MPIfG Report 2003–2004 Directors Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Streeck

Directors emeriti Board of Trustees | Kuratorium Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Renate Mayntz Volker Beck Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Fritz W. Scharpf Mitglied des Bundestages Dr. Karlheinz Bentele External Scientific Members Präsident des Rheinischen Sparkassen- und Giroverbandes, Düsseldorf Prof. Colin Crouch University of Warwick Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fels Bergisch Gladbach Prof. Kathleen Thelen Northwestern University, Evanston Prof. Dr. Axel Freimuth Rektor der Universität zu Köln Scientific Advisory Board | Fachbeirat Dr. Rainer Hank Frankfurter Allgemeine Prof. Dr. Klaus Armingeon Sonntagszeitung Universität Bern Dr. Reiner Hoffmann Prof. Robert Boyer Director at the European CEPREMAP-ENS, Paris Trade Union Institute, Brussels Prof. Wyn Grant Dr. Gunter Hofmann University of Warwick Die Zeit, Berlin Prof. Peter A. Hall , Cambridge Kircheib Professor Torben Iversen Dr. Rolf Mützenich Harvard University, Cambridge Mitglied des Bundestages Prof. Herbert B. Kitschelt Helmut Stahl , Durham Vorsitzender der Prof. Dr. Stephan Leibfried CDU-Landtagsfraktion NRW Universität Bremen Dr. Michael Stückradt Prof. Dr. Richard Münch Staatssekretär im Ministerium für Universität Bamberg Innovation, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie des Landes NRW Prof. Dr. Manfred G. Schmidt Universität Heidelberg Dr. Wolfgang Uellenberg-van Dawen Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, Köln Prof. Richard Swedberg Cornell University, Ithaca Herbert Winkelhog Stadtdirektor der Stadt Köln Contents

The Years 2003–2004 Highlights...... 5 Project Areas and Research Projects The Research Program 1986–2005...... 10 The Development of the Research Project Portfolio...... 14 Completed Projects 2003–2004...... 19 Research Cooperation Cooperation and Communication within the Institute...... 27 Cooperation with Other Research Institutes...... 28 Projects Conducted in Cooperation with Researchers Outside the MPIfG...... 30 Visiting Researchers...... 30 Outside Leaves of Absence for Research and Study ...... 34 Graduate Training and Teaching MPIfG Doctoral Program...... 35 Doctoral Candidates 2003–2004...... 38 Doctoral and Postdoctoral Degrees...... 39 Teaching...... 41 Publications 2003–2004 MPIfG Publication Series...... 43 Further Publications by MPIfG Researchers...... 45 The Institute in the Scientific Community MPIfG Conferences ...... 55 Lectures and Conference Participation ...... 57 Guest Lectures at the MPIfG...... 58 Committee Memberships and Editorships...... 61 Prizes and Honors ...... 63 Public Relations...... 63 Research Staff ...... 68 Management and Budget Management...... 71 Service Units...... 74 Facts and Figures...... 79

The Years 2003–2004

The two years covered by this report were full of events – so much so that we hardly noticed how fast they went by. In February 2003 Fritz W. Scharpf retired as director. He had joined the institute in 1986, shortly after it was founded, and had been one of its directors ever since. Just like Renate Mayntz, who retired in 1997, he continues to be present at the institute and remains a major contributor to its intellectual life and public reputation. For a period of two years, by and large coextensive with the time of this report, the institute had only one director, until the long-awaited arrival in March 2005 of Scharpf’s successor, the sociologist Jens Beckert. There were many occasions in 2003 and 2004 which gave us an opportunity to celebrate our achievements. In November 2003 Fritz Scharpf was given an honorary doctoral degree from the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. Half a year later the Presi- dent of the Federal Republic awarded him the Great Cross of Merit, and in December 2004 Renate Mayntz and Fritz Scharpf were the first to receive the Bielefeld Science Prize, created in the memory of Niklas Luhmann. Also in 2004, Henrik Enderlein, who now has a Junior Professorship at the Freie Universität in Berlin, was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal of the for his dissertation, supervised by Fritz Scharpf, on the consequences of European Monetary Union for the domes- tic policies of its member states. The Advisory Board, meeting for the first time in its new composition in September, 2003, gave Mar- tin Höpner a newly created biennial prize for the best MPIfG Discussion Paper or Working Paper by a junior researcher. In November 2004 Anke Hassel was given the Prize of the Association of Friends and Former As- sociates of the MPIfG for the best publication in 2003 in a refereed journal. Kathleen Thelen from Northwest- ern University received the Max Planck Research Prize for International Cooperation and decided to use it to extend her joint work with the MPIfG. In early 2005 she Wolfgang Streeck

 was appointed by the President of the Max Planck Society as an External Member of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, in which capacity she joins our other External Member, Colin Crouch. Of course we did not just celebrate. A series of long-term research projects came to an end, among them Gerda Falkner’s study on “New Governance and Social Eu- rope” and international cooperation projects on institutional change (directed by Kathleen Thelen and myself) and on the social and political foundations of the emer- gence and the success of regional economies in Europe (directed by Colin Crouch). Twelve books were published that originated at the institute, three of them in English. The many journal articles, book chapters, discussion papers and working papers that we produced I hesitate to count; I refer the reader to the respective section of this report. Four of our researchers (Jürgen Beyer, Anke Hassel, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Lothar Krempel) received their Habilitation, their second degree under the German academic career system, and no less than eight dissertations were completed. Forty- four visiting researchers from countries as far away as Mongolia and Taiwan spent time at the MPIfG, among them six postdocs from Eastern and Central Europe and twelve graduate students from all over the world who used the institute as a basis for research on and Europe. Looking back it is my impression that in addition to our normal business – to conduct and support excellent research on the political-economic institutions of ad- vanced Western societies – we have also become more visible to the public. Among other things, I am thinking of a public lecture series, organized by Philip Manow, on the supposed “Loss of the Nation-State,” and of two workshops with high-rank- ing practitioners on the development of collective bargaining and enterprise-level codetermination in Germany. Also, when the Volkswagen Foundation created a new program to fund a temporary transfer of young social scientists to positions in public administration, of the first five awards MPIfG researchers received no less than three, enabling them to work for up to a year in organizations as different as the ILO, the Polish Office of the Committee for European Integration and the German Ministry of Economics and Labor. Fritz Scharpf, almost as a matter of course, was appointed to the high-level government commission on the reform of German federalism, and a growing number of our researchers published their results in quality newspapers and magazines for a broader public. Within the Max Planck Society, I was elected in the summer of 2003 for three years as chair of the Human Sciences Section, which served not least to draw our attention to the many excellent opportunities for even closer cooperation with other Max Planck institutes. I also was honored to be invited to give the public lecture at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Max Planck Society in , where I presented results from research at the institute on the “globaliza- tion” of societies, politics and the economy.

Wolfgang Streeck Managing Director

 The Years 2003–2004


Research Results The years 2003 and 2004 were a transitional period for the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. They saw the completion of a number of research projects (for more on the development of the project portfolio and project publications, see the next section of the Report). In 2003, Anke Hassel completed her postdoctoral thesis on social pacts in Europe, Negotiating Wage Restraint, which will be published by Amsterdam University Press in 2006. In 2004, Jürgen Beyer followed suit with his postdoctoral thesis, Auf neuen Pfaden: Institutionelle Vielfalt, anfällige Stabilität und grundlegender Wandel. It will be published by Campus in 2006. The work explores the possibilities of new directions of policy in the face of path dependency, institu- tional varieties, weak stability and structural change. Wolfgang Streeck and Herbert Kitschelt jointly edited Germany: Beyond the Stable State (Frank Cass, 2004), which analyzes the unravelling of the German model since the upheavals of the early 1990s. Other projects completed in 2003 and 2004 focused on faltering union membership in Europe, the aggregation of business interests in the EU, lobbying in the US and the EU, and the impact of internationalization on business associations. The project “‘New Governance’ and Social Europe: Theory and Practice of Mini- mum Harmonization and Soft Law in the Multilevel System,” directed by Gerda Falkner from 1999 to 2003, led to a volume published in 2005 by Cambridge Uni- versity Press: Complying with Europe: EU Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Mem- ber States, by Gerda Falkner with Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber and Oliver Treib. Hartlapp, Leiber and Treib, doctoral students supervised at the institute by Gerda Falkner, each contributed a book to a three-volume work, Politik – Verbände – Recht: Die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialpolitik, published in 2004 and 2005 in the MPIfG book series by Campus. Theories and methods played an important role in several completed projects. Continuity and discontinuity in institutional change were examined in the volume Beyond Continuity edited by Wolfgang Streeck and Kathleen Thelen (Oxford Uni- versity Press, 2005). Institutional complementarity was the focus of an international project by researchers at the MPIfG, CEPREMAP in Paris and the University of War- wick which culminated in an article by Martin Höpner in the Socio-Economic Review and a subsequent set of comments by prominent scholars. Lothar Krempel’s work on network visualization has gained wide recognition. He received his postdoctoral lectureship qualification (Habilitation) from the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2003. Researchers at the institute collaborated with him to create visual representa- tions of their complex subject matter. His book based on his postdoctoral thesis, Visualisierung komplexer Strukturen, was published by Campus in 2005.

 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

A New Research Group on Government In 2003, Philip Manow was chosen to create a new research group on “Democratic Government and Economic Governance.” Including Steffen Ganghof and Simone Burkhart, and benefiting from the experience of retired director Fritz W. Scharpf, this group is examining how economic outcomes are affected by different types of state intervention. Themes investigated include taxation, the impact of party politics on European policy, theories of democracy and federalism reform.

Career Moves Bernhard Ebbinghaus, researcher and postdoctoral fellow at the MPIfG from 1997 to 2004, became Professor of Macrosociology at the University of Mannheim in 2004. Since 2005, he has also been in charge of the section on “European Societies and Their Integration” at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES). Gerda Falkner, who had a research professorship at the MPIfG from 1998 to 2003, has been Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science at the Institute Bernhard Ebbinghaus for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna since 2002. Anke Hassel, who was a postdoctoral fellow and a research project leader dur- ing her nine years at the MPIfG from 1996 to 2004, spent her last MPIfG year on a special leave in Berlin. She worked at the Policy Planning Department of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor in a position funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Upon leaving the MPIfG in 2004, Hassel became Professor of Sociology at International University Bremen. In 2005, she became Professor of Public Policy at the recently founded of Government in Berlin. Susanne K. Schmidt, who was a doctoral student, research fellow and postdoc at the MPIfG from 1990 to 2005, is now Professor of Political Science in the Faculty of

Anke Hassel Sociology at the University of Bielefeld. Four doctoral students left the institute for research positions after completing their dissertations. Oliver Treib is assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna. Miriam Hartlapp is a senior researcher in the unit for Labor Market Policy and Employment of the Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB), and Simone Leiber is head of the unit on social policy at the Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) of the Hans Böckler Founda- tion in Düsseldorf. Martin Heipertz is an economist in the Directorate General for International Relations at the in Frankfurt am Main. Two PhD graduates, Cornelia Woll and Armin Schäfer, have remained as postdoctoral fellows at the MPIfG. Susanne Schmidt

 The Years 2003–2004

Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG The membership of the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG, which was founded in 2002 to foster the exchange of ideas and contact between friends and former researchers of the MPIfG, now numbers 73 persons (November 2005). Its annual meetings are well attended, serving to bridge the gaps that continue to ex- ist between research and practice. Panel discussions featuring Society members and MPIfG researchers are popular events at the institute. The society’s annual meeting is scheduled to coincide with the opening of the MPIfG Annual Art Exhibit, which provides a stimulating atmosphere.

Special Honors

Fritz W. Scharpf, director emeritus of the MPIfG, received the Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in honor of his decades of distinguished service as a political advisor to policymakers in state and federal governments in Germany. Kathleen Thelen, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University in Evanston and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the MPIfG, was award- ed the 125,000-euro Max Planck Research Award for International Cooperation in 2003. Funded by the Max Planck Society and the Alexander von Humboldt Foun- dation, the award will enable the years of Thelen’s good collaboration with the MPIfG to be placed on a broader footing. The focus of her research is mechanisms of change in the political and economic institutions of so- cieties that are subject to the pressures of globalization. Prof ..Kathleen Thelen receives Max Planck Research Award Kathleen Thelen became the second External Scientific for International Cooperation in 2003 Member of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in 2005. Cornelia Woll received the Seymour Martin Lipset Award 2005 for her disserta- tion on lobbying in transatlantic comparison. The award is conferred annually by the Society for Comparative Research at Princeton University for the best comparative doctorate written in English. Woll’s thesis entitled “The politics of trade preferences: business lobbying on service trade in the United States and the ” is the first European dissertation to receive the award. Cornelia Woll wrote her disserta- tion at the MPIfG and graduated simultaneously from the and the Institut d’Études Politiques (IEP) de Paris.

 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Henrik Enderlein, a doctoral student at the MPIfG from 1999 to 2001, was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for an excellent doctoral thesis in 2003. In his dissertation, Enderlein analyzed the impact of the European Economic and Monetary Union on domestic fiscal and wage-setting institutions in the member states.

Fritz W. Scharpf Retired Family members, friends from academia and government, colleagues, researchers and staff members from the MPIfG came to honor Fritz W. Scharpf upon his retirement on February 12, 2003. The festivities at the Chocolate Museum, which included schol- arly lectures, personal tributes, a reception overlooking the Rhine and the Cologne skyline and live a capella singing, made for a memorable occasion. Among the speakers were Fritz Schramma (Mayor of the City of Cologne), Hartmut Krebs (Deputy Minister of Educa- tion, Science and Research for North Rhine-Westphalia and Chair of the MPIfG Board of Trustees) and Rüdiger Wolfrum (Vice-President of the Max Planck Society). A high point of the evening was the presentation of the Festschrift to Professor Scharpf, Die Reformierbarkeit der Demokratie: Innovationen und Blockaden, edited by Deputy Minister Hartmut Krebs speaks at the festivities . honoring Fritz W ..Scharpf upon his retirement in 2003 Wolfgang Streeck and Renate Mayntz. Since retiring, Fritz W. Scharpf has continued to contribute to the in- tellectual life of the institute. In 2003 and 2004, he served on the Commission on the Reform of the Federal Order.

New Director After a two-year period during which Wolfgang Streeck directed the MPIfG alone, the institute was pleased to welcome the sociologist Jens Beckert in March 2005 as a new director. Beckert succeeded Fritz W. Scharpf, who retired as director in 2003. In 2005, Beckert was awarded the Prize of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. The jurors described him as one of the most original and productive soci- ologists of his generation, nationally and internationally: “Already one of the leading scholars in the fast-changing field of economic sociology, Jens Beckert … belongs to a group of pioneering theorists who are rediscovering the most basic themes and ques- tions of classical sociology. Their impact goes well beyond their own subdiscipline, affecting the social sciences as a whole. With his dissertation, Beckert began staking a claim for an innovative approach that crosses the borders between sociology and economics. In his postdoctoral thesis comparing inheritance law in France, Germany and the United States over the last two hundred years, he analyzed how the social and

 The Years 2003–2004

political debates on this issue influenced the development of basic normative prin- ciples in modern societies and had a profound impact on their moral identity.” Jens Beckert studied sociology and business administration at the New School for Social Research in New York, where he earned a degree in sociology (1991), and at the Free University of Berlin, where he received a Master’s degree in business (1993). In 1996 he earned a doctorate in sociology at the Free University of Berlin, where he also qualified for professorship in 2003 with his postdoctoral thesis on the sociology of inheritance law. From 2002 he was associate professor of sociology at International University Bremen, and then took up the offer of a professorship in sociology at the University of Göttingen in the fall of 2003. Jens Beckert was elected to the “Young Academy” of the Berlin-Branden- burg Academy of Sciences in 2000. His postdoctoral thesis, Unverdientes Vermögen: Soziologie des Erbrechts (Campus 2004), will be published by Princeton University Press in 2007 as Unearned Wealth: A Comparative Analysis of Inheri- tance Law. Jens Beckert is on the edititoral board of Eco- nomic Sociology – The European Electronic Newsletter. In 2005, he edited the International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology with Milan Zafirovski (Routledge). Jens Beckert

 Project Areas and Research Projects

The Research Program 1986–2005 The general theme of research at the institute is the conditions under which mod- ern societies may be able to solve problems through collective action. The research program of the period from 1986 to 1995 focused on historically and internationally comparative studies of the interaction between political-administrative intervention and societal self-organization in selected sectors “close to the state” – namely in health care systems, organized research systems and large technical infrastructure systems, with a special emphasis on telecommunications. In the second program period from 1996 to 2005, the subjects of empirical research changed in response to the growing importance of market interaction and international competition even in sectors that were formerly protected and tightly controlled by the authority of the nation state. In telecommunications, for instance, privatization and deregulation have progressed widely. The same holds true for other sectors traditionally close to the state, such as air and rail transportation, road hauling, the electronic media and energy supply. Simi- larly, the influence of government policy on industrial research has declined. Look- ing back at the last decade, we find a growing importance of market coordination in almost all functional sectors. This can be attributed in part to changes in political ideologies and perceptions of reality. But it is also a response to actual constraints presented by European integration, economic globalization and international regime competition, which have tended to make “market-correcting” national systems of regulation appear to be liabilities for international competitiveness. Real-world changes like these require a historically grounded definition of the questions guiding the institute’s second program period. While we continued to be interested in the problem-solving capacity of modern societies, we looked at it within the context of historical conditions which limit the effectiveness of merely national solutions, increase the importance of public and private transnational and supranational governance, and

10 Project Areas and Research Projects

increase the importance of interaction effects between national systems of gov- ernance.

Against this background, the research program emphasized three types of studies: 1. International and intersectoral comparisons of the functioning of national systems of governance and their response to changed external conditions. In internationally com- parative studies, we tried to find out whether national systems that used to be dif- ferent from one another are in the process of converging into a uniform (or, at least, more uniform) pattern, or whether exogenously induced change leads to new, but still nationally different (and in this sense “path dependent”) institutional configura- tions. Are these configurations functional equivalents with no effect on international competitiveness? Or are they assets, or liabilities? Intersectoral comparisons focused on the differences between sectors exposed to international competition and sectors that continue to be “protected,” as well as on the interactions between these sectors. In each dimension we analyzed whether, how and to what extent different functions and structures of governance may be affected by external change. For example, one may hypothesize that today’s transformation of national regimes weakens primarily their redistributive and market-correcting capacities. There are also signs that more intense international competition has a particularly negative effect on the perfor- mance of sectoral self-organization. This might increase the relative importance of state regulation, albeit at a generally reduced level of intervention and within the limits drawn by international regime competition. 2. The operation, performance and democratic legitimacy of transnational and supra- national governance systems, with a special emphasis on the European Union. Even though they are reducing national capacities to act, such systems are also supposed to perform governance functions the national level can no longer handle effectively. Here, too, we were able to build on work from our first program period. Problems of interest intermediation are of particular interest at this level. As long as the “democratic deficit” of transnational institutions impedes progress towards majority decision-making, the problem-solving capacity of such institutions will tend to be limited to matters on which a broad consensus can be reached among par- ticipating states. Moreover, nationally influential non-state actors – and the interests they represent – will differ greatly in their capacity to organize and act at the trans- national level. What we can expect, therefore, is a characteristic selectivity of interest intermediation in transnational regimes that may differ greatly from the distribution of influence in national governance systems. 3. The interplay between the institutions of multilevel governance systems. There is no reason to think that functions which are affected by economic competition at the na- tional level will necessarily be performed at the European or international level, and vice versa. Instead, there is a possibility of competence gaps or competence conflicts, or of the immobilism of interlevel “joint decision traps.” But it is also possible that a productive complementarity of competencies will develop that serves to increase the

11 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

overall problem-solving capacity of multilevel gover- nance. Which of these possibilities will prevail may well depend on the instruments applied. One of our main theoretical concerns is to develop methods for analyz- ing the compatibility and incompatibility of different types of regulation. The emergence of transnational multilevel policy- making affects not only states but also systems of self- regulation in (civil) society. Differences in the capacity of interest groups to organize and act on the transna- Wolfgang Streeck and Fritz W ..Scharpf shared the MPIfG directorship from 1997 to 2003 tional level have an impact on the bias of transnational governance systems – which, in turn, may affect the structure and operation of national systems. Generally, multilevel governance creates new opportunities for actors to choose among arenas and levels of action. Interna- tionalization enables governments and nationally organized interest groups to use their influence on international decisions for domestic purposes. In allowing them to delegate to higher levels problems that they are unwilling or unable to solve, it also fa- cilitates blame avoidance by shifting responsibility for difficult issues to international or supranational decision-makers.

The institute’s research program attempts to clarify the conditions shaping the com- plex intertwining of public and private domestic policy, foreign policy and inter- national relations. Empirical and theoretical projects are to contribute to a better understanding of the consequences for the problem-solving capacity of modern so- cieties, for the mediation of interests, and for democratic legitimacy.

12 Project Areas and Research Projects

Current Research Projects at the End of 2004

Industrial Relations and Welfare States Research Group on Democratic Government and Economic Governance Transformation of German Corporatism Reforms in Public Financing Exemptions of Work from Social Security . Contributions Reform Gridlock in Bicameral Systems “Hard to Serve” or Hardly Served? Opportunity Costs of Welfare State Reforms Institutionalized Corporatism Joint Decision Trap Parties and Unions in Europe Trade Unions and the Welfare State Science, Technology Vocational Education and Training . and Systems of Innovation in Transition Strategies of German Biotech Companies Interaction of Institutional and Technical . Corporate Governance Innovations Comparative Advantages of Coordinated . Modern Communication Systems and . Capitalism Governability Capital Disentanglement in Germany EU Company Law Harmonization Governance of Global Structures Organized Capitalism in Germany Transnational Organizations and Global Governance

Organized Interests Theories and Methods Lobbying in Transatlantic Comparison The Theoretical Potential . of Macro-Social Analysis Europeanization of Organized Interests: . Automobile and Retail Institutional Complementarity Institutional Complementarities and . Institutional Change European Integration Implementing the Single European Market International Goals and National Decisions . in Economic Policy Coordination The Making and Implications of the Stability . and Growth Pact EU Migration and Asylum Regime Reform of European Pharmaceuticals . Regulation 2001–2004

Globalization Development of International Tourism

13 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

The Development of the Research Project Portfolio

The years 2003 and 2004 were a period when Fritz W. Scharpf was no longer a director while his successor had not yet arrived at the MPIfG. For the time of the interregnum Wolfgang Streeck took responsibility for the Institute’s entire project portfolio, although the two research groups led by Raymund Werle and Philip Manow continued to operate more or less indepen- dently. (They therefore report separately.) A large num- ber of major projects were concluded in the areas of Industrial Relations and Welfare States, Organized In- terests, European Integration, and Theories and Methods, with some of the principal investigators subsequently leaving for major appointments at universities and other research institutes. This refers in particular to Bernhard Ebbinghaus, who moved to the University of Mannheim; Anke Hassel, who took up a post at the International University of Bremen; and Gerda Falkner, who was appointed as Head of the Political Science Department at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna. Two doc- toral dissertations, by Armin Schäfer and Cornelia Woll, were submitted and graded summa cum laude. Their authors continue to work at the institute as postdoctoral researchers. Major projects that came to an end during these two years include the three col- lective volumes edited by Wolfgang Streeck with Herbert Kitschelt, with Kathleen Thelen, and with Jürgen Grote, Volker Schneider and Jelle Visser, respectively. The volume with Kitschelt was a Special Issue of West European Politics on the calamities of the German political economy at the end of the 1990s. The collection edited with Kathleen Thelen concluded a collaborative research project on institutional change in modern welfare states undergoing liberalization, especially gradual but nevertheless transformative change. Finally, the volume with Grote, Schneider and Visser (which will come out at the end of 2005) brought to an end a long effort to develop a better understanding of the impact of internationalization on business interest associations in Europe, picking up where the Organization of Business Interests project initiated by Schmitter and Streeck in the 1980s ended. Equally important for the standing and the performance of the Institute were Anke Hassel’s work on national social and employment pacts, Berhard Ebbinghaus’s research on the membership crises of trade unions, Lothar Krempel’s successful effort to develop a methodology for visualiz- ing complex social relationships, and a joint effort with a group at the CEPREMAP, led by Robert Boyer and Bruno Amable, to clarify the concept of complementarity – which culminated in a much-read publication in Socio-Economic Review. Among the most visible achievements of 2003 and 2004 was the successful con- clusion of the project directed by Gerda Falkner on “‘New Governance’ and Social Europe,” which included the completion of three excellent dissertations, by Miriam

14 Project Areas and Research Projects

Hartlapp, Simone Leiber and Oliver Treib. The publications that have arisen from this research represent another significant contribution by the MPIfG to the study of European integration. Still, with the inevitable dissolution of Gerda Falkner’s re- search group, the foreseeable departure of Susanne Schmidt to a university professor- ship (which became reality in the fall of 2005) and, of course, the retirement of Fritz W. Scharpf it seemed an appropriate moment to scale down the Institute’s invest- ment in European integration research and convert most of the resources that were devoted to this purpose in the past to new subjects on which the MPIfG still has to make its mark. European integration remains of interest and is currently studied in at least two projects. Unlike in the past, however, there is no longer a special cluster of European integration projects, and there will not be one in the foreseeable future. A similar decision was taken with regard to the study of organized interests, where the MPIfG has a tradition of state-of-the-art research and theory. Decisions like this are inevitable in a research institute as small as the MPIfG that wants to remain innova- tive and do novel and original research precisely in fields that are not yet fully mature and established. Turning to the projects that were current at the end of 2004, a major theme was and continues to be the transformation of the postwar welfare state, especially the neo-corporatist state of (West) Germany. The reason why Germany has moved to the center of a great number of projects at the MPIfG is that it represents a key case of the organized or nonliberal variant of modern capitalism whose fate is likely to be indicative of the prospects of a socially embedded market economy today. Placing Germany in comparative perspective, research at the MPIfG applies both a func- tional complementarity approach and a slow institutional change approach, in an attempt to understand the relative significance of economic and political factors in the present process of disorganization, liberalization and, perhaps, reorganization of a major nonliberal political economy. As indicated at the last meeting of the Fach- beirat, research on political economy at the MPIfG increasingly adopts a historical- longitudinal approach, tracing developments over time in a deep exploration of core cases – without of course neglecting the important methods and findings of larger-N comparative work. There were other subjects in the research portfolio of 2003–2004 whose growing significance for the MPIfG is not adequately reflected in our tabulations of com- pleted and current research projects. One of them is Eastern Europe, whose emerging capitalist political economies were studied by a number of visitors. Their presence had and has a growing impact on the research interests and questions of research- ers more oriented towards Western Europe and the United States. The same applies to East Asia which is increasingly represented among the visitors working and the themes studied at the institute. This builds in part on the successful Germany–Japan project undertaken jointly with Kozo Yamamura in previous years. From this exten- sion of the geographical reach of our work we expect a substantial enrichment of institutionalist research on capitalist political economies.

