5TH EUROPEAN GEOGRAPHIES OF SEXUALITIES CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (June 21 update, this is not a final version) Title: 5th European Geographies of Sexualities conference proceedings Edited by: Michal Pitoňák Graphics: Lukáš Pitoňák Publisher: Queer Geography, zs. Márova 2806/10 Prague 5 155 00 Prague, Czechia Publication date: will be updated ISBN: will be updated ORGANIZATION Conference organizers: • Queer Geography, z. s. (responsible organizer) • Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development (host institution) Sponsors and supporters: • Gilead Sciences s.r.o. supported this even in form of donation grant • Czech Geographical Society • The Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group (SSQRG) of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG) • Primeros Prague a.s. Conference dates: 26-28th September, 2019 Website: https://2019.egsconference.com Emai:
[email protected] Members of the local organizing committee: Michal Pitoňák (Queer Geography, Czech geographical society; independent researcher) Jana Kropáčková (Queer Geography) Lukáš Pitoňák (Queer Geography; IT, design; graphics; architecture) Lucie Pospíšilová (Charles University, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Czech geographical society; researcher) Kamila Klingorová (Charles University, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Czech geographical society; researcher) Ondřej Šerý (Masaryk University, Department of Geography; assistant professor) Pavel Doboš