Agape Baptist Church Signed the Jason Flatt with the Jason Flatt Act Have Been Possible in “The Centre” Bldg

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Agape Baptist Church Signed the Jason Flatt with the Jason Flatt Act Have Been Possible in “The Centre” Bldg Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 TPA TEXAS PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION This paper can be recycled Vol. 43 No. 6 Phone: 512-476-0082 Email: [email protected] June 26, 2015 HTHT andand CommunityCommunity OfficialsOfficials BreakBreak GroundGround INSIDE onon SandraSandra JoyJoy AndersonAnderson CommunityCommunity HealthHealth andand WellnessWellness CenterCenter Supreme Court rejects bigotry state license plates. See ELLIS RAPPIN’ Page 3 Tommy Wyatt We keep fighting the same issues! The events of the last week focused light on one Notable community of the main issues that we leader announces have been facing since the commissioner entry. Civil War. And that issue See NORTEY seems to be “Do the South- Page 4 ern states have the right to operate outside of the Union” (United States)? Many of them have been ignoring many of our Fed- “DIG IN” - Pictured from left to right: Mr. George Miller, Jr., Chief Executive Officer of CommUnity eral Laws as though they do Care Health Center. Dr. Mini Kahlon, Vice Dean for Strategy Partnerships, Dell Medical School at The Uni- not apply to them. versity of Texas at Austin. Mr. Albert Hawkins, Chair, Huston-Tillotson University Board of Trustees. State officials provide We have had to use fed- Dr. Larry L. Earvin, President and CEO, Huston-Tillotson University. Mrs. Ada Anderson. significant reforms eral troops to enforce many Ms. Patricia “Trish” Young Brown, President and CEO of Central Health. Dr. James Baker, System Chief to nursing homes. of the U. S. laws. Like when Medical Officer, Austin Travis County Integral Care. Photo by Mark Matson. See AARP the governor of Arkansas re- Page 5 fused to let Black students (AUSTIN, Texas) - emony. Existing buildings “As a growing com- 14,704 square foot struc- enter the Little Rock, formerly Huston-Tillotson Univer- were removed and the munity, we see this medi- ture include a primary seling, wellness programs, all white, schools after deseg- sity President and Chief grounds prepared for the cal, educational, research care facility for the deliv- and the incorporation of a regation in that state. We just Executive Officer Larry L. Sandra Joy Anderson Com- model as a comprehensive ery of medical services, as peer education network. finished commerating the Earvin, Ph.D., completed munity Health and means of servicing our stu- well as resources to pro- CommUnityCare 50th Anniversary March on one of his final goals be- Wellness Center that will dents as well as Travis vide health and substance (CUC), a Federally Quali- Selma, Alabama. fore retirement when he be located on the corner County residents,” said abuse education, health fied Health Center (FQHC), th Last weekend was the joined community leaders of 11 Street and Earvin. promotion, drug and alco- will occupy 12,000-square commemoration of the for a groundbreaking cer- Chalmers Avenue. Components of the hol assessment and coun- See ANDERSON, page 2 150th Anniversary of ULTIMATE LOUISIANA PARTY-BLUES & Juneteenth in Texas. At the Texas approves comprehensive CULTURAL FESTIVAL ANNOUNCES STAGE same time there are all kinds body camera law Senator West’s of efforts that are afoot to LINEUP FOR VICTORY GRILL, JUNE 27 & 28 continue the separation of bill could become national model the races. It all came to a head last week with the shooting incident of nine people in South Carolina while they were in church. It is being investigated as a hate and terrorist crime. Texas State Senator In several states, there Multiple Live Bands, 2 Stages, Vendor Royce West is a movement to have Con- Village, Visual Artists, Food and More… federate flags removed from those of open records, pri- Baton Rouge, LA - all state property, and it has TX 78702. vacy, records retention, The Ultimate Louisiana been challenged over a long For more information local policies, funding and Party - Blues & Cultural period of time. However, the and tickets please log on to data management. To ac- Festival is pleased to an- events in South Carolina or call complish this, Sen. West nounce the stage lineups brought this issue to a head 225-802-9681. For more DALLAS, TX - Texas The new law will also assembled a group of law for Austin, at the Victory ,and with it, more attention information on the venue State Senator Royce leverage state purchasing enforcement administra- Grill, on June 27 and June to the issue. Just a few days please call 512-291-6211 West’s (D-Dallas) efforts power to assist agencies tion and labor organiza- 28. The two day event also earlier, a judge in Texas ruled or visit https:// have led to the