15 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Current work at the end of 2004 also focused on global governance and global social structures, especially with Renate Mayntz’s systematic stock-taking of German research on “globalization” and Lothar Krempel’s emerging project on international tourism. In the Theory and Methods section, work was devoted during 2003 and 2004 to clarifying the logic and the theoretical potential of macro-social analysis (Re- nate Mayntz) and to further explorations of the relationship between institutional complementarities and institutional change. The latter project is being pursued, to- gether with Kathleen Thelen, by the entire research group led by Wolfgang Streeck. At the end of 2004 the group included Martin Höpner, Britta Rehder and Christine Trampusch. In the meantime they have been joined by Armin Schäfer and Cornelia Woll. The purpose of the joint effort is to pull together results from the various em- pirical projects underway, and reflect on them in more abstract, potentially generaliz- able terms.

Research Group on Democratic Government and Economic Governance Projects in this research group, which is directed by Phil- ip Manow, are located at the interface between compar- ative politics and comparative political economy. They analyze political decision-making processes and their economic effects. In addition to Philip Manow, the re- search group consists of one senior researcher, Steffen Ganghof, and two doctoral students, Simone Burkhart Research Group on Democratic Government and Economic and Holger Döring. Director emeritus Fritz W. Scharpf Governance: Philip Manow, Simone Burkhart and . joined the group with his project “(No) Escape from Steffen Ganghof the Joint Decision Trap?” which analyzes the failed at- tempts by the “Joint Commission on the Modernization of the Federal Order” to reform German federalism. Scharpf was an expert on the commission. Simone Burkhart’s dissertation on “Reform Gridlock and German Bicameral- ism,” which should be completed in fall of 2006, deals with the legislative conse- quences of divided government in the German political system. Using an impressive data set that contains every single legislative initiative introduced in German parlia- ment from 1972 to 2002, Burkhart will be able to put the controversial debate about the gridlock potential of divided government in the German political system on a solid empirical foundation. Having joined the research group in February of 2005, Holger Döring is in the early stages of his doctoral project. In his dissertation on “Decision Making in the European Union,” a study of the strategic interplay between the Council, Parlia- ment and the Commission in European legislation, he is focusing particularly how the European legislative process is affected when there are different majorities in the Council and in the Parliament. Döring is currently compiling a large data set from

16 Project Areas and Research Projects

the European Legislative Observatory that will provide the basis for his empirical analysis of the legislative process in the European Union. Döring’s work is part of a larger project on “Europe’s Party-Political Center of Gravity.” A first result of this project was a paper in 2004 by Philip Manow, Armin Schäfer and Hendrik Zorn that explored the party-political complexion of the Coun- cil since the Treaty of Rome and examined the consequences of changes in EU mem- ber-state government composition for European social policy. Subsequent papers will treat the second order election effect in European elections (Manow), discuss the legitimacy of regulatory delegation in the EU in the light of growing controversy over European integration (Schäfer) and analyze whether differences between national and European elections have led to systematic differences in the party-political com- plexion of Parliament and the Commission (Manow). In 2002 Steffen Ganghof submitted his doctoral dissertation on income tax re- form in seven industrialized countries to the University of Bremen. The dissertation was accepted in 2003 and published by Campus in 2004 as Wer regiert in der Steuer- politik? A thoroughly updated and expanded English edition will be published in 2006 by Routledge. In 2003 and 2004, Steffen Ganghof focused on submitting and publishing several articles following up on his dissertation and began work on his new project “The Quality of Democracy – Retrieving True Majoritarian Democracy,” which aims to connect positive political theory, normative democratic theory and comparative typologies of democracy. The group organized two major conferences at the institute. Ganghof and Manow organized “Theoretical Perspectives on German Politics” in 2003, which led to their jointly edited book, Mechanismen der Politik, in 2005 (Campus). In 2004, Philip Manow organized the first of two conferences on “Religion and the Western Welfare State” – the second is scheduled for May 2006. The results of the two conferences will be published in a volume edited jointly by Manow and Kees van Kersbergen of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. In 2003 and 2004, Philip Manow published several articles, book chapters and discussion papers on German politics, comparative politics, European integration, and social policy.

Science, Technology and Systems of Innovation

Responsibility for this group of projects is shared between the directors. Head of the research area, which was reconfigured in 2004, is Raymund Werle. In 2003 and 2004, the group’s research focused mainly on technical innovations. Theoretical work was aimed at spelling out more precisely how innovations are shaped by institutions, and at identifying the repercussions of technical innovations on institutions. In June 2003, Knut Lange, one of the new members of the research area, started a doctoral dissertation project entitled “German Biotech Companies and Their In- novative Ability in International Comparison: An Institutionalist Analysis.” Its aim Raymund Werle

17 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

was to provide an explanation of the relative success of the German biotech industry, which came as a surprise to many observers who claimed that the German institu- tional conditions were unfavorable to radical innovations. Empirical work including interviews in Germany and Great Britain was conducted until May 2004. Data analy- sis and interpretation is based on different institutional theories of innovation and commercial competitiveness. The dissertation was completed in summer 2005. Raymund Werle reviewed the institutionalist literature on technical innova- tions and technical development and published a critical essay on the three strands of theory in this area (socio-economic, national systems of innovation and politi-

Knut Lange cal economy). He also did preparatory work for a research project which picks up where the theoretical conclusions of the literature review leave off. The project has the working title “New Technologies and the Protection of Intellectual Property.” Fo- cusing on biotechnology and information technology, it will analyze the interactive dynamic between the changing rules of intellectual property protection and innova- tive technical developments. In 2004, Werle started cooperating with Ulrich Dolata (University of Bremen), who is working on “The Impact of Technological Innovations on Actor Configura- tions and Patterns of Cooperation and Competition” in the internet and biotechnol- ogy sectors. To facilitate his collaboration with the MPIfG researchers, Dolata will be affiliated with the MPIfG from October 2005 to November 2007. The internet continued to be another focus of Werle’s research. He analyzed re- cent developments of internet governance and the ongoing international controversy on the role of governments and intergovernmental organizations concerning the (US-dominated) ultimate control over the basic functions of the internet. He was also involved in a European working group (COST Action 14) on “Regulation and Control in the Information Age” which completed its work in 2003. In the last quarter of 2004 Jürgen Feick became affiliated to the research area. His research focuses on the impact of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) on the political and administrative system. Feick has begun by reviewing the vast literature on observable or expected impacts of modern ICT, con- centrating on three aspects of the political process: politics and political decision- making (input), intra- and interadministrative problem-handling, coordination and cooperation (throughput), and interactions between implementing authorities and intervention targets (implemention). In a more policy-oriented perspective, Feick asks whether the utilization of modern ICT might create new problems which may change regulatory or governance conditions for the political system. By separating inconclusive and speculative publications from conceptual and empirical studies, the literature review will be the basis for a decision to proceed either with a conceptual- theoretical project or an empirical one. Before turning to the impact of ICT on the political system, Feick continued his studies of pharmaceuticals regulation and European integration. In spring 2003, he was a visiting scholar at the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation of the Lon- don School of Economics where he collaborated with the LSE colleagues on issues of

18 Project Areas and Research Projects

regulatory politics and regulation. He presented results of his studies in an LSE semi- nar and at other conferences. The project is finished, and several articles have been published dealing with the Europeanization of pharmaceuticals regulation from dif- ferent theoretical perspectives.

Completed Projects 2003–2004

Completed Projects at a Glance

Industrial Relations and Welfare States Regional Integration Germany: Beyond the Stable State The Rise of East Asia Social Pacts and National Wage Bargaining in Europe European Trade Unions under Pressure Theories and Methods Continuity and Discontinuity Organized Interests Visualization of Social Structures Lobbying in Transatlantic Comparison Institutional Complementarity Business Associations in an Internationalized Economy Aggregation of Business Interests

European Integration “New Governance” and Social Europe EC Social Policy Directives in Southern . and Francophone Europe EC Social Policy Directives and Social Partners Policy Misfit and the Implementation of . EC Social Policy Directives Implementing the Single European Market Managing Economic Interdependence

Reform of European Pharmaceuticals Regulation . Research project “‘New Governance’ and Social Europe”: 2001–2004 Miriam Hartlapp, Oliver Treib, Simone Leiber, Gerda Falkner The Making and Implications of the Stability and . Growth Pact Past and Present of the Stability and Growth Pact

19 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Industrial Relations and Welfare States

Social Pacts: The Transformation of National Wage Bündnis für Arbeit. Konstruktion, Kritik und Karriere Bargaining under the Impact of European Regime Compe- eines politischen Großprojekts. Opladen: Westdeutscher tition. Anke Hassel Verlag, 1999, 213–231.

Selected publications Anke Hassel: The Politics of Social Pacts: In: British Journal of European Trade Unions under Pressure: Institutional and Industrial Relations, Vol. 41, No. 4, 707–726 (2003). Organizational Change. Bernhard Ebbinghaus Anke Hassel: Negotiating Wage Restraint: Europe’s Response to a New Economic Environment. Habilitationsschrift. Ruhr- Selected publications Universität Bochum, Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Die Mitgliederentwicklung deutscher 2003 (forthcoming, Amsterdam University Press, Amster- Gewerkschaften im historischen und internationalen Ver- dam, 2006). gleich. In: Wolfgang Schroeder, Bernhard Weßels (Eds.), Anke Hassel: The Problem of Political Exchange in Complex Gewerkschaften in Politik und Gesellschaft in der Bun- Governance Systems: The Case of Germany’s Alliance for desrepublik Deutschland. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, Jobs. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 7, 2003, 176–203. No. 3, 305–323 (2001). Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Ever Larger Unions: Organisational Anke Hassel: Bündnisse für Arbeit. Nationale Handlungsfä- Restructuring and Its Impact on Union Confederations. higkeit im europäischen Regimewettbewerb. In: Politische In: Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 34, No. 5, 446–460 Vierteljahresschrift, Vol. 41, No. 3, 498–524 (2000). (2003). Anke Hassel, Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Striking Deals: The Role Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Trade Unions’ Changing Role: Mem- of Concertation in the Reform of the Welfare State. In: Jour- bership Erosion, Organisational Reform, and Social Part- nal of European Public Policy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 44–62 (2000). nership in Europe. In: Industrial Relations Journal , Vol. 33, No. 5, 465–483 (2002). Further publications Anke Hassel, Bernhard Ebbinghaus: From Means to Ends: Further publication Linking Wage Moderation and Social Policy Reform. In: Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Globalization and Trade Unions: A Philippe Pochet, Giuseppe Fajertag (Eds.), Social Pacts in Comparative-Historical Examination of the Convergence Europe: New Dynamics. Brüssel: ETUI/OSE, 2000, 61–84. Thesis. In: La mondialisation: perspectives historiques Anke Hassel, Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Soziale Pakte: Die Rolle – Paul Bairoch 1993–1999. Paris: Isméa, Économie Appli- der Konzertierung bei der Reform westeuropäischer Wohl- quée (Special issue), Vol. 40, No. 2, 121–139 (2002). fahrtsstaaten. In: Jan van Deth, Thomas König (Eds.), Eu- ropäische Politikwissenschaft – Ein Blick in die Werkstatt. Mannheimer Jahrbuch für europäische Sozialforschung, Germany: Beyond the Stable State. Wolfgang Streeck with Bd. 4. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2000, 418–445. Herbert Kitschelt (Duke University, Durham) Anke Hassel, Reiner Hoffmann: Nationale Bündnisse für Arbeit und Perspektiven für einen europäischen Beschäf- Herbert Kitschelt, Wolfgang Streeck (Eds.): Germany: Beyond tigungspakt. In: Hans-Jürgen Arlt, Sabine Nehls (Eds.), the Stable State. London and Portland/OR, Frank Cass, 2004, 266 p.

Organized Interests

Aggregation of Business Interests in the European Union. Andreas Broscheid

Andreas Broscheid, David Coen: Insider and Outsider Lobby- Andreas Broscheid, David Coen: Business Interest Represen- ing of the European Commission: An Informational Model tation and European Commission Fora: A Game Theoretic of Forum Politics. In: European Union Politics (EUP), Vol. Investigation. MPIfG Working Paper 02/7. Cologne: Max 4, No. 2, 165–189 (2003). Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2002.

20 Project Areas and Research Projects

Lobbying in Transatlantic Comparison: The US and the Cornelia Woll: The Road to External Representation: The EU during the Service Sector Negotiations of the WTO. Commission’s Activism in International Air Transport. In: Cornelia Woll (Doctoral project) Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 13, No. 1 (forth- coming 2006). Cornelia Woll: The Politics of Trade Preferences: Business Lob- bying on Service Trade in the United States and the Europe- Business Associations in an Internationalized Economy. an Union. Dissertation, Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris, Wolfgang Streeck with Volker Schneider, Jürgen Grote (Uni- and Universität zu Köln (binational doctorate), 2004. versity of Konstanz) and Jelle Visser (University of Amster- Cornelia Woll: Learning to Act on World Trade. Preference For- dam) mation of Large Firms in the United States and the Euro- pean Union. MPIfG Discussion Paper 05/1. Cologne: Max Wolfgang Streeck, Jürgen Grote, Volker Schneider, Jelle Visser Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2005, 33 p. (Eds.): Governing Interests. Business Associations Facing In- ternationalization. London: Routledge, 2005, 256 p.

European Integration

“New Governance” and Social Europe: Theory and Practice Misfit-These.MPIfG Discussion Paper 03/3. Cologne: Max of Minimum Harmonization and Soft Law in the Multilevel Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2003. System. Gerda Falkner with Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber Gerda Falkner: Austria in the European Union. Direct and and Oliver Treib Indirect Effects on Social Policy. In: Michael Gehler, An- ton Pelinka, Günter Bischof (Eds.), Österreich in der Eu- Related projects on the imple- ropäischen Union. Bilanz seiner Mitgliedschaft. Vienna: mentation of EC Social Policy Böhlau, 2003, 185–199. Directives: How Is Compliance Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver Assured by Enforcement Struc- Treib: Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of Na- tures at the European and the tional Non-Compliance with European Directives. Working National Level? Perspectives on Paper Political Science Series No. 83. Vienna: Institute for the Role of National Social Part- Advanced Studies, 2002, 27 p. ners in the European Multilevel Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver Treib: System; What Role Does Policy Transforming Social Policy in Europe? The EC’s Parental Misfit Play at the Transposition Leave Directive and Misfit in the 15 Member States. MPIfG Stage? (Hartlapp, Leiber, Treib) Working Paper 02/11. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2002. Gerda Falkner Gerda Falkner: Neues Regieren und soziales Europa: Theorie und Praxis von Mindestharmonisierung und “Soft Law” im Selected Publication Mehrebenensystem. In: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Ed.): Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Jahrbuch 2001. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Leiber: Complying with Europe: EU Harmonisation and 2001, 760–762. Soft Law in the Member States. Cambridge University Press, 2005, 418 p.

Further Publications How Is Compliance Assured by Enforcement Structures at Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver the European and the National Level? The Implementation Treib: EG-Richtlinien als soziales Korrektiv im europäischen of EC Social Policy Directives in France, Belgium, Spain, Mehrebenensystem? Regulative Entwicklung, Problemskiz- Portugal and Greece. Miriam Hartlapp (Doctoral project) ze und potentielle Wirkungsmuster. In: Adrienne Héritier, Main project: “New Governance” and Social Europe Fritz W. Scharpf, Michael Stolleis (Eds.), European and International Regulation after the Nation State: Different Selected Publications Scopes and Multiple Levels. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004, Miriam Hartlapp: Die Kontrolle der nationalen Rechtsdurch- 115–138. setzung durch die Europäische Kommission. Politik – Ver- Oliver Treib: Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen bände – Recht: Die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialpolitik, der Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Band 3. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2005, 254 p.

21 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib, Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber: Complying with Europe: EU Harmonisation and Leiber: Complying with Europe: Soft Law in the Member States. Cambridge: Cambridge EU Harmonisation and Soft Law University Press, 2005, 418 p. in the Member States. Cam- Gerda Falkner, Simone Leiber: A Europeanization of Social bridge: Cambridge University Partnership in Smaller European Democracies? In: Euro- Press, 2005, 418 p. pean Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol.10, No. 3, 245-266 Miriam Hartlapp, Gerda Falk- (2004). ner: Inkonsistent, inkonsequent, intransparent? Zur supranatio- Further Publications nalen Kontrolle der Umsetzung Simone Leiber: Nationale Sozialpartnerschaft und Soziales der EU-Sozialpolitik in den Mit- Europa: Eine laendervergleichende Studie zur Umsetzung gliedstaaten. In: Patricia Bauer, arbeitsrechtlicher EU-Richtlinien unter besonderer Berück- Helmut Voelzkow (Eds.), Die sichtigung von Daenemark, Schweden, Finnland, Österreich, Europäische Union – Marionette oder Regisseur? Wiesba- Luxemburg und Italien. Dissertation, Universität Heidel- den: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2004, 125–152. berg, Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 2003. Further Publications Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver Miriam Hartlapp: Zur Durchsetzung von EG-Recht: Eine län- Treib: EG-Richtlinien als soziales Korrektiv im europäischen dervergleichende Studie über die Umsetzung und Anwen- Mehrebenensystem? Regulative Entwicklung, Problemskiz- dung arbeitsrechtlicher EU-Richtlinien unter besonderer Be- ze und potentielle Wirkungsmuster. In: Adrienne Héritier, rücksichtigung von Frankreich, Belgien, Spanien, Portugal Fritz W. Scharpf, Michael Stolleis (Eds.), European and und Griechenland. Dissertation, Universität Osnabrück, International Regulation after the Nation State: Different Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, 2003. Scopes and Multiple Levels. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004, Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver 115–138. Treib: EG-Richtlinien als soziales Korrektiv im europäischen Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver Treib: Mehrebenensystem? Regulative Entwicklung, Problemskiz- Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of National ze und potentielle Wirkungsmuster. In: Adrienne Héritier, Non-Compliance with Euro- Fritz W. Scharpf, Michael Stolleis (Eds.), European and pean Directives. Working Paper International Regulation after the Nation State: Different Political Science Series No. 83. Scopes and Multiple Levels. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004, Vienna: Institute for Advanced 115–138. Studies, 2002, 27 p. Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hart- Treib: Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of Na- lapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver tional Non-Compliance with European Directives. Working Treib: Transforming Social Policy Paper Political Science Series No. 83. Vienna: Institute for in Europe? The EC’s Parental Advanced Studies, 2002, 27 p. Leave Directive and Misfit in the Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver Treib: 15 Member States. MPIfG Work- Transforming Social Policy in Europe? The EC’s Parental ing Paper 02/11. Cologne: Max Leave Directive and Misfit in the 15 Member States. MPIfG Planck Institute for the Study of Working Paper 02/11. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for Simone Leiber Societies, 2002. the Study of Societies, 2002.

The Implementation of EC Social Policy Directives of the The Implementation of EC Social Policy Directives: What 1990s: Perspectives on the Role of National Social Partners Role Does Policy Misfit Play at the Transposition Stage? in the European Multilevel System. Simone Leiber (Doc- Oliver Treib (Doctoral project). Main project: “New Gover- toral project). Main project: “New Governance” and Social nance” and Social Europe Europe Selected Publications Selected Publications Oliver Treib: Die Bedeutung der nationalen Parteipolitik für Simone Leiber: Europäische Sozialpolitik und nationale Sozi- die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialrichtlinien. Politik – Ver- alpartnerschaft. Politik – Verbände – Recht: Die Umsetzung bände – Recht: Die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialpolitik, europäischer Sozialpolitik, Band 2. Frankfurt a.M.: Cam- Band 1. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2004, 298 p. pus, 2005, 281 p.

