-old woman pre- Laura Valiña Amado Hospital Universitari Son Espases sented to the Emergency Department with abdomi- Ctra. de Valldemossa, 79, module J-0 nal pain, two episodes of vomiting and watery non- 07010 Palma, Balearic Islands bloody diarrheic depositions. She indicated she had Spain E-mail: laura [email protected] not urinated for ten hours. The patient had come the previous day complaining of intense headache, being Key words: alternative complement, hemolytic syndrome, prescribed dexketoprofen, diazepam and metoclo- kidney injury pramide, as she had had previous episodes of whip- lash. She was taking no medication and had no other remarkable medical records. At this second presentation, a complete blood count and biochemical study were requested, revealing leukocytosis with neutrophilia, marked thrombocy- topenia, increased creatinine, bilirubin and amino- transferases (Table1). The patient was afebrile. An abdominal echography was performed where normal size and morphology of liver, biliary ducts, gallblad- der and kidneys were observed. She was admitted at Nephrology Department and kept under observation with a diagnostic workup of acute kidney injury.

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On the following day, leukocyte count almost DISCUSSION normalized, but a marked decrease on platelet TMA is a set of pathologies characterized by mi- count was seen. Creatinine increased to 7.87 crovasculature thrombosis and organic dysfunc- mg/dL, haptoglobin was undetectable and LDH activity was 5,340 U/L. Four to five schistocytes/ tion, originated by different etiologies that can field were observed in peripheral blood smear. be categorized as congenital or acquired. The patient remained anuric since the day of The endothelium is injured and the release of von admission. All these findings prompted a work- Willebrand Factor (vWF) induces thrombogene- up for thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA). sis. Thrombi usually occlude small-caliber blood Table 1 Evolution of hematological and biochemical parameters

Ref. After 8 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 5 Day 10 Day 27 interval months

Leukocytes, 3.5 – 11.5 23.3* 18.7* 15.3 12.4 14.3 19.3 9.82 103/µL

Neutrophils, 2.5 – 11.0 20.3* 15.9* 12.1* 8.04 5.89 10 4.71 103/µL

Erythrocytes, 4.00 – 6.00 4.82 4.34 3.92* 3.15* 2.65* 4.46 4.63 106/µL

Platelets, 120 - 400 32.8* 10.9* 11.4* 20.0* 122 179 292 103/µL

Creatinine, 0.57 – 1.11 5.99* 7.87* 9.46* 7.58* 9.53* 1.25* 0.74 mg/dL

Total bilirubin, 0.2 – 1.2 2.9* 3.4* 2.4* 2.1* 0.3 - - mg/dL

Direct bilirubin, 0.0 – 0.5 1.3* - - 0.7* - - - mg/dL

ALT, 0 - 55 443* 325* 121* - 37 - - U/L

GGT, 9 - 36 204* 159* 66* - 62* - - U/L

Haptoglobin, 14 - 258 - <8* - <8* - 220 - mg/dL

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CRP, 0.0 – 0.5 - 17.98* - - 2.64 0.13 - mg/dL

