Y ot. x iit ; ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, APRIL 21, 1888. No. 10.

nBNRYC. WTNSORYPrcsldenf. • . t . Beal Estate Conveyances* A pril Ceutury, Tlie Board's April Meeting* fastness darfls. JA8. A. WAIN III GllT, Vice P resident.,, Silas’s Letter. ALBERT C. TWINING, Caahler. tun of conveyances, Monmouth Ooiiuty April number of tho Century closcs'the The altendanoo at the^monthly meet!ng’ of To thf R d (ton of (he Journal:—> * Xaor^’fl PCDce, for tbo wook ending April 14, thirty-flfth half yoatly volume. Tbo flrat arti­ the Board or Trade on Tuesday evening, April 'There has ‘’teen a period of some two or. . J . W- ItKJKlCK, M- D ^ - First National Bank, 1888: "• cle }a by1 Edward L. Wilson, tho well-known 10 , was fair and m owtban usual Interest wiis three weeks during which I have been greatly ROBERT T. GRAVATT, A8IIURT PABK... _ Rbmceop&itiln ^ y alc ta n and Surffsoni photographer, aud is descriptive of the natu­ developed jn its proceedings. AflBDBV PARK, N. J., Morris Reiman to Harry. Wardell—lot Asbury perplexed. I Bpeak profeaalqnally, of poufse.; Cor. Cookman A Ban*&6m, Aabury Park, N, J, DBA LBS W ral qbd otheT fcalutiSa of Paleatine ** From Aftor a brlof raoetlug of the Directors, Pres­ Doan: uotll lq a. m., and after 4 p. m. • A Bargain! Post OBlce Building, Main a t and M attison ave., P a rk .,^ 000. Tbe local option bill was passed by a Repub->J Budd E. Warren d a l., to Catharine A; Crowe— Ban to Beershebji.1’ ..Tho article has a great ident Harrison called for rcadlug^gf tho last can Legislature ; members of, our party wero StovesbsHeaters, Ranges, Tr&nBaots a general banking buslnoss, Isaacs let­ lot Aabury Park. 81. number of illuetrattons, mainly /rom photo- J J 6, KINMONTH, M. D., ters of credit available in the prlnolp&l oltlea of Catharine A. Crowe to Poinsett Cross et «/,—lot minutes and rolltcall. Three members beiDg drarffi Into, tbo, Ropublloan ranks al! Lots Nos. 20 and 21 at North grapbB, and will bo of fpcclal Interest to the Corner Grand and ABbury A venuev TINW ARE, *o. the world. Foreign and domestlo exchanges, 080.81. . wero oleotod, vlt: Dr. G .'F. Wilbhrt F, A. over tho Stato; M r BradleyJg Jcttor waa be­ bought and spld. Harry Wardcil to Clara G. Peterson—lot 980. teachers and students of tho International Office Honrs—7 to 9 a. m.t l to g p. tn., 6toBjj4in. SpringLake, Collections carefully mado and promptly ao- 88,000. . . I/Cggett and 8. V> Woodruff. , ing copied far and wide andlits pornlolous In-* Cookman av., near Bond nt., oounted for •• . Isaac L Martin to Caroline Burns—lot Aabury Sunday-school Lessons. A communication was read from S: Soidln- p )H . BRCTCB S. KKATOR, , Park. « m fiuonco was felt to tbo vt*ry contro o t o u r Frontln* on DTtlOHTON AVEtfJK, and 1 ' ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS: \ Theodore Roosovelt; ln this number do-, opatb1o Pbyslolan and SurReon. • : ABBUR7 PARK, N. J. - Caroline Bums to Virginia B. Detro—lot Aabury aacrcd clrclo. I.was constantly tact by'perti­ Gradoato of both schoola. G. Fi'feroehl, .T. A. W. Hetrick, ; , Fark. 91. sorlbes, with tbe aid of Mr. Remington's well- for kolttlug underwear, to employ 200 ftanda nent questions., which I confess I co\ild: not ’ Oor. Asbury avenue and Bergh atreet. _.. ' k - j ' . .* ^ Jas. A. W alnrlght, Henry C. W insor,; . NBPTUHB TOWNSHIP. informed .pencil, that decldodly Atfier'can lIoura—XTntll 0 a. m ., 7 to 9 p. m. W i t h ’m '3.00ft. o f ' the Surf, N. B. Brchanon, Isaac C. Kennedy; Messrs. Goodno and- Harrison explained the answer. " Has not tbo Ropnbllcan party re­ F. G. Burnham to John Knpaa. lot WeatInstitution, “ Tho Round-up.” Telephone oonnoctlonfl. TIN,BOOFIflB, LIADEIIS, BUTTERS, AC. Oliver H. Brown, J . Stanloy Fetgusdn, v,;‘ Asbury Park, f 136. work and stated tbat a small establishment deemed Its pledge T,r'asked ono; »* Why Is tbo . > V Albert C. Twiniwt. • . i Kiisna RlttonhouKc to Andrew Armatroug—lot An Illustrated artlclo on “ The American ^ T M . I- GILL, A. M., P. P „ WILL BE SOM) AT A BABGAIN., had been copdnctod here with profit- Refer* Prohibition party flghtfng this uew local dpi tSPPIS, T1K AMO IRON WORK . n. 8. f. O. BTJBTON, P. T». 8. Toms River, on Mondays and Saturday®only, I.ano Alien's story, illustrated by Keo*blo ia a lists of delinquents,1which acc avaUable,------at 2.00 p.m. Emma At Jones to Patrick nartt—tract of land ySome C ritical an d Inopportune m om ent. I T>URTON BROTHERS, ln Matawan township, $4,000. pathetic account 0C^“ Two J^tQpky^Gonil®-. •—'MirilarrlSBtf, on Menhadon fieblng, report­ Por Camden. Burlington, and Bordentown, (vlat wish I had waited a little,.even If it had been TRENTON STEAM DYEING WORKS, Trenton.) 7.69 a. m., 18.27, 4.S0 p. m. Via. - Raritan Cemetery Co. to Wm. H, DeMpUrrcem. men ortb6\)lU Sctfooi." ■------**. ed that Messrs. Freneb, ot Atlantic City, and BOO Cookman avenne, comer Emory st., Aabury Jam csburg, 7.69 a. m. ,4.20 p ,j3 , ^ fttfsry plo t.-616,— '• noooBsary for mo to mako a visit- $aiBowliere.'‘ Park, N .J. Office.Honrs: 9&..ra. to&p, ro A aerlea of papers by Simeon Pease Chenej’ BalIoy,~jof Cam den, were acting. In e6ri]tinc- , BSTABUSHKB 1849. *C F. C. BRAEUTIGAIKI. For TomsIUreMalaad HSifehtsiandintermedi­ LetftlaJ. Patteraon to Annie Webb-^lot at Key­ I can effeot an escape, through a very amall . Gaa administered. Appointments made by tele- ate stations, at ll.oa a m„ week days. On. po rt $ 100. (tba fathcr of the po^t, John Vance Cheney), tlon with him, and they were ooilcctlng facte i. ' - - phone or by m ail +** „JLadlea'.d«iisee-dyed-ltir6lhttnrntwear"Bfi5ae(ir Hannah Hnylor to Beoond Keyport LOfttlAsso­ aperture when occasion requires, t*u£ Brother Mondays and Saturdays only. 2.00 p. m, la begun ln the April number. Mr.* Cheney Is Feathers dyed to au colors. Gentlemen’s cloth­ For Point Pleasant, aud iu termed late stations, at ciation—lot a t Keyport. $800. - . • . 4 .and evidence for future aae. With the pow­ Parsons joari beat me,_ Ho has come to m y re­ ing oleanW , dyed and pressed equal to new. , l i S and insurance. 11.06a m . , 8.00,5.30, 7.00p. m. Asher Holmes to Alplieus Gravatt—lot afeKey- said to have made the moat carofpl annota­ erful combination of capital and influence, Aicefit fur Aftbnrv Park. nuxNs uuv* kxw tobk (via. Deabroases and port. 8187.60. . ■ . • . . • ‘ lief grandly, and slnco I read .hla masterly n . s r y m o u r , d : n .f c Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Let, Wm.,G. Hall el al. to Jemima ltanvlHo—Jot*at tions of bird rauajc which havo yet appeared. they could scarcely hope to succeed in tbO for Sale and Exchange. Special attention given Cortlandt Sts. ferries) for asbubt fabk tearing up of tho local option bill I am pre­ L DBMSIST, At *9.10 a. m ., 12.00 noon, *3.40,6.00 p. m. LonglBranch. 81. ’ ; r ’ The present inafallment of tho Life a i Xln* present session of CongreBa, but now that the Offloe 45 Cookman avenue, wear Rmory street. to draw In (r mortgnRea, leases and deeds at short Robert Allen, Jr., Special Master, to.'Lewis pared for any emergency. notice. Office- . fBAms u iT i MnaDBuniA (Broad 8t.) jroa coin is on “ The National Uprising" f'* ( ' .71J COOKMAN XVENBB, 'At 7.82,11.15 a . m., 4.00 p. m. M arket St., via. $1,860.- :7 r r preservation of the Union ; the political and would succeed. ■ ^ “ ; Camden and Trenton—7.20, 10.80 a . m .n 2.8Q John IL Ziegler to Wm. L. VanBrunt—2 lota in fully’ considered our new course, I held, a .. J. 9. HAWS1HS, y— “FRANK DTJRXMD. Matawan. 81^76. military relation of Baltimore to tbe situation On.,pbark River opening, the committee P, O. Box 17. N ear Main st., Asbnry Park, N. J. p. m. Via. Jamesburg, 7.20 a. m., a80 p. m, mbetlng. My subject was “ The Local OpUra JJAWKrNS* DURAND,, « • Via. Toms River and Berkeley, on 'Mon­ Daniel M. Davison to Erastus S, Hoffllnger-^ie is also fuUy described: A farther chapter is hope to get a survey preliminary to asking ah days and Saturdays only, 8.80 a. m , 4-100 acres in Millstone township. 11,830. • BUI a Delusion,” I followed Parsona and got MERCHANT TAILOR, Rebocoa S. Jonea to Margaret Atkinson—lot a t dovotedto the condition of things in Wash­ appropriation, which Jt I# tbought may be ■Attorheys-at'LaV, Solicitors A Masters in Chan­ •Express. along swimmingly. I showed niy pjdlence J . R. WOOD, G m 'l Past. AgU Allentown, $1,000. . ington Iteolf at tho outbreak’of the Rebel­ granted if a reasonable interest Is shown in, cery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av.; * 71ft COOKMAN AVENUJEL George H. Vanderbeek to Charles F. Forsyth— tbat*under this laW saloons would multiply - AsbuTy P ark, N. J* .... CHAS. B. PUGH. Gen'l Manager. _ * ■+ lion. • •; • - ■ ■ .■ # '1 ‘ ‘ '• Suite made to order guaranteed to fltt. Cleaning H, B. BEEG LE. farm in Upper Freehold township. $11,000. tbo vicinity. i , .rapidly and the salo of liquor inbrease. I and Repairing. (Late H. B. Beegle & Son) Nathan C. Morria to A. H. Morris—2 tracts of Mr. Georgo Kennan’a artlclo Is on the ,Rus­ • Dr.-Kidder, from the Committee oh Presi­ J6AA C C. KENNEDY, land In WaJI township. $000. told fliem that the whole business was a T | S W t V U l * B f iA S C H f! M . sian Penal Code, the astonishing provisions, E. B. Morris to A. li. Horris—lot In Wall townv dent's Inaugural suggestions, took np tjborer scheino epncoeted by a joint committee of Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor, Master In Chancery ablp. $26. of which aro there briefly explained. ; This t -w ' ahd Notary Public, SAMUEL W.KIRKBRIDE, ItE AI. ESTATE and Time Table, In effect November 18,18Q7. port which w&s laid over. The Item relating Republicans and rum-sellers.to blind Ae peo­ Special attention given to examination of Titles, wm. W. Voorhees to John S. Voorhees—2 lots paper Is the last of Mr. Kennan’s Introduc­ Stations In New York—Central R. R. of New Jer- ln Freehold. $2,000...... J I td beautifying the place, Mr. Treat aald, waa ple; and. to sustain my asee^tlon I could •••- Aa. - CONTBACTOR, ‘ . INSURANCE AGENT, Forman Osporn to Cornelius Osborn 40 to ry s^iTeSj Bdd will be follow ed In the'M ay- Office In Cook's Building, sey.foot of Liberty Street: P. R. R., foot of more important thau appeared . on / first prPro 'that under Its provisions «o election Aabury Park, New Jersey,, Courtlandt and Deebrosaes Streets. acres In Shrewsbury township. $9,000. : numb^rby the first Illustrated article (n the Carpenter & Builder. Wm, Brannln by Bx’r, to Julius Lewto~2 tracts thought He thought it advlsabie and made c6\Ud be held (hia j/ear, Qud to Btave It off until LXATB jntw TOBX FOB ASBUBT PABK, *0, of land In Wall townshlp.'-StSDO. * * . ' maln'series, which will glvo the results Of^the suggestions to lay out the broad parts oitho A LFRBD D. BAJLfeY; Plans and speefficatlons furnished. Jobbing i l i i i Ifiiis. Dssaa Julias Lewis to James P. ilnlsart-2 tracts of after the Presidential election was all the Be- A Attorney-atrUaw, Solicitor and.Master In promptly attended to. Best of reference given. Central R. i t of N. J.—4.00, 8.15, 11.16 a. ro., Century's expedition tg£o,8tberla. avenues life plats. It would beautify the I.00. 4.00,'*4.80, 6.16p .m .’ ' land In Wall township.1 $1,500. lican party wanted, I bad a copy of the bill Chancery and Notary Public. Residence—First ave., bet Bond and Emory sts. Lortna Negotiated and Legal Papera Drawn James A. Longatroet to Sophia Lbngttreet—lot Among tho poems of th,e number are place, and there would .be much less expense Special attention frfven to collection of claims. Shop and Office—First ave. snd Main St. Pennsylvania—*8.10 & m., 12.00 m ., *3.40, 5,00 a t Brlelle. $1. • . With me and I read It. It doea not go Into Office ln Mikado Building, Asbury Park. . P. 0. Box 748. ASBURY PARK. p. m . ;• . “ T hefts o f the M orning,” by E ditb M. T hom ­ in watering. Mr. Harrison gave In' detail hla Leave Newark, Broad . S t Station, for Asbury Mt: Penn Stove Works to Frank C. Lounaberry ’effect until May 1, then petitions have to be - —-IL B. BBEGLE, Notary Publlo and Com’mlsaloner .—lo ta t Freehold. 83,834.64. as; an lUuatrated dialect poem, “ Marae experience, and the emulation that grew out ClriUOK ROBB IKS. AOtON-C. HAHTflUOaKB. of Deeds for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Park, Ac.—8.25, 11.30 a. m., 1.0ft, 4.00, 4.«f, Hannah McCausland to Ann M. Major—lot at circulated and signed, J^uj'iudge must give the District of Columbia. : • 6J80 p. m. Market 8t. Station—9.88 a. m.. Phil,” by Thomaa Nelson Page, and the last of a small oi^aalsation in Allttle village. He T>OBBIN8 & HARTSHORNK, 12.80,4.11,6.28 p.m . Red Bank. $1,000. two weeks’^ notice of a bearing ^nd then be u Attorneys and Counselora-at-Law, Harvey Carley to Wm. L. Lloyd—lot at Long poem, writteu by Emma Lazarus, Wfilbb Is suggested the placing of a monument to New Offices between the Post Office and F irst Nation­ LSATB ASBXJBT TAB* FOB KXW TOBK, Ao, haa forty daya_tP deeldo and appolnt^ day of Branch. $1. %ddreased to “ Carmen Sylva," and is an ap­ al Bank, Main st.. Freehold, N. J. Central R. R. of N. J;~6.S5, 7.26, *8S»t . 10.56 John H. Truax to Anthony Truax—10 2M00 Jersey’s W ar Gqyeruoc, Parker^commepiora: .dectionV ’-Thia day miiat not be' less than Law business transacted In all its branches. Bargains in Real Estate a m .. 4.16,6.45 p. m. acres in Ocean township, $1. 5-' peal. to.ihe-Qawnof^^toumaniain'bebaltof tl ve of histimely help ^vlth trdops in defend*. three m onths from Uje date of his order, a n d ' Pennsylvania—*?.