22 Project Areas and Research Projects

Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone (Eds.), Die Europäische Union – Marionette oder Regis- Leiber: Complying with Europe: EU Harmonisation and seur? Festschrift für Ingeborg Tömmel. Wiesbaden: VS Soft Law in the Member States. Cambridge University Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2004, 51–65. Press, 2005, 418 p. Susanne K. Schmidt: Das Projekt der Europäischen Markt- Oliver Treib: Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen schaffung. Die gegenseitige Anerkennung und der Binnen- der Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Mis- markt für Dienstleistungen. In: Roland Czada, Reinhard fit-These. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, vol. 44, No. 4, Zintl (Eds.), Politik und Markt. Politische Vierteljahres- 506–528 (2003). schrift, Sonderheft 34/2003. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für So- zialwissenschaften, 83–106. Further Publications Susanne K. Schmidt: Die nationale Bedingtheit der Folgen der Oliver Treib: Europäische Vorgaben, nationaler Anpassungs- Europäischen Integration. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale bedarf und seine politische Verarbeitung: Eine länderver- Beziehungen, Vol. 10, No. 1, 43–67 (2003). gleichende Studie über die Umsetzung arbeitsrechtlicher Susanne K. Schmidt: The Impact of Mutual Recognition – In- EU-Richtlinien unter besonderer built Limits and Domestic Responses to the Single Market. Berücksichtigung von Deutsch- In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 9, No. 6, 935– land, den Niederlanden, Groß- 953 (2002). britannien und Irland. Dis- sertation, Universität zu Köln, Further publications Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissen- Susanne K. Schmidt: Rechtsunsicherheit statt Regulierungs- schaftlichen Fakultät, 2002. wettbewerb: Die nationalen Folgen des europäischen Bin- Oliver Treib: Die Umsetzung von nenmarkts für Dienstleistungen. Habilitationsschrift zur EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen der Erlangung einer Venia Legendi im Fach Politikwissen- Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzent- schaft. FernUniversität Hagen, Fachbereich Kultur- und rierte Antwort auf die Misfit- Sozialwissenschaften. 2004. These. MPIfG Discussion Paper Susanne K. Schmidt: Die Folgen der Europäischen Integrati- 03/3. Cologne: Max Planck Ins- on für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Wandel durch Ver- titute for the Study of Societies, flechtung. MPIfG Discussion Paper 02/4. Cologne: Max 2003. Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2002. Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver Treib: EG-Richtlinien als soziales Korrektiv im europäischen Mehrebenensystem? Regulative Entwicklung, Problemskizze Managing Economic Interdependence: The “Open Method und potentielle Wirkungsmuster. In: Adrienne Héritier, of Coordination” in Comparison. Armin Schäfer (Doctoral Fritz W. Scharpf, Michael Stolleis (Eds.), European and project) International Regulation After the Nation State: Different Scopes and Multiple Levels. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004, Selected publication 115–138. Armin Schäfer: Die neue Unverbindlichkeit. Wirtschaftspoli- Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver tische Koordinierung in Europa. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, Treib: Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of Na- 2005. tional Non-Compliance with European Directives. Working Paper Political Science Series No. 83. Vienna: Institute for Further publications Advanced Studies, 2002, 27 p. Armin Schäfer: A New Form of Governance? Comparing the Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, Simone Leiber, Oliver Treib; Open Method of Coordination to Mulitlateral Surveillance Transforming Social Policy in Europe? The EC’s Parental by the IMF and the OECD. In: Journal of European Public Leave Directive and Misfit in the 15 Member States. MPIfG Policy, Vol. 13, No. 1, forthcoming 2006. Working Paper 02/11. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for Armin Schäfer: Verfassung und Wohlfahrtsstaat: sozialpoli- the Study of Societies, 2002. tische Dilemmas europäischer Integration. In: Internatio- nale Politik und Gesellschaft, No. 4/2005, 120–141. Armin Schäfer: Verfahren wirtschaftspolitischer Koordinierung Implementing the Single European Market via Mutual in der Währungsunion: politische oder ökonomische Logik? Recognition in Germany and France. Susanne K. Schmidt In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, Vol. 3, No. 3, 362–387 (2005). Selected publications Armin Schäfer: Beyond the Community Method: Why the Susanne K. Schmidt: Rechtsunsicherheit als Folge der bizepha- OMC Was Introduced to EU Policy-making. In: European len Struktur der EU. In: Patricia Bauer, Helmut Voelzkow Integration online Papers (EIoP), Vol. 8, Nr. 13 (2004).

23 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Jürgen Feick: Regulatory Europeanization, National Auton- omy and Regulatory Effectiveness: Marketing Authoriza- tion for Pharmaceuticals. MPIfG Discussion Paper 02/6. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2002, 55 p.

The Making and Implications of the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact: Eurozone’s Deficiencies from an Institution- alist Perspective. Martin Heipertz (Doctoral project)

Martin Heipertz: Der Europäische Stabilitäts- und Wachs- Henrik Enderlein and Martin Heipertz tumspakt: Institutionendesign im Selbstbindungsdilemma. Dissertation, Universität zu Köln, Wirtschafts- und Sozi- Armin Schäfer: Zwischen internationalen Zielen und natio- alwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2004. naler Politik: Wirtschaftspolitische Koordinierung in der Martin Heipertz: The Stability and Growth Pact: Not the Best Europäischen Union, der OECD und dem Internationalen but Better than Nothing. Reviewing the Debate on Fiscal Währungsfonds. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, Sozial- Policy in Europe’s Monetary Union. MPIfG Working Paper wissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2004. 03/10. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of So- Armin Schäfer: Stabilizing Postwar Europe: Aligning Domes- cieties, 2003. tic and International Goals. MPIfG Working Paper 03/8. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2003. Ruling Europe? The Past and Present of the European Sta- Armin Schäfer: Vier Perspektiven zur Entstehung und Ent- bility and Growth Pact. Martin Heipertz and Amy Verdun wicklung der “Europäischen Beschäftigungspolitik.” MPIfG (University of Victoria, Canada) Discussion Paper 02/9. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2002. Martin Heipertz, Amy Verdun: The Dog that Would Never Bite? The Past and Future of the Stability and Growth Pact. In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 11, No. 5, 765– Interest Representation and Influence in the Reform of 780 (2004). European Pharmaceuticals Regulation 2001–2004. Jürgen Martin Heipertz, Amy Verdun: The Stability and Growth Feick and Andreas Broscheid (University of North Carolina, Pact: Theorizing a Case in European Integration. In: Jour- Pembroke) nal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 43, No. 5, 985–1008 (2005). Selected publications Jürgen Feick: Learning and Interest Accommodation in Policy and Institutional Change: EC Risk Regulation in the Phar- maceuticals Sector. Discussion Paper 25. ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation. London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 51 p. Jürgen Feick: Catastrophes, Regulation and Interest Accommo- dation. Market Entry Regulation for Pharmaceuticals in the European Union. In: Risk & Regulation. Magazine of the ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, No. 6, Autumn 2003, 10–11 (2003).

Further publications Jürgen Feick: Verfahrensvielfalt und Interessenbezug in der eu- ropäischen Arzneimittelzulassung. In: Beate Kohler-Koch, Rainer Eising (Eds.), Interessenpolitik in Europa. Baden- Baden: Nomos, 2005, 153–178. Jürgen Feick Amy Verdun

24 Project Areas and Research Projects

Regional Integration

The Rise of East Asia as a Process of Regional Integration. Patrick Ziltener

Patrick Ziltener: Ostasiatische oder pazifische Handelsdy- Patrick Ziltener: Gibt es einen namik? Eine Analyse von UNCTAD-Handelsdaten, 1970– regionalen Integrationsprozess in 2000. MPIfG Working Paper 02/9. Cologne: Max Planck Ostasien? MPIfG Discussion Pa- Institute for the Study of Societies, 2002. per 03/2. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Socie- ties, 2003, 73 p. Patrick Ziltener

Theories and Methods

Institutional Complementarity and the Dynamics of Supplement 9, 151–169. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- Economic Systems. Wolfgang Streeck and Martin Höpner sity Press (2001). with Robert Boyer and Bruno Amable (CEPREMAP, Paris) Lothar Krempel: Visualizing Networks with Spring Embed- and Colin Crouch (University of Warwick and MPIfG) ders: Two-mode and Valued Data. In: American Statistical Association (Ed.), 1999 Proceedings of the Section of Sta- Martin Höpner: What Connects Industrial Relations with Cor- tistical Graphics. Alexandria/VA: ASA, 2000, 37–46. porate Governance? Explaining Complementarity. Followed Lothar Krempel, Thomas Plümper: International Division of by Comments from Bruno Amable, Robert Boyer, Colin Labor and Global Economic Processes: An Analysis of the Crouch, Peter A. Hall, Gregory Jackson, Wolfgang Streeck. In: International Trade in Automobiles. In: Journal of World- Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, 331–388 (2005). Systems Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, 487–498 (1999), . Visualization of Social Structures. Lothar Krempel

Selected publications Continuity and Discontinuity in Institutional Analysis. Lothar Krempel: Visualisierung komplexer Strukturen. Grundla- Wolfgang Streeck with Kathleen Thelen (Northwestern Uni- gen der Darstellung mehrdimensionaler Netzwerke. Frank- versity) furt a.M.: Campus, 2005, 216 p. Lothar Krempel: The Language of Networks. In: Gerfried Selected publications Stocker, Christine Schöpf (Eds.), Ars Electronica 2004: Wolfgang Streeck, Kathleen Thelen (Eds.): Beyond Continu- Timeshift – The World in 25 Years. 25 Years of Festival for ity. Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. Art, Technology and Society. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, 290 p. Verlag, 2004, 234–243. Kathleen Thelen: The Origins of Cross-National Variation in Skill Formation and Training. In: Geoffrey Jones, Jonathan Further publications Zeitlin (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Business and History. Lothar Krempel: Netzwerkvisualisierung: Prinzipien und Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming 2005). Elemente einer graphischen Technologie zur multidimen- sionalen Exploration sozialer Strukturen. Habilitations- Further publication schrift,Universität Duisburg, Fachbereich 1 Soziologie, 2001, Pepper D. Culpepper, Kathleen Thelen: The Politics and Poli- 276 p. cies of Skill Formation: A Perspective from Political Science. Lothar Krempel, Carola Lipp: Petitions and the Social Con- In: Karl Ulrich Mayer, Heike Solga (Eds.), Skill Formation: text of Political Mobilization in the Revolution of 1848/49: Interdisciplinary and Cross-National Perpectives (forth- A Microhistorical Actor-Centred Network Analysis. In: In- coming 2006). ternational Review of Social History, Special Issue, Vol. 46,

25 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Grant-funded Projects

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Sixth Framework Program of the European Union (German Research Foundation) Two MPIfG researchers are part of the Integrated Project on New Modes of Governance (NEWGOV, ), which is funded by the Sixth Framework Advantages of Coordinated Capitalism in a Competitive Program of the European Union. International Environment Jürgen Beyer European State Aid Control after Enlargement: Grant | 2002–2004 Domestic Impact in the New Member States and Repercussions on the European Level Michael Blauberger (Doctoral project) Grant | 2004–2007

Mutual Recognition in the Enlarged European Single Market: Domestic Impact in the New Member States and Repercussions on the European Level Wendelmoet van den Nouland (Doctoral project) Grant | 2004–2007

German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor, Berlin

Volkswagen Foundation The Volkswagen Foundation program “Welfare State Trans- formation – Bridging the Gap between Academia and Prac- tice,” funded research/work stays for three researchers from the MPIfG for one year (2003/2004) in policy-making insti- tutions.

The Reform Potential of the German Political System Anke Hassel Michael Blauberger Wendelmoet van den Nouland Host: German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor, Policy Planning Department Grant | May 2003–May 2004

Social Policy Standards and EU Eastern Enlargement: Evaluating Effects of the European Social Acquis in Poland Simone Leiber Host: Office of the Committee for European Integration (OCEI), Economic and Social Analysis Department (DAS), Warsaw Grant | November 2003–April 2004

ILO and EU – Two Mayor Players in the Transformation of National Social Policy: Working Apart or Together? Miriam Hartlapp Host: International Labour Organization, Geneva Grant | October 2003–September 2004

26 Research Cooperation

Cooperation and Communication within the Institute

Exchanging Ideas and Results Informing each other about current work is an established part of researchers’ activi- ties at the institute. Monthly seminars are a popular forum for presenting projects in progress and introducing new visiting researchers and postdoctoral fellows. Half- day workshops, where completed projects and their implications for future MPIfG research are discussed, offer further opportunities for debate. The institute’s project clusters facilitate exchange of information and ideas between directors and research- ers, and among researchers themselves. Supervision by the directors and several se- nior researchers helps doctoral candidates complete their theses in time. Doctoral candidates participate in a bi-weekly colloquium and report about their work in larger joint projects. A doctoral program with a curriculum is planned for 2005. Various lecture series, international conferences and workshops prepared by groups of researchers at the institute are vital to the exchange of ideas between the institute and the scientific community. If a larger audience for a visiting researcher can be expected, a public lecture is scheduled. An electronic mailing list makes it easy to invite the local scientific community, students and friends of the institute. Researchers present their current projects to the administrative staff and student as- sistants twice a year, which is well received. In 2004, the library launched a centrally located section for recent articles and books by MPIfG researchers, making it easier for researchers to keep informed about what their colleagues are writing. Researchers at all levels, including doctoral candidates, participate in a rigorous internal peer review of papers submitted for publication in the institute’s paper se- ries. This is an important vehicle for mutual information and debate which enables

27 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

reviewers to develop their critical skills while authors gain from their colleagues’ ex- perience and insights.

The Intellectual Life of the Institute in a Social Context In-house lunch meetings, the daily after-lunch espresso, spacious lunchrooms and kitchens, sunny terraces, nearby restaurants on Severinstrasse and the proximity of the guest apartments to the institute enhance personal contacts and help integrate visiting researchers and new colleagues. Each visiting researcher is assigned to a re- search staff member who shows him or her around the building and helps establish professional contacts inside and outside the institute. The newly established Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG provides a forum for networking among former MPIfG researchers who want to maintain their bond with the institute and current members of the research staff. The directors of the MPIfG regard it as one of their most important and reward- ing tasks to provide for a rich social and intellectual context at the institute, one within which independent and spontaneous discussion and cooperation among all members can flourish. Communication among researchers is no less essential for this than direct interaction between directors and research staff. The recruitment of staff and visitors, the selection of topics for internal seminars and workshops, the invita- tion of guest speakers and the organization of lecture series are all important instru- ments of cultivating collective and individual creativity and independent motivation to produce excellent work. It is only in an environment like this that the directors can avoid becoming restricted to research management and can remain actively involved in research themselves.

Cooperation with Other Research Institutes

International Cooperation In addition to the projects MPIfG researchers conduct jointly with colleagues around the world, the MPIfG as an institution cooperates closely with a number of re- search institutes working in similar fields, among them the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, the Center for European Studies at Harvard University, the Centre Européen at the Institut d’Études Politiques EUI building in San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy

28 Research Cooperation

in Paris, CEPREMAP (Centre pour la Recherche Économique et ses Applications) in Paris, and AIAS (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies) in Amsterdam.

Local Cooperation Researchers from the MPIfG meet twice a year, once in Bonn and once in Cologne, with their counterparts from the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn for an afternoon of project presentations and discussion. Directed by a lawyer and an economist, the institute in Bonn takes an interdisciplinary per- spective, seeking to integrate law, economics, and political sciences in its analysis of collective goods.

Joint Paper Archive for Studies on European Integration The MPIfG also contributes to a joint publications archive for research in the field of European integration, ERPA – the European Research Papers Archive (http://eiop. Administered by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, ERPA provides a common access point for the online paper series of the participating in- stitutions, so that researchers in the field of European integration studies can search them quickly. To guarantee high standards, ERPA only includes high-quality series:

Working Papers, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Law Depart- ment, European University Institute, Florence MPIfG Discussion Papers and MPIfG Working Papers, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne Jean Monnet Working Papers, European Union Jean Monnet Chair, New York University Law School, New York City European Integration online Papers (EIoP), European Communities Studies As- sociation Austria (ECSA), Vienna Working papers, ARENA Centre for European Studies, Oslo Working Papers, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), Mannheim One Europe or Several? Working Papers, Economic and Social Research Council Programme of the UK, based at Sussex European Institute, Brighton Queen’s Papers on Europeanisation, School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, Queen’s University, Belfast The Constitutionalism Web-Papers (ConWEB), Queen’s University, Belfast, and McGill University, Montreal

29 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Projects Conducted in Cooperation with Researchers Outside the MPIfG

Project Area Research Group on Democratic Government Industrial Relations and Welfare States and Economic Governance

Vocational Education and Training in Transition The Opportunity Costs of Welfare State Reforms Kathleen Thelen (Northwestern University and MPIfG) Philip Manow and Thomas Plümper (University of Konstanz) Germany: Beyond the Stable State* Wolfgang Streeck with Herbert Kitschelt (Duke University, Durham) Project Area Theories and Methods

Project Area Institutional Complementarities and Organized Interests Institutional Change Wolfgang Streeck and Kathleen Thelen (Northwestern Uni- Business Associations in an Internationalized versity and MPIfG), with Martin Höpner, Britta Rehder and Economy* Christine Trampusch Wolfgang Streeck with Volker Schneider, Jürgen Grote (University of Konstanz) and Jelle Visser (University of Institutional Complementarity and the Dynamics Amsterdam) of Economic Systems* Wolfgang Streeck and Martin Höpner with Robert Boyer and Bruno Amable (CEPREMAP, Paris) and Colin Crouch Project Area (University of Warwick and MPIfG) European Integration Continuity and Discontinuity in Institutional Analysis* Interest Representation and Influence in the Reform of Wolfgang Streeck with Kathleen Thelen European Pharmaceuticals Regulation 2001–2004* (Northwestern University and MPIfG) Jürgen Feick and Andreas Broscheid (University of North Carolina, Pembroke)

Ruling Europe? The Past and Present of the European Stability and Growth Pact* Martin Heipertz and Amy Verdun (University of Victoria, Canada) *completed in 2003–2004

Visiting Researchers

Gergana Atanasova Sabina Avdagic Industrial relations and processes of Shaping the paths to labor weakness in post-communist integration in the EU Central Eastern Europe: The interplay of political European Studies Department strategies and institutional structures University of Sofia, Bulgaria Political Science Department 2002/08–2003/07 Central European University, Budapest, Hungary 2003/05–2004/08

30 Research Cooperation

Tolga Bolukbasi Michel Goyer Monetary integration and the political economy Corporate governance in France and Germany of welfare state adaption in Europe Warwick Business School, Industrial Relations and Department of Sociology Organisational Behaviour Group McGill University, Montreal, Canada University of Warwick, UK 2003/07–2003/08 2004/07–2004/08

Andreas Broscheid Silvana Greco Interest representation and influence in the reform of Comparative analysis of career opportunities and limitations European pharmaceuticals regulation for part-time workers in Italy and Germany Department of Political Science and Dipartimento di Studi Sociali e Politici Public Administration Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy University of North Carolina–Pembroke, USA 2003/09–2003/11 2004/06– 2004/07 Ian Greer John W. Cioffi Social partnership and union strategy in comparative Corporate governance in Germany perspective: United States and Germany Department of Political Science School of Industrial and Labor Relations University of California–Berkeley, USA Cornell University, Ithaca, USA 2003/07 2003/11–2004/07

Virginia Doellgast Alexandra Hennessy Business associations and employment practices in call center Domestic sources of conflicting German and British regions: A comparative study of the US and Germany preferences regarding EU legislation on the governance School of Industrial and Labor Relations of pension funds across borders Cornell University, Ithaca, USA Department of Political Science 2003/11–2004/07 Boston University, USA 2004/06 Verena Eggert The influence of changes in the system of corporate Rogers Hollingsworth governance in Germany on selected aspects of human An historical and cross-national study of the role resource management of institutions and organizations in shaping major Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel scientific discoveries Management Departments of History and Sociology London School of Economics, UK University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA 2003/12–2004/06 2004/03–2004/05

Bai Gao Kerstin Jacobsson The constitutional order of the state and economic governance: The Open Method of Coordination in general and The convergence toward the associational order of the economy the European Employment Strategy in the United States, Germany, and Japan from 1930–1945 Stockholm Center for Organizational Research Department of Sociology Stockholm University, Sweden Duke University, Durham, USA 2003/10 2004/06–2004/07 Jani Kaarlejärvi Peter Gourevitch The role of Germany and its national interests in Comparative forms of corporate governance regulation the formation of the Stability Pact Department of Political Science Political Economy Research Centre University of California–San Diego, USA University of Sheffield, UK 2003/07 2004/04–2004/07

31 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Margitta Mätzke The development of self-government in German social insurance systems since 1945 and its influence on social policy Department of Political Science Northwestern University–Chicago, USA 2002/12–2003/01

Sandra Mitchell Instructor, MPIfG Summer School 2004 on the “Philosophy of Science” Department of History and Philosophy of Science University of Pittsburg, USA Margitta Mätzke Alexander Kuo 2004/06

Lane Kenworthy Eli Moen Inequality and poverty in affluent countries Globalization and small countries: Department of Sociology The case of Finland and Norway Emory University, Atlanta, USA Department of Culture Studies 2003/01–2003/02 University of Oslo, Norway 2002/07–2003/02 Edgar Kiser Toward a methodology for the historical sciences: Abraham Newman Lessons from evolutionary biology The politics of personal information markets in the United Department of Sociology States and Europe University of Washington–Seattle, USA University of California–Berkeley, USA 2004/06–2004/08 2002/09–2003/06

Alexander Kuo Simona Piattoni The origins of employer coordination across states, The influence of European integration on clientelism with a special emphasis on the case of Germany and patronage Department of Political Science Department of Sociology and Social Research Stanford University, USA Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy 2004/08–2004/09 2004/06–2004/07

Yu-Chen Lan Roswitha Pioch The politics of welfare states under globalization: Migration as a problem of transnational social policy A study of national adaption – Germany, Sweden, Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft United Kingdom and Taiwan in comparison Universität Duisburg–Essen – Standort Essen, Germany Department of Political Science 2002/12–2004/02 National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan 2002/11–2003/10 Thomas Plümper The opportunity costs of welfare reform Jen-Der Lue Fachbereich Politik und Verwaltung, Lehrstuhl für Globalization and the political economy of social policy reform internationale Politik in East-Asian welfare capitalism: Taiwan and South Korea in Universität Konstanz, Germany comparison 2003/07–2003/08 Department and Graduate Institute of Social Welfare National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan Philippe Pochet 2004/08–2004/09 European Monetary Union and social policies: Europeanization, change and institutions Christelle Mandin Observatoire social européen, Brussels, Belgium Pension reforms in France and Germany: The role of the EU 2004/02–2004/04 CEVIPOF/CNRS Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris, France 2002/11–2003/01

32 Research Cooperation

Luana Miruna Pop Lkhanaajave Tsedendamba Policy developments in transition: Institutional processes and Creation of a development plan for Mongolia; research on the structures in Central and Eastern European countries current debate in Germany on developmental aid Department of Sociology Mongolian Development Research Center, Ulanbaatar, University of Bucharest, Romania Mongolia 2004/09–2005/02 2004/08–2004/10

Sigrid Quack Amy Verdun Cross-societal diffusion during German industrialization: European monetary and economic integration The role of the “international” in the emergence of Department of Political Science, European Studies Program “German” capitalism University of Victoria, Canada Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Germany 2003/01–2003/07 and 2003/12 2004/09–2004/10 Jelle Visser Nils F. Ringe Business associations in an internationalized economy The development of policy preferences in Department of Sociology and Antropology, and Amsterdam legislative politics Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) Department of Political Science University of Amsterdam, Netherlands University of Pittsburgh, USA 2003/08 2004/10–2005/03 Michal Wenzel Ulrich Sedelmeier Europeanization of social dialogue and its implications for The impact of the European Union on public policies Poland’s accession to the European Union in the accession countries of Central Europe (book project) Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), Warsaw, Poland International Relations and European Studies 2003/02–2003/09 Central European University, Budapest, Hungary 2004/01–2004/08 Joshua David Whitford The implications of productive decentralization for regional Arndt Sorge industrial policy: Comparing the Midwestern Internationlization and provincialization: United States, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna in Italy and Organizational change in different social contexts Baden-Württemberg in Germany Faculty of Management and Organisation Department of Sociology University of Groningen, Netherlands University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA 2002/09–2003/08 2003/09–2004/07

Peter Swenson Capital, labor and medicine (book project) Department of Political Science Yale University, New Haven, USA 2004/07–2004/08 and 2004/10–2004/11

Ingeborg Tömmel Political decisionmaking in the EU (book project) Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften Universität Osnabrück, Germany 2003/02–2003/04

Aurora Trif The transformation of industrial relations in Eastern Europe: From a planned economy to a market economy Joshua David Whitford Aurora Trif Business, Computing and Information Management Department London South Bank University, UK 2004/06–2005/06

33 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Outside Leaves of Absence for Research and Study

Sabina Avdagic Simone Leiber Research, Varieties of labor politics in postcommunism, Jean Work/Research, Evaluating the effects of the European Monnet Fellowship, European University Institute, Florence, Social Acquis in Poland, Office of the Committee for European September 2004–June 2005 Integration, sponsored by Volkswagen Foundation program on “Welfare State Transformation – Bridging the Gap Jürgen Feick between Theory and Practice,” Warsaw, November 2003– Research, Medicines in the European Community, Centre April 2004 for Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR), London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 12 May–20 June Renate Mayntz 2003 Research, Literature on international terrorism, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 18–22 May 2003 Steffen Ganghof Research, Globalization and global governance, Minda de Research, Globalization and the nation state, Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University, Sonderforschungsbereich 597 “Staatlichkeit im Wandel,” Cambridge, 10 October–17 December 2004 Universität Bremen and International University Bremen, 1–10 September 2003 Christine Trampusch Research, Collective bargaining in the Netherlands, Miriam Hartlapp Employment Inspectorate, Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs Work/Research, Department for Safe Work and Social and Employment, The Hague, 2–6 February 2004 Protection, International Labour Organization, sponsored by Volkswagen Foundation program on “Welfare State Research, Collective bargaining in the Netherlands, Transformation – Bridging the Gap between Theory and Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS), Practice,” Geneva, October 2003–September 2004 Amsterdam, 28 June–2 July 2004

