Proceedings of the 1st Joint Symposium on the Natural History and Geology of The Bahamas

June 12-16, 2015

Conference Organizer: Thomas A. Rothfus

Content Editors: Carol L. Landry Dan S. Kjar

Production Editors: Lee J. Florea Carol L. Landry

Gerace Research Centre San Salvador, Bahamas 2017 Copyright 2017, Gerace Research Centre

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any data storage or retrieval system without the express written permission of the Gerace Research Centre.

ISBN: 978-0-935909-40-1

Cover image - Patch reef near the wall off Grotto Beach (photo by Lee Florea). KEYNOTE ADDRESS

Plant-animal interactions in the face of disturbance

Suzanne Koptur Department of Biological Sciences, International University, Miami, FL

1. Abstract 2. Introduction

A multitude of interactions among and A number of /animal interactions are in- animals are shaped by the environment and volved in plant reproductive success, includ- influenced by disturbance at different levels. ing pollination, herbivory, and seed disper- Plant survival and reproduction are proximal- sal. Plant reproduction and survival may be ly influenced by edaphic conditions, which are influenced by disturbance at different levels. transformed dramatically through natural and Proximal effects are those affected by nearby anthropogenic phenomena including fire, hur- edaphic conditions, such as fire, hurricanes, ricanes, and environmental disasters, and ulti- and other natural disasters; ultimate effects are mately via water management, deforestation, those that shape the landscape, such as water and sea level rise. A number of plants are now management, deforestation/development, and listed as threatened or endangered due to hab- sea level rise. itat transformation and loss; many places once Similarities between the biota of southern full of native vegetation have been cleared for Florida and the Bahamas archipelago provide agriculture or urban development, and areas an interesting comparison and may allow us that were formerly seasonally inundated are to apply lessons learned from one place to the now dry. Plants in habitats that experience re- other. The flora of the Bahamas is overall more curring natural disturbances have been select- species-rich than that of southern Florida (Cor- ed for adaptations to changing conditions, and rell and Correll 1982), but individual islands display strategies of recovery such as resprout- each contain only part of the diversity. In the ing and/or reseeding after devastation by fire, Bahamas, pines occur only on the four larger or regrowing from damaged or downed stems islands (Grand Bahama, Abaco, New Provi- after hurricanes. Herbivory, pollination, and dence, and Andros) that have a freshwater lens, seed dispersal are three interactions affected providing the conditions suitable for the growth by disturbance: the degree to which plants are and survival of these glycophytic plants; on eaten by herbivores, how they are protected by these, and all the other islands, coastal vegeta- bodyguards, their flowers visited and pollen tion is present. Much of the Bahamas is south transported, and their fruits and seeds dispersed of Florida, with a much larger proportion of the by a variety of biotic agents, may increase, de- flora of tropical origins than that of the north- crease, or be changed in other ways. Disturbed ernmost islands (Correll and Correll 1982) and habitats are more likely to be invaded by ex- south Florida (Tomlinson 1980). otic pest species, which in turn may alter the interactions among plants and their native ani- 2.1. Ant/Plant mutualisms, plant defense, and mal partners. As global climate change affects fire the planet, sea level rise is a major concern for many ecosystems. Some species endemic to A substantial proportion of plants of Everglades Caribbean islands and coastal areas already re- upland habitats bear extrafloral nectaries (Kop- quire help in restoration of their habitats, and tur 1992a), glands outside of the flowers, gen- perhaps eventually will need assisted reloca- erally not involved with pollination, but rather tion for future survival. promoting visitation by ants and other benefi-

