March 04,1865
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—***—■——-.~1 '* :X*^T, ,'Jii tt.TlfiV j ilfila;< ,3?tj Hi V\ —■———— ■-:-:-- ----- ■■_. ~~ Z T, ■•■-■. ■. Established Jane 2*, i8#2.-Vol. 4. MORNING, MARCH PORTLAND, SATURDAY 4 1865 Termsterm, tuss «5ear,In» advance. _;■ ... _1 _ PRESS, a Wife and Children. PORTLAND DAILY Selling MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE & TO CARDS. JOHN T.OILMAN, Editor, LET. BUSINESS BUSINESS CARDS. case at wolvebhampton. hotels. published EXCHANGE disgbacefcx ut No. 821 STSEET.b] HJE1TUIIN For Sale. N, & CO. It will no doubt be in the reeollection ol CITY OF Dana & Co. Webster A. FOSTER PORTLAND” TUa well known *IN« UK'S House, Hanover Boston. some ol' our readers that a few weeks ago a OF THE Hoxxl, situated at Gray St., Comer, 16 miles frcm The the round of the to Portland, wl.h Hia- undesigned taken tho ab0T, XuBFoatTLABh Dailt Fnnasls published at*8.0! paragraph went papers, Barns, tc. Fish and ■House lor a term oft M Iblee, bheds, Salt, SEWING MACFINESI esrs, u.d have tmiro- in advance. a man in ... per year the effect that residing Wolverhamp- ORRI8 I Also, One Hundred and Fifteen Acres of ly reiuraahedu with a w tra;tur run AIa aTaFnaeB is 1 B S ! published every Thure ton had sold his wife anti three chil- 0U NTIE i__IGoos Land, about thirty-fire of whioh is mu. Bed*, *0., s> that it I. «« oae’ei «£ 8X80 per annum, iu blooming Luther Dun a, I day morning,at advenes; 82.21 Fire' and Wood The rest is divided into Mowing, Tillage and j Portland, WOODMAN, TBUI * _[neatest, .and lb every reepeot one ol tho ir within six months: and dren to an American adventurer, for the mod- Inland Insurance Co., Woodbury CO., J paid payment bi Pasturage. Dana,J lpOT,eomF ruble hotels in Boston, contain nr all the six months. erate sum of £160. As was then mentioned, John A. 8. delayed beyond For further inquire of the subscriber on Sana.) Halite. (AGENTS, modern natures of hr,t cl ss boieU, bet and cold her OP NEW YORK. particulars the wife left lawful husband, and with the the premises. THEuPHILUS SUM luneldtf *“• *« It wilt be conducted In connection wuu SON m* ... |«ia (treat. baibs,no. Katesof Advertislns: three children went to live with her American DOLLARS JANUARY 1st, 1865. Gray, Feb 81,18S6-d2w* our new Oaean Route, at Bye Bench, N. U, which It THREE HUNDRED H eadlee tad wUl be lt« of oonsttentei admirer. would appear, that a Trisuoing* alwmyi onhmM. opened July 1, le“gth oolmaB' however, COMMENCED BUSINESS SEPTS 10,1864. "Wholesale and Retail. We solicit he ef our friends and the r°”'p,‘0ein few ago she of her Farm tor Sale. t>mi palmare days repented bargain, and tra and will use oar beet eifoit* to P6r sqnaro d»ily first week j 76 oents to Subscriber offers hit in e’tng public porweoi returned the protection of her husband.— Amount r/ Farm, situated Cape plans*oor Terms. S3 * Iftey; NllTOO insertions or #1.00; cVe- Capital paid in, *200.000. THEElisabeth, abou miles irom Portland A patrons. day. lose, continuing himself NO. rf 2,0-JO. Par ,och. It Bridge, XX. Xu. CARD. fet>17dta JOB JhN8K8S k SON, ry oiho.' day after first 50 Upon Unding deserted, the American ForOne Year’s Service. Shares, Value, *100 16 acres of DAVIS, week, oente. $300 Amount of oontaing Land,Buildings good. threo Insertions or less, 76 oents; out communicated with the husband, and inform Outstanding Sisks, *12,906,688. Fortarticular, enquire of E. N. PfcBHY, at the week, 60 oents ed DR. S. a »>t.00; per week after. him that if he could persuade his wile to Sheriff's Office, or through the Portland Post Office Bookseller, Stationer, FERNALD, CAPI 810 POND HOUSE Under head of 82.00 Pcr AMUTS. Box 1786. feblldtf J Amotbmbmts, persquar® return to him he would the i*D XAVVIAOTUB1B OV week; one give husband an Amount TRUSS insertion, 81,60. additional £60. The ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. United States Stocks, 8100,(0000 MUSS FROM PORTLAND. Spboiab Notiobs, *2.00 per square first week, husband, accordingly, Amount Ob on hand, 17,667 86 DEN1ISI, or tried to the to Premium Account are that •1,00 per square after; three insertions less,*1.60; get wife leave him, and finding Amount Cash hi hands of agents, 22,414 17 Paged Books. No* 176 MiUdl 8 treet* Tbejpablle reepectftUly Iniormed half u three *1.00; one Farm for Sale. it is the intention of the that square, Insertions, week, her quite willing, communicated with our Amount Loaned on Collateral, 122,800 00 PAPEK Proprietor *1.50. State subscriber offers hij Farm, situated in HANGINGS. Kltiuxoii •••On. Back) this House shall be a road American who $100 Bounty Advanced; Amount of all other Inrestmens, 08,68819 Cape ^kidButui kept ttrst-elaes Advertisements inserted In the Maikk Statb cousin, was in London. He THEElisabeth, about three end a half miles from No, 58 Hxohange Me. House. went Portland Street, Portland, FortUnd, Mty 26,18C8. FE i.ea (whioh lias a circulation (n every part oi down to on Total Bridge, containing 70 Acres Land, Build- tf Tbsohoioest Suppers served. large Wolverhampton Saturday.