MINUTES of the 147Th General Synod Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod Held at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, May 20-23, 1969
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MINUTES OF THE 147 th GENERAL SYNOD REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EVANGELICAL SYNOD HELD AT COVENANT COLLEGE LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, TENNESSEE May 20-23, 1969 MINUTES of the 147th General Synod Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod Held at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, May 20-23, 1969 The 147th General Synod convened at 8:30 a.m. on May 20, 1969 in the Chapel at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, with Rev. Paul Gilchrist presiding. President of the College, Dr. Marion Barnes, welcomed the delegates and read from Revelation 3:7-22. Following this the retiring Moderator, Elder Wesley G_ Vannoy, Ph.D., addressed Synod with a chal lenging message from Scripture. The Lord's Supper was administered by Rev. William A. Mahlow and Rev. R. Daniel Cannon, assisted by Ruling Elders of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Lookout Mountain. Moderator Vannoy called the Synod to order for business at 9:45 a.m. and asked Rev. Kenneth Horner to offer the constituting prayer. The Stated Clerk called the roll. ROLL CALL Ministers Present: Reverend Messrs. Richard A. Aeschliman, David Alexander, Paul H. Alexander, Charles W. Anderson, Lawrence G. Andres, Willard O. Armes, Allan Baldwin, William S. Barker, Max V. Belz, Bryant M. Black, Wilbur W. Blakely, Gustav L. Blomquist, George R. Bragdon, Richard L. Brinkley, Ernest Breen, Malcolm D. Brown, Robert B. Brown, Samuel R. Brown, John W. Buswell, R. Daniel Cannon, W. Ronald Case, Winslow A. Collins, James Cox, Robert H. Cox, Robert L. Craggs, Frank G. Crane, Raymond H. Dameron, W. Lyall Detlor, Robert J. Dodds, L. LaVerne Donaldson, F. Seth Dyrness, Jr., Franklin S. Dyrness, Sr., Earl R. Eckerson, Homer P. Emerson, Theodore H. Engstrom, Wyatt Folds, C. LaRue Fritz, James S. Gilchrist, Paul R. Gilchrist, Arthur F. Glasser, Eugene Gray, Richard W. Gray, Carl T. Grayson, Robert G. Hamilton, Darrell C. Harris, R. Laird Harris, Robert Hastings, Donald F. Hicks, Harold D. Hight, Charles B. Holliday, John P. Hoogstrate, Kenneth A. Horner, Jr., Robert I. Hoyle, Beryl T. Hubbard, Roger W. Hunt, Dale Jackson, Thomas F. Jones, Arthur L. Kay, John M. Kay, Jr., William B. Leonard, Jr., Clarence A. Lutz, W. Edward Lyons, William A. Mahlow, Nelson K. Malkus, W. Harold Mare, James S. Martin, Theodore W. Martin, James H. McClintock, William McColley, James McFarland, Harry H. Meiners, Jr., Alfred Mersman, George Miladin, Albert F. Moginot, Jr., Patrick Morison, Robert B. Needham, Edward T. Noe, Robert Palmer, James Perry, David Peterson, Leonard S. Pitcher, Eugene Potoka, James L. Ransom, Harold A. Rapp, Robert G. Rayburn, Robert Reymond, John Sanderson, Conrad Sauer, Roger G. Shafer, Lester O. Sharp, Jonas 2 Shepherd, Flournoy Shepperson, Wilbur Siddons, Thomas E. Sidebotham, Stephen Smallman, Frank Smick, Jr., George W. Smith, James A. Smith, George C. Soltau, T. Stanley Soltau, Lynden H. Stewart, Robert W. Stewart, Richard Strom, David F. Sutton, Richard D. Tevebaugh, E. Kyle Thurman, A. Dale Urn breit, Leonard T. Van Horn, Thomas