LDH, 125 - 220 - 5,340* 4,027* 1,718* 463* - - U/L

Procalcitonin, 0.0 – 0.06 - > 100* - 37.41* - - - ng/mL

Abbreviations: ALT (alanine aminotransferase); GGT (gamma-glutamyltransferase); HAPT (haptoglobin); CRP (C-reactive protein); LDH (lactate dehydrogenase). * Values out of the reference interval. vessels, especially in the kidney. Obstruction in caused by a decreased activity (lower than ten other organs’ vessels may also occur, such as percent) of ADAMTS-13 (a disintegrin- like and brain, heart, gut, pancreas and lung, hence the metalloprotease with thrombospondin type observation of common extra-renal symptoms. one motif number 13), which can be of genetic Blood pressure is usually elevated in patients suf- or immune source (antibodies developed after fering from TMA, however the one here present- treatment with ticlopidine or clopidogrel); (2) ed always had values within reference interval. hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), as a result of Erythrocyte fragmentation takes place due to bacterial infections such as the shiga toxin-pro- friction with the thrombi, thus generating a non- ducing E coli or Streptococcus pneumoniae (via immune hemolytic anemia. neuraminidase); (3) atypical HUS (aHUS), associ- The consensus recommendations in 2016 [1] ated with genetic or immune complement sys- suggest that TMA must be considered in any pa- tem alterations (mutations in MCP, CFH, THBD, tient presenting with microangiopathic hemo- CFB and C3; antibodies against CFH); and (4) sec- lytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, schistocytes in ondary TMA (Table 2) [3]. peripheral blood (more than one percent) and The best way to start the differential diagnosis is biochemical signs of non-immune hemolysis to assess ADAMTS-13 activity. When higher than (elevated LDH, indirect bilirubin and low hapto- ten percent, TTP may be ruled out. The patient globin levels, with negative Coombs assay). The had an ADAMTS-13 activity of 82%. The second presence of schistocytes only could be enough step would be testing for STEC or STEC-like infec- in case of clinical evidence. tions. Stool and blood cultures were negative. Procalcitonin, a sepsis biomarker, was greatly in- Urine culture yielded 16,000 cfu/mL of E coli. creased in this patient despite having negative Although more commonly associated with intes- blood culture results, in accordance with the fact tinal STEC infections, HUS can also be induced by that 40-60% of patients with sepsis may yield a urinary tract STEC infections, however this isolat- negative blood culture [2]. On day two, intrave- ed E coli strain was not tested for shiga toxin pro- nous ciprofloxacin was started since enterotoxi- duction [4]. Viral serologies (HIV, HAV, HBV, HCV, genic Escherichia coli infection was suspected, CMV, EBV and influenza virus) and assays for fe- however no clinical response was observed and cal E coli (ECEH, ECEP, ECET, ECEA), S pneumoniae the patient did get worse. and other bacteria were all negative. Bearing in According to etiology, TMA can be classified in: mind these results, an infectious cause was not (1) thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), very likely.

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Immunoglobulins were within the reference in- ruling out an autoimmune hemolytic anemia. tervals. The complement study on day two dis- Pregnancy test was negative. played a slight increase in C3 and C4 without Methylmalonic aciduria with homocystinuria is clinical relevance. produced by a mutation in the CblC gene, due to Rheumatoid factor, ANA, ANCA and anti-glomer- a deficiency in methylcobalamin and adenosyl- ular basement membrane were negative. Thus, cobalamin associated with HUS. Although more an autoimmune disease was discarded. Direct commonly seen in neonates, two different cases and indirect Coombs tests were negative, hence have been reported in adults [5,6]. Table 2 Causes of secondary thrombotic microangiopathy

Causes of secondary TMA

HELLP syndrome Pregnancy Postpartum

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Antiphospholipid syndrome Systemic diseases Scleroderma


C mitomycin, quinine, gemcitabine, cisplatin, ionizing radiation, interferon, VEGF and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (sunitinib, imatinib and dasatinib), Treatments ticlopidine, clopidogrel, calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine, tacrolimus), sirolimus, valaciclovir, oral contraceptives, etc.

HIV infection


Malignant arterial hypertension Others H1N1 infection (influenza A)