1st JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON THE NATURAL HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE BAHAMAS 3 KOPTUR PLANT-ANIMAL INTERACTIONS cial insects that may result in plant protection diverse understory of Florida pine rocklands in facultative ant/plant mutualisms (Bentley has more than 250 herbaceous species (Sny- 1977; Koptur 1992b; Rico-Gray and Oliveira der et al. 1990), with a number of endemic 2007). Pine rocklands are fire-successional species. Some of these species are federally habitats that succeed to hardwood hammocks and state listed as endangered or threatened after 20 years or more without fire (Alexander due in large part to habitat loss; development 1967; Snyder et al. 1990). Ant activity at baits in southern Florida took place on the higher, is greater in pine rocklands than in hardwood dryer ground upon which pine rocklands and hammocks; baits are discovered more quick- hardwood hammocks historically occurred. In ly, and recruitment is greater (Koptur 1992a). the Bahamas, as in much of south Florida, the Cover of plants with extrafloral nectaries is original pine forests were logged as recently as higher in pine rocklands than in hardwood the mid-20th century; only in very remote plac- hammocks (ibid.), suggesting that ant/plant es (e.g. in Florida, Lostman’s Pines in the Big mutualisms are more likely to occur in pine Cypress National Preserve) are there pines of rocklands. Similar studies in the Bahamas, large diameter, an indication of their long lives, on the pine island of Andros, similarly found growing for years before the loggers harvested greater ant abundance in pineyards than in cop- the rest of their kind. pice (equivalent to hardwood hammocks), and We have been studying the effects of the the cover of plants with extrafloral nectaries disturbance of diminished habitat into small, also greater in pineyards (Koptur et al. 2010). separated patches (habitat fragmentation) on Comparing pineyards of different times since specialized vs. generalized pollination systems, fire, there was greater ant activity with less with the prediction that plant species especially time since fire; ants were abundant even in very vulnerable to negative effects of fragmentation recently burned sites (ibid.). are those with either specialized pollination In pine forests of both south Florida and and/or obligate outcrossing. To test this hy- the Bahamas there are many understory plants pothesis, we need to learn about the floral biol- adapted to fire; the majority of species resprout ogy and breeding system of study species, and from underground parts after their above- then collect evidence of pollination: visitor/ ground plant bodies have been killed by fire pollinator activity at flowers; presence of pol- (Maguire and Menges 2011), and some have len on visitors; and deposition of pollen on stig- contractile roots to protect meristems under- mas. The most telling data are those on fruit set ground during fires (Fisher 2008). Fire- pro from marked flowers, as those are evidence of motes flowering in many species of Florida’s successful pollination with compatible pollen. pyrogenic ecosystems (Abrahamson 1984a; Our methods are to collect comparative data Platt et al. 1988; Slapcinsky et al. 2010). Post- from multiple sites that are different sizes and fire, the understory is more open, a good time have different degrees of isolation from other for seed germination and seedling establish- pine rockland sites. For starters, we compared ment of understory plants (Abrahamson 1984b; four types of sites: 1) intact pine rockland (in Carrington 1999) and overstory pines as well Everglades National Park); 2) fragments great- (O’Brien et al. 2008). er than 10 ha in size (“large fragments”); 3) fragments 3 – 10 ha in size (“medium”); and 2.2. Habitat fragmentation and pollination 4) fragments < 3 ha. (“small”). In Keys pine rockland, we studied multiple urban edge and Pine rocklands are an imperiled, fire-depen- forest sites. dent habitat, unique to S. Florida and the Ba- Comparisons reveal fewer visitors to hamas, where they are called pineyards. The flowers for some plant species in fragments,