Anke Hassel Michal Wenzel Work/Research, Policy Analysis Department, Federal Research, Participation of East European unionists in the Ministry of Economics and Labor, sponsored by Volkswagen European Trade Union Confederation, European Trade Foundation program on “Welfare State Transformation Union Confederation, Brussels, June 2003 – Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice,” Berlin, May 2003–May 2004 Raymund Werle Research, Internet governance, Centre for Analysis of Risk Martin Heipertz and Regulation (CARR), London School of Economics and Research, Development and implementation of EU Political Science, London, October 2003 Stability and Growth Pact, , Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales, Paris, 12 April–20 June 2004 Research, Institutional analysis of technical innovation, Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Martin Höpner Society (IAS-STS), Inter-University Research Centre for Research, The politics of corporate governance, Minda de Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ), Graz, May 2004 Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, 15 August 2002–30 May 2003 Joshua David Whitford Research, Fiat Auto crisis and regional industrial policy in Imke Kruse Piedmont, University of Turin, 5–12 December 2003 Research, Directorates General for External Relations and for Justice and Home Affairs, European Commission, Brussels, Cornelia Woll September–November 2003 (2 weeks altogether) Research, U.S. Lobbying on Telecommunication and Air Transport Services, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Johns Hopkins University; BMW Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, March–July 2003

34 Graduate Training and Teaching

MPIfG Doctoral Program

At the end of 2004 the doctoral program of the institute included eleven students. These were two less than at the end of 2002, which was due to the retirement of Fritz W. Scharpf and the vacancy of his position. Of the 16 students in the program during 2003 and 2004, Wolfgang Streeck was principal advisor to ten, and of the eleven students that remained he advised eight (two students worked with Susanne Schmidt, one with Philip Manow). Doctoral students at the MPIfG are expected to complete their dissertations within three years, in accordance with the contract pol- icy of the Max Planck Society. By 2004, the average time from entering the program until submission of the thesis, for all students in the program since 1992, was exactly 36 months, with three out of 24 students not completing. Beginning in the summer of 2005, the MPIfG doctoral program is being reorganized into an International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS). Since 2001, doctoral students at the MPIfG are first given one-year contracts, to be followed by a second contract extending over two years. In their first year students are expected to produce a research paper that develops the theme of their dissertation or forms a part of the latter. The second, two-year contract is awarded on the basis of this paper. From early on, students are assigned to a main adviser who is usually one of the directors or a senior MPIfG researcher. In addition, two other senior research- ers, not necessarily from the institute, are asked to serve on a three-person disserta- tion committee which accompanies the student’s work closely until its completion. Among other things, the committee, in consultation with the student, determines what kind of first-year research paper a student is expected to submit. Five students completed their theses and graduated in 2003 and 2004. Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber completed their work in the project led by Gerda

35 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Falkner on the impact of European social policy directives at the level of the mem- ber states. Three other students finished their doctoral work on political economy issues. Martin Heipertz finished a thesis on the making and the implications of the Stability and Growth Pact. Armin Schäfer completed his work on the management of economic interdependence in the EU, and Cornelia Woll received a French-German binational doctorate for her work on lobbying in transatlantic comparison. In 2003 Henrik Enderlein was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for an excellent doctoral thesis. The same award went to Armin Schäfer the following year. Of the doctoral students still working on their projects at the end of 2004, three are looking at the economic challenges that individuals face as internationalization increases. Imke Kruse, who went on to complete her thesis in 2005, looked at the EU migration and asylum regime, Sigrun Kahl is examining cultures of poverty policy by looking at welfare-to-work policies for the least employable in Europe and the United States, and Till Müller-Schoell studied how different social security regimes exempt particular kinds of work from social security contributions. In addition, Jörg Teuber is working on the Europeanization of organized interests in the automobile and retail sectors, drawing on a database he has developed at the MPIfG over the last several years. Saskia Freye, who is looking at the changing forms of solidarity among business leaders in Germany, will add to the insights of MPIfG research on the disin- tegrating “Germany Inc.” Two other dissertations investigate the governance of the economy. Simone Burkhart, a member of Philip Manow’s research group “Democratic Government and Economic Governance,” is examining how the interplay between cooperative federalism and antagonistic inter-party rivalry leads to reform gridlock in Germany’s bicameral system. Myung-Joon Park is looking at tripartism in the Republic of Korea and how it relates to the country’s democratization process in the 1990s, drawing comparisons with the Netherlands and Spain. European integration is the focus of three other projects. Helen Callaghan is studying EU company law harmonization. Michael Blauberger and Wendelmoet van den Nouland’s projects, supervised by se- nior MPIfG researcher Susanne K. Schmidt, are funded by the European Union in the context of an international research effort on “New Modes of Governance.” They study, respectively, the domestic impact of European state aid control on the new member states, and the impact of mutual recognition in the enlarged European Sin- gle Market, in particular the curtailment of national sovereignty in regulating goods and services. Knut Lange, finally, has meanwhile finished his analysis of the strate- gies of German biotech companies, which contributed to the “varieties of capitalism” debate. With a few exceptions, the doctoral students in the program were funded by the MPIfG. Exceptions are Michael Blauberger and Wendelmoet van den Nouland, who are sponsored by the “New Modes of Governance” project (NEWGOV) of the EU. Myung Joon-Park receives a fellowship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

36 Graduate Training and Teaching

As pointed out in the past, the MPIfG is not a degree-con- In thousand EUR In percent of ferring institution. Most doctoral students apply to the MPIfG total expenditure on their own or respond to public advertisements. As the MPIfG 1998 269.3 8.4 cannot award degrees, its doctoral students have to find a faculty 1999 341.4 11.0 member at a university who is willing to sponsor their dissertation. 2000 361.7 10.7 This makes it necessary to agree on the substance and method of a 2001 395.2 11.5 dissertation with a candidate’s official Doktorvater (or Doktormut- 2002 483.0 13.4 ter). No major problems have, however, arisen from this. Wolfgang 2003 416.9 12.0 Streeck has for a number of years now been an honorary member 2004 356.6 10.6 of the Faculty of Economics and Social Science of the University Funding for doctoral students and. of Cologne, which gives him the right to sponsor doctoral degrees. postdoctoral fellows 1998–2004 Increasingly this has resulted in the MPIfG’s doctoral students re- ceiving their degrees from the University of Cologne. Doctoral students at the MPIfG are fully integrated in the intellectual life of the institute. The small size of the MPIfG ensures that they are involved in all ongoing activities, including informal discussions, internal seminars and guest lectures. Still, because of their consuming involvement in their thesis research, and being removed from a diverse university environment, students may tend to overspecialize at an early stage their career. Gaps in their university training cannot be remedied just by being integrated into a research-intensive context such as the MPIfG. For this reason, the institute organizes obligatory internal training courses for its doctoral students. In 2003 and 2004, Wolfgang Streeck and Philip Manow continued a bi-weekly col- loquium that has been held for the Institute’s doctoral students since 1999. University students can attend and receive credits for their participation. Each doctoral student presents his or her research project, which is then discussed by the participants and the directors. Other MPIfG courses aim to expand the reading experience of doctoral candidates beyond their immediate research needs. Two Summer Schools, also open to University of Cologne students, were held in 2003 and 2004: Summer School 2003: German Sociology – Perspectives for the Study of Societies. The history of German sociology from the classics of the nineteenth century to the present was the focus of a twelve-lecture series by Uwe Schimank of FernUni- versität Hagen. Theories, approaches and models most prominent in research at the MPIfG provided the basis for the selection of the works discussed. Summer School 2004: Philosophy of Social Science. Sandra Mitchell from the De- partment of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh explored such issues as the existence of laws explaining social phenomena, and explanatory methods and causalities found in the social sciences. Six lectures were complemented by six sessions of workshops and individual consultations.

In addition, from March to August 2004 the MPIfG organized a workshop on Schol- arly Writing in English. Native German speakers learned to improve the style and structure of their English-language manuscripts. The course was taught by Marisa Cid, Ed.D., who is specialized in teaching English to non-native academics.

37 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Doctoral Candidates 2003–2004

MPIfG doctoral students 2004: Hendrik Zorn, Helen Callaghan, Martin Heipertz, Armin Schäfer, Imke Kruse (back row) Till Müller-Schoell, Cornelia Woll, Simone Burkhart, Knut Lange, Sigrun Kahl, Jörg Teuber (front row)

Michael Blauberger Simone Leiber European State Aid Control after Enlargement EC Social Policy Directives and Social Partners (dissertation completed in 2003) Simone Burkhart Reform Gridlock in Bicameral Systems Till Müller-Schoell Exemptions of Work from Social Security Helen Callaghan Contributions EU Company Law Harmonization Myung-Joon Park Saskia Freye Chances and Limits of Democratic Corporatism Business Leaders in Organized Capitalism in South Korea

Miriam Hartlapp Armin Schäfer EC Social Policy Directives in Southern and Managing Economic Interdependence Francophone Europe (dissertation completed in 2004) (dissertation completed in 2004)

Martin Heipertz Jörg Teuber The Making and Implications of the Stability and Europeanization of Organized Interests: Growth Pact (dissertation completed in 2004) Automobile and Retail

Sigrun Kahl Wendelmoet van den Nouland Cultures of Poverty Policy Mutual Recognition after EU Enlargement

Imke Kruse Cornelia Woll EU Migration and Asylum Regime Lobbying in Transatlantic Comparison (dissertation completed in 2004) Knut Lange Strategies of German Biotech Companies

38 Graduate Training and Teaching

Doctoral and Postdoctoral Degrees

Doctoral Degrees

Steffen Ganghof Simone Leiber Dr. rer. pol., 5 March 2003 Dr. rer. pol., 21 January 2004 Universität Bremen Universität Heidelberg, Dissertation “Parties, Power and Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissen- Progressivity: On the Political schaftliche Fakultät Economy of Income Taxation in Dissertation “Nationale Sozial- Open States” partnerschaft und soziales Eu- Published: Wer regiert in der ropa: Eine ländervergleichende Steuerpolitik? Einkommensteuer­ Studie zur Umsetzung arbeits- reform zwischen internationa- rechtlicher EU-Richtlinien un- lem Wettbewerb und nationalen ter besonderer Berücksichti- Verteilungskonflikten. Campus, gung von Dänemark, Schweden, Frankfurt a.M. 2004, 195 p. Finnland, Österreich, Luxem- burg und Italien” Published: Europäische Sozialpolitik und nationale Sozialpart- Miriam Hartlapp nerschaft. Politik – Verbände – Recht: Die Umsetzung eu- Dr. rer. pol., 11 December 2003 ropäischer Sozialpolitik, Band 2. Campus, Frankfurt a.M. Universität Osnabrück, Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften 2005, 281p. Dissertation “Zur Durchsetzung von EG-Recht: Eine länder- vergleichende Studie über die Umsetzung und Anwen- dung arbeitsrechtlicher EG-Richtlinien unter besonderer Armin Schäfer Berücksichtigung von Frankreich, Belgien, Spanien, Por- Dr. rer. pol., 27 September 2004 tugal und Griechenland” Universität Bremen, Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Published: Die Kontrolle der nationalen Rechtsdurchsetzung Dissertation “Zwischen internationalen Zielen und natio- durch die Europäische Kommission. Politik – Verbände naler Politik: Wirtschaftspolitische Koordinierung in der – Recht: Die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialpolitik, Band 3. Europäischen Union, der OECD und dem Internationalen Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2005, 254 p. Währungsfonds” Published: Die neue Unverbindlichkeit: Wirtschaftspolitische Koordinierung in Europa. Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2005, Antje Kurdelbusch 259 p. Dr. rer. soc., 23 January 2003 Ruhr-Universität Bochum Dissertation “Variable Vergütung in deutschen Großunter- Martin Schludi nehmen: Entgeltsysteme zwischen Flexibilisierung und Dr. phil., 21 February 2003 Flächentarifvertrag” Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Published online in 2002 by Ruhr-Universität Bochum library: Dissertation “The Reform of Comparison of Pension Politics in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden” Published: The Reform of Bis- marckian Pension Systems: A Comparison of Pension Politics in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden. Amsterdam Univer- sity Press, Amsterdam 2005, 312 .

39 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Eric Seils Cornelia Woll Dr. phil., 23 February 2003 Dr. rer. pol., 29 November 2004 FernUniversität Hagen Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris / Universität zu Köln Dissertation “Finanzpolitik und Arbeitsmarkt in den Nieder- (binational doctorate) landen: Haushaltsinstitutionen, Koalitionsverträge und Dissertation “The Politics of Trade Preferences: Business die Beschäftigungswirkung von Abgaben” Lobbying on Service Trade in the United States and the Published: Finanzpolitik und Arbeitsmarkt in den Niederlan- European Union” den: Haushaltsinstitutionen, Koalitionsverträge und die Be- Published online in 2005 by Cologne University library: schäftigungswirkung von Abgaben. VS Verlag für Sozialwis- senschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, 231 p.

Postdoctoral Degrees (Habilitations)

Jürgen Beyer Forthcoming: Negotiating Wage Restraint: Europe’s Response Venia legendi in sociology, 25 October 2004 to a New Economic Environment. Amsterdam University Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät III Press, Amsterdam 2006 Habilitation thesis “Auf neuen Pfaden: Institutionelle Viel- Professorships: Professor of Sociology, School of Humani- falt, anfällige Stabilität und grundlegender Wandel,” 2004, ties and Social Sciences, International University Bremen 357p. (2004–05). Professor of Policy Analysis and Public Ad- Forthcoming: Auf neuen Pfaden: Institutionelle Vielfalt, anfäl- ministration, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin (since lige Stabilität und grundlegender Wandel. Campus, Frank- 2005) furt a.M. 2006 Privatdozent and Acting Professor at the Chair for Compara- Lothar Krempel tive Studies of Contemporary Societies (Vertretung des Venia legendi in sociology with a focus on empirical social Lehrstuhls für Vergleichende Analyse von Gegenwartsge- research, 12 June 2003 sellschaften), Institut für Soziologie, Universität Leipzig Gerhard-Mercator-Universität, Gesamthochschule Duisburg, (summer and winter semesters, 2005/06) Fachbereich 1 Soziologie Habilitation thesis “Netzwerkvisualisierung: Prinzipien und Bernhard Ebbinghaus Elemente einer graphischen Technologie zur multidimen- Venia legendi in sociology, July 2003 sionalen Exploration sozialer Strukturen,” 2001, 276 p. Universität zu Köln, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Published: Visualisierung komplexer Strukturen: Grundlagen Fakultät der Darstellung mehrdimensionaler Netzwerke. Campus, Habilitation thesis “Exit from Labor: Reforming Early Retire- Frankfurt a.M. 2005, 216 p. ment and Social Partnership in Europe, Japan, and the Privatdozent: Teaches empirical social research at Institut für USA,” 2002, 401p. Soziologie, Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Uni- Forthcoming: The Reform of Early Retirement in Europe, Ja- versität Duisburg-Essen (since 2003) parallel to work as pan and the USA. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006 research fellow at MPIfG Professorship: Chair for Sociology III – Macrosociology, Fa- culty for Social Sciences, University of Mannheim (since 2004) and Head of Section for “European Societies and Their Integration” of Mannheimer Zentrum für Europä- ische Sozialforschung (since 2005)

Anke Hassel Venia legendi in sociology, 22 October 2003 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Habilitation thesis “Negotiating Wage Restraint: Europe’s Re- sponse to a New Economic Environment,” 2003, 366p.

Lothar Krempel

40 Graduate Training and Teaching


Gerda Falkner Research Seminar: The EU and its (present and future) Mem- ber States, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, Summer and Winter 2003 (two weeks altogether) Forschungsseminar: Politikwissenschaft, Institut für Höhere Studien, Vienna, Summer and Winter 2003 (one week al- together)

Steffen Ganghof Proseminar: Einführung in die vergleichende Analyse poli- tischer Institutionen, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Uni- versität zu Köln, Summer 2003 Sabina Avdagic Doktorandenseminar (with Bernhard Kittel and Volkmar Summer School Course: The Politics of Market Gessner): Methodische Ansätze in der vergleichenden For- Making and Industrial Relations in Europe, CEU Summer schung, Sonderforschungsbereich 597 “Staatlichkeit im University (SUN) Central European University, Budapest, Wandel,” Universität Bremen / International University 30 June–11 July 2003 Bremen, 31 October–1 November 2003 Proseminar: Vetopunkt- und Vetospieleransätze in der Politik- wissenschaft, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Jürgen Beyer zu Köln, Winter 2003/2004 Proseminar: Analyse des sozialen Wandels: Pfade, Sequenzen, Umbrüche, Seminar für Soziologie, Universität zu Köln, Summer 2003 Lothar Krempel Hauptseminar: Methoden der Netzwerkanalyse, Fachbereich 1 Soziologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Winter 2003/2004 Bernhard Ebbinghaus Proseminar: Soziologie des Sozialstaats in Europa, Seminar für Soziologie, Universität zu Köln, Summer 2003 Philip Manow Acting professor: Professur für Gesellschaftsvergleich, Ins- Seminar: Neue Theorien in der Regierungslehre, Fachbereich titut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Universität Kons- Winter 2003/2004 tanz, 17–21 February 2003 Courses at Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Univer- Hauptseminar: Politikwissenschaftliche Korruptionsforschung, sität Jena, Winter 2003/2004: Seminar für politische Wissenschaften, Universität zu Vorlesung and Proseminar: Einführung in den internatio- Köln, Winter 2004/2005 nalen Vergleich von Gegenwartsgesellschaften Hauptseminar: Akteurzentrierte Regierungslehre, Seminar für Proseminar: Die Logik und Dynamik kollektiven Handelns: politische Wissenschaften, Universität zu Köln, Spring Theorie und Praxis sozialer Bewegungen 2004 Hauptseminar: Aufbau und Umbau des Sozialstaats in Europa Hauptseminar: Comparative Sociology: Methods and Britta Rehder Strategies Proseminar: Verbände und Verbandssysteme im Vergleich, Ins- Hauptseminar: Comparative Historical Sociology titut für Politikwissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Courses at Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Univer- Politikwissenschaft und Policy-Analyse, Heinrich-Heine sität Jena, Spring 2004: Universität Düsseldorf, Winter 2003/2004 Vorlesung: Grundzüge II: Makrosoziologie Proseminar: Interessenvermittlung in Europa, Wirtschafts- Proseminar: Einführung in die Organisationssoziologie und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Lehrstuhl für Ver- Hauptseminar: Citizenship: Social and Political Rights gleichende Politikwissenschaft, Universität zu Köln, Win- Hauptseminar: Sozialpartnerschaft und sozialer Dialog in ter 2003/2004 Europa

41 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Proseminar / Kernkurs: Politisches System und Politik in Ita- Christine Trampusch lien, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für verglei- Courses at Institut für Sozialpolitik, Georg-August-Univer- chende Politikwissenschaft und Policy-Analyse, Heinrich- sität Göttingen, Winter 2003/2004: Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Spring 2004 Hauptseminar: Warum gibt es keine Vollbeschäftigung? Management-Schulung: Betriebliche Sozialpartnerschaft, Deut- Beschäftigungspolitik in Deutschland und anderen europä- sche Gesellschaft für Personalführung e.V., Düsseldorf, 27 ischen Ländern, Institut für Sozialpolitik, Georg-August- April 2004 Universität Göttingen, Winter 2002/2003 Hauptseminar: Sozialpartnerschaft und Korporatismus in westeuropäischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten Susanne K. Schmidt Hauptseminar: Methoden vergleichender Untersuchungen, Proseminar: Einführung in das politische System der Bundes- Graduiertenkolleg “Die Zukunft des Europäischen Sozi- republik Deutschland, Seminar für Politische Wissenschaft, almodells” Universität zu Köln, Summer 2003 Hauptseminar: “A Tale of Three Countries”: Die Entstehung Proseminar: Einführung in den politischen Systemvergleich: des deutschen, britischen und niederländischen Wohlfahrts- Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die USA, Institut für staates im Vergleich, Institut für Sozialpolitik, Georg-Au- Politikwissenschaft, Universität zu Köln, Spring 2004 gust-Universität Göttingen, Spring 2004 Acting professor: Chair for European Studies, Institut für Betriebsräteseminar: Unternehmensteuern – Sozialstandards Politikwissenschaft, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, – Standortentscheidungen: Was Betriebsräte wissen sollten, Winter 2004/2005 DGB-Bildungszentrum, Hattingen, 26 May 2004 Courses at Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Friedrich-Schil- Proseminar: Arbeit, Kapital und Sozialpolitik. Klassische und ler-Universität Jena, Winter 2004/2005: aktuelle Debatten und Ansätze, Institut für Sozialpolitik, Vorlesung: Die Europäische Union: Institutionen und histo- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Winter 2004/2005 rische Entwicklung Proseminar: Die nationale Dimension der EU Hauptseminar: Policy-Making in der erweiterten Europä- ischen Union Hauptseminar: Eine neue Union? Erweiterungsprozess und Verfassungsgebung

Wolfgang Streeck Hauptseminar: Arbeitsmarkt und Gewerkschaften, Universität zu Köln, Winter 2002/2003 Hauptseminar: Organisationssoziologie, Universität zu Köln, Spring 2003 Summer University Course: The Politics of Market Making and Industrial Relations in Europe, Central European University, Budapest, 10–11 July 2003 Hauptseminar: Organisationssoziologie, Universität zu Köln, Oliver Treib Spring 2004 Graduiertenseminar: Die Implementation von EU-Richtli- Hauptseminar: Grundlagen der Wirtschaftssoziologie, nien, Graduiertenkolleg “Die Zukunft des Europäischen Universität zu Köln, Winter 2004/2005 Sozialmodells,” Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 20 February 2003 Proseminar: Politikgestaltung und -implementation in der Europäischen Union, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaft- liche Fakultät, Universität zu Köln, Summer 2003

42 Publications 2003–2004

MPIfG Publication Series

MPIfG Books

Beckert, J., J. Eckert, M. Kohli and W. Streeck (Eds.): Transnati- Kitschelt, H. and W. Streeck (Eds.): Germany: Beyond the Sta- onale Solidarität. Chancen und Grenzen. Campus, Frankfurt ble State. Frank Cass, London and Portland/OR 2004, 266 p. a.M. 2004, 298 p. Mayntz, R. and W. Streeck (Eds.): Die Reformierbarkeit der Beyer, J. (Ed.): Vom Zukunfts- zum Auslaufmodell? Die deut- Demokratie: Innovationen und Blockaden. Schriften des sche Wirtschaftsordnung im Wandel. Westdeutscher Verlag, Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung, Bd. 45. Wiesbaden 2003, 236 p. Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2003, 367 p.

Crouch, C., P. Le Galès, C. Trigilia and H. Voelzkow (Eds.): Rehder, B.: Betriebliche Bündnisse für Arbeit in Deutschland: Changing Governance of Local Economies. Responses of Eu- Mitbestimmung und Flächentarif im Wandel. Schriften des ropean Local Production Systems. Oxford University Press, Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung, Bd. 48. Oxford 2004, 360 p. Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2003, 296 p.

