Clinical Anatomic Considerations of the Zygomaticus Minor Muscle Based on the Morphology and Insertion Pattern
The Doctor's 기획특집 성형임상 Clinical anatomic considerations of the zygomaticus minor muscle based on the morphology and insertion pattern Da-Yae Choi, BSDH1*, Jung-Suk Kim, DDS, MS1*, Kwan-Hyun Youn, PhD1, Mi-Sun Hur, PhD2, Jisoo Kim, MD3, Kyung-Seok Hu, DDS, PhD1, Hee-Jin Kim, DDS, PhD1 Introduction books and illustrations. The Zmi is described critical anatomic information required to elu- as inserting into the LLSAN4, blending with cidate the functional aspects related to human The zygomaticus minor muscle (Zmi) arises the orbicularis oris muscle (OOr) just lateral facial animation. from the lateral surface of the zygomatic bone to the alar of the nose5, or being nonexistent6. immediately behind the zygomaticomaxillary There is thus some confusion in the literature Materials and Methods suture, and passes downward and medially as to the actual anatomy of the Zmi. into the muscular substance of the upper lip. Some articles provide diverse descriptions of Materials Acting together, the levator labii superioris the morphology and insertion pattern of Zmi. Fifty-four embalmed adult hemifaces (48 bi- muscle, levator labii superioris alaque nasi Youn et al. reported a detailed description of lateral and 6 unilateral; 31 males, 23 females; (LLSAN), and Zmi raise the corner of the the Zmi that differed from those in general age range, 45–48 years; mean age, 67.4 years) mouth and upper lip, and expose the maxillary textbooks with regard to its origin. They re- from 30 cadavers were used in this study. teeth when expressing a smile1. ported that the Zmi and zygomaticus major Specimens with an impaired midface were ex- The Zmi is also involved with the formation of muscle (Zmj) look very similar, and could cluded.
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