*?), fl.15 a. m., 1.15. 6.85 p. mL . Charles.Halght to Thomas PattottrUUdlslded- the opprcssod’ lsrablites of that country. ‘ • 0AV1D HARVEY^/ r 7""" ...... ' : half of 4 lots at-Long^BranohT$r;750L„ Ing Harrisburg, He, believed a handsome not Within sixty days of any otbe^plectlon^q The O l d and Reliable Brand. L O T S USD IMPROVED'PBOP- ForPhlladelphlaand Trentoh,jJa.'ltohndBrook- ——Rout«Ml;tBr#X)Q p.m . -^Da6lel H. Ellis by Bx’rs, to Thomaa.Paiten— “Jtfemoranda ol tho Civil W^r " contains amount could.be'ralaed in Pennsylvania. .thle'lt Is a moral Impossibility' to-have-, any Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor, Master and Examiner .r^EBTXATSOBTH-SflHNCriiOTB;' For Ocean Beaoh, Spring Lake and Sea Girt— undivided half of 4 lots a t Leng Branch. $1,760. short articles on “ The Openlngof the Atlanta i-,ln Oliaocfiry.Nolary-PubHo. — *— 6.66, 7.69, 10.20, 11.06 a. m., 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, Sarah L. Fllnn to. Frank Dennls-^lot at Long The Sanitary Committee clause, to cooper­ election In 1883. I was dofng pretty w ell u n ­ AsburrParkT^ X ” Improved Property and Lots at Point Pleasant 100,4.20,6.80, 5.66, 6 15.7.00, aiO p. m. Branch. $150. Campaign,” by Colonel William C. P. Breck­ ate witb the Board of Ilealth, was placed with cheap for cash. , Wm. V. Wilson to Richard Stout—2 -68*100. acres til a man who had always voted with us arose For Manasquan and Point Pieasant-0.65, 10.20, inridge ^'“ KSiBhaw’s Brigade at Fredericks- tbo Sewer. Committee. Q.KOROR W^BYRAM, . ... _ . Lota at Manhasact for Sale or Exchange. 200 II.Ofi a m., 106, 2.00, 3.00, 6.80, 5.65, 0.15. 7.00, Middletown township. 8800. and asked to ber allowed toitnake a few..re*., /eet of Bay front, suitable for a wharf. The 8.10 p.m . Alex. L. Barkalow to John W. Borkalow—18 burg," by Qenoral J. B. Kershaw; an -extra­ Dr. Cbas. Holland Kidder, Jno. A. Glthens marks. I was only too glad to have help and Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor fn Chancery,* only Bay front In the market for sale In that For Phl&delphla, v ia Sea Girt—7,69 a. m ., 1327, acres How,ell township. 8200. ordinary account of “ The Last Victim of the vicinity. Will bo sold cheap. 4 JO p. m. , • - Ellas B. Rogers to Honnah!C. Hulso—lot Alien* and Thomas M. Dnnham were appointed a gave my consent I afterwards regretted it. War,” by Judg«'W; M. Dlckaon; an upjpub- Address P. O. Box 1091, Asbttry Park; N. J . Lot 28x125 feeton Sixth avenue, near the ocean, For stations on P. R. R. to Toms River, via. town. $1,200. . . . v ' _;— special Legislative Committee to iteoure auch This is about what he Bald: “ The law goes Asbury Park; Bay Head, 11.05-aj~m, "Tor Camden, and Jerem iah Palmer tb Jam es IS. MegM—lot|How- If you want tb buy or Tent any property any- llshod letter by General Hooker oh the Chan- action as may be needed in other seetlobfl of into effect on May 1. • Five days Is certainly /. H.-YllBOEWBOROn. PBKl>BnlCK PABKBO- - — PhlladelpUtaj Via. Sea Side Park, 2.00 p .m ., cUiownship, 8700. - ' v - where along the coaat- Mondays and Saturdays only. CliarlesB. Ellis to Charlea T .'R eid—lot Froe* ceUoravllle Campaign; and a note on/ the the report. The report was then adopted aa VREDBNBUKGH* PARKER, hoid..#i..m ,.^.v . tjme enough for an organlzedj oommlttee to , Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, •—Express. Rim/fl BLuDGETT. SvpL. r 44 Strength of the Confederate Array at Chick-' a wfcole. '"J ■ ■'.* " '• ''. '7 ." Counselors and Attoraeys-afeLaw*:------N.E.Uuclia»oii& Co. • , : Gor. Bewail a r. and Emory at. ^-Asbury Park; H. P. BALD WIN. O fP. A . C. H. R. q f N. J. Timothy Y. Brown to Daniel _D. Hendrickaon— procure the necessary number of names. The Or.W. T. Sm ixr, Point Pleasant, N. J. J, R. WOOD. Gm’i Pug Tjo accompanied with the first annual duea of date,of hearing up, to May2i. If tbe judge ARCHITECT, Branch. $350. t — — —------—- Liberal arrangem ents mjide w ith dealers, $3. Carried. "'' ' • .1 MIKADO BUILDING, * Real Estate, Insurance and __-_-4n~effeofrJftnr2rf! '^Thom as Willett, by Ex'r, tq Joaeph T. FIeld—2 The-April-#; Mcftoleu^ has a seasonable requires J t he inay have fifteen days more In P. O. Box 855. , ABBURY |*ARK, N .J,._ MftlW S T. AND A SBURV A V E, - tracts land Middletown tovnshrp. B.535. frontispiece by Fennr two toddlers under an C, VanHorn offered a resolution urging the which to mako the order for an election and -t— -GeirerarAgeiit.^ T TBArKs wrtr, lxatc ro u vrxsuold as »OLU>wst Wm. W. Conover to Catherine Goodwin—lot umbreUa, an“ Aa April Day.” .This Intro­ Commissioners: to enforce tbo ordinance qan set the day.for anywhere between August . Leave Asbury Park—7.26, 10.65 a m .,f.l6 , 4.16, Ocean township,.8304, - Property Sold, Rented Xr In­ Anthony fttellcss to Bopj. A.-Hagerman—lot duced the opening article, ,v\Vbat ’Makes it against dogs, Mr, VanHorn wow made a com- 21 and September C and tha' whole tracbabiion 5.86p.m . Shrewsbury township. 8800. H. B, JOHNSON sured in Ocean Gfove, Asbury Leave Long Branch—7.40. 11.10 a. m ., 1.80, 4.80, Bain!” by Georgei^-MerrilL .There Is also mltteo to present tho matter to the Board/ will be within the requirements of the law. 6.60 p. ro. "r^f- John Wllsort to Sarah McDonald—lot Oceanic. GROCERIES. Park, Loch Arbour, Ocean Park, *200. a charming “ RhyiA^Eer^ a Rainy Day,” by Bill of s^orelary for stationery and sal­ My eyes have been opened recently, and if the Leave Bmnohport—^43,11.14 a . m., 1.33,4.83,6.63 Oliver Huff, by Ex'r, to Monroe Huff—wood lota Practical Watchmaker, Key East, Ocean Beach and' Ju lia M, ColtonV erftistlcaiiy fram ed by Itath- ary of $^,70, was referred to Finance Com- rest of your.argument 1a no better than this U»vs>‘&U!o SUner-7,«,ll,1l» *. ra., 1 ,SS, 3:88,5.S3 HoweAitownship. 8D0.60. Dealer In Fine WatcheB, Jewelry, Spectaoles &o. Spring Lake. Same tosameJ&tfocts land Howell township. crlno Pylve: mlttee.^«-Vtl_ ; • . • • It w on!t h old w ater.” Watoheaand Jewelry repaired at City Prices. WILLIAM BEAMES, 82, Mi. Policies written at lowest rates l i m i t e d B an k -7 SB,» . » s. m „ I .« , ..■VS, 8 05 Alice Cothren to Millard F. Cornwell—lot Louisa M. Alcptt, In “ Trudel’s Siege," re­ W.^H.; M lles'presented the follow tng:, I waa amazed and .confused, for I bad ac­ Main Btreet, near Ooofcman aVenue, • Successor to. J. Henry Applegate, 1 Shrewsbury township. 85.000, lates the efforts of a bravo little*Dutchwoman ll/uoltktdx That the Committee o^Rallrokda cepted Bro. ParaouB’ statements bb correot, in strongest companies. L m t. Mld41«own-«.<», 51.87 ». m., l.to, 4.5S,' Joacpb Bustley to Charlea F. Combs—lot Wall ASBURY PARK, N. J . . to tldo her parents over a time of trial, and take auch action aa will aecure lower rates be­ without stopping tp.figurd It ont There waa Money loaned on Mortgage township. 870. tween Aabpry Park and Now York, and As­ U n n i s . Esra Hayena to Thomas Ketchum—88, acres shows how she suoceeded through patience, nothing left for me to say but that.it was fair security. fs.so, p. m. - .: Hoaell township. 83.00Q. ‘ bury Park and Philadelphia. Adopted-— - - GEO, M. BENNETT, Full Lins of Choice Groceries, Conveyancing,Contracts made, LBAVB raXBHOU) FOB EBP BANK, BTC, Bradford Slcklca to Forman Sickles—all Interest courage a n d ,tru st In G odr^-^f v, - • The chairman was granted tlme tpjconslder to pres□ mo that the judges might not be in 9.00,11.15 a. m.,,180v4.80.6.66 p. m. "7—s'—**,. ■ In farm Atlantic township.'81,000. Thoro are excellent iUuBtratlons by Ed-, bte Qommlttee on M unicipal Estbetlps, wblqjfe yfavjjr of tbo law and would purposely delay FI-iOUK AND FEED. * Etc. • - ■ ' Phcobe Ann Brown, by Adm’r, to John McCleca tbelr orders. He replied tbat as they were 1 The 1.80 p. m, train from Freehold oonneota —lot Fair Haven. 8t,000. ^ .. - wards. There is a translation frpm Daudfetr was granted, and tbo meeting adjourned, G. W. MARTIN, closely for all ahore points. mostly Democrats my fears were not entirely HOUSE PAMPING . . . ^ J. E. RALPH, SUp’t. vJohn McClees to Charles Allen—lot Fair Haven,- by Maria Ellery Mackaye, “ Tbo Red ,Part- In all Its branches. Hardwood finishing, Grain- 4 7 Pilgrim Pathway, Opp. Post Office, $1,000. rldge T d la his Storywherein is g ivon, vt tb e without foundation.^ _ . 'V *■. Ing, CalcimlnlnR, Ac. Mattison Avenue, Bear Bond Street, Edward T. Hendrickson to Charles B. Field—lot W hen tlie Qu&en is on th e Road. Ocean. Grove, N. J. Upper Freehold towuahip. 836 80. bird’s-eye view” of panrldge-abootlng. It la This little episode was a damper upon the KstI mates furnished on application.' ASBURY PARK. lary A, Field to Thomas M. Field—2 tracts land illustrated by Wiles. Let ua glance at these regulations.for all. meeting and my colleoUon waa b o . trifling as. L Box 2182, Ooean Grove, N» J, Sea-Side Home, r Freehold township. 813,500. fe to Thomaa M. Dey—farm Millstone and vvThe Tables Turned" Is a true account of concerned. The time of arrival and depart­ to be practically nothing. Hereafter I shall Boarfing and Day SohooJ for Youngs VIndaor townships. 87,452,98, a sheep w)io ohased wolves,, Illustrated by ure having been mentioned, and the track on see th a t the b asket la pasaod before Borvloe. M. M. OROSBIE, W.T. DUDLEY, £adies Mid Ohildnm, P COOK HOWLAND, Snccpssor td Dayld CartwrigUtr1 ' Monks.- There are alao.another of the Cblld- which the train wlll.^avel specified, the regu-# Later in the week I took a run up to New­ Real Estate & Fire-insurance. M ldBTFllH. - Charles J. lations provide r ark and talked to au that surprised' acres Ocean township. 81. :Sketches, from George Eliot—“ SilasMamer;. Architect & Builder. Houses and Cottages of all slzoa f(fr' Ninth year opens Wednesday, S e p t 21, ’87. Same to samo-225 (H0Q acres Ocean township. a picture, “ Easter Morning," by Llxbeth B. X. For a pilot engine, accompanied by a and dellghted.me with Its unbounded enthusl- ‘ • Salo o r Rent. Address JULIA'ROSS, Principal, Comlns; and the..conclusion of “ EdRftrd locomotive foreman for the various districts, asm. By the aid of doQUirents. Jdndly fur­ Bui Idlnff plans exec uted and all work promptly Tar,Paper, Sheathing Paper, iTwo and 004 Asbury aYe., Asbury P ark , N. J Christina A. Conover to Theodore B. Conover— Three-ply Roofing Paper. A thoy.” j - i-1 and by a guard with lam ps, flags an d fcjg sig­ nished me I discussed at great length upon done, P.O . Box 189. 616 Cookman Avenue. 3 lots Wall tow n»h I p. 838V Offiee in Cook’s Building, Main Street and Eupbemla Walling el ai. to Joseph 0sl2-3 lots A novelty la “Tlaiu.Estabr^ok’s CanfOpen- nals. Thia engine precedes tbe royal train at the legal aspect of the bill, and proved tO'thETt~ P. « . Bo* 802. * A s b n r y P a r k , N . J . Koyport. W.W0. Cookman avenue. Asbury Park. er,” by George P. Whittlesej^js^ieb contains a uniform speed, and always fifteen miles in evident satisfaction of my hearers that it was "• ■ ----- ' __ Wm, Walling, by Ex'j1, to same—4 lota K cypott 83,500. - p la aa'intereeting atory a clear accounV of advance of It. ' as fulj of boles as a seive. My Collection herp" - Cecelia Tilton, by Ex’ r, to samo—4 lojs Koyport. JOHN Wr SUTPHEN, SANITARTJPLUMBING •very atep necessary to secure Letters Patent 3 ; Tbe d rivers and firemen, as Well a s th ^ -was grand—quite enough for a suit of clothes. , m- i. V. ^ Joseph Sals to Elizabeth J. Hoff—4 lots Koyport: “ The Wreck of tho^ L iz^ ^^C iack^byr •engineerenrtho royal - train, are speSlaljy se­ After the meeting a raddy' and flmillng Prohi­ ASBURY PARK, OCEAN BEACH, 8P8IRP 83,600. , B, CHOWELL & CO. LAKE AND NORTH SPRINO LAKE. P R IN T IN G * Chortas.Laneei-at U>8tedman Applegato rf of. Louie Lyndop, Is a true atory of tbe freezing lected. Telegfaphmen aocompany the train bitionist took me warmly by the l^and andex- —67 acres Howell tow nan ip. 81.624. In of a schooner on tbe coast of Massachu­ onder a superintendent, and worltmen, flttere, clohned, “ You are doing a splendid work Blacksmith and Horseshoer, Now occupy the new brfct building of J. Henry Persops wishing to Rent Punj^aao ot Sell at Patrick J. Berry to Kiillp Daly—Jot Long Carriage work In all Its branches. • ; . Applegate,on ——-.....— ... tho abovo places, .or owuors having cottages to Branch. 818,000. setts. ' • v .' . J ' : lampmen and greasers travel on the train alt and helping ua more than we can help our- rent for season of 1R80, and desiring to placo **prill" la continued; »Wm. O. Stoddard the way, keeping a constant watch; and at selvea. Wo Intended * to fight the new Jaw Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street,. them in my hands, will rccelve spcelal attention: CARR1ABE PA1NTIMB AND TRIMMING For furthoivpanlculare or map*, address Building Contracts. tells an amusing story of “ Sen’s Proxy;" stopping places they must alight and oxatalne and you have givon us many valuable points. Ip the finest Btyle of decorative art. where they are prepared to estimate on all kinds. E. WRIGHT, Box 108, Asbury Park.. Julian Ralpji Informs ua “ What the Butcher the train and grease the axle-boxes., We sh^tollow the coupe you have laid down nm »w . J Cor. Cook m an.and So wall A vs.. a . I'ark. FILED TO AND INOLCDINO AFB1L 14. unices. ^ q jj nrowu s store, North Spring Lake. Boy Said.” ; . ' ' 8. A lookout man is placed on the tensor of and shall succeed. Let me ^hake your hand Main street and First avenue, or any and every pur­ N. B.