— Miking Assets, Janaary 1st, 1P66, *881,41122 ings I •ho Siito) for 8100 for first insertion, and He saw good, Fenoes substantial Stonewall, young t)r- oko. w. mukch. per square th$re the husband and wife, and it was Amount of Losses which _______)uneldtl 60 oents per for eaoh insertion. reported upon obaru, ohoiee grafted JTait. About 800 oords wood, Or. I. H. IIEA) O «»b-ti_ square subsequent that the the the 0XA8. J. i.a«AL Nottoba at usual rates. arranged American, with wifqand liability of the company is net bait Oak and Walnut. Also and 60 SOKUMACMEB^ Farming tools," of his entire must be three children, should leave determined, *18,270 00 cords disposed Interest in hii Iranstentadrertfsemente paid ferlm ad- Wolverhampton dressing. Ofioe to DrXc HALLO WELL HOUSE • on FOUR HUNDRED Amount of nil other Claims, 02 76 Terms made and Having a»oe, Saturday for the 7 16 m. DOLLARS, of payment cosy. Fresco Banner reooommend him to hi.FREN^O/fonldJJiSJS London, by p. Amount of for Premiums Painter, former and Pubibbss Notions, In reading 20 oentr Cash received For particulars enquire of SCOTT PYEB on the patient, the pit. REOPENEDI columns, train. The to make sure of his on per lino for cno insertion. Pfo Yankee, prize, Fire Sisks, 88,891 78 Premises, or through PoBTLaxo, P. O. No. 144 Middle ohargclesithnn fifty with Paid to the Kkoudit os Scistictb at the time of Street, oertu for «r.oh insertion. arranged the husband that he should see Amount Fire Losses paid last year, 7.409 16 janSldtf. them to the being Amount ior oi Office, 84 PORTLAND, MM. 40 ,he ‘>ro*«l0-:- HEW FUEHITUBE ft FIXTURES! UT Alicommumoation' intended for the paper station; and upon the signal being paid Expenses 16,116 WMT Work eueouted in every of tno State. ’"port^MaV MdeiW°1,n Should be directed io the “Miter of the Press?' and given for the train to start he would hand him B. C. Morris, President, FOS SALE. part J those cf a business ebaraoterto the Publishers. ffa, Whit»«y, Jnneltf 8. G. DENNIS, Proprietor. a £50 Bank of note. The husband Mastered into United States Service. W, Secretary. _ nr JOB Fbibtibo of England CLIFF COTTAGE, containing-over 88 WARREN’S every desoriptton cxeouted IMPORTED BT“The ure "vUndispatoh. accordingly saw the American, his wife, and rooms, large stable and aheds^-eituated two public specially Informed that the Amount Capital and Assets, January snadoni, oonventent and well-known Hallcwuli. __ three children ta e in the To Citizens of Portland, * and one-half miles Sen Portland, and the B. C. M. FlRE AND train, upon it 1 WATERPROO? In ii^d 1st, *381,418 22 in HUNKINS, D., Uoose, the centre ef UaUowell.two milee from the t nest .itnation Cape Elisabeth for a us- leaving platform, received a Rqnfr of Eng- .1 -V Amount Additional Capital being paid Augusta, and four miles from he. The ing place and summer boarders. For Togas Spring, land note from his Yankee friend. -The additional Bum of in (Feb 9,h) *800,090 00 StRGGON & been retuinbhed, and is open for tho ol March 1865. train •'* L enquire of GEO. OWEN, PHYSICIAN, FELT reception Saturday Morning, 4, 4, ^lt Total Assets, 681,41122 oompany and perinauentiboarders. had hardly left the statioD, when uWn j Making ap7 dtf101 Commercial Street, Portland, COMPOSITIOI, looking OFFICE HO. 8 CLAPP'S BLOCK. Every attention will he given to the oomfort ol at the note he founfftt was a £5 note. fifty ftimpl, DOLEAES. 43 State Boston. Farm for Sale. guests. Letter from John. :G. Ed- Finding be was duped out of £46, his wife, and Branch Office, Street, MARKET SQUARE- Gravel UBon S60 paid at the expiration of the term of aervlee. That superior A. 1 arm, recently HooQ.n§ n three children, be at once sent the Joseph Morrison, Resident Director and Gener- Ji Board at United States Hotel. ward Everett.' following owned and ocoupiod by the late FOB FLAT ROOFS. ST graphic telegraphic message to tW police in al Agent. Capt. Thaxter Prince, novlS dtt ABLINQ, At the late containing uad aU special meeting of the Massa- this town:—“Tall thin man .run away with Recruiting Office, City Bnilding. 80 acres of g .od land, lb of which is K.