Enderlein, H.: Nationale Wirtschaftspolitik in der europä- Streeck, W. and K. Yamamura (Eds.): The End of Diversity? ischen Währungsunion. Schriften des Max-Planck-Instituts Prospects for German and Japanese Capitalism. Cornell Uni- für Gesellschaftsforschung, Bd. 49. Campus, Frankfurt a.M versity Press, Ithaca, NY, 2003, 401 p. 2004, 228 p. Streeck, W. and M. Höpner (Eds.): Alle Macht dem Markt? Ganghof, S.: Wer regiert in der Steuerpolitik? Einkom- Fallstudien zur Abwicklung der Deutschland AG. Schriften mensteuerreform zwischen internationalem Wettbewerb des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung, Bd. 47. und nationalen Verteilungskonflikten. Schriften des Max- Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2003, 289 p. Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung, Bd. 50. Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2004, 195 p. Treib, O.: Die Bedeutung der nationalen Parteipolitik für die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialrichtlinien. Politik – Verbän- Höpner, M.: Wer beherrscht die Unternehmen? Shareholder de – Recht. Die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialpolitik, Band Value, Managerherrschaft und Mitbestimmung in Deutsch- 1. Schriften des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsfor- land. Schriften des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschafts- schung, Bd. 51. Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2004, 298 p. forschung, Bd. 46. Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2003, 265 p.

43 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

MPIfG Discussion Papers

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, 04/3: Trampusch, C.: Von Verbänden zu Parteien. Der Eliten- 2003–2004, ISSN 0944-2073 wechsel in der Sozialpolitik. 33 p.

03/1: Trampusch, C.: Ein Bündnis für die nachhaltige Finan- 04/4: Mayntz, R.: Organizational Forms of Terrorism. Hierar- zierung der Sozialversicherungssysteme. Interessenvermitt- chy, Network, or a Type sui generis? 20 p. lung in der bundesdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt- und Rentenpo- litik. 92 p. 04/5: Hall, P.A. and D.W. Gingerich: Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Complementarities in the Macroeconomy. 03/2: Ziltener, P.: Gibt es einen regionalen Integrationspro- An Empirical Analysis. 43 p. zess in Ostasien? 73 p. 04/6: Manow, P., Armin Schäfer and Hendrik Zorn: European 03/3: Treib, O.: Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zei- Social Policy and Europe’s Party-Political Center of Gravity, chen der Parteipolitik. Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die 1957–2003. 40 p. Misfit-These. 34 p. 04/7: Avdagic, S.: Loyalty and Power in Union-Party Alliances: 03/4: Höpner, M.: European Corporate Governance Reform Labor Politics in Postcommunism. 34 p. and the German Party Paradox. 45 p. 04/8: Höpner, M.: Unternehmensmitbestimmung unter Be- 03/5: Lütz, S.: Governance in der politischen Ökonomie. schuss. Die Mitbestimmungsdebatte im Licht der sozialwis- 45 p. senschaftlichen Forschung. 42 p.

03/6: Avdagic, S.: Accounting for Variations in Trade Union 04/9: Manow, P. and H. Zorn: Office versus Policy Motives in Effectiveness. State-Labor Relations in East Central Europe. Portfolio Allocation. The Case of Junior Ministers. 23 p. 36 p. 04/10: Höpner, M.: Sozialdemokratie, Gewerkschaften und 03/7: Lütz S.: Convergence within National Diversity. A Com- organisierter Kapitalismus, 1880–2002. 33 p. parative Perspective on the Regulatory State in Finance. 32 p. 04/11: Manow, P. and S. Burkhart: Legislative Autolimita- 03/8: Werle, R.: Institutionalistische Technikforschung. Stand tion under Divided Government. Evidence from the German und Perspektiven. 54 p. Case, 1976–2002. 25 p.

04/1: Burkhart, S.: Parteipolitikverflechtung. Der Einfluss der 04/12: Trampusch C.: Sozialpolitik durch Tarifvertrag in den Bundespolitik auf Landtagswahlentscheidungen von 1976 bis Niederlanden. Die Rolle der industriellen Beziehungen in der 2002. 29 p. Liberalisierung des Wohlfahrtsstaates. 50 p.

04/2: Seils, E.: The Effects of Fiscal Contracts. Financial Policy in the Netherlands 1977–2002. 33 p.

MPIfG Working Papers

Online Paper Series; Max Planck Institute for the Study of 03/2: Streeck, W.: From State Weakness as Strength to State Societies, Cologne, 2003–2004 (only available online at Weakness as Weakness. Welfare Corporatism and the Private ) Use of the Public Interest.

03/1: Scharpf, F.W.: Problem-Solving Effectiveness and Dem- 03/3: Mayntz, R.: Mechanisms in the Analysis of Macro-So- ocratic Accountability in the EU. cial Phenomena.

44 Publications

03/10: Heipertz, M.: The Stability and Growth Pact – Not the Best but Better than Nothing. Reviewing the Debate on Fiscal Policy in Europe’s Monetary Union.

03/11: Ganghof, S. and T. Bräuninger: Partisan Veto Players in Australia, Denmark, Finland and Germany. Government Status and Legislative Behavior.

03/12: Heipertz, M. and A. Verdun: The Dog that Would Never Bite? The Past and Future of the Stability and Growth Pact.

04/1: Mayntz, R.: Governance Theory als fortentwickelte Steuerungstheorie? 03/4: Streeck, W.: No Longer the Century of Corporatism. Das Ende des “Bündnisses für Arbeit.” 04/2: Scharpf, F.W.: Der deutsche Föderalismus – reformbe- dürftig und reformierbar? 03/5: Genschel, P.: Die Globalisierung und der Wohlfahrts- staat. Ein Literaturrückblick. 04/3: Manow, P.: “ The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” – Esping- Andersen’s Regime Typology and the Religious Roots of the 03/6: Streeck, W. and B. Rehder: Der Flächentarifvertrag. Kri- Western Welfare State. se, Stabilität und Wandel. 04/4: Streeck, W.: Globalisierung: Mythos und Wirklichkeit. 03/7: Broscheid, A. and T. Gschwend: Augäpfel, Murmeltiere und Bayes. Zur Auswertung stochastischer Daten aus Voller- 04/5: Schäfer, A.: A New Form of Governance? Comparing hebungen. the Open Method of Coordination to Multilateral Surveil- lance by the IMF and the OECD. 03/8: Schäfer, A.: Stabilizing Postwar Europe. Aligning Do- mestic and International Goals. 04/6: Scharpf, F.W.: Legitimationskonzepte jenseits des Na- tionalstaats. 03/9: Höpner, M. and L. Krempel: The Politics of the German Company Network.

Further Publications by MPIfG Researchers

A–B Beyer, J.: Entflechtung der Deutschland AG. In: Entstaatli- chung und soziale Sicherheit. Verhandlungen des 31. Kon- Avdagic, S.: L’incerto sviluppo della concertazione in Europa gresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Leipzig. centro-orientale. Stato e Mercato 2/2004 (Numero 71), 165– Beiträge aus Arbeitsgruppen, Sektionssitzungen und den Ad- 198 (2004). hoc-Gruppen. Beitrag auf CD-ROM. (Ed.) J. Allmendinger. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2003. Beyer, J.: Deutschland AG a.D.: Deutsche Bank, Allianz und das Verflechtungszentrum des deutschen Kapitalismus. In: Beyer, J.: Integration und Transformation. Das Divergenz- Alle Macht dem Markt? Fallstudien zur Abwicklung der Paradoxon des Beitrittswettbewerbs. In: Politische Integra- Deutschland AG. (Eds.) W. Streeck and M. Höpner. Campus, tion. (Ed.) T. Plümper. Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden Frankfurt a.M. 2003, 118–146. 2003, 97–133.

Beyer, J.: Die Folgen von Konvergenz. Der Einfluss der Inter- Beyer, J.: Leaving Tradition Behind. Deutsche Bank, Allianz nationalisierung auf die Wertschöpfungsverteilung in groß- and the Dismantling of “Deutschland AG.” In: Wirtschaft in en Unternehmen. In: Vom Zukunfts- zum Auslaufmodell? soziologischer Perspektive. Diskurs und empirische Analy- Die deutsche Wirtschaftsordnung im Wandel, (Ed.) J. Beyer. sen. (Eds.) M. Nollert, H. Scholz and P. Ziltener, LIT Verlag, Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, 155–184. Münster 2004, 177–192.

45 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Hoffnung. (Eds.) P. Stykow and J. Beyer. VS Verlag für Sozial- wissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, 9–39.

Broscheid, A. and D. Coen: Insider and Outsider Lobbying of the European Commission. An Informational Model of Fo- rum Politics. European Union Politics 4, 2, 165–189 (2003).


Crouch, C.: Comparing Economic Interest Organizations. In: Jürgen Beyer Governing Europe. (Ed.) J. Hayward, A. Menon. Oxford Uni- versity Press, Oxford 2003, 192–207. Beyer, J.: Personelle Verflechtungen. In: Handwörterbuch Unternehmensführung und Organisation. (Eds.) G. Schrey- Crouch, C.: I sistemi di produzione locale in Europa. Il Mu- ögg and A.v. Werder. Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart 2004, 1141– lino, Bologna 2004, 400 p. 1149. Crouch, C.: Il governo limitato. Una prospettive realistica? Beyer, J.: Unkoordinierte Modellpflege am koordinierten Stato e Mercato, 1/2003, 39–42 (2003). Kapitalismus. In: Vom Zukunfts- zum Auslaufmodell? Die deutsche Wirtschaftsordnung im Wandel. (Ed.) J. Beyer. Crouch, C.: Institutions within which Real Actors Innovate. Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, 7–35. In: Die Reformierbarkeit der Demokratie. Innovationen und Blockaden. (Eds.) R. Mayntz and W. Streeck. Campus, Frank- Beyer, J. and A. Hassel: The Effects of Convergence. Interna- furt/M. 2003, 71–98. tionalization and the Changing Distribution of Net Value Added in Large German Firms. In: Corporate Governance. Crouch, C.: Le problème du nouveau déterminisme. In: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, Vol. 3: L’Intégration Européenne. (Eds.) C. Lequesne and Y. Surel. European Corporate Governance. (Ed.) T. Clarke. Routledge, Sciences Po, Paris 2004, 65–75. London 2004, 170–194. Crouch, C.: Post-Democracy. Polity, London 2004, 144 p. Beyer, J. and M. Höpner: Corporate Governance in Deutsch- land. In: MPG-Jahrbuch 2003, CD-ROM “Max-Planck-Ge- Crouch, C.: Riflessioni sulla postdemocrazia. La Società degli sellschaft 2003: Tätigkeitsberichte, Zahlen, Fakten.” Beitrag Individui No. 20, 5–17 (2004). auf CD-ROM. (Ed.) Generalverwaltung der Max-Planck-Ge- sellschaft. K.G. Saur, München 2003, 414–422. Crouch, C.: Skill Formation Systems. The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization. (Eds.) S. Ackroyd et al. Oxford Beyer, J. and M. Höpner: The Disintegration of Organised University Press, Oxford 2004, 95–114. Capitalism. German Corporate Governance in the 1990s. West European Politics 26, 4, 179–198 (2003). Crouch, C.: The State and innovations in Economic Gov- ernance. In: Restating the State? (Eds.) A. Gamble and T. Beyer, J. and M. Höpner: The Disintegration of Organised Wright. Blackwell: Oxford 2004, 100–116. Capitalism. German Corporate Governance in the 1990s. In: Germany. Beyond the Stable State. (Eds.) H. Kitschelt and W. Crouch, C.: The State. Economic Management and Incomes Streeck. Frank Cass, London 2004, 179–198. Policy. In: Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice. (Ed.) P. Edwards. Blackwell, Oxford 2003 (second edition), 105–123. Beyer, J. and P. Stykow (Eds.): Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Hoffnung. Über Reformfähigkeit und die Möglichkeit ratio- Crouch, C. and H. Farrell: Breaking the Path of Institutional naler Politik. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden Development? Alternatives to the New Determinism. Ratio- 2004, 352 Seiten. nality and Society 16, 1, 5–42 (2004).

Beyer, J. and P. Stykow: Steuerung gesellschaftlichen Wandels. Utopie oder Möglichkeit? In: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter

46 Publications

E Falkner G. and S. Leiber: A Europeanization of Social Partner- ship in Smaller European Democracies? European Journal of Ebbinghaus, B.: Die Mitgliederentwicklung deutscher Ge- Industrial Relations 10, 3, 245–266 (2004). werkschaften im historischen und internationalen Vergleich. In: Die Gewerkschaften in Politik und Gesellschaft der Bun- Falkner, G., M. Hartlapp, S. Leiber and O. Treib: EG-Richtli- desrepublik Deutschland. (Eds.) W. Schroeder and B. Weßels. nien als soziales Korrektiv im europäischen Mehrebenensys- Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, 176–203. tem? Regulative Entwicklung, Problemskizze und potentielle Wirkungsmuster. In: European and International Regulation Ebbinghaus, B.: Ever Larger Unions. Organisational Restruc- After the Nation State. Different Scopes and Multiple Lev- turing and Its Impact on Union Confederations. Industrial els. (Eds.) A. Héritier, F.W. Scharpf and M. Stolleis. Nomos, Relations Journal 34, 5, 446–460 (2003). Baden-Baden 2004, 117–138.

Ebbinghaus, B.: The Changing Union and Bargaining Land- Falkner, G., M. Hartlapp, S. Leiber and O. Treib: Non-Compli- scape. Union Concentration and Collective Bargaining ance with EU Directives in the Member States. Opposition Trends. Industrial Relations Journal 35, 6, 574–587 (2004). through the Backdoor? West European Politics 27, 3, 452–473 (2004).

Feick, J.: Catastrophes, Regulation and Interest Accommoda- F tion. Risk&Regulation No. 6, 10–11 (2003).

Falkner, G.: Austria in the European Union. Direct and In- direct Effects on Social Policy. In: Österreich in der Europä- ischen Union. Bilanz seiner Mitgliedschaft. (Eds.) M. Gehler, G A. Pelinka and G. Bischof. Böhlau, Wien 2003, 185–199. Ganghof, S.: Die Einkommensteuer in der globalen Arena. Falkner, G.: Comparing Europeanisation Effects. From Meta- Max-Planck-Forschung 3/2004, 48–52 (2004). phor to Operationalisation. European Integration online Pa- pers 7, 2003. Ganghof, S.: Income Tax in the Global Arena. Max Planck Re- search 4/2004, 48–52 (2004). Falkner, G.: Die Europäische Union als Herausforderung für die Sozialpolitik der Mitgliedsländer. In: Sozialstaat – Quo Vadis. (Eds.) S. Rosenberger and E. Tálos. Mandelbaum Ver- lag, Wien 2003, 14–27.

Falkner, G.: Re-Negotiating Social And Labour Policies in the European Multi-Level System. Any Role for Corporat- ist Patterns? In: Re-Negotiating the Welfare State. (Eds.) F. van Waarden and G. Lehmbruch. Routledge, London 2003, 253–278.

Falkner, G.: The Interprofessional Social Dialogue at Euro- pean Level. Past and Future. In: Industrial Relations and Eu- ropean Integration. Trans- and Supranational Developments and Prospects. (Eds.) B. Keller and H.-W. Platzer. Ashgate, Steffen Ganghof presents his research project Aldershot 2003, 11–29. Ganghof, S.: Promises and Pitfalls of Veto Player Analysis. Falkner, G.: Zwischen Gestaltungslücke und integrativen Swiss Political Science Review 9, 2, 1–25 (2003). Kooperationseffekten. Wohlfahrtsstaat und Integration aus Sicht des historischen Institutionalismus. In: Europäische In- Ganghof, S.: Review of “Platypus and Parliament. The Austra- tegration. (Eds.) M. Jachtenfuchs and B. Kohler-Koch. West- lian Senate in Theory and Practice” by S. Bach (Department deutscher Verlag, Opladen 2003 (second edition), 479–511. of the Senate, Canberra 2003). Politische Vierteljahresschrift 45, 3, 465–466 (2004).

47 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Ganghof, S.: Review of “Die Logik direkter Demokratie” by Heipertz, M. and A. Verdun: The Dog That Would Never Bite? S. Jung (Wiesbaden, Westdeutscher Verlag 2001). Politische What We Can Learn From the Origins of the Stability and Vierteljahresschrift 44, 2, 268–271 (2003). Growth Pact. In: Governing EMU – Economic, Political, Le- gal and Historical Perspectives. (Eds.) F. Torres, A. Verdun, C. Ganghof, S. and R. Eccleston: Globalisation and the Dilemmas Zilioli and H. Zimmermann. European Universty Institute, of Income Taxation in Australia. In: Australian Journal of Po- Florenz 2004, 137–152.

Goyer, M.: Corporate Governance, Employees and the Focus Höpner, M.: Die Argumente der on Core Competencies in France and Germany. In: Global Kritiker. Zur Mitbestimmungs- Markets, Domestic Institutions. Corporate Law and Gover- debatte. Die Mitbestimmung 49, nance in a New Era of Cross-Border Deals. (Ed.) C. Milhaupt. 2, 52–55 (2003). Press, New York 2003, 186–213. Höpner, M.: “Der Kapitalmarkt sieht keine Nachteile” (Interview). Manager-Magazin Online, 4 No- H vember 2004.

Hartlapp, M. and G. Falkner: Inkonsistent, inkonsequent, in- Höpner, M.: Der organisierte Ka- transparent? Zur supranationalen Kontrolle der Umsetzung pitalismus in Deutschland und der EU-Sozialpolitik in den Mitgliedstaaten. In: Die Euro- Martin Höpner sein Niedergang. Unternehmens- päische Union – Marionette oder Regisseur? (Eds.) P. Bauer kontrolle und Arbeitsbeziehun- and H. Voelzkow. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden gen im Wandel. In: Politik und Markt. Sonderheft, Politische 2004, 125–152. Vierteljahresschrift. (Eds.) R. Czada and R. Zintl. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, 300–324. Hassel, A.: Auf Gedeih und Verderb – SPD und Gewerk- schaften. Berliner Republik 3/2004, 40–46 (2004). Höpner, M.: Druck auf die mittleren Arbeitseinkommen. Die Mitbestimmung 49, 6, 53–55 (2003). Hassel, A.: Kann Politik strategisch sein? Berliner Republik 5/2004, 20–25 (2004). Höpner, M.: Manager schätzen die Mitbestimmung. Frank- furter Rundschau, 22 October 2004, 7. Hassel, A.: The Politics of Social Pacts. British Journal of In- dustrial Relations 41, 4, 707–726 (2003). Höpner, M.: “Mitbestimmung war immer auch eine Macht- frage” (Interview). VDI Nachrichten, 19 November 2004, 2. Hassel, A. and H. Williamson: Deutsches (Auslauf-)Modell. Das Wirtschaftssystem hat sich schon viel stärker verändert Höpner, M.: Mitbestimmungskritik hält Prüfung nicht stand. als angenommen. Internationale Politik 59, 5, 41–48 (2004). Die Mitbestimmung 50, 6, 54–57 (2004).

Hassel, A. and H. Williamson: The Evolution of the German Höpner, M.: Review of “The Diversity of Modern Capitalism” Model. How to Judge the Reforms in Europe’s Largest Econ- by B. Amable (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003). Poli- omy. Anglo-German Foundation Platform. Anglo-German tische Vierteljahresschrift 45, 3, 463–465 (2004). Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, Berlin 2004, 16 p. Höpner, M.: Review of “Netzwerke kleiner Unternehmen” ed. by H. Hirsch-Kreinsen, M. Wannöffel (Edition sigma, Berlin Hassel, A., M. Höpner, A. Kurdelbusch, B. Rehder and R. Zuge- 2003). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsycholo- hör: Two Dimensions of the Internationalization of Firms. gie 56, 4, 764–766 (2004). The Changing Multinational Firm. Special Issue of the Jour- nal of Management Studies 40, 3, 705–723 (2003). Höpner, M.: Unternehmensmitbestimmung unter Beschuss. Die Mitbestimmungsdebatte im Licht der sozialwissenschaft- Heipertz, M. and A. Verdun: The Dog That Would Never Bite? lichen Forschung. Industrielle Beziehungen 11, 4, 347–379 What We Can Learn From the Origins of the Stability and (2004). Growth Pact. Journal of European Public Policy 11, 5, 765– 780 (2004). Höpner, M.: Vom Bildungsnotstand in Deutschland. Die Mit- bestimmung 50, 7, 56–59 (2004).

48 Publications

Höpner, M.: Was bewegt die Führungskräfte? Von der Agen- Kruse, I. and S. Angenendt: Migrations- und Integrationspo- cy-Theorie zur Soziologie des Managements. Soziale Welt 55, litik in Deutschland 2002–2003. Der Streit um das Zuwan- 3, 263–282 (2004). derungsgesetz. In: Migrationsreport 2004. Fakten – Analysen – Perspektiven. (Eds.) K.J. Bade, M. Bommes and R. Münz. Höpner, M.: Was trennt Gewerkschaften und Sozialdemokra- Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2004, 175–202. tie? Die Mitbestimmung 49, 1/2, 48–51 (2003). Kruse, I., H.E. Orren and S. Angenendt: Failure of Immigra- Höpner, M.: Wo bleibt der Nachwuchs? Die Mitbestimmung tion Reform in Germany. German Politics 12, 3, 129–145 50, 10, 60–63 (2004). (2003).

Höpner, M. and J. Beyer: The Disintegration of Organised Capitalism. German Corporate Governance in the 1990s. West European Politics 26, 4, 179–198 (2003). L

Höpner, M., G. Jackson and A. Kurdelbusch: Corporate Gov- Lautwein, J. and H.-W. Hohn: German Corporatism in In- ernance and Employees in Germany. Changing Linkages, dustrial R&D. Its National Structure and European Chal- Complementarities and Tensions. In: Corporate Governance lenge. In: Changing Governance of Research and Technology and Human Resource Management. (Eds.) H. Gospel, A. Policy. The European Research Area. (Eds.) J. Edler, S. Kuhl- Pendleton and G. Jackson. Oxford University Press, Oxford mann and M. Behrens. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2003, 2004, 84–121. 255–270.

Höpner. M. and L. Krempel: The Politics of the German Leiber, S.: Labour Market and Welfare State Transformation Company Network. Competition and Change 8, 4, 339–356 in Germany. The Reforms of the “Agenda 2010.” In: Biuletyn (2004). Analiz Number 14. Poli Urząd Komitetu Integracji Europe- jskiej Warszawa (UKIE), Warsaw 2004, 135–144.

J–K M Johnson, J.C. and L. Krempel: Network Visualisation. “The Bush Team” in News Ticker. 9/11–11/15/01. Journal Manow, P.: Der demokratische Leviathan – eine kurze Ge- of Social Structure 5, 1 (2004) sischen Revolution. Leviathan 32, 3, 319–347 (2004).

Kahl, S., W. Adema and D. Gray: Social Assistance in Ger- Manow, P.: Korruption als Gegenstand der Politikwissen- many. Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers schaft. In: Korruption. Netzwerke in Politik, Ämtern und 58. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Develop- Wirtschaft. (Ed.) H.-H. von Arnim. Knaur, München 2003, ment, Paris 2003, 59 p. 239–279.

Krempel, L.: The Language of Networks. In: Ars Electronica Manow, P.: Low Trust and High Trust Equilibria in Politics 2004. Timeshift – Die Welt in 25 Jahren. 25 Jahre Festival für – Political Corruption and Party Patronage as Coordination Kunst, Technologie und Gesellschaft. (Eds.) G. Stocker and C. Games. In: Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidung- Schöpf. Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit 2004, 232–241. stheorie. (Eds.) H.-P. Burth and T. Plümper. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2003, 7–31. Kruse, I.: Der schwierige Wandel. Aktuelle Reformbemühun- gen der deutschen und europäischen Migrationspolitik. In: Manow, P.: The German Welfare State, Cooperative Federa- Migration steuern und verwalten. (Ed.) J. Oltmer. V&R uni- lism, and the Overgrazing of the Fiscal Commons. ZES-Ar- press, Göttingen 2003, 481–497. beitspapier 8/2004. Zentrum für Sozialpolitik, Universität Bremen, Bremen 2004. Kruse, I. and S. Angenendt: Forced Migration and Refugee Protection in the European Union. In: Foreign Workers, Mayntz, R.: Governance im modernen Staat. In: Governance Refugees, and Irregular Immigrants. Political Challenges and – Regieren in komplexen Regelsystemen. Eine Einführung. Perspectives for Asia-Europe Cooperation. (Eds.) C.G. Her- (Ed.) A. Benz. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden nandez and S. Angenendt. Council for Asia-Europe Coopera- 2004, 65–76. tion, Tokyo 2004, 100–134.