—I havo som o cottages and lots for Bale 2275—Mary A. Wall log; d al with James II. There Is one of the “ Aztec Fragmenta,"i>y tho engine, and seated-with bis face to. tho again, for I fool th a t y ou are a true brother 1" oheap, easy term s; also a number of cottages f ASBURY PARK. Johnson—new houso at Keyport, 81,276. J. G, Francis, and charming po^j», Ybrsea train,, observes any signal that may be given As ho facod.me for this supplenlientary shako They do none other than firet-class work, and for rent. - pose that may be re­ 2276—Samuel F. Patterson with Wm. Kipp—new aU plumbing will be done aRer the most approved house at Atlantic Highland*. 81,125, or eongp by M. M. D., Alice Wellington Rol­ by the occilpants. This position la by no \ thought I noticed a mellowness of breath, sanitary m e i h o d a - ^ , v, 2277—The Lon* Branch Hebrew congregation moana an enviable one, as may ibe imagined, ADON LiPPINCQTT, quired—from a visiting with Bailey & Burns-plumbing, &o., now ayna- lings, fimille. Pbulaaon, and Alice P, Carier; and I asked him to whom waa I indebtedjor- V BepalrfOK protttjitlj attended ta. IFIItsriEJ FIK/TJTTB, pteuo. 8384.60. “ Handiwork for^lrie,” jvlse little “ Jack-ln- particularly at jnlght, wbenjnqre*ttmty£$ Jgjj ,XhU-warm endorsem eflt' “,r W ho fttff I t ” said COWFECTIOHERY, card to a newspaper or a a}78—The Atlantic Land and Improvement Com­ ary vlg ilaace ls reqalred. - " ho, “ Sb-lrh, I am one of the Saloon'keepers’ (jarpenler & Builder pany with Benjamin Albertson—new bnlldtngat tb e P Q lp ltjl^ T h e L ettor B ox," “ T h eR iddle= Nut* or nil kinds, Florida Orsngea, Ca* Key-East. 810,920. - :._Tho above are a few of the precautions Association, and we. all turned, out to help tnw baand BKalagaGrapes, Jobbing In dll branohes promptly and darefiilly HHTsEA.jVi:02>T, 3oa>page book. 2^79—Maria F. Wagner with ... . which the* railway cotnpanles adopt to seaure you to-night 1 Keep right on ; wo are with’ attended tot : jUUotL ftmiLta. ostrSed-ralso help to increaao the nnmber’s anil Uixurlea of many desorlptlona, oan bo found attraotlveneaa. Her Majesty’s safety, and her comfort la no UoBidcnco-COa F irst avenue, . " " "" V at tbe now8toreof yon •; i‘ ' ■ : • v'-' "Water Commissioners of Asbury Park leas carefully studied. The Queen travels on It was not exactly the aij#i8^auc«.X*ould P . o . Box 282. ASBURY PARK, N. J- WASHINGTON WHITE, with Seymour L. Barfbolomew-*oxcaTationa.lay' Tlio Enfifllsli Governnioiit^Ierk* tho down Hue, and so for thirty mlnutea pre-.. the col lections are largo. All Slating done with Chapman and Bangor 23 MAIN STRKftT, . . . . ASBURY PARK. lug pipe, & a, by the foot!' -quarries roofing elate. wfil—Samc with Damo & Townsend Co.- vlous to herXiomitig'no trainVnot even a light . ' ' S ila s P eters. ~ FRED. B. GOWDY. CHAS. It. PITCHER wrought Iron pipe, Ao., by tho foot. I a the courae of m atty Vi»lta to England I 2283—Hamo with Donald boo Iron Company- havo discussed with tbe chief a of soipo ot tho engine^-by whlob la meant an engine wlthont Agent (or Stewart’s Patent Seal Lopped „ vPremiumsiiave ‘been awarded for our cast iron plpo, &c„ by tho foot. carrlagea»attached^or any vehicle is permit­ Hor Ticket Matched H er l>ress. GOW DY & PITCHER, . Bad Heady Roofing, Hodera Architect - excellent work. 2283—Same with JobIoU Thompson rt erf,—firo- leading, bnreaue, and bavo no reason to bo* hydrants, W .J.’j' house at Branohport,•01,856. “How did you votoy" •' • 2288r-Bertba A. Stempel with William JeflVey— driver ia porralttod to allow hla engine to What is the testimony of a youpg man who “ Reallyvdear> I don’t remomber,’* ... Contractor for now house at Long Branch. 82,600. • blow off atoam, or lo permit any smoko to Contractor and Builder, 22fiy—William P. Lewis with Warren'Brown- once held a posltiop in a country house, and . MVoil, you comembor tbat thoy bad two Estimates furnished for evory dcacrlption of new houso a t Asbury PaVk. 81,000; waa subsequently appointed as a civil service eaoapc, or to whlstlo whllo An a siding near work. Jobbing attended to promptly. Modera, Stone, Bvicfe or Frame Bnildings 2290—William f'lL Forman wtrti BenjamtB Al* the Queen, or while shelspasalng. The facing kind of tlokets— white and red.?’ Human Hair Store, ‘Residence— bertaon—new house at Aabury Park.^1,639. writor In tho British cuBtom houBo? He mere­ •* OU, I remembor, now. It waa tho lovely'7' / Real Katate Agont. Properties wanted 2231—Tho First Baptist Church of Aabary Park ly applied hla oountry bouse habits of Indus* and other ^points are properly secured and 611 CookniaR and 612 Mattlson tvs., for Reut or Sale. -.i. _ with M. P. Moller Plpo Organ Co,—new ongan, bolted before the train passes; tbo gates of little red ticket that I put on tbo poll^.” Cor. ?ewall Ave. and Emory St., 81,000. , • try to tho government work. .“ Wby, I am surprised. That was tho Re­ Pbilsda. Ofilco, S508 Mather St., Tloija, Phltada. WHY SUFFER level cro3sings, wberp there aro no gate-keep­ L x k Box 718 - — AH0UBY PAEK. a. J. In a few minutes an. angry volca sounded X8BUUY 1*AKK. Greouleaf (’ottapo, New York avenye and . publican ticket." * - ^ . tn his ear, “ Por God’s sake, man, don’t work ers, are looked an hour-before tho Quden and Car nip) Way, Oceaq. Grove. When It Isa well known fact that New York's E ating Housesi* - “ Well, I didn’t ask. I, saw tbat 4.l»a color llko th at; you'll have thq whole office against oomes; and a lonp line.of plaie iaycrs, at dis­ JOHN HUBBARD, The largost eating honses on the continent of tbe^ ticket Wds a dqUqute ^red and that , My Olrciisaian Tonlque for the ffi'owlh ol you, and you wau’t do yourself a bit of good." tant Intervals, llko ft* row of sentries, guard the hair and for rojflovlng dandruff and all arc at Washington market. Tbcro aro two it exactly matched ray Qfem.V-—Na*hvltle v Praolicai House Painter, “ Indoed," tho newly appointed;writer re­ the permanent way. Special telegraphic slg7 complaints of tho scalp and hair, haa been . This is a good time for of theso enormoua concerns, each a long block nalsaro employed, the public are . excluded highly rcdommondcd by the best residents ot BOURNE’S marked. ANDJPAPEB HANGER,. In length, eaob’ em ploying from 130 tO.lfiO “ Yea, It’s a fpct. II—— has got to give from tho stations, and the servanta of the Aabury Pqrk and Ocean Grovo. ItaflUQceas - busiiiess inei) to stock- Judge Georgo C. Bkrrott of the. Supreme. haa been mnrvoloaa. TeatlmonlalH may be hands, ."^nd. one selling 10,000 moats a day you tbe fioxt book when you're dono; and bo company must pe^fbrm all tbelr dmtea “ Si­ Uesldenco Cor. Fifth avenue nnd Bond'street, »up witli office stationery won’t be ready (or you before uext-Satur­ Conrt, New York, before whom th eb o o d le” seen at my pfllco. - English Tonic whlhi the other fnrnlahes at least 8,000 meals, lently and without noise.’A— :P\uhUij £5 f " 8 nccesa In all eases. Look Box 076. ASBURY PARK,' N. J. and advertise their., in­ 8ample prices that lndlca{.o tbe rates gener­ d ay ." Aldermen aud Jacob Sharp wore tried, fiaa Ladles and gontlomen'oonenltatlon free. At tho rate bo^wae^w^mng tha^pow hand Magazine. ally are corfee five cents, roaat beef and. po- could have finished,the bwk'tfiatday, jvhlah wrltton an artlclo on " Mlscarrlagoa of- Jus­ Large assortment of Human Hair Wbrks, ducements for Winter y Natural Water Curie guaranteed. tatoea fifteen cents, puddings ten oenls. Ono was Monday, and benoo tho first complicated Boring For Hot Water. tice," which will appear in tho F o rtm for Dyspepsia Pills quosllon which arose under.tho perfect system May. Tho same number will contain ,lObata-' Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Hair JOS. L. DURRAH, Trade.1 % o f these conoem s u^ea $00 w orth of ico a day At Buda-Peath a well whloh haa beon borod .v r v? and Curling by profeaalonal Fronch and makes away with 1,500 quarts of mlik lu was how to hill iho remaining five days. As oloa lo Good City.Gvyernment,<,, by ex-Mayor At tho Aebury Park Printing House \vo a matter ot ract, much of tbo tlrao bf a Lon­ to a dopth not previously reacliod now yields ^ lasteiex , ~ will*apt onlyjrlve 6aso, but permanently cure 'At^Xo'W, of Brooklyn; “ Appropriations for \&y veloitlno fov tlio face noeda only atrial ,can put you on the right track to do the same period. Tho larger of tho two was don barnaclo, botvyueo tho houra 6f 10 a, m. dolly 170,000 gallons, of. water at 15$ degs. both, to your lasting benefit.i : mdlgeeyon. Dyapopslai or any gftatrlo tpiubio. B^blic WorkBj’’ J»y Senator ’8: M. Cullom; to btf pretorruU to all others In^the m arital Btariod filteon ^oare ago by a man who pawn­ an d 4 p ,.m ., \vhen ho ia nuppoaed to bo at Fahreuholt, The attempt will b$ mado to Free trial to all. ' . 503 THIRD AVENUE. e d his .watob for $13 to found a coffoo and work, Is spent .reading tho papers, taking Qpfir a stroog artlclo by Mlcliael D avison short walks, diseuaaiag tho European and. boro, until the .temperature of tho water " PROf. IMME, E. ORISON. Jobbing Promptly attended to^ ’ I For‘ iSale by all Druggists. cake stand wboro his murblo vtalnacotod, lrlah questlons, grumbling.at the' stinginess reached Is 170dega. Fahrenheit. \Vhetherlt “ Irish Landlordism.” tnar.bJe floored restaurant is to-day. ofthe public upd bewaillny the working of will bo poaslbIo*in this fanner to beat dwell­ LADIES! this petfood syatom. Aa a rale tho Ifrltlatt L e a p Ybak—“ C]iarloy is.fioaiing toseo me • ings, churches, cpnaervatorlea, nnd, Indued*,' CEO. C. ORMEROD, Do Tonr Own Dyeings at Home, with * govcrnmeat clerk la a man whoso moat serl- to-night,” remarked *Elisr* “ I don’t know . A./A. TAYLOR, ExEouTOB—‘lAocordlnff ta hor VflU/yoar ona question In lifo lo how tQ kill timo. * gardens la etlll an open question.—/*«&?{<; ftsbury Park Printing House. why I foe] so nerVous about It, .b u t f^ ia y e a COKTBMK f f l BOILER, PEERLESS DYES lato wlfo has not left yon a stngle^coot” Oa the othor baud, tho averogo Washington* Opinion.' ■ . • ‘ ' iH !ason^and^B u|ildler4 They wllUlye every thing. They, aro sold,every­ Sorrowing WidowiBr—“ That’s juat like hor. clerk, and by that I-mean the clerks who prewntlmont that something’s golng-to-bap- , AgfiU«Vi>i,BK, N. J, 1 where. Price lOo. a pack ago-40 colors. .They . Newest deaigns of type”; latest imprdyed ma- Sho was thd beet tieattod womanln the world. carry on Iho^bnaluQea of tho government i#i . • Ayoun^j man Is opt to atammer and stutter pen.” “ Ob,.thoro’B no uso .feeling nervona . Bricklaying and Plastering In all branches «• gfttabtlslied ^873. Jobblog promptty attended havo no equal for Stamgth/ Brightness, Amount tho various departments, is an ludustflous, of Masonry Work. * fjhlnery; skilled workmen; evory ^MGriptlon of when bo declares Ws p^salon. Soraetlmea tho about It If you’ve made up.your mind to do ■ to. Best of nsferonco olven. 4 <* In Packages or.for Fastness of Color, or noh-fad- Tho reason ehe did not leavo me any thing In quick and energetic person, constantly on the IngQualales? They do not crook Or smut. For It,” anBTfored Clara V Very, likely he’ll say ‘Jobbing promptly attended . v Office and Residence, . ' .V jjaib by K. Tuating. si. D., Woolley

enactment. Within ija boundaries are ‘ {Tlio Library and Election. A DIstrcHslnK A ccident. W liat Is a T rust Company ? i More School Notes, ....'-T Truusuc ttous In Itcal Estate, 7 : #lnan*lal; nix temperanofr- org^isafcidni£'•all snp- Tho Library Association hold a regular The family of Mr. Wealey Hoggins, resid­ SOMKTUtNO ABOUT TnB NBW FINANCIAL INSTI­ From tbe standpoints olboth scholar and- The follow ing sales* have recently bdon ef­ Jlstaqrfwkjmmral poflod to havo at heart the well-being of meeting on Monday night, and after an excel­ ing on Mt, Cannot- Way, Ocfeau Grove, has TUTION OP ASBUUY PAUK, teaoher we con speak positively on the objec­ fected through the ogenoy of Milan Ross:^ m o n m o U t h lent program given mainly by persons new to been moat sorely afflicted during the past 8lnco the organleatlon of the'Moninoath tions, to tbo practice of onterlng scholars In^o. 8. W. Klrkbrlde’s houso on First avonnp, to ’ and MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN. J tho pluoe. Thetr talk in opon meetiug tbe attendants, the annual .election for trus­ year by a‘ succession of accidents tbat too Trunt aiid Bafo D ojiobII, Company at -tills pnb)lc school classes whon the year lias don- J ; D. P rout. •* JOHN L COFFIN eoiroB. is fnll of enthuninsni, loyalty to purpose, tees and offloora took placo. human foresight-could havo averted'.. Several placo, and espeolally alnco Its doors bave elderably advanced. . l>ot oornor Grand and Tblitl avenues, to WEEKLY AT and wise generalities, bnt little or,no talk PU0U8HED • The society acknowledged tho rooelpt of a months ago bis wife slipped on tbe atalrway boen oponed to oustomcrs, tbore’ have been At the beginning of the term, with the Harry Wardell- n < 4 THE ASBURY PARK.PRINTING HOUSfr of ■ downright earnest work: • Not tlie large num ber o f Oentmy and other magazines and fell to tbo bottom and was very severely Inquiries from many concerning tbo object changes by promotion and tho natural lucre- Buildings and lot, Cookman avenuo and Trnsi afBDepflsitCn; work io please ,160 popular eye is from Mrs. Eaton, of Oceao Grove, and another injured so that hor llfo was endangered, being and scope of such an institution. In answer tlon of now pupils, the members of a olaas Bond streot, to II. B. Johnson. - AABURY PARK, NEW JERSEY. - ‘ 718 MATflSON AVENUE, . r ’ BUBY-PARK^=^ - -^- .