4 1st JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON THE NATURAL HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE BAHAMAS KOPTUR PLANT-ANIMAL INTERACTIONS and fewer and some different animal taxa arenicola (Small) H.J.P.Winkler (Linaceae), within guilds (Koptur 2006). Some plant and Pentalinon luteum (L.) B.F.Hansen & species exhibit a shift in pollinators – in some Wunderlin ()) also receive fewer species, native bees predominate in natural pollinator visits and their flowers set less areas, butterflies in fragments (Geiger 2002). fruit when they open in the weeks following Fruit set is only affected in species that are mosquito spray events (Harris 2016, and pollinator-dependent, such as Fabaceae species unpublished). Amorpha herbacea Walter var. crenulata berteroi receive many more (Rydb.) Isely (Linares and Koptur 2010), visits from skipper butterflies than bees in Centrosema virginiana (L.) Benth. (Cardel habitat fragments, but it turns out that bees are and Koptur 2010), Chamaecrista lineata (Sw.) much better pollinators (Barrios et al. 2016a). Greene var. keyensis (Pennell) H.S.Irwin & These plants are also subject to much greater Barneby (Liu and Koptur 2003), and Senna damage from caterpillars of Syntomeida epilais mexicana (Jacq.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby var. Walker (the oleander moth) when there are chapmanii (Isely) H.S.Irwin & Barneby (Jones, ornamental plantings of oleander near the unpub. data), and most dramatically in those pine rockland fragment (Barrios Roque 2015). These caterpillars have a very large effect on that are self-incompatible, e.g., Byrsonima plant reproduction, consuming not only leaves lucida (Mill.) DC. (Malpighiaceae) (Downing but flowers and entire stems of plants upon and Liu 2013), Ipomoea microdactyla which their eggs are deposited. Griseb. (Convolvulaceae) (Geiger 2007), and Angadenia berteroi (A.DC.) Miers 2.3. Overall effects on plant existence and re- (Apocynaceae) (Barrios and Koptur 2011). production Not all pollinator-dependent plants suffer lower fruit set in fragments: pollinator Quality of habitat is very important – less time and herbivore abundance are affected by surroundings. Perhaps this is because since fire (more frequent fires, every 10 years ornamental plants can support them (both or less) reduces litter depth and leaves the un- pollinators and herbivores) between fragments. derstory more open and sunny. Abundance of Byrsonima lucida planted in urban gardens most pine rockland understory plants is greater prior to 1990s did not set fruit, even though its in areas that are regularly burned; species dis- flowers were visited by oil-collecting bees that appear gradually with more years since fire, also visit ornamental Malpighiaceae such as though their seeds may remain in the seed Malpighia coccigera L.,­­ Malpighia emarginata bank, as shown by Liu for Chamaecrista key- Sessé & Moç. ex DC., and Stigmaphyllon ensis (Liu et al. 2005). Pine rockland endem- littorale A.Juss. Not until Byrsonima lucida ics are often more abundant in larger habitat became more frequently planted, did fruit form, fragments maintained by fire (e.g. Angadenia when there were other genetic individuals berteroi, Barrios et al. 2011; Chamaesyce spp. providing some compatible pollen (pers. obs.). and Galactia spp., O’Brien 1998). Chamaecrista keyensis flowers are buzz- Structural equation modeling was pollinated much more by Xylocopa micans undertaken to explore the interactions between Lepeletier 1841 (carpenter bee) pollinators habitat fragmentation and quality with the in urban edge sites than in forest sites on Big reproductive fitness of Angadenia berteroi Pine Key, where Melissodes spp. prevail (Liu (Barrios Roque 2015; Barrios Roque et al. and Koptur 2003). Numbers of both these 2016b). Habitat fragment size was correlated solitary bees were diminished following with the density of A. berteroi, but did not aerial insecticide spraying for mosquito much affect its reproductive success. However, control. Other plants on Big Pine Key (Linum habitat quality (represented by litter depth and