Methylmalonic aciduria with homocystinuria

Solid organ or bone marrow transplantation

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Quantification of folate, vitamin B12 and homo- blood leukocytes were optimal. The MCP vari- cysteine could not be performed, as all blood ant detected is not pathogenic and thus not the samples were significantly hemolyzed. causal agent of the disease. A few mutations Once discarded all other causes in the differen- of alternative complement pathway regulatory tial diagnosis, aHUS was suspected. aHUS has a proteins were described that relate to this syn- prevalence of one to two cases per million in drome. However, those would only explain 60% the USA and 0.11 cases per million in Europe. of aHUS cases. Some polymorphisms predispose In children, no gender-dependent incidence has to the development of aHUS when other envi- been described, while in adults it is more com- ronmental factors are present. monly seen in women. aHUS may emerge at After five sessions of plasmapheresis and meth- any age, being more frequent in childhood [9]. ylprednisolone administration, no response to A screening for possible complement alterna- treatment was observed, so therapy with eculi- tive pathway regulatory protein alterations zumab [10] was started on day six. Eculizumab was performed (suspecting of aHUS), including treatment must be initiated only after having serum alternative pathway H factor (CHF), MCP confirmed N meningitidis vaccination, as the (Membrane Cofactor Protein; CD46) and I fac- treatment increases the risk of infection by this tor concentrations; antibodies anti-H factor; CHF microorganism due to its mechanism of action functional alteration assay; and a Western Blot (C5 binding, precluding its cleavage into the ef- of HF and FHRs. A comprehensive genetic study fector molecules). If the patient is not vaccinat- was also performed, assessing pathogenic vari- ed, vaccine must be applied at least 14 days prior ants in the following genes: CFH, CFHR1, CFHR2, to eculizumab initiation. If eculizumab treat- CFHR3, CFHR4, CFHR5, C3, CFI, MCP, CFB, THBD, ment cannot be delayed, appropriate antibiotic DGKE, CFP and ADAMTS-13; none of them being prophylaxis must be added since the moment found. Heterozygotic change in MCP (CD46) exon of the vaccination for 14 days. Simultaneous 6 (c.686>A, p.Arg229Gln, rs201380032) was de- ceftriaxone prophylaxis was set. 48 hours after tected as variant of unknown significance. the first dose of eculizumab, the platelet count CD46 flow cytometry can be used to assess for increased and LDH activity decreased. genotype/phenotype correlation in unclear By the day of the medical discharge, creatinine cases. Further testing of CFH (H3) risk haplotype was almost normal. The patient was kept under polymorphism revealed a deletion in CFHR3- eculizumab treatment every 14 days, having CFHR1 in heterozygosis as well, known to be a totally restored her kidney function. After 13 common polymorphism in Spanish population, only relevant in homozygosis [7,8]. Biochemical months of treatment and no relapse or compli- and immunological studies of the complement cation, eculizumab suspension was decided by did not demonstrate any abnormalities. the Nephrologist. The patient has not suffered any relapse three months afterwards. Genetic variant effect prediction algorithms are used to determine the likely consequences of REFERENCES: amino acid substitutions on protein function. The genetic variants prediction study indicated a 1. Go RS, Winters JL, Leung N, et al. Thrombotic Microan- possible benign effect on the functionality of the giopathy Care Pathway: A Consensus Statement for the Mayo Clinic Complement Alternative Pathway-Thrombot- protein, as stated by the reference operator lab- ic Microangiopathy (CAP-TMA) Disease-Oriented Group. oratory. Furthermore, MCP levels in peripheral Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Sep;91(9):1189-211.

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2. de Prost N, Razazi K, Brun-Buisson C. Unrevealing Associated With Cobalamin C Deficiency.Am J Kidney Dis. culture-negative severe sepsis. Crit Care. 2013 2013 Sep 2014 Jan;63(1):119-23. 26;17(5):1001. 7. Loirat C, Frémeaux-Bacchi V. Atypical hemolytic uremic 3. Afshar-Kharghan V. Atypical hemolytic uremic syn- syndrome. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2011 Sep 8;6:60. drome. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2016 Dec 2;2016(1):217-225. 8. Angioi A, Fervenza FC, Sethi S, et al. Diagnosis of com- plement alternative pathway disorders. Kidney Int 2016 4. Chiurchiu C, Firrincieli A, Santostefano M, et al. Adult Feb;89(2):278-88. nondiarrhea hemolytic uremic syndrome associated with Shiga toxin Escherichia coli O157:H7 bacteremia and uri- 9. Campistol JM, Arias m, Ariceta G, et al. An update for nary tract infection. Am J Kidney Dis 2003 Jan;41(1):E4. atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome: Diagnosis and 5. Masias C, Vasu S, Cataland SR. None of the above: treatment. A consensus document. Nefrología. 2015; thrombotic microangiopathy beyond TTP and HUS. Blood 35(5):421-47. 2017 May 25;129(21):2857-2863. 10. Legendre CM, Licht C, Muus P, et al. Terminal Comple- 6. Cornec-Le Gall E, Delmas Y, De Parscau L et al. Adult- ment Inhibitor Eculizumab in Atypical Hemolytic–Uremic Onset Eculizumab-Resistant Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Syndrome. New Engl J Med 2013 Jun 6;368(23):2169-81.