49 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Pioch, R.: Migration, Citizenship and Welfare State Reform in Europe. Overcoming Marginalization in Segregated Labour Markets. In: Promoting Income Security As a Right. Europe and North America. (Ed.) G. Standing. Anthem Press, Lon- don 2004, 83–96.

Pioch, R.: Review of “The Moral Economy of Welfare States. Britain and Germany Compared” by Steffen Mau (Routledge, London 2002). Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 50, 6, 680–685 (2004).

Pioch, R.: Transnational Labour Markets, Citizenship, and Renate Mayntz Welfare State Reform. In: The Future of Work in Europe. (Eds.) P. Littlewood, I. Glorieux and I. Jönsson. Ashgate: Al- Mayntz, R.: Hierarchie oder Netzwerk? Zu den Organisati- dershot 2004, 51–65. onsformen des Terrorismus. Berliner Journal für Soziologie 14, 2, 251–262 (2004).

Mayntz, R.: Mechanisms in the Analysis of Social Macro- R Phenomena. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34, 2, 237–259 (2004). Rabe, B.: Chancen und Grenzen wissenschaftlicher Beratung in der Arbeitsmarkt- und Rentenpolitik. In: Management of Mayntz, R.: New Challenges to Governance Theory. In: Gov- Change in der Politik? Reformstrategien am Beispiel der Ar- ernance as Social and Political Communication. (Ed.) H.P. beitsmarkt- und Beschäftigungspolitik. (Eds.) S. Ramge and Bang. Manchester University Press, Manchester 2003, 27–40. G. Schmid. Waxmann, Münster 2003, 107–121.

Mayntz, R.: Sociology – Objective or Normative Science? IHS Rabe, B. and W. Buhl: Die Empfehlungen der “Rürup-Kom- Newsletter 11, 2, 13 (2003). mission” für die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung. Die Ange- stelltenversicherung 50, 10, 473–480 (2003). Mayntz, R.: Zur Institutionalisierung von Politikberatung. Gaia 12, 2, 59–60 (2003). Rehder, B.: Betriebliche Bündnisse. Institutionenwandel im System der deutschen Arbeitsbeziehungen. In: Ökonomischer Mayntz, R. and W. Streeck: Die Reformierbarkeit der De- und soziologischer Institutionalismus. Interdisziplinäre Bei- mokratie. Innovationen und Blockaden. Einleitung. In: Die träge und Perspektiven der Institutionentheorie und -ana- Reformierbarkeit der Demokratie. Innovationen und Blo- lyse. (Eds.) M. Schmid and A. Maurer. Metropolis, Marburg ckaden. (Eds.) R. Mayntz and W. Streeck. Campus, Frankfurt 2003, 259–276. a.M. 2003, 9–28. Rehder, B.: Corporate Governance im Mehrebenensystem. Konfliktkonstellationen im Investitionswettbewerb. In: Alle Macht dem Markt? Fallstudien zur Abwicklung der Deutsch- P

Pioch, R.: Gerechtigkeit im sozialpolitischen Diskurs. Erwä- gen, Wissen, Ethik 14, 2, 282–284 (2003).

Pioch, R.: Migration, Staatsbürgerschaft und garantiertes Grundeinkommen in Europa. In: Grundeinkommen – soziale Innovation für die Welt des 21. Jahrhunderts. (Ed.) Lieselotte Wohlgenannt. KSOe Dossier 03/2003. Katholische Sozialaka- demie Österreichs, Wien 2003, 19–22.

Pioch, R.: Migration, Staatsbürgerschaft und soziale Siche- rung in Europa. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 49, 4, 651–665 (2003). Britta Rehder

50 Publications

land AG. (Eds.) W. Streeck and M. Höpner. Campus, Frank- Scharpf, F.W.: La mondialisation et l’état social. Contraintes, furt a.M. 2003, 272–287. problèmes, vulnérabilité des systèmes. In: Roland Sigg, Christina Behrendt (Eds.), La sécurité sociale dans le village Rehder, B.: Die Flexibilität der Fläche. Die Mitbestimmung global. Bern: Peter Lang 2004, 121–169. 49, 6, 10–15 (2003). Scharpf, F.W.: Legitimate Diversity. The New Challenge of Rehder, B.: Konfliktträchtige Konzessionen. Flächentarif und European Integration. Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawis- betriebliche Bündnisse. Die Mitbestimmung 50, 4, 10–15 senschaften 1, 1, 32–60 (2003). (2004). Scharpf, F.W.: Politische Optionen im vollendeten Binnen- Rehder, B.: Konversion durch Überlagerung. Der Beitrag markt. In: Europäische Integration. (Eds.) M. Jachtenfuchs betrieblicher Bündnisse zum Wandel der Arbeitsbeziehun- and B. Kohler-Koch. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2003 (second gen. In: Vom Zukunfts- zum Auslaufmodell? Die deutsche edition), 219–254. Wirtschaftsordnung im Wandel. (Ed.) J. Beyer. Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, 61–77. Scharpf, F.W.: Staatsaufgaben heute. In: Die neue SPD. Men- schen stärken – Wege öffnen. (Ed.) Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Rehder, B.: Reviews of “The Europeanisation of Industrial Dietz, Bonn 2004, 93–103. Relations” by W. Eberwein, J. Tholen (Ashgate, Aldershot 2002); “Mitbestimmung an den Grenzen? Arbeitsbeziehun- Scharpf, F.W.: Steuer- oder Abgabenstaat? Horizonte. Maga- gen in Deutschland und Europa” ed. by J. Abel, P. Ittermann zin für sozialdemokratische Politik in Mecklenburg-Vor- (München und Mering, Hampp 2001). Arbeit. Zeitschrift für pommern Herbst 2004 (Der skandinavische Weg, Nr. 8), 8, Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik 2, 23–25 (2004). 184–185 (2003). Scharpf, F.W.: The Vitality of the Nation State in 21st Century Rehder, B. and W. Streeck: Der Flächentarifvertrag. Krise, Sta- Europe. In: De vitaliteit van de nationale staat in het Euro- bilität und Wandel. Industrielle Beziehungen 10, 3, 341–362 pa van de 21e eeuw. (Eds.) F.W. Scharpf and H. van Mierlo. (2003). WRR – Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, Den Haag 2003, 15–30.

Scharpf, F.W.: Was man von einer europäischen Verfassung S erwarten und nicht erwarten sollte. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 48, 1, 49–59 (2003). Schäfer, A.: Beyond the Community Method. Why the Open Method of Coordination Was Introduced to EU Policy-mak- Scharpf, F.W.: Was man von einer europäischen Verfassung ing. European Integration online Papers (EIoP) 8, 13 (2004). erwarten und nicht erwarten sollte. Jahrbuch der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte 4, 263–274 (2002/2003).

Schäfer, A.: Review of “A Certain Idea of Europe” by C. Par- Scharpf, F.W.: Steuerfinanzierte Grundrente als Instrument sons (Cornell University Press, Ithaca 2003). Politische Vier- der Beschäftigungspolitik – eine Ideenskizze. In: Fried- teljahresschrift 45, 4, 623–625 (2004). rich-Ebert-Stiftung (Ed.), Die neue SPD. Menschen stärken – Wege öffnen. Dietz, Bonn 2004, 218–232. Scharpf, F.W.: Föderalismusreform in der Bundesrepublik. In: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Ed.), Die neue SPD. Menschen Scharpf, F.W.: Wenn Verteilungspolitik in die Irre führt. Ber- stärken – Wege öffnen. Dietz, Bonn 2004, 104–111. liner Republik 6, 5, 64–68 (2004).

Scharpf, F.W.: Globalisierung und Wohlfahrtsstaat. Zwänge, Scharpf, F.W., A. Héritier and M. Stolleis (Eds.): European Herausforderungen und Schwachstellen. In: Soziale Sicher- and International Regulation after the Nation State. Differ- heit im globalen Dorf. (Eds.) R. Sigg and C. Behrendt. Peter ent Scopes and Multiple Levels. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2004, Lang, Bern 2003, 133–179. 296 p.

Scharpf, F.W.: Ist Europa regierbar? In: Herausforderung Eu- Scharpf, F.W. and H. van Mierlo (Eds.): De vitaliteit van de ropa – Von Visionen zu Konzepten. (Eds.) T. Blume, T. Loren- nationale staat in het Europa van de 21e eeuw. Wrr-lecture zen and A. Warntjen. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2003, 145–155. 2002. WRR – Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regerings- beleid, Den Haag 2003, 52 p.

51 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Schmidt, S.K.: Das Projekt der Europäischen Marktschaf- Streeck, W.: La debolezza dello stato da risorsa a vincolo. Il fung. Die gegenseitige Anerkennung und der Binnenmarkt corporativismo dello stato sociale e l’uso privato del pubblico für Dienstleistungen. In: Politik und Markt. Sonderheft, Poli- interesse. Stato e Mercato 1/2004 (Numero 70), 3–36 (2004). tische Vierteljahresschrift. (Eds.) R. Czada and R. Zintl. Ver- lag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, 83–106. Streeck, W.: Mitbestimmung, unternehmerische. In: Hand- wörterbuch Unternehmensführung und Organisation. (Eds.) Schmidt, S.K.: Die nationale Bedingtheit der Folgen der eu- G. Schreyögg and A.v. Werder. Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart ropäischen Integration. Zeitschrift für Internationale Bezie- 2004, 880–888. hungen 10, 1, 43–67 (2003). Streeck, W.: Social Science and Moral Dialogue. Socio-Eco- Schmidt, S.K.: Rechtsunsicherheit als Folge der bizephalen nomic Review 1, 1, 126–129 (2003). Struktur der EU. In: Die EU – Marionette oder Regisseur? (Eds.) P. Bauer and H. Voelzkow. VS Verlag für Sozialwissen- Streeck, W.: Taking Uncertainty Seriously. Complementarity schaften, Wiesbaden 2004, 51–65. as a Moving Target. Workshops: Proceedings of OeNB Work- shops 1, 1, 101–115 (2004). Schmidt, S.K.: The European Commission’s Powers in Shap- ing European Policies. In: The Changing European Commis- Streeck, W.: The Transformation of Corporate Organization sion. (Ed.) Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos. Manchester Uni- in Europe. An Overview. In: Institutions, Innovation and versity Press, Manchester 2004, 105–120. Growth. (Ed.) J.-P. Touffut. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2003, 4–44. Streeck, W.: Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Die Agenda. In: Auf die Überholspur wechseln. Eine Reformagenda für Deutschland. Streeck, W.: Trade Unions as Political Actors. In: International (Ed.) Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft. Deutscher Insti- Handbook of Trade Unions. (Eds.) J.T. Addison and C. tutsverlag, Köln 2003, 40–51. Schnabel. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2003, 335–365.

Streeck, W.: Der amerikanisierte Arbeitsmarkt. Frankfurter Streeck, W., J. Beckert, J. Eckert and M. Kohli (Eds.): Transnati- Rundschau, 12 June 2004. onale Solidarität. Chancen und Grenzen. Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2004, 298 p. Streeck, W.: Educating Capitalists. A Rejoinder to Wright and Tsakalatos. Socio-Economic Review 2, 3, 425–483 (2004).

Streeck, W.: Gewerkschaften in Westeuropa. In: Die Gewerk- schaften in Politik und Gesellschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (Eds.) W. Schroeder and B. Weßels. West- deutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, 86–100.

Streeck, W.: Gründe, mit der Mitbestimmung behutsam um- zugehen. Die Mitbestimmung 50, 7, 54–55 (2004).

Streeck, W.: Hire and Fire. Ist der amerikanische Arbeitsmarkt ein Vorbild für Deutschland? Berliner Republik 6, 2, 56–67 (2004).

Streeck, W.: Hire and Fire. Ist der amerikanische Arbeitsmarkt ein Vorbild für Deutschland? In: Insider und Outsider. (Ed.) H.G. Zilian. R. Hampp, München 2004, 46–59.

Streeck, W.: Introduction: Convergence or Diversity? Stability and Change in German and Japanese Capitalism. In: The End of Diversity? Prospects for German and Japanese Capitalism. (Eds.) K. Yamamura and W. Streeck. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London 2003, 1–50. MPIfG information desk at the 2004 Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie in

52 Publications

Streeck, W. and A. Hassel: The Crumbling Pillars of Social Trampusch, C.: Staat, Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberver- Partnership. In: Germany Beyond the Stable State. Special Is- bände in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Die Reformfähigkeit der sue of West European Politics 26, 4. (Eds.) H. Kitschelt and W. Bundesanstalt für Arbeit. In: Der Wohlfahrtsstaat – Trans- Streeck. Frank Cass, London 2003, 101–124. formation und Perspektiven. (Eds.) R. Czada and S. Lütz. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, 179–203. Streeck, W. and R.G. Heinze: Optionen für den Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt oder: Ein Lehrstück für einen gescheiterten Po- Trampusch, C.: Strukturwandel aus Sozialkassen. Das System litikwechsel. Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 72, betrieblicher Personalanpassungen. Mitbestimmung 49, 3, 1, 25–35 (2003). 40–43 (2003).

Streeck, W. and M. Höpner: Einleitung. Alle Macht dem Trampusch, C.: Vom Klassenkampf zur Riesterrente. Die Mit- Markt? In: Alle Macht dem Markt? Fallstudien zur Abwick- bestimmung und der Wandel der Interessen von Gewerk- lung der Deutschland AG. (Eds.) W. Streeck and M. Höpner. schaften und Arbeitgeberverbänden an der betrieblichen Campus, Frankfurt a.M. 2003, 11–59. und tariflichen Sozialpolitik. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 50, 3, 223–254 (2004). Streeck, W. and H. Kitschelt: From Stability to Stagnation. Germany at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century. In: Trampusch, C.: Von Verbänden zu Parteien. Der Elitenwech- Germany Beyond the Stable State. Special Issue of West Euro- sel in der Sozialpolitik. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 35, 4, pean Politics 26, 4. (Eds.) H. Kitschelt and W. Streeck. Frank 646–666 (2004). Cass, London 2003, 1–34. Treib, O.: Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen der Streeck, W. and H. Kitschelt (Eds.): Germany Beyond the Sta- Parteipolitik. Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Misfit- ble State. Special Issue of West European Politics 26, 4. Frank These. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 44, 4, 506–528 (2003). Cass, London 2003, 266 p. (and published as a book by Frank Cass, London 2004). Treib, O.: Sozialstaat. Probleme, Herausforderungen, Perspek- tiven. In: Die Europäische Union als Herausforderung für die Streeck, W. and B. Rehder: Der Flächentarifvertrag. Krise, Sta- Sozialpolitik der Mitgliedsländer. (Eds.) S. Rosenberger and bilität und Wandel. Industrielle Beziehungen 10, 3, 341–362 E. Tálos. Mandelbaum-Verlag, Wien 2003, 14–27. (2003). Trif, A.: Overview of industrial relations in Romania. South- East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs 7, 2, 43–64 (2004). T Trif, A. and K. Koch: Caution Dancing in a Privatised Ro- Trampusch, C.: Das Scheitern der Politikwissenschaft am manian Manufacturing Company. In: Strategic Unionism Bündnis für Arbeit. Eine Kritik an der Problemlösungslite- and Partnership. Boxing or Dancing? (Eds.) T. Huzzard, D. ratur über das Bündnis für Arbeit. Politische Vierteljahres- Gregory and R. Scott. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2004, schrift 45, 4, 541–562 (2004). 308–314.

Trampusch, C.: Dauerproblem Arbeitsmarkt. Reformblocka- Trif, A. and K. Koch: Romania. Learning to Dance. In: Strate- den und Lösungskonzepte. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B gic Unionism and Partnership. Boxing or Dancing? (Eds.) T. 18–19, 16–23 (2003). Huzzard, D. Gregory and R. Scott. Palgrave Macmillan, Bas- ingstoke 2004, 179–196. Trampusch, C.: Eine Hartz-Kommission vor hundert Jahren. Probleme einer arbeitsmarktpolitischen Expertenkommissi- on im alten Europa. Georgia Augusta, Wissenschaftsmaga- zin der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 2004, 3, 62–66 W (2004). Wenzel, M.: Kapital zagraniczny w polskiej gospodarce (For- Trampusch, C.: Korporatistische Konzertierung von Arbeits- eign capital in the Polish economy). CBOS Research Report markt- und Rentenpolitik. Zukunfts- oder Auslaufmodell? BS/183/2003. CBOS (Public Opinion Research Center), War- In: Vom Zukunfts- zum Auslaufmodell? Die deutsche Wirt- saw 2003, 9 p. schaftsordnung im Wandel. (Ed.) J. Beyer. Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, 78–107.

53 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Wenzel, M.: Postrzeganie praw pracowniczych w zakladach Woll, C.: Transatlantic Relations pracy i skutecznosc zwiazków zawodowych w ich egzekwowa- as a Catalyst to European Inte- niu (Observance of employee rights in enterprises and the gration. European Commission effectivity of trade unions in their enforcement). CBOS Re- Activism in International Avia- search Report BS/42/2003. CBOS (Public Opinion Research tion. AICGS/DAAD Working Center), Warsaw 2003, 12 p. tute for Contemporary Ger- man Studies, The Johns Hop- Werle, R. and B. Holznagel: Sectors and Strategies of Global kins University, Washington, Communications Regulation. Knowledge, Technology & Pol- DC, 2003, 20 p. Werle, R., E. Iversen and T. Vedel: Standardization and the Cornelia Woll Democratic Design of Information and Communication Technology. Knowledge, Technology & Policy 17, 2, 104–126 (2004). Woll, C. and S. Jacquot: Conclusion. In: Les usages de l’Europe. Acteurs et transformations européennes. (Eds.) S. Jacquot Whitford, J. and J. Zeitlin: Governing Decentralized Produc- and C. Woll. L’Harmattan, Paris 2004, 293–296. tion. Institutions, Public Policy, and the Prospects for Inter- Firm Cooperation in the United States. Industry and Innova- Woll, C. and S. Jacquot (Eds.): Les usages de l’Europe. Acteurs tion, 11, 1/2, 11–44 (2004). et transformations européennes. L’Harmattan, Paris 2004, 318 p. Whitford, J. and M. Vidal: Putting Economic Sociology into Public Practice. Accounts: A Newsletter of Economic Sociol- Woll, C. and S. Jacquot: Usages et travail politiques. Une so- ogy 4, 2/Spring, 1–3 (2004). ciologie compréhensive de l’intégration européenne. In: Les usages de l’Europe. Acteurs et transformations européennes. Woll, C.: Lecture critique. Représentation, contrôle et lé- (Eds.) S. Jacquot and C. Woll. L’Harmattan, Paris 2004, 1–27. gitimité démocratique dans l’Europe des vingt-cinq. Revue Française de Sciences Politiques 54, 6, 1030–1033 (2004). Woll, C. and S. Jacquot: Usage of European Integration – Eu- ropeanisation from a Sociological Perspective. European Woll, C.: Régulation. In: Dictionnaire des politiques publi- Integration online Papers (EIoP) 7, 12, 2003, 17 pp. de Sciences Po, Paris 2004, 377–384.

On the institute’s website, you can download MPIfG Discussion Papers, Working Papers and Research Reports and browse the MPIfG Books’ tables of contents and excerpts .

MPIfG publications online Go to Publications

54 The Institute in the Scientific Community

MPIfG Conferences

Major Conferences and Workshops

International Conference, 27–28 June 2003 Workshop, 4 March 2003 Theoretische Perspektiven auf das deutsche Regierungs- Tarifautonomie, Arbeitsfrieden und betriebliche Gestal- system. Organizers: Philip Manow and Steffen Ganghof. tungsfreiheit. Organizers: Wolfgang Streeck and Britta Host: MPIfG Rehder (MPIfG), Arbeitgeberverband Gesamtmetall (em- ployers’ association for the metal and electrical industry), This was the first major conference organized by the Re- Cologne. Host: MPIfG search Group “Democratic Government and Economic Gov- ernance,” which was established in 2002 and is directed by Perspectives for a reform of the collective bargaining system Philip Manow. The edited volume based on the conference in Germany were discussed at this workshop addressing au- analyzes various aspects of how Germany is governed, such as tonomy in collective bargaining, industrial peace and com- the mechanisms of German politics, the determinants of vot- panies’ freedom to make local wage agreements. Wolfgang ing discipline within parliamentary party groups in crossna- Streeck spoke about the German system of industrial rela- tional comparison, the relevance of institutions to coalition tions (focusing on the primacy of the collective wage agree- loyalty, the power of the governing party as an agenda-setter, ment and the demand to extend company-level flexibility), party competition in the bicameral system, the role of the and Britta Rehder spoke about local and central wage agree- constitutional court in legisla- ments, and new practices at the company level. During the tion, the bounded rationality of following panel discussion, executives from Gesamtmetall delegation and intervention on talked about their experiences with company employment the part of the federal admin- pacts, and about how such pacts are affected by collective istration, and the monitoring wage agreements and the “favorability principle” (which role of the Länder governments stipulates that the individual worker can, as a union member, vis-à-vis the ministerial bureau- deviate from the negotiated union wage contract if this is fa- cracy. vorable for him or her).

Philip Manow, Steffen Ganghof (Eds.): Mechanismen der Poli- tik: Strategische Interaktion im deutschen Regierungssystem. Frankfurt a. M., Campus, 2005.

55 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

International Conference, 18–19 July 2003 den, Norway, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and The Politics of Corporate Governance. Organizers: Martin France as cases in point, the participants discussed a wider Höpner, Wolfgang Streeck. Host: MPIfG range of issues such as: the key role of state/church conflicts in the development of education policy, family policy and The national institutions of corporate governance are chang- poor relief programs; the fundamental differences between ing rapidly, orienting themselves increasingly toward share- Lutheran, Calvinist and Catholic social doctrines and their holder interests. While this can generally be observed in all influence on the timing of major social protection programs Western industrial countries, the speed and the focus of introduced in different countries; and the role of religious change varies from one country to the next. Germany, for cleavage in European welfare states based on its impact on example, seized quickly on the principle of “one share, one the formation of national party systems. A follow-up confer- vote,” but fought to tone down the European Takeover Direc- ence will be held in spring 2006. tive. Discussions at the conference focused on how political variables – such as institutions of consociational democracy, the party-political constitution of governments, corporatism, Workshop, 17–18 June 2004 and industrial relations – can actually contribute to our un- The End of Labor Politics? Organizers: Sabina Avdagic, derstanding of these national differences. Britta Rehder, Christine Trampusch. Host: MPIfG

This workshop examined the changing nature of the relation- Workshop, 23 April 2004 ship between unions and social democratic parties. Original- Die Zukunft der Unternehmensmitbestimmung. Organ- ly exemplifying the joint struggle for the political and social izer: Martin Höpner. Host: MPIfG interests of the working class, the special ties between unions and social democrats used to be facilitated through political The future of the codetermined supervisory board in Ger- exchange. But since the 1970s, this relationship has been sub- many was the subject of this workshop. Employee relations ject to increasing strains, as structural economic changes and directors and representatives of employers’ associations, the interest heterogeneity have undermined the very foundations German Trade Union Federation (DGB) and the Hans Böck- of the traditional working class. The workshop explored the ler Foundation exchanged ideas with social scientists, econo- reasons and mechanisms behind these changes and discussed mists and legal experts. The success of company codetermi- how they affect the prospects of labor politics. nation was a focus of discussion, as was the need to reform the system, for example, by promoting the internationaliza- tion of supervisory boards.