Waldecker, Wilbur B. Wallis, Paul M. Ward, Samuel S. Ward, Robert Warren, DeWitt M. Watson, Jr., Kenneth Wolf, Robert C. Woodson, John M. L. Young, Karl Heller, Ransom Webster, George Hutchinson, James Rohrbaugh. Ruling Elders Present (and the church they represent): Paul C. Anthony (Viewcrest, Eighty-four, Pa.), Theodore R. Barker (Covenant, Naples, Florida), L. V. Bradley (Faith, Charlotte, N.C.), lavergne Brown (Kentucky Avenue, Lakeland, Fla.)' John Christie (Faith, Wilmington, Del.), Carl A. Darger (Westminster, Muncie, Ind.), E. Allen Dubie (First, Lookout Mountain, Ga.), Charles L. Eckardt (Faith, Quarryville, Pa.), Lewis E. Emerick (University, Las Cruces, N.M.), George H. Fielding (McLean, Va.), Paul L. Finch (Walnut Grove, Roebuck, S.C.), R. L. Haggard (Covenant, Auburn, Ala.), Harold C. Harris (Calvin, Irwin, Pa.), William R. Hawley (First Bible, Indianapolis, Ind.), Dalton H. Hylton (Calvary, Hampton, Va.), Clifford Jacobson (Covenant, Cherry Hill, N.J.), Nelson M. Kennedy (Christ, ·Chippewa, Pa.), George Linder (Covenant, St. Louis, Mo.), Floyd S. McLane (Bible Pres., Enon Valley, Pa.), Richard F. Mercer (Glenmore, Calgary, Alberta, Canada), Phillip C. Olin (Bible Pres. of Cono Center, Walker, Iowa), O. Edwin Peterson (Evangelical, Colorado Springs, Colo.), Frank Rowley (Fairview, Industry, Pa.), C. Raymond Smith (Christ, Chippewa, Pa.), Richard J. Smith (Lafayette, Ellisville, Mo.), E. Wygant Smith (Westminster, New burgh, N.Y.), James L. Stites (Calvary, Brick Town, N.J.), Fred Stroup (Olive Branch, St. Louis, Mo.), Scott T. Swank (Westminster, Lancaster, Pa.), Robert A. Titmus (First, Pittsburgh, Pa.), Earl J. Tyson (C"lvary, Willow Grove, Pa.), Wesley G. Vannoy (Faith, Wilmington, Del.) Alternate Ruling Elder Delegates Present: Ward S. Hildreth (Calvary, Hampton, Va.), Rudolph F. Schmidt (First, Lookout Mountain, Ga.), Peter Starn, Jr. (Covenant, St. Louis, Mo.), Marshall West (Kentucky Avenue, Lakeland, Fla.). The following ministers, though not present for Roll Call at the first or eighth sederunt, were present for part of Synod: Reverend Messrs. George Ackley, Thomas G. Cross, Martin C. Freeland, Linwood G. Gebb, Archie Jones, John MacGregor, Warren Myers, Dan Orme, Elmer B. Smick The following Ruling Elders, though not present for Roll Call at the first or eighth sederunt, were present for part of Synod: Chalmers Elder (Darling ton, Pa.), James J. Kaufmann (Alternate, Huntsville, Ala.), Harvey S. 3 Mcintyre (Bethel, Sparta, 111.), W. A. Mitchell (Augusta Street, Greenville, S.C.), Vernon C. Pierce (Evangelical, Trenton, N.J.). James H. Service (Huntsville, Ala.), Gordon D. Shaw (Westminster, Elgin, 111.), H. Gordon Shelley (Augusta Street, Greenville, S.C.). W. M. Smith (Meadowview, Lexington, N.C.). Docket: It was moved, seconded, and carried to postpone adop"l;on of the Docket until the beginning of the second sederunt. Election of Officers: The floor was opened for nominations for Moderator. The following gentlemen were nominated: Reverend Messrs. Paul Alexander, LaVerne Donaldson (asked that his name be withdrawn). Arthur Glasser, Wilbur Wallis, John M. L. Young. Upon motion, the nominations were closed. It was moved, seconded and carried that the nominee who receives the second highest vote on the final ballot become Vice Moderator. It was moved, seconded and carried to reconsider