- .-- -- - NEW J w anted; not the wi>rk on epehkera' plat­ invoice of Cbngrofialonal joarnala, fronvlion. couflnfcd.to her room nearly six months, 'A to those questions wo present here as full- au are of necessity mostly ’strahgers to each ■ Building an d lot, M attiaou avenue and Bon^l form witere ialE staple ; noHiiie Rur'a^rodRcttrwhich llttlo- Jator onb ot- h is . spn$> a t w o rk in th e explanation as, nowspaper space will perrtit. Other, aud so are on an equal footing.. Late* street, to J»- 3. Ferguson. ;, Steam mill, bad his foot terribly lacerated by Tho Monmonth” Trust and Safe Deposit Jtnferrif.QS sfCotfd-classWfitter at the Asbury Park* gathering^ at street eoniers "to discuss for nearly-a decade. : - 7 Tmrthoy^are acquainted, harmonlzoJn^thelt —iwiLjots First avenue and; Bond street, to C apital, $100,0007 a saw, and Is yet -obliged tb use crutches; Company was organized with a capital stock studies aud recitations; all moving smootUQfr * Post Office, February 7, /A&y. politicalevente. No, it. is none of these The first niitnber of the. program was a Mrs. S. II. Fay, *7^ : ■ : 7~ ~ r~~.'^~ piano aoio, “ Concert Polka,” by Miss Anna, And how a younger son' accidentally abbots o f $100,000, represented i by ono thousand The term w*il advanced, a new.pupll puts In TKouse and lotat First avenuo and Embry th at are effeptnhl, Authorized by law to:actas Executor, Admin­ TIRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Forman., ft was a dlfflcalt selection, bat well himself through the, heart and dies .almost a* shares having: a par value of one hundred dol­ an appearance, he feels isolated, becomes em­ atree^_to M.*W. Kirkbride. . . istrator, Guardian, Trustee. ABSlgneo, ltecely6r., 1 year, ih advance,...... ft 80 Wlmt is wanted ia the spirit of man­ rendered.' v .-. the threshold of h is hom e.-, lars each.*. This capital- serves multifold pur- barrassed, and naturally; forms a dlBllk^f for ^ O peiu H ouse on. ^ bw/\U avenne, to iV'est- Agent.oto., and for tho faithful performaneo of all suon duUeft ite capital stock and surplus are . 0 myntlm, in advance,,., . .. .. ?S hood that will dare to do Work ; that will , Little Miss Blanche Bennet^ gave roost adr 7 T h ta 'l^ ^fld- acoldent occurred. Monday 'poses. It is an ataplo bond ot security— the classmates,• the .teacher and the • whole - , .- 3 m onths, In advance,.. 40 minster Chnrcb. 7^-7; ". 7 •' liable; also to Receive and Kxectito Trusts of mlrabiy a reoU§tl^n,^‘ Little W orkers.” afternoon,'about 4/ o’clock. Harry 11,13 made bo by State law—to gnard tho Interests school;1 ' ./■. - • .•,1 .' Lot, Tblrd avenuenoftr Emory street, to Mrs every description, from tbe Courts, Corporations Single jjoplefl...... 8 seek out the jilaoes when the law is vio­ and Individuate. . .--*•■• years of age, With a nnmbet of his young bfcnatomers ;. )t; Is ordinary capital In the Again, they recognize that:'othera are In lated ; that wiU throw aside personal M aster A lbert K lng^and Mias Ethel SliaW ^B ennett^. , 7*s ; " - 7 7 7 All T rust Funds and Investments are Inscribed TO G0RRI8P0HDENTI. sang a duet, “ Nature’s Lnljaby,” with charm-, companions, had been - amusing themselves sense, that it ia a fe’tdck’ in trade,, a wprklng' advance w ith their studios, th a t they h ave not •' House" on ;3ummerflold avenue, to. S, A; In the nam es of .the owners or tho property hold ease, auai] be Kl’ad'to rocoivo Items o f nows and Ing almpHolty an d sweetness. with games of marbles. Walter Chamberlin reserye for bushoros‘investments, a.founda­ an even start, and this discourages and dwarfs Patterson.- - '7' ■ ■ •; ? 7' • V assets of^the Company. • \\ v r *» communications on subjects of interest to this horse power lung motor' at some public had lu h ls pofi3C88lon a^sm all revolver of!22 tion and basis of stability. Bolngin the form their young ambition. Many a scholar gets - ;.s I.BWKP- l’ltOCBR’PT .- - ; Mr. Jamea VanValkehbergh, of Brooklyn, int<)re«t Allowed o ii D c| h>mMn. community. ' ' gathering* put that time to better use in calibre; Young Huggins made a trade with of stock It can les wl^h It additional security a setback that he pever overcomes,, because To Mrs/ Spaulding, tho Leslie, Fifth ftvenuei ■■ In writing articles intended for publication, gave In ft fanltless irf^nner' a diafoct reolfca- Safo Vanlls is Ore sod b«r. o-ir friends Will please bear in m ind th at a sheet ferreting out those places in "our midst tlon, “ My Poy Prltz und der Lager Peer." bin) and became ownor of the deadTy plstob from the fact that each indl^m d stockholder he does notconiprehepd the work'belog done, Ml^s Cooker of New York, Sea BreezC Villa, icl-ir p ro o f bullilluic now in course tif tjrn1- written on both sides has to be copied hefotetfo-. Seventh avenue^ ,- 7 tlon, corner Mattison avenue and bond streets Ing to the printer—a labor we ^cannot undertake. that need not so mubb the law as its Mrs. Griffin’s vocal solo,'*1 Waterores§es," Seeing a Cat ru n .u n d e r a tjont platform on M t, - is liable for the debts or deficiencies of the by those already t^othlrds ot a year In ad­ '“Wills receipted for and keptwlthont charge. was one those •beantlfnlly bright and rlp^ Tabor Way, between Delaware end Ne w Jer­ company fo.au .additional amount equal to vance ot-them,-they lose interest and fall Into . Mr&. W. 8, Hillman,■ of Now York,^ house fc*ie full name and. address of the writer, not enforcement. - - •Will commonoo business on or about March 1. * pllngsongjs, suggestive of spring anod. falffi. Anonymous letters will , not be brooks. 'The voice and manner of the singer underneath, probably ' expecting- to try 'bla standing of Buob an institution Is placed far ■ If they understand to do* the work of . the 7H . B. Kirkpatrick, o M*h 11 adel pli I a, house ‘ «EO. F..KKOBHL. V lcol’rculdnU. noticed. from tim e to time; *" lias there been any Sewall avenue west of lleek7V HBNltY C. WmsOH. Secrelury.. v • We cannot retnm rejected communications. w4s In simple cadence, yet all the more Jn. marksmanship. In some manner not known, abovo that of, ordinary private individuals or class they. mtiBt of .necessity do it lmper-. Av C.T WIN ING, Treasurer, action by any of these societies tending firms.- '' _ \ \ ’ - ' • '• .*•* • foctly; thus falling into jtho pernlclpds habit J; P. Ixivrer, of Denver, RobertTiiylor’s As­ ' bdt will hold them for a limited tlmeif requested harmony wlth.her seleetloh. . ; 7 V. r7 7 as no one. was near, the revolver waa dis- - , PlUBCTOllS: : to . . ' * ••• : :poe of the most important functions of the j$ l b^jngepntent with work done.Jn a.slovenly! bury avonue house. _ . ! . All letters intended for the editorial or news to rectify theee evils ? Not the first step. Bernfce Gould, the only one on the ftfll We jargedJnto Ws left side. . ^ »7 ,,G.;D. \V. YKOOM, Trenton, N. J. • - department should be addressed to the W hat in the name of reason fcr tbe use of remember to have seen before a Library audi­ The stricken lad started o>p a run for, his comphny Is the acceptance of fihanolal trusts mannor—ft habit that Romeiltiics'takes years 7A.-‘N; Brady, ,of Albany, - cottage-Second W, J. IIAUiasON. Ukowood, N.J:. OLlVlill II. BUOWN, Bprltuf U k e . N. .1; E ditor o f T ua JotraifAL awj> RmrstrtfAi?, ence, gave as her reading,^*The Lightning-- father’s house on the next block. A t the res­ of evdry doacriptloff. ' It may by law. become to eradicate.; r . ^ -avenue near jiorgh. ‘ r7' ■ '• • ABbury Fork. New Jersey. piling up lftws, multiplying the criminal 11BNRY 11. YAltl), Ocean Beach, N.M - rod DlapenBer." A per^oa^e agreeable, and idence of Mr, Frank.’Tantura he was seen to executor o r ailmlpJs'trator qf atiy •estate. . In Primary teachers usually have a claas of 00 Wm. J. \yrlglit, Now York, F. Harris’ Sev­ •JNO. S. FEKGUHON, Asbury ]>ftrk. N ,l; code, if no effort is to be made to enforce dolngthls no bonds are required, becausothe enth avenue house. . “ ‘ I’:' ", V IIENUY C. WINSOR. \ V {% agreeing with everybody, .sympathizing With stagger and '/all. Mr. Tantum, who was in to 70, who have bpon under. Instruction f^om GEO. V. KIUIfiHL, • " hS&TURBAT^iAPRIIj 21i 1888.; the laws ? - W e have more organizations eVe^y p b t^ ^ f5the'Old^fftrmer1*"llfe;afid thatt hla yard,'Immedlatelylplcked Aim. up. and cafe Jaw,m l^<^toj|utlre. capital stock-liablefor the beginning of thjv year. ln o|der to pre- • ii L.-Hutchinson, N. E. corner Third and IlltUCB 8. K BATOR, M.lX, « ' tjaon we need already. W hat is most jthe^f^itli^ul.^T^TiargeTof'~sdeVTrasTsr~tnlh!B' pare^i^'for^roinotiohi '!teachers''1n'd8t gl ve Heck.' ■' '7 _ 7;„7.' • A ,,0,TWINING, _,• ..• **.. of his fam ilysm ooth, and apparently deslr- rled him into Mr. Huggins’s, next door, N.,E. BUC1IANON, “ , ,v SPKCIAI^ NOTICB.— needed is work—fearless, earnest work;' ons of doing good only,and protecting his where the unfortunate boy gave a few gasps matter It presents advantages that aro ndt at almost their entire^attelitlOn; as they aro hold Mrs, Ailg, White, Curtis Myers’- house. See-" ISAAC C. KBNNEDYu ? " On the label of each paper wlll be dear friends from. harm, .wpuld guard bis a n d was gone. 7 w~' .first sight realized; they are competency apd responsible by thie principal; Under these ond avenue near Ileek. V •, j ■ ( foand the) date of expiration of tlie W o W ant to Use.Them. property; from lightning’s d anger fo r a paltry J}rs. Klnmontb* W llbnr'and Beeglo -made :Certalnty.J7Making such trusts its.business, circumstances the teacher has no time to gi ve Adam Smith, cottago on Main street. 10,000 ■ nbaorlptlOn. If Yhli doto it wrong: ... J * - - " ' ' ; 1^0—perhaps a trifle more. The contract an examination and fonnd, that the ball bad its officers’ are fully conversant with all legal special attention to pupils entering during the Wm; Morgan, of WhltoJlouse, cottage; As- $ A notice posted in the publio. portion To Loan on Good M ortgages* •' pleM e notliy qs utoneej If you are In scoured, he hacked and hewed and Wired entered m»e left ^breast and penetrated-the ■forms and there Is scarcely a poealblllty of, middle of tbe school year, and the cblld-thus bWy ayenue near Bond. - ' • •.. . 7* . • - '8. C.-COWABT, Freehold, N. ,J; arrears please ira ^ ia t once. o f onr poat-oflloo givcs fttir warping from until the'BTH was $200. — ^ 7 *— r heart; The distressed famljy have the most- error* and even errors are rendered-harmless falls to get^tho advantages afforded to those. Mlss_Sydney Armstrong, Mills ;_cottage, the U. S. Internal Revenue Department After adjournment the charter members profound sympathyfof theeritire community5 to clients by the security given^. Certainty is enierlng at the beginning. y -'. ;; Kingsley street ^ ~7 ' : . , : • S. N. Severance, New Yprk, Norwood 11 nil. Money to Loan 91en moiifcl*., Co. l(epul)Ucan I»rl- tfcat all who contemplate retailing tobac­ held a session for the election o f trustees am i in this sad affliction. v v «• established by the fact that no one-man Is Every principal and teacher who recogv ON BOND AND MORTGAGE,- „ mary Meetings. nlzes the fttll Import of hla profession, at the Jtfrs, IL H lint, , the Beldefi. : co or liquor this year m ust pay the gov­ officers. The trustees are James A. Bradley, Tho funeral took place at St, Paul’s Church absolutely essential to the management of its ISAAC C. KENNEDY,Asbury Park! Thursday afternoon, the cburob being filled; buslnesSr-JTher death of an executor or ad­ beginning of the term, lays out plans embrac­ A.. W.,Allen, First avenne and Emory st., Tlie Republican voters of Monmouth county ernment tax on or before the last daylof Mrs. H. M. Bradley, Dr. H enry MHcbell, W. ’ ate requested to meet lu thelr respective town*. H. Miles, David i t WyokofT, Wm. F. j^Roy,. 'the service was conducted by thq pastor, Rev. ministrator; may for the time effectually tie ing the work of- the year. It necessarily re­ White House. ^ r uUlpa, on Saturday, April 28th, 1888, at the usual this mouth . It also states that the tax Jas, A. Whitney, Orange, Second avenne . places, to select delegates to represent them in W. ,p. pennypackor. The traateoa chooao tb e Henry Belting, assisted ;by Rev. Dr. Stokes,- npjth^ sottlemont of an estate ; but. such a quires the completion of tbo^ull course, If a the State Convention;' to be held in Taylor receipts when obtained from tlie-Oollec- -preslrttjnt^ For vjec-president! Capt. J. Minot Interment at Mt.: Prospect Cemetery. . ___ complication cannot occur in this company, pupil Is to be properly fitted to enter under- near Kingsley. - • op^ia'HouserttrtheeHy'tif-Trentour im Wednes­ F :-l fack p New-Yo rl{5-l^ ,: l;~ 8 l afford ’w-Thlrd- day, May «th, a t 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose to r m u s t was elected; for corresponding seoretary, irinay'atso becomo aaaTgliee-or recelyer oT stand Ib gly Th lo ' IHevrbl-k' 6I~tH6^n (} if gtaite7 of selecting four Delegated at Large and four Alter- in the place where tlie liquor or tobacco Mra. M^ McConnell; executive, commIttee— A n O pen: iiotter. any business, and tbe same advantages above the following year. A number of new schol­ avenue bouse.7. -...... nate Delegates to the - Bepublican National Con­ J. Buzby, CrogswiekH, the Lenox. vention, whioh will assemble at. Chicago, on the is Sold, so that they may be easily seen Mrs. E. B. Mitchell, Mrs. W. H. Julies, Mrs. To E. G‘ HAimi8oN, noted vaccrne'here.. It accepts the manage­ ars entering promiscuously after. the season lyth! day of Juno n ex t. Tor the nom ination of G. Anrtilmldi, Mrs. A. R. Toland^Mrs. R; B. ment of private capital, investing funds in has advanced, disarranges classification, If an Ti G. Allan; Barrett4IouMO, candidates for President and Vice-President, .to by any- customer. To the violation of o f the f t x m l of T m U, Aubitrp l\trk . bonds, mortgages or other securities, looking attempt la made to classify,’and if not, there M. E, Nlcbolson,„N6W York,eotlngcof Mrs, be supported at the next .General Election, Cusack, Miss Lou Bakor, "Miss E. M. Jolin- ‘ Dear Sir—I find the following edltdrlal 'In1 It is suggested that delegates to tho Congres­ this, rule is attached a severo penalty. after the'soundness ot Investments,'collect­ Is a great loss of time both to pupil and* Lee.Jlergb street. f V .