1st JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON THE NATURAL HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE BAHAMAS 5 KOPTUR PLANT-ANIMAL INTERACTIONS subcanopy cover) had strong negative effects Caribbean, and the paths of many hurricanes on the reproductive fitness of A. berteroi, have affected the vegetation of south Florida evidence that the increased light availability to a great extent. In August of 1992, Hurricane and low litter cover resulting from recent fires Andrew hit south Florida, affecting most of may favor reproduction. Everglades National Park as well as many areas near and north where pine rockland 2.4. Water management effects fragments remained. Ecologists studying plant/animal interactions prior to a hurricane As development in southern Florida proceeded, have the opportunity to observe changes that the landscape was transformed with canals to result from that hurricane (Landry et al. 2014). move water off the low-lying land so that peo- Rathcke (2001) saw increased flowering after ple could build on or farm the areas considered Bourreria succulenta Jacq. (Boraginaceae) “useless”. Wet areas became dry, including the plants were stripped of leaves by Hurricane transverse glades that occurred throughout the Lili and Hurricane Floyd on San Salvador Miami rock ridge, between the slightly high- Island, Bahamas, but pollinators were much er areas where pine rocklands and hammocks less abundant, limiting fruit set, and fruit were located. production was further limited by intense The crenulate lead plant (Amorpha predation; both these post-hurricane effects herbacea var. crenulata) occurred historically potentially limit recruitment of new individuals in pine rocklands on the edges of wet prairies at those times of disturbance. Landry (2011) throughout the transverse glades in the northern documented changes in pollination of white part of the Miami rock ridge, in the ecotonal mangrove, Laguncularia racemosa (L.) transition from wet to dry. With the canals, the C.F.Gaertn. (Combretaceae), following transverse glades disappeared; the species is Hurricane Wilma, and also found that the now federally listed as endangered. A study of change in pollinator assemblages affected the the floral biology and breeding system of the breeding system of that species (Landry 2013). plants and pollinator observation in remnant The obligate wasp pollinators of native Ficus locations (Linares and Koptur 2010) indicated spp. (Moraceae) were absent after Hurricane that plants show self-incompatibility and may Andrew, but returned to pollinate within five therefore exhibit suboptimal reproduction in months of the storm (Bronstein and McKey their few remnant populations, despite visits to 1995). Pascarella (1998) found the generalist pollinators of marlberry, Ardisia escallonioides their flowers by generalist pollinators. Schltdl. & Cham. (Myrsinaceae), to be present equally before and after the hurricane, but the 2.5. Hurricane effects specialist flower-galling wasp disappeared for up to two years following Hurricane Andrew. Polygala smallii R.R.Sm. & D.B.Ward Epiphytic Bromeliaceae in cypress domes (Polygalaceae), an endangered species, showed losses in larger size-classes, dependent appears to disappear from certain sites, where largely upon their strength of attachment to it had been previously observed, until the cypress trees (Oberbauer et al. 1996), but in site is disturbed. This tiny, monocarpic (or most species, these losses were compensated short-lived perennial) plant has seeds that by large numbers of new recruits in the year remain in the seed bank, able to establish new following Hurricane Andrew. plants when conditions are right and the site After a study of hurricane damage and post- is disturbed by hurricane or canopy opening hurricane recovery to woody plants of upland (Kennedy 1998). habitats in the Everglades after Hurricane Hurricanes are a frequent disturbance in the Andrew (bayheads, cypress domes, hammocks,

6 1st JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON THE NATURAL HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE BAHAMAS KOPTUR PLANT-ANIMAL INTERACTIONS pinelands), there was something unusual: and two months is long enough for new leaves silence in the middle of the wet season, a time to be produced and mature. normally full of mosquitoes in Everglades pine For these experiments, our hypotheses were: rocklands and other upland forests. Absence of 1) total defoliation may funnel more resources those insects suggested that others might also into regrowth so that resprouting leaves will be be absent, so we monitored damage to leaves larger; and 2) size of leaves regrowing may be emerging at different times, as Hurricane influenced by season of defoliation. In four of Andrew had totally defoliated woody plants five species, regrown leaves were smaller than in Everglades upland habitats. Damage to original leaves (three of four significantly so) leaves produced immediately after defoliation, – in both wet and dry seasons (Koptur et al., was compared to damage on leaves produced in prep.). This was different from our earlier several months later. There was little damage post-hurricane results. We found no obvious to the first cohort of leaves, and substantially effects of season of defoliation on regrowth (as less damage than to some of the same species might have been predicted from phenology of that had been monitored before the storm, growth and reproduction), and concluded that and to the second leaf cohort for all species whole-plant defoliation may simulate hurricane studied (Koptur et al. 2002). In addition, damage, but not hurricane conditions. leaves in the first cohort were substantially Hurricanes may cause larger leaves to larger than those in the second cohort for regrow because branches and stems broken or five of seven speciesArdisia ( escallonioides buds damaged may decrease the number of leaf (Myrsinaceae), Guettarda scabra (L.)Vent. buds on a plant overall; there would be fewer (Rubiaceae), Damburneya coriacea (Sw.) leaves to refoliate those remaining shorter Trofimov & Rohwer (Lauraceae), Psychotria branches and stems. Furthermore, additional nervosa Sw. (Rubiaceae), Myrsine cubana resources due to the large input of nutrients from A.DC. (Myrsinaceae), but not for Exothea fallen vegetation and extra water brought by paniculata (Juss.) Radlk. (Sapindaceae), where hurricane rains may support luxuriant growth. leaves were substantially larger in the second The open canopy after a hurricane would have cohort, and Miconia bicolor (Mill.) Triana no shading to interfere with sunlight so there (Melastomataceae), where cohorts did not would be no light limitation to the growth of differ in size. Evidently, hurricanes affected understory plants. Future experiments should different species differently, depending on the include greater plant damage and nutrient particular stage of the life cycle of the animal additions. or plant at the time of the disturbance (Koptur et al. 2002). 2.6. Habitat change and loss Those leaf-size differences may have been the plant’s response to balance the large Perhaps the most direct effect of disturbance discrepancy between remaining shoot and root on plant-animal interactions is the loss of habi- area via compensatory growth. To test this tat, rendering the interactions impossible in the hypothesis, experimental defoliations were affected area. Sea level rise will affect every conducted with the help of students in two low-lying coastal area, but none more than the offerings of Plant Ecology lab, one in the fall island ecosystems of the Florida Keys. Pine term (wet season), the other in the spring term rocklands occur on the Miami rock ridge on the (dry season), in Everglades field exercises southeast mainland of southern Florida, and exploring leaf size variation in different also in the Lower Keys on islands large enough habitats, and leaf size before defoliation and to have a freshwater lens below them. Ross, after regrowth. Our assumptions were: whole- O’Brien, and Sternberg (1994) documented and plant defoliation simulates hurricane damage, explored the reasons for pine forest loss in the