this motion. Upon reconsideration, the motion was lost. It was moved and seconded that if there is no election on the first ballot, the delegates vote on the two highest nominees. On the first ballot, Messrs. Wallis and Glasser received the highest number of votes. At the request of Dr. Glasser, it was moved, seconded and carried that Dr. Wallis be elected by white ballot. Arthur Glasser, John M. L. Young and A. Dale Umbreit were nominated for the office of Vice Moderator. It was moved, seconded, but lost that the vote be by show of hands. Secret ballot produced the election of Dr. Young. New ministers attending their first Synod were introduced at this time. Election of Assistant Clerk: Rev. Robert Hastings was nominated, but declined. Rev. David Alexander was nominated. Upon motion, the nomina tions were closed and Mr. Alexander was elected by white ballot. Synod recessed at 11 :00 a.m. SECOND SEDERUNT, TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. The Moderator called the Synod to order and called upon Rev. W. Ronald Case to offer the constituting prayer. The minutes of the first sederunt were read and approved as read. The Moderator announced the Standing Committees, as follows: Standing Committees Resolutions: Rev. Dr. John M. L. Young (Chairman). Mr. E. Allen Dubie. 4 Mr. Theodore Barker, Dr. Peter Stam, Jr., Rev. Malcolm Brown, Rev. John Hoogstrate. Auditing: Mr. Robert Titmus (Chairman), Mr. John Christie, Rev. Bryant Black. Bills and Overtures: Dr. W. G. Vannoy (Chairman), Mr. Theodore Barker, Rev. Nelson Malkus, Rev. Leonard Van Horn, Rev. William Barker, Mr. Harold Harris, Mr. Earl Tyson, Rev. Robert Cox, Mr. William Hawley, Rev. Frank Crane. Presbytery Records: Dr. Paul Gilchrist (Chairman), Mr. Phillip Olin, Rev. Eugene Potoka, Mr. Edwin Peterson, Rev. Winslow Collins, Rev. James Perry. Attendance and Expense: Mr. George Linder (Chairman), Rev. Frank Smick, Rev. Albert Moginot, Jr., Rev. Richard Aeschliman, Rev. Charles Holliday, Mr. Frank Rowley, Mr. Clifford Jacobson. Parliamentarian: Dr. R. Laird Harris. Adoption of the Docket: Upon motion, two amendments to the Docket were adopted: reports of the Synod Treasurer and of the Conferences, Camps and Homes exchanged places; reports of the Women's Synodical and of the Committee. to Write History of the Church exchanged places. Upon motion, the Docket was adopted as amended. Minutes of the 146th Synod: It was moved, seconded and carried that the printed Minutes of the 146th General Synod be adopted as official, with the following corrections: 1. Page 58, first line of VI should read: "To promote home-centered and church-centered training of our". 2. Page 105, Lamb Fund Trustees, Class of 1969, add J. Scott. 3. Statistics for the Southern Presbytery were omitted. 5 STATISTICS Southern Presbytery Moderator: Rev. Thomas F. Jones Stated Clerk: Rev. Paul Alexander Members Members Attendances Gained Lost :l c g oc ~ . .. ::E .<: ., CJ ::E ~ 11 CJ c . c c C IJ) .. .. '2 .. o <i. a: o o "00 c c c .. C > >.9- "'".. .. ~ ~ E ~ ~ 'iii 1l.a: _ c~ ....c ~ .. CJ ra; C7I ~ .. 0 i;"~ ~~ o .. ~ E" .. "0 e "0 0 ~ 0 .2 "" ~ ii "0 0 ~-£i . "00 ~ C .. .~ -5 o.E .... " C E .~ .. ~ C ~ c ~ C ~ C ~ C 1 CJ 0. C .- >= "0 ~ C.<: "0 c: "'O·u o .. ill ....~ o ~ 0'<: " 0 .- .. "c .. .. e e 111'2': <3 u. 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