passage of with the purchase of body tions, sheriff’s depart- features a Vendor Village, that the state had a right to one of the most compre- camera equipment, data ments, city and county or- visual artists and festival refuse issuance of Confeder- VictoryGrill. The event hensive pieces of body storage and the operation ganizations, advocacy food favorites. Headliners ate License Plates in this state. will benefit the non-profit camera legislation in the of a body-worn camera groups, prosecutors and are Hit City Digital Records Citizens of all races Music Business Institute of nation into law. Senator program in addition to cre- defense attorneys to ad- artist Henry Turner Jr. & paused from celebrating New Orleans and their CE West’s Senate Bill 158 es- ating a grant program that dress the varied issues re- Flavor, Orleans’ Records Juneteenth to remember the (Cutting Edge) Confer- tablishes statewide policy will be administered by lated to body cameras Carlo Ditta and the victims of Carolina with obser- ences and Events. on the use of body-worn the governor’s office. Lo- from every angle. TreaHouse Collective and vations held around the coun- Saturday, June 27: cameras by law enforce- cal police and sheriff’s de- “We were able to be- the Reggae band Idiginis. try. It is shameful that tragic The Main Stage ment and provides a grant partments will be eligible gin the process through MC for the Main Stage is events have to happen before lineup opens at 2:30pm program to assist law en- to apply for grant funding. the framework provided TabcRadio’s LIVE 365 radio we can move forward on with singer/songwriter LZ forcement agencies in pur- Senator West worked ef- by the draft version of host Jeff Heyen. Show many of the issues that face Dillon. Folk and Blues chasing cameras. Texas fectively with Senate lead- SB158. When the legisla- times for Saturday and our communities and our na- player Nathan Kress per- Governor Greg Abbott ers, the Lt. Governor, tive session began, this al- Sunday are 2:00pm to tion. forms at 3:30pm, followed signed the bill on Friday House leadership and the lowed discussion by stake- 1:00am. Tickets are It appears that every by the Pop/Rock band (June 19) after the Texas Office of the Governor to holders to begin immedi- $10.00 for adults. $5.00 for time we take one step for- January May at 4:30pm. A Senate approved the bill secure more than $10 mil- ately,” said Senator West. children 12 and under. ward, we take two steps back. Les Paul Jam with surprise 22-8 and the Texas House lion in funding for the “Through the dialogue Children 2 and under free. But, we as a community, will musicians is on from 5:30 passed a similar measure matching grant program. that emerged, we were The venue is located at keep moving forward against to 6:15pm and then the 135-4. SB158will become SB158 addresses ma- able to gain consensus on 1104 E. 11th Street, Austin, See PARTY, page 2 all odds. law on Sept. 1. jor policy concerns such as See SB158, page 2 Page 2 ~ June 26, 2015/THE VILLAGER THE COMMUNIQUÉ The Sandra Joy Anderson Community Health and Wellness Center is named for the late daughter of HT alumna Mrs. Ada Cecilia Collins Anderson continued from page 1 partment of Mental Health. feet of the Center to provide primary medical care. The Sandra Joy Anderson Community The remaining portion of the facility will house HT’s Health and Wellness Center is named for the late daugh- research psychiatrist, a psychologist, a community en- ter of HT alumna Mrs. Ada Cecilia Collins Anderson, gagement officer and support personnel. 92, who gave Huston-Tillotson University $3 million— Additional partners include The University of Texas the largest gift in the institution’s history. Anderson at- at Austin Dell Medical School and Austin Travis County tended Austin’s two predominantly black colleges, Integral Care (ATCIC), providing staffing support, and Samuel Huston and Tillotson, before they were merged, the City of Austin that has committed funds for engi- and she received her master’s degree in 1965 from UT neering studies, salaries, lawyer’s fees, and other needs Austin. With shovel in hand, she was among the first in the start-up phase of the clinic. Recently, the Central to turn the dirt at the location of the structure. Health board members approved funding for furnish- The Center is envisioned to launch a $35 million ings and equipment. complex that will not only help address mental health The Center also will help relieve the previously iden- disparities and increase health and wellness across the tified strain on Travis County’s mental health resources by community, but increase the number of African Ameri- adding treatment options and services that residents and “BUILDING A LIVING LEGACY” - Pictured can mental health physicians in Central Texas, and serve taxpayers need.
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