Y ot. x iit ; ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, APRIL 21, 1888. No. 10. nBNRYC. WTNSORYPrcsldenf. • . t . Beal Estate Conveyances* A pril Ceutury, Tlie Board's April Meeting* fastness darfls. JA8. A. WAIN III GllT, Vice P resident.,, Silas’s Letter. ALBERT C. TWINING, Caahler. tun of conveyances, Monmouth Ooiiuty April number of tho Century closcs'the The altendanoo at the^monthly meet!ng’ of To thf R d (ton of (he Journal:—> * Xaor^’fl PCDce, for tbo wook ending April 14, thirty-flfth half yoatly volume. Tbo flrat arti­ the Board or Trade on Tuesday evening, April 'There has ‘’teen a period of some two or. J . W- ItKJKlCK, M- D ^ - First National Bank, 1888: "• cle }a by1 Edward L. Wilson, tho well-known 10 , was fair and m owtban usual Interest wiis three weeks during which I have been greatly ROBERT T. GRAVATT, A8IIURT PABK... _ Rbmceop&itiln ^ y alc ta n and Surffsoni photographer, aud is descriptive of the natu­ developed jn its proceedings. AflBDBV PARK, N. J., Morris Reiman to Harry. Wardell—lot Asbury perplexed. I Bpeak profeaalqnally, of poufse.; Cor. Cookman A Ban*&6m, Aabury Park, N, J, DBA LBS W ral qbd otheT fcalutiSa of Paleatine ** From Aftor a brlof raoetlug of the Directors, Pres­ Doan: uotll lq a. m., and after 4 p. m. • A Bargain! Post OBlce Building, Main a t and M attison ave., P a rk .,^ 000. Tbe local option bill was passed by a Repub->J Budd E. Warren d a l., to Catharine A; Crowe— Ban to Beershebji.1’ ..Tho article has a great ident Harrison called for rcadlug^gf tho last can Legislature ; members of, our party wero StovesbsHeaters, Ranges, Tr&nBaots a general banking buslnoss, Isaacs let­ lot Aabury Park. 81. number of illuetrattons, mainly /rom photo- J J 6, KINMONTH, M. D., ters of credit available in the prlnolp&l oltlea of Catharine A. Crowe to Poinsett Cross et «/,—lot minutes and rolltcall. Three now members beiDg drarffi Into, tbo, Ropublloan ranks al! Lots Nos. 20 and 21 at North grapbB, and will bo of fpcclal Interest to the Corner Grand and ABbury A venuev TINW ARE, *o. the world. Foreign and domestlo exchanges, 080.81. wero oleotod, vlt: Dr. G .'F. Wilbhrt F, A. over tho Stato; M r BradleyJg Jcttor waa be­ bought and spld. Harry Wardcil to Clara G. Peterson—lot 980. teachers and students of tho International Office Honrs—7 to 9 a. m.t l to g p. tn., 6toBjj4in. SpringLake, Collections carefully mado and promptly ao- 88,000. I/Cggett and 8. V> Woodruff. , ing copied far and wide andlits pornlolous In-* Cookman av., near Bond nt., oounted for •• . Isaac L Martin to Caroline Burns—lot Aabury Sunday-school Lessons. A communication was read from S: Soidln- p )H . BRCTCB S. KKATOR, , Park. « m fiuonco was felt to tbo vt*ry contro o t o u r Frontln* on DTtlOHTON AVEtfJK, and 1 ' ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS: \ Theodore Roosovelt; ln this number do-, <fcCo., desiring site for bnllding or a factory Hmna>opatb1o Pbyslolan and SurReon. • : ABBUR7 PARK, N. J. - Caroline Bums to Virginia B. Detro—lot Aabury aacrcd clrclo. I.was constantly tact by'perti­ Gradoato of both schoola. G. Fi'feroehl, .T. A. W. Hetrick, ; , Fark. 91. sorlbes, with tbe aid of Mr. Remington's well- for kolttlug underwear, to employ 200 ftanda nent questions., which I confess I co\ild: not ’ Oor. Asbury avenue and Bergh atreet. _.. ' k - j ' . .* ^ Jas. A. W alnrlght, Henry C. W insor,; . NBPTUHB TOWNSHIP. informed .pencil, that decldodly Atfier'can lIoura—XTntll 0 a. m ., 7 to 9 p. m. W i t h ’m '3.00ft. o f ' the Surf, N. B. Brchanon, Isaac C. Kennedy; Messrs. Goodno and- Harrison explained the answer. " Has not tbo Ropnbllcan party re­ F. G. Burnham to John Knpaa. lot WeatInstitution, “ Tho Round-up.” Telephone oonnoctlonfl. TIN,BOOFIflB, LIADEIIS, BUTTERS, AC. Oliver H. Brown, J . Stanloy Fetgusdn, v,;‘ Asbury Park, f 136. work and stated tbat a small establishment deemed Its pledge T,r'asked ono; »* Why Is tbo . > V Albert C. Twiniwt. • . i Kiisna RlttonhouKc to Andrew Armatroug—lot An Illustrated artlclo on “ The American ^ T M . I- GILL, A. M., P. P „ WILL BE SOM) AT A BABGAIN., had been copdnctod here with profit- Refer* Prohibition party flghtfng this uew local dpi tSPPIS, T1K AMO IRON WORK <jf All 223,-Koy East. 81,600. , . Inventors ot iho Telegraph" tells the jnsldo KIKOt. George W, Epswortb lo Joseph T. Btewart—lot red to CommUtco.on Mannfactnrora. tlou law?," enU anothor. it waa a dellcato PneumatopathiRt, or Mental Healer,- The lota are each 65 foet front and over 200 story of the Invention, eopeolally bringing work at low rates. j£ X PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Neptune township. ?S7k Another, from a rosldont^ complaining ot position for mo to occupy. Talking Is my •too 8owoll avenue, tor. Reck street. feet deep. They aro situated In tho finest p art of Wm.m. HathawavHathaway to “Wm. Paynter—lo t lu Nep- out tbo aorvicea rendered to the eotorprlao by •r On and after Nov. 14,1887, tuuo township. 