1st JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON THE NATURAL HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE BAHAMAS 7 KOPTUR PLANT-ANIMAL INTERACTIONS lower Florida Keys. Their work followed earli- the lower Keys, including land supporting pine er observations by Taylor Alexander (1953) of rocklands. Ross and colleagues documented vegetation change on Key Largo, an area now substantial pine mortality that was attributed without pine forests; Alexander (1976) hypoth- to salt-water inundation from Hurricane Wilma esized that sea-level rise was responsible for (Ross et al. 2009): on Sugarloaf Key, 70-100% the loss of pine forest. of the pines were killed, and on Big Pine Key, The physiography of the substrate mortality ranged from 10-90% depending on determines the vegetation mosaic in the Florida the location and elevation of the forest on this Keys (Ross et al. 1992), with pine forests larger island (Saha et al. 2011b). It is evident occurring only on islands with limestone that for management of these coastal refuges, outcroppings and the presence of a reservoir of both local and regional dimensions must be fresh water underlying the islands, similar to considered; these conclusions are applicable to the inland, slightly higher areas, on the larger the Bahamas as well as south Florida. Locally, islands of the Bahamas archipelago. Though managers must identify and defend the core the composition of the flora is slightly different areas of habitat of concern in existing refuges; in the Florida Keys than pine rocklands on the and regionally, the conservation plan must Florida mainland (Tomlinson 1980), they also be expanded outward in time and in space to have an overstory of Pinus elliottii Engelm. and preserve threatened communities in the future a diverse understory of shrubs and herbs. Pine (Ross et al. 2009). rocklands occur on Big Pine Key, No Name Recent efforts to characterize and enhance Key, and Sugarloaf Key, though historically the habitat for the endangered Schaus’ they were also on Key Largo (Ross et al. 1994). Swallowtail Butterfly (Heraclides aristodemus Ross and colleagues (1994) found evidence ponceanus (Schaus 1911), Papilionidae), has of environmental change on Sugarloaf Key, led to a realization that the current distribution much like those reported by Taylor Alexander – of the species, in coastal hardwood hammocks pine snags (trunks of dead pine trees) in the salt- (subtropical dry forest) on islands in the upper tolerant vegetation of buttonwood woodland. Florida Keys, is also threatened by sea level rise They documented the recession of Sugarloaf (Clayborn et al., in review). Torchwood (Amyris pine forest toward the interior of the island, elemifera L., Rutaceae) is the main host plant toward higher elevations. Their sampling of the of the butterfly (Minno and Emmel 1993), and water underlying the various sites revealed that a major effort to enhance habitat on Elliott Key the freshwater lens underlying the island was involved planting more than 2400 torchwood shrinking, the reason they could see unhealthy seedlings in locations around the island, and pine trees around the edge of the remnant pine monitoring their success in establishment and rocklands. They predicted that pine rockland growth. The plants did not establish well in habitat will continue to decline with sea level areas where the soil was salty, faring better in rise on Sugarloaf Key. Salt-tolerant plants the slightly higher elevation locations in the (halophytes) are replacing those that need fresh center of the island. Clayborn and collaborators water (glycophytes) throughout coastal regions made sea level rise projections (Slow = 1.6 feet in south Florida (Saha et al. 2011a), due to in the next century; Medium = 3.3 feet; Fast salinity negatively affecting transpiration of = 4.9 feet) and mapped the potential butterfly freshwater-dependent vegetation. habitat remaining; the outlook is not good, in Sugarloaf Key and Big Pine Key were hit by the best of scenarios, the habitat for torchwood Hurricane Wilma on the 24th of October 2005. A and the Schaus swallowtail butterfly will large windfield occurred when the hurricane hit shrink dramatically. For threatened endemic the South Florida mainland; storm surge several taxa, extraordinary measures will likely be hours later covered much of the coastal land in needed to save them from these “sinking ships”