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This is a Platinum Open Access Journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Manchineel apple of death Michelle (k/a Mikhaila) Muscat Unraveling Chemical Pathology - UCP, Malta


Corresponding author: Clinical chemistry and analytical toxicology are spiritu- Michelle (k/a Mikhaila) Muscat Unraveling Chemical Pathology - UCP ally intertwined. Interwoven with the blood specimens Malta received in the lab are people’s stories, sometimes Contact: https://www.facebook.com/ more commonplace, other times more colourful... unraveling.chemical.pathology which led them there. Usually... seeking refuge under Key words: a certain tree during a storm is not one of the stories toxicology; poisoning; Manchineel tree that bring a person to medical attention. It is well known to all that in the Bible, Eve offered Adam the poisoned apple. Snow White was offered the poisoned apple which was to send her to sleeping oblivion. The saying goes that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but consuming numerous crunched apple seeds which containing amygdalin can cause toxicity. Also in the intricacies of nature there exists a fruit which looks a bit like a green small apple and is instead very toxic. This short review delves into how the Manchineel tree has mastered its own art of toxicology. Trees are generally considered innocuous, however this is not universally so for all trees. We walk or drive past trees on a day to day basis. Nobody hardly ever thinks twice about this.

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A glamorous evergreen tree found mostly in In 1953 an article on accidents due to Manchineel tropical regions called the Manchineel tree or in the Antilles was published in the French jour- Hippomane mancinella is a case in point. It is nal ‘Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique considered the most toxic tree on earth and to et de ses filiales’ (16). that effect added to the 2011 Guinness book of In 2019, a retrospective case series report en- records. Effects may be both dangerous as they compassing 97 patients which had been alerted could potentially be deadly. Eating that manchi- to French Poison Control Centers over a specif- neel ‘beach apple’ can turn out to be quite a ic time period was published. Gastrointestinal toxic unpleasant experience (1). and oropharyngeal disturbances have been Consultant radiologist Dr. Nicola Strickland in- described. They also mention the potential for advertently tasted the fruit and her symptoms bradycardia and hypotension. If consumption slowly subsided over 8 hours. The taste is initially occurred in larger quantities symptoms may be sweet but the toxic effects soon start kicking in. more severe with haemodynamic disturbance Christopher Columbus referred to it as ‘manza- and more severe oropharyngeal injuries (17). nilla de la muerte’ or the little apple of death. It is claimed that extracts have been used in folk Even just standing under this tree in the rain can herbal remedies in attempts to treat elephantiasis. be harmful. Reports of students who took shelter during a storm under this tree gave rise to con- REFERENCES current dermatitis and ophthalmitis (2). Burning 1. Strickland NH. Eating a manchineel “beach apple”. Bmj. the wood would also result in toxic smoke. 2000;321(7258):428. The beach trees exude toxic milky sap with caus- 2. Blue LM, Sailing C, Denapoles C, Fondots J, Johnson ES. Manchineel dermatitis in North American students in the tic effects. Its latex contains not just skin irritants Caribbean. Journal of travel medicine. 2011;18(6):422-4. but also co-carcinogens and cryptic co-carcino- 3. Adolf W, Hecker E. On the active principles of the gens (3). The sap has been used on poisoned ar- spurge family, X. Skin irritants, cocarcinogens, and cryp- rows by the Caribs. tic cocarcinogens from the latex of the manchineel tree. Journal of natural products. 1984;47(3):482-96. Its toxic principles have been long known (4-8). Warning signs and red rings are now being used 4. Rao KV. Toxic principles of hippomane mancinella. II. Structure of Hippomanin A. Lloydia. 1977;40(2):169-72. to alert unwary visitors. 5. Rao KV. Toxic principles of Hippomane mancinella. There have been case reports in the literature Planta medica. 1974;25(2):166-71. of manchineel poisoning (9). In this day and age 6. Carroll MN, Jr., Fox LE, Ariail WT. Investigation of the there even is a video testimony on YouTube of an toxic principles of Hippomane mancinella L. III. Toxic ac- individual allegedly poisoned by manchineel. tions of extracts of Hippomane mancinella L. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association American Irritant dermatitis is known to occur (10). Contact Pharmaceutical Association. 1957;46(2):93-7. dermatitis occurs with strong burning and itch- 7. Lauter WM, Foote PA. Investigation of the toxic princi- ing sensations with later erythema and bullae ples of Hippomane mancinella L. II. Preliminary isolation formation (11). The characteristic skin reactions of a toxic principle of the fruit. Journal of the American have also been referred to as manchineel der- Pharmaceutical Association American Pharmaceutical- As sociation. 1955;44(6):361-3. matitis (12). A possible link was made between bradyarrhythmias and Manchineel poisoning 8. Lauter WM, Fox LE, Ariail WT. Investigation of the toxic principles of Hippomane mancinella, L. I. Historical review. (13). Manchineel keratoconjunctivitis and ocular Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association Amer- burns have been described (14, 15). ican Pharmaceutical Association. 1952;41(4):199-201.