Workshop, 30 April–1 May 2004 Religion and the Western Welfare State. Organizers: Kees van Kersbergen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Political Science) and Philip Manow (MPIfG). Host: MPIfG

A fresh assessment of the impact of religion on modern wel- fare development was the focus of this workshop. Compara- tive welfare-state literature today often sees religion’s impact on social protection systems as being limited to the effects Workshop “Die Zukunft der Unternehmensmitbestimmung”: the Catholic Church’s social teachings have had within Cath- Horst Neumann (Audi AG) and Klaus Bräunig. olic unions and Christian Democratic parties. Taking Swe- (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie, BDI)

56 The Institute in the Scientific Community

Other Workshops and Meetings

Workshops, 26–27 September 2003 and 26–27 March 2004 Meeting, 3–4 December 2004 Complementarity and Innovation. Organizers: Wolfgang Die politische Ökonomie der Europäischen Wirtschafts- Streeck, Martin Höpner (MPIfG) and Robert Boyer (CEPRE- und Währungsunion. Tagung der Sektion Politik und Öko- MAP-ENS).Hosts: CEPREMAP-ENS, Paris (first meeting); nomie der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft MPIfG (second meeting) (DVPW). Organizers: Philip Manow (MPIfG), Susanne Lütz (FernUniversität Hagen) and Christoph Scherrer (Universität Kassel). Host: MPIfG Workshop, 11 December 2003 Die organisatorische Dimension des modernen Terroris- mus. Organizers: Renate Mayntz (MPIfG) and Herfried Conference, 16–17 January 2004 Münkler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Host: Humboldt- Solidarität jenseits des Nationalstaats. Organizers: Jens Universität zu Berlin Beckert (Universität Göttingen), Martin Kohli (Freie Uni- versität Berlin), Julia Eckert (Max Planck Institute for Social Renate Mayntz: Organizational Forms of Terrorism: Anthropology, Halle) and Wolf- Hierarchy, Network, or a Type sui generis? MPIfG Discussion gang Streeck (MPIfG). Host: Die Paper 04/4. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Junge Akademie an der Berlin- Societies, 2004. Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Deutsche Akademie der Natur- Workshops, 16 December 2003, 20 April 2004 forscher Leopoldina and 14 September 2004 Analysis of research funded under the Volkswagen Foun- Jens Beckert, Julia Eckert, dation’s special program “Global Structures and Gover- Martin Kohli, Wolfgang Streeck nance.” Organizers: Renate Mayntz (MPIfG) and Volkswagen (Eds.): Transnationale Solida- Foundation. Host: MPIfG rität. Chancen und Grenzen. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2004. Renate Mayntz, Armin von Bogdandy, Philipp Genschel, Su- sanne Lütz: Globale Strukturen und deren Steuerung. Aus- wertung der Ergebnisse eines Förderprogramms der Volkswa- genStiftung. Forschungsberichte aus dem MPIfG 1. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2005.

Lectures and Conference Participation

From 2003 to 2004, MPIfG researchers gave 129 lectures at universities, research in- stitutes, academies, foundations, firms, banks, research organizations, government offices and think tanks. They spoke at meetings of political parties, trade unions, employer associations and professional associations. They were well represented at major national and international conferences in political science, socio-economics, sociology, European studies, German studies and the sociology of science. The issues addressed reflect the range of interests of the institute’s researchers, such as the EU

57 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

constitution, a citizen-oriented federal system of government, corporate governance, institutional change, the political regulation of new social risks, the globalization of technology policy, social inequality and cultural differences, the future of centralized collective bargaining, the transformation of the European financial system, and the implications of a wider Europe. MPIfG lecturers went to 31 German cities and 20 German universities. They gave lectures in 13 European countries, and at five leading universities in the United States. Four lectures were given in Asia, two at the Korean Labour Institute, one at the Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies, and one at Waseda University in Tokyo. About one quarter of all lectures were given by PhD students. MPIfG researchers also participated in many conferences and workshops, 45 of which were held in Germany and 18 abroad.

Guest Lectures at the MPIfG

Lecture Series: Beyond the Nation? Die Nation – diesseits und jenseits

Alois Hahn Andreas Dörner Folgen und Funktionen von Nationen Sind politische Einheitsrepräsentationen Universität Trier, Germany heute noch national definiert? 03/11/27 Technische Universität Dresden, Germany 04/02/26 Bernhard Giesen Vom Triumph zum Trauma: Die nationale Idee Emilio Gentile Universität Konstanz, Germany Nationalism as a Political Religion: 03/12/11 Dead or Still Alive? Università degli studi di Roma, Friedrich Wilhelm Graf La Sapienza, Rome, Italy Die Nation: Von Gott erfunden? 04/03/18 Universität München, Germany 04/01/22

Further Guest Lectures

Petra Ahrweiler Klaus Armingeon Unternehmen und Unternehmensnetzwerke in der Die OECD und die Entwicklung nationaler Biotechnologie, Deutschland und Großbritannien Wohlfahrtsstaaten, 1970–2000 Universität Hamburg, Germany Universität Bern, Switzerland 04/02/25 03/02/11

58 The Institute in the Scientific Community

Sabina Avdagic J. Rogers Hollingsworth Power, Interactions and Institutional Change: The Tension between Integration and Diversity in the Shaping Industrial Relations in Postcommunism Making of Major Discoveries Central European University, Budapest, Hungary University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA 04/05/27 04/04/22

Lucio Baccaro Stephan Leibfried The Downside of Deliberative Public Administration Germany’s Poverty and Plenty: The Many Worlds of International Institute for Labour Studies, “Competence Distribution” in the EC and the OECD Geneva, Switzerland Zentrum für Sozialpolitik, Universität Bremen, Germany 04/09/23 03/01/20

Heinricht Best Kerstin Jacobsson Die Professionalisierung der Politik New Governance Structures in Employment Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany Policy Making? Taking Stock of the European 04/11/08 Employment Strategy Stockholm Center for Organizational Research (SCORE), Tim Büthe Stockholm University, Sweden Taking Temporality Seriously: Modeling History 03/10/30 and the Use of Narratives as Evidence Columbia University, New York, USA Peter Katzenstein 03/03/20 Same War – Different Views: Germany, Japan and the War on Terrorism Bernhard Casey Cornell University, Ithaca, USA The OECD Jobs Strategy and the European Employment 03/05/20 Strategy: Two Views of the Labor Market and of the Welfare State Lane Kenworthy London School of Economics, UK Explaining Comparative Trends in Income Inequality 03/01/23 in the 1980s and 1990s Emory University, Atlanta, USA John W. Cioffi 03/02/25 Restructuring “Germany Inc.”: The Politics of Company and Takeover Law Reform in Germany and Gary Marks the European Union European Integration and Political Conflict University of California–Berkeley, USA University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA 03/07/08 03/02/18

Thomas Ertman Steffen Mau Staatsbildungsprozesse in Europa The Moral Economy of Welfare States in vergleichender Perspektive Universität Bremen, Germany Harvard University, Cambridge, USA 04/03/01 03/05/22 Philip Pochet Maurizio Ferrera EMU and Social Policy: Impact at National Boundaries of Welfare: European Integration and European Level and the New Spatial Politics of Solidarity Observatoire social européen, Brussels, Belgium Università degli studi di Milano, Italy 04/02/12 04/12/02 Luana Pop Peter Gourevitch Retro-institutionalization: An Institutional Approach to The Role of Politics in Corporate Governance: Non-linear Social Processes in Transition Countries Institutions and Preferences in Competing Coalitions University of Bucharest, Romania Harvard University, Cambridge, USA 04/09/28 03/07/16

59 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Sigrid Quack Cross-societal Diffusion during German Industrialization: The Role of the “International” in the Emergence of “German” Capitalism Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Germany 04/09/16

Ulrich Sedelmeier The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe: Analyzing the Impact of the European Union on Candidate Countries Central European University, Budapest, Hungary 04/01/26 Lkhanaajave Tsedendamba

Monika Sie Dhian Ho Lkhanaajave Tsedendamba Modes of Governance in Justice and Home Affairs Perspektiven der Entwicklung in der Mongolei for an Enlarged EU Mongolian Development Research Center, Scientific Council for Government Policy, Ulanbaatar, Mongolia The Hague, Netherlands 04/10/14 03/03/10 Amy Verdun, Martin Heipertz Arndt Sorge The Past and Present of the Stability and Growth Pact: Theoretische Instrumente zur Analyse Understanding Its Background and Its Political Objectives von Gesellschaftlichkeit und Wandel in University of Victoria, Canada and MPIfG Wirtschaftsinstitutionen 03/04/29 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands 03/06/16 Michal Wenzel Europeanization or Americanization of Industrial Yves Tiberghien Relations? EU Enlargement as a Factor in the Development Global Investors, Legislative Institutions, and the of Social Dialogue in Poland Mediating State: Insights from Corporate Reforms Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), in France Warsaw, Poland University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 03/09/22 03/11/24 Joshua David Whitford Francisco Torres Network Production, Contradiction and Institutions in On the Democratic Quality and Effectiveness of the (American) New Old Economy Governance in the European Union Columbia University, New York, USA Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal 04/04/08 03/02/03

Aurora Trif Power and Strategic Choices in the Transformation of Industrial Relations: The Case of Eastern Europe London South Bank University, UK 04/09/02

60 The Institute in the Scientific Community

Committee Memberships and Editorships

Editorial Boards Journal of Social Structures “Historical Atlas of Globalization,” International Networks Archive, Department of Sociology, Princeton University

Philip Manow Managing Committee, COST A 15 Action of the EU “Com- paring Social Protection Systems in Europe” Managing Board, European Social Policy Analysis Network Chair, Sektion Politik und Ökonomie, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft

Gerda Falkner Arbeitsgruppe Sozial-, Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften, Renate Mayntz Österreichischer Rat für Forschungs- und Technologie- Steering Committee, Förderschwerpunkt “Wissen für Ent- fragen scheidungsprozesse – Forschung zum Verhältnis von Wis- senschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft,” German Federal Mi- Editorial Boards nistry of Education and Research European Integration online Papers (co-editor) University Council, University of Konstanz Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Advisory Board, Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikfor- schung, Universität Bielefeld Interdisciplinary working group “Wissenschaftliche Politik- Anke Hassel beratung in der Demokratie,” Berlin-Brandenburg Acade- Executive Council of the Society for the Advancement of So- my of Sciences cio-Economics (SASE) Committee on Political Sociology, International Sociological Sektion Wirtschaftssoziologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für So- Association ziologie German section of the International Industrial Relations As- Editorial Boards sociation Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie Sektion Politische Ökonomie, Deutsche Vereinigung für Po- “Staatlichkeit im Wandel” Series, Institut für Staatswissen- litische Wissenschaft schaften, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Gesellschaft für Programmforschung der Bundeswehr, München Academic Advisory Board (Wissenschaftlerbeirat), Otto- Zeitschrift für Soziologie Brenner-Stiftung Learned Societies Editorial Board Academia Europaea European Journal of Industrial Relations Außerordentliches Mitglied, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Lothar Krempel Sciences Research Committee “Logic and Methodology” of the Inter- national Sociological Association (ISA) INSNA, the International Network for the Analysis of Social Fritz W. Scharpf Networks Commission on the Reform of the Federal Order (Kommis- Sektion Modellbildung und Simulation, Deutsche Gesell- sion von und Bundesrat zur “Modernisierung schaft für Soziologie der bundesstaatlichen Ordnung”) 2003–2004 Committee on International Political Science, American Po- litical Science Association (APSA)

61 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Steering Committee, Robert Schuman Centre, European Scientific Advisory Board, Institute for Advanced Studies, University Institute, Florence Vienna Research Council, European University Institute, Florence Chair, Human Sciences Section, Max Planck Society (2003– Advisory Board, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung project “Instituti- 2006) onen, Wirtschaftswachstum, und Beschäftigung in der EWU – Institutionelle Bedingungen für die Koordination Editorial Boards der Finanzpolitik einerseits sowie der Lohnpolitik ande- European Journal of Industrial Relations rerseits” European Sociological Review International Advisory Board, Europäisches Zentrum für Industrielle Beziehungen Staatswissenschaft und Staatspraxis, Berlin Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie Advisory Board, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Bremen Stato e Mercato Board of Trustees, Hertie School of Governance Work, Employment and Society Board of Trustees, Institut für Europäische Comparative European Politics Verfassungswissenschaften, FernUniversität Hagen Socio-Economic Review Ethics Council, City of Cologne Honarary Member, Society for the Advancement of Socio- Learned Societies Economics (SASE) Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Academia Europaea Editorial Boards European Law Journal Journal of Common Market Studies Christine Trampusch Journal of European Public Policy Representative of the MPIfG researchers in the Human Sci- International Organization ences Section of the Max Planck Society Internationale Politik Advisory Board, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung project “Flexibilisie- Rivista italiana di politiche pubbliche rung und soziale Sicherheit – Eine empirische Untersu- “Themes in European Governance,” Cambridge University chung von Einstellungen zu Flexicurity-Maßnahmen” Press Sektion “Politische Ökonomie,” Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft Learned Societies Corresponding Fellow, British Academy Honorary Foreign Member, American Academy of Arts and Raymund Werle Sciences Executive Committee, Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technik- forschung, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie Executive Committee, Arbeitskreis Politik und Technik, Susanne K. Schmidt Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft Editorial Boards European-American Consortium “Tracking the Digital European Union Politics Transformation” Journal of European Public Policy Working Group 5 “Regulation and Control,” COST (Co-op- eration in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) Action 14 “Government and Democracy in the Informa- Wolfgang Streeck tion Age” Advisory Board, Institute of Governance, Queens University, Chairman, Coordination Committee of the Research Net- Belfast work “Sociology of Science and Technology” (SSTNET) Board of Trustees and Advisory Board, Hans-Böckler-Stif- of the European Sociological Association tung, Düsseldorf Scientific Advisory Committee, Centre Saint-Gobain pour la Editorial Boards Recherche en Économie Science Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Science and Chair, Advisory Committee, Deutsches Institut für Japanstu- Technology Studies (associate editor) dien, Tokyo Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie Executive Board, Society for Comparative Research Executive Council, Society for the Advancement of Socio- Economics Council, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie Honorary President, Association for the Study of German Politics

62 The Institute in the Scientific Community

Prizes and Honors

Henrik Enderlein 25 June 2004 Otto Hahn Medal 2003 for his dissertation on the impact of monetary union on policies in the EU member states. The medal is awarded for outstanding scholarly achievements by young researchers under the age of thirty. Henrik Enderlein was a doctoral student at the MPIfG until 2001.

Anke Hassel 13 November 2004 Zeitschriftenpreis 2004, a prize awarded by the Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG for the best ar- Fritz W ..Scharpf is awarded the Great Cross of Merit. ticle by an MPIfG researcher published in a refereed scholarly of the Federal Republic of Germany by Peer Steinbrück, . journal in 2003. Hassel received the prize for The Politics of the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, in 2004 Social Pacts published in the British Journal of Industrial Re- lations, volume 41, number 4, p. 707–276 (2003). Fritz W. Scharpf 27 November 2003 Martin Höpner Honorary doctorate from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 12 September 2003 MPIfG Paper Prize 2003, awarded by the MPIfG Scientific 1 June 2004 Advisory Board for the best MPIfG Working Paper or Dis- Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. cussion Paper by a young researcher at the institute in 2001 or 2002. Höpner received the prize for MPIfG Discussion Pa- per 01/5, Corporate Governance in Transition: Ten Empirical Kathleen Thelen Findings on Shareholder Value and Industrial Relations in 26 November 2003 Germany (2001). Max Planck Research Award for International Cooperation from the Max Planck Society and the Alexander von Hum- boldt Foundation. Kathleen Thelen, professor of political sci- Renate Mayntz and Fritz W. Scharpf ence at Northwestern University in Evanston, USA, has been 4 December 2004 an external scientific member of the MPIfG since 2005. The Bielefeld Science Award. Mayntz and Scharpf received the projects financed by the award are being conducted in coop- award from the Sparkasse Bielefeld Foundation for their out- eration with the MPIfG. standing contribution toward understanding the self-organi- zation and governance of complex societies.

Public Relations

Public relations at the MPIfG serve to promote the visibility of the institute’s work in the scientific community and to establish contact with people and institutions in the general public. The institute focuses on providing high-quality information for the general public and the wider scientific community to complement the scholarly articles and books its researchers publish for a worldwide circle of readers. Brochures

63 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

about the institute and its publications, e-mail newsletters about publications and a news column on the website serve this purpose, as do the development and mainte- nance of contacts with journalists, the institute’s Board of Trustees (Kuratorium) and the recently founded Society of Friends and Former Associates of the MPIfG.

Informing the Public about the MPIfG

The MPIfG had book stands at the meetings of the European Consortium for Political Research, the German Association for Political Science (2003 in Marburg and Mainz) and the German Sociological Association (2004 in Munich). MPIfG researchers pub- lish in the politics and business sections of news magazines and national newspapers. The public television station Phoenix broadcasts interviews and panel discussions with MPIfG researchers as do Deutschlandfunk, the national public radio station, and other large radio stations. A brochure in German and a flyer in English introduce the MPIfG to the general public and the scientific community. The MPIfG Report in English documents the institute’s work every two years. The MPIfG Jahrbuch, written in German for a wide audience and featuring selected current projects, was first published for the years 2003–2004. On its website the institute offers a subscription to its e-mail newsletter, “Recent Publications,” which reports about new titles in its publication series. It also uses press releases and e-mail news flashes to inform about recent research. In fall of 2004 the new Cologne Science Portal (Kölner Wissenschaftsportal) presented the MPIfG and other research institutions in Cologne to the general public. The website was initiated by the “Wissenschaftsrunde,” a roundtable of representatives from all of Cologne’s research institutions and the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Indus- try which promotes networking between business and science. These media enable the MPIfG to provide a wide range of target groups with information tailored to their interests.

MPIfG Website

The institute’s website is its most important means of communication with the sci- entific community around the world and with the general public. It is also vital to the flow of information within the institute, as is the intranet, which was relaunched and expanded in 2003. The news section on the public site enables everyone to keep up regularly with developments at the institute. Since the MPIfG website was established in 1996, the number of visitors has con- tinually increased. At present there is an average of about 2,900 queries per day. By the end of 2000 about half of the website visitors came from Germany, the rest mostly from other European countries and the United States. In the following years, the share of visitors from the USA increased. Today, 34 percent come from the United

64 The Institute in the Scientific Community

Country Visits 700 1 USA 88,269 2 Germany 54,668 3 United Kingdom 6,776 600 4 The Netherlands 5,362 5 Austria 5,353 500 6 Japan 4,686 7 Switzerland 3,739 8 Canada 2,849 400 9 Italy 2,293 10 France 2,125 11 Belgium 1,684 300 12 Australia 1,417 13 Poland 1,397 200 14 Sweden 1,158 15 Czech Republic 926 16 Denmark 909 100 17 Finland 788 18 Spain 640 0 19 Taiwan 632 2001 2002 2003 2004 20 Brazil 576 Total 186,247

MPIfG website MPIfG website Visits per day 2001–2004 Most active countries 2004

States and 29 percent from Germany, while the rest comes from the United King- dom, other European countries, Japan and Canada. Visitors are based in universities and research institutes, government and policy-making institutions, and the national print media.

Long-term Relations with Friends of the Institute

Building long-term relationships with representatives from business, government and the media is valuable to the institute. This is especially reflected in the contacts with the Board of Trustees, which is invited each summer to the institute for a pre- sentation of current projects. Maintaining contact with friends and former associates of the institute is also vital. This has become easier since The Society of Friends and Former Associates of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies was founded in 2002. The Society promotes social research at the institute in a number of ways. It organizes events at which members reflect on experiences inside and outside the academic world and talk about the results of their research. It also provides financial support through a journal prize and stipends for young researchers, and by helping the institute pay for improvements in the work environment, the library and public relations.

65 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Dialog with Decisionmakers The transfer of knowledge from the institute’s researchers to decisionmakers in gov- ernment, business, interest associations and the society at large is expedited by the lectures, workshops and discussion forums in which the researchers participate, and by their presence on various boards and committees involved in policymaking. Prof. Fritz W. Scharpf was appointed to the Commission of Bundestag and Bundesrat on the Modernization of the Federal System, as an expert on legislative competencies and participation rights. The purpose of the joint commission of the upper and lower houses of the German parliament, which was set up in October 2003, was to suggest ways of improving the governance and decisionmaking capaci- ties of the German federal government and the Länder. It examined the distribution of legislative competencies between federal and Länder governments, the responsi- bilities and participation rights of the Länder in the federal legislative process, and the financial relations between the federal government and the Länder. In 2003 and 2004, MPIfG researchers took part in a new Volkswagen Foundation program to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The aim of the initiative is to lower the barriers between the career patterns of academics and those of practi- tioners in the early years of their careers, in favor of “interface biographies.” Miriam Hartlapp spent one year at the International Labour Office in Geneva in the ILO “Safe-Work” program, where she worked on a project on how ILO and EU strategies for occupational safety can be better coordinated. Anke Hassel had a one-year work assignment at the Policy Analysis Department of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor. She supported the management and planning activities of the ministry, which was preparing to implement labor reforms, building on her knowledge of re- form processes in other European countries. While on assignment for six months at the Office of the Committee for European Integration in Warsaw, Simone Leiber ex- amined the extent to which social policy reforms were already taking effect in Poland as it prepared to join the EU as well as the obstacles which may have been standing in the way of such reforms. In spring of 2004, a group of experts invited by Wolfgang Streeck and Martin Höpner met at the MPIfG to discuss the future of worker participation on supervi- sory boards in Germany. Employee relations directors and representatives of employ- ers’ associations, the German Trade Union Federation (DGB) and the Hans Böckler Foundation exchanged ideas with social scientists, economists and legal schol- ars. In March 2003, the MPIfG held a workshop in col- laboration with the Gesamtmetall employers’ associa- tion on “Free Collective Bargaining, Industrial Peace and Local Wage Agreements.” Perspectives for a reform of the German collective bargaining system were dis- cussed. Workshop “Die Zukunft der Unternehmensmitbestimmung” at the MPIfG in April 2004

66 The Institute in the Scientific Community

Current MPIfG research results were the subject of a “Max Planck Forum” mod- erated by journalist Roger de Weck in Berlin in December 2003. The public panel discussion looked at various sides of the question “All Power to the Market?” which is also the title of an MPIfG book, Alle Macht dem Markt (Campus 2003). Wolfgang Streeck, Jürgen Kromphardt from the Faculty of Economic Theory at Technische Universität Berlin and Norbert Roseneck from Kienbaum Executive Consultants dis- cussed how German industry and Germany’s labor relations system cope with the challenges of globalized markets. The event was hosted by the Berlin office of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. At a conference on “The Role of Scientific Advice in Modern Democracies” held in March 2003 in Heidelberg by the German academies of science, Renate Mayntz gave a talk on the organization of policy advice.

Public Relations for Specific Target Groups

MPIfG researchers are often invited to give lectures at schools. The MPIfG in turn in- vites groups of upper-class students from college-track German high schools to spend a day at the institute. Since 2002, the MPIfG has also had a high-school internship program which targets two types of students. Tenth- and eleventh-graders spend two weeks at the institute getting a practical look at social science careers. Before going to university, graduates spend one or two months at the institute to find out whether a career in sociology or political science would be right for them. Altogether, some two to four students come for internships per year. The MPIfG’s annual art exhibit is an occasion for the institute to open its doors to neighbors, friends and the general public. In 2003 and 2004, the institute hosted Christoph Inderwiesen and Chris Durham, artists who live and work in Cologne and Düsseldorf, respectively. Christoph Inderwiesen’s work on the 2003 exhibit in- volved a stay at the institute and a site investigation over several weeks’ time during which he collected material from and about the MPIfG. His sources included the institute’s fixtures, furniture and office equipment, the Visitors at the 2004 Exhibit “City Crossings” room set-ups, light conditions, sounds and noises as well as encounters and conversations with the institute’s staff. The 2004 exhibit “City Crossings” featured a collection of “portraits” of ten European cities photographed by Chris Durham. The shots are the result of ten one-day walks through the cities.