-. aton, Miss A. Davis, H. Brown, Mr. th e Key Ayote, a p aper puhllahed 10 th e interest sional Contention be elected at the same time to. Last summer tiiere were fifteen per­ ing Interest, dividends .and premiums; In teacher. '• * . 7*' W. q^.Elliott, cottago on Fihit avenue. . represent them in the Congressional Convention John-Forman, Mr. E. 8. Ripley. of Key East, and of which- your aonj.Ia the to elect its delegates to the national Convention, sons and firms, besides druggists, who short, taking the carexand responsibility en­ These fow not^ mayglvo an Imperfect idea F. NT*Mockrtdgcif Now York, Mattison av. By order ofth o Repnbllcan-County:.OommUt«o. e d ito r: Vv.. . „ ; A L. Havasy, New York, 8. W, corner Fifth < Matthias Wooi.i.ky, Chairman. sold nudt and vindus liquors in Asbury T lie I^uit Mcotiiifir* ; 7-7 KEEP MOVING. tirely out of the bands of its clients and doing ;to parents why their children should begin . J ohn T. Rosem,, Secretary. -: Park, and who acknowledged this viola­ The Aabury Park Board of Trade.havetWith for them better than they are likely to do for with the. year, and never allowed to lose a and Heck. 7 7^.7 The last regular Llbriry.meetlng of the commendable enterprise, taken bold of aeve- themBOlyes? In all theso . transiaotlons the Besslon except for Illness or other good cause. Mrs. Amelia Stevens, IIhrieyJs,'Cookman The townships will be entitled to LelegateB in tion of law by paying the government accordance with the Republican vote cast for season will bo beld at Library Hall next Mon­ ral matters which will glvo an Impetus to that accounts and moneys pf_each customer arq The loss of a weeic or a mon^h will loso to avenuo. ; ' , growing place. Wo hope, while they have governor in 1880, as follows: tax an d penalties. W hen they pay again day. ovenlng, April 25id, at 8 o’clock. An ex­ them a most Important part in their studies, Mrs. M. Bnmber, Brooklyn, J. W. Sutphen’s Upper Freehold..." .. .2 Millstone...... 1 their “ hand In,” they wilt tako lip the much kept separate and' distinct and upder- watch­ Manalapan ....,.1 Freeholdi...... 2 this year we shall publish their "names, cellent program will be renderbd by tbo fol­ needed Improvement of roads adjacent to, and ful and competent care. ' - ■ the loss of which, will tell against all good house. ’ ;-_i» . ....1 Howell,/. .... -----.1 •Marlboro...... and wo shall also send a representative lowing ladles and gentlemen: ’ ' . leading Into, that place. We refer more par­ There are tboso who ^are poeaessed of a work In.the future. . „ '7 J. K. Gamble, .Philadelphia, 1V. F. I^eRoy’s . N e p tu u e ...... ;3 ^Atlantic :. ...1 ticularly tb the road called the turnpike, be­ CH RR IFFS SALE.—By virtue of a Ocean ...... 3 M atawan... • ■. ...1 around to see if their certificates are pro­ Plano Solo, • Misa Alice K, Harrison small-unemployed capital, a few hundred doi-, -bottage. v : KJ w rit of fi,. fa. to mo directed, Isaued out ot - • • W a l l; ...... 2 llolmdel,....,,. ...1 Vocal Solo, ;r* - MW. Charlea Beegle tween Key East and Asbury Park. This road, ^ *^ W. It. Kelsey, C. H. Shaw’s ^ake a .'^ ^ .the C |fcult,vCoiirt of tho county..of Monmouth', * Jlhrewsbnry ...... -^,.3 Mtfd|et##o. .. ;.2 perly displayed. The warning is fall And by the MiRscs McPherson and FetKr. for the past few sa turners, bos beon a disgrace lars, maybe, too small for many Investments y As Seen Abroad. Sew Jersey, will be exposed to sale at pnbllo... Harltau ...... ^2' Eatonujwn .... . ‘..2 Reading, - ■ * . Mra. E. R. Mitchell to this section of^tlio country. In dry weather which are offered, yet too .large to be lying cottage. f 7 . 1 vendue*pt^ .• *.■ . a n d f a ir ; ^ , . Recitation, - - Mr. It. B arry Appleby the dust ia Intolerable, in-wet weather, the Mr. Charles Wat^ous, brother of M r.’E^H Idle. I t; may be needed at. a few weeks’ C.'H. Showjtker, Philadelphia, ehatsworlh Saturday, tbe 5th‘day of May, 1888, Dialect Ueci,tatfon. - Mr. Simpsou m ud la a nuisance, an d yflt th e im m ense travel Watrous, of'Ocean - Grove, writing fronvNa- . - ; A Special Offer. T J Recitation with piano aeoompanlmeut, .. ____ notjee ; hence, It could not be locked up in a Cottage. . <7 7 between the hours of lS*and 5 o'clock, (at’2 We* are muoh surprised und not a little Miss Hills. • -between the Pork and Grove to Shark River, is over this miserable road. Cannot this mortgage. This money will be taken by the pies, Italy, speaks thus concerning the doc­ o’clock), tathe .afternoon_of^sa?d_di\yj ut Park; T h e J o u r n a l entlorfies and advocates': chagrined that a paper so uniformly fair Original Poem, - ^ Mrs. J&egle trine of protection: ' -... Tlio Tow nsliip Ofiicials. Hall, In the borotigh ot Asmry Pork, iii“(h"e active Board of Trade devise somo Improve­ Company either for a specified titue or-sub­ township of Neptuue, county of Monmouth,. The last meeting of. tbo season will be a ment t ■ The road should bo put in good con­ Protection , to American”* industry and candid as tbe7 MonmotWi. Democrat ject to a stipulated time noticeof withdrawal, I can. hardly; ■ understand why working The Township Committee of Neptuno hold New Jersey, public ono of uuuBual Interest. A dramatic dition and kept well sprinkled In dry times. men do not see It In the right light, for it Is AH the following described lands, ten­ against foreign cheap labor ; should play seoond fiddle to “such a con­ and a fair interest allowed. Although the a meeting Saturday afternoon in . Its rooms contrasHiy G11 bert, entitled '*Sweethearts,” The turnpike is now In an excellent condi­ perfectly plain that with tho low rate of freight ements and real estate of the said Itobert B. The restriction and prohibition of the temptible sheet aa the Vjwffr^iSore e s ­ law does not allow it tb • transact general over tho post-office. Chairman Patterson and Cusack, builder and owner as tenant foryeare, will bo given by well known members of the? tion. Ita stock amounts to thirty-five hun­ and wages In Europe, tbat were it not for the pecially whon the editor knows, or should bankingBiislness, it does permit lt to receive protective tariff hlmost every mill, factory, Messrs. Tilton and Kirkbride wore’present-, •. viz.: . The said building (sta two-sbiry brick Hat. liquor traffio; the formor universal*, the association, alsoflno mu^er»Uerlwblcb Day’s dred dollars, upon which only one dividend tm roof store building, twenty feet by forty-four money lb any amounts for Investment; hence and In fact all industrial enterprises would A. D. Baliey, of the Borougii Commission­ feet, erected on a lot of land or mirtllatfe,situate, - ■latter^Whercyor public sehtimcnt will sup- know, that the enforcement of "the' Ideal Ice cream with cake, will be served. To take has been declared In eighteen yeara. J am, bave to cease. There is but ono party that U becomes in reality, If not in name, a sav ers. made an application for a portion of the lying nnd being In the borough of-Asbury Park, tain tbe la w ; option law is under the direction of a placo in Educational Ilall Monday, April30. authorized by the ownera.of_a majority of the favors such a monstrmjs policy and tbat Is the In th e county of Monmouth and State of Now Inga bank..-.Any proper jHJreoh may open a party calling themselves Democratic. They road money to apportion to tiie streets in the Jersey, beginning a t a point In tho northorly line committee joI as good men as any in the atock to offer to leaao It for tbe term of. otie 1 VrA record^of lovnity as a-condition-of. special sc cohut and deposit from time to nave now made an alliance with the rum Borough.- Application deferred^: of Mattison avenuo at the southwest corner of :z: ^jdiikllng-^assea-^w ay* -yeaOrQm.May..lBklftC power, and togethor it looks as though unless The officers of the. township wero .Instruct- JOhnTlenry APPlegato’s landrdistant one hun­ p u b lic ir r t s t ; ; • . Stole who are movingllTlihis ctotfer, juBt^ ■tlme3heh.amnrtnte^sroalLoi^reat,^scanj^e dred and two feet and eight Inches westerly dred-an^ aeventy-Qve dollars, which WlU be. iheworklngmen-awake-tCL^he--P05.lltopt they ^ A fcfee ballot for every cit»2en and the as fast as safety will allow. To recog­ Roscoe Corikllng died at the Iloffdiah spared from Ineomo br wages, Interest is will soon find a. free trade policy fixddupon ed^o notlfyjalooii-koeperi^WItiAa.ayiLcigars^ broni the northweat coruer.'of Mattison avenue, five per cont. on the -stock, the road to be Wetc., o., on Shndav.Sunday. : • “ . -' | aud UoncTiSivet; tiieTice'’[ri' wSSlWaFdljnsrong" severest penalties, rigorously enforced, nize, or allow suoh a man as Frank Smith flouse, New York city, at J.fiO o’clock Wed­ allQwod .npon such- deposits, but they cannot the country, folloyred by'several years.of suf­ the northorly line of MattUon avenue twenty kept In good condition and be left as good aa fering aud hardship. If our country liad not Mr. L. E. W atson having beeh absent from feet; thenco £iij. northwardly at right, anglt* for bribers, iutimvdators, ballot box to asstuae any dictation whatever, would nesday, rtiorning. Those at the bedside be Withdrawn without a, sufficient uotlce In now. I will name as tho propor persons to grown great under the protectivesystem, then town at tbo tlmo required by law for him to with Mattison avenue fifty feet; thence [H) «unt- w atching th e. slow ly ebbing life, w ere Mrs.; advance. there might be some excuse for trying free wanlly parallel with Mattison avenue twenty staffers aud tainperers with returns. Be to sacrifice all, that has been gained. take the lease, yourself, N7 E. Buchanon, Conkliug, his.‘daughter, Mrs. Oakman, hla The acceptance^ such moneys on dopoalt trad e, b u t no c ountry nnder th e s u n . has ever be sworn In.as Assessor ft'becaino necessary ^■eot; thenoe f4| southw ardly again at right an- ' In sh ort,. it is \ Rrpubmcan I^kws- The circular sent out was a fraud and H; IL Yard, of Ocean Beach, arid tho owner to appoint him to that olfico.. Ho was then gles with Mattison avenue und along.Jolm.Henry nephew, Judge Cox, nnd Dr. Anderton. or forlnvestment leads to another importaht been so prosperous, and that alone seems to -Applegatcfi'8 land fifty feet to the place of begin­ of Key East-hbtelsr-’Aa-to sprinkling/the me Sufficient to settle the question. Here, a w b rb in . ‘ '’papeS,'' '7.'-' ’ 7 .. " ■...... intended for third party eapitid.' jt was Me. Conkliug waa bom at Albany, N^Y., department of business — the loaning of ning. • road, tho aforpald stockholders wdl give one where we are, wages are from 20 to 40 cents a The following bllla were qrdered paid r Seized , as‘tho property of Itobert B. Cusank, It believes,that tlio prosperity q l o n r too fcbin for men of 'sense and brains to pet. 30, 1829. Ho received an academic edu­ pjoney. The Company Is not empowered to day, and Jf you could look into some of the bulldor and owner oh tenant for yearn, taken In quarter of,tlio cost up to fivo hundred dollars-- F. D. Llnn & (io.. law bootTT. ,;i., .. .811,50 country depends largely npdu the suc­ bite at, ahd the universal rejection of-the cation and atndled law with hla father, ahd In (ljecount commercial paper, but it may loan bouses as I have to day, and secs’ how bare executloh at tho suit of Charles Lewis an , If the above proposition ia not accepted the they are of the necessaries of llfo, and then D. Harvey, Jr., opinion on road case 10,00 eas M. Barber, partners u-.