8180. tho loose manner of employing incompetent business, proselyting for revonuo my avoca­ Office houra 7 to to, UJ to fl, 0 to 9. ■ . the town, almost directly on the ocean front, Alfred.VSll. ' TBAIMa LHAVI ASBUBT MRK Loutaa Hampton to John W. Rarkalow—Jot at engineers and allowing boilers to bo used tion. if.r was in any other line I could con­ ^ %F. PAWLSY, • sutTonnded by handsome residences and - on the ffor New York, Newark, Elizabeth. Rahwav, West Grovo. Si,100. Two artldos oi especial literary Interest are blook adjacent to tho largo Hotel WUburton. Hied Bank, Long Branch and intermodlato AnnloGreon etai. to-Elwood Mooney—lot at without Inspection, Referred to Law Com­ sistently bold my peace and avoid dlsonsslon, I.ll’I’tNCOTT, Henry-Jamos’a paper on Robert Louis Sto- m ittee.. - EBKTTIST, . * stations, a t 0.15 a. Th.* 1.1R. 5 85 p. m. • West Asbury Park. 81W).. but tbls course was impossible,1 One thing in Thlk la a ohance for one of the surest invest­ Express for New York, Newark, Elizabeth.and Annie Oroon tt al. to Charles Rogera^-lot at venaon, with a sketch of Stevenson.’s-vory' —James H. Bird, of Room Commltteo, re­ _ CIS Bangs ave., ' Asbury Park, N. J. ments on tbe coast, tbe only reason for sell Ing la Long Branoh, a t 7.40 a. m. West Asbory Park. 8350. a measure sustained mo. I know that what­ For South Amboy, Matawan, and .Intermodlato Individual faco by Aloxandor, and i brief ported that the room bad been sublet to the T A l t O R that tho owner, rofjulros the money In his busi­ UI80BLLANB0PB. ever argumout I might formulate If its essen­ stations, ^t 9.15 a m., 1,15, 6.80 p. m; essay by ttfo Rev. T..T. Mungor on “ The Royal Arcanum ono n lg b t In eacb week atfcTS. ness. Address' For Philadelphia, (Broad St.,)Tronton, Prlnoeton. ABbor Holmes to Maggie Glimore—lot a t Key- tial point was abuse of th©' Republican party DBNT19T. 737 Cookman Ave. - Monmouth Junction, and Freehold, at 7.69 porf. ©I&7JJ0 Works of Elisha Mulford.!1 . " 'o ; .: Ruport accepted and action approved. E. WRIGHT, or Hannah C. Hulso tp Sarah N. Soutbwlck—lot I would bo aafo. I did the beat I could and Offloe—aK Main fit., opposite Railroad Station, a. m.. 12.87,4.30 p. m . Dr. Eggleston’s story of “ The-Qrayeona1' .'John Wlna&s reported progress on the Oaa administered. Asbnry Park, K. J. O. H. BKOWN, For Camden, Burlington, Bordontown and points at Allentown. 8^0- ‘ ' made so mady different assertions that I am G ents’ Fturnishings. on the Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and . James E. Hall to Martin Burns—15 acres In has sbmo vory exciting ohaptcra; and Jamea Credit system, having found quite compJeto SprtciC Lhko MomnoaUi Co., JC J. MlUstono township. 8100. now fearful;jhat,th4y^inay--oonfronfc-merat'' -A. S. BURTOn..l>. n. 8. f. O. BTJBTON, P. T». 8. Toms River, on Mondays and Saturday®only, I.ano Alien's story, illustrated by Keo*blo ia a lists of delinquents,1which acc avaUable,-------- at 2.00 p.m. Emma At Jones to Patrick nartt—tract of land ySome C ritical an d Inopportune m om ent. I T>URTON BROTHERS, ln Matawan township, $4,000. pathetic account 0C^“ Two J^tQpky^Gonil®-. •—'MirilarrlSBtf, on Menhadon fieblng, report­ Por Camden. Burlington, and Bordentown, (vlat wish I had waited a little,.even If it had been TRENTON STEAM DYEING WORKS, Trenton.) 7.69 a. m., 18.27, 4.S0 p. m. Via. - Raritan Cemetery Co. to Wm. H, DeMpUrrcem. men ortb6\)lU Sctfooi." ■------ **. ed that Messrs. Freneb, ot Atlantic City, and BOO Cookman avenne, comer Emory st., Aabury Jam csburg, 7.69 a. m. ,4.20 p ,j3 , ^ fttfsry plo t.-616,— '• noooBsary for mo to mako a visit- $aiBowliere.'‘ Park, N .J. Office.Honrs: 9&..ra. to&p, ro A aerlea of papers by Simeon Pease Chenej’ BalIoy,~jof Cam den, were acting. In e6ri]tinc- , BSTABUSHKB 1849. *C F. C. BRAEUTIGAIKI. For TomsIUreMalaad HSifehtsiandintermedi­ LetftlaJ. Patteraon to Annie Webb-^lot at Key­ I can effeot an escape, through a very amall . Gaa administered. Appointments made by tele- ate stations, at ll.oa a m„ week days. On. po rt $ 100. (tba fathcr of the po^t, John Vance Cheney), tlon with him, and they were ooilcctlng facte i.
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