67 Research Staff

Jürgen Beyer Colin Crouch Research fellow (Dr. phil., Sociology, 1997, Universität Trier; External scientific member (Dr. habil., Sociology, 2004, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): phil., Sociology, 1975, Nuffield Economic sociology; sociology of organizations; compara- College, Oxford University; Pro- tive political economy; transition research fessor, University of Warwick): Structure of European societies, Michael Blauberger with special reference to labor Doctoral fellow (MA, Political Science, 2004, Universität market, gender and family is- München): European integration and Europeanization; east- sues; economic sociology and ern enlargement of the EU; theories of international politics neo-institutional analysis

Andreas Broscheid Post-doctoral fellow (PhD, Political Science, 2000, State Colin Crouch University of New York at Stony Brook): Political system of the USA (role of the courts in the institutional framework Bernhard Ebbinghaus of government, regulation within the states); interaction of Senior research fellow (PhD, Political and Social Sciences, institutions of the EU; formation and role of interest organi- 1993, European University Institute, Florence; habil., Sociol- zations in the EU; quantitative methods and positive theory ogy, 2003, Universität zu Köln): European labor relations and (game theory) organized interests; European social policy and welfare-state regimes; comparative methods and multi-level analysis Simone Burkhart Doctoral fellow (Diplom, Public Policy and Management, Gerda Falkner 2003, Universität Konstanz): Federalism; political economy; Senior research fellow (Dr. phil., Political Science, 1992, Uni- European integration versity of Vienna; habil., Political Science, 1997, University of Vienna): European integration; Europeanisation in the EU Helen Callaghan member states; social policy Doctoral fellow (MSc, Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences, 2002, Northwestern University–Evanston): Com- Jürgen Feick parative political economy; corporate governance; varieties Senior research fellow (Dr. phil., Political Science, 1978, Uni- of capitalism; European integration versität Stuttgart): Policy research (national, comparative and European); European integration; political and administra- tive culture; impact of modern technology on governability and governing capacity

68 Research Staff

Saskia Freye Imke Kruse Doctoral fellow (Diplom, Economics, 2003, Universität zu Doctoral fellow (MA, Political Science, 2002 Universität Pots- Köln): Economic sociology; varieties of capitalism; research dam): comparative politics; comparative institutional stud- on elites ies; international relations; European integration; interna- tional migration Steffen Ganghof Research fellow (Dr. rer. pol., Political Science, 2003, Univer- Knut Lange sität Bremen): German politics; comparative politics; politi- Doctoral fellow (Diplom, Social Sciences, 1999, Humboldt- cal economy and policy analysis; normative and empirical Universität zu Berlin): Organizational theory; comparative theories of democracy; philosophy and methodology of the sociology; industrial sociology social sciences Jürgen Lautwein Miriam Hartlapp Administrative director (State Examination for Teachers, So- Research fellow (Dr. rer. pol., Political Science, 2003, Univer- cial Sciences, 1981, Universität zu Köln): Research manage- sität Osnabrück): social policy; employment policy; multi- ment; research policy; organizational development level governance; implementation and compliance research; institutional theory; European integration Simone Leiber Research fellow (Dr. rer. pol, Political Science, 2004, Univer- Anke Hassel sität Heidelberg): European integration; social policy; inter- Senior research fellow (Dr. rer. soc., Sociology, 1998, Ruhr- est groups; policy implementation; EU eastern enlargement Universität Bochum; habil., Sociology, 2003, Ruhr-Univer- sität Bochum): industrial relations; voluntary organizations; Philip Manow economic sociology; comparative politics; German politics Senior research fellow (Dr. rer. pol., Political Science, 1994, Martin Heipertz Freie Universität Berlin; habil., Doctoral fellow (MA, European Economy, 2001, College of Political Science, 2002, Univer- Europe, Bruges): European Economic and Monetary Union; sität Konstanz): Comparative political economy; game theory; negotiation theory; integra- studies of the welfare state; po- tion theory litical economy; patronage and political corruption; politics and Martin Höpner religion; the nation-state Research fellow (Dr. phil., Political Science, 2002, FernUni- versität Hagen): Varieties of capitalism; political economy; comparative policy research; industrial relations; corporate Philip Manow governance Renate Mayntz Sigrun Kahl Director emerita and founding director (Dr. phil., Sociol- Doctoral fellow (MA, History, 2002, Humboldt Universität ogy, 1953, Freie Universität Berlin; habil., Sociology, 1957, zu Berlin): Comparative welfare states; comparative labor Freie Universität Berlin): Theories of society/social systems; market and social policy; religion and the history of poor re- political institutions, policy development and implementa- lief and the welfare state; comparing public debates on social tion; development of science and of technology, relationship policy between science and politics; transnational structures and “global” governance Lothar Krempel Senior research fellow (Dr. sc. pol., Political Science, 1984, Till Müller-Schoell Universität Duisburg; habil., Sociology, focusing on empiri- Doctoral fellow (MA, Political Science, 2001, Universität cal social research, 2003, Universität Duisburg–Essen): Net- Bonn): Welfare state; employment policy; industrial rela- work analysis; dynamic modelling; interaction of organiza- tions tions; visualization of social structures

69 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Myung-Joon Park Wolfgang Streeck Doctoral fellow (MA, Sociology, 1996, Seoul National Uni- Director (Dr. phil., Sociology, 1979, Universität Frankfurt; versity): Corporatism and democracy; industrial relations; habil., Sociology, 1986, Universität Bielefeld): Comparative political economy; institutional theory political economy; comparative industrial relations; Euro- pean integration Britta Rehder Research fellow (Dr. phil., Political Science, 2002, Humboldt- Jörg Teuber Universität Berlin): Labor relations; political economy; poli- Doctoral fellow (MA, Political Science, 2000, Universität Sie- tics and law; institutional change gen): Comparative political economy; organized interests; European integration

Christine Trampusch Research fellow (Dr. disc. pol., Social Sciences, 2000, Univer- sität Göttingen): Comparative employment and social policy; theories of institutional change; corporatism; methods in comparative research

Oliver Treib Post-doctoral fellow (Dr. rer. pol., Political Science, 2002, Universität zu Köln): Multi-level governance in the European Union; implementation of EU policies; EU social policy; par- ty politics and European integration; game theory

Britta Rehder and Christine Trampusch Wendelmoet van den Nouland Doctoral fellow (MA, Public Administration, 2004, Leiden University): Europeanization; European law; comparative Armin Schäfer politics; institutionalism Postdoctoral fellow (Dr. rer. pol., Political Science, 2004, Uni- versität Bremen): Political economy of European integration; Raymund Werle coordination of economic policy-making; sectoral special- Senior research fellow (Dr. phil., Political Science, 1977, Uni- ization and national competitiveness, historical institutional- versität Mannheim): Interaction of technological and insti- ism tutional innovations

Fritz W. Scharpf Cornelia Woll Director emeritus (Dr. jur., Law, 1964, Universität Freiburg; Postdoctoral fellow (Dr. rer. pol., Political Science, 2004, Uni- Full Professor, Political Science, 1968, Universität Konstanz): versität zu Köln and Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris): In- Organization problems and decision processes in govern- ternational political economy; interest representation in the ment; multi-level governance in Germany; political economy US and the EU; trade policy; European integration of inflation and unemployment in Western Europe; federal- ism and European integration; applications of game theory; Patrick Ziltener comparative political economy of welfare states Post-doctoral fellow (Dr. phil., Sociology, 1997, Universität Zürich): Globalization; regional integration – theory and Susanne K. Schmidt empirical research; international political economy; state Senior research fellow (Dr. phil., Political Science, 1998, Uni- theory; regulation theory; world-systems theory versität Hamburg; habil., Political Science, 2005, FernUniver- sität Hagen): European integration; global governance; insti- tutionalist theories; comparative politics

70 Management and Budget

Management The institute uses management methods that enable it to stay at the forefront of inter- national social research. Committees ensure that the service units – the administra- tion, the computer department, the editorial and public relations unit, the library and the secretaries – stay in close touch with the researchers and their projects, and that the flow of information between research and service staff remains uninterrupted.

Functional Committees The directors, researchers, service staff and student assistants are all represented on the functional committees of the institute. The committees are chaired by research- ers. Meetings are scheduled as needed. The Library Committee, which includes researchers, library staff and other staff members, discusses which journals and databases should be subscribed or cancelled, and supports the library staff in adapting its classification system to research devel- opments at the institute. The Computer Committee includes representatives from all research and service groups to ensure broad input and discussion on IT innovations. The Publications Committee is a forum in which researchers, the directors and the publication group discuss the institute’s publication policy and publication man- agement. In addition, the committee chair organizes the internal and external peer review of the institute’s book series (published by Campus Verlag) and its Discussion Paper and Working Papers series. The Website Committee takes a critical look at how the MPIfG presents itself on the internet, how the website can facilitate the dissemi- nation and exchange of information about the institute’s research, and how the site can be used to enhance inhouse communication. Members of the service staff are in touch with their counterparts at MPG headquarters, other Max Planck institutes,

71 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

and social research institutes in Germany and abroad. They are also in contact with research institutes and university departments in the Rhine region. Communication in these networks keeps growing and helps ensure that the support staff can continue to provide the MPIfG researchers with professional service.

Scientific Advisory Board Directors Research Meeting Board of at the Institute Trustees

Administrative Research Areas Director Management Committee Sociology of Markets Administration Industrial Relations and Welfare States Corporate Governance

Secretaries Library Organized Interests Committee European Integration Library Research Group on Democratic Government Computer and Economic Governance Committee Computing Science, Technology and Systems of Innovation Publications Governance of Global Structures Editorial and Committee Theories and Methods PR Unit Projects by Visiting Researchers Website Committee

Organizational structure of the MPIfG

Managerial Committees The managerial committees at the institute, which are chaired by the managing di- rector, meet regularly. Every two weeks, the heads of the service units meet with the managing director to discuss decisions that need to be made. Once a month, this group is expanded to include representatives of the researchers – the chairs of the functional committees. This Management Committee also has a planning session in December where the service units’ goals for the coming year are agreed upon and the previous year’s developments are discussed.

72 Management and Budget

Research Meeting There are many informal opportunities for researchers to meet and exchange ideas at the institute (for more on research management, see the sections “Cooperation and Communication within the Institute” and “Doctoral Candidates”). In accordance with the bylaws of the institute, there is also a Research Meeting twice a year. Chaired by the managing director, this meeting brings together the directors and the research staff members to discuss how the project areas are developing and what the institute should concentrate on in the future.

Works Council In accordance with German labor law, the MPIfG has a works council. Elected every four years, the works council represents the interests of employees vis-à-vis the em- ployer. It has an advisory role when new positions are to be filled, cooperates with the administrative director and the managing director in setting works rules (such as how to manage flex-time) and helps individual employees as needed. The works council meets regularly with the managing director and holds a works meeting, which all MPIfG employees are invited to attend, two or three times per year. The MPIfG works council sends a delegate to the central works council of the Max Planck Society.

Support for Visiting Researchers The institute has improved its support for visiting researchers. Close cooperation between the visitors’ liaison, the administration and prospective visitors ensures that the stays are carefully prepared, and any issues still open when a visitor arrives can be easily dealt with. Visiting researchers receive detailed information about the institute and the city of Cologne long before their arrival at the MPIfG, and the institute helps them find accommodations. Immediately upon arrival, they can start working. This procedure is very well received by the institute’s visiting researchers.

Open Channels of Communication Improved communication at the institute reduces the amount of time the directors need to devote to management. The service units and the researchers each know what the other group is doing. The plans for administrative projects are discussed in the appropriate forums. Members of the service units and the research staff have a high degree of autonomy in organizing their work environment, so that the directors only have to get involved at critical phases of the decision-making process.

73 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Service Units

Administration Student Assistants Jürgen Lautwein (administrative director) 18 part-time student assistants support the researchers and Anne Baumanns* service units of the institute Renate Blödorn* Manuela Schmitz* *part-time Petra Zimmermann*

Central Services Ernst Braun Vocational Training Gabriele Breunig* In Germany, firms and offices participate in a “dual system” Secretaries of vocational education. High-school age students who do Christina Glasmacher* not plan to go to college can qualify for a variety of occu- Petra Küchenmeister* pations in three-year programs of on-the-job training ac- Karin Spiegel* companied by instruction at a vocational school. Since 1999, the MPIfG has participated in the dual system. It now trains Library certified office communication specialists and information Susanne Hilbring* (coordination) systems specialists. In the future, the institute will have two Elke Bürger IT trainees and one adminstrative trainee on a regular basis. Melanie Klaas* Three MPIfG staff members are officially qualified to instruct Cora Molloy* trainees at the institute. The head of the computer group is a member of the Examination Board of the Cologne Chamber Computing Services of Commerce. Bruno Egger (coordination) Gunar Barg Markus Burtscheidt Manuel Schüren Susanne Schwarz-Esser*

Editorial and Public Relations Unit Christel Schommertz (coordination) Astrid Dünkelmann* Cynthia Lehmann* Thomas Pott

Trainees Maria Bayrakcioglu (office communication specialist) MPIfG trainees in 2004: Mike Liebsch, Christiane Schüller, Fabian Nöldgen (information systems specialist) Fabian Nöldgen, Manuela Schmitz

74 Management and Budget

MPIfG service staff, with students, 2004: Jürgen Lautwein, Susanne Hilbring, Petra Zimmermann, Maria Bayrakcioglu,. Thomas Pott, Manuel Schüren, Cynthia Lehmann, Petra Küchenmeister, Markus Burtscheid (back row) . Melanie Klaas, Christina Glasmacher, Karin Spiegel, Ernst Braun, Tobias Hensel, Astrid Dünkelmann, Christel Schommertz, . Anne Baumanns, Christine Claus, Susanne Schwarz-Esser, Fatih Dilekci, Bruno Egger (front row)

Administration and Personnel Development The MPIfG has some 31 permanently funded positions, 14 of which are for research- ers. Other researchers at the institute are funded by grants from foundations, the German government and the European Union and by doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships. The institute also hosts visiting researchers from Germany and abroad, whose stays last from one month to two years. Projects conducted jointly with schol- ars from other countries and with other institutions have increased in number and importance. The staffs of the administration, the computer department, the editorial and public relations unit, the library and the secretariats are the infrastructural backbone of the institute. They provide continual support for the research staff and visiting researchers and contribute to the technical and organizational development of the institute. Three young trainees, one in administration and two in IT, are also part of the support staff. The institute encourages its employees to improve their professional skills by tak- ing part in continuing education programs, including in-house seminars. Two female employees represent the interests of women at the institute. Student assistants pro- vide support for researchers and staff members. The Max Planck Society (MPG) uses SAP, a commercial bookkeeping system, which provides a budgeting procedure that facilitates financial flexibility for the -in stitutes. This flexibility is welcomed by the institutes as they increase efficiency and fine-tune their project planning in the face of decreasing funding from theMax Planck Society. Recently, additional modules such as cost and activity accounting and e-procurement have enhanced the SAP package. Since 2002 the MPG has been using SAP’s personnel administration program, SAP Human Resources (SAP HR). Members of the MPIfG administrative staff con- tinue to cooperate with their counterparts at other MPIs and with the administrative headquarters of the Max Planck Society in Munich to customize SAP HR to meet

75 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

the needs of Max Planck institutes. In 2005, they will focus on implementing major changes in the German public-sector payscale. The administration provides information and advice on project funding oppor- tunities and project management for the researchers. Its expertise is especially helpful in the management of projects in the EU Framework Program.

Library The library supports the institute’s research by providing researchers and staff with media and information and helping them find sources located outside the institute. Library services include purchasing, classifying and lending monographs and peri- odicals, providing an online catalog, processing interlibrary loans, excerpting tables of contents of selected journals, providing research tools in print and online, assisting users in finding specialized databases, and conducting online searches upon request.

The Collection The library’s collection, which has grown to 46,000 items, emphasizes basic social science literature and project-specific holdings. Its data pool contains 200,000 items, as large numbers of articles from edited volumes and journals are cataloged. The institute borrows some 2,500 titles a year from the Cologne University Library or via interlibrary loan. Subscriptions to 220 printed scholarly journals and to German, English and French newspapers enable the researchers and staff to keep up with what’s happening in their own fields and in the world of international politics and business. Thanks to agreements between the Max Planck Society and publishing companies, employees now also have direct online access to 5,000 additional jour- nals. In 2003 and 2004, there continued to be a special emphasis on completing the institute’s collection of classics in sociology and political thought.

Online Catalog The library’s online catalog can be accessed directly via the internet by employees and by anyone visiting the MPIfG website. In collaboration with several other Max Planck libraries, the library software system Aleph500 has been adapted to suit the institute’s needs. Library data is stored on a joint server at a Max Planck computer center. The joint use of a centrally administered server provides an optimal basis for the library’s information management.

76 Management and Budget

Online Information Services The library provides many online information services, such as databases located on the internet, on the institute’s CD-ROM server. The databases include a wide range of bibliographies, newspaper archives, online journals, business, law and organization directories and statistical services. All the databases are available to MPIfG users in the virtual library on the institute’s website, along with a carefully edited selection of research links to other websites.

Computing Services The computer group provides a modern computer in- frastructure for the staff and researchers at the MPIfG. This includes planning and implementing an up-to- date communications infrastructure, installing efficient network printers, personal computers and workstations, and providing a software package tailored to the needs of the users. The group also offers advice and support on computer-related subjects ranging from how to use remote-access services to designing, programming and implementing solutions for classifying and processing complex data. Trainee Fabian Nöldgen shows server room. The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies to high-school students has a homogeneous Windows 2003 server environment that provides a variety of services to the PCs via Fast Ethernet, including personal and group file accounts which are centrally stored in accordance with the German laws on data protection and confidentiality, information services, database services and client/server-based communication services such as computerized fax, e-mail and a connection to the internet. In 2003 and 2004, members of the computer group made a variety of improve- ments in the institute’s computing infrastructure. By migrating the existing Windows 2000 network to Windows 2003, they established a tightly coupled server platform for additional collaborative services. A core component for these services is the newly installed Microsoft Exchange Server that provides public folders for workgroup col- laboration and comfortable access to a unified messaging system. A new database framework makes it much easier to update the institute’s homepage and intranet. In 2004, the institute’s first computer systems apprentice successfully completed his three-year training. The members of the group will continue their commitment to this long-term training program.

77 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Editorial and Public Relations Unit

The MPIfG Publication Series The main task of the editorial and public relations unit is to produce the institute’s publications: the MPIfG Books, MPIfG Discussion Papers (DPs), and MPIfG Work- ing Papers (WPs). The unit’s staff does editing, copy-editing and typesetting for all three series, manages the print production and distribution of DPs, and posts the online WPs on the MPIfG website. It also assists researchers in putting together their own publications by copy-editing and proofreading in German and English, doing German-English and English-German translations, typesetting books and papers, putting publications online, and helping moni- tor book production. The staff produces promotional material about the institute’s publication series, includ- ing brochures, flyers, online advertising and an e-mail newsletter.

Documenting Research The Editorial and Public Relations Unit prepared posters By compiling reports to the Max Planck Society about the doctoral students’ work for the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board in 2003 (Yearbook, Guide to the MPIs), the MPIfG Scientific Advisory Board (evaluation report) and to the public (MPIfG Report and MPIfG Jahrbuch), the group docu- ments the research at the institute. It gathers, organizes and archives the data and designs and produces the reports.

Presenting the MPIfG to Different Audiences As public support for research has become increasingly crucial for Max Planck Insti- tutes, the unit develops and produces printed and online information material about the institute, which includes an image brochure and research reports for target groups outside the scientific community. It informs the media about selected publications and completed projects and represents the MPIfG at major social science confer- ences. It designs and maintains the MPIfG website, plans and organizes public rela- tions events at the institute, and helps researchers and directors prepare conferences and events. The unit is also in charge of internal public relations, organizing in-house project presentations for student assistants and administrative staff and coordinating the development of the MPIfG intranet for employees and visiting researchers. The MPIfG Jahrbuch, . published for the first time for the years 2003-2004, . is aimed at a wider . German audience .

78 Management and Budget

Facts and Figures

Operating expenses 31.7

56.0 Personnel Special funding for young researchers 8.3

Research cooperation with other countries 2.4 Investments 1.6

Expenditure of the MPIfG in 2004 by type (in percent)

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) is an institute of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Sciences e.V. (MPS), an independent, non-profit organization that is largely publicly funded. In 2004, the Max Planck Soci- ety had a budget of EUR 1.33 billion. Receiving about 84 percent of its funding from the German federal government and the states, the MPS raises the remaining 16 per- cent from membership dues, donations, and the Society’s own earnings. By acquiring external project funding, the MPS is able to match about twelve percent of its public funding with funds from federal and state ministries, federal and EU research-fund- ing organizations and private foundations.

3608 3607 3478 3382 3436 3205 3106 3000



0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Development of total expenditure of the MPIfG 1998–2004 (in thousand EUR)

79 MPIfG Report 2003–2004

Each of the 80 Max Planck institutes is provided with an annual budget from the Max Planck Society. In both 2003 and 2004, the MPIfG received EUR 2.9 million in institutional funding from the MPS. The institute’s budget covers personnel and op- erating costs, special funding for young German scientists and research cooperation with other countries.

Trainees (2) Directors (1) Staff (21 people in Research fellows (14) 17 positions)

Doctoral fellows (11)

Student assistants, Interns (18) Post-doctoral fellows (6)

Visiting researchers in 2004 (18)

MPIfG personnel in December 2004

The MPIfG has some 31 permanently funded positions, 14 of which are for research- ers. Other researchers at the institute are funded by grants from foundations, the German government and the European Union, and by doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships. At the end of 2004, 34 researchers were working at the institute. The institute also hosts visiting researchers from Germany and abroad, whose stays last from one month to two years. In 2003–2004, the institute hosted 43 visiting research- ers from 15 countries.

80 MPIfG Report 2003–2004 Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne Paulstr. 3 | 50676 Cologne | Germany Phone +49 221 2767-0 | Fax +49 221 2767-555 [email protected] | Compiled and typeset by the Editorial and Public Relations Unit at the MPIfG Photos and graphics by MPIfG, except pages 4, 8, 57, 67: Jürgen Seidel; 28: Fritz W. Scharpf; 76: Wendy Cootes Printed by Moeker Merkur Druck GmbH, Köln November 2005 On the cover: detail from “Das Labyrinth der heiligen Ver- nunft” (150 x 250 cm | acquatec on canvas) by Rune Mields. The painting was shown at the MPIfG art exhibit in 2001.

Directions The MPIfG is located in the Südstadt, south of Central Cologne. How to find us:

By public transport From the airport: From Cologne/Bonn Airport train station, take the local train (S 13 or Regionalexpress) to Cologne Central Station (Köln Haupt- bahnhof). From there, you can take the subway (see below). From Düsseldorf Airport, take a local train (S-Bahn) to Düsseldorf Central Station (Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof). From there, take a train to Cologne Central Station (Köln Hauptbahnhof).

From Cologne Central Station: At Cologne Central Station (Köln Haupt- bahnhof), follow the signs marked U/Dom/City and go down to the sub- way (U-Bahn). Buy a City-Ticket 1b. Follow the signs marked Neumarkt. Take Line 16. Get out at the sixth stop, Ulrepforte. Cross the tracks and Sachsenring to your left. Walk along Ulrichgasse for about 5 minutes, until you reach the MPIfG at the corner of Paulstrasse and Ulrichgasse.

By taxi Ask the driver to take you to the cor- ner of Paulstrasse and Ulrichgasse in the Südstadt; this is important since there is more than one Paulstrasse and more than one Max Planck Insti- tute in Cologne. The MPIfG The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) in Cologne was founded in 1985 under the directorship of Prof. Renate Mayntz, who was joined a year later by Prof. Fritz W. Scharpf. It is one of the smaller institutes of the Max Planck Society, which maintains 80 institutes devoted to basic research in the natural sciences and the humanities.

Today the directors of the institute are Prof. Wolfgang Streeck and Prof. Jens Beckert. Some forty researchers, including research staff, doctoral students, scholarship recipients and visiting researchers, work together at the MPIfG in teams that often include researchers from other countries.

Research Aims The MPIfG’s research aims to develop an empirically based theory of the social and politi- cal foundations of modern economies. It primarily investigates the interrelation between economic and social action. Using an institutional approach, it examines how markets and business organizations develop from the historical-institutional, political and cul- tural framework in which they are embedded and how institutional contexts change over time.

International Cooperation The MPIfG considers international cooperation to be the most promising organizational form of comparative research. Every year, a number of visiting researchers working with- in the area of the institute‘s interest make valuable contributions to its research program. The MPIfG also cooperates closely with several research institutes abroad, including the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Flor- ence, the Center for European Studies at Harvard University, the Centre Européen at the Institut d‘Études Politiques in Paris, CEPREMAP (Centre pour la Recherche Économique et ses Applications) in Paris and AIAS (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies) in Amsterdam.