^has. lajwiK-arro , -. cess of tlie Republican, party this fall, proposition shows the sterling sepse of 1853 entered the office of Francis Kerhao, who ynoney on bond- and mortgage or on proper 8nebroad parts of the avonues near, the ocean, avenue three hundred and. filjy feet to the hou i h- York Legislature. In this he failed, and the American Hotel, Trenton, April 12th. The westerly com er o f lo t num ber eight in said* The last National Convention adopted rules ; ‘ —> An l^pisocle« vf its In any sum, from- one dollar upward, will v At this low rate we must, of course^ in- blow was ao aevere that ho abjured politics that it would ^ie. a noble recognition of the profession was well represented by Drs. Dia­ block ; thenco [8] uortheriyafong tlio westerly that each Congressional District Is required be received, aNid interest will be allowed as Service® of New Jersey’s W at Governor to line" of lot num ber eight, one hundred and llfty '"^sist upon cask wiibtdi names. and renewed his law practice In New York, in That harbinger ot sntmper, the advertising mond, Dusting, Haydou, 8mith, Sellers, Loth- feet; thence [JJ] westerly at right angles to Sec­ to elect Its own delegates to the'National Hero is a chance to do good at. small which'be was eminently successful. . agent, Is with us again and Is contributing bis soon as the account reaches five dollars. This erect'ii monument at the foot of one-of the erman, Sanford, Brown, Lockwood, Mook, ond avenue and parallel with Tuttio- avenue Convention, similar to tho nomination of a will be an especial accommodation to work­ avenuqs to his memory. *• ... three hundred and fifty feet to the easterly Hue Senator Con^llng was an undoubted leader big share to the discomforts of hotel propri­ Cole, Rowland. Hurley, Minster, Miller, of Third avenue; thenco [4l southerly aloug the eipenso; let'Us have quiok responses. member of Congress, and therefore may hold' of his party In Congress. Endowed with etors. The owner of ono of our most-popular ing men,, affording them an opportunity to Snob a step wonld be the beglnnl ng of a plan Cooper, Hawk, Higgins and others. (Members easterly lino of Third avenuo; ono hundred and a convention-within tho-CougrcsslonaliBlfe fifty feet to the plaee^fif beginning:--Th« above -great mental-vlgor,.With great gifts of speech hotels was hard at'work one day this week, lay by money a Utile at a time and stimu- to beautify all our avenues and piiblie gfdunds of the profession fr°m Now York and Penn H o w S h a l l I V o t e ? trlcf, or the delegates of each dlstrlet.may la , a description of lots num bers 1, 2, 3. 4,5, 0 and a strong Individuality, It mado him a and to help matters along, was - doing sonie Ifttlng frugality. There are blindreds of men with statuary^and other adornments, which eylvanla were present and participated In the and 7. convone at Trenton on tho day of the State in Asbury Park who could save a dollar or would make them attractive aud an ornament The following is adescrlntlon of lots numbers Theory without -practice, in political power acknowledgM " by friend and foe. paper banging himself. While Tjusy with proceedings, ten and eleven in said Black J. Beglnningul the 'Convention and make such' selection. The Thotfgh ualng this power unsparingly, he paste and paper a visitor was ushered Into bis -two dollars a .week with very little effort, and to the place; - The erection of the flrst one In ' The ofll^ggft elected for. the com ing year are: northeasterly comer of Tuttle lavenuo and Sec- matters, is like a ■Christian’s faith with- representation is recomtpeudetL- lo -lie the ond avenue; thence [1J westerly along the scorned a. mean action, and his*'promise to a presence. He 'introducod himself aB a repre­ wo recommend every one to open an account honor of New Jersey’s favorite son v?e. think President, Dr. Diamond; Vlcc-Prcflidenta, ont works—dead.. No amount of Prohi­ sam e lb either ease. - '• • northerly lino of T uttle avonuo oue hundred and friend was as sacred aa his bond. It was such sentative of a eertal a religious newspaper, with tho Monmonth Trust Company. If they \yould be a popular niovemont and no doubt Drs. Seliors and Letberman. After a fine fifty feet; thence [2] northerly at right anglen bition theory, however firmly (believed with Tuttio avenue ono hundred and fifty feet; a promise that, he had made, that Garfleld WboreuponUhe hotel man politely, asked him are frugal and dotermlnod they will be most many patriots throughout the State would be dinner spread at the American, tho meeting in, and conscientiously too, Wifi affect an Tlio M Issioiiarj^M ectin^. thence 18] .easterly parallel with Tuttio avenue would hot honor, which caused the break to be seated and to" excuse him If ho kept agreeably surprised a year -from this time to glad tb contribute to snob an object. adjourned to meet at Newark in .Augiist one hundred feet to,tho westerly lino of Second iota of tbe saloon keepera’^oyiliufluence. find wlmt“apleaeaht llttlo sum they have to The Importance of - Gov., Parker’s work In avenue; thence [41 southerly along the westerly ThaWomen’s. Foreign Missionary Socloty with the President and resulted in'K:rushing right on with his work' while he liBtened to 1 ------Uno of Second avenue ono hundred and fifty ; ^,X he .third" party man indy cast his ballot of the Presbytery of Monmouth held its regn- his future career,. w hat bis v isitor m ight h av e to say. The agent tbelr credit The.^offioe Is open every day, connection wRh tbe other warGovernors can: A Good Movement. feet to tljD place of beginning. - ;. '• • .b^g^n.to expatlate^upo circulation and except Sundays and holidays, from-9 a. m. to not bo overestimated. In Its influence and sup- Seized os the proiierty of Sarah J, Tooker, theoretically right and just m sureiy it laf m^etrrig at Jam esbirg laBt 'wcck; - in the taken In exeotition at the suit of Samuel Ludlow, l>r. C. It. A anew l>ics.^ ' Iq flounce of bis papor and feir what wonders 3 * ‘if and also each Saturday eVeplhg. port of tho-goveroment .:Preflldent.L,ncolu "Tiie-Heatth-Bbard ofNeptune'tOwnahlparo is cast,practically wrong under the exist- absence of Mra. Joel Parker, Mrs. C. II. Oreg­ 1 .7 andto bo sold-by- —:------it had performed for its patrons. For once, was Bp impressed with the Importance of their proceeding toenforco the following ordinance: Y - THEODnpR ViELDS, ShorllT, - o n Vice Trcaitlent, - of Beverly, presided. .Tbls celebrated pliysloian .dled \Yediiesday H aw kins & DtritANo, Sorifl. ing stato of the two parties as we find ..-'....7™ : ' T • action that-It was sald ho Considered It the Fully 100 members’ were present at the rpll- afternoon last qftur an illness of only atieast, he had full swing and outdid himself te it enacted by the Hoard of Health of the Dated April 17,1888. fPr’s fee', 89.00. J ' - - them at the North. - •* Henry I. Coniiie Ciunp. turning point In the rebellion, and but for the call. # eight dajs. at^ his .home in New Yorkqln the in talking for hla paper. The hotel man inter Township of Neptune: According to the V-best judgnrent, prompt action of Gov. Parker- InTsendlnf i irTUftt~lhere_shaU-bo~no-privyrvaultrfilnkl _ Mrs./Terbunc, of MatAwan, readx.a- very GOth year o f hla;oge.. , W posod a **yes” o n 11 no” or a g ra n t once In a Capt. M. F. Bird, with a dotachmout from troops at a critical time to cheek'tfte northern- WatCf closet, cistern Or ccswpoot wuhlu ono mile seven-tenths of the Northern Republicans excellent report of the work of tfie-socloty, 1 Ho bad been in attendance oti Mr.Conkllng whilej and kept rljght on with his work. The Burnside Camp, S. of V., Of Asbury Park; of the Atlantic Ocean, in this township; except It agent talked straight ahead for half an hour weitt to-Freehold Monday nighty to assist in march of Gen. Lee, the fate of the tfnlon bo bulltvpr eight-inch brick wall/und tho bottom are ready to. abolish the saloons, while an .whose labors had been signally blessed in. nntll Mofiday of last week, when he was to have % of an Inch of cemont—troweled down and then heganS to get tired.' He got bis might have been decided adversely.. equal proportion of the Democratic opening tip forolgn lands, Jn securing labor­ taken iTl with peritonitis, and- the symptoms mustering in tho Conlno Capip^ making tlje on tho sand and then paved with brick on thc-nat Second .wind” and. began over-agaln at the. fourtb In M onm outh county. 7v*-r: - The Board will appoint a committee to take atid the wallMand bottom to be properly cemented ers, With a ootablG increase of-contributions. became aq-setldiis that dn opera|l6n, dapaiw ao aato b e perfectly watct-ttght, and not to lie Uf« party favor their continuation. The vote the-matter. iu consideration, ahd II any'favor Miss Mary C. .Taylor,"tho Treasurer,^reported/ otomy, was \erform ed. It failed to bring start aud ran down again. He bad juat com­ Col. R. M. J. Roed, of the Pennsylvania than'three feet la depth Inside, the cement- mor­ in "the New Jersey and New York Regis' menced a third qdltfon of bis argument when Division,, coodacted tho ceremonies, assi&ted the monumept and will contribute, oven a tar to bo of equal parts of sand and cement. the recplpta of th e year a s $3,880.51. the desired relief anil tlie patient rapidly de- small'sum, let them communicate with the 2; Anyperflon being iho owner or lessee of any — latures show even-a-larger7per-centaga, — Mrs.- R; E^-Wl l8on_abd.Mrb.JiVm. ,L, Ter- -clined^hls-phyalnlftnsdbandohlng.allhpp?.^ tbe proprietor IhterTuptetThlm with, “l.beg by Mustering Officer Douglass, pf the N. J. secretary’ ofttio^Boardt—— --~^__777.-- such privy, vault, sink, water-closet, cistern or '■ The proposition,’"tlien, is c^ Very plain hune1 were elected delegates to the annual pardon, Sir ,* buf what did you-wlah to see me Dl vleiott.— Dotabhmbnta-wer^-presen t -from eeapool, that shall violate any of the provlnlons Dr. Agnew stood high as a specialist,- and AtTa regula&'«noetlng {>f Cr^K~llail' Poatr of tbla brtlnauoe, shall .upon cauvlotltm. theK9r o n e . i t t I wish to secure legislation tbat meeting of the. Foreign Missionary Society, for t” ~ ‘‘ Why;” said the man, u I want you :Red Bank, und dr comnjgndof Lieut Hqgbes; ■be punished by a line of ten dollars for tho Ural for a number of years lie was surgeon In the No. ^1, G. A. R., of Asbury Park, the follow­ which Is to be held at Asbury Park, in Edu­ advertise In my/ Paper. ” , “ Oh, that’s It, Is Long ’ Branch, -under Copt, AJlstrom, and offence, to be sued for aud collected before auy 1 Will give somo. practical benefit, with Ear and Eye Infirmary In Now York, Ile-haa ing resolution offeroTDemoof^ admittedly in favor our home paper, tiie Jouhnai., and . thero is . ■Jietolml, That a committee be appointed, to.de- The:following were elected oflicers for the hla connection with tho Sanitary"Commission W. E. IIarrlson, Geo. F. Rainear, 8. C. A pple­ vlse ways and means to secure. the erectton . of a used as such, and shall not .within ten days after of saloons, and opposes iii its State plat­ no need for that now. Every room fn my gate, H arry Borden, I, J ; Brown, J . R. Muii- sueh conviction, mako tho samo to comply with bnsnldgyear: in the army. 7 suitable monument to tho memofy of New Jesey's the provisions Of this ordinance, then tho Hoard Messrs. house Is engaged for the bfhlro fleasoOi-t^i^. I dell, Geo. II. Palten, Geo. Herbert, LV E. Slo­ War Governor, tho lato Joel Parker; In Asbury forms all sumptuary laws; The Proliibi- ProaIdeht—Mta. Joel Parker; Vice Presi­ Park. . ^ . of Health or some person by them duly author­ shall have to turn away twlce; a9v many as I cum, ~M. K. Dobson, T. It, Layton, W. H. ized, shall proceed -to make sulih privy, vault, tionist8,;a8.nn independent party,_have: d e n ts —Mr's. J . B.,D avis, Mrs. R. E.- W ilson, Tiie Y. JW. Ci A. in Public. The following committee was appointed by sinks watex-eloaet, cistern, or c«ssj«kvI to comply. Mrs.* T.\Wilspn, Mrs. Mm, F. can a^oommodate. What’s the use of;my M atthew s. with the provisions of this ordinance and coutict never'succeeded in 6 single instanoe in 7 Tiie Young Men's ChrlBtlan: Association of Com m ander BirdE. • G. JH arrlsotr, R. M. Wainright & Errickson Chandler, Mra. C. IL Gregory; (por^Scc'y^ adverttslng?” Conlne Camp has am dng Us members tho oxpQns

V . • 5V* ■ • •: -t-'-V::.r .. , /


Jones’ ooal yard and office bavo been moved one block north to the Seaaldo Nursery tot.

. II. C. Maiyyott la bnllding a nice oottage on and MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN, Third avonue below Bond street, for Mr. Ben* n ett. .'Y . ' * NEEDED IN B A T0B D A Y , A PR IL 2 1 .188& There being bnt three members present, no nftsotlng-of-the Board of Commissioners was Transient Rates. $2.00 per day, ' hold laat Monday evening. A plcanant, quiet house, which has K ' Construction ^ a perfect sistenv of dra nage, pure Months. l)r. 8uean Platt has removed to ber. Ocean wator/flteate nent and snn parlor. Grove cottage from the Grand Union Hotel, CHAS. J. HUNT,? Now. York. , ... / of Bufdjngs ProDrletor...... Hi lo. M 7B[«To6 $1 26 $1 70 $3 50|>lfi0 * 000 i||j j 1 11 ?n 126 160 .178 85a .CQQpOOO 10 0 0 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 7fi “4i« 6 60 8 00 14 00 Township Clerk Hart 1b now-ready to make 2 ‘ 126 2001 8 IW 8M 600 700 10 00 1800 contracts for putting down those.flrst qjass FURNISHED BY ; a “ 17R 875, 860 4M 7 00 0 00 1500 2500 4 *• 225 8W 4 60 6fi0 8 00 12 00 20 00 OVOO concrete walks. J . - >- • -■■■• HL col. 80 0 ‘4 60 550 7 M) IU 00 18 00 8000 60 00 jra ** 5 60 860 11 60 1600 2500 88 00 6600 8500 Mr. Joseph K. Gamble, real estate broker, I 1000 |7 00(2^00 SO00 45 00 05 00)9000 ISO00 of Philadelphia, will take his flrst summer at Ix>cAt Notices.—A limited number of local Asbnry Park, having leasod LeRoy cottago, notices will bo admitted at the rate of fifteen on Bewail avenue. . nents per Mae. They will be placed at the bot­ tom.or the local columns only, and must have ------f- M-ocfp " at the end. ,Whon continued four weeks Mra. R. K. LetchwoKh will have the man­ or longer, a dUoount of 25 por cent. Is allowedi agement of Hntol Wllburton, at Spring Lake * T«H«H.~Yqarly advertisements aro .payable quarterly, ■ In advanco: advertlsomorits for less for the third season. Her success la some­ period tnan threo months are cash. \ thing to be proud of. ✓ .