(Maschinski et al. 2011), perhaps more than plants (Liu et al. 2006), and their pollen can just promoting awareness through schoolyard interfere with pollen tube growth (Bruckman gardens and ecological schoolyards (Clayborn and Campbell 2016) and effective pollination et al. in press). of native plants. Non-native pollinators Low-lying islands are liable to a double may also promote pollination and fruit set of threat. Xeric conditions promote negative invasive plants (Liu and Pemberton 2009) and effects following saltwater inundation; the potentially interfere with pollination of native drier the island, especially those islands with plants (Downing and Liu 2012). Predators depressions in the middle, the greater the on herbivores can moderate fluctuations in danger of evapotranspiration accelerating plant abundance and facilitate recovery after aquifer salinization (Gulley et al. 2016), and hurricanes, as Anolis sagrei lizards benefit subsequent negative impacts on plants and Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L. (Aizoaceae) animals requiring fresh water. in the Exumas (Spiller et al. 2016). Some exotics move to the Bahamas after 2.7. Invasions by exotic plants and animals they have become established in Florida, or have the same origin of introduction, such as Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T.Blake Most of the areas chosen for habitat (Myrtaceae) (Pratt et al. 2007), lobate lac scale enhancement for Schaus swallowtail butterflies (Paratachardina pseudolobata, Coccoidea: were overgrown with exotic pest plants, that Kerriidae) (Schroerer et al. 2008), and termites were removed prior to planting the area with (Nasutitermes corniger, Termitidae) (Scheffran native plants (Clayborn et al. in review); native et al. 2016). While exotics can have significant plants can inhibit the colonization of disturbed negative effects on community structure, they areas by invasive exotic plants (Pearson et al. can also help maintain natural systems. For 2016). More drastic measures, such as changing example, grazing by exotic animals (goats) may topography, may be required to control exotic facilitate the growth of host plants preferred pest plant establishment and spread. In south by migratory birds, such as Kirtland’s warbler Florida, the rockland area within Everglades wintering in the Bahamas (Fleming et al. 2016). National Park was cleared for agriculture, and after farming was abandoned, became 3. Conclusions overgrown with a veritable monoculture of Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (Anacardiaceae), Plant-animal interactions are affected by many known as Brazilian pepper. Nicknamed the types of disturbance, and frequently more than “Hole in the Donut”, this area has been the focus of major restoration efforts. Effective one disturbance at a time. Hurricanes may re- control of the invader has been made in parts duce herbivory for a while, but may bring in of this area that were bulldozed and scraped to propagules of invasive plants and animals that a lower elevation, so that it is inundated most have subsequent effects on native organisms. of the year, preventing the regrowth of this pest It is easiest to measure the effects of distur- plant despite dispersal of its propagules into bances that are proximal, as they happen within the area, as they cannot establish under water. a shorter period of time; the effects of ultimate Rocklands were not restored, but the pest plant disturbances such as habitat fragmentation may species was controlled and natural wetland incur an “extinction debt” (Tilman et al. 1994), vegetation grew (Smith et al. 2011). where species may persist without reproducing Not only do invasive plants occupy for an indefinite period of time, but eventual- space, competing with native plants for sunlight ly disappear. Sea level rise may be seen his- and other resources, but their flowers may attract torically, and projected into the future, but the pollinators, interfering with visitation to native continued existence of species in the affected