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9. Chareyre S, Meram D, Descotes J. [Manchineel poison- 14. Pitts JF, Barker NH, Gibbons DC, Jay JL. Manchineel ing. Report of a case]. Journal de toxicologie clinique et keratoconjunctivitis. The British journal of ophthalmol- experimentale. 1991;11(1):59-61. ogy. 1993;77(5):284-8. 10. Lowen NJ. Primary irritant dermatitis from the Man- 15. Merle H, Trode M, Richer R, Ayeboua L, Sainte-Rose chineel tree (Hippomane mancineltal inthe Eastern Ca- NJ. [Ocular burns caused by latex from manchineel trees]. ribbean. Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service. Journal francais d’ophtalmologie. 1995;18(6-7):461-7. 1974;60(3):133-6. 16. Mauze J, Arnaud G. [Manchineel poisoning in the An- 11. Guillet G, Helenon R, Guillet MH. [Dermatitis caused tilles]. Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de by the manchineel tree]. Annales de dermatologie et de ses filiales. 1953;46(4):496-8. venereologie. 1985;112(1):51-6. 17. Denis BM, Xavier C, Chouaha B, Ludivine RV, Caroline 12. Botterel F, Brun S, Bouree P. [Manchineel dermatitis]. D, Robert G, et al. Severity of manchineel fruit (Hippo- Presse medicale. 2000;29(2):81. mane mancinella) poisoning: A retrospective case series 13. Sparman A, John J, Wills L. Manchineel poisoning of 97 patients from French Poison Control Centers. Toxi- bradyarrhythmia: a possible association. The West Indian con: official journal of the International Society on -Tox medical journal. 2009;58(1):65-6. inology. 2019;161:28-32.

Page 348 eJIFCC2019Vol30No3pp346-348 Editor-in-chief János Kappelmayer Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary

Assistant Editor Case Editor Harjit Pal Bhattoa Reinhard B. Raggam Department of Laboratory Medicine Department of Internal Medicine University of Debrecen, Hungary Division of Angiology, University of Graz, Austria

Editorial Board Khosrow Adeli, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Canada Borut Božič, University Medical Center, Lubljana, Slovenia Edgard Delvin, CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center, Montréal, Québec, Canada Nilda E. Fink, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina Ronda Greaves, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University, Victoria, Australia Mike Hallworth, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom Andrea R. Horvath, Prince of Wales Hospital and School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Ellis Jacobs, Abbott, Orlando, FL, USA Allan S. Jaffe, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA Bruce Jordan, Roche Diagnostics, Rotkreuz, Switzerland Gábor L. Kovács, University of Pécs, Hungary Evelyn Koay, National University, Singapore Tamas Kőszegi, University of Pécs, Hungary Janja Marc, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Gary Myers, Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine, USA Tomris Ozben, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey Maria D. Pasic, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Canada Maria del C. Pasquel Carrera, College of Chemists, Biochemists and Pharmacists, Pichincha, Ecuador Oliver Racz, University of Kosice, Slovakia Rosa Sierra Amor, Laboratorio Laquims, Veracruz, Mexico Sanja Stankovic, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia Danyal Syed, Ryancenter, New York, USA Grazyna Sypniewska, Collegium Medicum, NC University, Bydgoszcz, Poland Peter Vervaart, LabMed Consulting, Australia Stacy E. Walz, Arkansas State University, USA

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