Oar A gentN . GenUng & C o.’aro now m aking quUc a One Geo. P. Rowoll & Co., 10 Spruce st.. Now York. display of headstones, monumentsand mar­ Interior Work. Mural Decoration W. W. Sharp & Co. 21 Para Row, New York. Edwin Alden & Bro., 140 Nassau at., New York, ble! zed mantels, at tholr establishment oppo­ and Cincinnati. „ site the Jo urnal offloe. -ij. IT. Bates, 41 Park Row, New York. N, W. Ayer & Son, Times Building, Phlla’d. Mr. W. H, Gt Kirkpatrick, of the publish­ Pratt & COii Ninth and Afeh sts.. Phlla’d. Antique, Artistic Brass and Bronze Hardware, Will receive advertisements for T ub J ournal, ing firm of J. J. Staley A Co., Philadelphia, kt regutar oubllshed rates. -. made a short visit this week with his bother, In all cases we reserve tho light to teleot any J ' ' , '• ‘ ' -BY— advertisem ent th at mav beroblectlonable to os.. Dr.'Hdrace Klrkpatrlok. \ {

Xeg:/il Notlcea. Mr. Dickson Barr, son of Dr. D. M. Barr, of THE BONHEUR DECORATIVE CO. Our friends will please, bear In mind thatTn* Ocean Groyo^who graduated last week lo J ourhai. Is a legal newspaper, and as suoh Is the Philadelphia, will make a specialty of treat­ Under special supervision of proper medium for all legal notices. Some ad­ vertisements belong to us by law, while with ing affcctlons of the eyes. many others It Is optional with the £arty Inter­ ested as to what paper should publlsn them. Tde Licensing Court of Philadelphia fjtlll continues to slaughter the spoons. At Hie EGBERT TOWNER, Free Nptleea/* present rate of excision, thero wtil beVnot MOST ATTRACTIVE 1 NQYEL.TIES By mutual agreement, and by reoommenda- over 1,000 saloons In the oity. * Opposite and West of Freight .Station, tlon of tho New Jersey Editorial .Association,, tbe newspapers of Asbnry Park have deolded to abolish the unfair and unwarranted enstom or The contrad for furnishing piling for ihe ASBURY PARK, N. J. AND LARGEST STOCK OF giving freo local notices to entertainments of extension of tho Fishing Pier baa been givon auy kind which havp as tholr object the raising of moiiey for tho benefit of societies or Indt to Mr. Goorge W. Patterson, who Is exten­ viduals. n%roafter wo shall make a oharge of sively engaged In that business. gotels, &c, five centS'perlino to residents and ten centa per line to traveling or outside companies or persons The old Imperial, formerly standing at Mat­ tlson avenue and Emory street, has been bl- G rand Ave. Hotel, .Mr XC II-atanffcrJa.cnlarglDgJilBdKClUtig^ soctody-and-tliQ,front4Jart.,ha8booD-mev6. . .cold,weather Ib keeping them back^ Mr, Brotf n’a new building on Summorfleld Mrs/Martha Brand and daughter, Mra. Ada avenno Is enclosed and nnder roof.... . Tho only fine calf $3 Ncainleit« Shoo In the Chambers and son, bf Columbus, Ohio, world mode w ithout tackN o r n a tl n . Aa stylish and dorable a« those costlng86or $0,and Capt. Wm. G; McEwan and family have re­ arrived in Asbury Park on Wednesday, and having no tacks or nails to wear tho slocking or turned'petmanently^onvPhlladelphla. - will spend the summer as guests of Mrs, S. A. hurt the feet, makes them as comforWDlo nnd Woll fittlng us a hand-Bowod shoe. Buy thebesl; W hite. - ’ None gonuino unless i. expect* him to sink rapidly. Hois had no tioner, has moVod into hlanow building across doctor as yet.’? ' j W .L, Douglas $2.50 Shoe '" S ' th e way. ■ * ______THE IRVING, for hoavy wear. Joseph Weir, Jr., has rebuilt from tho foun­ -Third avenuo, near ocean, The splash of the painters’ brush Is heard W , L. Douglas $2 Shoe LuTSSV'i3; dation of the lot he purchased, and his saloon ANBURY PABK, NEW JERSEY. on\every hand, and'the 'cottages rejoice In and Ls the-best scl^ool shoo In tho world. wULtoJully.doubleJtsfo^ Thonghj OPEN THE ENTIRE YEAR. - All tho abovo goods are made In Congress, But­ b rig h t colors.-—-— —:— — ~r. ton, Lace and Wankenphast, and are ror salo nt a* small man, Joe can Bet up a big dinner For further particulars, address • Mr. William Morgan has taken the A9bury on short notice. - * ' M. LAUDEN8LAGER. C , 13Z. P O S T E R ’S avenue cottago recently vacated by'Mr. J. Henry Applegate, Mr. Wm, Morgan, from Whlto House, N. "Twin City "Hat and Slios Store, J., has leased the Tlbbals store on Cookman Main 8t., Opp. Depot, A N B U K Y PARK. BRANCH OFFICE OF C^Call and see our New Spring Hats. Thoy Dr. II. L. Moody, oi Oakland, Cal.* has avonuo, where he has opened a line of spe­ aro Light in Weight, Fant in color and Popular taken the cottage'of Mr. Royce, on.Flfth.ave- cialties in Illuminated cards, with the usual The Prudential Insurance Company In I’rlce. nue, for the a u mm or. • - ■ - ' , book department and fanoy goods. OF AMERICA, E« E. Many, the sigh artist, has seen red, the ..„TheXconqerts,given ..by the. Rutgers Glee n o W l t T E S rooms over Wlnckler’a new confectionery, Club have the highest4 endorsement of musl- N o. 27 ^ Bayard St-9 Fine Stationery^ D olls, Toy«, oppOHltG the JcrmiNAL'offlco.^ '“ " _"J' ' ■ ~ Trtansfthe press. ‘Thoy-wtll - -NEW-BHL’N8WIOK,-N. J., - C utlery, W ritiug M aterial**, «t<>. glvo^ne of their best programs at KdttCh- Tiuuirs jxruona fro m One to Scivnty^Ycars o f Circulating: lib rary . Tho Western Union Telegraph office has "ifohal Hall next Thursday night. ■ I Ayet fr o m $10.00 tiT $25,000. been removod one door west from Its former Agents collect premiums woekly, Without any AT JENKINS’ location on Cookman avenue. Carpenters have madp.agreat Improvement trouble to tho insured. * NEW BRICK STORE In the business office of the B afyf Spray, 72?f All claims paid within 9Lhours, In order that Senator Lander has fa" alx-pound hen that Main Btroot, opposite Depot. - Cookman avenue. The celllng'atfd walls have the money may bo available In'tlme of greatest on,Thursday fnornlng-.afcompllshed the feat need. Send postal card to ofilco and agent will b^efijcpVBred with , heart pliia boards, nnd sit laying an egg that was Just one Inch lod£. call on ycftl. ------IL J. ROBBUTSONv 8upt, when flnlshed In olf will make a tasteful look­ —: Einnnciimtion Pct<5. v tST*Agents wanted In every town. The Belvedere Is undergoing a thorough rt- ing room. i - The pastor and members oL Second Baptist dresslng ot paint, In ajiew spring tint. Capt. i There were 74 transfers of rial estate re­ Cbnrch have arranged to celebrate therfidbp- SE06SL7K LIFE Young keeps up wlth^he spirit of Improve* corded. in Monmouth counti last week, tion of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Con^ New "York City. Wa»ited, sub-aj?ontH for thb am ounting to $170,0001 Leaving out; those Btltutlon by a great gathering at Central Hall above Company in every township nnd vlllago. -on-theevenlngof^Aprlh26tB^7 ^prcohes, slng^ _LIberal_commlsiiUjn].to enoraetlo canvaanerM. The work oirtlje merry-go-round is pro-, That were for u one dollar and idve and allec- Apply to / j . .n . Col. and M rs.‘E. C. Farrington'and their . ‘ „ • Lon* Branch, N. J „ gresslng^fairly well. . The proprietor thinks It tlon,” the average consideration 5 was nearly Ing, Instrumental muslo and a fuU.supply of daughter, who havo boon spending the winter, General Agent for Monmouth t’o.. Now Jersey. will bo an ddvantage to the place rather than $3,000—a high m ark . ; V refreahments will be provided, and prominent in Florl0.- Star Shoe thurKday Ev’ng,Apdl26. J1^ ^ . clothes; fur care of on Cookman avenue, which Is now the headi S tore.—Adit.' v P f j ! \ ones attire invariably quarters of the Arm of Gould & Pawley. Im m ense BlaiiRliter.- A D M IB N IO N , .* J - CEPfTOi; TO LET OR FOR SALE . , ; ' Establlahed 1891. RESERVED SKATS, 35 CENTS^ “The Globe, this interest- Benjamin AJbertson has the contract_for 200 pair knee pantaloons at 25 cents each. “ EVERETT E. MANY, for sale a t Christine’s Drug Store after Monday. erecting the big new building of the Atlantic 100 salIor.sults from 75 cents up. 408 Fourth ave., south Bide, near Heck Btroot, I PRACm€AI. for season or year. Furnished. Thirteen lat-fto s.tage 100 children's suits from $1.25 up. Y ''j °r- heart Land find Improvement Co. at Key East. It rooms In good order and location. Tonun m od­ VC. \ affection.. is to cost nearly $17,000 w ithout furnishing. Also a lai^e assortment of B l n g le jackets, erate to a good tenant. Addreaa » HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, E. A. LEPARJ). 7 1 0 C ookm an ave^ and betterquallty suits than the above,; but - 568 Ilndaon H t^ o w York. 'j\// W \ Y- L 1 fv ' We offer our r.er- - -Capt, Joseph-Ross has torn out aU tKe^old. at halHhelr Talue, will' be-offered from1 Sat­ Or Inquire at Jovnw xt offloe.;- ...... ASBURY PABKr^rJ.- ...... bath houses Underneath his restaurant, and urday until sold, at the Brick Store of Henry I \ \ V'ccs to ■ all p e rso n s will erect others more In harmony with the Stelubach. These goods, were bought from at For Sale or Exchange. \ Wf‘ I •Vfc-' of tire male sex who demand for the better class of dressing rooroa. house th at 1 a ah ou t Jo ^m ove to ne w_qii arters A country store anti de«lmblo dwellluff 18 and aro splendid bargains.— roomd (Bultable for Bummor hdardew) barn, w a­ I I \ llll / a r ° contemplating The two pianos used at the Y-. M. C.- A. gon house, &o. 7 acrca fine gard^u land, ,400 Bo«t m aterial to mako grass grow. Used by peach trees, « apple treoa, 1 aero strawberrlea Dr. Keator, John W. Sutphen, I.. Barniore, 1 I I IIW • I new clothes. entertainment were furnished free of. charge For,one week we.will offer ladles’ kid opera and raHuberrles. .N ear J,ong Branch and Asbury an d many otbera. AddreflH, by Mr.; David Crawford. The members of. alTppers at 48 cints. Star Shoe Store.-^ldw. J*ark, N. .J. Farm la acres, mllea from Asbvux Park, W. C. WEEDEN, Manager, ! f- \ , l\ i\ •/- Our two stores are the Association desire to thank him for the - . Steinbach .Bros. ' N.J. ' Apply to WM.B. BYltAM. Box 703, Aebury yark. kindness. Poatoffloo Building. Room 1, Or ldavo ordora a t BcameB1 r, I^ana negotiated ami i.’plloctions ‘ the house is so ^ P » -Two “Grajjd IM eo” rangea, In fair, condi­ maaurnrffmtfpffndonoo HOiictmtrrPrO.'-mwBm." tion will be sold for one-quarter coat price. JOHN BOCKAFELLER, Lot runs through,taMot/lIntook street. 'Tliere' widely known that: Eighty shoots of heavy book paper, 4)^x0 MYRON B. ^JOULD, Is an Artesian well 4in feet deep on premises, a Inches, made Into a tablet with stiff straw Ioqul're at Minot House, Third avenue.—iid*1. E Q. HARRISON, fountain In front yanl. Cottage comfortably OEO. F. KROEHL, ,furnished.I .Price for all HOOQ. Address CEORCE W. LEE, • ~ ..an introduction board bacfc, la w bat wo call •» Our. New Pad.** Carpets! Carpets! GEO. M. LANE. “ IN THP. A* VOIJNO MAN’S FANOY I t sells for t m cents. A. 8. TOWNSEND, AtlantldW orks,JOBBING HOUSE CARPENTER ijKih c i.v tu u n h t o m >v i: ’’ * - scenis unnecessary. v Marahall street, Brooklyn. C W I IIKS. HATS AND .SHOE! Fifty sheets of good noto papor, large size, Another lot of tapestry and Ingrain carpets, Hardwood work a specialty: orders promptly nttondod to and work dono In llrst-class manner. I f you tire a stranger to us, let’s get acquainted. ruled and mado Into a atlfTibacked tablet, can slightly damaged, have been seenred, and Itoaldonoo—N. IJ. Cor. Anbury avenue and Wuln bo' had for live cents. will bo put on sale this Saturday,’ at the Brlpk atreet. 1*. O. Box GOT., ASBUHY PAHK/N.' J. P o i S a l © . Manufacturer of Ntorin Doorrt, Window and , KIgbty sheets of extra quality unruled writ­ Store of Henry Stelnbaob.—Ado. Door SoreeiiH. Orders loft at D. ILW ytjkoff’s ing paper, 5>£x8X Inches, In neat tablets. Two-Fine Jjots 50x150 Feet, paint Btoro, or received by mall, will Iwpromptly 1^1 rs; K. W . H ow land, attoriaed to. .• Sold for ten cents. with plenty Qf shade. Price $1,000 eaoh. Located The famous " flve cent>ToyiiNAi; ^ad ” Is so Milliner, has on hand a One and seasonable on the north Bide of Sixth avenue, between Bond and Umory streets, Asbury Park,* N. J. Also CATALOGUE MAIU:i) FliKli. ON APPLICATION. hard to, k6ep lu stock that advertlutug'ouly assortment of millinery goodfl. It will pay to two nice lotafor salo, pricy $500 each, located on makes cftatterp worao. Ono batch ^a scarcely call and examine, at her residence, Main the Gould* ArOebomo tract/adloining Bradley Beaoh. Apply toany Real Estate Agent In tho dry bofore the cry of “ moro 1” Is sounded, street, West Ocean Grove.—Ado." Park, or to tho bwncr, P. R. LhWIH, and the Superintendent of tho Pad Depart­ 001 ^ix.th avenuo, Aabury Park, N. J. ■ Special Sal#&J: . Plana and speclQcallona • fumlHhed. Jobbing^ m e n t Is getting discouraged. promptly attended to. Bent of reforcnco given. Asbnry Park Printing House, of Whlto Goods, lodla Linens, Nainsooks Proposals Wanted. RcHldonco—100 Jit. Carmol W ayrO m m OrovoT- ~ , M IL A N ROSS, .718 M attlson avenue.—Atfp, and Lawns, purchased at the recant special P. O, Box 70, Asbdry P^rk, N. J; Proposals wlU bo received, for tho removal of. sales, which we will offer at 50 centa:0 |iitW ^ • '" Y a f ^ cottagca to rent and bargains In real garbage from tho BoroirRfi of ’Aabury Park for Iteal Estate and Insurance Agent, dollar. Stolnbach Bros.* Lako avenue store. ono year from June 15th, 1888, to Juno.lSth, 1889.. jyjR S. ROSALINE V. RIPLEY, . esta.tq ot Key East, apply to R. C. Love,' Key Address all letters to C. T. BAILKY. „ 725 Cookman Avenuo, Asbury Pork, N. J. E ast Land 0(I16o.—i4d(/. •--Adv. ^ • . i. _ _ _ _ _ ' ’ ’ v Clerk of CpmmtBSlonors, Park Halli Fine' band mado shoes, beat .French cilf- Asbury Park, Now .Iotnoy„ TEACHER OF PlAHO, ORGAN AND THEQRfe. Transacts a gonoral Keal Estate bumueHH, handling properties on folloT?;- Wdeden’s I^wn Dressing. See card.