1st JOINT SYMPOSIUM ON THE NATURAL HISTORY AND GEOLOGY OF THE BAHAMAS 9 KOPTUR PLANT-ANIMAL INTERACTIONS habitats depends upon their ability to adapt to few fruits? International Journal of Plant changing edaphic conditions, and very likely Sciences 172(3): 378‒385. will disappear without some assistance in re- Barrios, B., G. Arellano, and S. Koptur. location. 2011. The effects of fire and fragmentation on occurrence and flowering of a rare 4. Acknowledgments perennial plant. Plant Ecology 212: 1057‒1067. I thank Carol Landry and the organizing com- Barrios Roque, B. 2015. Pollination, mittee for inviting me to give a plenary lecture, Herbivory, and Habitat Fragmentation: for it provided me the opportunity to reflect on Their Effects on the Reproductive Fitness the multitude of ways that disturbances can ef- of Angadenia berteroi, a Native Perennial fect plant/animal interactions, focusing on the Plant of the South Florida Pine Rocklands. Bahamas and southern Florida where I have Ph.D. dissertation, Florida International worked for many years. Both she and Nancy University, Miami, Florida, USA. Elliott have been generous and helpful in their Barrios Roque, B., S. R. Pena, A. Salas, and guidance to studying flowering plants on San S. Koptur. 2016a. Butterflies visit more frequently, but bees are better pollinators: Salvador. This is contribution number 328 to the importance of mouthpart dimensions the Tropical Biology Program at Florida Inter- in effective pollen removal and deposition. national University. AoB Plants DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/plw001 Barrios Roque, B., S. Koptur, and J. P. Sah. 2016b. The effects of habitat 5. References fragmentation on the reproduction and abundance of Angadenia berteroi. Journal Abrahamson, W. G. 1984a. Species responses of Plant Ecology DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtw024 to fire on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge. Bentley, B. 1977. Extrafloral nectaries and American Journal of Botany 71(1): 35‒43. protection by pugnacious bodyguards. ---. 1984b. Post-fire recovery of Florida Lake Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics Wales Ridge vegetation. American Journal 88: 407‒427. of Botany 71(1): 9‒21. Bronstein, J. L., and M. Hossaert-McKey. Alexander, T. R. 1953. Plant succession 1995. Hurricane Andrew and a Florida on Key Largo, Florida, involving Pinus fig/pollinator mutualism: resilience of caribaea and Quercus virginiana. an obligate interaction. Biotropica 27: Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy 373‒381. of Science 16: 133‒138. Bruckman, D., & Campbell, D. R. 2016. ---. 1967. A tropical hammock on the Miami Timing of invasive pollen deposition (Florida) limestone-a twenty-five-year influences pollen tube growth and seed set study. Ecology 48: 863‒867. in a native plant. Biological Invasions 18: ---. 1976. Evidence of recent sea level rise 1701. doi:10.1007/s10530-016-1113-6 derived from ecological studies on Key Cardel, Y. J., and S. Koptur. 2010. Effects of Largo, Florida. In P. J. Gleason [ed.] Florivory on the Pollination of Flowers: an Environments of South Florida, past and Experimental Field Study with a Perennial present, 219‒222. Miami Geological Plant. International Journal of Plant Society, Miami, Florida, USA. Sciences 171: 283‒292. Barrios, B., and S. Koptur. 2011. Floral Carrington, M. E. 1999. Post-fire seedling biology and breeding system of Angadenia establishment in Florida sand pine scrub. berteroi (Apocynaceae): why do flowers Journal of Vegetation Science 10: 403– of the pineland golden trumpet produce


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