MINUTES of the 147Th General Synod Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod Held at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, May 20-23, 1969
MINUTES OF THE 147 th GENERAL SYNOD REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EVANGELICAL SYNOD HELD AT COVENANT COLLEGE LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, TENNESSEE May 20-23, 1969 MINUTES of the 147th General Synod Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod Held at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, May 20-23, 1969 The 147th General Synod convened at 8:30 a.m. on May 20, 1969 in the Chapel at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, with Rev. Paul Gilchrist presiding. President of the College, Dr. Marion Barnes, welcomed the delegates and read from Revelation 3:7-22. Following this the retiring Moderator, Elder Wesley G_ Vannoy, Ph.D., addressed Synod with a chal lenging message from Scripture. The Lord's Supper was administered by Rev. William A. Mahlow and Rev. R. Daniel Cannon, assisted by Ruling Elders of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Lookout Mountain. Moderator Vannoy called the Synod to order for business at 9:45 a.m. and asked Rev. Kenneth Horner to offer the constituting prayer. The Stated Clerk called the roll. ROLL CALL Ministers Present: Reverend Messrs. Richard A. Aeschliman, David Alexander, Paul H. Alexander, Charles W. Anderson, Lawrence G. Andres, Willard O. Armes, Allan Baldwin, William S. Barker, Max V. Belz, Bryant M. Black, Wilbur W. Blakely, Gustav L. Blomquist, George R. Bragdon, Richard L. Brinkley, Ernest Breen, Malcolm D. Brown, Robert B. Brown, Samuel R. Brown, John W. Buswell, R. Daniel Cannon, W. Ronald Case, Winslow A. Collins, James Cox, Robert H. Cox, Robert L. Craggs, Frank G. Crane, Raymond H. Dameron, W. Lyall Detlor, Robert J. Dodds, L. LaVerne Donaldson, F.
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