—Adv. Foreign and American fingering. Terms—t\r> for skin and white oak tan soles, at greatly re­ 20 leaaons, payablo-at 10th lesson. iug terms: FQR SEBLING, 2\ PER CT.; RENTING, 5 PER <)T., Call and oxamlnajtbe Immense stock of duced prices; In stock dr made to order at Proposals. Wanted. detluoted os tho ront is eolteototl. Negotiates Mortgage Loans on Real short notice, at McNally’s, 707Cookman av.— Estate.— -Represents LEA DING'INSURANCE COMPANIES. . ' mattrcsaeu and bedding .at .7. A; Glthens & Proposals will bo ^recolved for Uniting the l y n s . A. O. OLKETONi x " •' Co.’s new factory, 143 Main atreet, head'Vfk street* oMho Borough of Asbiiry Park for otio A i ' & s . • —__ __' ‘ ' year from M ar 1st. l®9. to MaV 1st, 1889. • ' nH E8SM 4K ER ,;^- I^ake avenue.—A dv. ' . G reat Crasft In" W all Paper, 1 Address allMottbre to - C. T. BAILKY, Clerk of Commlaslonore, Park Hall, 08 Delaware avenuo, OCEAN OROVE C. C. STOCKTON* Attnlngs, felting for boilers, new code Jacob Doll, t^io practical paper-hanger and Asbury Park, ftow Jersey. weather slgn^la, price from -18 to $10 per set. decorator, has dn hand tbe largest and finest Hemmenway’aH'l^CoCkman av.— Butche'r’s Store to Let, shock of gilt and'plain wallpaper and decora- Household Goods a/fc ileeRoom. Inqulroof 7 . p. DKIKJKN, . Thoy ar^Never Out tLons, and gilt picturo moulding and ft^mee. street and Munroe avenuo,; Aabury, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE rlctore books'at lowest prices In the county. “bf bar^1tiB''4fh ootlage propertlea and deslr-^ PRIVATE SALE. Olve.us a call. Estimates-given. 'No. 548 able vacant lots in Aabury Park and Weat After Monday noxt. the subaorlbor Will offer at Cookman avenue, Asbury^Pafk,* N, J.—Adv. Asbnry, at Qoujd,* Pawley’s agenoy.’ Call private aalEon hor llouHOhnhl floods. May ho Been a t tlio hoilse on l4ingford^vunuo^J)etween- 4A goneral'Real Estate and Insurnt*ce business transaoted at Oceait^'Grove and A^bury^ Park anlsee themvqt blthor ofUce an^l get bottom A full; and complete assortment of Trusses Vanaerveer’a Bnd4hn'l^iit(lroppry. . * Tfmall pony, a dog oart aud pfitfy pbftjtdn. . n ffiranco placed In ttott^companics;1 Hotels and coltnKcs for rout und salo. A number oj! yery. !prices.--Adv., ' ** at Kinmonth

Crawford’s Palace of Uusic, WIIiEJSFOBp BEY. . • -rT. FBASK APPLEBY. the leading mu»io,store of thoAtlanUocoast. W illisford D ey & Co;, 23B-A.X-, E S T A T E , . Wo have a largo number of furnished cottages and a-fow bearding houaea In Afihnry Park and Ocoan Grove for jent. Bradley Beach plots almost givon away. ’

S trongest i nsurance A gency in A m erica . Phnonix, H artford; Qerman-Amorioan, ' Hornp; INiagaraj Continental, Plienix, Glena l^olls and Liberty,- New York ; Insnranoo Oo. of North America, Fire Am ooiation^^d^TJnimi, ^PhUadelphiaVrLivei^pol riiid'London-.and’ 'Globe, R o ^ ^ d London and l^feaahire} Livtocpoolj Oom* ’ merciafr Union, Phoenix, ^peria1,nITiroHltasuh»n0e; Aaao-r^v. . ciationantfCity of London, Londpn; Lanoaahire, Manchester ’J s - North British and Mercantile, Edinburgh ; Eliot, 1 B oston; Brifciah . ! H3»14.Vmrain St.. Aufrtlry p ark , NwJ» America, Toronto; Providence Washington, •. Rrovfdcnoo y Equitablei V . (White's now brluk building.) Dolir Bw». & C o % Life, Metropolitan Plato Glass, and Amorican Surety .Company, New Yotk. . MathUsbok. Sterling and MoEwon Pianos.' tVll- eo* & Whlto and ^Sterling Organs. Musical in­ . Our companies Insure BgalnstdamagebylteMnlng, whether flro ensues or not. ,'w' strum ents, music books, sheet',muBlo. I’lano', organ and tablo covers. Scarfs, stools; and sow­ ing machine suupliea. pianos and organs for salo pr rent—cash or on instalments.' Domestic, %Amerlcan; and other -Sowing Machines for rent • or salo—cash or on-instalments. Repairs made to pianos, organa and sowing machines. If You are Wanting; D. CRAWFORD.- BIRD’S


ARE BOLD. ■Finest Poultry. ; ■ ■' ■' 1 Smoked Meats. snperitir t^rnbd Beef ;v From Selected Stock, Artesian Water and Pure 'PicklingMaterials. Vegetables and Fruits •Fresh Dally from Monmouth County Read w hat those who; use .them say:— Farms. From P. F.Bolger, CUy Jad«e, Robert McBUwatnc, Chief of.PoHcc. x 'a n n j b d V e g e t a b l e To the Iloiiorabie IheMayor and Common Council o f the Cily o f Utica: • DKSHERT PRUITT • Wo the undersigned do hereby certify that the contract mado by Russel Wheeler, Son & Co.^to r tu a t PifDi>Srpra, Ac. heat the police building and Cltv Court Rooms has been performed In the most satisfactory manner. Tho Furnaces heat the building to eighty (80) degrees in the coldest weather. The present A satisfactory place to deal, where everything' method is very much preferable to the old way of heating by steam with direct radiation, the sold Ih guaranteed to b e the beet tn.the m arket. bujldlng being supplied w ith a cu rren t QfJfresh air a t all times. i:‘ '* ' Froro-WiiJJ,JWcOrenrjr. Telephone connections with Park and Grove.' BnrANT A'StRATTON'UTICA BUHINZ-SS {'OI.tKfJK, I • , Utica, January 27th, 1880.' ' f . I am very happy to say that the No. 00 Furnace which you put up in my house gives perfect satisfaction In every respect. The extremely cold weather of tho past week lias tested Its heating JAMES H. BIRD. capacity fully* In^ the morning w ith the therm om eter on tho plaasa a t 18 degrees-below zero, the- one In tho front parlor (where there Is no register,) after tho flro had been checked strongly all night, stood at 03 degrees above. All tlio doors Into hall and dining and sowing rooms stood open. I am sure wo oan get moro bout from it thnn wo shall over need, and lo tho fall I found th a t ANBURY. PARK I could oontrol it so as to-give Just tho am ount of heat desired with a triiUnglconHumptlon of fuel. Concrete Works

ASBUBYTABK, NEW JERSEY. To file Public, Having laid In the past 2 years at- Asbury Park, Ocean Grovo,.JSorth Spring Lake,. Brlello ana Point Pleasant 71,884 samire feet of Asphaltum Succcasor^to ORAYATT & TAYLOK/.wholcsalo and retail dealer In ^prtConcreto walks, drives,&a. , By.:.personally superintending the work myself the coming sea- wm, with men having 8 to 18 years experience t«* .do tho work, I will guarantee satisfaction. A n r ,one desiring any of tho above work, 1 shall bo pleasdd to m eet. No a Kent* employed. All eon- tracts m ust bo mado with tho undersigned. All commnnications promptly 'attended to. Also hemlock curbing set fo' Ifne and grade, And all kinds of ; . 'Very respectfully, • ‘ • S. L. BARTHOLOMEW, CHARCOAL j g ^ > •- ^luuUJii) iuuiuiiaidj ■ ' Ofllce and Resldence^OO Munroe ayenne, corner-Bond street. - at the old established yard ^ P. O. Box 510.. IN REAR OF LAKE VIEW HOUSE. •A full Stock of the above articles.will be kept constantly on hand and satisfaction guaranteed. Branch oKoes a t Beames* Grocery, ABbury I’ark.nnd Mattiiows A liallard’s Grocery, Ocean Grove. g o a l , ; : TiJLEPIlONR. BRUSH MANUFACTURERS, HOUSEFURNISHING 251 Pearl Street, near Fulton StreefTNeAV^York and lertllizors. Ilavo occupied tho aabio building more than a quarter of a conury. Their goods aro shipped to all parts Of'the’Unlted States. Best grades of Red Ash, Lehigh ahd Ply­ mouth Coal.


RBO ANI1 BLACK MOIiTAK,' Mahufaeturers of, and wholesale and .■i.Sme. Cement, Marble UuBt; Hair, &e. retail dealers In ------, Brick always on hand. # - SHELL LIME FRESH BURNED.

HEAD OF WESLEY LAKE^ MAIN STKEET, I. K. HOPE, Manager. FEATHERS, Etc. FACTORY NO. \kz MAIN ST, Up Stairs, . ‘ —> i • ■ T " JJanovntmg Mattreeses a Specialty. m b w m au Kinds. William Beames The fin est Stook of _ ;ifiiili,iiriirT*Tin*»# ^ HAS OPENED AT HI8 STORE ON MATTISON AVENUE, A FULL LINE OF Upholstering in all ita branchos carried on, also ft full line of Picture FrUmee and Mouldings, kept constantly on hand. Window Cornices of all descriptions. FERGUSON’S M QTICE TQ TH E PUBLIC?, Field, Garden and Flower “ - - - Seeds. ■____ to be found on the Hew Jersey Coast. I have' Sold my Stables in New Bruiis- Having had several years' experience Ih the undertaking business In Asbury Patk and vlclnjt* Embracing GRASS SEED, and the choicest vari­ I feel competent to’give satisfaction to all Who may favor me with their patronage. wick to Janeway & Co., Paper Manufac- ety ot Corn, Beans, Peas, eto.. with extra fine Newest Designs in Furniture. TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS with principal hotels and stores in Park and Grove, Garden and Flower Seeds,. turers: and Removed my entire business to AU w arranted pure and true to name. ANTIQUE OAK loo opes day and night. Neivark, N.where I have Two large and In B d h ra Suits, Sidi Bstnls, Obalrs. COAL, WOOO & CHARCOAL ought to suit you. y - commodious Stables— at 320 Broad St. • ’ Tablas.Etc. aUAW TT—1 keep both H ard V.ehtshand - F r e e * b a n i li u r <'oniN. nil slees, and or tno "• best quality obtainable. My Wood is and JO& >H Atlantic St., under the inan^iage* Carpets, Mattings, extra good and is always perfectly—1—- And they will last a longtime: • dry. My C h »rc o *l I have made m ent of J. It. Morehous Keed.and Rattan Goods, ’ : -1 ‘ ‘ . •• . ■ .... : . . '" - ;-'j:.....Tv - i especially for my own trade. One ortha beat places to find an assortment of-FIRST-CLASS BUILDING MATKRIALi Is at the PBKCEii-tbe lowest possible. * , - • * old established business place of j _e~ •_ Facilities unequaled in this town. Full BEDDING, weight and measure guaranteed. YARD: Main st., opp. Ocean Grove'School I shall constantly keep from Silverware, Lamps, -Stoves.\ ’ Houso. N. E. BUCHANON & CO, B ranch OlHc*«: Lemkau’s Grocery, Asbury 150 to 200 head of HORSES-and MULES, All.the Novelties In ’ Southw est oorner of M ain street and ABbury avenue, Park; Wainright & Errlckson, Ocean Grove. Granite an£ Marble Monuments Tombstones, o f qualities, and all Cemetery Work; Coll at^our show-room Anbury. Park , New Jersey. Ohlor a t offices, of drivers, by tolophone o r by all kinds, sizes, and so th at per­ ■and see samples, cuts, &o. W ee an -suit Inqual-. French, Bohemian and Do­ mall, addressod Ity and price. , G E N U N G <5c C O . , . Thousands of customers who have patronized this house, can testify that there is no better mestic Glass. plaoe to purchase everything whloh enters Into the construction of a cottago or a palftco,'. Como FER G U SO N ’S COAL YARD sons coming from a distance need.feve. ho TS^M attison ave.. Asbury Park, N. J. /. * ^ along.with your ordors for ...... *.■'* ,.*..■■■...... Foreign ami DotBsatic China doubt th at they wilj* find, anything and LVHBER, ' LIME, ' I.ATIT, HARDWARE, a n d T ab le W are.- ~ PLABTHR, CEMENT, HAIR, VARNISH, ' , OIL, , ' . TURPENTINE, PAINT, ETC., ET€), everything in shape of Horses or Mules- Goode dellvored In ABburv Park and Ooean Grove. And everything to complete your house. Satisfaction guaranteed to all oustomera. Also, Persons living at.a distance, too far to-diwe, who have- Hm'scs or~]ffirfir^ to~lZicZ LEADING change, I have Men. for the pui-pose of going IT IS A SURE CURE. r to examine such', and the exchange can be Mu. BifiHETT, Dear S{r~I,w as afllfcted -very made b y Railroad travel. • m uch w ith dyspep9lar but since 1 have used your G astrodyne I experience, no ill effoetfrom a moat Also, Stock delivered to any part .of pie hearty meal, ana.I believe I am cured. „ -P. II, WYCKOFF, Now Brunswick^ N. .J. State Free c f. Expense, and satisfac^don HARRY L. OGDEN, Agent, Guaranteed **“ S!4 MAIN ST., ASBUBT PARK, N. J.* s®?*- From two to three. Car lands arrive weekly, from ■Cmiatla, Vetfntyt rant a, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, Ken­ PHOTOGRAPHY tucky, etc., etc. ' : - ^ In Its Perfection ! j&-.- •- (INSTANTANEOUS.) NEW JERSEY,' IT LIFE LIKE flfpRBSSIONS, Plenty of Secdnd-hand Stock always on O. J. SCHANCK & SON,. Successors to . ... UARRY T H E Hand; good for service ini the country. PPAtfH BROS. 1 3F,li= S.E S 13 JLb. ^ n u o AD WAY, In buying- stock Perspnally, ahd' paying Cor. inth St., NEW YORK.' isbw ry A ve. and M ain &«., A sbury P a rk , ST. «f. >ETS. PRICES MODERATE. Cash for tlie same, with my great experience BRANCH OFFICES—;Milon Rosa’s, 120 Cookmau avenue, Aebury Pack, and 0 . Vf. Martin's, Pilgrim Largest and Pathway, Ocean Grove,, whero all orders received will bo promptly filled. S. D. O i^A M EB , and acquaintance-of the business enables THE -BOAT BUILDER, Finest Stock me to have thep to sell cheaper than most has a supply of new and, socond-hand Boats for anyone else. . -L~*. ; . T sale otTilro. ; Cedar Iloata a specialty. .Oars and row'ooks on ha6d. . Boats ilellverod to any lake M anufacturers and Bealera In all branchos of Selling; frgm 2000 fo 21>00 a year J pan In tho vldnRy o f Aabury Park; . — • • • ; v : , P. ,0 B6X-180, Ocean Grove. c . B. D*.,CRAMER. OF MERCHANDISE well afford to sell at < small profits; so that w o r k : I ii O HOMEBtESSKDWlTH A BADV In Asbury Park, _ it WiH pay. anyone^ to look at my stoca W anted is complete without the m onthly visits of B a b y h o o d , that delighvcomfort ASBURY PARK AND LONG BRANCH, ill. J- before purchasing elsewhere. ; . ' ~ Any person having small Ponlep or Donkeys N and aid of the mqthec. Only pnUicatjon in the' W indow Fram W jSaih, BHnda, Doors. BlonldbiM, Bracket* pud Carved Kcu^b< . ^ ‘ Buttable c 'H ard and Soft Wood BlaiiteU. Turning and Scroll Nnwing a Spe­ world- devoted to. the'care of voting children. y o R cteix.nSti^3ee»« ■crpsfc cialty . Dcalgna and Prices Furnished on Application. ^ ■ 0 to 250 . f e e s & Mules for Sale_or Exchasge ' Wearegladtorfecommendi^., Beckman Sti STEINBAC1 BBOS rot salo very cheap, wlUflnd a customer In^/ ' N. Y J $ i . 5Q ayejn:i i $ ten ts a copy. • A s b u r y Rark M ill, <~ I L ong B ranch M ill, '-: a t r, no it n o a d s t r e e t , ' . . ‘ P. G. SN^nEKER^ T n E JOURNAL and BABYHOOD, both one M A!N.AV 3NU »-! j:<^M DNI10E TO BitIVALL j A W O IN ^O M A P^jyjL O O B JT S LlfMUKn t . Mattison avenue, opposite Post Office; year, t2.W, in advanco. - . . ■ • ‘ MORRIS, Newarkv N.- J.,