No.73 December 2008 MEDITERRANEE AUDIOVISUELLE Monthly Newsletter In the summary of this year’s final issue, the second session of the training programme “Writing News Items from Archival Sources” jointly organised by the INA, Cinéma au Soleil and the CMCA; the Consultative Assembly on Mediterranean Culture held in Marseille – its recommendations and projects concerning broadcasting and the audiovisual world; close-ups on the 10th Tangiers National Film Festival and on the web-site The CMCA dedicates this issue to the man who created our monthly Newsletter, François Werner, who died on the 24th November _________________________________________________________________________________ Méditerranée Audiovisuelle-La Lettre. Dépôt Légal 5 Février 2008. ISSN : 1634-4081. Tous droits réservés Directeur de publication : Martine Viglione Rédaction : Valérie Gerbault, Martine Viglione CMCA - 96 La Canebière 13001 Marseille Tel : + 33 491 42 03 02 Fax : +33 491 42 01 83 -
[email protected] Le CMCA est soutenu par les cotisations de ses membres, la Ville de Marseille, le Département des Bouches du Rhône et la Région Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Contents HEADLINE STORY from page 3 to 6 LIFE IN THE CHANNELS pages 7 to 9 PROGRAMMES pages 10 ECONOMY page 11 CINEMA pages 12 to 14 FESTIVALS from page 15 to 17 WEB-SITE OF THE MONTH page 18 THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN WAY pages 19 to 21 THE PRODUCERS’ WAY pages 22 to 25 STOP PRESS page 26 _________________________________________________________________________________